Averaged $ 11,083

Averaged $ 11,083
KIRSTEN (306)487-7514
DUSTIN (306)487-7510
SCOTT BOHRSON (403)370-3010
ROB VOICE (306)270-6082
TAYLOR RICHARDS (306)821-4169
MARTIN BOHRSON (306)220-7901
Sale is online with DLMS Farm Gate Timed Auctions
BONNIE THOMPSON (306)483-7311
We insist that all purchases be insured while at DK Land & Cattle. All bulls become the risk of the buyer once sold. DK Land & Cattle will provide the utmost care of the animals while here.
DK Land & Cattle reserves the right to collect semen for in-herd use on any bull in the sale at the buyers convenience and sellers expense.
Free delivery to central points in Saskatchewan, Alberta & Manitoba. Delivery past these points will be coordinated with the buyers.
We encourage you to come and evaluate the bulls first hand, but we know that people are busy and it isn’t always easy to get away. Please give us or our knowledgeable sales staff a call to discuss your needs and bulls in detail.
Videos will be completed by DLMS and available closer to sale day on the sale listing and cattlevids.ca
DK Land & Cattle will do necessary testing for exporting bulls. A flat fee of $300 will be added to your invoice to cover the costs. We will deliver purchases to North Portal border crossing, Canadian side. If the purchaser wishes your bulls can be put on a custom hauling truck, at your cost.
DK Land & Cattle Corp can be found on Google Maps.
From Lampman: 9 miles east on Highway 361 ¼ mile south on Range Road 2050 From Highway 9/361 junction: 12 miles west on Highway 361 ¼ mile south on Range Road 2050
Cattle will sell under the standard Canadian Simmental Association sale terms & conditions, these are available on request.
February 27th
1 pm - 5 pm
Join us for a look through the bulls and some hospitality.
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Opening March 1 @ 9am
It is again my privilege to welcome you to this year’s addition of our bull sale! The last year has continued to be a year of growth in all areas of our operation. It has been a fun year, reflecting on the opportunities we have had, and memories made together. Working together is not always easy, but it is always worth it, and we are hopeful that our kids are learning valuable life lessons along the way. We are forever grateful for our customers, friends, professionals, and family that help make all these things possible!
Although our numbers are not large, we continue to strive to ensure the quality is top notch. Our dozen bulls are highlighted by ten sons of SVS Rancher 42H. Rancher is beginning to create his own story within the breed and gaining popularity after an exciting fall for his progeny, including many champions in the show ring and success in the sale ring as well. This will be one of the largest offerings of Rancher son’s you will find anywhere this spring. There are a variety of options in terms of power, performance, and calving ease but with deep consistency in their design, foot quality and the mothers that back them. Good honest bulls that will go out and work well for any operation. We are excited to share them with you and look forward to the positive impact they will have wherever they go.
We extend an invitation to stop by the farm attend our open house on Thursday Feb 27th to have a look through the bulls or give us a call anytime!
Thank you for your interest in our program, Kirsten
Welcome to the 2025 DK Land & Cattle Bull Sale! The Fornwald family has again assembled a dozen high quality Simmental bulls for your appraisal and we can confidently say it is their deepest and most consistent set to date. We jokingly said we could name this the “Rancher 42H Sale” with 10 direct sons of this breed leading sire who was originally purchased and owned by the Fornwald’s. They are perfectly complimented by 2 own sons of the $280,000 Walk The Line 92J and we feel whether you are looking for a red or black, calving ease or performance, these two bulls have done a great job giving you some variety to choose from. The one thing for sure is, these bulls are all very good and give you an opportunity to acquire closely related half or 3/4 brothers to turn into your cows to add some uniformity. These bulls are backed by a very functional, eye appealing and fundamentally sound set of cows with many of them mothered by elite donors in the breed. The DK program has developed these bulls responsibly with longevity and athleticism in mind and we feel that is evident as you walk through the sale bulls. Be sure to make plans and join them on Thursday February 27th for their open house for some hospitality and to view the sale offering and encourage you to give them a call anytime to chat about the bulls and their mothers. If any of us from BMS can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to give us a shout as we would be happy to assist. We look forward to talking to you about this exciting set of bulls!
Best regards,
Bohrson Marketing Team
- Extra Age, Fall born bull
- Great look, long bodied, well balanced, moves like a cat
- ET calf combines the phenotypical donor “Mollydooker” and the powerful donor “Sammie”
- A slam dunk pedigree for excellent udders, overall look and predicitability
$8,750 Darren Dietrich
HOMO POLLED | RED | PTG1465793 | DK 2M | JAN 3, 2024
BW 85 | Adj WW 747 | Adj YW 1400
- Another Embryo calf, sired by the $280,000 Mader Walk The Line 92J - We have full sister in the replacement heifer pen - Long bodied and very stout - Extremely clean fronted
- A real meat and potatoes type of bull - Dam is 12 years old and doesn’t skip a beat, known to have moderate birth weights
- Maternal brothers have sold to Maxwells & Bar NA and Oak Hill
HOMO POLLED | RED | PTG1465797 | DK 9M | JAN 10, 2024
BW 93 | Adj WW 776 | Adj YW 1547
- High performance bull, rugged made - Stout made Mader Walk The Line 92J son - Another embryo calf who has an excellent full sister in the replacement heifer pen
DK 15M 15M
HOMO POLLED | RED | PRS1465812 | DK 15M | JAN 4, 2024
BW 75 | Adj WW 708 | Adj YW 1326
- This ¾ blood bull will be sure to catch your eye - Dark red, well balanced, deep bodied - Moderate birth weight, nice blend of calving ease and performance - Beautiful Red U2 Genesis 103G daughter with excellent udder
- Smooth made, well balanced, long bodied
- He was the challenge of the day in the picture pen, better bull than his photo - Full brother sold to RBD Ranch last year
- Dark red, long bodied, always had a presence to him from a young age - Very complete individual, hard to fault from every aspect
- Always been a favourite here
- Structural correctness second to none
- We flushed his mother this past spring, a cow that has always been a strong producer, excellent footed and strong uddered. Out of the powerful Noremac cow family.
- Maternal brother to our 2L highlight calving ease bull that sold to Bonchuks last year
- Very smooth made, moderate birth weight, very attractive look
- Excellent set of EPD’s with all categories well above averages
- Exceptional dam with excellent udder and cow family that consistently throws low birth weight
- This calf was unfortunately orphaned at a month old but has done very well
- Long bodied, lots of extension through his front end
HOMO POLLED | RED | PG1465828 | DK 36M | FEB 4, 2024
BW 110 | Adj WW 758 | Adj YW 1323
- Captain Scream dam is moderate, tanky cow, a granddaughter of Pocahontas 52N - Top 1% EPD for weaning weight
Maternal Brother DK 10K
- Dark red, hairy - Moderate birth weight - Big weaning weight EPD - Be an excellent choice if you raise replacement females - Excellent uddered dam, dark red, really nice female
- Extremely complete, a bull with a big future, one that is worth your time to evaluate in person
- Only an end of March bull that stills stands out in the pen with bulls that are 2 ½ months older
- Soggy made with loads of character
- Hard to fault, always been a standout
- Backed by an excellent cow family, the “Tyra’s”, same as the 28M bull
- Full sister just calved out and is very ideal, we’d all love a pen full of first calvers like her
to all our we greatly appreciate your support of our program!
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