Weekly Epiphanies #187 September 23rd 2013

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Weekly Epiphanies Journey To The Castle by Nele-Diel

Discipline is simply a big enough reason 'why', nothing more than that. The effect of treatment with ultrasound, massage and exercises on myofascial trigger-points (MTrP) in the neck and shoulder was assessed in a randomised controlled trial . . . The number and index of MTrPs were recorded at each treatment session in groups A and B but only at entry as well as end of study in group C . . . It is concluded that US give no pain reduction, but apparently massage and exercise reduces the number and intensity of MTrP. 108

PMID: 9755021

Clinical Epiphanies


[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Issue 187

All Written Material except quotations are (c) 2009-2013 to Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition All other Material is copyright protected by their respective owners

Weekly Epiphanies

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Health, Politics & Science Political Awareness


Agriculture Experts Sounding The Alarm Over Massive Spread Of Superweeds Due To GMOs New monster varieties of weeds are taking over fields across the globe, as the use of ever greater amounts of pesticides to cultivate herbicideresistant genetically modified crops has unleashed a monster. Experts in weed management are sounding the alarm and looking for new ways to handle the problem after fifteen years of agriculture . . .


Functional Medicine Cancer-Killing Cells Controlled By Epigenetic Process Natural killer (NK) cells in the human body can kill and contain viruses and cancerous tumors, and a new study from the University of Southern California (USC) describes for the first time how those cells can be manipulated by epigenetics. The discovery, detailed in . . .

Open your body Weekly Movement The 3-in-1 Stretch: Shoulder, Upper Back and Pecs

Weekly Recipe Raw Crepes With Berries And Cashew Cream

Weekly Abstract Alterations In Brain And Immune Function Produced By Mindfulness Meditation

(c) 2009-2013 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition | (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com

“The secret to health is consistency and care in how we practice the basics.�

Weekly Epiphanies

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Weekly Photography & Art



“Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body.”


Open your mind ~Weekly Cinema~ Argo

~Weekly Music~ Blue Jeans Lana Del Rey

~Weekly Book~ The Mysterious Stranger Mark Twain

~Weekly Humor~ Most Asian Man In The World

(c) 2009-2013 Body Epiphanies Massage & Nutrition | (208) 870-9753 | www.bodyepiphanies.com

(c) 2000 - 2013 The Soulful “I” Photography

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