IN HOT WATER New EPA rules force expensive sewer system overhaul FEATURE 13
CHINAHO Investigating the case of China’s Idaho takeover 1ST THURSDAY 23
MAP AND GUIDE INSIDE Your how-to for the best day of the month FOOD 36
TO EAT OR NOT TO EAT The locavore’s clam dilemma
“Well, it’s a bit like snot, isn’t it? But I must say it’s delicious.”
2 | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
BW STAFF PUBLISHER: Sally Freeman Sally@boiseweekly.com Office Manager: Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com EDITORIAL Editor: Rachael Daigle Rachael@boiseweekly.com Arts & Entertainment Editor: Amy Atkins Amy@boiseweekly.com Features Editor: Deanna Darr Deanna@boiseweekly.com News Editor: George Prentice George@boiseweekly.com Staff Writer: Tara Morgan Tara@boiseweekly.com New Media Czar: Josh Gross Josh@boiseweekly.com Calendar Guru: Heather Lile Heather@boiseweekly.com Listings: calendar@boiseweekly.com Proofreaders: Jay Vail, Sheree Whiteley Contributing Writers: Bill Cope, Guy Hand, Ted Rall Interns: Lizzy Duffy, Brady Moore, Shelby Soule, Sheree Whiteley, Trevor Villagrana ADVERTISING Advertising Director: Lisa Ware Lisa@boiseweekly.com Account Executives: Sabra Brue, Sabra@boiseweekly.com Jessi Strong, Jessi@boiseweekly.com Doug Taylor, Doug@boiseweekly.com Nick Thompson, Nick@boiseweekly.com Jill Weigel, Jill@boiseweekly.com CLASSIFIED SALES Classifieds@boiseweekly.com CREATIVE Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Leila@boiseweekly.com Graphic Designers: Adam Rosenlund, Adam@boiseweekly.com Jen Grable, Jen@boiseweekly.com Contributing Artists: Conner Coughlin, Derf, Jeremy Lanningham, James Lloyd, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Tom Tomorrow Photography Interns: Will Eichelberger, Will Jones, John Winn, Matthew Wordell CIRCULATION Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town: Stan Jackson Stan@boiseweekly.com Distribution: Tim Anders, Mike Baker, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Jennifer Hawkins, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Lars Lamb, Brian Murry, Amanda Noe, Northstar Cycle Couriers, Steve Pallsen, Patty Wade, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 30,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. SUBSCRIPTIONS: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. TO CONTACT US: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: info@boiseweekly.com www.boiseweekly.com Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701 The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2011 by Bar Bar, Inc. EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Thursday at noon before publication date. SALES DEADLINE: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher. Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. BOISE WEEKLY IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER.
NOTE RUMOR HAS IT It was around dinner time on a Sunday a few weeks ago that I realized the enormity and absurdity of the rumor mill. That night, I got a text message from a friend that read: “What’s this shit about China buying Idaho?” The dots didn’t immediately connect, and my response was: “What kind of crazy are you talking?” The answer: “Project 60. Check it out.” Ah, the kind of crazy was of the Glenn Beck/ Bircher variety. Awesome. But it didn’t stop there. Over the course of the next few weeks, Boise Weekly received news tips and letters to the editor regarding the imminent Chinese invasion of Idaho. Despite the best efforts of local news outlets to report the facts of the story, the uber-right pundits and blogosphere seem to be winning the publicity campaign. It was back in January that Glenn Beck said, “I guess we’re building an airport in Idaho, they”—as in the Chinese—“want to build an airport in Idaho? Government-run, government-owned, Chinese airport.” Six months later, the story just keeps coming. Both Kevin Richert and Rocky Barker at the Idaho Statesman published pieces asserting the facts, which, so far, the conspiracy theorists have been very committed to overlooking. This week’s main feature in BW is the alternative take on the idea that the Chinese are coming to get us. Yes, mates, we are most definitely taking the piss out of those who perpetuate the untruths, and it’s no coincidence that Red Potatoes is a comic with a plotline so ridiculous it could hardly be believed. I’m sure the subtlety is not lost on BW readers, but I anticipate it will be lost on the many readers who will lampoon us for responding to a serious threat with childish antics. Extra-special thanks and recognition for this story go to Boise Weekly’s super-awesome-amazing-and-talented Graphic Designer Adam Rosenlund, who took on the task of illustrating, pacing and writing Red Potatoes with just a few days to put it together. He went above and beyond last week to get it done. —Rachael Daigle
COVER ARTIST ARTIST: Erin Cunnigham TITLE: View from the New Nothing MEDIUM: Ink on wood ARTIST STATEMENT: Please come and see some New and Old Nothing at the new location of Bricolage, now located at 418 S. Sixth St. Hang out with my friends and I, enjoy some treats and peruse the fine wares on Thursday, Aug. 4.
Boise Weekly pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | 3
WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world. LAU R IE PEAR M AN
THE CORRECT PRONUNCIATION OF CASSIA AND DOUCHEBAGGERY If you picked up last week’s edition of Boise Weekly, you also got the second edition of our Annual Manual. Scan the QR codes in that bad boy to see, for example, videos of life behind the scenes at Smoky Davis or a tour of Ada County at warp speed. May we also recommend the hilarious “Everything You Need to Know About Boise and Then Some,” which includes a handy pronunciation guide.
CREATING THE BLACK GOLD Apparently Boise residents have plenty of organic material to compost. Boise Public Works and Allied Waste are once again selling compost bins and offering free composting classes in response to high demand. Bins are $42.50. More info at Citydesk.
SANTA ON BEST OF BOISE Dear Santa: All I want for Christmas is to win a Best of Boise award in Boise Weekly’s annual Best of Boise contest. —Love, Not the Best Yet. Dear Not the Best Yet: Then get all your friends to vote for you at boiseweekly.com. Or have them scan the QR code to the right to go directly to the survey. —Love, Santa.
4 | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
EDITOR’S NOTE BILL COPE TED RALL NEWS Boise’s rising waste water woes CITYDESK CITIZEN FEATURE Red Potatoes BW PICKS FIND 8 DAYS OUT SUDOKU FIRST THURSDAY Indie Made pops up FIRST THURSDAY Map and listings NOISE Getting to know Those Darlins MUSIC GUIDE SCREEN The Trip SCREEN TV Nothing but Ramsay REC Boisean readies for the Iditarod FOOD All sides of Idaho seafood FOOD REVIEW Simple Sushi Bar CLASSIFIEDS NYT CROSSWORD FREEWILL ASTROLOGY
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BOISEweekly | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | 5
WHOSE DEFAULT IS IT? The tea weeds must be pulled, roots and all For those of you who are uncomfortable— possibly apoplectic—with the Constitutional revision that Badger Bob has been presenting on this page for the last two weeks, you can breathe easily for now. I have taken back control of my own column. It wasn’t easy. I had to promise Bob we would return to his project from time to time, and I set him up on a card table in the basement so that he could re-write merrily along without the distractions he claims plague him when he tries to concentrate at home. (He says there is one yapping dog in particular, living in the yard just across the railroad tracks from where he parks his camper, which carries on night and day. Even worse, according to Bob, is the fact that this moon-mad mutt has all the same tonal qualities, inflections and vocal rhythms that he hears in Michele Bachmann when she speaks before a crowd of true believers. Is it any wonder that he can’t concentrate?) I’m letting him use one of my old computers—one of those old Macs that’s the size and shape of a bowling ball gift box—and late into the night, every night, I can hear him whacking away at the keyboard. For a 75-year-old man who cut his typing teeth on a manual Smith Corona typewriter, he’s pretty fast. He expects to be done with his Constitutional rehash by the 2012 election. Even if, as he anticipates, it comes in at 800 pages or more. Every couple of hours, he stomps upstairs and demands that I listen to his latest “refinements,” as he calls them. It can be annoying, especially when it happens while I’m trying to watch some TV. But if I know my pal Bob, his preoccupation will mellow in time and he will move back into his camper and pursue his revision with a more relaxed attitude, in spite of the dog. He will never give up and stop—it’s not in Bob’s nature to abandon a project before it’s done—but I expect the fire that crackles hot in his craw today to cool down considerably. That’s one of the reasons I admire Bob: He’s committed to what he believes but never crosses the line that would make him committable … if you know catch my drift. In the meantime, he doesn’t eat much—two bowls of Raisin Bran a day, plus whatever stray carrots he finds rolling around at the bottom of the crisper. And he’s good at cleaning up after himself. When he leaves the bathroom, you can hardly tell he’s been there. I also have to acknowledge that, if not for Bob and his unrelenting insistence that the Constitution must be “overhauled so clearly that even Clarence Thomas can understand it,” (Bob’s words) I might well be out in the back yard still soaking up the summer. I got carried away with seasonal carefreeness, I can see that now. It is only because of Bob’s obsession that I have snapped out of it and returned to my duties. Drinking beer in the sun and barbecuing sundry chunks of animal flesh is a pleasure, no doubt about it. But in times like
6 | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
these, it is important to keep one’s joie de vivre under control, yes? And listen, if I have left the impression that I think Bob is a compulsive nuisance, that’s not what I meant to do. I am sympathetic to his motives, if not always his methods. For instance, his observation is an unqualified bull’s eye that the right is increasingly prone to assign a divine intention to anything and everything they consider their private ideological domain. Their logic seems to be that any particular position, principle or value would have never occurred to them had not the Highest Power put it in their brains to begin with—e.g., “We believe in God and we believe in free markets, ergo, God believes in free markets.” Within this line of reasoning—if “reasoning” is the proper name for a thought process so infantile—they can substitute virtually anything they represent for the “B” part of the equation—i.e., “We believe in God and we believe in guns, ergo, God believes in guns.” And as we’ve seen over and over, their own say-so is all the proof they need. It is this intellectual mud that Bob means to hose out when he tackles a project like revamping the U.S. Constitution. And in this respect, I have to agree with him. We cannot rely on facts, historical precedent or even on the most obvious truths when dealing with people who make up their own facts, who see in history only what they want to see, and who don’t acknowledge anything to be true until they hear it from the Fox’s mouth. So yes, I understand what Bob is up to. The modern right is a noxious weed, and to defeat a noxious weed, you have to attack the roots. The fundamentals that feed their noxiousness. The foundations without which they would wither and blow away. Their positions, their refusal to compromise a retarded ideology, their efforts to define reality to their specious specifications … these are only symptoms. It is their overinflated sense of absolute righteousness that needs to be destroyed. And quickly, before it destroys our country. Today, when this column appears in public, we will be living through the day after a yapping pack of Tea Party vigilantes within our Congress did or did not bring the United States to its economic knees. I can’t know by my deadline how it turned out, but if that disaster did indeed come to pass, we all know who made it happen. And if somehow we escaped the plunge, it was no thanks to them. Had such a threat to our nation been committed by self-proclaimed communists or selfproclaimed anarchists, we wouldn’t hesitate to call it treasonous sabotage. But as it was done by self-proclaimed Republicans, they will not only get away with it, they will congratulate themselves as heroes. “We believe in God and we believe in what we believe, ergo, God believes in what we believe.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
AMERICAN SELECT Wall Street-backed third party flogs fake democracy SAN FRANCISCO—For his novel 1984, George Orwell conjured up a one-party state so powerful and pervasive that it was forced to create a phony resistance movement led by a fiction-within-a-fiction, Emmanuel Goldstein. A New York Times op-ed column by Thomas Friedman, the hackiest hack in American, presents a Goldstein for America 2012: a third party whose candidate would purportedly be chosen by we, the people. “Thanks to a quiet political start-up that is now ready to show its hand,” writes Friedman, “a viable, centrist, third presidential ticket, elected by an Internet convention, is going to emerge in 2012.” Amend that: rather than being chosen by we the people, this candidate would be picked by a tiny segment of centrists, i.e. the fraction of the electorate whose ideology falls between the Democratic and Republican parties. “The goal of Americans Elect is to take a presidential nominating process now monopolized by the Republican and Democratic parties, which are beholden to their special interests, and blow it wide open—guaranteeing that a credible third choice, nominated independently, will not only be on the ballot in every state but be able to take part in every presidential debate and challenge both parties from the middle.” Americans Elect offers a tantalizing prospect to a populace starving for representation worthy of them: genuine democracy free of big corporate money. So who is Americans Elect? Its website, americanselect.org, reads like American Select. Americans Elect, Friedman writes, is based in “swank offices, financed with some serious hedge-fund money, a stone’s throw from the White House.”
Another phony Astroturf movement (hello, Tea Party) financed by hedge-fund scum. Americans Elect is run by “Elliot Ackerman, an Iraq war veteran with a Silver Star, who serves as the chief operating officer ... and whose father, Peter, a successful investor, has been a prime engine behind the group.” The proposed mechanics are beyond naive. Any nominee, Friedman says, would have to be “considered someone of similar stature to our previous presidents. That means no Lady Gaga allowed.” In other words, you can vote for anyone, as long as it’s an old white Protestant male. Nice democracy you got there. Now for the best part. “Each presidential candidate has to pick a running mate outside of their party and reaching across the divide of politics,” sayeth Ackerman the Lesser. Concludes chief cheerleader Friedman: “What amazon.com did to books, what the blogosphere did to newspapers, what the iPod did to music, what drugstore.com did to pharmacies, Americans Elect plans to do to the two-party duopoly.” Hedge-fund money aside, Americans Elect doesn’t stand a chance against the billions of corporate dollars lined up behind the Dems and GOP. But that isn’t stopping mainstream media like NPR from giving it publicity—and thus false hope to a public in dire need of real solutions, not more charlatans. Just like Emmanuel Goldstein, Americans Elect accomplishes something remarkable. It offers a third-party alternative so phony and disappointing that it can only make Americans more cynical than they are already. Which makes me wonder. Are these guys the pompous clods they look like or agents provocateur hastening the revolution?
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When the smoke had cleared from the 2008 Oregon Trail Fire (which destroyed 10 homes, damaged nine others and killed a resident), local, state and federal officials launched a call to action for homeowners and community developers to become more “firewise.” While the 2008 damage to the Southeast Boise neighborhood was considerable, firefighters said the blaze could have easily threatened a 1,000 home subdivision. Yet three years later, a survey of more than 500 Foothills East neighborhood homes revealed that the majority of residents are at high wildfire risk. Of 567 homes surveyed in the neighborhood between Military Reserve and Castle Rock Reserve, a staggering 98 percent were rated as “high risk” or worse. Of those, 39 percent were rated as “very high risk” or worse and 13 percent as “extreme” risk. “The findings were quite significant,” said Jennifer Tomlinson of Boise’s Planning and Development Services Department. “We’re sending out postcards to all of the homeowners now so that they can access the data.” The City of Boise, Bureau of Land Management and an organization called FIRE-up (Field Inquiry Research Experience) formed a partnership to conduct the wildfire-hazard assessment. Teams of high-school The results and a survey students area map are available at fanned out cityofboise.org. through the neighborhood in June, collecting data on vegetation and structures in and around the Foothills. They then plugged their data into software known as Red Zone to calculate each home’s hazard value. Certain categories involving building materials sent some homes straight to the top of the “high-risk” list. For example, if roofing material was made of wood shakes, a home would be assessed 25 points vs. a home with asphalt or composite on its roof, which resulted in three points. If a home had dense vegetation within 300 feet, it would accumulate 20-25 points. If the home’s defensible space was less than 30 feet from the structure, 25 points would be assessed. If a home accumulated more than 40 points, it was rated “high,” more than 80 points was “very high,” and more than 100 points was “extreme.” “Ultimately, our goal is to survey as much of the Boise Front as we can,” said Tomlinson. “There are some 6,800 homes in the Wildland Urban Interface.” Tomlinson told Citydesk that if funding was available, more housing surveys would be conducted next summer. “I encourage all citizens whose homes are evaluated to make the needed adjustments to prevent tragedy from striking again,” said Boise Mayor Dave Bieter. The FIRE-up summer program, now in its eighth year, is for high schoolers who want to earn transferable Northwest Nazarene University college credits by completing research programs about wildfire. —George Prentice
8 | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
WATER, WATER Sewer rates to rise, major changes in the pipeline for Boise’s wastewater GEORGE PRENTICE In the coming weeks, Boise citizens will learn two things: 1) Their sewer rates are about to go up for the third time in as many years, and 2) city officials need cash to undertake one of the biggest public-works projects in a generation. Nothing less than the integrity of the Boise River and the region’s aquaculture are at stake but understanding the urgency of the project and the necessity of the funds requires an economic and scientific analysis.
Marcia Schmelzer is the operations manager of the West Boise Wastewater Treatment Plant.
CRUNCHING THE NUMBERS When Neal Oldemeyer, Boise’s Public tory of fees collected from residential and Works director, put pencil to paper two commercial customers, and it traditionally weeks ago, he concluded that the resources holds $8 million in cash reserves. But looking needed to re-engineer the city’s wastewater treatment facilities would tap the city’s sewer at the possibility of capital expenses approaching $50 million during the next five fund perilously close to its cash reserves. years, Oldemeyer recognized the huge outlay “As soon as we crunched the numbers in might possibly threaten the reserves. Oldeour most recent analysis, I knew I had to get in front of the Public Works Commission and meyer asked the council’s approval to raise City Council as soon as possible,” Oldemeyer sewer rates for every business and citizen in Boise by an additional 5 percent. said. “It was difficult, but it was my obligaMost council members, while acknowledgtion to do so.” ing the need for the improvements, balked at Within days, Oldemeyer laid his dilemma the request. in the laps of Public Works commissioners “I understand the circumstances,” said and Boise City Council members. In a detailed Council President Maryanne Jordan. “But I’m presentation, Oldemeyer said that when the just not comfortable with a rate increase for Environmental Protection Agency issues new 2012. It just doesn’t seem right.” permits for the city’s wastewater treatment But Councilman TJ Thomson said the facilities in 2012, it will unveil never-beforesafety and integrity of the city’s water had to seen restrictions on phosphorous and water take priority. temperature. Adhering to the new “If this were a park or library, limits will be complex enough, said that would be one thing,” said Oldemeyer, but he had a more imThomson. “But this is one of two mediate challenge: how to pay for services—sewer and safety—that such significant changes. we absolutely have to provide.” “It will require nearly $4 milCouncil Pro Tem Alan Shealy lion in immediate capital improvelooked for a compromise. ments and nearly $1.5 million in “Five percent is just too much,” annual chemical costs,” Oldemeyer said Shealy. “And clearly, zero is told commissioners on July 15 and VIDEO: Boise’s not meeting Neal’s request. I don’t council members on July 20. Wastewater know where anybody else is on But his $5 million request was Dilemma this, but I’m willing to split the just the beginning. Oldemeyer exdifference.” plained long-range improvements Ultimately Shealy moved and to the West Boise Wastewater Treatment Facility could cost anywhere from each council member approved a motion asking Oldemeyer to return with a request $67 million to $92 million, with an addito raise sewer rates by 2.5 percent. Council tional $4 million to $36 million for the city’s members David Eberle and Lauren McLean Lander Street Wastewater Plant. were absent. “I know it’s a huge range, but that A 2.5 percent increase would bump up includes at least four to five scenarios,” Oldemeyer told BW. “As for right now, we’re an average residential bill by 57 cents each month. The average residential customer curasking for council approval of $5 million rently pays $22.68 per month. Commercial from the city’s sewer fund.” bills have extreme variances, with customers The so-called “sewer fund” is the deposi-
as big as Micron compared to small businesses located in homes. The median average sewer bill of Boise’s 4,315 commercial customers is $41.45 per month.
MUCH ADO ABOUT PHOSPHOROUS When the Environmental Protection Agency issues permits to water treatment facilities, its foundation is the Federal Clean Water Act, the statutory basis for regulating discharge into the waters of the United States. The CWA grants ultimate authority to the EPA to oversee state and local aquacultures. Following decades of focusing on toxins, the EPA will focus on two new regulations in 2012: phosphorous and water temperature. “Our permits have never had a limit on phosphorous before,” said Paul Woods, Boise’s Environmental Division Manager. “This is brand new, and it’s a very big issue.” While phosphorous is necessary for plant or animal growth, too much phosphate can choke a waterway with algae and water weeds, using up large amounts of oxygen, thereby threatening fish and aquatic organisms. When asked what the current phosphorous levels were at the outtakes of Boise’s wastewater treatment facilities, Woods took a deep breath. “We’re at about 5,500 micrograms per liter,” he said. “We need to be at 70 micrograms per liter.” So how does Boise reduce its phosphorous by nearly 8,000 percent? Oldemeyer and Woods told Boise City Council that they had a two-part plan. The initial step will take a lot of money and science. The next step will take some first-rate bargaining. “Number one, we have a project called our Enhanced Biological Nutrient Removal,” said Oldemeyer. “That’s what we’ll need the $5 million for now. That should take our phosphorous levels from 5,500 mi10 crograms per liter down to about 500.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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But the second step, to bring phosphorous levels all the way down to 70 mg/L, includes a bit of a gamble involving something called the Dixie Drain.
the EPA’s new standards. Another demand involves temperature.
When considering the temperature of the Boise River, officials use Celsius instead of Fahrenheit. The approximate temperature A year-and-a-half ago, the City of Boise reading of water flowing from Boise’s wastepurchased a 49-acre parcel of land between water plants runs 18-24 degrees Celsius (about Notus and Parma, known as the Dixie Drain. Hundreds of miles of canals in the Boise Valley 64-75 degrees Fahrenheit). But new rules from the EPA will soon require those temperatures Irrigation System flow into the Dixie, includto be dropped to 13-15 degrees Celsius (55-59 ing untold amounts of phosphorous running off from fertilized farmlands. The Dixie Drain, degrees Fahrenheit). “It’s possibly our biggest challenge,” said further downstream from Boise, flows back Woods. “The good news is that the Treasure into the Boise River and eventually the Snake Valley’s climate generally works in our favor. River, sending all of its phosphates into the The Boise River usually runs cold enough to region’s water systems. “Instead of asking us to install very expen- support the spawning.” Woods referred specifically to three native sive filtration systems at our city’s wastewater treatment facilities, costing us tens of millions species—brown trout, rainbow trout and mountain whitefish. The EPA of dollars, we’re proposing to singled out the fish when engineer a cleanup at Dixie deciding appropriate temperaDrain, costing us significantly PHOSPHOROUS tures for propagation. But less money while having a Current reading at West when wastewater is treated, a greater impact on the environBoise Wastewater Treatment Plant: 5,500 mg/L fair amount of heat enters the ment,” said Oldemeyer. equation. Oldemeyer and Woods are New EPA limits: 70 mg/L “It’s certainly warmer than currently negotiating with the river,” said Woods. “The the EPA and the Idaho Dept. WATER TEMPERATURE new standards will be based of Environmental Quality Current temperature at on a lot of deep science. The concerning the unique arouttake of wastewater EPA will basically end up telltreatment facilities: 18-24 rangement. degrees Celsius ing us that we need to control “This is something very the temperatures in order to new,” said Oldemeyer. New EPA limits: 13-15 degrees Celsius protect this population.” “But the EPA will have to Woods acknowledged be the one to stand up and say that the temperature control that this plan would have the would be the subject of intense negotiations greater environmental impact,” said Woods. between the city and the EPA but could cost The Dixie Drain deal, formally known as significant amounts in capital expenses. the Lower Boise Phosphorous Removal Project, would not involve wastewater treatments. Instead the design uses a gravitational pull of “A TOUGH SELL” water through a series of wetlands, eventually The Clean Water Act, hundreds of pages allowing sediment to be collected in settling long, has been amended twice (in 1977 and ponds before sending the cleaner water back 1987) but its enforcement is strict. to the Boise River. “It doesn’t allow you to say you simply “What’s exciting about Dixie is being can’t afford to make changes,” said Woods. able to remove a lot more phosphorous “If you don’t meet their expectations, the act for substantially less money,” said Marcia has some pretty good teeth to it.” Schmelzer, operations manager of the West EPA compliance fines have been known to Boise Wastewater Treatment Plant. “To get top $37,000 a day. that last 5 percent of phosphorous out, we “We don’t want to get into that,” said would have to add so much more here at Woods. “The agency would like to see this the West Boise plant, with a price tag of $40 done as quickly as possible. Temperature regumillion to $60 million. This alternative just lations? Well, that will take about 10 years, seems like a win, win.” for sure. Phosphorous limits? That’s more like The plan already has some political muscle eight years.” behind it. Idaho’s congressional delegation, Which is why Oldemeyer requested from which toured the Dixie Drain in July 2010, the Boise City Council—and was grantsigned off on the proposal. ed—$500,000 to begin designing the phospho“This is an excellent collaborative rous removal project as soon as possible. project that should move forward,” said But Oldemeyer is the first to confirm that Sen. Jim Risch. his most immediate task will be to convince “The use of the Dixie Drain as a filter is an the citizens and businesses of Boise that a 2.5 innovative model for local water quality impercent sewer rate hike is warranted, especially provement,” said Sen. Mike Crapo, a ranking following a 12 percent hike in 2009 followed member of the Senate Environment and Public by a 5 percent hike in 2010. Works Committee’s Subcommittee on Wildlife “I think in this environment, any increase is and Water. a tough sell,” said Oldemeyer. “But likewise, But phosphorous is just one challenge I think we have a story that goes with it. It’s a facing Boise in its effort to comply with complex story, but it’s a good one.”
10 | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
BEN KUZMA Tending the garden at Boise Co-Op GEORGE PRENTICE
Where did you begin your professional relationship with food? I was always interested in plants and growing things, being part of the master gardeners program in Seattle in the 1980s. That prompted me to go to graduate school at Washington State. I had a lab partner there who encouraged me to move to Davis, Calif. But I was disillusioned by all of the biotech companies in that area that wanted to re-engineer produce. I have a love of plants and I thought that was bastardization. So I began working at the co-op in Davis. What were your conversations like with the Boise Co-Op board of directors about possibly taking this job?
Ben Kuzma stepped inside a Davis, Calif., cooperative grocery store nearly 40 years ago and never looked back. He worked in every corner of co-ops in Davis and Tucson, Ariz., before taking over as the new general manager of Boise Co-op in May. But food service is just a part of his journey. He has lived in Arizona, California, Florida, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Washington. He’s a Vietnam vet, serving as a Marine in Da Nang in 1969-1970. His passions are gardening and the poems of e.e. Cummings. Kuzma’s arrival at Boise Co-op came in the wake of a rather nasty bit of business in January, when longtime manager Ken Kavanagh was fired by the co-op’s board of directors, setting off a week-long debate that got nasty and, at times, personal. Kavanagh ultimately came to a confidential settlement with the board, ending the public sniping.
I thought that this was a very large, successful business, but it didn’t have any connections to the bigger co-op movement. How sustainable is the co-op model? It’s very sustainable. Let me show you this map. [Kuzma pulled out a drawing of the United States covered with dots.] All of these dots represent members of the National Cooperative Grocers Association. You’ll notice that we aren’t on this map. How many co-ops are on this map. About 120. What does the Boise Co-op get in return from joining the NCGA? We would certainly gain stronger negotiating power with distributors. Have you become a member since your arrival? We have just been accepted as an associate member, and we should be a full member by the end of the year. Does it require buy-in? It’s a dues structure, but you get so much back. Are the dues flat or are they based on sales? It’s based on a percentage of sales. Can I ask what that is? You can ask, but I won’t tell you. A lot of it is proprietary information that we wouldn’t want competitors to know about. How many employees do you have? 150.
There was some conversation among employees about possible unionization. I think staff, rightfully so, were concerned about their job security and whether there was going to be any slashing and burning. But I think as time goes on, staff becomes more trustful and understands what we’re trying to accomplish. I think there is less anxiety now. We’re totally about investing in our staff’s development and training. We do want to expand. When you say expansion, what does that mean? I can’t speak for the organization, but when I first interviewed for this job, I laid my cards on the table. Instead of simply telling them what they wanted to hear, I said, “This is what you need to do.” There is plenty of opportunity for expansion. There’s a group in Nampa that wants to start a little co-op, and they’ve been in touch with us. The co-op movement is in its infancy here. So are you having conversations about expansion? Well, I’m having them with you. But are you beginning to talk formally with your board about expanding? You can have wishful thinking, but you have to be organized and know what you’re doing. There’s quite a bit of work to reach a place called “internal readiness.”
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CITIZEN How might the co-op be different in five years? In five years, we would have internal readiness and would be set for expansion. I think there is a lot of room for much more engagement with our members, having them decide on important issues. Is it fair to say that hasn’t been the case of late? I don’t see evidence of it. In five years, Whole Foods will have presumably opened their doors in Boise and will be regularly competing with you. But our stakeholders are based in this community, and everything that we’re doing is geared toward developing this community. But won’t Whole Foods cast a shadow on your marketplace? I come from a very competitive market in Tucson, where we had five Trader Joe’s and five Sunflower Markets, and our co-op thrived. Here, I think we’re operating in a bit of a vacuum. It’s been kind of easy. And just because you put in a new grocery store, even if it’s Whole Foods, it’s not going to cast a shadow that will put everybody else in the dark. There’s a lot of room in Boise for multiple players. Isn’t that a good reason why you should be talking about expansion? Either we do it or somebody else is going to do it. Whole Foods is not going to be the only business that will come here with that kind of product line. We’re at the beginning stage of natural food markets coming here. Boise is a great size and there are plenty of opportunities. In fact, I’m not sure why there haven’t been more natural foods stores here. Let’s talk about a shorter time frame. What might a customer walking through your doors see a year from now that they don’t see right now? That requires a lot of alignment and strategic planning. I currently supervise 20 different managers. I simply can’t serve the needs of everybody. We need to do a lot of reorganization. That’s a lot of direct reports. We need to get to a point where I’m supervising maybe six or eight people. Plus, we don’t even have a finance manager. If you’re going to be serious about doing pro forma’s and five-year projections, you need an expert. I’m pretty good with finances but that’s not my only job. The same with marketing. We currently have four or five people doing their own thing. We need one person to focus on marketing. Are you reluctant to drill too deep into product lines before you have your management structure in place? I could say if this was “Ben’s Co-op,” this is what I would like but that doesn’t
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make sense. Let me use a gardening analogy. I once dug up a bed that looked vacant, but underneath was a bed of tulips. And I cut through the bulbs without realizing I should have waited a season to see what was already there. How big is your annual budget? Well, again, that’s part of our planning process. Are you saying you don’t have an annual budget? We don’t. This is where you need a finance manager that understands all of that. We do have a kind of budget, but it is after-the-fact. We get year-end financials that show us where we spent our money. But that’s not the way budgets work. So when you look at your year-end financials, what do they look like? We’re a profitable business, and we’re doing it well. But as far as dollars, what does it look like? We have sales of about $26 million. Traditionally grocery stores operate on a very slim margin. Still, 1 percent of $26 million is a pretty good chunk of change. What do you know about your predecessor, Ken Kavanagh? His departure was, let’s say, bumpy. I haven’t met Ken. But all of that melodrama was played out in the community. I feel like we’re going through some kind of healing process, and it’s time to move on and look forward. What is your take on the vibe from employees regarding that healing process? Everybody has been very receptive and friendly. This is kind of a honeymoon period. But people have also been frank about decisions to restructure our organization. People actually do question things and that’s good. I like that. It’s healthy. I like that about the organization. Where do you find joy outside of work? Gardening. What’s in your garden? We only have basil right now. You really have to develop a plot and nurture it for several years. You have made more than one reference to planting. Do you look at your work as a garden? That’s the idea of gardening. You’re not growing plants, you’re growing soil. It’s the same thing with a store. You’re not trying to make money, per se. You’re trying to enrich the store so that it’s populated with a lot of things that make it grow. It’s growing the culture and the environment. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
JUST THE FACTS Since late 2010, a rumor has been circulating that the Chinese government, via a government-owned company, has purchased a 50-acre plot of land just south of Boise, upon which it will build a selfsustaining city. As the Governor’s Office and even Boise Mayor’s Office fielded calls from riled-up constituents, right-wing power players like the John Birch Society spread the rumor as fact. The Idaho GOP even looked at a resolution, “Idaho as a China-Beachhead Withdrawal Resolution,” to call on the state Legislature to look into the issue. Despite numerous media reports shooting down the claims, the rumor persisted. We decided to have a little fun with the rumors. This comic is completely fictional, but it is based on the rumors. Much of the conspiracy theory is based on Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter’s Project 60, a program designed to increase Idaho’s gross domestic product to $60 billion per year. The three-tiered program includes building from within, domestic recruitment, and “inward foreign direct investment.” But Bibiana Nertney, marketing and communications administrator at the Idaho Department of Commerce, said that the idea is to get foreign companies to buy Idaho products and invest in Idaho. She stressed that under U.S. law, foreign companies are required to hire local workers and cannot bring in foreign workers unless there are no qualified Americans. Additionally, every foreign worker must be approved for a work visa. All business—regardless of owner—must operate under local, state and federal law. Theorists point to Otter’s 2010 trade mission to China as the point at which the plot was hatched. But both Nertney and the Governor’s Office stress the mission was about selling Idaho products in China. In fact, China is Idaho’s third-largest trade partner, and the state is one of only three with a trade surplus with China. One Chinese-based company, Hoku Materials, has a facility under construction near Pocatello. The polysilicon manufacturer has hired local workers and its products will be exported to China. The plant is scheduled to open in early 2012. Two other projects involving either Chinese companies or investors are also in the works: a fertilizer plant near Pocatello and a bus manufacturer. The project that got the rumor mill spinning came from a meeting between the City of Boise and representatives of Sinomach, a Chinese state-owned engineering and construction company. Adam Park, spokesman for Mayor Dave Bieter, said they did take a meeting in November 2010, which considered about the possibility of a project in the industrial area south of the Boise Airport. But Park said the conversation was limited to very broad terms, and that city officials haven’t heard from the group since then. The bottom line is that no land has been purchased. As for the government beachhead idea, federal, state and local laws prevent any foreign government from creating a self-sustained, autonomous city in the United States. —Deanna Darr WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
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BOISEvisitWEEKLY PICKS boiseweekly.com for more events
The Yellow Pine Harmonica contest will blow you away.
Let former astronaut Barbara Morgan help launch your kiddo’s imagination.
FRIDAY-WEDNESDAY AUG. 5-10 final frontier IDAHO SPACE DAYS 2011 Rather than parking your kid in front of the television for an episode of The Magic School Bus, head down to the Discovery Center of Idaho for some hands-on outerspace learning. Friday, Aug. 5, marks the kick-off of this year’s Idaho Space Days, a six-day festival featuring model rocket demos, star gazing and lectures by retired NASA astronauts. Space Days offers a cool educational and low impact indoor alternative to all the frenetic summer outdoor activities. Retired astronauts Jose Hernandez and John Herrington, along with Boise’s Barbara Morgan, will stop by to answer questions and share their stories about space travel and the arduous life of an astronaut. In addition to big-name space celebs, Space Days will also showcase two new education programs spearheaded by Morgan: the Idaho Science and Aerospace Scholars and the Boise State Microgravity Team. ISAS caters to high school juniors and sets out to engage their respective interests in space, engineering and mathematics. The Microgravity Team will be presenting its bone mass projects and talking about the challenges and experiences of testing their project at NASA. Friday, Aug. 5-Wednesday, Aug. 10. Business hours vary. $6.50 adults, $5.50 seniors, $4 children ages 3-17, FREE for members and children younger than 2. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., 208-343-9895, scidaho.org.
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Yellow Pine has a full-time population hovering around 40 people. But on the first weekend in August, the town will host more than 2,000 people for the 22nd annual Harmonica Contest and Festival. This weekend, get your Hohner out and head north to the “harmonica capital of the Western world.” Professional musician George Miklas from Mercer, Pennsylvania and New York area jazz harmonica player Chris Bauer will be on hand as judges as well as entertainers. Contests begin on Saturday morning with the youth, diatonic, chromatic and group divisions. Open-mic sessions and Saturday’s crowd-pleaser contest are open for all to join in on the fun. If Fido is feeling a little left out for lack of harmonica-playing ability, fear not. This year also brings a festival dog show. Pooches will be judged by biggest, smallest, oldest, youngest, best dog trick and the dog that traveled the farthest. If you haven’t arranged lodging but still plan to attend, be ready to camp. Forest Service campgrounds are available and unimproved campsites will be up for grabs on the golf course. Food and drink vendors will be set up on Main Street ready to fill your belly while the music fills your ears. Friday, Aug. 5-Sunday, Aug. 7. Prices and times vary. Yellow Pine. For more information, call 208-633-3300 or visit harmonicacontest.com.
SATURDAY AUG. 6 superheroes HANDS ON HISTORY There’s a little superhero in all of us. That’s why the Idaho State Historical Museum is inviting kids of all ages and their families to show off their high-flying, web-slinging, butt-kicking superhero skills. The Golden Age of Comic Book Superheroes, is part of the museum’s Hands on History program. Kids will have the opportunity to create their own superhero
mask, will learn to lasso like Wonder Woman and will figure out how to outsmart the bad guys by following a series of supervillain riddles around the museum. “The Golden Age of Comic Book Superheroes” accompanies the current exhibit Our Lives, Our Stories: America’s Greatest Generation, by paying homage to the period spanning the 1930s to early 1950s, when the modern comic book was introduced and superheroes revolutionized pop culture. Noon-3 p.m., $3-$5. Idaho State Historical Museum, 610 N. Julia Davis Drive, 208-334-2120, history.idaho.gov.
SATURDAYSUNDAY AUG. 6-7 beer samples BARLEY BROS. TRAVELING BEER SHOW Boiseans love beer. Nothing quenches that post-mountain-biking/ river-floating/long-commutehome thirst quite like a cool brew. Boiseans also love festivals—the thousands of fans that attended the Boise Music Festival should be enough to prove that. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
It ain’t easy being collard greens.
SATURDAY AUG. 6 hush puppies SOUL FOOD EXTRAVAGANZA The most heart-stoppingly delicious food festival in Idaho will take over Julia Davis Park on Saturday, Aug. 6. Started in 1993, the Boise Soul Food Extravaganza returns year after year to “increase the awareness of African-American culture represented in the Treasure Valley Community through a shared, enlightening, entertaining and educational experience, while supporting charitable causes in our community.” And it’s one of the best-tasting educational experiences you’ll ever have. The term “soul food” was popularized in the 1960s and refers to a traditional Southern-style of cooking, featuring items like smoked turkey legs, sweet potato pie, mac and cheese, hush puppies and collard greens. And all of it will be on the menu at this year’s Soul Food Extravaganza. If gorging yourself on filling food doesn’t stop you in your tracks, the great entertainment will. This year, Mark Thorton, Cherie Buckner-Webb and Koki G. will grace the stage. But it’s not all food and fun. The Soul Food Extravaganza is also a fundraiser for two Boise nonprofits: the Idaho Black History Museum and the Idaho Foodbank. 11 a.m.-8 p.m., FREE. Julia Davis Park, boisesoulfoodfestival.com.
So, put beer drinking and festivals together, and it’s guaranteed that Boiseans will lose their freakin’ minds. The Barley Bros. Traveling Beer Show is rolling into town with kegs a-plenty on Saturday, Aug. 6, and Sunday, Aug. 7, in time to give the just recovered grass of Ann Morrison Park another good tromping. A $25 ticket gets you unlimited 4-ounce samples of more than 200 different kinds of beer. Yes, unlimited. More than 70 breweries will be serving up the good suds, including local and regional favorites like Grand Teton, Deschutes, Laughing Dog, Payette and Full Sail. But beer’s not all this event
boasts. Beer games and live music from local bands will keep you entertained while one dozen-plus food vendors dish out delicious eats, like beef brisket and catfish po’boys from Mickey Ray’s BBQ, fries from the Boise Fry Co., and ice cream from Ben & Jerry’s. Also, make sure to check out the Brewathalon Homebrew Competition, which will also take place during the festival. Saturday, Aug. 6, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 7, Noon-7 p.m.; $25. Ann Morrison Park, 1000 Americana Blvd., barleybros.net.
Even at 67, Smokey is still rockin’ a bear chest.
SUNDAY AUG. 7 forest fires
Hey, grown-ups: Have your cannonballs been stilted by shallow “family sized” kiddie pools? Has your velocity been slowed by the munchkin-sized length of a regulation Slip ’n’ Slide? Well, Roaring Springs has your hairy back. Now you and three pals can get your fix of legit, big kidapproved waterslides, the Endless River and beach volleyball action on the cheap. Saturday nights through Aug. 13, a posse of four water sport enthusiasts can whoop it up at Roaring Springs from 7:30-10:30 p.m. for only $44. That’s $11, plus tax per person, as opposed to $27.99, plus tax ROARING SPRINGS for a general full day pass, or 400 W. Overland Rd. Meridian $20.99, plus tax for the PM 208-884-8842 Plunge pass. Not too shabby. roaringsprings.com In addition to avoiding the wrinkle-inducing mid-afternoon sun, you can use the cloak of semi-darkness to disguise the girth of your ever-expanding beer belly. Bonus. But sadly, you do have to leave your quaffable six-packs at home: Roaring Springs doesn’t allow any booze on the premises. Also, if you’re too busy doing actual grown-up things on Saturday nights—like singing karaoke or playing Dance Dance Revolution—Roaring Springs offers a Thursday night discount as well: PM Plunge admission is only $13 plus tax from 3-8 p.m. —Tara Morgan
SMOKEY BEAR’S BIRTHDAY PARTY Everybody’s favorite fire prevention mascot turns 67 this year and he’ll celebrate in style at Idaho Botanical Garden with an all-ages party. But instead of lighting birthday candles, Smokey Bear and Co. will educate attendees on wildfire prevention. According to the Forest Service, nine out of 10 wildfires are caused by humans. While most people believe lightning is the cause of forest fires, the main offenders are unattended campfires, trash burning on windy days, arson, cigarette butts, barbecue coals and sparking machinery. For nearly seven decades, Smokey has encouraged the public to be more conscious of outdoor burning. Dressed in a Ranger hat and dungarees, Smokey first became the spokes-mammal for wildfire prevention in 1944, and it’s estimated that he has reduced the number of acres burned annually from 22 million in 1944 to 7 million today. His catchphrase, “Only you can prevent wildfires,” is recognizable by three out of four adults, according to the Ad Council. Kids will have their choice of creating arts and crafts or learning about campfire safety. A tour will guide children through the garden at 11:30 a.m. to discuss being firewise. This is one party that you’ll walk away from all the wiser. 11 a.m.-2 p.m., FREE. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 Old Penitentiary Road, 208-343-8649, idahobotanicalgarden.org.
an event by e-mail to calendar@boiseweekly.com. Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.
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Festivals & Events
Festivals & Events
ALIVE AFTER FIVE—Unwind mid-week with friends, live music and a cold beverage during this family friendly concert series. 5 p.m. FREE. The Grove, Boise, downtownboise.org.
VALLEY COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO—See Wednesday. FREE fair admission. $5-$10 adult, FREE for children 5 and younger for the rodeo. Valley County Fairgrounds, South Front Street, Cascade, valleycountyfair.com.
PERFORMANCE POETRY WORKSHOP, SLAM OF STEEL AND HAIKU BATTLE—A performance poetry workshop followed by an all-ages poetry slam. There is a $25 prize for the haiku champ. 7 p.m. $5 poetry slam, $1 with student ID, Woman of Steel Gallery and Wine Bar, 3640 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-331-5632, boisepoetry. com. VALLEY COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO—Down-home fun featuring traditional fair and rodeo events like bull riding, steer wrestling, team roping and more. Visit valleycountyfair.com for more info. FREE fair admission. $5-$10 adult, FREE for children 5 and younger for the rodeo. Valley County Fairgrounds, South Front Street, Cascade.
Concerts SUN VALLEY SUMMER SYMPHONY—Take in classical music performances featuring work from Debussy to Mahler and everyone in between throughout the summer. Open seating begins at 5:30 p.m. in the pavilion and on the lawn. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Pavilion, Sun Valley Resort, Sun Valley, sunvalley.com.
Art TODDLER WEDNESDAY—Children ages 2-3 are invited to explore art media related to BAM’s exhibitions with an adult. 10 a.m.-noon. Regular admission prices. Boise Art Museum, 670 Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208345-8330, boiseartmuseum.org.
Talks & Lectures IDAHO’S BIG BURN—Historical storyteller Bill Kemper will tell an hour-long story about the devastation and heroism during the Big Burn of 1910. 7 p.m. FREE. Boise Public Library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-3844200, boisepubliclibrary.org.
Farmers Markets CALDWELL FARMERS MARKET—5-8 p.m. FREE. Located on the corner of 12th and Dearborn streets next to the library, Caldwell.
Sports & Fitness BOISE HAWKS BASEBALL—vs. Salem-Kaiser Volcanoes. 7:15 p.m. $7-$12. Hawks Memorial Stadium, 5600 N. Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-322-5000, boisehawks.com.
On Stage HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL—Starlight Mountain Theatre performs Disney’s much-loved musical. 8 p.m. $10-$24. Starlight Mountain Theatre, 850 S. Middlefork Road, Crouch, 208-462-5523, starlightmountaintheatre.com. 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE—Musical comedy about six unusual adolescents who compete in a spelling bee. 7 p.m. $15-$20. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., 208-3850021, kedproductions.org.
NOISE/CD REVIEW CRUCIFIED MORTALS: CRUCIFIED MORTALS When Fyodor Dostoevsky asked if it is better to choose cheap happiness or exalted suffering in life, he clearly did not foresee that when dealing with the metal underground, the two would not be mutually exclusive. Metal has always seemed to be in its most ghastly, maniacally delicious form when it is left alone to fester untainted by a distribution deal with Best Buy. Metal is best when left to thrive underground. And that’s exactly where Hell’s Headbangers, an indie label based in Ohio, continues to carve out an excellent legion of criminally unknown bands, all processed and artfully packaged on recessionpriced CD and vinyl ($10)—and some even on cassette. Hell’s Headbangers is the real deal. One particular strain of HH’s wretchedly wonderful signings is Cleveland’s Crucified Mortals, who, with their first LP, manage to make the record that Slayer should have made following Seasons in the Abyss—and CM sounds meaner. This record is mother-effing metal awesomeness. In a little more than 37 minutes, Reaper (guitars, vocals), Zack (bass, vocals) and Sebastian (drums), storm the Church of Face Removal and proceed to burn it down and then chew on the ashes. After the closed-eye nightmare circle has conjoined for “The Seance,” the foreboding, doom-smothered intro, the serpents rattle their coils and strike like lightning as they deliver “Sordid Treachery,” the first purge of 11 total tracks of plague. Nothing but bitchin’, guttural old-school thrash goodness continues all the way through track No. 11. From the first boneshaking roar to the final death rattle, the wrath continues. “Hidden Tomb” sounds legitimately like a countdown to extinction. “Resurrected Fiend” echoes the soiled, worm-throated war cry from a zombie crawling out of a grave. The death synapses continue to fire at bullet speed, causing mortal wounds with “Desecrating the Dead,” “Ghastly Affliction,” “Perpetrator” and “Masked Murder” until all that’s left is “Doom,” the final, sadistic blow to an already ravaged carcass. This is pure thrash austerity right here. Although this album is cheap in price, it will definitely lend to some exalted suffering on repeat listens. —Justin B. Peterson
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8 DAYS OUT Concerts
Farmers Markets
SUN VALLEY SUMMER SYMPHONY—See Wednesday. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Pavilion, Sun Valley Resort, Sun Valley, sunvalley.com.
MERIDIAN URBAN MARKET—5-9 p.m. FREE. Downtown Meridian on Idaho Avenue between Main and Second streets. 208-331-3400.
Workshops & Classes
Kids & Teens
PRACTICE AQUI—Spice up your bilingual aptitude during this weekly gathering. Attendees should have an understanding of English and Spanish. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208472-2941, gardencity.lili.org.
ICE CREAM SAFARI NIGHT— A clown will visit guests and perform magic tricks during tonight’s event as part of International Clown Week. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Zoo Boise, 355 Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-384-4125, zooboise.org.
Sports & Fitness
STUDIO ART EXPLORATION— Art lovers of all ages and abilities are invited to drop in and explore art media. 5 p.m. FREE. Boise Art Museum, 670 Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-345-8330, boiseartmuseum.org.
BOISE HAWKS BASEBALL— See Wednesday. 7:15 p.m. $7$12. Hawks Memorial Stadium, 5600 N. Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-322-5000, boisehawks.com.
Odds & Ends
Citizen ROCK ON THE ROCKS—Fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, featuring dueling pianos, drinks from River Rock Ale House, a raffle and silent auction. 5:30 p.m. $10. Powerhouse Event Center, 621 S. 17th St., Boise, 208-4330197, powerhouseevent.com.
CLOWN WEEK PADDLE—Dress up and meet at the paddle boats in the park as part of International Clown Week. 4 p.m. $8-$12. Julia Davis Park, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise.
MEET THE DOCTORS—Meet the doctors of Boise Natural Health, tour the clinic and learn more about naturopathic medicine. 5:30-6:30 p.m. FREE. Boise Natural Health, 4219 Emerald St., Boise, 208-338-0405, boisenaturalhealth.com.
FRIDAY AUG. 5 Festivals & Events 22ND ANNUAL YELLOW PINE HARMONICA FESTIVAL—The small town swells as it welcomes professional musicians George Miklas and Chris Bauer, as well as many others eager to show their stuff in this annual harmonica contest. There will be a dog show in conjunction with the festival this year. See Picks, Page 16. Yellow Pine, 208-6333300, harmonicacontest.com. CASCADE AIR-A-FAIR—Event featuring hot air balloon and helicopter rides, and pilots performing daring aerial tricks. Visit cascadeairafair.com for a complete schedule and ticket pricing to various events. 10 a.m. FREE. Cascade Airport, 500 N. Main St., Cascade, 208-382-3833. CASCADE NIGHT GLOW—Enjoy live music, a barbecue dinner, miniature golf and a bounce house for the kids before illuminated hot air balloons light up the night. There is an additional charge for dinner, but if you purchase it before the event, the $3 entrance fee will be waived. 7 p.m. $3. Cascade Sports Park, 11360 Main St., Cascade, cascadeairafair.com IDAHO SPACE DAYS 2011—Celebrate Idaho Space Days at the Discovery Center of Idaho with a myriad of activities for all ages. Events include stories from NASA Education Specialist Tony Leavitt, model rocket demos, a visit from retired astronaut Jose Hernandez and Idaho astronaut Barbara Morgan, sun and star gazing with the Boise Astronomical Society and more. See Picks, Page 16. $4-$6.50, Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., 208-343-9895, scidaho.org. IDAHO-DOWN—Third annual music festival featuring regional and local musicians on two stages. On-site camping is included in the ticket price. Visit idahodownfestival.com for a complete line-up and info. $25 daily, $40 two-day pass. Brundage Mountain Resort, 3890 Goose Lake Road, McCall, 1-800-888-7544, idahodownfestival.com.
| HARD |
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk. Go to www.boiseweekly.com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
VALLEY COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO—See Wednesday. FREE fair admission. $5-$10 adult, FREE for children 5 and younger for the rodeo. Valley County Fairgrounds, South Front Street, Cascade, valleycountyfair.com.
© 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | 19
8 DAYS OUT On Stage
Kids & Teens
COMEDY EXTRAVAGANZA— Fund-raiser to send local comics Heath Harmison and Sean Hancock to Scotland for the world’s largest performance arts festival. The evening will also feature Olek Szewczyk and the cast of Chicks ’n’ Giggles. 7:30 p.m. $10. Fatty’s, 800 W. Idaho St., Ste. 200, Boise, 208-5142531, drinkfattys.com.
FRIDAY NIGHT POOL PARTY— Teens ages 12-17 years old are invited to come swim after hours. Visit cityofboise.org/parks for more info. 9-10:30 p.m. $2. Natatorium and Hydrotube, 1811 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208345-9270.
TAMING OF THE SHREW—It’s a classic battle of the sexes in the Bard’s comic take on love and marriage. 8 p.m. $18-$65. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-336-9221, idahoshakespeare.org. 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $15-$20. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., 208385-0021, kedproductions.org.
Concerts BRING IT TO THE STAGE!—Fourpart music competition in which local musicians or bands will be judged on their music, lyrics, vocal ability, stage presence and originality. The overall winner(s) will receive $1,000 cash, plus 10 hours recording time at The Mix House Recording Studio and a graphic design package from Blackbook Studio. Entry fee is $25. There will be an after party following each of the four competitions. Visit bringittothestage. com for registration and more info. 7 p.m. $5. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, thelinenbuilding.com. SUN VALLEY SUMMER SYMPHONY—See Wednesday. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Pavilion, Sun Valley Resort, Sun Valley, sunvalley.com.
Sports & Fitness BOISE HAWKS BASEBALL— See Wednesday. 7:15 p.m. $7$12. Hawks Memorial Stadium, 5600 N. Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-322-5000, boisehawks.com.
SATURDAY AUG. 6 Festivals & Events 22ND ANNUAL YELLOW PINE HARMONICA FESTIVAL—See Friday. Yellow Pine, 208-633-3300, harmonicacontest.com. CASCADE AIR-A-FAIR—See Friday. 10 a.m. FREE. Cascade Airport, 500 N. Main St., Cascade, 208-382-3833. DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES PARTY—Dress up and check out vendors like Scentsy, Candy Rockstar Hats, Pure Romance, Pampered Chef and more. Prizes will be awarded to the best dressed, there will be a chocolate fountain and Sawtooth wine available. 6 p.m. FREE. Pitchers and Pints, 1108 W. Front St., Boise, 208-906-1355.
IDAHO SPACE DAYS 2011—See Friday. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-343-9895, scidaho.org. KOKANEE OUTDOOR DAY— Families can follow the route of Kokanee salmon as they swim up Mores Creek. Participants can visit five stops along Highway 21 where different activities await, such as views of Kokanee, panning for gold, planting a tree and more. The end party at John Brogan Park includes food and beer vendors, live music and more information about Idaho’s fish and wildlife. Activities for children include wild water games, storytelling in a teepee and lessons on how to cast a fly. For more information, visit idahocitychamber.com. FREE. Idaho City, Hwy. 21, 40 miles past Boise, Idaho City, 208-3924159, myidahocity.com. NORTHERN ROCKIES ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR—Held in conjunction with the Northern Rockies Folk Festival, this outdoor street fair will showcase regional artisans and activities for children. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE, downtown Hailey, haileyidaho.com. VALLEY COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO—See Wednesday. FREE fair admission. $5-$10 adult, FREE for children 5 and younger for the rodeo. Valley County Fairgrounds, South Front Street, Cascade.
On Stage CHUCKLES COMEDY CABARET—Comedy venue featuring someone new each week. 8 p.m. $12. China Blue, 100 S. Sixth St., Boise, 208-345-9515.
Art FIRST FRIDAY ART IN EAGLE— Take a stroll through downtown Eagle and visit local merchants and galleries along the way. First Friday invites the public to stop in to shops and enjoy a drink, art and music. 4:30-8:30 p.m. Downtown Eagle, Old State Street and Eagle Road, Eagle.
Citizen CANDLELIGHT VIGIL—Join the Snake River Alliance in remembering the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 66 years ago. Wear white to symbolize peace and feel free to share a poem, song or personal story. A tea ceremony will be offered by the Shangri-La Tea Room. 9-10 p.m. FREE. Idaho State Capitol, 700 W. Jefferson St., Boise, 208-433-9705.
Farmers Markets ARRIVE AFTER FIVE—5-9 p.m. FREE. Located in the Gateway Shopping Center near Sports Authority, Nampa.
Skeleton Blues by Connor Coughlin was the 1st place winner in the 9th Annual Boise Weekly Bad Cartoon Contest.
20 | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
8 DAYS OUT 25TH ANNUAL PUTNAM COUNTY SPELLING BEE—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $15-$20. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise, 208-385-0021, kedproductions.org. TAMING OF THE SHREW—See Friday. 8 p.m. $18-$65. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-336-9221, idahoshakespeare.org. WHEN PEOPLE LEAD—A one-act play that melds self-reflective story telling and selections from interviews, performed by Alan L. Bounville, who is walking 6,000 miles to end gender and LGBTQ discrimination. A reception for him will be held before the play at 6:30 p.m. 6:30-9 p.m. Donations accepted. The Community Center, 305 E. 37th St., Garden City, 208-336-3870, tccidaho.org.
WWE SMACKDOWN WORLD TOUR—Featuring Randy Orton, Sheamus, Kane, Sin Cara and more. 7:30 p.m. $15-$60. Taco Bell Arena, 1910 University Drive (Boise State campus), Boise, 208-4261900, tacobellarena.com.
Odds & Ends BLACK AND GOLD RACE TEAM BENEFIT—Check out the fastest Harley Davidson in the world, in addition to a bike show, beer garden, bikini bike wash, live music, vendor booths and a silent auction to raise money for the Black and Gold racing team. Noon-6 p.m. $5. Shorty’s Saloon, 5467 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-322-6699.
Animals & Pets PUPPY PALOOZA—Bring your dog if you’ve got one, or take advantage of special adoption fee discounts during this fair. There will be contests for your pooch to enter and $20 micro-chipping for newly adopted pets. Cats will also be available for adoption. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE. Idaho Humane Society, 4775 W. Dorman St., Boise, 208-342-3508, idahohumanesociety.com.
SUNDAY AUG. 7 Festivals & Events 22ND ANNUAL YELLOW PINE HARMONICA FESTIVAL—See Friday. Yellow Pine, 208-633-3300, harmonicacontest.com. IDAHO SPACE DAYS 2011—See Friday. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-343-9895, scidaho.org.
Concerts SUN VALLEY SUMMER SYMPHONY—See Wednesday. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Pavilion, Sun Valley Resort, Sun Valley, sunvalley.com.
Food & Drink BARLEY BROS. TRAVELING BEER SHOW—A two-day festival featuring live music and beers from more than 80 craft breweries. Presented by Brewforia Beer Market. See Picks, Page 16. 11 a.m.-9 p.m. $25, Ann Morrison Park, Americana Boulevard, Boise, barleybros.net. SOUL FOOD EXTRAVAGANZA—Southernstyle delicacies like fried catfish compliment blues music, gospel music, a classic car show and more during this 19th annual celebration of soul food. Visit boisesoulfoodfestival.com for more info. See Picks, Page 17. 11 a.m.-8 p.m. FREE. Julia Davis Park, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise.
Farmers Markets CAPITAL CITY PUBLIC MARKET—9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Eighth Street between Main and Bannock streets, Boise, 208-345-9287, capitalcitypublicmarket.com. EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET—9 a.m.-1 p.m. Heritage Park, 185 E. State St., Eagle. KUNA FARMERS MARKET—9 a.m.-noon. Bernard Fisher Memorial Park, Swan Falls Road and Avalon Street, Kuna. MERIDIAN FARMERS MARKET—9 a.m.-1 p.m. Located in the Crossroads shopping center at Eagle and Fairview roads, Meridian, meridianfarmersmarket.com. MIDDLETON FARMERS MARKET—9 a.m.-1 p.m. Located in Roadside Park at the corner of Highway 44 and S. Middleton Road, Middleton, middletonfarmersmarket.webs.com. NAMPA FARMERS MARKET—9 a.m.-1 p.m. Located on Front Street and 14th Avenue South in Lloyd’s Square, Nampa, nampafarmersmarket.com.
Kids & Teens HANDS-ON HISTORY—Bring the family to spend an interactive, educational afternoon at the museum on the first Saturday of each month of the summer. The final installment of this series is titled The Golden Age of Comic Book Superheroes. See Picks, Page 16. Noon-3 p.m. $3-$5. Idaho State Historical Museum, 610 N. Julia Davis Drive, 208-334-2120, history.idaho.gov.
Sports & Fitness BOISE HAWKS BASEBALL—See Wednesday. 7:15 p.m. $7-$12. Hawks Memorial Stadium, 5600 N. Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-322-5000, boisehawks.com. SUN VALLEY ICE SHOW—Part of an annual series of performances by Olympic and world-class figure skaters, featuring Mirai Nagasu and Nathan Chen. 9:15 p.m. $54-$102. Sun Valley Resort, 1 Sun Valley Road, Sun Valley, 208-622-4111, sunvalley.com.
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | 21
8 DAYS OUT NORTHERN ROCKIES ARTS AND CRAFTS FAIR—See Saturday. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE, downtown Hailey, haileyidaho. com.
On Stage COMEDY AT THE BALCONY— Try out your stand-up routine or watch local and professional comedians. 8 p.m. FREE. Balcony Club, 150 N. Eighth St., Ste. 226, Boise, 208-336-1313, thebalconyclub.com. TAMING OF THE SHREW—See Friday. 8 p.m. $18-$65. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208429-9908, box office 208-3369221, idahoshakespeare.org.
Concerts SUN VALLEY SUMMER SYMPHONY—See Wednesday. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Pavilion, Sun Valley Resort, Sun Valley, sunvalley.com.
Food & Drink BARLEY BROS. TRAVELING BEER SHOW—See Saturday. Noon-7 p.m. $25, barleybros. net. Ann Morrison Park, Americana Blvd., Boise.
Farmers Markets EAST END MARKET—10 a.m.-2 p.m. Bown Crossing, Bown Street, end of Parkcenter Boulevard, Boise.
Kids & Teens SMOKEY BEAR’S BIRTHDAY PARTY— Kids games, a tour of the Firewise Garden and info on how to prevent wildfires during this celebration of the iconic bear’s birthday. See Picks, Page 17. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. FREE. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-343-8649, idahobotanicalgarden.org.
Animals & Pets HAPPY TAILS PET ADOPTION—Enjoy live music, wine and a silent auction to benefit the IHS. The mobile adoption unit will be on hand to help you choose just the right pet for you and your family. Noon-5 p.m. $10, $8 wine club members, FREE kids 14 and younger. Ste. Chapelle Winery, 19348 Lowell Road, Caldwell, 208-453-7843, stechapelle.com.
MONDAY AUG. 8 Festivals & Events IDAHO SPACE DAYS 2011—See Friday. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-343-9895, scidaho.org.
22 | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
Odds & Ends BEER PONG—Play for prizes and bar tabs while drinking $5 pitchers. 9 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s Saloon, 5467 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-322-6699. BOISE UKULELE GROUP—This ukulele group offers instruction and a chance to jam. All levels welcome with no age limit and no membership fees. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Meadow Lakes Village Senior Center, 650 Arbor Circle, Meridian.
PIONEER TOASTMASTERS— Work on public speaking with the Pioneer Toastmasters club. Guests and new members are always welcome. For more information, email personalityonpaper@yahoo.com. 6-7:30 p.m. FREE, Perkins Family Restaurant, 300 Broadway Ave., Boise, 208559-4434. TRIVIA NIGHT—The previous week’s losing team gets to pick the new theme every week. Hosted by Matt Bragg. 8 p.m. 27 FREE. Pitchers and Pints, 1108 W. Front St., Boise, 208-906-1355.
NOISE/CD REVIEW THE DANGEROUS SUMMER: WAR PAINT War Paint (Hopeless Records), The Dangerous Summer’s sophomore full-length, has been receiving positive reviews since its release on July 19. As a follow-up to the band’s popular 2009 debut, Reach for the Sun, War Paint demonstrates a new level of maturity and more refined style of songwriting. Despite problems during the making of War Paint, including stories of altercations with other bands, allegations regarding TDS egos and the loss of a drummer, War Paint has a fresh energy that the band’s more downtempo freshman release didn’t contain. The commitment that bassist AJ Perdomo and guitarists Bryan Czap and Cody Payne had to the recordmaking process produced a quality result, especially with the return of drummer Tyler Minsberg after a brief hiatus. The 11 tracks on War Paint are, in some ways, a continuation of Reach for the Sun, but they are denser, more upbeat and better defined. For example, the guitar riffs are much clearer in the mix this time around, as opposed to the first album, in which they took somewhat of a back seat. Tracks “War Paint,” “Miscommunication” and “I Should Leave Right Now” are great examples of Payne and Czap reveling in their musicianship and in Perdomo’s simple but massive bass parts. Ever since “Good Things” and “Work in Progress” were released as singles prior to the album’s drop, it was apparent that the band was taking their sound to the next level but keeping it grounded in what they know. War Paint’s best features are the lyrics and fine-tuned vocal ramblings of Perdomo. As a songwriter, he appears to be in a different place than he was during the Reach years, but it’s a welcomed change. War Paint is only a moderate departure from TDS’ older material, but it is a step in a wonderful direction. Whether it’s the ambient, delay-heavy guitar work, the heavy, pounding bass or the subtle drum lines, there’s something for every TDS fan who wanted to see the band grow. —Trevor Villagrana WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
HAND IN HAND Indie Made is good business for local artisans and consumers AMY ATKINS The DIY craft revolution found a base of operations on the Internet. As sites like eBay proved that a person could buy anything online—a young man was taking bids on his virginity—sites like Etsy showed that a creative person could sell anything. But both of those sites became so saturated that it was easy to get lost in the noise. Plus, like the profiles on dating sites, the description of an item may not Cara Johansen is but one of 30-plus members of Indie Made, a store that works for its workers. be 100 percent truthful. Even though it may be riskier to open a Olson’s work was recently included in the said many of the Indie Made members found brick-and-mortar retail store than to operate high-end clothing and accessories catalogue online with far fewer overhead costs, there is that the store is enough. Sundance and already sold out of the first “It is hard to maintain inventory in both something of value to a customer who is able … a lot of us are phasing out of Etsy,” Johan- order of 225. She maintains and sells from a to squeeze a plush stuffed pig or hold a pair website (not Etsy) but has no intention of pullsen said. of silver earrings up to the light to see them That’s because the store works for its mem- ing her jewelry from Indie Made. sparkle. And knowing those enameled belt “A lot of my business’s overall sales come bers in much the same way they work for it. It buckles or soft baby onesies are handmade seems almost too good to be true for an artisan out of that store,” Olson said. by local artisans makes purchasing them a McClaran, who crochets hats, headbands no-brainer, thanks to the brainy folks behind who wants to quit an office job and spend the day making clever notepads out of food labels, and rattles under the name Boise Beanie downtown Boise shop Indie Made. Co., is another founding member and artisan retro-looking bottle cap pins or incredibly The store sells exclusively locally made who is also fortunate enough not to have to intricate clocks. They may not all be able to items, is staffed by its member artisans and work another job—she has enough to do at become full-time artisans, but for many of is rolling out an increasingly popular new Indie Made. McClaran wrangles the First way for even more local artisans to get crafty Indie Made’s members, it’s not an improbable Thursday pop-up shops, of which the August or impossible goal. about exposure for their work: First Thursevent will only be the third and it is already First and foremost, Indie Made’s members day pop-up shops. gaining steam. keep 100 percent of their profits. All of the The members of Indie Made started as an While a committee meets each month to members contribute to overhead, paying a Etsy street team in 2010 before moving into determine whether to accept new members monthly amount based on the number of the Pioneer Building under the name Idaho hours they are willing to work in the store and to Indie Made, the pop-up shops are open Indie Works that same year. In April, the now to any artisan from the Treasure Valley— 30-member-strong collective moved to a larger the duration of their member contract. For although there is an acceptance process to a six-month contract, he or she can pay $60 space across the hall (which the group had avoid an abundance of the same category, per month and work 16 hours each month been coveting for months) and changed the mainly jewelry. in the store or $120 per month and not work name of the store to Indie Made. Pop-up vendors set up in the Pioneer Buildany hours at all. Signing a 12-month contract On a weekday afternoon, Indie Made ing in the foyer off the Sixth Street entrance, means a $50 or $100 per month contribution. founding member Cara Johansen sat quietly as well as in Indie Made’s old space. They can Jamison Olson—who sells under Jamison on a stool behind the counter. A large maroon Rae—is another Indie Made founding member take tables, clothing racks, shelving units, and sling across her body held the newest member any other kind of display, within reason. and one of its biggest success stories. Johanof her family. Johansen looked as content as Currently, Indie Made is asking August’s sen and Indie Made operations manager Sara her infant and she said she is happy because pop-up artisans for a $2 donation and from McClaran both said, “Jamison Rae” immedishe is able to make a living off of the baby September on, will require $2 to participate to ately when asked who is the store’s best seller. items she makes and sells both at Indie Made cover expenses. That’s an extremely reasonable and on Etsy under the name Lulu and ChaCha. Modestly, Olson agreed. fee for local artisans who don’t want to fight “It’s a big part of “Originally, we [my family’s] income,” through the glut on Etsy and would rather all had to be Etsy Live music, snacks and free admission. First deal with their customers face to face. The cap she said. members, but [now] Thursday, 5-9 p.m. of about 18-20 participants has been reached Olson works fullyou don’t have to be THE PIONEER TENT BUILDING each month so far and two of them have time creating organion Etsy to be in here,” 108 N. Sixth St. become Indie Made Members. cally styled bracelets, Johansen said. To find out how to participate in Indie Made’s Ultimately, Indie Made and its First Thursnecklaces and earrings In her case, she upcoming First Thursday pop-up events, send an day pop-up events have been a boon for both out of sterling silver, found that her email to shopindiemade@gmail.com. Indie Made and its customers. gold-filled silver, turhandmade onesies sell “I have seen hats like mine at Target for quoise, onyx and other better at Indie Made, about the same price,” McClaran said. “At natural materials. She is so busy, in fact, that and sweet soft children’s headbands and hats least when people buy mine, they know they with interchangeable accents do better on Etsy, her husband has become part of her producare getting something made locally.” tion team. so she maintains inventory at both. But she WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | 23
1ST THURSDAY/LISTINGS East Side BASQUE MARKET—Spend $10 at the new tapas bar and you’ll be eligible to win a paella kit. 5-8 p.m. 608 W. Grove St., 208-433-1208, thebasquemarket.com. BASQUE MUSEUM & CULTURAL 1 CENTER—Jam session with Basque musicians, gallery exhibit “Hidden in Plain Sight: The Basques” and guided tours of the Jacobs/Uberuaga house. 6:30 p.m. FREE. 611 Grove St., 208-343-2671, basquemuseum.com.
BOISE ART GLASS—Enjoy live 2 demonstrations and snacks or sign up to make your own bowl. Sessions are 30 minutes long and cost $40. FREE. 530 W. Myrtle, 208-3451825, boiseartglass.com. THE BRICKYARD—Enjoy wine tasting while listening to a pianist play. 601 Main St., 208-287-2121, brickyardboise.com. BRICOLAGE—Celebrate the 3 shop’s new digs on Sixth Street with Erin Cunningham’s exhibit The New Nothing (featuring a curious collection of “sniglets” wearing turtle-
necks), music, food and beer ($1 for a wristband). 5-8 p.m. 418 S. Sixth St., 208-345-3718, bricoshoppe.com. THE DISTRICT—Check out Lisa 4 Marten’s brushless landscape oil paintings. FREE. 110 S. Fifth St., 208-343-1089, districtcoffeehouse. com. DRAGONFLY—Everything in the store is 20 percent off. 5-9 p.m. FREE. 414 W. Main St., 208-338-9234, gama-go. com. COMMUNITY 5 FLATBREAD OVEN—Check out Amber Grubb’s
photos and enjoy $6 happy hour deals. Bottles of wine are $20. Kids eat free with purchase. 615 W. Main St., 208-287-4757, flatbreadpizza. com. FLYING M—Mixed-media artwork 6 by Jason Lee will be on display. FREE. 500 W. Idaho St., 208-3454320, flyingmcoffee.com.
GOLDY’S CORNER—Listen to Nancy Kelly play the piano while viewing artwork by local artists and enjoying a snack from the bakery case. 625 W. Main St., 208-4333934, goldysbreakfastbistro.com.
INDIE MADE—Local crafters and artists will set up shop in pop-up tents in the Pioneer Building. Enjoy wine tasting and live music while you browse. FREE. 108 N. Sixth St.. MELTING POT—Enjoy happy hour all evening on the patio and in the lounge. 200 N. Sixth St., Boise, 208-383-0900, meltingpot.com. PENGILLY’S—The Frim Fram Four will play at 8:45 p.m. FREE. 513 W. Main St., 208-3456344. WILLI B’S SANDWICH SALOON—Stop in for Treasure Hunt Karaoke, $2.50 well drinks and draft beer, $1.50 PBR cans and $3 Salmon Creek wine. 225 N. Fifth St., 208-331-5666, willibs. com.
South Side ATOMIC TREASURES—The featured artist is Brian Floyd. Check out his Idaho-themed water colors, prints and T-shirts, along with the store’s unique mix of vintage, retro and found art, decor, books, clothing and more. FREE. 409 S. Eighth St., 208-344-0811, atomictreasures.com. BOISE ART MUSUEM—Discover the paint9 ings of artist Catherine Courtenaye and make a painting with swirling shapes, letters and words with Studio Art Exploration from 5-8 p.m. Art Talk at 5:30 p.m. features handwriting analyst Cindy Eastman. 670 Julia Davis Dr., 208-345-8330, boiseartmuseum.org. BROWN’S GALLERY—Check out bronze 10 and oil paintings by Guilloume and naturalistic paintings by John Horejs in a new collaborative exhibit titled Inside/Outside. 5-9 p.m. FREE. 408 S. Eighth St., 208-342-6661. CASA DEL SOL—Enjoy $2 tacos, $2 Tecate drafts and $5 house margaritas on the rocks. FREE. 409 S. Eighth St., 208-287-3660.
THE COLE MARR GALLERY/COFFEE HOUSE—View Critters of Idaho, images of wildlife by David Marr and Kristin Cole. Twenty percent of print sales will be donated to Defenders of Wildlife. 404 S. Eighth St., Ste. 134, 208-336-7630. EIGHTH STREET MARKETPLACE AT 12 BODO—Part of the Artist-in-Residence program. Check out work by poet Megan E. Williams and non-fiction writer Nathaniel Hoffman. Kathleen Keys, Arin Arthur and Penny Lee Mackie host a trunk show and exhibit from BusyBoxWorkshop. Matt Bodett will share part of his new series of paintings and poems called Sixty-Four. Marcus Pierce and Cody Rutty will feature a collaborative painting, in addition to their individual work. 404 S. Eighth St., Mercantile Building, 208338-5212, 8thstreetmarketplace.com. HAIRLINES—Stop in and make an appointment for a new ’do. 409 S. Eighth St., 208-383-9009. HELLY HANSEN—Take 20 percent off a new selection of back-to-school backpacks for First Thursday only. FREE. 860 W. Broad, 208-3422888. IDAHO STATE HISTORICAL MUSEUM— 13 Joel Hunter from Heirloom Dance Studio will offer swing dance instruction from 5:30-8 p.m. Admission is by donation. This is the last week to check out the Our Lives, Our Stories exhibit. 5-9 p.m. Donation. 610 N. Julia Davis Drive, 208-334-2120, history.idaho.gov. QUE PASA—Check out the best selection of Mexican artwork in town, including wall fountains, silver, Day of the Dead decor and cedar and leather sofas. 409 S. Eighth St., 208-385-9018.
R. GREY GALLERY JEWELRY AND ART GLASS—Check out the wide variety of art glass, jewelry and wood furniture in various price ranges, perfect for gift-giving. Meet artist and owner Robert Grey Kaylor and see his line of recycled steel and precious stone jewelry. 5-9 p.m. FREE. 415 S. Eighth St., 208-385-9337, rgreygallery.com.
RENEWAL CONSIGNMENT HOMEWARES—Part of the Artist-in-Residence program. Featuring work by Ed Anderson, Saratops McDonald, Bruce Maurey, Wren Van Bockel and live painting with Patrick Hunter. 517 S. Eighth St., 208-338-5444.
24 | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
SNAKE RIVER WIN16 ERY—Stop in for complimentary wine flights paired with chocolate and meet author Alan Minskoff and photographer Paul Hosefros, who will be signing copies of their book Idaho Wine Country. 786 W. Broad St., 208345-9463. SOLID—Enjoy wine tast17 ing, David Day’s artwork, music from Robert James, appetizers and a $5 happy hour menu. FREE. 405 S. Eighth St., 208-345-6620.
Central Downtown THE 805 IDAHO BUILD18 ING—View Grace Before Dying, a visual documentary of
There’s no such thing as semi-precious at R. Grey Gallery Jewelry and Art Glass.
ART WALK Locations featuring artists
an innovative prison hospice program in Louisiana by artist Lori Waselchuk. Located in the Boise City National Bank Building. FREE. 805 W. Idaho St. AMERICAN CLOTHING 19 GALLERY—Local artist Michelle McMillan will be showing her Creations Unlimited sterling silver jewelry. 100 N. Eighth St., Ste. 121A, 208-433-0872, americanclothinggallery.com. THE ART OF WARD 20 HOOPER GALLERY— Featuring artwork that celebrates summer and new gift items. 745 W. Idaho St., 208-866-4627, wardhooper.com. BASEMENT GALLERY— 21 See Melissa Graves’s wooded landscapes and Chris Brown’s combinations of intricate drawings with handcrafted furniture. 928 W. Main St., 208-333-0309, basementgalleryboise.com. DAN LOONEY UNDER22 GROUND ART—Meet artist Dan Looney and enter a drawing for a free watercolor workshop. 4-7 p.m. 816 W. Bannock St., Ste. E, 208-8709589, Imagemaker.org/artist/ danlooney. GROVE PLAZA—Visit Concierge Corner and Visitor Services on the Grove to get the low-down on all Boise has to offer. 850 W. Front St., 208-336-8900, boisecentre.com. IDAHO ADVANTAGE CREDIT UNION—Stop in to find out about the advantages of becoming a member. 249 N. Ninth St., 208-342-5660. IDAHOSTEL—Los Ange23 les artist Trevor Wright has transformed the space into
1. Basque Museum 2. Boise Ar t Glass 3. Bricolage 4. The District 5. Flatbread
13. Idaho State Historical Museum
22. Dan Looney Underground Ar t
14. R. Grey Galler y
23. Idahostel
15. Renewal Underground
24. Lisk Galler y
6. Flying M
16. Snake River Winer y
7. Goldy’s Corner
17. Solid
8. Indie Made
18. 805 Idaho Building
9. Boise Ar t Museum 10. Brown’s Galler y
19. American Clothing Galler y
11. The Cole Marr Galler y/ Coffeehouse
20. The Ar t of Ward Hooper
12. Eighth St. Marketplace
21. Basement Galler y
25. Rediscovered Bookshop 26. Sage Yoga 27. Thomas Hammer
a whimsical playground of silk screen, stencil and hand-painted artwork. Stop in to check it out and have a cold beer. 5-9 p.m. 280 N. Eighth St., Ste. 103, 208-286-6476, idahostel.com. LISK GALLERY—Featur24 ing Carl Rowe’s paintings of trees done over several years, in addition to work by Jerri and Mark Lisk. August Johnson’s funky and modern chairs will be shown as well. FREE. 850 W. Main St., 208-342-3773, liskgallery.com.
28. Ar t Source Galler y
REDISCOVERED BOOK25 SHOP—Hear the stories behind the book A Forgotten Wil-
29. DV8 Salon
derness by Matthew Deren. 180 N. Eighth St., 208-376-4229, rdbooks.org.
30. Galler y 601 31. Galler y at the Linen Building 32. Reuse Market
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | 25
1ST THURSDAY/LISTINGS SAGE YOGA AND 26 WELLNESS—Attend a yoga class at 6 p.m. and stay to
check out Erica Sparlin Dryden’s exhibit Images. Dana Logan will be painting to music by Krispen Hartung and Edward Stumpp. 242 N. Eighth St., Ste. 200, 208-338-5430, sageyogaboise. com. THOMAS HAMMER— 27 Grab a Frizz and check out artwork by Tony Caprai. FREE. 298 N. Eighth St., 208433-8004, hammercoffee.com. TWIG’S CELLAR—Stop in for a free beer or glass of wine with each pizza order. All beer is $3 for the rest of the summer. 816 W. Bannock St., Lower Level, 208-344-8944, twigscellar.com. WASHINGTON TRUST BANK— Stop in and enjoy art, wine and food. 901 W. Bannock St., 208343-5000.
West Side ART SOURCE GAL28 LERY—Enjoy wine, music and snacks during the opening reception for ceramicist Jerry Hendershot’s new show, Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time. 5-9 p.m. FREE. 1015 W. Main St., 208-331-3374, artsourcegallery.com. BOISE COMMUNITY RADIO— Come tour the studios, check out the DJ live on air, record a testimonial for the station, and check out the five finalists in the T-shirt design contest. 1020 W. Main St., Alaska Building, Ste. 200, 208-424-8166, radioboise. org. DV8 SALON—Featuring 29 local artist Lisa Stover’s jewelry and Kevin Earle’s Klutter Killer jewelry racks. Sign up to win $100 worth of services and products. New clients receive 25 percent off if they book an appointment on First Thursday. 1025 W. Main St., Boise, 208342-1003. EXPOSURE A.L.P.H.A. INTERCHANGE—Grand opening celebration featuring DJ Bodie Lee and food and drink by The Huddle Sports Bar and Grill. 6-9 p.m. 213 N. 10th St., 208-4248158, exposureidaho.org. FOOT DYNAMICS—Music and deals on shoes. Mention this First Thursday guide and receive 10 percent off a single purchase. 1021 W. Main St., 208-386-3338. GALLERY 601—Featur30 ing Albuquerque, N.H. artist Steve Hanks’ family and female-themed watercolor images. FREE. 211 N. 10th St., 208-336-5899, gallery601.com. THE GALLERY AT THE 31 LINEN BUILDING—View Michael Chamber’s new exhibit, Thresholds, featuring oil paintings, collages and linocut prints. 5-9 p.m. FREE. 1402 W. Grove St., 208-385-0111, thelinenbuilding.com. OWYHEE PLAZA HOTEL—All-ages pool side party with live music and food and drink specials. 1109 Main St., 208-343-4611, owyheeplaza.com. REUSE GALLERY— 32 Featuring artwork from recycled materials created by local artists. 1423 W. Grove St., 208-331-2707.
26 | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
Erin Cunningham’s Sniglets ponder investing in bathing suits.
SNUGGLE UP WITH SNIGLETS BWHQ-ville is about to get even more badass. Not only is The Flicks popcorn kernel-throwing distance from us, but we can also bum some sugar (or a blowtorch?) from our nabes at Classic Design Studio, Boise Art Glass and Rocket Neon. Now another rad business has moved onto the block: Bricolage. After switching locations from inside the Eighth Street Micro Mall to the former Alexa Rose Gallery space, the Bricoladies have packed things up again. The craft store and gallery space’s new home is 418 S. Sixth St. on the corner-ish of Sixth and Myrtle, between Boise Art Glass and Classic Design. Bricolage has some big, bad re-opening festivities planned for First Thursday, Aug. 4, including an art show by Erin Cunningham, a keg, snacks by Brook Slee, a photobooth, and tunes by Veronica and the Mental Foreplays and Owlright. For the exhibit, titled The New Nothing, Cunningham will reprise her Sniglets series, which features simple, ghostly line drawings of big-eyed, “beturtlenecked” characters. In swap-a-roo news: former BW owner Bingo Barnes will settle into Bricolage’s former digs in the basement of the Idaho Building. After years toying with the idea, Barnes will officially open Idaho Poster and Letterpress next First Thursday, Sept. 1. According to Barnes: “Idaho Poster and Letterpress is a working museum and gallery. With classes, workshops, First Thursday receptions, themed gallery exhibits and with a letterpress studio available to the art community for rent and use.” Also in the Idaho Building this First Thursday is artist Lori Waselchuk’s Grace Before Dying, an evocative traveling exhibit documenting an inmate-run prison hospice program in Louisiana. According to gracebeforedying.org, “Until the hospice program was created in 1998, prisoners died mostly alone in the prison hospital. Their bodies were buried in shoddy boxes in numbered graves at the prison cemetery.” The Idaho End-of-Life Coalition, which brought Grace Before Dying to Boise, is hosting a number of other events in conjunction with the exhibit. For more info, call 208-841-1862. Next door to the Idaho Building at 242 Eighth St. on the second floor, Sage Yoga and Wellness will host a photography exhibit from Erica Sparlin Dryden of Bandwagon Photography this First Thursday. In addition to Dryden’s character snapshots, musicians Krispen Hartung and Edward Stumpp will collaborate with painter Dana Logan on improvisational pieces. —Tara Morgan WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BOOZE CLUES—Trivia and prizes with the one and only E.J. Pettinger. 9 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s, 513 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-6344.
Festivals & Events
STAND-UP COMEDY NIGHT— Test out your routine on patrons during open mic night, hosted by Danny Amspacher. 8:30 p.m. FREE. Quarter Barrel, 4902 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208322-3430.
IDAHO SPACE DAYS 2011—See Friday. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-343-9895, scidaho.org.
HANG TEN: EXECUTIONS AT THE OLD IDAHO PENITENTIARY—Listen to Amber Beierle tell stories about 10 men who were executed at the Old Idaho Pen. Noon-1 p.m. $3-$5. Old Idaho State Penitentiary, 2445 Old Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208368-6080, history.idaho.gov.
Workshops & Classes GUIDED MEDITATION CLASS— Spend part of your lunch hour developing inner peace and discover how to increase health and confidence through meditation with Jessica Hixson from River Valley Hypnotherapy. Noon-12:30 p.m. Class price is on a sliding scale. Muse Building, 1317 W. Jefferson St., Boise, 208-3423316, musebuilding.com
IDAHO JOB AND CAREER FAIR—Check out job opportunities available in the community. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE. The Boise Hotel and Conference Center, 3300 S. Vista Ave., Boise, 208343-4900. PABST BINGO NIGHT—Play bingo for PBR, swag and other random stuff found at second hand stores. $1 PBR, Oly, or Rainier cans, or get a “ghetto bucket” (two of each) for $4. 7 p.m. FREE. Donnie Mac’s Trailer Park Cuisine, 1515 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-384-9008.
WALK-IN GLASS STUDIO HOURS—Create your own fused glass artwork. 11 a.m.-8 p.m. $15-$35. Fusions Glass Studio, 347 S. Edgewood Lane, Ste. 120, Eagle, 208-938-1055, fusions-idaho.com.
Kids & Teens OTAKU CLUB—Anime and manga club for teens in the Teen Scene. 4 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2941, gardencity.lili.org.
Odds & Ends
ALIVE AFTER FIVE—See Wednesday, Aug. 3. 5 p.m. FREE, The Grove, downtown, Boise, downtownboise.org.
Festivals & Events
BEER PONG TOURNEY—Eight tables set up for play, $4 pitchers and a $300 cash prize. 10 p.m. FREE. Fatty’s, 800 W. Idaho St., Ste. 200, Boise, 208-5142531, drinkfattys.com.
IDAHO SPACE DAYS 2011—See Wednesday, Aug. 3. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-343-9895, scidaho.org.
EYESPY Real Dialogue from the naked city
On Stage HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $10-$24. Starlight Mountain Theatre, 850 S. Middlefork Road, Crouch, 208-462-5523, starlightmountaintheatre.com.
Workshops & Classes WATERCOLOR PAINTING— Bob Fagan teaches watercolor techniques. 3:30-5:30 p.m. $40 for four classes, plus cost of supplies. Hobby Lobby, 3547 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-8554798, hobbylobby.com.
Literature BOISE NOVEL ORCHARD—Writers meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month to edit, critique and encourage the continuation of their work. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Rediscovered Bookshop, 180 N. Eighth St., 208-376-4229, rdbooks.org.
9:30AM - 1:30PM 8th Street from Bannock to Main Street & on the Grove Plaza
Citizen BOISE BICYCLE PROJECT VOLUNTEER NIGHT—Volunteers donate time to help build and repair bicycles for those in need. 6-8 p.m. Boise Bicycle Project, 1027 Lusk St., Boise, 208-4296520, boisebicycleproject.org.
Farmers Markets CALDWELL FARMERS MARKET—5-8 p.m. FREE. Located on the corner of 12th and Dearborn streets next to the library, Caldwell.
Locally Grown & Oregon Berries Available at the Market
Kids & Teens KID’S MAKE AND TAKE—A science and art program for children ages 6 and older. 4 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208472-2941, gardencity.lili.org. MR. PATRICK’S WORKSHOP— Young designers, inventors and engineers can bring their creations to life with Legos. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Ada Community Library, 10664 W. Victory Road, 208-362-0181, adalib.org.
Chef Abbigail Carlson Cooking with fresh, seasonal produce from the Market Saturdays Q 10am to Noon
Hands-on activities for kids ages 4-10 Saturdays Q 9:30 - 12:30
A Free Service of the Market!
Sports & Fitness BOISE HAWKS BASEBALL—vs. Eugene Emeralds. 7:15 p.m. $6$10. Hawks Memorial Stadium, 5600 N. Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-322-5000, boisehawks.com.
Odds & Ends LAST CALL TRIVIA—8 p.m. FREE. The Lift Bar and Grill, 4091 W. State St., Boise, 208342-3250, theliftboise.com; 7 p.m. FREE. Eastside Tavern, 610 E. Boise Ave., Boise, 208345-3878; 8 p.m. FREE. Buffalo Wild Wings, 3223 E. Louise Drive, Meridian, 208-288-5485, buffalowildwings.com; 9 p.m. FREE. Applebee’s-Emerald, 7845 W. Emerald, Boise, 208378-1890.
*LocaL ProDuce, HerBs
Summer Squash, Potatoes & Snow Peas Q Beets, Beans & Bok Choy Carrots, Turnips & Tomatoes Q Farm Fresh Eggs & Cheeses Q Gourmet Meats & Mushrooms
*IDaHo SPecIaLTY FooDs
Local Jam, Jellies and Honey Q Fresh Pasta Q Take ‘n Bake Lasagna Q Bar-B-Q Sauces, Pasta Sauces & Salad Dressings Q Pizza by the Slice Q Crepes Q Award Winning Idaho Wines Q Fresh Baked Breads, Pastries & Pies
*UnIQue HanD-CraFTeD LocaL ArT*
Pottery Q Jewelry Q Mosaics Q Handcrafted Metal Works Q Hand Painted Silk Q Fiber Art Hand Carved Wooden Items Q Photography Q Paintings Q Natural Bath & Body Products Hand Blown & Fused Glass Items Now Accepting Debit, Credit & EBT Cards
Overheard something Eye-spy worthy? E-mail leila@boiseweekly.com
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | 27
WE ARE FAMILY Tennessee band Those Darlins have a few loose Screws AMY ATKINS Joey, Dee Dee, Johnny, Marky, Richie and the rest of the Ramones were not born with the same surname. But when they took the name “Ramone” as their own, they became more than just a rock band. They became a family. Taking a cue from the Ramones, Kelley Anderson, Nikki Kvarnes and Jessi Wariner adopted the last name “Darlin”giving the 5-year-old Tennessee-based band Those Darlins an air of authenticity—drummer Linwood Regensburg, who joined the group after it had formed, does not (maybe yet, of America suggested that Those Darlins are maybe ever) carry the Darlin name. “considered to be the next big thing associated The whiskey-swilling, down-and-dirty, to Nashville’s rock scene,” and highroadtourass-kicking, guitar-heavy countrified retro ing.com lauds Screws, saying “clever lyrics, garage-rock of Those Darlins’ acclaimed high energy and insistence on having fun at all sophomore album, 2011’s Screws Get Loose costs keep this disc a winner.” After the release (Oh Wow Dang Records), leaves little room of Screws, Rolling Stone named Those Darlins for questions of legitimacy. a “Band to Watch.” Those Darlins must feel like they are never Even though Those Darlins do have one going to get off the road. They toured in the man in the band, the term “girl group” often spring, opening for Black Joe Lewis and The comes up when the subject of Those Darlins Honeybears—they played Neurolux in April, does. Girl groups are still something of a novwhich is where they return to on Friday, Aug. 5—before touring the United States in support elty and usually, one female member stands out more than the others—quick, name a GoGo of Screws Get Loose. besides Belinda Carlisle or a Supreme besides The attention that the album and the band have received has meant that what was already Diana Ross. Those Darlins share singing, an intense schedule has been extended through guitar/bass and songwriting duties, and even Regensburg takes a turn at the mic in “Let U the fall. By the time they’re done, Those DarDown.” There is definitely a sense of sisterlins will have seen thousands of miles in their rearview mirror. Calling from the road outside hood/brotherhood and a lack of individual egotism that comes through the music. of Phoenix, 20-something Kelley Darlin “Decision-wise, it has been really important sounded a little weary but was still enthusiastic about the shows left on the tour. Those Darlins since the beginning of the band to keep it as egalitarian and demoare playing a number cratic as possible,” of the same cities they With White Arrows and Motopony. 8 p.m., $8 Kelley said. “So we played in the spring, adv., $10 door. DJ Doug Martsc, 11 p.m., $3. all have input, and it’s and this time around, better that way.” NEUROLUX people are coming out 111 N. 11th St. Everyone must be specifically to see them. neurolux.com on the same page, “When you open, Visit thosedarlins.com for more information. because Those Darlins’ depending on the city, debut was one big ol’ most of the time [the Both shows are non-smoking. pot of down-home audience] is there to see humor and country the headliner,” Kelley twang. It was full of songs like “Keep My said in a low, husky drawl. “Even if they like Skillet Good and Greasy”—which is literally what you’re doing, they’re not familiar with about just that—and the Loretta Lynn-intoned the songs, they don’t know the words, they glutton-fest “Whole Damn Thing”: “I got don’t sing along ... It was cool to break in the drunk and I ate chicken ... / not just the leg and songs to new audiences ... They saw it fresh.” not just the wing / I’d like to let you know I ate The songs felt fresh, not only because they the whole damn thing.” were new, but because the whole album feels With Screws, Those Darlins left some of new. Paste Magazine said Screws shows Those the hillbilly behind and embraced more of a Darlins have “made enormous strides as rock sound with reverb-drenched guitar and both players and songwriters since their 2009 ’60s surf-pop riffs. “Mystic Mind” is like the self-titled debut.” Music blog The Dumbing
28 | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
Those Darlins will steal your heart and your stole.
angrier, more echo-y daughter of Norman Greenbaum’s anthemic 1969 single “Spirit in the Sky.” Then there are songs like “$” in which vocal harmonies are skewered by atonal guitar chords and feedback-filled background screeches. Or “Hives,” which sounds like an homage to The Damned’s “Jet Boy, Jet Girl,” which is not surprising since Those Darlins have been described more than once as possessing a punk sensibility. Kelley said that’s true and the punk ethos extends to all facets of the band. “We all played in other rock ’n’ roll and punk bands and listen to a lot of different types of music,” she said. “The punk-rock feel resonates with us in the decision-making process, as well as aesthetically in [our] music.” That punk aesthetic has flipped the homey “Keep My Skillet” sound into the lyrical equivalent of a middle finger with a song like “Be Your Bro.” Jessi takes lead vocals in this one and gives voice to something many adolescent girls have probably thought but couldn’t say: “I just wanna be your brother / You just say be my boyfriend / I just wanna run and play in the dirt with you / You just wanna stick it in ... I may have girly parts / but I have a boy’s heart.” Ironically the video accents the girly parts, with the Darlins and Regensburg in various states of undress. Black-and-white Betty Page-esque shots of the women—especially Jessi in a black bra, cheeky frilly boy shorts and fishnet stockings barely covered by a white fur coat—may not be a good argument for convincing a boy it’s better to just be friends. Sometimes a family begets a band: The Jackson 5 or The Bee Gees, for example. But sometimes a band births a family, and though calling Those Darlins a sister act would be incorrect in the biological sense, it isn’t wrong. And Kelley doesn’t seem to mind. “People still come up when they ask for autographs and say, ‘Will you hand this to your sister when you’re done?’ I just say, ‘Sure,’” Kelley said with a laugh. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | 29
BRANDI CARLILE, AUG. 3, KNITTING FACTORY Fans of female singers are drawn to Brandi Carlile not only because she has a set of lungs and a knack for storytelling. A big part of what makes her a perennial favorite is her honest, emotional delivery, as well as her genre-bending music. Country music fans, Americana lovers, those who only have rock albums in their collections, and those who prefer a pop tune can all find a flavor that fits in Carlile’s sound. For years, the Washington-born performer has shared stages with others of her ilk, musicians who have a broad appeal: Ray LaMontagne, Jewel, Sheryl Crow and more. Carlile’s newest release, Live At Benaroya Hall With The Seattle Symphony (May 2011, Columbia), does nothing to dispel her designation as a musical chameleon. It’s a rich, heartbreaking collection of songs. Listen to “Before it Breaks”—the added depth of the symphony accompaniment could move even a zombie to tears. —Amy Atkins With Ivan and Alyosha. 8 p.m., $23-$60. Knitting Factory, 416 S. Ninth St., bo.knittingfactory.com.
30 | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
TERRY JONES—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
REBECCA SCOTT—7 p.m. FREE. Sapphire
KEN HARRIS—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
TORCHE—With Big Business and Helms Alee. 7 p.m. $12 adv., $14 door. Neurolux
REILLY COYOTE—7 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s
THE NEW TRIO—8 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper
NORTHERN ROCKIES FOLK FESTIVAL—Featuring James McMurty, The Gourds and more. $16-$21, $32 for both days, Hop Porter Park, Hailey
THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. FREE. Buffalo Club
RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid SALLY TIBBS AND KEVIN KIRK—With John Jones, Mike Seifrit and Jon Hyneman. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
BRANDI CARLILE—With Ivan and Alyosha. See Listen Here, this page. 8 p.m. $23-$60. Knitting Factory
BRIANNE GRAY—6 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Downtown
TRAVIS MCDANIEL—5:30 p.m. FREE. Twig’s
THE BOURBON DOGS—6 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Meridian
FRIM FRAM FOUR—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
DAN COSTELLO—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
GREAT GARDEN ESCAPE: BILL COFFEY—6:30 p.m. $7 members, $10 general. IBG
HIGH DESERT BAND—6:30 p.m. FREE. Whitewater Pizza
FRANK MARRA—5:30 p.m. FREE. Twig’s
KEVIN KIRK—With Steve Eaton and Phil Garonzik. 7 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
JIMMY BIVENS—8 p.m. FREE. Sockeye
GIZZARD STONE—9:30 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s JIM FISHWILD—6 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow KEVIN KIRK—With Jon Hyneman and Phil Garonzik. 7 p.m. FREE. Chandlers MUSIC FROM STANLEY: JAMES ORR—4 p.m. FREE. Redfish Lake Lodge THE NICK JAINA BAND—8:30 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
THE NICK JAINA BAND—With Jonathan Warren and the Billy Goats. 8 p.m. FREE. Flying M Coffeegarage
THE QUARTERTONS—7 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper
OLIN AND THE MOON—8 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux
ST. RANGER AND LOW-FI—8 p.m. $5. Liquid
THE POUR HORSE—With Talk Math to Me. $5. Liquid
THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. Buffalo Club TARRIII—9:30 p.m. $5. Reef
JOHN CAZAN—5 p.m. FREE. Lock, Stock & Barrel JOHN HANSEN—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s JOHN JONES, MIKE SEIFRIT AND JON HYNEMAN—With Kevin Kirk and Sally Tibbs. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
THOSE DARLINS—With White Arrows and Motopony. See Noise, Page 28. 7 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux
SATURDAY AUG. 6 A TASTY JAMM—8 p.m. FREE. Curb Bar B3 SIDE—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s BEN BURDICK TRIO WITH AMY WEBER—9 p.m. FREE. Liquid COOL NUTZ—8 p.m. $TBA. Bouquet
GUIDE/LISTEN HERE GUIDE ERIC GRAE—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill THE NEW TRIO—8 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper NORTHERN ROCKIES FOLK FESTIVAL—Featuring The Gourds and more. 1 p.m. $16$21, $32 for two days, Hop Porter Park, Hailey. RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid SALLY TIBBS AND KEVIN KIRK—With Jon Hyneman. 7 p.m. FREE. Chandlers THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. Buffalo Club
RUSS PFEIFER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
DAN COSTELLO—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
SHOOK TWINS—8 p.m. FREE. Sockeye
DAVID MARR—6 p.m. FREE. Cole Marr
TERRI EBERLEIN—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
GIRL IN A COMA—8 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux
THE WELL SUITED—9:45 p.m. FREE. Liquid
GIZZARD STONE—9:30 p.m. FREE. Tom Grainey’s
LARRY BUTTEL—7 p.m. FREE. Ha’ Penny
JIM FISHWILD—6 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow
PLUG IN STEREO—With Bird By Bird and Weatherstar. See Listen Here, this page. 7 p.m. $10. The Venue
PUNK MONDAY—8 p.m. $3. Liquid
ALIVE AFTER FIVE: JIM LAUDERDALE—With Bill Coffey. 5 p.m. FREE. The Grove
THE SHAUN BRAZELL TRIO— 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
ALPHA REV—8 p.m. $12-$30. Knitting Factory AMOS LEE—7 p.m. $25$49.50. Eagle River Pavilion
JEFF MOLL AND GUESTS—8:30 p.m. FREE. Ha’ Penny
BILLY ZERA—7 p.m. FREE. Sully’s
KEVIN KIRK—With Cheryl Morrell, Clark Sommers and Camden Hughes. 7 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
BRIANNE GRAY—6 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Meridian
KEVIN KIRK—With Jon Hyneman and Phil Garonzik. 7 p.m. FREE. Chandlers KILEY SHAW—6 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Downtown MUSIC FROM STANLEY: SHOOK TWINS—4 p.m. FREE. Redfish Lake Lodge THE NAUGHTIES—7 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper SMOOTH MONEY GESTURE—8 p.m. FREE. Liquid TERRY JONES—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill TRAVIS MCDANIEL—6 p.m. FREE. Lulu’s WILSON ROBERTS—6 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Bown
LARRY CONKLIN—11:30 a.m. FREE. Moon’s NEKROMANTIX—With The Brains and Poke. 8 p.m. $12$25. Knitting Factory
V E N U E S Don’t know a venue? Visit www.boiseweekly.com for addresses, phone numbers and a map.
PLUG IN STEREO, AUG. 8, THE VENUE Known for hosting mainly hardcore, metal and punk bands, The Venue is also a popular Boise stop for musicians of many genres hoping to build a younger fan base, like young singer/ songwriter Trevor Dahl, aka Plug In Stereo. Though not old enough to drink (and barely old enough to vote), Dahl’s acoustic guitar puts him on a direct course with youngsters’ heart strings as he earnestly sings about subjects that resonate with them: how a good-looking girl can be nice, too; not being sure what the future holds; and the promise that he will make a night on the town a perfect date. Plug In Stereo’s precious pop may be a little toothsome for a more mature crowd, but with his chiseled cheekbones and animated eyes framed by unruly Shirley Temple curls, the Abercrombie-model-looking musician must be irresistible to the kids who felt alienated when the Biebs went from adorable songster to gyrating Usher wannabe. —Amy Atkins With Weatherstar and Bird By Bird. 7 p.m., $10. The Venue, 521 Broad St., boisevenue.com.
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | 31
LISTINGS/SCREEN Special Screenings
ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL—View films from Japan and China over the course of two weeks. The first week features films from Japan. 13 Assassins (R) plays on Thursday, Aug. 4, at 7 p.m., and Quill (PG) plays on Saturday, Aug. 6, at 3 p.m. Tickets are available at Fujiyama, Sono Bana, Twin Dragon, Idaho Japanese Association and Idaho Chinese Cultural and Business Center. Visit idahojapaneseassociation.org or call 208-860-4536 for more info. $10 per show, $35 for the series of four movies. Flicks, 646 Fulton St., Boise, 208342-4222, theflicksboise.com.
CABLE ONE MOVIE NIGHT—Bring your lawn chairs, snacks (or purchase some there), blankets and the family to watch a flick on an inflatable screen in the park. The movie this week is Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Trader (PG). Friday, Aug. 5. FREE, Settlers Park, corner of Meridian and Ustick roads, Meridian, meridiancity. org/movienight.
MOVIES FOR A CAUSE—Show your support for Special Olympics Idaho by joining others for Raiders of the Lost Ark in the park at dusk. Food vendors will offer up their specialties, with all proceeds benefiting Special Olympics Idaho. Visit moviesforacause.org for more info. Saturday, Aug. 6, 7 p.m. FREE. Camel’s Back Park, 1200 W. Heron St., Boise. SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN—Enjoy food from local vendors before the classic film starring Gene Kelly begins at dusk. Monday, Aug. 8, 7 p.m. FREE members, $5 nonmembers. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208343-8649, idahobotanicalgarden.org.
Opening Soon SNOW FLOWER AND THE SECRET FAN—Based on the novel by Lisa See, this film tells the story of the friendship of two girls in 19th century China and their descendents. (PG-13) Flicks THE TRIP—Best friends and comic duo Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon embark on a road trip to visit the country’s finest restaurants on assignment for The Observer, the paper where Coogan works. Along the way they find out more about relationships than food. See review, this page. (NR) Flicks
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T H E AT E R S EDWARDS 22 BOISE 208-377-9603, regmovies.com
Pack your bags for The Trip Seinfeld may have finally met its British cousin. The Trip, a new comedy of manners starring Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon, has quite a bit in common with the classic sitcom, made famous by being about nothing. In fact, The Trip began on the small screen as a six-part BBC miniseries. The concept is simple: Two acquaintances spend a week together driving through England’s Lake District and Yorkshire Dales. In less skilled hands, a lack of structure or script could be a mess or, worse yet, boring. But Coogan and Brydon, two of the England’s Coogan: “I dare say, this soup tastes like snot.” Brydon: “Why yes, yes, it does, old chap.” funniest exports, are masters of improvisation, turning the simplest of experiences into outright hilarity. The Trip isn’t slapstick, transparent characters (Tropic Thunder, “Well, that was lovely, wasn’t it?” rather, it showcases that rare element of wit Night at the Museum). In The Trip, he plays The highlight of the movie is a running carved out of life’s awkward moments. a version of himself, an actor who sees When the pair visits a pretentious brasserie gag of impression one-upmanship. Brydon himself on the A-list but is clearly struggling launches into a dead-perfect impersonation that serves unrecognizable courses, a tiny pea of Michael Caine. Coogan, who says he hates to simply stay on the B-list. He is emotionally soup-colored cocktail is placed before them. bankrupt and fails at attempts to relate to impressions, takes They each take an his girlfriend, his son and just about everythe bait and instantly extended sip. body else. When Brydon asks Coogan if he launches into his own “It tastes like a THE TRIP (R) would trade his son’s appendix for an Oscar, version. The dueling childhood garden,” Directed by Michael Winterbottom Coogan has to wait a moment to think about Caines are brilliant says Brydon, soundStarring Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan it. Ultimately, Coogan’s character is left with and get better as the ing oh-so-much like a his ego and not much more. challenge progresses ridiculous foodie. Opens Friday at The Flicks Conversely, Brydon—who has performed (and eventually ends “The consistency is primarily on British television—plays a verin a stalemate). The ...” says Coogan with pair continues dueling sion of himself that loves his wife, his newan extended pause. born son and life itself. He is joyful, genuine impressions of Richard Burton, Anthony “Well, it’s a bit like snot, isn’t it? But I must and a perfect foil to Coogan. In the end, Hopkins, Al Pacino, Dustin Hoffman, Sean say it’s delicious.” The Trip is a bit of a mash-up of My Dinner Connery and many others. In another tip of Brydon waits a moment to contemplate With Andre and Curb Your Enthusiasm. It the bowler to Seinfeld, the pair deconstruct Coogan’s assessment. certainly has a bit of a small-screen feel, but Abba’s “The Winner Takes It All,” and the “I can’t get the image of snot out of my the big-screen version is still better than most Muppets’ Swedish Chef. Great stuff. head now,” he says matter-of-factly. films and is certainly head and shoulders Coogan, not unlike Ricky Gervais, has When the waiter returns, Brydon nods above most comedies. made a career out of playing pompous but approvingly.
EDWARDS 9 BOISE 208-338-3821, regmovies.com EDWARDS 14 NAMPA 208-467-3312, regmovies.com THE FLICKS 208-342-4222, theflicksboise.com MAJESTIC CINEMAS MERIDIAN 208-888-2228, hallettcinemas.com
FOR SECOND-RUN MOVIES: NORTHGATE CINEMA COUNTRY CLUB REEL NAMPA REEL 208-377-2620, reeltheatre.com OVERLAND PARK $1 CINEMA 208-377-3072, opcmovies.com NORTHERN LIGHTS CINEMA AND GRILL 208-475-2999, northernlightscinemagrill.com
32 | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
SCREEN/APP Attenborough any more, and you’re left to float through space with only The Icelandic queen of weird once again takes strange to a new level. Bjork’s bleating vocals to guide you. Within this cosmos, there are 10 “galaxies” that when selected, will Bjork Guomundsdottir, known to the world as simply Bjork, released open new “in-app experiences”—available for a fee. According to iTunes, her very own iPhone app: Biophilia. Anything Bjork, by nature, is incredthe experiences “explore the relationships beibly difficult to describe but iTunes tries by writtween musical structures and natural phenoming, “Biophilia is an extraordinary and innovative ena, from the atomic to the cosmic.” multimedia exploration of music, nature and Biophilia is available for free on iTunes. Hard-core Bjork fans will most likely be the technology.” At 114MB, it’s five times as large only ones to actually enjoy this app.” If you have as most other apps. It’s so large, in fact, that it ever watched the Cremaster Cycle, by Bjork’s cannot be downloaded over 3G, it’s wifi only. longtime partner and Boise native Matthew Once open Biophilia, you’ll start the experience by flying through the Barney, Biophilia might be for you. cosmos with David Attenborough narrating. This is Biophilia’s best at—Brady Moore tribute. Unfortunately, once the intro has played through, you don’t hear
BELLY FULL OF RAMSAY When the hell does he sleep? AMY ATKINS In the July 20 issue of BW, we told you about MasterChef, a show in which the tyrannical Gordon Ramsay of Hell’s Kitchen is slightly less prickish. What we forgot to mention is that you can easily sate an obsession with Ramsay and get your fill of f-bombs. Here at the BW kitchen, we’ve developed a menu of other Ramsay-centric shows that will not only quench your thirst for the cross cook but are positively palate pleasing. Before Kitchen Nightmares hit American airwaves in 2007, Ramsay had perfected his technique of telling chefs and restaurateurs why their restaurants were headed into the garbage bin with Ram-
Ramsay brings a brigade of amateur chefs in to a restaurant to prepare a three-course meal for 50 diners—some of them celebrities. The diners choose which meal they like best by paying for it. If they didn’t like the food, they didn’t leave a dime. Throughout the series, viewers see Ramsay with his family, in his garden and raising his own poultry. Last but certainly not least, is Gordon’s Great Escape
(no wonder his is a household name—it’s everywhere). The show, which first aired in 2010, takes Ramsay to the heart of the food he loves. In the first season, he traveled to the farthest, most remote regions of India over say’s Kitchen the course of Nightmares, a three episodes U.K. version to learn how to that began make authentic airing in 2004 curry. In Season on England’s Two, Ramsay Channel 4. visited VietFive seasons For the love of food, Gordon Ramsay must be a robot. nam, Cambotook viewers dia, Malaysia across England You can watch Gordon Ramsay on BBCAmerica, Chanand Thailand with a dip into nel 4, Hulu, Netflix and Fox. Some shows are currently to learn about France, Scotland airing and some have ended but full episodes are traditional and Spain, where available at the various channels/websites listed Southeast Asian chefs and ownabove. cooking. While ers learned the there, Ramsay hard way that tasted the likes less is more, to of snake, frog and tarantula. keep it simple and to never forget that your Watching all of these shows reveals a customers keep you in business. The lesson side of Ramsay that isn’t visible through here: Ramsay is always right. only a Hell’s Kitchen or Kitchen NightRamsay’s food television earned another mare lens. Ramsay is respectful of both star with 2010’s Ramsay’s Best Restaurant fine cooking and fine cooks. He has a kind (he does like his name in there whenside. He wants chefs and restaurateurs to ever possible). Out of more than 10,000 succeed. He honors tradition. He knows nominations, Ramsay paired British-born food. He has a wicked sense of humor. He restaurants of the same food ethnicity— believes diners deserve the best. Italian, French, Indian, Chinese, British, But that’s a whole lot of Ramsay. So Thai, North African and Spanish—in a after you’re stuffed to the gills with all competition against one another. The of his shows, we recommend you take a eight pairs were winnowed down to two break while you can. Stretch out on the completely different restaurants, who then couch, undo the top button on your pants went head to head. and change the channel to something like Then there’s Channel 4’s The F Word Comedy Central—it won’t be long before (believe it or not, the F stands for “food”), Ramsay is cooking up something new. which first aired in 2007. On the show, WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | 33
THE GREAT RACE Idaho native says ‘I do’ to Iditarod SHEREE WHITELEY
“I’m just waiting for my share of the $54,000.”
34 | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
and their canine counterparts. Races generally require a team of 16 dogs, and selecting a strong lead dog is crucial. For Liz Stanaitis, member and event organizer for the Pennsylvania Sled Dog Club, the connection between human and dog is critical. “It’s something to do that they [the dogs] love and you love. And especially to be
Balancing the needs of wildlife and the wishes of outdoorsmen with an ever-constricting budget is likely one of the biggest headaches for the folks over at the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, but once in awhile, everyone scores a win. IDFG recently held a raffle drawing for a bighorn sheep tag, allowing the winner to hunt for a bighorn in any management unit in the state with the exception of the Hells Canyon area. And while only one hunter actually wins the lottery, the raffle managed to raise $54,000—money that will be used by Fish and Game to fund research done at the Wildlife Health Laboratory looking into bighorn sheep diseases. Since the raffle started in 1992, it has raised more than $750,000, all of which has gone to bighorn sheep-related issues, from diseases threatening the species to genetic research of native herds in both the Owyhees and along the Salmon River. Diseases among wild sheep have been a growing concern for years, as wildlife managers have struggled to maintain the populations. Diseases are also the source of some of the conflict between wild sheep and domestic sheep herders in areas where their ranges overlap. In some cases, domestic sheep have been removed from the area, much to the ire of ranchers. Here’s hoping that research helps one of the West’s signature species. And speaking of signature species, Idaho’s salmon have been faring better in recent years—so much so that anglers have enjoyed some quality seasons. In fact, some of those salmon seasons are just now closing. Several fishing areas closed on July 28 after harvest limits were reached. Closed areas include the Park Hole section of the Lower Salmon and South Fork of the Salmon rivers—that means all the lower sections of the Salmon are closed as well. All areas on the South Fork of the Salmon are also closed. If you still want to get some salmon fishing in this year, the Little Salmon River is still open, as is the Upper Salmon from Ellis to North Fork. Chinook season is still running on the Clearwater River drainage, although some areas are limited to jack salmon only. The Snake River is also open from Hells Canyon Dam to Dug Bar. Of course, the only way to know for sure if the season is still open in a particular area is to consult fishandgame.idaho.gov to find an interactive map. —Deanna Darr
In March of 2012, 29-year-old Jaimee Kinzer will race 1,100 miles between Anchorage and Nome, Alaska. The snow will be deep and Kinzer and her 16 or so canine companions will face fierce freezing temperatures as they travel on a sled the same way the first competitors did in the first official race in the 1970s. But the Idaho native is ready. In February this year, Kinzer participated in Alaska’s 300-mile Willow Tug race, and her finishing time qualified her to participate in the last great race on earth: the Iditarod. Now residing in Willow, Alaska, Kinzer first became interested in dogsled racing when she was about 13 years old and growing up in Boise. After watching the movie Iron Will, Kinzer decided she would race in the Iditarod. “It was one of those ‘I’ll do it someday’ things,” Kinzer said. After running races as a teenager and young adult, her dream was put on hold when she was involved in a car accident at the age of 20. “After that, racing seemed totally out of the picture,” Kinzer said. Still, she journeyed to Alaska with a group of friends to watch the beginning of the 2008 Iditarod, where her traveling companions joked that she would be on the starting line within five years. “I thought of it as a challenge,” Kinzer said. After meeting DeeDee Jonrowe, famed dog musher who holds the record for the fastest time ever recorded by a female racer in the Iditarod, Kinzer went to work at Jonrowe’s kennels in Willow, where she cares for about 100 huskies on a 5-acre lot. The dogs each have a house at the kennel, which Kinzer says is “their bedroom.” They share play areas and enjoy chewing on bones during the off season. While there may not be enough snow to run a sled during the summer months, Kinzer certainly hasn’t been taking it easy. She wakes at 6 a.m., feeds the dogs a mixture of kibble and beef, lamb or pork fat, and water that she calls “nasty, gooey soup stuff,” readies teams and goes for runs. “When you’re out with the dogs, you’re training as well,” Kinzer said. “And with more than 20 pounds of gear, you get in shape quick.” The Iditarod requires a great degree of trust and a strong bond between mushers
For more information, visit teammoonshadow.com. Meet Jaimee Kinzer: Friday, Aug. 12, 4-7 p.m., Northwest Pets, 3060 E. State St., Eagle; Saturday, Aug. 13, 5-9 p.m., Rudy’s Bar and Grill, 2310 E. Overland Road, Meridian. For more information, visit iditarod.com.
outdoors together—there’s just nothing better than that bond with your dog.” Organizations like the PSDC work to connect fans of the sport, educate newcomers and make sure that everything is done according to the standards set by Mush With PRIDE (Providing Responsible Information on a Dog’s Environment). Stanaitis has been involved in the dogsledding community for about 20 years and organizes an annual summer camp out for rac-
ers and their dogs. She frequently runs sprints with a team of four to six dogs, but she says she can’t imagine preparing for something as daunting as the Iditarod. “I’d be afraid that I’d get lost and die,” Stanaitis said, laughing. Getting lost is also on Kinzer’s list of fears, alongside having a moose run through her team, running into open water or encountering exceptionally dismal weather conditions. While running the Willow-Tug 300 race in February, Kinzer came across a team with a dog down. The musher feared his dog was dying, and Kinzer put the pup in her sled. After being given an IV and some rest, the dog was recovered and wagging his tail by dinner time. While it’s necessary to be watchful of the dogs’ health, Stanaitis said. “It’s people that get more injured than dogs usually.” Still, mushers need to be part-veterinarian. While working as a dog handler, Kinzer has learned to give stitches and shots while on the trail. “Ultimately, you can’t be afraid of what’ll happen,” Kinzer said. “The dogs are a lot stronger than we give them credit for.” The trail of the Iditarod may provide mushers with a plethora of challenges, and the sign-up process is perhaps equally as rigorous—and expensive. “The paperwork alone took me two weeks to finish, and I worked on it daily,” Kinzer said. Entrants are also required to have 750 qualifying race miles completed before signing up. Entry fees total $3,000, and transporting a dog team generally costs $10,000. Add in gear and supplies, and the last great race easily becomes the most expensive. Kinzer recalls handing in her materials and officially being put on the list. “I wrote a check, handed it in, and said, ‘OK, we’re doing this.’ I’m personally really scared, and can’t believe I’m only a few months away.” The Timberline High School alum will return to Boise on Friday, Aug. 12, for a few informal events to help her raise money and to answer questions before returning to Alaska to prepare for the Iditarod, which kicks off on March 3, 2012. “I just want to let everyone in Boise know there’s a girl from Idaho who’s actually doing this, and I hope they’ll want to come find out more,” Kinzer said. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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A year-round market would be the cherry on a locavore’s sundae.
EXPLORING THE POSSIBILITY OF A YEAR-ROUND FARMERS MARKET We’re in the sun-licked thick of farmers market season. Big leafy bundles of kale caress crooked deep-purple carrots and flower-like blossoms of butter leaf lettuce get cozy with delicate squash blossoms. But things aren’t always so abundant and idyllic. After the holiday market closes, late winter brings things to a grinding halt at the Capital City Public Market. But that might not always be the case. The City of Boise recently contracted with Market Ventures of Portland, Maine, to conduct a $24,500 study on the feasibility of opening a year-round, indoor farmers market. A representative will come to Boise in midSeptember and evaluate various factors like supply and demand, functionality, space requirements and the feasibility of expanding the market season. According to Karen Ellis, executive director of CCPM, expanding to a permanent year-round space is a longtime dream. “This will not replace the outdoor market,” said Ellis. “The indoor building would be something that could go on seven days a week, and it would have not only agriculture, but it would have other anchor tenants … our design would be so that in the wintertime, there would be space for the market to go inside out of the weather.” Ellis’ vision for the year-round market is modeled after the Ferry Plaza Market in San Francisco, and would potentially include a commercial kitchen, cold and dry storage for vendors and “entities that are like-minded and interested in supporting and growing the food system for our community.” Although Ellis mentioned the Boise Hole and the empty parking lot between the U.S. Bank Building and the Davinci Building as potential year-round market locations, she also stressed that this whole thing is a long way off—if it happens at all. “I don’t think it can be completed before five years,” said Ellis. “A lot of it depends on the land that would be available or that we could possibly afford. It’s going to take a lot of partnerships to pull it off and hopefully some philanthropic partnerships.” The City, which is funding the feasibility assessment, also stressed that these discussions are at a very preliminary stage. “We know that the market is such a great asset to the city and wanted to really help them out in taking that step back and taking that good 30,000-foot view of the whole project,” said Cece Gassner, Boise City assistant for economic development.
Randy King isn’t shellfish about how and where to find inland clams.
CLAMBAKE OPERATION Demystifying Gem State seafood GUY HAND several overgrown middens, or mounds of When Idaho chef, outdoorsman and BW ancient tribal refuse, littered with clam and writer Randy King asked if I wanted to tag mussel shells. along on a river-bound food adventure that “See that tiny little beach right there?” included clams, crawdads, carp and cattails, King asked as we neared a spit of wet, dark I couldn’t wait. As the citizen of a state bereft gray sand. “I’m going to go ahead and beach of sea breezes and surf, I wasn’t about to pass there, and we’re going to find some clams.” on a chance to feed my occasional pangs of coastal envy with a high desert clambake—no Once out of the boat, King grabbed a large, fine-meshed silver sieve, waded into the water matter how odd that sounded when I said it and began sifting sand as if panning for gold. out loud. “This is about as local a food product as I remember seeing bits of broken clamyou can come up with,” he said as he sluiced shell scattered through the sagebrush and wet sand through the sieve. On cue, a pealava rock of my childhood past, even a few sized mollusk emerged. tightly-closed, if tiny mollusks in the sands of Unlike many later-day locavores, King isn’t mountain streams, but I also seemed to have new to the notion of local food. He grew up inherited a mental blind spot when it came to registering those freshwater clams and mussels in a hunting and fishing family. When, for as food. Growing up, I never heard of a single instance, we passed a thicket of ripe currants, father Larry mentioned picking buckets of soul who actually ate one. the orange berries as a kid but not as a casual King had. He assured me, as he and his outdoor diversion: He did it to help stock the dad, Larry, slid a boat into the Snake River at family shelves with the jam they couldn’t afSwan Falls on a Sunday morning, that they ford to buy at the store. tasted great, if less salty than My dad passed on similar coastal clams. A Guide to Southern Idaho’s tales of a pragmatic brand of “We found some clams a Freshwater Mollusks is locavorism common decades couple of weeks back,” King available at fws.gov/idaho. before locavore was a word. said as he pushed off the dock Click on “Publications” to Randy, however, had done and began motoring upstream. find a pdf of the guide. a better job of inheriting his “And we’re going to try to find father’s knack for subsistence them again.” food gathering. For me, panning for clams was It turns out that there are nearly 300 spea novelty; for Randy, it was one more thing cies of freshwater clams and mussels living we humans should know how to do. in the inland waterways of North America Whatever our motivations, the three of and native tribes had no trouble seeing those us were apparently not the only Idahoans land-locked bivalves as food. They also used interested in local freshwater clams and musthe spent shells as currency, fashion accessosels. Two days later, I met with David Parrish, ries and tools. Back then, the Swan Falls area fisheries coordinator for the Idaho Department was a mollusk harvesting Mecca. As Randy, Larry and I headed upstream, we likely passed of Fish and Game. He told me that several
people had called him this season asking about the potential for harvesting Idaho mollusks. “There isn’t normally a lot of interest in harvesting mussels from the Snake River,” Parrish said. “But just recently—and I think it’s because the high water has kind of moved some of the mussels around and exposed them to where people can see actually how large they are—we’re getting some interest from folks in harvesting them and actually eating them.” Parrish said there are no regulations in Idaho prohibiting the harvesting of mussels, and he himself had found freshwater mollusks 8 to 10 inches long. But when I asked if he’d tried eating them, he grimaced. “I have not,” he said. “I’m a little concerned about what they have filtered and what they may pass on.” As filter feeders, Parrish explained that clams and mussels are far more adept than fish or crawdads at collecting and storing whatever pollutants may lurk in the waters of rivers like the Snake. And since some can live as long as a century, bivalves have decades to leisurely collect, or bioaccumulate, nasty stuff. For that reason alone, Parrish strongly discouraged callers from following through on their dreams of an Idaho clambake. Steve Lysne, a College of Western Idaho professor, biologist and the curator of mollusks at the Smith Museum of Natural History in Caldwell, agreed with Parrish. “The problem with harvesting our freshwater mussels today,” he said, “is it’s very possible that there are levels of certain pollutants in their tissues that we would not want to consume. 38 Things like heavy metals, mercury and
—Tara Morgan
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FOOD/DISH Restaurants get one chance to hit BW with their best shot. LEILA R AM ELLA- R ADER
cadmium. Things like organochlorines and PCBs. That’s one reason why we should avoid eating freshwater mussels, particularly in large working rivers like the Snake River. The other reason is that we’re concerned about their conservation status.” According to Lysne, one of the native Idaho mollusk species that grows large enough to eat is declining in numbers. The Western pearlshell, or Margaritifera falcata, was once considered the most common mussel in the Pacific Northwest, but now it’s rare. Lysne said those animals don’t need new predators in the form of locavores who suddenly see them as tasty additions to pasta sauce. However, he added somewhat reluctantly, there is a large species of freshwater mussel called the Western ridged mussel, Gonidea angulata, that is not in decline. Foragers willing to do a little homework and harvest responsibly could, in theory, indulge their impulse for Idaho seafood. “The Fish and Wildlife Service just recently put out a field guide to the freshwater mollusks of Southern Idaho,” Lysne said. “It’s got great pictures and descriptions and folks could pretty easily tell [species] apart.” Unlike the declining Western pearlshell, the more abundant Western ridge mussel is somewhat triangular in shape and has a distinctive ridge along its shell. Having never dipped one in drawn butter, Lysne couldn’t guarantee their gastronomic credentials. Back on the Snake River, King, his father and I got totally skunked. No clams, no crawdads, no carp. I blamed it on the Army Corps of Engineers for having raised the river level. But in retrospect, I’m grateful. Although the impulse to harvest food close to home is a healthy one, next time, I’ll do a little more research and have a field guide on hand before I climb in the boat. 36
The Millipede roll has a leg up on less sustainable sushi.
SIMPLE SUSHI BAR On the hipster-satirizing sketch comedy show Portlandia, a couple sits down in a restaurant, scans the menu then asks about the chicken. The server rattles off that it’s a heritage breed, woodland-raised chicken that has been fed a diet of sheep’s milk, soy and hazelnuts. When the couple asks even more about the fowl’s rearing, the server returns with a folder containing a snapshot of “Colin” the chicken and his life history. When I slid onto a barstool at Simple Sushi Bar in Nampa and asked chef Mike Key where their fish comes from, he told me they receive bi-weekly Fed-Ex deliveries from Hawaii and only serve species designated a “good choice” by the Monterrey Bay Aquarium. When I probed further still—asking, for example, how he knows that their tuna was sustainably pole-and-line caught— Key pulled out a binder filled with individual tracking numbers documenting how and where each fish was plucked from the water. No joke. While these vignettes are both hilarious and absurd, they hint at a growing consumer trend. Vague labels like “sustainable” and “natural” no longer suffice; people are demanding specific, accurate info about where their food comes from and how it was raised. And Simple Sushi Bar is happy to provide that. The small, naturally lit space SIMPLE SUSHI BAR 1214 First St. S., Nampa was opened in March by couple 208-463-4663 Clif and Tracy Volpi. From behind simplesushibar.com the open, central sushi-rolling counter, Key, a tatted former cook at Bella Aquila in Eagle, chats up everyone who walks in the door. He details the restaurant’s concept—sustainable fish and local, organic produce when available—then lists what’s fresh that day. Simple’s menu features an eclectic assortment of apps and salads, including cucumber coins topped with spicy tuna or salmon and kaiware sprouts ($8) and the Hawaiian ocean salad ($6) with Ika squid and Pacific seaweed, tossed with ginger and burdock root. I went with the Millipede specialty roll ($13), and watched as Key fashioned an inside-out roll with spicy Tombo tuna and steamed prawns, then covered it in a fan of fresh avocado, tobiko, green onion and a drizzle of sticky-sweet soy. The roll was moderately sized and refreshingly, satisfyingly … simple. When I asked Key how this concept has been received by Nampans—not exactly the bespectacled ethicureans Portlandia pokes fun at—he said folks have been enthusiastic. Though Key said many patrons have never heard of the Monterrey Bay Aquarium Seafood Guide, or sustainable fishing for that matter, they’ve been eager pupils. On the other hand, Key also mentioned he’d like to procure a fryer and add some deep-fried rolls to the menu. Baby steps. —Tara Morgan WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | 39
Casey O’Leary is wary of regulations that might restrict urban farming in Boise.
RULE OF (GREEN) THUMB Unearthing the city’s proposed urban farming recs TARA MORGAN Urban farming is nothing new. Over the last decade, gardens have sprouted up on rooftops and in weed-riddled, overgrown plots in cities across the country. But city code, unsurprisingly, takes a while to catch up with trends. Recently, the City of Boise’s Planning and Development Services formed an Urban Agriculture Committee to update city code to include specifications on urban farming, community gardens, beekeeping, poultry and livestock. “We reviewed the minimal standards we have already at Boise City and compared those to other municipalities: Spokane, Salt Lake, Seattle,” explained Planning and Development Current Planning Manager Cody Riddle. After consulting with members like Josie Erskine of Peaceful Belly, Steve Sweet of the Treasure Valley Beekeepers Club and Trina Leishman of Edwards Nursery, the Urban Agriculture Committee drafted a set of preliminary recommendations, which they recently dispersed among Boise neighborhood associations and public agencies for input. In addition to expanding the scope of urban beekeeping and suggesting that the number of pet chickens allowed per household be raised from three to between six and eight, the recommendations also suggest that “research into allowances for roosters should occur.” The new recs also delineate between community gardens and urban farms and impose some potential restrictions on their use. For example, “operations should not begin before March 1 and all gardens should be cleaned up before Nov. 1” and “operations should be limited to daylight hours.” “They’ve been kind of operating in a no
40 | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
man’s land … We really want to acknowledge that they’re out there and allow them to continue to operate with some very basic standards that they can work with and that neighbors can rely on,” said Riddle. But these recommendations, while still open for debate, have upset some of Boise’s few existing urban farmers. “It just seems backwards to me to impose all these regulations before you’ve even come up with a way to help people farm,” said Casey O’Leary of Earthly Delights Farm. Marty Camberlango of City Gardens agreed. He’s not against regulation but would rather see the city support the growth of urban agriculture first—by allowing people to farm fallow public land or giving tax breaks to those farming residential property. “It just seems naive and not that thoughtout and a way for the city to say, ‘We support urban agriculture.’ But the only support I see is it’s putting restrictions on me, and I don’t see that as support,” said Camberlango. O’Leary approached Riddle with her complaints and was promptly added as a member of the Urban Agriculture Committee. “Cody was extremely receptive when I talked to him,” said O’Leary. “Hopefully, the process is such that we’ll be able to continue to comment on it and get it to somewhere where it is actually benefiting farmers and it’s not creating a bunch of unnecessary [red tape].” The city has extended the timeline for input until Friday, Aug. 12. After that morespecific recommendations may be added before the public weighs in at a hearing prior to City Council approval. Riddle hopes to have these standards in place by next growing season. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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BW RENTAL 3605 Morris Hill. 2BD House. Craftsman style on Bench. Bike to downtown. Hrdwd. flrs, frplce, immaculate condition. Beautiful backyard, grg. 841-0330. CLOSE TO BSU! Darling & spacious. 2BD, 1BA duplex within easy bike ride to BSU/Downtown!! Cute patio area along with small grassy yard area. Utilities incl. FREE use of onsite shared laundry facilities. $675/ mo. Call Krista, 860-1650 www. eiprentals.com LOG HOME - GARDEN VALLEY Lease a furnished log home in beautiful Garden Valley on 1 1/2 acres. Approx. 45 min. from West Boise. 3BD, 1.5BA. Over 1600 sq. ft. Large wrap around deck, great view. Close to snow mobile/ ATV trails. 1.5 acres to call your own! Lease terms available from 6 mo.-2 yrs. $895/mo. Call Krista 860-1650 for information. kristadeacon@gmail.com
CHAKRA/AURIC HEALING CLASS Learn to heal your 13 energy fields for the well-being of your mind, body & soul! Register online: www.boiselearns.org or 854-4047.
BW SPIRITUAL Check Out: eckankar-idaho.org
I AM YOGA - JULY SPECIAL 10 classes - $50. iam-yoga.com YARD SALE SALE HERE! Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for an unbeatable price of $20. Kit includes 3 large signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.
BW HELP WANTED Paid In Advance! Make $1,000 a Week mailing brochures from home! Guaranteed Income! FREE Supplies! No experience required. Start Immediately! www. homemailerprogram.net
MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701
OFFICE ADDRESS Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad Street in downtown Boise. We are on the corner of 6th and Broad between Front and Myrtle streets.
PHONE (208) 344-2055
(208) 342-4733
NEED YOUR GED® DIPLOMA? We offer no-cost tutoring! For details, call 855-591-2920. STEVENS-HENAGER COLLEGE GEDprepClasses.com
classified@boiseweekly. com
DEADLINES* LINE ADS: Monday, 10 a.m. DISPLAY: Thursday, 3 p.m.
Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Out to Lunch 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
* Some special issues and holiday issues may have earlier deadlines.
Junk cars, trucks, vans. Paying up to $200. 208-963-0492. FREE ON-LINE CLASSIFIED ADS Place your FREE on-line classifieds at www.boiseweekly.com. It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please.
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BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | 41
B O I S E W E E K LY A awesome full body by Terrance. $45/hr. In home, studio/outcall. 841-1320. WISE TOUCH MASSAGE THERAPY JULY SPECIALS: 60 min. $45, 90 min. $65, couples $100. M/F Therapists available! Please call 989-0066, to schedule a appointment today!
BW MASSAGE A Full body massage by experienced therapist. Out call or private studio. 863-1577 Thomas.
1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, spa/showers, 24/7. I travel. 880-5772. massagebyeric.com. Male Only. Private Boise studio.
BOISE’S BEST! With Bodywork by Rose. 794-4789. www.roseshands.com MASSAGE BY GINA Full Body Treatment/Relaxation, Pain Relief & Tension Release. Call 908-3383. ULM 340-8377.
Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/Eves/Weekends. Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 866-2759.
FOUND VOLKSWAGEN KEY Found a Volkswagen laser cut hide a key on Milwaukee St. in front of Cost Plus parking lot. Would love to return it to rightful owner. Just prove it works in your car... email & will respond asap. ty359@msn.com LADIES PRESCRIPTION GLASSES Found late Friday night at the Grove tables by the conference doors. Ladies designer optics gold & brown earpieces. bigtimej@msn.com but for quicker response call or text 484-6023. WAS YOUR BIKE STOLEN? A friend of mine has stolen a couple of thin wheeled ‘fixie’ bikes. He keeps leaving them at my house. I want to help the owners get them back. Email me at knowatheif@gmail.com with details of your bike so we can set up a meeting.
VISIT | www.boiseweekly.com E-MAIL | classified@boiseweekly.com CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
deadline for digital entries. Please see the Show Prospectus on our web site for more information. CALLING ALL VELOPEDES Garden City-Moxie Java-Glenwood & Riverside. August 13th, 10am. Ride en-masse through the heart of a bike hating mayor’s pet neighborhood to celebrate the last summer of the Garden City Bike Ban. Come ride his ‘hood, clog his streets, make him crazy. Bikes will ride the greenbelt again! U-Pick Thornless Blackberries. Waterwheel Gardens Awesome Blackberry picking begins Fri. & Sat. Aug.12 &13. 7am-12pm. Come Visit our farm! See us at the Capital City Market or waterwheelgardens.com for pricing & directions.
BW ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNITY BW FOUND FOUND - TAN MALE CHIHUAHUA Sunday evening, July 3 in 5100 block of Yorgason Ave, Boise. ann@beach-mail.com
NAMPA ART GUILD ARTIST CALL Nampa Art Guild is looking for submissions for its 26th Anniversary Juried Show “Art Out LOUD,” runs Oct. 25 - Nov. 2 at the Nampa Civic Center. The show is open to all artists 18 yrs. & older with original works created in the last two years. Those works can be in oil, acrylic, watercolor, gouache, pastel, pencil, pen/ink, mixed media & oneof-a-kind woodworking, sculpture, & hand-thrown pottery. Sept. 26 is
$100 REWARD- GLASSES I lost my prescription glasses sometime between 7/16 - 7/18. They are in a silvery mesh covered glasses case. A plain green cleaning cloth & a blue cleaning cloth with EPSON logo. The brand is OXO. I would *really* like to get these back as I don’t have a back-up pair! Please call me at 208-340-9709. Thanks! LOST: ORANGE MALE CAT I lost my 14 year old Orange Short hair male cat on July 5th. We just moved from SE Boise to NW Boise & I let him out too soon. He may be on his way back to finding our old house. He has a collar. His name is Finn. He is orange with white paws & orange eyes. He has white on his inner neck & belly & a white spot on the left side of his nose. He is also de-clawed in front. If you have any information or think you have found him, please let me know. Sara 208-284-8819.
BW VOLUNTEERS GUITAR INSTRUCTORS NEEDED!! Boise Schools Community Education is seeking volunteer guitar instructors to teach basic/beginning guitar. Our classes run evenings at local Boise schools. Your commitment would be one evening for 4, 5 or 6 wks. for a few hours. Our students are lining up to take this class! If you would be willing to share your talents & your time, please call us today! 208-854-4047.
BW CLASSES SWORD COMBAT 13TH CENT. Get trained in historical European sword combat, we can turn you into a reliable fighter with the longsword or sword and shield. We don’t charge for lessons & we have some loaner equipment. We teach AUTHENTIC skills from commentaries based on ancient fightbooks such as Lutergus (1290ad) & Liechtenaur. Basic training takes about 6 lessons, technical another 6 to 12 and then we move to light contact sparring. Advanced sword comes much later. All lessons are free & done with an informal but well behaved atmosphere. Phone GLOCK, 208-375-7171 or visit our new meetup site.
BW CONCERT TICKETS ROSLYN KIND TICKETS For sale (2) $25 each For concert at: Nampa Civic Center. August 2, 7:30 pm .Seats available F-19 & F-20 Call 208-863-9833.
42 | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
FO R S ALE BW STUFF 9 Piece King Sleigh Bed Set Brand new. Dovetail drawers. List $2950. Sacrifice $799. 888-1464. Bed, Queen Tempurpedic Style Memory Foam Mattress. Brand new, w/warranty. Must sell $225. 921-6643. BEDROOM SET 7 pc. Cherry set. Brand new, still boxed. Retail $2250, Sacrifice $450. 888-1464. Couch & Loveseat - Microfiber. Stain Resistant. Lifetime Warranty. Brand new in boxes. List $1395. Must Sell $450! 888-1464. KING SIZE PILLOW TOP MATTRESS SET. New - in bag, w/ warranty. MUST SELL $199. Call 921-6643. Leather Sofa plus Loveseat. Brand new in crate w/Lifetime warranty. Retail $2450. Sell $699! 888-1464. PROPANE HEATER AND A.C. Big Buddy propane heater plus hose. $100. Used very little. Shop swamp cooler - on wheels - water hook up. Paid $325. Asking $175. 2 yrs. old. Never used this season. tbennic@mindspring.com QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET. Brand new-still in plastic. Warranty. MUST SELL $139. Can deliver. 921-6643. **BRAHMIN HANDBAG** Preowned never used Brahmin Satchel Handbag in Toasted Almond. Was $425 at Nordstroms. Must see to appreciate. Beautiful! Will sacrifice for $200. Please call 891-7607.
VISIT | www.boiseweekly.com E-MAIL | classified@boiseweekly.com CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
LARGE, COMFY SECTIONAL SOFA We are moving & would like to sell our large sofa sectional. Bought in 2007, good condition. 12 ft. across the back, 8ft on one side, & 6ft on chaise side. Selling for $600 OBO. Cash only please. 319-721-7108. SOLDIER SUMMER WHITE SALE Soldier Mountain Summer White Sale Begins July 10th, Adult Season Pass - $150. Child Season Pass - $95. Senior Season Pass $95. Family Season Pass - $345. Buy Your Pass By August 1st To Get This Amazing Deal! administrator@soldiermountain.com TOO HOT? AIR CONDITIONERS!! Window Air Conditioner Units for Sale Like NEW. Used only 2 seasons! Kenmore 6000 BTU View Saver Window Units $100 or 2 for $150. Cash and carry only 208630-3316. Ask for David.
BW ART & ANTIQUES ATOMIC TREASURES Celebrating reuse. 409 S.8th St. Stop in check it out we have it. Most items previously owned. Treasures from the Past, Present & Future. Clothing, art, books, records, bar ware, kitchenware, decor, jewelry, and more! YARD SALE SALE HERE! Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for an unbeatable price of $20. Kit includes 3 large signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.
BA RT E R BW HAVE SWAPCAFE.COM Come join us! Trade your stuff, your skills, your inventory. Submit via SwapCafe.Net for personal swaps or SwapCafe.Com for B2B. Good luck trading! Questions Info@SwapCafe.Net
PETS BW PETS LOST BOSTON TERRIER- REWARD Lost our little dog on Saturday the 9th. She lost her tags during her escape. We are desperate to find her! I’m worried that someone has decided to keep her. I’m hoping a large reward will help get someone’s conscience moving. Any help finding her would be appreciated. My 9 year old misses her. 890-5727 or 250-4728. LOST CAT- LARS Orange Long Haired Male Scottish Fold cat. Last seen at 407 Broad St. on Saturday 7/9. He was not wearing his collar, but he is MicroChipped. There is a quarter sized patch of hair missing between his shoulder blades where the Chip is located. He’s a little guy, about 6 pounds. I will gladly offer a reward to anyone who helps bring Lars home safely. He is probably scared but very
sweet. If you have any information, please e-mail, call or text. 208-850-4511 or 208-870-7760. TWO CATS FOR ADOPTION Yin & Yang are 5 yrs. old. They are brother & sister & have been together their whole life. I can no longer take care of them due to personal reasons. However, these cats are incredibly sweet, loving & fun. Email me if you are interested in more information or adoption. Thank you. b7owaliceup@gmail.com
MUSIC BW MUSIC INSTRUCTION/OTHER GUITAR, PIANO, BASS LESSONS Guitar, Piano, Bass, Voice lessons out of my Nampa home. Instructor has a BA & MA in education and currently works as a professional musician. Discounts for multiple family members. Group beginning guitar lessons also available. Only six to eight openings available. Call now! 353-3080. CURBSIDE AUDIO RECORDING We offer multi-track recording starting at $35/hr or 10 hrs. for $300. For a full list of services & rates visit us at www.curbsideaudio.com. Mention this ad and 1 song will be recorded and mixed for free.
ADOPT-A-PET These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society. www.idahohumanesociety.com 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508
CRYSTAL: 2-monthold female domestic shorthair mix. This baby girl is friendly and loves to cuddle. (Cat Colony Room- #13652779)
BELLA: 2-year-old female domestic shorthair mix. Owners were moving and could not take her. Beautiful and friendly. (Kennel 29#13710300)
COCOA: 3-year-old female Siamese mix. Litterbox-trained, indoor cat, does well with children. (Kennel 112#13663318)
ARLO: 2-year-old male Chow Chow mix. Affectionate, smart and obedient. Good manners. Wants to be the only pet for your family. (Kennel 407- #13574017)
EINSTEIN: 8-year-old male terrier mix. Lap dog who loves road trips. Does well with other dogs, loves adults and enjoys long walks. (#13574017)
COW LEE: 1-year-old female Basset hound mix. Sweet girl, great with kids and very gentle. Loves going for walks. Crate- and housetrained. (#13564190)
These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats. www.simplycats.org 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177
BERRY: Special-needs girl looking for special family.
ACORN: I’d like a barn home where I can run and play.
ROCKET: DLH is looking to light up your life.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | 43
Lawn Mowing by Cy. $10- $25. Free estimates. Call Cy at 407-9333. FREEDOM APPLIANCE $40 Service Call in All of the Boise metro area. Never an extra charge for nights or weekends. Call today and save. 571-5362 or 994-3614. Get your appliance repair “DONE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME.” IKEA(R) DELIVERIES! Assembled in Boise is making runs to Ikea in Salt Lake, Utah. If you want your Ikea fix, visit our website for all of the details. www. assembledinboise.com or www. facebook.com/assembledinboise WE CAN DO IT HOUSEKEEPING Basic & deep cleaning. Reasonable rates. Call 343-8247.
NYT CROSSWORD | 1 Crackerjack 4 Org. fighting pirates? 9 Pink shade
27 31 34 38
42 46
59 63
73 81
62 66
87 92
29 33
26 Prefix with meter or methylene 27 Tax lawyer’s find 28 Heel 29 7’1” former N.B.A. star 30 Feminine suffix 31 Yelled initially? 34 Nursery noise 36 Empty 37 26 of the 44 U.S. presidents: Abbr. 38 Instruction part 14
22 Hit TV show that ended in 2011 23 Cuts in a cardboard container? 25 American-born Japanese
BOISE FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY Kershisnik Law offers legal representation for all Family Law issues including divorce, custody, support, modification, termination, adoption and domestic violence. Kershisnik Law always offers a free consultation. For experienced and affordable legal representation call Kershisnik Law today 472-2383. You will be glad you did.
BW NEED ESTHETICIAN/MASSEUSE Cosmetologist looking to trade haircut & color for facial or massage. Looking for ongoing trade. No money exchange or dollar for dollar...service for service only. Email to set up kristenl_sievers@ yahoo.com.
BW ENTERTAINMENT ALL KINDS OF SINGLES. Browse & Respond FREE! Straight 208345-8855. Gay/Bi 208-472-2200. Use FREE Code 7582, 18+. BUYER BEWARE Whenever doing business by telephone or email proceed with caution when cash or credit is required in advance of services. HOT GUYS! HOT CHAT! HOT FUN! Try Free! Call 208-489-2162 or 800-777-8000. www.interactivemale.com MEET LOCAL SINGLES. Listen to Ads FREE! 208-345-8855. Use FREE Code 7584, 18+. SEEKING SEXY SINGLES? Reply to Ads FREE! Straight 208-3458855. Gay/Bi 208-472-2200. Use FREE Code 7583. Visit MegaMates.com, 18+.
14 Wyle and Webster 19 Man of mystery 20 Stylish 21 Mountain ridge
VISIT | www.boiseweekly.com E-MAIL | classified@boiseweekly.com CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
101 109
44 | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
40 Beach site, maybe 42 It might be skipped 44 So-so formal dance? 46 Went far too slowly during the 10K? 54 State symbols of North Dakota and Massachusetts 55 Leader who said “All reactionaries are paper tigers” 56 Slight 57 “Use the Force, ___” 58 Arizona is the only state to have one 59 Attach to 61 “Rocks” 62 Certain helicopter 63 Piece of black-market playground equipment? 69 Cousin of kerplunk 71 ___ for life 72 Purple shade 73 Press 76 It comes out in the wash 77 Northernmost borough of London 81 Freud’s one 82 Antlered animal 83 Wool or cotton purchase request? 85 Disgusting advice? 87 Way out 88 24 hrs. ago 90 Isle of the Inner Hebrides 91 Brown-___ 94 New York’s historic ___ Library 97 Top of a ladder?: Abbr. 98 Whiskey bottle dregs? 103 Courtroom entry 107 Corporate shake-up, for short 108 Beyond ___ 109 People whose jobs include giving tours 111 To have, in Le Havre 112 “I don’t give ___!” 113 Nobleman after a banquet? 114 Rita Hayworth’s femme fatale title role of 1946 115 Effects of many waterfalls
116 Felt bad 117 Bind 118 Toothpaste brand once advertised as having the secret ingredient GL-70 119 Not settled 120 Hits and runs 121 Rev.’s address
DOWN 1 Mosey 2 Perform Hawaiian music, say 3 Shell alternative 4 “Uncle Moses” novelist Sholem 5 Smack 6 French first lady ___ Bruni-Sarkozy 7 Staggering 8 Game tally: Abbr. 9 It was invaded in the War of 1812 10 Prayer 11 Airlift, maybe 12 Really bugged 13 Orphan girl in Byron’s “Don Juan” 14 Seldom 15 Urging at a birthday party 16 I-5 through Los Angeles, e.g. 17 Heckle, e.g. 18 Thou follower? 24 Some volcanoes 28 Doesn’t stop, in a way 32 Pitcher part 33 Animal with a snout 35 Urgent transmission, for short 38 Result of a pitch, perhaps 39 Schedule opening 40 Trolley sound 41 Distant 42 Side in checkers 43 Metered praise 44 Tasseled topper 45 Leader exiled in 1979 47 Not much 48 Nobelist Walesa 49 Queen’s request, maybe 50 Skin cream ingredient
51 Adds insult to injury, say 52 Land on the Sea of Azov: Abbr. 53 Cultural org. 59 Stomach area 60 Deferential denial 62 Junk bond rating 64 Something on a hog? 65 Stalk by a stream 66 Feudal lands 67 Ex-governor Spitzer of New York 68 When repeated, a TV sign-off 69 Kind of story 70 Hi-tech organizer 74 Sonoma neighbor 75 Metric wts. 77 Vast, in verse 78 Vietnam’s ___ Dinh Diem 79 “What ___?” 80 Towel 82 Reach at a lower level 84 Emoticon, e.g. 86 See 102-Down 89 “___ tu” (Verdi aria) 91 Words following see, hear and speak 92 1972 Best Actor nominee for “The Ruling Class” L A S T J U N G
93 Winning length in a horse race 94 Finally 95 Side in a pickup game 96 Minute 97 Swiss quarters? 98 Confederate general who won at Chickamauga 99 Noted 1991 Harvard Law grad 100 Supplied, as data 101 Slot machine symbols, often 102 With 86-Down, what Washington purportedly could not do 104 Boors 105 Banks who was known as Mr. Cub 106 Late bloomer 110 Some notebook screens, for short 113 Fourth notes Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under extras for the answers to this week’s puzzle. Don't think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
W E E K ’ S
BW CHAT LINES REAL PEOPLE, REAL CHAT, REAL DISCREET Try Free! Call 208-287-0343 or 800210-1010. www.livelinks.com
BW KISSES LIKE A FRESH KISS Juicy nectarines & cherries at The Fruit Stand, 4113 W. State St. Open daily. SONGMAN -The seasons they had their way with me -I found myself in a rolling sea -Thunder, hail and lightning strike -Darkest dark and coldest night -It’s true, being alone does make you strong -But together two sing a prettiest song -So much to find by being apart -I’m on your side and you have my heart. TWIX You are AMAZING. - MEEOOWW-
VISIT | www.boiseweekly.com E-MAIL | classified@boiseweekly.com CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
Hi ladies, S Hispanic M 26 yrs. Old, looking for a SF 18-45 to write too. Who is smart, funny, outgoing and not shallow. Omar Castillon #82904 U-11C59A ISCI PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. 23 yr. old WM, 170, blonde hair and hazel eyes. Muscular build and in shape. Looking for F pen pal to get to know. Check my pictures out on Myspace. If interested drop a line. Tyler Campbell #82383 ISCI Unit 11C-69B PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. 32 yr. old M looking for pen pal. Roy Ferguson #92540 NICI 236 Rador Rd. Cottonwood, ID 83522.
Need correspondence with outside F. I’m 6’3”, 225, work out and go to school. I’m a Gemini and I hope to get out soon. Will be happy to write back to all letters, ask what you need. I will be honest about all. I’m not a sex offender. I have a beautiful family. Kids and grandkids live in Pocatello. Dennis Ray Hugill #74514 ISCI MA8A PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83703. Looking for lost daughter and grandson. Kari Ann Munt and Bronson. Please write I miss you! Anyone who knows Kari please tell her about this ad. Steven Munk #46638 16B-15A ISCI PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707.
BW I SAW U T. SW Flight #3161, Monday, 7/11. Celebrate your new job! Yeah! M.
BW PEN PALS Pen Pals complimentary ads for our incarcerated friends are run on a space-available basis and may be edited for content. Readers are encouraged to use caution and discretion when communicating with Pen Pals, whose backgrounds are not checked prior to publication. Boise Weekly accepts no responsibility for any relationships that may arise from contacting these inmates. Wanted: Sugar Daddy. I am 5’2”, brown hair and eyes. I’m Caucasian with an hourglass figure, 27 yrs. Old and pretty. Looking for pen pals, friends and possibly more. Patience Smith #83275 05 N. Capitol Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | AUGUST 3–9, 2011 | 45
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): Symbolically speaking, there is a Holy Grail hidden close to you. You know it, but you haven’t been able to find it. The Grail is a golden chalice filled with medicine that could open what needs opening in you. Luckily, you will soon come into possession (symbolically speaking) of a big, thick magical wand that can give you a new advantage. Here’s what I conclude: Use your wizard stick to locate the cup of wonder so you can take a big sip. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Much of the work you’re doing right now is invisible to the naked eye, maybe even to your own naked eye. You’re learning a lot while you sleep, drawing sustenance from hidden reservoirs, even when you’re awake, and steadily improving yourself through the arts of creative forgetting and undoing. Continue this subtle artistry, Taurus. Be cagey and discreet. Don’t underestimate how important silence and even secrecy may be for you right now. The healing transformations unfolding in almost total darkness should not be exposed or revealed prematurely; they should be protected with vigilance. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Either Way I’m Celebrating: That’s the title of a poetry comic book by Sommer Browning, and I suggest that you consider it as a worthy title for your life in the coming days. The adventure you’re in the midst of could evolve in several possible directions, each with a different rhythm, tone, distinct lesson and climax. But regardless of what path you end up taking, I’m almost positive you will have good reasons to throw yourself a party at the end. Having said that, I also advise you to decide which version of the story you prefer, then make it your strong intention to materialize it. CANCER (June 21-July 22): During the skunk mating season, two robust members of the species made the crawl space beneath my house their trysting place. The result was spectacular. Siren-like squalls rose from their ecstasy, spiraling up into my kitchen accompanied by plumes of a stench that I imagined the Italian poet Dante, in his book The Inferno, might have identified as native to the ninth level of hell. Being as instinctively empathic as I am, I appreciated how much delight the creatures were enjoying. At the same time, I wished they would take their revelry elsewhere. So I called on the Humane Society, an animal rescue group, to flush them out without harming them. If anything resembling this scenario takes place in your sphere, Cancerian—if someone’s pursuit of happiness cramps your style—I suggest you adopt my gentle but firm approach.
46 | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | BOISEweekly
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle rejected the prevailing scientific theory that life on this planet emerged by accident from a primordial soup. The chance of that happening was as likely as “a tornado sweeping through a junkyard [and assembling] a Boeing 747 from the materials therein.” I do think that something less amazing, but still semi-miraculous, is in the works for you, Leo. What do you imagine it might be? I’m getting a vision of a windy thunderstorm blowing through a junkyard in such a way as to assemble an impressionistic sculpture of you wearing a crown of flowers and X-ray specs as you ride confidently on the back of a lion. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz, the yellow brick road symbolizes a path leading to all of life’s answers, to a place where fantasies can be fulfilled. Dorothy and her companions follow that road in the belief it will take them to the all-powerful Wizard of Oz in the Emerald City. While I don’t mind you playing with the idea that you may eventually find your own personal yellow brick road, for the immediate future I urge you to adopt the attitude Elton John articulated in his song, “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road,” “Oh I’ve finally decided my future lies beyond the Yellow Brick Road.” It’s time to add more nuts-andbolts pragmatism to your pursuit of happiness. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Some readers get enraged about the crafty optimism I advocate in my book Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia. Given what they regard as the miserable state of the world, they feel it’s a sin to look for reasons to be cheerful. One especially dour critic said that after reading a few pages of the book, he took it out in his back yard, doused it with gasoline and incinerated it. You may face similar opposition in your attempts to foment redemption, smoke out hope and rally the troops, Libra. I urge you to be extra fierce in your devotion to peace, love and understanding. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Of all the adversaries I will ever face, my ego is the supreme challenge. It tries to trick me into thinking its interests are exactly the same as my own. It periodically strives to bamboozle me into believing that I should be motivated by pride, competitiveness, selfishness or judgmental evaluations. When I’m not vigilant, it lulls me into adopting narrow perspectives that are rife with delusions about the nature of reality. Don’t get me wrong: I still love my ego. Indeed, being on good terms with it is my only hope for keeping it from manipulating me. I bring this up, Scorpio, because it’s prime time
for you to come to a riper understanding of your own ego so you can work out a tougher, more nononsense agreement with it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Sagittarian author Derrick Jensen wrote the book A Language Older Than Words. He weaves the tale of his abusive childhood with an angry analysis of the damage human beings have done to the Earth and each other. It’s a wrenching text, but in the end, it offers redemption. A review by Publisher’s Weekly says that “Jensen’s book accomplishes the rare feat of both breaking and mending the reader’s heart.” I invite you to pursue a similar possibility. Allow your heart to be broken by a blessed catharsis that will ultimately heal your heart so it’s even stronger and smarter than it was before the breaking. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Right now, you may be feeling especially squeezed by one of the apparent contradictions in your life. But I’m here to tell you that it’s not as contradictory as you think. Its seemingly paradoxical elements are in righteous harmony with each other at a higher level of understanding. Can you rise to that higher level so as to see what has been hidden from your view? For best results, let go of any temptation you might have to act as if you’re oppressively defined by your past. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Psychologist and priest David Rickey counsels people who are about to be married. “You are perfectly mismatched,” he likes to tell them. “As much as you think you have chosen each other because of beauty or shared interests, the deeper reason is that unconsciously you know the other person is going to push your buttons. And the purpose of relationships is for you to discover and work on your buttons.” I share Rickey’s views, and offer them just in time to make maximum use of their wisdom. You’re in a phase when you have extraordinary power to learn from and adjust to the challenges that come from having your buttons pushed by those you care about. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In his song “Crazy,” British singer Seal repeats the following line numerous times for emphasis: “We’re never going to survive unless we get a little crazy.” I recommend it as a mantra for you to rely on in the coming days. Your emotional health will depend on your ability to laugh at yourself, play along with absurdity and cultivate a grateful reverence for cosmic riddles. Being a little crazy will not only keep you robustly sane, it will also allow you to enjoy and capitalize on the divine comedy life presents you with.
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 3-9, 2011 | 47
AUGUST 20, 2011