WOOD RIVER VALLEY Guide to fun in the Sun (Valley)
SLIDING SCALE Remaking Sun Valley for a new type of tourist NOISE 27
HOLLERIN’ ROLLINS Bringing the pain and poetry REC 35
RIGHT TO FLY Hang gliders want their say in the future of Hammer Flat
“I never think of the potential power of my writing.”
2 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly
BW STAFF PUBLISHER: Sally Freeman Sally@boiseweekly.com Office Manager: Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com EDITORIAL Editor: Rachael Daigle Rachael@boiseweekly.com Arts & Entertainment Editor: Amy Atkins Amy@boiseweekly.com Features Editor: Deanna Darr Deanna@boiseweekly.com Business Editor: Zach Hagadone Zach@boiseweekly.com Staff Writer: Tara Morgan Tara@boiseweekly.com Calendar Guru: Josh Gross Josh@boiseweekly.com Listings: calendar@boiseweekly.com Proofreaders: Jay Vail, Annabel Armstrong Videographer: Blair Davison Interns: Philip Alexander, Stephen Foster, Rachel Krause, Jacob Lyman Contributing Writers: Michael Ames, Sarah Barber, Bill Cope, Dana DuGan, Bill English, Patrick Flanary, Matt Furber, Jennifer Hernandez, David Kirkpatrick, George Prentice, Ted Rall, Anne-Marije Rook ADVERTISING Advertising Director: Lisa Ware Lisa@boiseweekly.com Account Executives: Meshel Miller, Meshel@boiseweekly.com Jessi Strong, Jessi@boiseweekly.com Justin Vipperman, Justin@boiseweekly.com Jill Weigel, Jill@boiseweekly.com CLASSIFIED SALES Classifieds@boiseweekly.com CREATIVE Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Leila@boiseweekly.com Graphic Designer: Adam Rosenlund Adam@boiseweekly.com Contributing Artists: Derf, Mike Flinn, Steve Klamm, Glenn Landberg, Jeremy Lanningham, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Tom Tomorrow CIRCULATION Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town: Stan Jackson Stan@boiseweekly.com Distribution: Tim Anders, Mike Baker, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Jennifer Hawkins, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Lars Lamb, Brian Murry, Amanda Noe, Northstar Cycle Couriers, Steve Pallsen, Patty Wade, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 30,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. SUBSCRIPTIONS: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. TO CONTACT US: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad Street, Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: info@boiseweekly.com www.boiseweekly.com Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701 The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2010 by Bar Bar, Inc. EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Thursday at noon before publication date. SALES DEADLINE: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher.
NOTE VALLEY HOPPING AND THE VIDEO TIME SUCK Praise be, the word “staycation” has dropped out of common usage. Clever as it may have been, we used that term until it was not only worn out but flat out cringe-inducing. At BW, one good thing came out of those staycation (oops!) days when we were ass deep in a recession that was quickly looking like a depression: the Wood River Valley guide. Last summer, we published the first eight-page BW guide to the Wood River Valley with the idea of ... ahem, staycations ... in mind. Since Boise is literally miles and miles from the nearest outpost of big-city civilization, we capital city dwellers have two options when it comes to vacation: travel out of state or head for Idaho’s hinterlands. Blazing a trail to the Wood River Valley is almost a compromise between the two. Get a dose of the cosmopolitan while simultaneously getting a solid dose of the great outdoors. This year’s guide is a whopping 16 pages of getting around the Wood River Valley, from food to fun to facts. What’s even better about this year’s guide is that it was written completely by Wood River Valley locals. Geographically compact as they may be, the valley’s communities do have well-trod tourist paths. This year’s guide tries to nudge you off those paths by letting you in on a few secrets you may not know about. And if your escape from the daily grind is currently confined to the boundlessness of cyberspace, allow BW to help you fall into the time suck a little easier. Last week, at boiseweekly.com, we launched a new video platform. You need to know three things about what you’ll find when you click on the “Video” tab in the nav bar at boiseweekly.com. First, you’ll find videos from BW’s editorial team, including recent interviews we did with America Ferrera at Flicks and Starfucker at Neurolux. Second, you’ll find video culled from all over the Web that either pertains to Boise or is just too good not to share. Third, you can upload and share your own video, whether you’ve just discovered it on YouTube or shot it and want to share it. Yep, that last part is super rad. —Rachael Daigle
ARTIST: Erin Ruiz TITLE: Gemini MEDIUM: Oil ARTIST STATEMENT: Most things are better in pairs (especially attractive or delicious things).
Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. BOISE WEEKLY IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER.
Boise Weekly pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. Square formats are preferred and all mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.
BOISEweekly | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | 3
WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world. JOS H GR OS S
PARTY OF ONE An anti-BP rally held in downtown Boise last week turned up a pretty pathetic crowd: one lonely protester and a handful of journalists. If media reps outnumber the protesters, is it still newsworthy?
YOU WANT YOUR FUTBOL FIX AND BW’S GONNA GIVE IT TO YOU The whole world is glued to the FIFA World Cup while simultaneously joking that Americans are the only ones who aren’t paying attention. But some of us are paying attention. (Bet that English goalkeeper has had better games.) Want to know where you can catch World Cup action? BW has a list at Cobweb.
MMM ... TASTES LIKE CHICKEN Chef Randy King shared his rattlesnake dinner with BW blog readers last week. Yeah, no joke. The dude not only cooked up snake for dinner but guess where he got the reptile? He hit it while driving. Fear Factor ain’t got nothing on Randy “I’ll-Eat-Roadkill” King.
4 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly
EDITOR’S NOTE 3 MAIL 6 OPINION 10 BILL COPE 11 TED RALL 12 NEWS Tech companies make the recession a starting line 13 CITIZEN 14 FEATURE Sun Valley’s Slippery Slope 15 BW PICKS 20 FIND 21 8 DAYS OUT 22 SUDOKU 25 NOISE Henry Rollins gets poetic in Boise 27 MUSIC GUIDE 28 ARTS Anthony Doerr reflects on being Idaho’s Writer in Residence and his new Memory Wall 30 SCREEN Touching Home 32 MOVIE TIMES 33 REC Hang gliders fight for their rights at Hammer Flat 35 FOOD Truth in advertising at the Gyro Shack 38 WINE SIPPER 41 CLASSIFIEDS 42 HOME SWEET HOME 42 NYT CROSSWORD 44 FREEWILL ASTROLOGY 46
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6 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly
—5foldflats (boiseweekly.com, Citydesk, “Boise Anti-BP Rally Something of a Flop,” June 10, 2010)
Humanity is at the crossroads of the most serious economic and social crisis in modern history. Entire sectors of the national economy are shutting down. Globally, there is increased mass unemployment, the collapse of state social programs, and the impoverishment of millions of people. The freeze on credit and decline in consumer demand leads to the demobilization of human and material resources. The global financial architecture sustains strategic and national security objectives. Simultaneous with global unemployment, poverty and disease, there is the rise of the profit-driven “Killing Machine”/“war-economy”/global-war-on-terror, i.e., Murder Inc. War enriches the upper class, which controls industry, military, oil, banking and advanced weapons industries. Private military contractors (aka corporate mercenaries) have experienced a thriving and booming growth in their business of death and killing poor people around the globe. Militarization/ war and the economic crisis are inextricably linked. As society collapses, we will only see an increase in the “Big Brother” surveillance police state, oppression and suppression of an impoverished people. The Great Depression of the 21st century is upon us. —David Hewitt, Boise
As global population surges toward 9.1 billion people by 2050, Western diets rich in meat and dairy products will become unsustainable, according to a United Nations Environment Program’s report re-leased earlier this [month]. The report was prepared by the International Panel of Sustainable Resource Management, drawing on dozens of smaller studies. It notes that agricultural production accounts for 70 percent of global freshwater use, 38 percent of land use and 19 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. The panel concludes that, just as fossil fuels will be gradually replaced by renewable, pollutionfree energy sources like wind and solar power, meat and dairy products in the world’s diet will need to be replaced by vegetables, fruits and grains. Both shifts are absolutely necessary to reduce production of greenhouse gases and consumption of natural resources and to ensure planetary survival into the foreseeable future. As Americans, we have a special obligation to lead the rest of the world in a healthful diet of vegetables, fruits and grains—a diet designed to prevent global starvation, while protecting our natural environment and safeguarding personal health. Each of us can start with our next trip to our supermarket. —Bradley Genna, Boise
I was taken to task in the June 2 issue by Robert Tencate for my letter of the previous week concerning cyclists’ behavior on the road. He said my letter was “so full of misconceptions that it would be impossible to address them in a short letter” and referred me to the “Street Smarts” booklet distributed by Idaho Transportation Department. My letter made four points. No. 1 and No. 2: Use the bike lane if there is one. If there is not, ride as though there were. “Street Smarts” says on Page 16, “A well-designed bike lane should encourage you to ride in the correct position on the road ...” I see no conflict with my assertions. I did not advocate weaving in and out of parked cars on the street but riding in the “correct position.” No. 3: Don’t ride two or three abreast. “Street Smarts” Pages 34 and 35: “Side-by-side bicyclists occupy a whole lane ... On a narrow road or with heavier traffic, be courteous! ... Pull into a single line well before cars reach you.” Precisely what I said. And point No. 4: Expensive gear doesn’t give you the right to be discourteous on the road. I’ll stand by that without any further discussion. —Patrick T. Storey, Boise
BEYOND PARTISAN The truth goes much deeper than the partisan comments that show up here (BW, Opinion, “Plug Ugly,” June 9, 2010). WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BOISEweekly | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | 7
WHE N Y OU GET R ID OF THAT OLD, B R OK EN OR U NU SE D S EX TOY, YOU WILL B E HE LP I NG OU R E N VIR ONMENT.” —best sex toys (boiseweekly.com, Cobweb, “Recycle Your Sex Toys,” Aug. 25, 2009)
While Mr. Cope is correct to point out the blatant abandonment of governmental oversight by the Cheney administration, what is left out is the fact that Cheney, his puppet, and his neoconservative friends were able to pull off this debacle, as well as the WMD scam and the unitary president scam because the nation’s ideological center has been moving unrelentingly to the right since at least the assassination of JFK (probably since the beginning of WWII and maybe before). The very idea that [President] Barack Obama is a liberal is ridiculous. He’s at least as conservative as Daddy Bush and Bill Clinton. The number of liberal legislators in [Washington,] D.C., could probably be counted on one’s fingers. —TGFaull, boiseweekly.com
BLAME-PLACING NOT THE SOLUTION My God! This is the worst environmental catastrophe in the history of mankind and all we can think of is who to blame (BW, Opinion, “Plug Ugly,” June 9, 2010). Not how can we fix it, but who’s to blame. It saddens me to the core to think what we have done. The oil will not
go away. The marshes are dead or will be soon, and they ain’t coming back, folks. The irony of this, after I finish this blurb, I’m going to get in my car and drive six to seven miles to lunch. Who’s to blame? We all share some responsibility in this mess. WE (caps noted) have to find a viable alternative energy source and the sense of urgency increases by the minute. The last I read was that 30,000-50,000 barrels a day are being discharged into the Gulf. Multiply that times 40 and that is the number of gallons. Sweet Jesus. —pleinair, boiseweekly.com
ALL WE NEED IS LOVE Love is love ... no matter who delivers it ... and it’s love that makes a family (BW, Feature, “Faces of Pride,” June 9, 2010). We aren’t going away, our children are already here and they have nothing to do with the family they have, they should not be marginalized or mistreated for this, it’s just plain wrong, not to mention un-Christian to discriminate against anyone, much less an innocent child! —LS, boiseweekly.com
S U B M I T Letters must include writer’s full name, city of residence and contact information and must be 300 or fewer words. OPINION: Lengthier, in-depth opinions on local, national and international topics. E-mail editor@boiseweekly.com for guidelines. Submit letters to the editor via mail (523 Broad St., Boise, Idaho 83702) or e-mail (editor@boiseweekly.com). Letters and opinions may be edited for length or clarity. NOTICE: Ever y item of correspondence, whether mailed, e-mailed, commented on our Web site or Facebook page or left on our phone system’s voice-mail is fair game for MAIL unless specifically noted in the message. 8 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly
FLYING SOLO The following comments were left at facebook.com/boiseweekly on a post about last week’s anti-BP rally at which only one protester showed up but nine reporters covered. So these people are going to be flyering over the weekend? OK, yeah, I’m totally against the oil spill but let’s waste a bunch of paper telling people about it. Clearly there are numerous types of environmentalists, much like vegetarians. It makes me wonder what kind of vehicles these “protesters” drive. Look into that, BW. —Rick Bear Gibson Rick is right about the wasted paper flyers will produce. And if a human already is completely unaware of the natural disaster happening in the Gulf due to the rock they live under—how will a stupid flyer help to educate them? What purpose of use will it serve to them now they have that paper? Maybe keep a recycling bin nearby. —Autumn Brock OK, but who calls a rally when they don’t have at least one friend who is going to help with it? We’ve got a generation that thinks that having FB friends equals having influence and power. As much as I’d like it to be different, it takes more than pontificating on a keyboard to make real change—it takes feet on the ground. —Judy Ferro WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BOISEweekly | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | 9
THE LINE GAME Who’s the real minority? TIM KEMPF
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10 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly
When I was an undergraduate student at Purdue University (1984-1988), a number of our student body erected a shanty town on the campus mall to protest apartheid. Four years later, when I returned to Purdue to work on my Ph.D. (1992-1996), a black student was beaten up by a group of white students at a fraternity party. The disparity in the attitude and behavior between these two student body groups is not new. Intolerance and discrimination against others existed off campus as well. Guess what Idaho? It exists here, too. Rachael Daigle’s recent “Idaho’s Stance on Human Rights is Pathetic” (BW, Note, June 9, 2010) shows that it is not illegal in Idaho to discriminate in the workplace, education and housing based on an individual’s sexual orientation. Yet, protection does exist for all Idahoans with regard to gender, race, religion, national origin and age. What I find odd about the difference here is that all of us may be members of one group or another simply by changing the characteristic by which we define a group. As a result of the beating at Purdue, the fraternity house was closed down by the school and the 100plus members were required to attend sensitivity training and educational workshops. I volunteered to help the university department tasked with running one of these workshops. The objective of our meeting was to discover how each one of us may sometimes be similar to others and other times different. We all learned valuable lessons that day, among a homogeneous group of 18- to 20-year-old fraternity boys and our mixed group of program volunteers, by simply playing the Line Game. First, we drew a chalk line across a large room, dividing the room in half, and instructed everyone to stand together on one side of the line. Then, the moderator asked everyone who was black to cross the line and stand on the other side of the room. Three people crossed the line and faced the majority. Next, the moderator asked for all women to stand on one side of the room. Five women stood alone and faced the majority. The moderator continued this process with more than 100 unique identity characteristics
that related to religion, race, sexual orientation, one’s major, illness, disability, family issues, death, divorce, alcoholism and drug use. Sometimes we were told to cross the line only if we knew someone who was a member of a particular group. At the conclusion of the meeting, every single individual stood with a minority group on more than one occasion. When I stood among a few individuals and looked across the room at 100-plus people, I was intimidated and uncomfortable. When I stood among the majority of individuals, I was reminded that I am very much like many people with whom I live, work and go to school everyday. In fact, I was in the majority group with every single person in the room on many occasions. All of us had much more in common than we knew among our differences. When the Senate State Affairs Committee refuses to amend the Idaho Human Rights Act to include protection from discrimination against Idaho’s gay and lesbian community, they are in effect drawing a white chalk line across the state of Idaho and telling all gays and lesbians to go to one side of the line. When we as Idahoans continue to allow the current law to stay in effect, we are denying that members of the gay and lesbian community are also our friends, family members and co-workers. In other words, we fail to acknowledge all the other group memberships that we share with these individuals. I believe the reason this type of intolerance exists is due to ignorance and fear. Perhaps we should all play the Line Game together one day and take a closer look at who we sometimes stand side-by-side with and other times look at across the line. You might be surprised to learn something new about a friend, family member or yourself. Even more, you might take intolerance and discrimination a little more personally and then do something about erasing the line and standing together as many groups.
Tim Kempf writes fiction and is currently working on a collection of short stories. He lives in Eagle with his wife and two children. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
G.A.G. wants into the bad-year biz Attn.: William Oope I have messaged you repeatedly with no response and am suspecting some malfunctory condition is responsible. Is it possible your current e-mail listing is not the one to which I am attempting to access your inbox? Please confirm if the contact information I have on you is accurate, that I am addressing you at the correct address—weewillyoope@biteme.org—and send notification if I need to make any up-boots to my Rolodex app. The urgency with which I have been trying to reach you reflects what has been described to me as a dependable “go-to guy-ness” quality in your general recommendations. I have been told that on a broad range of subjects, no one in the Greater Boise Metropolitan Impact Zone is any better than you for spotting trends and determining from which vole holes those tendencies might emerge. Last winter, if you remember, I approached you about a position in the Bronco Coverage Division of the G.A.G. Media Group, as I understand you are a leading authority on all things Bronco. It is said that if one is seeking insights into anything from economics to the feasibility of using Rottweilers to monitor school hallways, you are the mouth to whom it is best to press one’s ear. You were also described to me as a genius on the subject of political ins and outs. G.A.G.’s most pressing need at present is for someone who can make sense of the 2010 election cycle and predict for whom it is going to be a bad year. Our production department has whacked itself ragged trying to sloganize the direction into which current political winds are puffing, but as soon as they think they see a clear trend, something comes along and snuffles it up. Our poor news coverage team does not know whether to spit up or giggle, they are so confused. As wise in the ways of political backand-forthness as you are, I’m sure you already know what I mean. A few months ago, based on the outcome of a special senatorial election to replace a deceased Kennedy, all those pundit people were convinced it was going to be a bad year for Democrats. Then Democrats won almost every election that ran them against a Republican. So then everyone said it was going to be a bad year for incumbents. Which turned out to be true for the incumbents who lost, but not for the incumbents who won. Most recently, it was widely ballyhooed that it looks to be an excellent year for women candidates, what with so many of them prevailing in last Tuesday’s primaries. Yet as one of the cleaning crew here in the G.A.G. Election Central observed, “Yeah, but that doesn’t count the women who lost.” Furthermore, at one time it appeared those Tea Party paraders were going to WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
upset the whole apple pie. Now we’re hearing from many in-the-loop types that the only thing those dangly bag people will upset is the GOP’s chances for ever winning back a majority in Congress. And what about the Libertarian movement? Is it coming? Or going? And Sarah Palin? Is she or isn’t she? The point is, as a professional newsspreading organization, we simply cannot go all the way to November guessing at what is up! We need a person on our team to whom our anchors can turn after every little development and ask, “What does this development say to you, Willy? Is it going to be a bad year for someone, or not?” You could be that person, Mr. Oope. If everything I’ve heard about you is true, you would provide our G.A.G. broadcasts with exactly what they are often missing: a firm sense of them knowing what they are talking about. Feel free to voice mail me (208-555-5555) or e-mail me (caroldee@ gagmegro.com) or contact me in any way you feel most comfortable. —Carol Dee O’Mealy/H.R. Dir./G.A.G. Media Group Dear Carol Dee, As I tried to tell you six months ago— and in spite of what the U.S. Postal Service thinks—Bill Cope and Willy Oope are two entirely different people. But after receiving your letter, I detected a persistent botherment if I didn’t do something proactive. So I have taken it upon myself to track Mr. Oope down and relay your proposal on to him. He was relatively easy to find, your Mr. Oope. I was directed by his landlady to try any one of a dozen West Boise bars, starting at 1 p.m. and proceeding on until the “We’re not giving you another goddamn drink, Willy, no matter who you threaten” hour. I came across him in the fourth tavern I tried, and your intelligence on him is entirely correct, Ms. O’Mealy. He is a fount of information. He knows all there is to know about everything, as near as I could tell, and he’s more than happy to share it. He seemed genuinely thrilled to learn that word of his particular genius had reached such august ears as the G.A.G. Group. I passed on your contact information and during the time it took to finish the beer he bought me, I even helped him figure out which pocket he’d tucked your number into. By the way, I believe Willy has a special feel for Sarah Palin’s position in the political spectrum. Every time her name came up, he roared out to the bartender, “Sure wouldn’t kick her out o‘ bed for eating crackers!” And my sense is, this wasn’t the first time the bartender had heard his opinion on the matter. I’m sure he’ll get in touch soon, Carol Dee. And good luck when he does.
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BOISEweekly | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | 11
Helen Thomas learns that free speech is a myth NEW YORK—On June 7, the professional life of Helen Thomas came to an end. The acid-tongued “dean” of the White House press corps since the Kennedy administration was fired by her newspaper syndicate, dumped by her speakers’ bureau, and disinvited by a Bethesda high school that had asked her to address its commencement ceremonies. The White House Correspondents Association condemned her. President Barack Obama weighed in. Then, Thomas apologized and announced her retirement. All in one day. So what did Thomas do to merit such derision? It wasn’t plagiarism. She didn’t attempt to throw a presidential election. She didn’t say anything racist. Here’s what killed Thomas’ illustrious career: “Tell them [Israelis] to get the hell out of Palestine,” she told a rabbi in a spontaneous video interview. “Remember, these people [Palestinians] are occupied, and it’s their land; it’s not German, it’s not Poland’s.” Asked where Jewish Israelis should go, she replied, “They should go home” to “Poland, Germany ... America and everywhere else.” No doubt, Thomas’ comments were simplistic. Three generations of Jews have made their homes in Israel. Asking them to “return” to places where they’ve never lived or visited would be inhumane and impractical. Her words also demonstrate historical ignorance. Surely Thomas, who is 89, ought to know that most Israeli Jews were born there. But are these remarks so beyond the pale that their utterance ought to mean the end of her professional life? Ari Fleischer, press secretary for George W. Bush, called Thomas a fan of “religious
12 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly
cleansing.” Ex-Clinton spokesman Lanny Davis called Thomas “an anti-Semitic bigot.” “If she had asked all blacks to go back to Africa, what would White House Correspondents Association position be as to whether she deserved White House press room credentials—much less a privileged honorary seat?” Davis asked. Davis is entitled to his opinion. But so is Thomas—not that you’d be able to tell by reading the avalanche of self-righteous yowling by politicians and editorialists. Thomas isn’t unusual. Like it or not, Israel’s creation remains highly controversial. The fact that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are living in refugee camps, where old men and women still wave the deeds and keys to their former homes, attests to the freshness of the wound. Feeling sorry for them and taking the position that they have a right to be compensated doesn’t make you a Jewhater. Israel’s policies turn off a lot of people who don’t have a bigoted bone in their body. So is Helen Thomas an anti-Semite? I don’t know. I do know that her comments were not inherently anti-Semitic. The bigger question is: What if she were? Should she have been fired? Of course not. Free speech must be defended no matter what. Unless we are truly free to say what we think without fear of reprisal, free speech is not a right, merely a permission. Besides, if every American columnist or politician lost his job over bigotry, what would that mean for all those “family values conservatives” who bash gays or who attack Latino immigrants and Muslims? We owe Helen Thomas an apology.
RUNNING START Now is the time to for a high-tech startup BY ANNE-MARIJE ROOK Last month, local entrepreneurs raced the clock and racked their brains to transform ideas into businesses—and the recession into opportunity. Boise hosted the second Idaho Startup Weekend, and after two days, six teams pitched their ideas for a chance to win some valuable resources to get their company off the ground. Startup Weekend is a global event in which participants have 54 hours to start a new company. In that time, teams have to come up with websites, Twitter accounts, marketing strategies and a presentation. Among the six teams were Twitter automator MyWordyBird.com, online media tool Retroper.com and winning idea, Gofi.sh, which won free office space and mentoring help. “Startup Weekend attracts career entrepreneurs that are eager to meet new founders, and be exposed to new ideas, as well as learn new skills,” said Clint Nelsen, one of the three partners of the global Startup Weekend organization. Nelsen himself is an alumnus of a Startup Weekend event. Three years ago, he attended an event in Seattle and now manages Startup gatherings in 89 cities around the globe. When BW spoke with him, he was facilitating a Startup Weekend in Paris. Nelsen said he has seen the same number of participants each year, despite the recession. Some see a recession as a golden opportunity for technology-inclined entrepreneurs and creative thinkers to start their own thing. “Even in these times there is a lot of money on the table for good ideas backed up with a solid team. The hard part is to get to the point where a team has a product developed enough to get investors excited about it,” Nelsen said. And that’s exactly what the local Boise team behind MyWordyBird.com is hoping to do. Rhea Allen, CEO of Peppershock Media, Judy Brawer, marketing director for Women’s Journals, and Jason Dodd, creator of the website engineering firm nerdydrago.com, connected at the Startup Weekend and came up with a concept they think might take off. MyWordyBird helps people be vocal on social media sites such as Twitter or Facebook by writing the blurbs and messages for them. “There are a lot of people out there who sign up for Twitter and think, ‘Now what?’” Allen said, adding that 50 percent of people who sign up for a Twitter account don’t use it. MyWordyBird helps answer the questions, “What can I say?” and “How do I say it right in a 140 characters?” Gofi.sh—a buyer-driven game to get the best deals and advice on products and servicWWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
Rhea Allen and the team from MyWordyBird used the Startup Weekend to jump start a business.
es—took the top prize. Using existing social networking sites, Gofi.sh helps consumers find products they’re looking for. As the winner of the event, Gofi.sh will receive free office space, marketing services and a networking membership. Gofi.sh, MyWordyBird, Retroper.com and the other three Boise teams all came up with tech-oriented, Web-based companies. “Tech is very interesting as it’s the only industry where you can build a business literally for free aside from investing your time,” Nelsen said. “Not to mention that potential to scale and the ability to reach anyone with a computer, in theory, is really appealing and attractive to a cash-strapped entrepreneur.” For Allen and the MyWordyBird team, the initial overhead costs are low. Because they are a web-based company, they can work from home or their current office as long as they have a computer. “The low upfront cost is one thing that made me think it’s viable,” Allen said. “To get things off the ground, you can do it on shoe strings or you have to get really creative,” she added. Actually making the company grow and be profitable is the hard part. It can take years for a startup company to break even. Lisa McGrath, a Boise organizer at Idaho Startup Weekend and co-founder of Social Media Club Boise, said local support is vital for small startups, and Startup Weekend sponsors went out of their way to help. “This year, the purpose in seeking out in-kind sponsorships that I did—from Nebula Shift, Peppershock, Idaho Technology Council, Tsuvo, etc.—is so that the companies would have back-end support and mentorship after they walked out of startup weekend,” McGrath said. “I approach startup weekend planning with the philosophy that we want to continue to support and grow these companies after they launch at Startup Weekend, and
these sponsors, many of which are startups themselves, stepped up to do that.” Jess Flynn of Red Sky Public Relations, one of the chief sponsors of the Idaho Startup Weekend, agreed. “You don’t see huge venture capitalists out here so you need the bootstrapping mentality to make it work,” she said. “I definitely do think people get more creative [during a recession]. People look at things differently at times like this. They start asking the question, ‘What else can I do?’” Flynn said that there are currently a halfdozen events like the Idaho Startup Weekend, and she suspects they will get more popular in the coming years. “The more of these entrepreneurial events the better. Our state will be growing forward,” she said. Locally, entrepreneurs can pitch ideas to networking groups like KickStand, Tech Boise, Boise Angel Alliance, the Idaho Technology Council and the Keiretsu Forum, Flynn said. “You never know if these startups [will] take off and grow,” Flynn said. “I think every idea has a chance and some will definitely get some out-of-state recognition. Some already have.” Nelsen said Twitpay, created at a Startup Weekend in Atlanta in 2008, has been the most successful Startup Weekend company so far. It has become the leading provider of social media payments services and raised $1 million in funding a little more than a month ago. Nelsen revealed that what gets investors interested in a company is commitment. “My advice is: Make all of the sacrifices you can to give yourself the longest runway possible,” Nelsen said. “Angels take notice when someone is not only investing all of their time, but also some of their own money into an idea they personally believe in. It’s important to show that the founders are committed and have skin in the game.”
GETTING MIRED IN THE SLUDGE OF OIL AND COFFEE Last week, Citydesk attended a protest wherein interest didn’t guarantee attendance and a gathering in which attendance didn’t guarantee interest. On June 10, the local chapter of Seize BP—a group demanding the government seize BP’s assets “in an amount commensurate with the damage caused by their criminal negligence”—staged a protest at Front Street and Capitol Boulevard. Despite 135 online supporters of the effort fully aware of the rally, when it came down to making a sign and hitting the street, only one person showed up. There were, however, representatives of five news organizations on the scene. The single protester, obviously excited with the 9-to-1 reporter-to-protester ratio, talked about corporations having too much power, while holding a sign that read, “We need government bigger than BP.” An hour later, a post on the Facebook and Myspace pages said that the rally had been canceled due to “unavoidable circumstances,” along with an assurance that the group would be out over the weekend. The day before, would-be political activists met for the Boise Coffee Party, a group that hopes to provide an outlet for citizens interested in seeking effective cooperation in government rather than a deepening of the culture war. The Coffee Party arose as a grass-roots response to the Tea Party. Group organizers Duane Quintana and Cindy Gross handed out agendas that included updates on actions and campaigns of local PACs and general strategy sessions, as well as a broad discussion of education policy led by guest speaker Vicky Young. Some of the attendees were introduced as candidates for local office and offered very brief stump speeches. A good portion of the discussion focused on general issues like, what the goals of the group should be, if it should offer endorsements, and how directly it should position itself as an alternative or in opposition to the Tea Party. One of the biggest questions was how closely to ally with Democrats. Still, the attendees seemed excited about the possibilities for the group, and a long list of ideas, many of them focused on political education, was proposed: a book club, a Capitol tour to learn more about the legislative process, a lecture series at Boise State on the definition of socialism, a summit on corporate personhood. The group also wanted to form a smaller committee to develop a Tea Party response strategy that could involve anything from counter-demonstrations to attempts to correct misinformation. “Perhaps we should focus on winning them over, rather than engaging in their arguments,” one woman said of the Tea Party. The idea received some subdued but good-natured snickering. However, when it came down to actually making things happen, interest was weaker, which Quintana credits to both busy schedules and the group’s relative newness. “We’re trying to give people an outlet to be involved in politics who never have before,” said the a 31-year-old nonprofit worker. “People have been testing the waters, but now they’re solidifying as a group.” —Philip Alexander and Josh Gross
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DRAG QUEEN TO SOLDIER One active duty soldier speaks about DADT BY ANNE-MARIJE ROOK
You’ve always been a loud gay advocate. Were you concerned about that going into the military? A little. They have a very strict policy that we can’t be associated with extremist groups and stuff like that and so I worried about my activism in the community ... and so I have taken a step back. Like at basic [training], I was still me but a quiet, more modest version because I didn’t want to make it blatantly obvious. When I was in Georgia, I started to come out a little bit more ... because it was more accepted there. When I went to basic training, there weren’t any females and females tend to be more accepting of gays. So they all know you’re gay? For the most part. When I was in Georgia a lot of people knew. Most of the people who slept in my bay knew and all my friends know.
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And that wasn’t an issue? No, it wasn’t an issue at all. It was quite exciting. I really enjoyed the experience. It was interesting because I never really got to hang out with heterosexual people. Did people ask you or how did it come up? No, no one asked. I would hang out with people and they would get the impression. I would have conversations with my female friends about boys and so they kind of just got that image. Soldiers who were in training just like I was would ask and that wasn’t a big deal because I trusted them, and I would be up front and honest with them. Do you think it may be generational? That our generation is more accepting about this? I do think so. It’s generational and also where they come from. It really depends on the person and their upbringing. Like there’s a girl from Texas who was totally fine with it. She was country as crap, but she was one of my best friends. The entire time I was [in Georgia for training] I didn’t meet one female who harbored bad feelings toward me for being gay. How about some of the male soldiers then? Yeah, there was a number of them. Nothing ever came of it; they would just talk crap to me. They wouldn’t even say it to me, they would just say it while I was in earshot and mostly it was them mimicking my voice. Nothing really ever got out. So it’s not as bad as I may have pictured it? No, for me it wasn’t that bad. Maybe we were just really lucky but in my company, we had tons of lesbians. There were two girls who were openly dating and everyone knew it and everyone liked them.
Much to the surprise of his friends and peers, John Doe joined the Army National Guard in May 2009. For years, Smith had been involved in Boise’s gay community, often strutting on stage performing as a drag queen. This month marks his first year in uniform, with seven years to go. In order to protect his military career under Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, he requested to remain unidentified. Back in Idaho awaiting possible deployment, he spoke to BW about life in the army as a gay man at a time when DADT policy is grabbing headlines. Last month was a potential turning point for the policy, which bans gays and lesbians from serving openly in the armed services. On May 27, the U.S. House of Representatives approved an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, producing a legislative repeal of the controversial DADT law.
Do you think DADT should be repealed? I don’t know, honestly. Even though DADT is in effect right now, I still feel like I’m serving openly. Here at home, my sergeants know, my brother—who is in the same unit—knows and so do our mutual friends. I do not feel like I’m closeted by being in the unit. I feel open. ... If they get rid of [DADT], I don’t know what exactly that even entails. Does that mean we’re all going to have to start coming out? Or, is it going to be OK if you have not come out? And I know that there’s been talk if DADT does go away, then a lot of people are going to petition that homosexuals have their own housing because they don’t want to be mixed with us. I just think that opens up a whole new can of worms because if you give gays their own housing, then it’s just going to be easier to target them for hate crimes. Personally, I don’t think [being gay] is affecting me or my service to the country. The only people who really care about it are the head honchos of the army who have been in for 20 years or more so I think it really is a generational thing. How have your friends and family reacted to you joining? My brother actually encouraged me to join ... When I left I actually didn’t even tell very many people why I was leaving or what I was planning on doing because I wasn’t sure of their reaction. But they’ve all been very supportive.
ear scat steams in the mountains above Sun Valley as it has after spring snowstorms for millenia on the edge of the largest wilderness area in the lower 48 states. The mountain retreat is also known as the Wood River Valley, named for the Big Wood River that drains the south side of Galena Summit, a viewpoint that is also the headwaters of the Salmon River flowing northward through the Sawtooth Valley. The bear will continue to go about his business on the periphery of human domain on the valley floor, especially as stewards of the hillsides like former Blaine County Commissioner Len Harlig continue to fight proposed development of the area’s wildlife habitat and scenic amenities—amenities that citizens from Carey to Stanley are banking on you visiting. Like Harlig, the majority of locals and most visitors enjoy the mountains around Sun Valley because the hills don’t look much different than they did before the resort’s ribbon cutting 75 years ago—Dec. 21, 1936, to be precise. But, economically, Sun Valley is in a pinch. Most workers there now hang their hats on recreation, and they want to be sure that you will not only visit, but return.
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Assessed value of all private property in Blaine County based on real estate sales has dropped nearly $2 billion, from a 2008 high of $12.4 billion to just less than $10.6 billion in 2010. In the face of such a dramatic economic turn, the community relies even more heavily on recreation and retail sales, an area where the average traveler has been cutting back during the past two years. In response, locals are looking to revamp Sun Valley’s image in order to re-sell the brand around Idaho and away. As a resort area, Sun Valley has been a family draw for generations—people seeking recreation and the mountain high life—but for those who need to eke out a living from the local economy, the path to sustainability is a challenge, especially if family is part of the plan. “You have to be a maverick to make it here,” said Sarah McLaughlin, a sports nutritionist and mother in Hailey who started Sun Valley Bar, makers of whole food energy snacks. Aside from some gravel mining and sheep ranching, extractive resource industries have long since fled Blaine County, but the heritage is still a potent part of the Sun Valley picture. It is not uncommon for visitors to seek out the museums in the valley to get a clearer picture of the area’s roots. The annual Trailing of the Sheep Festival and Wagon Days are also popular, along with the Fourth of July Parade in Hailey and a multitude of concerts and celebrations like the Heritage Court, an annual gala event honoring five valley women from each Blaine municipality for a lifetime of contributions to the community. When Averell Harriman plotted to drive traffic to Union Pacific passenger service in the 1930s, building the first destination ski resort
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in North America with killer snow and terrain and a European flair, it was the beginning of a grand experiment in recreation economics. Providing the first lift-assisted skiing in the country, Harriman also tapped a pioneering spirit that existed in the valley. Railroad pamphleteer Robert Strahorn, who during boom mining times of the 1860s predicted that Hailey would become the Denver of Idaho, most likely never expected the tracks to be torn up. Today, Sun Valley survives on the beneficence of the R. Earl Holding family, who are also owners of the Sinclair Oil Corporation. Many are wondering what future innovations will sustain the people who are the backbone of the historic area beyond serving a phenomenally wealthy population of largely part-time residents. The chamber of commerce that represents both Ketchum and Sun Valley is in upheaval as the two cities and many voices seek a new unifying message to export. Sun Valley Company is racing to organize a grand birthday party. Even slower-paced organizations, like the commission for a new airport, share dreams not unlike those of Ecotopia author Ernest Callenbach—a green sustainable economy. All are debating how the community should look in 2020 and beyond. Steve Hogan, owner of the Wicked Spud sports bar in Hailey is one of the entrepreneurs banking on the expansion plans still under way at the Sun Valley Resort, he said, after completing a new floor installation at his restaurant just in time for the start of the summer in the beer garden. “When Sun Valley builds that hotel at River Run, it will put this place on the map permanently,” Hogan said. “Right now, it’s just a
gravel parking lot, but you know they will do it right, like they do with everything.” Meanwhile, it is quiet at the Spud. A block away, the new Powerhouse restaurant has been packed since it opened in the fall. Novelty and a focus on imported beers and bikes lend it distinct cache. The business is located in a small historic Hailey building. Its coziness has offered itself as an incubator for the future. Overnight, it became the watering hole for employees of Power Engineers, Smith Optics, Scott, Marketron and the new YMCA in Ketchum. It is also a second home to a number of optimistic entrepreneurs who still hold onto the dream of being pioneers in the West. The fact that the county of some 20,000 people is so wealthy (private property value alone is second only to Ada County) adds to the impression that America’s Shangri-La is merely a haven for the rich. However, boots on the ground, those who rely on local commerce for survival are taking a deeper look at a place where many find spiritual connection. The valley contains a den of leaders looking to redefine the face of the community. Some have claimed that the Wood River Valley is the birthplace to Sacagawea. Whether that is true is debatable, but there are many guides who call Sun Valley home, who are more than happy to help point visitors in the right direction to help satisfy whatever turns their crank, whether it’s yoga, ski racing, music, or all of the above. However tranquil it might be in the mountains from Bellevue to Stanley, contemporary real estate bankers and the noise of construction that had sustained many a ski bum is all but silent now. Ski passes, new gear and dinners out on the town after enjoying a variety of cultural venues, including the Sun Valley
Center for the Arts and Company of Fools, have been de rigueur for sustaining an engaged mountain town lifestyle, but for many locals, such a heavenly experience is largely a thing of the past. More prevalent are the quiet, painful negotiations of foreclosure. In the past year, the feds shuttered even the last home for the First Bank of Idaho located in a new building on Ketchum’s left bank, which is just that: a long string of new banks. At first glance it is hard to understand what is going on in Sun Valley. Some investment choices, like building a new gondola on Bald Mountain in 2009, seem strange given this difficult economic period globally. Until this year, the sound of whirring saw blades singing through knotty pine at job sites around Sun Valley was as ubiquitous as serenading cicadas. Over the past seven years, approved development projects sprung up all over the mountain district of South-Central Idaho. Housing boomed even at the remote gateway to Craters of the Moon in Carey, where volcanic rock was recently blasted to finally straighten a section of the combined U.S. Highway 20-26-93, also known as the twisting Jeffrey-Goodale Cutoff that westbound Oregon Trail pioneers once crunched through the lava fields. For some 50 years, beginning in the first half of the 1860s, would-be settlers used the alternate route to avoid skirmishes with the Northern Shoshone and Bannock tribes who fought the settlers’ incursion on their homeland. Then, on the heels of miners and the railroad came Sun Valley and a dream to bring recreation to the world. Even the Shah of Iran once skied there. The Kennedy broth-
ers enjoyed it, too. In light of such prestige, only 3.5 percent of skiers come from Boise. Perhaps Sun Valley suffers from a perception of glitz that has turned off the masses. There do seem to be nuggets of forward thinking that will serve visitors in perpetuity as the community sorts out a new mix of commerce. Sun Valley Company has invested tens of millions of dollars in recent years to expand its infrastructure, including five new lodges. This summer, the company plans to offer gondola rides to mountain bikers and may contribute in an effort to connect Bald Mountain to an ever-expanding trail network in the southern part of the county. Downstream from the gritty River Run parking lot, where the new hotel is slated, the post-ski season attraction is a glacier of filthy snow and gravel, the plowed remains of winter’s road maintenance. The glacier is home to some of the few remaining miners—out-of-work carpenters armed with metal detectors. “Not a single building permit has been filed in the cities of Ketchum, Sun Valley or Bellevue this year for new construction,” reported Trevon Milliard in the April 7 issue of the Idaho Mountain Express, the key newspaper for what’s happening in the mountains of South-Central Idaho. “Hailey has received just one application to build a new home. For Blaine County, 20 building permits have been requested for property outside city limits, but none of these are new construction either.” By June, Hailey had a total of three building permits for new structures on the books with a possible fourth on the way. Ketchum had two permits in place for the 2010 summer, and Sun Valley had just one for a new single-family home and another for an 800-square-foot greenhouse planned for a residential property. There were rumors of a third residential project coming online, but for those who rely on the local building trades for survival, rumors are not enough. “Sun Valley used to be a place for families,” said James Foster, a teacher in the Blaine County public schools, who includes economics in his curriculum. “Today, people want to be in many places and yet they want to come here and still feel a strong sense of community.” Foster said that vitality comes from the people who work in the valley, those who maintain the infrastructure and serve in a variety of public and private capacities. “We need jobs and affordable housing,” he said. Much of the old guard prefers the quiet lift lines at the resort, but the Sun Valley Company is now reaching out. A cadre of activists is pushing for food carts al fresco to enliven downtown Ketchum, a city that has turned its attention to resurrecting outdoor gathering spaces. The community is also trying implement safe biking for children and a bike-share program for everyone, locals and visitors alike. Livability is the catchword. In addition to many guided activities provided by outfitters, including fishing, hunting, rafting, skiing and horseback riding, there are free things to do as well, including a picnic with the Sun Valley Symphony at the Sun Valley Pavilion. Despite economic challenges, the past winter reported the second-highest skier showing in the history of the industry, so the Sun Valley Resort seems to be on the right path by expanding and improving its WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
infrastructure. Managers there believe it is a commodity with high value for everyone, not just the rich and famous. It pumped Costco with discount lift tickets this year and took baby steps into the business of expanding easy bus transportation and benefits for people living in Twin Falls. The local bus service, Mountain Rides, is in the process of connecting its service southward, and Sun Valley hopes to help expand bargains and transportation as far as Pocatello and Boise in the coming years. Recreation is still the most sustainable economic driver in the area, but where Bogus Basin sells 30,000 season passes a year, Sun Valley sold just less than 1,500. Yes, the price for a season pass is 10 times higher in Sun Valley, but Ketchum’s Bald Mountain does have much bigger, faster and longer slopes, a permit
to expand one day and probably some of the most dependable grooming in North America, no matter what Mother Nature has in store. Most agree that Bald Mountain, with its ample facilities, is so expansive that the addition of 1,000 skiers a day would go largely unnoticed on piste. In an economy that is largely retail based, that increase would be weighty on Main Street in Ketchum apres ski. There is potential for much more use of the resort just by Idahoans, said Mike Fitzpatrick, Sun Valley’s marketing manager. Another potential for expansion, only limited by federal regulation, are guide services on public land. Like coveted liquor licenses, there are only so many permits available for guiding and backcountry shelters to currently active and would-be outfitters, professionals who
seek to serve a growing demand for adventure. “I think this place has so much opportunity ... it was heavily tilted to construction and real estate, but we need to make the spread of businesses broader,” Fitzpatrick said. “Sun Valley has an incredible history. Our job is to help young people understand that Sun Valley is not just old people here. We are getting the message out that it is big, brawny and fast.” Fitzpatrick, who recently returned to the valley after a long hiatus in Oregon, is working closely with Mountain Manager Tim Silva, who returned to the valley from Lake Tahoe to help revamp Sun Valley Resort’s image. End of winter pictures on ESPN showed extreme skier Chris Logan launching 125 feet of air off of a monster jump on the Warm Springs side of Baldy. Next winter, Sun Valley
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is planning a film festival to feature the Level 1 Productions’ world premier and Teton Gravity Research footage, as well as submissions from skiers all over in the world. The company will also offer deals to capitalize on its 75th anniversary. While on a recent walk in the Boulder Mountains, contemplating the crushing impact of the failing construction and real estate businesses on the recreation-based community and the efficacy of replacing trains with automobiles and airplanes over the long term, close inspection of the trail confirmed that a warm bear specimen, freshly deposited between snow-covered shoots of arrow-leaf balsamroot, lupine and other native plants, was deep green and rather furry—rich fertilizer for a large ponderosa nearby. News from the hills is that hibernation is over and unrepentant nature is running amok in the mountain ranges surrounding the Wood River Valley. Everyone can thank the bear for a reminder of why many people come to Sun Valley in the first place. On the same spring weekend as the bear scat discovery, a team of backcountry skiers bagged the summit of the 11,051-foot Devil’s Bedstead in the Pioneer Mountains to ski 5,000 feet of powder snow. Also, various mountain bikers trained on miles of single track in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains out Croy Canyon west of Hailey, an amenity that the Bureau of Land Management is actively growing with the help of a platoon of volunteers. And golfers spread across the valley’s half-dozen links had their pick of 90 holes of golf. Another plus was a round of miniature golf at the new Sun Valley Club golf and Nordic skiing lodge that hosts 18 holes of putting modeled on a miniature course at St. Andrew’s in Scotland, ostensibly the birthplace of golf. Recreation is understood as the principle driver of all commerce in the valley, mining having mostly gone the way of the dodo and Superfund. However, considering the rising price of precious metals and the potential of remaining natural resources— most hard rock mining in the area was done by hand and without any modern equipment—it is conceivable that natural resource extraction could return as a catalyst for the entire state economy. Although in a community chock full of health-conscious citizens who attend local wellness and spiritual festivals, who then farm out their brain trust to help improve health and the environment through a number of nonprofits, both locally and around the world, the more likely scenario is that the community will simply assess their precious resources and let the bears and the trees watch over them in perpetuity. It’s better to lend against proven reserves than on consolidated debt. That’s the lesson learned over the past two years, right? As the bear begins to roam again, the spring slack season is considered by worker bees as a time to recharge the batteries. Rolling into summer 2010, however, the human population of Sun Valley is still looking quite subdued in its comparatively urban habitat. The slack season was so dead, in fact, it looked like a throwback to an earlier time, perhaps as far back as the 1970s. It was certainly on par with some of the vintage threads on the racks at Ketchum’s Gold Mine Thrift Shop, the repository of unwanted excess and
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the main funding source for the Community Library, where plenty of people have been hunched over the free computers seeking greener pastures through the Web and ordering things on eBay that will eventually help restock the Gold Mine. However, some see a hint of reprieve on the economic horizon. “Tough economic times have seen the Wood River Valley embark on a renaissance, which is positively affecting the quality of life here and helping secure the area’s future. Sun Valley Resort is actively reinventing their brand, putting an emphasis on being relevant to today’s market ... expanding their appeal with amenities and overall personality and hospitality,” said Greg Randolph, a Smith Optics employee with a regular bar stool at the Powerhouse. “We have seen enthusiastic support for expanded mountain bike trail networks, walking and biking paths, new events, enhanced Community Campus and Blaine County Recreation District offerings and, most of all, an open mind toward building a desirable community in which to live, not just visit. This is truly an amazing time to be here and I couldn’t imagine a better place for Smith Optics or myself to call home.” Many at the Powerhouse gather to plot their summer mountain-biking plans, and like people do all along the “culinary corridor” of Highway 75 from Bellevue to Stanley, they come to brag about epic turns on Baldy and in the vast backcountry, describing the same elements that convinced Austrian skiing consultant Count Felix Schaffgotsch that the Wood River Valley was the spot for Harriman’s dreams. Blaine County bureaucrats will have to wait yet another year for the chance at a raise, but Ketchum staff is seeing a surprising increase to the bottom line after local option taxes boosted city coffers unexpectedly to the tune of nearly $1 million this year. There are other sparks of light in the wilderness of the economic downturn. Sun Valley boasted a record year for skier user days of 400,023, despite a relatively poor snow pack. The Gold Mine is still abuzz during business hours, but down valley, the U-Haul vehicles that once crowded a lot at the tip of the Bellevue Triangle at the “Gateway to the Sawtooths” are as absent now as the Oregon Trail wagons that disappeared with the advent of the train. Although the spirit remains, it is clear that much human cargo has recently slipped away. For those in the Wood River Valley who don’t live the posh lifestyle of the rich, which is still what makes Sun Valley famous, the quest for renewal is imperative. Humongous gap jumps are great, but most agree that the future enjoyment of Sun Valley will also rely on the leaps of entrepreneurs like McLaughlin of Sun Valley Bar, Mike Herlinger who, despite, the economy just launched his casual bicycle clothing line, Club Ride, and Cygnia Rapp, who recently gained a $200,000 influx of support from investors, including members of the Boise Angel Alliance for her Haileybased company, Prosperity Organic Foods Inc., which sells a tasty butter substitute. That’s the news from the valley floor. Remember, this isn’t just Arnold Schwarzenegger’s back yard. It’s your public domain. The bear doesn’t care who comes to visit. He already has a fur coat. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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BOISEvisitWEEKLY PICKS boiseweekly.com for more events
See Jane Run ... and Betty and Suzie and Karen.
SATURDAY JUNE 19 runners SEE JANE RUN WOMEN’S HALF MARATHON AND 5K Have a burning desire to hear Meat Katie? Tune your chakras to the Esthetic Evolution.
FRIDAY-SUNDAY JUNE 18-20 burners ESTHETIC EVOLUTION MUSIC AND ART FESTIVAL Esthetic Evolution checklist: fur-covered boots, smiley face superhero cape, kerosene for fire spinning, glo sticks, hula hoops, old-school bus converted into a mobile “art van” and plenty of photos from your last five trips to Burning Man to build street-cred with all your new friends. From Friday, June 18, straight through Sunday, June 20, Esthetic Evolution—“a communitybased, participant-driven music and art festival centered on progressive thinking and selfexpression”—will take over the Twin Springs Resort located an hour east of Boise. In addition to sweating to a wide array of electronic beats from artists like Meat Katie (United Kingdom), James Harcourt (United Kingdom), Phutureprimitive (Portland, Ore.) and Chromatone/ Morphatrix (San Francisco), Esthetic Evolution participants can also experience a number of eclectic sound camps. At Monkey Do! you can listen to house, break beat, techno, dub-step and glitch while chilling in an Alice in Wonderland-themed camp, or at Sea Shanty, you’re promised “bacon, a cuddle dome and possibly a bacon-themed cuddle dome.” Eek. If none of this makes any sense, you’re either 1) not a Burner or 2) took far too many psychedelics last year in the Black Rock Desert. For a more thorough idea of what all goes down at Esthetic Evolution, check out estheticevolution.com. Noon, Friday, June 18 straight through 5 p.m., Sunday, June 20, $55 adults, FREE 12 and younger, Twin Springs Resort. For tickets and directions, visit estheticevolution.com.
THURSDAY JUNE 17 crooners BOISE’S QUEER IDOL Though American Idol’s ratings may have slipped in the ninth season—with Simon Cowell’s retirement
announcement and the whole Abdul/DeGeneres switch-a-roo—Boise’s Queer Idol is ready to pick up the cover-crooning reins. On Thursday, June 17, at 8 p.m., Humpin’ Hannah’s will echo with more Queen, Madonna and ABBA than an ’80s discotheque. Three local celebrity
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judges—BW A&E editor Amy Atkins, comedian Matt Bragg and DJ/emcee Keith Brown—will determine the evening’s top five finalists, who will then move on to a final round at the Boise Pride Festival on Saturday, June 19. In addition to local contestants, other performers at Boise Queer Idol
Guys steer clear: This is the Fried Green Tomatoes version of a distance run. According to the See Jane Run website, the race is “chocolate, champagne, dancing, massages, laughter, tears and lots of fun.” All of this bundled together with a friendly half-marathon and 5K. The starting point will be at Shelter No. 1 in the Julia Davis Park, with both races ending around the same area. Last year’s inaugural race brought out roughly 600 people. This year, they’re hoping for closer to 1,000. There’s a kids’ race for the tykes, and strollers are welcome at the back of the line. Awards will be given to the top three overall finishers and the top three winners in 11 age categories. The theme for this year is “I run for champagne and chocolate,” so for the lucky racers who complete the course, a host will be waiting with a glass of champagne and a bit of chocolate to soothe the aches and satisfy the soul. The event is for a worthy cause. See Jane Run will match up to $1,500 per individual or group donation, with proceeds benefiting the Boise affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. And kidding aside, dudes are totally welcome. According to Kiersten Cooper, manager of the local See Jane Run store, “Guys can race, but they can’t win. There’s going to be chocolate and champagne at the finish line. Who wouldn’t want to run?” 8 a.m., $15-$95, Julia Davis Park, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-338-5263, seejanerun.com.
include Rebecca Scott and Deb Sager, Minerva Jayne, The Firefly Girlz, Common Ground Community Chorus and 2008 Boise Queer Idol Jared Meyer. For more information on the litany of other events happening during Boise Pride Week—including the Les Bois awards and the Boise Pride rally and parade—see Page 22 or visit boisepride.org. 7:30 p.m. registration, 8 p.m. show, $5, (VIP tickets are sold out), $10 to compete, Humpin’ Hannah’s, 621 Main St., 208-3457557, boisequeeridol.com.
SATURDAY JUNE 19 listeners RADIO BOISE’S SUMMER SOULSTICE Located in the Alaska Center building above the steady stream of Main Street traffic is Boise’s volunteer-run community radio station. Radio Boise has been streaming a wide range of audio content on its website since July 1, 2005, and hopes to start broadcasting as 89.9 FM throughout the Treasure Valley soon. To thank its
supporters, Radio Boise is taking over Eighth Street for its fourth-annual Radio Boise Summer Soulstice. Following in the footsteps of last year’s per formances by Finn Riggins and Polyphonic Pomegranate, this year’s event features Ketchum-based rock duo BlackSmith, local power pop group Spondee and the experimental Wolfman Fever. Four DJs from Radio Boise will spin tunes between sets. Bittercreek Ale House/ Red Feather Lounge, Brown Rental, Pride Foundation, Salmon River Brewer y, Hale Development, CCDC and DaWWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
From the closet of Colonel Sanders comes Cash’d Out.
SATURDAY JUNE 19 jammers GEM STATE JAM Music, environmentalism and prison. After spending a day at the Gem State Jam, you’ll wonder why this seemingly oddball combo isn’t more popular. Held as a one-day event at the Old Idaho Penitentiary, the Gem State Jam features a stellar line-up of musicians and an environmentally friendly message. By utilizing a solar-powered stage and lighting setups, as well as programs to offset the carbon footprint, festival promoters aim for complete sustainability throughout the event. Headlining the event will be jam-scene staple Jerry Joseph, then Johnny Cash tribute act Cash’d Out will stage a semi-recreation of the notorious Folsom Prison concert. Other artists include: island-rockers the Mike Pinto Band, acoustic-folkies the Shook Twins, San Francisco-based indie artists Wendy Darling, Big Light, The Very Most, David Robert King, Volifonix, Dan Keck, Brandon Pritchett and Boise Rock School. Sponsors New Belgium and Pabst will be in charge of the beer supply, with local vendors providing an array of foods and crafts. Tour guides will be on hand to take guests through penitentiary exhibits and museums. So after getting your music fill and listening to a lecture on the four R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle and rock), you can leisurely wander the yard and listen for the ghosts of non-recyclers past. 12:30-11 p.m., $15-$20, FREE 5 and under, Old Idaho Penitentiary, 2445 Old Penitentiary Road, gemstatejam.com.
viesMoore are sponsoring the event. Proceeds from alcohol sales will benefit Radio Boise and their efforts to start broadcasting under the call letters KRBX soon. 6-10 p.m., FREE, Eighth St., 208-424-8166, radioboise.org.
SUNDAY JUNE 20 hoppers HIPPITY-HOP RACE While there’s nothing particularly gangsta’ about clutching an inflated rubber ball between your knees and riding it like a bucking moon-bull, the hippity-hop has nonetheless solidified
its place in the canon of awesome childhood toys— alongside the Skip-It, the Hula Hoop and the pogo stick. On Sunday, June 20, you can show off your rubber ball-riding skills at the second annual Hippity-Hop Race in Julia Davis Park. The event is divided into three categories: the pro race, a one-mile race to beat the world record of 15 minutes and 3 seconds; the relay race, a one-mile hop broken into four stages; and the kids games. Running from 12:30-3:30 p.m., kids games are free and include a relay race, a three-legged hop, hippity-hop soccer and capture the flag with two teams of three or five hoppers. One hippity-hop ball is
Just a pickin’ and a grinnin’.
TUESDAY JUNE 22 bluegrass-ers RUSSELL MOORE AND IIIRD TYME OUT One of the most decorated groups in bluegrass history is visiting Boise on Tuesday, June 22. Russell Moore and IIIrd Tyme Out (pronounced “third time out”) are known for their gospel-tinged bluegrass stylings. This is meat-and-potatoes bluegrass—guitar, banjo, fiddle, mandolin, bass. The band’s a cappella arrangements and unique vocal harmonies have won them the International Bluegrass Music Association’s Vocal Group of the Year award seven consecutive times. The band has also received more than 50 industry awards since forming in 1991. Local band Chicken Dinner Road will open the concert. Influenced by the likes of Earl Scruggs, Foggy Mountain Boys and Bill Monroe, expect CDR to jam out more traditional numbers from the bluegrass lexicon in addition to their quirky, original tunes. The concert will be located in the acoustically pristine Brandt Auditorium at the Nampa Civic Center. According to the website of Russel Moore and IIIrd Tyme Out, “from stage left to right they are a complete band—perhaps the most complete band of the last two decades.” The stage at the Civic Center will provide the perfect platform for them to support such a statement. 7 p.m., $20, Brandt Auditorium Nampa Civic Center, 311 Third St. S., Nampa, 208-468-5555, nampaciviccenter.com.
included in the price of the race, but those who prefer to BYOBall can knock $15 off the price of the race. Kids hippity-hops are not included, but there will be extras lying around.
Chocolate and red wine have been teaming up to drop panties for centuries. It’s impossible to imagine a Bacchanalian romp without the two aphrodisiacs playing a prominent role. Well, thanks to the Dutch, there’s now a more efficient way to consume chocolate and red wine. Presenting ChocoVine: “A taste of Dutch chocolate and fine red wine.” This 14-percent alcohol, Yoo-hoo-looking “wine” recently began showing up on local convenience store shelves. In the name of thorough journalism, we busted out the BW credit card and sheepishly bought an $11.99 bottle at our local Jackson’s. Not sure how to ser ve it, we threw it in the freezer to chill for half an hour. Then with an array of creamy, reddish-brown shots before us, we plugged our noses and threw the ChocoVine down the hatch. The results were surprising: “This isn’t the worst thing in the world,” said one staffer. “This is how you sleep with sorority girls,” added another. “It tastes like high school,” noted a third. Like a more chocolaty Bailey’s, ChocoVine charmed with its pleasant flavor and boozy chocovine.com finish. And while it would take the perseverance/low-tolerance of a teenager to get a buzz off ChocoVine, most BW editorial staffers raised high our shot glasses for a second round … and then winced at the thought of a ChocoVine hangover. —Tara Morgan
12:30-3 p.m., kids games, FREE; 2 p.m., relay race, 4 p.m., pro race; $35 includes ball, $20 with own ball; Julia Davis Park, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., hippityhoprace. com.
an event by e-mail to calendar@boiseweekly.com. Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.
BOISEweekly | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | 21
WEDNESDAY JUNE 16 On Stage BRIAN REGAN—Standup comedy. 8:30 p.m. $35-$55. Sun Valley Pavilion, Sun Valley Resort, Sun Valley, www.sunvalley.com.
Food & Drink DRINKING LIBERALLY—A group of left-leaning individuals gather to talk politics, share ideas and inspire change. The event is a project of Living Liberally, an organization that fosters progressive communities through social networks and events. 7 p.m. Solid, 405 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-345-6620. www.drinkingliberally.org.
Workshops & Classes CAMP COOKING BASICS— Learn how to make the best out of your cooking while in the wild. 7 p.m. FREE. REI, 8300 W. Emerald, Boise, 208-322-1141, www.rei.com. GOURMET CAMP CUISINE—Comedian chef Pat Mac will teach the class how to turn a picnic or camping trip into a culinary destination. 6:30 p.m. $50. Pottery Gourmet, 811 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-368-0649.
Rocci Johnson hosts Queer Idol.
LGBT community. 6 p.m. FREE. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297, www.visualartscollective.com.
PRIDE MOVIE NIGHT—An hour of socialization followed by a screening of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert. 6:30 p.m. The Flicks, 646 Fulton St., Boise, 208-3424222.
LEATHER NIGHT—Winners chosen for best leather attire have a chance to compete for the state title. 9 p.m. Lucky Dog, 2223 Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-3330074, www.luckydogtavern.com.
AFTER-MOVIE SHOW—Stage show with surprise performers. 9 p.m. FREE. Sin, 1124 W. Front St., Boise, 208-342-3375, www. sinboise.com.
THURSDAY JUNE 17 BOISE QUEER IDOL—Karaoke contest with local celebrity judges Amy Atkins, Matt Bragg and Keith Brown. Plus live performances by Rebecca Scott, Minerva Jayne, the Firefly Girlz and the Common Ground Community Chorus. Five contestants move on to finals at Boise Pride Festival. $200 prize. 8 p.m, $5 door, $10 to compete. Humpin’ Hannah’s, 621 Main St., Boise, 208-345-7557.
PRIDE RALLY—The official kickoff to Pride Day with a political rally at the State Capitol. 10:30 a.m. FREE. Idaho Capitol, 700 W. Jefferson, Boise. PRIDE FESTIVAL—A day-long festival centered on community and entertainment with vendors, food and a beer garden. 11 a.m. FREE. Ann Morrison Park, Americana Blvd. PRIDE PARADE—Flashy floats and colorful participants trek from the Capitol to Ann Morrison Park in the annual Pride Parade. 11:30 a.m. FREE. Idaho Capitol, 700 W. Jefferson, Boise. PRIDE FINALE PARTY—Party at the bar to celebrate the end of Pride Week. 9 p.m. FREE. Sin, 1124 W. Front St., Boise, 208-342-3375, www.sinboise. com.
WRITING WORKSHOP WITH STEVE ALMOND—Almond is the author of the story collections My Life in Heavy Metal and The Evil B. B. Chow and the nonfiction books Candyfreak and (Not That You Asked). His latest book, Rock and Roll Will Save Your Life, chronicles his devotion to rock and roll and was released by Random House in April. The workshop will focus on character development. Contact budesen@ sunvalleycenter.org to register. 9 a.m.-noon p.m. $350. Sun Valley Center for Arts, 314 Second Ave. S., Hailey. 208-726-9491, www. sunvalleycenter.org.
Literature SEVEN DEVILS PLAYWRIGHT CONFERENCE—Theater artists from around Idaho and the country converge for two weeks of rehearsals, workshops and presentations of 12 new plays in two weeks, including four plays by local high school students, and a free playwriting workshop. See www.idtheater.org for a full listing of events, venues and times. FREE. Alpine Playhouse, 1201 Roosevelt Ave., McCall.
Sports & Fitness TRICYCLE RACES—The disclaimer at the beginning of Jackass was about exactly this sort of thing, which is why it’s awesome. 10 p.m. FREE. The Lobby, 760 W. Main St., Boise, 208-991-2183, www.thelobbyboise.com.
LES BOIS AWARDS—An award ceremony for local community members, organizations and businesses that are supportive of the
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8 DAYS OUT Citizen BOISE BICYCLE PROJECT VOLUNTEER NIGHT—Volunteer bicycle mechanics are on hand to answer a variety of bicycle repair questions, help with problem diagnosis and assist in bicycle repair. Boise Bicycle Project relies on volunteers to continue their work of fixing up old bicycles and donating them to children of low-income families and local refugees. 6-8 p.m. Boise Bicycle Project, 1027 Lusk St., Boise, 208-429-6520, www. boisebicycleproject.org.
Odds & Ends POKER—Play for fun and prizes. 7 p.m. FREE. The Buffalo Club, 10206 W. Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-321-1811.
THURSDAY JUNE 17 Festivals & Events ELEGANCE ON THIRD THURSDAY—An elegant evening of dancing and romancing. Guests are encouraged to dress to the nines for this fun, “big city” event with a tagline that reads, “Dress up and party down ... There’s nothing like this party
in town!” That means kicking the jeans and T-shirts for a night of glitz and glamour. With music by Beverly and Rex. Ages 21 and older. Third Thursday of every month, 7 p.m.-3 a.m. FREE. Owyhee Plaza Hotel, 1109 Main St., Boise, 208-343-4611, www. owyheeplaza.com. MERIDIAN DAIRY DAYS—Dairy themed art, music and city festival that includes decorative cows, vendors, parades, livestock exhibitions and fun-runs. Full schedule at www.dairydays. org. Storey Park, corner of Main Street and Franklin Road, Meridian. VALLEY OF PLENTY QUILTERS 27TH ANNUAL QUILT SHOW—Raffles, gift baskets and vendors. Drawings will be Saturday, June 19 at 3 p.m. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. $3. Emmett Jr. High, 301 E. Fourth St., Emmett.
Concerts MERIDIAN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA—Final performance of the orchestra’s 20th anniversary season, entitled “America, the Bold and the Beautiful.” Dairy Days Pancake Feed from 5-7 p.m. prior to the concert. Lawn chairs or blankets recommended. 7:30 p.m. FREE. Storey Park, corner of Main St. and Franklin Road, Meridian.
Workshops & Classes GOURMET SALADS—Taught by Dustin Williams, executive chef at Solid Bar and Grill. Menu includes fresh melon and mint tabouli with lime vinaigrette, cucumber sorbet with grilled lamb kabobs and more. 6:30 p.m. $50. Pottery Gourmet, 811 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-3680649.
Literature FREE PUBLIC READING— Participants in Steve Almond’s fiction-writing workshop will present the work they’ve developed in the workshop. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Center for the Arts, 191 Fifth St. E., Ketchum, 208-726-9491, www.sunvalleycenter.org. SPECULATIVE FICTION WRITERS’ GROUP—Group meets to discuss trends, techniques and styles of writing science fiction and fantasy. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Rediscovered Bookshop, 7079 Overland Road, Boise, 208-3764229, www.rediscoveredbookshop.com.
Kids & Teens ANIME/MANGA CLUB—Meet with other fans of anime and manga to gush uninhibited. 4 p.m. FREE. Ada Community Library, 10664 W. Victory Road, Boise, 208-362-0181, www. adalib.org. MYSTERIES BY THE RIVER—A book club for boys with bestselling author Kristiana Gregory. The group chooses mystery and adventure stories from a reading list and meets monthly for reading, discussion and fun activities. Gregory is the author of Scholastic Cabin Creek Mysteries and Bronte’s Book Club. 4 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2940, www.gardencity. lili.org.
Odds & Ends GOLDFISH RACING— Goldfish are placed in a raingutter, and it’s your job to urge them on toward the other end by blowing through a straw. Winner gets a big effin’ bar tab and their fish. 10 p.m. FREE. Mack and Charlie’s, 507 W. Main St., Boise, 208-8309977, mackandcharlies.com. THE MERIDIAN SINGERS—A group for women who like to sing a cappella in the barbershop style. The ability to read music is not necessary. 7:30-9 p.m. The Music Den, 245 E. Blue Heron Ln., Meridian, 208-724-6311.
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk. Go to www.boiseweekly.com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
POKER—Play for fun and prizes. 7 p.m. FREE. The Buffalo Club, 10206 W. Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-321-1811.
© 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
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Festivals & Events
Festivals & Events
ESTHETIC EVOLUTION MUSIC AND ART FESTIVAL—Community based, participant driven music and art festival centered around progressive thinking and self-expression. See Picks, Page 20. $55. Twin Springs Resort, on the road to Atlanta HCR 35, Boise, 208-861-1226, www. twinspringsidaho.com.
THE BOARDROOM NATIONAL GO SKATE DAY—A celebration of all things skateboard, including a free all-levels competition, music, a barbecue, a dunk tank, and an exhibition of grafďŹ ti art. 11 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE. Eagle Skate Park, Horseshoe Bend Road, Eagle, www.cityofeagle. com.
MERIDIAN DAIRY DAYS—Dairy themed art, music and city festival that includes decorative cows, vendors, parades, livestock exhibitions and fun-runs. Full schedule at www.dairydays. org. Storey Park, corner of Main Street and Franklin Road, Meridian.
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On Stage SYLVIA—The story of Greg, a man who gets a dog when his life has stalled but ďŹ nds himself more enamored with the dog than his wife. Possibly because the dog irts and sings Cole Porter better than she does. 8 p.m. $10. Prairie Dog Playhouse, 3820 Cassia St., Boise, 208336-7383, www.pdplayhouse. com.
CONTRA DANCE—Couples, singles and children 10 years and older are welcome. Partners are not necessary. The dances are smoke- and alcohol-free. For more information, e-mail boisecontradance@fastem.com or visit the website. 7:30-11 p.m. $8 adults, $3 youth (10-18 years old), david0.tedcrane.com/ID/ BCDS/. Broadway Dance Center, 893 E. Boise Ave., Boise, 208794-6843. ESTHETIC EVOLUTION MUSIC AND ART FESTIVAL—Community based, participant driven music and art festival centered around progressive thinking and self-expression. See Picks, Page 20. $55. Twin Springs Resort, on the road to Atlanta HCR 35, Boise, 208-861-1226, www. twinspringsidaho.com.
MERIDIAN DAIRY DAYS—See Wednesday. Storey Park, corner of Main Street and Franklin Road, Meridian.
BOISE CHORDSMEN ANNUAL SHOW—A capella and barbershop chorus performing pop, jazz, Broadway and gospel songs with instrumental backing by Frim Fram Four. 7:30-8:30 p.m. $10. Caldwell High School Auditorium, Caldwell High School, Caldwell.
RADIO BOISE’S FOURTH ANNUAL SOULSTICE CELEBRATION—Live music from BlackSmith, Spondee and Wolfman Fever, as well as Radio Boise DJ’s spinning tunes between sets. See Picks, Page 20. 6 p.m. FREE. Downtown at Eighth Street, Boise.
WORLD REFUGEE DAY—International performances, cultural crafts and traditional goods as well as a chance to witness the naturalization ceremony granting 25 former refugees citizenship. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. FREE. The Grove Plaza, downtown, Boise.
On Stage SYLVIA—See Friday. 2 p.m. $10. Prairie Dog Playhouse, 3820 Cassia St., Boise, 208336-7383, www.pdplayhouse. com.
Concerts BOISE CHORDSMEN ANNUAL SHOW—See Friday. 7:30-9:30 p.m. $10. Timberline High School, 701 E. Boise Ave., Boise, 208-854-6230. CONCERTS ON BROADWAY— Performance by Steve Hobbs, jazz vibraphonist. Lawn chairs and blankets recommended. 7 p.m. FREE. Meridian City Hall, 33 E. Idaho St., Meridian. GEM STATE JAM—Solarpowered music festival with Cashed Out, Jerry Joseph, The Mike Pinto Band, Shook Twins, Wendy Darlingand more. See Picks, Page 20. Noon-11 p.m. $10-$20. Old Idaho State Penitentiary, 2445 Old Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-368-6080, www.idahohistory.net/oldpen.html.
Workshops & Classes SAWTOOTH MOUNTAIN GUIDES—Introduction to lead climbing focused on the climbers rack, anchor construction, belay conďŹ gurations and climbing physics. Class is Saturday-Sunday. $100/day. City of Rocks, 3035 Elba-Almo Road, Almo, www. sawtoothguides.com.
Food & Drink
TROPICAL LUAU— Tropical island feast with authentic South PaciďŹ c dances in a buttery habitat full of tropical plants. Menu includes sweet-and-sour meatballs with pineapple, mango chicken and more. Reservations required. 6-8:30 p.m. $30-$40. Stonebridge Gardens, 9600 W. Brookside Lane, Boise, 208-938-2003, www.stonebridge-gardens.com.
Workshops & Classes VINTAGE SWING DANCE— Instructions on classic Lindy Hop moves. All ages. No partner required. 7 p.m. $5. Heirloom Dance Studio, 765 Idaho St., Boise, 208-871-6352, www. heirloomdancestudio.com.
Art LIGHT SHOW—A hands-on interactive exhibit that seeks to put visitors inside the path of light and allow them to manipulate and separate it to gain a deeper understanding of its principles. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-3439895, www.scidaho.org.
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Dude Howdy by Steve Klamm was the 1st place winner in the 8th Annual Boise Weekly Bad Cartoon Contest.
8 DAYS OUT SIMPLE SHOEMAKING CLASS—Learn beginning leather and shoemaking techniques as you make your own pair of unisex, open-toed sandals with local leather artist Matt Hayes. Cost covers all materials. 2-6 p.m. $45. Puffy Mondaes, 200 12th Ave. S., Nampa, 208-407-3359, www.puffymondaes.com.
$5-$15. Ballard Cheese, 1764 S. 2100 E., Gooding, 208-9344972, www.ballardcheese.com.
Odds & Ends BOGUS BASIN STAR PARTY— The Boise Astronomical Society will set up professional highpower telescopes for stargazing, as well as offer answers to your questions. Since stargazing is affected by bright lights, participants are asked to turn off headlights as they enter the parking lot and to bring flashlights or headlamps covered with a red filter or cellophane. 7 p.m. FREE. Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area: Nordic Center, 2405 Bogus Basin Road, Boise, 208-332-5390, www.bogusbasin. org.
SWEET AND SAVORY CROISSANTS—French pastry chef Hugues Maitre will guide the class through making plain, almond, chocolate and nutella filled croissants, as well as bacon and cheese savory croissants. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. $40. Pottery Gourmet, 811 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-368-0649.
Art DEDICATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN STATUE—Unveiling and dedication of a 9-foot-tall bronze statue of Abraham Lincoln, along with brief comments by Boise Mayor Dave Bieter. Noon. FREE. Julia Davis Park, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise.
BORG MEETING—Boise Robotics Group meetings are held the third Saturday morning of each month in a classroom at the Discovery Center of Idaho. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. varies, www.boiseroboticsgroup.org. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-343-9895.
On Stage BARBARA MARTIN SPARROW’S ECHOES OF TRAINS— Stories and poetry about riding trains while growing up in Boise. 2 and 4 p.m. FREE. Boise Train Depot, 2603 Eastover Terrace, Boise.
Concerts STAR WARS: IN CONCERT—Multi-media event featuring music from all six of John Williams’ epic Star Wars scores. 5 p.m. $35-$65. Idaho Center, 16200 Idaho Center Blvd., Nampa, 208-468-1000, www.idahocenter.com.
Food & Drink SOLSTICE PICNIC—Organized by Secular Idaho, the picnic is a chance to mingle and dine with other humanists, atheists, agnostics and non-theists. Noon-3 p.m. FREE. Municipal Park, 500 S. Walnut St., Boise.
Literature IDAHO OFF THE BEATEN PATH—Author Julie Fanselow will sign copies of the new version of Idaho’s most updated travel book. $2 from each $15 book purchase will go to the Capital City Market’s Fresh Fund, which is helping food-stamp recipients double their purchasing power at the market for a limited time. 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. FREE. Capital City Public Market, Eighth Street between Main and Bannock streets, Boise, 208-3459287, www.capitalcitypublicmarket.com.
Festivals & Events
Festivals & Events
ESTHETIC EVOLUTION MUSIC AND ART FESTIVAL—See Friday. $55. Twin Springs Resort, on the road to Atlanta HCR 35, Boise, 208-861-1226, www.twinspringsidaho.com. HAPPY PAPPY’S DAY CELEBRATION—Wine tasting, Thai food, massages and ball-inthe-barrel golf challenge with live music from the JB Trio and Jonathan Warren and the Billy Goats. Noon-5 p.m. $10. Indian Creek Winery, 1000 N. McDermott Road, Kuna, 208-922-4791, www.indiancreekwinery.com.
Green IDAHO’S BOUNTY CO-OP LOCAL FARMS TOUR—Tour local dairy, vegetable and fish farms and learn about them. Contact jaugustus@idahosbounty.org for more info. 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
EYESPY Real Dialogue from the naked city
ANIMATICS MANGA GROUP— Skits and grub at a cosplay barbecue. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Rediscovered Bookshop, 7079 Overland Road, Boise, 208-3764229, www.rediscoveredbookshop.com.
On Stage INSERT FOOT THEATRE—Local improv comedy. Every other Monday, 8 p.m. $5. Heirloom Dance Studio, 765 Idaho St., Boise, 208-871-6352, www.heirloomdancestudio.com. STORY STORY NIGHT—Monthly live storytelling forum. This month’s theme is “Falling for it: stories of gullibility,” with featured storytellers Mike Jackson and Charmagne Westcott, and music by Dan Costello. 7 p.m. $5. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111, www.thelinenbuilding.com.
Workshops & Classes WRITING WORKSHOP WITH FARA WARNER—Workshop will look at how the natural world has inspired writers for centuries. Reading, writing and field trips will help participants begin a memoir. Warner is a lecturer in communication studies at the University of Michigan and the 2007–2009 Howard R. Marsh Visiting Professor of Journalism. Contact budesen@sunvalleycenter.org to register. Monday-Friday, June 21-25, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. $350. Sun Valley Center for Arts, Hailey, 314 Second Ave. S., Hailey, 208-726-9491, www. sunvalleycenter.org.
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8 DAYS OUT Literature POETRY SLAM—Poets perform interpretations of their work focused heavily on accenting rhythm. 8 p.m. $5. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th, Boise, 208-3430886, www.neurolux.com.
in bicycle repair. Boise Bicycle Project relies on volunteers to continue their work of fixing up old bicycles and donating them to children of low income families and local refugees. 6-8 p.m. Boise Bicycle Project, 1027 Lusk St., Boise, 208-429-6520, www. boisebicycleproject.org.
making TP tube puppets. Kids can also try their hand at cleaning up a simulated wastewater sample. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. FREE. Boise WaterShed, 11818 W. Joplin Road, Boise, 208-489-1284, www.cityofboise.org/Bee/WaterShed.
Calls to Artists Odds & Ends
Odds & Ends
PABST BINGO NIGHT—Play bingo for PBR, swag and other random stuff found at second hand stores. $1 PBR, oly, or Rainier cans, or get a “ghetto bucket” (two of each) for $4. 7 p.m. FREE. Donnie Mac’s Trailer Park Cuisine, 1515 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-384-9008, www. donniemacgrub.com.
SPLASH BASH—Poolside party with live music, food and drink specials and weekly drawings for prizes. 6-10 p.m. FREE. Owyhee Plaza Hotel, 1109 Main St., Boise, 208-343-4611, www. owyheeplaza.com.
Kids and Teens WASTEWATER: WE TREAT IT RIGHT—Learn about the flow of water treatment through activities like viewing wastewater treatments, TP tube bowling and
IDAHO SCREENWRITER’S ASSOCIATION SHORT SCREENPLAY CONTEST—Screenwriters can submit a five-to-20 page screenplay of any genre for the chance to win $50 cash and a production of their script by local filmmakers. Submit three copies of your script with a title page that includes contact information, genre and a log-line, along with an entry form and $20 check or money order payable to Idaho Screenwriter’s Association by July 1, to ISA, c/o Louise Luster, P.O. Box 663, Eagle, ID 83616. Contact ctpfilms@gmail.com, or call 208-859-5123 for more info.
Festivals & Events PLAYING IN THE PLAZA—Food and craft vendors, along with live music by Kayleigh Jack. FREE. Generations Plaza, corner of Main Street and Idaho Avenue, Meridian, www.meridiancity.org.
Literature POETRY READING—Poetry host Scott Berge invites poets to share their own work or favorite poems during a fun night of poetry readings. Sign up at 6:30 p.m. and start waxing poetic at 7 p.m. For more information, email ScottBerge@live.com. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Alia’s Coffeehouse, 908 W. Main St., Boise, 208338-1299.
Talks & Lectures THE TIME FOR LEGALIZATION IS NOW—60-minute audio/video presentation and question-andanswer session on “how ending marijuana prohibition can save family farms and help focus police on real crime.” 7 p.m. FREE. Boise Public Library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-3844200, www.boisepubliclibrary. org.
WEDNESDAY JUNE 23 Talks & Lectures YOUTH CONFERENCE ON RESPONSIBLE ENERGY—Studentorganized conference on energy sponsored by the Snake River Alliance. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. $5-$30 donation. Boise State Student Union Building, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-INFO, union.boisestate.edu.
Citizen BOISE BICYCLE PROJECT VOLUNTEER NIGHT—Volunteer bicycle mechanics are on hand to answer a variety of bicycle repair questions, help with problem diagnosis and assist
26 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly
NOISE/CD REVIEW UNNATURAL HELPERS: CRACKED LOVE & OTHER DRUGS Great music for short attention spans. Seattle band Unnatural Helpers writes brief, catchy garage rock. Their second album, Cracked Love & Other Drugs (Hardly Art), contains 15 songs in just over 25 minutes. Founded by drummer/singer Dean Whitmore (a former member of the Intelligence), Unnatural Helpers adhere to a simple formula of fast, threechord riffs, loose drums, looser vocals and intelligent lyrics. Much like Girls did last year, or Titus Andronicus more recently, Unnatural Helpers is one of few punk rock leaning bands that appeal to an indie rock audience—bridging the gap per se. They do this by keeping it minimalist: no glitz or glam, no cliches, all bare bones, rough and raw music. “Head Collector” is punk rock filtered through a wall of sound. “Wayward Eye” is hook-laden surfer rock. “Sunshine / Pretty Girls” is a two-chord song in which Whitmore sings about maintaining his vices (smoking, drinking, headaches) in lieu of pretty girls and sunshine—flowers be damned. Cracked Love & Other Drugs crackles with botched notes and vacillating fuzz; the album was recorded in a mere week. Adding to the process was Brian Standeford and Leo Gebhardt (the Catheters, Tall Birds) on guitars, with cameos from Kinski’s Chris Martin. Bass and backing vocals are lent from the Dutchess & the Duke’s Kimberly Morrison, with Kurt Bloch (Fastbacks) as producer. Unnatural Helpers don’t attempt to be cutting-edge. They keep their aesthetic scaled back and simple. Cracked Love & Other Drugs is a reminder that punk rock can still be awesome and interesting—all in the space of 25 minutes. —Stephen Foster WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
ROLLINS REDUX Ex-Black Flag frontman looks at 50
“Hey, Doc, I have the weirdest headache. What do you think it is?”
PATRICK FLANARY The owners pleaded with the local punks not to show up early. Yet it was now up to the Tampa, Fla., club to steer this collision course of a schedule, one that paired a theatrical production with a hardcore show on the same stage on the same night. Eight o’clock: The Diary of Anne Frank. Eleven o’clock: West Coast punk band Black Flag. The tension finally shatters halfway through the group’s third song, when a fan strikes the band’s roadie with a hammer. The 25-year-old singer, eager to quell the excitement, dives into the mob of rioters and returns the gesture with a fist. “Doesn’t that concrete feel good on your head,” Henry Rollins heckles as he returns to the stage. The meeting of mohawks and mosh pits that unseasonably cold Florida night in 1986 would set in motion the end of the reign of underground punk kings Black Flag. That tour would be the band’s last. “Don’t do anything by half. If you love someone, love them with all your soul. When you go to work, Today when Rollins reaches out to touch work your ass off. When you hate someone, hate them until it hurts.” —Henry Rollins someone, it’s with a helping hand in a foreign land. The 49-year-old feels closest to home voiceover to a friend’s project: the Flaming “He was mind-blowing,” rememwhen he’s traveling abroad. He’s photoLips’ recreation of Pink Floyd’s The Dark graphed corpses on the streets of New Delhi, bers Black Flag founding member Chuck Side of the Moon. Rollins’ spoken vocals Dukowski. “I will also attest to his being camped in the Sahara and watched New supplement the Lips’ take on songs like sidesplittingly funny on a day-to-day basis.” Year’s fireworks explode over Senegal—and “Time” and “Speak to Me.” Lips leader Operation Ivy’s Jesse Michaels adds, “What that was just January. Wayne Coyne remembers how an early-80s Henry does is present a natural emotional “What I’m after is perspective,” he says. response to the demented slaughterhouse of a Black Flag show in Oklahoma City impacted For Rollins, perspective is the hunt for a the Grammy-winning psychedelic rock group. world we live in.” bottle of clean water in Africa; it’s the walk “We saw him in the flesh confront that In 1981, Rollins mirrored a feral Johnny through unfamiliar cities that lack traffic idea of, ‘I’m going to do my trip, and I’m Rotten, a thrashing tiger who often emerged lights. “In Bangladesh, anywhere you go, everything seems to be destroyed,” says Rollins from Black Flag’s Damaged sessions bloodied going to force you to accept it,’” says Coyne. “When Henry showed up and he and bruised. This behavior was Rollins’ from his Hollywood home. “I stood at this sang in just his pair of shorts, it was like high—no booze, no intersection and— watching fucking Tarzan. This is what we needles, just the self‘Whoa!’—way too Henry Rollins: The Frequent Flyer Tour thought punk rock really meant. And seeing inflicted overdose of close for comfort ... Sunday, June 20, 8 p.m., $20 him do it, it changed us. I will always owe self-confrontation. I’m really glad I wasn’t Knitting Factory Concert House that to Henry Rollins.” Says Devo’s Gerald in that taxi.’ The 416 S. Ninth St., 208-367-1212 Still the physical performer he always Casale, “Henry looked walking is whatever bo.knittingfactory.com was, Rollins keeps his audience at ease by like he could murder the oncoming vehicle Visit henryrollins.com for more information. you, but he was in fact keeping his feet on the stage at all times. will afford you. After He crams in plenty of material, barely a visionary gentle gia few days, just give pauses to take a breath and exudes a giddy ant.” Rollins went on me a sidewalk, man,” to front several lineups passion when he gets his crowd roaring. he laughs. “I’ve learned my knees don’t have the same under the Rollins Band moniker until 2006. Rollins recently added a second leg to his get-up-and-go,” he says as he considers his While Rollins admits he can’t quit the stage, Frequent Flyer tour, which includes a stop in 50th birthday. he guarantees he left his music career behind Boise at Knitting Factory on Sunday, June 20. “Hey, it’s what happens after you turn 49. He takes few breaks because he hates days off. in the last millennium. I live in Hollywood. I’m surrounded by men “I don’t wanna. I don’t wanna do the He hates holidays because he knows nobody my age who don’t want to believe that.” will come see him perform. And he really hates thing all over again,” Rollins says. “It’s Following a recent three-hour show, Rolsomething I’ve done so many times. I don’t the term “spoken word.” Expect to hear all lins took his first sip of water at the end of know what else I can do with peanuts. about it during Rollins’ three-hour breakneck the set, then bowed and departed stage left. Artistically, it’s a checked swing. You’re not set. His funny, energetic delivery hooks audiMore perspective awaits. risking too much.” ences with personal tales, including a recent Rollins made an exception last year when interaction with a Chinese hooker and Thankshe slipped into a studio and lent his throaty giving dinner plans with William Shatner. This article originally ran on blurt.com.
OH, PRIZZY PLEASE CAN IT BE FRIDAY ALREADY? Ah, Fridays. Whether you kick it jeansand-T-shirt casual or end the week with a cold brew in hand, Fridays are the working (wo)man’s exhale. And thanks to Boise City Department of Arts and History and Capital City Development Corporation, you can now be even less productive on Fridays. Through Friday, Aug. 27, you can grab your sack lunch and duck out of the office from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. for free Friday Summer Lunch Jams on the Grove Plaza. On June 18, catch Jack Brown, and on June 25, jam out to Lee Penn Sky. Check boiseweekly. com for upcoming acts. If you want to cut loose b-boy-style, be sure to check out MTTheory’s breakdance battle on Saturday, June 26, at 9 p.m. at Neurolux. The event features two-on-two battles to the beats of DJ Rock Robb with members from the MTTheory breakdance crew and other competitors from the Northwest region competing for a $200 cash prize. Other performers include Eleven, Timbuk2 (from Kamphire Collective) and the Dedicated Servers. If college party noise punk is more your style, don’t miss Chicago’s Prizzy Prizzy Please on Wednesday, June 16, at Red Room. Singer and saxophonist Mark Pallman, keyboardist Ted Wells, bassist Bob Allen and drummer Scott McNiece recently released Chroma Cannon on Joyful Noise Recordings. Americana UK’s Ian Fildes described the band in the following way: “Proudly sporting no guitarist, PPP instead fill out these high energy juggernauts of noise-pop with apoplectic rumbles of propulsive bass, bubbling keyboard textures and squawks of saxophone from lead howler/saxophonist Mark Pallman, who possesses one potent set of pipes.” Catch Prizzy Prizzy Please with Ooh Barracuda and locals Microbabies and Vagerfly for $5. And for you local music makers, a reminder: Before you load up the van and head out on the road to share your talents with the rest of the country, send A&E editor Amy Atkins an e-mail at amy@boiseweekly. com and she’ll get you all set up so that you can contribute to the boiseweekly.com band blog, Tour Mode. Whether you’re doing shows in Twin Falls or the Twin Cities, it’s a great way to let your friends and fans back here at home keep tabs on you, Big Brother style. —Tara Morgan and Amy Atkins
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GUIDE WEDNESDAY JUNE 16 THE AGGROLITES—9 p.m. $12. Reef ALIVE AFTER FIVE—Dave Barnes with James Orr. 5 p.m. FREE. The Grove Plaza BEN BURDICK TRIO WITH AMY WEBER—9:30 p.m. FREE. The Bouquet BOISE BLUES SOCIETY JAM SESSION—Drums and amps provided. Just show up and make some noise. 8 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge CONTINUANCE—With All Hands Go, Armada, Ohadi, Our City Skyline and Dead Last. 6 p.m. Brawl Studios JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLY GOATS—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s LEXIE MOUNTAIN BOYS—With Bales of Hey, With Child, Stephen Gere, Curtis Plum. See Listen Here, this page. 8 p.m. $5. VAC PRIZZY PRIZZY PLEASE—With Ooh Baracuda, Microbabies, Vagerfly, Cherry Bombs Burlesque and Cabaret. See Noise News, Page 27. 9 p.m. $5. The Red Room SARAH HUGHES AND DRUMMER DAVE—6 p.m. FREE. Gelato Cafe SHANNON CURTIS—With Jones for Revival. 9 p.m. $4. Terrapin Station
THE PSYCHEDELIC FURS—WIth She Wants Revenge. See Listen Here, this page. 8 p.m. $28 adv., $31 day of show. Egyptian Theatre
AMUMA SAYS NO—6 p.m. FREE. Modern Hotel and Bar
BLIND DRIVER—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. The Buffalo Club
FINN RIGGINS—WIth Hosannas and Empty Space Orchestra. 8 p.m. $7. The Linen Building
BOB LOG III—With New Transit. 8 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux
SUMMER LUNCH JAMS—With Jack Brown. See Noise News, Page 27. 11:30 a.m. FREE. Grove Plaza
FRIM FRAM FOUR—8:45 p.m. Pengilly’s THE GORGEOUS HUSSIES—With The Fav. 9 p.m. $4. Terrapin Station
CODI JORDAN BAND—9:30 p.m. $5. Reef THE FIRST LADIES—With The Well Suited. 8 p.m. $2. Flying M Coffeegarage FLOATER—With Revolt Revolt and Red Hands Black Feet. 8:30 p.m. $15-$30. Knitting
HAVILAH—With Audra Connolly. 8 p.m. $5. VAC HILLFOLK NOIR—9 p.m. FREE. Bittercreek Ale House NASHVILLE UNPLUGGED—With Toby Keith’s songwriter Bobby Pinson, and Jason Aldrean’s Danny Myrick. 8 p.m., $15. The Egyptian ROBERT RANDOLPH AND THE FAMILY BAND—8:30 p.m. $23-$55. Knitting Factory THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. FREE. The Buffalo Club STEVE EATON AND PHIL GARONZIK—6:30 p.m. $6-$10. Idaho Botanical Garden STRAIGHTAWAY—5:30 p.m. FREE. Downtown Nampa Nights THE THROWDOWN—With Mansfield and Order Through Chaos. 9 p.m. FREE. Liquid
Factory JUSTIN LANTRIP—7 p.m. FREE. Sockeye KIP ATTAWAY—With Gizzard Stone. 9 p.m. $5. The Bouquet LEE MITCHELL—9 p.m. FREE. Quarter Barrel LOOSE CHANGE—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub MOLOTOV SOLUTION—With Dr. Acula, I Declare War and Monsters. 7:30 p.m. $10. The Venue
VOLIFONIX—With Dead Winter Carpenters. 9 p.m. $5. Terrapin Station YO MAMA—9 p.m. $5. Dino’s
SATURDAY JUNE 19 AMADAN—9:30 p.m. $5. Reef BEN BURDICK AND BILL LILES— 1 p.m. FREE. Solid BLUES ADDICTS—7 p.m. FREE. Sun Ray Cafe THE CONCRETE PROJECT—With Eleven and Audio Moonshine. 8 p.m. $15-$35. Knitting Factory
PHILLY’S PHUKESTRA—10 p.m. $3. Grainey’s Basement
GEM STATE JAM—Solar powered music festival with Cash’d Out, Jerry Joseph, The Mike Pinto Band, Shook Twins, Wendy Darling, Big Light, The Very Most, David Robert King, Volifonix, Dan Keck and Brandon Pritchett. See Picks, Page 20. Noon-11 p.m. $10-$20. Old Idaho Penitentiary.
THE POP CULT KIDS—9 p.m. $2. Liquid
GO ENGINE NOW—WIth Surrealized and Le Fleur. 8 p.m. $5. VAC
MUSIC FROM STANLEY—With Boise Rock School, Travis Ward, Dan Costello. 5:30 p.m. $5. The Linen Building
To wrap your brain around Baltimore’s all-female, a cappella performance art troupe Lexie Mountain Boys, sift through a few videos on YouTube. In one shaky specimen from SXSW 2008, the Lexie Mountain Boys stage a bizarre hipster pow-wow amid a cacophony of laughter, foot stomps, yelps and slaps. With the words “Hall and Oates” Sharpied across her belly and a light-up felt penis dangling between her legs, one bandmember chants while four others stomp around in fake beards and Native American headdresses. In a video from the 2007 Baltimore’s Current Canyon Fest, the girls are dressed in long pastel gowns that connect into a parachute. They fuss with flowers while emitting shrill, ghostly coos. There’s the video from Copenhagen in 2009, in which the ladies are clad in space-disco sequined outfits and fake beards chanting “This is Europe, eat some cheese.” You have to see it to believe it. —Tara Morgan 8 p.m., with With Child, Bales of Hey, Stephen Gere, Curtis Plum. $5, VAC, 3638 Osage St., 208-424-8297, visualartscollective.com.
28 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly
If you know and love the Psychedelic Furs, you know that when John Hughes’ appropriated the synthesizer sympathizers’ “Pretty In Pink” moniker for his 1986 flick of the same name, the band’s fame spread like smoke from a stick of Nag Champa. And because you know and love them, you know that this show is a must-see because the Furs’ original founders—Richard and Tim Butler—are still in the act. Richard is still poetically pointing out that he follows where his mind goes (“Love My Way”), and “Heaven” is the whole of the heart that don’t tear you apart. Speaking of getting torn apart, opening for the Furs is the Joy Division-esque, darkwave She Wants Revenge. Their ominous heartbeat rhythms, noirish lyrics, and dark pop melodies—notably on “Tear You Apart”—are equally eerie and addictive. You’re going to want to know and love these guys, too. —Amy Atkins 8:30 p.m., $28 adv., $31 day of show. Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main, egyptiantheatre.net. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
GUIDE JOSE CONDE—With Nu Latin Groove. $15-$20. Sun Valley Center JOSHUA TREE—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s MIKE QUINN—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub & Grill MOONDANCE—7 p.m. FREE. Woodriver Cellars NEO TUNDRA COWBOY—9 p.m. FREE. The Plank PHILLY’S PHUKESTRA—10 p.m. $3. Grainey’s Basement RIZING REZISTANCE—9 p.m. $2. Liquid
ANDREW ANDERSON—With Addie Night. 9 p.m. $4. Terrapin Station
HENRY ROLLINS—8 p.m. $20. See Noise, Page 27. Knitting Factory JIM LEWIS—11 a.m. FREE. Focaccia’s JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLYGOATS—2-5 p.m. FREE. Indian Creek Winery
THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. The Buffalo Club
THOMAS PAUL—10:30 a.m. FREE. Red Feather Lounge
THIS YEAR’S FASHION—With Dawn Defeo, Isabella, Red Hands Black Feet and Rest on This. 6 p.m. Brawl Studios THE WELL SUITED—With Wake the Dead. 9 p.m. $4. Terrapin Station WILLISON, ROOS AND YOUNG—7 p.m. FREE. ShangriLa Tea Room WINE AND DINE ON THE WATERFRONT—With Taarka, Shook Twins, Elephant Revival and Jonathan Warren and the Billy Goats. 5 p.m. $10. The Waterfront at Lake Harbor YEXOTAY—With Krystos and Ripshaw. 8 p.m. $5. Dino’s
MONDAY JUNE 21 JEWEL AND BRANDI CARLILE—With Radney Foster. 6:30 p.m. $36.50. Idaho Botanical Garden
DAN COSTELLO—7 p.m. FREE. Hyde Park Pub
ALIVE AFTER FIVE—Lubriphonic and Audio Moonshine. 5 p.m. FREE. The Grove Plaza
HELL WITHIN—With Letter to the Exiles, Brawl, The Dude Abides and Mary. 6 p.m. $5. Brawl Studios
ALL SHELLEY’S EVE TOUR— With Les Shelleys and Shelley Short. 8 p.m. $3. Flying M Coffeegarage
JAKOB DYLAN AND THREE LEGS—8 p.m. $22-$50. Knitting Factory
JEREMIAH JAMES AND NED EVETT—8 p.m. FREE. Lock, Stock & Barrel
CASEY RUSSELL—6 p.m. FREE. Gelato Cafe
CELESTIAL HOEDOWN—With Chase Us. 9 p.m. $3. Terrapin Station HANK III—8 p.m. $17-$40. Knitting Factory JEREMIAH JAMES GANG—8:45 p.m. FREE. Tom Grainey’s JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLY GOATS—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s PLEASANTVILLE KILLERZ— 8 p.m. $6. The Bouquet SINIZEN—9 p.m. $5. Reef SINK THIS SHIP—With Dance My Heart, Versailles, All Hands Go and Stop Drop and Party!. 6 p.m. $5. Brawl Studios SLIGHTLY STOOPID—With Steel Pulse and The Expendables. 6:30 p.m. $20-$35. Idaho Center
THE MIDNIGHT CREEPS—With Bad Antics, NNFU and Social Antidote. 9 p.m. $5. The Red Room Tavern
SOLVENT—Solvent, from Ghostly International. With Hoy. 9 p.m. $5. VAC
RUBY TUESDAYS—New Transit. 9 p.m. FREE. The Bouquet RUSSELL MOORE AND IIIRD TYME OUT—With Chicken Dinner Road. 7 p.m. $20. Nampa Civic Center
SOUL SERENE—7:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub & Grill
SONG & DANCE DJS—Wed: Bad Irish, Balcony. Thu: Balcony. Fri: Bad Irish, Balcony. Sat: Balcony, Dirty Little Roddy’s, Neurolux, Terrapin Station. Mon: Bad Irish, Balcony. Tue: Balcony. KARAOKE—Wed: 44 Club, Dirty Little Roddy’s, Ha’Penny, Overland, Savvy’s, Sin, Terry’s. Thu: 44 Club, Hannah’s, Overland, The Plank, Quarter Barrel, Savvy’s, Shorty’s, Terry’s. Fri: 44 Club, Nuthouse, Overland, Savvy’s, Sunshine Lounge, Terry’s. Sat: 44 Club, Crickets, Hooligans, Savvy’s, Terry’s. Sun: 44 Club, Bad Irish, Balcony, Liquid, Overland, Ranch Club, Savvy’s, Terry’s. Mon: 44 Club. Tue: 44 Club, Crickets, Lucky Dog, Overland, Savvy’s, Shorty’s, Terry’s. OPEN MICS—Wed: Donnie Mac’s, The Plank. Thu: O’Michael’s. Fri: Rembrandt’s. Sun: Bouquet. Mon: Terrapin Station, Pengilly’s, Library Coffeehouse. For the week’s complete schedule of music listings, visit boiseweekly.com.
SMOOTH—7 p.m. FREE. Liquid
V E N U E S Don’t know a venue? Visit www.boiseweekly.com for addresses, phone numbers and a map.
THOMAS PAUL—7:30 p.m. FREE. Red Feather Lounge Hank III
BOISEweekly | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | 29
Alley Repertory Theater will pull back the curtains once again for its second-annual reading series Plays From the Alley at Visual Arts Collective. Four local playwrights have been invited to collaborate with local directors and actors to present unfinished scripts in front of a live audience. A postreading chat and survey forms will help the playwrights strengthen their works-in-progress. These collaborations take place each Monday in July. This season’s roster includes Phil Atlakson on July 5 with The Primordial State of Every Single Thing, a play about a married couple and their son’s 2D body pillow lover. On July 12, see Evan Sesek’s Champagne Breakfast, the story of a 20-somethings’ love triangle. On July 19, Mary Steelsmith presents her Isaac, I Am, a play about an online chatroom-loving woman. Jef Peterson’s The Apple Doesn’t Fall, a play about a married woman’s return to her childhood home, takes center stage on July 26. Readings start at 7:30 p.m., and picnics are encouraged. For more information, visit alleyrep.org. In other Alley Rep news, Story Story Night—the company’s live storytelling collaboration with the Cabin and the Boise State Story Initiative—has hit full stride. The theme of the next Moth-inspired event, which is on Monday, June 21, is “Falling for it: Stories of Gullibility.” The evening’s three featured storytellers are Mike Jackson, who will recount the story of his search for a knock-off Louis Vuitton on Canal Street, Charmagne Westcott speaking about the life of a child raised by Carnies, and Tony McKnight telling a tale of a 6-year-old English boy who cons the gullible. The event begins at 7 p.m. at the Linen Building and features a full bar to ease storyteller’s (and listeners’) nervous jitters. Other upcoming Story Story Nights include “On the Road: Stories of Travel,” on Monday, July 19, and “Dog Days: Stories of Summer” on Monday, Aug. 23. For more info, visit storystorynight.org. Also in full swing, is Idaho Shakespeare Festival, now in its 34th year. This season’s lineup of plays includes classics such as A Midsummer’s Night Dream and some ver y unexpected surprises such as the Weekly World News-inspired Bat Boy: The Musical. For a review of Bat Boy, visit boiseweekly.com. If you’re looking for a hands-on artistic experience, the Idaho Center for Art and Crafts (formerly the Mend Project) has an upcoming adult metalsmithing course titled Creating an Adornment Anthology. On Saturday, June 19, from 10 a.m.-6 p.m., course registrants will create a collection of handconstructed wearable jewelry pieces using personal or vintage items like crocheted handkerchiefs and cufflinks. Cost is $80. For more information, visit theidahoschoolartandcraft.wordpress.com.
LOOKING AHEAD Anthony Doerr on his new collection, Memory Wall BILL ENGLISH Anthony Doerr’s three-year tenure as Idaho’s writer-in-residence ends this month, and he’ll mark the occasion with the publication of a new book. Memory Wall—his first collection of short stories since his acclaimed The Shell Collector in 2002—is a feast of exotic locales and deftly created characters. The two novellas and four short stories are set on four different continents as Doerr explores the lives of people living in China, South Africa, Germany, Korea, Lithuania, magazine) placed him on its list of the “21 Wyoming and Idaho. Best Young American novelists” after the “I often argue that a story collection’s publication of his first novel, About Grace. greatest strength is that it has the potenRecently, Doerr was awarded a Guggenheim tial to roam more widely than a novel,” Fellowship, which comes with a check for Doerr explained one afternoon over lunch. “Between the covers of a single book, you’ll more than $40,000. As Idaho’s writer-in-residence, Doerr find protagonists of all ages with different served as a literary ambassador for Idaho. stories to tell. In a sense, you’re getting Cort Conley, Idaho Commission on the more for your money in a short story colArts’ literature program director, said Doerr lection: a dozen different windows into will be missed when he the world, rather than the steps down. single, sustained window “So far, every former of a novel.” Idaho writer-in-residence Utilizing a tight, almost has left a large pair of Hemingway-like apshoes to fill,” Conley said. proach to language, Doerr “After Doerr’s amiable, achieves clarity by pruning graceful residency—what? away excess, drawing the Sasquatch?” reader into a realm that is Being the writer-inat once familiar and exotic. residence offered Doerr the “I never think of the opportunity to take giant potential power of my footsteps toward learning writing,” Doerr said. “I more about Idaho and its never think of it in grand citizens. terms. I’m just trying to “I’ve read in towns like create something seamless Coeur d’Alene, Moscow, and interesting. I work Rexburg, Driggs and almost entirely by instinct Twin Falls,” Doerr said. and doubt. I doubt my “I’ve discovered there’s a work all the way through quiet hunger for books and the process, and after it’s literature throughout the published, I doubt it even Anthony Doerr will sign copies of state. I’ve gotten to meet more.” Memor y Wall on Thursday, hundreds of kids and hopeDoerr might be alone in July 8, 7 p.m., $10. fully, I’ve shown them that that doubt. During the past THE LINEN BUILDING you don’t have to be from eight years, he has emerged 1402 Grove St. Paris or New York to be a as a highly respected writer linenbuilding.com full-time writer.” among readers, literary As inspiring as cities organizations and his peers. like Paris, New York and His short fiction won three the other locales Doerr writes about are, O. Henry Prizes. He has been honored he didn’t need to visit each one to give with the Barnes & Noble Discover Prize, Memory Wall its vivid sense of place. the Rome Prize, and the New York Public “In ‘Village 113,’ the exact location of Library’s Young Lions of Fiction Award. where the story is set is never specified,” In 2007, Granta (a quarterly literary
Everything is looking up for local author Anthony Doerr.
Doerr explained. “I have been to Hong Kong, but never to mainland China. I used my journals from my travels to the Far East and combined them with research and imagination to create a sense of place. Sometimes I feel it’s better to write a story away from the place you’re writing about.” The title piece of Doerr’s new collection is the story of 74-year-old Alma Konachek, a woman from Cape Town, South Africa, whose memories have been harvested and recorded on cartridges, which are commonly traded on the street like DVDs. Devious characters quickly discover that one of Alma’s recollections might reveal the location of something hidden, priceless and extremely rare. An exciting story full of visual possibilities, Memory Wall would be a perfect candidate for the movies. It comes as no surprise that someone else thought so, too. “We’ve already optioned the film rights to that novella,” Doerr acknowledged, “but I don’t think I’m the screenwriter type. I’m too fond of being a narrator and controlling where a reader’s attention goes. “In a story or a novel, a writer gets to be director, actor, cinematographer and sound editor. Film is too collaborative. I prefer to work with language. You need $1 million to make a good movie. All you need to make a persuasive novel is a pencil and a ream of paper.” As the 36-year-old Doerr approaches mid-career, he suggests that his perspective on the writing life has changed. “I know now that good work comes from a pure and truthful place inside,” Doerr said. “That the best work is not guided by thoughts about what folks might like to see or what might sell. The best work comes from the love of an idea and spending thousands of hours seeing that idea to fruition.”
—Tara Morgan
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A HOME RUN Ed Harris hits one out of the park in Touching Home GEORGE PRENTICE “The world breaks everyone,” Ernest Hemingway wrote. “And afterward many are strong in the broken places.” Touching Home is a film of strength because it will break your heart, mend it and break it again. It’s no coincidence that Touching Home opens at Flicks on Father’s Day weekend. It is a movie about the difference between being a father and being a dad and how that redefines two sons’ love for their father. It is a film that considers the surest measures of a man. Clint (Noah Miller), Charlie (Ed Harris) and Lane (Logan Miller) in a field of broken dreams. The behind-the-scenes story of how Touching Home made its way to the screen But this is Harris’ movie. His portrayal 2011: This performance will likely earn Harwould make a pretty good movie itself. of the alcoholic Charlie is never formulaic. ris his fifth Oscar nomination. Identical twin brothers Logan and Noah Broken and bowed, he’s lost in unblinking Casting themselves as leads in their own Miller had no contacts, no experience and sunken stares while his legs shift with delino money. Yet 17 credit cards later, they had movie could have proven disastrous for the cate twitches. He knows the consequences Miller twins, but their performances are lured a cast and crew (boasting a combined of his addiction but never understands them, tested by nuance and passion with equal 11 Academy Awards and 26 nominations) and even when he scrubs himself clean, he’s measure. The story follows them from their and had written, produced, directed and bathed in shame and disappointment. It is a starred in one of the best movies of the year. childhood dreams of playing professional master class in acting. baseball to disappointment in returning Rumor has it that the brothers Miller amThe supporting cast offers additional to their Northern California hometown of bushed Ed Harris in a San Francisco alley. surprises. The always reliable Robert Forster “They were talking nonstop,” Harris told Fairfax to work in the same stone quarry plays the local constable with a gentle touch. as their failure of a the San Francisco Brad Dourif plays the boys’ simple Uncle father. Chronicle. The MillTOUCHING HOME (PG-13) Clyde, in his best performance in decades. This is no simple ers laid their laptop Directed by Logan and Noah Miller And then there’s the big-screen debut of memoir. The Millon a garbage bin Starring Ed Harris, Brad Dourif, Logan Miller, Ishiah Benben as Logan’s romantic interest. ers’ story takes no and showed Harris a Noah Miller But maybe the best co-star of Touching prisoners and their makeshift trailer for Home is the cinematography. Director of journey is redempOpens Friday at Flicks the proposed film. photography Ricardo Jacques Gale frames tive but painful. By “They told me rural Northern California with beauteous the way, these guys about their dad and can play ball. Hollywood has time and again care: Scenes are lit with warm twilights and said I was the only guy to do this,” Harris actors are bathed in shadows of late sumcast leading men (Robert Redford, Kevin told the Chronicle. mer. Touching Home always feels and looks Costner, Gary Cooper) who are embarHis unflinching portrait of Charlie Winauthentic and I can’t wait to see again—even rassingly inept at baseball to play baseball ston, the character based on the Millers’ fathough it already broke my heart once. heroes. But the Millers can throw and field ther, validates the brothers’ persistence. And Harris shouldn’t make any plans for Feb. 27, like pros.
SCREEN/LISTINGS Special Screenings BURMA VJ—Academy Award-nominated documentary about Buddhist monks peaceful uprising against the brutal military regime in Burma that resulted in thousands of deaths. Shown in honor of World Refugee Day. Several Burmese refugees will lead a panel discussion after the film. Thursday, June 17, 7 p.m. $12. The Flicks, 646 Fulton St., Boise, 208342-4222, www.theflicks. boise.com.
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MOVIES UNDER THE STARS—Free outdoor screening of The Princess Bride, Rob Reiner’s classic and endless quotable 1987 fantasy about a pirate who must rescue his true love from a forced marriage to a total d-bag of a prince. Stars Cary Elwes, Andre the Giant, Robin Wright, Mandy Patinkin and Christopher Guest. Blankets and low-backed camp chairs recommended. Saturday, June 19, 7 p.m. FREE. Gene Harris Bandshell, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., in Julia Davis Park, Boise, www.cityofboise.org/parks.
OUTDOOR SUMMER MOVIE NIGHT—Screening of Wild Connections, a nature film about the terrain and wildlife in Hell’s Canyon, projected on the patio wall. Thursday, June 17, 9:30 p.m. FREE. Falcon Tavern, 705 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-9473111, www.falcontavern.com. SHORT FILM NIGHT— Screening of Wholphin, a short-film compilation published quarterly by McSweeney’s, and The Swim Team, a narrative short by former Boisean Amber Crosby based on a story by Miranda July. Friday, June
18, 6-9 p.m. FREE. A Novel Adventure, 906 W. Main St., Boise, 208-344-8088.
Opening JONAH HEX—Josh Brolin (No Country for Old Men, Planet Terror, Thrashin’) plays an old-Western bounty hunter whose encounter with death bestows him with a connection to the supernatural as he tracks down a terrorist to clear the warrants on his name. (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 22
PLEASE GIVE—Two young women care for their elderly grandmother while their neighbors, who have already purchased her apartment, wait for grandma to pass away so they can expand their living space. (R) Flicks TOUCHING HOME—The story of two young men with the dream and the ability to be professional baseball players, but for whom poverty and an alcoholic, homeless father prove to be a serious stumbling blocks. See Review, this page. (PG-13) Flicks
TOY STORY 3—The good old toys are back but Andy is all grown up and off to college. The toys are donated and must survive the constant craziness of a daycare center. (G) Edwards 9, Edwards 22, Edwards IMAX 3D
continuing THE A-TEAM—A group of Iraq War veterans looks to clear their names with the U.S. military, which suspects the four men of committing a crime for which they were framed. Based on the iconic ’80s TV show of the same name. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 22
Best actor open category, Brice WIlliams and best actress open category in a scene from Tula Productions’ Quiescence.
I48 2010: IS THE NEXT JAMES CAMERON IN THE HOUSE? On June 23, the Egyptian Theatre was packed to its high rafters with movie buffs. While it’s certainly not unusual that a movie theater would be filled with movie goers, what made this film foray special for many of them is that they were waiting to see their own creations up on the silver screen as part of the seventh-annual “Best of i48” awards ceremony. If you haven’t heard of i48, it’s a competition of teams in either a Novice or Open category to produce a 3- to 6-minute film in 48 hours. Each team must employ an assigned prop, character line of dialogue and genre. This year nearly 60 teams signed up to compete, and 16 films made the final cut for Sunday night’s screening, hosted by event organizers: Josie Pusl, Gregory Bayne and Andrew Ellis. The short films ran the gamut of creativity with everything from an animated musical to a glimpse at post-apocalyptic Idaho in 2077, to a couple of music videos to an action-packed movie trailer to a boy-meets-garden tools love story. Much like the red-carpet ceremony that many of these filmmakers dream of giving a thank-you speech at someday, awards were presented for, among other things, cinematography, actor, actress and best film. In the open category, Marshall Law took home best cinematography. Leta Neustader and Brice Williams of Quiescence (the film’s cast and crew included a number of BW staffers) took home best actress and actor respectively. Hank Is walked away with second-best film and Reel Women of the West’s Myface (a Facebook parody) received best film honors. In the novice category, Gay Bomb earned the second-best film honor while Object of Affection, a brilliant bit of celluloid, scored a hat trick with best cinematography, best actor (Dusty Aunon) and best film. And for the first time in i48’s history, there was a tie for best actress: Hailey Ganatos (Waiting Room) and Kelly Barker (Sorceror’s Tone) will be sharing custody of the trophy (at least until another one is ordered). Both Marshall Law and Object of Affection were, alone, worth the price of admission. We’d love to see not only the 16 films that competed for awards, but all of the entries (which were screened on Saturday at The Flicks) again, and it just so happens that we have a new video platform on our website that allows you to upload your own videos. So if you entered a film in this year’s i48 competition, haul your exhausted moviemaking butt over to boiseweekly. com, click “Video” (on the right hand side of the nav bar) and get to uploading. Make sure to add “i48” as a tag, so that we can find them. —Amy Atkins WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
CITY ISLAND—Back by popular demand. Corrections officer Vince (Andy Garcia) secretly takes an acting class, but his wife, Joyce (Julianna Margulies), thinks he’s having an affair. The introduction of Vince’s ex-con son throws the family into even more comedic chaos. (PG-13) Flicks DATE NIGHT—After a bored married couple (Steve Carell and Tiny Fey) lies about their names in order to get a table at a crowded restaurant, they are mistaken for the pair of thieves whose reservation they stole and must spend their date night running from the mob. (PG-13) Edwards 22
GET HIM TO THE GREEK—A music company assistant (Jonah Hill) is sent to London to retrieve an outrageous rockstar (Russell Brand) for a concert at L.A.’s Greek Theatre. (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 THE GOOD HEART—Paul Dano (Little Miss Sunshine, There Will be Blood) plays a homeless and suicidal youth, who is taken in by a gruff bar owner (Brian Cox) who tries to offer him a new life. (R) Flicks HARRY BROWN—Michael Caine plays an elderly veteran on a mission to avenge his best friend’s murder with a special brand of geriatric justice. (R) Flicks IRON MAN 2—Robert Downey Jr. returns as Tony Stark, billionaire arms manufacturer and playboy with a heart of cold fusion and a superpowered exoskeleton he uses to fight the enemies of freedom. But one of those enemies, Ivan Venko (Mickey Rourke), isn’t so pleased with the fact that Stark made his fortune with secrets stolen from Venko’s father and decides to seek super-powered revenge. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 THE KARATE KID—Twelve-yearold Dre Parker (Jaden Smith) moves with his mother to China, where he arouses the ire of a schoolyard bully and learns kung-fu (not karate) from his apartment’s maintenance man, Mr. Han (Jackie Chan), in order to defend himself and grows up in the process. (PG) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 KILLERS—After a romance
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SCREEN/LISTINGS while on vacation, Jen (Katherine Heigl), discovers her new husband Spencer (Ashton Kutcher) is a spy being hunted by assassins. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 22
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:20, 4:20, 7:20, 10:05 Edwards 22: W-Th: 11 a.m., 11:20 a.m., 12, 1:40, 2, 2:50, 4:25, 5, 5:30, 7:10, 7:45, 8:10, 9:55, 10:30, 10:50
LETTERS TO JULIET—Dear John’s Amanda Seyfried stars in this romantic comedy about an American’s journey to Verona, Italy, the home of Shakespeare’s Juliet Capulet. When she begins to answer letters written to Romeo’s obsession, she gets entangled in the lifelong search for a long-lost love. (PG) Edwards 22 LOOKING FOR ERIC—Between panic attacks, unresolved issues and an inability to manage his teenage step-sons, the only thing keeping twice-divorced postal worker Eric from going postal is his love for Manchester United. Lucky for him, his favorite player Eric Cantona (now retired) decides to help get Eric’s life on track. (R) Flicks MARMADUKE—Film adaptation of the comic strip in which a suburban family must cope with the antics of their lovable pet great dane. (PG) Edwards 22 PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME—Jake Gyllenhaal plays a rogue prince who must race against dark forces to prevent them from using an ancient dagger from the gods to reverse time and rule the world. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 ROBIN HOOD—Russell Crowe stars as Robin Hood in his third pairing with director Ridley Scott. In 12th century England, Sir Robin Longstride (Crowe) must rescue his village from the nasty Sheriff of Nottingham (Matthew Macfadyen) while wooing the widowed Lady Marian (Cate Blanchett). (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 SEX AND THE CITY TWO—Four NYC glamour-gals decide to go on vacation to the Middle East. Crude and heartfelt hilarity ensues. (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 22 SHREK FOREVER AFTER— Bored, Shrek makes a deal with Rumpelstiltskin to feel like a real ogre again, but instead is tricked and sent to an alternate version of Far Far Away where everything is wrong. (PG) Edwards 9, Edwards 22. Edwards IMAX SPLICE—Two experimental geneticists (Adrien Brody, Sarah Polley) splice human DNA with animal DNA and attempt to raise the resulting creature as their own child. (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 22
Flicks: Th: 7
Flicks: W-Th: 4:45, 7, 9:15; F-Sa: 12:30, 2:40, 4:45, 7:05, 9:15; Su: 12:30, 2:40, 4:45, 7:05; M: Closed; Tu: 4:45, 7:05, 9:15
Edwards 22: W-Th: 12:05, 2:20, 4:35, 7:25, 9:25
Flicks: W-Th only: 4:30, 9:35 Flicks: W-Th: 5, 7:10, 9:20; F-Sa: 12:40, 2:50, 5:05, 7:15, 9:30; Su: 12:40, 2:50, 5:05, 7:15; M: Closed; Tu: 5:05, 7:15, 9:30
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:45, 7:40 Edwards 22: W-Th: 1:15, 4:05, 7:35, 10:35
34 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly
Edwards 9: F-Tu: 1:30, 4:30, 7:35, 10:35 Edwards 22: F-Tu: 12, 12:45, 1:10, 3:20, 3:50, 4:15, 6:40, 7, 7:20, 9:40, 10:10, 10:30 Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:25, 3:55, 7:50, 10:30 Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:35 a.m., 12:25, 2:30, 3:10, 5:25, 6:20, 7:50, 9:15, 10:15
Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:55 a.m., 2:35, 5:05, 7:30, 10:10
Flicks: W-Th only: 4:55, 7:15, 9:30
Edwards 22: W-Th: 12:35, 2:55, 5:10, 6:35, 7:20, 9, 9:30
Flicks: F-Sa: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9; Su: 1, 3, 5, 7; M: Closed; Tu: 5, 7, 9
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:10, 4, 7:10, 9:50 Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:10 a.m., 1:05, 2:10, 3:45, 4:50, 6:50, 7:40, 9:35, 10:20
Flicks: W: 7:30
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:05, 4:05, 7, 10 Edwards 22: W-Th: 12:20, 3:25, 6:30, 9:45
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1, 4:15, 7:25, 10:40 Edwards 22: W-Th: 12:40, 3:40, 6:55, 10:05
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:50, 4:50, 7:55, 10:15 Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:40 a.m., 1:55, 4:20
Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:50 a.m., 2:05, 4:30, 6:50, 9:20
Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:30 a.m., 1:45, 4, 6:15
Edwards 9: W-Th: 4:45, 10:20 Edwards 22: W-Th: 11:45 a.m., 2:15, 4:40, 7:10, 9:50
Flicks: F-Sa: 12:20, 2:35, 4:50, 7:10, 9:15; Su: 12:20, 2:35, 4:50, 7:10; M: Closed; Tu: 4:50, 7:10, 9:25 Edwards 22: F-Tu: 10:45 a.m., 1:20, 3:55, 6:30, 9:05, 11:40
TOY STORY 3 3D— Edwards 22: F-Tu: 11:40 a.m., 2:15, 4:40, 7:25, 10 TOY STORY 3 IMAX 3D—
Edwards 9: W-Th: 1:40, 4:35, 7:05, 9:45 Edwards 22: W-Th: 12:10, 1:25, 2:45, 4:10, 5:20, 7:05, 8, 9:55
Edwards 22: F-u: 11:15 a.m., 1:50, 4:25, 7, 9:35, 12:10 a.m.
T H E A T E R S Edwards 22 Boise, 208-377-1700, www.regmovies.com; Edwards 9 Boise, 208-338-3821, www.regmovies.com; The Egyptian Theater, 208-345-0454, www.egyptiantheatre.net; The Flicks, 208-342-4222, www.theflicksboise.com; FOR SECOND-RUN MOVIES: Northgate Cinema, Country Club Reel, Nampa Reel, 208-377-2620, www.reeltheatre.com. Overland Park $1 Cinema, 208377-3072, www.opcmovies.com. Movie times listed were correct as of press time. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Hammer Flat hang gliders hung up in bureaucracy RACHEL KRAUSE
A cluster of hawks sails through the clear summer sky, swooping and dipping, rising higher into the clouds. In silence, another, much larger and brighter creature joins them in flight. For more than 30 years, lifetime Boise resident and airline pilot John Kangas has taken to the air above the high desert landscape of Idaho with nothing more than a hang glider, often flying alongside golden eagles, red tailed hawks and kestrels. As spokesman for the Idaho Hang Gliding Association, it’s a sport close to his heart, but for the past three months, the City of Boise has prohibited Kangas and other hang gliders from flying at Boise’s only gliding hill. Area hang gliders have used the Hammer Flat area to launch for years, but now they find Shortly after the city used $4.1 million in themselves locked out. Foothills Levy Funds to purchase the Hammer Flat property north of Highway 21 near “I found the discussion to be generally quite “Parks and Rec felt we had to protect it Lucky Peak Reservoir from a bank in March, positive, and they asked a lot of good quesBoise Parks and Recreation locked access gates for right now and make sure everyone and tions to get a good sense of what we do here,” leading up to the 700-acre area and posted “no their dog isn’t up there for the time being until Kangas said. “However, these were things we the deal is put in place,” Park said. “Once trespassing” signs. brought to Parks and Recreation’s attention we make that decision about what those uses This has angered hang gliders like Kangas two months ago.” should be, we’ll open it up to those uses.” who had been using the Crow Gliding Area Representatives from the 150-member On June 4, Kannorth of Ben’s Crow group initially met with Foothills Open Space gas and Lisa Tate, Inn for more than 35 president of the United Manager Julia Grant to discuss their interest in years with the permisthe area on March 18. Kangas said the group States Hang Gliding sion of the former didn’t hear back from the city until April when and Paragliding Assolandowners. The next ciation, met with Boise they were told Hammer Flat was an agencyclosest hill is at Pickle City Council President to-agency agreement and there would not be a Butte, south of Lake public comment period. Maryanne Jordan, Lowell about one Two weeks earlier during a meeting Bieter’s Chief of Staff hour from Boise. between Fish and Game and Boise Parks Jade Riley and Boise Parks and Rec, and Recreation, Foothills Conservation AdParks and Recreation which manages the visory Committee Chair Charles McDevitt Director Jim Hall to Foothills, was responand Hall were both “not inclined to allow” discuss the historic sible for acquiring hang gliding. usage of the site and the Hammer Flat “Decisions were made by a certain core the nature of hang glidproperty from the ing. Before the meeting group of individuals—there was no public Johnson family and process,” Kangas said. ended, the group was Skyline Development The May 28 announcement that the IDFG tasked with providing Corp., which sold it the city with use agree- was interested in purchasing the property to avoid bankruptcy. raised a lot of questions among government ments the group has Management responofficials, neighbors and recreationists. throughout the state sibilities for Hammer Funds to purchase Hammer Flat came and region. Flat were transferred from a $10 million Foothills serial tax levy The Idaho Hang to the Idaho Departvoters approved in 2001, which named five Gliding Association ment of Fish and purposes: “protect water quality; preserve maintains agreements Game soon after the wildlife habitat; provide increased recrewith various agencies, purchase. The City of Boise has conserved more than such as the United States ational areas for walking, biking and other Adam Park, spokes10,400 acres in the Foothills thanks to the outdoor activities; limit overdevelopment and Forest Service, which man for Mayor Dave Foothills Levy Fund and private donations. traffic; and protect natural vegetation that partners with them in Bieter, said the gates After the Hammer Flat purchase, roughly $400,000 is left in the fund. cost sharing and mainte- prevents mudflows and washouts.” Kangas is to Hammer Flat were frustrated the city used the funds to buy the nance duties at the King locked because IDFG Mountain Glider Area in land, only to announce intentions to sell it to and the city have yet to another agency. Moore, near Sun Valley. reach an agreement on “We elected to raise our taxes to improve Kangas left the recent meeting with the city which uses should be allowed. Park also said open land, it wasn’t to be a banker or a broker feeling optimistic but said he will have to wait the area saw a significant increase in traffic for another individual,” Kangas said. and see if the open dialog continues. after the purchase announcement. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
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John Kangas believes hang gliders deserve their place at Hammer Flat, too.
According to IDFG Deputy Director Virgil Moore, IDFG, which also manages the 35,000-acre Boise River Wildlife Management Area north of Hammer Flat as critical mule deer winter range, had been interested in the property since February. Though the city was interested in purchasing the property with or without the Fish and Game’s support, he said they approached IDFG to inquire if the department would be willing to purchase the property. IDFG sent a letter to Boise Parks and Rec in February assuring them, “IDFG is committed to acquiring this property from the city and entering into an agreement that would reimburse the city for their cost in acquiring the property.” Moore said IDFG did not purchase the land directly from the bank because the department often does not have access to funds to purchase private property on hand, stating they often look to third-party entities. Although the city initially wanted to prohibit hunting at Hammer Flat, it soon became apparent any deal with IDFG would have to allow hunting. “If there is a ‘no hunting’ restriction then we’re not interested,” IDFG spokesman Mike Keckler said. “If we can evaluate where certain restrictions can be placed, that’s fine. It’s a hunting ban we are concerned with.” Idaho Sportsmen’s Caucus Advisory Council President Mark Bell personally believes hunters should have access to the land because they are the source of IDFG’s funding. “Sportsmen have been dedicated to providing those resources—sportsmen pay for that,” Bell said. IDFG has yet to conduct an analysis of the area to determine what limitations would be necessary to ensure the safety of surrounding neighbors. Moore said Fish and Game is currently spending its efforts on maintenance of the area while the city
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still owns the land. He affirms the public will be asked for input and review of any future management plans for the property. Park also said the city plans to request public input regarding uses at Hammer Flat in the near future but has yet to make any official announcements. Tony Jones, who lives in the Foothills adjacent to Hammer Flat, headed up the savetheplateau.org efforts five years ago to prevent a 1,350-residence housing development called the Cliffs from being built on the property. Jones was ecstatic when the city acquired the land, and he is currently indifferent about the potential purchase by IDFG. “Realistically, anything other than a subdivision is going to better for the animals,” Jones said. Though he’s not opposed to people accessing the area, Jones remains dedicated to his original mission: The wildlife comes first. Kangas insists hang gliding has no impact on wildlife. However, Jones has noticed a significant increase of animal activity at Hammer Flat this spring, and although unsure of the cause, he believes continued usage restrictions are worth investigating. “If they can find a way to do other things—the hang gliders, whoever—that don’t impact wildlife, I’m open to it,” Jones said. “They just need to investigate the impacts of anything to the wildlife before they just open it up.” Jones, who is not opposed to hunting on Hammer Flat, believes the purchase by IDFG could be a huge benefit to the city because the money they receive from a sale could allow them to buy other Foothills land and pursue other recreational avenues. “They could use the money to do some marvelous trail work and other stuff in other parts in the Foothills where wildlife isn’t nearly the concern as it is on Hammer Flat,” Jones said. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BOISE’S SECOND ANNUAL ONE-MILE HIPPITY HOP RACE—One-mile race on giant inatable hippety-hop balls, to be held at Julia Davis Park, Sunday, June 20, 2 p.m. Kids, relays and pro divisions. Proceeds to beneďŹ t Girls on the Run. See Picks, Page 20. Register at www. hippityhoprace.com. $40-$60.
Ultrarunning: It can be a lonely business.
ULTRA-RUNNERS DO IT LONGER Oprah did it. P. Diddy did it. Even former president George W. Bush pulled it off. Almost anyone can run a marathon. In fact, according to the Outdoor Industry Association, distance running is arguably one of the fastest growing sports in the Untied States. It’s a cheap calorie-burner that requires no special skill, and if you ask 30K world record-holder Tegla Loroupe, even shoes are optional. So how can an accomplished runner ďŹ nd a challenge beyond 26.2 miles? The answer lies with an unconventional breed who routinely run twice the marathon distance—and sometimes farther—without giving it a second thought: ultrarunners. Webster’s deďŹ nes “ultraâ€? as “going beyond others or beyond due limit.â€? Last Saturday, I set out to discover the nature of “due limit.â€? I joined one of Boise’s low-proďŹ le, high-mileage runners on his shortest run of the week, which at 16 miles was longer than I had run in six years (when I collapsed in a salty puddle of sweat and joyful tears at the ďŹ nish of my ďŹ rst, and only, marathon). Steve Boyenger and his usual cadre of hoofers had aborted a planned trail run to Shafer Butte and back because an uncharacteristically wet June had left trails in sloppy condition. Our urban roundtrip on the Greenbelt from downtown Boise to the diversion dam was a walk in the park for him, but for me, every step was educational, as Steve briefed me on the ultrarunner’s only source of due limit: his or her own mind. Success in extreme endurance events comes from an unusual ability to ignore the persistent internal voices that scream, “This is much too hard. It’s too exhausting to continue, and the only reasonable thing to do is quit.â€? Boyenger illustrated this point with the story of a 50-mile trail race in Pocatello on Memorial Day weekend, when horrendous conditions forced an early conclusion to the event. Ultra races are rarely canceled because of climate. After all, participants expect a certain degree of physical suffering and weather is just another element. However, a torrential downpour of mixed snow and rain drenched participants as they scrambled hand-over-hand up a rocky, trailless mountain face. Arm’s-length visibility and wind gusting from 40 to 50 mph at the course summit sent hypothermic runners careening off the intended course, in danger of getting lost. Race directors hoped the runners would voluntarily drop out of the race, ending the event by attrition, but no one surrendered. Instead of listening to the multitude of inner voices recommending abandonment of a ludicrous endeavor, ultra-runners listen to the one lonely voice that encourages them to keep going. Consequently, the only safe option for race directors was to ofďŹ cially end the event at 34 miles and send people downhill to the warmth of civilization, 16 miles shy of their goal. Steve made up for those lost 16 miles quite easily with me, and he taught me that in the end, the only voice that matters is the one you choose to listen to. As long it’s the one that tells you to keep going, that’s 99 percent of success in ultra-running. —Sarah Barber WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
FIT FOR LIFE HALF MARATHON—The eighth annual Fit For Life Half Marathon will be held Saturday July 10. Course starts at the Hawks Memorial Stadium parking lot and ďŹ nishes on home plate. Three distance options: 5K, 10K, and the half marathon. For more information go to www. cityoftreesmarathon.com. Register at www.bluecirclesports.com. MERIDIAN BARN SOUR—With 6K, 10K and one-mile options in a race through Meridian’s parks and pathways on Saturday, June 26. Post-race ceremony with food, drinks and a rafe. Proceeds beneďŹ t Meridian Parks and Rec’s scholarship program. Pre-register at www.bluecirclesports.com or at the Meridian Parks and Rec ofďŹ ce the day before the race. $15-$25. Settler’s Park, corner of Meridian and Ustick, Meridian. SEE JANE RUN WOMEN’S HALF MARATHON AND 5K—Beautiful course and a ďŹ nish-line celebration with champagne and chocolate. Also a kids’ race. Contact deb@ seejanerun.com to register. See Picks, Page 20. Saturday, June 19, 8 a.m. $95. Julia Davis Park, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise. SYRINGA NETWORKS CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT— Tournament includes continental breakfast, awards luncheon and prizes. Funds to beneďŹ t the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Monday, June 21, 7:30 a.m. $500 per foursome. Boise Ranch Golf Course, 6501 S. Cloverdale Road, Boise, 208-362-6501.
Recurring BOISE STATE CLIMBING GYM— The climbing gym is open Sunday 3-7 p.m. and Monday-Thursday 6-10 p.m. Open bouldering is offered Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. FREE for students and Student Recreation Center members. 208-426-1131, www. boisestate.edu. DROP-IN ADULT BASKETBALL—The gymnasium is open for drop-in use from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. $4 per visit. Fort Boise Community Center, 700 Robbins Road, Boise, 208-3844486, www.cityofboise.org/ parks.
20% off
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Request for Assistance BOISE REC FEST—Many volunteer jobs available. Visit www.boiserecfest.com for details. Contact volunteer@BoiseRecFest.com or 208-639-0281 with questions or to volunteer. Rec Fest is Saturday, June 26, and Sunday, June 27.
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FOOD/REVIEWS On one plate then the other ... BW sends two critics to one restaurant.
Let’s start with newsy news this week. Last week, BW foodie beat reporter Jennifer Hernandez posted this on Cobweb: About 98 percent of the food Idahoans eat
is from outside sources. As in beyond-Idaho sources. That’s not exactly breaking news—Boise Weekly published an entire main feature story on Idaho’s practice of exporting everything it raises to simply turn around and import most of what it takes to feed those who live here—but it’s always good to shock the system with that staggering figure from time to time. Hernandez offered up that factoid in Recovery,” a presentation delivered by sustainability nonprofit Crossroads Resource Institute’s Ken Meter thanks to the work of the Treasure Valley Food Coalition. More from Hernandez’s report: “Idaho is one of the nation’s top producers of wheat, milk, cheese, onions, potatoes and dry beans. Nationally, according to the Idaho State Department of Agriculture, we rank in the top 10 for production of 26 different crops and livestock. Yet most of that food leaves the state and we receive about 98 percent of the foods we consume here from outside sources. To the casual observer, our food chain appears to be running bass-ackwards. “Meter pointed out that the current food production system removes wealth from rural producers and communities instead of leaving it where it is needed most: the local economy. He also revealed that, nationwide, farmers’ earnings today are the same as they were during the Great Depression. “Treasure Valley consumers spend $1.87 billion on food each year, yet $1.7 billion worth of that food comes from outside our region. According to Meter, if consumers bought just 15 percent of their fresh produce from a local farm or at a farmers market, it would be enough to produce $165 million in new farm income per year. Imagine what could happen if we all bought 50-75 percent of our produce, meat and dairy from local sources. ‘If you don’t invest in local production it won’t grow any higher,’ Meter said.” And in news of farmers markets ... Capital City Public Market recently started accepting EBT (that’s food stamps) and the Thursday market is just kicking off on Eighth Street after work between Bannock and Idaho streets.
her report on “Local Foods as Economic
There’s something to be said for simplicity. Ustick Road is a surprise. Watch it for an hour or two and you’ll I’ve had more than a few experiences in restaurants lately in which I see a diverse sampling of the people who live on Ustick or nearby, ended up repeatedly apologizing to a server for not being ready to order bewho utilize the various and sundry commercial enterprises on that cause I’m still making my way through 14 pages of menu options. I mean, I street or who use it as a thoroughfare. An excellent vantage point like options, but sometimes I’m worn out before my meal even arrives. from which to watch this microcosm of local community is from The Gyro Shack has stayed true to its name and kept things pretty a table outside of the Gyro Shack, an aptly named little blue-andstraightforward: they sell gyros. If you don’t want a gyro, you’re out of white building near the Garden City end of Ustick. luck. If you don’t eat meat, you’re out of luck. Diners are expected to bring one little thing to the order counter The long, narrow cinder-block building across from a residential area besides an appetite and a few bucks: an understanding that the on Ustick Road is an unassuming little place, painted in the bright blue and tagline “Home of the $2.99 Gyro” means that’s what is available. white of Greece. Inside, two plastic booths fill one end of the rectangle, Other than a handful of salads, a hummus and pita app ($2.49) while the rest of the and a choice between startlingly clean area chicken or traditional is reserved for staff. A lamb, that’s what’s small refrigerated deli available. Gyros. So case provides storage the menu options are for yet un-roasted about the extra ingrecylinders of gyro dients available for meat (ground and each gyro, although seasoned lamb) bethat is no way inherfore they are put on ently obvious in the a rotating spit, from descriptions—origiwhich thin chunks nal, deluxe, super— are sliced off for each each one with more sandwich. Turns out items wrapped up they’re not as appealinside, respectively. ing pre-cooked. Food in hand, we sat The reader-board on one of the benches inside provides a outside and watched simple list of gyros, as a classic Model Tincluding the original, type car with a giant deluxe and super— stuffed Idaho Spud which come with mascot strapped to varying degrees of the outside running fillings—and chicken board drove by. options, including the Feta, red onions, inexplicable inclusion tzatziki sauce and of a chicken and sauerkraut gyro. tomatoes dressed a chicken deluxe ($4.29). Cool THE GYRO SHACK 6619 Ustick Road I went for the deluxe gyro, which included the tzatziki dripped out the bottom of the thick, warm pita 208-378-1325 traditional gyro meat, tomatoes, tzatziki sauce and feta that strained to contain a generous helping of moist, Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. cheese ($3.99), while my cohort in the day’s excurbut oddly spongy white-meat chicken and large scoop Sun., 11 a.m.-4 p.m. sion went for the chicken option sans the feta ($3.29). of feta. We watched as a woman left the nearby do-itWhile the selection may be limited, the Gyro Shack has yourself dog groomer and crossed Ustick, her hands decided to focus on quality rather than quantity, turning wrapped in the leashes of four full-size, shoulder-high out a quality Greek sandwich at affordable prices. standard poodles. My gyro was just as I had hoped it would be as soon as I got the first With extra meat and the addition of pepperoncinis and a rustscent of the roasting gyro meat. The end product was warm and flavorred chili sauce, the deluxe gyro becomes super ($4.79): super big, ful, balancing the earthy seasoning of the meat with the coolness of the super meaty, super-duper spicy. Even big, throaty gulps of soda cucumber and yogurt tzatziki sauce. The feta was a welcome addition to ($1.29) didn’t completely quell the burn or stop beads of forehead the combination, offering a nice tang to complete the flavor profile. sweat. When she brought out a side of cool tzatziki with chunks The pita that wrapped around the whole concoction was wonderfully of cucumber, the sweet young woman who had taken our order soft and bready, without being either chewy or overwhelming. It was the explained that being from New Mexico, she had an immunity to ideal delivery system for the hearty sandwich. the kind of heat the super gyro puts out. Lucky girl. A tall jogger The chicken gyro was equally appreciated, although my fellow diner with a long ponytail stopped in for some water for himself and the commented on the slightly strange consistency of the slices of chicken. That happy little pug he had in tow. factor quickly lost its importance when stacked against the richness of the A triangle of honey-covered pre-made baklava ($1.29) satissauce and seasoning. fied the need-a-sweet-after-a-meal craving, layers of sticky phyllo For dessert, I chose a slice of, well, the only option: baklava ($1.29). I dough and nuts sticking to fingers, forks and faces. A carload of was thrilled to notice the respectable accumulation of honey oozing from adolescent boys followed by a truckload of the same peeled out of between layers of phyllo dough and walnuts. Thanks to the sweet stuff, the a nearby parking lot, yelling and pointing back toward the shack. baklava was moist—moist for baklava, at least—which allowed the intricaSitting outside the Gyro Shack, pale bits of lettuce and sauce cies of the spices surrounding the nuts to come through. dotting our shirts and a mountain of used paper napkins and gyro The Gyro Shack may well be the most aptly named restaurant in Boise, detritus between us, we had unintentionally become an addition to and the time you save reading the menu can be put to good use eating. the evening’s little parade of Bench culture. —Deanna Darr never wants to confuse baklava with a balaclava.
—Amy Atkins cries at parades.
—Rachael Daigle
38 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly
FOOD/DINING Downtown + Fringe ADDIE’S—The language of breakfast is spoken here. You’ve never seen so many meats followed by “& Eggs” on one menu. Go early to beat the rush for Boise’s best gravy. 510 W. Main St., 208-338-1198. $ SU OM . ALIA’S COFFEEHOUSE—Freshmade bagels daily for breakfast and lunch, the best looking dessert case in town and for those who must, a selection of salads. 908 W. Main St., SU 208-338-1299. $ . ALI BABA—Middle Eastern cuisine from shish kebab to shawarma. 111 S Broadway Ave., SU . 208-343-4536. $-$$$ ANGELL’S—Upscale dining in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. Featuring such tasty delights as duck empanadas, prime rib and Idaho trout. In warmer weather, Angell’s patio is a lush respite in the concrete jungle tucked into a fold of sloping grassy hill and trellises overgrown with greenery. 909 Main St., 208-342-4900, www.angellsbaRES randgrill.com. $$-$$$ SU OM. ASIAGO’S—Innovative Italian pastas, salads, sandwiches, soups and seasonal specials served amidst rustic Italian countryside decor. 1002 W. Main St., 208-336-5552, www. asiagos.com. $$-$$$ RES SU OM. BAR GERNIKA—This fine establishment is one of Boise Weekly’s satellite offices. Basque favorites in a dark and cozy little bar. Croquettas, chorizo, paella and a simple cheese plate that is one of the most popular in town. Don’t miss dish: spicy lamb grinder. And don’t forget Beef Tongue Saturday. Ahhh, a home away from home. 202 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-344-2175, www.bargernika. OM. com. $-$$ BARDENAY—The atmospheric, cavernous interior (with visible distillery) and huge patio is the place to eat, drink and be seen downtown. This business casual joint specializes in alcohol but can provide a great meal (plus brunch on weekends) and plenty of atmosphere. The country’s first restaurant distillery and home to one of the country’s best mixologists, Bardenay is a destination restaurant and bar for the crowd who can’t decide between a good glass of wine and a good martini. 610 Grove St., 208-426-0538, www. bardenay.com. $-$$ SU OM . THE BASQUE MARKET—The market’s shelves are stocked with Basque food and wine (and often, you’ll find take-and-bake croquettas in the cooler), but there’s also a small cafe space
AVERAGE PRICE PER ENTREE: $ —Less than $8 $$ —$8 to $14 $$$ —$14 to $20 $$$$ —Over $20
for lunch. A list of sandwiches on the market’s freshmade baguette all come with a side and if you’re lucky, a cookie. 608 W. Grove St., 208-433-1208, www.thebasquemarket.com. $ OM . BERRYHILL & CO. RESTAURANT AND WINE BAR—In its downtown location, Berryhill is open for lunch and dinner. The lunch menu offers finer casual food like a fig and feta grilled cheese sandwich, a buffalo burger and a crab melt of focaccia. A separate hors d’oeuvre menu features nibbles like baked escargot, and entrees include everything from rack of lamb to fish and steaks to both the white meats. Berryhill also offers a special kid-friendly, little foodie menu. 121 N. Ninth St., 208-387-3553. $$$-$$$$ RES SU OM . BIG CITY COFFEE—This coffee shop serves a variety of hot drinks for your on-the-go life and well-proportioned meals for the times when you slow down. The menu is surprisingly large and creative for both breakfast and lunch and the deli case has an assortment of bakery sweets and savory items. It’s like getting a meal in grandma’s kitchen. 1416 Grove St., 208-345-3145, www.bigcitycofSU OM . feeld.com. $ BITTERCREEK ALE HOUSE—Bittercreek is always classy and busy with an eclectic bunch of patrons. A beer selection listed by geographical proximity and a menu with a serious local focus. This Northwestern pub is a favorite among those looking to relax with friends, and the
summer street-side patio offers prime people-watching opportunities. Happy hour is low-power, which means a nice, cozy candlelit happy hour. 246 N. Eighth St., 208-345-1813, www. bittercreekalehouse.com. $$ SU OM. BLUE SKY BAGELS—A variety of house-made bagels ranging from plain to garlic to sunflower seed to asiago, plus soups, morning egg combos and lunchtime sandwiches. The real steal is the veggie sandwich stacked high with all the roughage you want (including avocado). 407 W. Main St., 208-388-4242, www.blueskybaSU OM . gels.com. $ BOMBAY GRILL—Northern Indian food in the historic Idanha Hotel. Get a samosa, curry, daal quick fix over lunch, or settle in for a properly homemade meal at dinner. 928 W. Main St., 208-345-7888, www.bombaygrillonline.com. $-$$ OM. BRICK OVEN BISTRO—Lovingly called the Beanery by longtime patrons, this Grove hot spot with everything homemade has some of the best comfort food around. 801 N. Main St., 208-342-3456. SU OM. $ THE BRIDGE CAFE—Stop in for breakfast, lunch or a snack. Continental breakfast and coffee, build-your-own wraps and sandwiches, hot lunch and a rack of snacks for the in-between times. 123 N. Sixth St., . 208-345-5526. $ CAFE OLE—Boise’s original Mexican restaurant has been serving for the last 28 years. 404 S. Eighth St., 208-344SU OM. 3222. $-$$
RECENTLY REVIEWED/FOOD THE MODERN HOTEL AND BAR 1314 W. Grove St., 208-424-8244, themodernhotel.com “A coiled nest of purple cabbage, julienned jalapenos and carrots, and whole cilantro, the salad does it like more salads should do: dispenses with the lettuce.” —Rachael Daigle
JALAPENO’S BAR AND GRILL 8799 Franklin Road, 208-375-2077, jalapenosidaho.com “The burrito was almost a foot long, and nearly as wide with julienned Angus steak, lettuce and guacamole swaddled in a soft flour tortilla and bathed in a white cheese sauce.” —Amy Atkins
LE BARON’S HONKER CAFE 1210 Second St. S., Nampa, 208-466-1551 “Thick slices of garlic bread topped with parmesan and a sprinkle of oregano and garlic that lined the plate were enough to induce a food coma.” —Deanna Darr
—Wine & beer —Full bar —Delivery —Take-out —Open late RE S —Reservations
needed/recommended —Patio S U —Open on Sunday O M —Online menu —Breakfast —Boise Weekly Card
Boise Weekly Dining Guide offers selective listings of editorial recommendations. Listings rotate based on available space.
Updates from diligent readers and listed restaurateurs are heartily encouraged. E-mail to food@boiseweekly.com or fax to 208-342-4733.
BOISEweekly | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | 39
FOOD/DINING CAPITAL CITY PUBLIC MARKET—Sustainable community connections are made and both nutritious and delicious local products are offered at the weekly farmers’ and artisans’ market. Every Saturday (mid April-Nov.) between 9:30 a.m.1:30 p.m., shop for fresh, local produce, specialty foods, wines, cheeses and baked goods. Eighth Street between Main and Bannock streets, 208-345-9287. CARRE CHOCOLATES—This is the place in town for genuine, handcrafted Belgian chocolates that (drumroll, please) melt in your mouth. 733 W. Broad St., 208-342-7697. $. CAZBA—Cazba transports you to the Eastern Mediterranean with cloud-painted walls, elegant décor and food from Greece, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey and Iran (with a few Indian, Japanese and American dishes). Brunch on weekends. 211 N. Eighth St., 208-381-0222. $$ SU.
EMILIO’S—With Chef Chris Hain in charge of preparing cuisine and over 450 wines in this restaurant in the Grove Hotel, you’ll think you’re in some big city, not downtown Boise. 245 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-333-8002. $$$-$$$$ RES, SU, OM . ELI’S ITALIAN DELI—For the sandwich lover for whom a sandwich is a work of love. With fresh ingredients, homemade bread and artful touches, Eli’s turns out sandwiches, soups and pastas for the hungry masses. A recent second location in downtown Boise, in addition to the Nampa landmark is earning more fans. 219 N. 10th St., 208-473-7161. OM . $-$$ FALCON TAVERN—This upscale downtown tavern has become “Boise’s neighborhood pub.” Known for their hand-pressed Kobe burger and ample beer selection, Falcon Tavern also has
a variety of appetizers, soups, salads and sandwiches. Cozy up in their interior space or kick back on the patio. 705 W. Bannock St., 208-947-3111. $-$$ OM. THE FIXX—Serving the needs of coffee drinkers hunkered down in the western end of downtown, The Fixx brews up locally roasted coffee from Eagle Coffee Roasting, and the eats are all provided courtesy of Le Cafe de Paris. Live music Friday and Saturday nights. 224 10th St., SU . 208-331-4011. FLICKS—Movie and a meal from a killer kitchen. Food good enough to bring you in without a ticket includes burgers, chicken and brie on ciabatta, lasagna, gyro wraps, salads and daily soups. 646 Fulton St., 208-342-4222. $ SU. FLYING M COFFEEHOUSE—In addition to a fantastic atmosphere (cool tunes, friendly employees, art on the walls and comfy seating), “the M” makes killer coffee drinks. Don’t forget the Art-O-Mat. 500 W. Idaho St., 208-345-4320. $ SU.
CHANDLERS STEAKHOUSE—Chandler’s is for the fine-diner in you. With melt-in-your-mouth filet mignon, porterhouse and Kobe cuts, as well as an appetizer menu that deviates from the red meat and offers oysters, lobster cakes, escargot and mussels. It’s as popular a stop for cocktails as it is for a fine dinner. 981 Grove St., 208-342-4622. $$$$ RES SU OM.
THE EDGE—Get a cup of joe in between shopping for music at The Record Exchange and knick knacks at The Edge gift shop. 1101 W. Idaho St., 208-3445383. $ SU.
CHOCOLAT BAR—For all you chocolate-obsessed purists out there, the Chocolat Bar makes batches of sinful delicacies daily. 805 W. Bannock St., 208-3387771. $. COTTONWOOD GRILLE—The food and ambiance here share a terrific, tasteful symbiotic relationship. Inside, it’s like a big hunting lodge; outside, it’s watching the world go by on the Greenbelt. 913 W. River St., 208-333-9800. $$$-$$$$ RES, SU OM. DARLA’S DELI—The menu at Darla’s Deli includes breakfast and lunch ciabatta sandwiches, chef salad with bacon and avocado halves stuffed with tuna salad plus daily specials. Best find on the menu? Half a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich for $2.83. 250 S. Fifth St. OM 208-381-0034. $ DAWSON’S DOWNTOWN—The interior of Dawson’s is almost as tasty as their hand-picked beans (from everywhere from Sumatra to Ethiopia to Mexico) roasted the old-fashioned way. Owners Dave and Cindy Ledgard know where to find the best fair trade, organic, shade grown and just plain excellent coffees. 219 N. Eighth St., 208-336-5633. $ SU. DELI AT THE GROVE—Head in and enjoy a classic deli-style menu equipped with sandwiches, salads and soup. 101 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-336-3500. $-$$
DONNIE MAC’S TRAILER PARK CUISINE—Located in the developing Linen District, Donnie Mac’s Trailerpark Cuisine may be downhome, but it’s certainly not from the trailer park. Burgers, chicken sandwiches, o-rings, fries, some very tasty fry sauce, frozen custard, mac-n-cheese and breakfast. Yowza! 1515 W. Grove St., 208-384-9008. $-$$ OM .
40 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly
DUCK EGGS BENEDICT AT LE CAFE DE PARIS Many people know eggs Benedict as quasi-fancy fare made with toasted English muffins, thin Canadian bacon slices and sunny-side-up eggs, all doused with a runny yellow sauce loosely deemed Hollandaise. Leave it to the French chefs at Le Cafe de Paris to restore eggs Benedict to the lofty heights from where it once commanded breakfast respect. LE CAFE DE PARIS 204 N. Capitol Blvd., Le Cafe’s heavenly dish 208-336-0889 starts with two brioche biscuits lecafedeparis.com sturdy enough to bear the weight of the stacked ingredients, yet sill flaky and tender on the tooth. Next are thick, savory slices of high quality Kurobuta ham from Snake River Farms. Then, two silky duck eggs, cooked over-medium, that jiggle sumptuously when the plate is set on the table. Hollandaise sauce rich with the flavor of butter and eggs is drizzled gently over the whole ensemble. Continue the indulgence by complementing the dish with a Kir Royal (Champagne and creme de Cassis) or a Kir Imperial (Champagne and raspberr y liqueur) and breakfast becomes not only the most important meal of the day but also the most decadent. —Jennifer Hernandez WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
DINING/FOOD FRONT DOOR NORTHWEST PIZZA AND TAP HOUSE—Offering tasty pizza, sandwiches, soups and salads. Features a stellar line of beers, including 14 rotating beer taps, 20 bottles of Belgian Ale and more to comprise over 60 beers to choose from. Eat -in or take-out. 105 S. Sixth St., 208-287-9201. SU. GANDOLFO’S DELI—The Georgia based franchise of New York delicatessens provides sandwich fans with New York style hot and cold deli sands, specialty selections and side salads. 401 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-338. 7827. $ GOLDY’S BREAKFAST BISTRO—A desperately popular breakfast destination and with good reason. Generous portions of eggs, hash, cinnamon rolls and
more. Good gravy! Can’t make it for breakfast? They’ve got lunch, too. 108 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-345-4100. $ SU . GRAPE ESCAPE—Fine wine, delicious lunch and dinner, delectable desserts and light bites make this little bistro a great place to meet with great friends. And, if you can’t get to Grape Escape, they’ll bring their casual elegance to you at any of your functions or events with their fabulous catering. 800 W. Idaho St., 208-368-0200. $-$$ SU. GUIDO’S ORIGINAL NEW YORK STYLE PIZZA-DOWNTOWN— There’s nothing like a slice (or three) of Guido’s New York-style pizza for lunch. Their giant pies are inexpensive and addictive. 235 N. Fifth St., 208-345-9011. SU OM. $
DRY ROSE When it comes to elegant roses, the south of France rules. The wines are typically made by a method known as saignee, a French term meaning “bled.” A certain amount of juice from just-crushed, dark-skinned grapes is run off after a short maceration. It’s a wonderfully symbiotic relationship, resulting in both a refreshingly dry pink wine on the one hand and a more concentrated red on the other. A tie for third left us with four top picks. 2009 DOMAINE DE COURON, $9.99 This wine opens with delicate aromas highlighted by strawberry and melon with intriguing hints of cucumber, fennel and herb. Made completely from grenache grapes, the rich, ripe strawberry fruit flavors are balanced by lively citrus, with touches of mineral and spice coming through on the finish. 2009 MAS CARLOT, $9.99 This blend dominated by grenache with syrah and a dollop of mouvedre results in a wine with juicy raspberry, crisp cranberry and sweet, spicy apple aromas. Creamy berry and cherry fruit flavors dominate the palate, but they’re nicely balanced by fresh citrus on the back side. 2009 MAS DE LA DAME, $10.99 From Provence, this is an enticing blend of grenache, syrah and cinsault that offers floral rose petal, clover and creamy red fruit aromas. The flavors are crisp and lively with tangy citrus and lightly tart cherry fruit. This well-balanced wine comes with a lively finish that lingers nicely. 2009 MAS DES BRESSADES, $10.99 Made with equal parts of old vine grenache and syrah, the aromas are filled with pretty peach, pomegranate, strawberry and lime. On the richer side of the flavor spectrum, it’s loaded with dark berry fruit and touches of spice, and a nice hit of lemon zest comes through on the bright finish. —David Kirkpatrick WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
HA’ PENNY IRISH PUB AND GRILL—An Irish pub with beautiful dark wood seating offering a delicious mixture of American bar fare and classics from the Emerald Isle. 855 Broad St., Ste. 250, 208-3435568. $$ SU OM. HAPPY FISH SUSHI & MARTINI BAR—It is a happy fish, indeed, that becomes an entree here. With a wide array of sushi rolls, sashimi and more including several creative vegetarian options and perhaps an even wider array of cocktails, kick back and enjoy. 855 Broad St., SU OM. 208-343-4810. $$$ JAVA—Three words: Bowl of Soul. This coffee/espresso/ chocolate concoction is liquid redemption. In addition to all things coffee, Java also serves scones, muffins and tasty lunch offerings. 223 N. Sixth St., . 208-345-0777. $ SU JENNY’S LUNCH LINE—Soon to be located downtown, Jenny’s currently caters and delivers daily for personal or large group meals. The menu, which changes every day, always features fresh soups, salads and sandwiches made daily. Vegetarian and healthy options are the mainstay with a single yummy dessert treat for the times when your sweet tooth needs a little loving, too. Get a menu by e-mailing Jenny at orders@jennyslunchline. com. Call the lunch line at 208433-0092, the catering line at 338-7851 or fax your order in to 208-433-0093. 106 N. Sixth St., OM. 208-433-0092. $-$$ KNITTING FACTORY CONCERT HOUSE—Sometimes you want to get to a concert early to make sure you get a good seat. That might mean having to miss out on dinner somewhere else, but not if you’re going to the Knitting Factory. While you wait for the show to start, you can dig into a heaping plate of nachos, sink your teeth into a stacked sandwich and fries or wrap your mouth around a pile of buffalo wings. Open Sunday (show nights). 416 S. Ninth St., . 208-367-1212. $-$$ LA VIE EN ROSE—A Europeanstyle bakery where the digs are as beautiful as the grinds. Enjoy fresh baked croissants, brioches, tarts, eclairs and more from chef Patrick Brewer. Check out their breakfast menu, featuring everything from omelets and frittatas to biscuits and gravy and pancakes. Lunch features a selection of homemade soups, sandwiches and salads, and Illy coffee is available all day, every day. 928 W. Main St., 208-331-4045. $-$$ SU OM. LE CAFE DE PARIS—The display case offers a glimpse of the height of French pastry baking. The food is among Boise’s culinary elite—lush, buttery cooking. 204 N. Capitol Blvd., 208-336-0889. $$-$$$ OM. LEKU ONA—Step into a little piece of traditional Basque home, family and heaven when you visit Leku Ona. Relax in the friendly atmosphere with lunch or dinner, either inside or out on the patio on warm days. 117 S. Sixth St., 208-345-6665. $$$-$$$$ RES OM. Get more Food at boiseweekly.com.
BOISEweekly | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | 41
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L I N E A D S - M O N D A Y, 1 0 A . M .
This two-story walk-up 5843 W. HIDDEN SPRINGS DR., condo backs up to a hillside HIDDEN SPRINGS $250,000 in the heart of the idyllic 2 bed/ 2.5 bath Hidden Springs village. 1,916 square feet The new owner can walk Keller Williams Realty across the street to the Gene Strate, 208-377-8850 genestrate.yourkwagent.com charming Dry Creek MerMLS #98388283 cantile for a beer and a BLT on the patio while admiring a picturesque view of the Foothills and Stack Rock in the distance. In front of the Merc is an expansive lawn known as the Green that draws neighborhood kids for cartwheels and impromptu games of tag. The contemporary condo is outďŹ tted with cherry ooring, putty-colored walls and espresso-brown cabinetry. The main oor is laid out as a great room, with the living room situated next to a wall of windows facing the Green. The kitchen boasts stainless steel appliances and a work island with ceramic tile countertops, while a private courtyard is accessed from the dinette. The master suite and a junior suite are located one oor up. The master bedroom is a loft-like space with views of the Green and distant Foothills. This condo sits above a handful of storefronts including a library and a dental ofďŹ ce. Above the business spaces are four two-story condo residences, each with a private entrance. This is the last unit available. PROS: Low-maintenance walk-up condo in heart of Hidden Springs village.
DOWNTOWN 2BD. $490/mo. Near Greenbelt/Library. 343-5476. C:L:G =DB: 3BD, 2.5BA. Fenced yard, 2 car grg., easy access to connector & BSU. Non-smoking & no pets. rentme57@hotmail.com or 8531169. HIJ9>D & 7:9GDDB 1636 Garrity Blvd., Nampa. Studio $400/mo. or $100/wk. and 1BD $600/mo. $125 refundable deposit. All util. included. No credit check, pets OK with additional deposit. Call Ivan at 208-861-7392. HIJ9>D 6EI# Clean, safe, quiet residential neighborhood off Roosevelt, close to BSU. No credit check or app fee, no lease. $345. Available now. Call 333-0066.
BW FOR SALE - B>A:H HDJI= D; I6B6G68@ Gorgeous log home with beautiful covered porch & ďŹ ltered view of the lake. Enjoy sheep migration by the home twice a year, summers at the lake, winters in the snow, hunting and ďŹ shing near by. This log cabin sleeps 4 in the loft bedroom and 2 additional with the living room hide-a-bed sofa. Water rights come with the home, septic is installed. Sale comes with cabin furniture including beautiful log master bed, 2 twin beds, kitchen dishes & utensils, dining room table & chairs, living room furniture. Scenic drive in Boise National Forest to Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Acre Subdivision. Available immediately for purchase and enjoyment! Only $149,900. 1221 Fox Road, Cascade. Call Deborah w/Idaho Properties 208484-0752. See virtual tour at www. tourfactory.com/535799. =DB: ;DG H6A: DCAN '.!.%% Light and airy MFH near Boise Foothills. Featuring 2BD, 2 full baths. Covered 2 car carport, wonderfully landscaped yard and beautiful stone patio. Access to shopping, public school and entertainment. Available for immediate purchase and occupancy. 8171 Casa Real Lane, Boise. Call Deborah w/Idaho Properties at 208-484-0752 for info or showing. For virtual tour go to www.tourfactory.com/535799 BD9:GC ;A6>G 9:H><C:G DLC:9 2100 sq. ft. Remodeled 3BD, 2BA + ofďŹ ce. Walk to 36th Garden Center. Family & LR. New Kitchen. $219,900. 208-724-6968.
2BD, 1BA MFH in desirable Ponderosa Mobile Home Park. Convenient to public transportation, shopping and public services. New gas stove, refrigerator, vinyl ďŹ&#x201A;oor in bathroom, 2 outdoor sheds. Covered carport and porch. Offering $2000 towards a new roof and a carpet allowance is possible with a full-priced offer. Only one owner! Call 208-4840752. 2725 N. Five Mile Rd. Space # 36. Available for immediate occupancy! $11,900.
6B6I:JG B6HH6<: 7N :G>8
1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, spa/showers, 24/7. I travel. 8805772. massagebyeric.com. Male Only. Boise & Nampa studios.
BOISEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BEST! With Bodywork by Rose. 794-4789. www.roseshands.com
CONS: Two full staircases may not appeal to those with limited mobility. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Jennifer Hernandez Open House: Saturday, June 19, 1-3 p.m.
42 | JUNE 16â&#x20AC;&#x201C;22, 2010 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
8DB: :ME:G>:C8: B6HH6<: 7N H6B
Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/Eves/ Wknds.Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 866-2759. Full body massage by experienced therapist. Out call or private studio. 863-1577. Thomas. B6HH6<: 7N <>C6 Full Body Treatment/Relaxation, Pain Relief & Tension Release. Call 908-3383. Prof. therapeutic massage only by trained & exp. masseur. New client spec. Robert 484-6251. ULM 340-8377.
MOVIE EXTRAS earn up to $150/ day to stand in backgrounds of major film. Experience not required. CALL NOW! 1-888-6644621.
Now has stations for lease. Great amenities, people and terms. Call 336-5008 for appointments. ;G:: DC"A>C: 8A6HH>;>:9 69H Place your FREE on-line classifieds at www.boiseweekly.com. It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please.
Popular Tanning Salon Hiring for a Sales Associate position. Looking for an reliable, energetic people person who loves tanning and doesn’t mind working hard. 25 – 35 hr./wk. Must be available 7 dys/ wk. Nights and weekends mandatory. Duties include selling tanning sessions and products, cleaning of tanning beds, cleaning of salon, handling cash, opening and closing salon, and other misc duties. This is a position where you basically do it all yourself. If you think you are that person apply at Tanning Hut, 141 Caldwell Blvd, Nampa. Please apply between 11 & 3pm $7.25/hr.
K>E ;DDI B6HH6<:
These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society. www.idahohumanesociety.com 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508
Foot massage includes free shoulder & back massage. $29.99/hr. Gift certificates available. Buy a gift of health. 377-7711. Stop by 6555 W. Overland Rd near Cole.
BARRY: 1.5-year-old boxer/Lab mix. Playful, lively and full of energy. Likes playing with other dogs. Lots of potential. (Kennel 412 10584877)
FEZ: 3-month-old male tabby striped kitten. Playful and well socialized. Uses his litterbox. (Kennel 06 #10675911)
SPROCKET: 7-monthold male black/white pit bull terrier mix who is house-trained. Lots of potential. Needs an indoor home. (Kennel 417 - #10482942)
FRECKLES: 2-year-old female mixed-breed dog. House-trained and has had training. Very smart and easy to work with. (Kennel 325 #10594318)
TWEETIE: 3-year-old female Siamese mix male cat. Beautiful large, baby blue eyes. Friendly and litterboxtrained. (Kennel 49 - #10699076)
SHAWN: 9-month-old male Plott hound mix. House-, crate- and leash-trained. Well cared for and socialized. Likes toys. (Kennel 310 - #10646183)
BW SPIRITUAL <D99:HH;:HI Erin Heaven, Complete Life Healing, is going to be offering clairvoyant services at Goddess Fest, at Julia Davis Park on Saturday July 24-25. Come by and receive a 20 min. chakra analysis for only $15! Experience the genuine accuracy that 80+ testimonials confirm, for yourself! Plus, when you sign up with your email on our newsletter mailing list, you will receive 50% off a 90 minute session! Live Without Regrets! www. completelifehealing.com or completelifehealing@yahoo.com
These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats. www.simplycats.org 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177
CAREERS BW HELP WANTED GOVERNMENT JOBS: Earn $12 to $48 / hr. Full Benefits, Paid Training. Health Care, Admin/Clerical, Construction, Law Enforcement, Finance, Public Relations, Park Service & More. Call 7 days. 1-800-858-0701 x2011.
SARA LEE: Sweet cat enjoys making friends and bird watching.
BRUCE: Handsome KYRA: Petite young 5-year-old tabby in tabby delights rolling in search of commitment. catnip and napping.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | 43
Home! No Experience Necessary! Call our Live Operators Now! 1-800-405-7619 EXT 2450 http:// www.easywork-greatpay.com
With a better job and a degree. Evening, day and online classes start next month. Financial aid is available for those who qualify. Stevens-Henager College, Boise Branch, 800-716-5645. www.stevenshenager.info
BW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ALL CASH VENDING! Be the boss of your own local route with 25 new machines and candy for $9,995. Call today 1-800-920-9563. Multivend, LLC. BO#200003.
BW CAREER INFO. $$$HELP WANTED$$$ Extra Income! Assembling CD cases from
NYT CROSSWORD | 1 See above 7 Slicker, in a way 12 “… so long ___ both shall live?” 16 Youth grp. 19 Bit of excitement 20 Japanese comics style
33 38
49 59
79 85 89
72 77 82 87
101 105 106
76 80
54 63
53 62
47 52
51 60
41 45
44 48
43 Kitt who sang “Santa Baby” 44 Tarzan’s simian sidekick 47 ___ spell 48 Actress Christina 51 Lee who got a kick out of acting? 53 “You are mistaken!”
30 Year Attila the Hun was born 31 Figure on an electric bill 33 Chris ___, player of Mr. Big on “Sex and the City” 35 Excuse maker, maybe 37 Perspectives 42 Sound city
BW HAVE 9:6G ?D=C! >C8# Cat got your tongue? With 22 years professional writing experience, I will write your: Love/breakup, job resignation letters or e-mail texts. Creative packaging and delivery options available. Complaints and appeals letters: extensive experience with government agency correspondence. Editorials, resume cover letters, speeches, job applications, online dating profiles, or whatever! Barter for goods/ services welcome. Reasonable rates: $20 for any document (max. 2 pages, 12 pitch, single space) or as negotiated. Don’t pay till you’re satisfied! Discount/pro bono for seniors, disabled or nonprofit orgs. 208-571-5288.
FOR SALE BW STUFF 9 Piece King Sleigh Bed Set Brand new. Dovetail drawers. List $2950. Sacrifice $799. 888-1464. Bed, Queen Tempurpedic Style Memory Foam Mattress. Brand new, w/warranty. Must sell $225. 921-6643. BEDROOM SET 7 pc. Cherry set. Brand new, still boxed. Retail $2250, Sacrifice $450. 888-1464.
Couch & Loveseat - Microfiber. Stain Resistant. Lifetime Warranty. Brand new in boxes. List $1395. Must Sell $450! 888-1464. DIRECTV FREE Standard Installation! FREE SHOWTIME+STARZ (3 mo)! FREE HD/DVR upgrade! Ends 7/14/10. New Customers Only, Qual. Pkgs. From $29.99/ mo. DirectStarTV 1-877-885-8764. KING SIZE PILLOW TOP MATTRESS SET. New - in bag, w/warranty. MUST SELL $199. Call 921-6643. Leather Sofa plus Loveseat. Brand new in crate w/Lifetime warranty. Retail $2450. Sell $699! 888-1464. QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET. Brand new-still in plastic. Warranty. MUST SELL $139. Can deliver. 921-6643.
21 Have ___ to grind 22 Cries of a toe-stubber 23 JAIL OR FINE 26 Edge 27 Grown-___ 28 Staff connections 29 “Carrie” star
83 88
102 103 107
111 112
108 113
114 115
44 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
116 120
56 Trail 59 Putting in a carton 63 Bygone name in hair removal 64 Salivation cause 66 Turkish money 67 ___ spell 68 Exam for a Wharton applicant: Abbr. 69 Himalayan legend 70 Come out with 71 PC insert 73 French suffix 74 Critical comments 75 ___ culpa 76 2005 “Survivor” setting 77 Not superficial 78 “___ would seem” 79 83 Results of some rushes, for short 84 Ltr. accompaniers 86 Bro 87 Audacious 89 Pool surface 91 Some riding mowers 94 Noxious atmosphere 98 Mercury and Saturn 101 104 Endorse 107 Jedi foes, in “Star Wars” 108 Is indisposed 109 Goya’s field 110 Mr. ___ of advertising 113 Desiderata 116 Printemps month 117 2006 Nintendo debut 118 Couple-swapping 121 1976 album “Olé ___” 122 Zig or zag 123 It may be snowy 124 Board as a group 125 Rembrandt van ___ 126 Language from which “loot” comes 127 Smooths, in a way 128 Stashes
DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6
Bedamn Mexico’s largest lake Snoop, e.g. “… ___ quit!” Pepper and Friday: Abbr. One clapping at a circus? 7 Comedy specialty 8 Biting 9 Comfort ___ 10 Sponsorship: Var. 11 Not smooth-talk? 12 Company with a “beepbeep” in its ads 13 Responses of contempt 14 Team whose logo features a bat in a hat 15 No. after a no. 16 Assertion 17 Turn 90°, say 18 Have a goal 24 Bergman’s role in “Casablanca” 25 Is sick with 30 Separating machine 32 ___’acte 34 Snicker part 36 Reclined 38 “Is ___ joke?” 39 For one 40 “Our Town” family 41 Prefix in hematology 45 What a penguin doesn’t really wear 46 Deleterious precipitation 49 Prestigious West Coast school, for short 50 Race that takes a northern trail in even years and a southern trail in odd years 52 Neither here nor there? 54 Prepared, as some tuna 55 Warren : rabbits :: couch : ___ 56 A parking garage may have special pricing for it 57 Home of the U.S.’s last active nickel mine
99 How haunted houses creak 100 Blow one’s stack 102 Bikini blasts 103 Copenhagen, e.g. 105 Country that’s just 8 square miles in area 106 Leadership org. opposed to the G.O.P. 111 Island instruments, for short 112 Classical attire 114 Party bowlfuls 115 State of ill humor 118 “Law & Order: ___” 119 Ash holder 120 Shine, in ads
58 60 Garnierite, for nickel 61 It’s good for “absolutely nothing” according to a 1970 hit 62 Sweaters’ place 65 Christmas hanging 70 Sounds of hesitation 71 Field call 72 Abbr. on some license plates 76 Wing: Prefix 77 Pro Football Hall-ofFamer Michael 80 The Beatles’ “___ Mine” 81 It’s on top of piles 82 Columnist Bombeck 85 Dude ranch nickname 88 When tripled, a “Seinfeld” catchphrase 90 Satan, with “the” 92 Ambulance letters 93 Like Joan of Arc 95 More like a slug 96 U.S. tennis player Oudin 97 Gives, as homework 98 Chest part L A S T
Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply doublechecking your answers.
W E E K ’ S
H6G6ÂźH H:8DC9=6C9
We buy your quality goods & furniture for CASH. Call 331-2366.
BW WANT TO BUY Old Radio tubes wanted. I pick up & pay cash. Jim 602-373-4002.
PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abbyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6293 (Void in Illinois).my
SUMMONS Case No. CV OC 1009090
Longhair Lawncare Grass Trimminâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and Bagginâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Most lawns $25. We bust our ass to mow your grass. 208-713-0325. <DC: <G::C A6LC86G: All Electric, No Emissions. Services incl. spring cleanup, mowing, trimming & pruning, organic fertilization & weed control. Mention this ad for 15% disc. Call 208-861-3017. 6<J6 7AJ: EDDA H:GK>8: For all your POOL & SPA needs call AGUA BLUE POOL SERVICE at 0QFOJOHT t 8FFLMZ .BJOUFOBODF t /FX *OTUBMMBUJPOT t 3FQBJST t 'JMUFST t )FBUFST t 1VNQT t "DJE 8BTI t 5JMF *OTUBMMBUJPOT t 5JMF $MFBOJOH BOE .PSF I am the Safety Pool Cover Specialists. I install, repair and provide professional sewing on all types of pool & spa covers. Agua Blue Pool Service is a family-owned and operated pool company that cares about you. We will give you the personal attention and quality service that you expect at a price you can afford. Call Efrain at 208-8531475 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Your Satisfaction is our Successâ&#x20AC;?. Fully License & Insured.
You have been sued by Boise Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, P.A., the Plaintiff, in the District Court in and for Ada County, Idaho, Case No. CV OC 1009090. The nature of the claim against you is money due and owing. Any time after 20 days following the last publication of this Summons, the Court may enter a Judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have ďŹ led a written response in the proper form, including the Case No. CV OC 1009090, and paid any required ďŹ ling fee to the Clerk of the Court at 200 W. Front St., Boise, ID 83702, telephone 208-387-6900, and serve a copy of your response on the Plaintiffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s attorney at Stephen W. Beane, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 2694, Boise, ID 83701-2694, telephone 208-336-2690. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiff. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. DATED This 21st day of May, 2010. J. DAVID NAVARRO
COMMUNITY POSTINGS BW ANNOUNCEMENTS GAIN NATIONAL EXPOSURE. Reach over 5 million young, educated readers for only $995 by advertising in 110 weekly newspapers like this one. Call Jason at 202-2898484. This is not a job offer. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Graduate in just 4 weeks!! FREE Brochure. Call NOW! 1-800-532-6546 Ext. 97 http:// www.continentalacademy.com
BW CLASSES ;G:: B6G>?J6C6 Presentation by NORML at Boise Public Library, 7pm, Tuesday, June 22.
ceed with caution when cash or credit is required in advance of services. ALL KINDS OF SINGLES. Browse & Respond FREE! Straight 208-3458855. Gay/Bi 208-472-2200. Use FREE Code 7582, 18+. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d rather be dancingâ&#x20AC;? Shows, dance-a-grams and lessons. 208440-1117. MEET LOCAL SINGLES. Listen to Ads FREE! 208-345-8855. Use FREE Code 7584, 18+. SEEKING SEXY SINGLES? Reply to Ads FREE! Straight 208-3458855. Gay/Bi 208-472-2200. Use FREE Code 7583. Visit MegaMates.com, 18+. Where Hot Men Hook Up! Call 208-489-2162 or 800-777-8000. Free w/code 2982.
BW CHAT LINES DATING SERVICE. Long-Term/ Short-Term Relationships, FREE2-TRY! 1-877-722-0087 Exchange/ Browse Personal Messages 1-866-362-1311. Live adult casual conversations 1-877-599-8753 Meet on chat-lines. Local Singles 1-888-869-0491 (18+) New!! Talk Live!! 1-866-362-1311. Hot Singles Waiting To Connect! Call 208-287-0343. FREE w/code 5500. Call 800-210-1010.
BW ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BUYER BEWARE Whenever doing business by telephone or email pro-
@>HH! @>HH >; NDJ B>HH:9 B: The original Boise Crepe Guy that was on the corner of 8th & Main Street during the Saturday Market is now located on the Grove. We still serve the same delicious crepes, and fresh squeezed lemonade. Sorry if you missed us, we missed you. KISS! KISS!
CONNECTION SECTION - ADULT Voice Personals and Live Chat
Hard Cruising Ads and Live Chat
FREE to listen to ads. FREE to reply to ads.
NOTICES BW LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE. I.C.§ 55-2306 PLEASE TAKE notice that on 6/19/10 at the hour of 3:00 p.m., storage unit #48, Verity Management shall sell the following described personal property in the manner described: Name: Laura Chin & Gary Reed, Address: 207 Murray, Garden City, ID 83714. Unit location: 3097 N. Five mile Rd. Boise, ID 83713, Storage Unit #48. General Description: Queen sized bed set, bed frames, dresser drawer set, vacuum, and other misc. items. Said sale shall be conducted by live bid and all the contents of said unit shall be sold as single lot. All payments shall be in cash or certiďŹ ed funds. Said sale may be subject to cancellation in the event the owner thereof satisďŹ es all past due obligations related to the storage of such items. Publications must occur once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation.
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BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | JUNE 16â&#x20AC;&#x201C;22, 2010 | 45
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): Istanbul is the world’s only megacity that spans two continents. Many Turkish commuters take the 15-minute ferry ride across the Bosphorus Strait, traveling from their suburban homes in Asia to the urban sprawl in Europe. I’m seeing a comparable journey for you, Aries: a transition that happens casually and quickly, but that moves you from one world to another. Prepare yourself, please. Just because it unfolds relatively easily and benevolently doesn’t mean you should be nonchalant about the adjustments it will require you to make.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The ancient Greek philosopher Plato advocated the use of dogs in courtrooms. He thought that canines were expert lie detectors; that they always knew when deceit was in the air. I suspect you’ll display a similar talent in the coming days, Leo. You will have a sixth sense about when the truth is being sacrificed, or when delusions are masquerading as reasonable explanations, or when the ego’s obsessions are distorting the soul’s authentic understandings. Harness that raw stuff, please. Use it discreetly, surgically and with compassion.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): When you want to get rid of a weed that’s impinging on the autonomy of your growing tomato plant, you don’t just tear away its stalk and leaves; you yank it out by the roots. That’s the approach I urge you to take with the saboteur that has inserted itself into your otherwise thriving patch of heaven. There’s no need to express hatred or rage. In fact, it’s better to be lucid and neutral as you thoroughly remove the invasive influence and assert your right to care for what you love.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): If you’ve been aligned with cosmic rhythms these past few weeks, Virgo, you’ve been rising higher and feeling bolder. You’ve taken a stand on issues about which you had previously been a bit weak and cowardly. You have been able to articulate elusive or difficult truths in graceful ways that haven’t caused too terrible a ruckus. Your next challenge is to rally the troops. The group that means the most to you is in need of your motivational fervor. I suggest that you think deeply about how to cultivate more dynamic relationships among all the parts, thereby energizing the whole.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): A lot of people never got the mothering they needed in order to grow up into the confident, secure lovers of life they had the potential to become. But even greater numbers suffer from a lack of smart fathering. And that happens to be the deprivation that’s most important for you Geminis to address right now. If there was anything missing in the guidance and mentoring you got from your actual daddy, I urge you to brainstorm how you could make up for it in the coming months. For starters, here’s one idea: Is there any father figure out there who could inspire you to become more of your own father figure? CANCER (June 21-July 22): In 1965, two Russian cosmonauts orbited the Earth in the Voskhod 2 spacecraft. Because of equipment problems, they had to land the vehicle manually. Instead of hitting the target area, they mistakenly set down in rugged mountainous country covered with deep snow. While they waited overnight inside their capsule, wolves gathered outside, howling and pacing. But the next day, their recovery team reached them and scared off the hungry predators. Soon they were safely on their way back home. Let this little tale be an inspiration to you, Cancerian, as you come in for your landing. Even though you may not end up quite where you intended, there’ll be a happy ending as long as you wait for your allies to be ready for you and you don’t try to rush your reintegration.
46 | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | BOISEweekly
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “Human beings are in a state of creativity 24 hours a day,” wrote Raoul Vaneigem in his book The Revolution of Everyday Life. “People usually associate creativity with works of art, but what are works of art alongside the creative energy displayed by everyone a thousand times a day?” I say “amen” to that. All of us are constantly generating fresh ideas and pressing intentions. We are founts of originality. But whether we use our enormous power constructively is another question. Having said that, I’m pleased to announce that you’re entering a phase when you have the potential to create far more interesting and useful things than usual—longer lasting, too. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): If you have been engaged in any S&M scenario, even metaphorically, now would be a good time to quit. Whether you’re the person who’s whipping or being whipped, the connection is no longer serving any worthy purpose. The good news is that freeing yourself from compromising entanglements will make you fully available to explore new frontiers in collaboration. You will also be blessed with an influx of intuition about how to reconfigure bonds that have become boring. And what if you’re not currently involved in any S&M scenario? Your assignment is to transform one of your pretty good relationships into a supercharged union that’s capable of generating life-changing magic.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): I wouldn’t say that things are about to get darker for you. But they’re definitely going to get deeper and damper and more complicated. I don’t expect there to be any confrontations with evil or encounters with nasty messes, but you may slip down a rabbit hole into a twilight region where all the creatures speak in riddles and nothing is as it seems. And yet that’s the best possible place for you to gain new insight about the big questions that so desperately need more clarity. If you can manage to hold your own in the midst of the dream-like adventures, you’ll be blessed with a key to relieving one of your longrunning frustrations. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The eulachon is a fish that lives off the Pacific Coast of North America. Its fat content is so high that the Chinook Indians used to dry it, thread it with a wick, and employ it as a candle. The stink was bad, but the light was good. Remind you of anything in your life right now, Capricorn? Something that provides a steady flow of illumination, even if it is a bit annoying or inconvenient? I say, treasure it for what it is and accept it for what it isn’t. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): When I was growing up in Michigan, playing in the snow was a great joy. As much as I loved the arrival of each new spring, I endured a mourning period as the ground’s last patch of dirty sleet melted. Once in late March, though, I talked my mom into letting me store five snowballs in the freezer. It wasn’t until my birthday in late June that I retrieved the precious artifacts. I was slightly disappointed to find they had become more like iceballs than snowballs. On the other hand, their symbolism was deeply gratifying. I’d managed to invoke the tangible presence of winter fun in the summertime. I urge you to attempt a comparable alchemy, Aquarius. Figure out how to take a happiness you have felt in another context and transpose it into where you are right now. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “Even Norah Jones got bored with Norah Jones,” wrote critic Aidin Vaziri in his review of her recent concert in San Francisco. For years, she has tranquilized us with her safe, soothing music, he said, but not any more. It was like she was fresh from a “makeover reality show.” Her new stuff, which included an “indie-rock jolt” and quasi-psychedelic riffs, exuded grit and defiance and weirdness. Norah Jones is your role model for the next couple of weeks, Pisces. If there have been any ways in which you’ve been boring yourself, it’s prime time to scramble the code.
BOISEweekly | JUNE 16–22, 2010 | 47