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my soul.



Whether it be to represent its people, or find that it is good for It’s so


diverse, authentic, and satisfying. KLAUS TIEDGE YK KLAUS TIEDGE AURELIEN VILLETTE


love what is beautiful. The serenity of a beautiful garden and the grave of an architectural monument must provoke the same emotion for the viewer. They must be enchanted through their emotions. A UNIQUE constantly evolving selection of photographs and artworks. small and large spaces thanks to a panel of more than 2,000 limited edition photographs, as well as multiple formats and finishes: transform your space into a special place! hotes, agencies or restaurants: YellowKornar offers a personalized service avaible to all, in order to create an atmoshere that reflects your unique identity. DEQUICK LAURENT DEQUICK convey in “congestion” of urban life, Laurent Dequick does not hesitate to juxtapose, superimpose, or imbricate his shots. He fits together photographs representing architectural complexes, highways, and people, all with the same intensity. of


YK AURELIEN VILLETTE BERNHARD HARTMANN Architecture marks all of our lives, our lifestyle, beliefs and cultures, from our birth to our death and beyond. All

YK 16 MATTHIAS HAKER As you walk down the street, the lights, noises, traffic, hustle and bustle, and mix of smells are so striking that no single shot could capture all of it. So do we have to make choices? don’t think so and don’t want to. LAURENT DEQUICK YK LAURENT


images this

this variety leaves me awestruck, every day. AURELIEN VILLETTE YK


BOGNA ANNA GEBALSKA DESIGN PORTFOLIO YELLOW KORNER CATALOGUE LIMITEDPHOTOGRAPHYARTEDITION YK Yellow Korner THE CONCEPT YellowKorner positions itself as a developer of emotions with the aim of democratizing art photography and making it accessible to all. Numbered limited edition photographs with certificate of authenticity A desire to promote renowned and emerging artists Quality and unique experiences: We guarantee quality. Our prints and frames are based on artisan experience 1 16 PARTNERSHIP PRESENTATION Create a unique site of expression to fit your workspace. YellowKorner guides you in your discoveries and presents you with selections of works presenting unique artistic approaches. YK ABOUT THE CONCEPT CREATE A UNIQUE SITE A PERSONALIZED SERVICE 4 SELECTION OF ARTWORKS 14 EXPERIENCE AND SERVICE 15 CONTACT 16 YK BERNHARD HARTMANN




OmFordybelseminutter.førsøvnen.aftenennårdagens arbejde er overstået. 30 minutter. Du kan begynde med nogle minutter og efterhånden øge varigheden. Fjerner de indtryk som dagens tanker og handlinger har afsat. Du kan lytte til en guidet instruks til “Meditation” ved at downloade lydfiler fra Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/heartfulnessdenmark eller du kan downloade ‘HeartsApp’ på din mobil enhed. (Findes både til iOS og Android)

Sådan gør du Sid med tanken om, at alle kompleksiteter og urenheder, som du har opsamlet løbet af dagen, forsvinder fra dit system ud gennem ryggen, fra issen til halebenet, form af røg eller damp. Prøv ikke kun at tænke det, men føl virkelig at det sker. Undervejs vil du muligvis blive opfyldt af tanker, følelser og indtryk fra dagen, men det er en del af cleaningen. Tag det som et tegn på at processen virker. Prøv at udføre den ca. 10 15 minutter og føl efter den lethed, som er tegn på at dit system er blevet renset. Du kan nu afslutte processen ved at antage at dit system fyldes op med transmission fra hjertet. Du kan lytte til en guidet instruks til “Cleaning” ved at downloade lydfiler fra Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/heartfulness-denmark eller du kan downloade ‘HeartsApp’ på din mobil enhed. (Findes både til iOS og Android)

din medmenneskelighed. KURSUSHEARTFULNESS KURSUSPROGRAMOnsdag 9.00 -10.00 Velkomst cafeen inklusiv morgenmad og indkvartering10.0012.00 Heartfulness Meditationsworkshop inklusiv Frokost12.30kaffepause13.30cafeen13.3014.30 Guidet gåtur på Heden mødes ved cafeen 15 18.30 Heartfulness LederCirkel inklusiv kaffepause 18.30 HeartfulnessAftensmad20.00cafeen20.00-21.00Meditationsworkshop Torsdag 8.00 HeartfulnessMorgenmad9.00cafeen9.0011.00Meditationsworkshop inklusiv HeartfulnessHeartfulness11.30kaffepause-12.30LederCirkel12.30–13.30Frokostcafeen13.3015.00LederCirkelinklusivkaffepause15.00–16.00Afrunding HEARTFULNESS INSTITUTE TILINTRODUKTIONHEARTFULNESS

Praktisk info dette afsnit giver vi dig en oversigt, hvor du kan finde flere oplysninger om Heartfulness. Her kan du finde det nærmeste Heartfulnesscenter, trænere, tid og sted for gruppemeditationer og forskellige onlineVifaciliteter.anbefaler dig at deltage en ugentlig meditationssession med en træner. Det kan både gøres en gruppe og individuelt. begge tilfælde understøtter træneren meditationen med cleaning og transmission og hjælper dig på den måde til at gå dybere din meditation. Alle vores trænere arbejder frivilligt, og der er ikke er nogen form for betaling involveret. Ønsker du at blive medlem af Heartfulness foreningen betales et årligt kontingent.

giver os mulighed for at nulstille vores system ved dagens afslut ning, og den forbedrer kvaliteten af vores Nårmeditation.somhelst vi reagerer følelsesmæssigt, f.eks med vrede huskes det underbevidstheden. Ved brug af cleaning, som er en meditationsteknik, kan samme dags indtryk fjernes før de etableres som varige spor underbevidstheden. Herved renses vi for den underbevidste kilde til vores vanemæssige og ofte uhensigtsmæssige Detreaktioner.ereneffektiv teknik, som vil give dig le thed sindet, bedre søvn og også forberede dig til næste dags meditation.



HEARTFULNESS INSTITUTE MEDITATION OG HELBRED Giver øget livskvalitet • Forebygger stressrelaterede sygdomme Forbedrer din søvnkvalitet Stimulerer dit immunsystem STÅ STÆRKT

Instituttet og Københavns Universitet samarbejder øjeblikket på en større videnskabelig undersøgelse af Heartfulness meditation. Som et led undersøgelsen har man MRI-scannet personer før, under og efter, de er begyndt at meditere på hjertet. Scanningen har bekræftet, at hjernen tilpasser sig ved at påvise et øget funktionelt og anatomisk netværk mellem centre hjernen, som regulerer samspillet mellem tanke og følelse. Meditation skaber en ny afslappet og afklaret bevidsthed, der ændrer din hjerne.


MEDITATION SOM ARBEJDSREDSKAB HEARTFULNESS INSTITUTE Instituttet organiserer ugentlige workshops af 1-2 timers varighed, hvor certificerede undervisere via guidede øvelser indfører dig Heartfulnessteknikker til afslapning, meditation og mental afstresning. På få gange kan vi lære dig afslapning, lethed og glæde ved kontakt med din indre natur. Foredrag og workshops kan afholdes på din arbejdsplads, institution eller foregå vores Heartfulness-centre. Vi foreslår et foredrag som oplæg til Heartfulness og/eller et undervisningsforløb på flere workshops en gang ugentlig. Pris efter aftale.

HVOFOR MEDITERE? dag er vi udfordret fysisk, mentalt og spirituelt som mennesker. Vi skal tilpasse os den digitale teknologi, større informationsmængder, stigende krav til både sundhed, familieliv og karriere, nye måder at arbejde på, tidspres og usikkerhed for vores egen og verdens fremtid. Mennesker viser stadig større grad tegn på, at de har svært ved at tilpasse sig den nye virkelighed. Vi udvikler sygdomme, der udspringer af stress såsom allergier, mave/tarm- og hjerte-kar-sygdomme, angst og depression bare for at nævne en lille håndfuld. Det er alt sammen et tegn på, at vores sind og bevidsthed er under pres. Vi mister simpelthen mennesker, som ikke kan følge med. I DIG SELV


Guddommeligtlys Heartfulness mediterer vi på guddommeligt lys som begreb snarere end som synligt lys, fordi lys er det nærmeste, vi kommer på en beskrivelse af den mest subtile tilstand vort indre, kilden til livet. Lys indeholder desuden idéen om lethed, ubesværethed og åbenhed. Antag at guddommeligt lys allerede er dit hjerte uden at presse dig selv til at se det eller give det en bestemt form. Transmission Fortidens indiske yogier og vismænd benyttede transmission, når de underviste deres elever og uden ord overførte højere indre tilstande til dem. Transmission eller på sanskrit Pranahuti forstås som livsenergi. Yogisk transmission gør Heartfulness til noget ganske særligt. Det gør meditationen dynamisk, og vi kan hurtigt og effektivt opnå meditative tilstande, som ville være svært at opnå ved egen hjælp. En meditativ tilstand kan transmitteres som en resonans mellem hjerter. Heartfulness kan vi ved at meditere sammen med en træner nyde godt af denne transmission og med vedvarende øvelse og erfaring kan vi også på egen hånd erfare transmissionen og dens virkning.



Vi tilbyder at afholde undervisning ude på arbejdspladsen eller medarbejderne kan deltage et todages Heartfulness-kursus på vores kursuscenter, som ligger et fredet og naturskønt område ved Silkeborg. Workshops og kursus er henvendt til kommuner og institutioner som tilbud til deres medarbejdere. Formålet er at støtte dig som menneske en lederrolle og styrke din relation til omverdenen, til dine medarbejdere og din organisation. Gennem Heartfulness meditation udbygger du kontakten med dit hjerte – det skaber nærvær, autenticitet og glæde. Med bevidstheden hjertet finder du menneskelig styrke til at navigere vanskelige samtaler og beslutningsprocesser, således at du bliver stand til at vælge, hvordan du både påvirker og bliver påvirket af en given situation.

HEARTFULLNESS KURSUS Kurset indeholder: 3 Heartfulness-workshops: Her lærer du via guidede øvelser tre forskellige teknikker til Heartfulnessmeditation. Der er tid og ro til fordybelse til at gøre dig dine egne erfaringer og til sparring med underviserne og gruppen. 2 Heartfulness LederCirkler: Igennem oplæg, samtale og praktiske øvelser vil du opleve, hvordan Heartfulnessmeditation kan bruges som et konkret redskab dit liv og arbejde. Pris efter aftale, som dækker undervisning, fuld forplejning og overnatning. Forplejningen er overvejende økologisk og fuld vegetarisk og overnatning er enkle ferielejligheder på stedet med 1-2 personer hver lejlighed. HEARTFULNESS INSTITUTE Mennesker tager ikke kun beslutninger ud fra en konsekvensanalyse eller sandsynligheden for et bestemt udfald. De gør det primært ud fra et følelsesmæssigt standpunkt. Som leder lærer du at forblive centreret og bevare Heartfulness Heartfulness er en simpel og enkel meditationsmetode, som kan praktiseres af alle uanset køn, nationalitet, overbevisning og Metodenreligion.har sin oprindelse Indien men er dag kendt hele verden og praktiseres overalt. Du behøver ingen forudsætninger eller viden om meditation for straks at kunne meditere. Det moderne liv er komplekst, problemfyldt og stressende for de fleste. Heartfulness meditation er tilpasset vor tid, hvor en travl hverdag fylder det meste. denne folder kan du læse om de forskellige elementer Heartfulness, og hvordan du kan bruge dem din hverdag. De består af afspænding, meditation, cleaning og Hvertaftenmeditation.afelementerne Heartfulness har sit særlige formål, men de understøtter hinanden en symbiose som vil hjælpe dig med at slappe af, være opmærksom, reducere stress og skabe indre glæde og tilfredshed. Du vil også frit kunne kontakte trænere, der kan hjælpe med at forklare de finere detaljer teknikkerne og svare på dine spørgsmål. På folderens sidste sider finder du links og praktiske oplysninger vedrørende Heartfulness.

Heartfulness metodens 4 elementer: Anbefaling:Varighed:Udbytte: Afspænding Meditation Cleaning Aftenmeditation


MEDITATIONS CENTRE HELE DANMARK HEARTFULNESS INSTITUTE "Jeg vurderer, at kurset har meget stor relevans for mig min ledelsesrolle det ramte plet. Jeg vil helt sikkert anbefale Heartfulness, da vi kan samarbejde på en helt anden måde. Lad det gode sprede sig fra hjertet." Gitte Rasmussen, Chef for plejesentrene, Herning Kommune "Programmet havde en god vægtning mellem teori og praksis, og dagene er gået så hurtigt. Underviserne var søde, rolige og nærværende." Astrid Hindhede, Leder, Fuglsangsø Centret "Fantastisk lærerigt kursus, der giver redskaber personligt og til lederskabet." Eva Østergaard, Centerleder, Lindegården Mere http://heartfulnessinstitute.dkinformation: Kontakt: denmark@heartfulness.org


Sådan gør du Aften meditationen udføres lige før du sover 10 minutter. Afslappet og med lukkede øjne gentager du teksten mentalt dit indre en til to gange, og du mediterer nu ved at fordybe dig betydningen af ordene. Oh Master, Du er menneskelivets sande mål Vi er endnu kun slaver af ønsker, som hindrer vores fremgang. Du er den eneste Gud og kraft, som kan bringe os op til det stade. Nu har du stiftet bekendskab med Heartfulnessmetodens 4 elementer. meditation, som alle livets forhold, er nysgerrighed et af vore fornemmeste værktøjer. Nysgerrighed og din egen vilje til forandring driver værket.

PAS PÅ DINE MEDARBEJDERE Vor tids udfordringer stiller også krav til arbejdspladserne, som har et større ansvar, når det kommer til at håndtere medarbejdernes trivsel. En organisation har dag et ansvar for at tage vare på deres ansatte, så de har det godt og kan bevare deres Sundhedsprogrammer,menneskelighed.øgetinteresse og forståelse for velvære og sund levevis bliver mere og mere udbredt. Det er en nødvendig prioritet vores liv, hvis vi skal kunne tilpasse os de nye omstændigheder fysisk. Men hvor finder vi den personlige kraft til at imødekomme tidens mentale og spirituelle udfordringer? Hvor finder vi tid, værktøjer og ro til egenomsorg og til at være med os selv? Det gør du blandt andet ved at meditere. Når vi bruger sætningen Mediter med hjertet stå stærkt dig selv, er det ikke bare en floskel. Det er en kendsgerning, som er støttet af de seneste års videnskabelige forskning. Heartfulness Meditation er en sublim teknik til mental træning af hjernens parathed til omstilling. Den forbereder evnen til ny indlæring, intuitiv forståelse og inspiration. Og det er netop det, tilpasning handler om. Centrering hjælper dig til inspiration og til at kommunikere det formål, der skal drive dine beslutningsprocesser og adfærd.

MeditationsAftenmeditationteksten,somdu kan læse herunder, blev skrevet af Heartfulness grundlægger, Ram Chandra, engang begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede. Den fungerer som bindeled mellem dig og det, som dit indre er den mest subtile tilstand, livets kilde, som her kaldes for Gud eller Mester.

HEARTFULNESS INSTITUTE MEDITATION modsœtning til koncentration, som krœver mental energi, er meditation en tilstand, hvor vi på én gang er både afslappede og fuldstændig opmærksomme. Du kan ubesværet bevare fokus uden at tankerne vandrer. Når du mediterer på hjertet, får du en pause fra tænkningen, fra travlheden, og for en stund vil du mærke dig selv og være hjertet. På den måde bliver føling en ny form for tænkning, hvor hjertet er dit kompas. Målet for Heartfulness meditation er at optimere vores bevidste og følelsesmæssige forhold til virkeligheden – at stå stærkere inde os selv. Det betyder praksis, at du har nemmere ved at forholde dig følelses- og tankemæssigt til de indre og ydre konflikter, der kommer med vores tids udfordringer. Og at du kan bevare overblikket og styrke medmenneskelige Heartfulnessrelationer.

Om morgenen eller på et hvilket som helst andet tidspunkt af dagen der måtte passe dig. Fra 30 minutter op til time. Du kan begynde med nogle minutter og efterhånden øge Dyberevarigheden.forståelse af dit eget liv, indre ressourcer og muligheder. Når som helst. Nogle få minutter efter behov. Fokus og en afslappet tilstand. Ved sengetid lige før du sover. 10 til 15


Nyttige links: Find nærmeste center og trænere: Danmark: www.heartfulnessmeditation.dk/ Internationalt:kontakt www.heartspots.heartfulness.org Heartfulness Meditations App for iOS og Android: “HeartsApp” Bøger kan inspirere og understøtte din meditation, men det er din daglige praksis og egne erfaringer, der viser dig vejen frem.



This Innovation Roundtable® Workshop hosted by DSM in Geleen on the 5th of December 2019 gathered 120 attendees interested in startups, ecosystems, and co-creation. The workshop’s main topics revolved around co-creating with customers and collaborating with external startups, partners and ecosystems in order to create new business models. The workshop featured presentations from: Shell GameChanger Lene Hviid Global Manager Shell Research Connect GameChanger Signify Maarten Pieters, Head of Co-Creation & People Insight DSM Trish Malarkey, Chief Innovation Officer Enel Fabio Tentori, Head of Enel Innovation Hubs and Startup Initiatives Nissan Europe Ivan Ollivier, General Manager, Nissan Europe Innovation Lab



Innovation Roundtable workshop hosted by DSM Geleen, 5 December 2019 Co-Creating with Customers and Collaborating with External Startups, Partners and Ecosystems for New Business Models INSIGHTS Workshop hosted by DSM December 2019

3 To ensure thorough customer understanding, companies should cocreate with customers in lieu of using personas. In this, it is essential that the organization drives the mindset change to enable everyone to see the value of co-creation. Sharing success stories is good way to illustrate this value and get people on board. Companies should engage customers as early as possible in the product development cycle, as co-creating generates more ideas upfront and reduces the risk of failure.


KICKBOX IN PRACTICE What else the red box? Besides some candy bars and Starbucks card, there set of easy to follow instructions, guiding innovators through the process Each of the six levels have card that consists of set of processes with action points at the end, so-called checkboxes. Once an action is completed, the box is simply checked, and the innovator moves on to the next level. Employees are thereby guiding themselves through the process, and no management supervision required. They love this” he says. At the end of level six, they will have “beaten the red box” So, what happens when the red box beaten? Intrapreneurs are awarded with “fabulous” prize – the blue box. While Randall keeps tight what exactly the blue box consists of, he does concede that every one of these is different, as every innovation and innovator is unique. While red boxes are more or less handed out like candy with over 2,000 moving forward with ideas to date, only 29 blue boxes have been handed out so far. great thing about this is that no executive had to stop what they were doing to have meeting before the innovator had to proceed to blue box level Intrapreneurs get funding for the blue box through senior manager sponsorship. Randall explains that innovators often find themselves pitching eight different executives over period of 12 months, before they gain such an approval. He highlights that this reminiscent to how external startups continuously pitch to VCs, until their pitch and customer data has been perfected. The Kickbox process more or less runs itself and is not all too necessary to have full time employees dedicated to helping idea initiators. Randall backs this up by explaining that he spends about 15% of his time helping employees with Kickbox challenges, while there is an administrative employee spending about half her time on this but that’s it! Another important component of the Kickbox process open it up to all employees inside the organization and not just product managers and engineers. This has proven to be vital in nourishing innovation from the bottomup, rather than being a strictly top-down mechanism. Moreover, the Kickbox allows for Adobe employees to work on anything their

level revolves around understanding how motivations illuminate the path to success. Randall explains that the magic happens when an employee’s passion is aligned with hard customer problem. The second level, ideate, built on providing employees with the processes and frameworks to come up with new ideas. At this level, all ideas, good or bad, should be captured as innovators will be given tools to polish winners and pick the right ones at later level. This all takes place at the third level where employees are provided tools such as score card and the business model canvas, through which they can assess and evaluate their ideas. As turns out, Randall says, the algorithm that executives use to determine new idea is good, can be taught to every employee “So, why not teach your employees to be their own judges? It’s not that hard”. In the investigation phase, intrapreneurs validate their ideas with real-world experiments. This occurs through, for instance, lean startup techniques. In the subsequent level, the data from the experiments is assessed evolve hypotheses. Clever experiments are devised to reveal the true nature of the idea. During the final level, infiltrate, employees pitch their ideas and data the organization. The fact that there data to be presented at the very first pitch to executives, means that the HIPPO problem, the moment when the “Highest Paid Person’s Opinion” is asserted as fact, isn’t as much hurdle as when the idea pitched without any data.


The following report contains highlights collected from attendees, speakers, the survey and live polls taken during the workshop, and other forms of delegated input.

a) Before engaging in collaboration, companies need to establish successful organizational setup for innovation. Moreover, they need to provide startups with access to network of partners and resources necessary for developing new solutions. To identify promising startups and successfully guide them through the development process, companies can rely on accelerators for their unique perspective and expertise.

dramatic increas A notable incr Just bit mor The same amoun Less 0%) 14% 61% 18% 8%


How to innovate as tanker in an ecosystem with limited contribution value? Tobias Schwab BASF How to organize an ecosystem that requires different partners to deliver on an opportunity? Marco Bongers FrieslandCampina Create corporate coalitions around a shared innovation theme. Marcel Postema Alliander How to collaborate with new market entrants instead of fight them or get eaten? Wouter Vanheers Euroclear How to build on ecosystems and still be able to launch new products fast? How to balance mindset of business impact with exploratory dialogues?

What would happen company funded every single new product idea from any employee, no questions asked? As an experiment, Adobe did exactly that. Randall shares the surprising discoveries Adobe made in creating Kickbox, the new innovation process that’s already becoming an industry model for igniting innovation. Each employee receives mysterious red box packaged with imagination, money, and strange game with six levels. Randall explains how aligning passion with purpose changes everything and how trust can transform good people into great innovators. Learn what makes Kickbox so effective and how organizations around the world are deploying ABSTRACT © 2017 Innovation Roundtable wobble, you fall, you bruise your knees, and you get back up again to start over. therefore important for Randall to make trial and error non-catastrophic process for employees Adobe changed its approach to such an extent that has simply stopped caring people succeed or not during early innovation phases, and doesn’t even track the hit rate these. This all owes the fact that building such core competencies across its employee base costs relatively small amount of money. In continuation hereof, Randall explains that the most notable thing in the red box is prepaid credit card with 1,000 dollars on it, to be used to fund employees’ ideas Randall notes that there are typically two reactions this. On the one hand, people are astonished by the fact that Adobe willing to hand out so much money to every employee and that can’t just squander shareholder assets like that, while others complain that is far too little money to do anything. Randall highlights that while the latter group is right, the intention is not to build product for this money, but rather validate the value proposition Most Adobe innovators don’t need more than the prepaid amount to test their ideas to point where has notable amount data from external users. Randall highlights that the 1,000 dollars actually saves costs compared to prior processes. When employees previously had an idea that required 1,000 dollars, meeting would have to be put place with top management. The cost of such meeting would typically mount to an estimated 1,288 dollars employee time and scheduling. Randall’s conviction was that every time such a meeting didn’t have be put place, simply providing Adobe employees with the money instead, Adobe would save 288 dollars. Randall highlights that one advantageous aspect of coming up with 1,000 new ideas in year, that also breaks everything in terms of internal processes, as there simply isn’t enough time listen to that many ideas. Another aspect of Kickbox the bearing on personal development Where Adobe pays great amounts of resources in sending employees courses, Kickbox provides these individuals with hands-on experiential learning becoming corporate innovators The idea and output doesn’t matter as much as allowing employees get on the bike, wobble for bit, and learn how to ride that’s huge benefit an organization such as Adobe. Kickbox has therefore proven enormously successful in terms HR benefits, such as employee development, recruiting, and retention.

Participant In this Live Poll, 51 attendees shared their opinion on how much their firms collaboration with startups over the next five years. The most popular option by far was a notable increase (61%). was followed by just bit more (18%), a dramatic increase (14%), and the same amount (8%). The least popular option was less cooperation with startups (0%).

imagination aspires poignant example how Adobe employees have worked on ideas ranging from flying robot toys to mindfulness programs with their Kickbox funds. THE SIX LEVELS The six levels in the red box are called inception, ideate, improve, investigate, iterate, and infiltrate, Therespectively.inception

Adobe Mark Randall Thinking Inside the Box IMD Bill Fischer Wanted: Innovative Leadership Amazon Paul Misener The Best Place the World to Fail: Amazon’s Culture of Purposeful Innovation Google Shannon Deegan Nurturing Culture of Creativity and Agility Even as Company Grows: Tools for Engagement and Lessons Learned

3M Monica Dalla Riva Leveraging Design Thinking and Foresighting to Bring Users & Future Scenarios into the Innovation Process BMW Startup GARAGE Dr. Maximilian Marquart The Venture Client Model: Gateway into the World of Startup Innovation Nestlé Valerio Nannini Preparing the Organization and Culture for Growth and Digital Transformation Volvo Christer Brasta Innovation Culture: The Need for Trust to Enable Change and Innovation and Dexterity to Run both Traditional Development and Exploration Philips Daniel Cho Cashing in on Innovation and Quantifying Value to Achieve DSM Hans Vossen DSM Modeling Engineering New Business Opportunities via Reversed P&L and Dynamic Uncertainty Valuation next 47 Matthias Schanze Business As Unusual: How Siemens Next47 looks to startups for the next big thing Airbus Yann Barbaux Airbus: An Innovation Community Beiersdorf Dr. May Shana’a Creating an Innovation Culture that Embraces Risk Taking Co-Creation with External Partners Michelin Gilles Colas des Francs Setting Up an Incubator: Finding Ideas and Intrapreneurs for New Business Creation Electrolux Vanessa Butani Creating Digital Business Models and Engaging the Ecosystem of Large and Small Players BOSCH• Dr. Uwe Kirschner Lean Startup, BMI Canvas, MVP and Other Tools to Successfully Validate Projects Goodyear Pierre Orlewski Open Innovation and New Business Models: The Power of Triangulation

MAKING KICKBOX ACCESSIBLE FOR ALL Kickbox has gained plenty of external attention since was derived. In 2015, Adobe was placed on Forbes World’s Most Innovative Companies List 2015 for the first time its history – partly due to Kickbox. With this attention, Adobe decided to openly source Kickbox. Cisco has for example deployed to 60,000 of its employees worldwide, coming up with 1,110 new ideas in the process. Similarly, companies and institutions such as Mastercard, Swisscom, Caterpillar, and the United Nations have all deployed Kickbox.

The Innovation Roundtable 7-9 November), was the world’s largest event exclusively for innovation practitioners in large multinational companies With 627 participants representing over 238 firms, the Summit was designed around highly interactive format combining insightful presentations with variety of discussion sessions enabling participants to connect with peers, learn about best innovation practices, and share experiences. The Summit was organized around the innovation themes (listed on the right). This report includes detailed summaries of the keynote speeches, track talks, Labs, panels and plenary sharing sessions.

During the day, attendees were asked to join two roundtable discussion sessions. In the first one, attendees discussed insights and challenges on startup collaboration and ecosystems, and co-creation with customers. In the second discussion, attendees were asked to join a collaborative marketplace with hosted discussions of innovation topics and (technology) projects.

2 In assessing ideas for potential projects, companies need to set clear criteria to ensure the right trade-off between risks and returns as that the projects fit into their overall strategy. Companies should also rely on cross-functional teams of corporate entrepreneurs who should be given the autonomy to work outside established processes. These teams should maintain a strong focus on identifying customer pain points and work with startups on product-market fit. a) When working on projects with startups, companies should establish an efficient process for approving innovation projects. They should also have the foresight to determine it is necessary to pivot, as startups may be hesitant to do so. In this, organizations should realize that validation process may take time, and ensure the focus is maintained. b) Innovation projects to be further developed should be chosen according to their potential value, novelty of the solution, compatibility with the company’s goals, as well as the ease of implementation. Projects can then move to co-development with startups, be discontinued, be ready for direct investment, or given more time to mature.

Key Takeaways 4© 201 Innovation Roundtable Workshop hosted by DSM Over the next 5years how much do you think your firm will increase collaboration w/startups? [51votes]

Institute Chris Mills Heartfulness: Enhancing Creativity through Meditation Harvard Business Review Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg Breaking the Frame: A New Method for Solving the Right Problems Vlerick Business School Fredrik Hacklin Driving Business Model Innovation as a Digital Game Changer Innovation Roundtable® Summit 2017 Panel Session Evonik Dr. Ulrick Küsthardt BSH Mario Pieper IMD Bill Fischer Panel: Do’s and Don’ts of Corporate-Startup Collaboration BMW Startup Garage Maximilian Marquart Siemens Next47 Matthias Schanze FaunaPhonotics Frederik Taarnhøj

Insights DiscussionsRoundtablefrom

© 201 Innovation Roundtable Co-creating with customers means making a long-term decision to start working together to build the needed ‘new circular’ materials value use. In this, is crucial not to exploit customers’ trust. Béla Fudala Lubrizol

How to best understand customers and successfully co-create with them? Issues Learnings Challenge 1: The customer is critically important, so whenever there is a discussion with startups, always bring in the customers at some point. Ivan Ollivier Nissan Europe

““ is better to own part of shared value of successful startup than the entirety of zero value. Marco Spreafico DSM How to prioritize ideas coming from startups vs end-users? Nico Stockman FrieslandCampina


University of Cambridge Tim Minshall How Can You Become the ‘Partner of Choice’ for the Most Innovative Start-Ups? University of Cambridge Tim Minshall Developing Open Innovation Capabilities What Individual Skills Are Required? IMD Bill Fischer Business Model Logic Culture IMD Bill Fischer Reinventing Ourselves as Leaders Goldsmiths, University of London Dr. Chris Brauer Hey! You Left Your Johari Window Open Goldsmiths, University of London Dr. Chris Brauer Seeing Around Corners IE Business School Dr. Ingo Rauth Innovation Culture Clash: What is and how can we Address it? IE Business School Dr. Ingo Rauth Hacking Your Organization: Overcoming Barriers to Innovation Heartfulness Autobutler Peter Michael Oxholm Zigler Kontakt.io Szymon Niemczura Innovation Roundtable® Summit 2017 Closing Panel Plenary Sharing Amazon Paul Misener Google Shannon Deegan Goldsmiths, University of London Dr. Chris Brauer 3M Monica Dalla Riva SUMM 0 AND PLENARY SHARING

© 201 Innovation Roundtable Workshop hosted by DSM Innovation Roundtable has summarized the key takeaways based on the presentations, comments posted by attendees on the app and insights emerging from the event as whole Companies should leverage open innovation and engage in partnerships and startup collaboration to create new business models and transformative projects and speed up their innovation efforts In this, strong commitment and sponsorship from both sides is essential, coupled with transparency and a clear understanding related to data sensitivity and intellectual property.

When you had your last idea, was the customer/user present?

SUMMARY Innovation Roundtable Summit 2017 7-9 November 2017 THINKING INSIDE THE BOX

How to engage with customers and develop new innovative products knowing everything is filtered at least four or five times? Bastiaan Appelhof Océ

© 2017 Innovation Roundtable ADOBE KICKBOX: THE PERSONAL INNOVATION KIT Being serial entrepreneur, Randall joined Adobe when the company acquired his third startup back in 2006. He was instilled to help set up grassroots innovation process within the company. To his dismay, he didn’t manage launch any new solutions within two years after starting at Adobe, which was the longest period his adult life without being able to invent and commercialize new products. He found himself having infinite resources, an extensive toolbox of technologies, and an organization that was rooting for him; yet despite all, he was failing. He therefore chose to back up and start over with beginner’s mindset. Approaching this as black box problem, he eventually uncovered how to launch new products and drive new acquisitions to move the company new directions. After these successes, Randall was asked he could teach other Adobe employees to do what he was doing terms of creating new businesses. He came up with the idea building product to help educate employees; know how to build a product, so am going to productize how we do this”. His customers for this specific product are people who want to innovate inside large organizations, but find themselves failing. The result of his efforts Kickbox, the personal innovation kit. magic red box that includes everything needed to be successful enterprise innovator. Randall recognizes that has proven quite successful so far, with 2,000 people trained in the Kickbox processes, new products and features being launched, as well as being used change internal processes. INCREASING THE RATE OF FAILURE Randall’s first goal with the Kickbox process was to increase Adobe’s rate of failure This sounds rather counterintuitive, but the fact of the matter was that, an average year, Adobe was testing about dozen or two new product ideas and found itself spending up to million dollars on developing these ideas. From those figures, would launch two to three products. Randall realized that such hit rates were much too high, and that Adobe should pursue riskier endeavors and was basically playing safe. While needed to fail lot more, also had to do so much lower cost After launching Kickbox and deploying to employees, Adobe went from testing twenty new ideas annually to over thousand Furthermore, could generate the same multitude of ideas for about the equivalent cost as testing two ideas beforehand. Kickbox deployed through two-day workshop where employees are walked through the process and receive their red boxes. While the goal with Kickbox to generate new innovations, you won’t necessarily get innovations you simply focus on the end product. What you should truly aspire for the long-term, is building culture of innovation through the creation of innovators, not innovations. Another realization that innovating is comparable to learning to ride bicycle you start, you Mark Randall Chief Strategist, VP Creativity

will increase




What the optimal mix of risks and benefits to aim for in co-creation? Antonina Crino Signify B2B companies don’t know the true needs of the customer. What does the customer need when they don’t even know it? Nathalie Pujin FrieslandCampina Co-Creating with Customers

By reaching out to your users, if you understand what they want, every decision becomes an easy decision. Maarten Pieters Signify

8© 201 Innovation Roundtable Workshop hosted by DSM December 2019

b) To ensure successful collaboration, companies should support startups throughout the development stages and all aspect of their business. In this, organizations should define clear steps to move forward once the solution has been validated. It is also vital to be transparent on the project timeline to ensure effective decision making and resource allocation. c) Organizations can leverage the venture client startup collaboration model instead of investing in startup equity in order to shift the focus towards the solutions rather than spend a great deal of time on delineating contracts etc. This approach will also provide startups with a greater degree of freedom, as well as enable failing, learning fast and pivoting If a startup project offers high level of competitive advantage, the venture client model can be replaced with M&A.

Luis Quental Pereira Goodyear Workshop hosted by DSM December 2019 “ 7© 201 Innovation Roundtable Workshop hosted by DSM December 2019 What are the building blocks of successful co-creation? What kind of process should companies deploy when developing an Howidea?tofacilitate B2B co-creation with the goal of creating sustainable solutions for the customers? There needs to be an environment of transparency, trust, and working and building on each other’s competencies to get the maximum results. In addition to relying on learn-measure-build cycles, companies should introduce the frequency of customer interaction as one of the main KPIs. Companies need to find joint target and ensure win-win collaboration through combining speed with learning.

The insights from Roundtable Discussion and II, with perspectives on the topics gained during the Panel and Plenary session are presented below. The points are structured around the themes discussed – cocreating with customers and collaborating with external startups, partners and ecosystems in order to create new business models.

Collaborating with External Startups, Partners and Ecosystems

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