ANTHONY DOERR Idaho writer may head home from Oxford with the prize FEATURE 11
HOW NOW MILK COW? Idaho meat tested positive. Has its milk? 1ST THURSDAY 20
MAP AND GUIDE INSIDE Plus: New book highlights Idaho artists REC 39
TAKE YOUR MARKS Mountain bike racing starts with Barking Spider
“You want to know why this mobile home went up in flames?”
2 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly
BW STAFF PUBLISHER: Sally Freeman Sally@boiseweekly.com Office Manager: Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com EDITORIAL Editor: Rachael Daigle Rachael@boiseweekly.com Arts & Entertainment Editor: Amy Atkins Amy@boiseweekly.com Features Editor: Deanna Darr Deanna@boiseweekly.com News Editor: George Prentice George@boiseweekly.com Staff Writer: Tara Morgan Tara@boiseweekly.com New Media Czar: Josh Gross Josh@boiseweekly.com Calendar Guru: Heather Lile Heather@boiseweekly.com Listings: calendar@boiseweekly.com Proofreader: Annabel Armstrong, Jay Vail, Sheree Whiteley Interns: James Ady, Eric Austin, Alex Blackwell, Kat Thornton, Jordan Wilson Contributing Writers: Bill Cope, Jody May-Chang, Guy Hand, Andrew Mentzer, Ted Rall ADVERTISING Advertising Director: Lisa Ware Lisa@boiseweekly.com Account Executives: Sabra Brue, Sabra@boiseweekly.com Jessi Strong, Jessi@boiseweekly.com Doug Taylor, Doug@boiseweekly.com Nick Thompson, Nick@boiseweekly.com Justin Vipperman, Justin@boiseweekly.com Jill Weigel, Jill@boiseweekly.com CLASSIFIED SALES Classifieds@boiseweekly.com CREATIVE Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Leila@boiseweekly.com Graphic Designers: Adam Rosenlund, Adam@boiseweekly.com Jen Grable, Jen@boiseweekly.com Contributing Artists: Conner Coughlin, Derf, Jeremy Lanningham, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Erin Ruiz, Tom Tomorrow Photography Interns: Will Eichelberger, Matthew Wordell CIRCULATION Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town: Stan Jackson Stan@boiseweekly.com Distribution: Tim Anders, Mike Baker, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Jennifer Hawkins, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Lars Lamb, Brian Murry, Amanda Noe, Northstar Cycle Couriers, Steve Pallsen, Patty Wade, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 30,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. SUBSCRIPTIONS: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. TO CONTACT US: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: info@boiseweekly.com www.boiseweekly.com Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701 The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2011 by Bar Bar, Inc. EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Thursday at noon before publication date. SALES DEADLINE: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher. Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. BOISE WEEKLY IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER.
NOTE UNCOMFORTABLE REALITIES This week’s main feature from BW News Editor George Prentice “Got Milk? Got Drugs? Got Both?” is about a touchy subject. Anytime we’re talking about potential contamination of the nation’s food supply—be it one hamburger patty with traces of a banned drug or hundreds of bushels of E. coli-carrying spinach—it’s an uncomfortable subject. It’s unwanted attention for producers doing things by the book. It’s bad news for retailers. It’s alarming for consumers. And whether you know it or not, it seems there’s some gray area when it comes to reporting the possible extent of food contamination to the public. In Prentice’s story, for instance, one state senator says that if there is a problem and it’s handled properly, the public may not necessarily need to know about it. It’s when the problem does not have a solution that the public should be made aware. The public may disagree. During the course of reporting this story, the state agency appointed to regulate the dairy industry and protect the public gave us a hard time because we wanted to ask a few questions that might have been uncomfortable for officials to answer—and that’s not to say anything of industry reps who wouldn’t return phone calls because they simply don’t like our publication. In the words of that same state senator: “The last thing any Idaho dairyman wants is for someone to read a story in your paper that builds suspicion of people where they don’t buy any more milk or cheese.” And the last thing we want to do is publish a story that unnecessarily builds suspicion among the public. But when the alleged offenders decline to comment on their actions— be they reactive or proactive—it raises more suspicion than federal tests likely have thus far. If, after this story hits newsstands, the Idaho Dairymen’s Association or any of the dairies we contacted for comment have a change of heart and would like to comment, we hope they contact us. Whether they conducted one test or a hundred, whether the results were clean or showed areas for improvement, our guess is that after reading Prentice’s story, the public will want to know. —Rachael Daigle
COVER ARTIST ARTIST: Molly Hill TITLE: Quail Dance MEDIUM: Acrylic/collage/pencil on found wood ARTIST STATEMENT: All artists are self-taught, whether formally educated or not. We all jump through the hoops of discovery, trial and error just to get to a few good ones after a couple of hundred. I’ll never be an art star, in a fancy art mag or in Janson’s History of Art but I am an artist. I’ve earned the title. I trust the universe to take care of the rest. I have no regrets.
Boise Weekly pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.
BOISEweekly | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | 3
WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world.
COVERING BW’S COVERS Ever wonder what doesn’t make it on the cover of Boise Weekly? Art Director Leila Ramella-Rader accepts dozens of cover submissions each month but only a handful are seen by the public on newsstands each week. But RamellaRader doesn’t want it all to go unseen. Log on to Cobweb each week to see what’s in the running for a future cover.
HYPING HELVETIA Helvetia frontman Jason Albertini chats up BW about the psychedelic/ experimental band’s new album, which drops April 12. See Listen Here on Page 34 for show details or check out the whole story at boiseweekly.com.
PALIN PRANK TWISTS PANTIES The McCall Star News pulled a fast one on readers last week when it ran a story claiming Sarah Palin had chosen to announce her candidacy for the 2012 presidential election in Valley County. Cheers and jeers ensued.
WE HARDLY KNEW YE Recently opened music venue/art gallery/classroom space Colorcube has closed. Yes, we said recently opened and closed in the same sentence. Despite a full schedule and a respectable future lineup, the club’s management had to close shop. Get the full story at Cobweb.
4 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly
EDITOR’S NOTE 3 OPINION 5 BILL COPE 6 TED RALL 8 NEWS Catherine Carlson’s case prompts hypothetical discussion on housing a transgender inmate 9 ROTUNDA 9 CITIZEN 10 FEATURE Got Milk, Got Drugs, Got Both? 11 BW PICKS 18 FIRST THURSDAY Cort Conley’s new book highlights Idaho artists 19 FIRST THURSDAY LISTINGS Plus a full map 20 FIND 23 8 DAYS OUT 26 SUDOKU 32 MUSIC GUIDE 34 ARTS Ballet Idaho takes on The Sleeping Beauty 36 SCREEN Desert Flower 38 REC Barking Spider ushers in spring racing 39 FOOD Idaho’s potato vodka 40 CLASSIFIEDS 42 NYT CROSSWORD 44 FREEWILL ASTROLOGY 46
AFTER THE QUAKE Hard realities and consequences regarding energy AKIRA TOKUHIRO The eastern coastal areas of Japan’s three main prefectures—Iwate, Fukushima and Miyagi—were leveled on March 11, in the aftermath of an earthquake of historical magnitude (9.0), followed by a tsunami, a wall of water as high as 46 feet. From countless Internet images, video clips, cell phone calls, tweets and blogs, as well as old-fashioned 24/7 global news coverage, the devastation was quickly apparent. We then learned that the Fukushima nuclear power plant—six nuclear reactors—had survived the quake and tsunami but were in an unknown state of damaged “functionality.” That is, the reactors were either shut down at the time of the quake or shut down as the ground began to shudder. Shut-down systems worked as designed and until the tsunami, the back-up diesel generators operated to remove what is called the “decay heat” from the reactors. This was all good, except there was no electrical power. Further, following the tsunami, many things were submerged. Still, the decay heat was persistent. More than three weeks later, the utility, Tokyo Electric Power Company, and the Japanese government are still trying to manage the situation. I will not say much on the technical aspects—one can read from many sources. As a Japanese-American professor of mechanical and nuclear engineering at the University of Idaho in Idaho Falls, and having worked five years professionally in Japan, I have followed daily news with more interest than usual thanks to my bicultural background. I have watched Internet news and news sites in both Japanese and English. There is a lot to be said about cross-checking facts. Indeed, there is something “lost in translation.” Further, during my stay in Japan, I worked and lived through what some may call a unique “crisis logbook.” That is, the following events: 1) the post-Hanshin earthquake, which killed 6,200 people and caused more than $100 billion in economic damage in 1995; 2) the sarin gas attack in January 1995, resulting in 13 deaths and 6,200 people exposed to poisonous gas; 3) the Monju nuclear reactor sodium leak and fire; 4) the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant bituminization facility fire and explosion; and 5) the JCO nuclear accident. Back in the United States, like many, I witnessed 9/11 and the wrath of Hurricane Katrina. So, without pride, I can say that I’ve learned and witnessed crisis management. So, what can I make of this? I can say that there is indeed a cultural ele-
ment to the developments. Specifically, the incremental and steadfast manner in which both TEPCO and the Japanese government have announced progress in the F-NPP accident management tends to the side of frustration. Although we should respect the sovereignty of Japan, as I have said, radiation knows no borders. I worry about the future of nuclear energy and energy security. I have thus been thinking that this situation calls for international participation in order to make proactive progress toward managing the post-accident phases in a timely and predictable manner. The United States has some 105 commercial nuclear power plants, some similar to the older reactor models at Fukushima. In fact, if we decide to terminate the service life of our existing reactors at 60 years, many will have to be decommissioned between years 20352055. So, it is possible that we will have energy shortages in the coming years unless we construct new reactors, substantially increase alternative energy sources or simply live with less energy. Recall that nearly 20 percent of electricity today is generated from nuclear energy. This is equivalent to one work day per week running the U.S. economy and supporting today’s energy-intensive, modern lifestyle. As I see it, we now have the same choice that many countries, foremost Japan, have regarding water, energy consumption and nuclear power. When the U.S. population was 150 million, everyone had one TV (off between 11:30 p.m. and morning), one car, one house and all stores were closed on Sundays. We used less energy than we do today. So a world can exist without Internet, cell phones and year-round, unbounded energy consumption. It seems clear that we need to make a choice: either have nuclear energy as part of the energy mix (20 percent or more) or find energy sources, such as solar and wind, to compensate for reliable nuclear energy. Please remember, though, that more than 1,000, 1-megawatt windmills are needed for the equivalent energy output of one nuclear plant (assuming that the wind is always available). So, please think about valuing our energy and water resources, how it impacts our life and how it determines what kind of a world we leave for our children. Conserve and do not take it for granted. Akira Tokuhiro is a professor of mechanical and nuclear engineering at the University of Idaho in Idaho Falls. He can be reached at tokuhiro@uidaho.edu.
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BOISEweekly | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | 5
FOOLS RUSH OUT But that chickenshit stink lingers I have something I need to say to Idaho’s Republican lawmakers, and I hope, hope, hope I didn’t put it off so long that they’re already headed back home to Rubesburg and Hayseedville, Scrotum Falls and Cow Pie Creek, Spud Smut City and Pend d’Hick, Elk Guts Corner and Low Brow Village, Mormon Gap and Baptist Holler and Nazeroony Junction and Bumpkin Haven and Lake Inbred and Turd-In-The-Road Ridge and ... oh yeah, let us not forget Canyon County. Nope, I wouldn’t want them to get out of town without hearing what I think of their legislative accomplishments, although it’s entirely probable they’ve stopped listening to anyone outside their little circle jerk of the like-minded. Really, considering how many testimonies they’ve sat through during the 2011 session, they’re likely so fed up with hearing what their constituents have to say that they’d rather just scoot on back to Crapper Meadow and Pocapig without having to pretend they’re paying attention to one more word from the mouth of another Idaho citizen. But hey, I wasn’t able to get down to the Statehouse and contribute my two-cents on any of that ... what I call ... Bend-Over-AndGrab-Your-Ankles legislation they passed as a spit in the eye to the overwhelming majority of testifiers, so I’m as entitled as anyone to have the last word. After all, they’re each carrying a tidy, taxpayer-provided $16,000plus back to Horse Apple Hill and Beet Meat Ferry for all that “leadership” they provided, not counting what they pulled in per diem while they pimped around Capital City looking for cute tea baggers to wow. And am I not one of those taxpayers who provided the check? (Incidentally, did we all notice that as Gov. Hopalong and our legislative Barneys preached on and on about how everyone would have to tighten their belts and share in the pain, not once did any of them suggest a cut in their own state pay or that a pullback in their own benefits might be in order. It surely can’t be because they’re worried that qualified, competent people won’t be attracted to public service if the remuneration package can’t compete with the private sector. I mean, what would any of these dicka-lopes know about qualified, competent people, anyway?) So here is the message I want the Republicans to leave town with, and if you happen to know any of them who can’t read, pass it on, will you? Attn.: GOP Legislators—We knew you were stupid. Stupidity is what we’ve come to expect out of political clowns from Sphincter Dip or Twin Udders. But now, it’s clear you are also cowards. Craven, negligent, shortsighted, subservient cowards who wouldn’t do the right thing if the country depended on it ... which it does ... and because of you and
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third-string specimens just like you across the land, we can count down the days until all of America is as inferior as you and the bottom-rungers you so proudly represent. U No need to explain the “stupid” label, is there? I say if you don’t already understand instinctively that the nullification bill, the guns on campus bill, the “no penalty or prosecution for illegally killing wolves” bill, the closed primary bill—along with just about everything else the Republicans smeared over the Statehouse walls this session—were stupid wastes of time, money and energy promulgated by stupid, provincial frauds who come to Boise every year strutting their anti-government junk like they think they’re God’s gift to a cheap suit, then it’s likely you’re stupid enough to agree with their stunted ideas and asinine stunts. But for those people who marvel as I do at how such bags of gas can be elected to anything, their cowardice may be more difficult to spot, particularly since they hide it behind a phony facade of courage. As they waddle on home to Bums Fork and Crotch Wells, picture them camped out at the counter of the Pickled Fart Diner, bragging to their homies about how brave, how principled, how patriotic they were to stand four-square against any of those big city revenue-raising tricks them damn Democrats thunked up. (“Yup, boys. Better to let our schools go to shit, better to let all the smitten and disturbed in Idaho go crawling in the streets, better to let ever‘ damn bridge and highway and state park crumble to ruination, than to allow one more penny on the sales tax or to make online merchants pay their fair share, that’s what I say. And it was just me and 30 or 40 more of us there to hold the line, can ya’ imagine?”) And thusly, under the yellow stain of their cowardice, Idaho—and America—will wither like an unwatered rose, all because the walking Republican brain-dead don’t know the difference between leadership—the authentic version of which calls for disobedience to dogma when reality demands it—and a slobbering faith in a failing creed. Their retarded ideology has degenerated so thoroughly, they are willing to sacrifice any and every block in the foundation of our society at the altar of their one guiding, puny, commandment: No matter the price we will eventually pay, let no tax be raised. Sooner or later, though, back home in Squat Butte and Acne Acres, Rust River and Cul-de-Snot, We-Wipe, Fort Ordure and Canyon County, the cowards will have to answer for what they’ve done to the mothers and fathers, the workers and teachers and doctors and policemen—all those who will have to live with and deal with the shameful chaos they have thrust upon us. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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DEVILS WE DON’T KNOW Who are the Libyan opposition?
SAN FRANCISCO—Give George W. Bush this: He respected us enough to lie us into war. President Barack Obama wants us sign a blank check, no questions asked. “We do not have any information about specific individuals from any organization that are part of this [war],” Hillary Clinton said on Meet the Press. “But of course, we are still getting to know the people [rebels] leading the Transitional National Council.” I don’t know what’s more frightening. That Secretary of State Clinton expects us to believe that the U.S. government is fighting, spending, killing—and soon, inevitably, dying—for a cause it doesn’t know anything about? Or that she may be telling the truth? For all we know, the Libyan TNC, also known as the National Conference of the Libyan Opposition, is composed of and led by noble, well-intentioned, freedom-minded people everyone can get behind. But that’s the point: We don’t know. Who are the Libyan opposition? We have few clues. From what we can tell, the TNC is apparently a peculiar alliance of convenience between monarchists and Islamists. One TNC leader is the pretender to the throne. The TNC uses the flag of the former kingdom deposed by Gaddafi. Western media outlets ridiculed the Libyan dictator for blaming unrest on al Qaida. On Feb. 25, CNN’s Paul Cruickshank reflected this official line: “Militant Islamists have played almost no role in the uprisings in Libya.” As bombs were raining down on Tripoli, military officials began to concede an open
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secret: Eastern Libya has long been a hotbed for Muslim extremism. “Al Qaida in that part of the country is obviously an issue,” a senior Obama official said in The New York Times on condition of anonymity. NATO military commander Adm. James Stavridis admitted to a Senate hearing that there were “flickers” of foreign fighters affiliated with al Qaida and Hezbollah presence among anti-Gaddafi insurgents. Constitutionalists want to return to the founders’ original intent. They say Congress, not the president, ought to decide whether to unleash the military. Obama didn’t even bother to get the usual congressional rubber stamp for this latest invasion. War should be voted upon by the citizenry. After all, we—not Congress— bear the costs. If a president can’t be bothered to explain why we should kill and be killed and spend billions of dollars on a conflict, too bad for him and his pet defense contractors. Starting with Obama’s carefully calculated conflation of civilians and insurgents, everything about Obama’s Libyan war stinks. The United Nations has authorized military operations to protect “civilians.” How, no matter how likeable they are, do Libyan rebels armed with anti-aircraft guns qualify as civilians? “If Jeffersonian Democrats take over in Libya, he’s a hero,” Robert Borosage of the Campaign for America’s Future said of Obama. “If he gets stuck in an ongoing civil war, then it could be enormously costly to the country and to him politically.” Which outcome would you bet on?
CATHERINE CARLSON’S DAY IN COURT Advocates suggest a hospital is more appropriate than prison JODY MAY-CHANG on the case. Facing the possibility of becoming the first known post-operative transsexual incarcerated in Idaho, Carlson has concerns the state will follow Payette County’s lead and place her in solitary inside a men’s facility. A number of pre-operative transgender women are currently incarcerated in solitary confinement in Idaho men’s prisons. Prison officials say the prisoners are in men’s lockups for their own protection. But according to the man who oversees such matters, if Carlson is convicted, there is reason to believe that she would be sent to the Women’s Correctional Center. “Genitalia is the deciding factor,” said Dr. Richard Craig, Idaho Department of Correction medical director. “[Either] the offender’s primary physical sexual characteristics or a female following an operation would result in the individual being sent to a female facility.” According to IDOC policy regarding inmates with Gender Identity Disorder: “Unless there are overriding security and/or safety concerns for the offender, an offender requesting GID evaluation, or diagnosed with GID, will be placed in a correctional facility consistent with the offender’s primary physical sexual characteristics.” Idaho human rights advocate Emilie Jackson-Edney said that GID is the only psychiatric disorder that can be cured with surgery. Although not currently indicated in the American Psychiatric Association’s current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Medical Disorders, a new clause is expected to be included in the latest edition to be published this year or next. Given Carlson’s history of mental illness, advocates suggest a hospital is more appropriate than prison, but that is up to Third District Judge Susan Wiebe, who will gavel the trial into session on Tuesday.
Catherine Carlson has been incarcerated since July 11, 2010.
Alcohol and gambling—not your traditional topics for a Monday morning debate. Yet at precisely the same time (8:30 a.m.) on April 4, two committees of the Idaho Legislature considered a couple of themes heard more often in country songs than at the Statehouse: horses and beer. The House State Affairs Committee got a brief primer on Idaho’s history with alcohol sales before considering Senate Bill 1187, a new method for payment of beer or wine by a licensed retailer. In 1933, the 21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution repealed Prohibition, giving states control over alcoholic beverages. Since then, Idaho has operated under a three-tiered regulation system with welldefined distinctions between manufacturers, distributors and retailers for beer and wine products. A critical component of the current system is the so-called “cash law,” requiring cash payment from a retailer to a distributor at time of delivery. “My retailers have 50,000-100,000 items at their locations,” said Roy Eiguren, representing the Northwest Grocery Association. “And there are only two items that do not qualify for credit terms: beer and wine.” The committee unanimously approved SB 1187, which would allow retailers to pay for their beer and wine deliveries with an electronic cash transfer, taking no longer than five days for full payment. Credit cards would not be considered as an acceptable payment. The measure, which has already passed through the Senate, heads for a full House vote, before an anticipated signature from Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter. Meanwhile, the odds of the Senate State Affairs Committee passing an off-track betting bill were much closer. Lawmakers considered a measure that would allow off-track betting licenses at Idaho’s eight county fair racetracks to be transferred to restaurants, or taverns, which could set up their new, standalone betting parlors. “I can guarantee you that four of the eight tracks will immediately take advantage of this,” said Duayne Diderickson, former executive director of the Idaho State Racing Commission. “And I bet this creates a minimum of two to five new jobs at each location.” If approved, the bill would allow racetracks, each at a county fair location, to move their off-track betting operation to a more appropriate spot in the same county. Supporters said new OTB facilities would offer a higher quality venue. “There would be no other betting or gambling devices on the premises,” promised bill sponsor Republican Rep. Carlos Bilbao of Emmett. “And the gambling would only be on horses, no dogs.” Bilbao represents Gem County where one of the eight tracks is located. Bilbao said Gem County Fair’s aging facility is not suitable for OTB operations. The other locations eligible for the license transfer are at county fairgrounds in Blackfoot, Burley, Rupert, Jerome, Idaho Falls, Malad City and Pocatello. The committee voted 5-4 to send the bill to the full Senate for a final vote. The bill has already passed through the House.
“You want to know why this mobile home went up in flames?” asked Carlson. “It went up in flames because they wouldn’t transfer it into my name, and the reason why is because I don’t have an ID. And I don’t have an ID because they are insisting that they keep that aka [Carlson’s previous male identity].” In a series of jailhouse interviews, Carlson told BW that she declined an offer to plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for the arson charge being dropped, which could have dramatically reduced potential prison time. Carlson said she is not taking the deal because she wants her day in court. Claiming her attorney is not going to call any witnesses in her defense, Carlson said testifying on April 12 will be her only way to defend herself and get her side of the story into the public record. Carlson’s attorney, public defender Phillip Heersink, has declined to comment
Catherine Carlson knows that when she steps into the Payette County courtroom on Tuesday, April 12, she faces the possibility of spending the rest of her days in prison. She also knows that she is her only defense witness. But she wants her day in court. Carlson, a 53-year-old transsexual woman, is charged with three felonies: first-degree arson, unlawful possession of a bomb or destructive device, and usage of a hoax destructive device. She is also facing a misdemeanor charge of indecent exposure. All told, she faces up to 35 years behind bars and a $120,000 fine. On the morning of July 11, 2010, firefighters responded to a report of a blaze in a Payette trailer park. Tension quickly mounted when authorities discovered alleged pipe bombs rigged to a propane tank on the front porch of one of the trailers. Attached was a note warning that the home was boobytrapped. Law enforcement evacuated the area while bomb technicians defused the device. Within an hour, firefighters received another call, this time for a car that had been set ablaze near a storage unit north of Payette. Emergency dispatchers received a third call shortly thereafter. Drivers on U.S. Highway 95 near Payette said they had seen a naked woman running down the highway. It was Carlson. Police said she owned the vehicle and the trailer home. Since her arrest, Carlson has spent several months in various mentalhealth facilities undergoing courtordered psychological evaluations and treatment to ready her to stand trial. Deemed fit in December 2010, Carlson was transferred to Payette County jail, where she has been in isolation ever since. Carlson has had many run-ins with police over the years, stemming from what she claims is a lack of respect for her privacy and female gender. Carlson’s mother made her daughter’s sexual reassignment public in an unrelated April 2000 civil case. Consequently, Carlson’s former male name was added to Idaho databases as an alias. Since then, during traffic stops or identification checks by police, Carlson claimed her private information was broadcast over police scanners that she said “put a target” on her back in what she calls the small, conservative, religious community of Payette. Carlson’s efforts to have her male identity removed from Idaho records have been unsuccessful, leading her to what she considered her “breaking point” last July.
—George Prentice
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ANTHONY DOERR Author talks prizes, Oxford and Martha Stewart GEORGE PRENTICE
What is it like to be nominated for a major award? Memory Wall [Doerr’s latest short story collection] just won a big prize in New York City. The event was held in a ridiculously dramatic way. Each of the nominees got up on stage to do a reading before the big announcement. You think you don’t care if you win or not, it’s an honor to be nominated. It matters a great deal to your publisher, and it certainly matters if more readers find your work. But then, somehow you get all worked up. My palms got really sweaty. And now, here you go again with a nomination for the Sunday Times prize. For this prize in particular, there were 2,000 entries, but it’s down to six finalists. It’s a huge honor to be nominated with writers like Hilary Mantel and Yiyun Li.
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How big of an event will the ceremony be on April 8? Well, let’s put it this way. It’s being held in the Great Hall of Christ Church College at Oxford University. You know, that’s where they film the great hall of Hogwarts. Do you remember your first good payday as a writer? I sure do. In 1998, I got a $3,000 check from The Atlantic. It was for “The Hunter’s Wife.” It was one of the longest stories that they had ever published, and they go back more than 100 years. They used to publish Mark Twain. Do you remember how many rewrites there were for that story? Oh, my gosh, no. It was a solid half-year, six to seven hours a day of rewriting. Did you have a good editor? C. Michael Curtis, a very noted short fiction editor. He’s still at The Atlantic. I’m guessing you’ve worked with some of the best. I had an incredible experience in 1999 with George Plimpton at The Paris Review. I never had a piece of work edited like I did with him. I had a story called “The Caretaker,” and it was 17,000 words, more like a novella. Why was Plimpton so good at what he did? Oh, geez. You’re sitting in Boise and you get a call with someone saying, “Please hold for George Plimpton.” And there he is with that voice. Did you know that he was from the Midwest? But he had this upper-crust cultivated accent. He was very specific with his editing. He would spend two hours on the
Anthony Doerr wants you to call him Tony. Officials at international customs call him Anthony or Mr. Doerr when he travels (which is often). As Boise Weekly was going to press, Doerr, 37, was having his passport stamped once more; this time for a trip across the pond to attend a ceremony boasting the world’s biggest short fiction cash prize: The Sunday Times EFG Private Bank Short Story Award. Doerr is one of six writers shortlisted for the award, which is accompanied by a prize of 30,000 pounds—approximately $48,000. Doerr is nominated for “The Deep,” which takes readers on a journey through Detroit, salt mines, aquariums and a maternity ward. Doerr’s previous fiction has won the Story Prize, the O. Henry Prize, the Rome Prize, a Guggenheim Fellowship, NEA Fellowship and a dozen more accolades. He writes semi-regular columns for the Boston Globe and The New York Times.
phone with me. This is stuff that a lot of editors don’t have the time for anymore, because their job is a lot more about marketing now. And speaking of notable personalities, describe your experience with Martha Stewart. In 2002, Martha started a book club and The Shell Collector was going to be her inaugural book. When we arrived at her compound in Connecticut to tape the show, there was a crush of media outside, and I said, “Oh, my gosh. This book club is a huge deal.” We did the interview and she was great. It wasn’t until after I left, that I learned that she had been indicted that morning. Are you an avid reader? I read almost everything, but I have a hard time with junk fiction. I’ll watch a crappy movie but I have a hard time with crappy fiction. Take Dan Brown for example. There are just too many syntactical problems in his sentences. It’s too hoity-toity. Terrible. Are there books that you have re-read multiple times? Certainly. There’s Suttree by Cormac McCarthy. I think I’ve read Moby Dick three times. I’ve read Heart of Darkness at least 10 times. I was just re-reading parts of it the other night.
he Food and Drug Administration is worried about what it calls an “important potential public health issue.” It could be in your latte or your child’s bowl of breakfast cereal. It could be in your refrigerator or freezer. At the very least, the FDA wants to make certain that it’s not in any of the 8 million milk-producing cattle in the United States or the 500,000 dairy cows in Idaho. When test results released last year by the United States Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service showed extremely high levels of drugs and antibiotics in cattle from dairies across the nation, including in Idaho, the federal agency announced it would launch a series of tests to address a potential problem. The Idaho dairy industry decided to preclude the FDA action with some unofficial testing of its own.
SLIDESHOW: Idaho dairy cattle auction.
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Tests from Idaho dairy cows sent to slaughter came back with high levels of antibiotics and drugs.
Through the course of our reporting, BW Yet records of the testing are inaccessible and was continuously advised to contact either records of their strategy meeting don’t exist. On Jan. 4, dairymen from across the Gem the ISDA or the Idaho Dairymen’s Association for their comment. Yet, the ISDA was State met to address the issue at the Boise reluctant to participate in an interview, and headquarters of the Idaho State Department of Agriculture. Officials at the ISDA told BW the Dairymen’s Association did not return repeated calls. there are no minutes, no recordings and no notes of the proceedings. Attendees decided that Idaho dairies would send milk samples for drug and antibiotic analysis to the ISDA Animal Health The law is as clear as a cowbell. The presLab. But the ISDA kept no record of the ence of drug or antibiotic residues exceeding a analysis, and the findings were sent to the safe or tolerable level, set by the FDA, is illeIdaho Dairymen’s Association, which has gal. One of the highest priorities of the agency exclusive ownership of the findings. is to “ensure the safety of animal-derived “These were unofficial samples. We don’t foods for human consumption.” As a result, have to keep a record,” said Brian Oakey, the FDA is responsible for making certain that deputy director of the ISDA. drugs used to treat or prevent diseases are not When asked if the ISDA would be interabused or misused in food-producing animals. ested in what the results might be, Oakey When you think of beef, a dairy cow responded with doesn’t readily a flat “No.” spring to mind. Reactions to But when illegal BW’s investigasubstances are tion into the found in meat, findings of inspectors say drug residues, it’s a good bet federal plans that the root of for sampling the problem can —PAMEL A JUKER, ISDA and the Jan. 4 be traced to a meeting ranged dairy. Accordfrom not suring to the FDA, prised to outraged. while 7.7 percent of cattle slaughtered in the “I would argue that that’s exactly what United States are dairy cattle, a dispropor[ISDA] should have been doing,” said Retional 67 percent of drug residue violations publican Sen. Tim Corder, chairman of the are tied directly to dairy cattle (another 27 Senate Agriculture Committee. percent was traced to veal calves from dairy “It’s troublesome because these are farms). According to the USDA’s Food Safety the people charged with oversight,” said and Inspection Service, violations of drug Democratic Sen. Les Bock, member of the residues occur three times as often in tissues Agricultural Committee from dairy cows than in beef cows. And at least one attendee of the Jan. 4 But drugs are as common as cow patties meeting was upset. in the nation’s dairies. An average dairy cow “There was a regulator in bed with the lives six or seven years, is regularly pregnant industry, saying, ‘It’s OK, we’ll help cover and is constantly being milked. Antibiotics your butt,’” said one dairy industry veteran, are administered to dairy cows for treatment who asked to remain anonymous. “Honest- of mastitis, a potentially fatal infection of the ly, I don’t know if you’ll find anyone inside mammary gland. Treatment is possible with the dairy industry who will talk to you on long-acting antibiotics, but milk from such the record. They’re all employed and they cows is not marketable until drug residues like their jobs.” have cleared the animal’s system. Cows being
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treated for mastitis are supposed to be segregated from the milk-producing herd to alert dairy workers. “Some dairies go as far as having so-called ‘hospital barns,’ which would house any cow undergoing treatment,” said Corder. “Some processors are very sensitive about this.” A primer in American history is necessary to understand food safety and meat inspection in the United States. In 1862, President Abraham Lincoln founded the USDA, appointing a chemist to oversee what would become the FDA. As stockyards and large meat packing plants —FOOD AND multiplied, President Chester Arthur established the Bureau of Animal Industry, the forerunner of the Food Safety and Inspection Service. Inspections of meat and cattle sent to slaughter began as early as 1891. What followed was historic. Author Upton Sinclair took aim at the brutal, exploitive meat packing industry in 1905’s The Jungle, prompting President Theodore Roosevelt’s order to post federal inspectors in meat packing houses. The FDA was formalized in 1927 and regular inspection of the nation’s meat, poultry and dairy became commonplace.
In 2010, the FSIS reported blatant violations in the U.S. food chain. A survey of dairy cows sent to slaughter for beef discovered illegal amounts of drug residue in the livers and kidneys of cows that otherwise would have been turned into hamburger or T-bones. In other words, hundreds of positive samples of drug residues were found in tissues of animals destined for the nation’s meat supply. The drugs ranged from the familiar (penicillin) to the obscure (tilmicosin, an antimicrobial used for respiratory disease). DRUG ADMINISTRATION FSIS even detected gentamicin. Two federal veterinarians confirmed that gentamicin can remain for up to three years in a cow’s organs. The Institute for Safe Medication Practices labels gentamicin as a “high alert medication,” cautioning the drug has a “heightened risk of causing significant harm.” Its manufacturer, LexiComp, lists possible adverse reactions to the central nervous system, skeletal instability and renal failure. According to the FSIS, approximately 20,000 samples of tissue from cattle, swine,
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0.497 2.500 0.153 0.060
0.100 0.125 0.125 0.010
50.0 96.2
12.0 12.0
0 0 0 0
69 FARMS, PRESTON Tilmicosin
EASTRIDGE DAIRY, JACKSON Tetracycline Tetracycline
OAK VALLEY DAIRY, BURLEY Gentamicin Gentamicin Tilmicosin Tilmicosin
0.243 27.561
0.125 0.100
0.100 0.150 0.170
0.050 0.050 0.100
0 0
0.268 0.662 0.222
0.100 0.125 0.125
0.120 0.250
0.050 0.050
sheep and goats are tested each year. In 2010, more than 1,100 violations were traced to dairy cows that had been sent to slaughter and 40 of the violations were tracked to Idaho. “These are scientifically chosen samples, based on several algorithms,” explained an FSIS spokesperson. Federal inspectors do initial sampling at meat processing plants. If there is reason for suspicion, a larger sample is forwarded to one of three FSIS laboratories for confirmation. In each instance the FSIS residue violation report traced the source to cattle, the majority being dairy cows, which had been sent to beef auction. The 40 incidents in Idaho included eight separate drugs, including 11 violations of illegal limits of penicillin in the kidney. Eight were traced to flunixin, an anti-inflammatory analgesic, and six violations were traced to sulfadimethoxine, an antibiotic. There were four separate violations of the use of gentamicin (any trace of the drug is a violation). There were four more violations of tilmicosin (though it’s not officially banned, its tolerance level is zero). Some of the violations were off the charts. In July 2010, the FSIS discovered residue of flunixin in a cow traced to the Double A Dairy in Jerome. FSIS said the cow had flunixin 2,000 percent more than the allowed level. In another violation, a dairy cow traced back to a beef auction at the Producers Livestock Marketing Association in Jerome had sulfamethazine in its liver at 27,000 percent higher than the legal level. “Obviously, we care a great deal about our industry,” said Jordan Lake, spokesman for Double A Dairy. “But that’s all I can tell you. We’ve been told to refer all your calls to the Idaho Dairymen’s Association.” When we told Lake that the association had not returned any of our calls, he said that’s all he could say.
RICK VAN VLIET, NEW PLYMOUTH Penicillin Penicillin Sulfadimethoxine
T & T CATTLE, PARMA Sulfadimethoxine
VAN ES DAIRY, MARSING Sulfadimethoxine Flunixin Flunixin
“Drug residue violations in dairy cattle tissues often result from poor practices on the farm,” said Stephanie Yao, spokesman for the FDA. Yao said that the practices may include failing to maintain treatment records, failing to identify treated animals, abusing dosages, increasing the length of treatment and/ or giving a drug by an unapproved route of administration. “The FDA is concerned that the same poor management practices which led to the meat residues may also result in drug residues in milk,” wrote the FDA in a January statement. “The intent is to conduct the sampling assignment with the cooperation of the states and the milk industry to specifically target those dairies with a history of drug residue violations,” said Yao. “The data obtained from this assignment will provide evidence as to whether the practices on these dairies that have resulted in tissue residue violations are also creating potential milk safety concerns.” Inspectors test Idaho milk on a regular basis, checking for common antibiotics such as penicillin and ampicillin. But the 2010 FSIS list of violations confirmed what many feared: Dairy farmers may be using drugs that are not regularly tested.
WHITE GOLD DAIRY, HANSEN 14 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly
Penicillin Penicillin
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The FDA is making plans to test dairies nationwide after high levels of antibiotics and other drugs were found in cattle linked to dairies.
ated limit for flunixin and sulfadimethoxine. In December 2010, FSIS and the FDA sent word to Double A, Oak Valley, Van Es and ÀiÊÌ > ÊÎäÊ Ì iÀÊ `> Ê`> À iÃÊÌ >ÌÊvi`iÀ> Ê UÊ ÀiÊÌ > Ê£Ó°ÇÊL Ê« Õ `ÃÊ vÊ Ê regulators needed to determine if farms was pumped from half a million Idaho previously identified with drug residues have dairy cows in 2010. inadequate farm management practices. But the testing plan met with fierce pushback UÊ `> Ê ÃÊÌ iÊÃiV ` >À}iÃÌÊ Ê«À `ÕVing state in the western United States and from the dairy industry, which said consequences could force farmers to needlessly ranks third in the nation. dump millions of gallons of milk. “What has been served up, up to this UÊ `> ½ÃÊ`> ÀÞÊ `ÕÃÌÀÞÊ}ÀiÜÊvÀ ÊfÇÎÊ point, by Food and Drug has been po Ê Ê£ ÇäÊÌ Êf£°nnÊL Ê ÊÓä£ä° tentially very damaging to innocent dairy UÊ `> ½ÃÊ`> ÀÞÊ `ÕÃÌÀÞÊi « ÞÃÊ ÀiÊÌ > Ê farmers,” said John Wilson, senior vice ÓÓ]ÇÎäÊ ` Û `Õ> Ã°Ê i`Ê `ÕÃÌÀ iÃÊi - president for Dairy Farmers of America, the nation’s largest dairy cooperative told « ÞÊ> Ê>`` Ì > Ê£Î]{ÇäÊÜ À iÀð The New York Times in January. Wilson said that the nation’s milk was safe, and The Magic Valley is the heart of Idaho’s that there was little reason to think that the `> ÀÞÊ `ÕÃÌÀÞÊÜ Ì ÊΣnÊ«À `ÕViÀÃÊ> `Ê slaughterhouse findings would be replicated nearly 400,000 cows producing more than 9 billion pounds of milk. Consequently, the in tests of the milk supply. BW obtained a copy of a letter sent to majority of the state’s drug residue violathe FDA tors come from the from the two selfsame proclaimed region. friends Oak of Idaho Valley dairymen: Dairy in the InternaBurley retional Dairy « ÀÌi`ÊfxÊ Foods million Association in gross and the Narevenues tional Milk last year. —PAMEL A JUKER, ISDA Producers AccordFederation, ing to representing the FSIS 85 percent of milk and cultured products, survey, the dairy was also the home of two cheese and frozen desserts produced and cows that had traces of gentamicin and marketed in the United States. The megatilmicosin, two drugs with zero tolerance milk lobbyists pushed back against plans levels. The Double A Dairy in Jerome is to test dairy samples at Idaho processing iÊÌ Ê>««À Ý >Ìi ÞÊ£Î]äääÊV ÜðÊ/ iÊ facilities. Instead, the IDFA and NMPF FSIS reported samples from four Double A lobbied to have milk sampled from farmers’ animals were over the acceptable limits for bulk tanks, which many considered to be a ampicillin (600 percent), flunixin (500 percent) and sulfadimethoxine (2,000 percent). fair and equitable method of testing. The alleged violators—with direct influIn the Treasure Valley, one Marsing dairy was targeted by the FSIS as a repeat violator. ence from the ISDA’s dairy bureau chief— crafted the next steps, including unofficial The Van Es Dairy reportedly had tissues from three of its cows register over the toler- testing, to head off federal intervention. According to the Idaho Department of Agriculture:
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Despite repeated requests, neither Marv Patten, ISDA’s dairy bureau chief nor ISDA Director Celia Gould agreed be interviewed for this story. The agency did agree however to take some written questions, which were answered by Pam Juker, ISDA chief of staff, and ISDA Deputy Director Brian Oakey. Both said that the Jan. 4 meeting was not an official ISDA event, despite the fact that it was held at the agency’s headquarters, with Patten helming the session. They said ISDA did not record the meeting and no minutes were taken. But Oakey insisted that the decision was not part of a subversive effort or a cover up. “We wanted to be proactive to get information out to producers and the industry,” Oakey said. Indeed, Idaho’s dairy industry was well represented at the meeting, with more than 50 attendees representing dairy owners, milk processors and veterinarians. In the room were representatives from the Northwest Dairy Association and the Idaho Milk Producers Association. A representative from Jerome Cheese joined on the phone from its Magic Valley headquarters, where every day they turn millions of pounds of milk into 500,000 pounds of cheese. Information distributed to the attendees included diagrams and instructions of test kits designed to detect antibiotics in animal tissues. Dairymen were also given guidelines for milk screening tests, detailing acceptable and unacceptable sensitivity levels of each drug that would be tested by the FDA. In addition, attendees were given an article from the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, spelling out the consequence of the use of prohibited drugs in food animals. “In the instance of repeated or flagrant abuse of the laws, an injunction is placed against the producer until such time as all animals on the premises can be shown to be free of residues,” stated the JAVMA. “If the animals are not free of residues within 60 days, the injunction may become permanent. In extreme cases, responsible persons may be fined or imprisoned.” At the meeting, dairy industry representatives crafted a plan to conduct unofficial testing. And while the tests were done at the ISDA Animal Health Laboratory, agency officials said they did not propose the testing and added that they did not see the results, nor did the ISDA keep any copies or records of the results. Oakey added that because the testing was not state-ordered, the results will not affect any current dairy programs. “The results of the milk tests are the property of and in the possession of the Idaho Dairymen’s Association,” said Juker. “If you want to know what the results were you’re going to need to talk to them.” The Dairymen’s Association, founded in £ {{]Ê«À ÌiÃÊÌ iÊ i Ê-Ì>Ìi½ÃÊf£°nÊL Ê industry and is funded through dairy producer assessments. Juker said the Dairymen’s Association recommended the milk sample testing protocol, but there was no official record of what that protocol entailed. Sen. Tim Corder, a veteran of farming and politics, said ISDA and Idaho dairymen WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
should be credited with not being complacent on the issue. “If I was in the industry, I’d want to know about the problem so I could fix it,” said Corder. “If it was fixed, I don’t know if I’d want that to be public knowledge. If you solve the problem, that’s the goal. But if you can’t solve the problem, make it public, absolutely.” Corder was quick to add that a continual violator shouldn’t be cut any slack. “A repeat offender? That’s a problem,” said Corder. “They don’t get a pass. Not from the department. Not from the industry.” Sen. Les Bock agreed with his Ag committee colleague. “Idaho’s dairy industry has been trying to clean up its act, and we want to believe that,” said Bock. “But if it begins to look like they’re not, it’s going to hurt their credibility with the committee.” Bock stared at the FSIS violation report. “I don’t buy anything other than organic anyway,” said Bock, pointing at the list. “This is why.”
Though the FDA announced plans for testing of Idaho dairies, those tests have yet to start. “Nothing’s been finalized,” said Stephanie Yao, FDA spokesperson. “The milk sampling has not begun. We want to seek further input on approaches that will help us address, to the extent possible, the concerns that have been raised.” When the FDA begins showing up at hundreds of American farms, including in Idaho, Yao said they’ll be looking for wellmanaged dairies. “A well-managed dairy farm maintains records of each animal treated, what it was treated with, when it was treated and how it was treated,” said Yao. “Such records are used by producers so that they can ensure that treated cows put back into the milking string or sold for slaughter have met appropriate drug withdrawal times in order to prevent illegal drug residues in meat and milk.” But Yao confirmed that sometimes, inspectors discover problems. “Yes, the FDA is concerned that the same poor management practices which led to the meat residues may also result in drug residues in milk,” said Yao. Oakey said his agency is waiting for the FDA’s next move. “It’s in their court. I can’t speculate on what going to happen,” he said. Corder said he was convinced that there were numerous behind-closed-door conversations concerning the issue. “The last thing any Idaho dairyman wants is for someone to read a story in your paper that builds suspicion of people where they don’t buy any more milk or cheese. That’s the very last thing a dairyman wants.” Corder said he looked forward to more transparency on the issue in the near future. “I suspect that the Dairymen’s Association are trying to plot a course, not around the issue but through the issue,” said Corder.
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BOISEvisitWEEKLY PICKS boiseweekly.com for more events JOHN GIB S ON/ R ED B U LL
Look, Ma, no hands.
Kenny Barron gives his jazz hands a rest before the Gene Harris Jazz Festival.
film RED BULL RAMPAGE They say Red Bull gives you wings, and on Thursday, April 7, mountain bikers will catch some wind under their wings at the Boise Area Mountain Bike Association’s and Southern Idaho Downhillers’ screening of Red Bull Rampage: The Evolution at Northgate Reel Theatre. The Red Bull Rampage is an annual downhill mountain bike competition. When Red Bull sponsors something, it has to be extreme, and the Rampage is no exception. Virgin, Utah, played host for the event, which included the Rampage course that spans more than 1,500 vertical feet. Riders are judged on style, fluidity, amplitude and difficulty of their line. This terrain—with its monumental rock structures and fatally steep sides—demands the perfect blend of fearlessness and skill from the riders as they weave through the unforgiving landscape. The course also features a 60-foot canyon jump. Riders risked their extremities as they cleared 60 feet of sharp rocks jutting from the valley, while going at top speed, downhill, toward the narrow take-off ramp overlooking the canyon. For $10, you can purchase a ticket to the screening, which includes a raffle ticket. Movie tickets go on sale at 6:30 p.m. and the film starts at 7 p.m., with all proceeds going to the maintenance and improvement of the Eagle Bike Park, making this adrenaline-filled movie night beneficial to the community as well. 7 p.m., $10, including raffle ticket. Northgate Reel Theatre, 6950 W. State St., 208-3772620, For more information, visit treasurevalleycycling.com or eaglebikepark.org.
THURSDAY APRIL 7 urban art ROBOTIC HAND AESTHETIC If urban art and slick beats are your jam, swing by Studio J for AIGA Idaho’s
Robotic Hand Aesthetic, a showcase of work from local artists Preston Woods, Kelly Knopp, Katie Svoboda, Bobby Gayton, A.J. Ogden and Joe Appel. DJ Revolve will spin beats and Sector 17 will live spray paint art. Also showing will be a screening of the Banksy documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop. 5:30 p.m., FREE. Studio J,
18 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly
THURSDAY-SATURDAY APRIL 7-9 all that jazz GENE HARRIS JAZZ FESTIVAL Since its start in 1998, the Gene Harris Jazz Festival has been celebrated as an event that welcomes spring to the Treasure Valley. The festival was created by the late great Gene Harris himself to improve the quality of life in Boise through music education. And it has been wildly successful for more than a decade. Not only has the festival made Boise jazzier, it’s helped to make it the cultural capital of Idaho. With three days of events, this year’s festival is bigger and better than ever. From jazz clinics and workshops to student performances, events will be spread out at venues across Boise State, including the fancy Stueckle Sky Center, the Simplot Ballroom and the Morrison Center. It’s a weekend that might leave you a little out of breath but with a lot of swing in your step. Of course, the jazz performances are the central affair. This year, the main event is the Gene Harris Legacy Concert, which features a performance by pianist Kenny Barron. Each day has both a headlining concert and a matinee—with performances by artists including the Amina Figarova Sextet and Louis Hayes’ Cannonball Legacy Band—as well as additional performances by the Boise State Jazz Ensembles. Thursday, April 7-Saturday, April 9. Prices and times var y. Boise State. For additional per formances, price information and maps to events, visit geneharris.org.
1322 W. Main St., studiojboise.com.
ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE On one hand, myths are stories involving supernatural beings that teach lessons or provide explanations of natural phenomena. On the other, myths can be falsehoods or old wives’ tales—
like the myth that Pop Rocks and soda will cause your stomach to explode. But many ancient myths have provided the backbone for some great works of art. The Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice has been explored in art, literature and drama for
centuries. The story is simple, thus lending it to varied interpretations. Orpheus, a musician, falls in love with Eurydice and they get married. But when Eurydice is walking through a 23 field after the wedding, she is bitten by WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
GEM STATE GEMS Cort Conley’s new book, Idaho Artists TARA MORGAN involved in doing that kind of engraving, it Writer Cort Conley is more documentarian might open you up to considering somebody than artist. Though he tried his hand at art that’s doing rawhide braiding or making school years ago, he found his calling chronisaddles or blowing glass or any number of cling and artfully describing others’ obsesIdathings also being an artist.” sions. Sharing an Italian soda with his young ho One of the more nontraditional artists daughter Keats at Flying M Coffeehouse, Artists Conley profiles is Midvale knife-maker Conley racked his brain for a W. Somerset examine Dwight Towell, a former farmer who Maugham quote to sum up his failed foray the artist’s fashions highly sought-after knives with into the art world. workspace handles made from delicate materials like “There’s nothing so terrible as the pursuit as a place of shell, tusk, antler and bone. Speaking of art by those who have no talent,” he said solitude and about his craft, Towell tells Conley: finally, a satisfied smile spreading across his respite—an “Like an old fellow said, ‘It’s easy thin lips, tufts of gray hair peeking out from intimately to make a knife—just take a piece of under a ball cap. revelatory cresteel and grind away everything that A collector of stories, images and quotes, ative womb. doesn’t look like one.’ I’m still grindConley is frequently drawn to those with a “Obviously, ing,” said Towell. singular, impassioned pursuit—be it living off every artist is a Conley also profiles more wellthe grid in a remote mountain town or holing loner. They’re up in a barn for hours on end carving delicate known visual artists like painters alone when they’re patterns into horse saddles. Director of Litera- Charles Gill, Tarmo Watia, Molly Hill creating their art. ture at Idaho Commission on the Arts, Conley and Troy Passey. As Conley explains They’re oblivious to in the book, writing and visual has written several books, including Idaho the rest of the world art also arm wrestled for Passey’s Loners: Hermits, Solitaries and Individualists and if they don’t have and his most recent, Idaho Artists: A Contem- attention—“the itch to make dark the capacity for that marks on white paper is shared by porary Selection. kind of solitude, they’ll artists and writers,” Conley quotes The 168-page book is a collection of never be a great artist,” John Updike as saying. Though profiles written on 36 Idaho artists—painters, explained Conley. visual art ultimately won out with sculptors, ceramists, writers, poets, woodAnd that solitude Passey, most of his pieces include workers—many of them originally published extends beyond the some form of handwritten, repetiin the state arts newsletter Latitudes. Though studio for a large number tive text. the book was conof the artists profiled in In the ceived by late Boise Conley’s book. Many live profile, Cort Conley will read from and sign copies of State English profesIdaho Artists on First Thursday from 7-8:30 a pastoral existence, diliConley sor Tom Trusky, Conp.m. A portion of proceeds will benefit BAM. gently honing their art-form dililey saw the project BOISE ART MUSEUM for decades in old houses off gently to completion after 670 Julia Davis Drive winding dirt roads. They’ve deTrusky passed away 208-345-8330 traded the fast-paced metroscribes in late 2009. boiseartmuseum.org politan art worlds of New York Passey’s “Tom had the idea and Los Angeles for the quiet, artistic about two years ago rural life that Idaho affords. routine in his North End home: and he was going to be the editor for it … he “You pay a price for living in “On the fifth day, Friday, he did not want a book that was stuffy or artistic Idaho; every person in there has. torques up the stereo, rolls up or museum-quality… I think he’d be happy Unless they were famous when the living room rug, vacuums with the outcome,” said Conley. they came here … but otherwise, the wooden floor and then In the book’s preface, Conley tackles the it’s really off-route,” said Conley. kneels in the light from the timeless question, “What is art?” He muses: “But they go right on producing, three south-facing windows to “Assuredly, there is no art without craft; they never essentially think about ponder the expressive possijust as surely, artless craft abounds. Still, that aspect of their career.” bilities within the boundaries beyond argument, when craft transcends its For Passey, being designated an of a blank sheet of paper.” maker, distinguishing between the two is a “Idaho artist” is immaterial. With Though Passey’s family pointless exercise better left to institutions that countless artists living and produchas since moved to a larger feast upon cultural politics and economics, ing within Idaho’s borders, he’s most gatekeepers patrolling the borders of their little house with a designated honored to have received Conley’s studio space, he still blankets kingdoms by shooting trespassers on-site.” stamp of approval. The cover of Idaho Artists plays with view- his home with paintings-in“I think geography is a construct, progress. ers’ preconceptions of art vs. craft. On the you know what I mean, in terms of the “I do have an actual studio front, there’s an oval-shaped, opalescent object borders of the state … there are some now, but it’s funny, I still make of indeterminate size with delicate flowery enamazingly talented people here and Cort is graving. On the back, that object is more read- big pieces,” said Passey. “I’m one. He’s a total treasure for the state.” ily recognizable as a belt buckle, with engraver getting ready for the Modern [Art event], and so I will still David Alderson’s name carved at the bottom. sort of take over the living room “You look at it and say, What is that? for large-scale works.” Is it jewelry? How big is it?” said Conley. Dwight Towell’s folding knife contains a tiger obsidian inlay. Most of Conley’s profiles in “Then once you realize the kind of skill that’s WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
BOISEweekly | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | 19
1ST THURSDAY/LISTINGS East Side BASQUE MARKET—Enjoy frozen white sangria, spring influenced tapas and wine tasting. 5-8 p.m. 608 W. Grove St., 208-433-1208, thebasquemarket.com. BASQUE MUSEUM & CULTURAL 1 CENTER—Jam session with musicians who play Basque music, the gallery exhibit “Hidden in Plain Sight: The Basques” or a guided tour of the Jacobs/Uberuaga house. 6:30 p.m. FREE. 611 Grove St., 208-343-2671, basquemuseum.com.
BOISE ART GLASS—Watch glass 2 blowing demonstrations by local artists and enjoy snacks and cider. 5-11 p.m. FREE. 530 W. Myrtle St., 208-345-1825, boiseartglass.com. DRAGONFLY—Take advantage of the spring sale and receive 20 percent off everything in the store through Saturday, April 16. 5-9 p.m. FREE. 414 W. Main St., 208-338-9234, gama-go.com.
FLATBREAD COMMUNITY OVENDOWNTOWN—Check out Amber Grubb’s photographs while enjoying happy hour featuring $6 deals.
Bottles of wine are $20, and kids eat free with purchase. 615 W. Main St., 208-287-4757, flatbreadpizza.com.
FLYING M COFFEEHOUSE— Check out graphic artist Cale Cathey’s exhibit “Manly Nursery Rhymes for Men (and Girls Will Like It Too).” FREE. 500 W. Idaho St., 208345-4320, flyingmcoffee.com.
INDIE MADE—Check out the new 5 bigger, brighter space, located across the hall from the old store. FREE. 108 N. Sixth St.
MELTING POT—Take advantage of the new happy hour, featuring your choice of any three draft beers, house wines, call well drinks and select menu items for $12. 200 N. Sixth St., 208-383-0900, meltingpot.com. PENGILLY’S—The Frim Fram Four will be playing. 8:45 p.m. FREE. 513 W. Main St., 208-345-6344. WILLI B’S SANDWICH SALOON— Stop in for Treasure Hunt Karaoke, $2.50 wells and drafts, $3 Salmon Creek wine and $1.50 PBR cans. 225 N. Fifth St., 208-331-5666, willibs. com.
South Side ATOMIC TREASURES—An eclectic mix of 6 vintage, retro, art and found objects on sale. Clint “Shaggie” Sperl is the featured artist. FREE. 409 S. Eighth St., 208-344-0811, atomictreasures.com. BOISE ART MUSEUM—Join Mark Junkert 7 and Laura Rushing-Raynes from Opera Idaho for a preview and discussion of the upcoming performance of Orpheus and Eurydice. FREE. 670 Julia Davis Drive, 208-345-8330, boiseartmuseum.org. BOISE PUBLIC LIBRARY—Singers from Opera Idaho, including Tara Victoria Smith will perform. 715 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-384-4200, boisepubliclibrary.org. BROWN’S GALLERY—Check out the new 8 exhibit “Come on Spring” by various artists, and check out David Mensing, Robert Akers, Teri Thickson and more painting live in the gallery. There will also be wine tasting, music by Dr. Todd Palmer and free chair massage from Yvette Zoe. 5-9 p.m. FREE. 408 S. Eighth St., 208-342-6661. CASA DEL SOL—$5 margaritas, $2 tacos, $2 Tecate drafts and live music by Miguel Gonzales. FREE. 409 S. Eighth St., 208-287-3660. COLE MARR GALLERY/COFFEE HOUSE— 9 Cole Marr Gallery and Coffeehouse. Poet Megan Williams will host “Ghosts and Projectors,” featuring readings by undergrad poets, and David Marr’s exhibit “Images from North Idaho, the Kootenai Valley” will be on display to celebrate the grand opening of the new coffeehouse. 404 S. Eighth St., Ste. 134, 208-336-7630. EIGHTH STREET MARKETPLACE AT 10 BODO—Part of the Artist in Residence program. Kathleen Keys and guests will discuss travel and art, including writing in travel journals and photos and pieces from Arin Lindstrom’s MFA thesis exhibit “Place: An Artist’s Experience in a Highly Mobile World” will be on display. Matt Bodett, Marcus Pierce and Cody Rutty will all be showing artwork as well. See Downtown News, Page 30. 404 S. Eighth St., Mercantile Building, 208-338-5212, 8thstreetmarketplace.com. HAIRLINES—Stop in and make an appointment for a new ‘do. 409 S. Eighth St., 208-383-9009. HAPPY FISH—Featuring artist Shasta 11 Nash’s “Mixing Metaphor” series. See Downtown News, Page 30. 855 W. Broad St., 208-343-4810, happyfishsushi.com. IDAHO STATE HISTORICAL MUSEUM— 12 Listen to African-style xylophone ensemble Marimba Boise play their upbeat music inspired by the dance music of Zimbabwe and celebrate 50 years of Peace Corps service. 5-9 p.m. Donations accepted. 610 N. Julia Davis Drive, 208-334-2120, history.idaho.gov. QUE PASA—Check out the best selection of Mexican artwork in town, including wall fountains, silver, pottery and blown glass. 409 S. Eighth St., 208-385-9018. R. GREY GALLERY JEWELRY AND ART 13 GLASS—Featuring the annual Boise State Student Metal show. Meet the artists, bid on one-of-a-kind brooches and necklaces and browse the gallery. 5-9 p.m. FREE. 415 S. Eighth St., 208-385-9337, rgreygallery.com. RENEWAL CONSIGNMENT HOME14 WARES—Part of the Artist in Residence program. Featuring mixed-media sculptor Saratops McDonald. Ed Anderson’s large scale paintings, Gus Johnson’s modern chairs and Wren VanBockel’s paintings are on display in the Fulton Street showroom. 517 S. Eighth St., 208-338-5444. SALON 162—Check out Rog Lyngass’ 15 interpretive expressionism paintings and meet the staff. Get a complimentary consultation for a new spring style and 10 percent off Pureology hair care products. 404 S. Eighth St., 208-386-9908. SNAKE RIVER WINERY—Stop in and sample the new Cobble Hill reisling, merlot and orange muscat. The 2005 merlot will be on sale for $10.25 a bottle. 786 W. Broad St., 208345-9463. SOLID—Enjoy music by Ryan 16 Wissinger, art by Sylvia Cohen and free appetizers and liquor tastings. 405
S. Eighth St., 208-345-6620.
20 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly
R E D L I ON D OW N TOW N E R , 1 8 0 0 FA I RV I E W AV E , B O I S E A N D R E D L I ON T E M P L I N â&#x20AC;&#x2122; S , 4 1 4 E 1 S T AV E , P O S T FA L LS 6 ) + - 7 8 ) 6 %8 ; ; ; * - 0 1 - (% , 3 ' 3 1 ; 3 6 / 7 , 3 4 7 % 7 4 < Â&#x2C6; 5 9 ) 7 8 - 3 2 7
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BOISEweekly | IDAHO CINEPOSIUM 2011 | 21
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS APRIL 15 Idaho Film Advisory Committee Meeting 1:30pm–5:00pm (Boise)
Reception at Idaho Cinematic Equipment 5140 Sawyer, Suite F 5:30pm-7:30pm (Boise)
“High Noon” Luncheon
“Network” Networking session between WTIEOIVW ½PQQEOIVW
Post Falls 11:00am-11:30am Boise 12:00pm-12:30pm
“True Grit” Luncheon Keynote Post Falls 11:30am-1:30pm Boise 12:30pm-2:30pm General Session: Sell It - Traditional and nontraditional distribution Jerome Courshon, The Secrets of Distribution (Boise)
“The Matrix”
Post Falls 7:30am-8:00am Boise 8:30am-9:00am Continental Breakfast
Post Falls 1:30pm-2:45pm Boise 2:30pm-3:45pm Software Demonstration: Budgeting, Scheduling, Locations, Contacts, etc. Aaton Cohen-Sitt, Jungle Software (Boise)
“Back to the Future”
“Breakheart Pass” Afternoon
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
Post Falls 8:00am-8:15am Boise 9:00am-9:15am Welcome & Introductions; Comments from 20052006 Task Force Co-chairs. Peg Owens, Jana Kemp & Ben Shedd (Boise); Karen Ballard (Post Falls)
“Deal or No Deal”
Post Falls 8:15am-9:30am Boise 9:15am-10:30am Panel Discussion: Protect Yourself - Legal Contracts, Deal Memos, Talent Agreements. Brad Frazer, Catrine McGregor, Natalie Camacho Mendoza, Robert Teffeteller (Boise); Anne Mitchell, Guy Zajonc (Post Falls)
±8LI +SSH XLI &EH ERH XLI 9KP]² 9:30am-11:00am 10:30am-12:00pm General Session: Set etiquette and professionalism on a set of any size. Kenny Chaplin, Production Assistant Training Program (Boise)
22 | IDAHO CINEPOSIUM 2011 | BOISEweekly
Post Falls 2:45pm-3:00pm Boise 3:45pm-4:00pm
Post Falls 4:45pm-5:30pm Boise 5:45pm-7:00pm Coffee Garden Restaurant in Boise or Templin’s Mallard Lounge
April 17 “Coffee, Tea or Me?”
Post Falls 8:45am-9:00am Boise 9:45am-10:00am Coffee Service
Post Falls 9:00am-10:15am Boise 10:00am-11:15pm BreakPanel Discussion: Production Management Issues. Kenny Chaplin, Lorena Davis (Boise); Ted Parvin (Post Falls)
“Cinema Paradiso”
Post Falls 3:00pm-4:45pm Boise 4:00pm-5:45pm Camera/Equipment Demonstrations & Drop-in Discussions. Idaho Cinematic Equipment in Boise and Idaho Grip & Lighting in Post Falls. Demonstrations SJ GEQIVEW ERH IUYMTQIRX EZEMPEFPI MR -HELS 36 ½RH a corner to discuss a topic:
Speakers and panelists from each city will be communicating via video GSRJIVIRGI *SPPS[ HMWGYWWMSRW SR [[[ JEGIFSSO GSQ MHELS½PQSJ½GI ERH [[[ X[MXXIV GSQ MHELS½PQSJ½GI
(concurrent with equipment/software demos): kNIFVES special interest groups International Film Festival Planning - Eric Sandmeyer/ Tony Okun Crowd Funding/Kickstarter - Greg Bayne Film education in Idaho – Ryan Gillentine 2012 Arts Commission Grants Topic of your choice
Post Falls 10:15am-11:30am Boise 11:15pm-12:30pm Panel Discussion: New Media, Motion Capture, 3D, Apps, Podcasts & Game Development. Eric Regner, Jesse Cordtz, Aimee Nell Lewis, Pamela Kleibrink Thompson (Boise); Chris Ervin, Michael Moore (Post Falls)
“Ratatouille” Brunch Post Falls 11:30am-12:00pm Boise 12:30-1:00pm
“All the Right Moves” Brunch Keynote Address
Post Falls 12:00pm-1:30pm Boise 1:00pm-2:30pm 8LMRO 3YXWMHI XLI &S\ 3J½GI [MXL .SR 6IMWW &SMWI
“Gimme A Break”
Post Falls 1:30pm-1:45pm Boise 2:30pm-2:45pm “Wall
Street” Panel Discussion
Post Falls 1:45pm-3:00pm Boise 2:45pm-4:00pm Funding in the 21st Century. Jon Reiss, Greg Bayne, Jerome Courshon, Idaho Arts Commission (Boise); Dale Stevens (Post Falls)
“Million Dollar Baby”
Post Falls 3:00pm-4:15pm Boise 4:00pm-5:15pm A New Era in Distribution. Jon Reiss, Jerome Courshon, Greg Bayne, Tony Ventura (Boise)
“The Wizard of Oz”
Post Falls 4:15pm-5:30pm Boise 5:15pm-6:30pm Post Production Software Demos. Jesse Cordtz, Sam Welker, Seth Randal (Boise) View post-production WSJX[EVI 36 ½RH E GSVRIV XS HMWGYWW E XSTMG
(concurrent with equipment/software demos) kNIFVES special interest groups International Film Festival Planning Eric Sandmeyer/Tony Okun Crowd Funding/Kickstarter - Greg Bayne Film education in Idaho – Ryan Gillentine 2012 Arts Commission Grants Topic of your choice
Conference Wrap Post Falls 5:30pm Boise 6:30pm
Elton John has a song for you.
SATURDAY APRIL 9 piano man ELTON JOHN Grab your electric boots and brush out that mohair suit. The king of queens is coming to Boise. He could be known simply as “Elton,” following in the vein of other single-name celebrities like Cher, Madonna … and Elmo. Sir Elton John will descend upon the Treasure Valley on Saturday, April 9, for his third U.S. tour stop. His 43-city tour will continue on after his show at the Taco Bell Arena, spanning 12 European countries, the United Kingdom, Brazil and New Zealand. Elton was known for his outlandish costumes, platform shoes, sequin exploitation and oversized sunglasses long before the advent of the Bedazzler and Mary Kate Olsen, respectively. He has been pushing fashion and music boundaries since he burned his way onto the international music scene in 1970 with “Your Song.” Perusing the major radio stations, you’re likely to land on any of Elton’s No. 1 hits, many of which will be performed at the upcoming concert. His prolific career spans more than five decades, with a younger demographic being introduced to his work in The Lion King. Countless fans of all ages also know many of the lyrics to songs like “Rocket Man” and “Benny and the Jets.” His also recently added fatherhood to his list of accomplishments when he and husband David Furnish added their own tiny dancer, Zachary, to their family on Christmas Day 2010. 8 p.m., $29-$129. Taco Bell Arena, 1910 University Drive, 208-426-1900, tacobellarena.com. For more information, visit eltonjohn.com.
cheek, and made hell grant what love did seek.” Hades freed Eurydice on one condition: that Orpheus not turn around to look at her until they both reached the other side. He almost made it but as he reached the light of the
a viper and dies. Sick with grief, Orpheus travels to the underworld to get her back. Once there, he plays a song to win her freedom. As John Milton wrote in Orpheus’ Song, 18 the music “drew iron tears down Pluto’s
All eyes are on owls this weekend at the Foothills Learning Center.
SATURDAY APRIL 9 hootenanny OWL MANIA Wanna know why an owl can turn its head all the way around? Or how it can see prey at night? Or how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Tootsie Pop? Then head down to the Foothills Learning Center and get owl of your questions answered on Saturday, April 9, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Local owl experts will be on hand for an all-owl hoot-enanny, which includes a hooting contest, owl crafts, a lecture on owl nocturnal hunting adaptations and a hike up to Hull’s Gulch to spot a pair of great horned owls. The Foothills Learning Center will even offer Second Saturdays program attendees the ickily awesome opportunity to dissect an owl pellet—which is a nice word for owl barf that contains the skeletal remains of its recent meals. 10 a.m.-2 p.m., FREE. Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Road, 208-514-3755, cityofboise.org/ parks/foothills.
Earth he looked back, and she was gone forever. Opera Idaho, Idaho Dance Theatre, Boise State’s Department of Music and Boise Art Museum will present four multimedia performances of Orpheus and Eurydice in the Sculpture Court at BAM. Stephen Knapp’s light
It’s no wonder unsolicited e-mail and everyone’s favorite unnaturally pink canned “meat” share the same name. Spam, in both cases, comes from an unidentifiable, often sketchy source, generally ends up in the trash and, in the long run, wreaks havoc on your physical or electronic well-being. And while there have been no documented accounts of the meaty Spam working hand-in-hand with Nigerian princes to distribute their vast wealth to unsuspecting heirs, the name is still not to be trusted. unsubsribe.com Luckily, there’s a new online service that will help you ban nasty e-mail spam from your life forever. With a mission “to stop unwanted e-mail at the source,” unsubscribe.com allows users to easily unsubscribe from spam e-mails with the click of a button. According to the website, it works like this: “Users can either download an unsubscribe button to be used in their e-mail client, or forward unwanted mail from any device. The custom button allows you to check off multiple e-mails at a time to unsubscribe from, revisiting a brand new inbox. Plus, you can download our button for all of your various e-mail accounts at no additional charge.” For $2.95 a month, $19.95 a year or $69.95 a lifetime, you are granted unlimited unsubscribes on an unlimited number of e-mail accounts. You’ll also receive a detailed email summary and an easy-to-use unsubscribe dashboard. Now if only ridding the world of the other Spam were that easy. —Tara Morgan
paintings provide a backdrop for original choreography and live musical score. Friday, April 8-Saturday, April 9, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, April 10, 2:30 p.m.; $10-25. Boise Art Museum, 670 Julia Davis Drive, 208-3458330, boiseartmuseum.org.
an event by e-mail to calendar@boiseweekly.com. Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.
BOISEweekly | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | 23
We began by taking mixed cases of homebrew to parties – their abbreviations written on the caps. Everyone always searched for “FT”. Fat Tire was the go-to beer even then. Now 20 years later, I wonder, was it coincidence or prophecy that this perfectly balanced beer was born on a bike?
FAT TIRE co-founder, Kim Jordan
ALIGN FOLD HERE 24 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly
I’VE ALWAYS HATED FAT TIRE It’s the hardest beer for us to make. It’s still a homebrew recipe. The hop/malt balance required makes me pull out what little hair I have left. But, last night as I savored Fat Tire Ale, all was forgiven. The Belgian inspiration, the elegance – it’s worth every ounce of frustration.
Peter Bouckaert, brewer of FAT
FOLD HERE BOISEweekly | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | 25
There’s something for everyone at the
This Weekend! April 9-10 Sat 9 a.m. - 6 p.m Sun 10 a.m. - 4p.m. Admission Only $2 free with your Boise Weekly card www.facebook.com/TVFlea www.TreasureValleyFleaMarket.com
Festivals & Events
Festivals & Events
LIQUID FORUM—Celebrate the work nonprofit organizations do for the community. Featuring the Idaho Peace Coalition and music from the Brian Bateman Blend. 5:30-7:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, liquidboise.com.
ARABIAN NIGHTS AT THE CAZBA—Music, drumming, good food and belly dancers make for an evening of excitement and fun. 7-9 p.m. Cazba Restaurant and Opa Lounge, 211 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-381-0222.
POETRY SLAM OF STEEL AND HAIKU BATTLE—Performance poetry workshop followed by a poetry slam. For more info, e-mail cheryl_maddalena@yahoo. com. There is a $25 prize for the haiku champ. 6 p.m. $5 poetry slam, $1 with student ID, boisepoetry.com. Woman of Steel Gallery and Wine Bar, 3640 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-331-5632.
On Stage
On Stage THE FANTASTICKS—A musical fable about two fathers who scheme to have their children fall in love. 7 p.m. $16.50-$37.50. Knock ’Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., 208385-0021, kedproductions.org. THE VELOCITY OF AUTUMN— See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $14-$21. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater.org.
THE VELOCITY OF AUTUMN— Eric Coble’s play featuring Lillian, a feisty artist who’s not willing to go gracefully into the retirement home her children have deemed to be the best place for her. 8 p.m. $14-$21. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., 208-331-9224, bctheater.org.
KNEEBODY—The Grammy-nominated group will perform as part of the Gene Harris Jazz Festival. 8 p.m. $20-$35. Boise State Student Union (Simplot Grand Ballroom), 1910 University Drive, Boise.
Food & Drink
Workshops & Classes
LADIES NIGHT OUT—A glamorous night out with friends, wine tasting, free appetizers, drawings for prizes and networking. 6-10 p.m. $5 wine tasting. Helina Marie’s Wine and Gift Shop, 11053 Highway 44, Star, 208-2867960, helinamaries.com.
KOHA YOGA WORKSHOP—See Wednesday. 6-10 p.m. $35 per night. Grace Place, 3008 Grace St., Boise.
SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS—Learn how to use social media to help grow your business and online presence. Lunch included. 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m. $20. U.S. Bank Building, 101 S. Capitol, Boise, 208-345-8519, unicoprop.com.
Art ROBOTIC HAND AESTHETIC—A showcase of local artists’ work including AJ Ogden, Katie Svoboda, Kelly Knopp, Bobby Gaytan and more, along with a live graffiti art performance by Sector Seventeen, music by DJ Revolve and Bansky’s Exit Through the Gift Shop. 5:30-9:30 p.m. FREE. Studio J, 1322 W. Main St., Boise, 208-713-9329.
Literature CHRISTOPHER MCDOUGALL— Meet the author of the novel Born to Run and have him sign your copy of his book. Please RSVP to Leone atleone@idahorunningcompany.com. 5 p.m. FREE. Double Tree Hotel BoiseRiverside, 2900 Chinden Blvd., Boise, doubletree1.hilton.com.
Odds & Ends MEET THE DOCTORS—Meet the doctors of Boise Natural Health and get your questions about naturopathic medicine answered. 5:30-6:30 p.m. FREE. Boise Natural Health, 4219 Emerald St., Boise, 208338-0405, boisenaturalhealth.com. 31
Workshops & Classes KOHA YOGA WORKSHOP—Join instructors Whakpaignia and Sara Luke from Venice, Calif., for an instructional workshop to learn the healing practice of “flying yoga.” Visit thekohacenter. com for more info and to register for the class. 6-10 p.m. $35 per night. Grace Place, 3008 Grace St., Boise.
Literature ROAD CYCLING ROUTES— Steve Stuebner, author of The Boise Road Cycling Guide will speak about some of the best routes to take in the greater Treasure Valley. 7 p.m. FREE. REI, 8300 W. Emerald St., Boise, 208-322-1141, rei.com/stores/ boise.
Talks & Lectures HARMONY HAMMOND VISIT— The co-founder of the first women’s cooperative gallery in New York and co-editor of Heresies: A Feminist Publication on Art and Politics and a professor at the University of Arizona. 6 p.m. FREE. Student Union Lookout Room, Boise State, Boise, 208-426-2468.
26 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly
Skeleton Blues by Connor Coughlin was the 1st place winner in the 9th Annual Boise Weekly Bad Cartoon Contest.
Jon Reiss, 8LMRO 3YXWMHI XLI &S\ 3J½GI Named one of “10 Digital Directors to Watch” by Daily Variety, Jon is developing new feature ½PQ TVSNIGXW [LMPI working the long tail of distribution for his latest ½PQ &SQF -X MW E JIEXYVI HSGYQIRXEV] WLSX SR ½ZI continents that studies XLI I\TPSWMSR SJ KVEJ½XM GYPXYVI XLVSYKLSYX XLI world. Jon also teaches at Cal Arts in the Film Directing Program where he developed and oversees the Guest Artist Workshop. He invented and teaches the course “Real World Survival Skills for Independent Filmmakers” which covers the TVEGXMGEP FYWMRIWW EWTIGXW SJ ½PQQEOMRK JVSQ fundraising through distribution. He wrote Think 3YXWMHI XLI &S\ 3J½GI XS FI XLI WXIT F] WXIT KYMHI JSV ½PQQEOIVW XS HMWXVMFYXI ERH QEVOIX XLIMV ½PQW ,I RS[ FVMRKW XLIWI XSSPW XS ½PQQEOers in TOTBO workshops. Jon will present his keynote address on Sunday.Web: www.jonreiss. GSQ SV [[[ XLMROSYXWMHIXLIFS\SJ½GI GSQ [[[ JEGIFSSO GSQ 8LMRO3YXWMHI8LI&S\3J½GI
Jerome Courshon, The Secrets of Distribution An award-winning TVSHYGIV [VMXIV LMW ½VWX movie was the critically EGGPEMQIH MRHMI ½PQ +SH Sex & Apple Pie, released by Warner Bros. His challenging journey on XLEX ½PQ [EW TVS½PIH MR the Los Angeles Times. After acquiring enormous experience playing “the distribution game”, he began assisting colleagues on their movies. Some of them achieved distribution in as little as 4 months by applying his methods. Jerome developed a DVD series and 2-day workshop covering traditional distribution and DIY in depth, as well as the emerging & developing non-traditional options for ½PQQEOIVW ,I LEW [VMXXIR TVMQIVW ERH EVXMGPIW on distribution for MovieMaker Magazine, Indie 7PEXI 1EKE^MRI *MPQ *IWXMZEP 8SHE] ERH SXLIV ½PQ publications. Jerome will deliver his address on Saturday. www.Distribution.LA; www.facebook. com/FilmDistribution
Kenny Chaplin, ProductionAssistantTrainingSeminars
*SV SZIV ½JXIIR ]IEVW /IR 'LETPMR ERH +EV] 6SQSPS *MSVIPPM LEZI PIH TVSHYGXMSR GVI[W SR ½PQ locations in the United States, Canada, Europe and Africa. At each location they sought to hire UYEPM½IH WXEJJ JVSQ E TSSP SJ PSGEP 4%W 8LI] WSSR
discovered that production training for big budget productions was missing.That prompted the two ½PQ MRHYWXV] ZIXIVERW XS use their technical knowledge to develop the special P.A.T.S. program, Production Assistant Training Program. Kenny will speak to the issue of professionalism and movie set etiquette and will offer an upcoming 2-day P.A.T.S. in Idaho. www.patrainingseminar.com
%EXSR 'SLIR 7MXX .YRKPI 7SJX[EVI Aaton Cohen-Sitt is currently the Managing Partner of Jungle Software, makers of Gorilla Film Production Software for MRHITIRHIRX ½PQQEOIVW He has written several feature-length screenplays and directed the awardwinning short, Dr. Ded Bug, which Roger Ebert reviewed as “brief and FVMPPMERX² ,MW JIEXYVI PIRKXL ½PQ HIFYX -RXIVZMI[ing Norman, a comedy about a documentary ½PQQEOIV SFWIWWIH [MXL XLI HIZMP [EW XLI HVMZMRK JSVGI JSV GVIEXMRK +SVMPPE WSJX[EVI WTIGM½GEPP] KIEVIH XS[EVHW XLI MRHITIRHIRX ½PQQEOIV %EXSR KMZIW WIQMREVW SR MRHITIRHIRX ½PQQEOMRK EX 8LI %TTPI 7XSVIW ½PQ WGLSSPW ERH ZEVMSYW ½PQ festivals. Aaton will bring copies of his software and offer a discount to attendees. www.junglesoftware.com
Tony Ventura, Rivercoast Films Common sense and a sense of humor are Tony’s greatest attributes, and he’s parlayed heaping doses of both into a career that spans 3 decades.There’s not a whole lot that Tony hasn’t HSRI ,I´W ½PPIH IZIV] post imaginable during his tenure in the entertainment industry. As one SJ XLI ½VWX 6IKMSREP 7EPIW 1EREKIVW JSV *MVWX 0SSO Entertainment,Tony anchored the sales team as he handled such national accounts as Blockbuster, Movie Gallery, Hollywood Video, Best Buy, and WalMart. A true entrepreneur, however, can never stray too far from what they do best, and that probably best explains Tony’s founding involvement with Rivercoast Film Distribution. It’s here, working with Michael Katchman that they created E ½PQQEOIV JVMIRHP] HMWXVMFYXMSR GSQTER] XLEX GEXIVW XS MRHITIRHIRX ½PQ XSR]Z$U GSQ
IDAHO PANELISTS Dan Allers, Idaho Cinematic Equipment Dan Allers, an entertainment industry veteran since 1978, has provided lighting for more than 520 live stage productions and dozens of television shows. Allers’ company, Idaho Cinematic Equipment, has a four-ton grip truck available for rent in Idaho. Dan has been the Master Electrician for the Morrison Center since 1996. He has lit and/or toured with Ballet Idaho and Opera Idaho. %PPIV´W ½PQ [SVO MRGPYHIW 2SX 8LMW 4EVX SJ XLI World, For Different Reasons, and Magic Valley (Best Boy Grip). Dan’s grip truck and equipment will be on display for the entire conference and he is graciously handling audio visual for the Boise portion. www.gripice.com;
Greg Bayne, This Lovely Machine Gregory Bayne is currently in post-production SR LMW PEXIWX ½PQ .IRW 4YPZIV ` (6-:)2 E JIEXYVI documentary about the legendary mixed martial EVXW ½KLXIV &E]RI QEHI LIEHPMRIW IEVPMIV XLMW year when he funded DRIVEN by raising $27,210 in just 20 days on Kickstarter.com. Since then he has gone on to speak about the subject of GVS[H JYRHMRK EX LMKL TVS½PI ½PQ IZIRXW &E]RI served as a cinematographer and editor on several award-winning short, feature length and HSGYQIRXEV] ½PQW MRGPYHMRK F (VIEQW MFMH 3YX of the Blue, Purple State of Mind, and Trudell; &E]RI´W ½VWX JIEXYVI ½PQ 4IVWSR SJ -RXIVIWX LEMPIH as “this generation’s Taxi Driver”, will soon begin a preview screening tour around the country. Greg will join the Funding panel on Sunday. www. thislovelymachine.com;
Jesse Cordtz, Pixel Fish Studios .IWWI LEW FIIR MR FVSEHGEWX ½PQ ERH ( ERMQEXMSR for nearly 9 years. He’s a former BSU 3D instructor, co-created 8 seasons of a children’s show and JIEXYVI ½PQW 0EWX WYQQIV .IWWI WIVZIH EW ½VWX assistant director on the Boise-based production Three of a Kind. His company, Pixel Fish, handles everything from 3D holographic projection to augmented reality, constantly looking at how emerging technologies can be used to enhance campaigns and client experiences. Jesse will serve on the New Media panel on Sunday and will bring his motion capture suit for everyone to see. www. TM\IP½WL QI
Lorena Davis, North by Northwest Productions North By Northwest is a full service producXMSR GSQTER] [MXL SJ½GIW MR 7TSOERI ;% Boise, ID.They offer complete production and post-production capabilities serving the feature ½PQ GSQQIVGMEP GSVTSVEXI ERH RSR FVSEHGEWX
markets. Because of this diversity, the talented staff, and arsenal of tools, North by Northwest offers a unique approach by drawing on all these resources and experiences to deliver a project that is original, fun, and artistic.They strive to exceed expectation no matter the budget or resources. www.nxnw.net
Chris Ervin, Velocity Ape VelocityApe FX offers complete visual effects creation from pre to post production for 2k/4k ½PQ ERH 7( ,( FVSEHGEWX ½RMWLMRK *MPQSKVETL] includes visual effects for Boy in the Box, Giallo, Border Town, character rotoscoping for the 78th Academy Awards and NBA Finals and graphics for The Eagles, Fergie, Nelly Furtado, online HD videos for ZZ Top, Lenny Kravitz, Evanescence and many more. Chris lives and works in Spirit Lake, Idaho, and will anchor the north Idaho panel portion of the New Media panel. www.velocityape.com
Brad Frazer, Hawley Troxell Brad Frazer’s intellectual property practice includes Internet law, e-commerce, technology and software licensing, trademarks and domain names, copyright, media law, computer law, trade secrets, and related transactional work and litigation. He has written extensively on these subjects and is also an active blogger on similar topics at Internet Lawyer Blog. His most recent presentations have addressed Open Source licensing, Internet trademark and brand protection, Internet copyright issues, e-commerce legal issues, and electronic contracting. He is also a guest lecturer at Boise State University and Northwest Nazarene University. www.hteh.com
Catrine McGregor, McGregor Casting Catrine McGregor-Unger is a 35+ year veteran of XLI ½PQ MRHYWXV] [MXL SZIV GVIHMXW EW E TVSHYGIV GEWXMRK HMVIGXSV ERH [VMXIV SR JIEXYVI ½PQW 8: WLS[W -1%< ½PQW GSQQIVGMEPW '( 6SQ and 3-D. She recently completed production of Three of a Kind, shot in the Treasure Valley, and is MR HIZIPSTQIRX SR WIZIVEP SXLIV JIEXYVI ½PQW ERH TV shows.The Actor’s Map, a free website chock full of information for actors, will launch May 1. McGregor-Unger is an expert in the ways of the Screen Actors Guild, in both right-to-work states and not, as evidenced in her critically acclaimed book, Act Across America. She has also been nominated for – and won – many industry awards, and is a member of the prestigious Casting Society of America. Catrine will join the Legal Issues TERIP G QGKVIKSV$QMRHWTVMRK GSQ
Natalie Camacho Mendoza, Camacho Mendoza Law Ms. Camacho Mendoza began her practice in poverty law working for Idaho Legal Aid Services. After spending some time working in Texas, she
BOISEweekly | IDAHO CINEPOSIUM 2011 | 27
IZIRXYEPP] WXEVXIH LIV S[R ½VQ MR &SMWI ,IV major areas of practice are Indian Law, worker’s compensation and business transactions but her interest in arts and entertainment has also opened her practice to local multi-cultural artists with various legal matters and representation. She also has experience with lobbying federal, state and local governments, litigating personal injury, immigration and naturalization, products liability, criminal cases, both prosecution and defense, labor law matters as well as practicing in the area of insurance defense including preparation of coverage opinions. She is PMWXIH EW E PIKEP VIWSYVGI F] XLI -HELS *MPQ 3J½GI www.cmclawgroup.com
and Precision Animations. Michael has 25 years of worldwide experience in Executive Sales & Management including senior executive positions and responsibilities with Fortune 500 and 1000 companies such as Southwestern Bell, Mc Caw Communications, LA Cellular,Allied Business Composite, Sysco, Bank of America, and Pac Bell. Prior to founding Vital, Michael held the position of Vice-President and Director of Sales for MAXON USA. Michael played a vital role in the rapid sales growth and product recognition that 'MRIQE ( ERH &SH]TEMRX VIGIMZIH MR XLIMV ¾IHKPMRK years. Michael will join the New Media panel from north Idaho. www.vitaldistraction.com
and the game development industry. Her clients include Technicolor in Beijing,The Embassy VFX in Vancouver, Lucas Animation Studios in Singapore, and Framestore in London.Thompson has spoken at ADAPT in Canada, MDA in Singapore, and FMX in Germany, SIGGRAPH and Disney. She has worked in TV (The Simpsons), video games, animated features and commercials. She is a founding member of Women in Animation and Idaho Media Professionals and is a member of the Visual Effects Society. Her monthly column,The Career Coach, is featured on the Animation World Network web site http://mag. E[R GSQ TEQVIGVYMX$U GSQ
Anne Mitchell, Triple L Talent
Ted Parvin
Parvin spent 42 years in the motion picture business SR SZIV ½PQW FIJSVI VIXMVMRK MR ,MW [EW not a singular category experience, but one full of variety from wardrobe man, camera operator, makeup and specials effects, through transportation and grip to script writer, then producer and director. He possesses a deep understanding of the essence of motion picture making. He began as a costumer on The Ten Commandments and ended his career on Wagons East. Working on Psycho and The Birds allowed him to broaden his understanding of the TW]GLSPSK] SJ ½PQ 3R XLI ½PQ ,E[EMM EGXSV 1E\ von Sydow who told him of the Swedish way of IRXIVMRK XLI ½PQ MRHYWXV] 8LI EWTMVERX QYWX WTIRH time in all other departments before being granted EHQMWWMSR MRXS LMW GLSWIR ½IPH E TLMPSWSTL] XLEX LEW been Mr. Parvin’s guiding ambition for all students of the moving image.Ted will share his multi-layered experience on the Production Management panel. XTEVZMR$JVSRXMIV GSQ
Seth Randal is the writer, director and an editor on XLVII HSGYQIRXEV] ½PQW ±8LI *EPP SJ ³ ² ±7XEXI of Change” and “Sergeant Paine.” Randal has been sharing dramatic, real-life stories for over 15 years, including a career in TV and print journalism. He has a passion for weaving facts into compelling stories. Randal co-founded and helps moderate Boise Cutters, a group aimed at Final Cut Pro users and other creators of moving images for screen. 7IXL6ERHEP$+QEMP GSQ
LLL Talent was founded in 2008 to provide talent JSV ½PQ GSQQIVGMEP XIPIZMWMSR TVMRX ERH ZSMGI SZIV projects throughout the Northwest. In 2010, Anne Mitchell booked talent for over 150 projects including TNT’s Leverage, River Sorrow with Ray Liotta, Hit List with Cuba Gooding, Jr., Subaru, Microsoft, Toyota, AT&T, Silver Mountain Resort, to name a few.Triple L Talent’s roster includes Broadway TIVJSVQIVW ½PQ TVSJIWWMSREPW ERH SXLIV QIQFIVW of the community. LLL Talent does not charge ER] JIIW SV TVS½X JVSQ LIEHWLSXW SV GPEWWIW XLI] simply make money when they book their talent in projects. Mitchell has worked throughout the Inland Northwest as a director, educator, and actress. She is currently a Board Member for Coeur d’Alene Summer Theatre, City of Hayden Arts Commissioner, and a member of Coeur d’Alene Women in Business. www.LLLTalent.com
Michael Moore, Vital Distraction As General Managing Partner of Vital Distraction, Michael is responsible for the business development and operations for the Los Angeles and Coeur H´%PIRI SJ½GIW ERH MXW WYFWMHMEVMIW :MXEP (MWGPSWYVI
28 | IDAHO CINEPOSIUM 2011 | BOISEweekly
Pamela Kleibrink Thompson, The 911 Recruiter Pamela is an internationally-known recruiter and career coach specializing in animation, visual effects,
)VMG 6IKRIV V (MKMXEP 1IHME R Squared Digital Media is an industry expert producer of creative content for the visual effects, education and visualization markets.They have the talent and experience to take a project from concept to delivery, providing unique visual messaging that utilizes the latest available technologies. Their creative solutions are based upon the client’s needs and they obtain measurable results for their educational projects. As engineers they understand technical visual challenges. 3ds Max, Maya, After Effects and Combustion are among the tools in they use. www.r2dm.com
Robert Teffeteller, Camacho Mendoza Law Robert Teffeteller is a Boise attorney who was educated at the University of California Berkley and Golden Gate University School of Law. He specializes in business law, working with small business owners to help them manage business and personal ½RERGMEP HIGMWMSRW WS XLEX XLI] GER EGLMIZI WYGGIWW He has lectured on topics as broad as Starting a Business, Social Media Impacts on Business, Diversity and Tribal issues. www.cmclawgroup.com
Mark Watson, Idaho Grip & Lighting Mark Watson is the owner of Idaho Grip and Lighting, which is based in north Idaho. His experience stretches over many years in both television (Frasier, 2SVXLIVR )\TSWYVI ERH ½PQW 8LI 'PMRMG 0MXXPI &YHdha). Mark will show off his equipment and Canon D5 camera on Saturday afternoon in north Idaho. -HELSKVMTERHPMKLXMRK GSQ GSRXEGX$MHELSKVMT GSQ
Sam Welker, Welker TV Sam graduated from Full Sail University in Florida [MXL E HIKVII MR GSQTYXIV ERMQEXMSR ,I MW TVS½cient in Adobe CS4, Final Cut, Maxon Cinema 4D, Blender 3D and web development. Sam will demonstrate software in the Post-production Software session. www.samwelkertv.com
Guy Zajonc, 5 x 5 Media In 2007, Guy formed his own documentary and television production company, Deep Sea Ventures ERH GVIEXIH XLI ( ½PQ (MZI 1ERRIH 7YFQIVWMFPIW & the New Explorers, now in worldwide distribution. He has participated in numerous submersible dives to the deepest shipwrecks, including the Titanic. A retired attorney, Mr. Zajonc is a member of the Washington State Bar Association. He will join the Legal Issues panel on Saturday morning, FVMRKMRK LMW I\TIVMIRGI EW E ½PQQEOIV ERH PE[]IV to the discussion.
LISTINGS/1ST THURSDAY Central Downtown AMERICAN CLOTHING GALLERY—Jazz up your wardrobe with new spring accessories at 10 percent off when you mention you saw the info here. Melinda Nelson will be demonstrating a new anti-aging product as well. 100 N. Eighth St., Ste. 121A, 208-433-0872.
BASEMENT GALLERY— 18 Artist Molly Hill uses a subtle use of line and color to
GALLERY ALEXA 21 ROSE—Check out works by illustrator and installation
create charming scenes and characters in her new collection of paintings that is on display through May. FREE. 928 W. Main St., 208-333-0309.
artist Julia Green. 280 N. Eighth St..
BRICOLAGE—View Wil19 low Socia’s old, found modified photographs, Saratops McDonald’s sculptures based on the human form and Caitlyn Davies’ new perfume scents. See Downtown News, Page 30. 5-8 p.m. 280 N. Eighth St., 3453718, bricoshoppe.com.
ART GLASS ETC.— Owner and artist David MacDonald will be doing glass blowing demonstrations in the courtyard and coffee and snacks will be served. See Downtown News, Page 30. 5-9 p.m. 280 N. Eighth St.
CHOCOLAT BAR—Beer and chocolate pairings, with delicious new flavors for spring. 805 W. Bannock St., 208-338-7771, thechocolatbar.com.
ARTISAN OPTICS—Check out the entire hand-made line of Mykita eyewear and enjoy wine tasting and live music. 190 N. Eighth St., 208-338-0500, 20 artisanoptics.com.
D.L. EVANS BANK—An evening with Idaho Dance Theatre, photos from Idaho Photographic Workshop and food from Roosters Eatery. 5-8 p.m. 213 N. Ninth St., 208-331-1399.
ART WALK Locations featuring artists
700 W. Jefferson St., 208-4339705. LISK GALLERY—Jerri 23 Lisk’s new “Pedestrian” series depicting Redfish Lake and the Sawtooths will be on display, as well as Melissa Osgood’s wearable art pendants. Enjoy wine tasting from Sawtooth Winery and Dream Chocolates. FREE. 850 W. Main St., 208-3423773, liskgallery.com. LULULEMON ATHLETICA—Celebrate one year in business with snacks, drinks and music. 5:30-9 p.m. 214 N. Ninth St., 208-342-1009, lululemon.com. MAI THAI—Enjoy 2-for-1 drinks at the bar from 5-6:30 p.m. and then again from 9 p.m.-close. Purchase two dinner entrees and get a free dessert. FREE. 750 W. Idaho St., 208-344-8424, maithaigroup.com. MOXIE JAVA—Your choice of 20 percent off any coffee drink or a free cookie with any drink purchase. 570 W. Main St., 208343-9033, moxiejava.com. OLD CHICAGO—Kids eat free. Karaoke from 10-close in the bar. 730 W. Idaho St., 208-3630037, oldchicago.com.
PIE HOLE—Grab a slice and a beer and enjoy live music with the Sleepy Seeds. 205 N. Eighth St., 208-344-7783, pieholeusa. com.
PIPER PUB & GRILL—Happy hour from 3-6 p.m. features 2-4-1 drinks and a special menu. 150 N. Eighth St., 208-3432444, thepiperpub.com.
IDAHO STATE CAPITOL 22 GIFT SHOP—Joe Lopez’s photographs will be on display.
RIVER 1. Basque Museum
11. Happy Fish
2. Boise Ar t Glass
12. Idaho State Historical Museum
3. Flatbread Community Oven 4. Flying M Coffeehouse 5. Indie Made 6. Atomic Treasures 7. Boise Ar t Museum 8. Brown’s Galler y 9. Cole Marr Galler y/ Coffee House 10. Eighth Street Marketplace
13. R. Grey Galler y 14. Renewal Consignment Homewares
21. Galler y Alexa Rose 22. Idaho State Capitol Gift Shop 23. Lisk Galler y 24. Rediscovered Bookshop
15. Salon 162
25. Rose Room
16. Solid
26. Thomas Hammer
17. Ar t Glass Etc.
27. Ward Hooper Galler y
18. Basement Galler y 19. Bricolage 20. D.L. Evans Bank
copies of God’s Dogs. 180 N. Eighth St., 208-376-4229, rdbooks.org. ROSE ROOM—Fettuccine 25 Forum: Idaho Writers-Past Tense and Present Tense. Cort Conley, director of literary services at Idaho Commission on the Arts is tonight’s guest speaker. Fettuccine and desserts will be available for purchase from Jenny’s Lunch Line. See First Thursday story, Page 29.718 W. Idaho St., 208-381-0483, parklaneco.com/roseroom. SAGE YOGA AND WELLNESS— Join Conservation Voters for Idaho for the Green Tie Social. Network with elected officials, business leaders and community members who work to protect Idaho’s environment. Bittercreek will provide food and drink. A photo exhibit titled “Land, Air, Water: Out There,” live music and more. 242 N. Eighth St., Suite 200, 208-338-5430, sageyogaboise.com. TANZANITE SALON AND SPA— Meet the staff, check out Park Lane jewelry and enjoy treats and music. There will be special offers for new clients. 220 N. Ninth St., 208-344-1700.
28. Ar t Source Galler y
THOMAS HAMMER— 26 Grab a cup of joe and check out Christine Howard’s oil
29. Galler y 601
and watercolor paintings. FREE. 298 N. Eighth St., 208-4338004, hammercoffee.com.
30. Illuminate Salon
REDISCOVERED BOOK24 SHOP—Local author Mitch Wieland will be signing
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1ST THURSDAY/LISTINGS WARD HOOPER GAL27 LERY—Take advantage of 20 percent off gallery wrapped
canvases. Also check out the new selection of postcards and magnets. 745 W. Idaho St., 208866-4627.
West Side ALLIES LINKED FOR THE PREVENTION OF HIV AND AIDS— Local wellness practitioners and Boise Co-op will be on hand with health and wellness info. 213 N. 10th St., 208-433-1889, alphaidaho.org. 8 T H S T R E E T M A R K E T P L A C E .C O M
ART SOURCE GAL28 LERY—Opening reception for “Classical Views: Paintings and Sculpture by John Taye.” Also featuring music by Larry Buttel and Indian Creek wines. FREE. 1015 W. Main St., 208331-3374, artsourcegallery.com. BEN & JERRY’S SCOOP SHOP—It’s a-dollar-a-scoop night in celebration of two years in business in downtown Boise. 103 N. 10th St., 208-342-1992, benjerry.com. DV8 SALON—First come, first served complimentary Paul Mitchell Awapuhi wild ginger hair treatments, as well as color consults, snacks and a basket of hair care goodies to raffle off. 1025 W. Main St., 208-3421003. EL KORAH SHRINE CENTER— Enjoy food and drinks and take a tour of the century-old building. 1118 W. Idaho St., elkorah.org. GALLERY 601—Check 29 out vintage posters and Montana artist R. Tom Gilleon’s trademark teepees. FREE. 211 N. 10th St., 208-336-5899, gallery601.com. HEART OF DHARMA PRAJNA CENTER—Open house for those interested in meditation and getting info on classes and retreats. 1109 Main St., Ste. 329, heartofdharma.org/PrajnaCenter.aspx. ILLUMINATE SALON— 30 Stop in for local art, music and style inspiration. 214 N. 10th St., 208-345-1398. OWYHEE PLAZA HOTEL—Live music with the Ben Burdick Trio and Amy Weber, wine flights from Woodriver Cellars and local vendors like Cake Ballers doing tastings and giveaways. 1109 Main St., 208-343-4611, owyheeplaza.com. THE RECORD EXCHANGE—$2 off any used CD or DVD $5.99 and above all day. In the coffee shop, all 12 oz. espresso drinks are only $2 and get $2 off any sale gift item over $5.99. The Also features local artists’ new releases for in-store play on First Thursday. FREE. 1105 W. Idaho St., 208-344-8010, therecordexchange.com.
30 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly
The art of metaphor mixing from Shasta Nash at Happy Fish.
EIGHTH STREET TOP TO BOTTOM THIS FIRST THURSDAY Is the Hyde Park Street Fair too far in the future? Are you jonesing for another glass bead-and-hemp choker? Then you’ll be happy to hear that David and Kristi MacDonald have opened Art Glass Etc. in the Idaho Building downstairs across from Superb Sushi. The MacDonalds’ tiny shop is filled with beads, rings, bookmarks and paperweights made of colorful glass. The MacDonalds have long had a glass-blowing studio in Garden City, but they decided to open a storefront away from the studio so students could “work in a more private space.” To celebrate the grand opening of their store on First Thursday, David will be blowing glass in the Superb Sushi courtyard. For more information, visit macdonaldartglass.com or call Kristi at 208-794-3639. Right next door to Art Glass Etc., local humanmade clothing store Bricolage will also be serving up an overflowing plate of First Thursday awesomeness. Artist Saratops McDonald’s faceless sculptures based on the human figure will share space with Caitlyn Davies’ hand-crafted Intentions perfumes and Willow Socia’s wood-mounted, mixed-media pieces described as “a striking mix of old and new, bright and subdued, clearly defined and inexpressible.” For more information, call 208-345-3718 or visit bricoshoppe.com. Over in BODO, Happy Fish Sushi and Martini Bar will feature painter Shasta Nash’s new “Mixing Metaphor” series, which includes seven new acrylic pieces exploring cliches like “when pigs fly” and “a leopard can’t change its spots.” Around the corner, the Eighth Street Marketplace Artists in Residence program will officially welcome in a new freshman class. The artists, who are now granted six-month residencies instead of three, will be in their spaces until Sept. 11. New artists include journalist and former BW News Editor Nathaniel Hoffman, poet Megan E. Williams, community artist Kathleen Keys, painters Matt Bodett, Marcus Pierce and Cody Rutty, and mixed-media sculptor Saratops McDonald (who is also showing at Bricolage). —Amy Atkins and Tara Morgan WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
FUELED BY DESPERATION COMEDY TOUR—With Gabe Dunn and Olek Szewczyk. 7:30 p.m., $5. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth Street, 208-287-5379, liquidboise.com.
THE VELOCITY OF AUTUMN—See Wednesday. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. $14-$21. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater.org.
On Stage
On Stage
I NEVER SANG FOR MY FATHER—See Friday. 8 p.m. $9-$12.50. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St., Boise, 208-342-5104, boiselittletheater.org.
THE FANTASTICKS—See Thursday. 6:15 p.m. $16.50-$37.50. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise, 208-385-0021, kedproductions.org.
THE FANTASTICKS—See Thursday. 6:15 p.m. $16.50-$37.50. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise, 208-385-0021, kedproductions.org.
ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE—See Friday. 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. $10-$25. Boise Art Museum, 670 Julia Davis Drive, 208-345-8330, boiseartmuseum.org.
GENE HARRIS LEGACY CONCERT—Featuring pianist Kenny Barron. 8 p.m. $50, or $90 for two. Stueckle Sky Center, Boise State football stadium, Boise.
I NEVER SANG FOR MY FATHER—The story of Gene, a widower who is faced with caring for an elderly father who he has never really loved after his mother suddenly dies. 8 p.m. $9-$12.50. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St., Boise, 208-3425104, boiselittletheater.org.
CHUCKLES COMEDY CABARET—Comedy venue featuring someone new each week, from hot young newbies to established stand-up comedians. 8 p.m. $12. China Blue, 100 S. Sixth St., 208-345-9515.
THE SLEEPING BEAUTY—See story on Page 36. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. $25-$55. Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-1609, mc.boisestate.edu.
THE LANGROISE TRIO—See Friday. 7:30 p.m. FREE. Langroise Recital Hall, 2112 Cleveland Blvd. (College of Idaho campus), Caldwell, 208-459-5011.
ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE—Boise Art Museum, Boise State Music Department, Idaho Dance Theatre and Opera Idaho present this collaborative performance of the Greek myth set against Steven Knapp’s Lightpainting exhibit in the Sculpture Court at BAM. Visit boiseartmuseum.org or call 208-345-8330 ext. 10 for info and tickets. See Picks, Page 18. 7:30 p.m. $10-$25. Boise Art Museum, 670 Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-345-8330, boiseartmuseum.org. THE VELOCITY OF AUTUMN—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $14-$21. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater.org.
Concerts AMINA FIGAROVA SEXTET—Presented by the Gene Harris Jazz Festival. 4 p.m. $25. Stueckle Sky Center, Boise State football stadium, Boise. THE LANGROISE TRIO—The trio will perform works by Corelli/Hall, Mozart, Beethoven Gershwin and more. 7:30 p.m. $5-$10. Esther Simplot Center for the Performing Arts, 516 S. Ninth St., Boise, 208345-9116. LOUIS HAYES AND THE CANNONBALL LEGACY BAND—Featuring Vincent Herring and the Boise State Jazz Ensemble. Part of the Gene Harris Jazz Festival. 8 p.m. $20-$35. Boise State Student Union (Simplot Grand Ballroom), 1910 University Drive, Boise.
Food & Drink MERLOT A GO GO—Wine tasting featuring merlots from California, Washington and abroad. 6 p.m. $12. Helina Marie’s Wine and Gift Shop, 11053 Highway 44, Star, 208-286-7960, helinamaries.com. PAELLA FUNDRAISER—Show your support for South Junior High by digging into traditional Basque paella, along with music, an open bar and an auction during this second annual fundraiser. 5 p.m. Basque Center, 601 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-3315097 or 208-342-9983, basquecenter.com.
Sports & Fitness XFS NO. 56: ORGANIZED CHAOS—Four championship belts are on the line and 14 action-packed fights, including a grudge match between welterweight champ “Nasty” Nate Decker and former champ Alex Lambert. 7 p.m. Start at $5. Qwest Arena, 233 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-424-2200 or box office 208-331-8497, qwestarenaidaho.com.
Workshops & Classes MAKE-IT-YOURSELF GLASS ART—Create your own fused glass artwork with the help of a studio artist. No experience necessary and all ages are welcome. 3-9 p.m. $15-$35. Fusions Glass Studio, 347 S. Edgewood Lane Ste. 120, Eagle, 208-938-1055, fusions-idaho.com.
Odds & Ends KARAOKE CONTEST—Practice begins at 7 p.m. and the contest is at 9 p.m. The winner gets $100. 7 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s Saloon, 5467 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-322-6699.
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8 DAYS OUT Citizen FRIENDS IN ACTION PROM FUNDRAISER—Enjoy an evening of live music, dancing and a silent auction to benefit Friends in Action. Visit fiaboise.org for more info or call 208-333-1363 for reservations. 8 p.m. $50. Knitting Factory Concert House, 416 S. Ninth St., Boise, 208-3671212, bo.knittingfactory.com.
Kids & Teens OWL MANIA—Learn all about owls, join the hooting contest, dissect owl pellets and take a hike to try to spot the pair of great horned Owls that roost in Hull’s Gulch during this Second Saturdays program. See Picks, Page 23. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. FREE. Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Road, 208-514-3755, cityofboise.org/parks/foothills.
SUNDAY APRIL 10 Concerts RED CHAMBER—This Chinese string band is internationally known for its passion and unique sound. Visit mei-han.com/ redchamber.html for more info. 7 p.m. $20-$60. Boise State Special Events Center, 1800 University Drive, Boise, sub. boisestate.edu.
On Stage
EASTER BIG BUN BLACK DOG WALK—Bring your own dog and join Spay Neuter Idaho Pets (SNIP) in bringing awareness to the plight of black dogs and cats in shelters. Visit snipidaho.org for more info. Noon. FREE. The Ram, 709 E. Park Blvd., Boise, 208-345-2929, theram.com.
MONDAY APRIL 11 Literature
ORPHEUS AND EURYDICE—See Friday. 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. $10-$25. Boise Art Museum, 670 Julia Davis Drive, 208-345-8330, boiseartmuseum.org.
Literature ANNIE KNOWLES BOOK SIGNING—Bring your copy of Annie Knowles’ book Postmodern Sludge From the Girl Next Door to be signed or purchase one there for $21. 2-6 p.m. FREE. Tablerock Brewpub and Grill, 705 Fulton St., Boise, 208-342-0944, tablerockbrewpub.com.
Animals & Pets
BOOK SALE—Friends of the Garden City Library host a book sale to benefit library projects and purchases. Get hardback and paperback books, DVDs, CDs, audio and video tapes and more. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE. Garden City Hall, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2900, gardencityidaho.govoffice.com.
Kids & Teens MINI MASTERS—Kids can create masterpieces of their own, focused on a different theme each week. 4 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2940, gardencity.lili.org.
TUESDAY APRIL 12 On Stage SUPER HAPPY FUNTIME BURLESQUE—Traveling musical comedy theater featuring striptease, magicians, circus performers and more. 9 p.m. $8. The Red Room Tavern, 1519 W. Main St., Boise, 208-331-0956.
Art SUE LATTA ARTIST RECEPTION—Attend the dedication of “Periakotos” by Boise State alumnus Sue Latta and celebrate the Student Union’s newest artwork. 4:30-6:30 p.m. FREE. Boise State Student Union Building, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-INFO, union. boisestate.edu.
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk. Go to www.boiseweekly.com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers. © 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
32 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly
On Stage ART OF IMAGINATION—Take the family out for a night of magic and illusion to benefit the Wishing Star Foundation and Camp Rainbow Gold. 7 p.m. $10. Nampa Civic Center, 311 Third St. S., Nampa, 208-4685555, nampaciviccenter.com. THE VELOCITY OF AUTUMN— See Wednesday, April 6. 8 p.m. $14-$21. Boise Contemporar y Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater.org.
Ricky, Julian and Bubbles
with On Sale
FRI 4:20PM
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HELVETIA, FLYING M COFFEEGARAGE AND VAC When you hear the opening riffs to Jimi Hendrix’s “All Along the Watchtower” in a film, you know some serious shit is about to go down. That’s what the whole album by psychedelic/experimental Seattle, Wash./Arcata, Calif.-based Helvetia feels like. On The Lam (April 12, The Split Cult Label) is filled with slow builds that drop you into a blur of thrummy guitar and heartbreaking vocals, bounce you across double-timed Billy Joel-in-his-prime piano and send you skidding across a minute-andINTERVIEW: Read more at boiseweekly.com or a-half-long track that fades away scan QR code on Page 4. with an electronic tick-tick-tick. On The Lam is a stretched-rubber band so full of nuance and so brilliantly conceived that you know something is about to snap. —Amy Atkins With Disco Doom and Fauxbois on Wednesday, April 6, 8 p.m., $3. Flying M Coffeegarage, 1314 Second St., Nampa, flyingmcoffee.com. With Disco Doom and Dark Swallows on Saturday, April 9, 8 p.m., $5. VAC, 3638 Osage St., visualartscollective.com.
34 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly
BRIANNE GRAY—6 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Downtown
FRIM FRAM FOUR—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
DAME ALEXANDER AND GENTLEMEN DELUXE—With Riff Raff and Red Hands Black Feet. 9 p.m. FREE. Liquid
GENE HARRIS JAZZ FESTIVAL—See Picks, Page 18. $125 for three-days
BLACK JOE LEWIS AND THE HONEYBEARS— With Those Darlins. See Listen Here, Page 35. 8 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux
DAN COSTELLO—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
HIGH DESERT BAND—6:30 p.m. FREE. Whitewater Pizza
GIZZARD STONE—9:30 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s
HELVETIA—With Disco Doom and Fauxbois. See Listen Here, this page. 8 p.m. $3. Flying M Coffeegarage
KEVIN KIRK—With Steve Eaton and Phil Garonzik. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
JEFF CROSBY—8 p.m. FREE. Reef JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLY GOATS—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s KEN HARRIS—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill KEVIN KIRK—With Jon Hyneman and Phil Garonzik. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers PATRICIA FOLKNER AND JOEL KASERMAN—7 p.m. FREE. Lock, Stock & Barrel SUPER SOULFIGHTER—9:30 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s
THE MEATMEN—With Against the Grain, Wilt Chamberlin’s Baby and Therapy Old. 9 p.m. $10. Red Room MIKE PINTO—9 p.m. FREE. Reef RAY JOHNSTON BAND—9:30 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s REBECCA SCOTT—6 p.m. FREE. Sapphire RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid TARTUFI—With Le Fleur and Red Hands Black Feet. 8 p.m. $5. VAC
BOY EATS DRUM MACHINE— With Owlright. 11 p.m. $3. Neurolux B3 SIDE—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s DAN COSTELLO AND THE TRUCK STOP TRIO—9 p.m. FREE. Sapphire DIRTY MOOGS—8 p.m. $5. VAC GENE HARRIS JAZZ FESTIVAL—See Picks, Page 18. $125 for three-days
KEN HARRIS—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill LEE MITCHELL—8:30 p.m. FREE. Ha’ Penny THE NAUGHTIES—9:30 p.m. $3. Grainey’s REBECCA SCOTT—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. Buffalo Club SOBER DOWN—Featuring Pineapple Crackers. 9:30 p.m. $5. Reef STRANGE NOIZE TOUR 2011— Featuring Krizz Kaliko, Johnny Richter, Kutt Calhoun, Saigon, Dirtball and Potluck. 8 p.m. $17$35. Knitting Factory SUPER SOULFIGHTER—9:30 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s WAFER JORDAN—With Jupiter Hoilday. 9 p.m. FREE. Liquid
JOHNNY SHOES—7 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s JOHN CAZAN—5 p.m. FREE. Lock, Stock & Barrel JOHN JONES, MIKE SEIFRIT AND JON HYNEMAN—With Kevin Kirk and Sally Tibbs. 6 p.m. FREE. Chandlers JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLY GOATS—8 p.m. FREE. Sockeye
GUIDE/LISTEN HERE GUIDE CANDREAD AND RIZING REZISTANCE—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub CRAVING DAWN—9 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge DEEP DARK ROBOT—With Killola. 8 p.m. $10 adv., $12 door. Neurolux DISCO DOOM—With Helvetia and Dark Swallows. See Listen Here, Page 34. 9 p.m. $5. VAC ELTON JOHN—See Picks, Page 23. 8 p.m. $29-$129. Taco Bell Arena ERIC GRAE—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill GENE HARRIS JAZZ FESTIVAL—See Picks, Page 18. $125 for three-days JIMMY BIVENS—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLY GOATS—9 p.m. FREE. Liquid LETA NEUSTAEDTER—7 p.m. FREE. Woodriver Cellars THE NAUGHTIES—9:30 p.m. $3. Grainey’s PROFESSOR GALL—8 p.m. $3. Flying M Coffeegarage
RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
EMILY BRADEN—6 p.m. $10. Blue Door
TERRI EBERLEIN—6:30 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
SOUL SERENE—9 p.m. FREE. Sapphire
LARRY BUTTEL—7 p.m. FREE. Ha’ Penny
STEEL TIGER—With Trigger Itch. 9 p.m. $3. Red Room
PUNK MONDAY—9 p.m. $2. Liquid
YOUTH LAGOON—With Gardens and Villa and Atomic Mama. 8 p.m. $5. VAC
SUPER SOULFIGHTER—9:30 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s
THE SHAUN BRAZELL TRIO— With David Veloz. 6 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
TT MILLER—7 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s
ANDY CORTENS—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
STEVEN TONEY—6 p.m. FREE. Solid TERRI CLARK—8 p.m. $25-$55. Knitting Factory
WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 AMY WEBER AND BEN BURDICK TRIO—9 p.m. FREE. Sapphire CIVET—With Continental, Hotel Chelsea and The Useless. 9 p.m. $8. Red Room INNOCENT MAN—With Talk Math to Me and Ella Ferrari. 9 p.m. FREE. Liquid
ARTS WEST LIVE—With Mike Langer. 6 p.m. FREE. Blue Door
KATIE MORRELL—6 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Downtown
KEVIN KIRK—With Jon Hyneman and Phil Garonzik. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
CARTER FREEMAN—6 p.m. FREE. Solid JEFF MOLL AND GUESTS—8:30 p.m. FREE. Ha’ Penny KEVIN KIRK—With John Jones. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
TERRY JONES—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill More live music listings at boiseweekly.com.
MATT MILLER—8 p.m. FREE. Sockeye
V E N U E S Don’t know a venue? Visit www.boiseweekly.com for addresses, phone numbers and a map.
BLACK JOE LEWIS AND THE HONEYBEARS, APRIL 8, NEUROLUX In 2009, Esquire listed Joe Lewis and The Honeybears as one of the top 10 bands to break out at SXSW, and NPR rated their album Tell ’Em What Your Name Is (Lost Highway Records) as the No. 3 album of the year. Scandalous was released last month. As the story goes, Lewis saw the good times his musician neighbors had touring and figured he needed to get in on that action. So he plucked a guitar off the wall of the pawnshop where he worked and taught himself how to play. The result is the punk/soul/rock the band for which he has become known. The band spends countless hours touring and delivering their funkadelic soul—complete with a great big horn section and gritty lyrics—to audiences looking to party. As Lewis says on the band’s website: “We can’t play it any cleaner or smoother—and we don’t want to, either.” —Heather Lile With Those Darlins. 8 p.m., $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St., neurolux.com.
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AWAKENING THE SLEEPING BEAUTY Kristy Albrecht’s work for WAW has “Chicken Legs.”
WE NO LONGER ART WOMEN Local author Anthony Doerr has been shortlisted to receive The Sunday Times EFG Private Band Short Story Award for 2011. He is one of six writers up for this impressive honor. Read more about Doerr in Citizen on Page 10. In less jubilant news, Thursday, April 14, will mark the last We Art Women art show. For more than 15 years, female visual artists from around the valley have donated their work to WAW, which raises money for the Women and Children’s Alliance. The event started under a different name as a small shindig held at Humpin’ Hannah’s in 1995, but it wasn’t long before so many women wanted to participate that it grew into a huge event, with art in every nook and cranny of the bar. Last year, organizers moved the event to the more open space of Visual Arts Collective and, even then, it was like trying to work your way through Bourbon Street during Mardi Gras. This final WAW will showcase hundreds of works of art. Forty-six pieces will be part of an exhibit, which opened on April 1, that will run through the month of May. Event founder Rocci Johnson said that she’s sorry to see the annual celebration end, but it’s too time consuming to continue organizing it. So to make sure that the final event goes out with a bang—and that VAC is as packed as a pub on 25-cent draft night— Johnson and her fellow Divas of Boise will put on one of their rare per formances as part of the celebration. Peggy Jordan, Kathy Miller, Dana Oland, Carrie Padilla, Deb Sager, Rebecca Scott, Margaret Montrose Stigers, Sirah Storm, Mar y Weaver and Johnson, who all came together for the first event in 1995, will per form two sets in this farewell to WAW. Gayle Chapman will also per form. In addition, there will be some kick-ass items up for silent auction, including a weekend at a Manzanita, Mexico, beach house. Also, a group of grade-schoolers will create a Jackson Pollock-like canvas that will be “torn and turned into bracelets available for purchase.” The event is from 5-10 p.m. and a $20 tax-deductible suggested donation, all of which goes to the WCA, gets you in the door. Beer, wine and food from Smoky Mountain Pizza will be available for purchase. —Amy Atkins
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Ballet Idaho takes on the most classical of classics AMY ATKINS Phyllis Affrunti’s firm frame trembles as she balances en pointe on one foot for an improbable amount of time. Affrunti (who has been with Ballet Idaho for eight years) is playing the part of Aurora, and this balancing act is part of the rose adagio from the fantastical ballet The Sleeping Beauty, set to the goosebumpinducing music of Tchaikovsky. Ballet Idaho dancers Phyllis Affrunti and Jared Hunt star in The Sleeping Beauty. As the classic fairy tale unfolds on stage, Ballet Idaho dancers will push their bodies in get to do Ballet Innovations, which is really to deal with the very complicated clothing. one of the most difficult ballets any company contemporary and the dancers get to choreo“Getting in and out of these costumes can attempt. It’s one that many don’t try until graph. During the regular ballets of the season, they are at least as old as a well-aged bottle of is a real feat,” Anastos said. “On top of we do some funny stuff. Now we are doing the Scotch, and Ballet Idaho, under Artistic Direc- that, we’re bringing in four wig masters absolute top-drawer classical ballet.” because even at Ballet West—this is kind of tor Peter Anastos’ tutelage, is only three years But none of them will test the dancers like funny—the dancers are not allowed to touch old. Since taking the helm of Ballet Idaho, Sleeping Beauty. At its core, The Sleeping the wigs. The dancers would just pull them Anastos has not shied away from testing the dancers’ skill sets and he is convinced they can off and toss them on a dressing table. Some of Beauty is a ballet of balance as Affrunti’s these wigs are like $1,200 apiece. We will have alabaster calves would attest to. pull off the incredibly difficult The Sleeping “This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Beauty with grace. On Saturday, April 9, after a wig station. I kind of love it; it’s like being in the court of Louis XIV. It’s complicated and Ever. Ever,” Affrunti said. only four weeks of rehearsal, both skills and Beyond just the strenuous physical there’s all this order of hierarchy and all these faith will be tested. aspects, performing as Aurora forces manners, ” Anastos added, laughing. What Anastos and Ballet Idaho will do a dancer to reach back her training The high, powdered wigs, gem-enwith this performance is bring the story of and employ skills that aren’t often crusted bodices and waistcoats, velvet Sleeping Beauty to life. The music of Tchaicalled upon when performing a more jackets, tights, thigh-high boots, heeled kovsky and movement alone are capable of modern dance. evoking the story of the princess who is cursed buckle shoes and yards and yards “You feel pretty naked, you to sleep 100 years, and whose only salvation is of tulle will certainly help place the know?” Affrunti said. “It’s all about audience inside a castle, but to truly a kiss from her true love. There will be nearly your technique. I really have to focus 100 dancers playing the parts of kings, queens, set them at the king’s table, Anastos on a lot of technical things that I thinks it is important to stay true to princes, courtiers and fairies—as many as 36 VIDEO: Ballet Idaho rehearses don’t normally have to focus on the original design of the ballet. He dancers will be on stage at one time. To help The Sleeping when you’re doing something more transport the audience to courtyards and king- modeled his choreography after that Beauty. contemporary or more humorous.” of famed Russian choreographer doms, Ballet Idaho enlisted two more players: For 31-year-old Hunt, this return Marius Petipa. the staging and costuming, whose roles are as to his classically trained roots is “a breath of “The dancing in this performance is more vital as those of Aurora, Prince Desire—played fresh air.” difficult, more sophisticated, more absolute,” by principal dancer Jared Hunt—or Fairy “You don’t do … as many giant jumps Carabosse played by principal dancer Heather Anastos said. “We’re following a strict model. and really difficult partnering maneuvers ... [For] Sleeping Beauty, you have to fulfill exHawk. A year ago, Ballet Idaho budgeted for this performance and to get the glorious pomp pectations. You could go off and do your own in the ballet world as much now,” Hunt said. “But we’re all trained in the very classical. Is weird bizarre version and circumstance it hard to go back? Yes, but it’s like getting if you want, but what necessary to pull it Saturday, April 9, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., back on a bike after you haven’t ridden in a people come to see is off, Anastos called on $25-$55. Tickets are available at Select-Along time. It’s more challenging technically, classical dancing.” Utah’s Ballet West. The Seat outlets, idahotickets.com or by calling but it’s really nice. I’m getting back to the That suits Anastos company rented Ballet 208-426-1494. For more information, visit balletidaho.org. way I was trained.” just fine. He explained Idaho its elaborate The two performances of The Sleeping that a few days before, Peter Cazalet-designed MORRISON CENTER 2201 W. Cesar Chavez Lane Beauty will be demanding on both Ballet the dancers were runcostumes and scenery, 208-426-1609 ning through a particu- Idaho dancers and Anastos. But for audiences, which are so lavish, it mc.boisestate.edu it will be like a walk through a rich, lush larly difficult section, took dozens of huge English garden. All they have to do is sit back and it occurred to him wooden crates to ship and let the dance, the music, the costumes and how fortunate his company is. them. Ballet West even sent its own wardrobe the scenery transport them into a fairytale. “We’re really lucky,” Anastos said. “We person to Boise to help Ballet Idaho learn how WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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For movie times, visit boiseweekly.com or scan the QR code.
GREAT STORY, NOTSO-GREAT MOVIE Desert Flower needed a better gardener GEORGE PRENTICE Desert Flower is a good movie with noble aspirations but it’s not a great movie. And it needs to be. Considering its subject matter and broad scope of characters and landscape, Desert Flower comes across as a bunch of posies pulled from the ground rather than a florist’s carefully designed bouquet. Writer/director Sherry Horman is in over spirited her off to London. Unfortunately, Dirie was an indentured her head with the true story of Waris Dirie, servant in England, living in the basement a supermodel who escaped tribal abuse in of the Somalian embassy. She escaped to Somalia to dazzle on the globe’s fashion runways and who was the first international the streets and was homeless in London for six years. Dirie’s survival was a miracle but voice to decry female genital mutilation. what happened next became legend. In the film, we learn that 6,000 girls are While mopping mutilated each day floors in a fast-food in a tradition that is restaurant, Dirie was carried out not only DESERT FLOWER (R) discovered by famed in Africa and Asia but fashion photographer also Europe and the Directed by Sherry Horman Terry Donaldson. United States. Starring Liya Kebede and Sally Hawkins Soon, Dirie was The source mateOpens Friday at The Flicks. gracing the covers of rial is Dirie’s 1998 Vogue and Harper’s autobiography, Bazaar and eventuThe Extraordinary ally became one of the globe’s highest paid Journey of a Desert Nomad. After being supermodels. It’s breathtaking stuff, which mutilated at the age of 3, Dirie was sold to become the fourth wife of a man old enough is why the book is highly recommended. The to be her grandfather. Dirie escaped, surviv- movie? Not so much. Liya Kebede plays Dirie, a fine bit of ing a punishing 100-mile trek across the descasting considering Kebede is a supermodel ert to a safe haven, where her grandmother
Desert Flower wilts on screen.
herself. Surprisingly, Kebede’s scenes as a homeless woman ring more true than her moments on the catwalk. Kebede is supported by some of Britain’s finest character actors, including the always-fun Sally Hawkins (Made in Dagenham) as Marylin, Dirie’s kooky shop-girl roommate. Juliet Stevenson (Bend it Like Beckham) plays Lucinda, a mash-up of several real-life characters who served as Dirie’s fashion agents. Timothy Spall (The King’s Speech) is Donaldson, the photographer who perceives Dirie’s inner and outer beauty. Given all this talent and wonderful plot, I had hoped for a more cohesive cinematic experience, but director Horman fails to weave together all of the fine threads. The mental and physical subjugation of women may not attract large movie-going audiences, but if the subject matter is important to you, you might want to see Desert Flower. Or since the film disappoints, read the book. Its imagery is much more compelling.
SCREEN/LISTINGS ALBERTA TAR SANDS AND HIGHWAY 12 MEGALOADS—Advocates for the West, Idaho Rivers United and the Sierra Club present this special screening about the massive tar sands project in Canada and the connection between it and the transportation of mega loads through North Idaho. Sunday, April 10, 7 p.m. $10. The Flicks, 646 Fulton St., Boise, 208-342-4222, theflicks.boise.com. LUNAFEST—Reel Women of the West presents 10 short films by, for and about women. Boise State professor Ginna Husting will host a Q&A discussion afterward. Proceeds benefit breast cancer research and Reel Women of the West.
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Saturday, April 9, 12:30-2:50 p.m. $10. Flicks, 646 Fulton St., Boise, 208-342-4222, theflicks.boise.com. RED BULL RAMPAGE 2010—Special screening and fundraiser featuring some crazy footage of downhill mountain biking. There will be a raffles and a raffle ticket is included in the price of admission. Proceeds benefit the Eagle Bike Park. Thursday, April 7, 7 p.m. $10. Northgate Reel Theatre, 6950 W. State St., Boise, 208-377-2620, reeltheatre.com. THE ROOM: FILM SCREENING—Laugh, cry, dance, scream and yell along with the characters and the crowd
during the special screening of this cult classic film. Wednesday, April 6, 8 p.m. $5. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297, visualartscollective.com. TELLURIDE FILM FESTIVAL—Join the Selway-Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation for an evening of films dedicated to educating and inspiring audiences in regard to preserving wilderness culture and environments. Sockeye Brewery will be serving up suds during the show. Tickets are available at selwaybitterroot.org or in person at Idaho Mountain Touring, Sierra Trading Post and REI, or at the Egyptian Theatre box office after 5 p.m. that day.
See boiseweekly.com for more. Wednesday, April 6, 7 p.m. $10-$12. Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-0454, egyptiantheatre.net.
T H E AT E R S EDWARDS 22 BOISE, 208-377-9603, regmovies.com; EDWARDS 9 BOISE, 208-338-3821, regmovies.com; EDWARDS 14 NAMPA, 208-467-3312, regmovies.com; THE FLICKS, 208-342-4222, theflicksboise.com; MAJESTIC CINEMAS MERIDIAN, 208-888-2228, hallettcinemas.com
FOR SECOND-RUN MOVIES: NORTHGATE CINEMA, COUNTRY CLUB REEL, NAMPA REEL, 208-377-2620, reeltheatre.com; OVERLAND PARK $1 CINEMA, 208-377-3072, opcmovies.com; NORTHERN LIGHTS CINEMA AND GRILL, 208-475-2999, northernlightscinemagrill.com
FILL YER PANTS AND RIDE The 16th annual Barking Spider heralds the Wild Rockies racing season ANDREW MENTZER The term “barking spider” can refer either to a stinging tarantula or a gastrointestinal discharge—or in Southern Idaho, it refers to one weekend every April when hundreds of mountain bikers gather to test their cardiovascular might against one another in the Wild Rockies Racing Series opener, the Barking Spider Bash. The Spider is the region’s premier inaugural springtime cross-country competitive biking event. It presents athletes with a nice transition into spring/summer outdoor activity after a long Idaho winter, offering a rails on this little gem. cross-country lap race for mountain bikers People return again and again to this and a morning trail run for those who shy race, in part, because the course offers a away from two-wheeled shenanigans. A six-time Spider veteran myself, the race little bit of everything: tight twisty downhills and rolling climbs that take them through is like to going to a high school dance for epic desert scenery. For first-timers, getting the first time with nerves, anticipation and to the race site—set against the foothills of overzealous expectations while trying to the Owyhee Mountains, about an hour from ignore that little voice in your mind asking, Boise—can be a little confusing. “Am I out of my league here?” The course appears to head immediately Whether you’re new to racing or a seasoned professional, the reality of the first north toward the Snake River, but that is a little deceiving. In fact, the course is a figurecross-country race of the year is enough to eight style lap that meanders through several get into anyone’s head. And rightly so: It’s different parts of the Hemingway Butte unlikely that area residents have much time OHV. Ultimately, racers traverse back to a in the saddle this year so far. long, sustained climb to the south before The Spider race features a 9-mile lap course with rolling terrain and opportunities embarking on the aforementioned series of for terrific spectator viewing. Although race rip-roaring fun descents. Wild Rockies organizer Darren Lightfield organizers will be adding a few twists and is especially excited for the 2011 race season. turns this season, the course has remained “The Spider is the largest continuous mostly unchanged since its inception nearly mountain bike race two decades ago. in Idaho, with 200 The race includes to 300 participants sections that have THE 16TH ANNUAL BARKING SPIDER BASH on average,” he said. become the stuff of Saturday, April 9. Competitive trail run starts “We’ll be qualifying legend over the years, at 9 a.m., the XC race starts at 12:30 p.m., a free kid’s race, raffle and awards ceremony the top riders in age including the Skatebegin at 3 p.m. More information is available categories for the U.S. board Park descent at wildrockiesracing.com and racers can preNational Mountain and the old Fill Yer register at spondoro.com. Bike Championship in Pants Drop. The Sun Valley this year.” Skateboard Park is a Wild Rockies banking, twisty canregular and Joyride Cycles shop guru Phil yon descent—complete with whoops—that takes racers through some of the most scenic Vega has raced the Barking Spider numerous times, noting that over the years, “It’s landscapes of Southern Idaho. always been a great course, fun and chalFill Yer Pants Drop—now with an oplenging.” tional way around—will test even the best Vega says that despite the occasional high-speed technical rider’s abilities. Riders wind exposure on the last climb, the race is plummet off the top of a blind plateau into an exciting spring event. a series of steep and deep and rollers. Back “[It’s] a great way to see where you’re at in 2005, I broke my ass and one of my seat WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
Darren Lightfield is ready to tap the (Wild) Rockies.
fitness-wise early in the year.” The Spider—and Wild Rockies, atlarge—isn’t just about competition though. The organization advocates for responsible trail etiquette, youth cycling education and other charitable functions in the Boise area. “These events don’t make a profit, so we are dedicated to provide a healthy community outlet that kids and adults can participate in,” Lightfield said. “Some [participants] develop a positive lifestyle that they can share with others.” One of the groups that Wild Rockies supports financially and through its volunteer efforts is the Bear Camp Freedom Riders, a Boise-based nonprofit program that teaches refugee youth life skills through mountain biking. The Southwest Idaho Mountain Biking Association, Eagle Bike Park and Central Idaho Mountain Biking Association are also beneficiaries of Wild Rockies events as are racers. The prize purse for professional Spider riders is $2,000, and medals will be awarded to the top three finishers in each category. If you plan on giving the 16th iteration of the Barking Spider a whirl, head out to Hemingway Butte, 17 miles southwest of Nampa on Highway 45 off of Reynold’s Creek Road. Racers should plan on 50 to 60 degree temperatures and take a spare tube, tools and plenty of water. Entry fees are $20-$45 depending on your category. And if after the Spider you fall in love with cross-country mountain-bike racing, the rest of the 2011 Wild Rockies series includes 28 cross-country and 13 downhill categories, a trail-running option and a mountain triathlon. And there’s a racing option for all ages and abilities, ranging from weekend warriors to pros.
BOISEweekly | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | 39
SPUD SPIRITS This burger could feed Five Guys.
The Treasure Valley is experiencing a grocery-storesplosion. Not only is Boise getting a Whole Foods, but Meridian will soon be home to a combo Rosauers Food and Drug and Huckleberry’s Natural Market. The store will sit at the intersection of Eagle and Ustick roads in the Gateway Marketplace. In addition to offering “grocery, specialty and ethnic foods,” Rosauers will also contain “a full service meat and seafood counter, scratch bakery and a large service-deli, featuring a seating area with fireplace and a cooking school.” Headquartered in Spokane, Wash., Rosauers plans to open its 21st location in Meridian by spring 2012. Another exciting development is also under way in Meridian. R & R Public House is currently under construction on the corner of Wells and Overland roads, west of Eagle Road. The restaurant is a collaboration between husband-and-wife duos Shane and Kari Randel and Eric and Julie Ronnow. “We’re going to have a big beer selection. We’re going to do beer dinners,” explained Shane Randel. “Our opening week is going to include a five-course beer dinner with Sockeye.” Randel cut his beer-and-pizza chops at Front Door when Red Feather Lounge/Bittercreek Ale House restaurateur Dave Krick first started it. He has recruited head chef Keith Moreno, who also worked at Front Door, Red Feather and Bittercreek. “We’re going to do fresh shucked oysters on the half shell. We’re going to have clams and mussels. We’re going to do flatbreads. We have a wood-stone pizza oven,” said Randel. “We’re going to have some pasta dishes. We’re going to make our own pasta.” Randel described the vibe as “not finedining and not just pub food,” and noted that, in addition to local beers and wines, R & R Public House will focus on local grub down the line. “In the summertime, we’ll definitely use a lot of local farmers for food,” said Randel. “Just getting open, we’re going to do the best quality we can do without busting our bank and then when we actually get going in a year, we’ll focus a lot more on using the grass-fed meats and stuff like that.” In BODO news, national chain Five Guys Burgers and Fries has announced that it will be opening a new location this summer next door to Proto’s Pizzeria. —Tara Morgan
40 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly
Idaho vodkas make high-end use of the humble potato GUY HAND Greg Koenig and I walk into a cathedral-like room full of gleaming copper and chrome. Weirdly bulbous kettles flank tall, golden columns. All are fitted with Nautilus-style portholes, white-faced dials with twitching needles and shiny pipes veering off at unpredictable angles. The Koenig distillery is beautifully industrial—a steampunk’s dream—and today Greg Koenig isn’t at all neutral: He believes potatoes make the best vodka. all that gleaming, steaming, needle-twitching splendor is producing a glorious, colorless, that he now lives part-time in Boise’s North distilling their potato vodka in 2006. A year odorless and seemingly tasteless liquid. End and says that although his vodkas are later, it was named one of the world’s top 50 “This is a room that was originally distributed in 35 states, his company’s focus spirits by Wine Enthusiasts magazine. designed to house our fruit brandy distillis on the Northwest. One result: 44 North’s Other Idaho-distilled potato vodkas have ery,” says Koenig, who with his brother, huckleberry vodka is Idaho’s best-selling also won awards. In 2003, the Beverage Andrew, runs Koenig Distillery and Winery flavored vodka. Testing Institute in Chicago rated Eastern near Caldwell. “But we decided to get into “Our success,” Wyatt says, “is tied to Idaho’s Blue Ice America’s No. 1 vodka and the vodka business, so a small coppersmith one thing in particular: It’s because people later gave Teton Glacier a high outside of Frankfurt, Germany, rating. Blue Ice, Teton Glacier and in the Pacific Northwest are very interested designed and built for us a copper in products with real provenance.” Wyatt 44 North are all potato vodkas distillery specifically for smallbelieves nothing says “provenance” like an made by Distilled Resources Inc. batch potato vodka.” Idaho potato. in Rigby. But Distilled Resources Through one of those handIdaho distills virtually all of the nation’s is based on a very different model somely retro German portholes, potato vodka—apart from a small, new than is the Koenig brothers’ CanI can see a thick sludge sloshing producer in Maine called Cold River Vodka. yon County operation. like cream of wheat in a washing Yet, only about 1 percent to 3 percent of In 1988, Distilled Resources machine. American vodkas are actually made from potook over a plant that was “And what that is, is fermented tatoes. Most are instead distilled from grain originally built during the Carter potatoes,” says Koenig, who has a and other raw ingredients. administration to produce potato healthy, alpine look that matches But what does all that matter? How can a ethanol for farm machinery. Sevhis Austrian ancestry. “We take eral years after that plant’s closing, drink often described as neutral—regardless Idaho russet potatoes and grind of what it is distilled from and where—win Distilled Resources re-engineered them into a fine mash into boiling awards? After all, the Bureau of Alcohol, and re-licensed the facility to prowater and add an enzyme which duce beverage-quality alcohol. To- Tobacco and Firearms defines vodka as bebreaks the starch into sugar. When ing “without distinctive character, aroma or day, it is the largest potato vodka it’s cool enough, we’re able to add taste.” If vodka is tasteless, why then is it producer in North America—and yeast, which ferments all of that America’s best-selling spirit and why are sobecause it makes spirits from available sugar into alcohol.” called premium vodkas in such high demand? grains and other raw ingredients, It’s comforting to think that Its very neutrality is, of course, one of it’s also the largest commercial every russet grown in Idaho isn’t vodka’s attractions. Its ability to amiably beverage alcohol maker west of fated to a French-fried future, that slip into many cocktail styles helps. So, too, the Mississippi River. an ambitious spud could instead does the notion that vodka lacks impurities “We are a farmed bottle disaspire to a chilled martini with a and therefore the hangover potential of a tiller,” owner Gray Ottley says. twist. After all, vodka, which was whiskey, tequila or rum. What that means is that other once considered cheap, Eastern But a recent, if contested, study published companies farm out the actual European swill, is now the world’s in the Journal of Agricultural and Food vodka-making process to best selling booze. Chemistry suggests premium vodkas are also Distilled Resources. “There’s kind of a new more complex than once believed. That neu“We do everything from wave sweeping the country of For more information, visit tral spirit may have discernible variations in processing the potatoes micro distilled spirits,” Koenig koenigdistillery.com and waytogoidaho.com. flavor brought on by unique chemical structhrough to bottling it. But we says. “And the most prominent tures that are unseen but still lurking in that don’t own the brands.” in the new lifestyle bars and clear, odorless liquid. The study says different Distilled Resources makes martini bars is vodka. And premium vodkas have different conBlue Ice, but the Blue Ice brand is based in being here in Idaho, where the world’s best Los Angeles, Teton Glacier in New Jersey and centrations of molecular clusters called potatoes are grown, we felt we had a chance 44 North in New York and New Hampshire. ethanol hydrates that test subjects to handcraft some really fine vodka.” 41 could detect. Although tasters couldn’t But 44 North owner Ken Wyatt points out Koenig and his brother Andrew started WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
CON’T/FOOD DISH/FOOD Restaurants get one chance to hit BW with their best shot. LEILA R AM ELLA- R ADER
Chicken and waffles go from bleary-eyed grub to eye-popping gourmet.
FORK By about my third trip to Fork, I recognized the pattern: a predictable eye pop with that first bite. Nothing dramatic, no involuntary squeals, no palms-to-the-heavens hallelujahs, just a noticeable widening of the eyes as a pleasurable little something hit the tongue. I saw it first with a friend and his deeply beefy Urban Burger, then a friend and her buttermilk-and-pesto dressed salad, then another over a grilled and garlic-basted artichoke, and finally a fourth and her utterly addictive rosemary, Parmesan and salt encrusted fries. Pop. Restaurateur Cameron Lumsden labels his menu comfort food—and at first, that gave me pause. Hard times or not, I think the Treasure Valley is so overloaded with comfort food, we could weather several recessions on our stockpile of chicken wings alone. But Fork reminds me that good food transcends category. Comfort or not, every dish my friends and I had sampled jumped the genre with eye-popping ease. Now, if there were a dish that I’d guess would be too leaden to jump genres, it would be fried chicken and waffles. Lumsden says Fork’s Tuesday night special is a Southern invention popularized by bleary-eyed jazz musicians who, after all night gigs, would search for anything that resembled dinner at dawn. Michelin stars were likely not FORK their first concern. 199 N. Eighth St. Nor were stars what I 208-287-1700 expected from Fork’s butterboisefork.com milk fried chicken and cheddar waffles ($19). Yet after slathering maple syrup and orange-spiked honey butter over that deep-fried study in pale gold and mahogany brown, my eyes popped, too. Both crisp and succulent, savory and sweet, with buttery undertones and a just-right spike of orange, that meal was clearly comforting, even creative. I can’t say I tasted the cheddar in the waffles, but neither did I miss it. Something else I didn’t miss at Fork was the dark, marbleinduced gloom that hung over this former bank’s previous restaurant incarnations like a vengeful teller’s curse. Lumsden has covered—without damaging—that cold marble interior with warm knotty alder, hardwood floors and colorful upholstery. Lumsden says lots of customers have asked “were those windows always there?” referring to the massive, 112-year-old arched windows that until the remodel never seemed to moderate the gloom. Now, they somehow pop, too. Fork has simultaneously banished the gloom, jumped a genre and committed to procuring locally grown food and drink. I’d bet even a vengeful bank teller would agree that adds up to the best new restaurant in Boise. —Guy Hand WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
necessarily articulate why, they apparently preferred some molecular clusters and therefore some vodkas over others. Koenig simply thinks potatoes make better vodka. He says most of the world’s vodkas are made out of grains like rye, corn or wheat, which are cheaper and easier to distill than potatoes. “But potatoes make a particularly smooth vodka,” Koenig says. “And while it’s tasteless and odorless, potato vodka has a wonderful viscosity or velvety mouth feel, a smoothness that’s unattainable by using other types of starch.” It takes about 10 pounds of russet potatoes to make a fifth of Koenig’s vodka and about 23 hours to run the mash through the copper stills, letting the vodka vapors rise as impurities condense on the sides of the still, sliding back into the mash. The Koenigs distill their vodka twice, discarding the “heads and tails” of the distillate process—the often off-flavored beginnings and ends—while saving the middle “heart” or smoothest, cleanest part of the run. It’s time consuming and takes more potatoes, but the end result is a silky mouth feel and slightly sweet flavor that has nothing even remotely in common with the bottomshelf rotgut that spiked the cocktails of my youth. “This is a vodka specifically for people looking for a connoisseur’s vodka,” Koenig says as he pours a potato vodka martini brightened with a splash of Koenig ice wine. “We use Idaho water, Idaho knowhow, Idaho dirt and Idaho potatoes. This is for people who really care about where their food comes from, how it’s grown, how it’s crafted.” For the committed locavore, it’s also nice to be reminded—perhaps even more so at the end of a long, lingering winter—that local food comes in liquid form, too. 40
BOISEweekly | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | 41
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ALL AREAS - ROOMMATES. COM. Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: www.Roommates.com ROOM AVAILABLE NOW Nampa, Idaho. Next to NNU. One room for rent in a house. No indoor smoking. No pets. $300/ mo. Util. incld. $75 deposit, references required. Please call 208-407-2848.
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$8500, this home includes new gas stove, new refrigerator, iWD & an outdoor shed. Stay dry with the covered carport and covered front porch. Call Deborah 208484-0752 for a showing. See virtual tour at www.tourfactory. com/630719. Base space rent is $340. Will consider all offers. Own 20 Acres. Only $129/mo. $13,900. Near growing El Paso, Texas (safest city in America!). Low down, no credit checks, owner financing. Free map/pictures 800-755-8953. www.sunsetranches.com
BW RENTALS BSU AREA Nice, very clean 2BD, 1BA duplex. One block from Albertsons and four blocks to BSU. Approximately 800 sq. ft. with open floor plan. W/D incld. in rent, WST paid. No smoking or pets allowed please. Rent is $550/mo., $350 deposit. Call Mike- 863-6855. I check ref-
erences carefully, so please be honest. No application fee. CUTE & CLEAN IN NORTHEND Available immediately! Adorable & very clean, 3BD, 1BA, newly updated (paint, floors, fixtures) Approximately 1200 sq. ft. $795/ mo. W/S/T paid. Has a small yard, huge covered patio area and awesome hiding places. WD hookups. Gas heat, central air, fireplace, mudroom, bonus workroom. Small pet OK with deposit. Email vvinner@gmail.com with any questions, or to arrange to come check it out. DOWNTOWN STUDIO w/util. $550. 2BD $550. 343-5476.
PE T S BW PETS AKC RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK 5 M & 3 F pups with top quality champion bloodlines! Dam African import. History of the breed is hunting and protection. RR’s are known as the gentle guardian, very loyal and loving. Extremely athletic, intelligent & versatile. RR’s make exceptional house dogs, clean & obedient, great with children & other animals. Reserve your pup now! $850. Available for you to take home the end of April. See the pups and parents http:// www.bucknrranch.webs.com Call to set up a visit! Located just north of Hayden, ID, 208-691-9673.
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42 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
BW MASSAGE A Full body massage by experienced therapist. Out call or private studio. 863-1577 Thomas.
1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, spa/showers, 24/7. I travel. 880-5772. massagebyeric.com. Male Only. Boise & Nampa studios.
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Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/ Eves/Weekends. Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 866-2759. MASSAGE BY GINA Full Body Treatment/Relaxation, Pain Relief & Tension Release. Call 908-3383. ULM 340-8377. FREE ON-LINE CLASSIFIED ADS Place your FREE on-line classifieds at www.boiseweekly.com. It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please.
C A RE E RS BW HELP WANTED ** ABLE TO TRAVEL ** Hiring 10 people, free to travel all states, resort areas. No experience necessary. Paid training & transportation. OVER 18. Start ASAP. 1-970-773-3165. CNA Hiring for all shifts. Start wage $10.57/hr. plus health, dental & vision after 6 months. Work in 6 bed facility with 2 other staff. bghomes@al.com INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS Driver Resources, LLC a Portland, OR based company has business opportunities available for the following routes (Cargo Van required): Mon.-Fri. 8:30PM to 4:00AM Sat. & Sun. 7:00PM to 2:30AM Delivery Area: Boise, La Grande, Ontario, & Caldwell. Cargo Van Required. Fuel Surcharge Provided. If interested, please respond by email to jkahut@zoanmgtinc.com Attn. Driver Resources Manager or call 503-232-0271.
$$$HELP WANTED$$$ Extra Income! Assembling CD cases from Home! No Experience Necessary! Call our Live Operators Now! 1-800-405-7619 EXT 2450 http://www.easywork-greatpay. com TECHNOLOGY Hewlett-Packard Company is accepting resumes for Engineering Program Manager in Boise, ID (Ref. #BOIEPM11). Responsible for engineering programs through the coordination of multiple projects across multiple disciplines including, but not limited to, the different engineering job families. Manage the life cycle of the program ensuring that the deadlines are achieved, and day-to-day functions of the program and related projects take place as required. Mail resume to Hewlett-Packard Company, 5400 Legacy Drive, MS H1-6F-61, Plano, TX 75024. Resume must include Ref. # BOIEPM11, full name, email address & mailing address. No phone calls please. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship. EOE.
First month free. Call Bette at Studio U, 4532 Overland Rd., 284-3194.
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TRANSPORTATION BW 4 WHEELS 2002 DODGE DAKOTA Sport quad cab for sale by owner or best offer, great condition. Call Eric at 208-866-4816 or e-mail at ericcharleswilderson@gmail.com 2008 JEEP WRANGLER Sahara 4X4 asking $4899. 4 dr., automatic, hard top. Questions? dner35ge@msn.com / 208-473-2466. Junk cars, trucks, vans. Paying up to $200. 208-963-0492.
ADOPT-A-PET These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society. www.idahohumanesociety.com 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508
REGGIE: Three-yearold female domestic longhair mix. Litterboxtrained. Needs a home without children. Still playful. (Kennel 126#12790989)
BROWNIE: Three-yearold male Siamese mix. Beautiful longhaired cat with blue eyes. Independent until he warms up. Litterbox-trained. (Kennel 106- #12720546)
SAM: Eighteen-monthold male domestic shorthair. Sweet, indoor cat who thrives with other cats but not dogs. Litterbox-trained. (Kennel 112- #12783670)
NILLA: One-year-old female American pit bull terrier mix. Happy dog who is completely deaf. Needs a fenced yard or to be on leash. (Kennel 414- #12724878)
CASH: Eight-month-old male boxer and German shepherd mix. Big, strong puppy who is a charmer. Needs to have an active owner. (Kennel 423- #12638770)
CALVIN: Ten-month-old male border collie mix. House- and cratetrained. Good with other dogs and cats. Prefers older children. (Kennel 406- #11631183)
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | 43
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B O I S E W E E K LY FOR SALE BW STUFF 9 Piece King Sleigh Bed Set Brand new. Dovetail drawers. List $2950. Sacrifice $799. 888-1464. Bed, Queen Tempurpedic Style Memory Foam Mattress. Brand new, w/warranty. Must sell $225. 921-6643. BEDROOM SET 7 pc. Cherry set. Brand new, still boxed. Retail $2250, Sacrifice $450. 888-1464. Couch & Loveseat - Microfiber. Stain Resistant. Lifetime Warranty. Brand new in boxes. List $1395. Must Sell $450! 8881464. KING SIZE PILLOW TOP MATTRESS SET. New - in bag, w/ warranty. MUST SELL $199. Call 921-6643.
Leather Sofa plus Loveseat. Brand new in crate w/Lifetime warranty. Retail $2450. Sell $699! 888-1464. NEW MISC.TOOLS Template cutting router bit set of three, made by Bosch $25. Craftsman aluminum clamps $12 each or $ 60 for all. 8” unmarked Irwin Dado set. All these tools are 40-50% cheaper than Lowe’s or Home Depot. Please call 8910323. NEW QUEEN PILLOW TOP SET Brand new Queen Pillow Top set for $199. The price includes both the mattress & box spring. We offer a variety of beds in all sizes. Call for more information, 208891-0606. WHIRLPOOL WASHER/DRYER Heavy Duty Large Capacity Whirlpool electric washer/dryer pair, (4 cycle-3 temp dryer; 9 cycle 2 spd washer),15 yrs. old in excellent working condition, light use. $150 firm for pair, located in SE Boise. Call 208-624-6152.
QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET. Brand new-still in plastic. Warranty. MUST SELL $139. Can deliver. 921-6643.
ATOMIC TREASURES Celebrating reuse with an eclectic mix of vintage, retro, art and found objects. Decorative and unique treasures for home, jewelry, accessories, clothing, books and collectibles. Stop in check it out!
32 36
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44 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
1 Ornate 5 Spreads 12 Old pol. entity 15 Like some skiing 16 Dark patch on a distant sun 17 Niña accompanier 18 Roams 19 Century in Amer. politics 20 Pony 21 Yenta’s habit 23 River to the North Sea 24 Bally enthusiasts 26 Off-white pottery 28 Sharp-tongued 29 Land in a stream 31 Thin as ___ 32 Temper 34 Galumph 36 They may get people talking 38 Jazz style 42 General Assembly figure, for short 43 Mine, to Marie 45 Sun Devils’ sch. 46 Underlying 47 Dutch brews 50 Ticket presenter 51 Shred 53 Period of the Cenozoic Era 55 Meditate (on) 58 Like much of New Orleans’s French Quarter 60 Beaver’s home 61 Shankar piece 62 ___ acid 63 Hoedown seating 64 Pooh’s pal 66 What you used to be? 68 Bickering 72 “I like your thinking”
76 “Cat ___,” 1965 film 77 Red-haired film princess 79 Olds sedan 80 Shot source 82 Exchange fig. 83 Citrusy cocktail mixer 86 Focus of a class action? 88 Novelist Hoag 89 Cancún, e.g. 92 Flap 94 Drink with tempura, maybe 97 “Howards End” role 98 Centipede maker 101 Singular 102 Balancing acts? 103 Kaplan course, briefly 105 Waited longer than 107 Drillmaster’s call 108 Called 110 Rhodes of the Rhodes scholarships 114 M.P.G. watcher 115 “make.believe” sloganeer 116 ___ guisada, Tex-Mex stew 117 Kind of gun 119 Continue 123 Twin Cities sch. 124 Waikiki wear 126 Yellow pool items 128 That, in Toledo 129 Sophocles title hero 131 Station line 134 ___ del Carmen, Mexico 135 Told stories 136 Norwegian king called “the 77-Down” 139 Clear 140 Station identification 143 Tie up
144 Pixar robot with a female voice 145 London daily 146 Rot 147 Letter in 145-Across 148 Cheat 149 Cheers
DOWN 1 Luggage 2 Asian capital name starter 3 P.R. people 4 ___ no 5 Some N.F.L.’ers 6 Runaway 7 Make ready for a winter storm, as a highway 8 Ed heard in “Up” 9 Bit of free time 10 Onesie wearer 11 Enter 12 Game piece 13 “Go” square in Monopoly, e.g. 14 Cinderella’s wear, at home 16 Darling 22 Hawaiian pizza topping 25 Minstrel songs 27 Month before juin 29 Swift’s “A Tale of ___” 30 Soap opera creator Phillips 33 “___ Mio” 35 Ambulance, slangily 37 One in a maze 39 Schemed together 40 For ___ (cheaply) 41 Alexander, to Aristotle 44 Sardegna, e.g. 47 Asia’s ___ Sea 48 What writer’s block may block 49 5-4 ruling, e.g. 52 Assembly area
54 Spanish food brand 55 Old PC part 56 O.K., in Osaka 57 Ones with the Christmas spirit? 59 Mariner of note 63 Steel or bronze 65 Card catalog abbr. 67 Tracker’s aid 69 Child-sized mitt 70 Promise to pay 71 Large cask 73 The Crimson Tide, for short 74 Bass lover? 75 Irish Rose’s beau 77 See 136-Across 78 “___ had it!” 81 Nine 84 Skater Midori 85 Exsiccates 87 Campsite sight 90 Slowing, in mus. 91 French possessive 93 Highlands daggers 95 Water color 96 “Survivor” homes 98 More than pale 99 Hosiery color 100 How some shares are sold L A S T P E T E A T N O
101 Suited to a person’s strengths 104 Edible mushroom 106 Charge 109 Fork 111 Said “No fair!” 112 They have rates and ratings 113 Jay who jests 118 Tongue-lash 120 Engage in a 1920s fad 121 One way to turn 122 Cornhusker St. 125 Draws out 127 Clowns’ toys 129 Still in the game 130 Spent 132 Merry-go-round music 133 Sly type? 134 W. or Bam 137 Actress Skye 138 Nettles 141 Sound at a spa 142 Neth. neighbor Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under extras for the answers to this week’s puzzle. Don't think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply doublechecking your answers.
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BW MUSICIANâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S EXCHANGE INDEPENDENT MUSICIANS NuJourney Music Studio and Music Distribution Inc. will be in the Boise area interviewing Independent Musicians who write their own music, to help get you to a ďŹ nished CD and into nationwide distribution. Any ages, all genres. Recording equipment will be set up and able to reserve time if needed. Ask about dinner invitation to learn more. For more info or to arrange interview, contact nujourneymusic@aol.com or call 801-660-5253. MALE GOSPEL, BLUES, JAZZ PLAYERS No tweekers/drunks Z@570-0907.
NOTICES BW LEGAL NOTICES IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA In the Matter of the Estate of: JOYCE SANDERS, Deceased. Case No. CV IE 1023777 NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 153-801) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned have been appointed Co-Personal Representatives of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the ďŹ rst publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, and ďŹ led with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 25th day of March, 2011. KURT BRESKI and CHERI BROUGHAM 12001 Fiddler Drive Boise, ID 83713 Phone: (208) 939-2214 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA In the Matter of the Estate of: BOBBY JO HILDEBRANDT, Deceased. Case No. CV IE 1105747 NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the ďŹ rst publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, and ďŹ led with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 31st day of March, 2011. Charlotte Jean Hildebrandt 2975 Cobble Way Meridian, ID 83642 Phone: 208-887-1219
BOISE EMPLOYER CONTEST Attention Treasure Valley Employers! This is your chance to participate in a groundbreaking contest to ďŹ nd the ultimate employee. Not a scam, not spam, and I am not a recruiter. Please visit http:// treasurevalleyemployercontest. blogspot.com/ for more details. CALL FOR ARTISTS Who luv pets. Help create change for companion animals & earn cash, enter our monthly campaign/contest at: www.jusanimalium.com DONATIONS NEEDED C.A.T.C.H. (Charitable Assistance to Communityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Homeless) is a collaborative effort sponsored by the City of Boise, United Way of Treasure Valley, local congregations of faith, local business and the public. The C.A.T.C.H. programs purpose is to provide housing ďŹ rst to homeless families with children before connecting them with appropriate local social services. CATCH is in need of donations to supply homeless families with the necessities they need. Contact Melanie Owen,Coordinator 384-4087 or maowen@cityofboise.org
All spray-free produce grown by refugee farmers. EBT accepted. Contact Global Gardens, 3364222. idahorefugees.org/home/ Global_Gardens HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Graduate in just 4 weeks!! FREE Brochure. Call NOW! 1-800-532-6546 Ext. 97 www.continentalacademy.com LOOKING FOR VENDORS Bazaar in Boise on April 23rd, from 10-3. Need all sorts of crafters and businesses such as Scentsy, Mary Kay/Avon, etc. spaces avail. are 6x4 and 10x10. Email magicmoonbeads@yahoo.com for more info and/or to request an application. 5TH ANNUAL BACHELOR AUCTION We all remember how much fun we had last year right?! Well now is the time to launch all your preevent tasks! For more information please visit our website: www.idahofederation.org
BW LOST LOST MONEY CLIP Lost Money Clip with License/Credit Cards/Cash. Please contact Jeff at 208-890-1194 if found. Probably lost in Downtown Boise. We at least want the actual clip back for sentimental reasons. Thanks.
BW FOUND MISSING YOUR BIKE LOCK KEY? Keys to a Bell bike lock found outside of Boise Weekly Head Quarters. Stop by 523 Broad St. to claim.
TAMARACK 3/19 You and your friends were hitch hiking. We didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have room for all of you but, you went up to get a vehicle to pick up your friends. You left your gloves in the back of our car. Find them at BWHQ 523 Broad St. Boise, 83702.
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Pen Pals complimentary ads for our incarcerated friends are run on a space-available basis and may be edited for content. Readers are encouraged to use caution and discretion when communicating with Pen Pals, whose backgrounds are not checked prior to publication. Boise Weekly accepts no responsibility for any relationships that may arise from contacting these inmates. Ladies, hi. My name is Christopher Gore. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m 30 yrs. Old, 6â&#x20AC;&#x2122;1â&#x20AC;?, 150 lbs. I have strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m looking for a woman aged between 21-35 who is between 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;2â&#x20AC;? and 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;9â&#x20AC;? and weighs 110-145 lbs. Christopher Gore #851988 Airway Heights Correction Center PO Box 2049 Unit LA Cell 61U Airway Heights, WA 99001. I would like to converse with a woman of truth, substance and integrity. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m 26 yrs. Old of German, Irish and Spanish ethnicity. I have blue/grey eyes and curly brown hair. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m 5â&#x20AC;&#x2122;9â&#x20AC;?, 175 lbs., physically ďŹ t and open to experiences. Michael Fancher #827914 S.C.C.C. 191 Constantine Way Aberdeen, WA 98520. My name is Anthony. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m 28, attractive and very athletic. Bad boy with a good heart looking for a pen pal. Anthony Cook IMSI PO Box 51 J-3-78 Boise, ID 83707. Newly ordained building congregation for positive correspondence, reassurance in faith and opportunity. Steven Leonard #846370 1313 N. 13th Ave. Walla Walla, WA 99362. My name is Gerilyn Flerchinger #57622 My address is Bonneville County Jail 605 N. Capital Idaho Falls, ID 83402. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m looking for a friend to keep me company while I do my time.
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BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | APRIL 6â&#x20AC;&#x201C;12, 2011 | 45
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): When he was 3 years old, actor Charlie Sheen got a hernia from yelling too much. I definitely don’t encourage you to be like that. However, I do think it’s an excellent time to tune in to the extravagant emotions that first made an appearance when you were very young and that have continued to be a source of light and heat for you ever since. Maybe righteous anger is one of those vitalizing emotions, but there must be others as well—crazy longing, ferocious joy, insatiable curiosity, primal laughter. Invite them to make an appearance and reveal the specific magic they have to give you right now. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The hydrochloric acid in our digestive system can dissolve a nail. In other words, you contain within you the power to dematerialize solid metal. Why is it so hard, then, for you to vaporize a painful memory or bad habit or fearful fantasy? I say you can do just that, Taurus—especially at this moment, when your capacity for creative destruction is at a peak. Try this meditation: Imagine that the memory or habit or fantasy you want to kill off is a nail. Then picture yourself dropping the nail into hydrochloric acid. Come back daily and revisit this vision, watching the nail gradually dissolve. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Now and then I include comments in these horoscopes that might be construed as political in nature. For instance, I have always endorsed a particular candidate in the American presidential elections. Some people are outraged by this. If you feel that way, you might want to stop reading now. It’s my sacred duty to tell you that the twists and turns of political and social issues will be making an increasingly strong impact on your personal destiny in the months ahead. To be of service to you, I will have to factor them into my meditations on your oracles. Now let me ask you: Is it possible that your compulsive discontent about certain political issues is inhibiting your capacity for personal happiness? CANCER (June 21-July 22): If you were a poker player, the odds would now be far better than usual that you’d be voted one of the 50 Sexiest Poker Players in the World. If you were a physician volunteering your services in Haiti or Sudan, there’d be an unusually high likelihood that you’d soon be the focus of a feature story on a TV news show. And even if you were just a pet groomer or life coach or yoga teacher, I bet your cachet would be rising. Why? According to my reading of the omens, you Cancerians are about to be noticed, seen for who you are or just plain appreciated a lot more than usual.
46 | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | BOISEweekly
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): No other country on the planet has a greater concentration of artistic masterpieces than Italy. As for the place that has the most natural wonders and inspiring scenery per square mile: That’s more subjective, but I’d say Hawaii. Judging from the astrological omens, Leo, I encourage you to visit one or both of those hot spots—or the closest equivalents you can manage. In my opinion, you need to be massively exposed to huge doses of staggering beauty. And I really do mean that you need this experience—for your mental, physical and spiritual well-being. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Healer Caroline Myss coined the term “woundology.” It refers to the practice of using our wounds to get power, sympathy and attention. Why give up our pain when we can wield it to manipulate others emotionally? “I am suffering, so you should give me what I want.” When we’re in pain, we may feel we have the right to do things we wouldn’t otherwise allow ourselves to do, like go on shopping sprees, eat tasty junk food or sleep with attractive people who are no good for us. In this scenario, pain serves us. It’s an ally. Your assignment, Virgo, is to get in touch with your personal version of woundology. Now is a good time to divest yourself of the so-called “advantages” of holding on to your suffering. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): As an American who has lived most of my life in the United States, I write these horoscopes in English. But for years, they have also been translated into Italian for the zesty Italian magazine Internazionale. My readership there has grown so sizable that an Italian publisher approached me to create an astrology book for Italians. Late last year, Robosocopo appeared in Italy but nowhere else. It was an odd feeling to have my fourth book rendered in the Italian language but not in my native tongue. I suspect you’ll be having a comparable experience soon, Libra. You will function just fine in a foreign sphere—having meaningful experiences and maybe even some success, “in translation.” SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You can gain more power—not to mention charisma, panache and love—by losing some of your cool. This is one time when too much self-control could undermine your authority. So indulge in a bit of healthy self-undoing, Scorpio. Gently mock your selfimportance and shake yourself free of self-images you’re pathologically attached to. Fool with your own hard and fast rules in ways that purge your excess dignity and restore some of your brilliant and beautiful innocence.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): This week will be a time when you might want to get a hold of a toy you loved when you were a kid, and actually play with it again; a time when you could speak so articulately about an idea you’re passionate about that you will change the mind of someone who has a different belief; a time when you may go off on an adventure you feared you would regret but then it turns out that you don’t; a time when you might pick out a group of stars in the sky that form the shape of a symbol that’s important to you, and give this new constellation a name; and a time when you could make love with such utter abandon that your mutual pleasure will stay with you both for several days. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): The Norwegian film Twigson is about a boy who feels so isolated that he seeks companionship with a talking twig. In the coming weeks, I encourage you to be equally as proactive in addressing the strains of your own loneliness. I’m not implying that you are lonelier or will be lonelier than the rest of us; I’m just saying that it’s an excellent time for taking aggressive action to soothe the ache. So reach out, Capricorn. Be humbly confident as you try to make deeper contact. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): During one of 2010’s Mercury retrograde phases, astrologer Evelyn Roberts wrote on her Facebook page that she was doing lots of things you’re “not supposed to do” during a Mercury retrograde: buying a new computer, planning trips, making contracts, signing documents. Why? She said she always rebels like that, maybe because of her quirky Aquarian nature. More importantly, she does it because what usually works best for her is to pay close attention to what’s actually going on rather than getting lost in fearful fantasies about what influence a planet may or may not have. During the current Mercury retrograde, Aquarius, I recommend her approach to you. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Damon Bruce is a San Francisco sports talk show host I listen to. He told a story about being at a bar and seeing a guy with a tattoo of a life-sized dollar bill on the back of his shaved head. Bruce was incredulous. Why burn an image of the lowestdenomination bill into your flesh? If you’re going to all that trouble, shouldn’t you inscribe a more ambitious icon, like a $100 bill? My sentiments exactly, Pisces. Now apply this lesson to your own life.
BOISEweekly | APRIL 6–12, 2011 | 47