PWH Q1 - 2024

Page 1

Big Journeys Begin with Small Steps: PWH® Helps the Industry Advance DEIB p.4-7

2024 PWH® LEADERSHIP SUMMIT COMMITTEE: Dedication Brings Rewards p.10 PWH® CORPORATE PARTNER SPOTLIGHT: Midmark’s Partnership with PWH® Advances Healthcare Leadership p.14 HIDA UPDATE: HIDA’s Year-Round Approach to Government Advocacy p.18


Celebrating our Legacy at the 2024 PWH® Leadership Summit®

Pg. 3


Big Journeys Begin with Small Steps

Pg. 4-7

A Letter of Thanks to Joe Machicote

Pg. 5

5 Key Takeaways from the PWH® DEIB White Paper

Pg. 6-7

White Paper Contributing Companies

Pg. 7


Dedication Brings Rewards

Pg. 8-9


Dine Around Derby City

Pg. 10


Revitalize with Quick Energy Shifters for Busy Days

Pg. 11


The Partnership of Mentorship is Invaluable: Spotlighting Kelli Bugbee and Her Mentor

Sally Kennedy

Pg. 12-13


Midmark’s Partnership with PWH® Advances Healthcare Leadership

Pg. 14-15


Pg. 16-17


HIDA’s Year-Round Approach to Government Advocacy

Pg. 18


Pg. 19


Pg. 20

PWH® Connect Journal

Staff and Volunteers


Natalie Martin Director, Creative Services, NDC


Beth Clifford Marketing Manager, Infusion Systems, Amsino


Rachel Bailey, PhD Penwan Communication Inc.


Brent Cashman Graphic Designer, BOCdesign, Inc.


Michelle Rydberg Executive Director, PWH®


Jackie Jones Director of Dental Sales & Marketing, NDC


PWH® is an organization dedicated to ongoing professional leadership development in healthcare businesses. We are a member organization providing a national voice and progressive leadership for women in healthcare products manufacturing and delivery industries. Our goal is to reach all women in our industry and empower them in their personal and professional lives. We are also committed to integrated leadership development and gender equity for all individuals within the industries we serve. Vision – To create a culturally inclusive healthcare industry equally led by women.

2 Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • CONTENTS • SPRING 2024 • ISSUE 1

Celebrating our Legacy at the 2024 PWH® Leadership Summit

The annual PWH® Leadership Summit is finally here! Our theme is Legacy, and with the legendary Kentucky Derby approaching, where better to celebrate legacy than in the birthplace of this famous race itself, Louisville, Kentucky?

Let’s digest the idea of legacy for a moment. Leaving a legacy can mean a variety of things. It is not just about personal accomplishments or the wealth we accumulated. It is much richer, deeper and more meaningful than that.

Our theme is pertinent to the Kentucky Derby because behind the famous race is a legacy that spans generations. From the majestic, high-spirited horses thundering down the track to the cheers of the crowd, the Derby represents an amalgamation of heritage and prestige. Its legacy is not only about the winner of each race, but also the stories woven into its fabric: the triumphs, the setbacks and the enduring spirit of the competitors.

PWH® represents an organization that now spans two decades of providing a platform and a catalyst to help women and men succeed, grow and become leaders. What better way to embrace the theme of legacy than to do so in the year that marks the 20th anniversary of PWH®? We have proudly grown from our humble roots as a small group of 20 people to an organization with over 800 members. How many more members can we reach?

At our Louisville Summit, let’s celebrate and discuss the creation of our personal and professional legacies. What journeys

do such legacies entail? What type of leaders do we want to be and to be remembered as? How do we touch our communities, impact our young people and help others succeed? Can we be role models our children look up to? Can we be known for encouraging and empowering those we lead? Can we inspire those we mentor to pass their leadership forward and mentor others too?

Finally, I want to extend a thank you to the Partners and Sponsors who make our organization stronger. A special thank you is owed to those sponsoring our Summit this year. Your unwavering support of our organization is a tribute to your legacies and the foundations you have created to help your employees grow. We thank you for all that you do!

This issue of the PWH® Connect Journal kicks off our celebration of legacy with spotlights on a founding sponsor (see page 14) and on active members sharing their insights about the value of mentorship, a long-standing value of PWH® (see page 12). We are especially proud to share our latest efforts to advance the value of diverse leadership in our industry (see page 6). And, of course, we are grateful to the hard work of the PWH® Summit Committee (see page 4). I hope you enjoy this issue, and welcome to Louisville!

PWH® represents an organization that now spans two decades of providing a platform and a catalyst to help women and men succeed, grow and become leaders.
Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • 3 LETTER FROM THE CHAIR

Big Journeys Begin with Small Steps

Cultural Inclusion & Diversity in Healthcare: Shaping the Future of Leadership

We are proud to announce the availability of “Cultural Inclusion & Diversity in Healthcare: Shaping the Future of Leadership,” a white paper intended to provide foundational information about the state of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) within our industry. To read the full white paper and access other helpful DEIB resources, please visit the PWH® Cultural Inclusion & Diversity Committee webpage on the PWH® website, Below, is the story about how this incredible resource came to life.

PWH® is excited to share, “Cultural Inclusion & Diversity in Healthcare: Shaping the Future of Leadership,” a new white paper on the state of DEIB within our industry.

Members of the PWH® Cultural Inclusion & Diversity (CID) Committee are responsible for providing education, resources and tools to empower PWH® members and corporate partners to collectively create and sustain an ethic of DEIB. With this responsibility in mind, we challenged ourselves to determine how best to equip our members, corporate partners and industry organizations with DEIB education. We brainstormed about the type of project we needed to meet these needs while also aligning the committee’s programming with the PWH® mission and vision. In other words, we challenged ourselves to determine how DEIB education can help advance professional leadership development in healthcare businesses while moving closer to a culturally inclusive healthcare industry equally led by women. Thus, the idea of building out a white paper was born. We are grateful that this project contributes to our PWH® mission.

First, it was important to determine our WHY. It was imperative to be clear about why we are doing what we are doing. We began with the PWH® mission: A clear statement of advocacy for inclusion with


an emphasis on “Creating Women Leaders in Healthcare.” Then, without hesitation we knew we had the opportunity to create a meaningful resource.

Before going any further, we realized we needed to learn the present state of DEIB within our industry to establish benchmarks. We conducted interviews with corporate partners, executives, C-suite leaders and company leaders. The findings from the interviews were fascinating. The information shared by brave participants inspired us to strive for excellence. We reviewed surveys and multiple independent studies, researched DEIB data, topics and trends, analyzed best practices and considered lessons learned. The “aha” moments were countless!

On a personal note, this project was extremely important to me. During my professional journey, I have been blessed by many positive opportunities throughout my career, and so blessed to have had amazing mentors from all walks of life. However, the journey has taught me that any professional can perform in a successful, teamwork –orientated corporate culture and still not feel accepted or comfortable being their true authentic self. Today, I hope that the “Cultural Inclusion & Diversity: Shaping the Future of Leadership” white paper can help build spaces where every professional can thrive as their true self because they feel welcomed, valued and heard.

Big journeys begin with small steps. Indeed, even as the ink dries on the white paper that presents our

A Letter of Thanks to Joe Machicote

On behalf of PWH® and the Cultural Inclusion and Diversity Committee (CID), we want to extend a warm thank you to Joe Machicote, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Premier Inc. for sponsoring the effort that went into producing the white paper entitled, “Cultural Inclusion & Diversity in Healthcare: Shaping the Future of Leadership.”

The white paper would not have been possible without the generosity and support of Joe. He leads with purpose, passion and intention about educating and developing great leaders. His inspiration was a catalyst for the CID Committee when the white paper started as just an idea.

We are thankful that Joe believed in the CID Committee to deliver a resource to the industry that would empower and inspire leaders to advance their diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) competencies and advocacy. The CID Committee recognized that to be successful as a committee and to empower women to lead and succeed in healthcare, we must understand the current

benchmark findings, we realize that DEIB goals are constantly changing. Thus, part of our work will be to keep tracking developments and aligning CID Committee goals with them.

As you read through some of the highlights from the published white paper, we hope you will feel inspired to help your organizations and PWH® advance DEIB within our industry. Because PWH® has been established as a trusted leadership organization, every member is in a position to influence, educate and broadcast to all within our sphere of influence a positive light for the next generations of leaders.

I hope you walk away as inspired as I am today. Yes, we have a lot of work ahead, but it is the good kind of work and the right work to do!

state of DEIB within industry organizations. Such understanding can also help us determine how best to educate and support industry organizations as they continue advancing DEIB values.

Joe’s guidance during this incredible journey was unwavering. Although we faced some challenges causing delays in the timeline, it was clear that our final white paper needed to be a complete representation of the industry. This required us to take additional time, extending the launch by ten months.

PWH® identified DEIB as critical to effective leadership, and the white paper is an example of the commitment to raise awareness about this important topic. Making a meaningful impact requires all of us working together.

Thank you, Joe, for helping us lead the way.

We also want to extend sincere appreciation to our corporate partners for their commitment and contribution to the white paper. (For a list of contributing organizations, see page 7.)

Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • 5
Joe Machicote

5 Key Takeaways from the PWH® DEIB White Paper

PWH® is excited to share findings from our groundbreaking research into the state of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) programming in our industry. Members of the PWH® Cultural Inclusion & Diversity Committee reached out to PWH® corporate partners and asked them to participate in research that would produce a PWH® DEIB white paper. Fourteen of our Corporate Partners agreed and participated by completing surveys and engaging in interviews from February 2023 to June 2023. The title of the white paper is “Cultural Inclusion & Diversity in Healthcare: Shaping the Future of Leadership.” Here, we feature five key takeaways from it. To read the full white paper and access other helpful DEIB resources, please visit the PWH® Cultural Inclusion & Diversity Committee webpage on the PWH® website,

Key Takeaway #1: We Are Making Progress in DEIB

Our survey shows that the healthcare industry is improving in the area of DEIB. Over 79% of the organizations that participated in our survey reported having some kind of DEIB initiative, policy or process for hiring and promotion that aims to match the diversity of their workforce with the diverse population percentages within the United States. Only 21% of participating organizations do not.

Key Takeaway #2: We Have Work To Do in DEIB

Research by reputable organizations such as McKinsey, Deloitte and Catalyst shows a correlation between diversity in leadership and a company’s financial performance. Specifically, research shows:

1. Companies with the highest percentages of women board directors outperformed those with the least by 53%.

2. Companies with a higher percentage of women in executive positions have a 34% higher total return to shareholders than those that do not. 3. Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians. 4. Diverse companies had 2.3 times higher cash flow per employee over a three-year period than non-diverse companies did. Unfortunately, our survey revealed a weak level of acceptance of the business case for DEIB among participating organizations. Data from our survey shows that a low percentage of organizations realize the value of DEIB. The survey asked participants to indicate if they agree with the following statements:

12% DEIB is a business imperative for the organization.

14% DEIB is a competitive advantage.

11% DEIB is important in achieving business objectives.

9% DEIB enhances the company’s financial performance and enables innovation.

14% Differentiates the company in a competitive market for talent.

14% DEIB initiatives are critical for shaping the future of the company.

Key Takeaway #3: DEIB Organizational Initiatives Are Relatively New

Our survey asked participating organizations to indicate how long their organization has had an active workplace diversity, equity and inclusion program. Below indicates the percentages of organizations that agreed with the following statements:

28.6% We don’t currently have an active DE&I program.

42.9% We have had an active DE&I program for 1-3 years.

7.1% We have had an active DE&I program for more than 10 years.

7.1% We will be implementing a DE&I program within the next year.

14.3% We have had an active DE&I program for 3-5 years.

Key Takeaway #4: DEIB Organizational Initiatives Underway Need Support

In almost 79% of the organizations surveyed, there is someone in the role of Chief Diversity Officer who is responsible and accountable for diversity and inclusion. But this executive works alone in more than half the organizations. Only around 36% of those surveyed said they have a dedicated team of two or more employees who are accountable for DEIB and report to a manager, director or executive.

Key Takeaway #5: We Have Hope for More DEIB in Our Industry

Overall, the majority of the survey respondents felt good about their organization’s DEIB efforts and culture, stating that their organizations promote diversity and inclusion with events and activities for everyone.

More than 80% of respondents believe their organization has a positive culture of inclusivity.

Nearly 100% agreed with the statement, “Your company believes in equally promoting anyone who meets the qualifications and skills required for the position.”


Cultural Inclusion & Diversity in Healthcare:

Sponsored By:

(PWH) appreciates the support of our corporate partners and members who allow us to continue to bring relevant and meaningful leadership tactics, learnings, and best practices to the healthcare industry. We are proud to say we are the industry’s trusted women’s professional healthcare leadership organization, creating leaders through education, mentoring, and other valuable programs. Part of the framework of this white paper

Sponsored By:

Shaping the Future of Leadership

Sponsored By:

Sponsored by:

Contributing Companies:

Contributing Companies:

Contributing companies:

Writing By: meaningful leadership tactics, learnings, and best practices to the healthcare industry. We are proud to say we are the industry’s trusted women’s professional healthcare leadership organization, creating leaders through education, mentoring, and other valuable programs. Part of the framework of this white paper

Contributing Companies:

Writing by:

Writing By: meaningful leadership tactics, learnings, and best practices to the healthcare industry. We are proud to say we are the industry’s trusted women’s professional healthcare leadership organization, creating leaders through education, mentoring, and other valuable programs. Part of the framework of this white paper

Writing By:

a diverse group of employees contributing company.

a diverse group of employees contributing company.

learned, experiences, a broad range of organizations, variety of segments of a diverse group of employees contributing company.

white paper is to weave opportunity to raise collaborate, and ultimately quality leadership.

white paper is to weave opportunity to raise

collaborate, and ultimately quality leadership.

white paper is to weave opportunity to raise awareness, collaborate, and ultimately quality leadership.

Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • 7

Dedication Brings Rewards

We are grateful for the expertise that PWH® members lend to the PWH® organization. PWH® relies on active membership to deliver valuable programs like our annual PWH® Leadership Summit, year-round mentoring, distance learning and more. To celebrate the launch of the 2024 PWH® Leadership Summit, we are spotlighting members of the PWH® Leadership Summit Committee. Ensuring a high-quality Summit experience each year takes a lot of hard work and commitment to details as well as the big picture. Below members of the Summit Committee share why they put in the hard work and keep coming back year after year to plan and ensure the success of our industry's only conference completely dedicated to leadership development.

During the 2023 PWH® Leadership Summit in San Antonio, Texas attendees had the opportunity to inspire each other with insights from their unique leadership journeys.

April Shomper, PWH® Leadership Summit Committee, Chair Sr. Director, Events Strategy & Planning at Vizient

Our small but mighty committee pulls off an unbelievable Summit year after year and all in our “free time.” First and foremost, we increased attendance from 2022 to 2023 by 35%! I am continuously blown away by the amazing network of speakers we are able to secure, which in turn delivers valuable content with tangible takeaways for all. The Summit is a conference unlike any other, and I plan corporate meetings for a living! I love what I get to do. The infectious energy and passion around the mission of PWH® brings me back year after year.

The relationships I have built with the women I have met throughout my involvement in PWH® and the Summit are invaluable. I enjoy learning from each one and getting to work together on the Summit is truly rewarding. Then of course seeing all our hard work come to life and how attendees respond is what it is really all about. We work hard, but we have a lot of fun too!

8 Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • PWH® LEADERSHIP SUMMIT COMMITTEE

As a new member to the Leadership Summit Committee, I’m excited to support the great work of this committee. Following the 2024 Summit, I will be serving as the Vice Chair of Speaker Engagement. Prior to this, I served on the Professional Development Committee. My work with the Webinar Committee and the Speaker Engagement Committee provided me the opportunity to work with industry leaders to bring personal development opportunities to our membership.

I have been a long-time member of PWH®. I initially focused on personal development opportunities like webinars and networking. Over the last two years, I’ve shifted my attention to how I can give back. My work as a committee member has allowed me to share my expertise with others and network on a different level. I also participate as a mentor in the PWH® Mentor Program. This is a great program for upcoming leaders to connect with others outside of their organization.

Erin Hyatt, PWH® Leadership Summit Committee, Vice Chair of Hospitality Senior Manager, Customer Success and Channel Management, Midmark Corporation

Specifically, with the Summit Committee I have had the opportunity to plan multiple events, facilitate discussions and collaborate with our team to enhance the experience our guests have when attending the Summit. This has improved my project management, strategic thinking and public speaking abilities which are directly applicable to skills needed in my career.

One of the most valuable aspects of my involvement has been the opportunity to build and nurture professional relationships. The diversity of the group has allowed me to connect with professionals I might not have otherwise met, and the connections have enriched my professional network. The support and advice from fellow members have been instrumental in my professional journey.

As Vice Chair of Content for the PWH® Leadership Summit Committee, I book and coordinate all the speakers for the Summit. I am proud of the program that we have put together for the 2024 Summit and that we have a diverse group of speakers from various healthcare related companies. We collectively create programming that should leave attendees inspired to create change within their organization and in their personal lives.

Being part of the PWH® Leadership Committee has helped enhance my professional development by purposefully networking. I have had the opportunity to meet not only amazing women on the committee but also the broader PWH® organization and network with our speakers. It helps me elevate how I plan and prep for a meeting to create successful outcomes.

Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • 9
Michele Clouse, PWH® Leadership Summit Committee, Member Executive Director, Excelerate Clinical Partnerships, Cleveland Clinic Ashley Miller, PWH® Leadership Summit Committee, Vice Chair of Content Channel Distribution Manager, Medline Industries, LP

Dine Around Derby City: Louisville, KY

Join us as at the 2024 PWH® Leadership Summit as we “Dine Around Derby City.” Directly following our Opening Reception (Monday, April 29, 2024, 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm), attendees can connect with fellow leaders for small groups of networking dinners. For those who sign up for reservations, dinner hosts will meet you at your selected restaurant. Please make sure you arrive by 6:45 pm for reservations. Please note: Dinner is at attendee’s own expense.

Our event hotel, the Louisville Marriott Downtown, is in the heart of Bourbon City and near 4th Street Live! Entertainment District. Below are some great spots that we recommend for dinner out in Derby City.

Porch Kitchen & Bar

280 W Jefferson Street

Porch honors the cultural significance of the “the iconic American Porch” by serving fresh local ingredients, Southern flavors and a community vibe. Enjoy comfort food and a down-to-earth “soulful experience.” Porch is attached to the Louisville Marriott Downtown at street level.

Neighborhood Services Bar + Restaurant

400 S 2nd Street dining/neighborhood-services

Enjoy “honest food & drink in the American tradition” prepared by renowned chef Nick Badovinus. Choose either indoor or outdoor seating with a relaxed vibe. This spot is in the lobby of the Omni Hotel.

Number 15

121 W Main Street

Experience “the confluence culture of Kentucky” with a Kentuckian spin on American cuisine, spirits from the best Kentucky makers, live entertainment and a unique seamless payment system (“tap” your wristband).

Proof on Main

702 W Main Street

Taste farm-to-table selections inspired by a unique and well-traveled approach to southern and Appalachian cuisine as well as a “robust collection of Kentucky’s best bourbons” in a vibrant, eclectic atmosphere.

Guy Fieri’s Smokehouse at Fourth Street Live!

411 S 4th Street

Guy Fieri’s passion for BBQ influences this flagship location. “The restaurant features 6,700 square feet of dining space, an enclosed patio, a large smoker custom-made by Ole Hickory and two bars.”


412 S 4th Street

More than a taco place, Locos is a restaurant and nightclub fusing SoCal inspired Latin cuisine, featuring “Kentucky’s largest collection of Tequila and a wide selection of bourbons in an eclectic atmosphere.”

The Sports and Social Club

427 S 4th Street

The Sports and Social Club offers a relaxed sports bar experience with classic pub food and sports viewing on more than 35 high-definition televisions in a comfortable tavern setting.

La Bodeguita de Mima

725 E Market Street

Get transported back in time to 1950’s Cuba at this Cuban restaurant and rum bar with delicious Cuban cuisine from Mima’s kitchen prepared by Chef Fernando Martinez and Chef Yaniel Martinez.

10 Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • 2024 PWH® LEADERSHIP SUMMIT

Revitalize with Quick Energy Shifters for Busy Days

We can’t always control the events that set us into a negative energy spin or that drain us of energy. We could be celebrating the fact that we just figured out how to manage our myriad tasks for the day when a message comes in announcing another five to complete before EOD. Or maybe we are drudging through a monotonous series of tasks. Rather than reach for another cup of coffee, we can ignite our body’s own uplifting energy. We may not have the time or space to break into a full hour-long Vinyasa practice in the middle of the day (it would be awesome if we did). But, we can engage in some mindfulness tricks to help shift our energy.

When I find myself needing a moment, one of my favorite things to do is take up a little space and practice some simple stretching. The stretching routine takes a few short moments, but it makes a big difference and can especially help counteract the effects of hunching over our computer.

Here is a walk-through of the simple strategy:

1. Stand up, take a big breath in and reach your arms up to the sky.

2. Next, grab your right wrist and stretch over to the left, breathing here for a few rounds of breath.

3. Next, switch sides. This time, grab your left wrist, lean over to the right and breath.

4. Finally clasp your hands behind your back and bring your hands as far back as possible, stretching your chest for the final heart opener.

Doesn’t that feel better!

The other trick to calm our task driven minds is box breathing. This one we can do right while we are sitting at our desk or waiting for our flight to take off.

Box breathing consists of a series of controlled breaths:

1. Breath in for four counts.

2. Hold the breath for four counts.

3. Exhale for four counts.

4. Hold the breath again for four counts.

Repeat this as many rounds as you wish and come out of the routine a little bit calmer.

Both of these exercises can very quickly shift our energy and bring us back into the moment. Also, the best part is that both can easily be practiced right in the middle of the workday.

If you are attending the PWH® Leadership Summit in Louisville, KY, please join us for morning yoga on Tuesday, April 30th at 6:00 a.m. I will be leading us though an energizing power class accompanied by a fun playlist to start our day with joy!

Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • 11 BOOST!

The Partnership of Mentorship is Invaluable

PWH® Members get exclusive access to the PWH® mentoring program. Members of the PWH® Mentoring Committee take special care to match mentees and mentors and help set their mentorship up for success. This issue we spotlight mentee Kelli Bugbee and her mentor Sally Kennedy. Sally is a proud Servant Leader, and that is just what Kelli wants to be. Their partnership helps each other grow and meet goals.

Mentee’s Perspective

Kelli Bugbee, Director of Customer Service & Purchasing, CME Corp.

What is your background?

I have over 15 years of experience in customer service working in call centers, providing support to consumers for a manufacturer of juvenile products, and in medical equipment distribution. My four years in purchasing have all been with CME Corp where I now serve as the director of both the customer service and purchasing teams.

Why were you seeking a mentor?

My goal was to gain tools and implement methods to become a better leader. I was managing a remote team for the first time

with team members located in California, Rhode Island and everywhere in between and wanted to focus on how to create a better team dynamic. Not long after working with Sally, I was offered and accepted a promotion, and my goals grew. In addition to wanting to be a better leader, I was trying to ensure a smooth and successful transition into a newly created role. Sally has helped me with all these objectives.

What have you learned from your mentor?

Sally has taught me that managing people and leading people are two very different things. I love working with my team, and I want each team member to feel appreciated and valued. I want to help them achieve their goals. Sally has shared methods with me that have worked for her in the past. Some I immediately implemented. Some are still a work in progress. However, I know I will always strive to lead with empathy and to find ways to encourage and show gratitude to my team. Sally puts people first, and that’s the type of leader I hope to be.

Why has the relationship been successful?

Having a designated time on the calendar to focus on the bigger picture

has been enormously helpful. I think that everyone should carve out time, whether they have a mentor or not, to take a step back and focus on strategy. Knowing that I’d be meeting with Sally, I was more reflective in how I dealt with situations. I might have reacted immediately in the past, but knowing I had someone who I could run a situation by and get their perspective was exciting. I started keeping a list on my desk of items that I wanted to give some additional thought to and maybe discuss with Sally before acting on them, and that was really constructive.

What is your take on the value of mentorship?

Speaking with someone who has been through the same or similar experiences in our industry and learning from what they did well or would have done differently in retrospect has been invaluable. It enabled me to speed up my learning curve. Also, how extraordinary and humbling is it to have a stranger volunteer their time and become invested in making me a better leader? I will always be thankful for the time, advice and camaraderie that Sally has offered to me and for this relationship that PWH® has facilitated.

12 Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • PWH® MENTORSHIP SPOTLIGHT

Mentor’s Perspective

What is your background, current company affiliation and position?

I have over 25 years of account management experience within health and life insurance, employee benefits and healthcare. As the Director of Account Management at Enclara Pharmacia, I am accountable to lead a team of account managers who own the client relationship.

I work closely with cross-functional leaders to manage the relationship, implement risk de-escalation processes, ensure client requirements are delivered, negotiate mutually beneficial business outcomes and deliver innovative growth and retention strategies.

What inspires you to mentor?

Servant leadership. I thrive on coaching others to achieve their full potential. I believe that mentoring is a key driver to not only helping others improve, but it also allows me to grow as a leader in all aspects of my work.

What has worked well with you and your mentee?

Kelli brings real world examples of situations with which she may be struggling. I in turn provide examples of similar situations and what I have been both successful in as well as situations where I struggled or had to take a different path. Kelli’s willingness to listen and understand as well as apply what we discuss has made a positive impact.

Why has the relationship been successful?

We stick to a strict meeting schedule unless conflicts arise. We also communicate openly and start each meeting with a bit of personal “catch up” that allows an organic path in getting to know one another on a personal level while keeping our radar on strategies that Kelli specifically wants to focus on.

What is your take on the value of mentorship?

I have been a mentee myself in the past which is why I was so interested in becoming a mentor. I experienced exponential growth during my time with my mentor which helped me gain the confidence to pursue promotional opportunities. The overall value of mentorship is partnership, to build each other’s strengths as well as see things through someone else’s lens.

Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • 13 Get involved in the PWH® Mentoring Program. Visit:

Midmark’s Partnership with PWH® Advances Healthcare Leadership

Company Name: Midmark Corporation

Corporate Headquarters: Versailles, Ohio

Year Established: 1915

Number of Employees: 2,200+ worldwide

Number of PWH® Members: 93

Internal PWH® Champion: Lisa Ramsey, Senior Learning Experience Designer

Leadership Team

Jon Wells, President and Chief Executive Officer

Matt Bourne, Chief Commercial Officer

Jon Dill, Chief Financial Officer

Sue Hulsmeyer, Chief People and Administrative Officer

Rob Sackett, Chief Operations Officer

Midmark Vision and Mission

To transform healthcare experiences through innovative design.

Midmark Products and Services

Founded in 1915, Midmark Corporation is the only company transforming healthcare experiences through innovative design within the medical, dental and animal health environments. Midmark focuses on harmonizing space, technology and workflows, creating a better experience for caregivers and patients at the point of care.

Medical: Workflow solutions and products that optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of equipment, such as exam and procedure chairs, advanced with Real-Time Locating Systems (RTLS) and lean consulting services.

14 Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • PWH® CORPORATE PARTNER SPOTLIGHT
Midmark Teammates Enhance Professional Development at the 2023 PWH® Leadership Summit in San Antonio, Texas.

Dental: Solutions and products designed for better ergonomics, safety and performance in the utilization of operatory, imaging, instrument processing, dental cabinetry and mechanical room equipment.

Animal Health: Technologies and equipment that enhance veterinary care delivery, such as anesthesia monitoring and dentistry solutions, optimized with clinical training and environmental design services.

Midmark Top Initiatives for 2024

Our work touches the lives of 10 million patients every day. We are very focused on engaging with our customers to help them improve the patient and caregiver experience, the quality of care they provide and the clinical outcomes they achieve.

We support our customers with many products and solutions across three significant markets, many requiring additional capacity. But we recognize that taking care of our customers starts with taking care of our teammates so they can perform at their best.

> Improving the experience between the patient and caregiver through innovative design. This includes supporting clinical ecosystems in medical, dental and animal health facilities by providing essential products, software solutions and clinical devices and augmenting this portfolio through digital services.

> Optimizing our customer journeys through operational excellence, enriching experiences at every touchpoint.

> Enhancing our internal teammate experience through humancentric programming by expanding our delivery of professional development opportunities and fostering a culture that values each individual’s well-being and career progression.

Unique Ways Midmark Supports PWH®

As a Diamond Partner of Professional Women in Healthcare® (PWH®), Midmark is proud to support the PWH® mission to promote the professional development of women in the healthcare industry. Also, we are honored to be a Platinum Sponsor of the annual PWH® Leadership Summit, which has proven to be a key event in providing education and networking opportunities for leaders at all levels.

Our Board Chair, Dr. Anne Eiting Klamar, is a co-founder and board advisor for PWH® and a role model and mentor for many PWH® members who have taken on or aspire to take on national leadership positions. Through her inspiration, several Midmark Teammates have participated in the PWH® Leadership Summit, served on the PWH® Board of Directors, and served on Midmark’s internal PWH® Committee to build upon the professional development of PWH® members and recruit additional involvement at the national level.

“PWH® is a community of professionals who share a common vision of advancing leadership in healthcare. PWH® has been highly influential in Midmark’s success, providing many of our leaders with professional development and growth opportunities. Through PWH®, they have acquired essential skills, knowledge and connections that have helped them achieve excellence in their roles and contribute to the industry.”
– Sue Hulsmeyer, Chief People and Administrative Officer
Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • 15
Improving the experience between the patient and the caregiver is at the heart of everything we do



PWH® Chair

Innovia Medical

Vice President, Innovia Corporate Sales


PWH® Past Chair

Owens & Minor

Vice President, Industry Associations


PWH® Chair Elect and Treasurer

IMCO, Inc.

Chief Financial Officer


NDC, Inc.

Vice President, Supplier Management


Leadership Summit Committee Chair


Event Director


Corporate Partners Committee Chair

B. Braun Medical

Vice President, National Accounts


Cultural Inclusion & Diversity Committee Chair


Marketing Committee Chair

NDC, Inc. Director, Creative Services

JESSICA WELLS Membership Committee Chair


Sr. Director, Events Strategy and Marketing, Marketing and Communications


Mentoring Committee Chair

Weber & Associates Consulting, Inc. Partner


Professional Development Committee Chair


Sr. Director, Business Learning


Strategic Oversight Committee Chair

J. Dez Strategies, Inc


ERYN VERONESI Technology Committee Chair

Atypical Digital

Vice President, Life Sciences Division

16 Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal •


PWH® Board Advisor



Senior Vice President, Sourcing Operations


PWH® Board Advisor, Summit



Suzanne Lord, Strategic Oversight Chair

Sue Hulsmeyer, Vice Chair Organizational

Leadership Development


Natalie Martin, Vice Chair Marketing Strategy & Brand Guidelines


PWH® Board Advisor

Preferred Solutions, Inc.


Bovie Medical Vice President of Sales


PWH® Board Advisor


PWH® Board Advisor

McKesson President, Extended Care Sales

McKesson Medical-Surgical

President, McKesson Canada


PWH® Board Advisor

Midmark Corporation

ODRA ANDERSON Membership Committee Chair


B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap)


PWH® Board Advisor

PWH® Board Advisor

Product Manager | Surgical Specialty Products



Chief Strategy Officer


Mentoring Committee Chair


PWH® Board Advisor


Owens & Minor Operating VP, Service Line Strategy

Midmark Corporation Chair, Board of Directors

PWH® Board Advisor

Midmark Corporation


Chair, Board of Directors

PWH® Chair


Amy Swift, Vice Chair Committee Liaison

Jennifer O’Reilly, Chair

Jennifer Ramthun, Vice Chair Partner Optimization


Carmel Veron, Vice Chair GPO Engagement

Odra Anderson, Membership Committee Chair

Katie Educate, Vice Chair Distribution & Manufacturer Engagement

Ashleigh McLaughlin, Vice Chair Member Engagement

Shannon Trahan, Vice Chair Market Intelligence


Enid Oquendo, Chair

Eryn Marx, Vice Chair PR & Marketing

Sabrina Smith, Vice Chair of Education, Research & Special Projects


Ashlee Rose Perez-Gerrie, Vice Chair of Content & Communication

Heather Davis, Regional Connections Committee Chair

Geri Lamano, Vice Chair Regional Events


OPEN, Vice Chair PDC Liason

Natalie Martin, Chair

Beth Clifford, Vice Chair PWH® Marketing


Maxine Milazzo, Vice Chair Social Media

Elizabeth Day-Curi , Corporate Partners Committee Chair

Jennifer Eiselein, Vice Chair Digital Marketing

Jennifer Ramthun, Vice Chair Strategic Partners

Jennifer O’Reilly, Vice Chair Sales Distribution


Laura Reline, Vice Chair Sales Manufacturing

Jessica Wells, Chair

Carmel Veron, Vice Chair Sales GPO

Katarina Ivkovic, Vice Chair New Member Engagement

Suzy Carlino, Vice Chair PR & Marketing

Geri Lamano, Vice Chair Networking Events



Susan Kaiser, Professional Development Committee Chair

Khaki Weber, Chair

Enid Oquendo, Vice Chair Summit Programming

Tania Steinbruegge, Vice Chair Webinars


Jamie Terran, Vice Chair Group Mentoring & Mentee Support

OPEN, Vice Chair Education & Innovation

Shellene Baines, Vice Chair Recruiting & Mentor Support

Meredith Fantom, Vice Chair Individual Mentoring


Vicky Lyle, Mentoring Committee Chair



Jessica Lucio, Chair

Membership Committee Chair

Susan Hunter-Vinson , Vice Chair Individual Mentoring

Jen Nicholson, Vice Chair Group Mentoring

Healthcare Solutions Group

PWH® Board Advisor


SUSAN KAISER Professional Development Committee Chair

Midmark Corporation

Media and Communications Manager


PWH® Board Advisor


PWH® Past Chair

DUKAL Corporation


DUKAL Corporation

Missy Simons, Vice Chair Webinars

B. Braun Medical, Inc. (Aesculap)

Shelley Bache, Vice Chair PR & Marketing

Lisa Ramsey, Vice Chair Education & Innovation

Product Manager | Surgical Specialty Products


April Shomper, Chair

Ashley Miller, Vice Chair Content


Erin Hyatt, Vice Chair Hospitality

Mentoring Committee Chair

Natalie Martin, Marketing Liaison

Owens & Minor

Vice President, Marketing & Channel Management

Vice President, Marketing & Channel Management

Regional Connections Committee Chair


National Account Manager

Operating VP, Service Line Strategy


Janis Dezso, Chair

Amy Swift, Vice Chair Committee Liaison

Brooke Elliott, Vice Chair Organizational Leadership Development



PWH® Chair Elect


Brasseler Medical

SUZANNE LORD Strategic Oversight Committee Chair

PWH® Board Advisor

Coalition for Independent Care Chief Operating Officer

Senior Director, Marketing and Enterprise Sales

Coalition for Independent Care COO



Shippert Medical Technologies

P esident


Professional Development Committee Chair

Eryn Veronesi, Chair

Midmark Corporation

Media and Communications Manager

Martha Braxton, Vice Chair Technology Initiatives

Megan Quevedo, Vice Chair Technology Implementation


Regional Connections

Committee Chair


-CURI tnership Distribution/Medical roup ORCA-KROPP eting FERRARA eting ANGER hnologies
Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • 17

HIDA’s Year-Round Approach to Government Advocacy

HIDA serves as the voice for healthcare industry distributors on legislative and regulatory issues. Our year-round approach to advocacy involves working together with Congressional offices and federal agencies on efforts to streamline the medical supply chain. Our annual Washington Summit in June brings member companies to Washington DC to meet in person with our elected officials.

Throughout the year, HIDA tracks all policies impacting healthcare distributors and the medical supply chain. Here are three key issues currently receiving attention in Washington, DC.


When medical products are delayed, hospitals, nursing homes, and doctors’ offices face shortages of lifesaving supplies—and patients are denied care. That is why transportation is now a healthcare issue. Bipartisan legislation to expedite critical cargo during declared emergencies has been introduced by Reps. Mike Ezell (R-MS) and John Garamendi (D-CA). HR 6140—the Facilitate Access to Swiftly Transport Goods during a Publicly Announced State of Emergency Situation (FAST PASS) Act—would examine efforts to expedite the movement of critical cargo across all modes of transportation during emergencies. HIDA supports swift enactment of HR 6140 to better prepare for future emergencies.

Advocacy Beyond the Beltway


HIDA continues to advocate for Congress to reauthorize the Pandemic All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) Act. This important law expired in September 2023, and several provisions have been extended multiple times on a short-term basis. First enacted in 2006, this bipartisan law created the modern framework for responding to pandemics, biothreats, and natural disasters. Post-COVID, federal agencies have been busy with responses to public health emergencies stemming from natural disasters, including the Hawaii wildfires and the landfall of Hurricane Idalia in Florida and Georgia. HIDA supports a full reauthorization of PAHPA to ensure consistency across all disaster response efforts going forward.


Sterilized medical products are critical to healthcare. Poor or incomplete sterilization can lead to transmission of infectious diseases, compromised patient health, or even death. Approximately 50% of all medical devices—20 billion annually—are sterilized with ethylene oxide (EtO) gas. For many medical devices, EtO is the only sterilization method that does not damage a device. The Environmental Protection Agency is working to increase regulations on the use of ethylene oxide to sterilize medical products. HIDA has urged the agency to take a thoughtful approach and ensure that regulatory changes do not create shortages of sterile medical devices.

HIDA encourages our members to meet virtually with Members of Congress, or host site visits so elected officials can see how the medical supply chain functions in practice. Our HIDA Political Action Committee (PAC) supports the campaigns of candidates that support pandemic preparedness and the free flow of medical supplies. If you would like to be an advocate for better public policy, we would love to discuss HIDA’s efforts with you in greater detail.


*New Members as of February 29, 2024

Rhea Abel Medline Industries

Wendolyn Akin Enclara Pharmacia

Yessica Artzerounian Vizient Inc.

Nicole Atherton Aspen Surgical

Angela Barnhill Mckesson

Wanda Bax McKesson

Krystal Baxter Midmark Corp.

Crystal Bowens GHX

Collyn Bradley Aspen Surgical

Lucia Buehler Midmark Corp.

Rosemarie Carta Pate and Lester Co

Veronica Crawford McKesson Medical Surgical

Sandra Cummings Avantik

Kathryn DiBetetto HIDA

Tashaunna DiPaolo McKesson

Arlene Dudas Cleveland Clinic

Bahar Ekiz Enclara Pharmacia

Suzy Escalante TPC

Sheridan Falvo Avantik

Hadeer Fati Vizient Inc.

Abigail Gates MedPro

Jenna Gaudette Atypical Digital

Casie Geiger Cleveland Clinic

Beth Gentry Sodexo

Sarah Godbehere Healthcare Procurement Solutions

Stephanie Graaf SFGPT

Jennifer Hairfield Midmark Corp.

Katlyn Hathaway STERIS

Kelli Heffner Midmark Corp.

Justice Hempfield American Urological Association

Lola Hitchcock MedPro

Marissa Hovey Aspen Surgical

Gabrielle Kelly Verathon

Sarah Kinsella Owens & Minor

Amanda Komlosi Enclara Pharmacia

Allison Mascarenhas Vizient Inc.

Amanda McCormack Enclara Pharmacia

Aminah McGill Enclara Pharmacia

Regina Mcintosh VIVIT Supply

Evelyn Medina Medline Industries

Greta Moreno NDC Inc.

Megan Munoz McKesson

Krystal Nieves MedPro

Lauren Novak Sodexo

Kate O’Rourke GHX

Sara Olyaei Enclara Pharmacia

Mary Pate NDC Inc.

Erica Phillips Medline Industries

Jessica Preas Owens & Minor

Mary Pritchard Share Moving Media

Jourdan Pruit Vizient Inc.

Morgan Puskas Cleveland Clinic

Joel Rich GOJO

Katie Ronci MedPro

Kate Rossettie Aspen Surgical

Kristi Schelhaas GK Global Ventures LLC

Lindsay Shaffer UMF Medical

Sarah Stensrud HIDA

Laurie Street Vizient Inc.

Jordan Taurino Enclara Pharmacia

Jamie Terran Propper Manufacturing Company

Jeanna Terry Healthcare Procurement Solutions

Layne Thompson MedPro

Susan Tyler LogicSource

Chinh Vu Enclara Pharmacia

Cathy Wilder NDC Inc.

Katlyn Wilkinson McKesson

Marianna Wong Avantik

Kim Wright Enclara Pharmacia

Amanda Yosslowitz Enclara Pharmacia

Andrea Zelez Enclara Pharmacia

Spring 2024 • PWH® Connect Journal • 19
PWH ® Patrons
Diamond Partners
Ruby Partners Emerald Partners

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