PANHANDLING Homeless fly signs, fight new laws FEATURE 11
GROWING UP IN THE GARDEN How one man found himself in the weeds SCREEN 29
COCO PUFFS Coco Before Chanel pretty, but has little substance REC 32
LOST AND FOUND 50 years of Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue
“My family killed their animals, they sometimes killed their wives, they killed each other with great regularity.”
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
BW STAFF PUBLISHER: Sally Freeman Sally@boiseweekly.com Office Manager: Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com EDITORIAL Editor: Rachael Daigle Rachael@boiseweekly.com Arts & Entertainment Editor: Amy Atkins Amy@boiseweekly.com Features/Rec. Editor: Deanna Darr Deanna@boiseweekly.com News Editor: Nathaniel Hoffman Nathaniel@boiseweekly.com Staff Writer: Tara Morgan Tara@boiseweekly.com Listings: Juliana McLenna calendar@boiseweekly.com Proofreaders: Jay Vail, Annabel Armstrong Interns: Andrew Crisp, Blair Davison, Jeff Lake, Kelly McDonald Contributing Writers: Bill Cope, Travis Estvold, Jennifer Hernandez, David Kirkpatrick, Eric Leins, Ted Rall, Jay Vail, Jeremiah Robert Wierenga
ADVERTISING Account Executives: Meshel Miller, Meshel@boiseweekly.com Chelsea Snow, Chelsea@boiseweekly.com Jessi Strong, Jessi@boiseweekly.com Jill Weigel, Jill@boiseweekly.com CLASSIFIED SALES Classifieds@boiseweekly.com CREATIVE Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Leila@boiseweekly.com Graphic Designer: Adam Rosenlund Adam@boiseweekly.com Contributing Artists: Derf, Jeremy Lanningham, Mike Flinn, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Joshua Roper, Tom Tomorrow CIRCULATION Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town: Stan Jackson Stan@boiseweekly.com Distribution: Tim Anders, Mike Baker, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Jennifer Hawkins, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Lars Lamb, Brian Murry, Amanda Noe, Northstar Cycle Couriers, Steve Pallsen, Patty Wade, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 30,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. SUBSCRIPTIONS: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. TO CONTACT US: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad Street, Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: info@boiseweekly.com www.boiseweekly.com Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701 The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2009 by Bar Bar, Inc. EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Thursday at noon before publication date. SALES DEADLINE: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher.
NOTE JULY HAS BEEN MOVED TO NOVEMBER. With a food review on an ice cream joint and a main feature on farming, you’d think it was July in this issue of Boise Weekly. Perhaps that’s just wishful thinking on our part as we slog through the tough part of fall, when it gets dark too early to hit the trails after work and there’s still not enough white stuff on the mountain to speak of. So instead of talking about all the cool stuff people are doing outdoors now, we took a breather this week in Rec to catch up with the people who fetch us out of the wilderness when our outdoor adventures become misadventures— Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue, the all-volunteer search and rescue team that turns 50 this year. In Citizen, we chat up a Ketchum resident who just has a knack for being really good at whatever it is she does outdoors. Rebecca Rusch is an adventure racer turned world champion bicycle racer who took top honors in the Leadville 100. Read her story on Page 9. As for those wistfully July pieces, a food review on Delsa’s and Nathaniel Hoffman’s main feature, “A Summer on the Farm,” we have good reason. At Delsa’s you’ll find a full menu of hot food if the thought of ice cream just gave you an ice cream headache. And “A Summer on the Farm” is not the kind of piece Hoffman could have written in July. It’s the kind of piece that could only be written in retrospect and the kind of piece that gets us back to one of the things alts have the luxury of doing now and again: publishing something with a sheen that’s far more literary then newsy. If you’re reading the paper on Wednesday, Nov. 18, please join us for our annual Cover Art Auction. We’ll auction off the last year of cover art, all created by local artists, and reinvest the proceeds into the local art community with a private grant. The auction doors open at 5 p.m. at the Idaho State Historical Museum. —Rachael Daigle
ARTIST: Ben Wilson TITLE: Deep Space MEDIUM: Mixed media/limited edition giclee print ARTIST STATEMENT: If you truly believe that space is infinite, then you know that if you travel sufficiently far enough in any direction, you will eventually find that this image has been, or will be, created by Ben Wilson again on another planet just like this one. www.benwilsonart.com
Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. BOISE WEEKLY IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER.
Boise Weekly pays $150 as well as a $25 gift certificate to Boise Blue Art Supply for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. Square formats are preferred and all mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 3
WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world. AM Y ATK INS
TRICA GETS THE GO-AHEAD Last week, the Treasure Valley Institute for Children’s Arts received its conditional use permit, clearing the final hurdle for TRICA’s plans at Eastman and 14th streets. Neighbors have not been enthusiastic about the plans to knock down a neighboring home to build a parking lot. The story was first posted at Cobweb, and you can read a version in Arts News on Page 28.
BOISE GOES TO JORDAN, BW FOLLOWS Brian Cronin, who reps Boise’s District 19 in the House, is traveling in Jordan with the Idaho Human Rights Education Center and has been filing briefs at The Grip. Read about his first days in Jordan including his first day’s breakfast (hummus, sushi and an omelet). Now that he’s settled, things should start to get interesting this week.
“LET’S PLAY GOLF WITH MY UNDERWEAR” It’s a putting green. No wait, it’s a bustier. Nope, it’s both. Seriously. Log on to Cobweb and check out the video under the post “For the Ultimate Golfer.”
FOOTBALL, THE REAL STORY The Grip contributor FBM Fidel Nshombo is obsessed with soccer. He’s devoted a couple of posts to the sport, which he dutifully calls football. Sorry, Boise State fans.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
EDITOR’S NOTE 3 BILL COPE 6 TED RALL 7 NEWS New faces of panhandling 8 CITIZEN 9 TRUE CRIME / MONDO GAGA 10 FEATURE There’s more to dirt than farming and ... well, dirt 11 BW PICKS 14 FIND 15 8 DAYS OUT 16 SUDOKU 17 NOISE Chicago’s wild Russian Circles 19 MUSIC GUIDE 26 ARTS Back with Baker’s Dozen 28 SCREEN Coco before the clothes 29 MOVIE TIMES 30 VIDIOT 31 REC Who looks for the lost? 32 PLAY 33 FOOD Delsa’s, where ice cream is king 34 BEER GUZZLER 37 CLASSIFIEDS 38 HOME SWEET HOME 38 NYT CROSSWORD 39 FREEWILL ASTROLOGY 42
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 5
POP GOES WEASEL FYI: Mountain Dew is not an essential food group Eleanor Swigby / Waddles around with a Big Gulp in hand/ Can’t put it down. / Eleanor Swigby / slurps up more Coke than a body can stand / She’s 8 feet around. / Oh the lardy people / where dooooo they all come from? / Oh the lardy people / How dooooo they wipe their bum? —With profound apologies to J. Lennon and P. McCartney
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
And I apologize to you too, kind reader, for my insensitivity. That was just plain mean, wasn’t it? Especially coming from a guy who could drop 50 pounds, himself, and still have plenty left over to fill out his sweat pants. But I couldn’t help myself. I was driven to do it. Compelled, you might say. The awful urge hit me while I was watching that ad from the advocacy group Americans Against Food Taxes. I bet you’ve seen it. There’s this concerned mommy unloading groceries from her hatchback with the help of a couple of obliging teenagers, and while she’s doing it, she’s speaking oh-so-earnestly into the camera about how tough times are and how every penny counts when she’s trying to feed her family and how we should all notify our representatives immediately and insist that they should definitely, absolutely, positively not impose any tax on soda pop because she’s already struggling to make ends meet. Now, far be it from me to suggest that if her household budget is so threatened by a modest tax on soda pop, maybe she should consider not buying soda pop. But I will mention that Mom is in pretty trim shape, which we would expect. After all, they are hardly going to use a Rosie-sized actress, are they? Not to make the case that the American family’s access to unlimited high fructose corn syrup should never be restricted by the imposition of a few cents of tax on the gallon. And her youngsters are looking good, too—by which I mean they’re not the kind of kids who develop persistent rashes on their inner thighs from the constant rubbing. No ma’am, you would never see those kind of kids in an ad from Americans Against Food Taxes, and considering that the Americans Against Food Taxes is a wholly fabricated lobbying body funded by the American Beverage Association, you’re unlikely to hear the phrase “childhood obesity” either. The point of it all is, of course, to squelch any attempt by this Congress to load a new tax on the backs of already beleaguered citizens who want nothing more than to slake their thirsts with a refreshing Sierra Mist, Dr. Pepper or the recommended serving size of Red Bull. We are meant to understand this is simply another case of a beneficent industrial association looking out for the best interests of regular folks, that’s all this is. Sure. A grand gesture by the providers of good, good stuff, to promote the well-being of me
and you and all those overly Rubenesque neighbors we end up behind at Jackson store counters, praying to God the butt seams in their trousers don’t split until they’re out of range. So that’s the story. I was so impressed by what these thoughtful corporate soft drink providers have already done for us that I sat down and reimagined one of my favorite Beatles tunes in tribute to their work. It may seem hurtful and cruel to some, the way I rewrote the lyrics. But look at it this way: I have done nowheres near the damage to my fellow lard-asses than has already been done by the pushers in the sugary liquids biz. U I admit to being somewhat resentful on this matter. After decades of watching the price of my vice of choice climb higher and higher, mostly because of taxes that even the most conservative prudes don’t mind imposing, I have become perhaps a tad bitter that we smokers get tapped for our particular poison while our diabetic, heart disease-ridden, triple X-wearing friends get off scot-free for theirs. I have no argument with the concept of people paying a bit more to offset the expense they will end up costing society in the long run. But there is already a 57-cent tax on every pack of smokes sold in Idaho. Beer gets hit for 15 cents a gallon while you’re paying 45 cents on every gallon of wine you go through. Yet the American Beverage Association (and lobby-minded friends) want nothing to do with the few pennies that have been proposed for soft drinks. But this isn’t just about me wanting some payback. Ultimately, this is about a healthcare system coming apart like a Chippendale chair under the weight of a 400 pounder. It’s about every industry with a finger in the health-care soup fighting like Cossacks for their own interests, and no one else’s. Big Insurance, Big Pharma and now Big Pop ... none of them want a thing to change. Neither America’s health or America’s future are their concern, not if it might shave a few points off their profit margin. I don’t seriously believe a relatively small tax—6 to 10 cents has been proposed—will stop many of our Swigbys from swimming daily in their sugar water. But that tax is projected to bring in almost $15 billion a year, all dedicated to health care, and that may be the best, and cheapest, insurance many of them will ever have. So here’s my message to our representatives in Congress, inspired by the Americans Against Food Taxes’ PR campaign: Tax that crap! All that crap! And don’t stop at the liquid crap. If the solid crap—Froot Loops and cheese puffs leap to mind—has no nutritional value whatsoever, it has no right to call itself “food!” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
13 VS. 2 MILLION Fort Hood a shocker ... why not U.S. war crimes? NEW YORK—American lives are worth a lot. So when Americans get killed, it’s a big story. The lives of foreigners, on the other hand, are pretty much worthless. Even when they die because Americans killed them, news accounts marking their deaths are short and sweet. Congressional investigations? No way. The massacre of 13 soldiers at an Army post in Texas recently places this dichotomy in sharp relief. The FBI is already helping Army investigators. Sen. Joe Lieberman has announced that his Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will launch a full investigation into “every angle” of the shooting, including the motives of the suspect and whether government eavesdroppers could have prevented it by notifying Army officials of his contacts with a radical Muslim cleric. Over in the House, Rep. Silvestre Reyes, a Texas Democrat, has summoned national intelligence director Dennis Blair to answer questions about Fort Hood before the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. But wait—there’s more. “Other committees may also launch investigations into how the Army missed warning signs about the accused,” reports The Politico. Maj. Nidal Hasan, an army psychiatrist, ministered to victims of post-traumatic stress disorder who told him terrible stories about combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. Ordered to deploy to the war zone, he asked not to go— and was refused. Is it reasonable to ask a religious Muslim to deploy to Afghanistan or Iraq, wars where he would be asked to kill his coreligionists?
The shock, grief and soul-searching are all reasonable reactions to a brutal and tragic event. But it’s not hard to imagine how it looks to the outside world. While the media and public obsess over the deaths of 13 fellow Americans, they ignore the deaths of hundreds of thousands of foreigners. The American military has killed roughly 2 million people in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001. Those attacks were illegal—no declaration of war, no United Nations mandate—and are largely recognized as such by the American public. Many victims were killed with chemical and radioactive weapons, some while under torture. In other words, these are crimes. So where are the Congressional investigations? Don’t we want to find out what happened, how it happened, and make sure it never happens again? Apparently not. President Barack Obama has chosen to “move forward” instead. No one—not George W. Bush, nor his advisers, nor the military officers who carried out his illegal orders—is being held accountable. There are no angry editorials. The illegal wars are being ramped up. The crimes—including the torture—continue. But it’s OK—as long as it doesn’t happen here. The punk band T.S.O.L. wrote the soundtrack to this attitude a quarter-century ago: “We live in the American zone / Free of fear in our American home / Swimming pool and digital phone.” Still wondering why they hate us? Ted Rall is the author of The Year of Loving Dangerously and To Afghanistan and Back.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 7
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
FLYING SIGNS Increase in panhandling reveals new demographic ERIC LEINS When Damon McCoy graduated from George Mason University in 1997 with a degree in political science, he had no visions of earning his daily wages by holding a sign at 13th and Myrtle streets in Boise deliberately asking for a handout. And when Tony Young owned and operated Debra’s Country Store, a chain of eight gas stations and convenience stores in Mississippi, he never thought his entrepreneurial spirit would be on public display at the exit of the WinCo parking
numbers on how many people are doing it in Boise, citations against “flyers” have gone up dramatically in the past year. In 2008, only 15 citations were given for breaking the Idaho traffic code that prohibits soliciting for employment, business or unauthorized contributions. So far in 2009, that number has spiked to 98. According to Lynn Hightower, the public information officer for the Boise Police Department, that increase is due in part to direction that came from the Boise City Attorney’s LAU RIE PEARMAN
Dozens of Boise’s homeless gather in the alley beside Interfaith Sanctuary every evening, waiting for the doors to open. While most of the people gathered there prefer a warm cot to a bedroll under a bridge, only one man told citydesk that Boise’s anti-camping ordinance—which the city just stiffened in the face of a lawsuit— is good policy. Most said the city should let the homeless be. “If people want to camp out, let ’em camp out,” said Larry Grider, a retired construction worker who has been on the streets for a year and a half. “If I had the gear, I probably would.” The federal lawsuit, brought by Idaho Legal Aid Services Inc. on behalf of seven homeless men and women, argues that the Boise Police Department practice of ticketing homeless people for sleeping outside is unconstitutional. “These people have nowhere else to sleep, and you’re basically making them criminals,” said Howard Belodoff, the attorney representing the homeless. “You can’t criminalize behavior that is not really criminal—everybody has to sleep.” The city will file a response this week. “There is no merit to their lawsuit and the city intends to vigorously defend the lawsuit,” said Assistant City Attorney Valencia Bilyeu. The lawsuit argues that since there are not enough shelter beds in Boise for 2,000 to 4,500 people on any given night, ticketing people for camping or for disorderly conduct means that homeless people are not able to stay in the city. “Enforcement of these ordinances therefore serves the purpose and has the effect of driving homeless people out of the city or deterring them from entering city,” the lawsuit states. Soon after the lawsuit was filed, the Boise City Council unanimously passed a new definition of camping as, “use of public property as a temporary or permanent place of dwelling, lodging, or residence, or as a living accommodation at anytime between sunset and sunrise, or as a sojourn.” The resolution containing the new definition stated that camping in public parks and along the river negatively impacts other people’s use of those amenities, but it specified that the anti-camping law not be enforced unconstitutionally, which Belodoff considers a nod to the pending lawsuit. Belodoff said the new anti-camping definition does not affect the claims in the lawsuit. Each of the Boise plaintiffs has been cited numerous times by Boise Police for camping in the city or for disorderly conduct, which includes sleeping in public. Not only can’t they afford the fines associated with these tickets, but the citations often constitute a criminal record and hinder their attempts to get housing and jobs. “It’s unconstitutional,” said Jimmy Moore, a homeless man who testified against the City Council action on camping and who recently beat a camping ticket. “You’re giving tickets to homeless people that can’t pay; you’re going to crowd the jails with homeless people who are just sleeping.” —Nathaniel Hoffman
A video featuring some of the people in this stor y appears at boiseweekly.com.
Jerry, originally from Idaho Falls, panhandles in Boise, angling for a cheeseburger. He said the shelters are pretty full so he has been staying with a friend and helping out with the rent.
lot downtown, where he holds a piece of cardboard scrawled with the reminder to passers-by that “anything helps.” But with unemployment at nearly 30-year highs, McCoy and Young have become desperate, and by all accounts, they represent a growing number of men, women and families—many with educations and work histories—who have resorted to panhandling just to stay alive. “No matter where you go now in town now, there are people flying signs. It seems like you can’t find a store anymore where there isn’t someone out asking for money,” said Henry Krewer, mission coordinator for Corpus Christi House, a day shelter that allows homeless people in Boise to shower, do laundry, work on computers, use the phone, receive mail and any other “ordinary stuff,” as Krewer puts it, “that homeless people just don’t have.” “Flying signs” is street lingo for panhandling. And although there are no official
Office earlier this year, which instructed officers to no longer write up panhandlers for disorderly conduct—a criminal misdemeanor—when they wander into the street or when they solicit on private property. Instead, those panhandlers are now hit with the Idaho traffic code violation. In October, a group of homeless men and women sued the city citing, among other things, indiscriminate use of the disorderly conduct charge against them. Police and advocates agree that the numbers are changing, but Krewer points out that panhandling now comes with a new face. “The character of the people flying signs has changed,” Krewer said. “It used to be that people flying signs were looking for a drink, but now with the shelters full, a lot of people are flying signs to get a motel room. That’s a big change.” According to Krewer, shelters don’t turn people away. But overflows have them resorting to sleeping people on the floor, and for
mothers with children, that is not a viable option. The changing face of the panhandler can also be seen, if one takes them at their word, in their signs. “Family in car. Please help,” one sign at the Walmart on Overland Road read. “Mother of two little girls,” and “This is how I feed my family,” claimed two more signs downtown. For Carey Salo, a 34-year-old homeless single mom who, on a snowy day this fall, panhandled at the Albertsons on 17th and State streets, creativity and humor in her signage has served her well. She says she once flew a sign that earned her $400 in a day. It read, “Bet you can’t hit me with a quarter.” Another sign read, “I’m having visions of a cheeseburger.” But $400 day is a rarity for a panhandler. Most of the panhandlers interviewed by Boise Weekly said a highly successful day can bring in $100, but typically they only garner $20 to $40 over the course of a few hours. “You have to swallow your pride, forget you’re a human being and realize that everyone on the planet thinks you’re scum. It’s kind of a pain in the ass,” Salo said, explaining how it feels to ask strangers for money. “I’m not willing to do anything illegal. I’m not selling drugs and I’m not selling me, so I stand on a corner and fly a cardboard sign.” Salo’s way with words is no surprise considering she graduated from Washington State University with a degree in English literature and a dream of being an English teacher. However, that dream started to fade, she said, after she got pregnant, then married and later started to battle bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, conditions that make her eligible for disability—assistance she hopes to obtain within the next few months. Salo, who spends her nights at Interfaith Sanctuary, wasn’t homeless just three months ago. She says the combination of cleaning houses, weeding yards and occasional panhandling was making it possible to rent a one-bedroom house. But as the recession worsened, she said, her clients could no longer afford her services and had to let her go. Boise City Councilwoman Maryanne Jordan said the Downtown Boise Association and the Mayor’s Downtown Task Force are considering the establishment of contribution stations where folks who are reluctant to give to a panhandler directly can make a donation. “Giving to a panhandler is an individual judgment that people have to make,” Jordan said. Krewer had this advice: “My advice is if you have a doubt about someone flying a sign, err on the side of helping them. Flying a sign is when you’ve hit the bottom of the barrel. They’re usually in need.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
REBECCA RUSCH Life in high gear DEANNA DARR had Red Bull as a personal sponsor ... so I was left to think, “OK, is it time to go get a real job now?” Then I talked to Red Bull ... and I talked to my coach, Matthew [Weatherly-White] who lives here, and we just kind of [asked], “Well, what else can we do that capitalizes on my experience of having endurance and being able to go a long time?” and the 24-hour mountain bike race kind of popped into my head. But I was a lousy cyclist, so I didn’t really think it was feasible. So, I went and did a race. I went to 24 Hours of Moab with some girlfriends and did that as a team and ended up getting the fastest women’s time of the whole race. And I tried a 24-hour race solo and ended up beating all the men and the women. So, I was like, “Alright, I’ll do this now.”
How did you get into adventure racing? My sport endeavors have fallen in my lap a little bit. With adventure racing, I was working in a rock climbing gym in Santa Monica, Calif., ... and some people started coming in to learn to climb and rappel and they were doing adventure racing ... Eventually, it just sort of worked out.
Why 24 hours on a bike? I’ve always been better at long-distance things. And the adventure racing, discovering that, I mean, those races were seven days long sometimes. So making the transition to the 24-hour mountain bike racing, in theory, it was short for me.
What was it that kept you with it? It is sort of the modern-day explorer. Going to new places, going to places where you felt like nobody’s ever gone before ... And actually traveling with your teammates and working together, and feeling like you’re on an expedition and you’re trying to figure out your food and navigate. It’s a race, but it’s also kind of a survival experience. It’s very addicting.
What’s your training schedule? Throughout the season, I’m probably 50 percent on my mountain bike, 50 percent on my road bike. So I’m alternating between cycling. And it’s almost primarily cycling. I do a little bit of running, stretching, trying to do that stuff. Then, winter is my off-season, so I coach cross-country skiing and go to the gym and get back into the swimming pool and get back to doing yoga.
Why move to mountain biking? Actually, about four years ago, a bad situation turned good. I lost our team sponsorship for adventure racing, and still
What was Leadville like? It was by far the most energy I’ve ever felt at a mountain bike race because of the sheer number of people. There were 1,500
This year, Ketchum resident Rebecca Rusch won the 24-Hour Solo Mountain Biking World Championship (for her third time). Three weeks later, she won the women’s division of the Leadville 100, the epic 100mile mountain bike race ridden entirely above 10,000 feet in Colorado’s Rockies. (Lance Armstrong won the men’s division.) Not bad for someone who considered herself a poor cyclist just four years ago. But outlasting and outperforming her competitors is nothing new for Rusch, 41, a former adventure racer. Now, the Chicago native is featured in Race Across the Sky, a documentary following the Leadville race. BW caught up with Rusch before a recent Boise screening of the film.
racers and, they estimate, 20,000 spectators. So, for a mountain bike race, to be riding through lines of people cheering your name and cheering for you, it’s like the Tour de France of mountain biking, which really doesn’t happen. A lot of my race experience in ultra endurance events, you’re kind of out in the woods all by yourself. There’s nobody cheering—there’s nobody around. Did you set out with the goal of winning or just experiencing? I’m pretty competitive, so I really don’t line up to any race without getting some of the Eye of the Tiger. It’s just kind of in my personality. Did you know about the film before the race? I didn’t know it was happening. I saw some helicopters and some cameras floating around but, on race day, I’m very focused. ... After the fact, I found out they’re doing this great film, a really high-end production and it was going to be in giant, regular-sized movie theaters, so it was definitely a bonus and icing on the cake. You’ve reached the pinnacle of the sport pretty quickly. Does that surprise you? It does surprise me ... I never expected this, and it’s been a great extension to my career and an exciting opportunity, and I’m having a blast.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 9
NEWS/TRUE CRIME WRONG-WAY DRIVER EARNS FELONY DUI CHARGE A good sign somebody is driving who shouldn’t be: They’re at the wheel of a car traveling east in the westbound lane of traffic. That’s what patrol officers witness at about 1 a.m. on Friday, Nov. 13, on Beacon Street near Colorado. Needless to say, cops pull over the driver, a 46-year-old Meridian man. But instead of coughing up a license and registration, the suspect reportedly exits the car and unleashes a volley of obscenities as he tries to flee the scene. No such luck. It’s Friday the 13th, after all. While restraining the suspect, officers smell alcohol on his breath. What’s more, those obscenities he hurls are slurred. Meanwhile, a search of his person reveals a knife. Turns out, the suspect’s license has already been suspended for several prior DUI convictions. Which means his latest charge rises to felony status. As for his other three charges— driving without privileges, carrying a concealed weapon, resisting and obstructing—they’re all misdemeanors.
DUMPSTER DIVING LEADS TO DRUG-POSSESSION ARREST Cops on patrol at about 3 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 10, don’t like what they see: two men rummaging around behind a closed business on the 500 block of South Vista. As officers watch, the men carry items to a nearby apartment complex. Backup is called. Cops swoop in. One of the suspects tries to hide in the apartment complex. Further investigation reveals the two were merely trying to help the business reduce its haul of refuse to the county dump. Like they say, one man’s trash is another’s treasure.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
The adventure might have ended there except for the fact that one of the suspects left a glass pipe in plain view in his car. A K-9 cop is called to the scene. He sniffs. Alerts. Officers recover glass pipes, scales, syringes and other paraphernalia that test positive for meth residue, according to police reports. And so, one of the dumpster divers—a 44-year-old Boise man—is now facing a felony controlled-substance possession, along with two misdemeanors: possession of drug paraphernalia and disorderly conduct.
EAGLE-EYED NEIGHBOR BUSTS TEEN BURGLAR SUSPECTS It’s Tuesday, Nov. 10, shortly past noon. A resident of a neighborhood northwest of Cloverdale and McMillan spots two teenaged boys jumping a neighbor’s fence. Problem is, said neighbor doesn’t have any offspring. Suspicions piqued, the woman calls Boise Police. In the meantime, she keeps an eye peeled and sees the teens exit the first house only to jump the fence of a second. Officers arrive. Through a window, they watch the boys search the second house. The daring duo exits through an open bathroom window. They see the waiting cops, and make a break for it. But the chase is short, ending in a nearby park. Further investigation unveils evidence that leads police to believe the two 16-year-old suspects may be responsible for at least three home burglaries in the neighborhood. Both face several felony burglary charges. Note to stupid teenagers: When being pursued by police officers, planting your own face will be a lot less painful than forcing the cops to do it for you. —Jay Vail
A SUMMER on the
he garden begins in the northwest corner, which I consider the bottom. It starts right here, about two feet off the ground, in a full squat, eyes scanning for those soft, red strawberries planted out in three staggered lines. It nearly always starts with a taste of those ever-bearers. A reach under a leaf, a deep exhale there in that first row. At the beginning of the summer of 2009, I was a 31-year-old boy. Those Quinault berries, not the sweetest or the juiciest variety, made me a man. Also the bags of Johnny’s Selected seed, the chicken shit, the hoes and flat shovels and wheelbarrows. The plastic irrigation tubing, bloodied fingers, sun and sweat, potato bugs and black widows and deer fencing. Commitment to the dirt and to the little society that we formed working that dirt shoved me into the ranks of adulthood. That garden domesticated me, but not in the way you may think. Not domesticated as in: behold my ruddy backyard berry patch in the raised redwood beds beside the battered watering can
mean domestic as in the human condition since the dawn of settled agriculture. Even though we supposedly settled out of the wilderness some 12,000 years ago, humans are born with pre-agricultural revolution instincts. I desperately clung to these youthful hunting and gathering ways into adulthood, moving west, shunning modernity (in my head). Until this summer. On the farm. At least, I called it “my farm.” Others in our little class considered it a big garden, or, generously, a victory garden. Here’s what it looked like: From that grounded point by the berries, our eyes, backs, necks soar to the tops of the desiccated corn stalks, settling quickly back down to kale and chard height, a deep, deep green and purple two or three feet above the strawberry air space. Beyond the erect brassicas, our gaze rises again to the industrial cucumber trellising and then slopes down over shaded peppers, past more greens, out to the potatoes tucked in their straw beds. Just a bit farther, almost 100 feet out, we reach a wall of tomatoes in every shade of fire and every heft of spherical. Meanwhile, over in the southern bed, the corners of our eyes catch sunflowers towering over the others, leading us through bushy and highly productive tomatillos, stunted eggplants, and into the weedy squash and zucchini and melon spots. And then we are up against the tomatoes again, at the head of the plot, standing sentry over our bounty. That is mostly how I remember the garden, though I must add something about the light. I stood, sat, stooped and dug in this place nearly every Monday evening from March until October, and always there was the light. The edges of our quarteracre were hemmed in with the chaotic and deep shade of wild-growing Asian plumb trees, untrained grape vines and a tangle of uncultivated edge habitat. But that shade gave way to the late, low-angled light that hits the Foothills, bounces back across Hill Road, over our crew, around our little field, reflecting from plant to plant, heating the soil and our brows and backs. It was that desert light that you only notice when it shines on something creative. The same light that shone the morning my youngest daughter was born. It is the atomic illumination of dirt, tools, work. It lights up the people next to you. Nowadays, the light is different. The winter sun has subdued the life that teemed through that place, leaving it in a mowed-down stasis. Our summer’s life work is not gone, though the farm is now claimed by others. There are beets and carrots that we planted, still in the ground, waiting patiently for a tug on their stems. The strawberries appear dead, but will rise again in the spring, again staining our cheeks with their blood. The winter greens remain, full of vitamins. A cover crop of vetch and oats appears as a stubble where the spuds once waited.
ight months ago, I had never heard of vetch. Now I know it as a legume, an effective nitrogen fixer and a hearty winter cover crop for the Southwest Idaho climate. I’ve never read about vetch, though I could easily Google it right now and list off its properties.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 11
What do you want to grow? A full complement of veggies, maybe some wheat, something to smoke … A few of my brief responses were more prescient than I could have known: Why do you want to take this course? I want to grow food for the family and get in touch with another primal side of my psyche.
was accepted and, on March 14, a dozen of us gathered in Josie and Clay’s cozy living room—they have a small organ, funky paint squares on the walls, copious house plants that look healthier than a house plant should. We went around the room and talked about why we wanted to take an eight-month farming class. Or gardening class. This is still a point of contention: Our operation was not commercial. We largely fed ourselves and friends and families with the food we raised, leaning toward the garden interpretation. But the scale felt farm-like to me. We grew more than
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
But I have hand sown vetch. A few times, now. We put in a few rows of vetch as our garden retracted this fall, walking the space that had been our potato patch and rhythmically tossing the seed, shooting for an even distribution. And then I planted some vetch and rye at my house, where I have taken out an insurance policy against forgetting this agrarian exercise by ripping up about 2,400 square feet of lawn. I know something about cover crops from this class I took. Though it has no official name, so far as I can tell, the class was a farm internship modified for people who have other jobs besides farming, who are conscious about food choices, who were interested in gardening before the recession made it the next hot thing. It was the idea of Josie and Clay Erskine, modest visionaries who run a popular organic farm in Boise. They are moving to a larger space up Dry Creek, in the Foothills, next spring, but since 2002, Peaceful Belly was headquartered in the interior of a still-undeveloped parcel bordered by a long block of houses along Hill Road and Castle Road. In February, at the tail end of ski season, Josie dropped a hint to my wife, Tara, that they were thinking of offering a gardening class for the season. An eight-month-long gardening class. I hated school—preferring the experiential learning of the hunter gatherer—and had vowed not to return. But I have always been drawn to Josie and Clay’s farm and to their commitment to their food. I still remember the diversity and bounty of their fields the first time I walked along the Farmers Union canal behind Peaceful Belly, many years ago. Josie grew and arranged the flowers for my wedding at Bogus Basin in 2003 and though I did not pay much attention to the flowers necessarily, we slowly got to know her family over the years. My older daughter’s best clothes are her daughter’s handmade and yard sale hand-me-downs. I recall many a potluck at their house tasting some of the best and slowest slow food this side of Berkeley. Josie promised a real-time gardening class that covered an entire growing season. She made me fill out a brief application, which I answered with characteristic sarcasm; I was destined to become the class clown.
Peaceful Belly’s Josie Erskine looks for the big, fat radishes.
enough food over the summer to feed a dozen families, and then some. Some of our extra arugula and organic tomatoes went to homeless shelters and to lowincome Idahoans. The course was contemplated as an extension of Josie and Clay’s CSA, or community supported agriculture, concept. Peaceful Belly delivers weekly boxes of produce to its subscribers throughout the growing season, as do a dozen other small farms in the Boise valley. We would pay the same as CSA subscribers, $400, but instead of picking up a box each week, we would do all the work and harvest the food. We’d fill our own boxes. There are many gardening classes out there and plenty to read in this genre. And I had dabbled in gardening before. As a kid, we had a fairly large garden behind the house that produced for a few years and then slowly dwindled as our lives became more and more hectic. My first summer in Idaho, I lived along the Salmon River with Tara, who still brags that she was a plant and soil science minor in college. After we realized that the garden had been overrun by marmots and that I could not shoot enough of them nor did I have the stomach to pit roast the ones I had shot, we started a second garden in a dozen white buckets so that we could a) keep an eye on it better and b) move it in at night when it seemed like it might freeze in July. In Boise, we had a small, semi-successful garden, but like most people’s, it became overrun with weeds and abandoned to the next renter. That first summer along the river I learned a lesson that I’m only just now realizing. I started fly fishing on the Salmon and a few of its tributaries, but I did not have the patience to just fish. I wanted to catch something and eat it. I rarely fished more than half an hour, unless they were really biting. Gardening was the same way. I wanted an outcome, but after so much weeding and so little eating, I’d give up. Josie put it this way: “There is a difference between gardening for the soul and gardening for an outcome.” In other words, gardening as a hobby vs. gardening as a culture. Josie and Clay would guarantee an out-
come and I trusted them.
fter our chat during that first class, we walked over to the plot, which was a quarter-acre behind a neighbor’s house that he offered up in exchange for produce. Clay had loosened up the field with a tractor, but it was just a big dirt square. We clutched a sketch of the plot divided up into two main beds, each with 20 rows, a path down the middle. Over the next few weeks, we dug in the rows, laid irrigation pipe, fertilized the soil with compost and began to sow early spring crops in the ground and tomatoes and onions and peppers in the greenhouse. The garden began to take shape. And though we were busy, our team of gardeners started to talk, to know one another. There were media people to gossip with; a French teacher who had lived in Israel, to help me recall the Hebrew names of vegetables; a guy who lives down the street from me and who was never late and always did extra homework. There were foodies, landscapers, teachers and artists in the group. And always, Josie and Clay were beside us, guiding the garden to success. For the first few classes, we followed a syllabus, but it was quickly discarded for a much more realistic curriculum: We needed to do the same stuff that Josie and Clay were doing on their “real” farm. Josie and Clay’s other philosophy, which still amazes me, was to be with us nearly every Monday night for class, hoeing and harvesting with us. On a recent Saturday night, I asked Josie and Clay if they had bitten off more than they wanted to chew by committing to hang out with a bunch of amateurs once a week for eight months. They laughed it off. For them, hoeing our little plot was not work. Indeed, Clay was peppered with questions each and every class. Questions about soil conditions, seeds, where to dig, how to store veggies. But between questions, our teachers worked alongside us, something their teachers had neglected. When Josie and Clay interned on organic farms before striking out on their own, they were given jobs and sent off to do them.
Lettuce, hardened off and ready for transplanting.
“When the person that is giving you the task isn’t by your side, humans get negative,” Josie said. My classmates all took on different roles in the garden, enthusiasm ebbed and flowed as the season stretched on, but no one ever got negative.
ondays were not a good night for me to take a three-hour class. Boise Weekly goes to press on Tuesdays, about midday, so Mondays mean I’m scrambling to put together the news section. And yet nearly every Monday I escaped from the office at 5:45, biked home as fast as I could, grabbed my 4-year-old daughter Petra and hightailed it out Hill Road, either by bike or car. I usually showed up in my reporter clothes, but the moment Petra and I stepped into that field, all the quotes and moral dilemmas and strife that come with making a newspaper disappeared. Petra ran off to the compost pile or the chicken coop to play farmer with the other kids. I got a quick briefing on what the plan for the day was, since I was usually late, and we all split up to accomplish our tasks. Some would weed. Some seed. Some preferred to harvest. I liked to jump around to different tasks, helping different people and talking. Some were busters. Robert Kosche, my neighbor, would bust out the entire class. Josie and Clay called me a spurt buster. I’d have a spurt of energy, get a lot done and then chill for a bit. Petra, however, went hard the entire class. She was often the youngest of the small gang of farm kids, and during my chill periods, I’d try to catch a glimpse of her to make sure she wasn’t in the canal or in the street. She was always running. Running through the raspberries, gleaning a snack as she went. Running to the baby chicks, cuddling them in her arms. Running to check out our harvest and pick out our bunches of flowers as the sun set. Once in a while, she’d help, insisting she didn’t like cherry tomatoes, but agreeing to pick them for Mom, searching for the prizest cukes, eating strawberries straight off the plant. Petra’s pure joy on the farm kept me WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
here is a side story to this farm summer. About the time the class began, I patched together a small chicken coop under the kids’ slide in our back yard. I used old, purple doors and chicken wire. We rounded up some chicks, two that Vashti Summervill, a classmate, nearneighbor and talented musician and educator, had hatched, and two unsexed grab-bag Cochins from D&B Supply. Petra and I raised them in a box in the garage and then, mid-summer, moved them to the back yard. In many ways, the summer of 2009 was Back to the Land summer across the United States. We ran several articles about urban farming in Boise Weekly. Films and books and New York Times articles rehashed the evils of Big Ag. Hatcheries sold out of chicks. Here we were, raising chickens in the back yard, skipping the co-op and farmers market for months at a time because we had plenty of veggies, hitting D&B every weekend. For a moment, I panicked. Was I becoming an ideologue again, as I had been in my teen years, joining some new movement? But the panic subsided as my wife, Tara, insisted she heard one of our chicks crowing. I would soon have the opportunity to purge that creeping agricultural domesticity through a chicken slaughter. One Sunday afternoon, I came home early, isolated the little crowing Cochin, hung him upside down from a low branch and cut off his head. A friend watched, somewhat horri-
ďŹ ed yet intensely curious about the process. We dunked the bird in boiling water, plucked and gutted him, and I made soup. We did have a feast that night, though the bird, not fully mature, was small and its meat tough. But I was not prepared for what I’d ďŹ nd the next morning. My best theory is that a raccoon smelled the blood that I had spilled and came a hunting early that Monday morning. As I left for work before sunup, I went out to feed the chickens and saw the most gruesome scene I’d ever encountered. The three remaining chickens were ripped to shreds in their cage. An animal had reached in and grabbed them, tearing the little birds limb from limb and scattering the parts around my back yard. Our domestic scene had been shattered by a foray into the urban wilderness. I ripped apart the chicken run and tried to clean up all of the gore before my family got up. That night, Petra would shed some tears as we visited the coop and talked about what happened. We decided to take a break from chickens. About that same time, my regular hunting buddies started their annual e-mail thread about the quickly approaching September bow season. All of a sudden, shooting my bow and sharpening my knives took precedence over my garden. There was still plenty of work to be done at Hill and Castle and in my own back yard, but the elk in the Central Idaho mountains were also starting to herd up, and another primal instinct in me stirred. I have been bow hunting for six years now and have never shot at an elk or deer. But every fall, I suit up and stomp around the hills, creeping up and down steep slopes, seeking meat. For some reason the hunt has not succumbed to the soul/outcome dialectic that ďŹ shing and gardening fall victim to. I found it very difďŹ cult to go back to the farm after long weekends hunting. I skipped a few Monday classes, exhausted from the hunt and overwhelmed by work at the paper. But when September passed and I realized our freezer remained full of only peas, I slowly returned to the settlement, harvesting and reclaiming garden beds in a race against the ďŹ rst frost.
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oward the end of the season, Josie and Clay started asking us about a second year class. I wanted to want more, but I knew that I could not commit to such a huge undertaking for another year. Robert, Vashti and I hatched another plan: We would rip up my entire side yard, a corner lot with plenty of space for three families to farm. At ďŹ rst, Josie and Clay felt hurt that none of us wanted to continue with the gardening course. But when I rented a sod cutter one weekend and scraped all the perfect sod off my lawn, they realized they had been successful. We have a ton of work to do in my yard, spreading mulch, tilling the soil, modifying the sprinkler system and ďŹ guring out how to split up the work and the produce. There was no test at the end of Josie and Clay’s farm class. But in the act of turning the street-facing lawn into a street-facing garden outside my house, we created our own ďŹ nal exam. Come next summer, we will have a strawberry patch to crawl through, a compost heap to jump off, owers falling all over each other where the sidewalk should be.
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coming back as well. The kid scene was one of the things that surprised Josie and Clay. During that ďŹ rst class we voted on kids and dogs. The class agreed that kids could come along if they didn’t mess stuff up. Dogs were not welcome in the garden. Besides Monday night class, we had homework every week, technically an hour of chores to be completed sometime during the week. I skipped homework some weeks. But when we went to do our homework, we’d linger, as would others. Josie and Clay happened upon several class families picnicking in the garden, sipping brewskies as the sun set over our plot, doing extra homework. At one point, around about the end of July, our homework turned to harvesting as much and as often as possible. The garden had become immensely productive all at once, and we were hauling home bags and bags of tomatoes, greens, enormous cucumbers, carrots, onions, potatoes. I would go home from class, put Petra to bed and stay up until midnight canning, making pickles, shelling, blanching and freezing peas. Is that domestic enough? For the task I turned to Google, seeking out YouTube videos for proper canning. Josie did a demonstration one night at class, making some green salsa and canning it, but there was no time for a full lesson in food preservation; we were too focused on production. I put away a couple dozen jars of tomato sauce and salsa, and I screwed up a mess of pickles, watching them turn all brown and foamy and mushy in the fridge before relenting and tossing them. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. As Josie reminded us, the food was just so much sunshine and water. And as she also reminded me, via a late-night Facebook clariďŹ cation, it was OK to cry.
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| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 13
BOISEvisitWEEKLY PICKS boiseweekly.com for more events
Stewart and Nicky Alden leave boring lives to the corporate world.
Duck and cover at the Boise Weekly Cover Auction.
WEDNESDAY NOV. 18 COVER LOVERS Do you have BW covers taped on your walls like centerfolds? Do you cast lustful glances at BW covers when you walk by them on the street? On Wednesday, Nov. 18, BW will host a support group for you closeted cover lovers. At our annual Boise Weekly Cover Auction, you’ll have the opportunity to bid on—and invite back to your place for coffee—every original piece of art that has given you comehither looks from the window of our little red boxes over the past year. Were you beguiled by Ben Wilson’s whimsical Neko Finds Her Dad’s Record Collection? Were you in love with Benjamin Love’s Suffix? This is your chance to put your money where you heart is. And if the thought of being in the same room with 51 of your beloveds makes your palms sweat, don’t fret. We’ve got plenty of hooch from O’Michael’s Pub to take the edge off and plenty of food from Smoky Mountain Pizza to sober you up. All of the proceeds—which, over the last eight years, have amounted to more than $75,000—are donated back to the arts community as grants. So join your fellow cover lovers, the Boise Rock School and auctioneer Johnna Wells for an evening of giddy bidding. You might get lucky. Doors at 5 p.m., bidding at 6 p.m., FREE, Idaho State Historical Museum, 610 N. Julia Davis Drive, 208-334-2120, idahohistory.net.
THURSDAYSATURDAY NOV. 19-21 WARREN MILLER FILM FESTIVAL Need something to distract you from the powderless mountains outside your window? Look no further than the Egyptian Theatre, where Warren Miller Entertainment will usher in its 60th anniversar y with War-
ren Miller’s Dynasty. One of the most famous names in skiing over the last 60 years, Miller’s annual films have become synonymous with winter. Dynasty ser ves as a celebration of Miller’s filmmaking, mixing fresh cinematography with vintage clips from the past six decades. Presented in high definition and narrated by Olympic medalist Jonny Moseley, Dynasty takes audiences on a global tour of China, Alaska, Nor way,
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
A Griffin lurks among us. Beware the lioness with the talon-sharp wit.
THURSDAY NOV. 19 KATHY GRIFFIN If the apocalypse were to happen tomorrow, it’s almost certain that three things would survive—cockroaches, Twinkies and Kathy Griffin. If she did survive, she’d find a way to record herself, send the video back in time and tell us all to “Suck it!” On Thursday, Nov. 19, this indestructible comedienne will take the Morrison Center stage for a stand-up special. Most famous for her role as Vicki Groener, Brooke Shields’ caustic colleague on the NBC sitcom Suddenly Susan, Griffin has managed to remain in the spotlight over the years. She’s put her no-bullshit stamp on ever ything from books (Official Book Club Selection), to TV (Seinfeld) to movies (Four Rooms). Her Bravo TV show, Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List, garnered her multiple Emmys for “Outstanding Reality Program.” Griffin’s tendency to push the envelope—discussing her love for plastic surgery, dishing on celebrities or escorting “date” Levi Johnson down the red carpet at the Teen Choice Awards—has won her a loyal fan base. So, if you’re into foul-mouthed, surgically enhanced and politically incorrect redheads, don’t miss Kathy Griffin’s polarizing performance. 8 p.m., $38, $50, $100, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, 208-426-1609, mc.boisestate.edu.
British Columbia and more. The film ser ves as a visual histor y of skiing, and audiences can witness firsthand as skiers car ve, flip and fly through all types of snow all around the world. The Egyptian Theatre will open its doors for a weekend
of Warren Miller, ensuring that all winter enthusiasts get a chance to see the popular film. So if you bleed powder, don’t miss the 60th anniversary celebration of winter’s wildest pioneer. Thursday, Nov. 19, 8 p.m., $15; Friday, Nov.
While at first glance the phrase “creative path to happiness” might sound like a bunch of new-age mumbo jumbo, Denver, Colo.-based duo Nicky and Stuart Alden lend the line some cred. Originally members of the corporate design world, Nicky and Stewart spun off to form two distinct, multi-disciplinary creative ventures. Idaho Stew, derived from “Stuart,” serves as a multi-faceted, environmentally friendly design studio whose motto is, “Hearty storytelling for growing business.” On the other end of the spectrum is Ink Lounge Gallery, a print shop that specializes in screenprinting and also holds workshops to better cater to the creative public. In the past couple of years, the husband-and-wife design duo have exhibited in Cuba, designed and screenprinted posters for the 2008 Democratic National Convention and spoken in Venezuela. On Thursday, Nov. 19, the Aldens will share their professional experiences with Boise audiences at The Watercooler with a talk titled “Finding the Creative Path to Happiness.” The event will feature stories and insights, as well as the opportunity to sign up for screenprinting workshops on Friday and Saturday designed to “get your hands off the keyboard, and immersed in ink.” Whether you’re tired of the daily grind or interested in gaining a new perspective on the world of design, the Aldens will help nudge you down your own creative path to happiness. 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m., $10-$20, The Watercooler, 1401 W. Idaho St., 208-368-0003, watercoolerboise.com.
20-Saturday, Nov. 21, 6 p.m., $13, and 8 p.m., $15, The Egyptian Theatre, 208-345-0454, skinet.com/ warrenmiller.
SATURDAY NOV. 21 BOISE INTERGENERATIONAL CHOIR Like the Sister Act franchise, the Boise Intergenerational Choir is full of funky, feel-good vibes. Now in its third season, BIC is comprised of more than 120 local gleeful singers of all ages who practice throughout the fall for their once-a-year per formance.
“Like the name, it’s definitely multi-generational, I think our youngest is maybe 8 weeks old. She doesn’t do a lot of singing but she’s learning a lot,” said BIC codirector Vashti Summer vill, laughing. “Some families have three generations participating.” On Saturday, Nov. 21, BIC members will invade Boise’s First Presbyterian Church to offer an eclectic per formance. The evening’s program promises ever ything from a rocking ’50s set to a Japanese ditty to African songs spiced up with a marimba ensemble. “We always try and have instrumental accompaniments evolve from the choir. In this particular show we have a maWWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
rimba ensemble,” said Summervill. “We happen to have a choir member who has six or eight marimbas, including this enormous base marimba that you have to stand up on this three-foot stool to play.” A choir this large and diverse is guaranteed to get the First Presbyterian Church rockin’ and to resonate with audiences of ever y age. “When I say it out loud, I think, ‘Boy, it sounds like a buffet.’ And it kind of is,” laughed Summer vill. 4 p.m., Boise First Presbyterian Church, 950 W. State St., 208-345-3441, first-presbyterian.org.
TUESDAY NOV. 24 ANIMALS OUT OF PAPER Freestyling and origami might seem, at first glance, to orbit in entirely different hobby universes. While one is about improvisation and quick-witted social exchanges, the other requires an exacting concentration and is inherently solitar y. In the mind of origami prodigy and 17-year-old hip-hop enthusiast Suresh—one of the lead characters in Rajiv Joseph’s play Animals Out of Paper—they fit together naturally. Summing up the connection, Suresh says: “Don’t you know how sometimes you gotta think about something by not thinking about it?” On Tuesday, Nov. 24, Boise Contemporar y Theater will explore origami, freestyling and human connections fur ther when they preview Animals Out of Paper, the second play of the fall season. Directed by Maureen Towey, the play follows three decidedly different people, despondent origami ar tist and book author Ilana Andrews, high school student/origamifolding prodigy Suresh, and Andy, the blessings-counting calculus teacher who brings them together. While Joseph may be only 35 years old, this American playwright has already made a name for himself with plays like All This Intimacy and Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo. In addition to receiving the 2009 Whiting Writer’s Award—an international award given annually to 10
VPS co-founder Travis Dryden awaits your vinyl selection. Better make sure you break out the good stuff.
SUNDAY NOV. 22 VPS RECORD SHOW AND SWAP In preparation for this weekend’s Boise Record Show and Swap, we’ve compiled a couple of go-to lines that novice record collectors can utter in order to better fit in. Line one: “Actually, I already have an original pressing of [The Rolling Stones’ Some Girls or The Clash’s London Calling] that I found for five bucks at a flea market in London.” Line two: “Yeah, [insert obscure indie band] are all right. But have you heard [the flautist’s/accordion player’s] solo side project? It’s so much less commercial.” Hosted by the Vinyl Preservation Society of Idaho, the second annual Boise Record Show and Swap serves as a one-stop vinyl destination for music snobs and aficionados of all ages. The swap will feature thousands of records from a variety of genres, giving record fans the option to buy, sell, trade or just marvel at the towers of familiar and totally obscure vinyl on hand. The dealers hail from multiple states and include record stores, private collectors and vintage audio equipment nuts. Started two years ago by brothers Travis and Chad Dryden, VPS Idaho hosts monthly meetings at the Modern Hotel and Bar, where vinyl-heads gather to play their favorite records. This fall, VPS also started an all-ages chapter at the Record Exchange for collectors who can’t (or don’t want to) kick it in the bar environment. In celebration of their two-year commitment to the preservation of vinyl in the Boise area, VPS will start the weekend off with an anniversary party featuring DJs Art Hodge, Tony Baker and Pedro. Held Saturday, Nov. 21 from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. at the Linen Building, the anniversary party will allow revelers to get good and sauced before raiding the record bins the next morning. 10 a.m.-4 p.m., $3-$10, $25 per table, The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., for more information, call 208-869-0485 or e-mail info@vpsidaho.org.
writers of fiction, nonfiction, plays and/or poetr y who show “exceptional talent and promise in early career”—Joseph was also nominated for a 2009 Lucille Lortel Award. Hailed as “alternatively wrenching
and funny” by The New York Times, Animals Out of Paper is the latest in a long list of not-to-be-missed productions that make up BCT’s 2009-2010 season. Tuesday, Nov. 24 through Dec. 19, Wednesday-
River City Sales is a kind of discount dumping ground created by the mercilessness of American consumerism. And that’s not a bad thing if you’re in the market for a deal. A front wall of windows lights up a dozen shelves crammed with a most unusual selection of never-used and gently used returns, overstocks and discontinued items from America’s superstores. It’s like the ultimate thrift store, but where everything is new. Or, like, 98 percent new. Today, you might find a RIVER CITY SALES Pellegrino shrine, with dozens 251 N Orchard St. of bottles lined up like bowling 208-323-9200; Warehouse: pins next to a selection of 19 N. Allumbaugh St. boxed candy bars. You might find an empty entertainment stand under a stainless steel dozen-bottle wine cooler that’s stacked with mismatched woven Moroccan baskets in brown, yellow and hot pink. Giant coffee urns, “open” neon signs, dented boxes of 145-load Costco brand laundry soap, dog food, cat food, pallets of Gatorade, blood pressure monitors, bed spreads, maybe even a diamond ring—all at a fraction of the suggested retail price. Next week, the selection will be completely different. It’s a place you explore with provisions so that neither thirst nor hunger will distract you from your mission, but if it does, snag a couple of boxes of dented cereal. If you’re up for a daylong excursion into a discount wonderland, you can pick through the store’s warehouse on Saturdays. —Rachael Daigle
Saturday, 8 p.m.; Saturday matinees at 2 p.m. $21-$32, $12 previews, students and ages 25 and younger, Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., 208-442-3232, bctheater.org.
an event by e-mail to calendar@boiseweekly.com. Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 15
Festivals & Events
On Stage
SECOND ANNUAL HOLIDAY FLING—An Eagle Fire Department fundraiser event featuring wine, fashion, raffle prizes and music. 5:30-8:30 p.m. $25 person, $45 two people, 208-9394222. Eagle Hills Golf Course, 605 N. Edgewood Lane, Eagle.
KATHY GRIFFIN—See Picks, Page 14. 8 p.m. $38, $50, $100. Morrison Center for the Performing Arts, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-4261609, mc.boisestate.edu.
COMIC HYPNOTIST DANIEL JAMES—Lighten up your evening with the humorous acts of guest hypnotist Daniel James. 7 p.m. $1 general, FREE all Boise State students with ID. Boise State Special Events Center, 1800 University Drive, Boise, sub. boisestate.edu.
Food & Drink
HOLIDAY FAIR—A holiday bash featuring vendors selling everything from cakes to candles, with photography in between. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Marriott SpringHill Suites, 6325 N. Cloverdale Road, Boise. LAW SCHOOL FAIR—Representatives from over 35 law schools will be available to meet with students, alumni and community members. 2-5:30 p.m. FREE. Boise State Student Union Building, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-INFO, union. boisestate.edu. REACH HEALTH FAIR—Attendees will have the opportunity to visit a variety of exhibits aimed at improving health and wellness. Screenings, testing and flu shots will be available. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 208-426-3656. Boise State Student Union Building, 1910 University Drive, Boise, www. union.boisestate.edu. WOMEN’S HEART HEALTH— Join more than 300 women for a meeting on the importance and promotion of heart health in women. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. FREE. Boise Centre on the Grove, 850 W. Front St., Boise, 208-3368900, www.boisecentre.com.
Food & Drink FESTIVE DECADENCE—Moshit Mizrachi-Gabbitas spends the evening sharing some of her master pastry chef secrets. 6:30-9 p.m. $40 member, $50 nonmember. Boise Co-op, 888 W. Fort St., Boise, 208-4724500, www.boisecoopwineshop. com.
Workshops & Classes AN OVERVIEW OF COLLEGE EDUCATION—Join hosts and prospective students of Cornish College of the Arts to discuss the admission process. 6-8 p.m. FREE, 208-726-5017. Flying M Coffeegarage, 1314 Second St. S., Nampa, flyingmcoffee.com.
COOKING WITH CHEF SUSAN ZIMMERMAN—Chef and owner of downtown’s Sweetwater’s Tropic Zone, Susan Zimmerman, leads a class in Spanish Caribbean cuisine. 6:30 p.m. $50. Pottery Gourmet, 811 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-368-0649. HEALTHY HOLIDAYS—Barbara Abo will teach participants how to create healthy holiday quick breads, muffins and scones. 7-9 p.m. $8, the preregistration deadline is Nov. 12. Ada County Extension Division, 5880 Glenwood, Garden City.
Workshops & Classes BASKET WEAVING—Instructor Cindy Redd teaches participants how to weave pine-needle baskets. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. $30. Puffy Mondaes, 200 12th Ave. S., Nampa, 208-4073359, www.puffymondaes.com. DELVING INTO HAPPINESS— See Picks, Page 14. 5:308:30 p.m. $15 member, $20 nonmember, $15 students, $10 student members, idahostew. com. Boise Water Cooler, 1401 W. Idaho, Boise. INTRO TO PAST LIFE REGRESSION—Join Dr. Bhaswati Guha as she discusses the benefits of hypnotherapy for past life regression. 7 p.m. $15. Spirit at Work Books & Beyond, 710 N. Orchard, Boise, 208-3883884, www.spiritatworkbooks. com.
Talks & Lectures ANIRBAN DUTTA—Photographer, filmmaker, media educator and social activist Anirban Dutta hosts a public lecture. Held in New Ballroom A. 6-8 p.m. FREE. Boise State Student Union Building, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-INFO, www. union.boisestate.edu. GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK LECTURE—A local brown bag presentation, Unleashing the Entrepreneurial Power of Refugees, discusses the challenges of starting a business. 12:30-1:30 p.m. FREE. Boise State Student Union Building, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-INFO, www.union. boisestate.edu.
Art BOISE WEEKLY COVER AUCTION—See Picks, Page 14. 5 p.m. FREE. Idaho State Historical Museum, 610 N. Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-334-2120, www.idahohistory.net/museum.html.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
Citizen DEMOLITION REVIEW—Preservation Idaho and the National Trust for Historic Preservation present a public discussion focusing on drafting a proposed Demolition Review Ordinance for the City of Boise. 6 p.m. FREE.
Integrated Design Lab, 108 N. Sixth St., Boise, 208-429-0220, www.idlboise.com. GENOCIDE PREVENTION— Kathryn Railsback discusses genocide prevention, focusing on Darfur, Burma and the Democratic Republic of Congo. 7 p.m. FREE. Hyde Park Meeting Place, 1520 N. 12th St., Boise.
FRIDAY NOV. 20 Festivals & Events ART CO-OP OPENING CELEBRATION—Celebrate the grand opening of Art4Arts’s new location in the Vista Shopping Center. Filip Vogelpohl will be in-store with a live glass lampworking demonstration, along with live music by Elissa Day. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Art4Art!, 1002 Vista Ave., Boise, art4artidaho. blogspot.com.
Concerts PYOTR TCHAIKOVSKY—Boise Philharmonic with guest conductor Vladimir Verbitsky perform the music of Pyotr Tchaikovsky, along with uniquely gifted pianist Bryan Wallick, who sees color with each musical pitch. 8 p.m. $16-$36, 208-344-7849, www. boisephilharmonic.org. Northwest Nazarene University, 623 Holly St., Nampa. WHITNEY WOMEN’S CHORALE—Dr. Phil Theodorou directs a concert of American poetry, faith, film and patriotism entitled “An American Songbook.” 7:30 p.m. Free will offering. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 2201 Woodlawn Ave., Boise, 208-344-5731, www. boisefirstucc.org.
Workshops & Classes WATERCOLOR DEMONSTRATION—Northwestern award-winning artist Linda Aman demonstrates numerous watercolor techniques. 1-3 p.m. FREE. Boise Blue Art Supply, 820 W. Jefferson St., Boise, 208-333-1462.
Literature PHOTO DISCUSSION WITH SCOTT MARCHANT—Local author Scott Marchant will present slides and discuss his new book, Day Hiker’s Guide to Stanley, ID, featuring 46 hikes in the area. 6 p.m. FREE. A Novel Adventure, 906 W. Main St., Boise, 208344-8088.
SATURDAY NOV. 21 Festivals & Events CRAFT BAZAAR—A baked potato lunch will be served from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. for $5. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. FREE. United Methodist Church, 104 E. Main St., Middleton, 208585-6621.
8 DAYS OUT HOLIDAY ARTS FAIR—A fine arts and craft fair featuring paintings, photography, fiber and fabric arts, metalworks, ceramics, soaps, candles and much more. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. FREE. St. Michael’s Episcopal Cathedral, 518 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208342-5601. HOLIDAY ART GALA—Featuring unique artwork, jewelry, textiles and gifts. Sponsored by the Meridian Arts Commission. Noon-7 p.m. FREE. Meadow Lake Village, 4037 E. Clocktower Lane, Meridian HOLIDAY FARMERS MARKET— This market puts a holiday spin on things with the addition of wreaths, floral arrangements, handmade cards, holiday art and more. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Held on Eighth Street from Bannock to the Grove, downtown Boise. capitalcitypublicmarket.com. LUCKY BE A LADY TONIGHT— St. Mary’s School annual ball and auction event featuring casino-style games, appetizers, a no-host bar, silent and live auctions, music and dancing. 6 p.m.-midnight. $35, 208-8606023, stmaryscatholicschool. org/ball09. Stueckle Sky Center, Boise State football stadium, Boise. PLAYING FOR CHANGE— Encouraging “peace through music” with a free screening of the international documentary that celebrates music and the power it holds in bringing people together. There will be an open
jam session following the film. All ages are welcome to participate. 6 p.m. FREE. Foothills School of Arts and Sciences, 618 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-331-9260. VINYL PRESERVATION SOCIETY 2ND ANNUAL PARTY—See Picks, Page 15. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. $2 general, free VPS Idaho members. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111, www.thelinenbuilding.com.
Workshops & Classes ALICIA BOSWELL WORKSHOP—A two-day workshop titled “Alternative Techniques in Enameling.” Held in the art metals studio, room 157. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. To register, contact Anika Smulovitz at 208426-4060. Boise State Liberal Arts Building, 1910 University Dr., Boise, www.boisestate.edu.
Literature Concerts THE BOISE INTERGENERATIONAL CHOIR—See Picks, Page 14. 4 p.m. First Presbyterian Church, 950 W. State St., Boise, 208-345-3441, www. first-presbyterian.org. PYOTR TCHAIKOVSKY—See Friday. 8 p.m. $20-$65, 208-3447849, www.boisephilharmonic. org. Morrison Center for the Performing Arts, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise.
Food & Drink COOKING VEGETARIAN SOUPS—Join Pottery Gourmet’s in-house chef, Rachel Batten, to create delicious vegetarian soups, perfect for the upcoming winter chill. 11 a.m. $40. Pottery Gourmet, 811 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-368-0649.
BAKER’S DOZEN—See Arts, Page 28. 7 p.m. FREE, www. rediscoveredbookshop.com. The Rediscovered Bookshop, 7079 Overland Road, Boise, 208-3764229. IDAHO AUTHOR KIM BARNES— Join Idaho author and winner of the 2009 PEN USA Literary Award for a short reading from her books. 3:30-4:30 p.m. FREE. Ada Community Library, 10664 W. Victory Road, Boise, 208-3620181, www.adalib.org.
Talks & Lectures ALICIA BOSWELL LECTURE— Join visiting artist Alicia Boswell for a lecture “Current Work.” Held in the Hatch C ballroom. 7 p.m. FREE. Boise State Student Union Building, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-INFO, www.union.boisestate.edu. READING AND SIGNING—Local author and artist Tammi Baliszewski reads from her self-help book Manifesting Love from the Inside-Out. 1-3 p.m. FREE, journeytocenter.com. Hastings Books, Music and Video, 7500 Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-375-3151. OUR HISTORICAL WATERSHED—Actor and historian Tim McNeil delves into character as Meriwether Lewis to discuss his 8,000-mile exploration across country. 10 a.m. FREE. Boise WaterShed, 11818 W. Joplin Road, Boise, 208-4891284, www.cityofboise.org/Bee/ WaterShed.
Citizen ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT—Join members of Snake River Alliance to discuss the upcoming public meetings hosted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. 3-4:30 p.m. FREE. Shangri-La Tea Room, 1800 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-4240273, www.shangri-la-tea.com.
| HARD |
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk. Go to www.boiseweekly.com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers. © 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
Festivals & Events HOLIDAY ARTS FAIR—See Saturday. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. FREE. St. Michael’s Episcopal Cathedral, 518 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208342-5601. SECOND ANNUAL BOISE RECORD SHOW AND SWAP—See Picks, Page 15. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $10 VIP admission at 10 a.m., $3 after 11 a.m., vpsidaho.org. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 17
8 DAYS OUT Food & Drink
Talks & Lectures
HOLIDAY WINE TOUR—Hop aboard the luxurious Caldwell coach to enjoy tours and tastings at Bitner Vineyards, Sawtooth Winer y and Indian Creek Winer y. 11:45 a.m.-6 p.m. $47 per person, $42 Vine Wine Club members. Music of the Vine, 2805 Blaine St., Ste. 130, Caldwell, 208-454-1228, www.musicofthevine.com.
BOISE RIVER COMMUNITY LECTURE—Local historian Ann Felton will explore the connection between new developments and the Boise River in a slideshow and presentation entitled The River and Beyond. 6 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-4722940, www.gardencity.lili.org.
Workshops & Classes
ALICIA BOSWELL WORKSHOP—See Saturday. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. To register, contact Anika Smulovitz at 208-4264060. Boise State Liberal Arts Building, 1910 University Dr., Boise, www.boisestate.edu.
Literature AUTHOR TAMMI BALISZEWSKI—See Saturday. 1-3 p.m. FREE, journeytocenter. com. Hastings, 680 E. Boise Ave., Boise, 208-345-9428. NANOWRIMO CRITIQUE GROUP—Edit, critique and encourage the continuation of writing. FREE. The Rediscovered Bookshop, 7079 Overland Road, Boise, 208-376-4229, www. rediscoveredbookshop.com.
MONDAY NOV. 23 Literature ECLECTIC READERS BOOK GROUP—A discussion of NPR’s Naseem Rakha’s newest book, The Crying Tree. 6:30 p.m. FREE. The Rediscovered Bookshop, 7079 Overland Road, Boise, 208-376-4229, www.rediscoveredbookshop.com.
Festivals & Events THANKTURKEY BIKE SALE— Support BBP and receive $10 off all bikes and memberships. Noon7 p.m. Boise Bicycle Project, 1027 Lusk St., Boise, 208-429-6520, boisebicycleproject.org.
Odds & Ends VINYL PRESERVATION SOCIETY OF IDAHO— Aiming to preserve vinyl music heritage by promoting the enjoyment of and education about vinyl records, record collecting, record playing and all associated matters of analog musicology. Keep it spinning. 7-10 p.m. FREE, www.vpsidaho.org. Modern Hotel and Bar, 1314 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-424-8244.
the passions and pains of love. Nov. 18-21, 7:30 p.m. $16.75 general, $13.25 seniors, FREE full-time BSU students, staff and faculty. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, 208-426-3980, theatre.boisestate.edu. OUR TOWN FOR OUR TOWN— Presenting a rendition of Thorton Wilder’s Our Town, performed by Boise High School’s Washington Street Players. Nov. 20-21, 7 p.m. $4 students, $6 adults. Boise High School, 1010 Washington St., Boise, 208-8544270. SEASON’S GREETINGS—The story begins on Christmas Eve at the Bunker residence, where the tree still needs trimming, the children won’t go to sleep, a drunk is in charge of the oven, and familiar family animosities are mounting. A newcomer arrives, bringing a welcomed breath of fresh air and a big bag of surprises under the tree. Nov. 19-21, 7:30 p.m.; Nov. 22, 2 p.m. $10 adults, $7 seniors and non-C of I students, Free C of I students, faculty and staff. Tickets at the door. Langroise Recital Hall, 2112 Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, 208-459-5011. THREE TALL WOMEN— Edward Albee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning autobiographical play about the elusiveness of character told through a funny and often haunting, unsettling conversation. VAC is a 21 and older venue. Nov. 19-21, 7 p.m. $15, at the door or online at www. alleyrep.org. A limited number of $10 rush tickets will be available before each show. Alley Repertory Theater at VAC, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-388-4278, alleyrep.com.
AS YOU LIKE IT—A rendition of Shakespeare’s comedy, exploring
TUESDAY NOV. 24 On Stage ANIMALS OUT OF PAPER—See Picks, Page 15. 8 p.m. $12-$32. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-442-3232, www.bctheater. org.
Art REIKI CREATIVITY CIRCLES— First project: manifest your life through dream-mapping. Combining art done as soul searching with work for energy. 6-7:30 p.m. $10-$15 per class, sliding scale. The Art Cellar, 1804 Vermont Ave., Boise, 208-9193635, theartcellarboise.com.
The Sockratic Method by Jacob Good and Daria Kanevski was the 1st place winner in the 7th Annual Boise Weekly Bad Cartoon Contest.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
MOVING IN (RUSSIAN) CIRCLES Chicago band’s instrumental music has a voice of its own AMY ATKINS times, hard and heavy, but some narcissistic and other nights, people seem to take the Russian Circles is an instrumental trio solo would seem jarringly out of place, like music very seriously, and behave stoically. whose music doesn’t have room for a vocala German shepherd at a kitten’s birthday “They’re polite and they clap between ist. It’s not like they’re looking to add one, party. There’s an urgency to the music as songs, but it’s not wild,” he said. but to imagine a voice competing with the well—surprising when the tracks range in Russian Circles’ music, though, could band’s difficult-to-define metal-edged music length from nearly five minutes to almost aptly be described as wild. And controlled. suggests something would be shoved to the 11—a sort of anxious drive to completion Often compared with fellow Chicagobackground. After hearing the band’s third even in the likes of “Hexed All,” a deliberbased, sans-vocals instrumental brethren, album Geneva, released on Suicide Squeeze ate, slow, melancholy drift of a song. Pelican, Russian Circles music is also Records Oct. 20, that seems unimaginable. Removing the element of vocals—and a vocalist—from the band didn’t necessarily make Russian Circles’ process any easier. Guitarist Mike Sullivan calls Chicago home, drummer Dave Turncrantz lives about an hour-and-a-half away from the city and Brian Cook—who originally only came on to help with the recording of 2008’s Station (Suicide Squeeze) after bassist Colin DeKuiper left—is based in Seattle. The touring process isn’t exactly simple either. En route to San Francisco, Cook explained that they’ve had a couple of bumps on the road—and they’re only two weeks in. For one, an expensive custom Gibson guitar was stolen. “Some junkie just swiped it and sold it for $200,” Cook said. “We know who he is, but he doesn’t live anywhere and he doesn’t have a phone,” he said, making it nearly impossible to track down the thief. Though they chalked it up to bad luck, some of the shows they’ve played thus far haven’t exactly made up for the loss. Most of their early dates have been in the South, a region they historically don’t do so well in. “The South, in general, is never the greatest for us. So the first two weeks [of Take a deep, dark instrumental ride around with Russian Circles. the tour] have been sort of [rough]. We had a guitar stolen and now we’re in the South,” Cook said. Ultimately, no matter where the songs dropped into the post-rock and post-metal It’s not that Russian Circles’ music fall on the genre line, they’re difficult to pigeonhole. But it’s more, less and somedoesn’t translate in the lower areas of the take at face value, to decipher, embrace or thing in between. country. It’s more likely a combination of ignore on a first listen. It’s soaker music. Songs like the title track are thick and the band getting used to playing their sets It needs time to settle, to seep in. In the layered and complicated. Guitar riffs move this early in the tour coupled with laidband’s bio, Cook suggests that he hears between sounding back audiences. “two general themes in our music ... on like heady drum But whipping auThursday, Nov. 19, with Young Widows and the heavier side of things I hear impendbeats to epic lines diences into a frenzy Git Some, 8 p.m., $8 adv. through Ticketweb, ing doom and violence, and in the prettier that soar and soar isn’t exactly Russian $10 door. moments I hear solace and redemption.” until they collapse Circles’ style. They’ve NEUROLUX Those are heavy issues not easily dissemiback into a thumpbeen criticized for not 111 N. 11th St. nated even in a positive light. Even favorthump-thump. engaging with their 208-343-0886 able press may not get that point. The bass, audiences, a task that neurolux.com “I want to say that I don’t actually read which tends to be would naturally fall our press, but I am guilty of it every now chameleon-like, to a frontman. Banter and then,” Cook said. “I don’t know. I get isn’t relegated to a between songs occurs frustrated. Even if they like it, they still rhythmic back seat, but instead pushes and rarely, if at all. miss the mark on certain things. Sometimes pulls as hard as both the thrashing guitar “That’s a deliberate move on our part,” people listen to something once and make and fierce drums. Cook said. “We’re an instrumental band. a judgment based on that. You can make a Chords fade into a not-unpleasant We don’t talk; we play our songs.” distortion only to ramp back up to crashing pretty safe claim about how you feel on a So it’s up to the audience to decide pop record, but I feel like we make records cymbals. where they want the music to take them. that take a little more time. We’re more of Russian Circles may be post-rock in that Cook explained that on a good night, a slow burn.” there’s no vocalist and metal in that it is, at people are nodding along and cheering,
Cahalen Morrison: armed and old-timey.
BCR HOSTS BTS AT VAC, A KID NAMED CAHALEN AND A GUIDE TO THE GUIDE For several years, the people involved with Boise Community Radio, aka Radio Boise, have worked tirelessly to get a station on the air waves. But it takes more than dedication to get something like that done. It takes money. Moolah. Greenbacks. Bread, man. So to further their effort, BCR has asked Built To Spill to help them raise some. Dough. Lettuce. Scratch. On Monday, Nov. 23, in their first Boise appearance since the release of There Is No Enemy, which came out Oct. 6, BTS will play a benefit show whose proceeds go to Radio Boise’s “89.9 Fund,” the 89.9 indicating number on the dial where they hope to reside under the call letters KBRX. (What will they call it? The Brix? The Barx? The Barrax?) BTS guitarist Brett Netson, a longtime supporter said the airwaves were always meant to be in the hands of a community’s citizens, not controlled by corporate strongholds. “It’s appalling that there hasn’t been a local radio station of any kind,” Netson said. “People may see it as a quaint luxury, but it’s as important as a fire department or a police force. It’s not even important what they play, just that a real person is playing it.” The fiscal goal is somewhere in the neighborhood of $250,000 for the first year of on-the-dial operations, so get outs your wallets, kids, and be heard so Radio Boise can be, too. Bands J&L Defer (of Disco Doom), Beautician and Bales of Hey will join in the fun as well. Show starts at 8 p.m., tickets are $15. On Friday, Nov. 20, sweet-voiced New Mexico-based Cahalen Morrison brings his Old-Timey and New-Fangled (the name of his upcoming release) music to the Flying M Coffeegarage. Morrison’s fingerstyling skills on guitar, lap slide, mandolin and clawhammer banjo—you’ll swear he’s playing them all at once—are earning him some welldeserved attention. Don’t bitch about the cost of the gas to get out there; the show is free. With a talent like Morrison, you’re getting the better deal. And in news from home, you may have noticed a change in Boise Weekly’s live music guide in print. We live in such a musically vibrant town that we don’t have room in print to list every show and we struggle each week with what shows to cut. But rather than cut regular local gigs every week in favor of out-of-town shows—although we may have to on occasion—we’ve dedicated the last couple of columns to those gigs. We’ll re-evaluate in a few weeks. —Amy Atkins
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 19
“To sleep, perchance to dream ...” Idaho Shakespeare Festival is gearing up for its 34th year providing a magical place where you can dream under the stars while professional productions titillate and enchant picnicside, in a beautiful amphitheater with the mountains as a backdrop. Now is the time to get your season tickets, daydream about summer nights and save big on ticket prices—up to 37 percent. Buy tickets or get gift certificates now for early bird savings; they make great Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers. The 2010 season runs June through October, and the season’s first play is the Shakespeare classic A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Charles Fee. This take on the raucous romp of midsummer night’s madness is boldly inspired by rock ’n’ rollin’ mod 1960s London. For more information, call or visit the Web site. 5657 Warm Springs Ave., 208-336-9221, idahoshakespeare.org.
Did you know you could probably get all your Christmas gifts in one trip inside a tiny shop tucked away behind an innocuous door in the middle of the Basque Block? Delight your friends with a paella basket. Surprise your family with a box of rare imported spices, chocolates or a bottle of obscure imported olive oil. Or be the hero of the day at the family dinner and pick up a tantalizing item or two from the market’s Holiday Pick-Up Menu. Choose from appetizer tapas trays to a variety of holiday side dishes, including roasted garlic smashed potatoes, silky smooth Eiguren potatoes, Chorizo dressing, lamb stew, Manchego potatoes, sheepherder’s bread, pears poached in red wine and pumpkin flan. There’s also a huge selection of imported meats and cheeses and “probably the largest selection of Spanish wines in the Northwest,” said co-owner Tara McElhose-Eiguren. 608 W. Grove St., 208-433-1208, thebasquemarket.com.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 21
SIERRA TRADING POST Psst, calling all girls: Haven’t you always wanted to cuddle up in a lamb’s wool sweater to warm the chill out of your apres ski bones—if only you could do something to keep it from itching? Well, say bah-bah-buh-bye to all those scratchy woolen sweaters tucked away in your drawer and say hello to the smooth, soft and itch-free Alps Sportswear Fairisle Sweater available at Sierra Trading Post. The knitting uses traditional Fair Isle techniques that can be traced back to the north of Scotland. Even better, with STP’s low, low prices, you save a whopping 77 percent off the regular retail price. 530 E. Sonata Lane, Meridian, 208-898-0261, sierratradingpost.com.
IDAHO POWER Get creative this holiday season with a little help from Idaho Power. By enrolling in one of its energy-efďŹ ciency programs or using one of its online services, you can save on your monthly bill, reduce energy consumption and help offset the growing need to build new resources. It’s a program designed to create a comfortable, secure energy future for families and communities. This holiday season, Idaho Power urges you to complete a Home ProďŹ le and let the online Energy Tools help you manage your usage, lower your bills and more. All of the details on how to use this feature and more can be found at the Idaho Power Web site, idahopower.com.
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Looking for something thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a unique, out-of-the-norm Christmas present or stocking stuffer? Step one foot inside Art for Art, artists nurturing future artists, and youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll know youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve come to the right place. Located in Vista Village (next to Reillyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s), this artist co-op that gives 5 percent back into the youth arts community has a cornucopia of special somethings for those special someones, from $3 and up. Choose from Christmas ornaments, belts with lamp worked buckles, perfumes, lip balm, lotions and potions, mosaic busts and mirrors, calendars, handmade stockings ready to stuff, restored vintage ceiling tiles, photography, pottery, paintings, framed origami, light switch covers, jewelry and more. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll ďŹ nd tulle tutus in a rainbow of colors and repurposed wallets and bags made from used inner tubes. Store hours: Wednesday-Saturday, Noon-5 p.m. Art for Artâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Grand Opening is 5-9 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 20. 1002 Vista Ave., 208-440-2412, art4artidaho.blogspot.com.
Jâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ULTIMATE CAR WASH At Jâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ultimate Car Wash, your car will get the star treatment. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our slogan is, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;we baby your baby,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;â&#x20AC;? said owner Jason Smullin. â&#x20AC;&#x153;What we really focus on is customer service. We are Boiseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only hand car washâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;no brush or equipment touches the car.â&#x20AC;? And not only are all services guaranteed for customer satisfactionâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x153;weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll make it right or give you your money backâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;but youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll also get your car cleaned in record time. The full-service car washâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;inside and out for $14.99â&#x20AC;&#x201D;takes only 15 minutes or less. The outside wash and towel-dry service for $6.99 will be done in eight minutes or less, Smullin said. And if you really want to baby your baby, you can get the Ultimateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ultimate car wash for $24.99. It includes the full-service treatment plus triple foam conditioner, clear coat sealer, Rain-X protectant, underbody ďŹ&#x201A;ush with rust inhibitor and your choice of dashboard dressing or front carpets shampooed. Holiday specials: Buy four full-service inside-and-out car washes and get two free, or buy six outside washes for only $30. 3756 Chinden Blvd., 208-336-0435, ultimatehandcarwash.com.
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| NOVEMBER 18â&#x20AC;&#x201C;24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
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| NOVEMBER 18â&#x20AC;&#x201C;24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
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Last yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s BW Cover Art Auction raked in net proceeds of $12,820 thanks to the generous support of local art enthusiasts. As in years past, the proceeds were paid forward in Boise Weeklyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s continuing effort to promote, sustain and further the local art community. Through a series of private grants, a panel of judges awarded funds to several projects and organizations. The grant enabled The Cabin to hire local award-winning artist Bill Carman through 2010 to design the covers of The Cabinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual student anthology from Idaho Writing Camps. Thee Art Of received a grant to further its efforts to bring visual arts into the newly named Boise Creative and Improvisational Music Festival. BOSCO, a longtime partner of Boise Weekly, used its sizable grant to continue efforts to connect the community with artists in their studios. The Mend Project launched its â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spectacledâ&#x20AC;? event thanks to grant funds from BW Cover Art Auction. And the ďŹ nal recipient, the Basque Project, was awarded the largest portion of grant proceeds to create 48 ceramic tiles in tribute to Basque and other sheepherders. The Basque Arborglyph Mural will be on the Basque Block in the front yard of the Cyrus JacobsUberuaga House. A temporary, full-sized model of the mural will be on display beginning Dec. 19.
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Trey McIntyre Project dancers will serve as art handlers. Also joining the fun is Boise Rock School. We’re happy to welcome back auctioneer Johnna Wells. Thanks to Idaho State Historical Museum for hosting us, and also to Rick Jackson at Blue Dog Frame Gallery, Smoky Mountain Pizza and Sockeye Brewery.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 3
IDAHO POWER Go green this holiday season and get some green back. Idaho Power’s Home Products program offers cash incentives for the purchase of specific ENERGY STAR-qualified products. ENERGY STAR is a government-backed program designating products as energy efficient. Products must meet stricter efficiency criteria than federal standards. Idaho Power’s Home Products program offers residential customers cash back—up to $50—as incentive for purchasing qualified appliances (clothes washer, $50; refrigerator, $30; ceiling fans with lights or ceiling fan light kits, up to $20; and light fixtures up to $15). Besides getting the cash, you can feel good about the other benefits of buying qualified products: A more comfortable home and a potential decrease in your power bills to boot. For a complete list of products that qualify for an incentive and other details, visit idahopower.com/homeproducts.
THE PAUL GREEN SCHOOL OF ROCK MUSIC Give your child the gift of music. The Paul Green School of Rock Music is the nation’s premier performance-based rock music program. Students from ages 7 to 18 learn how to play the instrument of their choice and then are turned into genuine rock stars. How does it work? Students receive 45-minute private lessons in the instrument of their choice (guitar, bass, drums, keyboard or vocals). They also participate in weekly three-hour supervised rehearsals to prepare them for the main event, The Show! Past shows have included tributes to Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Queen and the Beatles. The Paul Green School of Rock has found that the combination of private lessons and group band practice with peers is the best way to motivate kids to practice hard, overcome stage fright and become amazing musicians. Schedule a free trial lesson and select a show today. For more information, call or visit the Web site. 539 S. Fitness Place, Eagle, 208-639-2242, schoolofrock.com/boise.
THINK BOISE FIRST Think local, shop local, buy local. There are a lot of good reasons for keeping it in your own back yard. It promotes the local economy. It brings more jobs to the local workforce. It keeps businesses purchasing local, cutting down on transportation costs. It promotes a healthier community with less sprawl, less pollution, less habitat loss and less congestion. This holiday season, do your part and “get it local.” Think Boise First wants to help you support local businesses and the local economy. Get the TBF coupon book, stuffed with more than $3,500 worth of offers, for a measly $10. Get one—or more, they make great stocking stuffers—and support your local businesses. 210 N. Sixth St., 208-424-6665, thinkboisefirst.org.
IDAHO HOUSE OF SCOOTERS If you really want to see your honey’s eyes light up this Christmas morning, buy a scooter! At Idaho House of Scooters, you’ll find authentic Vespa, Piaggio, Vectrix and Schwinn scooters, scooter paraphernalia, helmets, jackets and more. In-house financing starts at 4.9 percent. IHS offers free pickup and delivery throughout the Treasure Valley, sameday service, factory-trained technicians, riding assistance programs and group riding events. Have a vintage scooter that needs service? No problem. “We work on and provide service and parts for other scooters. Customer service? We live and die by it,” said manager Justin Daniels. He got his first moped when he was 12 and has been riding mopeds and scooters, and working on them, since. He owns three vintage scooters. Idaho House of Scooters is also working with Treasure Valley Clean Cities and is now an electric-vehicle recharging station. “Stop by and plug in!” 2374 E. Cinema Drive, No. 104, Meridian, 208-898-0818, idahohouseofscooters.com.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 23
IDAHO POWER This holiday season is the perfect time to give to yourself and your neighbors through Idaho Power’s A/C Cool Credit program. All you need to do is get a Cool Switch installed near your air conditioning unit so when electricity demand is at its peak, the Cool Switch will cycle your air conditioning about 50 percent of the time—on for 15 minutes, off for 15 minutes, while the fan continues circulating the already cooled air. The program only cycles on weekday evenings, usually between 4 and 7 p.m. and not more than 40 hours a month. It’s safe for your air conditioner, helps make sure your home stays comfy, and when you sign up, you get up to $21 in credits on your summer bills. Bonus: If you sign up for the A/C Cool Credit program by Feb. 28, 2010, Idaho Power will donate $20 to either the Idaho Foodbank or the Southeast Oregon Regional Food Bank, depending on where you live. Sign up for the program online at idahopower. com/accoolcredit or call Idaho Power at 1-866-865-2665.
J’S ULTIMATE CAR WASH If you want your car to be as shiny as your Christmas tree ornaments, let the pros at J’s Ultimate Car Wash—the only hand car wash in Boise—do the buffing. “We’re very big on quality control,” said owner Jason Smullin. “All our employees are trained to cater to the customer.” Besides the usual car wash selections, including the ultimate car wash for $24.99, the full service inside-and-out car wash for $14.99, and the outside wash and towel-dry service for $6.99, J’s has a full range of detailing services to suit whatever your car needs. You can get scratch removal, Swirl-Free three-step polish, wheel wells cleaned and painted black, all carpets, interior vinyl and leather, including all nooks and crannies steam-cleaned and dressed, engine steam-cleaned, mats and upholstery steam-cleaned. “We can even do some stain removal,” Smullin said. All services are guaranteed. “We’ll make it right or give you your money back.” 3756 Chinden Blvd., 208-336-0435, ultimatehandcarwash.com.
THE PAUL GREEN SCHOOL OF ROCK MUSIC “Saving rock and roll, one kid at a time,” The Paul Green School of Rock Music is rolling into the Treasure Valley. The school runs in a series of three seasons, with each season culminating with a show. Included with the price of monthly tuition are weekly, 45-minute private lessons in the instrument of the student’s choice (guitar, bass, drums, keyboard or vocals). Additionally, there are three-hour, supervised rehearsals held weekly to prepare students for the main event, The Show! Shows center on a theme and the students spend time delving into the catalogs of certain artists, styles and periods of rock music such as Van Halen (David Lee Roth era, of course), AC/ DC, best of the ’80s, punk rock, Devo, Frank Zappa, Queen and many more. In addition to weekly lessons and rehearsals, rock classes, open jams and seminars are free to students with such themes as songwriting, music business 101, tightening up the rhythm section, what really goes into a tour, how to get gigs and promote your band and more. Professional touring musicians also come to the school and meet, talk with and, most importantly, jam with the student musicians. For more information, call or visit the Web site. 539 S. Fitness Place, Eagle, 208-639-2242, schoolofrock.com/boise.
BOISE WEEKLY We’ve put a delicious new spin on “getting carded.” With the Boise Weekly Card, you can get a whopping 40 percent off at participating businesses. Dine guilt-free at the finest and most elegant restaurants in town, feast on delectable bakery treats, enjoy some of the freshest, hottest pizza, relax with a fresh cup o’ java, or dance, dance, dance the night away—all while saving 40 percent. Membership is a mere pittance: You only have to shell out $24.95 to get started, and you can add credit as often and as many times as you like. After you sign up on the BW Web site, your fully loaded card will arrive in the mail in a few days. Put your John Hancock on the back and start enjoying the high life and reaping your just rewards. After purchasing credit, just use the card like cash at participating businesses for everything but the tip. It’s really that simple. You’ll also get regular member updates by e-mail so you’ll know about any last-minute, must-see or must-do special offers—new restaurants, concert discounts, live performances, sporting events and more. For more information or to get your very own Boise Weekly Card, go to the Boise Weekly Web site. 523 Broad St., Boise, 208-344-2055, boiseweekly.com.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
Get your season tickets now because you won’t want to miss a single show. Idaho Shakespeare Festival’s 34th season is going to be a barnstormer. Get ready to get your socks knocked off with delightful surprises like its second performance of the summer Bat Boy: The Musical. Yes, this is that same Bat Boy, ripped from the hilarious headlines of the Weekly World News. A classic love story with a twisted bite, this is a modern-day comedy musical about a weird boy with pointy ears looking for love. How and where he finds it is a glorious off-Broadway award-winning musical romp that incorporates rock, Broadway, gospel and country music. Get your tickets before Dec. 31 for big savings and the perfect seats. Tickets and gift certificates make great Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers. For more information, call or visit the Web site. 5657 Warm Springs Ave., 208-336-9221, idahoshakespeare.org.
SIERRA TRADING POST The shopping. The family. The boyfriend. The ex-boyfriend. To top everything off, your dog did something naughty, not nice, under your Christmas tree. Don’t get wrapped up in holiday stress this season—get wrapped up in this Blue Ridge Home three-in-one Softie Wrap throw blanket. It’s just the thing for sofa snuggling, fire-gazing or just curling up in to watch the Christmas movie classic It’s a Wonderful Life or Bad Santa. The wrap blanket—not to be confused with its ubiquitous TV infomercial cousin—comes in brick red, navy, brown or sage and oatmeal. It also comes with a two-way zipper closure and is machine washable. Zip up in plush warmth and wriggle down in plush comfort and let those holiday woes and worries melt away. And, as always, Sierra Trading Post’s everyday price is always right at 35 to 70 percent below retail. 530 E. Sonata Lane, Meridian, 208898-0261, sierratradingpost.com.
IDAHO HOUSE OF SCOOTERS Be the first on your block to own the only officially licensed and Boise State-sanctioned vehicle available for the road today. A scooter of your choice from Idaho House of Scooters decked out in Boise State blue and orange will only set you back $600 over the scooter’s sticker price. Plus, with the store’s year-end closeout, you can get a brand new Vespa for $1,000 below normal cost. “We have one of the best selections of scooters in the Treasure Valley ready to go,” manager Justin Daniels said. In addition to its lines of traditional scooters, IHS offers all-electric Vectrix scooters, Piaggio’s MP3 three-wheeled scooters (two wheels in front, one in back) and a selection of pre-owned scooters. Still not sure if a scooter is right for you? Go online and check out the fuel calculator to see how much you’ll save. 2374 E. Cinema Drive, No. 104, Meridian, 208-898-0818, idahohouseofscooters.com.
THINK BOISE FIRST We like our local roots and, come to think of it, we like the moniker of this outfit. Think Boise First promotes a think-local, shop-local and buy-local attitude and mentality. It makes sense to keep the money floating around in your own back yard. This holiday season, you can help—just “get it local.” And while you’re at it, give back by putting it on your back. Pick up a TBF T-shirt— they’re only $20—and look for a new sustainable kid in the valley: Think Nampa First. Get your T-shirts at the TBF office or call for more T-shirt locations. 210 N. Sixth St., 208-424-6665, thinkboisefirst.org, thinknampafirst.org.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 25
BATTLE OF THE BANDS— 3Machine, Above the Dead. 9 p.m., $2, Terrapin
AUDRA CONNOLLY—Local acoustic folk singer/songwriter. 9 p.m. $3. Terrapin
CHAD COOKE—7 p.m. FREE. Pitchers and Pints
CHRIS GUTIERREZ—6 p.m. FREE. Gelato Cafe
PINK MOUNTAINTOPS, NEUROLUX, NOV. 24 When remembering the difference between Stephen McBean’s two psych-rock projects—Black Mountain and Pink Mountaintops—it’s best to keep things color-coded. Black Mountain: Black Sabbath guitars and black pot resin. Pink Mountaintops: boobies. And fuzzy, Jesus and Mary Chain-y, psych-folk jams. Though Pink Mountaintops’ self-titled first album was a tad risque—with songs like “I (Fuck) Mountains” and “Sweet ’69”— the Canadians’ last two releases have matured considerably. The band’s label, Jagjaguwar, called their third full-length, Outside Love: “Ten songs of love and hate that read like a Danielle Steel romance novel but that would probably make for bad television.” While the album’s cover features a tawdry book resting on a teal velour blanket—the bad TV part is harder to envision. Songs like “The Gayest of Sunbeams”—a Dandy Warhols-y tune with ample la-la-la’s and shaking tambourines—could easily be the theme song for a quirky cable comedy. —Tara Morgan With Juntura, 8 p.m., $5, Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St., 208-343-0886, neurolux.com.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
dig banjo, mandolin, lap slide, old-timey goodness, this show’s for you. 8 p.m. FREE. Flying M Coffeegarage
DEADLY REMAINS, END OF ALL FLESH, RIPSHAW, SYRUM 114—Metal band from Northern California. 8 p.m. $3. Gusto EVERCLEAR—Post-punk sound. 8 p.m. $19 adv., $21 door, $55 skybox. Knitting Factory REVOLTREVOLT RECORD RELEASE, JUNTURA—Local punk rock. Celebrating the release of their newest CD. 8 p.m. $5. Neurolux TYRONE WELLS, MATT HIRES, NATE FOWLER—Indie pop, pop acoustic rock and indie soul. 9 p.m. $12 adv., $14 door. Reef
JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLYGOATS—9 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s LOOMIS AND THE LUST, HOBO NEPHEWS OF UNCLE FRANK— Two folk-rock outfits playing original charts. 9 p.m. $5. The Bouquet NATE FOWLER, THE SILENT TREATMENT, CRAVING DAWN— Local soul rockers present their favorite charts from their self-written collections. 9 p.m. FREE. Liquid
BEN BURDICK, BILL LILES, AMY WEBER—9 p.m. FREE. Sockeye BUCK SHOT BAND—Anyone wearing a cowboy hat gets in for free. 9 p.m. $3. Shorty’s CAHALEN MORRISON—See Noise News, Page 19. If you
DEAR AND THE HEADLIGHTS, RAJIV PATEL—7 p.m., $10 adv., $12 door. Neurolux GAYLE CHAPMAN—6 p.m. FREE. Tannins MARMALADE HILL—9 p.m. $5. Reef MOONDANCE—7:30 p.m. FREE. Corkscrews OAKHURST, JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLYGOATS— Locals Jonathan Warren and the BillyGoats will be opening for the Colorado-based bluegrass band, Oakhurst. 9 p.m. $5. The Bouquet OCEAN STORY SOCIAL—9 p.m. $1. Liquid PILOT ERROR—Local fivesome covers a collection of the greatest rock songs to top the charts. 9 p.m. FREE. Bad Irish
RUSSIAN CIRCLES, YOUNG WIDOWS, GIT SOME—See Noise, Page 19. Rock-infused instrumental goodness. 8 p.m., $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux
REBECCA SCOTT—8:30 p.m. FREE. The Gamekeeper REVOLTREVOLT RECORD RELEASE PARTY—7 p.m. FREE. The Record Exchange
WILLISON, ROOTS AND YOUNG—Time to get folky. 7:30 p.m. FREE. Reef
SIGI KOEFOD—7:30 p.m. FREE. Music of the Vine SOUL SERENE—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub
Deadly Remains
Rajiv Patel
VOICE OF REASON—9 p.m. $4. Terrapin
GUIDE SATURDAY NOV. 21 BLAZE ‘N’ KELLY—7:30 p.m. FREE. Music of the Vine BEN BURDICK TRIO WITH AMY WEBER—9 p.m., $1, Liquid THE BLUES ADDICTS—Bluesy songs by popular musicians, including Eric Clapton, The Allman Brothers Band, JJ Cale, Muddy Waters and more. 8 p.m. FREE. O’Michael’s BUCK SHOT BAND—Anyone wearing a cowboy hat gets in for free. 9 p.m. $3. Shorty’s CASH’D OUT, AUDIO MOONSHINE—Johnny Cash tribute band with special guests Audio Moonshine. 8 p.m. $10. Knitting Factory
THE DUCHESS AND THE DUKE—5:30 p.m. FREE. The Record Exchange; 8 p.m., $8 adv., $10 door, Neurolux FIVE SMOOTH STONES— 9 p.m. $3. The New Frontier GAYLE CHAPMAN— 6 p.m. FREE. Tannins JIMMY BIVENS—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub JONATHAN WARREN— Progressive folk-rock. 8 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s KITES AND CROWS, HILLFOLK NOIR—8 p.m. $2. Flying M Coffeegarage MARMALADE HILL— 9 p.m. $5. Reef PILOT ERROR—Local five-some covers a collection the greatest rock songs to top the charts. 9 p.m. FREE. Bad Irish
REBECCA SCOTT—8:30 p.m. FREE. The Gamekeeper SLOTH FALCON, THE FAV— Indie rock from local artists. 9 p.m. $3. Terrapin SOUL SERENE—10 p.m. $5. The Bouquet UGLY SWEATER ZOMBIE PARTY WITH RADILLAC— 9 p.m. FREE. The Plank WILL BELL—7:30 p.m. FREE. Corkscrews Kites and Crows
COURTNEY MARIE ANDREWS, ASHER DEAVER—Two Arizona folk acts. 8 p.m. $5. The Bouquet
JIMMY BIVENS—9 p.m. FREE. Sockeye
ERIC HUTCHINSON—Catchy, folk-and-jazz inflected pop music. 8 p.m. $16 general, $40 skybox. Knitting Factory FIVE SMOOTH STONES— 9 p.m. $3. The New Frontier
MONDAY NOV. 23 RADIO BOISE BENEFIT SHOW WITH BUILT TO SPILL—See Noise News, Page 19. Tickets are available at visualartscollective. com. 8 p.m. $15. Visual Arts Collective SEA OF TREACHERY, SUFFOKATE, WE ARE THE END, BLIND WITNESS, AND HELL FOLLOWED WITH, DESTRUCTION OF A ROSE, FOR MY OWN—6 p.m. $10. The Venue
WEEKLY GIGS BEN BURDICK, BILL LILES— Sundays, Noon. FREE. Grape Escape BILLY BRAUN—Mondays, 7 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
PINK MOUNTAIN TOPS, JUNTURA—See Listen Here, Page 26. 8 p.m. $5. Neurolux
BILLY ZERA, AWA AND SONY DISC—Saturdays, 7:30 p.m. Mai Thai-Eagle.
BOISE BLUES SOCIETY JAM SESSION—Mondays, 8 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge
SHARIF—A Los Angeles acoustic singer/songwriter. 8 p.m. FREE. Reef
COSMIC FAMILY BAND— Wednesdays, 9 p.m. FREE. The Bouquet
STREETWALKER, H.O.D., LOOM, JUMENT—Streetwalker, a Washington thrash/grindcore band promises loud, fast and in your face. 9 p.m. $5. The Red Room
COUNTRY NIGHT—Fridays, 9 p.m. FREE. Cowgirls
FUEGOGO!—Tuesdays, 9:30 p.m. FREE. Terrapin Station
BERNIE REILLY—A local guy with a solid, acoustic jazz sound. 6 p.m. FREE. Gelato Cafe
DAVID MARR—Fridays, 7 p.m. FREE. The Cole/Marr Gallery FABULOUS FLOYD STANTON— Wednesdays, 6 p.m. FREE. Cafe Ole-downtown
JAZZ NIGHTS—Thursdays, 7 p.m. FREE. Rembrandt’s; Featuring Kevin Kirk Tuesday-Saturday and The Sidemen on Sundays. 7 p.m., FREE, Chandlers JEREMIAH JAMES AND NED
EVETT—Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. FREE. Lock, Stock & Barrel JIM FISHWILD—Wednesdays, 6 p.m. FREE. Highland’s Hollow JIM LEWIS—Sundays, 11 a.m. FREE. Focaccia’s JOHN CAZAN—Fridays, 5 p.m. FREE. Lock, Stock & Barrel JOHNNY SHOES—Wednesdays, 6 p.m. Lock, Stock & Barrel KEN HARRIS—Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. FREE. Berryhill LARRY CONKLIN—Tuesdays, 11 a.m. FREE. Moon’s Kitchen MATT HOPPER, CARIBOU BILL—Live DJ sets. Thursdays, 8 p.m. $3. The Bouquet NATHAN J MOODY & THE QUARTERTONS—Wednesdays, 9 p.m. FREE. Liquid POCONO BILL—Saturdays, 8 p.m. FREE. Groove Coffee ROCCI JOHNSON BAND— Wednesdays and Fridays. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s SMOOTH, GIZZARD STONE— Tuesdays, 7 p.m. FREE. Liquid SPINDLE BOMB—Fridays, Saturdays, 9 p.m. $3. Tom Grainey’s THOMAS PAUL—Mondays, 8 p.m. FREE. Red Feather
RED FANG—8 p.m., $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux
V E N U E S Don’t know a venue? Visit www.boiseweekly.com for addresses, phone numbers and a map.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 27
NEWS/ARTS TRICA RECEIVES CITY GO-AHEAD Last week, the Treasure Valley Institute for Children’s Art cleared the final hurdle in its permitting process. The Boise City Council granted TRICA a conditional use permit. The CUP allows TRICA to begin long-awaited major renovations on the institute’s “children’s educational art center,” the former Immanuel Methodist Episcopal Church on 14th Street. TRICA founder and artistic director Jon Swarthout said this is the final municipal hurdle in beginning phase two. Since TRICA purchased the church and the house next door to the north more than a year ago, the impact on the surrounding neighborhood as well as the fate of the little house next door has been at issue. Dan Everhart of Preservation Idaho said that from the earliest stages of TRICA’s development, the house to the north was always a question. “When Jon [Swarthout] first talked to me about it ... I strongly suggested that they consider not demolishing. If they needed room back there [for parking], the house has some non-historic rear wings that they could get rid of, which is ultimately what they decided to do,” Everhart said. That plan will provide for eight parking spaces, while the house will become what Swarthout deemed a “storybook cottage,” a children’s library of sorts that could also serve as a meeting place or even a place to hold children’s birthday parties. Karena Youtz, a resident in the area, has always been a vocal opponent of TRICA’s proposed demolition of the house. Youtz has long said that she does not oppose TRICA per se, but she does oppose a parking lot in her neighborhood. “They’re removing [only] the back addition to the house, yes, but they’re removing it to put in a parking lot,” Youtz said. “I wouldn’t care if somebody moved into the house and tore off those additions and lived there. Whatever. I wouldn’t care about that at all if it weren’t being replaced by a parking lot.” Phase one of the planned renovations, which TRICA has completed, was structural stabilization and remediation of the original church. Phase two, which will cost roughly $4 million, will include the renovations to both the church and the house as well as the parking spaces in the back of the house, something Swarthout said is vital to the success of TRICA. “On one hand you have planning and zoning saying, ‘You need to provide 20 parking spaces for this use,’” Swarthout said. “On the other hand, you have historic commissioners saying, ‘We hate to see the house next door torn down to provide 20 parking spaces.’ Meanwhile, you’ve got neighbors saying, ‘We don’t want a parking lot or an office in a residential neighborhood’ and some saying, ‘Build a parking lot. We don’t want people parking in front of our houses.’” Swarthout said that his organization considered all of those options including what would work best for TRICA. “What we presented and what we were approved for was a compromise of all of those things,” he said. —Amy Atkins
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
A few of the varied treats you can pick up at Rediscovered Bookshop’s Baker’s Dozen shebang.
STATE SCRIBES Idaho authors and illustrators gather for Baker’s Dozen event TARA MORGAN In addition to supporting Learning Lab, the Stooped in front of a large, tiered display event also hopes to expose Boise readers to the shelf, Rediscovered Bookshop co-owner wealth of local authors at their fingertips and Laura DeLaney reaches for a copy of Leslie expose Idaho authors to each other’s work. Patricelli’s Higher! Higher! A smile spreads “The fact that we’re all part of the whole across her face as she turns the glossy, brightly Idaho writing scene, I love that sense of comcolored pages in her hands, a pig-tailed girl munity, and I’m really looking forward to swinging up, up, up with each successive flip learning more about the work of some of the of the page. “I love this one,” she remarks. authors whose work I’m not familiar with,” But this isn’t the kids’ section. Nudged up says Barnes, at her home in Moscow. next to Patricelli’s illustrated books are stacks Barnes’s four books—two novels, Finding of Kim Barnes’ Pen USA award-winner A Caruso and A Country Called Home, and Country Called Home. On that same display two memoirs, In the are books by Mitch Wilderness: Coming Wieland, Brady Udall, Saturday, Nov. 21, 6:30-8:30 p.m., FREE of Age in Unknown Mark Lisk, Stan Country and Hungry Steiner, E.J. Pettinger, REDISCOVERED BOOKSHOP 7079 Overland Road for the World—are Gloria Skurzynski, Ken 208-376-4229 set within a hundredMcConnell, Aaron rdbooks.org mile radius of the Patterson, James Mace Clearwater River in and Steve Willhite. The north central Idaho. thread that unites these Her characters endure the hardships of the diverse authors? They’re all from Idaho and Western frontier amid the same tall trees and they’re all participating in the Rediscovered somber soil that originally summoned her Bookshop’s upcoming Baker’s Dozen event. father and mother to Idaho from Oklahoma. “I set it up so it would cover the gamut Barnes knows intimately what it is to grow up from children’s books to adult literature ... in the wild, lonely West. And as she’s gained small press and large press ... I have some selfnotoriety as a writer, she’s had to confront the published, as well, in there,” says DeLaney. preconceptions people have of rural Idaho. “Part of my idea for Baker’s Dozen really is to “I’ve been asked so many times by interhighlight Idaho talent, and independent and viewers, ‘How did you get from that little small press makes a difference in that.” logging town in Idaho to where you are now?’ For the past two years, Rediscovered has And I find it kind of offensive; there’s that idea invited 13 Boise-area authors to gather for an that somehow people in Idaho are incapable evening of mingling and book-signing. At last of leading a life of the mind unless you live in, year’s event, each author submitted a favorite say, Boise,” says Barnes. “So I’m always very recipe, and nearby-neighbor Easy Cooking pleased to bring that sort of awareness and (now closed) whipped up snack-sized samples. exposure forward for the entire state.” This year, the number of authors has been A professor of creative writing at the trimmed down to 12 and the baked goods University of Idaho, Barnes says she has felt will be a fancy cake from Cakewalk Custom nurtured by her colleagues and readers as a Cakes, which will be auctioned off for charity. woman writer in Idaho. As her work strives to “All of the proceeds from auctioning off demythologize the Western woman, portrayed that cake will go straight to the Learning in literature as either a “prostitute with a heart Lab,” says DeLaney. “They are a literacy of gold” or a “prairie Madonna,” Barnes also foundation that works with everyone from tackles another misconception—that women pre-schoolers to retired folks who don’t know can’t write detachedly about violence. how to read.”
“My family killed their animals, they sometimes killed their wives, they killed each other with great regularity. Cormac McCarthy writes about that … but what I have found as a woman writing about that, that is still verboten,” says Barnes. “Women are supposed to redeem, and for us to observe violence without the kind of social commentary that says, ‘See what men have done to us. See what men have done to the West. See what men have wrought,’ and not insist that the female as writer or character be the one that brings redemption is considered profane.” But not many authors in Baker’s Dozen have the platform Barnes has to tackle these weighty issues. For first-time and small press authors, it’s a long journey before they’ll command the attention of a dedicated readership. “If you’re a first-time author, you might get two or three people for a book signing,” says DeLaney. “What Baker’s Dozen does is it gives them a much broader exposure, because we do get a lot of folks to come through and a lot of people get to see their books.” One of the authors who has benefited from the exposure of Baker’s Dozen and the support of Rediscovered Bookshop is self-published science fiction writer Ken McConnell. After McConnell participated in last year’s event, his book Starstrikers and his recent release Null Pointer have been steadily disappearing from the bookstore’s shelves. “The people that work [at Rediscovered] really know books very well. They’re not afraid to talk up the local authors,” says McConnell. “That helps me as a writer who lives here, and it can only help the community to get to know those writers that do live here.” Whether they’re big guys or small fry, on Saturday, Nov. 21, these 12 will pull up a chair to share their love of all things literary. “I think what the Baker’s Dozen offers not only book readers, but book writers is the opportunity to come and share in this passion and pleasure we have, and that further connection of having made the choice ... to live and write and read in Idaho,” says Barnes. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
COCO CONCEALED New biopic recolors fashion icon Coco Chanel’s story JEREMIAH ROBERT WIERENGA Anyone can make up interesting yet nonilluminating information about someone’s life. For example, fashion icon Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel was born in an Argentine ditch, had a photographic memory and was secretly obsessed with stamp collecting. None of these facts are true—although Chanel was known for fabricating her past—and while their veracity might have Coco Chanel’s je ne sais quoi isn’t well translated in Coco Before Chanel. created some beautiful detailing, they give no sense of shape or design to the body of derfully designed and woefully depthless. fixture in his circle, entertaining actresses Chanel’s life. Celebrated French director Besides vague abandonment issues and an and financiers with her outlandish clothes Anne Fontaine’s film, Coco Before Chanel, amplified affair (the film’s end text reminds and commoner charisma. Upon meeting is a beautiful rags-to-riches romance us that she never married, but neglects to self-made Brit Arthur Capel (American that reveals little beyond the colorful but mention her wartime liaisons with a Nazi actor Alessandro Nivola), Chanel discards question-marked minutiae of this pivotal officer), we are given little insight into what her former doctrine that love is a luxury couturiere’s beginnings. and tumbles into a torrid affair that threat- makes her tick, receiving only a roughFormer French ingenue Audrey Tautou sketch characterization. (Amelie) plays Chanel, the convent-educat- ens her besotted benefactor’s charity. While bearing a strong resemblance to Both Chanel’s ed foundling trained the titular fashion maven certainly doesn’t and Capel’s early as a seamstress but lives are shrouded in hurt, Audrey Tautou doesn’t just skate by with dreams of the COCO BEFORE CHANEL (PG-13) mystery. Chanel her- on looks. It’s a pleasure to see her develstage. Along with Directed by Anne Fontaine oping maturity both in her acting and self took great pains sister Adrienne Starring Audrey Tautou, Marie Gillain, her choice of roles, and her work here is to rewrite her own (Marie Gillain), she Benoit Poelvoorde excellent. Nivola and Poelvoorde both give history, claiming a cuts her cabaret Now playing at The Flicks sound performances as the rivaling lovers, decade difference teeth in back-alley while interjectory appearances by Emin her birthdate— taverns while cutting younger, of course— manuelle Devos as Chanel’s actress friend cloth for betterare delightful. Fontaine’s direction is solid and insisting that her father had sailed to fed ladies. After their duo is divided by America to support the family. Although di- and measured, but lacks a bit of the vitality Adrienne’s engagement to a duke, Coco— and oomph the film deserves. Cinematograrector Fontaine (who penned the film with her nickname derived from a popular pher Christophe Beaucarne’s and composer tune—takes up with Etienne Balsan (Benoit her own sister, Camille) acknowledges this Alexandre Desplat’s polishing touches go a predilection for falsity in a few scenes, she Poelvoorde), an idle aristocratic who atdoes her own fair share of revision, excising long way toward giving this homage a semtempts to keep her, Bluebeard-like, hidden unattractive occurrences and fudging dates. blance of a heart, but Coco Before Chanel, away for drunken midnight trysts. But divested of careful accuracy and further The film exudes a feeling of placement, evCoco, who realizes her vulnerability, sews herself a mannish wardrobe, teaches herself ery aspect carefully considered and rejected accounting of Chanel’s evolution toward if found unbecoming. From the perfect row the elegant woman she would become, is to ride horseback and introduces herself simply a pretty, well-performed love story of ewers in the orphanage to the fashion to Etienne’s society friends by invading an montage coda, Coco Before Chanel is won- and poor life story. afternoon picnic. She quickly becomes a
SCREEN/LISTINGS special screenings DYNASTY BY WARREN MILLER PREMIERE—See Picks, Page 14. Sponsored by the Bogus Basin Ski Club, Warren Miller’s new documentar y, Dynasty, features renowned skiers and snowboarders, this film travels to popular destinations, as well as some of the world’s most remote locations. The event includes a winter
fashion show and drawings for sought after prizes. Tickets are available at the Egyptian Theatre box office or online with additional information and show times at www.egyptiantheater.net. Thu., Nov. 19, 8 p.m.; Fri., Nov. 20; Sat., Nov. 21, 6 and 8 p.m. $15. Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-0454. THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: TURANDOT ENCORE—Airing a recording of The Met’s live
per formance of Puccini’s final work, Turandot, which tells the tumultuous love stor y of Princess Turandot. Wed., Nov. 18, 6:30 p.m. $9.50 adult, $6.75 children and seniors. Edwards Spectrum 22, 7701 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208377-1700, www.uatc.com. SECRETS OF SHANGRILA: THE ANCIENT CAVES OF MUSTANG—In mysterious Himalayan caves, National Geographic has set out to provide a
glimpse of a seemingly lost world that for 50 years was off limits. Sponsored by the Sun Valley Spiritual Film Festival, Secrets of Shangri-la: The Ancient Caves of Mustang explores Tibetan culture both past and present, and discovers ancient texts and murals. For more information, visit www.svspiritualfilmfestival. org. Thu., Nov. 19, 7 p.m. $15. NexStage Theatre, 120 S. Main, Ketchum, 208-726-2985.
opening AN EDUCATION—It’s 1960s London and teenager Jenny (Carey Mulligan) meets and falls for the charming and much older David (Peter Sarsgaard). She forgets her struggle to get into Oxford and the more time she spends with David, the more she forgets who she really is. Screenplay by Nick Hornby (High Fidelity). (PG-13) Flicks
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 29
SCREEN/LISTINGS THE BLIND SIDE—This film tracks the stor y of Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron), a homeless African American high school student who was taken in by Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) and her wealthy white family. Oher goes on to academic success and an NFL football career. (PG-13) Edwards 9 PLANET 51—Astronaut Chuck Baker (voiced by Dwyane “The Rock” Johnson) lands on a far away planet inhabited by happy little green men. But they aren’t the ETs, he is. The “people” of Planet 51 think he’s a dangerous alien. Baker enlists the help of his nerdy new friend Lem (voiced by Justin Long) to get back to his spaceship and planet Ear th. (PG) Edwards 9 THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON—Following the romance of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewar t), a teenager recently transplanted to the cold and wet Forks, Wash., and Edward Cullen (Rober t Pattinson), her vampire boyfriend. As the dangers of a human/vampire relationship increase daily, Edward makes the difficult decision to uproot his family, leaving Bella to find comfor t in her old friend Jacob (Taylor Lautner), and learns he, too, holds secrets. (PG-13) Edwards 9
Edwards 9: W-Th: 12:20, 12:40, 3:40, 4, 7, 7:20, 10:20, 10:40; F-Tu: 1:05, 4:05, 4:25, 7:20, 7:45, 10:40 Edwards 22: W-Th: 12:10, 12:40, 1:10, 2:40, 3:05, 3:35, 4:05, 4:35, 6:05, 6:30, 7, 7:30, 8, 9:30, 9:55, 10:25, 10:55, 11:25
A CHRISTMAS CAROL, IMAX 3D— Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:45, 2:10, 4:35, 7, 9:25 A SERIOUS MAN— Flicks: W-Th: 4:50, 7:05, 9:15; F-Su: 12:40, 2:45, 4:50, 7:05, 9:15; M-Tu: 4:50, 7:05, 9:15 AMELIA—
Flicks: W-Th: 5, 7:10, 9:25; F-Su: 4:30, 9:30; M-Tu: 4:30, 9:30 Edwards 22: W-Th: 1:25, 4:20
Flicks: F-Su: 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20, 9:20; M-Tu: 5:20, 7:20, 9:20
Edwards 22: W-Th: 12:!5, 2:45, 5:15
Edwards 9: F-Tu: 10:20, 1:20, 4:20, 7:25, 10:20
Edwards 9: W-Th: 12:30, 3:45, 7:05, 9:55; F-Tu: 12:30, 3:45, 7:05, 9:55 Edwards 22: W-Th: 2:25, 5:10, 7:55, 10:35
continuing 2012—December 21, 2012, marks the end of the Mayan calendar. This date—significant to multiple civilizations, religions and scientists—will mark a dangerous shift in the world we have come to know. At least in this movie. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 A CHRISTMAS CAROL— Disney presents the classic tale of Ebenezer Scrooge (Jim Carrey), whose sharp attitude is changed after the visiting of the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet-to-Come (Jim Carrey). (PG) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 A SERIOUS MAN—The Coen Brothers’ latest film. It’s 1967 and physics professor Larr y Gopnok (Michael Stuhlbarg) is watching his life disintegrate around him. He turns to three rabbis for guidance on becoming a mensch, or a serious man. (R) Flicks
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
COCO BEFORE CHANEL— Flicks: W-Th: 5:05, 7:15, 9:30; F-Su: 12:35, 2:50, 5:05, 7:15, 9:25; M-Tu: 5:05, 7:15, 9:25 COUPLES RETREAT—
Edwards 9: W-Th: 12:25, 3:50, 7:10, 10:30; F-Tu: 12:25, 3:50, 7:10, 10:30 Edwards 22: W-Th: 2:10, 4:50, 7:40, 10:15
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1, 4:30, 7:40, 10:15; F-Tu: 1, 4:30, 7:40, 10:15 Edwards 22: W-Th: 12, 2:30, 5:05, 7:35, 10:05
Edwards 22: W-Th: 1:20, 4:15, 7:20, 10
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:10, 4:20, 7:30, 10; F-Tu: 1:25, 4:45, 7:05, 9:55 Edwards 22: W-Th: 12:35, 2, 3:15, 5:35, 8:10, 10:25
Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:45, 2:15, 4:40, 7:10, 7:50, 9:40, 10:30
Edwards 9: F-Tu: 10, 10:30, 1, 1:30, 4, 4:30, 7, 7:30, 10, 10:30
AMELIA—Hilar y Swank stars as famed aviator Amelia Earhar t. Alongside Richard Gere and Ewan McGregor, the film explores more the successes and failures of flight, and also the trials of love and relationships. (PG) Flicks, Edwards 22
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY— Edwards 9: W-Th: 12:45, 4:10, 7:50, 10:10; F-Tu: 12:45, 4:10, 7:50, 10:10 Edwards 22: W-Th: 1:35, 3:50, 6, 7:15, 8:05, 9:45, 10:15
ASTRO BOY—This classic Japanese manga series is an actionpacked tale of a robot boy who discovers what it means to be a hero and a human. (PG) Edwards 22
THE BOX—Norma (Cameron Diaz) and Ar thur (James Marsden) are in dire financial straits when a mysterious box with a big red button shows up. With the box comes an offer: Press the button and get $1 million, but somewhere, someone is killed. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 22
Edwards 9: W-Tu: 12:50, 4:25, 7:25, 9:50 Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:15, 1:40, 4, 6:35, 8:55
Flicks: W-Th: 4:30, 7, 9:30; F-Su: 1:30, 6:55; M-Tu: 6:55
Edwards 22: W-Th: 1:30, 4:10, 7:15, 10 Edwards 9: F-Tu: 10:10, 1:10, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:05, 4:05, 7:45, 10:35; F-Tu: 1:45, 4:40, 7:50, 10:35 Edwards 22: W-Th: 1:55, 4:25, 6:50, 9:15
Edwards 22: W-Th: 1, 3:20, 5:40, 8, 10:20
T H E A T E R S Edwards 22 Boise, 208-377-1700, www.regmovies.com; Edwards 9 Boise, 208-338-3821, www.regmovies.com; The Egyptian Theater, 208-345-0454, www.egyptiantheatre.net; The Flicks, 208-342-4222, www.theflicksboise.com; FOR SECOND-RUN MOVIES: Northgate Cinema, Towne Square Reel, Country Club Reel, Nampa Reel, 208-377-2620, www.reeltheatre.com. Overland Park $1 Cinema, 208-377-3072, www.opcmovies.com. Movie times listed were correct as of press time. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
COCO BEFORE CHANELâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Audrey Tautou stars in this biography of Gabriele Coco Chanelâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life as she built her famed clothing empire. See Review, Page 29. (PG-13) Flicks COUPLES RETREATâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Add one adulterous couple, one cradlerobber, one couple on the verge of divorce and one happy couple, and you get a hilarious look at real world problems. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 THE FOURTH KINDâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;After a series of disappearances among residents of Nome, Alaska, local psychologist Dr. Abigail Tyler discovered some sketchy abnormal activityâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;alien abductions. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 LAW ABIDING CITIZENâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler) and his family become victims of a brutal home invasion. Ten years later, Shelton kills one of the invaders and orchestrates a series of brutal murders from jail. (R) Edwards 22
The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off will break your heart.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;THATâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S ME IN THE BOX.â&#x20AC;? Ever since I met my wife, sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s randomly delivered that phrase to me in a high-pitched British accent. The line caught on, and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been uttering it to one another for years now. This week, I ďŹ nally acquainted myself with its origin. And because the movie is unavailable anywhere else, we huddled over my laptop and watched the British documentary The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off in ďŹ ve 10-minute segments on YouTube. You heard the title right. The 2004 ďŹ lm follows the ďŹ nal four months of Jonny Kennedy, a 36-year-old man suffering from dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, a disease that made his skin peel from only the slightest touch. Rather than give in to the accompanying cancer, Kennedy opted to ďŹ lm his remaining days, which included selecting a cofďŹ n, attending charity beneďŹ t functions and hosting a housewarming party. Let me say, this is not an easy watch. In addition to witnessing the pint-sized tricenarian with the boyish pipes wail with pain, we also witness his mother change the bandages on his back, a procedure as graphic as anything youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll see on the Discovery Health channel. Knowing the ďŹ lm will end with Kennedyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s demise makes his tale even more macabre, but the guy possesses an endearing mixture of grandfatherly sarcastic wit and childlike innocence. He makes references to the inherent danger of someone with his condition â&#x20AC;&#x153;wankingâ&#x20AC;? and swears on occasion. Despite commenting on her deceased husbandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inability to ever cope with their sonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s condition, Kennedyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ever-present momâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;who doubles as his caretakerâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;is interviewed many times, and her candid assessments help humanize what could otherwise have been a very detached look at a strangerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life and death. She admits to anticipating a sort of freedom once Kennedy has passed away, and the guilt that will accompany the feeling. Many of Kennedyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family and friends confess theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll miss him when heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gone, despite experiencing relief that a life ďŹ lled with constant pain will ďŹ nally conclude. Our favorite Kennedy-ism, played during the ďŹ lmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ďŹ rst few moments, was recorded several months before the corresponding shot depicts his lifeless body housed in a pine cofďŹ n. He knew heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d be in that enclosure soon, but he still sounded cheerful. Having succumbed to tears at least twice before ďŹ nishing the ďŹ lm, I could easily feel guilty for quoting the man for a chuckle. But given his propensity for humor and his uncanny ability to face death head-onâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and with a half-smile to bootâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;I think The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off would be OK with me resuscitating one of his more memorable lines. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Travis Estvold WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATSâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;When journalist Bob Wilton (Ewan McGregor) star ts looking into a super secret U.S. Army division of psychic spies, he ďŹ nds Lyn Cassady (George Clooney). After Cassady is called up for a special mission, Wilton convinces Cassady to let him tag along. (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 MICHAEL JACKSON: THIS IS ITâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;A companion to the single â&#x20AC;&#x153;This Is It,â&#x20AC;? this ďŹ lm offers a behind-the-scenes look at Michael Jackson before his death, as he readied for a 50-night concer t residency at Londonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s O2 Arena that was to take place this year. (PG) Edwards 22
PARANORMAL ACTIVITYâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; When a young middle-class couple moves into a new house, they ďŹ nd a presence in their home. The increasingly disturbing creature haunts their dreams in this Blair Witch Project-esque thriller. (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 PARISâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Pierre, a successful dancer, has been diagnosed with a dangerous hear t condition, forcing him to leave his dancing career behind. Now, he must ďŹ nd new life in the Parisian world around him that he previously ignored. (R) Flicks PIRATE RADIOâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the 1960s and The Count (Philip Seymour Hoffman), an American DJ, leads a group of rogue DJs onto a boat and into the middle of the sea to thwar t the British governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attempt to silence Radio Rock. (R) Edwards 22 WHERE THE WILD THINGS AREâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Spike Jonze brings the beloved classic to life in an adventure tale for all ages. (PG) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 ZOMBIELANDâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;When brainhungr y zombies overrun the world, what do you do? If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) you kick ass. (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 22
MOBILE USERS: For Showtimes, Text Message NEWMOON and Your ZIP CODE to 43KIX (43549)
| NOVEMBER 18â&#x20AC;&#x201C;24, 2009 | 31
Hitchin’ a ride to Sun Valley ... except you have to buy a ticket.
NEED A RIDE? For those who want to get a jump on the ski season, Sun Valley Stages has started offering shuttle service between Boise and Sun Valley early this year. The daily service typically offers three departures each day from the Boise Airport during the winter, but this time of year, trips are limited to one per day, although the company said it may add more depending on demand. As Sun Valley Resort eyes a Thanksgiving Day opening (natural snow or no), it might be just the opportunity for early bird skiers. The shuttle costs $50 each way for adults, or $10 for children ages 3-10. For more info, visit sunvalleystages.com.
SECOND WOLF ZONE CLOSES A second of Idaho’s 12 wolf hunting zones is now closed after hunters reached the preset limits. The McCall-Weiser zone closed on Nov. 9 after the last of 15 wolves was harvested from the area. The first area to be closed was the Upper Snake, which borders Yellowstone National Park and had a limit of five wolves. To date, 104 of the 220 wolf-hunting limit have been killed as part of the state’s inaugural wolf hunting season. The success of hunters has varied across the state, with more than half of limits already reached in the Southern Mountains Zone, the Middle Fork Zone and the Dworshak-Elk City Zone. But totals are still below limits in many other areas, including the Panhandle zone, where 11 of 30 wolves have been taken, the Lolo zone with five of 27, the Selway zone with four of 17, the Salmon zone with three of 16 and the Sawtooth with 25 of 55 taken. No wolves have been shot in the largest of the wolf-hunting zones, Southern Idaho, where five wolves can be harvested. The majority of wolf zones will close, regardless of whether the limits have been reached, on Dec. 31, although the Sawtooth and Lolo zones will remain open until March 31, 2010.
BIKIN’ FOR TOYS For the second year, an impromptu group of motorcyclists and bicyclists is gathering to ride through downtown Boise, following Santa in the annual Boise Holiday Parade. The ride is open to anyone on two wheels, and participants are asked to bring a new, unwrapped toy for the Salvation Army Toy Drive, which is hoping to gather gifts for more than 8,000 area kids this year. Anyone interested can meet in the parking lot of the downtown WinCo, 110 E. Myrtle St., on Saturday, Nov. 28, at 10 a.m. For more information, call Sandy Rust at George’s Cycles at 208-343-3782.
Neither rain nor snow nor dead of night nor mud nor family dinner will keep the volunteers of Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue Unit from finding those in need in Idaho’s backcountry.
THE SEARCHERS Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue marks 50 years of finding others DEANNA DARR Some days, you’re repelling down a cliff and others, you’re up to your elbows in ears of hot buttered corn. Such is the life of Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue Unit, the all-volunteer group that, for the last 50 years, has been where law enforcement departments turn for help finding the cold, tired and lost in Idaho’s backcountry. Whenever the call comes, the team is ready to scramble. “People volunteer to buy their own equipment and show up at ungodly hours to come help someone else,” said search manager George Gunn, who joined the group in 1973. “You’re away from your families. You miss dinners, holidays, anniversaries,” added president Jerry Newland, an 11-year veteran. Sitting around an old table in the makeshift conference room down a narrow, twisting hallway from the garage where the team stores its gear, Gunn’s wife, Charlotte, smiled a little as she recalled the times the couple has had to politely excuse themselves from a dinner party. Volunteers come from all walks of life— teachers, retired military, business owners, tech workers, public servants—but all are willing to sacrifice their time to help strangers who are lost, injured or otherwise vulnerable. “There’s no common denominator,” Gunn said, adding that for many volunteers, helping with a rescue means taking a vacation day or going unpaid. “We know that there are people who are having to really make sacrifices to be able to participate, but I never hear anybody complain about it,” he said. Already this fall, the team has been called to help locate several missing hunters. Just two weeks ago, searchers were near Sage Hen Reservoir in Gem County looking for one. Gunn carefully calls the hunter “missing” rather than “lost,” pointing out “the guy knew where he was,” with a laugh. Search and rescue volunteers are reticent to talk about more than the facts of their
work. The group’s newsletters are filled with by-the-book accounts of the team heading out on dirt tracks—graciously called roads— to bushwhack in unappealing weather to help someone. “It really is a low-profile kind of group,” Gunn said. “There’s very little about ‘this person found them.’ It’s ‘we did this,’” he said. “Those people whose egos thrive on being really important are really kind of frustrated.” Over the last half century, Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue has grown from a few local ski patrollers, to a roster of roughly 60 volunteers. They spend nearly twice as many hours training as searching. Last year alone, they logged more than 4,000 training hours, compared to just more than 2,000 hours in the field. “It’s just a lot of hard work that goes into it,” George said. “It’s that barn-raising, pioneering kind of spirit. [Volunteers] set their own needs aside for a chance to help someone else.” Gunn and Charlotte started search and rescue work while in Colorado and when they were “climbing with things you see in a museum,” Charlotte said. Since moving to Idaho in 1973, they have been at the heart of the group—eventually training search dogs and becoming certified man trackers. Kris Scovel laughs about her status as a trained man tracker, considering she met her husband, Dan Scovel, when they both joined eight years ago. Kris had been looking for a place to volunteer after her children left home. She met a search-dog trainer who encouraged her to check out a meeting, and by that weekend, she was training. Over the years, the frequency of calls hasn’t changed, but the timing and type have. Now, rescue calls are spread across the year, rather than lumped in the winter. Increasingly, the group is seeing people depending on technology to get out of trouble, taking cell phones and GPS units instead of a daypack
with an emergency kit, only to find there is no cell service in much of Idaho’s wilderness. The specifics of the rescue requests vary, with some law enforcement departments asking for search teams or people with tactical expertise, while an increasing number are tapping the group’s organizational expertise. The unit recently created its own mobile command unit inside a trailer customized with computers, work stations and an integrated communications system. Those skills were recently called on by the Boise Police Department for help coordinating volunteer searchers in the Robert Manwill case. Last year, Search and Rescue was called out 33 times. To this day, the unit is the only standalone search and rescue group in the state. While this means some freedom, it also means the team is on its own to come up with the roughly $36,000-$38,000 it takes to run the group each year—services that would otherwise cost individual counties $1.5 million each year. To supplement any donations and the dues volunteers pay, they depend on various fundraisers, including wrapping gifts during the holidays at Cabella’s and the annual corn on the cob booth at the Western Idaho Fair. Last year, the crew went through roughly 12,500 ears of corn. One source for funds that will never be tapped is the individuals the group helps: it never charges for services. And while accomplishments are a team effort, the benefits for volunteers are personal. Two types of calls stand out in Gunn’s mind. First, those requiring extraordinary teamwork and logistics; second, the ones in which a life would have been lost without their help. Those dramatic life or death missions are few compared to the majority of missions, but in this case, it’s a matter of quality over quantity. “You don’t need many of those [missions] over the years to keep you going,” he said.
—Deanna Darr
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
LISTINGS/REC events & classes
LADIES WRENCH NIGHT—This work night for ladies only is a chance to work or learn to work on bikes with the tools and expertise provided. Each night features a 30-minute class on a different aspect of bicycle repair. Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m. FREE. Boise Bicycle Project, 1027 Lusk St., Boise, 208-429-6520, boisebicycleproject.org.
Register IRONMAN ARIZONA 2010 SIGN-UP—Head over to Shu’s to sign up for the Ironman Arizona 2010. One lucky registrant will get $100 off their training with “Tri Three” Triathlon Training for 2010. Mon., Nov. 23, 12 p.m. FREE. 208-433-9211. Shu’s Idaho Running Company, 1758 W. State St., Boise, www. idahorunningcompany.com.
Recurring BOISE BICYCLE PROJECT OPEN SHOP—Donate unwanted bicycles or equipment to a good cause and receive a tax write-off. The shop is also open at the same time for volunteers interested in working on bicycles for children of low-income families, refugees and Boise’s homeless population. During open shop time on Saturdays, use tools and stands to work on your own bike or bikes for the community. No experience is necessar y. Volunteer orientations are on the first and third Saturdays of the month at 11 a.m. For more information, email boisebicycleproject@gmail. com. Wednesdays-Saturdays, Noon-6 p.m. FREE. Boise Bicycle Project, 1027 Lusk St., Boise, 208-429-6520, boisebicycleproject.org. FREE INTRO TO YOGA—Yoga Fusion in the Linen District offers yoga classes six days a week. On Saturdays, the studio offers introductor y classes
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Sus Edmundson finds his own route on the bouldering wall at The Front Climbing Club in Garden City.
KICK OFF PARTY—A party to kick-off training for the Ironman Arizona 2010. Participants can bring their bikes in to test out the simulated Ironman Arizona course. Mon., Nov. 23, 6-7:30 p.m. FREE. Endurance Training and Fitness Center, 1114 W. Jefferson, Boise. WILDERNESS FIRST RESPONDER—An 80-hour course in wilderness first aid, hosted by Sawtooth Mountain Guides. The course emphasizes decision-making, hands-on skills and the theoretical knowledge necessar y to function in remote areas. Upon completion of the course, participants will receive Wilderness First Responder certification as well as CPR for the Healthcare Provider certification. Held in Ketchum. www.remotemedical. com/Wilderness-First-Responder-13-22-Nov-09-in-Ketchum-ID.
IDAHO MOUNTAIN RECREATION MONTHLY MEETING— Idaho Mountain Recreation is an active club for all ages with outdoor interests focusing on nonmotorized activities and helping people enjoy the outdoors safely and responsibly. Local experts discuss varied outdoor topics. IMR provides trips year-round (daytrip hikes, mountain climbing, backpacking, biking, Nordic, winter camping, etc.), and offers training to improve your current outdoor skills. Wed., Nov. 18, 7-9 p.m. FREE. 208-424-6683, www.idahomountainrec.org. MK Nature Center, 600 S. Walnut St., Boise.
to bring yoga into your fitness routine. Discover yoga and learn how great you can feel after just one class. They provide the mat and props, all you need to do is to get over there in comfortable clothes, learn the poses and breathe. Saturdays, 11 a.m. FREE. Barefoot Yoga Studio, 1578 W. Grove St, Boise, 208383-9616, www.boisebarefoot. com.
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ROCK WARRIORS Hanging by the tips of your fingers, nearly inverted with the prospect of a back flop a near certainty, is just the kind of situation the crew at Boise’s newest climbing gym hopes more people will find themselves in. There aren’t many ropes or harnesses at The Front Climbing Club. Instead, climbers face a massive wall running nearly the length of the building, where rock jocks can practice the fine art of bouldering. It’s the first bouldering-specific wall in the area, and general manager Sus Edmundson said its creation is in response to the incredible growth the sport has seen in recent years. Unlike technical THE FRONT CLIMBING CLUB climbing, bouldering requires 3235 W. Chinden Blvd. little more than a pair of climb208-345-7625 ing shoes. Ascent lines are frontboise.com shorter, depending more on strength than endurance. Edmundson teamed with The Front climbing gym in Salt Lake City to bring the club to Boise, or more specifically, Garden City. Employees spent a long, hot summer gutting the former location of Boise Rigging. The main wall is the result of quality time spent with layers of massive steel rails, laminates and texture. New routes are set every month, promising continuing challenges for regular climbers. Edmundson, who helped develop the climbing program at the Boise YMCA, is working closely with schools and youth groups to create the next generation of climbers. On a recent afternoon, teens filed in and began clambering up the wall with deceptive ease. Still wearing their jeans and T-shirts, they lined the massive, multi-layer fall mat under the climbing wall as one climber managed to hang parallel to the ground on a giant curve in the wall before dropping to the mat. The club is membership based, and a separate area of the gym is available for private parties. Edmundson, who still climbs five times a week, is philosophical about the sport. “Climbing is a big physical puzzle,” Edmundson said. “It’s getting your body through the puzzle.” —Deanna Darr
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 33
THIS WEEK IN THE ’BURBS A couple of quick notes for you Eagle foodies. First, The Griddle in Eagle will start serving dinner Wednesday, Nov. 18. The menu is described as a list of “fromscratch” home-style dinners like beef stroganoff, southern fried chicken and chickenfried steak. All entrees are less than $10 and are served with very traditional sides. Mashed potatoes and a dinner roll, anyone? The Griddle, 177 E. Eagle River St., Eagle, 208-939-9070, thegriddle.com. Also Wednesday, Nov. 18, Bella Aquila hosts fellow Eaglite, Woodriver Cellars, for a winemakers dinner featuring six of the winery’s offerings. The menu is a rich one, featuring Snake River Farms’ pork belly confit, lamb croquettes, almond-crusted trout and a chanterelle risotto. Dinner starts at 6 p.m., $59 per person plus tax and gratuity. Bella Aquila, 775 S. Rivershore Lane, Ste. 100, 208-938-1900, bellaaquilarestaurant.com. —Rachael Daigle
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
FOOD/REVIEWS On one plate then the other ... BW sends two critics to one restaurant.
DELSA’S ICE CREAM PARLOUR Shortly after plans were announced to widen Ustick Road a few years ago, On a wet Wednesday night, the light from the recently reDelsa’s Ice Cream Parlour became everyone’s favorite endangered diner. opened Delsa’s Ice Cream Parlour blazed across Ustick like Back then, a four-lane Ustick meant Delsa’s would lose most of its parking, a flashlight used for reading under the covers after bedtime. and that would lead to its demise. Eventually, Delsa’s did lose most of its The IT Guy and I sloshed into the blinding brightness of the parking lot to Ustick’s shiny new pavement, and eventually, the decadesplace known for its ice cream and were greeted by the kind old restaurant did close. of kid who gives teenagers a good name. He wasn’t annoyed And then the dudes who own that we’d come in and seemed genuthe kick-ass Capri bought it—ice inely happy to wait on us. Even as we cream recipes intact—and lined out waffled on what to order, he stood new parking alongside the building, patiently, smiling. installed a stamped concrete patio over I considered ordering a salad. But the former dust bowl in front and even the giant outside reader board’s claim gave the inside a colorful facelift. that Delsa’s is “home of the best The small dining room is painted cheeseburger” was a challenge I was electric aqua blue, and together with up to. Plus, the salads don’t come in the white and glitter-red booths, the a combo that offers a milkshake for combination summons retro diner bet$1 more. I planned for an extra hour ter than ever. at the gym and picked tots and a With a full dining room ahead of chocolate shake to go with my bacon me and a long line behind me at lunch cheeseburger ($6.79). recently, I ordered hastily. A few minWe squeaked into a sparkly red and utes later I was sucking a thick strawwhite vinyl booth, the kind that skin berry shake (soft-serve vanilla mixed sticks to in the summer when arms with strawberry syrup and topped with and legs are bare. The light above fresh strawberries) from the shakeour table was so bright, we both did covered bottom of the straw. Not long that weird stare-into-it thing. After after that, I rubbed together my oily blinking away the spots in our eyes, fingertips, the greasy and disappointing we decided it’s pretty brave to have result of my foray into a basket of fish 1,000 watts of light blaring across a and chips ($6.50), and went in search restaurant. Any little speck of dust or of napkins. Once I had clean hands, grease is going to show, and on closer I wrapped them around half a bacon inspection, the bravery was warranted: cheeseburger ($5.49) and held on until Our table, seats and even the wall we I’d gnawed it down to single-hand size were sitting next to were shiny clean. so that I could reach for my milkshake. As another friendly teen dropped I marveled for one second aloud about off our chocolate and raspberry how the hefty burger bun was holding shakes, our server brought us plastic its own against the gnarled bacon and baskets filled with food—which bedrock of lettuce, and then popped included chicken strips and bikea Tater Tot into my mouth. Unlike tire sized onion rings for the IT Guy Ice cream, you scream, then ice cream again. the fries, the tots were hot and crispy. ($7.50, with a shake)—and even Like the fries, the tots needed ketchup retrieved extra napkins when he and salt. Like the napkins, the salt overheard me ask the IT Guy to go DELSA’S ICE CREAM PARLOUR and ketchup required an excursion. It get some. 7923 W. Ustick Road was then I was faced with a dilemma: The food was plentiful, cheap and 208-377-3700 loosen my death grip on my burger, put it down and hot. But if the same attention to detail was given to the Open Mon.-Fri., 11 a.m.-9 watch it topple over, or get up burger in hand. Topple food as was given to the service, it would have taken p.m.; Sat., noon-9 p.m.; Sun., noon-8 p.m. it did and it was all Humpty Dumpty after that. our meal from OK to great. A few days later, on a visit for dinner, I had more While the cornmeal-dusted bun and the black time to read over the menu and noticed a few things pepper-flecked breading on the chicken lent our food I’d missed before: a selection of salads and a row of sandwiches, including an air of homemade-ness, the lack of seasoning in the onion a club, a French dip and a Philly. I thought briefly about lunch, which in ring coating, the thin, perfect circle of the burger and the retrospect I’d described as “fine-enough diner food” but the kind of place uniform flatness of the strips suggested food-service prodwhere the onions arrive pre-cut and ready to be served. ucts. The tots could have done with a shot of salt before they But I’d come for dinner, so I stuck to my guns and ordered a banana left the kitchen, and the plastic cup of barbecue sauce that split ($4.79) and hot fudge brownie sundae ($3.49). Choosing among the accompanied the chicken was jarringly ice cold. And though homemade ice cream flavors is no easy task, even though only about a the cheeseburger didn’t live up to the reader-board hype, dozen flavors of the 40 Delsa’s makes are readily available. fortunately the thick, creamy, homemade milkshakes did and My date and I took a high table and stared down a boat of whip cream, scored points for erasing any doubts of our return. hot fudge-topped cheesecake ice cream, caramel-topped chocolate ice As holiday shopping starts to eat up my spare time, I suscream and two long slices of banana. Then we shifted our stare to a bucket pect I may be in that area of town hungry and with only a few of chocolate marshmallow ice cream topped with whipped cream and bucks in my pocket long after the sun has gone down. With its chunks of brownie. We dove in, did as much damage as possible before pleasant counter-kids, Delsa’s may serve as a beacon of light. surrendering and passed one final judgment: ice cream is king at Delsa’s. And thankfully, the gym isn’t too far away. LAU R IE PEARMAN
A recent late-night, downtown search for sushi after the hilarious Lily Tomlin show at the Morrison Center led to the discovery that Osaka must close early if it’s quiet and a reminder that Shige closes at 10 p.m. As an alternative, we stepped into Shige’s new steakhouse, which opened earlier that week, only to learn that although the bar was still open, both the fine dining and tepanyaki arms also close before 11 p.m. However, our need to nosh must have been apparent, because K.C.—a server who has been with Shige for nearly two decades— went back to the kitchen and convinced them to whip a little something up for us. Sitting in the posh red bar on high stools, a vantage point overlooking The Hole, we decided—shouting to hear each other over Beyonce blasting through the speakers—to split an order of the seared ahi tuna app and each get a Red Carpet salad. The tuna was dressed in black and white sesame seeds and cooked to that delightful place where it’s an earthy pink on the edges and nearly red in the center. The salad, served with a tiny porcelain pitcher of Asian dressing on the side, was a bright mix of lettuces and daikon root accented with a few heavenly little balls of fried goat’s cheese. Two chilled, aromatic saketinis rounded out our meal. Shige’s wife and restaurant co-owner Debbie came out to say hello and invited us to stay for karaoke, which she promised was to be a regular part of the steakhouse’s post-dinner festivities. But after laughing at Lily and with bellies full of fish, we regretfully declined. However, with seafood bisque on the menu and the opportunity to belt out a little Beyonce after a couple of saketinis, Shige’s Steakhouse promises to be the new go-to for my late night snacks. Shige Steakhouse, 100 N. Eighth St., 208-331-8202, shigejapanesecuisine.com. —Amy Atkins
—Rachael Daigle is king of nothing.
—Amy Atkins wears her sunglasses at night. Just in case. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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| NOVEMBER 18â&#x20AC;&#x201C;24, 2009 | 35
FOOD/DINING Bench ANDRADE’S—From albondigas to zopes, Javier Andrade serves up some of the best authentic Mexican fare in town. Great service, generous portions, decent prices. 4903 Overland Road, 208-424-8890. $-$$ SU. BAD BOY BURGERS—This Bench burger joint offers all the requisite fare of a classic walk-up/drive-thru, plus some tasty surprises: it will take two of you to get through one of their burritos. 815 S. Vista Ave., 208. 331-1580. $
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Hang on to your taste buds, Mon! Downtown Boise may seem like an unlikely spot for an island oasis, but Sweetwater’s manages to pull this off with confidence. As soon as you step into this downtown eatery, brightly colored paint, stuffed sailfish, tropical plants & the mellow strains of reggae quickly banish any thoughts of the workaday world. Sweetwater’s entertainingly provides a range of things that nobody else in Boise has thought of—& quite possibly could have imagined. Where else in Boise can you sample authentic Caribbean fare such as Bahamian conch fritters, Jamaican jerk chicken, & Trinidadian curry goat? The fact of the matter is, this place has great eats. The Cubanstyle bistec—top round marinated in garlic & citrus—is incredibly tender & juicy; the pineapple curry mussels are delicious & wonderful; the Dominican fish (Barracuda) brochettas are exotic & perfectly grilled &, quite possibly the best fish I have ever eaten. If you’re very daring in the spicy food department, try the habanero poppers, or the scorching Jamaican hot pepper shrimp, lit up with cauterizing Scotch Bonnet peppers that somehow let the sweet fresh taste of the shellfish come through. For those on the adventurous side, try the home-grown Idaho gator. Served either deep-fried as an appetizer, or my favorite, in a bowl of chili. This hearty chili with tender chunks of alligator (tasting something like pork) & slices of Kurizo sausage is thick, smoky & dark, sweet-spicy with a hint of BBQ, & if you go for the “ideal meal” according to the chef, topped with a fried egg—a combination that will no doubt content your belly. There’s also great vegetarian food, such as the curried avocado, or the grilled vegetables with West African groundnut sauce. In fact, Sweetwater’s is a very vegan/vegetarian friendly kinda place—a welcome addition to cattle country. People at Sweetwater’s seem to be having much too good a time; they’re happily combining lethal champagne shooters with gator tots & terrific BBQ ribs, applying Jamaican Red Stripe beer to the burns left by habanero poppers, & giving their stomachs a warm foundation of reassuring, honey-buttermilk cornbread. So if the change in seasons has got you down, pull up a chair at Sweetwater’s, & have a good time, Mon! —SVZ Serving Lunch & Dinner Mon.-Sat. 11:30 am-Close 433.9194
BAGUETTE DELI—Choose from 18 different 12-inch sub sandwich choices at the Vietnamese deli. Spring rolls, smoothies and French pastries round out the super value menu, on which no sandwich will set you back more than a five spot. 5204 W. Franklin Road, 208-336-2989. $ CASANOVA PIZZERIA—Pizza made like traditional pizzerias in New York and Naples make. Fresh sauces, thin crusts, and toppings from figs and bleu cheese to prosciutto and arugula. And of course real clam pizza from folks hailing from the homestate of “clam pizza” Connecticut. 1204 S. Vista Ave., 208-331-3535. OM. CHAPALA—The same great Jaliscan food Idaho expects Chapala to deliver. 1201 S. Vista Ave., 208-429-1155. $-$$ SU. CHIANG MAI THAI RESTAURANT—Casual for the whole family but elegant for just two. Traditional Thai food named after the infamous Thai cuisine capitol, Chiang Mai. 4898 Emerald St., 208-342-4051. SU. THE COOKIE LADY DELI— Fresh, handmade sandwiches offered in a variety of choices, including a tasty chicken salad. Don’t forget your homemade cookie on the way out. 880 Vista Ave., 208-385-7727. $-$$. CRESCENT NO LAWYERS BAR/ GRILL—The Crescent “no lawyers” Bar & Grill—Lawyers be damned at this popular bar, restaurant and game-lovers paradise. Though they’re famous for their Lawyer Fries and chicken gizzards, the menu is full of tasty pub food, including burgers, chicken sandwiches, tater tots and a most diggable meatloaf sandwich on sourdough. It’s been a Boise tradition since 1963, with a large patio, horseshoe pits and a rambunctious herd of TVs dialed in to the world of sports. 5500 W. Franklin Road, 208-322SU, OM. 9856. $ CUCINA DI PAOLO—After years of catering in the valley, Cucina di Paolo now offers heat and serve gourmet entrees, as well as a deli case full of goodies to
AVERAGE PRICE PER PERSON: $ —Less than $8 $ $ —$8 to $14 $ $ $ —$14 to $20 $ $ $ $ —Over $20
enjoy in the small dining area. 1504 Vista Ave., 208-345-7150. OM. $$-$$$
MONGO GRILL—The process begins with choosing a size and bowl and then filling it with your favorite food to toss on a Mongolian grill under the direction of a skilled chef. Mongo Grill has a salad bar, AND seven kinds of pho, plus a Chinese menu with all the usual sweet and sour dishes served on rice noodles or fried rice. 3554 S. Findley Ave., 208-336-2122. $-$$ SU OM.
DELI GEORGE—Behind the upside-down sign on Fairview, look for over 30 sandwich options full of homemade ingredients and plenty of imagination. 5602 Fairview Ave., 208-323. 2582. $ FLYING PIE PIZZERIA— Boise’s longest-lived and most inventive pizzeria. They have their own beer (the impeccable Triple Pi Belgian-style ale), and pies to please even the pickiest eaters. 6508 Fairview Ave., 208-345-0000. $ OM SU.
THE OFFICE—This cleverly named sports bar is for the over-21 crowd only. Enjoy a meal, a smoke and a full bar while catching a game on one of The Office’s plasmas. Then, when you’re better half calls looking for you, the simple answer is: “I’m at The Office, honey.” Bar and late night menu until 2 a.m. 6125 E. Fairview, 208-377SU. 2800. $-$$
GOLDEN STAR—Delicious Chinese/American cuisine served at one of the best preserved old storefronts in town. 1142 N. Orchard St., 208-336-0191. $.
PANDA GARDEN—Small but comfortable, Panda Garden has a huge selection of menu items. Generous portions from Chinese to sushi, and it’s all good stuff. The staff, too, is friendly and attentive. 2801 Overland Road, SU. 208-433-1188. $-$$
JUMPIN’ JANETS—Need a beer, a smoke and a meal? Jumpin’ Janet’s is one of the few places left in town where you can do all three. But here’s the real draw for you health conscious out there: you won’t find a deep fryer in the kitchen at Jumpin’ Janet’s, it’s all baked. Loves it. 574 Vista Ave., 208-342-7620. $ SU.
PATTY’S BURGER TIME—The only Idaho Preferred fast food restaurant keeps it good and local by serving Flying M coffee, Cloverleaf milk and local beef. The early riser menu includes breakfast burritos, diced potatoes and breakfast
MANDARIN PALACE—Bo-bo, moo-goo, sub-gum and bacon cheeseburgers all under one roof. 5020 Franklin Road, 208345-6682. $ SU.
FOOD/RECENTLY REVIEWED PATTY’S BURGER TIME 1273 S. Orchard St., 208-424-5073 “Yes, I just wrote ‘al fresco’ in a drive-thru review. In a minute I’m going to write ‘fresh ground pepper.’ As in I approached the window and asked for pepper. Wendy handed me a pepper grinder. Fresh ground pepper on homemade drive-thru soup.” —Nathaniel Hoffman
ANGELL’S BAR AND GRILL 999 Main St., 208-342-4900, angellsbarandgrill.com “A French dip sandwich ($9) is something I take very seriously, and I have been too often disappointed by gristly meat, flavorless bread and au jus that is more akin to a salt lick than the rich broth it’s supposed to be. Thankfully, I was not disappointed. The prime rib was sliced to extreme thinness and was so tender it gave way easily to the slightest bite.” —Deanna Darr
ALIBABA ARABIC RESTAURANT 111 Broadway Ave., 208-343-4536 “Luckily, a bowl of creamy lentil bisque (which came with the meal) erased all previous thoughts. It was by far the best lentil soup that’s ever warmed my tongue—welcomingly hearty, without any of the thick mealiness that often afflicts its peers.” —Tara Morgan
—Wine & beer —Full bar —Delivery —Take-out —Open late RES —Reservations
needed/recommended —Patio SU —Open on Sunday OM —Online menu —Breakfast —Boise Weekly Card
Boise Weekly Dining Guide offers selective listings of editorial recommendations and advertisers. Listings rotate based on available space.
Updates from diligent readers and listed restaurateurs are heartily encouraged. E-mail to food@boiseweekly.com or fax to 342-4733.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
DINING/FOOD sandwiches using organic eggs and vegetables. Need more reasons to swing by? Patty’s serves fresh fruit milkshakes with more than 40 different varieties and hosts classic cars shows every Saturday night. 1273 S. Orchard, Boise, 208-424-5073. $ . THE PLANK—Excellent finger steaks and chicken strips to wash down all that beer. A special lunch menu and a punch card for extra lunch savings and a reverse happy hour Sunday through Thursday from 10 p.m. till midnight with $2 bar bites. 650 S. Vista, 208-336-1790. SU. $-$$ RAW—The owners of conjoined and very popular Willowcreek Bar and Grill opened up RAW to sate the sushi cravings up on the bench. Striving for “sushi art in a comfortably atmosphere and
promising rolls that make your money worth it” RAW is a welcome addition to the Japanese food restaurant family in Boise. 2237 Vista Ave., 208-343-0270. $-$$$ OM. ROCKIES DINER—This old school diner blends in with the rest of Overland Road, but once inside, customers are greeted with perky waitresses on roller skates, classic rock emanating from the jukebox and guitars puncturing the ceiling-not to mention the massive Harley mounted above the checkerboard floor. The burgers are big and tasty, we recommend the jalapeno peppers. Even if you weren’t born before the ‘50s, you’ll have flashbacks. A DJ booth to boot. 3900 Overland Road, 208-336-2878. $ SU, .
ROOSTER’S EATERY— Located in historic Vista Village, Rooster’s offers fine lunch fare. If you’re in the mood for salad try the San Diego with their own creamy Q-min dressing. For a hot sandwich, try the tri tip melt. For a cold one, check out the albacore tuna. 930 S. Vista Ave., 208-339-9300. $-$$ . SHANGRI-LA TEA ROOM—With their own lines of herbal and organic teas and herbal medicines, Shangri-La Tea Room offers a basic menu of vegan and vegetarian offerings. Some items include five types of soup, pita sandwich and falafel sandwiches, curry and southwestern wraps, and one of the best organic salads in the valley according to customers. Teriyaki tofu, tea cakes, and cookies round out a variety of delightful items. On any given day, choose between 80-100 small batch, limited quantity teas produced on small tea farms. The owners pride themselves on knowing where their teas come from. 1800 W. Overland Road, 208-424-0273. $-$$ OM. SONO BANA—Boise’s oldest sushi joint can still hold its own against more stylish newcomers. Chef Yugi Hagino even offers ginger and adzuki bean ice cream. 303 N. Orchard St. $-$$ SU.
MORE WINTER BREWS Thanksgiving is still a week away, but the shelves are already filled with cold-weather, seasonal offerings. We’re seeing some new faces along with the usual suspects, at least new to me. So here’s the second installment in the winter brew saga, featuring one old favorite and a couple I’ve never tried before. ALASKAN WINTER ALE I’m not usually a fan of the tricked-up winter brew style, but the Alaskan, with its light addition of spruce tips, has always been an exception. This year’s version is a bit lighter in body and sweeter in taste than I remember previous incarnations being. Light biscuit and malt aromas mark this golden-hued brew. On the palate, it offers lots of candied orange and caramel with just a hint of hops and spruce. It’s definitely a worthy effort that should have a following. GOOSE ISLAND CHRISTMAS ALE, 2009 This Chicago entry is offered in the 22-ounce format, proving good things can come in large packages. They change the style every year, but the 2009 is a definite winner. The malt flavors are rich but not over done, and they are perfectly balanced by the right hit of bitter hops. There’s a nice, lightly sweet fruitiness throughout, with a pleasant hit of toast on the finish. Better buy a few—you’ll finish the bottle and will still be wanting more. WASATCH WINTERFEST This is from the Utah brewery that brought us Polygamy Porter, but it’s the first time I’ve had the Winterfest. This beer pours an opaque ebony with a nice creamy head. Its aromas are of soft malt and grain-laced hops, and it’s nicely balanced in the mouth with a lovely richness marked by smooth, resiny hops and toasted malt. It’s lightly carbonated, which makes it go down easily, and there’s just the right hint of sweetness on the finish. An impressive effort in an eminently drinkable ale. —David Kirkpatrick WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
STAN’S CHAR-BROILED HOT DOGS—New York hot dogs arrive fresh from the East Coast courtesy of Sahlen’s Smokehouse and are char-broiled to perfection by well-trained and friendly employees. Other menu selections include Italian, Polish or white hot Bockwurst sausages and quarter-pound or half-pound burgers. Add a deep-fried accompaniment such as Stan’s famous onion rings or fries. All the usual sides necessary for serving charbroiled meat are available in addition to a super-secret, coveted Bronco Sauce. The recipe for the sauce took years for Stan to pry out of the hands of a fellow hot dog purveyor. New York frozen custard in vanilla or chocolate is a delicious treat any time. 818 S. Vista Ave, 208-342-1199. $ SU. TANGO’S SUBS AND EMPANADAS—Empanadas: an exotic word that roughly translates to “to-die-for two-dollar treat.” At Tango’s you can get your empanadas traditional, fusion or sweet. 701 N. Orchard St., 208322-3090; delivery 1-866-996OM. 8624. $ WILLOWCREEK GRILL—Contemporary cuisine in a casual atmosphere and a fine place to dine with friends and family for lunch or dinner. The extensive menu features Northwest favorites such as salmon served up a little different in a fish and twigs option, (twigs are fries at Willowcreek). Choose from a selection of yummies like fried portobello sticks and a wide selection of burgers topped with treats like pastrami and Swiss. New to the mix is the addition of sushi in the sister establishment right next door at RAW Sushi. One kitchen serving something for everyone; it doesn’t get much better. 2273 S. Vista Ave., Ste. 150, 208-343-5544. $-$$ OM.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 37
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While sipping morning 50 ZIMMER LANE, HORSESHOE BEND coffee, the residents $450,000 of this home can watch 4 Bed/2.5 Bath herds of elk graze on the 2,237 Square Feet ReMax Capital City grassy hillsides that rise Kerrigan Kalange, 208-713-7420 just beyond the covered boiseidrealty.com MLS #98406027 patio. Ring-necked pheasants dart about the property, which is located on 36 acres of open range land regularly freckled with meandering cattle. Situated 22 miles north of Eagle and an hour’s drive from McCall, the two-story structure’s traditional facade hides a cozy, main great room that has vaulted tongue-and-groove ceilings and a bonus room above the garage with views of golden hills and blue sky. Textured glass cabinet door fronts on the built-in knotty alder hutch create a focal point for displaying colorful tableware in the informal breakfast area next to the kitchen. Privacy doors on the formal dining room allow it to be used as an office. Exterior doors in two of the bedrooms open to a small patio and hot tub. Anglers may hone their trout-catching skills on the Payette River three miles away. Throughout the area, trails for hiking and horseback riding abound, and a short ATV ride leads to the Boise National Forest. This 3-year-old residence is like a neighborhood home in a rural setting where services like cell phone, wireless Internet and satellite television are available. PROS: Horseshoe Bend hideout with hunting and fishing close by.
L I N E A D S - M O N D A Y, 1 0 A . M .
BW FOR RENT ALL AREAS - HOUSES FOR RENT. Browse thousands of rental listings with photos and maps. Advertise your rental home for FREE! Visit: http://www.RealRentals.com 7HJ 6G:6 Nice clean 2BD, 1BA duplex. 800 sq. ft. W/D includ. off street parking. I pay some util. $550/mo. $350 deposit. No smoking/pets. Mike 863-6855. 8A:6C! FJ>:I 6C9 E:68:;JA Convienient location in Mountain Home. Rent $350/mo. Mike 8702214. CDGI=L:HI 7D>H: Great floor plan. Plenty of upgrades, stainless steel appliances. Close to DT. Fully fenced backyard. Lg. master suite w/ soaker tub. Pets TBD. No smoking. 2 car grg. Call for move in special. Boise City Property Management 208-9060638 or Lesly 208-340-3845. IGDJ7A: ;>C9>C< 6 I:C6CI4 Introducing Equity Investor Properties! We are an aggressive, hands-on, FAST management company that offers services as small as just tenanting a property up to full service management. We are of the “do it now” philosophy and do NOT make our investors wait endlessly for new tenants or their money and statements! Fast tenant turnarounds as we answer our phone 7 days per week! Interested in finding out how we can help you get your rental property performing quickly? Call Heidi, Owner/Manager at 440-5997 equityinvestorproperties@gmail. com
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CONS: Sidestepping cow patties while hiking the open range.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
—Jennifer Hernandez
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With a better job and a degree. Evening, day and online classes start next month. Financial aid is available for those who qualify. Stevens-Henager College, Boise Branch, 800-716-5645 www.stevenshenager.info
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FOR SALE BW STUFF 7A68@ A:6I=:G HD;6 Moving - must sell 92 “ sofa. Purchased at RC Willey. I also have a coffee table and two end tables - oak and iron - that I would include for an additional $100. If interested in viewing, e-mail stomlin108@aol.com 8:G6B>8 IDE HIDK: ;DG H6A: Frigidaire Electric Range Oven E200/300: *Very good Condition but needs a good cleaning. Has a couple of stains on glass top. Use & Care Manual incld. MSRP: $500 Asking $250 OBO.Call 890-7274. ;>G:LDD9 Seasoned firewood for sale. 473-1212. A:6I=:G">H= GD8@:G$G:8A>C:G Roomy and comfortable recliner, perfect for football games, just $150. Looks like leather and is in very good condition. Must sell due to cross-country move. Call 343-8840 or 914-4669.
BW MASSAGE & ')$, 67HDAJI: B6H8JA>C: IDJ8= By Alex/RUSSIA. With outstanding knowledge of the man’s body. 409-2192. Hotel/Studio. CMMT. See big ad. 6B6I:JG B6HH6<: 7N :G>8 1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, spa/showers, 24/7. I travel. 8805772. massagebyeric.com. Male Only. Boise & Nampa studios.
6C<:A G:69:G
Psychic Medium: Available for large events, small gatherings & private readings. Call 208-323-2323.
BW HAVE IG69: 8DCHIGJ8I>DC ;DG 4444 I am a fully licensed, registered & insured framing, siding, and remodel contractor looking to trade labor for your unwanted items of value. E-mail a description of what you need done and what you have to trade. quickquality3@aol. com. Services available but not limited to: remodels, framing, siding, decks, fences, covered patios, tile, painting, roofing, gutter clean out, shops & shelves.
MIND, BODY, SPIRIT BW COUNSELING 6G: NDJ IG6CH;DGB>C<4 Support & guidance 4 your transformation. 541-272-6054.
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BOISE’S BEST! With Bodywork by Rose. 794-4789. www.roseshands.com 7G6C9 C:L >C 7D>H: Magic Spa. Massage & full body shampoo. 4322 Overland Rd, across from Pine Crest. Open 9am-10pm. Stop by!
These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society. www.idahohumanesociety.com 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508
8DB: :ME:G>:C8: B6HH6<: 7N H6B
Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/Eves/ Wknds.Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 866-2759. Deep Therapeutic Massage by Muscular Guy. 869-2766. =DJ HE6 Steam sauna & massage. Corner Overland & S. Orchard. Open 7 days a week, 9-10pm. 345-2430. B6HH6<: Bali Spa. 401 N. Orchard St. 3751332. Open 9am-10pm. Mention you saw it in the Boise Weekly for $20 Off! Massage Boise Hotels 869-8128.
MARTINI: 4-month-
APOLLO: 8-month-old CHAI: 8-month-old
old male. Extra toes on both front feet. Litterbox-trained. (K. 13 - #9120453)
male border collie mix. Smart and very trainable. (K. 322 #9058851)
male long haired Siamese mix. Large and playful kitten. (K. 21 - #8102040)
We’ve moved. Same great service, new location & freshly remodeled spa. Massage~Bath~Sauna. 1512 Broadway Ave. 908-9288. ULM 340-8377.
SPLOTCH: 1-year-old
MANDI: 7-year-old female Catahoula male Lab mix. Great leoplard dog/hound family potential. (K. mix. (K. 406 325 - #9065131) #8919401)
CHOWDER: 8-yearold chow chow/ Australian cattle dog mix. (K. 305 #8528445)
These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats.
www.simplycats.org 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177
MEMPHIS: I’m one of the most handsome marbled tabbies you’ll ever meet. Room 8.
SAMANTHA: I’m a sweet petite torti, looking to find a forever loving home. Room 8.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
RALPHIE: I love people and my heart hums when I get excited. Room 7.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 39
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NYT CROSSWORD | 1 Oriole, e.g., briefly 5 “Still waters run deep,” for example 10 Microwaves 14 Bygone Toyota model 19 Prefix with factor 20 Brand with a pyramid on the package 1
30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
Place on a bus Business card abbr. Boxful for Bowser Miss in Monterrey: Abbr. Bring in Alarm Architect Saarinen Confronting boldly
32 36
63 67
84 87
72 77
86 91
102 107
78 83
104 108
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
94 100
Singer Simon Tropical fruit seller? Tape holder Alley ___ Run down, in slang Collectible disks Singer India.___ Philadelphia’s historic Gloria ___ Church
25 28
39 40 44 47 48 49 52 53
shall be in cash or certified funds. Said sale may be subject to cancellation in the even the owner thereof satisfies all past due obligations related to the storage of such items. CDI>8: D; H6A: >#8# **"'(%+ PLEASE TAKE notice that on 11/30/2009, storage unit # 42, Verity Property Management shall sell the following described personal property in the manner described: Name: James Roundy, Susan Roundy and Doug Roundy, Address: 3345 N. Chatterton Way, Boise, ID 83713, Unit Location: 3097 N. Five Mile Rd. Boise, ID 83713, Garage #42. General Description: Large Desk, File Cabinet, Computer, CD’s, Snow Board, Saw Blade, Compressed Nitrogen Bottle, Work, Bench, Fishing Rod and Reel, Vanity Table and Chair and other misc. items. Said sale shall be conducted by live bid and all the contents of said unit shall be sold as single lot. All payments shall be in cash or certified funds. Said sale may be subject to cancellation in the even the owner thereof satisfies all past due obligations related to the storage of such items.
21 Verve 22 Person with a program 23 “O say can you see” or “Thru the perilous fight”? 25 Resident of a military installation? 27 Divine 28 Lace shade
Notice of Hearing on Name Change. Case No.: CV NC 0919083. A Petition to change the name of ZiYi Wang born 07/18/96 in Tie Ling, Liao Ning residing at 2041 W. Trestle Dr., Meridian, ID 83646, has been filed in Ada County District Court, Idaho. The name will change to Prince ZiYi Wang because he wants to have an English name. The child’s father is living; the child’s mother is living. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o’clock p.m. on Dec. 10, 2009, at the County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name changes. Date: Oct. 9, 2009. By Deputy Clerk: C. Barclay. Pub. Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18. CDI>8: D; =:6G>C< DC C6B: 8=6C<: Case no.: CV NC 0920021. A Petition to change the name of Lau-
ren Loyola Miller born 10-07-04 in Boise, ID residing at 13488 W. Hazelnut St, has been filed in Ada County District Court, Idaho. The name will change to Lauren Allyn Miller, mothers middle name. Child was Invitro & no father. The child’s mother is living. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 2:00 o’clock pm on December 29, 2009, at the County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court good reason against the name changes. Date: October 23, 1009. By Debra J. Urizar, Deputy Clerk. CDI>8: D; H6A:# >#8# **"'(%+ PLEASE TAKE notice that on 11/30/2009, storage unit # 29, Verity Property Management shall sell the following described personal property in the manner described: Name: Michelle Hannaman, Address: 3033 N. Five Mile Rd. #101, Boise, ID 83713. Unit Location: 3097 N. Five Mile Rd. Boise, ID 83713, Garage #29, General Description: Vacuum Cleaner, Moving Dolly, Unit Air Conditioner/Purifier, Mattress, White Side Table, Type Writer and other misc. items. Said sale shall be conducted by live bid and all the contents of said unit shall be sold as single lot. All payments
54 Singer Horne 55 Lacking serviceability 57 Poet Federico García ___ 59 Hair net 61 Place to get drunk in the kitchen? 63 About to get 64 A as in Austria 65 Original nuclear regulatory grp. 66 Craggy ridge 67 What overuse of a credit card might result in? 70 “That’s ___” (“It’s done”) 72 Seasons 73 Not so cool 74 Drains 76 Like, ’60s-style 78 Old brand in the shaving aisle 79 Toledo-to-Columbus dir. 80 “Casablanca” role 81 Cool 82 Put back on the market 84 Gentleman’s intransigent reply? 87 Means of identifying wood 90 Dry Champagne, e.g. 91 Horseshoer’s tool 95 Columnist Barrett 96 &&&& 98 This one, in Acapulco 99 Against 101 Latin 101 verb 102 Redheaded kid of old TV 103 “The Time Machine” race 104 More than the immediate future 105 Where nitpickers walk on a street? 108 Online beauty contest? 110 Obliterate 111 Nabisco product
112 Group with the 2002 hit “Girlfriend” 113 Isn’t straight 114 Cobbler’s supply 115 Seizes 116 Drug agent’s seizure 117 Handy ___
DOWN 1 Toward the stern 2 Poe poem 3 Beef Wellington, e.g. 4 Take up again, as a case 5 High points 6 Place for a rivulet 7 Porthos, to Aramis 8 Produce 9 Bygone Buick 10 Indian bovine 11 Part of many fancy dish names 12 Part of a book … or something to book 13 Scornful expression 14 Tallow ingredient 15 Blue Angels org. 16 Sci-fi weapon 17 Vacation place, often 18 Boulevard, e.g. 24 Impedes legally 26 Whip 29 Sent a message to shore, say 33 Guard 34 Heavy sheet inside a book’s cover 35 Away’s partner 37 ___ Motel 38 Home ___ 39 Pauses during speech: Var. 41 Had the upper hand 42 Score just before winning 43 Bit of fluff 44 Back-room cigar smokers, say 45 United charge 46 Back up
49 Object of a scurrilous attack, maybe 50 Like surveyors’ charts 51 Most withered 52 Makes flush 54 Cambodia’s ___ Nol 56 54-Down, e.g. 58 Goldsmith, for one 60 Crude transports 62 College world 65 Utterances around baby pictures 68 Moccasin decoration 69 Diner manager/ waitress in “Garfield” 70 Shirts and blouses 71 Rice ___ 75 “Je vous ___” 77 Gibson necessity 82 Most dilapidated 83 Muscly 84 Cara ___ (term of endearment) 85 Sherry-like wine 86 Takes out of the will, say 87 Basis of 85-Down L A S T
88 “Night of the Living Dead” director, 1968 89 From one end of a battery 92 Cartwright of “Make Room for Daddy” 93 Group of viruses 94 Trimmed 96 Quick 97 Subject of a museum in Yorba Linda, Calif. 99 One way to fly 100 Fidgety 102 Till compartment 103 Cause of star wars? 104 Hosp. staffers 106 Enzyme suffix 107 Wyo. neighbor 109 ___ hair Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply doublechecking your answers.
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| NOVEMBER 18â&#x20AC;&#x201C;24, 2009 | 41
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): “A chief event of life is the day in which we have encountered a mind that startled us,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. My wish for you, Aries, is that you will have many such days in the coming weeks. In fact, I hope that you will be blessed with the hair-raising thrill of having your imagination pricked, causing it to half-blossom, half-explode. To get the most out of the fantastic possibilities, set aside any tendency you might have to be a know-it-all, and instead open up your heart’s mind and your mind’s heart as wide and deep as they will go. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): In the beginning of his career, poet Linh Dinh loved to stay up late and write, sometimes riding a creative surge till dawn. The power of the darkness unleashed a stark fertility. He was free to think thoughts that were harder to invoke during the bright hours when hordes of wide-awake people were pouring their chattering thoughts out into the soup. Dinh’s habits changed as he aged, but his early imprint has stayed alive inside him. “Now I can write at any time of the day,” he says, “because I always carry the night inside of me.” In accordance with your astrological omens, Taurus, I’m making that your prescription for the coming week: Carry the night inside you during the day. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Mark, a friend of mine who lives in New Jersey, sent an overnight package via UPS to Jerry, a friend of his who lives 30 miles away in Pennsylvania. The delivery arrived on time, so Mark was happy with the service. But in checking the tracking information online, he discovered a curious thing: His package was loaded onto three different airplanes, passed through five different UPS offices, and eventually traveled over a thousand miles in order to arrive at Jerry’s house. I expect there’ll be a comparable scenario in your world, Gemini: A wish will be fulfilled by a very circuitous route. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Strictly speaking—going purely by the astrological omens—I conclude that you would generate amazing cosmic luck if you translated the Beatles song “Norwegian Wood” into Punjabi, wore shoes made of 18th-century velvet or tried out for a Turkish volleyball team. I doubt you’ll get it together to pull off those exotic feats, however, so I’ll also provide some second-best suggestions: Begin planning where and when you’ll take a sacred vacation in 2010; meditate on who among your current allies is most likely to help you expand your world
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | BOISEweekly
in the next 12 months; decide which of your four major goals is the least crucial to pursue; and do something dramatic to take yourself less seriously. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The most popular hobby in America—even more popular than owning guns and pressing lawsuits—is cultivating fears. From agonizing about being lonely to ramping up paranoia about pandemic illnesses to worrying about the collapse of the economy, my fellow citizens love to fret. Outside the United States, angst accumulation ranks almost as high on the list of pastimes. Luckily, you Leos are less likely to wallow than most of the other signs—especially these days. That’s why I hope you’ll take a leadership role in the coming weeks, when many people will be dipping even deeper than usual into the fetid trough of scaremongering. Please help dispel this trend! Be your most radiant and courageous self—even bigger and brighter than usual. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): An article in the Online Noetics Network profiled the work of Robert Muller, who served as assistant secretary-general of the United Nations. It said that Muller is “one of the best informed human beings on the planet,” with an “encyclopedic grasp of the facts concerning the state of the world.” And yet, Muller doesn’t keep up with the news as it’s reported in the media. Instead, he simply talks to people, either in person as he travels, or on the phone, or through written correspondence. These interactions provide him with all the understanding he needs. I recommend that you try Muller’s approach for a while, Virgo. Assume that you can get all the information you really need by gathering firsthand reports from people about what’s happening in their lives. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): I think it’s high time to mess with the tried and true formulas. In order to do the most good for the most people, and to regenerate a wounded and weak part of yourself, you simply must create some cracks in the way things have always been done. You must push beyond your overly safe limits. But wait! Before you plunge ahead, make sure you understand this: If you want to break the rules properly, you’ve got to study them and analyze them and learn them inside out. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “There’s nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly,” said philosopher Buckminster Fuller. I encourage you to make that your personal motto in the coming weeks, Scorpio. From what I can tell,
you are capable of generating a transformation that will look impossible to casual observers. You have the power to change something that everyone said would never change. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Have you resolved every last detail of your unfinished business? Have you tied up the loose ends, flushed out the lingering delusions and said your final goodbyes to the old ways and old days? “Yes,” you say? Well then, it is with a deep sense of pleasure and relief that I hereby unleash you. You are officially cleared for take-off into the wild blue yonder or the fizzy red vortex or the swirling green amazement, whichever you prefer. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “There is a saying that when the student is ready, the teacher appears,” writes Clarissa Pinkola Estes in her book Women Who Run with the Wolves. But the magic of that formula may not unfold with smooth simplicity, she says: “The teacher comes when the soul, not the ego, is ready. The teacher comes when the soul calls, and thank goodness—for the ego is never fully ready.” I’d love it if the information I just provided encouraged you to feel right at home with the jarring yet nurturing lessons that are on the way. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In the ancient Greek epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, the nature of the psyche was portrayed differently from the way it is today. People received information directly from the gods—not as vague feelings or abstract guesswork, but rather in the form of actual voices. In other words, divine beings spoke directly to human beings. These days, that’s regarded as crazy; witness the incredulous reactions that most smart people had when George W. Bush said God personally told him to invade Iraq. With that as subtext, I’m going to prophesy that a deity will soon have a message for you. Be careful, though. An imposter may also slip you tips that you’d best ignore. How to tell the difference? The real thing won’t make you feel inflated or urge you to cause harm. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In the coming week, keep a lookout for invisible snakes, pretend ghosts and illusory dragons. Be prepared to gaze upon gruff displays that are no threat to you and hints of fermenting chaos that will never materialize. In other words, Pisces, your subconscious mind may be prone to conjuring up problems that have little basis in reality. Fling them aside like a superhero brushing off toy monsters.
| NOVEMBER 18–24, 2009 | 43