Roswell Hornets Football Program 2020

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Message from Principal Robert Shaw Thank you also to the Roswell High School Touchdown Club. The level of support that our kids get is unprecedented and appreciated. No matter your level of involvement, our parent support is essential. From paying dues, to working in the press box, posting to social media, or helping on the field, the commitment of our parents is crucial. Thank you!

Dear Roswell Community, One of the many reasons that high school sports, and football in general, is so important to the development of our students is that it teaches lifelong lessons. For example, the importance of teamwork, learning to work and succeed with people who may be different than you, and pushing through adversity to reach a goal. Since March of 2020, our entire nation has had to deal with unprecedented adversity. Our school community is no exception. Many Roswell High School faculty, staff, students, and community members have been ill with COVID-19 or, even more heartbreaking, have lost loved ones to this virus. Many people have seen their jobs disappear or have had their lives drastically changed through circumstances that were no fault of their own. As we begin the 20202021 season of Hornet football, I ask that you continue to keep the members of our Roswell family who are suffering in your thoughts and prayers. Despite the difficulties we have faced, here are we are, ready to begin the season. While it will look different than what we are used to, the leadership of Roswell High School knows that it is important to have our student-athletes competing and engaged, although we have to do it in the safest way possible. I want to thank our players. They have been coming to workouts since early this summer and have not only participated, they have followed all the guidelines to keep them safe. I appreciate their dedication and willingness to be the very best they can be. I also want to thank all our coaches. From new head football Coach Chris Prewett and his staff, to the Dads who volunteer with our Junior Hornets, every one of them is appreciated. It is a big commitment to teach and lead our players and they also sacrifice time with their families to work with all our kids. Thank you so much as nothing happens for our players with you!

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There are also a lot of other people who are involved in making Hornet football exciting and special. Thank you to our JROTC, led by Lt. Col Duplechien and Sgt. David Marino. While they will not be on the field this year, their support is appreciated. We are so glad to welcome our new cheer coach, Rebecca Ogle, as she has taken over our cheer program. Finally, our band is key to the Friday night fun. COVID-19 will prevent the traditional marching band show, but our pep band will be involved and cheering our team on to victory! Thanks to Michael Moon, Michael Long, and our band booster club for their hard work. It is often said that the difference between success and failure is not the circumstances with which you are presented, but how you respond to those circumstance. I am so proud of the effort that so many people have put into helping our 2020-2021 Hornets take the field this year. It may not be what we are used to, but we have overcome adversity in a way that we can all be proud of. I wish all our teams great seasons and I look forward to seeing you in action.

‌ GO HORNETS! Sincerely,

Robert Shaw, Ed. D Principal Roswell High School

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