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HHave you ever wanted to learn Spanish? Not just to know a few words or phrases, but to really know how to use and implement the language? The Mr. Ammerman Intercultural Language Academy believes that the way to truly learn a language is to help their students experience it in everyday life, to share and learn from others and to provide crosscultural experiences. “There is so much more to learning a language than just vocabulary. We want to give our students the confidence to be able to use
by Lauren Stumberg

their newly learned language in the real world,” said Matthew Ammerman.
Having started the Mr. Ammerman Intercultural Language Academy in Pichilemu, Chile in 2015, Matt, along with his wife Jacqueline Aguilera, moved to Boerne in 2018 and have opened a second location of the language academy. Having the two locations is allowing them to fulfill their dream of building a bridge of cultural exchange between Chile and the United States.
According to Matt, “I spent
much of my life traveling through South America. I didn’t know Spanish, but was able to find work in Paraguay, Buenos Aires and Chile teaching English. This in turn allowed me to learn Spanish.” Once in Chile, Ammerman met Jacqueline and the two got married and they had three children. “I began to notice that when I would speak to my children in English they would respond to me in Spanish. It was very important to us that our kids be bilingual, so I started implementing my skills as a previous English teacher to teach my own children,” he said. “In Chile, the people have a strong desire to learn English. They want the opportunities that knowing English can bring. So when our friends and family found out that Matt was teaching our children, they wanted their children to benefit from this as well. Eventually the amount of students grew and we decided to create the language academy,” added Jacqueline.
Matt and Jacqueline always knew that they would eventually move to the United States to allow their children to be immersed in the culture and to perfect their English. So a couple of years ago

Chilean exchange students experiencing Texan culture.

they packed up their family and came to Boerne. “We were able to keep the language academy operating in Chile through Zoom classes while also opening a second location right here in Boerne,” said Matt.
Having the two locations really opens up a lot of experiences and chances to actively speak the language being learned. According to Ammerman, “We often have our local students interact with our students in Chile via online exchange. This way they are each able to actively engage with one another and begin to use the language that they are learning.”
The move to Boerne has also opened up another facet of the Mr. Ammerman Language Academy, which is the ability to offer students total language immersion through educational travel. “There is nothing better for learning a language than to practice it in its natural environment,” said Jacqueline. “Before Covid19 we were able to bring many of our students from Chile to Texas, where they stayed with us and we would take them on many excursions and road trips to everything from rodeos, to the Alamo and even NASA. We will even send them down Main Street, Boerne and ask them to go talk to people and come back and give us a report about what they learned and saw.” Similarly, Matt and Jacqueline had planned to take some of their Texas students to Chile to experience the culture and practice their Spanish in a native environment. Those trips have been delayed due to Covid-19, but they remain hopeful to restart these exchange programs soon.
The vision behind the Mr. Ammerman Intercultural Language Academy is to be able to facilitate an exchange between both nations that generates experiences based on the learning of ideas, culture, innovation and entrepreneurship. “Many of our students have been with us for four or five years now. They have become like family to us and we have developed a bond beyond just teaching them another language. We know the benefits of learning another language and the opportunities that it can open up for them. Our Chilean students benefit greatly from having their eyes opened to what possibilities are out there, while similarly our students from Texas are given a chance to see just how blessed they are and continued on page 18

with English subtitles, listen to Spanish music, put up Spanish sayings or stickers around your house. I am also old school and love the use of flash cards. Keep them on you and whenever you have some spare time go through them to expand your vocabulary. The small things can make a huge difference.”
Ultimately, Matt and Jacqueline’s hope for their students is to be able to learn another language in an environment that is both productive and fun. They added, “It brings us joy to help our students truly experience the culture of the language they are learning, while quickly being able to speak fluently in that language.” BBM
Virtually or In-Person, the Ammermans know how to connect with students of all ages!

continued from page 17 realize not to take for granted said Jacqueline. “I also work to everything that is available to get to know each student through them. One of the biggest com- different activities so that I can pliments we have received is figure out how they learn best. from a parent of a student that It takes about two weeks for me told us we not only have taught to figure out the learning tendenher child another language, but cies of each student and then be also how to mature as a person,” able to implement that into the said Matt. lessons.”
The language coaching class- Matt and Jacqueline also es offered by the Ammermans believe strongly, especially for are open to all ages, from adults their older students, that to be all the way down to preschool able to learn a new language you aged children. They are also have to have a “why,” a reason available both in-person and or a need to learn the language online settings depending on such as needing to learn Spanish preference. Online classes have to advance in your career or skyrocketed since Covid, but wanting to travel. Learning a Matt and Jacqueline still have second language comes a lot many students who meet in more naturally to children, but person either one-on-one or in both kids and adults should cresmall groups. “When possible ate an environment that is conwe try to take the classes outside ducive to learning a new lanof the classroom and create an guage. “Having learned Spanish environment for them to active- as an adult I know the imporly learn the language through tance of surrounding yourself small field trips or interactive with the language,” said Matt. lessons, games or even crafts,” “Watch television in Spanish 18 Boerne Business Monthly | October 2020

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