BOISE weekly
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
TITLE: Highwheeler ARTIST: Matthew Grover MEDIUM: Watercolor, pen and ink, colored pencil. STATEMENT: Ride a bike whenever you can. Remember, it’s faster than walking.
S U B M I T Boise Weekly pays $150 for every published cover plus a $25 gift certificate to Boise Blue Art Supply. We request that all published original covers be donated to a charity cover auction in the fall. Proceeds from the cover art auction will fund a public art opportunity for local artists. Drop your artwork by the BW offices at 523 Broad St. Downtown. (Square format preferred, all mediums including photography accepted.) Artworks not used are available for pickup anytime.
Jim Chu and Kevin Pavlis were hit by cars over a three-week period was After reading the June born out of my frustra24 article in citydesk by tion and anger and that I Nathaniel Hoffman (BW, wasn’t leading any efforts citydesk, “In the Nampa to raise cycling awareness. Mayor’s Race,” June 24, First, to clarify, this 2009), a genetic, non-opeffort wasn’t just born erative male heterosexual, out of my own personal I wondered how gender frustration and anger. A was related to the Nampa number of people helped mayor’s race. If Melissa organize the ride because [Sue Robinson] has the a lot of people had strong qualifications for the office emotions about this, from of Mayor in Nampa or any grief to anger to feeling other city, she should be al- helpless, and the realizalowed a place on the ballot. tion that the deaths that Sexual orientation or gender occurred could have just are not qualifications for as easily been any one of civic office. us or someone we love. Nowhere in the article We wanted to express did I see Tom Dale identi- this in a proactive way to fied as the genetic, nonacknowledge these three operative male heterosex- tragedies, and do someual candidate for Nampa thing we thought would Mayor. Balanced coverage help motivate action. would be a good thing. Second, I think it’s safe —Janice Eby, to say that the people Caldwell involved—the ride organizers, the 85-plus cyclists BIKERS SHOULD who participated in this UNITE ride and the families of Thanks so much for the cyclists who were your article discussing the killed—indeed feel that we ongoing effort to increase were heading up an effort bicycle safety in Boise last to raise cycling awareness week (BW, News, “Critiand improve the cycling cal Mass,” July 1, 2009). infrastructure. I’d like to add a few bits I was dismayed that to it for clarity. The article this ride was opposed by stated that the idea to some cycling clubs. We organize the ride to the are all working toward places where Tom Bettger, the same goal—increasing
TOC BILL COPE . . . . . . . . 7 TED RALL . . . . . . . . . 8 NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 CITIZEN . . . . . . . . . 10 CURIOUS TIMES/ MONDO GAGA . . 12 FEATURE High Voltage . . . . . 13 Recycled Bandwagon 15 8 DAYS OUT . . . . . . 18 NOISE . . . . . . . . . . . 27 ARTS . . . . . . . . . . . 31 SCREEN . . . . . . . . . 34 REC . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 FOOD . . . . . . . . . . . 40 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . 45 WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM
cycling safety in Boise, whether it’s raising awareness, working with law enforcement or pushing for better bike lanes. We need to bring all types of cyclists into the effort together, whether they’re hipsters on fixies, bike commuters, parents of kids who bike, bike club members or racers. The hard work of the folks who are leading these efforts is commendable and clearly making a difference. We’re here to help. —Stuart Bryson, Boise
THE PUBLIC SCHOOL BIAS To be fair, the public school movement in general was founded on some questionable principles (BW, News, “Classical Class,” July 8, 2009). Horace Mann, the “father of American education,” said that the purpose of schools was social engineering and bringing children across the nation into a single sociopolitical world view. If there are questionable ties with the new charter school, then they should be investigated. But please do not pretend that the glorious government schools are free of bias, that they are not attempting to turn each generation into a
INFORMATION Boise Weekly prints 35,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1.00, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. SUBSCRIPTIONS: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. Boise Weekly ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. Address editorial, business and production correspondence to:
Boise Weekly, PO Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701
The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2009 by Bar Bar, Inc. EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Thursday at noon before publication date. SALES DEADLINE: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher. Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi HeddenNicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. All contents copyright Bar Bar, Inc. 2009. BOISE WEEKLY IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER.
TO CONTACT US: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad Street Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail:
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 3
MAIL malleable crowd of followers, easily susceptible to platitudes like “hope” and “change.” And we, the taxpayers, pay an exorbitant price for that product, regardless of whether we will ever use it. I imagine that the only ones who would raise concerns about a school that desires to teach Latin and hold children to a standard long abandoned by the government school movement, contributing to its subsequent decline, are those who fear that children will begin to be “indoctrinated” by a philosophy other than the usual liberal fare. —Publius772000, BW online
RALL HAS A FAN Bless you, Ted. At last, some truth spoken about our new leader that was so full of promises (and himself). I for one would love to see this article in a national newspaper (BW, “Sorry Mr. Bush,” July 8, 2009). Here’s a thought ... Show us some truth that our new prez is a natural born U.S. citizen. You can’t. Biggest cover up yet. He’s not. God help us, we are in such trouble with this guy. He fits right in there with Hitler and Stalin, does he not? Some of us who are not “sheep” can see what he’s up to. Thanks, Ted. Keep them coming. —american62, BW online
is that essentially, people don’t like to think they’re living in a country that’s led by an evil, dictatorial madman. But they are, they are living in Nazi Germany, in Stalinist Russia.” Uh huh. And Obama is somehow worse than this ass you yourself stated is “an evil, dictatorial madman.” ... Hypocritical much, Ted? —karcreat2, BW online
RALL HAS ANOTHER FAN Stick with Rall in good times and in bad. He was a welcome alternative to the standard drivel during the Bush years and now helps me to keep my cynical guard up even when things seem to be improving. If you don’t print him, I’ll go find him on the Web. —GT, BW online
KUDOS KENNEDY Thank you for writing about Joel [Kennedy] and his ongoing quest to shed light on the tomfoolery of Idaho politics. (BW, Citizen, “Joel Kennedy,” July 8, 2009.) —Red State Rebel, BW online
I’ve got a lot of good memories about that place. Back when I used to travel a lot, it was a regular stop to stock RALL HAS A up on things to read on NON-FAN those horrid cross-country Found this random Ted flights. Nice folks, nice quote regarding the guy he store. “misses and respects” ... —Michael Smith, Re: Bush: “My theory Facebook
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
LOSING INDIE BIZ Lots of local indie business could use some help (BW, “Vista Book Galley Closing,” July 10, 2009). I’m afraid that Boise is going to wind up a city of chain stores and franchises. —Bob Hodge, Facebook
ALL THE RAGE I’ve got a Lola, too! (BW, Feature, “What the Cluck?” July 8, 2009.) My three chicks are great and have [laid] three eggs a day for a year. They have personalities and recognize you when you come out although I am sure it is a person [equals] food response. Super fun and practical. North End is great for urban chicks, and chickens, for that matter. —lilyloreh, BW online
RULES LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: 300 words max OPINION: Lengthier, in-depth opinions on local, national and international topics. 600 words max. UÊ iÌÌiÀÃÊ ÕÃÌÊ V Õ`iÊÜÀ ÌiÀ½ÃÊ full name and contact information. UÊ > \Ê editor@boiseweekly com UÊ > \ÊxÓÎÊ À >`Ê-Ì°]Ê Ãi]Ê 83702 UÊ >Ý\ÊÎ{Ó {ÇÎÎ UÊ iÌÌiÀÃÊ> `Ê « ÃÊ >ÞÊLiÊ edited for length or clarity
NOTICE: Ever y item of correspondence, whether mailed, e-mailed, commented on our Web site or left on our phone system's voice-mail is fair game for MAIL unless specifically noted in the message.
THE NEW ECONOMY Finding a new way to view the world
health-care systems, and provide work that accomplishes far more than money. At this tumultuous point in time, we need systemic change that will qualify as a cultural revolution in the history books. And we will e Americans are in the habit of guided by a clear set of core values. Beneath get it, whether intentionally or by default. wanting easy solutions: just give the radar of popular culture, Americans are The choices we are making are much bigger us lists of products we can buy beginning to choose empathy over unquesthan one kind of detergent or another. We and small decisions we can make that will tioned rationality; kindness over aggression; are choosing one value system over another. “save the planet.” Many believe that we resource efficiency over waste; quality over More than we realize, our culture is choosing can responsibly consume our way out of the quantity. We are giving greater value and po- how much weight we will give to the public mess we’re in, that somehow nature will heal litical focus to the public sector and cultural sector (including nature and public assets) itself if our products are stylishly green. But commons, including the environment. We vs. the private sector, with its emphasis on the truth is, even green over-consumption are closing the gap between rich and poor. individual consumption. There are tensions is over-consumption. Our most important Whether we like it or not, change happens. between being consumers or producers of mission now is to get beyond the “simple” And the truth is, it will be far less painful to our lifestyle; active or passive; rational or mentality and fix a broken culture. We need migrate now, culturally, than to stay where intuitive decision-makers; comfortable with to participate in the ratification of a more we are for yet another generation. Our new change or unwilling to budge. sensible value system because the chalchallenge is to choose a sustainable, anthroThere are choices about whether we lenges we face are not primarily technical; pologically sensible pathway for humanity. want a higher ratio of time to money; conthey are social, political, psychological and Because of converging historical currents, the venience or self-reliance; centralized or deanthropological. Our way of life is a social responsibility to catalyze a new era is ours. centralized patterns of living; and whether agreement—not surprising since we are a We need new rules for the game we are we want to shape technology rather than social species. playing, which may mean that competiletting technology shape us. In a revolution, Every society has a collective identity, and tion becomes less important and cooperacitizens question the wholesale destruction the awful truth is ours is obsolete, agreed tion more important. Consider the game of nature, and inequities in the way people upon when we were fewer and the world of Scrabble, typically played as a nerveare treated. They propose new symbols of seemed larger. The best way to save our wracking, competitive game. Yet, the game success, new ways of expressing who we civilization is to devise a different agreement. doesn’t have to be competitive. It is still are and what we want. For example, agree that huge houses and called Scrabble if the goal is a cooperative David Wann is a keynote speaker at Idahigh salaries are no longer symbols of sucmission to use all the tiles. Players can still ho Green Expo at Boise Centre. Wann will cess. We want the respect of our peers, but challenge themselves, but keeping score speak Sunday, July 19, at 3 p.m. on Simple let’s earn it in new ways. From here on, we becomes unnecessary. We are hard-wired Prosperity in the New Economy. He is the need status symbols related to who we are to cooperate, and the act of cooperation co-author of the bestseller Affluenza and and what we do, rather than what we own. actually stimulates the pleasure center in It’s in our collective power to change this our brains. We can prove this with real-time author of Simple Prosperity: Finding Real Wealth in a Sustainable Lifestyle, published agreement, and there’s a lot of evidence we brain scans. We’ll be swimming against are doing just that. anthropological currents if we don’t use this in 2008. He’s now at work on Culture Shift: To be sustainable and satisfying, policies, defining characteristic to change the purpose American Mind. For more information, please visit technologies and everyday choices need to be of our technologies, to create more effective
BOISEWeekly STAFF Jessi Strong Jill Weigel
PUBLISHER Sally Freeman Office Manager Shea Sutton EDITORIAL Editor Rachael Daigle Rachael@ Arts & Entertainment Editor Amy Atkins Features/Rec. Editor Deanna Darr Deanna@ News Editor Nathaniel Hoffman Nathaniel@ Staff Writer Tara Morgan Calendar Guru Elaine Lacaillade 8 Days Out Calendar calendar@ Proofreaders Jay Vail Annabel Armstrong Interns Kristiana Berriochoa, Brady Moore, Ben Wickham Contributing Writers Bill Cope, Travis Estvold, Jennifer Hernandez, David Kirkpatrick, Mathias Morache, Brandon Nolta, Ted Rall, Jeremiah Robert Wierenga ADVERTISING Account Executives Joe Dewey Blake Green Meshel Miller Meshel@ Chelsea Snow Chelsea@
CLASSIFIED SALES Classifieds@ CREATIVE Art Director Leila Ramella-Rader Graphic Designer Katie Luke Adam Rosenlund Contributing Artists Derf, Mike Flinn, Jeremy Lanningham, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Tom Tomorrow, Ben Wilson CIRCULATION Shea Sutton Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town Stan Jackson Distribution Tim Anders, Roy Boehm, Andrew Cambell, Mickey Fehrnstrom, Tim Green, Jennifer Hawkins, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Dennis Nelson, Amanda Noe, Northstar Cycle Couriers, Steve Pallsen, Patty Wade, Jill Weigel BOISE WEEKLY 523 Broad St. Boise, ID, 83702 208-344-2055 fax: 208-342-4733 Boise Weekly is independent and locally owned.
Severe Headaches? Living with headaches is tough. Day after day of being miserable, irritable, and looking a lot older than you really are. The frustration of knowing that your friends and family don’t understand what you’re going through. Add this to doctors’ visits, MRI’s and CT scans which only come back with “normal” results. And that’s not all… trying one medication after another, feeling like you’re on a merry-go-round of drugs. All this is enough to make anyone want to scream! My name is Dr. Dax Sirucek, and I’ve been helping patients with neck tension, headaches and migraines live pain free for years now.
Every week I hear how men and women suffer from severe headaches – statements like… •“I feel like my head is in a vice.” •“My eyes hurt and I feel so drowsy.” •“I have to lay down.” •“I’ve had migraines since childhood.” •“Muscle tension in the neck and pain into the shoulders.”
“I only wished I had found you sooner” I hear this so often, I decided to do something about it and run this ad. I’m running a special offer for those suffering with headaches. Through July $50 will get you all the services I normally charge new patients $240 for!
Just call before August 1 and here’s what you’ll get… An in-depth consultation about your headaches where I will listen…really listen…to the details of your unique situation. A complete neuromuscular and skeletal examination of the head and neck so we can find the problem. A full set of specialized x-rays to determine if posture or joint problems is contributing to your pain. A thorough analysis of your exam and x-rays where we’ll map out how you can get rid of your headaches once and for all. A special report complimenting your recommendations that reveals the foods you should never, ever eat when suffering from chronic headaches. Imagine being able to live life like a normal person again, pain free and without headaches. Being able to play with your kids, enjoy time
with friends, and not have to worry that your headache will hit you at just the wrong time. Call today. I may be able to help you live a normal, pain-free life again. Call 208-345-7262
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 5
skinny dip beer is brewed by new belgium brewing fort collins co
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
BILLCOPE MOUNTAIN SOCIALISM Part III (In Parts I and II, I go to Badger Bob for advice on how to proceed with a column promoting socialized health care, but only succeed in starting a heated argument between Bob and his partner in horseshoes, Hoot—an ardent libertarian and member of MOBBS. Actually, it would be easier for you just to go back and read Parts I and II than for me to try and explain it all. Suffice it to say, I’m having doubts as to whether I’ll ever get a column promoting socialized health care out of all this, and I’m starting to wish I’d stayed home and written a nice little tribute to Karl Malden or Ed McMahon or somebody. But it’s too late now. We rejoin the story as Hoot adamantly defends the competitive nature of free markets ...)
’ll tell you what the solution is to all that gull-durn corporate control your so worried about, Badge. Free market competition. That’s what. Free market competition solves every problem that God don’t wanna mess with Himself!” “Don’t be a sap all your life, Hoot. You know what free market competition amounts to in the health-care industry? It’s every hospital in the goddamn county thinking they have to have the same super-duper miracle machines so’s they can keep up with one another, and then charging the public through the nose so they can pay for the damn things. It’s pharmaceutical companies lobbying lawmakers to extend the patents on their drugs so they can continue to gouge us with those inhuman prices. It’s insurance companies having the freedom to drop your Aunt Kathy as soon as she gets sick because of some bullshit pre-existing condition. It’s the stinking freedom to decide they don’t have to pay for little Timmy’s autism therapy because they refuse to add autism on their approved list, or little Lucy’s tonsillectomy because it’s ‘elective surgery.’ Free market competition, my ass! All free market competition means to those jackals is who wins in the race to bleed the American people dry.” Every few minutes, I’d get an itch to contribute to the discussion. Bob, I would think, wouldn’t now be a good time to remind your buddy Hoot that the United States is the only industrialized country in the world without complete coverage of its citizens? Or, Hoot, did you ever consider how much easier and cheaper it would be for businesses if they didn’t have the administrative hassles of insuring their employees? Or, know something, you guys? ... A growing number of insured Americans can’t even afford the deductibles on the pissy policies they do have. But my penetrating observations languished, unspoken, as I was unable to find even the smallest opening in Bob and Hoot’s debate. This Socratic dialectic thing was my idea, but to my dismay, it had left the station without me. “Tell me something, Hoot. Were you so damned confident in the free markets back when Enron was kicking the crap out of California by manipulating the energy grid? Or how about when we found out that Halliburton bunch was screwing the military out of billions? Did that make you proud of your unfettered laissez faire? Huh? Or what we’re going through now with all these damn banks and such? ... Doesn’t that make you wonder even a little bit if unregulated WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM
commerce ain’t entirely what it’s cracked up to be? You really suppose this is what your precious Adam Smith had in mind?” “Yeah ... well, uh ... just ’cause a glitch or two shows up in the capitalist system don’t mean the whole thing’s junk! And that’s what socialism is. It’s all junk! It ain’t worked nowhere. It didn’t work in Russia. It didn’t work in Cuba. It didn’t work ...” “Hoot,” snarled Bob, “like most ignorant dipshit rightwingers, you’re confusing socialism with communism, which is like saying if a feller has a baked spud with his dinner, that makes him a vegan. And secondly, to one degree of success or another, socialism is working everywhere, including this national forest we’re lucky enough to have around us right now. And if you look real close, you see the reason people started taking a socialist approach to any given problem was because whatever they were doing before either didn’t work or actually caused the problem. So you need to quit thinking with your ideology, for Christ’s sake, and start using your brain!” “Badge? Did you just call me a dipshit?” It was approximately at this point in the conversation—give or take an insult or two, plus the intervention of the owner/ operator of the Come Squat Inn, who refused to allow the two 70-something cranks to get into a fist fight in his horseshoe pit—that I abandoned all hope of getting a socialized medicine column out of my trip to the mountains. I cuddled up on the tattered seat of a nearby derelict Volkswagen and tried to keep up with the discussion, but it was no use. With two quarts of Oly making their way through my brain to my bladder, I conked out. The last thing I remember hearing clearly was Bob explaining to the distraught Hoot that he was a capitalist, too. “Let me see if I have this straight, Badge. You’re a capitalist libertarian socialist?” “I prefer to call myself a socialist libertarian on a capitalist cusp.” (Not so clearly, I remember waking up in the middle of the night, in desperate need of a urinal. The door into the Come Squat was locked but mercifully, there was an accommodating Syringa bush not 10 feet from the Volkswagen. Relieved and ready for more sleep, I crawled back into my nest in the Beetle. But I swear, as I was drifting off, I thought I heard from far off in the woods somewhere the haunting sound of several banjos—a banjo choir, if you will— thumping out a chorus of “Way Down Yonder In New Orleans.”) U Later in the week, I got a call from Bob: “D’ja get your column on socialized medicine done?” “Nope. I gave up. It’s too big for me. Too many things to consider. Too hard. It’ll never get done.” “Yeah, that’s the way the Republicans hope we all see it.” “Bob, seriously. Are you really a libertarian, a socialist and a capitalist?” “You ever do much with your hands, Cope? You know ... like build things or fix things? If you do, then you may have experienced the old truth about finding the right tool for the job. That’s all this is about—finding the right tool for a job that’s gotta get done. And we already know what doesn’t work, don’t we?”
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 7
TEDRALL BARACK MCNAMARA OBAMA Why can’t Obama see his wars are unwinnable?
buzzing overhead, firing missiles willy-nilly at civilians and guerilla fighters alike, dispatched by a distant enemy too cowardly to put live soldiers and pilots in harm’s way? “We burned to death 100,000 Japanese civilians in Tokyo—men, women and children,” McNamara said. “LeMay said, ‘If we’d lost the war, we’d all have been PORTLAND, ORE.—Robert McNamara, McNamara is dead. President Barack prosecuted as war criminals.’ And I think one of the “best and the brightest” techno- Obama is his successor. he’s right. He—and I’d say I—were behaving crats behind the escalation of the Vietnam Some call McNamara’s life tragic. Tragas war criminals.” In all, 900,000 Japanese War, eventually came to regret his actions. edy-inducing is closer to the truth. Yes, he civilians died. But his public contrition, which included suffered guilt in his later years. “He wore the At least Japan started the war. What a book and a series of interviews for the expression of a haunted man,” wrote the au- of Afghanistan and Iraq, where approxidocumentary The Fog of War, were greeted thor of his Times obit. “He could be seen in mately 2 million civilians have been killed with derision. the streets of Washington [D.C.]—stooped, by U.S. forces? Neither country attacked “Mr. McNamara must not escape the his shirttail flapping in the wind—walking us. Shouldn’t George W. Bush, Donald lasting moral condemnation of his countryto and from his office a few blocks from the Rumsfeld and the rest be prosecuted as men,” editorialized The New York Times White House, wearing frayed running shoes war criminals? Why not Obama? After all, in 1995. “Surely he must in every quiet and and a thousand-yard stare.” But the men Obama is leaving 50,000 troops in Iraq prosperous moment hear the ceaseless whis- and women and boys and girls blown up after the war there is supposedly coming pers of those poor boys in the infantry, dying by bombs and mines and impaled by bulto an end. He’s escalating the unjustifiable, in the tall grass, platoon by platoon, for no lets and maimed in countless ways deserve unwinnable tragedy in Afghanistan—there purpose. What he took from them cannot be more vengeance than a pair of ratty Nikes. are 68,000 U.S. troops there now, probably repaid by prime-time apology and stale tears, Neither McNamara nor LBJ nor the millions going up to 100,000 by next year—while three decades late.” of Americans who were for the war merit spreading the conflict into Pakistan. McNamara’s change of heart came understanding, much less sympathy. “Make no mistake, the international 58,000 American and 2 million Vietnamese Now Obama is following the same community is not winning in Afghanistan,” lives too late. If the dead could speak, surely doomed journey. concluded the Atlantic Council in 2008. they would ask: Why couldn’t you see then “We must try to put ourselves inside their Things have only gotten worse as U.S. troop what you understand so clearly now? Why skin and look at us through their eyes,” Mc- presence has increased: more violence, more didn’t you listen to the millions of experts, Namara warned long after the fact, speaking drugs, less reconstruction. journalists and ordinary Americans who of “America’s enemies” but really just about Like McNamara, Obama doesn’t underknew that death and defeat would be the people—people who live in other countries. stand a basic truth: You can’t successfully only outcome? People whose countries possess reserves of manage an inherently doomed premise. CoThough Errol Morris’ film served as ipso natural gas (Vietnam) or oil (Iraq) or are lonialism is dead. Occupiers will never enjoy facto indictment, its title was yet a kind situated between energy reserves and deeppeace. Neither the Afghans nor the Iraqis nor of justification. There is no “fog of war.” sea ports where oil tankers dock (Afghanithe Pakistanis will rest until we withdraw There is only hubris, stubbornness and the stan and Pakistan). our forces. The only success we will find is in psychological compartmentalization that Why can’t President Obama imagine him- accepting defeat sooner rather than later. allows a man to sign papers that will lead self living in a poor village in Pakistan? Why “What went wrong [in Vietnam] was a others to die before going home to play with can’t he feel the anger and contempt felt by basic misunderstanding or misevaluation his children. Pakistanis who hear pilotless drone planes of the threat to our security represented by the North Vietnamese,” McNamara said in his Berkeley oral history. Today’s domino theory is Bush’s (now Obama’s) clash of civilizations, the argument that unless we fight them “there,” we will have to fight them here. Afghanistan and Iraq don’t present security threats to the United States. The presence of U.S. troops and drone planes, on the other hand ... In fairness to McNamara, it only took two years for him to call an end to the bombing of North Vietnam. By 1966, he was advising LBJ to start pulling back. But, like a gambler trying to recoup and justify his losses, the president kept doubling down. “We didn’t know our opposition,” concluded McNamara. “So the first lesson is know your opponents. I want to suggest to you that we don’t know our potential opponents today.” Actually, it’s worse than that. Then, like now, we don’t have opponents. We create them. Ted Rall, president of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists, is author of the books To Afghanistan and Back and Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East?
NOTE Four years ago, I ran a section in BW titled simply, Green. Two columnists, both master gardeners, wrote 800 words each week on how to be a better gardener. Back in those days, we also published an annual Green Issue, in which we’d dedicate the main feature space to something related to Idaho flora. But things change. By 2006, we’d discontinued the Green section and An Inconvenient Truth spurred millions of Americans to reconsider their light bulbs. In 2007, we published the last Green as in growing things “green” feature, and Al Gore picked up an Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize. This is BW’s first issue dedicated to the new era of “Green.” Now is a time when even the country’s president promotes the importance of widespread environmentalism with a new vocabulary—like
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
green-collar jobs and a green economy—and the greenbacks to fund change. Green has become so desired by American consumers that now greenwashing is rampant, and Congress has debated measures to separate the truly green from the phonies. We’ve deliberately timed this issue to coincide with the Idaho Green Expo this coming weekend. It’s only the second annual event, but its founders are the kind of people who implement green changes in their everyday lives. Read about some of those changes in this week’s feature, and for detailed information on the expo, see the Picks on Page 18 or check out the insert in this week’s issue. —Rachael Daigle WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM
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THE LIGHT OF DAY Solar takes root in Idaho
photovoltaic panels. “What we are seeing is an acceptance of the technology, and the cost of that technology going down. People recognize solar works. Now the question is economics,” said Kjellander. He said one program, Solar 4R Schools, may pave the way to a more solarpowered future. As part of this program, 11 Idaho schools from Pocatello to Boise have had solar modules installed on the roofs of their buildings. With stimulus money potentially arriving soon, more schools may soon see modules, too. “Every kilowatt hour of energy schools don’t have to purchase is a dollar taxpayers don’t have to pay,” said Kjellander. While
hris and Rebecca Kastner of CK’s Real Food in Hailey covered the roof of their restaurant in photovoltaic solar modules two years ago. “We want to be part of the solution, not an energy-sucking part of the problem. It’s not a lot, but it’s something,” said Chris Kastner. The panels supply about 15 percent of the energy needs of the restaurant. When they added the modules, Kastner said that CK’s became the first commercial building in the state, other than government facilities, to go solar, a trend he hopes will continue. With advances in technology, dropping costs and a growing awareness of alternative energy, solar is poised to secure a place in Idaho’s future. Solar is already more prevalent than you may think. Dave Brueggemann, solar installer and president of Solar Cascade, took BW on a tour from the North End to Hidden Springs pointing out houses that have the modules. You may not notice them, hidden away in back yards and on roofs to meet the zoning codes, but they’re there. Some even feed energy back into the grid. Brueggemann first got interested in solar back in the 1970s after graduating from college during the Carter administration. However, when Ronald Reagan took office, solar energy took the back burner, and since then, Brueggemann has been waiting for times to change. This Scott Gates, renewable energy specialist at Idaho Power, sees nothing but sunny days for solar power. year alone, residential solar installations have seen a rise in Idaho thanks to a federal tax credit equal to 30 percent of the installation expenditures. this gives students an opportunity to get acquainted firsthand with “I signed more work the first six weeks of 2009 than last year alternative energy, Kjellander also points out that when schools sit altogether. The tax credit makes solar viable for the first time here vacant during the summer, extra energy collected can be fed back since we don’t have a lot of state incentives,” said Brueggemann. into the grid. This will provide data on the efficiency of solar modWhile other Western states have renewable energy programs, ules for potential future usage on government buildings, which may such as the California Solar Initiative or the energy tax credits ofone day persuade state legislators to implement more widespread fered in Oregon, change has been relatively absent in Idaho. use of solar technology. “The overarching issue is that alternative energy is slow to take For Scott Gates, renewable energy specialist at Idaho Power, off here because Idaho has some of the cheapest energy costs in the what will emerge as the dominant technology is still unclear. On country with hydroelectric power,” said Dr. John Gardner, profestop of the Idaho Power building in downtown Boise, 90 solar sor of mechanical engineering at Boise State. Gardner heads the modules supply more than 100 kwh each day. In the desert near Office of Energy Research, Policy and Campus Sustainability and is Grasmere, Idaho Power has an 80-kwh array constructed for the exploring ways to incorporate alternative energy at Boise State. U.S. Air Force, providing “off the grid” power. Some developing “The problem with solar is that it fluctuates with the sun. The solar technologies border on science fiction, such as paint that uses solution is to store the energy, but storage loses some energy in nanotechnology to collect solar. Others are simple innovations, like converting it to another form,” said Gardner, who is working on placing photovoltaic modules on a rotating base that adjusts to a variation of compressed air energy storage as one possible soluface the optimal position of the sun throughout the day. tion. Gardner points out that alternative energy developments also Gates, who assists Idaho Power customers looking to go solar, require industries to manufacture the necessary equipment. said these improvements are heralding in a new wave of converts. One Boise company, Inovus Solar, is going in precisely that “Is there a silver bullet? After 15 years of working with solar, I direction. Inovus has pioneered a solar-powered streetlight that is don’t think so, but there is a lot of silver buckshot. I don’t see any exponentially more energy efficient and environmentally friendly one technology blowing the others out of the water but there are than what is typically found illuminating the corner. lots of little technologies. Solar is improving. Efficiency is up, costs “These look like your normal streetlight. The only difference are down,” he said. is the body of the pole has a built-in solar collector,” said Edam “Solar is gaining interest. I usually get 10 calls a day from Lozano, director of customer solutions. people interested in solar. All sorts of people—nuclear physicists, Inspired by the fact that the 200 million streetlights across lawyers, doctors, insurance salesmen, eye doctors, restaurant the globe each release about 10 tons of carbon dioxide into the owners—are interested. Even with the bad economy and no federal atmosphere, Inovus Solar made a product that reduces the carbon mandates, I don’t see much of a slowdown with solar,” said Gates. footprint and is “off the grid,” less maintenance prone, and nonAccording to Brueggemann, the demographic of solar users is obtrusive in appearance to picky city planners. changing, too. “The streetlights use an amorphous thin film technology. What’s “Prior to this year it was really more medium income and more different is that the light doesn’t have to strike at just the right environmentally aware people. They were doing it for other reaangle because it absorbs light at a variety of angles, which makes it sons than financial. This year we have the environmentally aware more efficient,” said Lozano. While these lights can be seen around but also people interested because it makes financial sense,” said the world, they can also be spotted in action at Eagle Middle Brueggemann. School and the WinCo distribution center in Southeast Boise. For Brueggemann, anywhere there is a roof and not too much Inovus Solar is not the only company in Idaho involved in so- shade, the potential of going solar exists. lar technology. Hoku Scientific and Micron Technology also have “It’s not going to disappear like it did in Carter’s time. Solar is a growing interest, according to Paul Kjellander, administrator of too big, and it’s needed too much. We’re all going to have some the Idaho Office of Energy Resources. Hoku Scientific has a solar form of renewable energy in the future. It’s here to stay, and it’s just division, Hoku Solar, and Micron is exploring manufacturing going to get better and better,” Brueggemann said. WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM
CITYDESK BOISE’S LONGEST RUNNING INDIE BOOKSTORE TO CLOSE Vista Book Gallery, the longest running independent bookstore in Boise, is writing its final chapter this month. The bookstore, which opened in 1976, will close at the end of July. Owner Diane Leaverton told Boise Weekly that she has decided to join her husband in retirement and begin planning a move to northern Idaho, where the couple owns property. The loss of the Bench bookstore means that only two independent bookstores with a focus on new books remain in Boise: Rediscovered Bookshop on Overland Road and A Novel Adventure in downtown Boise. Independent bookstores once numbered in the thousands nationwide, with the American Booksellers Association at a peak of 4,700 members in 1993. After the proliferation of chain stores and Internet sales all but decimated the population of indies by the late ’90s, the ABA has reported an upswing in its membership numbers in recent years that it credits, in part, to buy-local movements across the country. Here in Boise, the closure of Vista Book Gallery is also a blow to local writers. The bookshop had a large selection of material from Idaho writers on its shelves, as well as on its Web site. Leaverton said what she’ll miss most about the bookstore is her customers and, yes, she does have a pretty long list of books to read during retirement. If there’s any good news here, it’s that bookworms can get some decent deals on the bookstore’s inventory. Everything—including the fixtures—is on sale.
RAMMELL’S GOVERNMENT FOR DUMMIES Speaking of books ... Gubernatorial candidate Rex Rammell announced the release of his book last week. A Nation Divided: The War for America’s Soul is available on Rammell’s Web site for the “nominal” fee of $18.95, which includes shipping. Of course, if you can do without the paper and the hardback, free e-copies are also available on the Web site (although citydesk couldn’t find one so we had to look through the 165-page attachment that accompanied the e-mailed press release). The book isn’t exactly the kind of material Barnes & Noble would expect to make a mint off of, but Rammell’s press team said as much: “Dr. Rammell did not write the book in hopes of becoming a rich and famous author ...” The preface starts off, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible ... No; the Pledge of Allegiance should say one nation under God, divisible ... with fading hopes of liberty and justice for all.” It doesn’t sound like the kind of feel-good, based-on-a-semi-true-story book that Oprah’s fans go gaga for. But if there’s any doubt left in your mind as to where Rammell stands on key issues after his 2008 run for the Senate seat now occupied by Jim Risch, A Nation Divided should sum it up on everything from illegal immigration to wolves. Final conclusion? We’re divided. —Rachael Daigle
war in Iraq U.S. CASUALTIES: As of Monday, July 13, 2009, 4,326 U.S. service members (including 31 Idahoans) have died since the war in Iraq began in March 2003: 3,460 in combat and 866 from non-combat-related incidents and accidents. Injured service members total 31,430. In the last week, five U.S. soldiers died. Since President Barack Obama was inaugurated on Jan. 20, 97 soldiers have died. Source: U.S. Dept. of Defense IRAQI CIVILIAN DEATHS: Estimated between 92,489 and 100,971. Source: COST OF IRAQ WAR: $879,049,374,001 Source:
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 9
When Pat Ford speaks, people listen. Whether he is introducing Sen. Mike Crapo to a room full of anti-nuclear activists or holding forth on the ways global warming is changing the movement, Ford brings history, poetry and vision to his view of the environment. Ford, a writer and one-time editor at High Country News, is the executive director of Save Our Wild Salmon, a large coalition of Northwest salmon and steelhead conservation groups. He has been involved in the conservation movement since the late 1970s, when he became an early leader of the Idaho Conservation League. BW talked to him about the history of the green movement in Idaho and where it is going. You call yourself a conservationist rather than environmentalist. Why? I’ll tell you what it is for me. A) I just like the word better. Environmentalism is such a mechanical word. I don’t like it. Conservation is a smoother word, and it’s got the word “serve” embedded in it, and I think that’s a better way to view what I do, than to have the word “mental” embedded in it. “Iron” and “mental” don’t make sense for me as good words for what I try to do. Second, is that word goes back to the tradition of the hunting-and-fishing oriented conservation that was sort of the Teddy Roosevelt conservation. And that’s what conservation was in Idaho in the ’30s and ’40s; it came out of the hunting and fishing community, the Idaho Wildlife Federation. How did you become a conservationist? I grew up in Idaho Falls. My folks weren’t outdoors people. I didn’t really realize growing up what Idaho was and how unique it was until I moved away for college. I went to college in New York City. And that’s what really got me. And it was that experience of getting out of Idaho and then deciding that I wanted to come back that sort of made me see Idaho for the first time. And once I got back from college, this was in the late ’60s, early ’70s, that was the time when what I’ll call the professionalizing, or the phase I think we’re still in, of Idaho conservation started. Where it began to move from basically a hunting-and-fishing oriented conservation to one that was about a broader range of issues ... And all the laws were passed back then: Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act. Are Reps. Simpson and Crapo’s wilderness proposals in the same line of conservation work as yours? I think it’s a combination of things.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
There’s clearly a similarity, a consistency. Frank Church was a champion of the wilderness, for preserving wild lands for the future, and Mike Crapo and Mike Simpson, especially now with Larry Craig gone, have responded to that and say things that you could imagine coming out of Frank Church’s mouth relative to wild land ... Another similarity is that the people of the state are putting a demand upon the politicians to do things, and politicians of either party react to people’s demands. Most people in Idaho wanted Frank Church to designate wilderness in the ’70s. Most people today wanted Mike Crapo to protect some of the Owyhees. There’s also obviously a difference. The difference is that both Simpson and Crapo, in very different ways … from their point of view, solve some other issues, not just wilderness. So that’s where you get to the fact that the Owyhee bill was supported by Owyhee Cattlemen, because it helped solve some issues for them that relate to access and money, largely. And why the White Clouds bill, if it passes, will also solve some issues as it relates to Stanley, Challis and rural areas up there in terms of economic development. That kind of stuff was not part of the wilderness bills that Frank Church passed. That didn’t mean he didn’t attend to those issues. He did. What he largely did was leave areas out of wilderness. Does having ranchers support wilderness now change your job? Yes. The good is, what that means in part is that the conservation ethic is now fairly broadly and deeply established in many constituencies or publics in Idaho. It’s not just among hunters and fishermen or among professional people coming in to Idaho. It’s among farmers and ranchers, it’s among everyday citizens, it’s in rural areas as well as urban areas. It’s pretty broad, and I think a bunch of that has to do with schooling and age. People have died off that were the original battlers around these things, and so that’s a good thing in my view. The challenges are that there’s a lot more voices now. There’s a lot more voices saying “I’m a conservationist, I care about conservation and here’s what I think.” And what they think is a much broader range than it used to be. Cattlemen can now legitimately, in my view, call themselves conservationists and have a legitimate say in saying, “but here’s what I think conservation is. My cows are a part of conservation.” Now, that
doesn’t mean I agree, but they’re saying it, as opposed to saying, “you environmentalists are wackos, I don’t give a damn about you,” they’re saying, “I’m with you in my way, and here’s my way.” How does the consumerist “green” movement relate to this trajectory? So there was always in Idaho, since I’ve been involved ... the personal ethic in conservation which wasn’t restricted to those who considered themselves conservationists, of wanting to live by their principles. But I think it’s clearly now something that is bigger and broader ... I know in the early years of the Idaho Conservation League, when I worked there, we gave less attention to how we ourselves operated our own lives, personal choices ... We gave less attention to that than to policies, laws and regulations. So there’s more attention now by the organized conservation folks to habits, behaviors, consumer choices, business decisions. We never thought much in the ’70s or the early ’80s of working much with Idaho businesses ... Now there is a very deliberate effort by people like Justin Hayes at ICL to work with businesses, whether it’s Idaho Power Company or whoever, to try to accomplish good goals, knowing that those businesses are likely to be approachable … So that’s “new” in the sense that it’s now broader and bigger. It fits well in Idaho because at least there is the … self image of Idahoans that they’re independent, making their own decisions … I think that there is some level of bogusness in that, but at the same time, I get it … The fact that you can use your own choices to further the cause of the Earth or your children is, I think, something that appeals to Idahoans regardless of party, regardless of whether they’ve been here all their life or just moved in. Read more of the Ford interview at
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 11
ANOTHER REASON TO BLAME YOUR PARENTS FOR YOUR CRUMMY LIFE A study by scientists claims that the more “unpopular, uncommon or feminine� a boy’s name, the greater his chances of starting a life of crime and ending up in jail some day. After analyzing more than 15,000 names, the researchers concluded that boys with these types of names are more likely to be ridiculed by their peers and face workplace discrimination. This, in turn, causes them to engage in socially delinquent behavior. Among the most troublesome names (at least for North American children) are Alec, Ernest, Garland, Ivan, Kareem, Luke, Malcolm, Preston, Tyrell and Walter. A previous study published by the University of British Columbia last year calculated that for every 10 percent increase in the popularity of a name, there is an associated 3.7 percent decrease in the number of troublemaking kids with that name. (Orlando Sentinel)
SHITTY MEDICINE Entrepreneurs in India are cashing in on the latest hot item on the streets of New Delhi—health cures made out of cow urine and dung. “You won’t believe how quickly some of the products sold out,� says Manoj Kumar, who sells a wide variety of cure-alls, including a “multi-utility pill� that claims to cure anything from diabetes to piles to “ladies’ diseases,� and a liquid medicine that claims to battle cancer, hysteria and irregular periods. Along with the medicines made from cow dung and cow urine, a wide range of health products are also gaining popularity, including cow dung toothpaste, detergents, a skin-whitening cream, baldness and obesity cures, soap and a cow urine antiseptic aftershave. And, from the “Gee, your hair smells atrocious� department, the inventor of the cow-dung detergent next hopes to create a cream that will help stop hair loss. (The Telegraph)
JUST THINK: NO TAXES IN JAIL Or, if you’re done with school and running your own business but still want to cheat the system, you can head over to falseexpense. com, where they will create a batch of fake receipts that you can deduct from your taxes. You send them a range of dates and the city you live in, and they will create a full set of authentic-looking receipts for airfare, hotel, meals and anything you else you think you might be able to use during your tax audit.
TRIPPY TRIPS The creators of a new Web site called Atlas Obscura are looking for input from anyone who can help them ďŹ ll their atlas with “singular, eccentric, bizarre, fantastical and strange outof-the-way places that get left out of traditional travel guidebooks and are ignored by the average tourist.â€? Or if you don’t know of any such places, the atlas already has dozens of entries, including miniature cities, gigantic aming holes in the ground, bone churches and phallological museums. Go plan your next adventure at
YOU MAY NOW SNIFF THE BRIDE’S ASS A Ghanaian woman married her dog last week after deciding that it was the only being on earth who displayed the qualities she was looking for in a husband. “I’ve been in relationships with so many men and they are all the same—skirt-chasers and cheaters. My dog is kind and loyal to me and he treats me with so much respect.� The wedding was attended by curious onlookers from her village but boycotted by her family, who called the marriage “a stupid step to combat her loneliness.� (Ananova)
HEY! FREE TRIP TO TIBET Turkish television has created a new reality show in which various religious leaders will try to convert atheists to their belief systems. The show will pit a Greek Orthodox priest, a rabbi, an imam and a Buddhist monk against each other as they each lead a group of atheists on pilgrimages to Mecca, Tibet and Jerusalem. (CBC)
Next semester will be a little bit easier now that you can go to corrupted-ďŹ and order a corrupt computer ďŹ le that you can hand in to your professor the next time you partied INTERNET FACT OF THE WEEK too hard and need some extra time to ďŹ nish On one square inch of human skin, there your assignments. “Don’t hand in garbage paper,â€? advises the Web site, when you can hand are 20 million microscopic creatures. in a perfectly corrupted homework assignment More bizarro news at for just $5.95.
October 29 - 31, 2009 in Sun Valley, Idaho UĂŠ-ÂŤi>ÂŽiĂ€ĂƒĂŠ>˜`ĂŠ*>˜iÂ?Ăƒ UĂŠ/ÂœĂ•Ă€ĂŠÂœvĂŠ Ă€iiÂ˜ĂŠ œ“iĂƒ UĂŠ Ă?…ˆLÂˆĂŒĂŠ >Â?Â? UĂŠ Ă€iiĂŠ*Ă•LÂ?ˆVĂŠ >Ăž Exhibit Hall Booths and Sponsorship Opportunities are available.
208-726-2777 12
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
HIGH VOLTAGE some boise drivers aren’t waiting for car manufacturers to make an electric car
egardless of the combination of cars parked at the Front 5 Building on Broad Street in downtown Boise each day, one car in particular stands out from the rest. Parked in the spot closest to the front door is a banana yellow Ford Festiva that’s probably seen better days. Despite its age, the body is in decent shape with only a few dents and dings. Four shiny rims look oddly out of place on the worn tires, and the subcompact’s back bumper, cracked in one corner, has faded to a dusty gray after years in the sun. On the back of the car are stickers that read “Renewable Energy is Homeland Security,” “Support Your Local Revolution” and “Plug into Renewable Energy,” and just under the back window, a Peter Maurin quote says: “Creating the new in the shell of the old.” A few things, however, tip off the observant passerby that this particular Festiva is not a run-of-the-mill clunker held together by the glue of its progressively bent bumper stickers. For starters, its Idaho vanity plates read “SUNCAR1.” And there are the words “zero emissions” and “solar charging” on the back of the car. The biggest clue,
however, is on the Festiva’s roof, which is covered by four solar panels. Peek inside the driver’s window at the instrument panel and you’ll see two gauges measuring amps and volts. Peer into the back window and you’ll find a tiny trunk compartment packed with batteries. If you’re a Jimmy Kimmel fan, you may have seen the Festiva along with its owner, John Weber, on national television. In a skit, one of Kimmel’s assistants interviewed the Boise resident, who is ultimately “blown up” by his battery-powered creation for a laugh. Weber retrofitted the Festiva three years ago for himself, but for the last month and a half, Modus architect Bruce Poe, whose office is in Front 5 Building, has been driving it, pushing the car to its limits in order to better understand its weaknesses. “I’m going to upgrade the batteries and put more power into it to give it a little bit of range because John kept it at the cheaper, lower end of the power spectrum. Now the batteries are getting old, so I’m researching batteries to find a good battery that would replace the lead acid batteries,” said Poe. Although the Festiva is wellsuited as an around-town car, Poe wants to give it a power boost so that his son can
by rachael daigle
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 13
Nearly everything marketed to consumers— from salad dressing to real estate—is touted as being green. Next time you take a stroll through the grocery aisle, count the number of times you see the words “all natural,” “organic” or “recycled” on food and household products. Then check out the ingredients list and see how many words you can’t pronounce (see Food Page 40). Better yet, look to see what percentage of any given “recycled” product—say, your toilet paper—is actually made from recycled paper. One percent? One hundred percent? It’s anyone’s guess unless you do your homework. And if you don’t do your homework, chances are you’ll be greenwashed sooner or later. According to Canadian environmental marketing firm TerraChoice, which has gained visibility for its study on environmental claims in consumer marketing, “greenwashing” is “the act of misleading consumers regarding the environmental practices of a company or the environmental benefits of a product or service.” TerraChoice has identified seven greenwashing “sins” product manufacturers commit in an attempt to attract consumers’ attention. We’ve reprinted them here with permission from TerraChoice, and locally, you’ll soon be able to find information on businesses offering energysaving and green product alternatives thanks to a partnership among GreenWorks Idaho, the Better Business Bureau and the Idaho Office of Energy Resources. 1. Sin of the Hidden Trade-off. Committed by suggesting a product is “green” based on an unreasonably narrow set of attributes without attention to other important environmental issues. Paper, for example, is not necessarily environmentally preferable just because it comes from a sustainably harvested forest. Other important environmental issues in the paper-making process, including energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and water and air pollution may be equally or more significant. 2. Sin of No Proof. Committed by an environmental claim that cannot be substantiated by easily accessible supporting information or by a reliable third-party certification. Common examples are facial or toilet tissue products that claim various percentages of post-consumer recycled content without providing any evidence. 3. Sin of Vagueness. Committed by every claim that is so poorly defined or broad that its real meaning is likely to be misunderstood by the consumer. “All-natural” is an example. Arsenic, uranium, mercury and formaldehyde are all naturally occurring and poisonous. “All natural” isn’t necessarily “green.” 4. Sin of Irrelevance. Committed by making an environmental claim that may be truthful but is unimportant or unhelpful for consumers seeking environmentally preferable products. “CFC-free” is a common example, since it is a frequent claim despite the fact that CFCs are banned by law. 5. Sin of Lesser of Two Evils. Committed by claims that may be true within the product category, but that risk distracting the consumer from the greater environmental impacts of the category as a whole. Organic cigarettes are an example of this category, as are fuel-efficient sport-utility vehicles. 6. Sin of Fibbing. The least frequent sin, is committed by making environmental claims that are simply false. The most common examples were products falsely claiming to be Energy Star certified or registered. 7. Sin of Worshipping False Labels. Committed by a product that, through either words or images, gives the impression of a thirdparty endorsement where no such endorsement actually exists. —Rachael Daigle Visit for more information.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
John Weber takes Sparkee for a drive.
use it as daily transportation, but it needs to be able to better climb the long and steep grade to his house in Warm Springs Mesa. Poe would like to install a nickel metal hydride battery, the kind used in hybrid cars, but the U.S. manufacturer he’s spoken with hasn’t expressed much interest in dealing with a lone ranger in Boise trying to upgrade a retrofitted car. Weber, too, has been stymied by a similar problem trying to produce electric cars in larger numbers in Boise. At Westside Body Works on Five Mile Road, Weber and his boss, Tim Wallace, spent a recent afternoon installing an aluminum heat sink in “Sparkee,” a white, two-door Toyota Tercel the pair gutted and retrofitted during the Fourth of July weekend last year. Wallace, who’s been in the auto body business for almost three decades, did the metal fabrication and Weber tackled the electrical work using tricks he learned on sailboat electrical systems. Unlike the Festiva, Weber and Wallace built Sparkee using far more expensive, yet far safer, dry cell batteries. And, unlike the Festiva, Sparkee doesn’t have solar panels on its roof. Two round solar fans have been mounted on the hood to help cool off the batteries in the engine compartment, but Sparkee’s batteries rely entirely on a good, old-fashioned plug in to the wall—three plugs, in fact, which pull out from the locked door where the gas tank once was. After putting Sparkee together, Wallace and Weber calculated that a two-man team could build an electric car in a single day if they were able to standardize the process using gliders, new cars that are complete but missing their engines and fuel systems. Wallace and Weber approached several car manufacturers hoping to purchase gliders without any branding, but none were responsive. “At the end of the day, it’s a money issue,” said Wallace. With the impending 2010 debut of an all-electric car from Chevy, the recent rollout of Teslas and news that Ford, Mitsubishi and Nissan will soon offer ell-electric cars, Wallace said he believes there is about to be a changing of the guard in the car business. Manufacturers who don’t evolve with the electric car business will fall by the wayside while new power players emerge. In addition, the industry built around supplying combustion pieces—everything from spark plugs to oil filters—will also face financial demise in the wake of a large-scale push toward electric. That push, Wallace and Weber agree, will only happen if the American public is behind it. For now, though, the Tesla’s more than $100,000 price tag is cost prohibitive, and most Americans still prefer the mileage security and luxury that a retrofitted electric car cannot offer.
Weber took Sparkee out for a drive after installing the heat sink, and the car was almost completely silent as it rolled south on Five Mile Road. Aside from a nearly inaudible whir and the sporadic click of the connector engaging the batteries, the only sound Sparkee made was that of its wheels on the pavement. As he shifted the car out of second gear (Sparkee no longer has a clutch and the gear shift works differently than before the conversion), Weber said he believes electric vehicles will be a regular sight on the road within five to 10 years. Greg Otero, Sparkee’s owner and the executive director of GreenWorks Idaho, the organization behind Idaho Green Expo, is equally optimistic that electric vehicles are a sure thing in the near future. “Some people won’t take this leap yet, but it really is a big deal,” Otero said about the switch from gas to electricity. “Gasoline consumption really is bad for the planet and if you can avoid it as much as you can, I think it’s a good thing to do.” Otero said he knows of six or eight electric cars on the road in Boise, and although ZEVs—zero emissions vehicles—are exempt from emissions testing in Ada County’s registration process, BW was unable to find an official count on how many ZEVs are registered in Idaho. The city said it has issued five ZEV parking permits, which allow ZEV owners to park free downtown, but the Festiva for example, does not have one. At the Idaho Green Expo this weekend, Sparkee and the banana yellow SUNCAR1 will be among a display of vehicles powered by alternative means. Poe, who is the president of GreenWorks Idaho and the co-founder of Idaho Green Expo, will also display his silver and black electric Vetrix motorcycle. Weber, who is a board member at GreenWorks Idaho and has humorously been dubbed “the greenest person in Idaho” by friends, will also be ambling around the expo this weekend. In addition to the Festiva and Sparkee, Weber built a passive solar house with solar electric power, which he recently sold, and he’s just purchased a new house that he intends to “green-over.” He’s been featured on several TV shows (that are far more serious than Jimmy Kimmel) and has written a brochure detailing a three-step plan—starting with free and simple ways—to green your home regardless of your income bracket. For a primer on building an electric car prior to the Idaho Green Expo this weekend, visit GreenWorks Idaho’s Web site, where the story of Sparkee is documented with before-andafter photos, as well as an accompanying blow-by-blow explanation. For a full list of events and details on Idaho Green Expo this weekend, see the insert in this week’s Boise Weekly. WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM
or years, environmentalists have been preaching the importance of recycling, but all the good advice in the world doesn’t make much of a difference if no one follows it. The City of Boise is hoping that by making recycling easier, more residents will jump on the biodegradable bandwagon. The city and its trash service contractor, Allied Waste, are just a few weeks into the introduction of a revamped trash and recycling program, to which they have given the marketable name Curb It. Soon all Boise streets will be lined with gray and blue, city-approved trash and recycling cans each trash day. The new containers mean trash pickup will be almost fully automated and residents will no longer have to sort their recyclables. The no-sort recycling option was one of the top priorities identified three years ago by a citizens’ advisory committee looking at solid waste issues in the City of Trees. It’s also the first of the action items the city can check off its to-do list, said Vince Trimboli, spokesperson for the City of Boise Public Works Department. And the program seems to be getting the attention of the non-recyclers in the community. Of the roughly 67,000 households the city bills, 60,000 are participating in the recycling program—an increase of roughly 3,000 in just the last few months. “The reception has been fabulous,” said Rachele Klein, manager of business
development at Allied Waste. “The community is thirsty for change as far as recycling and green changes.” While some believe the change to a no-sort recycling program was a result of abysmal participation in Boise, Klein said the city has always been a recycle-friendly sort of place. In fact, thanks to the change over, Allied Waste learned there were more households recycling than were signed on to the program. Klein speculates that people had somehow ended up with one of the old blue recycling tubs and started putting them on the curb. Now, those people are calling wondering where their new recycling bins are. No-sort recycling is also designed to increase the volume of materials being recycled. Klein said while many people might have only recycled newspapers or cans before, they are now dumping everything possible in the containers. “People were uncertain about the sort program, so they held back,” Klein said. Recycled materials are now collected and baled in massive, mixed lots and then shipped to a processing facility in Oregon. The bales are then broken open and automatically sorted using a combination of powerful magnets, screens, optic scanners and air pressure. “They’re different than the old sort lines,” Klein said.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 15
Allied Waste’s Rachele Klein shows off the new containers the company hopes will get more people recycling.
Recyclers still need to hold back the glass and take it to a recycling center themselves, but one exclusion to the throw-it-all-in rule that has caught attention from the public is yard waste. In many large cities with recycling programs, like Portland, Ore., yard waste is collected in a separate bin, which is then taken to a composting facility. But surprisingly, in Boise the greener option is to continue to take it to the landfill. “The current EPA model does not support a green waste program,” Klein said. Reason No. 1: the methane gas collection program at the Hidden Hollow Sanitary Landfill. The area’s landfill uses technology to capture methane gas caused by decomposing organic material. The methane is then burned to create electricity. The cost of purchasing a third fleet of trucks to pick up yard waste, combined with the cost of losing methane-production potential, would actually offset the benefits of running a yard waste program, Klein said. “It’s not bad to send grass to the trash,” she said. Still, residents are being encouraged to compost at home. As part of the initial rollout of the trash program, customers had the chance to buy composters at a reduced rate, and Klein said many people took advantage of the offer. Additionally, both the city and Allied Waste’s composting information Web sites have seen a dramatic increase in hits. The city is also trying to address the yard waste issue—as well as heavy trash weeks— through the use of an overflow sticker. Each residential customer is given five free overflow stickers every year that can be placed on old trash cans or bundled batches of branches. Trash crews will pick up the stickered items. Additional overflow stickers can be purchased for $1 each. Also, during the week after Christmas and the last week of April, customers can set out as much trash as they want (as long as it’s in a container) free of charge. The city will also continue to offer free bagged leaf pickup in the fall, as well as Christmas tree removal. And while the overflow options help, Trimboli said it’s still not the ideal. In accordance with the wishes of the previous citizen advisory group, the city is considering building some sort of composting facility within the next three to five years, he said. But a new program means breaking decades-long habits. No longer can trash bags be set out on the sidewalk, nor can heaping trash cans be left precariously balanced on curbs. Trash has to fit inside the can, with the lid closed. Additionally, curbside recycling service will only come around once every other week. So far, Klein said she’s been impressed by how well people are following their trash collection Ps and Qs, although the every-
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
other-week schedule seems to have confused some customers. Trimboli admitted there have been a few hiccups during the rollout process, but overall, customers have been excited to get their new containers. Unfortunately, those who ordered cans smaller than the standard 95-gallon size are having to wait a little longer. Crews delivering the 65- and 48-gallon sizes have fallen behind schedule, due partially to the fact that far more people requested the smaller size than expected. “That’s good,” Trimboli said. “That means we have a lot of people who don’t put out a lot of trash.” Residents will have the chance to exchange their containers for different sizes for no charge in September and October, although anyone who wants the smallest size may have to wait a while. Trimboli said only enough of the 48-gallon cans were brought in to cover the pre-orders. For the time being, Boise is the only city in Idaho to switch over to the no-sort recycling program, but other cities in the Treasure Valley are carefully watching to see how it goes. Klein said Allied Waste has already seen “significant interest” from Eagle, Garden City, Nampa and Star, as well as unincorporated Ada County. Additionally, Trimboli said the City of Meridian is close to launching a similar program. Klein proudly points to the fact that Boise has the first fleet of trucks in the state to run on compressed natural gas. Allied has 10 of the trucks running in the area, and as older trucks are retired, they will be replaced by the cleaner-burning versions. Allied is also building Boise’s first on-site compressed natural gas fueling station, with plans of adding a public-accessible pump within the next year. The company has also partnered with the Treasure Valley Clean Cities Coalition to submit an EPA grant to fund new infrastructure and cleaner trucks in Canyon County. As the residential recycling program gets going, Allied is switching its focus to getting more businesses to recycle. The company has recently hired a recycling representative to work with businesses to show them their recycling options. The effort has resulted in 50 new businesses joining the program in the last month. Boise City Hall is also serving as the prototype of a new program called Go Green at Work, which places recycling containers in all work spaces. The effort has led to a 35 percent increase in recycling at City Hall, Trimboli said. Still, the most common call he has received lately has been people wondering when they’ll get their new trash carts. For more information on the program, visit WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM
FOOD, FUN, FIESTA HAPPY HOUR M–F 4–6 p.m. Buy 1 drink, get 1 free. $3 All-You-Can-Eat Taco Bar! * AFTER WORK (& ALIVE AFTER 5)
WEDNESDAY Buy any Margarita, get 1 FREE! * Wed, 4 p.m.- Close
*Cantina Only Boise Towne Square 8th Street Marketplace
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 17
MTTheory hosts two-on-two break dance battles.
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RAFFLE PRIZES AT THE IDAHO GREEN EXPO 1. Energy Star washer and dryer, $3,100, R.C. Willey 2. Eco Green Bed, $3,000, R.C. Willey 3. Web site development, $2,000, Eagles Consulting Inc. 4. Scooter, $1,600, Idaho House of Scooters 5. Eco-friendly backyard concept design, $1,500, Brookside of Idaho 6. Trek Lime Bicycle, $589, Idaho Mountain Touring 7. One year of passes for ValleyRide bus, $432 —Source:
16 THURSDAY IGNITE BOISE 2 A few months back, anyone with a novel idea, a major gripe or information to share was invited to submit projects for the second Ignite Boise. The submissions were mulled over, and the most titillating, creative and thought-provoking presentations made the cut. The chosen will have five minutes and 20 slides to present their ideas. Some of the topics for the second go-around include what to do if you encounter a bobcat in the wild, the rich history of Turkish coffee and tips on the art of bartering. Early admission tickets got snatched up as soon as they were offered on the Web site, so if you don’t have a ticket, arrive early for a chance to get in during general admission. Once the theater is at capacity, you’ll have to wait until the next Ignite Boise event. 6:30 p.m., FREE, Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-0454.
Po is just an average Kung Fu Panda with one heck of a high kick.
17 FRIDAY 19 SUNDAY BUSSES, BUGS AND KARMANN GHIAS The largest Volkswagen show in Idaho is the Bus Pilots Association 15th Annual Family Reunion. The three-day event starts with a kick-off dinner and cruise at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, July 17, at the Sonic Drive-In (851 N. Orchard St.) in Boise. The Adolf Heckendorf Memorial Road Rally on Saturday, July 17, begins at 10 a.m. at the Boise Depot (2603 Eastover Terrace). This navigational road rally pits pilot and co-pilot against other sets of VW navigators in a mad dash around the streets of Boise using a route map to collect clues. All the friendly competition is followed by a leisurely float down Indian Creek in Kuna, which is open to the public. On Sunday, Ann Morrison Park fills with VW owners and those who like to look at all the custom, vintage and tricked-out VWs. Attendees are encouraged to pack a cooler and bring a chair to hang out for a day of music by All We Are, vendors, raffles, participant-judged classes and an awards presentation for the sweetest VW ride. Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., FREE, Ann Morrison Park, Americana Boulevard, Boise.
17 FRIDAY IT’S A B-BOY WORLD Break dancers spin, contort and freeze to show off their moves on the shiny wood floor during MTTheory’s Break Theory VI, a two-on-two break dance battle that plays out in front of a live audience. Contestants compete for props and a $200 cash prize. DJ Noah Hyde works the turntables, local hip-hop artist Eleven performs and the battle is hosted by Origin and TImbukII from Kamphire Collective. Word on the street is that a couple of breakers will make the trek up from Utah and spur the competition locally. 9 p.m., $5, Neurolux, 111 N. 11th, Boise, 208-343-0886.
18 SATURDAY MOVIES UNDER THE STARS Catch a flick projected on a 25-foot by 14-foot inflatable movie screen in Julia Davis Park. The family friendly, animated movie Kung Fu Panda features the voices of Jack Black, Jackie Chan and Angelina Jolie and begins at dusk. Remember to bring a blanket, bug spray and a flashlight to find your way back to the designated parking. Picnics are welcome (pack it in, pack it out), or hit up the vendors for food and drinks. Before the movie starts, the Boise Parks and Recreation Mobile Recreation Van helps entertain the kiddos. 7 p.m., FREE, 208-384-4240, Gene Harris Bandshell in Julia Davis Park, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise.
WANT IN 8 DAYS OUT? Include: Time, price, location/venue, address, phone number and any other pertinent info. Incomplete entries are a no-no. All listings are on a space available basis. E-mail (preferred): Mail: 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 FAX: (208) 342-4733 Your listing must be in our office by noon the Thursday before publication. Questions? Call our Calendar Guru at (208) 344-2055 or e-mail calendar@
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
Get on the bus and check out all the Volkswagens at the Bus Pilots Association 15th annual Family Reunion.
18 SATURDAY –EARTH-FRIENDLY 19 SUNDAY EXPO On the first day of the second-annual Idaho Green Expo, hop on a ValleyRide bus for free, or ride your bike both days and receive free valet bike parking. Affordable green tips and sustainable living are the main focus for the event that includes different ways to keep it local with products, goods and services. Feast your eyes on a selection of electric vehicles that have been converted from gas hogs to clean machines. Speakers include Boise Mayor David H. Bieter, along with other area mayors, representatives from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Yellowstone environmental protection specialists, filmmakers and activists. Raffles occur throughout the weekend, and there’s even an opportunity to get your brew on at the Eco Brew Festival (Saturday, July 18, 4-10 p.m., and Sunday, July 19, noon-7 p.m.) pouring in conjunction with the Idaho Green Expo. Sample regional beer and wine and hear music by local artists. Admission to the Eco Brew Festival is $10 and includes a souvenir mug and the chance to sample eight different beverages. Saturday, July 18, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., and Sunday, July 19, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE admission to Idaho Green Expo, Boise Centre on the Grove, 850 W. Front St., Boise,
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| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 19
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Liberally, an organization that is all about fostering progressive communities through social networks and events. Third Wednesday of every month, 7 p.m., Ha’ Penny Irish Pub and Grill, 855 Broad St., Ste. 250, Boise, 208-343-5568.
WORKSHOPS FESTIVALS & EVENTS & CLASSES SNAKE RIVER STAMPEDE—The rodeo includes bronc riding, barrel racing and Miss Rodeo Idaho. Before the main event, check out the mutton busting nightly at 7:30 p.m. The theme on Wednesday, July 15, is Rodeo Tough Enough for Pink Night; Rodeo Patriot Night is Thursday, July 16; and on Friday, July 17, it’s Extreme Rodeo Night. Family day is Saturday, July 18, with a matinee at 12:30 p.m. (no alcohol will be served at this event) and the Snake River Stampede wraps up on Saturday, July 18, with Rodeo Finals Night. The full schedule of events is available at www.snakeriverstampede. com. 8 p.m., $8.75-$27.50 Tue.-Thu.; $6.75-$18.50 Sat. matinee; $11.50-$31.50 Fri.-Sat. evening, Idaho Center, 16200 Idaho Center Blvd., Nampa, 208-468-1000, www. WOMEN ONLY LINGERIE SHOW—Only women are invited to attend a unique, runway-style French lingerie show accompanied by a live house DJ. The entrance fee will be credited to your order at Cazba. 7 p.m., $10. Cazba, 211 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208381-0222,
ON STAGE THE COMEDY OF ERRORS— The Shakespearean farce full of mistaken identities and crazy characters is one of the Bard’s best-known comedies with a plot that follows the uprising at the port of Syracuse after twin brothers and their twin servants are reunited after 30 years apart. ISF puts a twist on the production by staging a version of the play set in Brazil during Carnival. 8 p.m., $21-$29, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-429-9908, box office 208-336-9221, www.
FOOD & DRINK DRINKING LIBERALLY—A group of left-leaning individuals gather to talk politics, share ideas and inspire change. The event is a project of Living
TECHNOLOGY CLASSES—Job seekers and adults are encouraged to register for a series of free technology classes. If you don’t know a mouse from a USB cable, these classes will teach you to be tech savvy in no time. The class is Resume Building and Posting and includes an introduction to creating digital resumes and posting them online. 8-8:45 p.m., FREE. Library at Collister, 4724 W. State St., Boise, www.
ART ESPECIALLY FOR SENIORS— Senior guests (age 62 and older) receive free admission all day plus a docent-led talk regarding the current exhibit “Devorah Sperber: Threads of Perception.” 2 p.m., FREE. Boise Art Museum, 670 Julia Davis Dr., Boise, 208-3458330., www.boiseartmuseum. org.
GREEN BUGS FARM STAND— Pick up some produce grown by the children of Boise Urban Garden School. The farm stand includes seasonal produce such as garlic scapes, collard greens and strawberries. 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 4-6 p.m., BUGS Garden, 4821 W. Franklin Road, Boise, 208-424-6665, www.
KIDS & TEENS MAKE AND TAKE WEDNESDAYS—A science and art program for children ages 6 and older held in The Secret Garden. Learn while having fun. 4 p.m., FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2940, MOBILE RECREATION VAN—Boise City Parks and Recreation parks a van with a bumping sound system that is packed full of summer fun in various parks MondayThursday. Youth in grades 1-6 can pop in for a few minutes
or stay a couple of hours, and create art, bounce balls, skip with jump ropes or set up a game of running around bases. The Freedom Resource Center, an equal opportunity employer, provides a free snack daily for each child. For more information, visit parks or call 208-854-4917. Noon-2 p.m., FREE, Veterans Memorial Park, 930 N. Veterans Memorial Parkway, Boise; and 3-5 p.m., FREE, Redwood Park, 2675 N. Shamrock St., Boise.
ODDS & ENDS 9TH STREET TOASTMASTERS— Visitors and guests are welcome to attend the 9th Street Toastmasters meeting. Noon, every Wednesday. FREE, 208388-6484, www.9thstreettm. org. BOISE UKULELE GROUP—This ukulele group offers instruction and a chance to jam. All levels, beginning to advanced, welcome with no age limit and no membership fees. All that’s needed is a willingness to learn and play ukulele music. For more information, visit the Web site. 6:30 p.m., FREE, www. Idaho Pizza Company, 3053 S. Cole Road, Boise, 208-362-7702. IDAHO MEDIA PROFESSIONAL LUNCHEON—A panel of speakers from the i48 film festival talks about what it takes to produce a film in two days. The presenters are Rob Gonzalez, co-director/writer of Collision, winner of best sound; Robin Meier, producer/director of Cello, My Darling, winner of best cinematography; and Melody Herrick and Ronn Seidenglanz who will speak about making Beneath a Western Skyscraper, winner of the Best of i48 Open Category. 11 a.m., FREE to attend, 208-343-2887, Sun Ray Cafe, 1602 N. 13th St., Boise.
thursday FESTIVALS & EVENTS ARTIST RECEPTION—Artist Donna Bernstein is the guest exhibitor during July. Take a look at her work and enjoy snacks and refreshments while chatting with the artist about her work. View her art at www. 5-7 p.m., FREE, St. Luke's Family Health, 3101 E. State St., Eagle, 208-887-4653. IGNITE BOISE 2—Anyone and everyone is given the chance to submit ideas before the event. Then, a handful of presenters are given five minutes and 20 slides to present their ideas, projected on the a big screen. The goal is to educate, inspire and foster creativity to make Boise a better place, and have a little fun sharing ideas while they’re at it. See Picks Page. 6 p.m., FREE, Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-0454. THURSDAY FARMERS MARKET—Stock up on locally produced fruits and vegetables, flowers and plants during the farmers market on Thursdays. Also find Idaho specialty foods and wines. 4-8 p.m., Capital City Public Market, Eighth Street between Main and Bannock streets, Boise, 208-345-9287, www.capitalcitypublicmarket. com.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
8 DAYS OUT TWO BOUNCE BLITZ FUNDRAISER—Blitz, blitz, it’s a two bounce blitz. The Idaho Wheelchair Tennis Association fundraiser features entertainment for both tennis players and spectators. Tennis players are invited to participate in the optional up-and-down able-bodied/wheelchair tennis social for a friendly, yet competitive volley across the net. Purchase a raffle ticket during the main event for a chance to win restaurant gift cards, gift baskets, free tennis lessons, housecleaning, wine gifts, architectural services and more. No-host beer and wine is available for purchase. Enjoy live music by Irichi Music recording artist Mel Wade and at 7:45 p.m., 10-time U.S. Open winner Randy Snow presents a free motivational speech on Making a Difference. Mix and mingle with members of the Boise State women’s tennis team who are there to support the Idaho Wheelchair Tennis Association. Proceeds benefit the IWTA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, to help support wheelchair tennis programs for children and adults. For more information, contact Paul Bradley at 208-830-1590, or Nancy Teton Gordon at 208-333-8700. 5:30-8:30 p.m., general entry FREE, up-and-down tennis social is $35 including dinner; barbecue dinner alone is $5, Boise Racquet and Swim Club, 1116 N. Cole Road, Boise, 208-376-1052.
The comedy by Ira Wallach is directed by Anthony Polidori and is rated PG. 7:30 p.m., $12, Stage Coach Theatre, 5296 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-3422000, www.stagecoachtheatre. com. THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD—The original story by Charles Dickens was left unfinished until it was adapted for the stage by Rupert Holmes with a little help from the Music Hall Royale, a Victorian musical troupe. The story is about a love triangle revolving around John Jasper, a choirmaster who is in love with his music student, Miss Rosa Bud, who also happens to be engaged to Jasper’s nephew, the young Edwin Drood. When Drood disappears on Christmas under suspicious circumstances, it’s the audience’s cue to shine. Each night, hilarity ensues as those watching the play vote on the solution to the dilemma. 8 p.m., $21-$29, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-429-9908, box office 208336-9221,
FOOD & DRINK WINE TASTING—Every Thursday at Tablerock Brewpub, enjoy live music, free wine tasting and discounted glasses and bottles of wine from 6-8 p.m. Tablerock Brewpub and Grill, 705 Fulton St., Boise, 208-342-0944, www.
ON STAGE ABSENCE OF A CELLO—A brilliant (but broke) scientist will go to hilarious lengths in order to land a much-needed job with a large corporation. What seems to be starting out as a shopworn target—individuality vs. conformity—turns out to be an ingeniously conceived comical discussion of honesty and truth.
DOCUMENTARY SCREENING—After a screening of the documentary Driven, Team Type 1 co-founder Phil Southerland speaks about the team of amateur and professional athletes living with Type 1 diabetes who work to raise awareness about managing the condition while still accomplish-
ing personal and physical goals. 7-8 p.m., FREE. Saint Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, 1055 N. Curtis Road, Boise, 208-367-2121, www.
WORKSHOPS & CLASSES ARGENTINE TANGO PRACTICA/ MILONGA—Join the Boise Tango Society for a free introduction to tango lesson from 7:30-8 p.m. followed by dance practice. Beginners are welcome; no partner is necessary. For more information, contact Camille Wood at 208-989-0239 or e-mail 8-10 p.m. $5 admission or $3 students/seniors, www.boisetango. com. Boise Cafe/Cafe Bellisima, 219 N. 10th St., Boise, 208343-3397. BEGINNING POTTERY—Learn to throw clay on a wheel with master potter Dave Crawford in four sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays in July. 7-9 p.m., $58 includes all supplies and studio time. Puffy Mondaes, 200 12th Ave. S., Nampa, 208-407-3359, FINANCIAL EDUCATION SERIES—Older teens and adults are the target audience for a series of three Financial Education meetings led by Cynthia Rust. The topic is buying and selling a home. 7-8 p.m., FREE. Ada Community Library, 10664 W. Victory Road, Boise, 208-362-0181, FRANCHISES-WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW—Liz Beck Frannet gives the low-down on the good, the bad and the ugly in the franchise business. Buying a franchise is a big commitment. Learn tips on how to find one that is affordable as well as a good business fit. 2-4 p.m., $25. Idaho Small Business Development Center, 1021 Manitou Ave., Boise, 208-426-1640,
CITIZEN BICYCLE LAW AND SAFETY PANEL DISCUSSION—The public is invited to attend a community education panel about the rules that govern interactions between motorists and cyclists. The panel includes District 17 Sen. Elliot Werk; 2008 Olympic Gold Medalist Kristin Armstrong; Boise attorney Thomas J. Lloyd III; Sgt. Clair Walker of the Boise Police Department’s bike patrol, and Officer Anthony Dotson of the BPD. The event will be moderated by Boise City Council candidate TJ Thomson. For more information, contact Tom Lloyd at 208-520-8768, or Jim Philpott at 208-340-0051. 7 p.m. FREE. Falcon Tavern, 705 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-947-3111, www.
KIDS & TEENS MOBILE RECREATION VAN—See Wednesday's description. Noon2 p.m., FREE. Owyhee Park, 3400 Elder St., Boise; and 3-5 p.m., FREE. Liberty Park, 520 N. Liberty, Boise.
RELIGIOUS/ SPIRITUAL IDAHO KABBALAH STUDY GROUP MEETING—Meet with the group to see how Kabbalah can transform lives and the world by offering true fulfillment. Open to all. 7:30 p.m., 208-8706580, Hotel 43, 981 Grove St., Boise, 208342-4622,
ODDS & ENDS ENGLISH/SPANISH KARAOKE— Sing along to songs in English or Spanish with tons of song choices for all ages. 9 p.m.-1 a.m., FREE. Chilango’s Mexican Restaurant, 8915 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-376-0304.
THIRD THURSDAY THREADBENDERS—All fiber workers and needle workers of all skill levels who quilt, embroider, knit, crochet, sew or cross-stitch meet to work on projects, combine needlework types and plan programs. Bring a project for show and tell, ideas for a short program on color design and participate in some hands-on color exploration. The group is open to everyone. Third Thursday of every month, 7 p.m., FREE. Library at Collister, 4724 W. State St., Boise, www. THE YARN CLUB—Finally, a place for all the knitters and crocheters to get together and chat. 1 p.m., FREE. Fuzz, 605 Americana Blvd., Boise, 208-343-3899.
outer space as the Earth turns below them. Using a touchscreen, visitors can select images that show Earth’s land masses and oceans, the development of hurricanes and tsunami, the movement of the Earth’s crust and location of volcanoes, the projected impact of climate change and many other phenomena. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-343-9895, www. MTTHEORY BREAK DANCE BATTLE—DJ Noah Hyde provides the beats as the audience gathers around to watch Break Theory VI, a two-on-two break dance battle playing out around the Neurolux logo. Local hip-hop artist Eleven performs and the battle is hosted by Origin and TImbukII from Kamphire Collective. 9 p.m., $5, Neurolux, 111 N. 11th, Boise, 208-343-0886.
FESTIVALS & EVENTS BUS PILOTS ASSOCIATION 15TH ANNUAL FAMILY REUNION—The largest VW show in Idaho is on Sunday during the Bus Pilots Association 15th Annual Family Reunion. The three-day event begins off with Kick-Off Dinner and Cruise. 6:30 p.m., Sonic Drive-In, 851 N. Orchard St., Boise, MAGIC PLANET—The Discovery Center of Idaho unveils its newest permanent exhibit, “Magic Planet,” created by Global Imagination. The exhibit projects a constantly moving image inside a 2-foot-diameter globe. Unlike a planetarium, where the viewer looks out toward the heavens, Magic Planet users watch from
ABSENCE OF A CELLO—See Thursday’s description. 8:15 p.m., $15, Stage Coach Theatre, 5296 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-342-2000, THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD—See Thursday’s description. 8 p.m., $28-$38, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-429-9908, box office 208336-9221,
CONCERTS BARRAGE—Feast your eyes on a multi-talented group of international musicians as they perform an eclectic mix of song, dance and music. Barrage’s newest concert, “High Strung,” includes a diverse fusion of cultures and musical styles along with the energy the group has become
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 21
8 DAYS OUT famous for displaying. Barrage is composed of six violinists/vocalists, a drummer, a bass player and a guitarist. 7:30 p.m., $20, $32, $40, Sun Valley Pavilion, Sun Valley Resort, Boise.
FOOD & DRINK JAZZ FRIDAY—Enjoy jazz while you dine every Friday night. The rotating lineup of musicians frequently includes The Brent Vaarstra Trio. 6:30-8:30 p.m., FREE cover. Dream Cafe, 3110 S. Bown Way, Boise, 208-338-6632, MEDITERRANEAN NIGHTS— Appetizers are served at 6:30 p.m. followed by a wine dinner featuring chef/winemaker Scott DeSeelhorst of the Snake River Winery. The mezze menu includes an assortment of typical Mediterranean finger foods followed by Provencale fish soup served with traditional rouille; chicken, leek and Ballard Family feta pie; nicoise salad featuring fresh beans, heirloom tomatoes and baby greens from Peaceful Belly Farm with fresh tuna; Meadowlark Farms lamb tagine braised lamb with apricots and rich Moroccan flavor served with cous cous; dessert is baklava Napoleon, sweetened phyllo layered with honey mousse and topped with ground toasted candied nuts. All reservations held with a credit card or purchase tickets over the phone or in person at Life’s Kitchen. 6:30 p.m., $75. Life’s Kitchen, 1025 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-331-0199,
SCREEN CABLEONE MOVIE NIGHT—The popular movies are projected on a big screen in the park beginning at dusk. The family can enjoy dinner and a movie with the addition of Idaho Five Star Concessions selling Pittsburgh stuffed sandwiches, hot dogs, kettle corn, funnel cakes and snow cones. Famous Dave’s sells pulled pork and brisket sandwiches with sides. Check the Web site for movie titles. FREE, 208-888-3579, www. Settler’s Park, corner of Meridian and Ustick, Meridian. DOCUMENTARY SCREENING—After a screening of the documentary Driven, Team Type 1 co-founder Phil Southerland speaks about the team of amateur and professional athletes living with Type 1 diabetes who work to raise awareness about managing the condition while still accomplishing personal and physical goals such as competing in and winning the 3,052-mile-long Race Across America. 7-8 a.m., FREE. St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center, 190 E. Bannock St., Boise, 208-381-1200,
ART BOISE CULTURE CAFE—A group of individual performing artists meet for an afternoon of informal dialogue and discuss their issues and concerns. Refreshments are served. RSVP to 208-433-5671 or e-mail 3-5 p.m., FREE, Opera Idaho, 513 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-345-3531, www. THE VIBE—The northwest corner of the parking lot fills with an outdoor artisan market featuring live music and the work of
more than 20 local artists. Shop for a wide variety of art including jewelry, metalwork and pottery. Art4Art provides an opportunity for the community to give back and support the local talent and the youth arts community. For more information call 208-440-2412 or e-mail 4:30-8 p.m., Vista Village Shopping Center, 1002 Vista Ave., Boise.
KIDS & TEENS FRIDAY TEEN NIGHT—Teens ages 1217 hang out on Friday nights in the teen activity center. They can choose to hit the gym, weight room, or play basketball and volleyball, work in the computer lab, join art classes, or just relax with friends. 7-11 p.m., FREE. Fort Boise Community Center, 700 Robbins Road, Boise, 208-3844486, TERRIFIC TALES STORY TIME—For children ages 3-8 with stories, songs and a visit from Chaucer, the bookstore cat. 10:30 a.m., every Friday. FREE. The Rediscovered Bookshop, 7079 Overland Road, Boise, 208376-4229,
ODDS & ENDS BOISE CAFE LATIN NIGHTS—Get a basic Latin dance lesson included in the cover at 9 p.m. and then practice dancing to music by DJ Tomas or DJ Saya. Loosen up with a beer or glass of wine. Empanadas from Tango’s are served Friday evenings. 9 p.m.-2 a.m., $5. Boise Cafe/Cafe Bellisima, 219 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-3433397. FRIDAY NIGHT DRUM JAM—Drummers are surrounded by the rhythm of the community while drumming, dancing and listening to the beats. These facilitated circles are open to all levels. 8-10 p.m., $5 suggested donation. Drum Central, 2709 W. State St., Boise, 208-424-9519, NOCHES LATINAS—Every Friday night, a DJ spins the hottest salsa, durangese, merengue, cumbia and bachata with salsa dancing the rest of the night. For all ages. 10 p.m.-2 a.m., FREE. Chilango’s Mexican Restaurant, 8915 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-376-0304.
saturday FESTIVALS & EVENTS 23RD ANNUAL WELLS FARGO TWILIGHT CRITERIUM—Tens of thousands of spectators line the streets of downtown Boise to watch more than 100 world-class cyclists race for a $20,000 purse. The course runs through downtown Boise south on Ninth and north on 10th streets and west on Grove and east on Bannock streets. The start/finish line is located at the intersection of Ninth and Main streets at the front entrance of the Wells Fargo building. Helmeted children ages 5-10 can register online to participate in the St. Luke’s/EMI Kids Ride with Olympian Kristin Armstrong, who will
be signing autographs from 2-3 p.m. See Play, Page 39, for more information. 2-10 p.m., FREE to watch, 208-385-7300, www. BOISE ART MUSEUM YARD SALE—BAM is pulling items out of storage and off the dock for a huge yard sale at the Boise Art Museum warehouse at Ninth and Front streets. Find items such as shelving units, display cases and well-used pedestals that would work great for retail or commercial purposes. Other items include Christmas trees, furniture and artwork crates. Get your hands on a large piece of Boise history that was used for an installation by artist Matthew Barney at BAM. A piece of Boise State blue turf (33 feet by 23 feet) is being sold at the yard sale. Bring cash or check only and all sales are final. 7 a.m.-4 p.m., Boise Art Museum warehouse at Ninth and Front streets, 208-345-8330, www. BUS PILOTS ASSOCIATION 15TH ANNUAL FAMILY REUNION—One of the weekend’s festivities is a navigational road rally. VWs are unleashed on a mad dash around the streets of Boise using a manifest and their own sense of direction, followed by a leisurely float down Indian Creek in Kuna. 10 a.m., FREE, www.buspilots. com. Boise Depot, 2603 Eastover Terrace, Boise. CAPITAL CITY PUBLIC MARKET—The open-air market features rows of vendor booths with locally made products. Shoppers find a wide variety of goods with everything from Idaho specialty foods, wines and fresh-baked-goods to vegetables and handmade arts and crafts. Check out live entertainment featuring a different act each week and select work by local artisans. 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Capital City Public Market, Eighth Street between Main and Bannock streets, Boise, 208-345-9287. CONTRA DANCE—The monthly third Saturday contra dance features live music by Contra Band with calling by Pat Blatter. The new dancer orientation starts at 7:30 p.m. and the dance is from 8-11 p.m. Couples, singles and children 10 years and older are welcome. Partners are not necessary. The dances are smoke- and alcohol-free. For more information contact or call Jody at 208-794-9887. Third Saturday of every month, 7:30 p.m., $8 for adults and $3 for youth (10-18 years old). Broadway Dance Center, 893 E. Boise Ave., Boise, 208-794-6843. DOG DAYZ IN OLD BOISE— The Idaho Humane Society is teaming up with businesses in Old Boise for Adopt-A-Pet opportunities. Vendors will be on-site selling pet-related products to make sure your new pet has everything they need to start a new life with you. Idaho Humane Society collection barrels are available for pet food donations. Vendors include Wizard of Paws, Tonidraws (pet caricatures), The Doghouse, Ceramica, Renditions Furniture and Accessories, Bandanna Running and Walking, Broadway Vet Hospital and Dr. Linenberger, veterinarian. 9 a.m.-noon, www.
DOGGIEPAMOOSA—DoggiePaMoosa is a dog and family friendly event with a band, lots of activities and a professional auctioneer leading both silent and live auctions on the roof and on the ground. Other events include dunk-a-punk, a bounce house and contests for the dogs and children. Guests receive their choice of entrees made by the Blue Moose owner served in China dog bowls with specialty breads and desserts. Proceeds from the event benefit SNIP, Spay Neuter Idaho, Pets, a nonprofit organization that helps those in financial need with the cost to spay or neuter pets. Professional photos will be available on site for a small fee. 5-10 p.m., $25, The Blue Moose Cafe, 79 Aikens Road, Eagle, 208-939-3079. EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET—The weekly outdoor market features art, fresh produce, wine, flowers and live music. 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Heritage Park, 185 E. State St., Eagle. FIDDLE COMPETITION—The all-day fiddle competition features state, regional and national champions competing for prize money. Hear a great selection of music including bluegrass, folk and jazz entertainment between contest divisions. The family friendly event has a playground on-site for the children. Picnic baskets, chairs and blankets are welcome. Vendors are available with food and drink to purchase. 9 a.m.-6 p.m., FREE. Bernard Fisher Memorial Park, Swan Falls Road and Avalon St., Kuna. MERIDIAN FARMERS MARKET—The theme for the 2009 farmers market and bazaar is Five for Five, celebrating five years of fresh food and family friendly fun. Besides fresh produce, food specialties, baked goods and on-site barbecue, the weekly market offers live entertainment on the Market Stage, an expanded Kid Smarts Craft Zone and a free Kid’s Bounce. For more information, e-mail info@ 9 a.m.1 p.m., www.meridianfarmersmarket. com. Ustick Marketplace II, 3630 N. Eagle Road, Meridian. POND TOUR—Take a self-guided tour of nine homes with ponds in Boise and Meridian sponsored by Idaho Water Garden and Koi Society. Tickets with maps are available at Zamzows, Aquatic Systems and Shoakoi Fish Farms, Fancy Fins and Tranquility Ponds. 9 a.m.-1 p.m., $10 general; youth age 14 and younger FREE. SATURDAY DROP-IN DANCE CLASSES—Every Saturday, a different dance is taught during drop-in dance classes. Learn timing, footwork, rhythm and movement. The classes are followed by a social dance. Types of dances include samba, tango, waltz, West Coast swing, hustle, merengue, bolero, fox trot, jitterbug, cha cha, night club two step and salsa. Check the Web site for specifics. 8-11 p.m., $4 per person. Dance Necessities, 6143 Corporal Lane, Boise, 208-322-2517, SAWTOOTH MOUNTAIN MAMA’S ARTS AND CRAFT FESTIVAL—The popular fair takes place in a beautiful mountain setting in Stanley. Only handcrafted items are sold at more than 140 vendor booths. Enjoy live music by Headwaters (of Stanley) and Blaze and Kelly (of Boise). Check out a great selection of food vendors, from Dutch oven ribs to
The Sockratic Method by Jacob Good and Daria Kanevski was the 1st place winner in the 7th Annual Boise Weekly Bad Cartoon Contest.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
8 DAYS OUT Indian tacos, scones and corn dogs. No dogs or bicycles are allowed on the fairgrounds. For more information, e-mail 10 a.m.-6 p.m., FREE admission, Stanley, Idaho, off Highway 21 next to the Mountain Village Service Station. SECOND ANNUAL IDAHO GREEN EXPO—The purpose of the earth-friendly expo is to promote different ways to foster a sustainable economy with a focus on local products, goods and services. Green businesses along with social and environmental groups demonstrate techniques on how to become more environmentally conscious. Running in conjunction with the Idaho Green Expo is the Eco Brew Festival (Saturday, July 18, 4-10 p.m., and Sunday, July 19, noon-7 p.m.) with music, vendors and local beer, wine and food. Admission is $10 and includes a souvenir mug and taste tickets for the chance to sample eight different beverages. 10 a.m.-7 p.m., FREE admission to the Idaho Green Expo, www. Boise Centre on the Grove, 850 W. Front St., Boise, 208-336-8900. ST. BALDRICK’S FUNDRAISER—St. Baldrick’s is the world’s largest volunteer-driven fund-raising event for childhood cancer research. Thousands of volunteers shave their heads in solidarity with children with cancer, while requesting donations of support from friends and family. This is the Magic Valley’s second annual shaving and the event includes a silent auction and barcbecue. The cost of the barbecue is $3 per individual or $10 per family. Anyone can become a shavee (shave their head for kids), donate, or volunteer. Visit to sign up or find out more by calling 888-888-BALD. Contact Sharon Amoureux at 208-934-5671 or 208-293-7854 or e-mail for more information. Noon, FREE admission. Gooding Elementary School, 1045 Seventh Ave., Gooding, 208-934-4941.
ON STAGE ABSENCE OF A CELLO—See Thursday’s description. 8:15 p.m., $15, Stage Coach Theatre, 5296 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-342-2000, BOBCAT GOLDTHWAIT—Spend an evening laughing at the crazy antics of Bobcat Goldthwait. The comedian has put on a directors’ hat for shows including Chappelle’s Show, The Man Show and Crank Yankers. Goldthwait’s newest movie World’s Greatest Dad stars his long time friend Robin Williams and is scheduled for release this summer. 9:30 p.m., seated $20; standing $15, www.bobcatswebsite. com. Knitting Factory Concert House, 416 S. Ninth St., Boise, 208-367-1212. CHERRY BOMBS BURLESQUE AND CABARET—For the Cherry Bombs Burlesque and Cabaret’s fourth anniversary celebration show “Babes in Candyland,” take in a one-night-only performance of special guests, humor, “seductive tease and sparkly entertainment.” Sweeten the deal by grabbing a treat at the cupcake sale for charity. The group’s co-leader Lady Bomb DeLuxe along with partner Trixie Von Haza wrangle their troupe of talented and powerful women in a perfect mix of traditional and modern vaudeville/burlesque entertainment. The cherry on top of the evening is that 10 percent of proceeds benefit a charity, and this year’s recipient is Camp Rainbow Gold. The group is working hard to raise $1,000 for the charity. 10:15 p.m., $10 general; $12 VIP. Hijinx Comedy Club, 800 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-947-7100, THE COMEDY OF ERRORS—See Wednesday’s description. 8 p.m., $28-$38, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-429-9908, box office 208-3369221,
CONCERTS CONCERTS ON BROADWAY—The Concerts on Broadway in the open-air amphitheater is the spot to enjoy jazz by Rich Wetzel under twilight summer skies. 6:30 p.m., FREE. Meridian City Hall, 33 E. Idaho St., Meridian. SALSA CELTICA—The 11 musicians from Venezuela, Ireland, Cuba and Scotland perform a unique blend of Afro-Cuban rhythms and jazz with salsa music and Scottish bagpipes. They perform on instruments ranging from brass, bagpipes, fiddles and congas. 7 p.m., $20 general; $5 children 12 and younger, Hop Porter Park, Hailey, Boise.
SCREEN MOVIES UNDER THE STARS—Grab some bug spray and journey to the bandshell at Julia Davis Park for a free family movie projected on a 25-by-14-foot inflatable movie screen. The featured movie, Kung Fu Panda, begins at dusk. See Picks Page. 7 p.m., FREE, 208-384-4240, www.boiseschoolsfoundation. org. Gene Harris Bandshell, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., in Julia Davis Park, Boise.
LITERATURE BOOK SIGNING—Local author and international speaker Joe Gundy is signing copies of his book Computeritis, and How to Survive the Technological Age. 1-3 p.m., FREE. Hastings Books, Music and Video, 7500 Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-375-3151.
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8 DAYS OUT STORY TIME—Enjoy Saturday market, then gather the family for story time. 2 p.m., FREE. A Novel Adventure, 906 W. Main St., Boise, 208-344-8088.
GREEN GARDEN TOURS—Pay the regular garden admission and take a one-hour guided tour of the Idaho Botanical Garden with one of the Idaho Master Naturalists, a group of educated experts from the MK Nature Center, Foothills Learning Center and the Idaho Botanical Garden. 10:30 a.m., 15. $4 adults; $3 seniors; $2 children 6-12; FREE for Idaho Botanical Garden members and children younger than 6. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-343-8649, IDAHO ENERGY FORUM—The Snake River Alliance hosts a panel of members from the Public Utilities Commission, Idaho Power, the Office of Energy Resources and key legislators who will be working together to implement energy efficiency recommendations as stated in the state of Idaho’s 2007 Energy Plan. The goal for the event, and going forward, is to achieve collaboration between the public and policy makers in order to build and foster the momentum for a clean energy future for Idaho. In addition, the first 20 attendees older than age 21 receive a half-off coupon for the Eco Brew Festival. 5-7 p.m., FREE. Summit Room, Ninth and Front streets, Boise Centre on the Grove, Boise.
KIDS & TEENS SCIENCE SATURDAYS—Every Saturday, the Discovery Center features different topics with morning and afternoon sessions for different ages. Call for more information, or visit the Web site. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-343-9895, www.scidaho. org. SUPER SLEUTH HUNNY POT HUNT—Children ages 3 and older can go on a fun scavenger hunt through the Disney Store as part of the Disney Store Super Sleuth “Hunny” Pot Hunt. The children fill out an activity sheet by drawing the items they find inside each hunny pot. Upon completion, each successful sleuth receives a certificate and a Super Sleuth mask. 11 a.m.-3 p.m., FREE. The Disney Store, 350 N. Milwaukee St., Ste. 1101, Boise, 208-321-8175, TEEN CLUB—This informal teen group meets weekly though the end of August to work on cool science projects. Call 208-3439895, Ext. 228 or 208-3310696 for more information. 9:30-11:30 a.m., price varies. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-3439895,
RELIGIOUS/ SPIRITUAL MAITREYA PROJECT RELIC TOUR—A precious collection of relics found among the cremation ashes of Buddhist masters is touring the world and making a stop in Boise. The pearl-like crystals are believed to embody the master’s spiritual qualities of compassion and wisdom. The Relic Tour is being hosted locally by Eclipse Foundation, a nonprofit organization that works to bring understanding and meaningful dialogue between Eastern and Western cultures. During the weekend, participants can receive personal blessings courtesy of regional Buddhist teachers from various traditions. For a detailed schedule of the event, visit 10 a.m.-7 p.m., FREE, donations appreciated, maitreyaproject. org. Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 6200 N. Garrett, Garden City, 208-658-1710.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
ODDS & ENDS BOISE CAFE LATIN NIGHTS— Get a basic Latin dance lesson included in the cover at 9 p.m. and then practice dancing to music by DJ Tomas or DJ Saya. Loosen up with a beer or glass of wine. 9 p.m.-2 a.m., $5. Boise Cafe/Cafe Bellisima, 219 N. 10th St., Boise, 208343-3397. BORG MEETING—Boise Robotics Group meetings are held the third Saturday morning of each month in a classroom at the Discovery Center of Idaho. Third Saturday of every month, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. price varies, Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-3439895. BUTTERFLIES—Learn about butterflies at July’s third Saturday program, which includes a “make and take” butterfly paint print art project for children. Start with a tour of the MK Nature Center’s butterfly garden and then learn how to attract butterflies to your own back yard. 2 p.m., FREE. MK Nature Center, 600 S. Walnut St., Boise, 208-368-6060. NOCHES LATINAS—Get free salsa dance lessons from 8-9 p.m. or 9-10 p.m., and then dance the night away from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. DJs spin the hottest salsa, durangese, merengue, cumbia and bachata. 10 p.m.-1 a.m., $5 cover. Chilango’s Mexican Restaurant, 8915 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-376-0304.
SAWTOOTH MOUNTAIN MAMA’S ARTS AND CRAFT FESTIVAL—See Saturday’s description. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., FREE admission, Stanley, Idaho, off Highway 21 next to the Mountain Village Service Station. SECOND ANNUAL IDAHO GREEN EXPO—See Saturday’s description. Running in conjunction with the Idaho Green Expo is the Eco Brew Festival (noon-7 p.m.) with music, vendors and local beer, wine and food. Admission is $10 and includes a souvenir mug and taste tickets for the chance to sample eight different beverages. 11 a.m.-6 p.m., FREE admission to the Idaho Green Expo, www. Boise Centre on the Grove, 850 W. Front St., Boise, 208-3368900. SOCIAL DANCING—Join the weekly Saturday Dance Party after the drop-in group lessons. Practice dancing, pick up a few new steps and meet other dancers in the area. 9-11 p.m., $4 per person. Dance Necessities, 6143 Corporal Lane, Boise, 208-322-2517, www. SUNDAY MARKET—The main floor of the Linen Building becomes an indoor market where shoppers can find locally produced food and goods, including local arts and crafts, jewelry, clothing, food and drink, live music and children’s activities. Third Sunday of every month, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111, www.
FESTIVALS & EVENTS BOISE BLUES SOCIETY SUNDAY BLUES—Blues duos and bands perform in the park and the audience favorite get the chance to perform at the Memphis International Blues Challenge. The duos include Harpo and Danny Boy and the BoDo Brothers. Blues bands include Roberson and Beese, Lori B and the Blue Diamonds and Next in Line. Other performances to fill the afternoon include Scott Wallenberg and The Blues Addicts and The Coyote Kings. Noon-6 p.m., two (or more) cans of food, www. Julia Davis Park, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise. BUS PILOTS ASSOCIATION 15TH ANNUAL FAMILY REUNION—The largest VW show in Idaho is on Sunday during the Bus Pilots Association 15th Annual Family Reunion. See Picks on Page 18. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., FREE, Ann Morrison Park, Americana Blvd., Boise. LIQUID LAUGH TRACK—Every Sunday, the funny is found in BoDo during Laugh Track, featuring stand-up comedy from amateurs and professionals looking for laughs in a live setting. 7 p.m., FREE. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Boise, www. POND TOUR—Take a self-guided tour of nine homes with ponds in Boise and Meridian, sponsored by Idaho Water Garden and Koi Society. Tickets with maps are available at Zamzows, Aquatic Systems and Shoakoi Fish Farms, Fancy Fins and Tranquility Ponds. 10 a.m.-2 p.m., $10 general; youth age 14 and younger FREE.
ABSENCE OF A CELLO—See Thursday’s description. 2 p.m., $12, Stage Coach Theatre, 5296 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-342-2000, THE COMEDY OF ERRORS— See Wednesday’s description. 7 p.m., $21-$29, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-429-9908, box office 208336-9221,
WORKSHOPS & CLASSES BABA’S WARMUP—Instructor Mike Denney leads a class focusing on the nine lead rhythms and sacred corresponding chants, three separated Dunun rhythms, bell patterns, shaker and seven different supporting rhythms for Djembe and conga. All levels are welcome to attend the class that focuses on Sacred Shamanic Yoruba hand drum rhythms and chants from Nigeria, West Africa. Learn Djembe, Conga, Djun-Djun and Bell, which are the basis of Afro-Cuban and Western popular music. Drop-ins are welcome and drums are available for $2 or bring your own. More information at www. or call 208-968-4854. 7 p.m., $10 per class; $35 month. Drum Central, 2709 W. State St., Boise, 208-424-9519, www.
CITIZEN IDAHO CAMPAIGN TO END ISRAELI APARTHEID—The group meets every Sunday at Papa Joe’s, 1301 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, and is continually working to educate and lobby for a just and truthful U.S. policy that works to end apartheid. For more information, e-mail 6 p.m., FREE, idahocampaign.
RELIGIOUS/ SPIRITUAL AZRAEL ONDI-AHMAN— Azrael Ondi-Ahman presents an explanation of physical and
8 DAYS OUT metaphysical evolution focusing on a new book called The Song of God in connection to the mortal life theory behind human existence. 5 p.m., FREE, 208-407-4590, Municipal Park, 500 S. Walnut St., Boise. MAITREYA PROJECT RELIC TOUR—See Sunday’s description. 10 a.m.-7 p.m., FREE, donations appreciated, Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 6200 N. Garrett, Garden City, 208658-1710. MEDITATION SERVICE—Join the Center of Peace on Sunday mornings for a spiritual community meditation service at 10 a.m. and a spiritual gathering service with a different guest speaker each week at 10:30 a.m. Youth education is provided. 10 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., FREE. Center of Peace, 420 S. Orchard St., Boise, 208-3430864,
COMEDIAN MATT BRAGG—Make reservations to be part of the audience during the recording of Matt Bragg’s comedy show Shut it Down, his first live comedy album. The regular at The Comedy Store in Hollywood has been featured on NBC’s Last Comic Standing and now he shares with his new hometown his stories of world travel, the U.S. Navy and growing up in Ohio. All proceeds benefit Boise Pride. 8 p.m., $5 suggested donation. Hijinx Comedy Club, 800 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-9477100,
KIDS’ ART CLASSES—Summer art classes are offered every Monday and Wednesday. Kids can sign up for classes to learn fine art skills, including watercolors, decoupage, acrylics, mosaic tile, weaving, printmaking and ink drawing. 10-11:30 a.m. $12 (or $10 each on a 4-class punch card). Puffy Mondaes, 200 12th Ave. S., Nampa, 208-407-3359, MOBILE RECREATION VAN— See Wednesday’s description. Noon-2 p.m., FREE. Phillippi Park, 2299 S. Phillippi St., Boise.
WEEKLY TIBETAN BUDDHIST GROUP PRACTICE—Weekly Tibetan Buddhist Group Practice at a new time. Join the group on Sundays at 10 a.m. for meditation and discussion on The Buddha Path by Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche. All are welcome. 10 a.m., FREE. Dzogchen Shen Pan Choling Dharma Center, 116 N. Latah, Boise, 208-3453032, www.dzogchenidaho. org. ZEN MEDITATION AND BUDDHISM— Meet for meditation and a free public talk every Sunday at the White Cloud Zen Center, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting zen practice of those who live in Idaho. White Cloud Zen Center, 1315 W. Washington St., Boise.
ODDS & ENDS ECSTATIC DANCE—Experience dance in a safe, nonjudgmental, drug-free, all-ages, all-backgrounds environment that celebrates and honors self-expression, community and movement that is fun for the whole family. The Ecstatic Dance is facilitated by Christopher Soderland and includes dances such as: 5 rhythms, the wave, soul motion, yoga dance, sacred circle, body choir, trance dance, mindful movement, barefoot boogie and dance jam. For more information, e-mail 9:30-11 a.m., sliding scale $7-$15. Fulton Street Center for the Arts, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, www.bctheater. org. SOCIAL COUNTRY DANCING— A group meets Sunday nights for social country dancing. 7-10 p.m., FREE, The Bull’s Head Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-855-5858.
monday FESTIVALS & EVENTS POETRY SLAM DELUX EROTICA SLAM—At the poetry slam during the hot summer month of July, slammers reading erotica receive extra points. Those ages 21 and older who want to share their spoken words can compete for $100 in cash as judged by members of the adoring audience. Sign up at 7:30 p.m. and the slamming starts at 8 p.m. For more information, contact Cheryl Maddalena at 208-426-0383 or e-mail cheryl_maddalena@ 7:30 p.m., $5, Neurolux, 111 N. 11th, Boise, 208-343-0886.
PLAYS FROM THE ALLEY—Every Monday evening in July, Alley Repertory Theater hosts a script reading that involves local playwrights, actors and directors in front of a live audience. The storytelling format encourages audience feedback and post-reading discussions. Participants can bring picnics to enjoy before or during the readings. No outside alcohol is allowed; beer and wine is available for purchase. The reading is Inflection Point by Greg Hampikian. 7:30 p.m., $7 per reading or $24 for the whole series, 208-338-4278, Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City.
WORKSHOPS & CLASSES DANCE WITH CAIRO FUSION— Boise’s only progressive fusion bellydance company is accepting new students monthly. Classes are on Mondays from 6-7:30 p.m. Visit www. or e-mail for more information. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE CLASSES—Learn Scottish country dance with The Thistle and Ghillies Scottish Country Dancers. Beginners are welcome and dancers may join the group at anytime. No partner is required, all dances are taught and an enjoyable time among pleasant people is the standard. Comfortable shoes and street clothes are advised. For more information, e-mail or call 208-342-2812. 7:15-9:15 p.m., $4, Eagle Performing Arts Center, 149 W. State St., Eagle, 208-338-4633.
LITERATURE ANIMATICS MANGA GROUP— Join the Animatics Manga Group’s discussion of all things manga or anime. 6:30 p.m., FREE, 208-376-4229, The Rediscovered Bookshop, 7079 Overland Road, Boise.
tuesday FESTIVALS & EVENTS MCFADDEN MARKET CO-OP FARMERS MARKET—The farmers market includes information about green living, entertainment, children’s activities and products such as specialty chocolate and breads, as well as naturally farmed lamb, pork, beef, chicken, eggs and garden starts. 5-8 p.m., www. Meridian City Hall, 33 E. Idaho St., Meridian. THE SCREENWRITERS GROUP—Learn and practice pitching your screenplay or project at the Idaho Screenwriters Group, meeting the third Tuesday of every month. For more information, e-mail 6:30 p.m., Idaho Pizza Company, 3840 Glenwood, Boise, 853-1224.
ON STAGE THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD—See Thursday’s description. 8 p.m., $21-$29, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-429-9908, box office 208-336-9221, www.
CONCERTS LADYSMITH BLACK MAMBAZO—The group’s spiritual sound melds native South African music with Christian gospel music. Ladysmith Black Mambazo’s latest release titled Ilembe: Honoring Shaka Zulu is a tribute to the South African warrior who united numerous regional tribes in the late 1800s and became the first king of the Zulu nation. 8 p.m., $32-$40 adv.; $37-$45 door.
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8 DAYS OUT Nampa Civic Center, 311 Third St. S., Nampa, 208-468-5555,
FOOD & DRINK TUESDAY NIGHT FLIGHTS— Sample wine and learn to taste, compare and contrast. See, swirl, smell, sip and savor five wines for $5. 5 p.m., Grape Escape, 800 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-368-0200.
WORKSHOPS & CLASSES ARGENTINE TANGO FUNDAMENTALS CLASSES—The class is designed for both beginners and experienced dancers and no partner is necessary. For more information or to register, e-mail Marge Dobie at or call 208-761-3954. Visit the Boise Tango Society Web site at for more information. 7:30-8:30 p.m., $10 per class or $25 for three-class session. Broadway Dance Center, 893 E. Boise Ave., Boise, 208-794-6843. BEGINNING POTTERY—Learn to throw clay on a wheel with master potter Dave Crawford in four sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays in July. 7-9 p.m., $58 includes all supplies and studio time. Puffy Mondaes, 200 12th Ave. S., Nampa, 208407-3359, www.puffymondaes. com. FREE DANCE LESSONS—Take advantage of free dance lessons followed by social dancing from 8-9:30 p.m. 7-8 p.m., FREE, www.lessonsindance. com. The Bull’s Head Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-855-5858.
LITERATURE GREEN READER BOOK GROUP—The Green Reader Book Club is reading the bestselling book In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto this month. It is the applauded book of Michael Pollan that teaches readers how to make proper and thoughtful food choices, leading them to understand what it means to have healthier lives. 6:30 p.m., FREE, 208-376-4229, The Rediscovered Bookshop, 7079 Overland Road, Boise. POETRY READING—Poetry host Scott Berge invites poets to share their own work or favorite poems during a fun night of poetry readings. Sign up at 6:30 p.m. and start waxing poetic at 7 p.m. For more information, e-mail ScottBerge@live. com. 6:30 p.m., FREE. Alia’s Coffeehouse, 908 W. Main St., Boise, 208-338-1299.
GREEN COMPOSTING 101—Building on the City of Boise’s new Curb It Boise program, free classes on how to compost are being led by environmental education coordinator Jennie Rylee. Composting cuts down on household waste and improves garden soil conditions. Participants learn about the basics of backyard composting along with demonstrations on how easy worm composting can be whether you are an apartment dweller or non-gardener. No preregistration is required. 7 p.m., FREE. Boise Public Library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-384-4200, www.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
EVENINGS AT EDWARDS—The greenhouse stays open late so people can pick up local produce, hang out in the garden setting, have some food and wine and enjoy art and live music by a different act every week. This week is Blaze and Kelly. 5 p.m., FREE, Edwards Greenhouse, 4106 Sand Creek St., Boise, 208-342-7548,
MONTHLY MEETING OF VETERANS FOR PEACE—This meeting is open to all who are interested. Third Tuesday of every month, 7-9 p.m., FREE. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 2201 Woodlawn Ave., Boise, 208-344-5731, www.
DROP-IN WRITING WORKSHOP—The workshop is held twice a month and offers writers of all levels a chance to create and share work in a friendly, informal atmosphere. Author and poet Norman Weinstein facilitates the workshops. 6:30-8 p.m., FREE. The Cabin, 801 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-331-8000,
KIDS & TEENS MOBILE RECREATION VAN— See Wednesday’s description. Noon-2 p.m., FREE. Manitou Park, 1951 S. Manitou Ave., Boise.
ODDS & ENDS NATIVE AMERICAN FLUTE FORUM—Facilitator Joe Young leads an open forum for those interested in Native American flute playing and sharing. 7 p.m., $5 donation. Drum Central, 2709 W. State St., Boise, 208-424-9519, www. REIKI—Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique that promotes self healing. Interested participants can call to schedule a half-hour spot at one of the three clinics in July held between 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. This clinic may be held on a monthly basis, per sign up. Call the YMCA for a scheduled time at 208-344-5501. $5 for members, $15 for nonmembers. YMCA, 1050 W. State St., Boise, 208-344-5501, www. SCIENCE CAFE—The Discovery Center of Idaho hosts the Science Cafe, a regular series of open-forum discussions open to anyone interested in participating. Third Tuesday of every month, 6 p.m., price varies. The Flicks, 646 Fulton St., Boise, 208-342-4222, www.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT BOOK CLUB—Adult readers meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month to discuss the featured selection. For more information and to register, call 208-5624996. 7 p.m., FREE. Library at Hillcrest, 5246 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-562-4996.
GREEN BUGS FARM STAND— Pick up some produce grown by the children of Boise Urban Garden School. 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 4-6 p.m., BUGS Garden, 4821 W. Franklin Road, Boise, 208-424-6665, www.
CITIZEN ADA COUNTY DEMOCRATS— The Ada County Democrats are preparing for the 2010 election with an event titled $20.10 for 2010. Join the group for drinks and appetizers and get to know fellow Democrats including Rep. Phylis King and City Council candidate TJ Thomson. 6-8 p.m., $20.10 donation suggested, 208-331-2128, www. Papa Joe’s, 1301 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise.
KIDS & TEENS MOBILE RECREATION VAN— See Wednesday’s description. Noon-2 p.m., FREE. Veterans Memorial Park, 930 N. Veterans Memorial Parkway, Boise; and 3-5 p.m., FREE. Redwood Park, 2675 N. Shamrock St., Boise.
wednesday ON STAGE THE MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD—See Thursday’s description. 8 p.m., $21-$29, Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-429-9908, box office 208-336-9221, www.
WORKSHOPS & CLASSES QUICKBOOKS TRAINING CLASS—Jim Geddings CPA offers a four-hour QuickBooks training class for small or home-based businesses. Along with a section on accounting, the class covers QuickBooks lists, accounts receivable and payable, banking and reconciliation, credit cards, loans and reports. The class has limited seating, so RSVP to save a seat. 1-5 p.m., FREE, 208-8530790, www.jimgeddingscpa. com. The Spyglass Building, 7639 W. Riverside Dr., Ste. 100, Boise. SERVSAFE MANAGER CERTIFICATION—Attend an eight-hour food safety course sanctioned by the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation designed to provide food service managers with the knowledge necessary to meet state and national standards. The certification is valid for five years and can be used anywhere in the United States. The course is open to all food service employees. Preregistration and prepayment are required. Call 208-327-7499 to reserve a seat. 8 a.m.-5 p.m., $95 includes lunch and all classroom materials, Central District Health Department, 707 N. Armstrong Pl., Boise, 208-375-5211.
9TH STREET TOASTMASTERS— Visitors and guests are welcome to attend the 9th Street Toastmasters meeting. Noon, every Wednesday. FREE, 208388-6484, www.9thstreettm. org. BOISE UKULELE GROUP—This ukulele group offers instruction and a chance to jam. All levels, beginning to advanced, welcome with no age limit and no membership fees. For more information, visit the Web site. 6:30 p.m., FREE, Idaho Pizza Company, 3053 S. Cole Road, Boise, 208-362-7702. FRIENDS OVER DINNER—This mix-and-mingle event is for singles ages 40 and older. As added incentive to get out there and meet some new people, The Lift is offering one free drink to all FOD participants. Visit the Web site to reserve a spot. For more information, e-mail Alyson@ 6:15 p.m., $12, The Lift Bar and Grill, 4091 W. State St., Boise, 208-342-3250. VINYL PRESERVATION SOCIETY OF IDAHO— The group aims to preserve vinyl music heritage by promoting the enjoyment of and education about vinyl records, record collecting, record playing and all associated matters of analog musicology regardless of listening tastes. Monthly meetings include guest speakers and DJs, opportunities to buy, sell and trade vinyl and, of course, a chance to share the group’s favorite albums. 7-10 p.m. FREE, www. Modern Hotel and Bar, 1314 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-424-8244.
record exchnage
| JULY 15-21, 2009 | 1
2009 our speakers
s a t u r d a y, j u l y 1 8 t h
A Panel of Mayors
All Speaker presentations are and will take place in the Summit Auditorium inside Jim Evanoff 3:00 pm the Boise Centre. Take advanGreening Our National tage of this great opportunity Parks…Yellowstone: A Success Story! to hear from some experts in the field of sustainability. To s u n d a y, j u l y 1 9 t h : get more detailed information about each speaker, their Judy Wicks 1:00 pm presentation and their bios, Local Living Economies: please visit our website.
Green, Fair and Fun
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| JULY 15-21, 2009 |
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The Idaho Energy Forum x\ääÊ« ÊUÊ Ê*> i Ê vÊ i LiÀÃÊvÀ ÊÌ iÊPublic 1Ì Ì iÃÊ Ãà ]Ê `> Ê* ÜiÀ]Êthe Office of Energy Resources and Key Legislators
David Wann
3:00 pm Simple Prosperity in the New Economy
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we still have openings for volunteers!
V ÊÌ iʺ iÌÊ Û Ûi`»Ê i ÕÊ on our website for more info
i n f o r m a t i o n ,
1:00 pm The Fate of Polar Bears in a Changing Environment
eco-kids 2009
Our exhibitors will show you how you can green your life in the following categories:
F o r
Scott Schliebe
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UÊ ÊVi ÌÀ> Ê« >ÞÊ>Ài>ÊÜ Êvi>ÌÕÀiÊ}> iÃÊ> `Ê>VÌ Û Ì iÃÊ designed to capture kids’ imaginations and teach them about the natural world. UÊ Ê«iÀv À > ViÊ>Ài>ÊÜ Ê«À Û `iÊi ÌiÀÌ> i ÌÊvi>ÌÕÀ }Ê lots of audience participation. U A Games area will feature Recycle Relay; the Amazing -Ì À Ü>ÌiÀÊ >âiÆÊ> `Ê ÌÃÊ ÀiÊ}> iÃÊÌ >ÌÊÌi>V Ê}Ài>ÌÊ nature lessons in a fun, active play environment. UÊ Êv> Ì>ÃÌ VÊÃVÕ «ÌÕÀiÊÜ ÊiÛ ÛiÊ ÛiÀÊÌ iÊÜii i `ÊvÀ Ê>Ê metal form to a colorful bird embodied in yards of scrap fabric.
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sustainable ‘u’ 7i V iÊÌ Ê-ÕÃÌ> >L iʼ1½]Ê>ÊÃi v }Õ `i`Ê exploration of what a green home, garden and office actually look like. By walking through these exhibits, you can see for yourself how you can make small, and sometimes, not so small changes that will usually lead to saving energy, saving money, improving your health and are also good for the environment.
free valet bike parking
bulk water • awesome bottles You won’t find any plastic water bottles at this years’ expo. ÕÞÊ> Ê `> Ê Àii Ê Ý« ÊÃÌ> iÃÃÊÃÌii ÊV> Ìii Ê>ÌÊ> Ê incredible price — and fill it for free with Rocks Water. £Êv ÀÊfÇÊ ÀÊÓÊv ÀÊf£ät
enter our raffle to incredible win fabulous prizes! raffle prizes Including:
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alternative vehicle display
our mission is to be part of the solution
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, `iÊÞ ÕÀÊL iÊÌ ÊÌ iÊ `> Ê Àii Ê Ý« Ê and park it for at the Bike Valet, -« Ã Ài`ÊLÞÊ `> Ê Õ Ì> Ê/ ÕÀ }Ê & BYRDS. (Boise Young Riders Development Squad).
free valleyride bus service in boise on saturday
don’t miss the eco-brew fest ->ÌÕÀ`>ÞÊ{ £ä -Õ `>ÞÊ£Ó Ç
Please visit their website at to check their routes and schedules, and make sure to check when the last buses leave downtown.
F o r
m o r e
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for more information, turn the page!
Àii 7 À ÃÊ `> ]ÊÌ iÊ À}> â>Ì ÊLi `Ê Ì iÊ `> Ê Àii Ê Ý« ]Ê ÃÊ>Ê «À wÌÊ À}> zation building community partnerships for a sustainable future. Our goal is to educate and inspire members of the community about the importance of adopting sustainable living practices and supporting businesses as they transition into the emerging green economy.
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I d a h o G r e e n E x p o . o r g
| JULY 15-21, 2009 | 3
thanks to all of our sponsors presenting sponsor
foundation sponsors
track sponsors
platinum sponsors
gold sponsors
silver sponsors
media partners
| JULY 15-21, 2009 |
THE NEW R The Warped Tour rocks eco friendly
Lyman is hands-on there, too. He stops by the volunteer tent every morning before the show kicks off. The bands on tour are expected to do their part as well. They recycle any batteries they use, and each bus is equipped with a recycling bin that is collected and emptied each morning. orty thousand pounds of plastic. That’s how much the Vans For a lucky group of volunteer kids and/or musicians each year, Warped Tour recycled in 2008 as part of its Warped Eco Lyman adds a benefit to recycling other than the warm, fuzzy feeling Initiative. Now in its fifth year, WEI is helping to turn one they get from helping the environment. of the longest running, largest touring musical festivals into one of In conjunction with Phillippe Cousteau, co-founder, president the greenest. Phoning from the Time Warner Cable Amphitheatre in and chief executive officer of Earth Echo (and grandson of Jacques Cleveland, Warped Tour founder Kevin Lyman balked at the suggestion that the tour is changing colors due to negative external response to the footprints it leaves behind. “I’ve been around touring for a long time. I come from Claremont, Calif., which is known for its recycling programs. I know that any kind of touring is going to leave an impact.” Though he knows the tour will leave something behind at every stop, instead of leaving a Bigfoot-sized dent in each venue they play, Lyman has been working on reducing it to a toddler’s shoe print. “The whole thing started with the idea of using biodiesel on our buses,” Lyman said. So he called Willie Nelson. “They were like, ‘How many buses do you want to do?’ We said, ‘17 production buses, 19 trucks.’ They were like, ‘It will never happen. We have two buses and a truck on the Willie Nelson tour,’” Lyman said laughing. “Now, we [have] anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000 gallons of biodiesel on site a day.” That’s right. Each day. And when the Alesana learned—and earned—the benefits of being ecologically aware. cost of biodiesel climbed along with fossil fuel prices, Lyman stayed the course. “We did it last summer when the accountants were telling me to Cousteau), Lyman takes a group of volunteers or the band who has stop doing this. Biodiesel got up to $6 a gallon delivered. I said no, shown the most initiative on an eco-learning trip each October to we’re committed to it.” places like Key West, Fla., or St. Croix. The commitment goes beyond just fuels. The Kevin Says stage, As involved as he is in the recycling, Lyman isn’t militant. He which travels from venue to venue, is completely solar powered. And especially wants the musicians involved in the tour to want to do the things like cleaning up after feeding hundreds of musicians every day right thing (even if it is so they can win a trip). would be much easier on a catering company if they used disposable “I try to instill by learning and give people a choice. I find that’s dishes and silverware. However, it would also produce tons of trash, the best thing to do. I can get pissed off at [bands] for leaving trash likely to be dumped in the local landfill in each city the tour plays. around, which I do, but [I want] to motivate them to take something So guitarists, drummers, singers, electricians and other members back to their touring life afterward.” of the tour plop their garden burgers on biodegradable plates and Many of them do. Alesana, broody emo cuties from Raleigh, dig into their meatless breakfast sausages with biodegradable forks N.C., went on one of the eco trips and high-energy Philadelphia made from potatoes or cane sugar or corn. darlings the A.K.A.s run fully on vegetable oil, courtesy of Lyman “[In the beginning], that stuff was hard to find,” Lyman said. who gave them $2,000 to convert their van as a reward for their “Now you can order it directly through a company like Sysco. dedication to the eco movement. They’ve got those products in their line. Instead of having them As Lyman was on his way out of the Cleveland venue to go shipped out to the road like we used to, or carrying them on our shopping for new socks, he yelled out, “Yeah, go ahead and play. trucks, we get them as part of our normal order [from city to city].” I’m finishing up an interview.” A band called Draft Week For Red And then there’s the Eco Team. Letters had been playing outside the venue all day. They stopped On the Warped Tour’s Web site, local ’tweens and teens can Lyman as he walked by and asked if they could play for him. He register to pick up trash during a show. As might be expected, they understands that everyone has to begin somewhere, whether they’re get into the show free, they get a T-shirt, and they maybe even get a hoping to sign a record deal or recognizing the importance of their meet-and-greet with their favorite rock star. They’re asked to compart in building a more ecologically sound environment. mit to a full eight hours, but since the kiddies are having the four Draft Week didn’t sound half bad through Lyman’s cell phone. Rs—Reading, ’Riting, ’Rithmetic and Recycling—pounded into their And if they promise to recycle, they’re off to a good start. growing heads at home and at school, a day spent picking up disThe Warped Tour hits the Idaho Center on Friday, August 7. carded water bottles, greasy food wrappers and paper cups isn’t such For more information, visit a stretch ... especially if they get to do it to a live music soundtrack. WWW.DEFIANCERECORDS.DE
NOISENEWS NEW AND IMPROVED BW WEB SITE NEEDS YOUR HELP Here at BW HQ, we love our new and improved Web site. One small complaint, however, has come from the desk of BW Calendar Guru, Elaine Lacaillade in regard to calendar submissions—especially those for live music. But, dear musicians and venues, as Robin Williams told bright but troubled Matt Damon, “It’s not your fault.” When you visit and click on calendar, you’ll find a link to submit an event
near the top. Clicking that link directs you to an easy-to-fill-out form. The issue at hand, however, is that the form does not contain a box specifically for a band or event name. All of the other pertinent information—place, date, time, price, etc.—is requested by us and (usually) delivered by you, except that one vital piece. That’s where the Comments/Description box at the bottom of the form comes in handy. If you are a member of a band submitting a show or a venue doing the same, put the band’s name at the top of that great, big box.
Twilight All Day
Saturday July 18
We won’t be serving up gold medals, but we will be serving all day! 11 am – 3 pm Special Brunch 1 – 2 pm Olympic Gold Medalist
Kristin Armstrong autograph signing for Chandlers guests 4 pm Open for dinner Meet the legendary cyclist, Kristin Armstrong and see all of the first-turn action from Chandler’s patio. Reservations are recommended. Call today!
Questions? E-mail calendar@boiseweekly. com.
THE BLACK IS BACK IN TOWN On Saturday, Aug. 1, at Neurolux, Black Francis (Frank Black of The Pixies) performs a solo acoustic show. Doug Martsch opens. Built to Spin finishes out the night. Tickets are on sale now, but hurry ... they’ll go fast. Cost is $18 in advance through Ticketweb, $20 at the door. ——Amy Atkins
981 West Grove Street, Boise
383.4300 BOISEweekly
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 27
MUSICGUIDE wednesday 15 ACCOUSTICATS—6-9 p.m., FREE, Gelato Cafe ALIVE AFTER FIVE—5-8 p.m., Joshua Tree, Carrie Rodriguez, FREE, The Grove Plaza
AUDIO MOONSHINE—7 p.m., FREE, Old Chicago-Downtown
JARED MEES AND THE GROWN CHILDREN, JULY 16, NEUROLUX After a half-dozen listens to Portland, Ore.’s Jared Mees and the Grown Children, you’ll be singing along like you’re on a school bus returning from a field trip, arm flung around your best pal. Something in Mees’ slightly nasally sing/ talk could convince the most competitive opposing kickball teams to meet in center field for an awesome dance party. Mees’ first album, If You Want to Swim with the Sharks, was essentially a solo effort, but he rounded up some Portlanders to add team spirit to his second album, Caffeine, Alcohol, Sunshine, Money. Released on his and wife Brianne’s record label Tender Loving Empire (see CD Review on Page 30), Caffeine garnered Mees some muchdeserved attention from both NPR and PDX Pop Now. “Between having more people, more time, more room and more money, it yielded a much bigger, broader recording and sound,” said Mees, taking a break from watching Kubrick’s Lolita. “There was a more anthemic nature to these songs than the first album.” Caffeine’s standout track, “Tallest Building in Hell,” starts off with the plucky guitar of Weezer’s “Sweater Song,” then leaps into something more Mates of State-y. With offbeat, singalong choruses, squeaking violins and trashcan-lid drums, the song ends with “You still laugh in your sleep / I take that seriously.” We’re serious when we say: Go see this band. —Tara Morgan With Finn Riggins, 8 p.m., $3, Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
BODO BROTHERS—6-9 p.m., FREE, Smoky Mountain Pizza, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd. ELIZABETH BLIN—6:308:30 p.m., FREE, Dream Cafe EQUALEYES—7 p.m., FREE, Crusty’s JEREMIAH JAMES GANG—8:45 p.m., FREE, Pengilly’s JIM FISHWILD—6-9 p.m., FREE, Highlands Hollow JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLY GOATS—7-10 p.m., FREE, Lush JOSH RITTER, TIFT MERRITT—8 p.m., $24, Egyptian Theatre KEN HARRIS—6:30 p.m., FREE, Berryhill KEVIN KIRK—7 p.m., with Jon Hyneman, Phil Garonzik, 7:30 p.m. FREE, Chandlers
thursday 16
LOOSE CHANGE—7:30 p.m., FREE, Piper Pub
LOW-FI—7-9:30 p.m., FREE, Hannah’s
THE 31ST OR 32ND ANNUAL SUMMER MUSIC FESTIVAL AT ROSEBERRY IDAHO—6 p.m., Equaleyes, Shanti Wintergate with Greg Anttonito of The Bouncing Souls, Lon Jorganson, The Yurt Brothers, $15 per night or $40 for three night pass, Roseberry Townsite, one mile east of Donnelly
NATHAN J. MOODY AND THE QUARTERTONS—9 p.m., FREE, Liquid PIMPS OF JOYTIME—9 p.m., $2, Reef POLYPHONIC POMEGRANATE—9:45 p.m., FREE, Tom Grainey’s SHON SANDERS—7 p.m., FREE, Bungalow SKATE NIGHT—8 p.m., $3, Pianos Become Teeth, The Separation, Fighting Cassius, Gusto Bar SONIC MINSTREL—9 p.m., FREE,Terrapin Station
friday 17 THE 31ST OR 32ND ANNUAL SUMMER MUSIC FESTIVAL AT ROSEBERRY IDAHO—6 p.m., Mike Marshall-Darol Anger Duo, Vasen, $15 per night or $40 for a three night pass, Roseberry Townsite BEN BURDICK, BILL LILES—7-10 p.m., FREE, Gino’s BODO BROTHERS—6-9 p.m., FREE, Kodiak Grill CONNECTICUT FOUR, THE VERY MOST—8 p.m., $2, Flying M Coffeegarage EQUALEYES—10 p.m., $5, Reef
CYRUS FELL DOWN, THE OREGON DONOR—8 p.m., $2, Flying M Coffeegarage
THE FRIM FRAM 4—8:45 p.m., FREE, Pengilly’s
GIZZARD STONE—10 p.m., FREE, Tom Grainey’s
GREAT GARDEN ESCAPE—6:30-9:30 p.m., Headwaters, $10 nonmembers; $8 IBG members; $6 children (6-12), Idaho Botanical Garden
JOHN CAZAN—5-9 p.m., FREE, Lock, Stock & Barrel JON JONES, JON HYNEMAN, MIKE SEIFRIT—8:15 p.m., FREE, Chandlers JUNIPER HOLIDAY WITH BENYARO—9 p.m., $5, Terrapin Station
TRIVIUM, FROM SWORD TO SUNRISE, KRYTERIUM, SLAIN IN SILENCE—8 p.m., $16 adv.; $17 door, Knitting Factory
THE INFAMOUS STRINGDUSTERS—9 p.m., $10 adv., $14 door, The Grizzly Rose JAMES DOUGLAS SHOW—9 p.m., FREE for 21 and older; $3 for 18 and older, Reef
LACUNA COIL, KILL HANNAH, SEVENTH VOID, DOMMIN—7:30 p.m., $16 adv.; $18 door, Knitting Factory
WAYNE “THE TRAIN” HANCOCK, JOE BUCK—9 p.m., $12 adv.; $15 door, The Grizzly Rose
JARED MEES AND THE GROWN CHILDREN, FINN RIGGINS—8 p.m., $3, Neurolux, (see Listen Here, this page)
LIVE AT THE LINEN: RAISING GREEN ON GROVE STREET—5:30 p.m., The Heard, Shakin’ Not Stirred, Steve Fulton, Scot Oliver and Shiny Shoe Bob, suggested donation $5 for USGBC members and $7 for nonmembers, The Linen Building
JOHNNY SHOES—4:30 p.m., FREE, Lock, Stock & Barrel
LOOSE CHANGE—9 p.m., $3, New Frontier
Please send your live music listings to or fax to 342-4733. Include venue, band names, start times and cover charge. Photos are great, too. For dancing, symphony, opera or orchestral music, please see our 8 DAYS OUT listings. THE DEADLINE FOR LISTINGS IS THE THURSDAY THE WEEK PRIOR TO PUBLICATION. LISTINGS ARE RUN ON A SPACE AVAILABLE BASIS.
REVEREND HORTON HEAT, NEKROMANTIX—8:30 p.m., $20, Knitting Factory STEVE EATON—8:15 p.m., FREE, Chandlers SPINDLEBOMB—8 p.m., FREE, Bad Irish THURSDAY NIGHTS LIVE—5-8 p.m., James Orr, Benyarow and the Common Wealth, FREE, The Waterfront at Lake Harbor
KEVIN KIRK—7-8 p.m., FREE, Chandlers
NATHAN J. MOODY AND THE QUARTERTONS—9 p.m., $1, Liquid THE NAUGHTIES—9 p.m., FREE, Bad Irish POP CULT KIDS, SPINDLEBOMB—9:45 p.m., $3, Tom Grainey’s REX AND BEVERLY—8 p.m., The Gamekeeper SHANEY MCCOY—9 p.m., FREE, Piper Pub TERRY JONES, TOM JENSEN—6:30 p.m., FREE, Berryhill
MUSICGUIDE saturday 18
sun. 19
mon. 20
tues. 21
wed. 22
1332 RECORDS’ PUNK MONDAY—9 p.m., Trigger Itch, Poop, Down We Go, $2, Liquid
ACOUSTIC SHOWCASE—9 p.m., hosted by Brock and Kelly FREE, Terrapin Station
ALIVE AFTER FIVE—5-8 p.m., Matt Hopper, Head For the Hills, FREE, The Grove Plaza
BOISE BLUES SOCIETY PICNIC— Noon-6 p.m., FREE with two cans of food, Julia Davis Park, 700 S. Capitol Blvd.
JEFF CROSBY—8 p.m., FREE, Reef
KATHY O’S SWEET AND SALTY MIX—10 p.m., FREE, Neurolux KEN HARRIS—6:30 p.m., FREE, Berryhill
SHON SANDERS—9 p.m., FREE, Piper Pub
SLOTH FALCON—9 p.m., FREE, The Plank
JONNY LANG—8 p.m., $28.50 adv.; $31 door, Knitting Factory
YOUTH PIANIST SHOWCASE—Noon-3 p.m., A.J. Anderson, Edie Andersen, Ashley Rigby, Skyler Rigby, FREE, Berryhill
MUSIC FROM STANLEY—4-8 p.m., Ben Bedford, FREE, Redfish Lake
THE 31ST OR 32ND ANNUAL SUMMER MUSIC FESTIVAL AT ROSEBERRY IDAHO—6 p.m., JJ Grey and Mofro, Shook Twins, See Friday’s listing
KEVIN KIRK—7 p.m., with Sally Tibbs, 7:30 p.m., FREE, Chandlers
POP CULT KIDS, SPINDLEBOMB—9:45 p.m., $3, Tom Grainey’s
KILOWATTS, EVOLG, OWLRIGHT—9 p.m., $5, Neurolux
REBECCA SCOTT—8 p.m., FREE, O’Michael’s
BODO BROTHERS—6-9 p.m., FREE, Donnie Mac’s
LOOSE CHANGE—9 p.m., $3, New Frontier
CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY—9 p.m., $5, Sports Zone, 245 S. Capitol
MOONDANCE—7 p.m., FREE, Woodriver Cellars
REX AND BEVERLY—8 p.m., FREE, Gamekeeper Lounge
ELIZABETH BLIN—6-9 p.m., FREE, Kodiak JAMES ORR—7 p.m., FREE, Bungalow JOSHUA TREE—8:45 p.m., FREE, Pengilly’s KEN HARRIS, RICO WEISMAN—6:30 p.m., FREE, Berryhill
NATHAN J. MOODY AND THE QUARTERTONS—9 p.m., $1, Liquid THE NAUGHTIES—9 p.m., FREE, Bad Irish PILOT ERROR—10 p.m., $5, Reef POCONO BILL—8 p.m., FREE, Groove Coffee
VOICE OF REASON—9 p.m., $4, Terrapin Station
COWGIRLS—353 Ave. E., Kuna, 922-9522
BAD IRISH—199 N. 8th St., 338-8939
CRUSTY’S—214 Lenora St., McCall, 208-634-5005
BARBACOA—276 Bob White Ct., Boise, 338-5000
DONNIE MAC’S—1515 W. Grove St., 338-7813
BERRYHILL AND COMPANY—MSa: 6:30 p.m., 121 N. 9th St., 387-3553
DREAM CAFE—3110 S. Bown Way, 338-6632
BITTERCREEK ALE HOUSE—246 N. 8th St., 345-1813
EGYPTIAN THEATRE—700 W. Main St., 345-0454
BOUQUET—1010 W. Main St. 345-6605
FLYING M COFFEEGARAGE—1314 2nd St. S., Nampa, 467-5533
BUFFALO CLUB—10206 Fairview Ave., 321-1811
FOCACCIA’S—404 E. Parkcenter Blvd., 322-2838
BUNGALOW—1520 N. 13th St., 331-9855
GAMEKEEPER—1109 Main St., 343-4611
CHANDLERS STEAKHOUSE—MSa: Kevin Kirk, 7 p.m.; acts at 8 p.m., 981 Grove St., 383-4300
GELATO CAFE— 2053 E. Fairview Ave., Meridian
CORKSCREWS— 729 N. Main St., Meridian, 888-4049
GINO’S RESTAURANT—3015 McMillan Road, 887-7710 GRAINEY’S BASEMENT—107 S.
RED CITY RADIO—6 p.m., FREE, Gusto Bar SOLIZ PETERSON—11 a.m.-2 p.m., FREE, Dream Cafe THE SOUL HONEY—8 p.m., FREE, Bad Irish
6th St., 345-2505 GRAPE ESCAPE—800 W. Idaho St., 368-0200 THE GRIZZLY ROSE—1124 W. Front St., 342-3375 GROOVE COFFEE—1800 N. Locust Grove, Meridian, 890-6128
Rd., 343-8649 KNITTING FACTORY CONCERT HOUSE—416 S. 9th St., 367-1212 KODIAK GRILL—12342 E. Hwy. 21, 338-8859
GUSTO BAR—509 W. Main St.
LIBRARY COFFEEHOUSE—141 E. Carlton Ave., Meridian, 288-1898
HA’PENNY—855 Broad St., 343-5568
THE LINEN BUILDING—1402 W. Grove St., 385-0111
HIGHLANDS HOLLOW BREWHOUSE—2455 Harrison Hollow, 343-6820
LIQUID—405 S. 8th St.
HIJINX COMEDY CLUB—800 W. Idaho St., 947-7100 HUMPIN’ HANNAH’S—W-Sa: Rocci Johnson Band, 621 Main St., 345-7557 HYDE PARK PUB—1501 N. 13th St., 336-9260 IDAHO BOTANICAL GARDEN—2355 N. Penitentiary
LOCK, STOCK & BARREL—F-Sa: live music, 1100 W. Jefferson, 336-4266 LULU’S FINE PIZZA—2594 Bogus Basin Road, 387-4992 LUSH—9 p.m., 760 Main St., 342-5874
DAN COSTELLO—7-10 p.m., FREE, Liquid
KOSHA DILLZ, BLACK SKEPTIK, AKREAM—8 p.m., $5, Visual Arts Collective
EQUALEYES—8 p.m., FREE, Sockeye
LORD T AND ELOISE—8 p.m., $10, Neurolux
OPEN MIC—9 p.m., FREE, Terrapin Station
THE GENERATIONALS—7 p.m., FREE, The Record Exchange; 9 p.m., $5, CD Release Party, Hijinx
OPEN MIC NIGHT— 7-9 p.m., FREE, Library Coffeehouse
GIZZARD STONE—10 p.m., FREE, Liquid
REBECCA SCOTT AND ROB HILL OPEN MIC—8:45 p.m., FREE, Pengilly’s THOMAS PAUL—8 p.m., FREE, Red Feather Lounge
Hailey, 208-788-1051
SPINDLEBOMB—9:45 p.m., FREE, Tom Grainey’s SPUD MOORE—6-9 p.m., FREE, Gelato Cafe TOO MUCH DISTORTION SKATE NIGHT—8 p.m., $5, In the Red, Bastards of Young, Anchor Down, Aces and Eights, Gusto Bar
MODERN HOTEL—1314 W. Grove St., 424-8244
PIPER PUB & GRILL—150 N. 8th St., 343-2444
MONKEY BIZNASS—724 First St. S., Nampa
THE PLANK—650 S. Vista Ave., 336-1790
MOON’S KITCHEN CAFE—712 W. Idaho St., 385-0472
THE RECORD EXCHANGE (RX)—1105 W. Idaho St., 344-8010
MR. LUCKY’S—4902 W. Chinden Blvd., 327-0925 MUSIC OF THE VINE—2805 Blaine St., Caldwell, 454-1228 NEUROLUX—F-Sa: DJs, $3, 11 p.m., 111 N. 11th, 343-0886
SUPERB SUSHI—208 N. 8th St., 385-0123 TABLEROCK BREWPUB—705 Fulton St., 342-0944 TERRAPIN STATION—1519 W. Main St., 342-1776 TOM GRAINEY’S—109 S. 6th St., 345-2505
RED FEATHER LOUNGE—10 p.m., 246 N. 8th St., 429-6340
THE VENUE—521 Broad St., 919-0011
REDFISH LAKE LODGE—Hwy. 75, south of Stanley, 208-774-3536
VISUAL ARTS COLLECTIVE (VAC)—3638 Osage St., Garden City, 424-8297
REEF—105 S. 6th St., 287-9200
NEW FRONTIER—116 E. Broadway, Meridian, 888-9034
RODEWAY INN—1115 N. Curtis Rd., 376-2700
WATERFRONT AT LAKE HARBOR—3050 N. Lakeharbor Lane, Boise
OLD CHICAGO—730 W. Idaho St., 363-0037
SHORTY’S SALOON—5467 Glenwood, 672-9090
WHITEWATER PIZZA—1510 N. Eagle Rd., Meridian, 888-6611
O’MICHAELS—2433 Bogus Basin Rd., 342-8948
SOCKEYE—3019 Cole Rd., 658-1533
MAIN STREET BISTRO—609 Main St., 345-9515
WICKED SPUD—305 N. Main St., Hailey, 208-788-0009
PAIR—601 Main St., 343-7034 PENGILLY’S—513 W. Main St.,
SUN RAY CAFE—1602 N. 13th St., 343-2887
THE MINT—116 S. Main St.,
WOODRIVER CELLARS—3705 N. Hwy. 16, Eagle, 286-9463
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 29
Portland, Ore., label Tender Loving Empire lives up to two-thirds of its name. Husband and wife owners, Brianne and Jared Mees, clearly put a great deal of TLC into choosing the music they carry and any and all associated merch—including what’s available in their TLE retail store. Most importantly, they offer it all at price points even the poorest PDXer (or online shopper from Idaho) can afford. And the empire part? With releases like their 2009 two-CD compilation Friends and Friends of Friends, Vol. 2, they are well on their way. Since genre descriptions are nearly feckless, calling Friends indie-anything would be a bit untrue ... but only in regard to the kind of music. The compilation epitomizes indie spirit. Even the packaging of the two-CD release is special. The cardboard case, graced with images of a ship, a castle and a human heart in three dulcet tones of blue was designed by Portland artist Andrew Sloan ( and screenprinted at TLE. It’s soft and matte, and touching it hints at the textures of sound inside. The compilation is comprised of two CDs: Neighbors and Pen Pals. Neighbors contains 23 tracks by Portland-based acts, some nationally known, some whose first exposure may very well be on this CD. Touring bands Starf***er , Lackthereof and Jared Mees and the Grown Children (see Listen Here, page 28) share space with the chill, jazzy beats of Yeah:Great:Fine, psychedelic, fauna-obsessed Gratitillium and the quirky pop sounds of Dirty Mittens. Pen Pals holds 20 tracks of music outside—sometimes well outside—the Portland area like Baltimore’s Small Sur, San Francisco-based Low Red Land, L.A.’s Starving Daughters and Boise’s own Finn Riggins (who are on the TLE label). While the music on the CD is all by other musicians and acts, except for Mees’ track, the message is what TLE must be all about. And in case it’s not clear, on the inside cover, TLE explains their inspiration not only for this CD but for the art of creating music: “Friends and Friends of Friends is a series of musical compilations intending to foster the cross-continental pollination of aesthetic progress through music and art. It is the intention of this compilation to break down a small piece of the barriers, be they commercial, geographic or otherwise, that divide artists into rank and file competitors. The songs on these two discs are some of the best examples we know of genuine, heartfelt, unironic musical expression. We are privileged to know the people and/or know someone who knows the people who make this music. Thank you for buying this comp and supporting independent, hard working artists. Burn, upload, distribute at will. Do the right thing.” [Signed] The TLE Family, 2009, Portland, Ore. Uniting artists sounds like a Herculean task. But isn’t that what empires are built on? —Amy Atkins
COLDPLAY: LEFTRIGHTLEFTRIGHTLEFT “Man, we put in more rehearsal for this album than any other, because we played it live 101 times before we released it. Talk about road-testing material,” said frontman Chris Martin on the band’s Web site. You’ve got to hand it to Coldplay that not only can they write some captivating songs, they can also deliver on a live performance. Furthermore, despite these Brits being world superstars, they’ve managed to keep a handle on their music. There’s something commendable about a mainstream band refusing Gap the rights to their songs. So when they release a live album as a free download on their Web site, it’s worth a listen. LeftRightLeftRightLeft captures that quality about Coldplay that’s given them global appeal. The songs, many of them from last summer’s Viva La Vida, are in the trademark emotional explorations of Chris Martin, winsome without bordering too far into unbelievability. Coldplay’s particular brand of alternative rock is minimalistic in nature, both full and sparse at times, making for some great song dynamics. The album features the untold thousands singing along or clapping in unison—a snapshot of standing in the crowd. On the set list, Coldplay classic “Clocks” makes an appearance, along with “42,” an eerie melody morphing into a sarcastic and progressive chorus of “You thought you might be a ghost / you never got to heaven but you made it close.” The title song “Viva La Vida” breaks the sometimes subdued setting with energetic string-inspired melodies. Another song on the list, “Strawberry Swing,” is set to be released as a music video later this summer. While live albums can have a bad rep for being filler material to boost CD sales, Coldplay attempts to take turn this cliche around. “And although it’s live, it’s supposed to be a real album, part of our canon. Y’know, as well as being a gift move, it is also a musical move. It’s meant to say that this is what we sound like at the moment,” said Martin. Download at Coldplay —Mathias Morache
ANDY SCOTT: DON’T TEMPT FATE Here’s a riddle for you: If a talented artist succeeds in an effort that isn’t worth the time or talent expended to get there, is that a success or a failure? I ask because I just finished listening to jazz guitarist Andy Scott’s latest disc, Don’t Tempt Fate, and it strikes me as a case in point. Usually I listen to an album at least twice before I begin writing, but my cheese tolerance starting redlining halfway through this album because Scott delivers every song on the disc—and worse, his collaborators play along in this same vein—as if he were a Vegas lounge act. Specifically, he sings like he’s listening to bossa nova on his internal iPod, and, man, is that annoying. I thought it was just me, but then I made the error of reading the liner notes and the press kit that came with the CD, and oh gentle readers, imagine the horror when I realized that was the sound he was going for. It wasn’t just a matter of a pretty good guitarist not realizing that he’s a vessel for Dean Martin’s giddy Rat Pack spirit. Nope, that was his intended goal. Which brings me to my quandary: Is this album a success? Personally, I thought it was a great waste of Scott’s obvious talent, but I’m not in the intended audience. Plus, he did successfully evoke the Rat Pack-era swing sound he was reportedly aiming to hit. Thus, as a focused product, this album made the grade. In some ways, I’m reminded of Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music, an album generally considered to be just contract fulfillment and almost universally recognized as unlistenable. The same question arose then: Is that album a success because it fulfilled Reed’s expectations, or is it a failure because nobody else can stomach it? I’m not lumping Lou Reed and Andy Scott in the same category, mind you; I’m just trying to draw a parallel. In the long run, Don’t Tempt Fate might be an artistic success, but I damn sure can’t recommend it. —Brandon Nolta
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
COLOR OF SUSTAINABILITY Two local businesses redefine reuse
Judge Sue Latta recently selected winners for Art Source Gallery’s Eighth annual “National Juried Exhibition,” and BW’s own Annabel Armstrong was one of four artists to snag the top prize for her work Platanen. Using crazy mediums like gold leaf, asphaltum and shellac, Armstrong’s piece, which means plane trees in German, depicts knobby branches jutting up into a Annabel Armstrong, Platanen hazy, wintery sky. Other winning artists who will split the $1,000 prize are Boise’s Mark Campbell for his piece Untitled #1 and Boise’s Belinda Isley for The Last Official Sighting of The Raven King. The only non-Idaho artist to walk away with a piece of the pie was Bloomington, Illinois, Mays Mayhew for his oil painting, What the F. These pieces, along with others from across the country, will be on display at Art Source Gallery, 1015 Main St., through the month of July.
he environmental buzzwords of the 1990s—reduce, reuse, recycle—aren’t heard as much in this century. The new term is green, an ambiguous banner used to label everything from carbon offsets to cleaning products to garden flowers that don’t suck up too much water. Does creating green art, then, mean crafting a project that is environmentally sound or does it imply using a different mindset in looking at the creative process? For two local businesses founded on the importance of reusing, being environmentally conscious doesn’t necessarily mean being green as much as it means creating a sustainable system in which the art is only one component. David Gapen operates the Reuseum, a haven of old electronics and new creations in Garden City. The overflowing shelves are lined with defunct gadgetry of previous eras, requiring visitors to make their way through a labyrinth of TVs, radios and equipment of less-recognizable origin, stripped of circuitry and reassembled into something new. A plastic bubble with dangling rubber gloves built into the interior lays in the corner. A Tesla coil rests in the back. A tiny robot powered by a solar module and a rubber band racer with a scratched techno-mix CD for a wheel sit on the work bench. “It sort of is a junk store, but it’s also a library for geeks,” said Gapen. “Stuff is not flying off the walls but it supports our idea.” This idea is that old electronics, which would otherwise be thrown away, can instead provide a wealth of knowledge and creative potential. For Gapen, green is an empty term. With companies clamoring to repackage products as green to win over an increasingly environmentally sensitive consumer base, the meaning has become obscured. “In America, green is a marketing concept. I don’t think green, but instead I think sustainable. Sustainable is a word of function. It creates a cycle that helps us all to float. I think you can do a better job with a different word than green. There are so many better words to describe the diversity of what’s happening now,” said Gapen. The difference is all in perspective, according to Gapen. While many people might not think much about the growing accumulation of obsolete electronics as technology advances, the premise of the Reuseum is to put those electronics to a new purpose. Where one person sees junk, another person sees an opportunity for creation. “We take broken printers, mine them for motors and use the motors in the workshop. This is art to me, this idea. Also it’s cheap—it’s the blue-collar man’s way to prototype,” said Gapen. Those printer motors will find a new use in an upcoming project called BEAMbot, a workshop to design simple robots and teach skills in soldering and electrical circuits. An upcoming project for the next Ignite Boise will see participants race and design a rubber-band-powered dragster. BW walked away with one such kit. For visual artists, reusing materials has long been a standard operating procedure. Many variations—recycled art, found art and now green art—have arisen over the years, but all imply a similar idea of finding art in what another person would discard. For Tracy Cochran, the idea goes further than just reusing materials. Cochran first had the idea for the Re:Use Market three years ago after she got her degree in Interior Design and became aware of the vast amount of material that would otherwise be tossed.
The Re:Use Market functions as a nonprofit depot for unorthodox art supplies. Tables are heaped with multi-colored suede scraps, shelves hold bins of bottle caps, tiles, wallpaper, fabrics and other materials that the artistically minded could put to use. “The cool thing is it’s always different. Sometimes we see some really funky stuff,” said Cochran. “I think one of the main reasons I do this is that everything you see here would be at a landfill. Artists see fun, unique possibilities in things that would otherwise be thrown away.” Like Gapen, Cochran is quick to bring up sustainability. For her, sustainability goes beyond reselling art supplies bound for the trash to reconsidering the way that the nonprofit organization is run. This can mean anything from requesting fabric companies not to send wasteful sample material to setting up a carpool for Boise customers to reach the store in its new Nampa location.
David Gapen tears apart a typewriter as a couple of bearded boys build ’bots.
“This goes deeper. We all need to make more sustainable choices in business,” said Cochran. A gambit of local artists and craft enthusiasts frequent the shop, using the materials for a plethora of artistic endeavors. Also, Cochran notes that reused art supplies offer a major boon to underfunded school art programs. She often sees teachers and parents stocking up on supplies for future class projects. Some of the reused materials can be seen in their second incarnation for sale at the White Pine, a hip, eco-friendly clothing boutique owned by Diana Shafer. Recently, the Re:Use Market relocated from its Linen District location in Second Chance Building Materials Center on Grove Street in Boise to the back of Shafer’s Nampa location. Since opening last September, Shafer has sold the work of local artists, such as handbags constructed from recycled fabric and wallets made from wallpaper. “Recycled art has definitely been popping up lately,” said Shafer. Shafer offered Cochran the space after meeting her at the previous smaller location and believing in the importance of what she was doing. These grass-roots connections between people are where sustainable art and culture flourish. “It’s about redefining connections,” said Gapen, describing the cycle of sustainability that perpetuates the Reuseum. Such connections recently sent Gapen on a “parts run,” an intense daylong road trip that took him to the farthest corners of southern Idaho to meet a network of individuals, all with scrapped electronics, who share a vision of those electronics serving a higher purpose. It’s this perception that separates what some would call refuse from what others would call creative opportunity. “The beast is the landfill. There is so much dirty junk people abandon. What we’ve done instead is learn from it,” said Gapen. The Reuseum, 4566 Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-3757507,; The Re:Use Market, 115 13th Ave. S., Nampa, 208-794-9661,
As of July 6, Warm Springs Avenue between Starview Drive and Wise Way has been barricaded off for construction. And though road closures don’t typically make news here in A&E, those planning to head out to see A Comedy of Errors, The Mystery of Edwin Drood or Twelfth Night at Idaho Shakespeare Festival any time during the next seven weeks are going to need another game plan. The Ada County Highway District posted an alternate route on its Web site, which advises Festival-goers to use Broadway Avenue, Boise Avenue and Eckert Road to navigate around the closed chunk of Warm Springs. Though this road closure couldn’t come at a more unfortunate time for ISF, it is a necessary inconvenience to make sure the East Parkcenter Bridge’s slated November opening isn’t delayed. This project has been envisioned since the 1970s and will connect Warm Springs Avenue and Parkcenter Boulevard. All of this closure mess could’ve been avoided, though, if Harris Ranch developers had met their deadline to build a new alternate road east of Table Rock. While this will be a substantial pain in the ass for North- and East-Enders making the trek out to ISF, there is an up side: bike motivation. The Boise Greenbelt’s bike pathway will remain open during the road closure, though ACHD advises bikers to be cautious in the construction zone. A few words for those who oppose head trauma: If you currently bike sans helmet, now might be a good time to invest in one. For more information on the Warm Springs Avenue closure, visit
A NOVEL CONCEPT Attention single bookworms: The library at Hillcrest is concerned about your love life. Do you spend too much time leafing through musty copies of War and Peace or cracking the spines of the newest Carl Hiaasen thriller to find that special someone? Well, the library won’t stand for it any longer. Its newest promotion is a speeddating-with books event they’ve adorably dubbed Book A Date at the Library. This 21-and-up shindig invites area singles to bring a novel they “love, hate, have recently read or just want to talk about” to the Hillcrest Shopping Center at Orchard Street and Overland Road on Friday, July 31, at 7 p.m. for a free hour and a half shot at love. Interested parties should register by calling call 208-562-4996 by Friday, July 24. Hey, if things work out, maybe you’ll find someone to play footsie with during your next book bender. For more information or to register, call 208562-4996 or visit —Tara Morgan
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 31
A DOG, A DAD, A BOBCAT Bobcat Goldthwait is off the endangered species list
e’s not dead. Forty-seven-year-old comedian Bobcat Goldthwait is alive and well, writing and directing dark little indie films such as the beastly Sleeping Dogs Lie (2006), and the black comedy, World’s Greatest Dad, due out next month, both of which were picked up by Magnolia pictures after receiving critical acclaim at Sundance. To fund his filmmaking, Goldthwait still does the occasional stand-up gig including a stop in Boise on Saturday, July 18, at the Knitting Factory. Goldthwait’s acting credits span three decades and include B-movies, B-television and voicing animated characters. He played Zed, the neurotic, screaming, bad-guyturned-cadet—a character close to his onstage persona—in three installments of the ’80s franchise Police Academy; he played disgruntled worker Eliot Loudermilk opposite Bill Murray in Scrooged (1986); he was Whoopi Goldberg’s sweet sidekick Carl Hefler in Burglar (1987); and he played the title role in Shakes the Clown (1991), which he also directed. He was a regular contributor on HBO’s Comic Relief (1986, 1987, 1989, 1994). He’s also the guy who set fire to the set of The Tonight Show (1994). Goldthwait moved from in front of the camera to direct television shows such as The Man Show, Chappelle’s Show and Jimmy Kimmel Live! It’s behind the camera where his passion lies. World’s Greatest Dad stars Robin Williams, with whom Goldthwait has been friends for nearly 30 years. Williams plays Lance Clayton, a disenfranchised highschool poetry teacher, raising a hormonally charged, foul-mouthed teenage son who abhors him. Lance takes advantage of a tragedy to gain the fame and fortune he’s yearned for, but at what price? The trailer for World’s Greatest hints at the film’s mys-
tery without giving the secret away. “I’m really happy with the trailer because we don’t give out the plot. And we don’t give out the biggest laughs,” Goldthwait said, his voice low and gravelly. “I’m not trying to keep the plot out of the press because I’m trying to do a bait-and-switch. I’m not trying to do Marley and Me where you go, ‘Oh my god, Marley’s dead!’” The trailer does have three or four tantalizing, laugh-out-loud moments and promises a film in which Williams shines with much of the credit going to Goldthwait. “Robin said to me while we were making it that he’d never felt safer,” Goldthwait said. Williams and Goldthwait tried new things, they talked about changes, but Goldthwait never said, “OK, Robin. Go be funny.” The weight of the film’s laughs lie on both men’s shoulders. Though the kickers in his last two films are bestiality and masturbation, believe it or not, Goldthwait has grown up since the days when he entered a stage yelling. Even his standup has matured and he takes it as seriously as he does his filmmaking. Making audiences laugh using his own material is, strangely, where he feels safe, too. He said he may never direct another writer’s screenplay. He can’t take another heartbreak. “If a good screenplay comes to my house, it already has coffee stains from Spike Jones and Jason Reitman,” Goldthwait said. “The first time I got passionate about a screenplay someone else wrote, it was down to me and this other guy. They were like, ‘You’re the guy we’re going to hire,’ and then they hired the guy who directed Kung Fu Panda. It’s just a lot of hurt.” Saturday, July 18, 9:30 p.m., $20, Knitting Factory, 416 S. Ninth St., 208-3671212,
STORYTIME ON STAGE ART launches new reading series
lley Repertory Theater is hard at work carving out its niche. Along with creating a branch of ART called Alley Underground to stage more avant-garde plays, they’re offering a series of readings in which the works of local playwrights are read. Four scripts were chosen for this year’s series. Each one is read in full by actors in front of an audience after which, the audience is asked fill out a survey. Based on the surveys, the audience response and how well the play fits in with ART’s overall vibe, the play may be fully staged in the future. ART co-artistic director Hollis Welsh said the readings evolved organically. “Summer months are slower so we were looking for ways to fill the time. We get plays sent into us and decided to select a few for readings. Four bubbled to the top.” Head was the first to find a voice. Russ Stoddard, founder and president of Oliver Russell, spent more than two years writing Head, a play that examines the “aftermath of a beheading in modern-day Iraq,” including the beheaded man’s search for his body with help from a group of famous beheadees—Marie Antoinette, Balboa, Goliath, etc. It’s a gruesome comedy hook, but
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
one with a message. Stoddard wanted to consider what long-term and wide-reaching effects “societal beliefs and tribal rituals” may have. Welsh described the experience with Head as amazing. Nearly all of the 99 seats they set out were full and the audience “responded to the interactive experience, where they got to listen to local work, then share their feedback and talk with the cast and writer afterward.” ART asked Sabah Al-Anbaki, an Iraqi man, to read one of the lead roles. Welsh said having the “real deal” gave the play authenticity and resonated with the audience. “We had an amazing line-up. Everyone brought the right mix of humor and playfulness, gravitas and intensity.” By press time, audiences will have had the opportunity to hear the second play, Catherine by June Daniels. Daniels explores a 40-year period in the life of Catherine the Great. The reading of Inflection Point by Greg Hampikian is on Monday, July 20, and Cocktails at the Fisher’s by Kelly Brioch is on Monday, July 27. 7:30 p.m., $7. VAC, 3638 Osage St.. Garden City, 208-388-4278, WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 33
smaller amount of space. The translation of this set of values into the food industry requires a baffling mindset change that many of the farmers and growers pictured aren’t completely comfortable with. While certain interviewees have readjusted their Warning: Many, many animals were —including Barbara Kowalcyk, whose thinking, calling themselves livestock harmed during the making of this film. 2-year-old son died from a contaminated “makers” and content to be the first step Many humans, too. burger—and free-range meat men who in a production line, other working-class offer a better solution, the film packs an families Kenner spoke with have either gnorance, they say, is bliss. But when overwhelming amount of information become disgusted with their participation that ignorance leads to an epidemic into its 90-minute running time. With in the industrial system or are being sued of adult-onset diabetes, nationwide the battle for better food being fought by food corporations for crop rights and food poisondefamation. ing and With corpothe willful rate policing withholding and a legislaof informative body tion by food filled with producers, former indusignorance try leaders, is simply the workers irresponsible. and producFood, Inc., ers often have directed and little to no produced recourse but by Emmyto live under winning a tyrannical documentarrule. ian Robert Food, Kenner, seeks Inc. is a slick to pull back production, the curtain at times as and expose glossy as a the unhealthy wax-coated activities of Red Delicious federal and and at others, corporate as squalid FOOD, INC. (NR) food organizations that directly influence as the ankle-deep piles of filth in which American families every day. many livestock animals spend their short Directed by Robert Kenner Narrated by two longtime journalist lives. While the film does not offer perfect Narrated by Michael Pollan, Eric Schlosser advocates of corporate transparency—Misolutions, it does ask the viewer to think Opens July 31 at The Flicks chael Pollan (author of The Omnivore’s carefully about their purchasing power. Dilemma) and Eric Schlosser (author of In capitulation to consumer demands, Fast Food Nation)—the film covers a Walmart no longer sells milk produced broad spectrum of issues relating to the on so many different fronts, it’s difficult with rBST growth hormones, a small meafood industry, from the production of to organize the various injustices into a sure of the impact the public can have on GMOs—genetically modified organisms— cohesive film, but Kenner and company how their food is made. Kenner does not such as corn and chickens and the callous make a game try, and the bleak and disaddress the cyclical nature of cheap, bad treatment of both workers and livestock turbing imagery of assembly-line slaughfood leading to medical bills that necesin concentrated animal feeding operations terhouses and hushed-up farm workers fill sitate cheap (bad) food, but he does ento the legislative and judicial decisions in the picture. courage viewers to know where and how made in order to keep the American In our modern industrial culture, eftheir meals were created, and not settle public in the dark about the food they ficiency and quantity are the two highest for discounted products or solutions. You ingest. Using interviews with disenfranvirtues of production. To this end, corwouldn’t buy a cheap car, the film states, chised farmers who no longer own the porate engineers have designed our food, if you knew it was unsafe. Why should rights to their seed, food safety advocates be it meat or produce, to grow larger in a your food be any different?
INDUSTRIAL EATS It’s lunchtime. Do you know where your food’s been?
SCREENLISTINGS special screening KAMBAKKHT ISHQ—This film in Hindi is part action, part comedy and a little romance. The two-hour and 22-minute movie follows the adventures of an Indian stuntman who hits his mark every time, but has trouble finding love. Call the Egyptian for time. Sunday, July 19, $12, Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., 208-208345-0454,
opening HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE—Director David Yates leads the Hogwarts gang for the sixth installment of the Harry Potter franchise. It’s another year of mystery and magic, as Harry returns, persisting in battle against his arch nemesis, Lord Voldemort. But this year, Harry finds himself in more turmoil than before as he opens
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
the window to his enemy’s past, revealing his own future. Voldemort and his followers continue to inflict havoc on the muggle and wizarding world, making Hogwarts an unsafe school for the unsuspecting wizards. Aimed at preparing Harry for battle against the increasing dark magic, Professor Dumbledore assists Harry in tasks that can only result in life for one and death for the other. Hold on to your broomsticks, it’s going to be a bumpy ride for Potter fans. (PG) Northgate, Edwards 9, Edwards 21, TYSON—The documentar y by James Toback follows the trials and tribulations of former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson. The boxer’s life has included both glorious victories in the ring and reputationshattering defeats in his personal affairs. Tyson went from an unstoppable fighter who some say was exploited by people who made a lot of money off him during his fighting days, to a disgraced public figure
associated with domestic violence, erratic behavior and personal tragedies. (R) Flicks
continuing AWAY WE GO—Expectant couple Verona (Maya Rudolph, Saturday Night Live) and Bur t (John Krasinski, The Office) set out on a trip across the countr y in search of a place where they feel comfor table enough to raise their child. The movie, directed by Sam Mendes (American Beauty), is from an original screenplay by Dave Eggers and Vendela Vida, and the soundtrack features music by singer-songwriter Alexi Murdoch. (R) Flicks BRUNO—Sacha Baron Cohen is Bruno, a homosexual Austrian fashion guru and TV personality. With his zebra stripes, shor t shor ts and stylish hats, Bruno leaves no feathers unruffled on his quest to
shock all the unsuspecting people he inter views during his quest for infamy. (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 21 CHERI—Director Stephen Frears (The Queen) and screenwriter Christopher Hampton (Atonement) reunite (Dangerous Liaisons, 1988) for this period piece that also stars Michelle Pfeiffer. Set in La Belle Epoque (1906) Paris, Lea (Pfeiffer) is a courtesan who wants to retire after batting around the rich and famous for years. Lea is approached by a sharp-tongued former courtesan and arch rival, Charlotte Peloux (Kathy Bates) who convinces her to take on one more challenge. Charlotte’s 19-year-old son Cherie (Rupert Friend) is an unexcitable young man until Lea teaches him a thing or two about the fairer sex. (R) Flicks THE HANGOVER—Three friends head to Las Vegas before one of them takes the final plunge into matrimony. Phil (Bradley Cooper),
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 35
SCREENLISTINGS Stu (Ed Helms) and Alan (Zach Galifianakis) are charged with showing Doug (Justin Bartha) a good time in Sin City. After a wild night at Caesar’s Palace, the groomsmen have massive hangovers, a tiger in the bathroom, a baby in the closet, but the groom is nowhere to be found. (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 21 ICE AGE: DAWN OF THE DINOSAURS—Ray Romano (Manny), John Leguizamo (Sid), Queen Latifah (Ellie) and Denis Lear y (Diego) lend their voices to the sequel to Ice Age. After the meltdown, Manny and Ellie are preparing to welcome a new bundle of joy to the woolly mammoth family. Diego is contemplating changes of his own after he starts to feel like a housecat instead of a sabre tooth tiger, and Sid is up to his silly antics again when he starts to feel his biological clock ticking and steals a dinosaur egg to raise as his own. (PG) Northgate, Edwards 9, Edwards 21
I LOVE YOU, BETH COOPER— Denis (Paul Rust) is the valedictorian of his senior class and during his speech at the podium, he professes his love for Beth Cooper (Hayden Panettiere, Heroes). Cooper is a popular cheerleader with a boyfriend who is all beefcake and no brains, so she decides to stop by Denis’ house on graduation night to bat him around for a while. Crazy senior night antics ensue with near car crashes, encounters with wild animals and Denis ending up in his underoos. (PG-13) Edwards 21 MOON—Duncan Jones (David Bowie’s son) directs this science fiction movie about Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell), an astronaut who has been on a desolate moon base called Sarang for the last three years on a mission to mine an energy source for Earth. The moon man misses his wife and young daughter and looks for ward to returning home ver y soon. Until then, Bell’s
only form of communication is with a computer called GERTY (voiced by Kevin Spacey), and although the computer can simulate emotions, Bell is anxious to talk to someone with a real heart. (R) Flicks MY SISTER’S KEEPER—The Fitzgerald family, Sara (Cameron Diaz), Brian (Jason Patric) and their two kids, Kate (Sofia Vassilieva) and Jesse live a happy life until Kate is diagnosed with leukemia. The parents decide to have another baby Anna (Abigail Breslin, Little Miss Sunshine) to ensure Kate has a per fect match for bone marrow and an eventual kidney transplant. When Anna reaches her teen years, she is tired of all the medical procedures and visits Campbell Alexander (Alec Baldwin), a lawyer who helps Anna sue her parents for the right to make decisions about her own body. The touching drama reaches a boiling point in Judge De Salvo’s (Joan Cusack) cour troom where right
BOISE WEEKLY MOVIE TIMES Cut this out and put it on your fridge!
Flicks: W-Th: 5:20, 7:20, 9:20; F-Su: 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20, 9:20; M-Tu: 5:20, 7:20, 9:20 Edwards 9: W-Th: 12:55, 4:25, 7:20, 10:25 Edwards 21: W-Th: 12:10, 12:50, 2:30, 3:30, 4:50, 5:50, 7:10, 8:05, 9:30, 10:15
Flicks: W-Th: 5, 7, 9; F-Su: 3:10, 7:10; M-Tu: 7:10
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:05, 4:20, 7:45, 10:05 Edwards 21: W-Th: 12:25, 2:45, 5:25, 7:45, 10:05
HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE— Northgate: W-Tu: 12:30, 3:45, 7, 10:05 Edwards 9: W: 9:30 a.m., 12:50, 1:20, 3:45, 4:10, 4:40, 7, 7:30, 7:55, 10:15, 10:45; Th: 12:50, 1:20, 3:45, 4:10, 4:40, 7, 7:30, 7:55, 10:15, 10:45 Edwards 21: W-Th: 9:20 a.m., 9:40 a.m., 12, 12:20, 12:40, 1, 1:20, 2, 3:20, 3:40, 4, 4:20, 4:40, 5:20, 6:40, 7, 7:20, 7:40, 8, 8:40, 9:55, 10:15, 10:35, 10:55, 11:15 HOTEL FOR DOGS—
Northgate: M-Tu only: 10:30 a.m.
Edwards 21: W-Th: 12:15, 2:40, 5:05, 7:35, 10:10
Northgate: W-Tu: 12:20, 2:30, 4:45, 7:10, 9:15 Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:10, 4, 7:15, 10 Edwards 21: W-Th: 12:55, 1:30, 3:25, 3:55, 5:40, 6:10, 8:30, 10:45
Edwards 21: W-Th: 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:30, 9:50
Flicks: W-Th: 5:30, 7:30, 9:30; F-Su: 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30; M-Tu: 5:30, 7:30, 9:30
Edwards 9: W-Th: 12:30 Edwards 21: W-Th: 11:40 a.m., 2:15, 4:45, 7:15, 9:45
Edwards 21: W-Th: 10:05, 12:35, 3, 5:30, 7:50, 10:10
Northgate: W-Tu: 12, 2:20, 4:45, 7:20, 9:40 Edwards 9: W-Th: 12:40, 4:30, 7:40, 10:30 Edwards 21: W-Th: 10:45 a.m., 1:25, 4:15, 6:55, 9:40
Northgate: W-Tu: 12:30, 4, 7, 9:50 Edwards 9: W-Th: 1, 4:15, 7:35, 10:35 Edwards 21: W-Th: 10:15 a.m., 1:10, 4:10, 7:25, 10:25
Edwards 21: W-Th: 1:05, 4:05, 6:50, 9:35
Flicks: W-Th only: 7:10
Edwards 21: W-Th: 7:55, 10:20
Northgate: W-Tu: 12:40, 3:45, 7:30 Edwards 9: W-Th: 12:35, 3:55, 7:10, 10:20 Edwards 21: W-Th: 12:05, 12:45, 3:20, 4:35, 6:40, 7:50, 9:55 Edwards IMAX: W-Th: 9:30 a.m., 12:40, 3:50, 7, 10:10
Flicks: F-Su: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9; M-Tu: 5, 7, 9 Northgate: W-Tu: 12:20, 2:40, 4:55, 7:10, 9:20 Edwards 21: W-Th: 1:15, 3:50, 6:35, 9 Flicks: W-Th: 5, 9:10; F-Su: 1:10, 5:10, 9:10; M-Tu: 5, 9:10
Movie times listed were correct as of press time. To verify: Edwards 21 Boise, 208-377-1700,; Edwards 9 Boise, 208-338-3821,; The Egyptian Theater, 208345-0454,; The Flicks, 208-342-4222,; Northgate Cinema, 208-377-2620, For second-run movies: Overland Park $1 Cinema, 208-377-3072; Towne Square Reel, 208-377-2620; Country Club Reel, 208-377-2620; Nampa Reel, 208-377-2620,
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
SCREENLISTINGS and wrong, ethics and morality all take a stand against the duties of family. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 21 NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM: BATTLE OF THE SMITHSONIAN—Ben Stiller reprises his role as Larry Daley, the night watchman who moves from the Museum of Natural History to the Smithsonian Institute to rescue Jedediah and Octavius who had been shipped there on accident. (PG) Edwards 21 THE PROPOSAL—Margaret Tate (Sandra Bullock) is a heavy handed book editor who persuades her male assistant Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds) to take her hand in marriage so she won’t get depor ted to Canada. The business arrangement quickly turns into a family affair when the fiances travel to Alaska and the Paxtons (Mar y Steenburgen and Craig T. Nelson) arrange a quick wedding in conjunction with Grandma Annie’s (Betty White) 90th bir thday. (PG-13) Nor thgate, Edwards 9, Edwards 21 PUBLIC ENEMIES—The Depression-era gangster film directed by Michael Mann pits bank robbers against government agents during a time when the general public had major disdain for the banking system. Johnny Depp plays the slippery outlaw John Dillinger, whose charm and good looks always keep him a couple of steps ahead of the law. J. Edgar Hoover’s new agency, the beginning of the FBI, and its top agent, Melvin Purvis (Christian Bale) make it their mission to put the criminal and his band of robbers behind bars for good. (R) Northgate, Edwards 9, Edwards 21
STAR TREK—J.J. Abrams (Mission: Impossible III, Lost and Alias) boldly takes this TV classic in a whole new direction, yet preser ves the universal message of acceptance for all species. (PG-13) Edwards 21 SUMMER HOURS—Helene Ber thier (Edith Scob) is the matriarch of her French family and when she passes, her three children must decide what to do with all her worldly possessions. The eldest son of three children, Frederic (Charles Berling) would like to keep their mother’s house, and the treasures it contains, as it is for future generations to enjoy, but the sister, Adrienne (Juliette Binoche), and younger brother, Jeremie (Jeremie Renier), who both live outside of France, do not see the point of hanging onto old desks, painting and vases and want to sell the house and donate the ar t and furniture. Director Olivier Assayas directs this movie in French with English subtitles. (NR) Flicks Ends Thursday THE TAKING OF PELHAM 123—The remake of the 1974 film stars Denzel Washington as Walter Garber, a subway train dispatcher caught up in the highjacking of a subway car full of people. Ryder (John Travolta) and his accomplices (Luis Guzman, Victor Gojcaj) demand that Walter deliver $10 million or people will get hur t. Director Tony Scott doesn’t stray ver y far from the action formula. (R) Edwards 21 TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN—Action, loads of metal smashing and grand explosions are par t of
the second installment of the battle between a resurrected Megatron and his crew of villainous Decepticons against the peaceful Autobots. The cast of the first movie, Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson and John Tur turro star. (PG-13) Nor thgate, Edwards 9, Edwards 21, Edwards IMAX UP—Carl Fredricksen (Ed Asner) has sold balloons his whole life. When his beloved wife passes away, Carl decides to attach a bunch of hot-air balloons to his home and sets sail for South America. The 78-year-old and his stow away companion, an 8-year-old Wilderness Explorer named Russell, go on the adventure of their lives and meet some funny characters along the way. (PG) Northgate, Edwards 21 WHATEVER WORKS—Boris (Larry David, Seinfeld) is a cantankerous New Yorker who talks to the camera about how smart he is and how he is surrounded by simpletons. Boris takes in a young Southern girl (Evan Rachel Wood) and lets her live in his Greenwich Village apartment until her mother (Patricia Clarkson) comes barreling onto the scene to rescue her daughter. All of a sudden, Borris is inundated with the whole Southern family when the father (Ed Begley Jr.) arrives to bring his wife and daughter home. The problem is that the Southern women have found city life with all the art, men and lights to their liking and might not be leaving Boris alone anytime soon. The movie is written and directed by Woody Allen. (PG13) Flicks
ABC MAKES ME GO OMG, WTF Alphabetically-speaking, the American Broadcasting Company always lands atop a list of the major television networks. ABC’s executives, however, seem eager to prove that there’s little in a name. Why else would they put so much effort into ensuring their shows score poorer with viewers than any other network? In all honesty, when it comes to one of ABC’s mainstays, I would rather watch old episodes of Inside Edition (hosted by Bill O’Reilly) than Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I get that EM:HE is a hit with do-gooders, but when I log hours in front of the tube, I want entertainment, not reminders of how uncharitable I am. At some point, they ought to use those vast resources to fix host Ty Pennington’s lisp; I’d tune in for that. I nearly enjoyed The Devil Wears Prada, so when its small screen counterpart Ugly Betty cropped up, I felt obliged to take in an episode. But it stunk. Sadly but unsurprisingly, America Ferrera and Vanessa Williams are no Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep. In fact, they’re not even close. I’ve seen every episode of Grey’s Anatomy, so a spin-off ought to have thrilled me, but Private Practice is a waste of time. Grey’s may have imparted one of its characters but certainly none of the magic. In addition to remaining loyal to my favorite hospital drama, I’ve used Better Off Ted. Sniff, sniff. the last year to get caught up on and completely addicted to Lost and to become a raging fan of three other ABC series. For a moment, I truly believed that ABC might come to mean America’s Best Channel. But the moment was fleeting. Of my triumvirate of new favorites, none were picked up for the fall schedule. Not one. Better Off Ted, ABC’s response to the The Office, had funny dialogue and ridiculous-butloveable characters. In fact, the show may have even been a hit if only its host network began with an “N” instead of an “A.” Eli Stone—a wonderfully original portrait of a now soft-hearted lawyer whose aneurism gives him prophetic visions—is also getting the axe. Despite a stellar ensemble cast (including Jonny Lee Miller, Victor Garber, Natasha Henstridge and Matt Letscher), a wacky Ally McBeal-ish undercurrent and irreverent appearances by George Michael in Stone’s visions, it overshot the mainstream mark. But I dug it. At least the producers of Life on Mars, a remake of a 2006 British show, had the good sense to film a series finale after being notified of cancellation. It was a pathetic conclusion, but at least I don’t lie awake at night wondering how it would have ended. (I’ll have the original series soon and intend to devote a week’s worth of Vidiocy to comparing the two versions.) Consider that Grey’s—a show notorious for extracting its most interesting doctors—is foundering, and this network has tossed its final turd into my punch bowl. ABC is rapidly regressing into the American Broadcasters of Crap. Clearly, they’re hell-bent on installing an entire lineup’s worth.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 37
WEARING GREEN New materials give outdoor gear
consumer to decide what actually has a green quality and what is more marketing. In the last few years, the availability of bamboo fabric has increased, but it’s still not sold on a mass level, since it is still relatively expensive. But Bryan and others warn that just because something is labeled “bamboo,” that doesn’t mean it’s environmentally friendly. unction has always led form when it comes to designing for The process of taking bamboo from plant to fabric is a complex the outdoors. As more people head for the outdoors, manuone, and many manufacturers use caustic chemicals to break down facturers have strived to bring them the most technologically the plant fiber into a liquid, which is then turned into fabric. It’s the advanced fabrics and designs possible. reason Patagonia has stayed away from using bamboo rayon. But, at a time when more people are paying attention to their imBryan said it took a long time to find a supplier that was using pact on the environment, the same a greener process involving enzymes outdoors companies are looking for rather than chemicals. But for him, the new ways to incorporate renewable, extra effort was required. recycled and generally more envi“If the process of getting to that ronmentally friendly materials. [end product] produces a chemical What once was the sole territory by-product that’s extremely caustic, of Patagonia—which has carried the there’s not much gained by going that environmentally conscious banner route,” Bryan said. for more than 30 years—has begun Vetting what works is a key part welcoming new converts who are of the research process before any arriving carrying fabrics made out product hits the market for Patagoof bamboo, organic cotton and nia. While other companies have recycled polyester. jumped on trends of using materials “Consumers are looking for like corn, banana fiber and soy, not environmentally friendly options,” everything is appropriate for every said Noah Bryan, president of product. Other times, ethical probBoise-based Core Concepts. “It lems arise with a material, like fabric has a lot to do with where people’s made from corn, which Patagonia awareness is now.” learned was genetically modified. Todd Copeland, Patagonia’s “More people are looking to put Common Threads material [environmentally friendly materials] in developer, said it’s a trend he’s seea wider variety of products,” Clayton ing industrywide. And thanks to said. “You have to invest the time and increased demand, it’s becoming money and research into it if you’re easier for more companies to be going to do it right.” able to buy the new materials. Copeland said all Patagonia “The industry has to step up and products have to go through the same supply this,” he said, pointing out testing process, regardless of what that even mega-retailers like Target they’re made of. and Walmart are using organic cot“It’s tempting to bring in a new ton in select products. material just because it’s new, but the Over the years, Patagonia has quality of the material is important,” tried a variety of ways to make its he said. “It has to last if you really products more environmentally want to reduce the impact on the Noah and Erin Bryan, owners of Core Concepts, are using friendly, including the extensive use bamboo-based fabric blends in shirts to meet green demand. environment.” of recycled material. And in the case Bryan has had the most success of the outdoors icon, that doesn’t just mean turning old soda bottles blending bamboo with organic cotton, which adds more warmth into fleece. and increases the performance while remaining extremely lightSince 2005, the company has run its Common Threads program, weight. The blend also allows Bryan to screenprint vivid designs on which accepts apparel made out of certain fabrics from the public the shirts, something that is limited with pure organic cotton. and then recycles it into new garments. Core Concept’s bamboo line has found the most popularity onBy spring 2010, 83 percent of Patagonia products will be recyline thanks to customers searching for bamboo fabric products. clable, and 65 percent will be made from environmentally friendly “There’s definitely consumer demand,” Bryan said. “It just has to materials, said Jessica Clayton, product public relations marketer for do with the fabric itself.” Patagonia. Additionally, the company has a goal of making that 100 Bryan said many first-time customers buy a single shirt, but the percent by the fall of 2010. company has seen “an amazing amount of repeat business” from “We wanted to take responsibility for our products,” Copeland those coming back to buy two or three more. added. As people look for green options, Bryan warns that there is not Since the company was founded in 1972, environmentalism has one perfect product. Be it cotton, polyester, soy or corn fibers, each been a primary focus, and over the decades, testing and research labs has its own set of pros and cons. have allowed it to come up with new ways to meet that goal. “It’s finding the product that is going to fit the needs of the The company routinely uses recycled polyester and nylon, as well customer, will last and perform and be in a realistic price point,” he as organic cotton and chlorine-free merino wool. said. But Bryan also believes consumers are getting good at looking Core Concepts has used recycled polyester for base-layer garpast the marketing hype. ments, as well as some fleece, since the company began roughly four “They’re just trying to make the best decision from a production years ago. But last year, they began working with bamboo-based and consumption standpoint,” he said. fabric in a line of T-shirts and long-sleeved, lightweight hoodies. Copeland agrees that the marketing can sometimes be confusing. And while bamboo has become the “it” material for everything “There are so many messages,” he said. “How do we make a from flooring to landscaping, it also happens to have a hollowsimple message, but make it clear?” fiber structure that makes it less apt to retain moisture while being Some of those confusing messages come from companies just naturally anti-microbial. And when processed correctly, it can feel as trying to use the green label, but others are unintentional, Copeland smooth as silk. said, recalling a fashion show that bragged about environmentally Bryan is looking for new ways to incorporate bamboo in prodfriendly shoes made out of PVC. ucts, including using different blends for cold weather. For now, the The problem is that there are no guidelines on what can be company is focused on the bamboo shirts, which will be available called green, although the Outdoor Industry Association is trying at the Idaho Mountain Touring booth at the Idaho Green Expo, on to develop a green-products ranking system that would be standard Saturday, July 18, and Sunday, July 19. A portion of all proceeds across the industry. The effort has been in the works for several will be donated to the Idaho Conservation League. years, but Copeland is positive that the organization is heading in Increasing numbers of products are hitting store shelves toutthe right direction. ing their environmental sensitivity, although it’s often left to the “Now, it’s at that tipping point,” he said.
a green hue
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
RECLISTINGS events & classes DISABLED VETERANS WHEELCHAIR TENNIS CLINIC—Ten-time U.S. Open winner Randy Snow, the most accomplished wheelchair athlete in history, teaches participants the fundamentals of wheelchair tennis and gives a motivational presentation. The fee includes lunch, a T-shirt and free entry for the Paul Bruce Summer Classic Tennis Tournament. For more information, contact Greg Proctor, 208-870-6887 or e-mail Wednesday, July 15, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., $25. Boise Racquet and Swim Club, 1116 N. Cole Road, Boise, 208-376-1052, www. IDAHO DIABETES YOUTH PROGRAMS TEAM TYPE 1 BIKE RIDE—Team Type 1 co-founder Phil Southerland is riding with local children during a fund-raiser bike ride. Wednesday, July 15, 6:30-8 p.m., FREE. Municipal Park, 500 S. Walnut St., Boise. INTERMOUNTAIN ORTHOPAEDICS IDAHO STATE CRITERIUM CHAMPIONSHIP—The
course is a flat, smooth 1K with eight corners that starts and finishes at Hidden Springs Community Village Green. Register by July 17 on www. or 30 minutes before the first race on the day of the event. Sunday, July 19, 9 a.m. $37.50/$17.50 before July 17; day of race $45/$20, Dry Creek Merchantile, 5892 W. Hidden Springs Road, Boise, 208-229-2001. NORDIC SKI RACING—Youth ages 13-19 are invited to train with the Bogus Basin Nordic Ski team. For more information, call Kevin Donohoe at 208-389-9553 or e-mail Wednesday, July 15, 7:30-9:30 a.m., FREE, PASTOR’S CHALLENGE 2009—The Pastor’s Challenge is a friendly race between local celebrities and pastors in modified wheel chairs. Participants who register for the event sponsored by Shu’s Idaho Running Company receive a $25 gift certificate to Shu’s, a free Wheel Chair Mission T-shirt and the winners in both
the men’s and women’s divisions are awarded with a pair of shoes from Shu’s. To sign up, call Chris Kulchak at 208-362-0084 or e-mail Saturday, July 18, 10 a.m., 17th and State streets in the parking lot of The Marketplace. PAUL BRUCE SUMMER CLASSIC TENNIS TOURNAMENT—The tournament hosted by The Idaho Wheelchair Tennis Association is at Boise State. The USTA-sanctioned tennis tournament is for able-bodied and wheelchair tennis players at levels 2.5 through open. Online tournament registration is available at tournaments; paper entries may be mailed with payment to IWTA, P.O. Box 50513, Boise, ID 83705. Participants may enter two events but no two of the same. For more information, contact Tim Woods, tournament director at 208-602-4497. Friday, July 17, 6-10 p.m., and July 18-19, 8 a.m.-9 p.m., singles event fee $30/person, doubles and mixed doubles fee $24/ person, Appleton Tennis Center, Boise State campus, Boise.
TWILIGHT TIME It’s time to put all the animosity between bicyclists and drivers aside and celebrate one of the best occasions for cars to hand over the road to their two-wheeled friends: the Twilight Criterium. Each summer, packs of some of the best Lycra-clad road racers from around the world descend on the City of Trees for one of the area’s signature events. Fans jam the sidewalks just to watch the competitors whiz by at break-neck speeds, turning corners at angles that make us non-racers a little queasy just watching. Best of all, this is Boise’s event. Not some transplant from elsewhere. It started back in 1987 as a way to get more people interested in the sport of road biking—and, of course, to bring more people to downtown Boise. Back then, downtown wasn’t what it is now. In the mid-1980s, downtown Boise was a ghost town after 5 p.m. There was simply no reason to stay after work. But the criterium, although small at first, gave people a reason to stand in the sometimes-sweltering heat of a July day in Boise. Now, more than 100 world-class cyclists will come to ride around in a circle in pursuit of the event’s $20,000 purse in what has become one of the most well-regarded criteriums in the country. Organizers expect that more than 20,000 fans will line the route on Saturday, July 18. For its 23rd year, the Twilight Criterium will host riders from top-ranked cycling teams, including Bissell Pro Cycling, Colavita-Sutter Home Presented by Cooking Light and Team Type 1. The course begins and ends in front of the Wells Fargo building on the corner of Ninth and Main streets, and riders will cruise south on Ninth Street, west on Grove, north on 10th Street and east on Bannock. Road closures in downtown will begin phasing in at 11 a.m. in preparation for warmups beginning at 2:30 p.m. The first event of the day is the Ride with Kristin Armstrong Kids Event. Sign-up is at 2 p.m. and the Olympic gold medalist will be on hand for autographs. The ride, for kids age 5-10, begins at 3 p.m., and registration is required. It should be done in advance online at The ride is followed by the Junior Criterium at 3:45 p.m. Men’s category 2-5 and masters races will run from 4-6 p.m., with the official opening ceremonies beginning at 7 p.m. Then, the big names hit the road, with the women’s pro category starting at 7:10 p.m. and the men’s pro category at 8:30 p.m. The criterium is a timed event, with preliminary races lasting between 30 and 45 minutes, plus one lap, and the main even going on for one hour, plus five laps. It all wraps up with the awards ceremony at 10 p.m. And while the victors will walk away with fame and glory, it’s really the fans who come out ahead in the end. It isn’t often that this many athletes of the highest caliber come to your doorstep, all bringing their A games. Besides, holding your breath as the racers navigate every tight corner is a bit of a workout in itself.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 39
WHAT’S A LABEL? How to sift through claims made by
have bought up big name organic brands, corporate sustainability and ethical practices have come into play. A chart created by Michigan State assistant professor Dr. Phil Howard, and published on the Cornucopia Institute’s Web site, outlines corporate acquisitions of natural foods companies. Some recent acquisitions include: Kellog owns Kashi and Morningstar Farms, ConAgra owns Lightlife, M&M/Mars owns Seeds of Change, General Mills owns Cascadian ccording to a study done by consumer research firm the Farms, and Kraft Foods owns Boca Foods and Back to Nature. Hartman Group, 69 percent of American adults are cheerAlbertsons shopper Mike Wendel said he generally buys organic leaders for the organic team, throwing organic foods in their for certain products like milk and carrots, but “If given the choice baskets “at least occasionally.” Sales of organic foods and beverages of having a national brand or an organic brand, I’ll often take the were projected by the Organic Trade Association to have reached organic one. Even if it costs a little bit more,” he said. nearly $23.6 billion in 2008. Heck, even Cheetos—the For many, the assumption is that organic brands are finger-staining epitome of junk food—jumped on board often small-scale, independent companies. But when and came out with natural white cheddar puffs a corporation like Coca-Cola shells out $181 made with organic corn meal. million to take over a brand like Odwalla, With all the money wrapped up in the organit’s not charity. Organic and natural brands ic industry, it’s no surprise that organic foods are in such high demand, and offer such have become ubiquitous outside of the eucaequally high profit margins, that Albertlyptus-scented shelves of health food stores. sons/Supervalu recently launched their Chains like Walmart, Albertsons/Supervalu own organic and natural foods line— and Target offer hundreds of organic Wild Harvest Organics. products for their eco-hungry consumers. “We saw the need of the consumer. But with so many items now featuring They had this growing interest in looking earth-toned, biodegradable packaging for a broad selection of fresh, healthy, and pictures of billowing wheat fields, nutritious foods,” said Lilia Rodriguez, determining which of these wholesomepublic affairs manager for Albertsons/ looking foods are actually good for you Supervalu for the Intermountain West. and the environment takes much more “The idea that to eat organic and to eat than a cursory glance. healthy means you have to pay a lot of A good place to start when trying to money or spend a lot of money, that’s not overcome health-food-aisle hesitancy true. That’s why the company wanted to is by looking for the U.S. Department create this line.” of Agriculture Certified Organic label. Wild Harvest asserts that they only Though Congress passed the Orcarry products “substantiated by U.S. ganic Foods Production Act in 1990, Department of Agriculture audits and/ the USDA didn’t fully implement a or by USDA-certified organic certificanational set of organic standards until tion agencies such as QAI, Oregon Tilth, 2002. According to those standards, CCOF and others.” They also emphasize a product that carries a “100 percent their line of more than 150 items conorganic” label must contain only tains “no artificial colors, preservatives organically produced ingredients, or flavors, and a priority has been placed excluding salt and water. Products on partnering with suppliers and farmers made up of at least 95 percent organic who emphasize sustainable farming/maningredients can be stamped with the ufacturing practices and conservation.” “organic” label, while items containing With Wild Harvest brands priced around at least 70 percent organic ingredi15 percent lower than other organic ents can claim “made with organic products, customers like Wendel can betingredients.” Though the USDA levies ter afford to buy things like organic milk. fines of up to $11,000 for misuse of the But another corporate-owned organic word organic, they only place limited milk label, Horizon, has recently come restrictions on the claim “natural,” and under fire for labeling their product organic no restrictions on terms like “no drugs or growth hormones,” “free while maintaining factory farm production methods. In a recent range” or “sustainably harvested.” And that’s where most of the study published by the Cornucopia Institute examining 68 organic confusion comes in. dairy brands, they found that 20 percent of companies scored a sub“I think that’s a big problem in the market … labels say, ‘natural,’ standard rating. Horizon, owned by Dean Foods, has been criticized and it’s not organic and doesn’t have to be,” explained Scott Perry, for contracting with facilities that milk 4,000 to 5,000 cows on large assistant manager of grocery at Boise Co-op. “Anybody can just feedlots, like one in Paul, in Southeast Idaho. Though Boise Co-op throw ‘natural’ on their box or product that they want to sell. I no longer carries Horizon products, they do carry other corporatethink a lot of people just assume that is a green thing.” owned products. Making these kinds of ethical assessments, in many This misleading label trend became so widespread that it led cases, can be a murky task. Canadian environmental marketing agency TerraChoice to develop a “You’ll have certain companies, like say Seeds of Change, that list of the “six sins of greenwashing,” which include things like “the get bought out, but it’s supposed to be part of their contract that the sin of no proof” or “the sin of the hidden trade-off.” Early this year, same people stay there and the integrity of the business is still there,” TerraChoice researchers visited a variety of chain stores and examsaid Perry. “The integrity is still there, but they’re owned by a corpoined 2,219 products to determine if they made any greenwashing ration that does bad things, so it does get really confusing as far as claims. Out of those products, they found that 98 percent fell victim what kind of choices you make. Where do you draw the line?” to at least one sin. They even coined a seventh sin: “the worshipping Boise Co-op is currently in the process of creating an ethical buyof false labels,” whereby products give the impression that they’re ing guide to better determine what products the store will and will endorsed by a third party when they’re not. The USDA accredits not carry. In the meantime, Joan Haynes, a longtime co-op shopper third-party certifying agencies to make sure their standards are being who now also shops at Albertsons on State and 17th streets because met. A green light from certain agencies, like Oregon Tilth, carries they expanded their natural foods section, uses a simple rule of more weight than others. thumb to weed through all the organic marketing hoopla. “I don’t think there’s enough funding as far as the USDA goes “I basically look for words I can pronounce,” said Haynes. “I as to really be a full-on watch group,” said Perry. “That’s why you would prefer organic, but I still have to stay within a budget.” have companies like Oregon Tilth. You know when it says Oregon For further information on brands, visit the Greener Choices Tilth that you’re getting a certain standard.” Eco-labels center, To see report cards But beyond organic certification, there’s still more to consider for major corporations, visit when shopping for green foods. Now that many large corporations
organic products
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
DININGGUIDE American BLUE COW FROZEN YOGURT— Make a delicious and nutritious treat by choosing from 12 different frozen yogurt flavors offered in ever-changing rotation. Customers decorate their yogurt desserts by helping themselves to more than 30 hard, fruit and syrup toppings. Place the creation on the scale and pay by the ounce. 2333 Apple St., 208-338-1000. SU OM . BRICK 29 BISTRO—Chef Dustan Bristol is co-owner of Nampa’s casually upscale eatery which serves fancy takes on common foods. Asian pork tacos come with a side of apple-almond coleslaw and fancier still, an open-face Reuben sandwich with a cup of pumpkin bisque all topped off with flourless chocolate cake. Delicious and delectable. 320 11th Ave. S., 208-468-0029. $-$$ SU OM. BRICK OVEN BISTRO—Lovingly called the Beanery by longtime patrons, this Grove hot spot with everything homemade has some of the best comfort food around. 801 N. Main St., 208-342-3456. $ P SU OM. BUFFALO WILD WINGS—Gnaw on some spicy wings drowned in sauce or go for some ribs, sandwiches or tenders. The menu is full of food and drink choices including grazin’ green salads and mojitos. 3223 E. Louise Dr., Meridian, 208-288-5485. $-$$ SU OM P .
—Wine & beer —Full bar —Delivery —Take-out —Open late R E S —Reservations needed or recommended P —Patio S U —Open on Sunday
OM —Online menu —Breakfast —Boise Weekly Card AVERAGE PRICE PER PERSON: $ —Less than $8 $ $ —$8 to $14 $ $ $ —$14 to $20 $ $ $ $ —Over $20
Boise Weekly Dining Guide offers selective listings of editorial recommendations and advertisers. Listings rotate based on available space. Updates from diligent readers and listed restaurateurs are heartily encouraged. E-mail to or fax to 342-4733. BUNGALOW RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE—Sometimes sweet and other times savory, always delightfully delicious. Stop in for a light lunch (served Monday through Friday) with items varying from soups and salads to an extensive “munchies” menu, including shrimp, grits and calamari. Their entrees cover the dining spectrum as well, with marinated pork chops, pan roasted wild salmon and stuffed free range chicken. 1520 N. 13th St., 208-3319855. $$-$$$ P SU OM . CHEF ROLAND’S—Chef Roland Joseph is serving up Cajun fare complete with hushpuppies, locally grown collard greens and red beans and rice. Choose between gumbo or jambalaya to go along with fried catfish, Cajun barbecue ribs or savory brisket. If there is room after all
that flavor, go for a piece of key lime or sweet potato pie. 1221 W. Boise Ave., 208-344-4387. $-$$ SU. DONNIE MAC’S TRAILER PARK CUISINE—Located in the developing Linen District, Donnie Mac’s Trailerpark Cuisine may be downhome, but it’s certainly not from the trailer park. Burgers, chicken sandwiches, onion rings, fries, some very tasty fry sauce, the valley’s only frozen custard, mac ‘n’ cheese and breakfast. Yowza! 1515 W. Grove St., 208-3387813. $-$$ P SU OM . FOCACCIA’S—Chef Bill Green transformed his catering business into a full-service restaurant with a rotating menu featuring specialty food items ranging seafood and vegetarian all the way to French Classical,
BW GIVES AWAY $250 IN FREE DRINKS Drinks are on Al Vogt. Don’t know Vogt? Too bad for you. He’s the recent recipient of $250 in gift certificates to bars throughout the Treasure Valley courtesy of Boise Weekly, and he may just need a little help to get through $250 in booze. Well, except that he’s already done it once. Last week, Vogt walked into BW to claim the prize we’ve long been dangling out there as a reward to the first person to finish Bar Bar’s ScaBARger Hunt, in which participants had to trek all over Boise and Nampa to collect stickers from nearly 50 participating bars. Twenty-nine-year-old Vogt, who is a part owner of the Ranch Club in Garden City, started the hunt the day the bar guide hit stands. The first stop was in Canyon County and from there, Vogt spent the next few weeks tackling the hunt region by region. So after dozens of bars, what did Vogt consider the best stop to be? Barb’s Tavern in Nampa. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is advice from a professional. Congrats and cheers, Al.
Al Vogt is a winner
THE SANDWICH SALOON You might want to sit down for this news. A new eatery opened in downtown Boise. Without much fanfare, a little place called Willi B’s opened up shop on Fifth Street, shoe-horned between Picture This and Guido’s in Flying M’s building. But wait, there’s more. The food is highly affordable, and in the event that you’re not so hungry come noon, you can drink your lunch instead. And I don’t mean a non-fat, high-protein, low-carb fruit and wheatgrass smoothie. I mean a proper martini. Of course, if your day isn’t so bad that it requires a quick midday pick-me-up, wait out the lunch rush and head back after work when the focus is a little less on food and a little more on drink specials. I went in for a grab-and-go lunch expecting a deli-style, bright-white kind of place with a couple of bottles wedged awkwardly into a corner as the “full bar.” What I found was a pleasant surprise. The place has a very Western, homemade look with shiny lacquered wood floors and a maze of matching mini booths, old post office boxes on the walls and a proper belly-up kind of bar with a decent selection of booze. Although the food isn’t anything to write home about, it has one thing going for it: It’s hella cheap. The menu offers three selections daily with some combination of hot and cold sandwiches and wraps, each of which comes with a side. Five days a week, not one item is over $5, and when it does get over $5 the other two days, it climbs to a measly $5.50 and $6.50. After 2 p.m., it’s all cold sandwiches. After 9 p.m., it’s all about the drinks with $3 and $5 bombs and $3 drafts. The ultimate deal sealer on Willi B’s as a bar, however, is its self-proclaimed status as the “home of the $5 martini.” Well, then. Willi B’s, 225 N. Fifth St., 208-331-5666.
THIS WEEK’S WINE AND DINE The Basque Market hosts a traditional cider house dinner Thursday, July 23. The evening’s menu is caramelized onion tortilla, cod with fried onions, giant steaks, cheese, membrillo and walnuts. And maybe a little cider and wine. Wink, wink. Do yourself a favor and reserve a table. Fun starts at 6 p.m. Cost is $40 a head plus gratuity. Basque Market, 608 W. Grove St., 208-433-1208,
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 41
DININGGUIDE Mexican and Italian cuisine. Soups and salads may be a good choice if a diner is going for the house specialty dessert made in-house by the pastry chef. Selections include a Chocolate Truffle Ugly Cake best experienced with closed eyes and an open mouth. 404 E. Parkcenter Blvd., 208-3222838. $-$$ SU OM . GRAPE ESCAPE—Fine wine, delicious lunch and dinner, delectable desserts and light bites make this little bistro a great place to meet with great friends. And, if you can’t get to Grape Escape, they’ll bring their casual elegance to you at any of your functions or events with their fabulous catering. 800 W. Idaho St., 208-3680200. $-$$ P SU. ONO HAWAIIAN CAFE—A wide variety of the flavors of Hawaii are offered in the form of pupus, sushi, sandwiches and satays. And wherever Ono’s catering operation, the Kanak Attack van is parked and serving, a BW staffer is most likely in the vicinity with money in hand. 2170 Broadway Ave., 208-429-9111. $$-$$$ P SU OM . PAIR—Delicious breakfast and dinner in an atmospheric, upscale bistro downtown. A cozy place for cocktails. The fruit cup—with lovelies like pomegranate and coconut—is recommended. 601 W. Main St., 208-343-7034. $$-$$$ P SU OM. WILLOWCREEK GRILL—The extensive menu features Northwest favorites such as salmon served up a little different in a fish and twigs option, (twigs are fries at Willowcreek). Choose from a selection of yummies like fried portobello sticks and a wide selection of burgers topped with treats like pastrami and Swiss. New to the mix is the addition of sushi in the sister establishment right next door at RAW Sushi. One kitchen serving something for everyone; it doesn’t get much better. 2273 S. Vista Ave., Ste 150, 208-343-5544. $-$$ P OM.
Diner ADDIE’S—The language of breakfast is spoken here. You’ve never seen so many meats followed by “& Eggs” on one menu. Come early to beat the rush for Boise’s best gravy. 507 W. Main St., 208-3381198. $ P SU OM . BLUE JEANS CAFE—Breakfast (starting at 6 a.m. for you early birds) and lunch with some of the biggest biscuits and gravy in the state. Freshly baked pastries, salads and sandwiches. 9140 W. Emerald St., # 300, 208-658-5053. $ . THE BLUE MOOSE CAFE—With moose-inspired decor, an eatery where diners can get tasty bistro fare like soups and salads, sandwiches and wraps. Think about dining in their new sunroom or outside. 79 Aikens Rd., 208-939-3079. $ P OM. GOLDY’S BREAKFAST BISTRO—A desperately popular breakfast destination and with good reason. Generous portions of eggs, hash, cinnamon rolls and more. Good gravy. Can’t make it for breakfast? They’ve got lunch, too. 108 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-345-4100. $-$$ SU . MOON’S KITCHEN CAFE—Get pancakes, biscuits and gravy and eggs for breakfast, or just go straight to dessert and enjoy one of Moon’s famous milkshakes. Founded in 1955, Moon’s has the best breakfast and milkshakes in town, plus an online ordering option for fast delivery, check it out at www. Moon’s offers a fine selection of beer and wine which makes the latest addition to the milkshake flavors possible—a milkshake made with Guinness Stout. 712 W. Idaho St., 208-385-0472. $ SU OM .
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
THE GRIDDLE—Two whopping menus to satisfy all your from-scratch breakfast and lunch cravings. Get crepes, hotcakes, quiche, good ole bacon and eggs for breakfast, or if lunch is what you require, order up a house specialty sandwich or stick with something more traditional like a Philly cheesesteak or hot roast beef sandwich. 2310 E. Overland Road, 208-288-1848. $-$$ SU . THE TROLLEY HOUSE—The only remnant of Boise’s streetcar system and a favorite neighborhood diner. No-frills atmosphere, efficient service and a giant menu with everything from eggs Benedict to burgers to a lo-cal section. BYOB. 1821 Warm Springs Ave., 208-345-9255. $-$$ SU .
European CAFE RUSSIAN BEAR—Owner Oleg Mironov and his wife make every single thing on the menu from scratch. Borscht, Russian crepes, beef stroganoff, potato pancakes— it’s all homemade. If you are as hungry as a bear, the cafe serves up borscht in up to 18 ounce servings. No preservatives or pre-made ingredients, ever. Try their unique selection of Russian beer and wine. Open for lunch and dinner. 600 S. Rivershore Lane, 208-9391911. $-$$ . CAFE VICINO—Chefs Richard Langston and Steve Rhodes serve up fresh and innovative foods, offering a casual lunch menu with choices like daily quiche, salads and portobello mushroom sandwiches. Dinner choices lean toward finer dining, offering carpaccio, a variety of pastas and entrees that run the gamut from braised lamb shanks to a New York steak to cioppino. 808 W. Fort St., 208-472-1463. $-$$$ P OM. LA VIE EN ROSE—A Europeanstyle bakery where the digs are as beautiful as the grinds. Enjoy fresh baked croissants, brioches, tarts, eclairs and more from chef Patrick Brewer. Check out their breakfast menu, featuring everything from omelets and frittatas to biscuits and gravy and pancakes. Lunch features a selection of homemade soups, sandwiches and salads, and Illy coffee is available all day, every day. 928 W. Main St., 208-331-4045. $-$$$ SU OM . LE CAFE DE PARIS—The display case offers a glimpse of the height of French pastry baking. The food is among Boise’s culinary elite—lush, buttery cooking. 204 N. Capitol Blvd., 208-336-0889. $-$$$ P SU OM . PIAZZA DI VINO—As an art gallery and wine bar, Piazza di Vino offers an extensive collection of wines from around the world and art from around town. But that’s not all they offer: savory soups, chocolates, cheeses, salads, fondue and pizza (try the Italian hard salami and provolone) will bring you back again and again. 212 N. Ninth St., 208-3369577. $-$$ P. TANNINS WINE BAR—Choose wines by the glass or buy the whole bottle. Tannins also features specialty beers and a food menu featuring cheese, fresh baked baguettes and and handmade truffles. The wine list includes a wide range of selections from Idaho, the United State and the world. Each week, six house wines are featured by the glass along with live music and tastings from area distributors. 347 E. Ave. A, Kuna, 208-922-1766. $-$$$ OM.
BBQ ROADHOUSE BBQ—A carnivore’s Valhalla. There’s something about a hunk of expertly ’cued meat served up with glorious barbecue sauces and delectable side dishes that reminds us of primitive days chasing furtive prey across the ancient savannah. 1059 E. Iron Eagle Dr., 208-939-8108. $$-$$$ P OM .
Delis BLUE SKY BAGELS—Hot asiago bagels, soups, morning egg combos and lunchtime sandwiches—the real steal is the veggie sandwich stacked high with all the roughage you want (including avocado). 407 W. Main St., 208-388-4242. 3161 E. Fairview Ave. #150, 208-855-9113. $ P SU OM . BOISE CO-OP—You just can’t leave the Co-op without at least one deli delight in your bag. Each day brings a new selection of delicious foods made with the freshest ingredients. 888 W. Fort St., 208-472-4500. $-$$ P SU OM. THE BRIDGE CAFE—Stop in for breakfast, lunch or a snack. Continental breakfast and coffee, build-your-own wraps and sandwiches, hot lunch and a rack of snacks for the in-between times. 123 N. Sixth St., 208-345-5526. $ . COBBY’S—Serving up soup, salad, brew and wine since 1978. Enjoy deli meats like pastrami, bologna, mortadella, colto and genoa, in addition to all the standards. Every size soup and sandwich can be combined. 1030 Broadway Ave., 208-345-0990. 6899 W. Overland Road, 208-323-0606. 4348 W. Chinden Blvd., P SU OM. 208-322-7401. $ CUCINA DI PAOLO—After years of catering in the valley, Cucina di Paolo now offers heat-andserve gourmet entrees, as well as a deli case full of goodies to enjoy in the small dining area. 1504 Vista Ave., 208-3457150. $-$$ OM. DELI GEORGE—Behind the upside-down sign on Fairview, look for over 30 sandwich options full of homemade ingredients and plenty of imagination. 5602 Fairview Ave., 208-3232582. $ OM. HUGO’S DELI—Unique sandwiches piled high with meat and cheese, fried chicken, deli salads and some of the biggest and best fries in town. 2789 Broadway Ave., 208-385-9943. 10599 W. Overland Road, 208377-9530. 5616 W. State St., 208-853-2323. $ . JENNY’S LUNCH LINE—Jenny’s menu, which changes every day, always features fresh soups, salads and sandwiches made daily. Vegetarian and healthy options are the mainstay with a single yummy dessert treat for the times when your sweet tooth needs a little loving, too. 106 N. Sixth St., 208-4330092. $-$$ P OM.
Coffeehouses/ Bakeries ALIA’S COFFEEHOUSE—A bagel shop that’s not just bagels. Get pastries, smoothies and lattes, or get beyond breaky with a portobella sandwich, a ham and brie bagel, or any of Alia’s fresh soups and salads. 908 W. Main St., 208-3381299. $ SU OM . DAWSON’S—Dawson’s interior is almost as tasty as the handpicked beans roasted the oldfashioned way. Owners Dave and Cindy Ledgard know where to find the best fair trade, organic, shade grown and just plain excellent coffees. 219 N. Eighth St., 208-336-5633. 216 W. 38th St. Suite A, 208-3762787. $ P SU.
DININGGUIDE THE FIXX—Serving the needs of coffee drinkers hunkered down in the western end of downtown, The Fixx brews up locally roasted coffee from Eagle Coffee Roasting, and the eats are all provided courtesy of Le Cafe de Paris. Live music Friday and Saturday nights. 224 10th St., 208-331-4011. $ SU . FLYING M COFFEEHOUSE—In addition to a fantastic atmosphere (cool tunes, friendly employees, art on the walls and comfy seating), “the Mâ€? makes killer coffee drinks. Don’t forget the Art-O-Mat. 500 W. Idaho St., 208-345-4320. $ SU . JAVA—Three words: Bowl of Soul. This cinnamon/espresso/ chocolate concoction is liquid redemption. In addition to all things coffee, Java also serves scones, mufďŹ ns and tasty lunch offerings. 223 N. Sixth St., 208-345-0777. 1612 N. 13th, 208-345-4777. $ P SU OM . LUCY’S COFFEE—No-nonsense coffee on Broadway with homemade pastries and desserts. Brewing Cafe Mam coffee from native Mayan farmers that’s free of contaminants and is CertiďŹ ed Fair Trade. Lucy’s is committed to providing quality coffee, as to well as being a green business. 1079 Broadway Ave., 208-344-5907. $ P SU . REMBRANDT’S—Located in a restored church on Eagle’s main drag, Rembrandt’s has become a neighborhood gathering point for more than just coffee. If it’s sustenance you seek, Rembrandt’s has hot and cold libations aplenty, a pastry case full of homemade mufďŹ ns, sweets, breads and quiches, and a short lunch menu with largely portioned sandwiches, soups and salads. The cathedral—literally—ceilings and plush furniture lend the atmosphere a deďŹ nitively welcoming and serene feeling. 93 S. Eagle Road, Eagle, 208-938-1564. $ P SU THOMAS HAMMER—Boise has been loving Thomas Hammer for years in various locations and now its own downtown location. With all the coffee and sweet goodies necessary to keep you moving during the day, all served up in eco-friendly cups. Order up a heaping stack of the infamous Hammer T-shirts and mugs, or some beans and merchandise in stores or online. The Web site lists different organic, fair trade and even rare varietals coffees. 298 N. Eighth St., 208-433-8004. $ P SU . ZEPPOLE—Nothing beats the low prices and fresh-baked goodness of Zeppole on a lunch break, unless it’s taking home a loaf of their near-legendary bread to enjoy later. 217 N. Eighth St., 208345-2149. 983 E. Parkcenter Blvd., 208-338-1499. 600 S. Rivershore Ln., 208-939-3947. $ P OM SU .
Fine Dining BERRYHILL & COMPANY RESTAURANT AND WINE BAR—In its downtown location, Berryhill is open for lunch and dinner. The lunch menu offers ďŹ ner casual food like a ďŹ g and feta grilled cheese sandwich, a buffalo burger and a crab melt of focaccia. A separate hors d’oeuvre menu features nibbles like baked escargot, and entrees include everything from rack of lamb to ďŹ sh and steaks to both the white meats. Berryhill also offers a special kid-friendly, little foodie menu. 121 N. Ninth St., 208-387-3553. $$-$$$$ RES P SU OM . CHANDLERS—It didn’t take long for this Sun Valley restaurant to win the hearts and mouths of Boise. Known for its ďŹ ne cuts of meat and its see-and-beseen happy hour, Chandlers in Boise has pushed the bar for a ďŹ ne dining experience in Boise to a new level. Enjoy cocktails,
appetizers and a little music in the lounge before moving into the dining room for an intimate dinner with your date. 981 W. Grove St., 208-343-7776 $$$$ RES P SU OM. COTTONWOOD GRILLE—The food and ambience here share a terriďŹ c, tasteful symbiotic relationship. Inside, it’s like a big hunting lodge; outside, it’s watching the world go by on the Greenbelt. 913 W. River St., 208-333-9800. $$$-$$$$ RES P SU OM. EMILIO’S—This hotel restaurant applies ďŹ ve star hospitality in the dining room as well as it does as the front desk. With over 450 wines and a classically elegant ďŹ ne menu, Emilio’s is one of those never-miss dining experiences that Boiseans love. 245 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-333-8002. $$$-$$$$ RES SU OM . THE MELTING POT—Delicious, savory and sweet, here’s fondue for every course. A cozy, classy place to repast. Order a drink from the extensive selection of wines and linger over a romantic dinner. 200 N. Sixth St., 208-383-0900. $$$-$$$$ RES P SU OM . RED FEATHER LOUNGE—Red Feather Lounge is all about wine and good food. You can get great macaroni and cheese for lunch, and for dinner, the menu turns deliciously swanky. If you can snag a seat in the cellar, count yourself especially lucky. 246 N. Eighth St., 208-429-6340. $$-$$$ RES P SU OM .
Pizza ATZA PIZZA—The pizza place uses handmade dough and pizza sauce and fresh ingredients. Hit the salad bar, order jumbo wings, or go for the sandwiches and breadsticks option. Decide between thin or original crust and you’re halfway done building your own pie, or you may choose one of Atza’s specialty pizza creations. 6564 S. Federal Way, 208-4331112. $-$$ OM . CASANOVA PIZZERIA—Pizza made like traditional pizzerias in New York and Naples make. Fresh sauces, thin crusts, and toppings from ďŹ gs and bleu cheese to prosciutto and arugula. And of course real clam pizza from folks hailing from the homestate of clam pizza—Connecticut. 1204 S. Vista Ave., 208-331-3535. $-$$ P SU OM. FLATBREAD COMMUNITY OVEN—Stone ďŹ red pizza, pasta and sandwiches served up from the community oven. A sleekly lined interior and two large ďŹ re pits beckon atbread lovers to Bown Crossing. 3139 S. Bown Way, 208-343-4177. 830 N. Main Street, Ste. A (Generations Plaza), Meridian, 208-288-0969. $-$$ P SU OM . FLYING PIE PIZZERIA— Boise’s longest-lived and most inventive pizzeria. They have their own beer (the impeccable Triple Pi Belgian-style ale), and pies to please even the pickiest eaters. 6508 Fairview Ave., 208-345-0000. 4320 W. State St., 208-384-0000. $-$$ P SU OM.
LUCKY 13 PIZZA—The former North End mainstay has moved essentially “as wasâ€? to Harris Ranch, where the best (and best-named) pizzas and sandwiches on the planet are still on the menu. 3662 S. Eckert Road, 208-344-6967. $ P SU. LULU’S FINE PIZZA—Big Apple-style gourmet pie for pizza lovers of everywhere kind. Get a wheel or go by the slice. Check out the usual toppings or get adventurous with some tasty things you’re not used to seeing on a pizza menu. Superb Sushi recently moved into Lulu’s, so go pizza and sushi simultaneously if you please. 2594 Bogus Basin Road, 208-387-4992. $-$$ P SU OM. PAPA JOE’S—Family owned and operated, Papa Joe’s uses family recipes for their pizza and pasta dishes. Food and drink specials all week long and a dozen avors of gelato with which to reward your plate cleaning skills. 1301 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-344-7272. $-$$ P SU OM. PIEHOLE—Pizza plain and simple. Nineteen-inch pies by the slice or by the pie and calzones everyday. Try the infamous potato and bacon, or go cheap with the special of the day for two bucks. 205 N. Eighth St., 208-344-7783. 1016 Broadway Ave., 208-424-2225. P SU OM. PIZZALCHIK—PIZZa sALad and CHIcKen. Get it? Perfect robust salads, plus delicious original pizzas and whole chickens roasted in a 6,000-pound stone-hearth oven. Many toppings made in house. 7330 W. State St., 208-853-7757. $-$$ P SU OM. TONY’S PIZZERIA TEATRO—A European-style cafe serving salad, soup and brick oven Napoleanstyle pizza. Slices sold 11 a.m.-3 p.m., with pies available any time. 103 Capitol Blvd., 208-343-1052. $-$$ P SU.
Pubs & Breweries BARDENAY—The atmospheric, cavernous interior (with visible distillery) and huge patio is the place to eat, drink and be seen downtown. 610 Grove St., 208-426-0538. 155 E. Riverside Dr., 208-938-5093. $-$$ P SU OM.
%(55<+L// %((5 *$5'(1
BITTERCREEK ALE HOUSEâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Enjoy a frosty microbrew and gourmet hamburger at this distinguished bar and grill with one of the best selections of scotches in the region. 246 N. Eighth St., 208-345-1813. $-$$ P SU OM. THE BULLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S HEAD STATIONâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;A little bit of England tucked above the bistro, the pub serves up English fare (upside down Shepherdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pie, anyone?) with plenty of spirits to wash it down. Stay entertained with games including shufďŹ&#x201A;eboard, darts and pool, and for the spectators, ďŹ&#x201A;at screen TVs are scattered about the place. 1441 N. Eagle Road, 208-855-5858. $-$$$ P SU OM.
FRONT DOOR NORTHWEST PIZZA AND TAP HOUSEâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Offering tasty pizza, sandwiches, soups and salads. Features a stellar line of beers, including 14 rotating beer taps, 20 bottles of Belgian Ale and more to comprise over 60 beers to choose from. Eat -in or take-out. 105 S. Sixth St., 208-2879201. $-$$ P SU OM.
CRESCENT NO LAWYERS BAR/ GRILLâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Though theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re famous for their Lawyer Fries and chicken gizzards, the menu is full of tasty pub food, including burgers, chicken sandwiches, tater tots and a most diggable meatloaf sandwich on sourdough. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a Boise tradition since 1963, with a large patio, horseshoe pits and a rambunctious herd of TVs dialed in to the world of sports. 5500 W. Franklin Road, 208-3229856. $ P SU OM.
GUIDOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ORIGINAL NEW YORK STYLE PIZZAâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s nothing like a slice (or three) of Guidoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s New York-style pizza for lunch. Their giant pies are inexpensive and addictive, just like the infamous pizza by the slice. 235 N. Fifth St., 208-345-9011. 12375 Chinden, 208-376SU OM. 1008. $
FALCON TAVERNâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;This upscale downtown tavern has become â&#x20AC;&#x153;Boiseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s neighborhood pub.â&#x20AC;? Known for their hand-pressed Kobe burger and ample beer selection, Falcon Tavern also has a variety of appetizers, soups, salads and sandwiches. Cozy up in their interior space
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| JULY 15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;21, 2009 | 43
DININGGUIDE or kick back on the patio. 705 W. Bannock St., 208-9473111. $-$$ P OM. HIGHLANDS HOLLOW BREWHOUSE—Whether it’s the appetizers (Monty’s Hummus, Hollow Hot Wings), their entrees (Pan Fried Oysters, Mess-O-Chops) or their burgers and sandwiches (Black Bean Chili Burger, Reuben), stopping in at Highlands Hollow is always a great idea. The best part? The Hollow brews some of the best handcrafted ales in town. 2455 Harrison Hollow, 208-343-6820. $-$$ P SU OM. HYDE PARK PUB—This Hyde park staple is that special bar that’s inviting no matter what your mood. With its dog-friendly patio and a menu chock full of twists on American classics, this is a neighborhood bar that feels like it’s in your neighborhood. 1501 N. 13th St., 336-9260. $ P SU. THE OFFICE—This cleverly named sports bar is for the over-21 crowd only. Enjoy a meal, a smoke and a full bar while catching a game on one of The Office’s plasmas. Then, when you’re better half calls looking for you, the simple answer is: “I’m at The Office, honey.” Bar and late night menu until 2 a.m. 6125 E. Fairview, 208-377-2800. $-$$ P SU. O’MICHAEL’S PUB & GRILL— It’s a North End institution with one waitress who’s been serving there for 40 years. The casual menu is full of traditional and specialty sandwiches (check out the slaw burger that’s no burger at all), fish and steaks, and the best giant fried prawns in town. 2433 N. Bogus Basin Road, 208-342-8948. $-$$ P SU. PIPER PUB & GRILL—Perched high on Eighth Street with a wraparound patio, “the Piper” serves up yummy, creative pub fare. Known for its Scotch Club, the Piper has been a collection point for drinkers with a finely tuned palate for many moons.
150 N. Eighth St., 208-343P SU OM. 2444. $-$$ THE REFUGE—The Refuge, formerly Harry’s on Parkcenter, has new ownership and new management, but still the same neighborhood, shiny wood, pub feel. The Refuge serves burgers, fingersteaks, homemade chips from flour tortillas and other bar favorites and boasts an expanded beer and wine selection, as well as a beefed-up and refined menu. 404 E. Parkcenter Blvd., 208-424-8211. $-$$ P SU. RICK’S PRESS ROOM—Chef owner Rick Valenzuela has created a menu of simple, gourmet food for his news-themed neighborhood pub. Lunch and dinner are both casual with sandwiches, salads and steak options. And after dinner, cigar fans can retire to the plush Treasure Valley Smoke Shop, which is adjacent to the smoke shop. 130 E. Idaho Ave., Meridian, 208-288-0558. $-$$ . RUDY’S PUB AND GRILL— Rudy’s is a pub that cares about its customers’ health. With locally grown beef and no trans fat in the fries, the menu runs the gamut of pub fare including starters, platters and sandos that come with a half-pickle. Soups are homemade daily and entrees served after 5 p.m. include pastas, salmon and N.Y. steak. 2310 E. Overland Road, Ste. 150, 208-884-4453. $-$$$ SU OM. SOCKEYE GRILL & BREWERY—Sockeye is the serious beer connoisseur’s brewpub. When the double IPA Hopnoxious is on tap, it’s a hophead’s liquid dream, and the Hell Diver Pale Ale gets rave reviews. The menu is pub fare with a healthy bent and free live music happens every Tuesday and Friday. 3019 Cole Road, 208-658-1533. $-$$ P SU. TABLEROCK BREWPUB AND GRILL—Tablerock Brewpub is a taste of Boise. In addition to
its selection of award-winning handcrafted beers, the restaurant has a long standing reputation for superior pub food in one of Boise’s most well-known locations. 705 Fulton St., 208-342-0944. $-$$ P SU.
Steak & Seafood ANGELL’S—Upscale dining in a casual and relaxed atmosphere that’s nearly subterranean. Angell’s is one of Boise’s mainstays in the restaurant business with menu items running the gamut of sea and land choices from Idaho Trout and Crab, Rosemary and Juniper Lamb Rack and Halibut Oscar. 909 Main St., 208-342-4900. $$-$$$ RES P SU. BARBACOA—Theatrical tableside guacamole service is the thing to do in this carnivore’s restaurant. In the style of Argentine parrillas, meat is grilled over an open flame and served on ironwood platters. Known for its tranquil lakeside location and not one, but two excellent happy hours. 276 Bobwhite Ct., 208-3385000. $$-$$$ P SU OM. FRESH OFF THE HOOK—Gourmet seafood in a casual setting. Try the Halibut bruschetta or coconut prawns. It’s the best place in town for fresh, inexpensive seafood. 507 N. Milwaukee Ave., 208-322-9224. $-$$ OM. These restaurants are only a few of Boise’s eateries. For a comprehensive list of restaurants in Boise and the surrounding areas, visit and click on “Food” and then on “Find Restaurants.” Do you have a BW Card yet? Save 40 percent at participating restaurants. For details, visit and click on the BW Card icon.
NEW BOMBER BREWS Good things may come in small packages, but when it comes to beer, bigger is usually better. That’s why most special releases are packaged in the 22-ounce bomber format. And while these new brews are no exception, it’s about the only thing they have in common since one goes the flavored-beer route, one opts to emphasize the hops, and one pays homage to the Belgian Tripel style. A word of caution: All three will tempt you to finish the bottle, but sharing is good. Two of these brews are particularly potent, with the Deschutes and the Redhook weighing in at over 10 percent alcohol. DESCHUTES BLACK BUTTE XXI Looking for a breakfast beer? This one pours darker than espresso and is dry hopped with 100 pounds of Bellatazza coffee, so it’s a definite contender. Add Theo’s chocolate to the mix, and you have a dangerously rich brew that could almost make a meal. Although I’m not usually a fan of flavoring, this porter is irresistibly good. You can definitely taste both the coffee and the chocolate, but it still feels like beer with a nice hop bite on the finish. Released to mark Deschutes’ 21st anniversary, it should age nicely. FULL SAIL GRANSUN OF SPOT INDIA PALE ALE Each year, Full Sail releases a hopped-up brew as a celebration of the season. Weighing in at 100 International Bitterness Units, this one is definitely all about the hops. There’s a resiny bitterness up front that gives way to a citrushued bitterness in the middle, then closes with a mouth-drying bitterness on the finish. A nice bit of malt that you feel more than taste helps to balance things out. Attention all hop heads— you will love the Gransun of Spot. REDHOOK LIMITED RELEASE TRIPEL BELGIAN STYLE Sweet malt rules here with nice aromas of spicy banana bread backed by clove, cinnamon and just a touch of pine-laced hops. Ripe fruit flavors come through on the palate with creamy, clove-hued malt providing good body. A light hit of hops adds balance though the finish is on the warm side. It lacks a bit of the weight you might expect from a Tripel, but overall it’s a very nice package from this reliable brewery.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
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Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Out to Lunch 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. H:AA NDJG <DA9 I will buy your broken or unwanted old jewelry for cash. Any condition gold jewelry is money in your pocket. Call Dan 284-6174.
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<G::C 86G::GH Green and Environment Friendly Jobs are the way of the future. Don’t get left behind. Our site is dedicated to Green Jobs and Products.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 45
VENGAWORKS his column normally focuses on VENTURE CENTER residential real estate. But since many of us spend more time 943 W. OVERLAND at our workplaces than at home, this ROAD, MERIDIAN week we’re looking at a membershipSTARTING AT based office building that is flexible, $199 PER MONTH high-tech and certified green. RYAN SKENE, The declining economy has exposed 208-489-0110 deep cracks in some of the old ways of doing business. Statistics show the average office building is only 40 percent occupied at any given moment, making it a huge, energy-sucking asset. Imagine an airline or restaurant trying to stay afloat by only having 40 percent of its seats occupied. For some Treasure Valley business owners, that’s where VengaWorks Venture Center comes in. As local companies downsize and look for ways to cut costs, VengaWorks helps reduce overhead by offering private and semi-private office space that can be customized to suit a company’s needs. Instead of having to maintain a static building in a dynamic economy, the flexible usage plans at VengaWorks allow members to adjust the amount of office space they need. As a company grows, walls that double as wood-grain white boards can be reconfigured in 20 minutes to accommodate more employees. If the company shrinks, so can its office, and so will the rent. This way, the building that would be only partially occupied is being used in a new, more responsible way. And instead of leases that can tie a company up for as long as five years, the work spaces at VengaWorks are rented on a monthly, weekly or even a daily basis. But the responsibility doesn’t stop there. Regional Vice President Mark Gilbreath believes it is important to be responsible in the use of energy and resources as well. The center’s modern, single-story building was constructed and certified according to LEED Gold standards. Low-VOC paints, carpeting, adhesives and sealants were used throughout the interior in order to leave toxins out and keep indoor air quality high. Plentiful windows allow daylight to help illuminate offices situated along exterior walls, while clerestories and skylights draw light into interior spaces. The center saves money on electricity bills while the naturally lit, non-toxic work environment results in more productive workers. Idaho Power was so impressed with the building and its many energy-saving features that it cut VengaWorks a $20,000-incentive check after the project was completed. The power company also conducts tours of the facility as a showcase for green building standards. This smart business ecosystem comes furnished so you can focus on running your business instead of start-up details like costly phone and Internet installations, furniture choices, copy machine leases, or even selecting eye-catching art work. A cutting-edge Cisco phone system keeps members in touch with their customers. Fiber optic Wi-Fi provides a secure, private Internet connection. Smart Board interactive white boards allow members to make bold presentations to clients and co-workers alike, and paintings from local artists decorate the hallways. Whether it’s a kitchen-table start-up, an established business or work as a stand-alone consultant, VengaWorks outfits businesses with Web and snail-mail addresses, a phone number and a furnished, high-tech work space in just one hour. In addition to offices, the Venture Center also provides conference rooms, a seminar room, open cubicles and even social areas for taking a break from the grind. The economic climate is ripe for a business-support model that is flexible, high-tech and certified green. PROS: Turn-key office solution in a healthy, high-performance environment.
=:CC6 I6IIDDH Experienced Henna Artist now accepting clients. 100% organic ingredients. Henna & Gilding. July special 10% off normal pricing. Tattoos start at $3.50 and last for up to 2 wks. E-mail HIDE 6<>C< 6I >IH HDJG8: The J.R. Initiative is hosting complimentary demonstrations in Boise, to show you how to look years younger, right now. Join us to discover the one secret the beauty industry doesn’t want you to know about. Sign up today: or call 202-469-1829.
| JULY 15–21, 2009 |
VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055
HE>G>IJ6A EG6N:G IG:6IB:CI Available to assist individuals, couples, and families in personal and spiritual counseling, affirmative prayer, meditation techniques, and spiritual affirmations. The recommended donation for a one hour counseling session is $50. To schedule an appointment, please call Regina at 323-2323.
6 86AA D; 6 LDB6C¼H =:6GI
Women join in a 13 mo. series of Learning, Healing and Sharing themselves. We will touch the way of The Shaman, Wise Woman and The Healer. Visit sacred sites, create ceremony, learn women’s magic tools, lodge, and heal. This process begins the 8th of August and will meet each 2nd Saturday of the month for 13 mo. When desire arises in your heart, call us for a consultation. Jacqueline 353-0604.
BW CHILDBIRTH >B6<>C: NDJG >9:6A 7>GI= There are many different options when it comes to birthing. Having a Doula support you at your birth, a Midwife helping you have a baby at home, or a Pregnancy Coach guiding you through the whole process are among the options available to you. Please contact me for more information on these and other choices you can make to achieve an ideal birth.
BW CLASSES 8DJEA:H 8DBBJC>86I>DC 8A6HH Join other couples in learning better ways to communicate and how to understand your partner better. The class is a 4 wk. series Aug. 6-27, 7-9pm. The class is designed to educate couples about developmental stages in long term relationships and how to keep the relationship fun and exciting! The class is offered by Shelly Conley-Durkin LCSW. Call 954-0670 to enroll. It is never too late improve your relationship! <G6I>IJ9: 8A6HH Come join with us in a night of learning about gratitude taught by Keith and Tana Clark. July 30th, The Conference Room, Country Inn and Suites, 3355 East Pine Ave, Meridian. 6:30-9:00pm. $25 at the door. Credit card payments need to be prepaid by the 29th of July. If you have any questions or comments please call Tana at 208-608-8545.
CONS: Why didn’t anyone think of this sooner?
<:I ;>I ID96N We offer affordable personal training that will fit anyone’s budget. Athletic training, weight loss, strength, conditioning, and post rehab training. We also offer Yoga, Pilates, and Kick Boxing classes. If you would like to know all of our prices please feel free to check us out at =>E =DE ;>IC:HH Hip Hop Fitness is now starting at our Nampa location! We offer very affordable pricing, flexible schedules and a great time! You can e-mail, call or visit our myspace page for more information! 208-703-9664. >CA>;:¼H ¹:"8><6G:II:º Are you tired of smelling like an ashtray? Save over $60 monthly! The best part is no smell, no tar, and no carcinogens, and have been able to use device anywhere that smoking is prohibited! We are FDA compliant, and accredited with BBB! Contact immediately for free product demo, and first cartridge free! Anthony Ashley 208-571-6587. OJB76 8A6HH:H >C C6BE6 Zumba fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program that will blow you away. Our goal is simple: We want you to want to work out, to love working out, to get hooked. Zumba® Fanatics achieve long term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exhilarating hour of caloric-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life! If interested please email us for more information!
BW MASSAGE THERAPY 6B6I:JG B6HH6<: 7N :G>8 1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, spa/showers, 24/7. I travel. 8805772. Male Only. Boise & Nampa studios.
BOISE’S BEST! With Bodywork by Rose. 794-4789. 7G6C9 C:L >C 7D>H: Magic Spa. Massage & full body shampoo. 4322 Overland Rd, across from Pine Crest. Open 9am-10pm. Stop by!
9::E I>HHJ:$HL:9>H= B6HH6<: Enjoy a relaxing massage. You deserve it! Take pleasure in a calming atmosphere with soft, beautiful meditation music and aroma therapy. Day or Evening Appointments. Located close to Eagle & Ustick. 323-2323. Full body massage by experienced therapist. Out call or private studio. 863-1577. Thomas. ;G:: DC"A>C: 8A6HH>;>:9 69H Place your FREE on-line classifieds at It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please. =DJ HE6 Steam sauna & massage. Corner Overland & S. Orchard. Open 7 days a week, 9-10pm. 345-2430. B6HH6<: Bali Spa. 401 N. Orchard St. 3751332. Open 9am-10pm. Mention you saw it in the Boise Weekly for $20 Off! Massage Boise Hotels 869-8128. ULM 340-8377.
8DB: :ME:G>:C8: B6HH6<: 7N H6B
Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/Eves/ Wknds.Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 866-2759. Deep Therapeutic Massage by Muscular Guy. 869-2766.
VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055
;G:: DC"A>C: 8A6HH>;>:9 69H Place your FREE on-line classifieds at It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please.
6C<:A G:69:G
Psychic Medium: Available for large events, small gatherings & private readings. Call 208-323-2323.
PETS BW SPIRITUAL E6G6CDGB6A Are you or someone you know bothered by the paranormal? Then we can help! e-mail we are just a click away. ;G:: DC"A>C: 8A6HH>;>:9 69H Place your FREE on-line classifieds at It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please.
BW PETS Horse Boarding in Eagle 8418127. A67 HIJ9 9D< L6CI:9 Lab stud dog wanted to breed with chocolate lab female. Pick of the litter for compensation. Call 208461-9136 or 208-249-5634.
9>G:8I ;G:H= EGD9J8: Many people are searching for a way to make a difference in how they eat, how they support local farms, and how to be healthy. Direct Fresh offers great food at a great price with the convenience of home delivery. Boise and Eagle areas. Only $22/ del. 208-3368390 or e-mail ;G:: DC"A>C: 8A6HH>;>:9 69H Place your FREE on-line classifieds at It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please.
<:BI:8= B:9>86A G:E6>G! AA8 Medical, Dental, Veterinary Equipment Repair. GEMTECH is committed to prompt service helping you keep your clinic running on time. We provide repairs, services and preventative maintenance. 208-761-1674. =6K>C< 6 768= DG 7"96N E6GIN4 Having a bachelorette, birthday, or bridal shower party? We have the perfect solution. Have your Party at Fantasy World Pole Dancing Studio! or call us at 7039664 for more information! EGD;:HH>DC6A <DA; A:HHDCH Professional Golf Instructor offering lessons at affordable rates. I teach adults and juniors, groups and individuals.... For detailed info see my website: or call me at 208-859-4880.
A6LC 76G7:G Cut trim and blow off clippings starting at only $50/mo. Once a week cuts on average size lawns. Great quality, dependable, references available. Call 570-9691. Lawn Barber Landscaping. L6I:GLDG@H EAJB7>C< Honest-Affordable-Reliable. Over 20 years exp. Please call for plumbing service, remodel, water softener repair, and complete water treatment. Mention this ad and get 10% off labor on your next service call! 855-9595.
>C"=DB: 8=>A9 86G: Licensed in-home sitter. Infant to 5 yr. Call 342-2392. C6CCN 6<:C8N Coast to Coast Nannies, is here to provide quality nannies for those seeking steady childcare in their home.
1 Wind source 7 Escalates 13 Watercolor technique 20 Annual event held at the Kodak Theater, with “the” 21 Hero known for his nose 22 Intertwined 23 Give Axl and Pete a break? 25 Like the Twenties 26 Language that gave us “pajamas” 27 Saroyan’s “My Name Is ___” 28 Elton John/Tim Rice musical 30 A bit more than never 31 ___ Palace 33 Tripping over a threshold, perhaps? 37 Bubbly place? 38 Carries, e.g. 39 BlackBerry and others, for short 40 Footwear that’s hard to run in
43 Art school subj. 45 Pea farmers? 51 Summer apartment with no air-conditioning? 54 Home of the Blues: Abbr. 55 Powerful engine 56 Barkin of “Sea of Love” 57 English author Blyton 59 Co. bigwigs 62 “___ true?” 63 Solar ___ 64 Swindler 67 Went long 69 Floral Technicolor dreamcoat? 73 Madrid newspaper 76 This-and-that preparation 77 Island near Naxos 80 Certain grains 81 Sets (on) 84 Fourier series function 85 Lively sonata movement 87 Pauline Kael’s “___ It at the Movies” 89 Blow away 91 Strutting bird on an ice floe?
94 Residents at a Manhattan A.S.P.C.A.? 98 Yours, in Giverny 99 Nemeses 100 Actor Ventimiglia of “Heroes” 101 DC Comics superheroine 103 Genetic molecules 105 Move a movie camera around a community? 110 Some casino staff 113 Little or Short 114 Greenish-blue 115 Interlaken’s river 117 Emmy-winning co-star of “Chicago Hope” 119 “Symphonie Fantastique” composer 122 Explanation for an interception? 125 One of the Andrews Sisters 126 Early anesthetics 127 Like some Swift writing 128 Electra’s brother 129 Twos 130 ___ Falls, N.Y.
W E E K ’ S
1 “Yipe!” 2 Jellied dish 3 Extended operatic solo 4 Quarter back 5 Onetime HBO sitcom 6 Prime meridian std. 7 Deliverers of the unreturnable 8 Hess who was a dame 9 Cue 10 Airline to Stockholm 11 Digs up 12 Propose 13 Mustachioed TV muckraker 14 Plastic ___ Band 15 Suffix with form 16 Perennial N.L. leader of old 17 Sharing a memo with 18 For this reason 19 Lawn gadget
24 1980s street art ist Keith 29 Spot 32 ___ impasse 34 Dobbin’s nibble 35 “Dear old” guy 36 ___ mgr. 38 Batting coach’s concern 40 One with a handle 41 “Damn Yankees” vamp 42 Too suave 44 Without ___ (quietly) 46 Series finale? 47 What a bee produces 48 “Superman II” villainess 49 Some 50 Favor cloyingly, with “on” 52 Just for laughs 53 Many a New Year’s resolution 58 Pulls 60 1977 thriller co-starring Bo Derek 61 “The Odd Couple” director 65 Some legal scholars, for short 66 “The Time Machine’” race 68 Co-founder of the Nonaligned Movement 69 Fastidious 70 Lane in Metropolis 71 Postrevolutionary councils 72 Language akin to Yupik 73 A Walton 74 Singer Lovett 75 “What’s New Pussycat?” response? 77 Poop 78 Comics canine 79 End of some firm names 82 2005 Hoffman title role 83 Winter Olympics powerhouse: Abbr. 86 Summer at a ski resort, e.g. 88 Taj Mahal, e.g.
NOTICES BW LEGAL NOTICES PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6293. Participants Needed
Dr. Eun-Ok Im of the Univ.of TX at Austin School of Nursing is conducting an Internet study on the physical activity attitudes among diverse groups (Caucasian, Asian, African American, Hispanic) of middle-aged women (40-60 Y/O). In this study, each participant will be reimbursed with a gift certificate of $10/internet survey and an additional gift certificate of $50/ online forum discussion (6 mo.). Please visit the project website for more information: http://mapa. ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS IN 111 alternative newspapers like this one. Over 6 million circulation every week for $1200. No adult ads. Call Rick at 202-289-8484.
NYTCROSSWORD 102 Shortly 104 Attraction 105 Literature Nobelist Neruda 106 “... in ___ tree” 107 Audacity 108 Bizet suite “The Girl From ___” 109 Attached, in a way
90 Bleach 92 One of the original Mouseketeers 93 ___ cloth (lingerie fabric) 95 1983 Duran Duran hit 96 China shop personae non gratae 97 Orlando-to-Ft. Myers dir. 1
27 31
28 33
89 95
91 97
111 112
115 116 122
120 121
105 106 107 108
76 81
55 59
46 54
69 74
53 57
Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
124 Hi-___
110 Chaff 111 River straddled by Basel, Switzerland 112 Impassive 116 Homeland plot? 118 Cuzco inhabitant 120 N.Y.C. subway line 121 A wee hour 123 Moo ___ pork
| JULY 15–21, 2009 | 47
ADOPTAPET 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise, Idaho 83705
Kodi is a handsome male German shepherd/smooth collie mix who is 7 years old. He is house-trained, likes to ride in a car and is good with other dogs. He is a gentle, sweet dog who knows a few commands but is willing to learn more. Kodiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ideal environment would be in a home with other dogs to keep him company as he gets lonely when left alone. He has lots of potential for being a nice family companion. (Kennel 310 - #7976683) This lovely petite female cat has gray, beige and white markings (dilute calico) and a very sweet personality. She was found as a stray near Lake Hazel and Maple Grove in Boise without identiďŹ cation. This nice cat likes to be petted and handled and likes to talk to you when you pet her. She is approximately 3 years old. (Kennel 46 - #8005439)
This 6-year-old purebred chocolate Labrador needs a home where he can be kept indoors and considered part of the family. He is friendly, good with other dogs and appears to be house-trained. He is easy to work with and enjoys being petted and handled. He is described as a charming, goofy and happy boy that would love to have a new home today. (Kennel 311 #7893942) This adorable, young male kitten (5 months old) has medium-length fur that is soft as velvet. He is sweet, loving and playful and needs a new home because his owner had to transfer with the military and could not take him. He is said to be good with dogs, cats and kids of all ages. He is litterbox-trained. (Kennel 08 #8015426)
This nice dog is 9 months old and appears to be a purebred yellow Lab. He is described as a lovely, sweet dog that knows a few basic obedience commands and is ready and willing to learn more. He also can jump quite well, so he will need a home with a secure yard and will need to get regular exercise. This guy loves to be handled and petted and has great potential to become a super family companion. (Kennel 421 - #7956238)
BW MUSICAL SERVICES/OTHER HJBB:G BJH>86A K6G>:IN H=DL Center of Peace Presents â&#x20AC;&#x153;Centers Got Talent.â&#x20AC;? Fundraiser: An &WFOJOH PG UIF "SUT $MBTTJDBM t $PXCPZ +B[[ t .VTJDBM 5IFBUFS t 'PML .VTJD 5SJP t .FEJFWBM .VTJDBM (SPVQ t 1PFUSZ 3FBEJOHT t %SVNNJOH (SPVQ 'BJMMVESVN t 4QJSJUVBM "SU 4 0SDIBSE Lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Doors Center. Wednesday evening, July 15th, 6:30. Suggested Donation: Adults: $15, Seniors: $10, Kids 14 & Under: $5. All proceeds support the Center of Peace.
BW MUSICIANâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EXCHANGE <J>I6G EA6N:G L6CI:9 ;DG### Established local Rock band with Metal and Punk inďŹ&#x201A;uences, currently recording an album and playing shows. 208-713-6918. 2833 S. Victory View Way, Boise, ID 83709
There once was a kitten named Berry, Who ran around with no tail-e. She was happy of heart And very smart In wanting a home thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s merry.
Please meet Molly Mae, A tortie whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s black, tan and gray. She has lovely long fur And a happy deep purr And would love to be adopted today.
| JULY 15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;21, 2009 |
VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055
These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats
These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society.
H>C<:GH C::9:9 Forming a tight pop/gospel choir to perform locally/record gospel/ soul/power-ballad type voices encouraged. For audition info call 344-0201.
COMMUNITY SECTION BW ANNOUNCEMENTS 86C9A:H Soy Candle Opportunity! Do you love candles? Have you ever thought of having a home-based business? I would love to send a catalog and sample to you! Call me at 208-447-6317. Would you like to start your home-based candle business for $25, ask me how! @>AGDN @D;;:: @A6I8= Warhawk Air Museum is excited to announce the monthly â&#x20AC;&#x153;Kilroy was Hereâ&#x20AC;? coffee klatch. 1st Tuesday of every month. 10-11:30am. Warhawk Air Museum, 201 Municipal Dr, Nampa. H8=DA6GH=>EH ;DG BDBH Scholarships for moms is exactly that, scholarships designed for moms. Even single moms! You can also register to win a free scholarship. Several resources to choose from. Visit
BN HL::I >ED9 You were last seen, on a chair in MUSE BUILDING as I absent mindedly walked away, leaving you all alone in the world. Well, someone has taken you in. I write to enlist that someoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s help in reuniting me with my lost iPod nano. Please help! Irreplaceable, invaluable personal sounds now lost to me. Please contact, I will describe to you my lost little companion. 424-0385.
BW VOLUNTEERS 7D>H: 7::G;:HI KDAJCI::GH Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s your chance to be a part of the ďŹ rst ever Boise BeerFest happening Aug. 8-9 in Ann Morrison Park. Boise BeerFest will feature more than 100 American craft beers, 8 bands, a stand-up comedian, great food vendors, a giant kids play and craft area, games and activities, a charity rafďŹ&#x201A;e and food drive to beneďŹ t The Idaho Foodbank and lots of other cool stuff. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re looking for a couple hundred volunteers to help make this a truly great event. Volunteers will receive an ofďŹ cial Boise BeerFest T-shirt, a tasting mug, tokens and the weekend following the festival we will be hosting a private volunteer appreciation party with gallons of free beer, great free food, live entertainment, giveaways and a other cool stuff. If you or someone you know would like to volunteer a little of your time go to >96=D <G::C :MED ,$&,"&. The Idaho Green Expo is less than a month away. We are looking forward to another very successful event, and are in need of volunteers to make it just that - a success! We need lots of positions for July 17,18 & 19th. If you have any questions, email our Volunteer Coordinator at or register at: www.
BW FOUND ;DJC9 H:I D; @:NH At Bogus Basin off Ranch Rd. Call to identify. 890-3129.
BW GARAGE/ ESTATE SALES :HI6I: H6A: Of life long Boise resident. Sat.Sun. 9-4. 407 Riverview Dr. East End. Home furnishings, Silverstreak trailer, collectibles, books. =J<: N6G9 H6A: Tons of great stuff for sale Sat. July 18 (9-5) and Sun. July 19 (9-3). Furniture, Nordic Track 360 with weights, baseball cards, photography equipment, and more! 3506 Wood Acres Drive (near Owyhee and Kootenai).
BW CLASSES E6G6CDGB6A G:IG:6I Idahoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ONLY ofďŹ cial TAPS Family member, the International Paranormal Reporting Group (IPRG) is having a paranormal retreat! IPRG Paranormal Retreat at Geiser Grand Hotel, Baker City, Oregon! Oct. 16th & 17th. Check out for your ticket. You can also email or Mercedes@iprgc. com for info or questions. 68I>C< &%& Clam City Productions is offering a class designed with beginning and intermediate actors/actresses in mind. Participants will be given tips and tools for creating characters on stage and ďŹ lm. For more information go to www.clamcity. com
Learn to knit 3 Christmas gifts in less than 3 hours! Scarf in June, hat in July & ďŹ ngerless gloves in August. Instruction, pattern & yarn included. Call Fuzz for details, 605 Americana Blvd., 343-3899.
B6@: :MIG6 BDC:N
Learn to sew! Classes at Caledonia Fine Fabrics. Home decor, couture, pillows, aprons, draperies, grocery bags. Classes forming. Call for dates & times. 338-0895.
CONNECTION SECTION BW ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUYER BEWARE Whenever doing business by telephone or email proceed with caution when cash or credit is required in advance of services. Come Where Single Play. FREE w/code 5500 Call 208-287-0343.
?6@ ?NAÂźH EA:6HJG: E6GI>:H Lotions, Potions, and Bedroom Play Toys!! Jak & Jylâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pleasure Parties is pleased to announce the opening of our Home Pleasure parties to the Treasure Valley area! Christi L. 208-409-1701 or 208-887-7715. If you are not interested in having a party then I would be happy to meet with you individually to meet your ordering needs, although the party gets you 10% off and a free gift!
A:6I=:G A68:
Has All Your Adult Desires, Open 7 Days A Week. 384-5760. MEET HOT LOCAL GUYS Browse & Respond FREE! 208-472-2200, Code 5724. Visit MegaMates. com, 18+. EG>K6I: 96C8:GH We have amazing beautiful lady dancers waiting to dance for you! We can come to your location, or come to ours, which we have stripper poles for added entertainment! We guarantee the best time you will have! Very affordable! Excellent for bachelor parties, birthdays, and guys night out! E-mail for more information or to book your party! fantasy. SEEKING SEXY SINGLES. Listen & Reply to Ads FREE! Straight 208345-8855. Gay/Bi 208-472-2200. Use FREE Code 7343. Visit, 18+. WHERE SINGLES MEET Browse & Respond FREE! Straight 208-3458855. Gay/Bi 208-472-2200. Use FREE Code 7261, 18+. WILD LOCAL DATELINE Listen & Respond FREE! 208-345-8855 Code 7262. 18+.
8DC<G6IH 6# 9# Hooray for U. We love you guys. HappyHappy, JoyJoy.-J&J. 8DC<G6IJA6I>DCH K. and S. HUGE congratulations on the opening of Tanzanite Salon and Spa. You did it! And an extra special thanks to Kristen for being the only hairstylist Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ever been to who knows how to cut naturally curly hair the right way! We need you, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re the best! MWAH! dmw. >I L6H ;DJG N:6GH 6<D Who knew that night you called out to me in gin blossom that it would the most signiďŹ cant night of my life. It brings a smile to my face remembering all the good times we have shared together, and ďŹ lls my heart with joy to know Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve found the person that makes even the worst days better than a day without you in my life. I love you wiener! GD8@>CÂź HDJC9 ADK:G Your sound is rockinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Baby! You are the man of my dreams, the love of my life. The sexiest bass player, ever...Your Love, J.
BW PEN PALS Pen Pals complimentary ads for our incarcerated friends are run on a space-available basis and may be edited for content. Readers are encouraged to use caution and discretion when communicating with Pen Pals, whose backgrounds are not checked prior to publication. Boise Weekly accepts no responsibility for any relationships that may arise from contacting these inmates. My name is Erica Saenz I am 22 yrs. Old. I am seeking a friendship or maybe more! Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;2â&#x20AC;?, light brown skin, black hair, luscious lips and chestnut brown eyes. If this sounds good to you write me at Erica Saenz #78650 P.W.C.C. Unit 4 1451 Fore Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204.
BW I SAW YOU 7#5 G::; ,$($%. We met at the Reef, your friend wanted my friend but she wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t interested. That doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mean Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not. E-mail me at to see what happens next! 7GD69L6N HI>C@:G! +$'* Cuteboy, sorry I stole your spot in line...let me apologize in person! E. 340-9151. A6 I6E6I>6 " 7D>H: >9 I saw you today at La Tapatia off Park Center at around 12:30. You were walking out of the restaurant and I was eating out front on the patio. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even know if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll ever see this, but I thought you were really cute! I was the brunette and you had a white SUV! Hopefully I will see you around again. E=>A ?68@HDC ADD@"6A>@: July 1, approx. 11:30am. I saw you at the Hillcrest Library branch. You smiled at me, I smiled at you. When I turned around, you were headed into the menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s room! You look exactly like Phil Jackson...same build (only a smidge shorter), facial hair/color, eyes and smile! I hope you see this and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a family. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d love to connect!
BW KISSES 7D>H: 8>IN I6M> ADK:H### ...People who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t drink/drug and drive. So if youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been partying hearty, please take a Taxicab home. Even if itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not one of ours! Taxis are about $5,000 cheaper than a DUI, more fun than the Hospital or Morgue, and substantially more pleasant than being cuffed-and-stuffed into a cop car.
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit Go to and look under odds and ends for the answers to this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s puzzle. And donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply doublechecking your answers. Š 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
| JULY 15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;21, 2009 | 49
FREEW I L L ASTROLOGY BY ROB BREZSNY ARIES (March 21-April 19): I fear youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re on the verge of slipping into a state of mind that wants ever ything and is therefore in danger of getting nothing. I worr y that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be lusting for such total control over so much wild sweetness that you wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t actually formulate a foolproof plan to commune with even a pinch of that sweetness. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s see if we can motivate you to over throw this state of mind. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tr y to coax you into devising a precise strategy to assemble paradise piece by piece. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Cuckoo birds build no nests of their own. Instead, they rely on tricker y to raise their young. The female cuckoo lays her eggs in the nest of a host whose eggs are similar in size and color. The host, often a sparrow, cares for the cuckooâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eggs as her own, and usually rears the hatchlings until they reach maturity. Does this behavior ring a bell? I suspect that something analogous is unfolding in your world. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m aler ting you to the situation so that you will be fully informed as you decide how to proceed. (P.S. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m not saying this is a bad thing; I just want you to acknowledge the truth.) GEMINI (May 21-June 20): I hate to admit it, but love is not always enough to solve ever y problem. On some occasions, you need love, clever insights, strategic maneuvers and fierce determination. In my astrological opinion, this is one of those times. Take a moment right now to shush the grumbling dialogue you keep having with yourself about whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fair and what you deser ve. Save all that mental energy for the work of fighting like hell for the fair share you deser ve. Oh, and while youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re fighting like hell, donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t forget to be as strategic as Gandhi, as loving as Einstein, and as fiercely determined as Jack Black, Ben Stiller and Sarah Silverman combined.
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| JULY 15â&#x20AC;&#x201C;21, 2009 |
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CANCER (June 21-July 22): I invite you to write down brief descriptions of the five most pleasurable moments youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve ever experienced in your life. Let your imagination dwell lovingly on these memories for, say, 20 minutes. And keep them close to the sur face of your awareness in the week ahead. If you ever catch yourself slipping into a negative train of thought, interrupt it immediately and compel yourself to fantasize about those Big Five Ecstatic Moments. This exercise will be an excellent way to prime yourself for a New Age of Unhurried Bliss and Gentle Beauty, which I predict is just ahead for you. If you can keep the morose par t of your mind quiet, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a good chance you will stir up a new ecstatic experience that will belong near the top of your all-time list. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Welcome to your aromatherapy workshop, Leo. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be using imaginar y scents because, frankly, sometimes fantasy yields better results than the real thing. (Especially for you right now; keep that in mind as you deal with other situations in your life.) For your first exercise, imagine the aromas of eucalyptus and vinegar. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll clear your head of static, creating a nice big empty space for your fresh assignment to come pouring in from the future. Next, imagine the fragrance of hot buttered popcorn. It will make you more receptive to the outside help that has been tr ying and tr ying and tr ying to attract your attention. Have you ever taken a new computer out of the box? Remember that smell? Simulate it now. In your subconscious mind, it will awaken the expectation that the next chapter of your life stor y is about to begin. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): O ye of little faith: Do ye not understand that the events of mid-July through mid-August of 2009 are but the fruition of seeds ye planted in September, October and November of last year? Do not thank or blame the gods, but only thyself, for the destiny that is upon ye. Now please prepare to assume thy new goodies and perks, O favored one, as well as thy new temptations and headaches, with full knowledge that ye are receiving the exact rewards and responsibilities ye earned many months ago. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Sometimes this job of mine grinds me down with a heavy sense
of responsibility. Am I doing the right thing by divulging so many cosmic secrets? Do people use my advice in good ways? This week, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m especially tormented. Would it be ethical of me to reveal that you could dig a hot tip out of a wastebasket, or that you could prosper because of someone elseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s foolishness? Or how about if I disclosed that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve temporarily acquired a dicey edge over a competitor whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s previously kicked your butt? And would it be mean of me to suggest that you shouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t share a vast idea with a half-vast person? I guess Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll just have to trust that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll show maximum integrity in using all of this inside dope. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): There goes your exaggerated respect for warped chunks of complications. Here comes an opportunity to make a break for bubbly freedom. To take advantage, Scorpio, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll need to travel much lighter. So please peel off your armor. Wipe that 40-pound sneer of doubt off your face. Bury your brokendown theories by the side of the path, and donate all your unnecessary props to the birds and the bees. Strip down, in other words, to the bare minimum. Where youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re going, all youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll need are your good looks and a big fresh attitude. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t leave me hanging, Sagittarius. What happens next? How could you even imagine youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve wrapped the whole thing up? According to my analysis, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got at least one more riddle to solve, one more gift to negotiate, one more scar to wish upon. (Yes, that says â&#x20AC;&#x153;scar,â&#x20AC;? not â&#x20AC;&#x153;star.â&#x20AC;?) To stop pushing for more adventure at this pregnant moment would be a crime against nature and a whole chapter shor t of a bestseller. Get out there and bring this stor y home. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): It makes me famished just to think of you there stewing in your hunger. You almost remind me of a bear thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s just awoken from hibernation or a political prisoner whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been on a hunger strike. And yet I know itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not a craving for food that youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re suffering from. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not even an impossible yearning for sex or fame or power or money, either. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re star ving, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re ravenous, youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re mad for something you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have a name forâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;something whose existence you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t fully understand and canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t quite imagine. But I predict youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll uncover a fuller truth about this thing ver y soon, and then youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be more than halfway toward gratifying your hunger. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): If I were your daddy, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d take you mountain-climbing or buy you a three-week intensive class in the foreign tongue of your choice. If I were your president, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d give you a Purple Hear t for your undercover heroism and make you ambassador to Italy. If I were your therapist, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d send you on a pilgrimage to a sanctuar y where ever yone means exactly what they say. But Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m merely your five-minutesa-week consultant, so all I can really do is say: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Escape the cramped quar ters of your own mind. Slip away from the corners youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been backed into. Stop telling the convoluted stories youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve concocted to rationalize why you should be afraid. Get out of the loop and escape into the big, fresh places that will rejuvenate your eyes and hear t.â&#x20AC;? PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Long-standing myths are on the verge of mutating. Stories that have remained fixed for years are about to acquire unexpected wrinkles. The effects may be pretty spectacular. I suspect itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be the equivalent of Sleeping Beauty waking up from her long sleep without the help of the princeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kiss, or like Little Red Riding Hoodâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grandma devouring the wolf instead of vice versa. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s something you can do, Pisces, to ensure that the new versions of the old tales are more empowering than the originals: For the foreseeable future, take on the demeanor and spirit of a noble warrior with high integrity and a fluid sense of humor. Homework: Make a guess about the most important bit of self-knowledge youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re still ignorant about. Testify at
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