CITIZEN RETURNS First up: Stephen Covey, success maker and extreme organizer FEATURE 11
MUSIC POLICE Musicians, venues and the enforcers of the beat BUSINESS 21-27
LAISSEZ-CARE BW’s new business section delves into higher ed, venture capital, greentech and more FOOD 39
CASANOVA PIZZERIA Now that’s amore
“When they sold the company ... they got nice bonuses, but I got zero. It is a horror story.”
2 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
BW STAFF PUBLISHER: Sally Freeman Sally@boiseweekly.com Office Manager: Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com EDITORIAL Editor: Rachael Daigle Rachael@boiseweekly.com Arts & Entertainment Editor: Amy Atkins Amy@boiseweekly.com Features Editor: Deanna Darr Deanna@boiseweekly.com Business Editor: Zach Hagadone Zach@boiseweekly.com News Editor: Nathaniel Hoffman Nathaniel@boiseweekly.com Staff Writer: Tara Morgan Tara@boiseweekly.com Calendar Guru: Josh Gross Josh@boiseweekly.com Listings: calendar@boiseweekly.com Proofreaders: Jay Vail, Annabel Armstrong Interns: Jennifer Spencer Contributing Writers: Jeff Barney, Bill Cope, Jennifer Hernandez, David Kirkpatrick, Ted Rall, Anne-Marije Rook, Lora Volkert, Jeremiah Robert Wierenga ADVERTISING Advertising Director: Lisa Ware Lisa@boiseweekly.com Account Executives: Meshel Miller, Meshel@boiseweekly.com Jessi Strong, Jessi@boiseweekly.com Justin Vipperman, Justin@boiseweekly.com Jill Weigel, Jill@boiseweekly.com CLASSIFIED SALES Classifieds@boiseweekly.com CREATIVE Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Leila@boiseweekly.com Graphic Designer: Adam Rosenlund Adam@boiseweekly.com Contributing Artists: Derf, Mike Flinn, Steve Klamm, Glenn Landberg, Jeremy Lanningham, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Joshua Roper, Tom Tomorrow CIRCULATION Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town: Stan Jackson Stan@boiseweekly.com Distribution: Tim Anders, Mike Baker, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Jennifer Hawkins, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Lars Lamb, Brian Murry, Amanda Noe, Northstar Cycle Couriers, Steve Pallsen, Patty Wade, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 30,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. SUBSCRIPTIONS: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. TO CONTACT US: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad Street, Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: info@boiseweekly.com www.boiseweekly.com Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701 The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2010 by Bar Bar, Inc. EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Thursday at noon before publication date. SALES DEADLINE: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher.
NOTE MIND ALL THE BUSINESS Just after Business Editor Zach Hagadone took his post at BW, a few staffers and myself sat around the newsroom and tossed out ideas on what to call our new monthly business section. We struggled with a name, and the more we struggled, the larger lead the humorous, though ultimately inappropriate, “None-Ya Business” began to take. As you’ll see when you turn to Page 21, “None-Ya Business” got the boot along with all the other bad ideas, and we went simply with “Business.” As tempting as the humor might have been, “None-Ya” implied exactly the opposite of our mission in this new section, which is to make business news your business. It’s not business news for the business industry. It’s business news for the bus driver, techie, stay-at-home mom, blogger, bank teller, flight attendant, trash collector, butcher, baker and candlestick maker. And, yes, the small business owner. “Business” is where you’ll find trend- and issue-based reporting written with Boise Weekly’s audience in mind. In this month’s edition, you’ll read a hyperlocal take on the rise of for-profit colleges in Boise that examines whether the degree is worth its cost, a cost that is often funded in part by federal dollars. Also taking center stage in this first edition of Business is the tech industry. From venture capitalism in the cleantech startup scene to the rise of tech incubators, sandboxes and accelerators, Hagadone pries open an industry that many believe is Idaho’s best hope for economic recovery. Sorry, governor, but it’s not animal husbandry. Send your thoughts, letters and tips on the new section to editor@boiseweekly.com, and while you’re at it, log on to Electionland, BW’s online voting guide created by the people, for the people. At Electionland, you can get primed for the primaries by asking any candidate any question in the contested state and Ada County races. Then we’ll do our best to get them to answer. Exercise your right to ask tough questions at electionland.boiseweekly.com. —Rachael Daigle
COVER ARTIST ARTIST: Grant Olsen TITLE: Constellation Series Cygnus (The Swan) #4 MEDIUM: Wool/wool blends ARTIST STATEMENT: This comes from a series of patches I have been working on as I build toward creating a woolen planetarium.
Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. BOISE WEEKLY IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER.
Boise Weekly pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. Square formats are preferred and all mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.
BOISEweekly | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | 3
WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world.
RESURRECTING THE MIXTAPE The RX is holding a mixtape contest—which you enter not on a cassette, but on a CD—in celebration of Record Store Day on Saturday, April 17. The perfect compilation wins a $50 gift certificate, a few Record Store Day special releases and a wristband to get into the exclusive Josh Ritter in-store that night. Details at Cobweb.
PAPER OR PLASTIC? A group of local convenience store owners is getting rowdy over credit card swipe fees, which they say have tripled in the last five years making plastic-based transactions the second most expensive cost of doing business behind labor. And guess what? As the consumer, they argue, you’re paying about $400 a year just to swipe your credit and debit card.
THE WORD FROM THE ROAD Check in with Finn Riggins at Tour Mode as the band makes its way up the East Coast. In a post dated April 9, the band shares a batch of videos shot in a rad old YMCA in Chattanooga, Tenn. And don’t forget, if you’re a local band and you’re hitting the road, contact BW A&E Editor Amy Atkins at amy@boiseweekly.com, and you can blog about your trip— completely unedited—at Tour Mode.
4 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
EDITOR’S NOTE 3 MAIL / MONDA GAGA 5 BILL COPE 6 TED RALL 7 NEWS The biz of private prisons 8 Healthcare: Allred vs. Otter 9 CITIZEN 10 FEATURE The music police 11 BW PICKS 16 FIND 17 8 DAYS OUT 18 BUSINESS Business meets education at for-profit universities 21 Hatching new tech ideas 24 Venture capitalism in the cleantech industry 25 Does localism work? 26 SUDOKU 29 NOISE A chat with Killola 31 MUSIC GUIDE 32 ARTS Reviews: BCT’s Namaste Man, Ballet Idaho’s All Italian Program 34 SCREEN The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo 35 MOVIE TIMES 36 REC The dangers of breaking the longest-flight record 37 FOOD Casanova Pizzeria 39 BEER GUZZLER 41 CLASSIFIEDS 42 HOME SWEET HOME 42 NYT CROSSWORD 44 FREEWILL ASTROLOGY 46
A BETTER APRIL FOOLS’ STORY Given the unease the last two years’ April Fools’ jokes in the BW have caused, here’s one that would have been better and well timed. Do a story about how Gov. [C.L. “Butch”] Otter and the Republican legislation care more about Idahoans than they do the Republican Party. —Brian Lind, Boise
—idahoYO2, boiseweekly.com on “Predator and Prey,” April 7, 2010
having an enormous amount of fun running for governor, I feel the May 25, 2010, primary will be a watershed moment in political history (not Idaho political history, but American political history). Just as television affected the 1962 presidential election between Kennedy and Nixon, I believe the Internet (Facebook, Twitter, e-mails, blogging, texting, etc.) will alter the outcome of many Idaho elections. Suddenly the playing field has been leveled. While I don’t expect to get more than a few votes
S U B M I T Letters must include writer’s full name, city of residence and contact information and must be 300 or fewer words. OPINION: Lengthier, in-depth opinions on local, national and international topics. E-mail editor@boiseweekly.com for guidelines. Submit letters to the editor via mail (523 Broad St., Boise, Idaho 83702) or e-mail (editor@boiseweekly.com). Letters and opinions may be edited for length or clarity. NOTICE: Ever y item of correspondence, whether mailed, e-mailed, commented on our Web site or Facebook page or left on our phone system’s voice-mail is fair game for MAIL unless specifically noted in the message.
myself, I do expect May 25, 2010, to be the new dawn of American political thought. Vote early and vote often. —Pete Peterson, Boise
HUNTING NOT THE ANSWER Re: “Predator and Prey” (BW, Feature, April 7, 2010): As an advocate for liberation of nonhuman animals from human interference, the most ethical, compassionate approach is to ban all human hunting and killing of free-living animals. All other strategies to “manage” populations are an excuse to perpetuate the senseless slaughter of living, feeling individuals. Thank you. Peace and love unto all beings. —Mark Wiesenfeld, Norfolk, Virginia
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FOOLISH KERFUFFLE Badger Bob digs into BW’s cemetery plot The whelps who put BW together have asked me to fill in for Cope again, seeing as how he’s madder’n a gunny sack full of tomcats over that April Fools story they ran two weeks ago. I been telling you Cope’s an idiot, haven’t I? He swallowed it. Hook, line and sinker. Even had a column all ready for print in which he called the people running Boise a bunch of conscience-deprived creeps. Never occurred to him that a report on how the city was selling the oldest cemeteries in town for ritzy condo space just might be a joke. He spent two days trying to get someone from the Mayor’s Office to return his calls, which was never going to happen as long as he was shrieking his fool head off into their answering machine. He’s lucky his ass didn’t get tossed in the county hoosegow. I don’t care who you are, you can’t threaten people that you’re coming over to their house to dig up their dead pets. When he found out it was all a joke, it got even worse. He calls me up and says, “Bob, I feel like I been sucker slugged right in the gut by those Boise Weekly brats! How could they make a joke about disinterring family members? How could they do that? Haven’t they ever lost anyone?” I says to him, “Cope! Grow the hell up! Who do you think you are, anyway, thinking you can tell people what they can make jokes about and what they can’t? And if you’d read the story carefully instead of piddle farting over it like some Internet surfer bum, you’d o’ known within a few paragraphs it was a joke. And now you got your indignation all in a wad because they pulled one over on you.” “No, no, that’s not it, Bob! They fooled me a little, yeah, and it took a while for me to catch on, but that’s not the point. It was disrespectful, what they did. It was disrespectful and tasteless and showed no sensitivity. How do you think those people felt who have loved ones buried in those cemeteries?” “First of all, maybe not everyone who read it was as gullible as you, dippy. And secondly who are you to talk? How do you suppose all those Sarah Palin fans feel every time you call her a skanky ditz? How do you suppose all those Glenn Beck fans feel every time you call him a snorting sack of rancid lard? How do you suppose all those teabaggers feel every time you call them rumbling scum? If you want respect, Cope, you got to show a bit of it yourself. Haven’t you ever learned that?” He went quiet, then he whispered into the phone all spooky like, “Et tu, Badger?” U Later on, he went down to the BW office and told everyone he couldn’t work with such a “irreverent lot of vacuous eloi”— his words, not mine—and threw his Boise Weekly bumper sticker on the floor like he thought it was going to smash or some-
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thing. If he doesn’t get all pissy and stomp out of somewhere at least once a year, his arteries clog up. But he’ll get over it. In the meantime, they asked me to fill his column space. So I thought this would be a good “learning opportunity,” as they say in the kindergarten trade, especially since Cope isn’t the only one whose boxers ended up in a clump over that cemetery story. BW got dozens of calls and comments and such, saying how cruel, offensive and irresponsible the joke was, and that they’d never, ever pick up the paper again. So then, citizens of Boise, what did we learn from this tiny tempest in a teapot? Do you suppose anyone learned that they ought not believe every goddamn thing they read? Don’t count on it. The reaction would be funnier than the joke if easily fooled folks weren’t getting snagged all the time and over bigger issues than some old graveyards in Idaho. Certain sorts are so convinced the government is out to screw them, they’ll believe any thing any lying sonofabitch says on the subject. For instance, how many of you Republican morons swallowed it—hook, line and sinker—when you read some Internet slop about President Barack Obama being a Muslim commy Anti-Christ who wasn’t even born in the United States and hates white people so much that he’s secretly plotting with all his fellow nazis to destroy America? (Hold on. I can answer that for you. Roughly a third of you Republican morons believe that.) But back to this cemetery joke. There will continue to be a few hysterics who won’t let it go. Outrage hoarders, I call ’em. For a while, they’ll continue to contact BW about what a bunch of insensitive jerks the staff is. But eventually, a fresh crop of outrage will pop up somewhere, and they’ll go hopping off down a whole new bunny trail. Yet the fact remains, none of them would have found anything to bitch about had they used both their eyes and their brains when they were reading the story. They soaked up the picky little details, and the absurdity of it all sailed right over their heads, that Boise officials would even consider selling off our most heritage-crammed cemeteries in secret. It’s like if I phoned you up and told you there was an alien spaceship from the Seventh Dimension hovering over your hot tub, and it’s sort of pretty with all those blinking lights and funny shapes, and ... oh yeah, I almost forgot why I called ... it abducted your kids two hours ago ... and the first thing you do is call the cops and demand they issue an Amber alert. Then you get mad at me when you find out you were fooled. Tell you what, folks ... you don’t have to think it was funny or even proper. But you do have to quit telling everyone else what they shouldn’t be laughing at. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
IT’S IMPERSONAL Anatomy of a corporate layoff NEW YORK—One year ago, I was fired. Not laid off—fired. Everyone knew there would be a bloodbath. Management tried to keep it secret. But we knew. When it came, I knew there was a good chance I’d be on the death list. It wasn’t rocket science: My boss didn’t like me. I worked three days a week for a company called United Media, which syndicates comic strips like “Dilbert” and “Peanuts” to newspapers. It is owned by E.W. Scripps, a media conglomerate based in Cincinnati. My title was editor of acquisitions and development. I recruited cartoonists and writers, worked with them to craft their features, then edited them after they launched. It was fun. It was also hard. On several occasions, I was pressed to do things I thought were unethical, things that screwed cartoonists and writers. As a cartoonist and writer myself, I refused. My reviews were mostly positive. But I was given two bits of negative feedback: I didn’t seem to care about forms. And I sided with the “talent” rather than the company. I began to suspect the axe was going to fall months earlier, when Lisa—my boss—dithered about, then refused to approve, my travel to the San Diego Comic-Con. Sure, times were tight, especially in the media business. But other execs were getting their travel approved. Lisa harassed me. She gave me impossible tasks with no chance of success, assigned me to menial tasks previously left to junior editors and insulted me during staff meetings. You’ve heard the euphemisms: Downsizing. Rightsizing. Me, I was part of a “reduction in force.” I had been fired from other jobs. They say getting laid off is better than being “fired
for cause.” You qualify for unemployment benefits. It looks better to future prospective employers. Getting laid off isn’t personal. True, if there’s anything worse than having to have a job, it’s losing one. Somehow, though, how they fire you matters. If there’s a moment that calls for honesty, it’s firing someone. If Lisa had said: “Ted, it’s like this: I don’t like you. I can’t work with someone I don’t like. I used to trust you and your judgment, I used to appreciate what you did, but I’ve changed my mind. It’s over. You’re fired. Go home,” I would still have had that hole-in-your-stomach feeling, but I would have respected her. Scripps is a cheap company. The previous year, a perfect evaluation earned a Scripps worker a 4 percent raise. Next came a pay freeze and a lie: a pledge not to lay anyone off. The severance offer was four weeks pay. I flipped through the lengthy severance document. Among the provisions: I could never work for another media company the rest of my life. If I’d signed it, writing this column would be a breach of contract. There was a deadline to sign. As it approached, Carol from HR e-mailed me. We talked by phone, and when I went into the office, I told her about the media company provision. Would they delete it? “It’s a reduction of force,” she replied. “We can’t change it.” “But a ‘reduction of force’ isn’t a legal term,” I said. “It doesn’t mean anything. You can delete that section if you want to.” She refused. “Don’t worry,” she said, “we wouldn’t enforce that part.” She seemed surprised I didn’t trust them. Six months later, Scripps bought the Travel Channel for $181 million.
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Citydesk found itself on a family visit to Phoenix this past week, reading the New Times and picking up on a familiar name: Arizona state Sen. Russell Pearce. He’s the man behind Arizona’s annual claim to the title of “State with the Harshest Immigration Laws in the Nation.â€? This year it is Pearce’s measure that allows police ofďŹ cers to arrest undocumented immigrants on trespassing charges, among several other xenophobic and bigoted new police powers. Phoenix New Times blogger Stephen Lemons calls Pearce “bigot boyâ€? on his blog, Feathered Bastard, posting pictures of him with neo-Nazis. Russell Pearce is also a cousin of Idaho Sen. Monty Pearce, who often cites his cousin’s experience in Arizona when trying to take the “harshest immigration lawâ€? title for Idaho. Well, if the Pearce family could just shift its thinking a tad, they’d ďŹ nd a much more interesting, productive and humane rivalry in tacos. That’s right, Arizona has got nothing on Idaho when it comes to tacos. We went to the New Times’ ofďŹ cial Best of Phoenix taco joint and found the place somewhat lacking, compared to Boise’s Best of Tacos, which last year were found at the Chilango’s truck, which—ironically or not—parks outside the Idaho State Capitol. Perhaps our superior tacos are indeed playing a role in staving off the more draconian anti-Latino legislation that Russell Pearce sends out to his family e-mail list each Christmas. But back in Boise, we didn’t miss much action. Primary election campaigns continue to pick up steam with candidates slowly checking in with BW’s Electionland site (electionland.boiseweekly.com), where readers can pose questions to candidates and vote on their answers. For example, you could ask the three Republicans running for lieutenant governor if they are Sarah Palin Republicans or not and then follow up with something like, “What the hell does a Sarah Palin Republican really stand for?â€? And BW business editor Zach Hagadone reported that Idaho c-store owners are demanding credit card processing fee reform: Charley Jones, co-owner of the state’s chain of Stinker Stores, and Pat Lewis, owner of Oasis Stop ‘N Go in Twin Falls, gathered with John Eichberger of the National Association of Convenience Stores to present U.S. Sen. Mike Crapo’s ofďŹ ce with a petition signed by more than 24,000 Idahoans urging reform of the nation’s interchange fee system—commonly referred to as “swipe fees.â€? Jones and Lewis contend that the fees, which are a ďŹ xed fee plus a percentage of the purchase price appended to every credit or debit card sale, are in a seemingly endless upswing and severely cutting revenues. “Much to our chagrin, we’re paying more in swipe fees than we are making in proďŹ t,â€? Lewis said. “It’s a wild animal that’s broken loose,â€? Jones added, keeping up the metaphor. “It’s not often as an Idaho businessman that I look to the federal government,â€? he said. But when faced with a “gorillaâ€? like the card companies, he added, there’s no choice but to go to “the bigger guyâ€?—Congress—for help. —Nathaniel Hoffman
PRIVATE POLICE POWERS Lawmakers concerned about lawsuit, violence at private prison NATHANIEL HOFFMAN Violent beatdowns at the privately run Idaho Correctional Center appear to have subsided in recent weeks, in the wake of a class-action lawsuit against the prison and shakeup of prison leadership, according to documents obtained by Boise Weekly. The prison reported 17 inmate-on-inmate assaults in January and 15 in February, according to a tally of incident reports ďŹ led with the Idaho Department of Correction. But there were only nine assaults reported in March and only four since warden Phillip Valdez and assistant warden Daniel Prado were replaced on March 17. A spokesman for Corrections Corporation of America, the Nashville, Tenn.-based company that manages ICC, Idaho’s largest prison, has repeatedly declined to comment on the situation at the prison, citing the lawsuit. But Idaho lawmakers are troubled by the levels of violence and accusations in the American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit that assaults at ICC were perpetrated with the full knowledge of—even collusion by—guards. “If those things actually happened at ICC, I was not aware of it and I don’t think anybody in the Legislature was aware of it,â€? said Republican Rep. Leon Smith of Twin Falls, cochairman of the House Judiciary Committee. “If it’s proven that they did those things, then they are going to pay big penalties.â€? Democratic Rep. Grant Burgoyne of Boise went even further, likening CCA to the actions of private military contractors in Iraq. “I believe that it is not appropriate, when it comes to the incarceration of people, that that be outsourced to a private contractor,â€? Burgoyne said. “There are certain core government services that should be carried out by government ofďŹ cials.â€? IDOC carried a bill through the Idaho Legislature earlier this year that gives IDOC Director Brent Reinke more authority to quell serious disturbances and riots at the privately run prison and to quell “affrays and insurrectionsâ€? as well. Several lawmakers noted the timing of the bill, which was introduced just before the ACLU lawsuit was ďŹ led, but a spokesman for IDOC said there was no connection. “Our intent with the new legislation is to give the director statutory authority to intervene and quell a serious disturbance,â€? said prisons spokesman Jeff Ray. “We can’t say what the legislative intent was when they
The entrance to the Idaho Correctional Center near Kuna, a state prison that is managed by the private, for-proďŹ t Corrections Corporation of America, which is embroiled in multiple prisoner lawsuits in Idaho.
used the word ‘affray.’â€? An affray is a ďŹ ght between two or more people in a public place. Monica Hopkins, executive director of the ACLU of Idaho, said that the bill is a step in the right direction, but does not affect the lawsuit. “I think IDOC has stepped up to the plate and they have known that something is going on out there, because the bill is bringing them into compliance with what the federal court will already tell them,â€? she said. The ACLU lawsuit details 23 serious assaults at ICC, going back to November 2006, all of which, the attorneys allege, were preventable. There were at least 43 inmate ďŹ ghts at ICC since Jan. 1 of this year, according to incident reports obtained by Boise Weekly through a public information request to IDOC. The Ada County Sheriff’s OfďŹ ce was called only four times for inmate battery investigations in that same time period, according to public information ofďŹ cer Andrea Dearden, though there were other investigations for drugs found at the prison and for an assault on two staff members. UĂŠ"Â˜ĂŠ >Â˜Â°ĂŠÂŁn]ĂŠĂƒÂ…iĂ€ÂˆvvÂ˝ĂƒĂŠ`iÂŤĂ•ĂŒÂˆiĂƒĂŠÂˆÂ˜Ă›iĂƒĂŒÂˆ}>ĂŒi`ĂŠ the severe beating of Hanni Elabed, who has ďŹ led a separate, $25 million claim against ICC and the state. The Ada County Prosecutor’s OfďŹ ce intends to ďŹ le charges against the inmate who beat him, according to Elabed’s brother. UĂŠ"Â˜ĂŠ >Â˜Â°ĂŠĂ“{]ĂŠÂŤĂ€ÂˆĂƒÂœÂ˜ĂŠÂœvwVˆ>Â?ĂƒĂŠV>Â?Â?i`ĂŠĂŒÂ…iĂŠ Sheriff’s OfďŹ ce, but deputies declined to investigate a battery report from a ďŹ ght that may have occurred three days prior. UĂŠ"Â˜ĂŠ >Â˜Â°ĂŠĂ“Ăˆ]ĂŠ`iÂŤĂ•ĂŒÂˆiĂƒĂŠÂˆÂ˜Ă›iĂƒĂŒÂˆ}>ĂŒi`ĂŠ>Â˜ĂŠ assault on two prison staff members and forwarded charges to the prosecutor. UĂŠ"Â˜ĂŠ >Ă€VÂ…ĂŠÂŁ]ĂŠ`iÂŤĂ•ĂŒÂˆiĂƒĂŠÂˆÂ˜Ă›iĂƒĂŒÂˆ}>ĂŒi`ĂŠ>ĂŠw}Â…ĂŒĂŠ with a weapon—described by prison ofďŹ cials as a “sharpened edged weaponâ€?—but the weapon was never recovered. UĂŠ ˜`ĂŠÂœÂ˜ĂŠ >Ă€V…Ê£ä]ĂŠ`iÂŤĂ•ĂŒÂˆiĂƒĂŠÂˆÂ˜Ă›iĂƒĂŒÂˆ}>ĂŒi`ĂŠ at least three ďŹ ghts that broke out in separate
areas of the prison simultaneously. Also since Jan. 1, ICC ofďŹ cials discovered marijuana four times, bags of homemade alcohol in a shower, meth and at least two shanks. Idaho Gov. C. L. “Butchâ€? Otter, through a spokesman, declined comment on the ACLU lawsuit, but his attorney, David Hensley, said Otter and IDOC are concerned about staff and prisoner safety at ICC, as at any prison. “This situation, like any previous situation, warrants our concern, and we’ve been looking at that,â€? Hensley said. Â˜ĂŠĂ“Ă¤Ă¤Ă‡ĂŠ>˜`ÊÓään]ĂŠ"ĂŒĂŒiĂ€ĂŠÂŤĂ€ÂœÂŤÂœĂƒi`ĂŠ>Â?Â?ÂœĂœÂˆÂ˜}ĂŠ more privately run prisons to be built in Idaho, but faced resistance from the Legislature, in part out of concern that out-of-state inmates would be housed here. Since the privatization LˆÂ?Â?ĂŠ`ˆi`ĂŠÂˆÂ˜ĂŠĂ“Ă¤Ă¤n]ĂŠ `>Â…ÂœÂ˝ĂƒĂŠÂŤĂ€ÂˆĂƒÂœÂ˜ĂŠLi`ĂŠĂƒÂ…ÂœĂ€ĂŒage has waned. Hundreds of inmates housed in other states have been returned to Idaho, some now housed in a new wing at ICC. Otter has not revived the idea of allowing privately owned and run lockups. “The governor has been looking at cost effective ways to address the trends and recently we have seen the trends either stagnant or, in the last few months, we’ve even seen a decrease,â€? Hensley said. But for Hanni Elabed’s family, the lack of transparency and public oversight at the private prison is inexcusable. Elabed’s older brother, Zahe Elabed, said guards put his brother in a cell with white supremacists despite threats against his Arab heritage, failed to notify his parents when he was left convulsing on the oor after being beaten against a wall and stomped more than 30 times, would not allow family visits or provide information on his condition over the phone and were rude. “I think they need to do away with it, I think it’s really unfair for any prisoner to be in there now,â€? Zahe Elabed said. “You have to be a gladiator to survive in there.â€? WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
TO SUE OR CREATE Allred calls for state to create its own heath-care plan, Otter backs suit DEANNA DARR Health-care reform is poised to get as much attention in the race for Idaho’s governor as it has on the national political scene. And here, too, candidates are taking some very different approaches. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Keith Allred believes that rather than ďŹ ling lawsuits with little chance of success, Idaho needs to work within the system to take back control. Allred announced his plan to tackle health care by creating a state-run system at a press conference on April 7. He called out Gov. C.L. “Butchâ€? Otter for dealing with the new federal law by immediately suing the federal government based on the premise that the law is unconstitutional. Litigation isn’t the answer, Allred said, adding that it won’t do anything to ďŹ x the problem. “I prefer ďŹ nding solutions,â€? Allred said. “I know we can do better than a federal judge.â€? This is the ďŹ rst time Allred—the likely Democratic nominee for the November general election and founder of independent think tank, the Common Interest—has spoken out about health-care reform. The delay, he said, was in an effort to wait to see what the federal legislation actually said. Understanding the legislation is something Allred said Otter didn’t do before turning straight to the lawsuit. While calls to Otter’s campaign were not returned by press time, he has publicly said that he believes a state-run plan would be just as bad and expensive as the federal plan, and he continues to support the lawsuit. Otter’s Republican primary opponent, Ada County Commissioner Sharon Ullman, released a statement that she supports rejecting the federal reform act, while opening up private insurance between states to promote more competition and lower premium prices. Instead of legal action, Allred points to waivers written into the law allowing for states to set up their own health-insurance systems, which will allow those states to opt out of various aspects of the federal plan. Those state plans have to be approved by federal regulators and must provide at least as much insurance coverage, be as affordable and cover as many people as the federal plan. Nor can state plans add to the federal deďŹ cit. If those qualiďŹ cations are met, states can avoid the mandate for all individuals to buy insurance, the penalty for employers who do not provide insurance, and being part of the health-insurance exchange, among others. Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden authored the amendment, allowing states to create their own plans and waive portions of the federal plan. He introduced a similar idea several years ago in his Healthy Americans Act. “It’s Sen. Wyden’s belief that what works WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
best in one state doesn’t necessarily work in another,â€? said Jennifer Hoelzer, Wyden’s communications director. “This is an amendment that really gives states room to innovate.â€? The amendment has been gaining attention in recent weeks, Hoelzer said, adding that it was intentionally kept quiet during the bill-writing process out of fear that it would be stripped from the ďŹ nal bill because of the controversy over the public option. As things stand, the bulk of health-care reform would not go into effect until 2014, with the state-plan amendment in 2017, although Hoelzer said talks are underway to move the start date up so states would not have to adopt a federal plan and then switch. Hoelzer said the amendment offers a more productive way for states to approach health care. “Rather than spend the time and energy suing the courts, why not use those resources to innovate something better?â€? she asked. While Allred doesn’t yet offer any specifics, he pointed to health-insurance exchanges set up by both Massachusetts and Utah as examples of states taking control of the issue. He said that under the amendment, an Idaho plan could have a state-run option that would compete with private insurers and give them incentive to keep costs down. Cost control needs to be the primary focus of any plan, Allred said. The state could also use federal funds to subsidize coverage for low-income residents. Allred said he believes that by making coverage more affordable, people will be willing to buy into the program, eliminating the need for the individual mandate to buy insurance. He also supports a voucher system allowing individuals to take the amount their employers contribute to their coverage and put it toward an individual plan in a healthinsurance exchange. Allred said he doesn’t believe his proposal would conict with the Health Freedom Act—recently passed by the state Legislature—and in fact strengthens the state’s control and reduces conict. While the waiver is years away, Allred said he would use the model created by the Common Interest, in which experts would create a policy brief, then Idahoans would be allowed to weigh in on the various aspects of the plan. Those areas receiving the most interest would become the priority. Ideally, Idaho could learn from work done by other states, but Allred said Idaho needs to be ready to take control as soon as possible. It’s a plan he calls a long-term, proactive approach to health care. “We can’t just throw more money at it,â€? he said.
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STEPHEN R. COVEY Highly Effective author on gravity, universality NATHANIEL HOFFMAN
It’s Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. What have you accomplished this morning? I’ve been “sharpening the saw.” I’ve been swimming and biking and briefly pondering the scriptures ... I’m working on getting a book out called 7 Habits of Highly Effective Parents. What will you recommend to parents? It’s more of a to-do book. To know and not to do is not to know. That’s the idea. So that parents need to come up with a description of what kind of parent they want to be and live by it so they have integrity. We have nine kids and 51 ... 52 grandkids. Were you a highly effective parent? Oh, I don’t know. It’s measured more by how they turn out. And all of ours turned out great. They’ve all got degrees, they’ve all been on missions and we’re trying to raise a mission-focused family so that all of our grandkids go on [LDS] missions—boys and girls. They learn selflessness, they learn self-discipline, they learn teamwork. And they also make a great contribution to other people’s lives. In what way? They show how God is no respecter of persons. He loves all his children and
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therefore he has a provision to teach about the redemptive power of Jesus Christ to every person whether they learn it here in mortality, or whether they learn it in the spirit world or whether they learn it during the millennium when the savior will be here. I taught this to President Bush just before he left [office]. He shook his head as I walked in the Oval Office, saying, “I don’t know how the other faiths and nations are going to hear about the redemptive power of Christ,” and he didn’t know about Peter’s teachings about the spirit world and how everyone will be able to, even though they are dead, their spirits go into a place where they can receive instruction. He didn’t know anything about the Millennium, how the savior will be here for a 1,000 years it will be a terrestrial state—it won’t be celestialized until after the Millennium. I’m not following all of this. What exactly did Bush not know that you taught him? He didn’t know about the spirit world and how everyone will have an opportunity to hear about the redemptive power of Christ. And he didn’t know about the terrestrial 1,000 year period ... I guess I’m a little surprised to hear you delve into so many religious topics. In my research for this interview I’d read that you teach “universal” principles. Is this lecturing on Mormon doctrine something new for you? Yeah, they are universal and they are also timeless. I can teach it in Buddhism. I can teach it in Hinduism. I can teach it anywhere in the world. I usually focus on universal and timeless principles and also how to marshal them in order to be more effective as a leader. Showing that leadership is moral authority, like Gandhi, father and founder of the largest
His book sat on my bookshelf for years but I never read it, and now I can’t find it, which violates three or four of Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. But after speaking with Covey, I’m not sure I’d be able to glean from the book what countless business executives the world over have gleaned, which is a path to spiritual leadership and secrets of a balanced and successful life. I just wanted to talk to him about his iPhone, but I ended up googling “celestialized.”
democracy in the world and never held a position. Also, had a great personal visit with Nelson Mandela and he got his moral authority in prison. Have you seen the movie Invictus? Yeah I did. How did your talks with Mandela and Bush compare? I didn’t go deeply into the plan of life and salvation with Nelson Mandela. I did with George Bush because he was interested in that, that’s the first question he asked. But Nelson Mandela, he was more interested in forgiveness and compassion and making reconciliation. I wanted to ask you about technology and being more effective at work, but since you brought up your religious beliefs, how do you separate your specific religion from what you call “universal principles” in your books? I focus almost entirely on universal and timeless principles like gravity. I try to show that values drive behavior but principles drive the consequences of behavior. I basically, focus more on universal and timeless principles of any culture, any religion, any faith, all around the world. I’m not going to be getting into Mormon doctrine [at Boise State]. Covey delivers the Vox Discipuli lecture on Thursday, April 15, 6:30 p.m., at the Morrison Center. Read more of his thoughts on technology, Wall Street, the knowledge age and chillaxin’ at boiseweekly.com.
ate last year, pop-culture vulture TMZ.com reported that Taylor Swift, performing rights organization BMI and a host of other plaintiffs were suing a North Idaho bar for playing Swift’s music without paying licensing rights. The number of plaintiffs listed in the suit rivaled a happy hour crowd—and included the names Warner and Sony, powerful media organizations with enough money to squash anyone who ignores the rules like a ripe cherry tomato. Across the Web, Swift supporters applauded the move and detractors wanted to know why the hell BMI was going after some small pub in Nowhereseville, Idaho, on Swift’s behalf. She was named Billboard magazine’s artist of the year for 2009, her 2006 debut album was in the Billboard 200 for 157 weeks—making it the longest-charting album of the decade— and the story of her impromptu tete a tete with Kanye West at last year’s Video Music Awards spread like a virus. Even President Barack Obama chimed in on West’s behavior toward the startled teen. At the very least, all of that attention translates into album and ticket sales and, at the very most, that translates into money cha-chinging into her bank account. But that’s not the point. Like the answer so many plaintiffs give Judge Judy when she asks why they’re suing their cousins for unpaid cell phone bills: “It’s the principle.” It’s that idea of principle behind the service performing rights organizations, or PROs, offer. PROs collect royalties on songs— whenever they are played or performed—and distribute them to performers, authors and composers, from Taylor Swift to some songwriter named Taylor living in the middle of Iowa. Arguing against PROs sounds like an argument against the rights of musicians. Arguing for them, however, sounds like a strike against the venues, often small, that pay PROs for the rights to play music. It’s a complicated issue with venues on one side, PROs on the other and musicians kind of in the middle.
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Each country typically has one PRO. The United States has three: ASCAP, BMI and SESAC. PROs collect money from any public venue that plays music registered with them and pays royalties to the songwriter, publisher or performer of that music. SESAC is arguably the smallest and least known of the three, but in recent years, has worked at becoming a larger player in the licensing game. SESAC, which stands for Society of European Stage Authors and Composers, was initially established in 1930 to help “European publishers with their American performance royalties.” Headquartered in Nashville, Tenn., SESAC has grown tremendously in its 80-year history and now has offices in New York, California, Florida and Georgia. But, according to Bill Lee, SESAC’s head of licensing, the PRO has consciously chosen to stay smaller so that it can offer more personal attention to its thousands of affiliates—the preferred term for performers, authors and publishers, who include Bob Dylan, Neil Diamond, Rush, MGMT and the Avett Brothers. While its smaller size and personal attention may set it apart from ASCAP and BMI, Lee explained that one thing sets the PROs apart from each other: A songwriter or performer can only join one organization.
“It’s a free-market kind of situation, so the copyright owner or songwriter decides, ‘I think this company will represent my interests best.’ When they do so, the songs that they represent become the repertory of that PRO,” Lee said. “And those decisions drive the repertory for that organization.” They also drive the decisions a venue or bar makes on which PRO to license music from, which is really no decision at all. If a bar or restaurant owner, for instance, wants to offer live musical entertainment—or, for a slightly lesser charge, recorded music—to its patrons, it has to pay for that or face possible litigation. Period. The owner can choose only to license music from ASCAP, inarguably the largest of the three PROs, but would have to make sure that only music from ASCAP’s catalog is ever played or performed. “That’s the key difference,” Lee said. “What happens is that since the PROs represent different songwriters, they represent different catalogs. So most music users deal with all three PROs because by doing so, they then have authorization to utilize all the copyrighted music basically throughout the world. Because while ASCAP, BMI and SESAC only license in the United States, each of us have agreements with all the foreign
SESAC’s Bill Lee is happy to offer a lesson in licensing.
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societies so we actually license their performances in the United States. So a license with all three, [allows a venue] to use virtually all copyrighted music.” All three PROs offer any venue that wants to play music a license. “It’s like a library card,” Lee said. “You can use as much or as little of the repertory as you want, and you don’t have to keep records of it. By having a blanket license, a band can come in [to a venue] and play any song that they want and it’s covered.” Without these blanket licenses, the venue—whether it’s a bar, a restaurant or an ice skating rink—is open to lawsuits brought about by PROs on behalf of their affiliates in the name of copyright law infringement. Under copyright law, anybody who performs music needs permission prior to playing or performing that music, unless it is considered public domain. But chances are very good that any music currently bumping through a popular nighttime venue is not in the public domain. Under the copyright law, listed in Title 17 of the United States Code, works created after Jan. 1, 1978, are protected for the life of the longest surviving author plus 70 years, meaning the earliest they could go into the public domain is the year 2048. Works registered before Jan. 1, 1978, are protected for 95 years from the date the copyright was secured. And anything registered before Jan. 1, 1923, is now in the public domain. So if a venue owner wants to plan his or her playlist around songs like
1902’s “Bill Bailey, Won’t You Please Come Home” or 1913’s “Danny Boy,” there’s no need for a blanket license. That might work well at a senior dance, but it isn’t going to fly at a hip nightclub. So those venue owners buy the licenses. Rocci Johnson, co-owner of Humpin’ Hannah’s—a Boise institution for three decades and frontwoman for Hannah’s longtime house band, the Rocci Johnson Band—purchases blanket licenses from all three PROs for a cost of about $5,000 annually. Hannah’s is only open four nights a week now, but back in the ’80s, the place was jumping with live music every day but Sunday. And back in the ’80s, their licensing fees cost them closer to $30,000 a year. “We are charged based on the amount of time that we could be open and utilize music. Like, we open at 3 p.m. and during that time, we have background music,” Johnson explained. “All of the time we are potentially open, we have to pay for the rights to music. Even if we have the radio playing, any kind of background music that is copyrighted, we have to pay for it.” Even karaoke.
The algorithms that PROs use to determine how much to charge is, in part, what makes some venue owners so angry. “They charge for occupancy and for number of seats. Then they qualify that by the number of bar stools and other types of seating,” Johnson said. “Then they have categories of live music. Karaoke is a different charge and a DJ is a different charge.” Since the Rocci Johnson Band is almost exclusively a cover band, not licensing music from all three PROs would be legal suicide. “We do everything above board,” Johnson said. “We’re so high profile, we don’t want to be caught with our pants down. We’ve been in business for 31 years and it’s better to do things the right way.” Hannah’s did at one point try to talk to the PROs to see about lowering their fees but didn’t get anywhere. “It was like they really don’t give a shit,” Johnson said. “They just stonewalled and told us what they would do to us litigiously if we didn’t pay. Do we really want to get caught up in litigation?” And litigation may come from all three
directions. When a bar owner brings in a band, he or she probably doesn’t know exactly what music they will perform. They may be known for their originals, but slip in a cover of Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” (ASCAP), Bob Dylan’s “Blowin’ In The Wind” (SESAC) or Lady Gaga’s “Poker Face” (BMI) at the end of the night. By paying for a license from all three PROs, the venue is protected, strange as it sounds, from those performers. Those licenses also cover jukeboxes, digital music services, Muzak, satellite radio, DJs, karaoke and even a business owner’s personal CD collection if he or she chooses to play it during business hours. Kevin Settles, who owns Bardenay, won’t allow his employees to play any of their own music in his establishments. He also won’t let any band who plays at his Eagle location to play cover songs. “We’ve never had live music [at Bardenay] downtown. But in Eagle, Wednesday nights were a little slow and the co-manager out there loved music and asked if we could please have some live music,” Settles said. So they started booking bands to play on the patio. And Wednesday night traffic started to pick up. And that caught the attention of ASCAP. “We got a bill for $8,000. That’s when I said we’re done,” Settles said. And then BMI started calling. “They were calling continually and threat-
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Cameron Rafati: “If I keep licensing songs to movies, I will be able to replace that old wheelbarrow.”
ening to sue us. I finally had my attorney send them a notice saying that they had to prove we weren’t complying with the law,” Settles said. “I told them, ‘You come down and sit on my patio and if you catch a musician playing a song they’re not supposed to play, then we can sit down and talk.” So Settles had to decide whether to have live music at all; he couldn’t justify paying $8,000 for a license—and that was just to one PRO. So Settles worked up a contract that local musicians are required to sign before they can play guaranteeing all of their music is original, and they don’t take requests from customers. Settles makes it very clear to musicians who want to perform on Bardenay’s patio: If you can’t play all original music, you can’t play here. Bardenay does have background music playing inside both of his venues, and he pays for Muzak, which has already been licensed by the PROs. “Music isn’t really our thing,” Settles said. “If we were a regular nightclub, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. But we’re not.” Jerry Bailey, the senior director of media relations for BMI, which stands for Broadcast Music Inc., said that he hears a similar argument from venues all of the time. Bailey said that what BMI does by charging licensing fees and/or contacting venues that play copyrighted music but refuse to pay for it, is make sure copyright owners get what’s due to them. Though a monolith with 6.5 million works in its repertoire from 400,000 copyright owners, BMI is a not-for-profit agency. “For every dollar we get, 88 cents of that goes to the copyright owners,” Bailey said. “We run on only 12 percent.” BMI uses a standard set of formulas and the fire-code regulated occupancy number of a place to determine what a venue’s fee should be, treating “all businesses of the same class and category in a like man-
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ner.” That means that Bar X with 600-seat capacity and Bar Y with 100-seat capacity both fill out the same form and answer the same questions when they apply for a license. Along with charging based on the kinds of music a venue may offer, venues of the same type are treated the same way and are charged based on what fire code says is their maximum occupancy. “A BMI license runs between $600 and $9,000 annually,” Bailey said. But $9,000 can be a big chunk of change for a venue that is struggling. So some choose not to pay and hope they aren’t found out. But PROs have a reputation for using covert practices to try and catch those venues. “Someone will call posing as a customer and say, ‘Hey, what’s going on down there tonight?’ We’ve trained our staff to tell [those callers] everything that’s going on,” Johnson said. “Then, at the end of the conversation, they’ll say, ‘This is so-and-so from BMI.’ So by the end of the conversation, you know you’re busted.” PROs don’t just rely on hopefully tripping up a savvy server. They look to venue patrons to help them ferret out non-payers as well. “The Internet is wonderful,” Lee said. “Most users, most bars, most restaurants, advertise that they will have music. We find out a lot about music usage from the Internet and from newspapers. You go to the entertainment section in a local paper and see what bands are playing at what bars.” SESAC also has what it calls “licensing consultants” all across the United States, functioning like freelance field agents. They work from home and usually cover particular regions, areas near their homes that they’re familiar with. A state with a denser population, like California, will have more field agents than, say, Wyoming. Those consultants spend their time e-mailing, calling and, on occasion, visiting venues WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
that play music, making sure those venues are paying for the rights to use anything in SESAC’s catalog. PROs employ a more high-tech method of determining royalties from radio play to determine what amount stations have to pay. SESAC uses “survey systems” like Broadcast Data Systems to keep tabs on what radio stations are broadcasting. BDS monitors about 1,400 radio stations 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They use “digital fingerprint technology” to report back to SESAC on all of the songs a station has played. The information is then used to determine how much to pay, say, a writer whose song is climbing up the charts and in a radio station’s rotation. BMI owns the technology that runs Shazam, a music identification program. If you’ve ever seen an iPhone user hold his or her phone up to a speaker somewhere, and then say, “I knew it!” you’ve probably seen him or her using Shazam. BMI has a big building down near its Nashville, Tenn., office with banks of screens on the walls showing when a song is being played on the radio. BMI has digital “listening stations” in large markets across the country (they license approximately 10,000 radio stations). If a station plays a song in BMI’s catalog, the writer or performer of that song is going to get a check. Even if he or she is not a well-known performer but happens to get a song on the air. Local musician Jeremy Jensen joined ASCAP—the American Society of Com-
posers, Authors and Publishers—about 18 months ago. His band, the Very Most, has seen some moderate success with their music. They’ve made a couple of charming music videos and recently completed a four-EP deal with Indiecater Records out of Ireland and even performed there. They received positive reviews and are starting to get some attention. So he joined ASCAP. It was a simple process: he went online, paid a fee of around $30—ASCAP charges a $75 processing fee for mailed applications—and in a few weeks, received a membership card in the mail. Jensen’s reasoning for joining was not so much about money. He felt being a member of a PRO offered some cachet. “You get the sense, when you’re investigating how to take your music career further, that you’re not anyone if you’re not a member of one of these organizations,” he said. “I guess it’s like a token of your professionalism to some extent. If you were to tell someone that was seriously considering using some of your music in a commercial for example, and you were to tell them that you weren’t a member of any of these organizations, they would probably think, ‘Oh. You must be really new at this,’ or something like that.” Not long after joining, however, Jensen felt that the benefits from belonging to a PRO didn’t outweigh the injustices. “I just heard so many horrible things about what they do to venues,” he said. “I hadn’t really gotten much benefit out of it,
and I didn’t really want to be affiliated with these people that are making the world a worse place to live in. And I’m not really getting huge royalty checks anyway,” he said. To the best of his recollection, he has received a total of $15. So on principle, Jensen went back to ASCAP’s Web site and tried to un-join, but couldn’t find that option anywhere. “They’re kind of like the mafia,” Jensen said. “They won’t accept your resignation.” That, in a way, confirmed what Jensen feels is the biggest problem with PROs. From something as simple as not offering an opt-out button on the Web site to “strongarm tactics” he believes PROs use to collect fees when a venue chooses not to purchase a blanket license, he feels they are contributing to “making the world a worse place to live in.” He thinks the big guys could do more to help the little guys succeed. Jensen doesn’t object to PROs trying to make sure performers get paid, of course, but he thinks suing a venue is a lose/lose proposition. “I think it could more easily go by something like a percentage of profits maybe. Why go after a venue who’s not making any money and put them out of business?” Jensen said. Salt Lake City-based musician Cameron Rafati sees Jensen’s argument a little differently. But he can afford to. Almost from the minute Rafati left the profitable world of commercial real estate a few years ago to pursue music full time,
he made a conscious decision to approach his music—and himself as a musician—as a commodity. Joining ASCAP was a no-brainer for him. Like Jensen, he joined to help his credibility, but also to guarantee that he would get paid if his music was played somewhere. And he made sure his music was played. Shortly after releasing his selftitled debut, Rafati started pounding the pavement looking for avenues to license his songs for television and movies (areas where PROs charge much more for rights). Joining a PRO was an insurance policy for Rafati that he’d get paid if someone did pick up his music. Someone did. Rafati’s song “Battles,” off of his 2009 debut, was recently licensed for use in the new Tyler Perry movie, Why Did I Get Married Too?, which stars Janet Jackson and is now in theaters. But Rafati is the exception to the rule. The case against the bar in North Idaho is still pending. Court documents show that the owner of the bar is choosing to represent himself, but with 23 plaintiffs listed—including Taylor Allison Swift—that may not be the smartest course of action. It may seem like a strike against the little guy, but it’s really a double-edged sword. Put simply, some venues say they are getting priced out of existence by licensing fees. If there aren’t any venues, then there’s nowhere for a musician’s music to be played. But if the venues don’t pay those licensing fees, the musician doesn’t get paid. Not even Taylor Swift.
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BOISEvisitWEEKLY PICKS boiseweekly.com for more events
Whose chin have your boots been under?
Stand up against sexual assault, no butts about it.
rally DENIM DAY: RALLY FOR RESPECT Move over iron underoos, according to the Supreme Court of Appeals in Rome, jeans are the new chastity belt. In 1999, Italy’s highest court overturned a 45-year-old driving instructor’s rape conviction on the grounds that his 18-year-old victim was wearing jeans. Jeans, you ask? According to defense lawyers, the victim must have given consent, otherwise her tight jeans couldn’t have been removed. In protest, women in the Italian Parliament wore jeans to show solidarity. “This case really spurred a lot of action throughout the world. Denim is a symbol because of the case, but we hear it all the time, ‘Well, she drank too much’ or ‘She shouldn’t have been walking alone’ or ‘She was asking for it because she was really friendly,’” said Kathryn Johnson, communications director at Women’s and Children’s Alliance. “Victim blaming just should not exist.” Now, as a part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month, a coalition of local groups—the WCA, Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence, Boise State Women’s Center, Boise State Gender Rights Network, Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, Idaho Women’s Network, Family Advocacy Center and Education Services, Ada County Victim Witness Coordinators and the Boise Police Victim Witness Coordinators—will throw on jeans and gather on the south steps of the Idaho Capitol to raise awareness of sexual assault in the community. According to Boise Police Department records, 66 rapes and 95 sexual assaults were documented in 2009 alone. And that doesn’t count the victims who never spoke up. “We’re targeting employers, letting them know that maybe they should encourage their employees to come down and hear because they might have been a victim like this before, where they didn’t say anything because they were afraid of victim blaming,” said Johnson. “That’s the message: victim blaming is a problem in these cases, judicially and socially. We’re trying to end that.” Noon-1 p.m., FREE, south steps of the Idaho Capitol, 208-343-3688, denimdayusa.org.
THUR.-FRIDAY APRIL 15-16 lit MFA READING SERIES In the past, the Boise State MFA Reading Series has brought lit luminaries like Jesus Son author Denis John-
son and Bright Lights, Big City writer Jay McInerney to the City of Trees. On Friday, April 16, Canadian poet Lisa Robertson will join their ranks. The author of nine books of poetry, including 2001’s The Weather, 2004’s Occasional Work and 7 Walks from the Office for Soft Architecture and most recently, 2010’s R’s Boat, Robertson heads
16 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
to the Boise State Student Union Lookout Room for a special reading at 7:30 p.m. But before Robertson takes the stage, the Boise State MFA Reading Series will also bring another guest—lit agency prez Wendy Weil—on Thursday, April 15, to the Student Union Building’s Simplot Ballroom C. Weil established the Wendy Weil Agency Inc.
Idaho Dance Theatre is giving our collective wallets a little breather. On Thursday, April 15, IDT is offering Economic Stimulus Night, a pay-what-you-can preview night of the spring production, Motion Pictures. A full-price version of the performance also runs April 16-18. “It’s a no frills kind of show. We know a lot of people are having a tough time,” said Becky Breshears, managing director of IDT. This night of family friendly entertainment consists of both education on modern dance and four performances, featuring two brand new pieces. Coartistic director Carl Rowe’s “1 OH 1” is all about movement, said Breshears. “He just wanted to play with dancer’s bodies to see what they can do,” she said. Guest choreographer and veteran IDT performer Yurek Hansen will present a piece that deals with the untimely loss of a loved one. Dancers and choreographers will be available after the show for questions and explanations of their work. Since 1990, IDT has provided education to the community, including touring to rural areas of the state and the Northwest. IDT provides master classes and workshops at Boise State as well as outreach to at-risk members of the Treasure Valley. Economic Stimulus Night offers the community an opportunity to contribute to a local non-profit and take in a little culture without breaking the bank. Thursday, April 15, 7 p.m.; Friday, April 16-Saturday, April 17, 8 p.m.; Sunday, April 18, 2 p.m.; $14-$28, Boise State SPEC, 1880 University Dr., 208-331-9592, idahodancetheatre.org.
in 1987 in New York City and represents local legends like Anthony Doerr and Mitch Wieland, as well as NPR darling Sarah Vowell. Both events are free and open to the public. Thursday, April 15, FREE, Simplot Ballroom C, 1910 University Dr. Friday, April 16, Lookout Room, 1910 University Dr., boisestate.edu/ english/mfa.
SATURDAY APRIL 17 mayhem TRANNY ROADSHOW When fiddle-playing
zine-afficionado Jamez Terry and two-stepping organizer Kelly Shortandqueer began to formulate ideas for a traveling variety act in 2004, they agreed on the following goals: “to make transgender issues more fun and less intellectual, build bridges between marginalized communities and concentrate on transpeople without focusing solely on their genders.” The two amassed an array of selfidentified transpeople—singers, filmmakers, puppeteers, dancers, writers, jugglers—to create the Tranny Roadshow, a performance group that aims to be equal parts engrossing and educational. The Tranny Roadshow
swings through Boise for the first time for a one-night-only performance at the LGBTQfriendly Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. One of the bill’s many eclectic performers is Adelaide Windsome—or Geppetta—a multimedia performance artist and puppeteer who’s inspired by “classic fables and myths, occult symbolism, street art and surrealism.” Geppetta will be joined by other artists like Nathen Wurzel, a juggler, street performer and selfdescribed gender abolitionist; StormMiguel Florez, a Mexican American singer/ songwriter and live tranny sex show producer; and Shawna WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
The Grammy-nominated Enso String Quartet raises the roof.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar strikes a pose. Or is he meditating?
music part one ENSO STRING QUARTET Get your classical groove on with the final Boise Chamber Music Series performance featuring the Grammy-nominated Enso String Quartet. Formed at Yale University in 1999, the group’s career was launched when it won the Concert Artists Guild International Competition at the Banff International String Quartet Competition. The quartet’s most recent album, 2009’s Ginastera, was nominated for a Grammy for Best Chamber Music Performance. The term “enso” is from the Japanese Zen painting of a circle, representing chaos, perfection, imperfection and life. The performance will feature Bela Bartok’s 1927 “Fourth String Quartet,” Ignaz Joseph Pleyel’s “G minor String Quartet” from Op. 2 and Felix Mendelssohn’s “Quartet in A minor, Op. 13.” Mendelssohn’s “Quartet” is famously known as a musical response to Beethoven’s death in 1827. If one night of instrumental bliss isn’t enough, catch the fifth-annual Boise Chamber Music Series Young Artist String Quartet competitions on Saturday, April 17, at 9 a.m. in the Morrison Center Recital Hall. The event features performers from Meridian High School, College of Idaho and Boise State. The Enso Quartet will serve as judges. 7:30 p.m., $20-$25, Morrison Center Recital Hall, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, 208-426-1216, boisechambermusicseries.org.
Virago, songwriter, activist and director of the country’s first transgender film festival, Tranny Fest. If you’ve always wanted to rub elbows with a tranny sex show producer and puppeteer who creates eerie dolls from unwanted sofas, see the Tranny Roadshow. Doors at 6:15 p.m., $10, Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 6200 Garrett St., trannyroadshow.com.
SUNDAY APRIL 18 music part two GOING FOR BAROQUE Following March’s sold-out
“All Mozart” performance, Boise Baroque Orchestra gets a Handel on its final show of the season with A Celebration of Baroque Vocal Music. “BBO’s season finale is unlike anything the orchestra has previously performed,” said Daniel Stern, BBO music director. “The programming of this concert is unique because we have selected a number of smaller gems from the Baroque period.” Baroque music, a style developed in 16th century Europe, gave birth to opera, sonatas and concertos. Stern said music from the Baroque period functioned as an important aspect of religious services. “Much of the Baroque repertory is vocal music.
SUNDAY APRIL 18 om AN EVENING OF WISDOM AND MEDITATION WITH SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR One played with the Beatles; one may become a beetle in the next life. It was a celebrity feud of sorts in the early 1990s when the famous sitar player Ravi Shankar and the bushy bearded spiritual leader of the same name butted heads. Followers of the Indian meditation guide granted him the double honorific title “Sri Sri,” ending the moniker debacle. Now Sri Sri Ravi Shankar brings his philosophy on relationships and health and famed breathing techniques to Boise in An Evening of Wisdom and Meditation. The Nobel Peace Prize-nominated Shankar founded the Art of Living Foundation and the International Association for Human Values, two of the biggest volunteer-run humanitarian nonprofits in the world. After Sept. 11, 2001, the foundation offered New York City residents free stress-reduction courses. Shankar has founded a dozen organizations involved in fields such as science, agriculture and performance art that promote world peace and mind and body connection. If you are 18 or older, explore your mind/body connection (in a non-creepy way, of course) at the Boise Centre. Purchase tickets online at events.artofliving. org/boise or at A Novel Adventure Bookstore at 906 W. Main St. Hurry, tickets are going like mango lassis on a hot day. 6 p.m., $25-$100, Boise Centre, events.artofliving.org.
During this period, new music was expected each week for religious services, so Bach and Handel wrote hundreds of cantatas,” said Stern. The program features music by Handel, Vivaldi’s “Gloria” and Bach’s “Cantata No. 202” or “Wedding Cantata” sung by soprano Elizabeth Ashantiva. “The piece is played at weddings ’til this day,” said Stern. BBO dabbles in Handel’s religious leanings with “I Feel a Deity Within … Arm, Arm
Like many reporters, I am intimately familiar with the board of fare at my local convenience store. I’ve eaten oily burritos, wizened wieners and untold cups o’ noodles— chicken, beef, yakisoba, “shrimp,” you name it. I thought I’d seen it all until a colleague turned me on to Maruchan Cheddar Cheese Instant Lunch. Her sales pitch was less than appetizing: “It’s this electric orange color that absolutely does not occur in nature,” she said. “The ‘cheese’ powder is clumpy even after you put water on it, and I’m pretty sure it’s nothing but MSG. It is sooo good.” I was skeptical, to say the least, but when I came to work and found a cup o’ the cheddar on my desk—with the words “Don’t judge me” written onto the plastic wrapping—I knew I had to try it. Nuked and simmering under its paper lid, Maruchan Cheddar smells like boiled Doritos. The color is indeed an other-worldly orange, several shades deeper even than John Boehner’s tan. Flecks of some unknown spice bob among the noodles which, in an “exotic” break with other varieties in the cup o’ universe, are flat. The taste of Maruchan Cheddar isn’t experienced on the tongue so much as felt in the adenoids. It heats and flips the stomach like a shot of cheap bourbon, but you won’t be hungry for the rest of the day. —Zach Hagadone
Ye Brave” featuring baritone Jason Detweiler. Vivaldi’s “Gloria,” one of the best-known Baroque vocal pieces, will feature two female soloists and a 20-person ensemble from the Boise Master Chorale. Take a step Bach in time with the Boise Baroque. 2 p.m., $14-$18, First United Methodist Church/ Cathedral of the Rockies, 717 N. 11th St., 208-343-7511, boisebaroque.com.
an event by e-mail to calendar@boiseweekly.com. Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.
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8 DAYS OUT WEDNESDAY APRIL 14 On Stage MINERVA JAYNE’S SAINTS AND SINNERS—Minerva, Selena, Godiva and special guest Victoria woo and wow the crowd with glitzy performances of lip-syncing stardom. Sin is a 21-and-older venue. 8-10 p.m. $2. Sin, 1124 W. Front St. 208342-3375, www.sinboise.com. NAMASTE MAN— Andrew Weems’ autobiographical one-man play about his childhood in South Korea, Zambia and Nepal, and his life as an adult in New York City. See review, Page 34. 8 p.m. $12-$32. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St. 208-442-3232, www.bctheater. org.
Literature DROP-IN WRITING WORKSHOP—The workshop is held twice a month and offers writers of all levels a chance to create and share work in a friendly, informal atmosphere. Authors and teachers Malia Collins and Adrian Kien facilitate the workshops. 6:30-8 p.m. FREE. The Cabin, 801 S. Capitol Blvd. 208-331-8000, www.thecabinidaho.org. POETRY READING—Hosted by the Live Poets. Those interested in reading should contact Vanessa at 208-472-2945 or 208377-3680. 6 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2940, www.gardencity.lili.org. THE WRITE TO TELL THE TALE—Join a group of successful and aspiring nonfiction writers who learn from guest speakers and from each other through discussion and critique. Show up with something you’ve written that you’re willing to share and be prepared to get the creative juices flowing. The Boise Nonfiction Writers Critique Group meets to share critiques and ideas in a supportive and helpful atmosphere. 7-9 p.m. FREE, Library at Collister, 4724 W. State St. www.sageecosci. com/Writers.html.
Sports & Fitness TRICYCLE RACES—The disclaimer at the beginning of Jackass was about exactly this sort of thing, which is why it’s awesome. 10 p.m. FREE. The Lobby, 760 W. Main St. 208-991-2183.
Citizen RALLY FOR RESPECT— Don your denim to raise awareness of victim blaming. See Picks, Page 16. Noon, FREE. South steps of the Idaho Capitol, denimdayusa.org.
18 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
Kids & Teens MAKE AND TAKE WEDNESDAYS—A science and art program for children ages 6 and older held in The Secret Garden. Learn while having fun. 4 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208472-2940, www.gardencity.lili.org.
THURSDAY APRIL 15 On Stage METAMORPHOSES—The Boise State University Theatre Arts Department is going mythic with Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses. The play is presented as a series of vignettes, each one showcasing a different classic Ovid tale. Expect to see characters such as Midas, Alcyone, Eros and more. 7:30 p.m. $9-$15. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, 208-426-3980, theatre. boisestate.edu.
NAMASTE MAN—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $32. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-442-3232, www.bctheater. org. NUNSENSE—A rip-roaring, highenergy musical with five nuns, plenty of plot twists and a whole lot of laughing. 7 p.m. $8.50$16.50. Knock ’Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd. 208-385-0021. kedproductions. org. TWELVE ANGRY MEN—The quintessential juryroom drama. 7:30 p.m. $11 adult, $9 senior and student. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St. 208-342-5104, www.boiselittletheater.org.
Workshops & Classes BELLY JAM—Carolyn Failla of FaillaDrums leads intermediate drumming classes that focus on Middle Eastern drumming for belly dancers. The classes are located at 1717 N. 13th St. in Boise. For more information, e-mail carolyn@ failladrums.com. 7 p.m. $10 per class or $50 for 6-week block, www.failladrums.com.
NOISE/CD REVIEW THEM CROOKED VULTURES: THEM CROOKED VULTURES What do you get when you cross the drummer from Nirvana with the vocalist/guitarist from Queens of the Stone Age and the bassist from Led Zeppelin? The alternative rock supergroup Them Crooked Vultures. Supergroup-ness aside, TCV’s highly anticipated self-titled album debut is clearly not the product of a one-night stand, as the group has been playing live shows for drooling fans for months. Despite their individual histories, these three artists have collaborated to produce an unscripted sound reminiscent of an after-school basement jam session. If the instrumentation by drummer Dave Grohl (Nirvana) and bassist John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin) overshadows Josh Homme’s (QOTSA) vocals at times, it has to be by accident. Overall there is no singular bias consistently dominating the style of the group. The lyrical content reeks of drugs-and-sex themes from ’70s rock and roll, but the implied social commentary offers a modern twist. There is nothing in the way of a ballad. These guys are having fun with their fused energy and are more likely to inspire a sweat session at the gym than a romantic dinner for two. Raw song titles, like “Interlude with Ludes” and “Deadend Friends,” are unapologetically in your face. Previous chart success for all three of the artists in TCV gives them the collective luxury of being able to perform as though they have nothing to prove. The inherent risk is that the result truly is effortless and therefore falls short of earthshattering. —Sarah Barber WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
8 DAYS OUT Literature LISA ROBERTSON— See Picks, Page 16. 7:30 p.m. FREE. Boise State Student Union Simplot Ballroom C, boisestate.edu/ english/mfa.
run one? Learn about free and low-cost resources for funding, volunteers and other support. Meet on the third floor. Topic will be governance and legal issues. 4-6 p.m. Boise Public Library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd. 208-3844200, www.boisepubliclibrary. org.
Kids & Teens
BOISE STATE: PAST AND PRESENT RECEPTION—This reception will be held in honor of the Boise State art metal students. The exhibition showcases art from both past and present students. Free parking will be available in the Liberal Arts parking lot during the reception. 4:30-6:30 p.m. Boise State Student Union Building, 1910 University Drive 208-426-INFO, union.boisestate.edu.
MYSTERIES BY THE RIVER—A book club for boys with bestselling author Kristiana Gregory. The group chooses mystery and adventure stories from a reading list and meets monthly for reading, discussion and fun activities. Gregory is the author of Scholastic Cabin Creek Mysteries and Bronte’s Book Club. 4 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2940, www.gardencity. lili.org.
Odds & Ends
IDAHO NATIVE PLANT SOCIETY MEETING—Join botanist Ann Debolt for a look at the how-tos of native plant landscaping. 6:30 p.m. FREE. MK Nature Center, 600 S. Walnut St. 208-3342225, fishandgame.idaho.gov.
BOOK SALE—9 a.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2940, www.gardencity.lili.org. CHANT MASTER PETER TANORIKIHO—Experience chanting. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Facets of Healing Wellness Emporium, 717 Vista Ave. 208-429-9999, www. facetsofhealing.com.
Citizen NONPROFIT RESOURCE THURSDAYS—Thinking about starting a nonprofit or already
ENGLISH/SPANISH KARAOKE—Sing along to your favorite songs in English or Spanish with tons of song choices for all ages. 9 p.m.-1 a.m. FREE. Chilango’s Mexican Restaurant, 8915 W. Overland Road 208-376-0304. THE MERIDIAN SINGERS—A group for enthusiastic women who like to sing a cappella in the barbershop style. The ability to read music is not necessary. 7:30-9 p.m. The Music Den, 245 E. Blue Heron, Meridian, 208724-6311. TEAM TRIVIA NIGHT—8 p.m. FREE. Bad Irish, 199 N. Eighth St. 208-338-8939, www.badirish. com. THIRD THURSDAY THREADBENDERS—All fiber-workers and needle-workers of all skill levels who quilt, embroider, knit, crochet, sew or cross-stitch meet to work on projects, combine needlework types and plan programs. Bring a project for show and tell. Hear ideas for a short program color design and participate in some hands-on color exploration. The group is open to everyone. Bring a mug for tea and if you don’t have a project, bring your mending, or just attend for inspiration. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Library at Collister, 4724 W. State St. www.boisepubliclibrary.org. THE YARN CLUB—A place for all the knitters and crocheters to get together and chat. 1 p.m. FREE. Fuzz, 605 Americana Blvd. 208343-3899, www.fuzzspin.com.
FRIDAY APRIL 16 Festivals & Events CAN-ACT FAMILY REUNION—All previous actors and audience members of CAN-ACT are invited for food, entertainment and a special edition of CAN-ACT Jeopardy and CAN-ACT Wheel of Fortune with prizes. 7 p.m. Eagles Lodge, Nampa, 118 11th Ave. N., 208-442-1970.
On Stage MOTION PICTURES—See Picks, Page 16. 8 p.m. $28. Boise State Special Events Center, 1800 University Dr., sub.boisestate.edu. METAMORPHOSES—See Thursday. 7:30 p.m. $9-$15. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane 208-426-3980, theatre. boisestate.edu.
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk. Go to www.boiseweekly.com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers. © 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
NAMASTE MAN—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $12-$32. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St. 208-442-3232, www. bctheater.org. NUNSENSE—See Thursday. 6:15 p.m. dinner, 8 p.m. show. $13.50-$37.50. Knock ’Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd. 208-385-0021. kedproductions.org. TWELVE ANGRY MEN—See Thursday. 8 p.m., $9-$11 adult. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St. 208-342-5104, www. boiselittletheater.org.
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8 DAYS OUT Literature LISA ROBERTSON— See Picks, Page 16. 7:30 p.m. FREE. Boise State Student Lookout Room, boisestate.edu/english/mfa.
Concerts ENSO STRING QUARTET—Recent winners at Banff, Concert Artists Guild International Competition and Fischoff. See Picks, Page 16. 7:30 p.m. $20-$25. Morrison Center Recital Hall, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, 208-426-1609.
Talks & Lectures METRO CONVERSATIONS— Wake up with an informative networking event. Various Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Boise Association businesses host this early morning event designed to offer the public a chance to meet one another while discussing things happening within our community. 8-9 a.m. FREE, Moon’s Kitchen Cafe, 712 W. Idaho St. 208-3850472. www.boisechamber.org.
Odds & Ends BOISE CAFE LATIN NIGHTS— Get a basic Latin dance lesson included in the cover at 9 p.m. and then practice dancing to music by DJ Tomas or DJ Saya. Loosen up with a beer or glass of wine. Empanadas from Tango’s are served Friday evenings. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. $5. Boise Cafe/ Cafe Bellisima, 219 N. 10th St. 208-343-3397. BOOK SALE—9 a.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2940, www.gardencity.lili.org.
CONTRA DANCE—The monthly third Saturday contra dance features live music by Robert and Judi with calling by Denise and Gar y. The new dancer orientation starts at 7:30 p.m. and the dance is from 8-11 p.m. Couples, singles and children 10 years and older are welcome. Partners are not necessar y. The dances are smoke- and alcohol-free. For more information, e-mail boisecontradance@fastem.com or visit www.boisecontraband. net.7:30-11 p.m. $8 adults, $3 youth (10-18 years old), Broadway Dance Center, 893 E. Boise Ave. 208-794-6843. FASHION SHOW—Outrageous costumes modeled by local favorites, hosted by Miner va Jane and Jen Adams with proceeds benefiting Boise Pride. Immediately following the fashion show there will be a costume contest. 9:30 p.m. $8. Hijinx Comedy Club, 800 W. Idaho St. 208-9477100, hijinxcomedyclub.com. HOLISTIC WELLNESS FAIRE— Featuring alternative practitioners, therapists, intuitive, body workers and wellness products. Also: speakers, experiential workshops, music and belly dancing. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. $5. Expo Idaho, 5610 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-287-5650, www.expoidaho.com. RECORD STORE DAY—Mix-tape contest, live music and special items. Visit therecordexchange. com for more info or see Listen Here on Page 32. FREE. The Record Exchange, 1105 W. Idaho St. 208-344-8010, www. therecordexchange.com.
disciplines created over the previous six to eight days, all on the theme of Us vs. Them. See Arts News, Page 34. 8 p.m. $7. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297, www.visualartscollective.com. CABARET—8 p.m. $38. Nampa Civic Center, 311 Third St. S., Nampa, 208-468-5555, www. nampaciviccenter.com. MOTION PICTURES— Idaho Dance Theater’s spring show. See Picks, Page 16. 8 p.m. $14-$28. Boise State Special Events Center, 1800 University Drive. boisestate.edu. METAMORPHOSES—See Thursday 7:30 p.m. $9-$15. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane 208-426-3980, theatre. boisestate.edu. NAMASTE MAN—See Wednesday. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. $32. Boise Contemporar y Theater, 854 Fulton St. 208-442-3232, www. bctheater.org. NUNSENSE—See Thursday. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd. 208385-0021. kedproductions.org. TRANNY ROADSHOW—Multimedia per formance with an eclectic group of artists, each one self-identified as transgender. Music, spoken word, comedy, juggling, stor ytelling, puppetr y and more. See Picks, page 16. 7 p.m. $10. Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 6200 N. Garrett, Garden City, 208-658-1710, www.boiseuu.org.
On Stage BETWEEN SIX AND EIGHT—Kick-off event for Alley Repertor y Theater featuring new six- to eight-minute works in various
FRIDAY NIGHT DRUM JAM— Drummers are surrounded by the rhythm of the community while drumming, dancing and listening to the beats.. 8-10 p.m. $5 suggested donation. Drum Central, 2709 W. State St. 208-424-9519, www.boisedrumcentral.com. NOCHES LATINAS—Every Friday night, a DJ spins the hottest salsa, durangese, merengue, cumbia and bachata with salsa dancing the rest of the night. All ages. 10 p.m.-2 a.m. FREE. Chilango’s Mexican Restaurant, 8915 W. Overland Road 208376-0304.
SATURDAY APRIL 17 Festivals & Events CAPITAL CITY PUBLIC MARKET—Downtown Boise’s Saturday farmers market launches this weekend with produce, art and handcrafted food. 9 a.m. FREE. Downtown Boise on Eighth Street between Bannock and the Grove. www.capitalcitypublicmarket.com. Dude Howdy by Steve Klamm was the 1st place winner in the 8th Annual Boise Weekly Bad Cartoon Contest.
20 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
SCHOOL OF HARD CASH As public higher ed gets pinched, for-profit schools get flush
ZACH HAGADONE from families with an income of less than $40,000, and almost half are the first in their families to pursue higher ed, according to the Career College Association. Paradoxically, even as for-profits attract lower-income students, their graduates end up with higher debt loads. According to the 2007-2008 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, analyzed by the College Board, 60 percent of bachelor’s degree-earners from for-profit institutions finish with $30,000 or more in debt. In comparison, only 20 percent of students graduate from public four-year institutions owing that much. What makes for-profits attractive despite their high costs are flexible class hours, streamlined degree programs,
Anyone who has watched TV in the wee hours of the morning has likely come across an ad for one of the nation’s roughly 3,000 for-profit institutions of higher ed—private businesses like University of Phoenix, ITT Technical Institute or Stevens-Henager College. The typical narrative: Students in their midto late-20s, more than likely non-white and female, wax eloquent about the amazing life changes they’ve experienced since enrolling in a program that’s put them on the fast track to becoming a dental hygienist, nurse practitioner or computer technician. Some of the commercials feature testimonials from family members, while others show montages of confident, successful suits giving boardroom presentations, pointing at blueprints or striding before a phalanx of important-looking, papershuffling aides. Regardless, the message is that no matter how much money you have, how old you are or what your transcript looks like, you have the opportunity to turn it all around— “and with a schedule that fits your busy life.” It is a vision that has become ever-more attractive as the economy continues to displace hundreds of thousands of workers. The for-profit education industry is booming even as state funding for public higher ed takes a beating. And Idaho has been no exception. Lawmakers approved a 7.8 percent cut to the higher ed budget this year and, in response, state university and college officials asked for and received a raise in tuition and fees up to 9.5 percent. Those tuition hikes are sure to fall on the most economically challenged students— the population most served by the for-profits. That raises a pretty basic question: With declining public investment, are we on the road to privatized higher ed?
BRING ME YOUR POOR ... Higher tuition and fees at public institutions may well be driving lower-income students into the arms of for-profits. According to federal analysis and the education industry’s own literature, more than half of students at for-profits are age 25 or older, 76 percent are independent financially, 50 percent are white and 63 percent are female. More than half of all dependent career-college students come WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
career-oriented areas of study and readily available financial aid in the form of federal loans and grants designed to benefit lowincome students. With money tight and public school tuitions in an upswing, the for-profits provide an alternative and promise big rewards. “I can’t say we’ve seen a significant jump for any particular reason, but probably all of those factors play a part,” said Bill Bach, Boise campus director at the University of Phoenix, which has 2,600 students in Idaho. “Mostly our students are discovering the accessibility
New life has been stirring in downtown Boise since the New Year. According to the Downtown Boise Association, 16 new retailers opened between Januar y and mid-April, two more are on their way and two others got bigger. That brings the total number of downtown retail, restaurant and retail ser vice businesses to about 300.
Bricolage, 280 N. Eighth St., 208-345-3718
of higher education through our programs.”
The Box in the Basement, 280 N. Eighth St., 208-703-5149
Capital Ties, 720 W. Idaho St., 208-321-4004
Enrollments at for-profits have indeed soared. Though most for-profit schools jealously guard their growth figures, education watchers estimate the for-profit sector has enjoyed an average 9 percent yearly increase for the past 30 years. Compare that with a growth rate of 1.5 percent for public higher ed enrollments, according to analysis from the Chronicle of Higher Education, and it’s clear that schooling for profit is a growth industry. Today, for-profits account for about 2.8 million of the nation’s higher ed students— about 10 percent of the total enrollment— and the University of Phoenix is now the second largest university system in the country, with more than 455,000 students—topped only by the State University of New York. According to data cited by the Chronicle of Higher Ed, the industry brought in about $26 billion in 2009. Gena Wikstrom, executive director of the Redmond, Wash.based Northwest Career College Federation, which represents 80 for-profit schools in the region, echoed Bach’s assessment that tough times are driving enrollments. But beyond the current downturn, she said for-profits have a vital role educating the work force. “In Idaho, as in the whole nation, the plant closures and the downsizing and the layoffs have been huge—no one sector of education can absorb and meet the needs of all those people,” Wikstrom said. “I think that the public institutions are full and private career colleges are training a large number of people for new careers.” The feds have picked up on that trend and called for a boost in the number of college grads. Under the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010—commonly known as the health-care reform bill, which President Barack Obama signed on March 30—a full $36 billion will be pumped into the federal Pell Grant program to help low-income students access higher ed. The new law also enacted provisions to help students repay their federal loan debt and shifted lending from private institutions like Sallie Mae to the Federal Treasury. In total, the act provides about $43 billion for education over the next 10 years. Federal muscle behind college affordability stands to provide big benefits to for-profits.
Casa Del Sol (fka Eighth Street Bistro), 409 S. Eighth St., 208-287-3660 The C Store, 280 N. Eighth St., 208-761-9695 Downtown Mattress, 830 W. Bannock St., 208-343-2122 Eclectic Art Store, 280 N. Eighth St., 208-761-9695 Flatbread Community Oven, 615 W. Main St., 208-287-4757 Idaho Indie Works, 106 N. Sixth St., 208-342-0804 JJB Longboards, 280 N. Eighth St., 208-869-9299 Jimmy Johns Gourmet Sandwiches, 598 Main St., 208-955-7250 Lululemon Athletica, 215 N. Ninth St., 208-914-4993 Moxie Java, Qwest Arena, 208-345-1744 Solid Grill & Bar, 401 S. Eighth St., 208-345-6620 Sin Nightclub, 1124 W. Front St., 208-342-3375 Ward Hooper Gallery, 745 W. Idaho St., 208-866-4627
COMING SOON TO DOWNTOWN: Rediscovered Book Shop, 208-376-4229 TixxFixx, 734 W. Broad St., 208-333-8499
RE-LOCATIONS: Ella’s Room moved from 413 S. Eighth St. to 216 N. Ninth St., 208-331-3552
EXPANDED/EXPANDING: Buns in the Oven, 413 S. Eighth St., 208-342-5683 The Stylish Stork, 405 S. Eighth St., 208-336-5655 Yen Ching Bakery, 305 N. Ninth St., 208-384-0384
BUSINESSES CLOSED/ LEFT DOWNTOWN: .925 Jewelry, closed Ceramica, now at 1002 S. Vista Ave., 208-342-3822 FireFly Lounge, now on the 4800 block of Emerald Street Knock ’Em Dead Dinner Theater, now at 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., 208-385-0021 Macy’s, closed —Zach Hagadone
BOISEweekly | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | 21
Bill Bach, your friendly UOPX-Boise campus director, is just giving the people what they want.
According to the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study, more than 95 percent of students at two- and four-year for-profits took student loans and nearly 71 percent got grants. That means for-profit schools rely almost exclusively on federal money for their revenue, and that lies at the heart of a simmering debate over whether public monies should swell the profit margins of private corporations.
MONEY TRAIN For-Profit Higher Education: By the Numbers, a report released in January by the National Consumer Law Center, underscored the importance of Pell and other “Title IV” federal aid programs. Citing 2009 Securities and Exchange Commission filings, the report showed that almost 89 percent of for-profit Corinthian College’s revenues come from federal student aid, while the University of Phoenix (UOPX) taps Title IV for 86 percent of its revenues. UOPX took by far the largest chunk of 2008-2009 Pell Grants—pulling in nearly $657 million. Boise State President Bob Kustra has some qualms with that. “For those of us who have spent our lives in public higher education—where the states have made significant investments—now to see those investments diminishing, it’s difficult to understand how a for-profit company can come along and its students participate in the same funding system that benefits the students at the publics,” Kustra said. Wikstrom and Bach point out that Pell Grants go directly to students based on need, and it just so happens that for-profits serve a student population that is more needy. “We’re not taking federal money that would be going to somebody else,” Wikstrom said. “It’s market-driven, based on student choice.” Kustra agreed that Pell money flowing to for-profits is “less of a university issue and
22 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
more of a student and family issue,” but added that he still finds it unsettling. “When you take that Pell Grant and give it to a private company, that troubles me a bit,” he said.
AN ‘UNEXAMINED CULTURAL BIAS’ Kustra’s misgivings about the for-profit business model are nothing new; for at least the past 30 years, for-profits and public institutions have had an uneasy coexistence. Though for-profits have operated in the United States for more than 150 years, it was in the 1970s that legislation opened Title IV federal student aid to for-profit students. By the mid-1990s, 59 percent of the growth in higher ed enrollments was attributed to forprofit schools, according to the 2006 report, For-Profit Higher Education in the United States. But with growth came controversy. Back in the wild privatized days of the 1980s, for-profit colleges and universities were subject to few regulations. And in that go-go capitalist climate, many suffered from few scruples. Some undoubtedly apocryphal—but still persistent—stories tell of fly-by-night diploma mills signing people up for expensive, non-existent classes right off the welfare lines. Accreditation rules and regulations have done a lot to legitimize for-profit schools, but traces of the stigma remain. Even big name systems like University of Phoenix still find themselves accused of shady practices. Most recently, UOPX was sued by two former employees alleging the company improperly obtained federal aid by pressuring counselors to enroll as many students as possible. The suit was settled in 2009 for $67.5 million, without the company acknowledging any wrongdoing. “There’s something in our collective psyche that somebody making profit off education isn’t right. It’s an unexamined cultural bias,” said Robert Tucker, a former UOPX senior vice president who provides higher ed consultWWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Pull up a chair with Jennifer Couch. Sit, stay awhile. Ask her about life at your local community college.
ing through his firm, InterEd, in McCall. Cultural bias it may be, but Tucker added that it’s unfounded. “Are there abuses in those career college systems? Absolutely. But I don’t think that they’re any larger than those going on in other institutions,” he said. “Being not-forprofit doesn’t mean you don’t take a lot of money from people.” Using a model he constructed in the midto late-1990s, Tucker said when a student attends a public college, taxpayers subsidize that choice to the tune of at least $9,500—a figure that includes allocations for direct and indirect taxpayer funding, grants, loan forgiveness, loan defaults and income, property, sales and use taxes. In comparison, his model states, when a student attends a for-profit institution, taxpayers actually come out about $500 ahead—benefitting from the federal, state and local taxes paid by the institutions. “One important component to that bias [against for-profits] is that we don’t understand the true taxpayer support profiles of these different types of institutions,” Tucker said. Critics say that any tax benefits accrued from for-profits are outweighed by the cost of federal student loan default rates, which are out of proportion to the industry’s share of total enrollments. According to the Institute for College Access and Success, even though for-profit students only make up between 7 percent and 10 percent of total enrollments, as a student population they’re responsible for 44 percent of all federal loan defaults. That’s 1 percentage point higher than all students at two-year and four-year public institutions, which account for a combined 74 percent of total enrollments. Regardless of the type of institution, when students default, taxpayers are on the hook. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
But Tucker said that’s no fault of the college or university. It’s the responsibility of the student to borrow and repay responsibly. “Default rates are due to the students, not the institutions. To blame the institutions—it’s as unscientific as it comes,” he said.
CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG? Bach said he understands why some may be critical of for-profit education’s healthy share of federal student aid. “Those criticisms exist because of the shrinking tax funding available to public institutions, and they’ve got to be concerned and looking for any way possible to continue to provide services for their students,” he said. “But the reality is we’re putting money back into the economy, back into the community.” Kustra, despite his unease with them raking in federal dough, also said for-profits “have performed a service in certain states or communities,” but added that local community colleges are increasingly filling their niche. Jennifer Couch, communications director at the College of Western Idaho, said demand for the new community college is still increasing, and it isn’t under any direct threat from the valley’s for-profits. “Community colleges act a little differently. They are really established to help open public access and are often more affordable,” she said, adding that CWI’s enrollment reached 4,800 in the spring semester. “Definitely times are tough, but we’ve been very fortunate to work with a lot of local businesses and other education institutions.” According to Bach, the for-profits aren’t out to privatize the education system—they’re just giving customers what they want. “I just see us as a viable solution and an opportunity to take on additional students and fill needs,” he said. “Thank heavens we have a country that allows those kinds of private sector solutions to national needs.”
BOISEweekly | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | 23
HATCHING IDEAS Biz incubators foster future economy ZACH HAGADONE
24 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
Boise State, and so is supported by a combination of client rents and fees, university money and grants from the U.S. Economic Development Agency. TECenter director John Glerum welcomes the surge in projects like the Ground Floor, Green House and Nebula Shift. “The more the better,” he said. “Most economic development is going to come from new business creation and business expansion. It’s probably one of the best forms of economic development for our city, state, country … I think you’re going to see a lot more of it.” Rick Vycital, at the Small Business Development Center in Boise, agrees. He said the upswing in accelerators and incubators reflects a growing but still nascent understanding of the impact that homegrown companies have on economic development. According to a study from the Economic Development Agency released late last year, business incubators were found to create between 46.3 and 69.4 local jobs per $10,000 of federal investment—more than the construction of commercial structures, road and
transportation projects, industrial park and community infrastructure combined. Heightened investment in Idaho’s business incubators also underscores the state’s changing economy. “Idaho has gone from an agricultural, forestry, mining-based economy to one that’s technology and innovation driven, and we need to support that,” Vycital said. The Ground Floor, run by the Meridian Development Corp., intends to take advantage of that trend but will be less an incubator and more of a downtown “hub for new business types,” said Shaun Wardle, MDC administrator. “One of the things that’s been in our Urban Renewal Plan since its inception was job creation, with a specific emphasis on small businesses,” Wardle said. “We hadn’t seen as many as we’d like, and were hearing that there was a lack of identity—a place to identify with in downtown Meridian.” Located in a 100-year-old green-retrofitted building at 136 E. Idaho St. in Meridian, the Ground Floor will be supported by a combination of MDC funds and client rents and fees. Project manager Jill Truax said three tenants have taken up residence so far. She said once the Ground Floor has 30 people—not companies—in the 3,000-square-foot space, the MDC will think about opening another location. “The reason it was started was to have several different startup businesses come in and use it as a networkfriendly environment and try to build up Meridian,” she said. “Hopefully they’ll stay in Meridian.” The City of Boise’s Green House will be a little different. Cece Gassner, economic development adviser to Mayor Dave Bieter, said the project is focused on “the wrap around incubator experience.” Tenants at the Green House should already be established as businesses, but young enough that they need help with basics like human resources, ecommerce, legal and marketing. “It’s really more that they’re at the life stage of the company where they’re past being an idea but they really need help looking at all areas of the business,” Gassner said. The Green House will operate at a break-even level, with facilities maintained by EDA grants, rents and fees, city funds and financial support from an as-yet-unannounced private sector partner. The Capital City Development Corp. will also be 27 using federal grant dollars to BEN WILSON
Less than nine months ago, Jeff Russell donned cap and gown—literally—and stood before a smiling crowd as his company, Easy Office, graduated from the WaterCooler, a business accelerator in downtown Boise. Easy Office, which helps nonprofits manage their finances, moved to Boise’s Mallard Building, near the corner of River and 11th streets, in August 2009 with about three employees and a few dozen clients. Since then, it has grown to a staff of 25 serving 115 clients and is already looking to expand into a second office. It’s the kind of success story that has been increasingly rare in a recession-strangled economy, where startups have plenty of ideas but a dearth of ready cash. Russell, who serves as Easy Office’s chief operating officer, said the company’s business plan was solid to begin with, but the initial support it received at the WaterCooler was instrumental. “The real value for me was that there were always investors and Kickstand members just milling around,” Russell said. “If we’d been out in some lonely strip mall, we wouldn’t have had that kind of exposure.” The result: “We went from some dudes in a garage to being a legitimate, established business with a recognized track record,” Russell said. In hard times like these, more and more companies like Easy Office are looking to accelerators like the WaterCooler, which provide existing small businesses with office space, advice and access to investors. Incubators, like the Boise State TECenter, are also seeing more interest in their services, which take a direct, handson approach to building startups from the ground up. The Boise area is adding new business support centers at a decent clip: the Ground Floor, in Meridian, opened its doors in late January; the City of Boise is nearing completion on its Green House project in downtown Boise; and MarkMonitor founders Faisal Shah and James Hepworth have launched Nebula Shift—above the Main Street Bistro at Sixth and Main streets—as a tech-centered “sandbox” focused on software research and development. Boise State’s TECenter is the granddaddy of them all. In operation for more than six years, the center has given direct support to more than 150 companies, graduated 10 and currently serves more than 30 in various stages of incubation. All told, the TECenter’s 23 clients represent 140 jobs and about $10 million a year in revenue. The incubator operates as an arm of
TO VC, OR NOT TO VC Cleantech startups on venture capital ZACH HAGADONE Alex Livingston was just 22 years old when his idea for a portable, rechargeable electric car battery swept the 2008 Bronco Venture Championship, Northwest Venture Championship and TechLaunch 5.0 business competitions. Heartened by the wins and bolstered by the exposure, his company, R2EV, secured flex-space in the VengaWorks business center in Meridian, and he got busy hiring a staff. Things were looking up. But now, two years later, R2EV will be homeless after VengaWorks closes on Friday, April 30, Livingston’s work force has dwindled to one—himself—and the company has ditched car batteries in favor of batterybackup systems, a “more mature market,” he said. He hopes the transition from batteries to back ups will help him raise some much-needed capital, but it’s been an uphill struggle. “It is awful. It is really hard,” Livingston said of the local venture capital funding scene. “We just aren’t in their space, and they’ve been really up front about that.” Livingston isn’t the only entrepreneur having trouble tapping startup cash. Recessionary pressure drove down 2009 North American venture capital investment 47 percent—back to 2003 levels, according to the Cleantech Group and accounting firm Deloitte. The first quarter 2010 numbers are looking better, and “cleantech” companies like Livingston’s, which focus on green energy or energy efficiency, are getting funded in states like California. But that enthusiasm isn’t shared locally. Phil Syrdal, president of the Boise chapter of the Keiretsu Forum, a global network of investors, said a range of factors—from the recession to the federal government’s priority shift from energy to health care—have tempered the attraction for cleantech investment. “In Idaho, the kinds of companies that have come forward to us have been very small startups,” Syrdal said. “For the most part, what we’re seeing is people just working with products that are out there and finding ways to apply them.” In other words, unless a cleantech startup has a one-of-a-kind idea that can be immediately put into production, venture capitalists and other investors will likely avoid the risk. “If you don’t have an idea that can scale efficiently, then the large front-end money is hard to find,” Syrdal said. “Basically, it’s a hard market to raise money in.” Steve Hodges, founder and president of M2M Communications, doesn’t think it’s a bad thing that venture capitalists are shying away from cleantech. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
Steve Hodges: Have a super-cool new mouse trap, will travel.
His firm, based in Boise, specializes in remote monitoring systems used to control energy consumption at large irrigation pumps. For years, M2M has worked with Idaho utilities on energy efficiency programs, and the company recently landed a $2.1 million stimulus grant to install sensors on irrigation pumps in central California. “My experience with investors over the years has almost all been negative,” Hodges said. “We have learned that the best way to grow a company and have a good life is to bootstrap your company—to earn your way … Investors have a different attitude: They’re looking for that quick exit, that good sale.” Hodges has formed that opinion out of bitter experience. Brought to Boise by a job with Hewlett-Packard, he went on to found Telemetric, which is also in the wireless communications and monitoring business. After investing more than five years and a lot of his own money, he’d built a sizable, profitable company with between 15 and 20 employees. It was then that the “vulture capitalists,” as he calls them, swooped in. “Taking their money was really the beginning of the end both for Telemetric and for me,” he said. “Within a pretty short amount of time, they pressured me to bring in a new CEO, someone who effectively reported directly to them.” He acquiesced, and later, when he raised concerns about the new boss’s management, he found himself fired from the company he’d started. “They just took over the company themselves,” he said. “When they sold the company last year, they got nice bonuses, but I got zero ... It is a horror story.” Syrdal said the term “vulture capitalist” is a misnomer. Long gone are the days when young turks fresh out of business school would take over a company and oust its founders in favor of a quick sale to benefit their cronies. “Those are pretty much old wives tales now,” he said. “We can’t make those kinds of
investments and take those kinds of risks … Even in Sun Valley, I’ve heard more personal stories about how difficult this has been over the past year for investors to keep their balance. They’re still frightened.” Nate Calvin, co-founder and CEO of AeroLEDS, agreed that venture capitalists are far less likely these days to invest obscene amounts of money into untested concepts. His company makes light emitting diodes for the commercial-industrial and aviation markets. He’s still leery of VC money, but recognizes that sometimes it’s necessary. “You can spend weeks on end, day after day, chasing venture money, and at the end of that whole process, end up with nothing,” Calvin said. “If you have a bright idea, then [it’s] best to develop it yourself and start carving out a market niche,” he added. “Once you have a track record, be open to those partnerships.” Syrdal emphasizes that “partnership” idea. “We don’t want to run companies, we want to help entrepreneurs be successful in companies. You want him to make it. You’re on his team,” he said. That’s the kind of relationship Livingston would like to establish with investors, but in the meantime, he’s taking the downturn in stride. R2EV was recognized last fall as a top 10 innovator at the Green Beat 2009 conference in San Mateo, Calif., and Livingston recently took the company to the New Venture Championship in Portland, Ore. He has a few deals in the works to install back up systems around the valley and he still wants some venture funding. So far, a couple of out-of-state VCs have been willing to talk with him. But as Livingston gears up to graduate from Boise State with a business degree next fall, he has no intention of pulling up stakes. “We’re a startup and I know how it is. You have to be hungry,” he said. “I’m from Boise, so I plan on staying here.”
BOISEweekly | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | 25
YOUR $ LIVES HERE Does it matter? ZACH HAGADONE On a sunny spring Saturday, Eighth Street in downtown Boise is a crush of bodies. Thousands throng the pedestrian-friendly thoroughfare sampling local breads, local wines, local popcorn and local meats. They buy local produce and chat with local artisans. Local musicians perform along the sidewalks and local art is sold in the round at the Grove Plaza. It’s an all-out orgy of localism at the Capital City Public Market, but does it actually help the local economy? Chris Blanchard thinks so. An adjunct history professor and urban scholar at Boise State, he said movements that encourage local economic independence don’t only improve local economies, they’re a matter of survival—especially for isolated metros like Boise. “In the age of global market capital, on-the-ground economic development is flowing to the largest cities,” he said. “That leaves small- and medium-sized cities saying, ‘What about us?’” That question is being asked by communities around the country and has resulted in the growth of “buy local” campaigns from coast to coast. But despite increased interest, Blanchard said the economic case for localism hasn’t been made adequately; that’s because most research on the topic has focused on high-level trends and the social and political forces that drive it, not the bottom-line, dollars-and-cents impact. Lacking hard economic data, most localism boosters have had to rely on anecdotal evidence of job creation and speak in terms of community spirit and environmental consciousness. It’s difficult to put a financial value on intangibles like community-mindedness, so “traditional economists have kind of walked away from these things,” Blanchard said. Some academics, he added, have even dismissed “buy local” campaigns as akin to protectionism and throwbacks to out dated economic models. “In old, old, old economic theory—the 1500s—the prevailing theory was mercantilism, which sought to hoard all of your wealth within your country,” Blanchard said. “That was a problem because obviously you couldn’t conduct trade with other countries. We know now how important that is. What economists would say [about localism] is we’ve seen this before in the 1500s. It’s called mercantilism.” Don Holley, who chairs the economics department at Boise State, definitely falls in the camp of “traditional economists” who are unimpressed by “buy local” campaigns. “It does promote local employment, and it does promote a sense of community, but
26 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
Janie Burns: According to studies, for every $100 in golden eggs laid by local chickens, $45 stays local.
at the same time, it promotes economic inefficiencies—in other words, you’re probably replacing a low-cost producer from outside the community with a higher-cost provider inside the state,” he said. “It makes good politics, but in the marketplace, it doesn’t sell very well,” Holley added. “The marketplace is not a friendly place. It’s not a place where you build community.” Janie Burns would disagree. Co-owner of Meadowlark Farms—where she raises 1,000 chickens and 55 ewes south of Nampa— and Home Grown Poultry—with its 20,000 chickens in New Plymouth—Burns has done business primarily with public markets for 21 years. “There’s money in feeding ourselves rather than buying from outside the state,” Burns said. “You’re creating jobs, you have food in the community, you have food security … In a world of resources that are limited, this is a way we can parlay what we have into the greatest benefit.” A committed localist, Burns said it makes intuitive sense to keep dollars where they live; but getting the idea to catch on with lawmakers and the broad mass of American consumers has been challenging. Like Blanchard, she said that’s because despite its apparent benefits, the raw economic data measuring the localism’s economic impact hasn’t been adequately compiled in Idaho. Burns is a member of the Treasure Valley Food Coalition, an organization that operates in tandem with Think Boise First, under the umbrella of Sustainable Community Connections of Idaho. Burns, along with local restaurateur Dave Krick, is working on a project to map and measure the area’s local food system with an eye toward proving its potential as an economic powerhouse. “We all have kind of a sense that things are screwed up,” Burns said. “We hope this will
give us some ammunition to impact policy.” Krick, who owns Bittercreek Ale House and the Red Feather Lounge on Eighth Street, said the economic impact of local food is huge, but without a suite of cold, hard facts, it will continue to be ill-understood. “If you look at just the Treasure Valley, we’re probably purchasing more than $1 billion of food from outside our state,” he said. “We could potentially keep billions of dollars here by focusing on markets for food in our own state and by keeping it local … The case hasn’t been made in terms of the economic impact in real numbers, and it’s an example of where that economic data would really help us.” The research that has been done on localism’s economic impact has focused on more populous regions like the East Coast, California’s Bay Area and Chicago. One study in particular—“The Economic Impact of Locally Owned Businesses vs. Chains: A Case Study in Midcoast Maine”—is frequently quoted by “buy local” campaigns around the country. Conducted in 2003 by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, the Midcoast report suggested that for every $100 spent with local businesses, about $45 stays local. Compare that with $100 spent at a big box store or out-of-state-based franchise, and the study claimed only $14 stays local while the rest is shipped off to the corporate home office. The chief economic benefit, according to the report, was that local businesses tend to shop local. “Dollars spent at a local retailer support not only that store, but a variety of other local businesses, including local banks, accountants, printers and Internet service providers,” the study concluded. “From an economic development perspective, the ramifications of this are substantial.” But, like the old mercantilist model, Holley said the financial boon promised by localism WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
LOCAL/BUSINESS only pans out if the system is wholly local. “The greater the number of local connections, the greater the impact it’s going to have,” he said. “You need to find those inter-industry connections, and it’s hard to find an industry in Idaho that’s dependent on Idaho inputs … The Idaho dairy industry is an example of how that can work, but even there, there’s a lot that they have to buy outside the state.” Holley contends that the primary goal of building a sustainable local economy is to allow the market to function in such a way that it keeps prices low, thus decreasing residents’ cost of living. “When you get into retail and you get into the big box stores... the research out of MIT just a few years ago showed that these kinds of stores have done more to reduce the cost of living for the people who shop there than anything else,” he said. “Foreign competition has kept prices low.” But localism boosters like Burns and Krick contend there are more important goals than “low, low prices.” “I’m not as attached to the idea of shop-
ping local because it makes you feel good,” Krick said. “The intangibles to me are our unique sense of place. What defines us as a place. “Take Roquefort, Burgundy, Dijon for example,” he added. “These places have built legend and lore around what they produce because they have built a culture around it, and as the Treasure Valley moves forward, it would be important to form culture here. It creates reasons for people to come here and get to know us. It creates products that have added value.” Burns said the question comes down to how we define “economic efficiencies.” “Is price and having the cheapest thing possible the goal of our society? If you’re looking at: ‘Are people well fed? Are they getting the most nutrition from what they’re eating?’ We don’t measure those efficiencies. We don’t even value them,” she said. “They’re looking at the greatest return for the dollar spent or time spent, but there’s so much more to food than that—there’s health, community, jobs. It’s about looking at things in a little bit different way.”
INNOVATION/BUSINESS bring in speakers and host seminars. “We have to take a much more active role to make sure we’re supporting the entrepreneurs in our community,” Gassner said. “It’s no longer the public sector trying to do these things or one individual trying to do these things—it’s communities coming together.” Nebula Shift is aiming to meet a longunfilled need in the Treasure Valley’s business community: software research and development. “We’ve talked for a long time about the need for a sandbox—the idea being to give people the ability to go in, build code, test code and see how things work,” said Rick Ritter, president and CEO of Idaho TechConnect. “That’s what they’ve got going on over there and there isn’t really anybody focused on that.” Shah said that unlike the Green House, WaterCooler and the Ground Floor, Nebula Shift will be focused on product development and funding, rather than business acceleration or incubation. “Some of these incubators are more dedicated to helping companies with office space—we’re more of a research lab,” Shah said. “We’re almost at the front-end of all of that. There’s no competition with any other incubators. They’re looking for already viable companies. We’re looking to help them start up and get going.” Shah and Hepworth know something about growing a company. When the pair launched the software firm MarkMonitor 10 years ago, it was with two employees. It has since grown to more than 220 workers, 24
does business with more than half the Fortune 100 and has offices in North America and Europe. In the meantime, the pair also founded First To File Technologies, which delivers patent documents on demand. “We thought of going to Silicon Valley [with Nebula Shift], but the talent here was better. So why not actually develop everything here in Boise?” Shah said. “With our expertise, with funding, I think companies can make a good start here.” Hepworth said much of that talent has been spun off from tech giants like Micron and Hewlett-Packard. Many of those displaced workers have a high level of expertise and love the Boise area, but need somewhere to develop their ideas. “If you’re displaced and you’re a software company and you need a place to be for three months, you can literally just come [to Nebula Shift] and do it,” Hepworth said. Nebula Shift is also unique in that it will offer up to $16,000 in startup capital to as many as five companies twice a year. In exchange for the investment, recipient businesses would kick back a percentage of their future earnings to keep the fund going. The goal is to establish new software firms that will have a vested interest in staying in the valley. “I can’t think of what a drawback would be to starting a business in an incubator,” said Shah, who added that MarkMonitor itself was launched in an incubator. “It allows you resources, it allows you networks, it provides you with the education you need to succeed as a new company,” he said.
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8 DAYS OUT Concerts 20
information, or visit the Web site. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St. 208-343-9895, www. scidaho.org. THERAPY DOGS—Each month children can enjoy a story session with therapy dogs. 2 p.m. FREE. Boise Public Library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd. 208-384-4200, www.boisepubliclibrary.org.
Food & Drink
Odds & Ends
CHOCOLATE DESSERT EXTRAVAGANZA—Entrance gets you three homemade desserts and one raffle ticket 1-4 p.m. $10. Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 6200 N. Garrett, Garden City, 208-658-1710, www.boiseuu.org.
BOISE CAFE LATIN NIGHTS— See Friday. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. $5. Boise Cafe/Cafe Bellisima, 219 N. 10th St. 208-343-3397.
Green GROWING ORGANIC VEGGIES—A 15 to 30 minute class on what organic means in your garden and how to accomplish it. Saturdays, noon. FREE. North End Organic Nursery, 2350 Hill Rd. 208-389-4769, northendnursery.com. ORGANIC LAWN CARE—A 15 to 30 minute class on how to ditch the fertilizer and get your lawn looking good without the chemicals. 3 p.m. FREE, North End Organic Nursery, 2350 Hill Road 208-389-4769. northendnursery.com.
Kids & Teens LIMELIGHT SATURDAY NIGHT HIP-HOP DANCE—Hip-hop dancing for teenagers and all ages every Saturday night at the Limelight. No smoking in the building and no alcohol in the dance center. 10 p.m. $8. Limelight, 3575 E. Copper Point Way, Meridian, 208-898-9425, www.limelightboise.com. SCIENCE SATURDAYS—Every Saturday, the Discovery Center features different topics with morning and afternoon sessions for different ages. Call for more
BOOK SALE—9 a.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2940, www.gardencity.lili.org. BORG MEETING—Boise Robotics Group meetings are held the third Saturday morning of each month in a classroom at the Discovery Center of Idaho. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. varies, Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St. 208-343-9895. www.boiseroboticsgroup.org. NOCHES LATINAS—See Friday. 10 p.m.-1 a.m. $5 cover. Chilango’s Mexican Restaurant, 8915 W. Overland Road 208376-0304.
SUNDAY APRIL 18 Festivals & Events HOLISTIC WELLNESS FAIRE— See Saturday. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. $5. Expo Idaho (Fairgrounds), 5610 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-287-5650, www.expoidaho. com. SUNDAY MARKET—The main floor of the Linen Building becomes an indoor market where shoppers can find locally produced food and goods, including local arts and crafts, jewelry, clothing, food
EYESPY Real Dialogue from the naked city
and drink, live music and children’s activities. A portion of March’s sales will benefit Treasure Valley Family YMCA’s Strong Kids Campaign. There will also be live music by Greg Bridges. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. FREE. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St. 208-385-0111, www. thelinenbuilding.com.
On Stage ECHOES OF TRAINS—Also, Treasure Valley Storytellers: Train Stories. 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. FREE. Boise Train Depot, 2603 Eastover Terrace, Boise. MOTION PICTURES— Idaho Dance Theater’s spring show. See Picks, Page 16. 2 p.m. $14-$28. Boise State Special Events Center, 1800 University Drive, sub. boisestate.edu. METAMORPHOSES—See Thursday. $9-$15. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane 208-4263980, theatre.boisestate.edu. TWELVE ANGRY MEN—See Thursday. 2 p.m. $11 adult, $9 senior and student. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St. 208-342-5104, www.boiselittletheater.org.
Concerts BOISE BAROQUE ORCHESTRA—Members of the Boise Master Chorale will perform Vivaldi’s Gloria, not Van Morrison’s. See Picks, Page 16. 2 p.m. $18. Cathedral of the Rockies, First United Methodist Church, 717 N. 11th St. 208-343-7511, www. boisebaroque.com.
Religious/Spiritual SRI SRI RAVI SHANKAR—Shankar, a leading figure in personal and social transformation, will offer his views on how quality of a person’s life is determined by the state of their mind. See Picks, page 17. 6 p.m. $25-$100. Boise Centre on the Grove, 850 W. Front St. 208-336-8900, www.boisecentre.com.
Odds & Ends LAST CALL TRIVIA— Hosted by Jen Adams. 8 p.m. FREE. Liquid
MONDAY APRIL 19 Festivals & Events POETRY SLAM TEAM FINALS—The top eight slam poets in Boise battle for four spots on the nationals team. All proceeds go towards team expenses. 8 p.m. $8. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th 208-343-0886, www.neurolux. com.
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8 DAYS OUT HOLISTIC WELLNESS FAIRE— Featuring alternative practitioners, therapists, intuitive, body workers and wellness products. Also: speakers, experiential workshops, music and belly dancing. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. $5. Expo Idaho (Fairgrounds), 5610 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208287-5650, www.expoidaho.com.
SOCRATES CAFE—Interested in life’s greater questions? Join a group of active and engaged listeners who meet every week at Papa Joe’s Coffee Shop, 1301 S. Capitol Blvd. The group votes on a question and the discussion begins. For more information, e-mail scott@scottharris.cc. 7-8:45 p.m. FREE.
On Stage 5 X 5 READING SERIES—Becky Shaw by Gina Gionfriddo 7 p.m. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St. 208-442-3232, www.bctheater.org.
NAMASTE MAN—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $32. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St. 208-442-3232, www.bctheater. org.
Calls to Artists ART AND ROSES—Local Idaho artists living within 125 road miles of Boise are invited to apply for a space in “Art & Roses”, a one day sale, Sunday, June 6, in Julia Davis Park. Fine art only. No crafts. For information and an application, call Susan Kirsch at 208-938-5741.
On Stage
MINERVA JAYNE’S SAINTS AND SINNERS—See Wednesday. 8-10 p.m. $2. Sin, 1124 W. Front St. 208-342-3375, www.sinboise. com.
Festivals & Events
rom the wastelands of mediocrity a valiant few sallied forth, thus transmogrifying leaden limitations into creative gold. Verily, they rejoiced like rock stars. The days of wrath and oblivion have been forsaken. For one night, a jubilant pantheon of professionals carouse in a bacchanalian rite recognizing advertising excellence.
SAT APRIL 24 2010
THE SCREENWRITERS GROUP—Learn and practice pitching your screenplay or project at the Idaho Screenwriters Group, meeting the third Tuesday of every month. For more information, e-mail sherry.ae@ hotmail.com. 6:30 p.m. Idaho Pizza Company, 3840 Glenwood, 208-853-1224.
Workshops & Classes FREE DANCE LESSONS—Free dance lessons.7-9 p.m. FREE, The Bull’s Head Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-8555858. www.lessonsindance.com.
Literature POETRY READING—Poetry host Scott Berge invites poets to share their own work or favorite poems during a fun night of poetry readings. Sign up at 6:30 p.m. and start waxing poetic at 7 p.m. For more information, email ScottBerge@live.com. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Alia’s Coffeehouse, 908 W. Main St. 208-338-1299.
Citizen MONTHLY MEETING OF VETERANS FOR PEACE—This meeting is open to all who are interested. 7-9 p.m. FREE. First Congregational United Church of Christ, 2201 Woodlawn Ave. 208-3445731, www.boisefirstucc.org. SCIENCE CAFE—The Discovery Center of Idaho hosts an open dialogue on current research being conducted at Boise State regarding air quality, asthma and health. Held in the basement of Red Feather Lounge.7-9 p.m. FREE, Red Feather Lounge, 246 N. Eighth St., 208-343-9895, Ext. 245, www.boiseastro.org.
Odds & Ends BALLISTIC BEER PONG—10 p.m. Bad Irish, 199 N. Eighth St. 208-338-8939, www.badirish. com.
30 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
NOISE/CD REVIEW BRENT AMAKER AND THE RODEO: PLEASE STAND BY Traditional country western music finds its strongest appeal among the Wrangler-wearers who tip their Stetsons as their leather-clad toes tap the rhythm. But take away the wistful themes and nasal twangs, add a deep baritone—deep like Crash Test Dummies frontman Brad Roberts—and you get the hip style of alt-country that has made Brent Amaker and the Rodeo a rising success over the past four years. The group’s newest album, Please Stand By, is a continuation of Amaker’s hyperbolical cowboy-ness, where the humor lies in the exaggeration of a genre. Old-school countr y is rife with heartache, but B.A.R. lightens the mood with relentless up-tempo and flippant lyrics. In “Doomed,” for example, Amaker rumbles, “In the end, we’re all doomed/Even if you’re livin’ on the moon, we’re all doomed.” His resignation to the inevitable offers ironic hilarity, while the overstatement of the bummer inverts its significance, leading to amusement rather than sorrow. Along the same lines, the mere title “Break My Broken Heart,” dares anyone to inflict further torment on the already lovelorn—it’s simply not possible. However, the peppy percussion coupled with Amaker’s comically deep voice make a mockery of emotional anguish. Backups by the more humansounding vocals of the Rodeo (guitarists Ben Strehle and Sugar McGuinn, and drummer Bryan Crawford) temper Amaker’s Marlboro Man image with a dose of group therapy. As a whole, Please Stand By is a high-wattage collection with enough energy to bounce listeners through a marathon dance session, toss back a shot of Jack Daniels and then twostep back onto the floor. —Sarah Barber
For mor e Noise news and show info, visit boiseweekly.com.
GET ASSOCIATED WITH KILLOLA L.A. band on the verge of a big year ANNE-MARIJE ROOK A few weeks into their Buy the Milk Tour in support of their newest release Let’s Get Associated, L.A.-based garage rock band Killola is looking to “meet old friends and make new ones,” singer Lisa Rieffel said in a raspy voice. She quickly added that her vocal chords are doing just fine. “I just woke up from a nap in the van,” she reassured. The blonde front-woman said the tour has exceeded expectations every night. “It’s been really fantastic. We sold out in L.A. and New York. We’re really happy.” The band has been playing smaller venues, The name Killola sounds scary but, in her turquoise eye shadow, singer Lisa Rieffel looks perfectly lovely. which is exactly what they like. “I guess it goes back to our punk rock But ultimately, it’s the live shows that are lished a heavy Internet presence and thanked roots. It’s just you and the people and you the band’s strong side. get to do what you do and make memories,” fans by releasing their second album I Am “There are a bunch of fans out there who she said. “It’s way more intimate and it’s at a The Messer, for free. It has been downloaded haven’t seen us yet—that trips us out,” Riefmore than 100,000 times. level you don’t get to see normally.” fel said. Rieffel said that on Let’s Get Associated, Killola’s music is reminiscent of late-’70s In addition to touring and a new album, they went back to their rock roots and added and early-’80s punk-rock like The Sparks Killola can soon be seen on the big screen. “some dancier stuff to move your butt to.” and Blondie with their use of solid drums, Rieffel leads the cast of an upcoming featureWhat’s most catchy melodies, riffs length rock musical Girltrash: All Night interesting about the and plenty of attitude. new album is Killola’s Long, which is based on the wildly popular But they make it their For more, visit youtube.com/user/Killola. Showtime Web-series Girltrash! by L-Word partnership with Adown with an eccentric Thursday, April 15, 9 p.m., $5. producer Angela Robinson. erra Inc., a company addition of modern NEUROLUX Rieffel also revealed that there will be a that provides digital wave pop melodies, 111 N. 11th St. Killola graphic novel coming out. distribution of live synthesizers and 208-343-0886 “It’s going to be a huge year for us,” concert recordings in Reiffel’s layered Gwen neurolux.com she said. fast and innovative Stefani-meets-Pat Co-headlining with Killola on this tour is ways, like releasing Benatar-esque vocals. the Minneapolis-based, all-girl indie pop rock Killola’s new album And the Killola band Sick of Sarah. on USB sticks and dogtags. fans are a breed of their own. On their way from Michigan to Chicago, “Our technology is centered on getting “The fans are out of their minds,” Rieffel the Minneapolis girls said the Buy the Milk content to fans as fast as possible,” said Ed said. “We’re some of the biggest oddballs tour is their longest yet. Formed in 2005, Sick you can find, but our fans are crazy. They are Donnelly, president of Aderra. “Killola is a of Sarah also expresses pop-rock sensibilities unique partner for us because they are very super passionate. I love that so much.” with upbeat pop-rock anthems and heartcreative and so dedicated to their fans.” Passionate enough to make a lifetime break ballads. The band also wrote three new Aderra makes it possible for fans to get commitment to the band by getting Killola Let’s Get Associated on a unique Killola USB songs that it will showcase on the tour before lyrics, Killola logos and even full images of hitting the studio in May. Lisa Rieffel tattooed on their bodies. And in stick. Or, for $40, they can get a wearable “We’re just really concentrating on tourUSB dogtag. The jewelry not only holds the return, if you show up at a Killola concert ing before we hit the studio. We want to anywhere with a Killola tattoo, you’ll get in new record, but also the entire Killola backmake sure we get back to where we appeared log. Additionally, it doubles as a gateway to for free. before,” lead vocalist Abisha Uhl said. “If you’re going to make that commitment download live recordings from the current With both Sick of Sarah, known for tour as well as on-the-road footage. of getting a Killola tattoo, we’re going to their sense of humor, and Killola, the self“The feedback has been phenomenal,” play for you for free, forever,” Rieffel said. proclaimed oddballs, the crowd is in for a Donnelly said. “It’s a really cool way to It is Killola’s DIY attitude and commitfun night. connect with the band. It has dashboard ment to fans that has gained them a wide“They can expect a lot of goofiness. multimedia so it has so much functionality to spread global fan base. There’s a lot of laughing on stage,” said Sick it—much more than a CD which gets ripped Over the last seven years, they have selfof Sarah guitarist Jessie Farmer. and put on an iPod,” he said. released and produced three records, estab-
Le Fleur takes a break from the highland games.
SO RUNS THE WORLD AWAY; BUILT TO SPILL BENNY; KFCH KICKS APRIL’S ASS From the porch of his home in Brooklyn, New York, Josh Ritter spoke with Boise Weekly about anticipating the release of his sixth album, So Runs The World Away, which will be available in stores on Tuesday, May 4 (but you can purchase advance copies on vinyl on Record Store Day, Saturday, April 17). “This is the most exciting part of putting out a record,” Ritter said. “It’s exciting in modern times. It used to be that it was exciting when I got it back from the factory. There were no advances. But now, it’s nice to have a little time between when you finish it and when you put it out. It’s always a crazy, emotional period. I always have to have a bunch of other things to do, so that I’m not thinking about it.” One of those things is a book, an obvious next step for the man who describes his own music as “rock and roll with a lot of words.” Read more of the interview with Ritter at boiseweekly.com. Check your calendar for Friday, April 30—and cancel any plans you have unless they are to attend the Built To Spill benefit at the Egyptian Theatre. This show will be a little different in that instead of a typical three- or four-band lineup, BTS will share the stage with local band A Seasonal Disguise, who will play between pieces performed by the Boise High School Orchestra. The show starts at 8 p.m., tickets are $18 and proceeds benefit Doctors Without Borders. Look for more details in these pages in the near future. A slew of great shows will shower down on Knitting Factory this month. On Saturday, April 17, Boise record company 1332 Records (purveyors of Liquid’s Punk Mondays) brings locals Aces and Eights to the stage. They’ll be joined by locals Roofied Resistance, Trigger Itch and The Quickies as well as L.A.’s cool-as-hell rockers Warner Drive. Show starts at 7:30 p.m. and tickets are only $6. On Thursday, April 22, the inaugural Earth Day Birthday gives a glimpse into some of Boise’s best up-and-comers, including Le Fleur, Ocean Story Social, Mousy Brown and We Won The Science Fair. Show is at 8 p.m., tickets are $6. And, don’t forget, the inimitable Ani DiFranco will be at Knitting Factory this month. With Buddy Wakefield opening, DiFranco plays Monday, April 26. Show is at 8 p.m., tickets are $32.50-$60. —Amy Atkins
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BILL COFFEY TRIO—10 p.m. FREE. Bittercreek
PILOT ERROR—10 p.m. $3. Grainey’s Basement
SPINDLEBOMB—9 p.m. $2. Liquid
ALL HANDS GO UP—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement
AUDRA CONNELLY—9:30 p.m. $3. Terrapin Station
BARBARA LAING—6 p.m. FREE. Gelato Cafe
FRIM FRAM 4—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
BITCH—With The State Of, and Bois of Boise. 8 p.m. $8. VAC
KILLOLA—With Sick of Sarah. See Noise, Page 31. 8 p.m. $5. Neurolux
DAMPHOOLS—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
MR. GNOME—9 p.m. $5. The Bouquet
DAN COSTELLO—9 p.m. FREE. Liquid
NASHVILE UNPLUGGED—The Story Behind the Song. Dave Pahanish, who wrote American Ride recorded by Toby Keith, tells the stories behind his songs. See Listen Here, Page 33. 6 p.m. $5. Shorty’s
ECLECTIC APPROACH—9:30 p.m. $5. Reef
KOLE MOULTON—9 p.m. $3. FREE for ladies and the cowboy hat wearing crowd. Shorty’s
THE GROWLERS—With Le Fleur. 8 p.m. $5. Neurolux
The annual Record Store Day celebration has become a highly anticipated event with incredible in-store concerts and more than 150 exclusive releases on CD, DVD and vinyl. Each year, the level of expectation is a little higher, and Boise’s own Record Exchange never disappoints: This year, you might find an exclusive from the Owl City or Of Montreal; an old-school gem from the Rolling Stones or the Sex Pistols; or a posthumous pearl from Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley or John Lennon. This year, RX ratcheted up the coolness by sponsoring a Mixtape Contest. The winner’s mix will be played during store hours. They’ll crank it up with Boise Rock School, musicians busking outside and a bake sale by Go Listen Boise. They’ll turn up the volume by adding a performance from Everest and then they’ll blow-out your mind speakers with an exclusive performance by Josh Ritter. —Amy Atkins
JEREMIAH JAMES GANG—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
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ONE NATION UNDER DJ—Teen dance party with local hip-hop favorites Eleven, plus DJs Noah, Hyde, Mercury and The Quiz Kid. 8 p.m. $5. The Linen Building
FABULOUS CHANCELLORS— Classic rock covers. 8 p.m. FREE. Reef
Saturday, April 17, 10 a.m.- 10 p.m., FREE. Record Exchange, 1105 W. Idaho St., recordexchange.com.
REVOLT REVOLT—9 p.m. FREE. Liquid ROCCI JOHNSON BAND—9:30 p.m. FREE. Humpin’ Hannah’s SKATE NIGHT—With Witchaven, Hatchet, Fury of the Cyclops and Threshold. 8 p.m. FREE. Gusto
ROCK AND ROLL TAX RELIEF— With bands from Boise Rock School. 5:30 p.m. $5. The Linen Building THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. The Buffalo Club THREE BAND THROWDOWN— With A Liquid Embrace, The Forgotten and Black. 9 p.m. FREE. Liquid
THE HOLIDAY FRIENDS—With Mr. Righteous and Spondee. 8 p.m. $3. Flying M Coffeegarage JAKE OWEN—8 p.m. $19.75. Knitting Factory
LEE PENN SKY—8 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s LOOSE CHANGE—9 p.m. $3. The New Frontier Club LOWER DEFINITION—With Jamie Elsewhere, No Bragging Right, Versaille and Silence The Reign. 7:30 p.m. $10. The Venue MICHAEL VERMILLION AND BAND—With Lonesome Rhodes and Good Company, Go Engine Now, DJ Doug Martsch. 8 p.m. $3. Neurolux
SATURDAY APRIL 17 THE B FOUNDATION—With Pigeon John and DJ Revolve. 8 p.m. $10. Neurolux EVEREST—1 p.m. FREE. The Record Exchange FREUDIAN SLIP—9 p.m. FREE. The Plank HILLFOLK NOIR—Noon. FREE. Superb Sushi HILLSTOMP—Junkbox guitar and pounding on a BBQ lid has never sounded so sweet. 9 p.m. $5. The Bouquet JOSH RITTER—See Noise news, Page 31. 7 p.m. Admission with wristband only. Wristband with the purchase of Ritter’s new album on vinyl. The Record Exchange JOSHUA TREE—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
GUIDE/LISTEN HERE GUIDE KOLE MOULTON—9 p.m. $3. FREE for active duty, vets and the cowboy hat wearing crowd. Shorty’s
REBECCA SCOTT BAND—7 p.m., FREE, O’Michael’s
RYAN WISSINGER—10:30 a.m. FREE. Red Feather
SET YOUR GOALS—With Comeback Kid, This Time Next Year, The Wonder Years and All Hands Go. 7:30 p.m. $12. The Venue
SMOOTH—7 p.m. FREE. Liquid
LOOSE CHANGE—9 p.m. $3. The New Frontier Club PILOT ERROR—10 p.m. $3. Grainey’s Basement POKE—9 p.m. FREE. O’Michael’s ROCCI JOHNSON BAND—9:30 p.m. $5. Humpin’ Hannah’s THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. The Buffalo Club TAINA ASILI Y LA BANDA REBELDE—With Rizing Resistance. 9:30 p.m. $5. Reef TAUGE & FAULKNER—Followed by 1332 Records after party. 9 p.m. $2. Liquid
BOISE BLUES SOCIETY JAM SESSION—8 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge JAMES ORR—7:30 p.m. FREE. Red Feather WARNER DRIVE—Special Punk Monday show. 9 p.m. FREE. Liquid
YER MAMA—8:30 p.m. FREE. Ha’ Penny
DAYTON DEAN AND THE RIVER KING—One-man Dixieland swamp rock. 8 p.m. $8. Linen Building KAYLEE COLE AND SHENANDOAH DAVIS—9 p.m. $3. The Bouquet
MATT HOPPER AND THE ROMAN CANDLES—9 p.m. FREE. The Bouquet THE MUTAYTOR—Eleven-piece electronic dance orchestra with vaudeville actors, acrobats and pyrotechnics. Essentially it’s Burning Man on tour. 8 p.m. FREE (no ticket necessary). Knitting Factory
SOUL SERENE—8 p.m. FREE. Sockeye
WEDNESDAY APRIL 21 APPLE THIEF—9 p.m. FREE. Liquid BONE DANCE—With Former Thieves and Halloween Swim Team. 9 p.m. $3. Red Room BROCK BARTELL—6 p.m. FREE. Gelato Cafe
SONG & DANCE DJS—Wed: Bad Irish, Balcony. Thu: Balcony. Fri: Bad Irish, Balcony. Sat: Balcony, Dirty Little Roddy’s, Terrapin Station. Mon: Bad Irish, Balcony. Tue: Balcony. KARAOKE—Wed: 44 Club, SIN. Thu: 44 Club, Hannah’s, The Plank, Shorty’s. Fri: 44 Club. Sat: 44 Club. Sun: 44 Club, Bad Irish, Balcony, Liquid. Mon: 44 Club. Tues: 44 Club, Shorty’s. OPEN MICS—Thu: O’Michael’s. Fri: Rembrandt’s. Sun: Bouquet. Mon: Terrapin Station, Pengilly’s, Library Coffeehouse. Wed: Donnie Mac’s, The Plank. Tue: Grainey’s. For the week’s complete schedule of music listings, visit boiseweekly.com.
GO LISTEN BOISE BENEFIT— With Apple Charm, Sleepy Seeds and Beautician. 8 p.m. $5. Neurolux HOTEL INDIA—8 p.m. FREE. Reef PSYCHEDELIC HORSE SHIT— With How’s Your Family. 8 p.m. $5. VAC Psychadelic Horse Shit
Don’t know a venue? Visit www.boiseweekly.com for addresses, phone numbers and a map.
NASHVILLE UNPLUGGED, APRIL 15, SHORTY’S Nashville is not only about country music ... oh, who are we kidding? It’s the country music capital, so you know anything with Nashville in the title is probably going to be a) countrymusic related and b) something country-music lovers will want to check out. Boise’s own little slice of Nashville, Shorty’s Saloon, hosts Nashville Unplugged: The Story Behind the Song each month. Nashville Unplugged is a touring show that brings singers and songwriters to the stage to mix music with storytelling and give audiences a glimpse of Nashville music life, told by the men and women who are an integral part of it. Just this year, creators Aaron Benward and Brian McComas added Shorty’s to their regular outings. And this month, Boiseans can hear from Dave Pahanish, who co-wrote Toby Keith’s 2009 No. 1 hit “American Ride.” —Amy Atkins Thursday, April 15, 7 p.m., $5. Shorty’s Saloon, 5467 N. Glenwood St., 208-322-6699, shortyssaloon.com
BOISEweekly | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | 33
NAVIGATING NEPAL Namaste Man opens at BCT TARA MORGAN Take a picture. it will last longer.
OH, SNAPSHOT Are you an amateur photog looking for some exposure? The Alexa Rose Gallery—a cooperative art gallery space located next to Superb Sushi in the Idaho Building—is turning its focus to the art of photography. Gallery curators recently put out a call to artists asking for submissions of up to 10 photos per person for inclusion in an art show opening Thursday, May 6. Everyone from Polaroid-wielding amateurs to professional shooters can submit their creations to be a part of the exhibit. The gallery is aiming for 1,000 photos on any topic imaginable, including “pets, children, people, places, things, scenes, landscapes, art, food, your choice.” After obtaining the submissions, exhibit curators will then creatively display all of the photos in flashy patterns, including mosaics, themed rooms or spelled-out words. But it doesn’t f-stop there. Each of the submissions will be priced from $1-$25 a pop, with 30 percent of the sale going toward the gallery maintenance fund and the rest going to the photographer. The Alexa Rose Gallery is encouraging photographers to donate their 70 percent to a charity of their choosing. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, April 22, at 5 p.m. and organizers ask that all photos be placed in an envelope and slipped through the mail slot on the Alexa Rose Gallery door at 280 N. Eighth St., Ste. 118. If your photos can’t fit through the mail slot, you can call 208-761-9678 to arrange a special delivery. In other ambitious artistic collaboration news, Alley Repertory Theater is kicking off its third season with Between 6 and 8, an event that brings together six to eight artists of various disciplines and gives them six to eight days to create a six-to-eight minute performance, which they then present to a live audience. On Saturday, April 17, Phil Atlakson, American Films (Kelly Broich, Brett Netson and Brad Kaup), Nick Garcia, Elijah Jensen, Elizabeth McSurdy, Grant Olsen, Karena Youtz and Hollis Welsh will flood the Visual Arts Collective stage with their interpretations of the theme Us and Them. To shake things up numerically, tickets are $7 and doors open at 7 p.m. —Tara Morgan
34 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
Yak cheese. Bing Crosby. Cow dung. Hepatitis. For years, actor Andrew Weems scrawled down the sights and sounds of his childhood spent as a State Department brat bouncing from South Korea to Zambia to Virginia to Nepal. But it wasn’t until Weems met Bartlett Sher, former artistic director of Seattle’s Intiman Theatre, that his vivid, startling memories found their way to the stage. Weems premiered Namaste Man at the Intiman in June 2008, and last weekend, he opened the play for the second time to a mostly full house at BCT. hikes with his hippie ex-pat teachers, bumping On a warmly lit stage scattered with toys into a bloated, charred corpse while splashing and trinkets, Weems—a short, animated in a river, his mom listening to Nat King Cole 40-something given to making rubbery Robin Williams-like facial contortions—set the scene. on vinyl, “boiling alive” while tripping on hepatitis—all the while weaving in glimpses of It’s Christmas in New York City and he has his present life as an acstumbled across a tor in New York City. Nepalese man hawking And while his stories tchotchkes. Suddenly, Runs through Saturday, May 1. are engaging, packed Weems is a child back BOISE CONTEMPORARY THEATER with bright colors, in Kathmandu with 854 Fulton St. pungent smells and his father, a straight208-331-9224 bctheater.org crazy characters whom forward U.S. State DeWeems mimics with partment engineer with spot-on accents, they a Dubya accent, and his mother, a gentle Bostonian whom everyone never quite coalesce into a solid whole. The whole thing ends up feeling a tad indulgent. called Mable. Through all of his recollections, it’s Weems’ Weems hops around, sometimes confusingdepictions of his folks that ring most true. ly, from one memory to another—Himalayan
Oh, have I got a story for you ...
Though Weems doesn’t sugarcoat his memories, he also doesn’t seem to pass judgment. “To me, there’s really three ghosts ...” said Weems in an interview with Seattle’s KPLU radio. “One is this beautiful country of Nepal where I grew up in the 1970s, and the other two are these fascinating, incredible people who were my parents, who are now both gone.” BCT’s production of Namaste Man is well-oiled—with Peter John Still’s punctuating sound design floating in at all the right moments—but the show suffers from an overall disjointedness. Unlike Lauren Weedman’s one-woman show No, You Shut Up, Namaste Man doesn’t feel quite at home on the BCT stage. Maybe that’s because Weems is still figuring out exactly where home is.
BALLET IDAHO’S BECOMING Sophomore season ends with hope for the future AMY ATKINS Though it has grown since striking out on its own, Ballet Idaho suffered a few missteps in its sophomore effort, evident in its final offering, the All Italian Program, which wrapped up the company’s season this past weekend. The program featured Mendelssohn’s Italian Symphony, Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons and Stravinsky’s Pulcinella and featured skilled principals Heather Hawk, Jared Hunt and Phyllis Rothwell Affrunti. Their grace and ability to articulate the choreographer’s vision is something other members of the company would be well served to observe. One of the biggest issues this season has been watching several of the dancers telegraph their next moves, rolling from one position to the next, with a lack of precision. Without that meticulousness, it feels like having a conversation with someone who is constantly thinking of
what he or she is going to say next. It’s uncomfortable and feels rushed. Italian Symphony was a lovely, albeit slightly flat piece. It opened with the dancers dressed in a kind of Sound Of Music meets Olive Garden vibe, the sense of glory that should have accompanied the majestic music just not there. Following that, however, A Florentine Renaissance Necklace revealed the dancers resplendent in cream and gold. Hawk, supported by Steven Bain—who has shown great strides this season—was surrounded by six female dancers, daintily circling her in tiny steps on pointe, evoking sunlight fluttering across a melting snowcap. Ballet master Alex Ossadnik took the reins of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and infused it with a sense of humor and drama. Long practice bars lined stage like a geometry problem, and
dancers’ flowy tunics were juxtaposed against the hard lines. Hawk was a force like the moon and Rothwell Affrunti was a breath of spring, her long hair loose, her movements organic. Anastos expressed his own sense of humor and theatrics with the commedia del arte Pulcinella. The men in loose black-and-white costumes served as foils to the women’s beautiful golden bodices and liquidy crepe de Chine skirts. The dancers seemed to find their groove in this piece, pulling off well-done slapstick and complicated choreography. A quartet of gradeschool-aged dancers added to the levity, and, in the titular role, dancer Andrew Taft captured the sense of mischief, mirth and melancholy requisite for any good clown. Along with the ever-changing Ballet Idaho, he’s definitely one to keep an eye on in the coming season. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
SWEDISH SECRETS Tattoo is thrilling first installment in three-part series JEREMIAH ROBERT WIERENGA Swedish journalist Stieg Larsson must have had a million stories rattling around in his head. An influential political writer and lecturer, his career was spent exposing white-power organizations and mapping Swedish right-wing extremism, actions that garnered him multiple death threats and forced him to live in seclusion. The first installment of Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, A law that requires newlyweds to put has made its way from Sweden to Boise. their address on record, meant he never married his lifelong companion Eva Gaunstable, but with one crucial difference: cold-case disappearance of his niece 40 brielsson, leaving her without rights to his She possesses perfect recall, every injustice estate following a fatal coronary in 2004. At years prior. and destructive event in her life remembered Whether because of her own curiosity or the time of his death, Larsson had completdue to a personal history of injustice—pieces with exact clarity. While some travesties are ed—though never published—three of a explored in the first of this trilogy—includplanned 10-part crime novel series. With the of which are discovered throughout the ing three disturbingly vivid scenes of rape— film—Lisbeth keeps digital tabs on Mikael’s posthumous publishing of his Millennium we get a sense of deeper, darker secrets to be progress, finally breaking her silence to Trilogy, Larsson became the second-bestprovide him with a pivotal clue. She eventu- uncovered in subsequent films. selling author in the world in 2008. The Actress Rapace gives a stunning perforally agrees to assist first of the series, mance as the taciturn titular heroine, her his investigation, and The Girl With the cold and controlled facade only melting in the yin and yang pair Dragon Tattoo, arTHE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO (R) small, believably shy moments, bolstered by uncover a corporate rives in film form rife Directed by Niels Arden Oplev earnest, instrumental support from Nyqvist. coverup of serial with the brutality, Starring Michael Nyqvist, Noomi Rapace Although the run time is more than two murder, ritualistic sex ugliness and thrilling and a half hours, The Girl with the Dragon and a family history of mind-mazes of its Now playing at The Flicks Tattoo doesn’t feel overly long, the dual anti-Semitism. source material. examination of its central mystery and The Girl with the The film deals the inner lives of its characters serving as Dragon Tattoo is an with two vastly difa sustained, satisfying introduction to the unusual sort of mystery, part of the rare ferent but determined researchers. Mikael larger, three-part story. Filmmaker Niels class of thrillers in which unraveling the Blomkvist (Michael Nyqvist) is a disgraced Arden Oplev provides steady direction, investigative journalist, sentenced to a three- enigma of the central characters is as vital emphasizing the story, not the sensationalisto the story as the focal whodunit. The two month jail sentence after losing a libel case tic explosions, car chases and fist fights that against a corrupt industrialist. Young gothic protagonists don’t even meet until an hour into the film, this protracted prologue focus- are bound to be featured in the upcoming punk Lisbeth Salander (Noomi Rapace) ing on Mikael’s legal woes and a vicious cat- Hollywood iteration. is the brilliant computer hacker who has With the two sequels already finished and-mouse struggle waged between Lisbeth evidence of his innocence, but doesn’t want and awaiting distribution, Dragon Tattoo is and her sadistic, sex-crazed legal guardian. to get involved. With six months before yet another top-notch Swedish export that’s Like a bad-ass Jason Bourne, Lisbeth is his sentence begins, Mikael is hired by a sure to be imitated but rarely equaled. resourceful, whip-smart and clearly a little wealthy corporate tycoon to examine the
SCREEN/LISTINGS special screenings METROPOLITAN OPERA: HAMLET ENCORE— Simulcast of the met operas adaptation of Hamlet. (NR). Wednesday, April 14, 6:30 p.m. Edwards 22, 7709 Overland Rd., 208-377-9603. TAPPED—A documentary about the bottled water industry and its effects on health, economics, the environment and privatization of natural resources. (NR) Sunday, April
18, 7:30 p.m., $11. Flicks, 646 Fulton St., 208-3424222, theflicksboise.com.
opening A PROPHET—An Arab youth sentenced to prison in France, gets brought under the wing of an organized crime leader and into a world he didn’t know existed. (R) Flicks
KICK ASS—Superhero movies finally jump the shark when McLovin and Nick Cage team up to fight crime, despite not actually having any powers. (R) Edwards 9
Duchovny and Demi Moore play marketing agents, who promote products by going undercover as the family everyone wants to be to show them off. (R) Flicks
DEATH AT A FUNEREAL— The finest in sex, drugs, midgets and poop jokes. American remake of the 2007 British comedy, in which everything that can go wrong at a funereal, does. (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 22
THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO—See Screen, this page. (R) Flicks
continuing ALICE IN WONDERLAND— (PG)Edwards 9, Edwards 22
THE BOUNTY HUNTER— Jennifer Aniston stars as Nicole, a bail jumping ex-wife of rugged bounty hunter Milo Boyd (Gerard Butler). Car chases, handcuffs and taser guns pepper Nicole’s attempt to escape Milo’s clutches. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 CLASH OF THE TITANS— Avatar’s Sam Worthington takes on the remake of the 1981 cheese fest as Perseus, a warrior who leads an army into forbidden worlds to
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SCREEN/LISTINGS stop Hades (Ralph Fiennes) from usurping power from Perseus’ father, Zeus (Liam Neeson). (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 CRAZY HEART—Jeff Bridges stars as Blake, a 57-year-old alcoholic country singer that resolves to turn his life around after meeting a girl. (R) Flicks Ends Thursday DATE NIGHT—Steve Carrell and Tina Fey star as the Fosters, a bored married couple, who pretend to be “The Tripplehornsâ€? to snag their reservation at an exclusive restaurant. They quickly discover the Tripplehorns (James Franco and Mila Kunis) are a pair of thieves the mob wants to ďŹ nd. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 DIARY OF A WIMPY KID— Middle school is hell. Such is the experience of Greg (Zachary Gordon) and his band of nerdish pals as they trudge their way through seventh grade. (PG) Edwards 22 THE GHOST WRITER—Pierce Brosnan stars as former British Prime Minister Adam Lang, a mysterious war criminal. When “The Ghostâ€? (Ewan McGregor) signs on to ďŹ nish Lang’s memoirs, he becomes embroiled in a CIA scandal. (PG-13) Flicks, Edwards 22
“Sharp, timely and very funny‌an ingenious spin on keeping up with the Joneses.â€? -Karen Durbin, ELLE
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:50, 4:50, 7:50, 10:30
Edwards 22: W-Th: 7:20, 9:45
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:45, 4:45, 7:45, 10:15 Edwards 22: W-Th: 11 a.m., 1:35, 4:15, 6:55, 9:25
THE CLASH OF THE TITANS— Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:05, 1:35, 4:05, 4:35, 7:05, 7:35, 9:55, 10:25 Edwards 22: W-Th: 12, 12:30, 1, 2:30, 3, 3:40, 5, 5:30, 6:10, 7:30, 8:10, 8:50, 10, 10:50 CRAZY HEART—
Flicks: W-Th only: 4:50, 9:15
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1, 1:30, 4, 4:30, 7, 7:30, 9:45, 10:10 Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:40 a.m., 12:05, 12:45, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 4:35, 5:05, 5:35, 6:45, 7:15, 7:45, 9:05, 9:35, 10:15
Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:35 a.m., 1:55, 4:10, 6:50, 9:10
Flicks: W-Th: 4:30, 7, 9:20 F-Tu: 9:20
GREEN ZONE—(R) Edwards 22
Edwards 22: W-Th: 12:10, 2:55, 5:25, 8, 10:30
HOT TUB TIME MACHINE— Title says it all. (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 22
Flicks: W-Th only: 5, 7:15, 9:25
THE LAST STATION—Deteriorating Leo Tolstoy (Christopher Plummer) and his wife Sofya (Helen Mirren) are at odds over whether Leo’s considerable fortune will go to the Russian people or the couple’s children. (R) Flicks Ends Thursday
Flicks: F-Sa: 1:25, 4:25, 7:30 Su: 1:25, 4:25 M-Tu: 4:25, 7:30
HOT TUB TIME MACHINE— Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:55, 4:55, 7:55, 10:35 Edwards 22: W-Th: 12:15, 2:40, 4:55, 7:25, 10:10 HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON—
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:20, 4:20, 7:15, 9:40 Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:25 a.m., 1:05, 2:50, 3:50, 5:20, 6:25, 7:50, 8:55, 10:05
HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 3D— Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:45 a.m., 2:10, 4:45 THE JONESES—
Flicks: F-Sa: 1:10, 3:10, 5:10, 7:10, 9:10 Su: 1:10, 3:10, 5:10, 7:10, 9:10 M-Tu: 5:10, 7:10, 9:10
Edwards 9: F-Tu: 1:20, 4:20, 7:20 10 Edwards 22: F-Tu: 11:30 a.m. 2:10 4:50 7:30 10:10
HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON IMAX 3D— Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:45 a.m., 2:10, 4:35, 7, 9:20 THE LAST SONG— Edwards 9: W-Th: 11:45 a.m., 2:10, 4:35, 7, 9:20 Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:05 a.m., 12:20, 1:40, 3:10, 4:20, 5:40, 7:05, 8:05, 9:40, 10:35
LETTERS TO GOD—Religious propaganda meets sappy drama when a child sick with cancer writes letters to God, and the poor schlub of a mailman unable to deliver them, decides to get personally involved, which ultimately renews his faith. (PG) Edwards 22
NORTH FACE—The ďŹ lm focuses on two climbers from Berchtesgaden, Hitler’s town of residence, who disagree with Nazi rule and their 1936 attempt to summit the Eiger north face. In German with English subtitles. (NR) Flicks
$" % ! " $$ $ !# % %# # %!#) !# % $ 208/342-4222 !# $!& !# % ! $ !'% $ $ !& % !&"! $ "% ! &$ #$ 57 $/5;903.8 %.<9 ! $ $ '09/ )5:7 * " ! %5 (
Flicks: F-Sa: 1:45, 4:45, 7:45. Su: 1:45, 4:45, 7:45 M-Tu: 4:45, 7:45
THE LAST SONGâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;A classical piano prodigy, Ronnie (Mylet cyrus) refuses to follow in her fatherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s footsteps and attend Julliard. Can father and daughter reconnect over their love of music? In this family drama, signs point to yes. (PG) Edwards 9, Edwards 22
-Richard Corliss, TIME
GREENBERGâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Ben Stiller perfects the art of doing nothing. (R) Flicks Ends Thursday
HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGONâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;To prove his manhood, the son of a Viking chief must capture a dragon. In the process he discovers that dragons may be manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s new best friend. (PG) Edwards 9, Edwards 22
â&#x20AC;&#x153;EXCELLENT. A ZEITGEIST FILM!â&#x20AC;?
WHY DID I GET MARRIED TOO?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;A seemingly normal vacation in the Bahamas with four couples turns into a nightmare in the sequel to 2007â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Why Did I Get Married? (PG-13) Edwards 22
Flicks: W-Th only: 7:05
LETTERS TO GODâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:10 a.m., 1:45, 4:25, 7, 9:35 METROPOLITIAN OPERA: HAMLET ENCOREâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; THE NORTH FACEâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;
Edwards 22: W: 6:30
Flicks: W-Th: 4:40, 7:10, 9:35 F-Su: 2, 4:35, 7 M-Tu: 4:35, 7
Flicks: Su: 7:30
WHY DID I GET MARRIED TOOâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Edwards 22: W-Th: 1:10, 4:05, 7:10, 9:55
T H E A T E R S Edwards 22 Boise, 208-377-1700, www.regmovies.com; Edwards 9 Boise, 208-338-3821, www.regmovies.com; The Egyptian Theater, 208-345-0454, www.egyptiantheatre.net; The Flicks, 208-342-4222, www.theďŹ&#x201A;icksboise.com; FOR SECOND-RUN MOVIES: Northgate Cinema, Towne Square Reel, Country Club Reel, Nampa Reel, 208-377-2620, www.reeltheatre.com. Overland Park $1 Cinema, 208-377-3072, www.opcmovies.com. Movie times listed were correct as of press time. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
65 DAYS OR BUST Record-setting flight faces technical, basic hurdles LORA VOLKERT Matt Pipkin, 25, just got his pilot’s license last summer. He’s spent a total of 60 hours in the air, with his longest flight being five hours. His father, Chet Pipkin, a pilot for American Airlines for the last 23 years and a former pilot for the Idaho Air National Guard, said he’s flown a plane from Boise to Norway for the Guard, which took nine in-air refuelings. He’s also flown between Chicago and Rome, which took 10 to 12 hours. “I thought that was a lot,” he said. Together, the two Boise residents want to beat the current Guinness World Record for the longest endurance flight of 64 days, 22 hours and 19 minutes. They’re shooting for 65 days in the air starting this October. No stopping to refuel. No landing to pick up supplies. No touching down for potty breaks. It’s a publicity stunt to raise funds to combat child abuse through their Web site, commit65.org. But there are a few hurdles ... like they don’t have a plane, for one. Matt is so convinced he’ll be able to find a sponsor to provide the plane for his for-charity flight that he has no backup plan in case none comes through. They also need thousands of gallons of fuel, parts and other supplies. And Chet is worried about blood clots from being cooped up in the cockpit of a Cessna-like custom plane for two months. And that’s not even scratching the surface of the mechanical challenges they face. In a recent interview with The Idaho Statesman, Matt Pipkin said one of his biggest concerns was that the monotony of the flight might make him bored. “My guess is when the engine quits, they won’t be bored,” said Doug Kandle, president of the local chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association and owner of White Cloud Aviation in Caldwell. Commercial planes are serviced every 100 hours, according to Kandle. Private planes owned by hobbyists are typically serviced once or twice a year, but most of them are only flown about 100 hours a year, he said. “It’s as if you were flying this plane for 15 years and never having it serviced.” The Pipkins want to use an experimental aircraft similar in structure to a light Cessna. Because it wouldn’t be a manufactured plane, it would be subject to fewer Federal Aviation Administration regulations regarding the kinds of changes they can make, allowing them to build a fuel tank onto the belly of the plane and add an electric pump system to pump fuel from the belly tank to WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
Chet and Matt Pipkin: How much do you charge for carry ons? Extra leg room anyone? Hold my coffee while I complete this aerial refueling, son.
the existing tanks in the wings. To pull off the record flight, the Pipkins plan to do in-air refuelings every 12 hours. “Instead of air-to-air, it’ll be ground-to-air,” Matt said. They’ll fly low to the ground, lower a pulley to hoist up a fuel line, and refuel from a truck with a tank of fuel in the back. Chet is getting some friends from the Air Force to drive a truck with a 150-gallon tank of fuel and connect the tank to the plane’s tank. The hose would have a quick-disconnect valve, so if the plane hits a pocket of air that forces it upward while it’s in the middle of refueling, they won’t have problems with the fuel line breaking or keeping the plane and truck tethered. They’ll add a small platform outside the passenger side and change the passenger door to a folding, accordion-style door that will allow Matt, wearing a harness, to lean out, operate the pulleys and connect the hose while Chet flies. They plan to bring food and other supplies up and send waste down through a similar pulley mechanism. Other modifications include removing the seat, pedals and steering yoke on the passenger side to make room for oil lines in the cockpit so they can change the oil mid-air. A couple valves could be used to shift the oil supply to another line, which would allow them to add fresh oil and pop out the old filter, Chet explained. They’ll take the back seats out of the fourseat plane to provide room for a small mattress, a portable john and a curtain between the cockpit and the sleeping area for privacy. “This is a pretty big cabin,” Matt said of the 3-and-a-half-foot-wide, four-seat Cessna he and his father used as a visual to point out the modifications they would need to make when they get their plane. “Home sweet home.” A similarly sized plane would give them just enough room to do a few stretches. That’s important because blood clots are a major concern when you can’t move around, especially
for older men, said Chet, who is 58. They plan to save as much fuel as possible by maintaining a conservative flight pattern. “The higher you fly, the more fuel-efficient you are,” Chet said. They may set a pattern on autopilot and use a ground proximity warning system to let them know if they get too close to the ground or to a mountain. Technical improvements like these could make it much easier to break the existing world record, which was set back in 1959, Matt said. “They didn’t even have headsets back in ’59,” he said. Kandle said he thinks Matt and Chet’s plan for ground-to-air refueling is pretty sound. “That has been done many times before,” he said. The kind of airplane modifications they plan to make sound feasible as well, and being able to change the oil and filters on board could buy them some time in the air. But he’s concerned that they aren’t making any modifications to the engine. To break this kind of a record, Kandle said, you probably need a stress engineer looking at the engine and trying to figure out ways to design it to run much longer than its normal lifespan. Most plane engines are designed to be run 1,200 to 2,000 hours before they need a complete overhaul. Without regular servicing to take care of things like changing spark plugs and cylinders, the engine life could be shortened considerably. Matt said he and his dad are talking to the engine manufacturers and companies that overhaul and rebuild engines, but that they don’t plan any major modifications to the engine other than making it possible to change the oil mid-flight. If their engine eventually loses power—as it did with the pilots who set the existing record in 1959—Matt and Chet Pipkin could still glide down and land safely without an engine provided they are over a safe place to land, Kandle said.
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INSTRUCTIONAL FITNESS PROGRAMS—Boise State Recreation offers a variety of three- and eight-week programs aimed to get you fit. Check out their list of classes and register online at rec. boisestate.edu/fitness.instruction or call 208-426-5644. Boise State Rec Center, 1515 University Drive, Boise, 208426-5641, 208-426-1131, rec. boisestate.edu. KNOBBY TIRES SERIES COYOTE CLASSIC—Beginners and pros are invited to this points race for the Wild Rockies series. The eight mile course runs through sagebrush and creeks with varied elevation. Great for single speed racers. Race is Saturday, May 8. knobbytireseries.com. SUN VALLEY HALF MARATHON—Registration is now open for the Sun Valley Half Marathon. Racers and spectators alike will dig the newly renovated course with a newly designated star t/finish spot, making it easy for friends and family to catch you crossing the finish line. Race is Friday, June 5. $40. For registration information, visit www.sunvalleyhalfmarathon.com. VELOPARK GRAND PRIX—Four-part race series. Four mile course. All skill levels welcome. Free for spectators. Register online at veloparkgrandprix.com. Saturday, April 17, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday, April 18, 9:30 a.m.; Monday, April 19, 9:30 a.m.; and Tuesday, April 20, 9:30 a.m. Idaho Velodrome and Cycling Park, Old Horseshoe Bend Road, Eagle, www.idahovelopark.org.
Events & Classes ADULT VOLLEYBALL CLINIC— An environment for adult play. Brush up on skills and incorporate them in play. Coached by a cer tified USA volleyball coach. Saturdays, 9-11 a.m. $10. Rolling Hills Public Char ter School, 8900 Horseshoe Bend Road, Eagle, 208-939-5400, www.sde. idaho.gov. BOMBB SQUAD—The Boise Off-Road Mountain Bike Babes is a biking group for women of all ages in the Boise area who enjoy mountain biking. Activities include group rides, maintenance clinics, riding clinics and monthly potlucks. Mondays. For more information, e-mail idbikegirl@yahoo.com or call 208-484-4649. LADIES WRENCH NIGHT—The work night for ladies only is a chance to work or learn to work on bikes with the tools and exper tise provided. Mondays, 6-8 p.m., FREE.
38 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
HOOFIN IT 5K—Head out to the backcountr y for a beautiful 5K run to raise money for the American Blazer Horse Association. Register online at www. bluecirclespor ts.com. Packet pick up is scheduled for Friday, April 23, from noon-5 p.m. and the run is on Sunday, April 25, with the one-mile fun run/ walk at 1 p.m. followed by the competitive 5K at 1:30 p.m. $20 for 5K, $15 for one mile, $5 late fee for entries received after April 19.
Scott Grothe caught three big fish on the cold, cold Salmon River. Jeff Barney caught none.
STEELHEADING ON THE SALMON RIVER As with any successful fishing trip, this one began with a good beer and a good friend. Ted Koch and I left Boise on a recent Friday afternoon to meet up with our friend, Scott Grothe, for some early spring steelhead fly fishing on the Salmon River. Fall archery hunting had brought the three of us together for years. Yet, somehow, this was our first joint fishing adventure. On the drive toward Stanley, Ted and I began spotting herds of elk near Garden Valley. We discussed at length: elk vs. wolves, elk vs. roads, steelhead and dams, sage grouse and West Nile Virus, and how fire management and climate change may trump them all. The discussion made the windshield time remarkably pleasant. After a quick pit stop at Stanley, we continued our drive down river toward Challis. We reached our rendezvous point with Scott an hour after dusk. Ted and I hastily made camp, ate a bite then hit the rack. We awoke Saturday morning with great anticipation; then the bone-chilling temperature hit us. According to our fishing thermometer, the air temperature was 23 degrees! Fingers and zippers fail to function well and threading a fly rod with gloves becomes problematic. Sweet Jesus, what the hell was I thinking, tent camping in April at 5,500 feet? Winter steelhead fishing (December to April) involves somewhat unorthodox techniques. Ted and Scott, both seasoned steelhead anglers, hoped to educate me on the finer points of catching these sea-run trout. Two principal angling methods exist: 1) spot-and-stalk, whereby the angler carefully walks the shoreline attempting to spot steelhead holding in the shallower currents, or 2) dredging, which involves using weighted sink-tip lines and “fishing blind” through the deeper holding pools. The former is the preferred method given that the angler targets visible steelhead. It’s important, however, to avoid fish actively spawning or guarding their redd (fish nest). Scott successfully utilized both methods landing three steelhead (the largest, a 32-inch male) over the course of the day. Ted managed to catch a lone male he spotted from shore, carefully working his weighted fly near the fish to entice a solid take. My efforts were met with less stellar results. To paraphrase author David James Duncan, “I couldn’t catch my own ass in a fish hatchery!” While trying both techniques, I had particular difficulty spotting fish. I did, however, learn several important points regarding spring steelhead fishing. For one, fly pattern is the least important consideration. You aren’t trying to match any particular hatch. In fact, the techniques, while effective, are somewhat unsophisticated, relying more upon triggering a fish’s territorial nature than imitating a food source. Secondly, a quality pair of polarized sunglasses is paramount to success. In the end, we toasted the river with bourbon. If nothing else, like the wild Salmon River, it washed away any regrets. —Jeff Barney WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
FOOD/NEWS REVIEWS/FOOD On one plate then the other ... BW sends two critics to one restaurant.
Even as the long shadows of late afternoon stretched out Don’t let the dated sign or easy-to-miss Vista location fool you. Waltz into beneath the spring sun, the unmistakable taste of garlic Casanova Pizzeria on a weekend night and you’re probably not going to lingered. It had been hours since lunch and a little puff of find a seat—or a place to stand. Opened in 2006 by a Connecticut transair bubbled up from my stomach and escaped from my lips, plant, this joint has just three raised vinyl booths, seven wooden tables and bringing with it the essence of fresh, potent garlic that not a small bar area. But anyone who has sampled the heavenly, wood-fired, even a breath mint had been able to scrub clean. neo-Neapolitan pizza—with its airy, crackling, naan-like crust—will wait. Earlier that day ... Casanova is a neighborhood haunt for in-the-know Benchites. Though The culprit had been a few Casanova serves up a modest menu, slices of “the Comet,” which came with 20 or so specialty pies, a with a bold warning in the ingrehandful of hot sandwiches and a dients list: “lots of garlic.” Among few antipasto, it nonetheless caters the fixins playing supporting roles to a diverse crowd—the beerto the Comet’s garlic were tomato swilling after-work set trade hello’s sauce (the once staple pizza comwith parents bouncing toddlers on modity that’s hardly requisite these their laps. The place doesn’t lure days), mozzarella, large slices of folks in with video games, buy-onepepperoni, fresh tomato and lurkget-one gimmicks or fancy pizza ing somewhere beneath all that, tricks. Instead, Casanova keeps it basil. The cast as a whole played refreshingly simple—three small, out the Comet atop a razor-thin black-and-white photos of Rome crust deceptively hefty enough for are the only art. the task with a rind of plain crust When a couple of friends and I about two fingers thick offering stopped into Casanova late-ish on a just-wide-enough perch for a a Tuesday evening, we had good decent grip. luck finding a table. Over a bottle However, as per my request, of the house cabernet sauvignon the Comet ($9.50) was given but (Crow Canyon 2008, $13), we got half the wheel. The other half down to business. Every pizza on belonged to a field of bright green the menu can be ordered in the rarely seen atop pizza. Burrowing 12-inch small size or the 18-inch beneath a layer of fresh, cold peplarge size, and each pie can be split pery arugula leaves were shrivhalvsies with various toppings. eled slices of salty prosciutto and Though our server mentioned that bright white splotches of melted, the Mondo ($10.50, $20.50)—tofresh mozzarella—which next to mato sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni, the dull, waxier looking mozsausage, mushrooms, onions, green zarella on the Comet was visupeppers and black olives—was a ally far superior. Pitting the Juno crowd favorite, we decided to go a ($9.25) against the Comet with the bit more eclectic with a half-Verde, intention of determining a favorite half-Medusa ($9.25 small) and halfproved fruitless, so I traded a slice Juno, half-Idahoan ($9.25 small). of arugula-topped Juno for a slice Not long after we bit into our of my tablemate’s Clams Casino, first slices, a slew of hyperboles featuring the infamous Connectispewed from our pizza-packed cut pizza topping for which Casanova has become so mouths. “This is the best crust I’ve ever had. Period.” CASANOVA PIZZERIA 1204 S. Vista Ave. well known. True story, the bivalve moniker isn’t just And in short succession, “This pizza is worth moving 208-331-3535 some attention-getting scheme. They may be shoved to the Bench.” casanovapizzeria.com around by bacon and green pepper and then doused Whether it was the pesto-topped Verde, with its Open Mon.-Sat., in freshly crushed garlic, but look closely and you’ll smoky, almost bacon-y mozzarella, the Idahoan, with 11 a.m.-10 p.m. find a few pale clams. What they lack in flavor conits big hunks of sausage and potato, or the Medusa, tribution they make up for in novelty, thus putting with its sweet fig and pineapple chunks balanced by the Clams Casino in a three-way tie for first place. tangy gorgonzola—all three of us melted in Casanova’s dreamy embrace. So I gave up. At least on pizza. And even though the Juno was the last to disappear—a forest of arugula I grabbed my fork and launched a commando mission overpowered the fresh mozzarella and prosciutto—we still inhaled every across the table to secure a mouthful of eggplant parmesan. last slice, minus a small pile of crusts, “the bones” as one pal called them. Rich like Trump, thick like a two-by-four. On a return visit for lunch, daylight streamed through the large windows I surveyed the damage we five, in total, had done. Three as sleepy Italian love songs spun through the room. After locking eyes longhalf-and-half pizzas, two breadless sandwiches with salad, a ingly with the Medusa, I decided to mix it up with an eggplant parmesan Cuban Midnight panini (with a honking wedge of garlicky sandwich ($7.50). Our sassy server encouraged me to try the eggplant parm pickle poking out all ends) and two cups of Lavazza coffee. sans bread, and while she was right to say the eggplant is perfect on its own, Not a misstep anywhere. the lasagna-ish pile could’ve benefited from a toasty crunch. And right along with clam pizza, it’s on that confidence Exiting Casanova’s, I noticed a smattering of small, iron patio tables and consistency that Casanova has built its reputation. waiting patiently for summer. It’s looks like there’s just enough room for me, a Medusa, a Vista sunset and a glass of wine. —Rachael Daigle is glad she has her own office for those days when the garlic bubbles up. —Tara Morgan has let the Medusa slither into her heart. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
The many colors of the farmers market.
FARMERS MARKET ALMOST OPEN FOR BUSINESS The ingredient roundup for your locavore meeting is about to get a whole lot easier. We’ve finally (mostly) emerged from the dead of meat-and-potato winter and the local produce is just about to start taking off. The Capital City Farmers Market, aka the Saturday Market, on Eighth Street launches this Saturday, April 17. Though you’re not likely to find a bounty of ripe tomatoes and a rainbow of organically grown bell peppers this early in the season, the meat, cheese, bread and flower representation should be substantial. First stop is Zeppole’s booth for a rosemary ciabatta loaf. Then swing on by Ballard Family Cheese for a bag of flavored curds (and if you’re lucky, a sample of the truffle cheddar). Stop by Meadowlark Farms for a rack of locally raised lamb, and skip on down to Koenig Vineyards for a nice bottle of complementary (but not complimentary) Syrah. Along the way, keep an eye out for fresh veggies. The Thursday night market on Eighth Street, which could arguably be the better of the two with its emphasis on produce and a much smaller crowd to fight, doesn’t start until June so you’ll have to plan ahead for the whole week if you’re a devoted market shopper. In restaurant news, Cafe Vicino has a new menu to usher in the change of seasons. Among the most notable additions is a zucchini, basil, lemon and mascarpone stuffed quail. If that’s making you salivate just a tad, try this: braised rabbit manicotti with a cream sauce of whole grain mustard, pancetta and crimini mushrooms. The latter will be featured in an upcoming wine dinner with Washington’s Ryan Patrick Vineyards on Monday, April 26. As always, dinner starts at 6:30 p.m. and reservations are required. Call 208-472-1463. But if you can’t wait until the end of the month to get your wine dinner fix, get on the horn and get a reser vation for Monday, April 19, at Chandlers. Sixteen Walla Walla wineries will be pouring and Chandlers will offer pairing apps. Tasting is $35 per person from 5:30-8 p.m. Call 208-383-4300 for reser vations. —Rachael Daigle
BOISEweekly | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | 39
FOOD/DINING Nampa BRICK 29 BISTRO—Chef Dustan Bristol is co-owner of Nampa’s casually upscale eatery which serves fancy takes on common foods. Asian pork tacos come with a side of applealmond coleslaw and fancier still, an open-face Reuben sandwich with a cup of pumpkin bisque all topped off with flourless chocolate cake. Delicious and delectable. 320 11th Ave. S., Nampa, 208-4680029. $-$$ SU OM. COPPER CANYON—If you’re looking for a delicious steak, Copper Canyon in downtown Nampa deserves your attention. It may be a little off the beaten path, but well worth the trip to enjoy their fine dining in an intimate setting. 113 13th St. S., Nampa, 208-461-0887. $$$ RES. FLYING M COFFEEGARAGE— First Flying M moves out to Canyon County and makes a home out of a former garage shop. Now that space is chock full of coolness in the form of a coffeeshop, gift shop and allage art and music venue. Food selections to go along with the in-house roasted coffee include pastries made at the in-house bakery. 1314 Second St. S., Nampa, 208-467-5533. $ SU. HOUSE OF KIM—Great food, topnotch service and unique ambience makes House of Kim worth a drive to Nampa. The food is fresh, portions are plentiful and the selections aren’t soaked in soy sauce. If that doesn’t get you to gas up the car, maybe this will: HOK offers spicy, spicy, spicy Thai options as well. 1226 1st St. S., Nampa, 208-466-3237. $$ . MONA LISA—This atmospheric restaurant specializes in fondue served in an intimate setting inspired by a single piece of art (you know the one). This isn’t just for fine dining—it’s positively decadent. Great for special occassions or when you just want to take your time over dinner. 102 11th Ave. N., Nampa, 208-442-1400. $$$ RES SU.
North Boise 36TH STREET BISTRO—Enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner in the sprawling 36th Street Garden Center. Set in the windowed west wing of the store, the cafe serves espresso and pastries for breakfast, sandwiches and salads for lunch and the dinner menu is ever-changing depending on what’s fresh and in season. The rotating menu features locally grown and raised foods. 3823 N. Garden Center Way, 208-433-5100. $-$$ SU .
AVERAGE PRICE PER ENTREE: $ —Less than $8 $ $ —$8 to $14 $ $ $ —$14 to $20 $ $ $ $ —Over $20
BOISE CO-OP DELI—You just can’t leave the co-op without at least one deli delight in your bag. Each day brings a new selection of delicious foods made with the freshest ingredients. 888 W. Fort St., 208-472-4500. $-$$ SU OM. CAFE VICINO—Chefs Richard Langston and Steve Rhodes serve up fresh and innovative foods, offering a casual lunch menu with choices like daily quiche, salads and portobello mushroom sandwiches. Dinner choices lean toward finer dining, offering carpaccio, a variety of pastas and entrees that run the gamut from braised lamb shanks to a New York steak to cioppino. 808 W. Fort St., 208-472-1463. OM. $-$$$ FANCI FREEZ—Shakes, malts, spins, sundaes and the Boston shake (one part sundae, one part shake) are what have made Fanci Freez a Boise favorite for years. But because we can’t live on ice cream alone, Fanci Freez also serves a whole mess of burgers, some of the crispiest tots in town and even a grilled cheese for the non-meat-eater. 1402 W. State St., 208-344SU, OM. 8661. $ GOODY’S SODA FOUNTAIN— From the moment you walk in, the smells of fresh caramel corn, homemade ice cream, handdipped chocolate and every kind of sugary delight hit you like a ton of gummy bricks. 1502 N. 13th SU. St., 208-367-0020. $
HIGHLANDS HOLLOW BREWHOUSE—Whether it’s their appetizers (Monty’s Hummus, Hollow Hot Wings), their entrees (Pan Fried Oysters, Mess-O-Chops) or their burgers and sandwiches (Black Bean Chili Burger, Reuben), stopping in at Highlands Hollow after winter skiing or hiking up Camel’s Back hill in the summer is always a great idea. 2455 Harrison Hollow, 208-343-6820. $-$$ SU OM. HYDE PARK PUB—Hyde Park is that special bar that’s inviting no matter what your mood. With its dog-friendly patio and a menu chock full of twists on American classics, this is a neighborhood bar that feels like it’s in your neighborhood. 1501 N. 13th St., SU. 208-336-9260. $ LULU’S FINE PIZZA—Big Apple-style gourmet pie for pizza lovers of everywhere kind. Get a wheel or go by the slice. Check out the usual toppings or get adventurous with some tasty things you’re not used to seeing on a pizza menu. 2594 Bogus Basin Road, 208-387-4992. $-$$ SU OM. MAZZAH—Visit the Med over lunch or drop on by for dinner. Gyros, hummus, falafel and baklava on the quick. Try the fatoosh salad—you won’t be disappointed. 1772 W. State St., 208-333-2566. $-$$ SU OM .
FOOD/RECENTLY REVIEWED DONG KHANH 111 Broadway Ave., No. 139, 208-345-0980 “The kung pao tofu was also satisfying—triangles of crispy, not-too-spongey fried tofu that poked out from a mound of broccoli, water chestnuts and mushrooms in a thick, spicy glaze.” —Tara Morgan
CINCO DE MAYO 10386 Ustick Road, 208-377-7959, cincodemayoid.com “The dime-a-dozen Americanized Jaliscan fare, particularly on the lunch combo menu, did not match the heady feelings inspired by stepping into a restaurant to a herald of mariachi theme music.” —Nathaniel Hoffman
COTTONWOOD GRILLE 913 W. River St., 208-333-9800, cottonwoodgrille.com “The texture was a bit of a surprise for someone versed in the finer points of wiener schnitzel, but the strong flavor of the elk, combined with the bite of the lemon and caper sauce, quickly won a new fan.” —Deanna Darr
—Wine & beer —Full bar —Delivery —Take-out —Open late RES —Reservations
needed/recommended —Patio SU —Open on Sunday OM —Online menu —Breakfast —Boise Weekly Card
Boise Weekly Dining Guide offers selective listings of editorial recommendations. Listings rotate based on available space.
Updates from diligent readers and listed restaurateurs are heartily encouraged. E-mail to food@boiseweekly.com or fax to 208-342-4733.
40 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
DINING/FOOD O’MICHAEL’S PUB & GRILL—The casual menu is full of traditional and specialty sandwiches (check out the slaw burger that’s no burger at all), fish and steaks, and the best halibut chunks in town. Feeling naught? Get a plate of garlic fries. 2433 N. Bogus Basin Road, 208-342-8948. $-$$ SU. PARRILLA GRILL—For fabulous fusion food, Parrilla is one of the best in town. Serving breakfast, wraps and burritos, Parrilla’s patio is a summer favorite. 1512 N. 13th St., 208-323-4688. $ SU. SUN RAY CAFE—SunRay holds down the coveted corner patio at the cross of 13th and Eastman streets. The menu is familiar to that location, featuring salads, subs and pizzas named for geographical features in Idaho.
Bring your dog, all your friends and break pizza crust with a pitcher of beer. 1602 N. 13th St., 208-343-2887. $-$$ SU.
State BURGER ’N BREW—A Boise favorite whose name says it all: burgers and beer. 4295 W. State St., 208-345-7700. $-$$ SU. BUZZ CAFE—Coffee, lunch and breakfast early in the day. Wine tastings and music aplenty at night. 2999 N. Lakeharbor Lane, SU 208-344-4321. $-$$ . CORONA VILLAGE—Gut-busting burritos, incredible chips and Dos Equis on tap make the Village stand out among Boise’s
family style Mexican restaurants. 4334 W. State St., 208-3389707. $-$$ . DUTCH GOOSE—Homemade finger steaks, fresh steamed clams, soup, sandwiches and great hot wings. They also serve up over 17 beers. 3515 W. State St., 208-342-8887. $-$$ SU. FLYING PIE PIZZERIA— Boise’s longest-lived and most inventive pizzeria. They have their own beer (the impeccable Triple Pi Belgian-style ale), and pies to please even the pickiest eaters. 4320 W. State St., 208-384-0000. $ SU. THE GREEN CHILE—Southwestern cuisine in Boise with green and red chilis, chimichangas and chile rellenos. The menu also features burgers and salads right along side sopapaillas. 5616 W. State St., 208-853-0103. $-$$ . THE LIFT BAR AND GRILL—This neighborhood bar and grill boasts daily homemade soups and chili, Angus burgers, sandwiches, vegetarian options and an extensive variety of beers and wines to choose from. 4091 W. State St., 208-342-3250. SU. MADHUBAN—A daily lunch buffet and a huge menu including all the favorites. You’re gonna love the curry. A great place for vegetarians. 6930 W. State St., 208-853-8215. $-$$ SU OM.
GOOSE ISLAND BELGIAN-STYLE ALES The first Goose Island Brewpub opened its doors in Chicago in 1988, back when there were few Midwestern craft breweries. But Goose Island quickly attracted a loyal following and established a reputation for excellence. Today they offer more than 15 different brews by the bottle. The three highlighted here are all Belgian-style ales, and while they share a common theme, they are all distinctively different. 2010 GOOSE ISLAND MATILDA This one has nice yeasty spice notes up front that give way to aromas of light apple and pear with a kiss of coriander. What the nose promises, the palate delivers—sweet fruit flavors highlighted by a nice touch of banana. It ports a refreshing spritz throughout with a balancing hit of citrus and orange zest. This is an elegant and eminently drinkable ale. 2010 GOOSE ISLAND PERE JACQUES This ale offers a complex and evolving array of aromas with dried currant, brown sugar, sweet malt, orange liqueur and an intriguing whiff of fresh tobacco. There’s an underlying sweetness (caramelized sugar) that colors the palate but is in no way cloying. This ale is filled with smooth fruit flavors of apricot jam laced with fresh huckleberry, finishing on the creamy side with very light carbonation. 2010 GOOSE ISLAND SOFIE The lightest in color and stylistically the most refreshing of the three, this beer is crisp and dry, and something like a lightly sour Saison. There are hits of white pepper and spice on the floral nose with subdued citrus and fresh yeast notes. This one has lots of tiny bubbles that show good persistence and the ripe fruit flavors (orange, white grape, apple) are more dry than sweet. Soft hops and fresh grain come through on the finish—the perfect brew for spring. —David Kirkpatrick WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
MERRITT’S COUNTRY CAFE—This 24-hour Boise mainstay is the place to land after a long night on the town. The “home of the scone” serves up grub that turns customers into regulars. 6630 W. State St., . 208-853-9982. $ MONTEGO BAY—The lakeside bar with a maze of outdoor patios and docks and bars will start serving food again soon. Keep an eye on Food News for more information. 3000 N. Lakeharbor Lane, 208-853SU. 5070. $-$$ PIZZALCHIK—PIZZa sALad and CHIcKen. Get it? Perfect robust salads, plus delicious original pizzas and whole chickens roasted in a 6,000-pound stone-hearth oven. Many toppings made in house. 7330 W. State St., 208-853-7757. SU . $-$$ WESTSIDE DRIVE-IN—From the mind of “Boise’s Best Chef,” Chef Lou, come some of the most scrumptious foods for dine-in, take-out or frozen to use when cooking is the last thing you want to do. 1939 W. State St., 208-342-2957. $-$$ SU .
For comprehensive restaurant listings throughout the valley, visit boiseweekly.com and click on “Find Restaurants” under the “Food” tab. For more in-depth coverage on restaurants and food in southern Idaho, visit boiseweekly.com and click on “Restaurant Guide” under the “City Guides” tab.
BOISEweekly | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | 41
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(208) 344-2055
LINE ADS: Monday, 10 a.m. DISPLAY: Thursday, 3 p.m.
This two-story family 4145 E. GRANGER DRIVE, home sits in the center of MERIDIAN the Red Feather subdivi$226,500 4 Bed/2.5 Bath sion, not far from the 3,050 Square Feet bustling retail hub at Market Pro Realty the intersection of Eagle Will Lowery, 208-353-6573 and Ustick roads, where marketproidaho.com neighbors shop for clothMLS #98433185 ing at Kohl’s and dine on oversized burritos at Costa Vida Mexican Grill. A community swimming pool and several pocket parks punctuate the winding streets that lead to this residence. The 2-year-old home’s dark-brown front door opens to a round foyer that leads to an airy great room with a two-story-tall ceiling. Windows set high into two walls allow sunlight to illuminate the living, dining and kitchen spaces. The kitchen’s center island is topped with dark-brown granite tile. Stainless steel appliances and nutmeg-tinted cabinets create an updated backdrop. A spacious master suite is located at the rear of the home behind the kitchen, and there is a bedroom situated near the foyer. Upstairs, there are two more bedrooms, a full bathroom, a family room and an office alcove that overlooks the front yard. The dwelling’s cost per square foot is bargain-priced at just under $75, and the realtor says the new buyer can look forward to a $6,500 closing-cost credit. PROS: Upgraded family home in large subdivision with community pool and pocket parks. CONS: Windows set high in the living room walls will be a pain to clean. —Jennifer Hernandez Open House: Saturday, April 17, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
42 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, spa/showers, 24/7. I travel. 8805772. massagebyeric.com. Male Only. Boise & Nampa studios.
BW FOR SALE 20 Acre Ranches Near Growing El Paso, Texas. Only $12,900 $0 Down, $99/mo. Owner Financing, No Credit Checks. Money Back Guarantee. Free Map / Pictures. 1-800-755-8953 www.sunsetranches.com ;G:: BDC:N ID =DB: 7JN:GH HURRY! Time is running out to take advantage of the FREE MONEY available from the government for purchasing a home! $8000 completely free to 1st time buyers and $6500 available to non 1st time buyers! In addition... we have grant money available up to $20k and Area Specific loans with up to $40k to buyer! What an opportunity!! No charge to see if you qualify for our programs and we still have no money down available! What have you got to lose? Call Heidi, Market Pro Realtor at 208-440-5997 E-mail: HeidiJC@cableone.net Visit me on the web at www.ChallengerBoiseHomes.com for your complimentary list of area bank repo homes! =DB:! 76GC 6C9 H=DE 10375 W. Saranac. Great property for a buyer who wants space & has toys! Nicely kept home w/ separate family & living room, large office & 4BD. House sits on almost an acre with a 37’x 40’ heated shop (woodstove) & a separate 2 stall horse barn + paved RV parking. 2 car grg./6+ car shop. You could park several RVs on the 8000+ sq. ft. of asphalt! Beautiful lawn & trees watered by irrigation & auto sprinklers. Irrigation $25/yr. Home is on a private well. $299,900 Call Katie AV West 208-841-6281. www.BoiseHomeExpert.com
BOISE’S BEST! With Bodywork by Rose. 794-4789. www.roseshands.com
8DB: :ME:G>:C8: B6HH6<: 7N H6B
Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/Eves/ Wknds.Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 866-2759. :M8:EI>DC6A 7D9NLDG@ Fit male massage specialist. I treat the serious athlete, the fitness buff, the connoisseur of relaxation, or the person next door. Clean, quiet professional studio. 405-3047. Full body massage by experienced therapist. Out call or private studio. 863-1577. Thomas. Massage Boise Hotels 869-8128. B6HH6<: 7N <>C6 Full Body Treatment/Relaxation, Pain Relief & Tension Release. Call 908-3383. Prof. therapeutic massage only by trained & exp. masseur. New client spec. Rob 375-3082.
7D>H: <GDJE =DB:H Make a difference assisting adults w/ developmental disabilities. Must be 21 w/ clean driving record. Stop by 30 S. Cole Road, 9am-4pm. 8C6$C6 To care for adults with developmental disabilities. Must be 21 with clean driving record. Apply 30 S. Cole Road, 9am-4pm. H6ADC HI6I>DC 6K6>A67A: Whimsy...A Salon has one FT station & one PT station available. We are conveniently located on the East End edge of downtown. Easy, free parking for you & your clients! PT station available evenings & weekends; lease is $75/wk. FT lease is $125/wk. FT SIGNER WILL RECEIVE RENT AT PT PRICE FOR FIRST 6 MO.! One week vacation after first full year. Handicap accessible. Positive, professional, relaxed atmosphere. We have a lot of last-minute folks wanting in on the weekends that we are unable to accommodate. Call Sharon at 890-2397 or 344-0080.
With a better job and a degree. Evening, day and online classes start next month. Financial aid is available for those who qualify. Stevens-Henager College, Boise Branch, 800-716-5645 www.stevenshenager.info
Free Advice! We’ll Help You Choose A Program Or Degree To Get Your Career & Your Life On Track. Call Collegebound Network Today! 1-877-892-2642. $$$HELP WANTED$$$ Extra Income! Assembling CD cases from Home! No Experience Necessary! Call our Live Operators Now! 1-800-405-7619 EXT 2450 http:// www.easywork-greatpay.com
BW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EARN $75-$200 HOUR. Media Makeup Artist Training. Ads, TV, Film, Fashion. One week class. Stable job in weak economy. Details at http://www.AwardMakeUpSchool.com 310-364-0665.
BW ANTIQUES &.'%¼H 7:G@:N <6N 7:9 H:I $1750. Bought new by my grandma and my grandpa (who was a very close pal of President Hoover’s since he was a young man). Lots of history. Gorgeous Berkey and Gay depression era bedroom set armoire, bed with original side slats, footboard & headboard, night stand and beautiful chest of drawers. Top quality with bronze circular stamp on each piece. Lots of patina - never been restored. Also beautiful red velvet topped bench with vanity. Call 336-6970!
;G:: E=DIDH ;DG BD9:AH I am a photographer needing female models, ages 18 to 35 to build my portfolio. I will take photographs of you, and give you all the digital photos, and some print photos. I will not publish or distribute the photos without written permission from you. In some cases, I will even compensate with an hourly wage. Please call 392-0983, or email chefboise@ yahoo.com, and include a photo of yourself, and leave a message with what kind if photographs you would like taken of you. Need used chain link dog run to fence in garden. Have bicycle/ helmet/gloves or XC Skis/poles/ boots or Noritake stoneware dishes or chair & ottoman or jewerly. 336-9127.
@6G6I: HE6GG>C< E69H Set of karate sparring pads, size adult small. Perfect for teenagers! Brand is Lightning by ProForce. Includes: Headgear (padded helmet), Mouth guard (unopened), Punches (fist pads), Kicks (foot pads), Shin guards. Pads were only used a couple times, so they’re in excellent condition and clean! Selling for $65 OBO. Call 963-0082. Leather Sofa plus Loveseat. Brand new in crate w/Lifetime warranty. Retail $2450. Sell $699! 888-1464. QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET. Brand new-still in plastic. Warranty. MUST SELL $139. Can deliver. 921-6643.
LG>I:G H::@>C< LDG@ I am a writer seeking work. I am an amateur but I think I have the skills to sell products well. If you are interested in hiring me for an advertising job, or any job that involves writing, please contact me for a writing sample at ladylagithia@ ymail.com. Pay is negotiable, and varies by project. Thank you for you time. ~ Ashleigh B.
FOR SALE BW STUFF 9 Piece King Sleigh Bed Set Brand new. Dovetail drawers. List $2950. Sacrifice $799. 888-1464. Bed, Queen Tempurpedic Style Memory Foam Mattress. Brand new, w/warranty. Must sell $225. 921-6643. BEDROOM SET 7 pc. Cherry set. Brand new, still boxed. Retail $2250, Sacrifice $450. 888-1464. Couch & Loveseat - Microfiber. Stain Resistant. Lifetime Warranty. Brand new in boxes. List $1395. Must Sell $450! 8881464. FREE 6-Room DISH Network Satellite System! FREE HD-DVR! $19.99/mo, 120+ Digital Channels (for 1 year.) Call Now - $400 Signup BONUS! 1-877-415-8163. KING SIZE PILLOW TOP MATTRESS SET. New - in bag, w/ warranty. MUST SELL $199. Call 921-6643.
These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society. www.idahohumanesociety.com 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508
TINKERS: 3-year-old female Lab mix. Shy at first, but warms up quickly. Needs home where she can live inside with owners. (Kennel 318 - #10033713)
SANDY: 6-month-old kitten. Sweet and loving but a little shy at first. Uses litterbox appropriately. Beautiful gold eyes. (Kennel 54 #10113021)
SCHATZIE: 2-yearold mixed-breed dog. House-trained and good with cats. Very smart. Tall, thin, strong and 67 lbs. (Kennel 321 - #10121588)
BOWSER: 9-month-old male Lab/chow chow mix puppy. Happy, friendly and lots of fun. House-trained. Needs more training. (Kennel 307 - #9601004)
RITA: 3-year-old, female cat. Sweet and loving and enjoys being petted. Mellow and easy to handle. Great lap cat potential. (Kennel 16 - #9986513)
GUINESS: 2-year-old border collie. Houseand crate-trained. Friendly, self confident and very smart. Loving and gentle. (Kennel 304 - #10082356)
These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats. www.simplycats.org 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177
DEWEY: I’m the cutest PIGGY: A handsome RUSTEE: I’m optimistic little tabby who’s look- chap who enjoys treats about the day I get to ing for my best friend. and ear scratches. go to a forever home.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | 43
PETS BW FREE PETS ;6GB 86IH " <G:6I BDJH:GH FREE to good homes. Siameseblend, these beautiful farm-raised cats (more like â&#x20AC;&#x153;teenage kittensâ&#x20AC;?) are already mouser-trained. Call quick to get your ďŹ rst choice! 7933837.
SERVICES BW CHILD PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6293.
NYT CROSSWORD | ACROSS 1 Economy 6 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Spareâ&#x20AC;? part 9 Direction for violinists 14 Rubbish 19 Relieve 20 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cold Mountainâ&#x20AC;? heroine
45 50
76 80
81 85
44 â&#x20AC;&#x153;___ Loveâ&#x20AC;? (1978 hit for Natalie Cole) 45 German unity 46 Kind of crazy? 47 Org. that gives approval 48 Dirt 50 Obloquy, e.g. 52 ___ dish 53 Print maker
29 Dentiform : tooth :: pyriform : ___ 30 Certain 33 Chin 34 *Object of superstition 38 Wiped out 39 *Annual N.F.L. event 42 Project Blue Book subj. 43 Get a flat
24 27
6AA NDJG EDDA HE6 C::9H Call and schedule your pool openings and more now! Get the date and time you prefer. Call AGUA BLUE POOL SERVICE and ask for our new customer discount! Agua Blue Pool Service is a family owned and operated pool company that cares about you. We will give you the personal attention and quality service that you expect at a price you can afford. Weekly MainteOBODF t /FX *OTUBMMBUJPOT t 3FQBJST t 'JMUFST t )FBUFST t 1VNQT t "DJE 8BTI t 5JMF *OTUBMMBUJPOT $MFBOJOH t 4BGFUZ 1PPM $PWFS 4QFDJBMJTUT who install, repair and provide proGFTTJPOBM TFXJOH t 'SFF &TUJNBUFT t $BMM &GSBJO BU i:PVS Satisfaction is our Success.â&#x20AC;? SĂŠ Habla EspaĂąol. =6C9NB6C H:GK>C< 7D>H: Yes, We Do That! - Paint, tile, repair a door, replace a window, ďŹ x the ďŹ&#x201A;oor, carpenter, and so much more. Handyman, Home Repair, Property Maintenance - serving Boise and the surrounding area. Free Estimates, Reasonable Rates. Call 208-371-9486. jlhhandymanservices@gmail.com
BW LEGAL NOTICES CDI>8: D; =:6G>C< DC C6B: 8=6C<: Case No.: CV NC 1006411. A Petition to change the name of Istvan Fancsali, born February 8, 1973 in Petrosani, Hunedoara Romania residing at 854 W. Fairview Apt 102, Boise, has been ďŹ led in Ada County District Court, Idaho. The name will change to SteďŹ Pop because I had a father that disrespected my mother and me and was physical abuser. My step father was like my real father for 24 years. I love and respect him. Since I was a child I was called SteďŹ and now I want to change it to SteďŹ . The petitionerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father is living. The petitionerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother is living. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;clock p.m. on June 3, 2010, at the County Courthouse. Objections may be ďŹ led by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: Apr. 06, 2010. by D. Price. Deputy Clerk.
21 Hot stuff 22 High trump card 23 *â&#x20AC;&#x153;Either that ___ goes, or I doâ&#x20AC;? (Oscar Wildeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s reputed last words) 25 *Legislative V.I.P. 27 â&#x20AC;&#x153;As You Like Itâ&#x20AC;? role 28 Curved nail, perhaps
E:I>I>DC:G EGD H: >C I=: 9>HIG>8I 8DJGI D; I=: ;DJGI= ?J9>8>6A 9>HIG>8I D; I=: HI6I: D; >96=D! >C 6C9 ;DG I=: 8DJCIN D; 696# Case No. CVN C 1004656. NOTICE OF HEARING. In the matter of name change of: TONYA LAURE ELTON, An Adult. A petition by TONYA LAURE ELTON, who was born on May 1, 1979, at Mountain Home, Idaho, and now residing at 2800 W. Cherry Lane, Apt K 208, Boise, County of ADA, State of Idaho, has ďŹ led with the above-entitled Court a Petition for Change of Name to TONYA LAURE BADLEY, for the reason that she desires to return to her maiden name. Petitionerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s father is Orland Badley, residing at 8023 W. Sagebrush Way, Boise, Idaho 83709. The Petition for Change of Name will be heard at 1:30 oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;clock p.m. on the 13 day of May, 2010, at the County Courthouse, located at 200 W. Front Street, Boise, Idaho. Objections may be ďŹ led by any person who can, in such objections, show to the court a good reason against such a change of name. WITNESS my hand and seal of said District Court this 17 day of March, 2010. By D. Price. Deputy Clerk.
89 94
97 102
44 | APRIL 14â&#x20AC;&#x201C;20, 2010 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
54 *Zigzag trail up a mountain 56 Better writing, e.g. 57 Wry 59 Big band 60 Navigator William with a sea named after him 61 Jazzy Chick 62 Decline in value 63 Sitting around for years waiting to get drunk? 64 Tedious trips 66 Something that might be hard to drink? 68 Open up 71 Jostles 72 *Green Bay Packers fan 74 Chartres shout 75 Femme fatale 76 They may offer rides 77 Site of numerous firings 78 A guard may protect it 79 Imitated 80 Real first name of Alfalfa of the Little Rascals 81 Trouble 82 Bring around 83 Display in the Auckland Museum 84 *Tally 89 Choice 90 *Lamp holder 92 â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Flying Dutchmanâ&#x20AC;? tenor 93 Armpits 95 Exotic berry in some fruit juices 96 Missed signals from Little Boy Blue, maybe 97 Director Kurosawa 98 *Lure 102 *Cover-up 106 1986 rock autobiography 107 New addition 108 Lunkhead 109 Babushkas
110 Actress Streep 111 Cultivates 112 Interjection added to the O.E.D. in 2001 113 Land called Mizraim in the Bible
DOWN 1 2 3 4
Harsh call Suffix with boff Purely Birthplace of William Thackeray and Satyajit Ray 5 Wired 6 Spanish fleet? 7 Brain matter? 8 Block 9 June â&#x20AC;&#x153;honoree,â&#x20AC;? briefly 10 Sense of taste 11 Big wind 12 Spanish bear 13 F-14, e.g. 14 1977 Liza Minnelli musical 15 Family name in Frank Millerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sin Cityâ&#x20AC;? series 16 Garyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home: Abbr. 17 â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Purloined Letterâ&#x20AC;? writer 18 Foozle 24 A Baldwin 26 Pages (through) 28 Gregg Allmanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s wife who filed for divorce after nine days 30 Sudden 31 Oscillate 32 *Wonder product 33 Critical situation 34 Sharp and stimulating 35 *Risking detention 36 Something unprecedented 37 Major party 40 Yahoo 41 Dickens 46 Some naturals 48 Wins everything
85 86 87 88 91 94
Closed in on Marks Dashing Out Light brown Galsworthyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mrs. Forsyte 96 One raised on a farm 97 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Got it!â&#x20AC;? 98 Empty-headed 99 Rural address abbr. 100 Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in circulation 101 French firm: Abbr. 102 Bankroll? 103 A little or a lot 104 Dupe 105 Pres. with the Marshall Plan
49 50 51 52 54 55 56
Cursed alchemist Sands, e.g. Stars in many westerns Stop sign? Cast about One stocking stockings Coat named for a British lord 58 Made an individual effort 60 Scene of confusion 64 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Open ___â&#x20AC;? 65 Like some earrings 66 Serving from a pot 67 Football do-over 69 Epithet for Elizabeth I 70 Sassy lassies 72 Meat, as in 66-Down 73 Liliuokalani Gardens site 76 Half-circle window over a door 78 Rogue 80 Resident of DaiquirĂ 81 Frequent disclaimer 84 Like some census categories L A S T
Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s puzzle. And donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply doublechecking your answers.
W E E K â&#x20AC;&#x2122; S
@>AGDN @D;;:: @A6I8= Warhawk Air Museum is excited to announce the monthly “Kilroy was Here” coffee klatch. 1st Tuesday of every month. 10-11:30am. Warhawk Air Museum, 201 Municipal Dr, Nampa.
GAIN NATIONAL EXPOSURE. Reach over 5 million young, active, educated readers for only $995 by advertising in 110 weekly newspapers like this one. Call Jason at 202-289-8484.
88 keyboard with built-in speakers, transpose & split. Earl 342-3574.
BW MUSICAL INSTRUCTION/OTHER <J>I6G$76HH >CHIGJ8I>DC Guitar or bass lessons beginner to intermediate. Most styles. My home or yours. Price depends on who is driving. Call DC any time 442-4401. Bear Bones Productions. E>6CD! K>DA>C! H6M A:HHDCH Violin. Viola. Cello. Bass. Harp. Guitar. Saxophone. 208-908-9011. Guitar Lessons - Acoustic, Electric and Bass (whether you want to learn to play finger-style, jam out with some power chords, play lead guitar like a rock star, or just strum along with your favorite songs). Lessons custom-designed for the individual student. Kids and beginners welcome! Very reasonable rates, and you pick the times. Rates by the hour or the half-hour. Please call Rich at 343-4840 or 319-4220.
BW MUSICIAN’S EXCHANGE Established Alt./Metal vocals OCD seeks dedicated bassist. Must have own gear and posses ability to write, improvise and jam on the fly. Call Kelly at 914-4976, Dave at 602-5486 or Dereck at 353-1289. 76HH EA6N:G C::9:9 For local rock band. Need for shows and recording. Please call 954-6211 and leave a message.
COMMUNITY POSTINGS BW ANNOUNCEMENTS HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Graduate in just 4 weeks!! FREE Brochure. Call NOW! 1-800-532-6546 Ext. 97 http://www.continental academy.com
B>HH>C< DG6C<: B6CM Orange/white bobtail. His name is Bob and he was last seen in the University/Broadway area. Call Cathy 954-9308.
BW GARAGE SALES Flea Market 4/15 thru 4/17 Maple Grove Grange. 11692 President Dr. 9-5 p.m. No admission fee. Wide variety of items. ;A:6 B6G@:I K:C9DGH C::9:9 Magic Again is going to start having Flea Markets every Saturday starting April 10th and we need vendors! Booths starting at $15 for a 10x10 space. Free Wifi and electric! Call, e-mail or stop by for more info! 819 12th Ave. S. Nampa. 991-2341.
CONNECTION SECTION BW ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUYER BEWARE Whenever doing business by telephone or email proceed with caution when cash or credit is required in advance of services. ALL KINDS OF SINGLES. Browse & Respond FREE! Straight 208-3458855. Gay/Bi 208-472-2200. Use FREE Code 7582, 18+. Hot Singles Waiting To Connect! Call 208-287-3333. Free w/code 5500. Call 800-210-1010. MEET LOCAL SINGLES. Listen to Ads FREE! 208-345-8855. Use FREE Code 7584, 18+. SEEKING SEXY SINGLES? Reply to Ads FREE! Straight 208-3458855. Gay/Bi 208-472-2200. Use FREE Code 7583. Visit MegaMates.com, 18+. H:M HL>C< Hi I have a sex swing...when I set it up. I tried to get into it and realized I was too big....so it was not used. $150 new, $40 if you pick it up, $60 if I deliver and set it up. Includes all hardware. Boise. 801835-6976. Where Hot Men Hook Up! Call 208777-8000. Free w/code 2982.
The Best selection of SEXY local Singles! Call Lucky Talk now! 800-777-TALK. Your Sexual Fantasy is Calling! Call Play Pen now! 800-505-PLAY.
BW I SAW YOU I saw you through the glass from my work into your work. The first moment I saw you, I knew you were the one. You were wearing a cowgirl outfit which makes me want to be your cowboy and ride off into the sunset with you.
BW PEN PALS Pen Pals complimentary ads for our incarcerated friends are run on a space-available basis and may be edited for content. Readers are encouraged to use caution and discretion when communicating with Pen Pals, whose backgrounds are not checked prior to publication. Boise Weekly accepts no responsibility for any relationships that may arise from contacting these inmates. I’m 26 yrs. Old 5’4”, hazel eyes, reddish-brown hair looking for M/F for friendship and possibly more. Someone who’s loyal, respectful, loving, caring and knows how to treat a lady. Generous is a good thing. I’ll try anything once. I like to travel, the outdoors, music, taking chances and having a good time. Melissa Dealy P.W.C.C. 3-36A 1451 Fore Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204. I am a sensitive young male. I have a son. I am very outgoing. I like to swim, fish, hike and camp. I am very loving, gentle and playful. I have brown eyes and brown hair. Shawn Linze #92034 Unit 16-B 20B I.S.C.I PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707.
SM 28 yrs. Old 155 lbs., green eyes brown hair looking for friendship andsomeone to pass the time. Nick Soward #68278 S.A.W.C. 125 N. 8th W. St. Anthony, ID 83445. 35 yr. old Buddhist seeks Dharma Princess for correspondence. Daniel Lehl #88476 I.S.C.I. 16B 18B PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. SWM 43 yrs. Old 6’5”, blue eyes, great smile, and a loving, kind, funny disposition. Seeking F 2545 for friendship at first LTR possibly. I’ve lived a fascinating life thus far and am ready for the next chapter. 100% honesty given and expected. K. McDonald #82214 C/O I.C.I.O unit A1 Hospital Drive #23 Orofino, ID 83544. 58 yr. old motorbike enthusiast. I enjoy the outdoors, adventure and doing bead work. Seeking to correspond with anyone in the free world. John Odle #17310 I.S.C.I. 16B- 18A PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. SWM 42 yrs. Old, Aries, brown hair blue eyes, 5’7”, 270 lbs., Christian, carpenter and loves farming and animals. Asher Burgess #73493 14A 57A I.S.C.I. PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. Beautiful inside and out seeks same for laughs, visits and letters. Sharing is caring! Mario Alvarez #65748
I.C.C. P2-31B Boise, ID 83707. The adventure begins. SWF seeks F/M. Intelligent and funny. Jude Maxfield 200 Courthouse Way Rigby, ID 83442. SWF 40ish, blonde and very blue eyed. Likes guys who like to live from all sides. Wild but gentle. Would like to meet M who are up front, open, honest and spontaneous. Julie Joyner C/O Adams Co. Jail PO Box 64 Council, ID 83612. I am a SWF with auburn hair, green eyes and a voluptuous body. I’m 23 yrs. Old, love tattoos, bmxing, skateboarding and rock music. I’m looking for a M pen pal with similar interests. Please write and send a recent photo to: Marci Rhamey #78421 S.B.W.C.C. Unit 25-A 13200 S. Pleasant Valley Rd. Kuna, ID 83634. WM 46 yrs. Old brown hair and hazel eyes. I’m 5’8” and 170 lbs. Doing life. Looking for pen pals. Daryl Reid Jr. #18789 I.S.C.I. 16B30B PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. 29 yr. old WM looking for a older woman between 35-50. Must be looking for relationship. I love to laugh and have fun. I’m athletic. I love thick women. Jeremy Arterburn #74555 I.S.C.I. Unit 16 A20B PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707.
BW CHAT LINES 1-800-GAY-LIVE Call now! Hook up with hot local guys. Talk to Gay, Str8, Curious and Bi men in hundreds of cities across the country. Fast, Discreet, and Easy! Premium FREE trial use promo code: NEWS7.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | 45
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): Photons work hard to get from the heart of the sun to the surface. They can take up to 160,000 years to complete the 400,000-plus-mile journey. And yet once Earthbound photons get topside, they travel the 93-million-mile distance to our planet in just more than eight minutes. I foresee a metaphorically similar situation unfolding in your life in the coming weeks. A development that has been a long time in the making will accelerate tremendously in its last phase of ripening. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus genius Irving Berlin (1888-1989) has been called the greatest songwriter who ever lived. Among his 1,500 compositions are iconic tunes like “God Bless America” and “White Christmas,” as well as scores for 18 Hollywood movies and 19 Broadway shows. And yet he never learned to read or write music. Was he embarrassed about his handicap? Not at all. He felt that having such a minimal grasp of the conventions of songwriting was an advantage, giving him the freedom to be extraordinarily original. Is there any way in which you’re like Irving Berlin, Taurus? Do you have a seeming limitation that is actually an aid to your creativity and uniqueness? Celebrate it this week. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “Every changed circumstance contains opportunities, which accrue to the first people to recognize them,” wrote poet Charles Potts. “Since circumstances are in constant flux, there is a steady stream of opportunities. Learn to spot them and make them your own.” I offer you this advice because you’ll soon be in a prime position to derive great benefit from it. If you tweak your attitude just right—aligning your novelty receptors to be on alert—the clattering commotion of metamorphosis that’s headed your way will bring with it a bustling welter of unforeseen openings. CANCER (June 21-July 22): First the negatives: Don’t be a martyr to what you’ve won. Don’t let your success oppress you. Don’t become a slave to the useful role you’ve earned. Don’t neglect your own needs. Now let’s tr y a more positive way to frame the challenges ahead of you: Keep questioning whether the fruits of your victories are still enjoyable and fulfilling to you. Make sure the triumphs of the past don’t get in the way of the potential triumphs of the future. Find out how your success may need to evolve. Push beyond what’s good and head in the direction of what’s great.
46 | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | BOISEweekly
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): My rage against the machine began early. I joined my first protest march at age 15, led a boycott at 17, and was tear-gassed at a demonstration when I was 18. But in 2006, I decided to shift my approach. Instead of fighting every abuse that incited my ire, I chose three to concentrate on: the obscene militarism of the American government, the extreme financial disparities between the rich and poor, and the environmental degradations caused by corporations and corporate culture. Since then, my crusading energy has been more focused and effective, and my general mood has brightened. I recommend you consider a similar change, Leo. It’s an excellent time for you to give more of your passion to fewer causes. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Do you remember the monster that sometimes lived under your bed when you were a kid? Recently, it found its way back to you, and has been spending time in your closet. It’s not as frightening as it used to be, and I’m not alarmed by its return. In fact, I think it has an important message for you that would be valuable to discover. I encourage you to invite it out for a conversation. As you might suspect, as soon as it delivers its crazy wisdom, it will leave you in peace. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Present the following dare to a person or persons with whom you would like to go deeper: “You think you know me, but you really know just a tantalizing fraction. Would you like to experience the rest of the story?” And if anyone expresses interest, take him or her on a magical tour they won’t forget. Reveal the sides of you that are too mysteriously interesting to show the general public, or too intimate to reveal to anyone you don’t trust, or so potent they might intimidate those who don’t have a lot of self-possession. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In North America, California Condors are the biggest flying birds that live on land. Once sacred to certain Native Americans, they can live for 60 years. But they came close to extinction, mostly because of human activity. In 1987, conser vationists inter vened. In the hope of replenishing the population in captivity, they captured ever y last one of the 22 remaining wild condors. Painstaking efforts gradually yielded results, and today there are 348 birds, including 187 in the wild. I bring this to your attention, Scorpio, because I believe now is an excellent time to begin a project to save your own metaphorical version of an “endangered species.”
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): According to Us Weekly, baseball star Alex Rodriguez owns two paintings of himself in which he’s portrayed as half-man, half-horse. This is an excellent time for you to be inspired by his example. Gazing at a picture of yourself as a centaur would speak to your subconscious mind in just the right way. Bypassing your rational ego, that icon would animate and cultivate the wise animal in you. It would stimulate the spot where your physical vitality overlaps your visionary intelligence. Do you know anyone who could Photoshop this image for you? CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Here’s my startling prediction: More Capricorn spiritual seekers will become enlightened in the next five weeks than in any comparable period of history. Hell, there’ll be so much infinity mixed with eternity available for your tribe that even a lot of you non-seekers could get a lightning bolt of illumination or two. That’s not to say that you have to accept the uplifting revelations or even tune in to them, for that matter. If you’d prefer to ignore the sacred hubbub and go about your practical business without having to hassle with the consequences of a divine download, that’s fine. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Can you imagine what it would be like to venture into the opposite of the Bermuda Triangle? You know, a zone where wonderfully odd things occur rather than bad strange things? I think that such a place exists, and I think you’ll soon find it. The luck that unfolds for you will be a blend of dumb and brilliant. The discoveries you make may be useless on the outside but valuable on the inside. Lost keys may reappear and missing links will materialize out of nowhere. Here’s the piece de resistance: An apparent memory of the future could provide a secret passageway to a previously hidden enclave that contains “magic garbage.” PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In honor of the new identity you’re evolving into, I hereby give you the nickname of “Miracle Player,” or else—if you like one of these better—“Sleek Cat” or “Giant Step” or “Fate Whisperer.” You may hereafter also use any of the following titles to refer to yourself: “CEO of My Own Life” or “Self-Teacher of Jubilance and Serenity.” Feel free to anoint your head with pure organic virgin olive oil, fashion a crown out of roses and shredded masks, and come up with a wordless sound that is a secret sign you’ll give to yourself whenever you need to remember the marvelous creature you are on your way to becoming.
BOISEweekly | APRIL 14–20, 2010 | 47
Peter Anastos, Artistic Director
Dance Camps 2010
Fancy Feet t +VMZ Wizards & Wands t +VMZ Angelina Ballerina t +VMZ +VMZ www.balletidaho.org t 208.343.0556
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