7 minute read
Tanya Bodsford BodyMind Coach
If you’ve ever felt like you’re navigating life completely alone and you wish you had a wise, trusted support system to help guide you, advise you, and show you the easiest way forward, Tanya is here to show you how to find that person… within YOURSELF!

Tanya works with soul-searching women that have a stack of self-help books by their bed but feel like they’re living their lives on autopilot. Her clients know they’re here for a greater purpose… but feel like everyone else’s priorities seem to always get in the way of making that dream happen.
tbodsford@gmail.com IG: @tanyabodsford
............................................................................................................................... Karyn Claflin BodyMind Coach, Copywriter

As a lifelong introvert, when Karyn started her first business (as a massage therapist) in 2013, she became obsessed with creating content that would bring people to her, so she didn’t have to go out and look for them.
Now Karyn works with coaches who know they’re here to make change in the world, but feel limited by the way they’re currently marketing their offers.
If you’re struggling to consistently market your coaching business and working too damn hard to find clients and are BEYOND ready to create ease in your business, Karyn will help you clarify your message and organize your magic into content that connects so you can spend more time in your zone of genius — coaching people.
KarynClaflin.com IG: balancechampaign
............................................................................................................................... Kim Fish, LMT

Kim Fish is a seasoned massage therapist and bodywork coach. For 15 years she has helped hundreds of people transform their relationship with their body through addressing and managing pain and stress. She inspires others to take control of their health through group and private self care sessions. She is a current student of yoga teacher training through and has shifted her business to support clients in the space between massage appointments. She teaches safe, simple and effective self care bodywork sequences, breath work, mindful movements and meditation so that her clients can feel supported, embody confidence and take inspired action that aligns with how they want to feel and with the life they are wanting to create.
KimFishBodyWorkCoach.com IG:Kim_Fish_BodyworkCoach divinealignmentcoach@ gmail.com 603.969.4815
............................................................................................................................... Laurel Goulden-James Osteophathic MT, Massage Therapist, Movement Facilitator
As a mom, grandma, and BodyMind Coach, it is her mission to help those she encounters to realize and embrace their power from within so that they can bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be.
After recovering from a personal injury, Laurel has a special interest in working with those who are at “the next chapter” and moving forward into how life might be and what might be possible. She has a zest for life, laughter, and a strong faith that as humans we are all blessed with our own special gifts.
IG: goldentouchhlthwealth FaceBook @Golden Touch Health & Wealth LI: @ Laurel Goulden-James goldentouchhealthwealth@ gmail.com Make an appointment

Shana Hartman, LMT BodyMind Master Coach Ph.D., Educator
Through her 20+ years of work mastering the power of reflection and intention, she discovered that we are our own experts regarding our body and mind if we just learn to listen.

In her experience as owner and operator of Synergy Wellness Group LLC, Shana knows this listening is easier said than done, and we aren’t meant to figure out this amazing life (or body) on our own. It takes practice, specific actions, and support.
She loves to support strong, independent womxn in becoming better listeners to their internal wisdom to foster a pattern of abundance in their careers and life, leading to uncomplicated, de-stressed, and empowered living.
ShanaHartman.com IG: shana_supports_you
............................................................................................................................... Love, Bobbi Jo BodyMind Coach Author & Speaker
Foreshadowed by a poem she wrote in her childhood entitled “Lost Dreams,” Bobbie Jo eventually found herself at a crossroads, looking within to once again find who she really was.
BodyMind Coaching guided her back to herself. Now Bobbie Jo uses her gift of writing to share inspirational and transformational books as well as guided meditations. Through BodyMind Coaching, she helps others connect with their body wisdom to discover and live their true purpose.
It is her passion and purpose to be a channel of love inspiring others in reclaiming and living those “lost dreams,” and confidently expressing the truth of who they really are.
Because, the world needs who YOU are.
............................................................................................................................... Araina Linton BodyMind Master Coach

Araina helps overwhelmed women entrepreneurs reduce stress and create the perfect balance between work and life.
She is known for a simple step-by-step process that guides women back to their passion to avoid burnout, feel better, have more time, and build their businesses with ease.
Finding a balance between work and life is tough. Sometimes despite your ambition, your dreams can feel a bit out of reach, and it can start to cause stress, frustration, and pain. It can be enough to make you want to give up your business.
There is a better way! If you’re thinking about closing the doors to your business, please reconsider — introduce some healthy habits into your hustle!
MassageArtistryNYC.com FB: MassageArtistryNYC IG: arainalinton

Alina McGilloway, LMT BodyMind Coach Wholistic Biz Consultant Licensed Esthetician Creative Entrepreneur
As the founder of Core Momentum Coaching of Illumify A•nu•mí LLC, she creates a safe space for creative, intuitive, highly sensitive individuals to learn how to harness their time, energy, finances, and core momentum to receive abundance, live authentically, and become tethered within spiritual integrity in all areas of their lives.

If you are ready to align with the abundant reality that has been lovingly awaiting you — Alina is here to help you explore your intelligent human design, liberate your holistic integrity, and anchor within your Root Chakra!
Learn more about Alina and her simple yet powerful programs.
IlluminateYourCore.com IG: illumify.a.nu.mi
............................................................................................................................... Adriana Morales, LMT BodyMind Coach
She started the wellness journey in 2013 by attending massage school and soon found out that helping people connect to their bodies was her passion. She then opened up her own business, Transcend Relaxation, specializing in the emotional aspect of chronic pain. In the pursuit of providing integrative support to her clients, she found the BodyMind Coaching method and now she helps women make positive changes in their lives, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Adrianamoralescoach@ gmail.com 909-263-6598 transcendrelaxation.com
............................................................................................................................... Christine Tauer BodyMind Coach

Christine uses BodyMind Coaching, breathwork, and bodywork, combined with her diverse background in holistic health to best guide her clients to find calm in the chaos.
She does this by encouraging clients to honor and love themselves and create a self-care practice that becomes a part of their daily routine.
Christine is dedicated to helping womxn discover opportunities to break the patterns and habits around stress to feel best in their body and more present in their lives.
Christine and her groundbreaking work is featured here.
honumn.com IG: Christine Hinkley

EDITOR Laura Wieck
MANAGING EDITOR Shana Hartman Shana@BodyMindLiving.com
ART DIRECTION & DESIGN Sandy Bassett sandy@BodyMindLiving.com
DISTRIBUTION Subscriptions questions: support@BodyMindLiving.com
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AUGUST 2021..............Issue No 9
BodyMind Living Magazine is published 10 times/year by Laura Wieck LLC. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, Ohio and additional mailing offices.
.............................................................................................................. IMAGE CREDITS
BodyMind Living Magazine would like to honor and thank the photographers below for making their stunning images available freely on Unsplash.
Michael Constantin (cover) Cristofer Jeschke (page 3) Dave Hoefler (page 9) Tom Henell (page 12) Penn Jason-Pischke (page 36) Foto-phanatic (page 38) Harli Marten (page 40) Rico Van de Voorde (page 42) Prince Abid (page 43) Morteza Yousefi (page 43) Wander Creative (page 44) Marco de Waal (page 46) Fotografierende (back cover)
As well, photographs are supplied to us by our team and Ambassadors. Deep gratitude to this amazing cohort of Ambassadors and their courage in being seen and heard here in BodyMind Living Magazine.
Mary Pat Curran Dena Halle Lorine Hoffer Laurie Juszkiewicz Carolyn Ulitsky Halinka Van Minnen Laura Wieck