WHEELS ON THE BUS New route expected to be popular but will it stay? PICKS 16
THE WRITERLY MR. RITTER Musician pens book, gives reading at RX NOISE 22
BLOWN AWAY Typhoon returns for tour finale ARTS 26
LAUGHING MATTER Local comedians don’t need no stinking club
“I’m going to pulverize whoever runs against me. That’s what I do.”
2 | AUGUST 10– 16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
BW STAFF PUBLISHER: Sally Freeman Sally@boiseweekly.com Office Manager: Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com EDITORIAL Editor: Rachael Daigle Rachael@boiseweekly.com Arts & Entertainment Editor: Amy Atkins Amy@boiseweekly.com Features Editor: Deanna Darr Deanna@boiseweekly.com News Editor: George Prentice George@boiseweekly.com Staff Writer: Tara Morgan Tara@boiseweekly.com New Media Czar: Josh Gross Josh@boiseweekly.com Calendar Guru: Heather Lile Heather@boiseweekly.com Listings: calendar@boiseweekly.com Proofreaders: Jay Vail, Sheree Whiteley Contributing Writers: Bill Cope, Guy Hand, Ted Rall Interns: Lizzy Duffy, Brady Moore, Shelby Soule, Trevor Villagrana ADVERTISING Advertising Director: Lisa Ware Lisa@boiseweekly.com Account Executives: Sabra Brue, Sabra@boiseweekly.com Jessi Strong, Jessi@boiseweekly.com Doug Taylor, Doug@boiseweekly.com Nick Thompson, Nick@boiseweekly.com Jill Weigel, Jill@boiseweekly.com CLASSIFIED SALES Classifieds@boiseweekly.com CREATIVE Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Leila@boiseweekly.com Graphic Designers: Jen Grable, Jen@boiseweekly.com Adam Rosenlund, Adam@boiseweekly.com Contributing Artists: Conner Coughlin, Derf, Glenn Landberg, Jeremy Lanningham, James Lloyd, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Tom Tomorrow Photography Interns: Will Jones, John Winn CIRCULATION Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town: Stan Jackson Stan@boiseweekly.com Distribution: Tim Anders, Mike Baker, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Jennifer Hawkins, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Lars Lamb, Brian Murry, Amanda Noe, Northstar Cycle Couriers, Steve Pallsen, Patty Wade, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 30,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. SUBSCRIPTIONS: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. TO CONTACT US: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: info@boiseweekly.com www.boiseweekly.com Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701
NOTE DOWN THE DIGITAL RABBIT HOLE Since the most recent edition of BW’s Annual Manual hit stands two weeks ago, I’ve heard one solitary complaint. Not saying there aren’t more out there, just saying only one has come across my desk. This one: a voicemail from a reader who thoroughly disliked our inclusion of web addresses rather than phone numbers. And because she’s not on the web and we are so enthusiastic about the web, she’s no longer a reader. I’m not sweating this complaint for two reasons: First, in almost every instance you see a website in BW, Annual Manual or any other publication we put out, there’s also a phone number. Second, I figure if you don’t have the web to use as a resource to find information—including phone numbers—you have the trusty yellow pages, which despite my best efforts, continues to show up on my doorstep. I don’t bring up the subject of the print/Internet tug of war just to lambast the reader who complained. Rather, I bring it up to reiterate that, like it or not, a large part of the publishing world has become digital. Last week we held a special discounted screening of Page One, a documentary about a year in The New York Times’ newsroom, at The Flicks. In part, the film explored the negative impact of the Internet on newspaper ad revenue, including the Times’ bottom line. In fact, just recently, McClatchy, which owns the Idaho Statesman, announced it is down more than 30 percent in its second quarter earnings from 2010. The complicated relationship between print and the web is a complex topic, and one that can’t possibly be addressed it the 400 words I have here. Ironically the more invested in the digital world print news becomes through websites, mobile platforms, apps and social networks, the further revenue seems to drop—at least in the daily newspaper world. Yet focusing solely on print content and ignoring digital altogether is, some say, an even quicker path to self-destruction. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. I say “they” because, thus far, we’ve managed to increase revenue while simultaneously falling deeper into the online rabbit hole. In fact, just this week, we’ve taken our efforts to increase dialog with our readers in the digital world one step further. Search any editorial member in Facebook to find his or her Journalist’s Page. We’ll post links to stories, share info we couldn’t share in print, answer questions and respond to comments. You just have to “like” us. —Rachael Daigle
ARTIST: Wren Van Bockel TITLE: Two Owls
The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2011 by Bar Bar, Inc. EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Thursday at noon before publication date. SALES DEADLINE: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher. Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. BOISE WEEKLY IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER.
MEDIUM: Acrylic on cherry ARTIST STATEMENT: Friends come and go, but owl love is forever.
Boise Weekly pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 10–16, 2011 | 3
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NO POOP IN THE WATER, PLEASE An Idaho dair yman has been sentenced to 60 days in jail, three years of probation and a $12,000 fine for violating the federal Clean Water Act. Get the full stor y at Citydesk.
RECORD FOOD STAMP NUMBERS A record 45.8 million Americans relied on food stamps in May—a 12 percent increase over May 2010 and a 34 percent jump compared to two years ago. Alabama alone accounted for 1 million new users. More at Citydesk.
THE LOCAL DEBATE Now that we’re all on the buy-local bandwagon, what constitutes local? One restaurateur fires back on the difference between local and artisanal. Join the debate at Cobweb.
PIGGIN’ OUT FOR THE WIN The Big Jud’s burger challenge is a force to be reckoned with. A world-class competitive eater stopped in Boise last week to show the 2-pound burger who’s boss in an attempt to set a new record.
4 | AUGUST 10–16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
EDITOR’S NOTE MAIL BILL COPE TED RALL NEWS Federal funding puts new bus route in jeopardy before it starts CITYDESK CITIZEN BW PICKS FIND 8 DAYS OUT SUDOKU NOISE The many music makers of Typhoon MUSIC GUIDE ARTS Boise comedians build their own scene SCREEN Project Nim SCREEN TV Killing checkbook journalism REC Project Athena recruits new goddesses in Boise PLAY The challenging world of cricket FOOD Idaho’s beer history FOOD REVIEW Campos Market CLASSIFIEDS NYT CROSSWORD FREEWILL ASTROLOGY
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BOISEweekly | AUGUST 10–16, 2011 | 5
I T MA KE S TH E YUPPIE HIPS TER POS ER S FE E L GOOD TO PAY TOO MUC H FOR THINGS THE Y CA N MA KE THEMS ELVES ...” —My authentic self, (BW, Food News, “Exploring the Possibility of a Year-Round Farmers Market,” Aug. 3, 2011)
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M - F 9:00 - 3:00 (or by appt.) · 3701 Overland
The July 27 edition of Boise Weekly incorrectly stated that BuckSnort Rootbeer is from Bellevue, Wash., when, in fact, the company is based in Bellevue, Idaho. We regret the error.
Unless you were in a coma or under a rock, you watched as members of Congress battled over raising the debt ceiling. While our country barreled toward catastrophic default, Tea Party Republicans refused to act without making draconian cuts in spending while refusing to consider tax adjustments. Polls show that Americans favor a balanced approach to this problem, making reforms to Medicare and Social Security accompanied by tax reform. Most understand the mantra, “Taxes kill jobs” is political hyperbole. Slashes are killing jobs, and our economy can’t recover if this doesn’t end. This circus was a direct result of failure to exercise the right to vote in 2010. For whatever excuse, 41 percent of eligible voters went to the polls. And here we are. Congressional elections matter. Staying home to protest inadequate progress is not a winning strategy. It is a vote for the other side. Be assured, supporters of extremists now controlling the U.S. House of Representatives voted in droves. These representatives are doing exactly what they believe they were elected to do. Make no mistake: It can get worse. We are paying a terrible price for apathy. If we are to address the deficit
A BIG THANK YOU TO ... Ada County Commissioner Sharon Ullman for all the research she has done regarding the legality of greyhound simulcast at Les Bois horse track, and in fact, any county that does greyhound simulcast of which did not have a license to “live dog race” before Jan. 1, 1996. Idaho state code 542514A states simply that any county that did not have a live dog-racing license or a license to parimutuel bet on “them” (live dogs) before Jan. 1, 1996, can not legally simulcast greyhound racing. This law does not affect live horse racing nor live horse simulcasting, only the simulcast of dog races. So why aren’t the authorities prosecuting Les Bois horse track to the fullest extent of the law? Breaking Idaho Code 54-2514A holds a felony charge with it. Again, thank you, Sharon, for doing your homework for Ada County so well. —Virginia McKeann, Nampa
S U B M I T Letters must include writer’s full name, city of residence and contact information and must be 300 or fewer words. OPINION: Lengthier, in-depth opinions on local, national and international topics. E-mail editor@boiseweekly.com for guidelines. Submit letters to the editor via mail (523 Broad St., Boise, Idaho 83702) or e-mail (editor@boiseweekly.com). Letters and opinions may be edited for length or clarity. NOTICE: Ever y item of correspondence, whether mailed, e-mailed, commented on our Web site or Facebook page or left on our phone system’s voice-mail is fair game for MAIL unless specifically noted in the message. 6 | AUGUST 10–16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
in a way that protects the middle class and invests in our future, we must get out the vote for candidates who do not feel that our interests can best be served by cutting taxes for the wealthy. —Nancy Bailey, Stafford, Texas
HEARD ONLINE Chatter from the virtual world brought to you by facebook.com/boiseweekly. Reader reaction to the Endangered Species Act’s on-again-off-again relationship with wolves: Hmmm, I can understand protecting your livestock, pets, kids, etc. I hope this doesn’t mean people are going to do free for all and put them on the brink of extinction. —Tamara Renee Kelso They should never have been introduced into our forests in the first place. —Matt Williams I love it when people say they should never have been re-introduced. Matt, they were here long before us. —Molly Rowan Deckart Reader reaction to a post about President Barack Obama’s approval rating being the lowest in the nation in Idaho: Wow! I’m so shocked. I also read that Fox news was most watched in Idaho than any other state. —Ted Challenger Look around ... The approval rating of Idaho is pretty damn low as well. —Dick Wilhelm WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 10–16, 2011 | 7
BEATING RAUL Headline: Boehner Pets Labrador! “Cope! Stop the car! Roll down y’r window! Whar ya’ goin’? Don’tcha remember? We were gonna get together and work on my ’nunciniation. Er, enouncication. Er, encunatition.“ “Your ‘e-nun-ci-a-tion.’ Say it slow, Red. And exaggerate what your lips are doing on each syllable. Oh, and tuck in your chin. Sometimes when you talk, you look like a gecko getting ready to snag a fly. I think that’s part of the problem, pal. It’s like your tongue and your lower jaw are wrestling over a chunk of last night’s pork chop. Try pretending you’re an Englishman. John Cleese, maybe. Then before you say something, imagine how Cleese would say it.” “John Cleese, huh? OK, Cope. That’s good advice there. I always did like the noises ol’ John Cleese made when he said stuff. But I thought we’s were supposed to spend the morning doing mouth exercises like they did in that one movie where that ol’ pirate feller teaches the chubby king not to stutter. Didja forget?” “Tell you the truth, Red, I did. I’ve had a lot on my mind.” “So’s where you headed off to right now. Maybe I could ride along and when we get back, you could give me more e-nun-ci-ation tips.” “I’m on a Raisin Bran run, Red. And you can ride along, but I’m not sure this is a good time for a lesson. See, Badger Bob is in the house right now, working on a big project, and he gets all pissy if anything distracts him.” “He’s still botchin’ up the Holy Constitution, ain’t he? That’s his big project, ain’t it? That makes me so dang mad, what he’s been doing, it makes me want to spit purple. Who’s he think he is, anyhows, messing with what Jesus passed off to ol’ George Jefferson and the Floundering Fathers? I got a half a mind to go in there right now and give him a piece o’ my mind.” “Just get in the car, Red. And leave Bob alone. He has as much right to botch up the Constitution as you do to botch up history. And let’s talk about something else, OK? Something that doesn’t involve Jesus and the Floundering Fathers?” “Whatever you say, Cope. You’re drivin’. So hows about ol’ Raul, huh?” “What? Raul who?” “Raul Laborador. Our man in Congress. That’s who.” “I believe it’s Labrador, not Laborador. And what’s he done worth talking about? Other than vote to kill Medicare, that is.” “Why, he got himself a special pat on the head from good ol’ John Boehner. That’s what it said in the Statesman, for what he accompillaged during that there ceiling o’ debt crisis. Didn’t you hear? Ol’ Boehner called him one of the ‘leaders of the freshman class.’ Purdy classy, huh?”
8 | AUGUST 10–16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
“First of all, Red, it was those ‘freshman class’ boneheads that got us into the debtceiling crisis to begin with. And everyone with a brain knows the reason they did it was to sneak up on the entitlements and choke Medicare and Social Security to death while making it look like it was President Barack Obama’s fault. And secondly, John Boner couldn’t lead a kindergarten class to the water fountain, so getting praised by him for leadership is like getting told by a Domino’s Pizza guy what a great cook you are. Or having Newt Gingrich praise you for your family values. Or having Casey Anthony compliment you on what a good mom you’d make. Or hearing from George W. Bush about what a heck of a job you’re doing. Or having Charlie Sheen … ” “OK, OK, I get your point! And get your own e-nun-ci-a-tion house in order, Cope. It’s ‘Bay-ner,’ not Bo-ner.” “You say tomato …” “An’ according to good ol’ John Bayner… who knows a lot more about being a leader than you ever did, or why ain’t you Speecher o’ the House if you’re so dang smart!? … he said good ol’ Raul rounded up enough votes to get Bay-ner’s bill passed.” “So let’s see here. Your hero Labrador managed to convince enough fellow boneheads into voting for a bill that everyone in the country knew was going to be dead meat in the Senate within a couple of hours of passing the House, and therefore, it meant nothing more than an opportunity for Bo-ner to pretend he was doing something useful and the freshmen boneheads to show how high they could pee on a wall. And this was Labrador’s big ‘accompillagement?’” “You don’t get it, Cope! He got them other tea bag fellers to go along with Bayner by tagging what they call a ‘balanced budget amenderment’ onto the deal!” “Aaah, I see. So your man Labrador attached one idea that never has, and never will go anywhere because it’s a dumbass idea, to a bill that was promised defeat before the ink was dry. Such genius. It’s like roping one dead dog up to another dead dog, then entering the Iditarod. And to top it all off, he probably got Bo-ner to agree to kiss his ass in a Statesman interview as a condition for his cooperation.” “Why would ol’ Raul do something like that, gull durnit? He don’t need to impress people back here in I-dee-ho. He’s the Republican, or did you forget? He coulda hid out in a janitor’s closet through the whole two years he got elected for, and he’d still win next time around!” “Red, he voted to kill Medicare. Or did you forget?” “Wull, no … but there’s a durn good chance I will by the next election.” “Not if I can help it, pal.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BOYCOTT 2012 ELECTION Hey liberals! Time to stop getting rolled We might as well have defaulted. Regardless of where you stand politically, the deal to raise the federal debt limit came too late for the United States to achieve its main objective, avoiding the downgrading of debt issued by the U.S. Treasury. The Standard & Poor’s downgraded the U.S. credit rating from a sterling “AAA” to “AA+,” the same as Slovakia. That’s exactly what would have happened had there been a default. Everything about the way this deal went down, from the initial posturing to a compromise that will make the Great Depression of 2008-? even worse, along with Congress’ total lack of concern for the hardships being faced by Americans, has people disgusted. “The big loser after this exercise is Washington,” Republican strategist Scott Reed told The New York Times. The 2012 election “has the potential to be an anti-incumbent feeling in both parties.” Gee, ya think? If any good comes out of the debt-limit fiasco, it’s that this embarrassing showdown could serve as an overdue wake-up call to liberals who still have faith in the Democratic Party. Maybe these ideological rubes will finally accept the obvious truth: Those corrupt corporate-backed pigs just aren’t that into us. It is time for Real Liberals to kick Team Democrats to the curb. Next November, all you have to do is ... nothing. Don’t vote. In other countries, voter boycotts have a long tradition as a way to effect pressure on a non-responsive political system. If you’re a Real Liberal, you espouse liberal values, you think would make America a better place. If you’re a partisan of Team Politics,
you only care about one thing—whether the Democrats get elected. Like Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter before him, President Barack Obama has sold out core liberal Democratic principles. He can’t point to a single major liberal policy achievement. Even so, Team Democrats will vote for Obama in 2012. Team Democrats are Democrats first, liberals last. Real Liberals, on the other hand, have no reason to support the Dems. Real Liberals care about liberal policies. Real Liberals give Democratic politicians the benefit of the doubt. But after they prove themselves to be a DINO (Democrat In Name Only). First and foremost, the debt-ceiling debate was ridiculous from the start. The economy is at a standstill. Recent GDP numbers came in at a sub-anemic 1.9 percent, so low that the real unemployment rate of 21 percent will continue to increase. Foreclosures are emptying out whole neighborhoods. In the end, the GOP got its cuts. The Dems didn’t get a cent of taxes on the rich. OK, Real Liberals. It’s been three years. You know Obama’s record. Obama never fights. When he does, it’s for conservative values, like slashing the federal budget and giving our money to millionaire bankers. Why would you vote for him, or any Democrat, next year? I know, I know: the Even More Insane Evil Republicans would take over. What difference would it make? How much longer are you going to tolerate sellout Democrats? How many more times are you going to stand in line to cast a vote for these treacherous scum?
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 10–16, 2011 | 9
CITYDESK/NEWS NEW RULES FOR N. EIGHTH ST. When a Pepsi delivery truck rolled onto Boise’s North Eighth Street between Bannock and Idaho streets shortly after 10 a.m on Aug. 8, the drivers were greeted with a friendly warning: From now on, show up sooner. “I said, ‘Gentlemen, you’ll need to do this before 10 o’clock tomorrow,’” Max Clark told Citydesk. Clark is the parking and facilities director for Capital City Development Corp. If there’s an issue regarding transportation in downtown Boise, Clark knows something about it. If it has anything to do with parking, he knows everything about it. Clark hit the pavement at 6 a.m. this week—and he’ll continue next week—serving as what he calls an “Eighth Street ambassador” for a major change to the city’s inner core. As of Aug. 8, public parking is now prohibited on North Eighth Street between Bannock and Main streets, Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. until 10 a.m. Only delivery vehicles will be allowed to park in metered spaces during that time. Parking by the general public in the metered spaces resumes at 10 a.m. Additionally, a new bike lane has been introduced to the two blocks. “For years, bicyclists have asked for a safe way to get from the south to the north side of town,” said Clark. “It was pretty hard for them to do so, especially if the cars and trucks were three abreast.” Clark said the congestion, with cars and trucks “trapping” each other on the one-way street, was the tipping point, resulting in the changes. On the first day of the change, Clark said he heard plenty of feedback from both sides of the street on the issue. “Some said, ‘What do you mean I can’t park here?’ But a lot of folks said it was a great idea,” said Clark. Not every retailer or restaurateur is thrilled, however. “Some people are upset; 6 to 10 is our busiest time,” said Kelsey Green of Dawson Taylor Coffee at 219 N. Eighth St. “Our regular customers always parked on Eighth.” Clark said he made a point of engaging with Dawson Taylor’s customers. “They asked me where to park while they got their coffee, and I suggested Bannock Street, where there are plenty of spaces,” he said. One of North Eighth Street’s newest restaurateurs said he supported the change. “I actually think this will make things more inviting,” said Cameron Lumsden, owner of Fork at 199 N. Eighth St. “It will make things more challenging for deliveries, but I think the change makes it a better place for Boise pedestrians. It’s worth it.” Boise police will begin enforcing the change following a two-week transition period. Non-delivery vehicles parked on North Eighth between Bannock and Main during the restricted hours will be issued a $40 official sign citation. If a delivery vehicle is in a space after the meters go into operation at 10 a.m., it will receive a $15 citation for each space occupied and not paid for. If the delivery vehicle is double-parked or parked on the fire lane curb, drivers will receive a $40 citation. —George Prentice
10 | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
WHY IS BOISE CITY COUNCIL SO SCARED OF A SUCCESSFUL BUS ROUTE? “It’s almost cruel to put something out there and then have to take it away.” GEORGE PRENTICE
There was every reason to be optimistic, even enthusiastic. Valley Regional Transit was ready to roll with its most ambitious project in years: a new bus route for an underserved, yet growing population, providing access to no less than six schools, Immigration and Social Security offices and the region’s largest retail destination. But on July 26, when it came time for Boise City Council members to decide whether to fund the route, reluctance was the watchword. In fact, more than one council member expressed pessimism. “It’s almost cruel to put something like this out there and then have to take it away. You’re asking me to support a route that may go away next year,” said Council Member Elaine Clegg. “That’s true,” said Kelli Fairless, VRT executive director. “We don’t know how the federal budget will play out.” Ironically, the roles were reversed, Fairless said. She’s usually the pessimist in the room. “I’m usually the last one that my staff has to sell a pilot route to,” Fairless told BW. “They have to get it by me before I take to the council.” But Fairless acknowledged council members’ skepticism was healthy. “I had a great appreciation for the discussion,” she said. “I think the council members take very seriously the fact that we raise public expectations when we introduce a service like this.” The service requires $263,000 for its first year of operation. The funds were committed during the 2010-2011 budget process but not formally approved until July 26, when Fairless gave a final update to the Boise City Council. “We’ve been here before,” said Council Pro Tem Alan Shealy. “We have approved pilots before, but given the fact that possible huge cost cuts are on the horizon, if you believe in your heart of hearts that this could be differ-
“I’d like to suggest a compromise motion,” ent, then I’m willing to go with you.” said Shealy. “I propose we secure the funding, But Fairless was cautious not to overbut we need to leave it to the discretion of the commit. director a ...” Shealy took a long pause. “What “What I can tell you is that we’re should we call it?” he asked rhetorically. “Let’s carefully watching the federal-funding landcall it a notification campaign.” scape,” she said. But Clegg still expressed concern that even A federal budget agreement hammered harder choices would need to be made if the out between President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders in April (averting a gov- route proved successful. “I would like to see every council member ernment shutdown) gutted $680 million from public transportation grants. And conventional here today show up to a public hearing, that I truly believe will be held next year, where we wisdom is that more wheels will come off of have to decide which route to cut,” said Clegg. transportation projects once Congress deterMayor Dave Bieter, sensing the tension in mines the details of $2 trillion in spending cuts the room, tried to break the uneasiness with from last week’s debt-ceiling deal. a friendly jab at absent Council Member Consequently, in a Catch 22 moment, the Lauren McLean. Boise City Council was being asked to “I would just like to publicly comOK one-time funds to a much-needed mend Council Member McLean for project, knowing that future funding not attending today’s meeting,” Bieter was, at best, a huge gamble. deadpanned. “What we’re really talking about But in the end, Fairless walked here is, if you keep this [bus] line, you away from the July 26 meeting with may have to cut another line,” said funding approval. Now, she said, the Council Member David Eberle. “I don’t VIDEO: New hard work really begins. see any scenario where there would be Southwest “It probably sounds like launching funding to save this route.” Boise Bus a bus route would be an easy thing “But we deal with that reality every Route Will Launch Tuesto do,” she said. “You know, just year,” responded Fairless. day, Sept. 6 get on the bus and go. But it’s quite Eberle proposed a plan that put the complicated.” future of the line squarely in the laps of Fairless and her VRT team are potential riders. putting final touches on internal processes “I’ll tell you what,” said Eberle, ready to like route timetables and drivers schedules deal. “I would support this right now, if you before beginning their external process like launched a campaign that told the people of notification on their website, distributing Boise that there was a good chance that one fliers on buses and putting up some creative route would stay and another route would posters designed by students, a sector of the need to be cut a year from now. And then we population that has been highly engaged in would watch the patrons truly fight for the the process. right route.” “About 14 students from Frank Fairless said outreach was appropriate but Church High School and Victory an expensive advertising campaign was out of 12 Academy participated in this project, the question. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | 11
NEWS practically from the beginning,” said Fairless. The process, which took the better part of two years, resulted in maps where bus lines were drawn, redrawn and redrawn again. In the end, the complex process resulted in a fairly simple route: It begins at the Boise Towne Square Mall, goes south on Cole Road, west on Overland Road, south on Maple Grove Road and east on Victory Road, ending at the offices of the Boise School District before looping back. Several schools (including Bishop Kelly, Frank Church, West Junior High, College of Western Idaho, Brown Mackie and Stevens Henager), major retailers (the mall, Lowes, Walmart), government offices (Social Security and the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services), and the region’s largest cineplex (Edwards Boise Stadium 22 10
and IMAX) are all on the route. “I think this has a pretty high probability of being successful,” said Fairless. “These neighborhoods were serviced once before, and the route went away in 2005 but a lot has changed since then. The school district moved their offices out to Victory. The colleges are new and, of course, we’re spending nearly $4 for a gallon of gas.” Fairless expects to use a little psychology and a bit of magic in the coming months. The psychology comes naturally. That was her major when she was a student at Boise State. “It’s all about human interaction,” she said. “I use psychology every day.” But she keeps a bit of magic up her sleeve. “Every year, we seem to pull more rabbits out of our hat,” said Fairless. “I keep thinking I’m out of rabbits, but then we save another service.”
NO POST FOR YOU While on summer recess, Congress blocks recess appointments MARIAN WANG, PROPUBLICA As many have noted, members of Congress left behind some unfinished business when they headed home for their August recess. But here’s something else you should know: Even though hordes of lawmakers have left Washington, D.C., neither chamber of Congress officially adjourned. In an effort to block President Barack Obama from making recess appointments— which the Constitution allows presidents to do—Congressional Republicans have kept Congress technically in session. The Washington Examiner explains: “The Republican-controlled House used a procedural move to help force this issue. Though it’s the Senate that must confirm presidential appointments, under the U.S. Constitution, it cannot adjourn for more than three days without the approval of the House.” So, instead of adjourning, both the House and Senate will be conducting what are known as “pro forma” sessions. What that entails, essentially, is having a member of Congress stick around the Capitol to strike the gavel for what are sometimes seconds-long sessions. And if history is our guide, it seems Congress will have to hold these perfunctory sessions at least once every three days. According to a 2010 Congressional Research Service report, the Constitution doesn’t actually say how long the Senate must be in recess before the president may make a recess appointment, but in 1993, the Justice Department suggested that the number was three days. According to Roll Call, the Senate will be holding pro forma sessions nine times, even while most of its members are back at home. Lest you think this maneuver is specific
12 | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
to Republicans: Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid also used the strategy under President George W. Bush. Republicans have used it frequently under Obama—during the Memorial Day recess, the July 4 recess and through the rest of August. In June, the freshman class of House Republicans sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner urging him to prevent recess appointments and offering their services for covering the pro forma sessions. “We understand that our request will very likely mean that the House of Representatives will meet no less than once every three days for the remainder of 2011 and all of 2012,” the lawmakers wrote. “We stand ready to assist you in ensuring there are always sufficient members to cover the necessary sessions.” By keeping Congress technically in session, Republicans will be able to keep the president from naming a temporary head to the recently formed Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The new bureau’s powers are limited without a director, and Republicans have vowed to oppose the confirmation of a new director unless the agency’s authority is rolled back. They’ve speculated that Obama might resort to a recess appointment in order to get his new nominee, former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray, finally on the job. Overall, Obama has made relatively few recess appointments. The New York Times noted that he’s made 15—which the White House openly announced last year, citing “Republican obstruction”—compared to Bush’s 171 and President Bill Clinton’s 139 recess appointments. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
ELLIOT WERK State senator talks false budget surpluses, rumors of running for City Council and his habit of ‘pulverizing’ political opponents JER EM Y LANNINGHAM
GEORGE PRENTICE Elliot Werk is an active man during the summer. In spite of conventional wisdom that Idaho lawmakers are busiest when the Legislature is in session, Werk said he gets a lot more done for his constituents in the nine months that he’s not at the Statehouse. Werk, 54, is serving his fifth term as state senator for Idaho’s 17th District, and he has every intention of staying in public service. But, he said, the work has been challenging, particularly this year’s session. I want to read you something that Republican Sen. Brent Hill said on April 7, the final day of the 2011 Legislature: “History will tell whether this was a session of great accomplishments or failures.” History is already beginning to show us that the session was a spectacular failure. It started out by undercutting the revenue forecast by more than $80 million. Then the majority slashed and burned health care and education. At our lowest ebb, the Legislature should be fiscally responsible. Believe me, I don’t have any higher aims for this current Legislature but fiscal responsibility should be a keystone. And undercutting your revenue projections and hurting your citizens is not fiscal responsibility. We’re months away from January 2012, but is there any reason to believe that next year’s session will be any different? I’m not an expert on revenue forecasts, but I do know that if your projections are based on a false premise from the previous year, then you’ll be working from a number that is ridiculously low.
Let’s talk about Idaho’s revenue surplus that was announced on June 30, when fiscal year 2011 came to a close. First of all, there wasn’t a surplus. When you low-ball your revenue estimates, slash and burn education, disenfranchise people from medical care, and you end up with a little more revenue in the basket, that’s not a surplus. Thank goodness federal requirements sent some of that money back to education, but the governor decided to use much of the rest for a $10 grocery tax credit that most people aren’t going to notice. Instead he could have sent money to Medicaid, where we could have leveraged three to four times more money in matching federal funds. Most people don’t think about the Legislature until after the holidays. Most people don’t think about the Legislature, period. In the months leading up the new session, how do you prepare? Being a Democrat and living in Boise, I end up on a lot of interim committees. Last year I was on seven. This year, I know that I’m on at least five. But the reality is that the nine months that I’m not in the Legislature are the best months for me. While the Legislature has gotten more difficult to deal with for anybody with progressive ideas, in the community as a state senator, I can do a lot. Give me an example of that. I worked with the Borah Neighborhood Association to get the Ada County Highway District to perform new traffic flow analyses.
We ended up putting in 30-40 new stop signs in the neighborhoods. Speed bumps, potholes, signage, problems with bars. There’s a lot of stuff to do in these nine months. What are your constituents’ main concerns this summer? Generally, they’re exceedingly turned off by politics. State and national? A lot of people don’t discern between the two. They think the federal government is crazy and the state government is crazy, too. This summer, they’re very disengaged. Plus there are very few elections going on. Even the city elections are very quiet. Speaking of which, where did the rumor start about the possibility of you running for the Boise City Council? I’m fairly well known for being involved in the city. The mayor calls me Boise’s only alderman. It wasn’t illogical for somebody to think that I might run. Did you spend some time considering it? Yeah, I considered it. I’m very concerned about the future of the city. I’ve been around for good and bad administrations, so I’ve seen what bad administrations and bad councils can do to the city. The idea that somebody allowed skyscrap14 ers to be built along Capitol Boulevard
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—Elliot Werk
is tragic when you think about it. It’s a viewscape that is exceedingly valuable. When the Grove Hotel or Washington Trust buildings come down someday, and they will, maybe we’ll have enough sense to say never again. 13
What does the city need that it doesn’t have? A much better set of guidelines when it comes to development. I know that the city is working toward that. We also need to be working in greater concert with other cities and the county in planning for our future. Do you have any particular thoughts about the board of the Greater Boise Auditorium District? There has been quite a bit of contention that is aired publicly on a regular basis. Well that’s better than the public being kept in the dark about some internal fighting. I see GBAD as being more positive now, because the new majority is looking to move forward. There is a minority that is trying to kick and scream its way backward, but you have to hope at some point that those folks will come together. I’m optimistic about the change. What’s the chance of you still being a state senator five years from now? What’s the chance of me being alive? There are too many variables. Like what? I could easily be taken out of District 17 by the Redistricting Commission. The Republicans have a plan that draws a line, effectively cutting me out of my own district. I don’t think that’s accidental. They know where I live. But I’m guessing that you would be more than willing to wage a campaign, no matter what district you’re in. It is never my intent to lose an election. People understand how competitive I am and how hard I work. If I decide I want to stay in the State Senate, I’m going to pulverize whoever runs against me. That’s what I do. Do you know men and women who might want your job as state senator? I’ve had lots of people say they want to run against me; and I say, “Good luck.”
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Would you ever run for statewide office? I would only get involved in a race where I could win. Right now, a Democrat’s chance of winning a statewide race is pretty tough. What do you think the state Democratic Party has to do differently? People don’t really understand what Idaho Democrats are all about. I’ve heard far too many people equate Idaho Democrats with federal Democrats, which we hardly resemble at all. We need to get people to understand who we really are, rather than the demonized version of federal democrats that people seem to buy into from the Rush Limbaughs of the world. Have you heard or read that Tom Luna might consider running for governor or Congress someday? I have heard that. And what do you think of that? My mother said if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. Do you know him? I’ve known Tom since 2002. He’s a nice enough man. I think his politics and policies are extreme and excessive. I have dealt with him in negotiations where I found him to be disingenuous. I think he has an ideologic grasp of issues rather than a pragmatic grasp of what is truly happening. Those are the kinds of people who I think should never be elected to higher office. For example, people who promise to sign a no-tax pledge—or any pledge for that matter—they don’t have the flexibility to adequately represent their constituency. I don’t think that kind of person should ever be elected. Being an ideologue doesn’t help anybody. It’s no way to govern. We’ve seen that kind of governing result in unnecessary wars and profligate spending that drives us into bankruptcy. So where do you find your optimism these days? I understand that people are really scared right now. This is basically a great depression, and people do very interesting things when they’re scared. But I have a lot of faith in the unbelievable capacity of people when they get done with their fear, take a deep breath, look around and decide whether or not they like what is really going on. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Stars that shine as bright as the sun 2011 Olympians on Ice
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August 13
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August 27 Performances start at dusk Saturday nights July 2 – September 3. For a Complete listing of Ice Shows and tickets, call 208.622.2135 or visit SunValley.com/IceShows. For Hotel & Ice Show Packages, call 800.786.8259.
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Ip Man 2 chops it like it’s hot.
THURSDAY, SATURDAY AUG. 11, AUG. 13 film BOISE ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL Channel your inner Bruce Lee and kung fu your way to The Flicks for week two of Boise’s Asian Film Festival. Though the first week of the festival, which featured Japanese films 13 Assassins and Quill, has already passed, you can still catch two Chinese films this week: Infernal Affairs and Ip Man 2. Infernal Affairs is a crime thriller starring Andy Lau and Tony Leung that tells the story between an undercover cop and a mole in the police department. The Departed, Martin Scorsese’s 2006 remake of Infernal Affairs, was a major hit in the United States, winning four Academy Awards and boasting big names like Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon and Mark Wahlberg. Ip Man 2, released in 2010, is the sequel to 2008’s popular Ip Man. The martial arts film follows the life of Ip Man, a grandmaster of the martial art Wing Chun. It stars Donnie Yen, a Chinese-born martial artist and Hong Kong celeb who has starred in more than 50 films. Internal Affairs will screen Thursday at 7 p.m. and Ip Man 2 will screen Saturday at 3 p.m. Both films are rated R. Proceeds from the screenings will benefit the Idaho Chinese Cultural and Business Center. Thursday, Aug. 11, 7 p.m.; Saturday, Aug. 13, 3 p.m.; $10. The Flicks, 646 Fulton St. 208342-4222, theflicksboise.com.
The Braun Brothers Reunion: All Braun ... and some brains, too.
THURSDAY-SATURDAY AUG. 11-13 music BRAUN BROTHERS REUNION Custer County will soon fill with the raucous country twang of Rodney Crowell, Robert Earl Keen, the Randy Rogers Band and Pinto Bennett and the Famous Motel Cowboys. Every year, the Braun Brothers Reunion brings Western and Americana stars to the tiny town of Challis. This year’s reunion will also, of course, include performances from Idaho legends (and family) Billy, Muzzie and the Braun Family Guitar Pull, Reckless Kelly and Micky and the Motorcars. Muzzie has been making music in the mountains of Central Idaho for 40 years, starting with the Braun Brothers and eventually going solo. He now plays mostly private events and, of course, the Braun Brothers Reunion. Robert Earl Keen will wind his way up from the depths of Texas to play a set Friday night. Keen made his mark on country music in the days of polished pop-country by keeping it classic with his signature Texas sound. The Americana tradition that fills the festival has roots in folk, country, blues and rock ’n’ roll. Fans of old-school folk legends like Bob Dylan and The Band—as well as new school folk devotees of Fleet Foxes and Dr. Dog—are all sure to find something to love. Thursday, Aug. 11-Saturday, Aug. 13; $99.95 three-day pass, $74.95 two-day pass, $45 single day pass, $15 per day children 6-12. Challis Community Stage, Upper Main Street, Challis. For more information, call 208-720-0161 or visit braunbrothersreunion.com.
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SATURDAY AUG. 13 arts 25TH ANNUAL NAMPA FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS If you’ve been itching for a reason to get the kids out of the house, take a drive to Nampa or stuff your face with kettle corn while perusing artisan booths, you’re in luck. Celebrating its 25th year, the Nampa Festival of the Arts has more than validated itself as an entertaining and kid-friendly event that showcases local artists outside of Boise. More than 15,000 people attend the event each year, which offers a taste not only of visual and craft arts but of local
performing art as well. Held in Lakeview Park, the festival boasts more than 190 arts and craft vendors, concessions and activities for the kids, like an art booth and bounce houses. There’s also a stellar entertainment lineup. Saturday features the Pat Harris School of Dance, The Get Back Band, Zumba, Workin’ on Fire, Xpressions Dance Academy, Larkspur, Idaho Rhythm Cloggers, Decade Blues Band and Tropical Cowboys. On Sunday, performers include Kris and Robert Bush, The Mystics and Finn Riggins. Attendees are also encouraged to stop by the inaugural Juried Art Show in the Rose Garden and vote for the people’s choice award.
Saturday, Aug. 13, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday, Aug. 14, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; FREE. Lakeview Park, Garrity Boulevard and 16th Avenue North, Nampa, 208-468-5858, nampaparksandrecreation. org.
WEDNESDAY AUG. 17 mst3k RIFFTRAX LIVE: JACK THE GIANT KILLER Historically the term “peanut gallery” denoted the cheap seats in a theater occupied by rowdy, peanut-throwing hecklers. And though butter-soaked popcorn and Raisinets don’t have quite the heft of peanuts, the snarky peanutgallery commentary still WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Hop on the Bad Rabbits bandwagon at Warped Tour.
Songwriter Josh Ritter shows off his lit skills in Bright’s Passage.
music VANS WARPED TOUR Warped Tour is a mid-August tradition for tatted-up and spiked-out fans of alternative fashion and music. Among this year’s massive bill of headliners and supporting acts, are several standouts. Bad Rabbits, easily one of the tour’s most original and entertaining groups, hails from Boston. The group’s sound is reminiscent of the early ’90s dance hall craze but with an added ’80s hardcore intensity. One of the Rabbits’ flagship songs, “Stick Up Kids,” sounds as if House of Pain jumped around at a Black Flag show with Billy Ocean and Prince slinging cocktails at the bar. Also new to the tour is the Dangerous Summer, Maryland’s indie rock success story that has been receiving a great deal of attention since signing to Hopeless Records in 2007. Its latest album, War Paint, was released in July and is continuing to pick up steam across the world. After Warped, the boys will hop back in the van with I Call Fives for a seven-date stint to celebrate their fifth anniversary as a band. Longtime fan favorites Relient K are returning to the tour this year. The band is readying a new full-length and also a covers EP entitled Is For Karaoke. The K has remained one of the most consistent and successful pop punk bands since its formation in 1998, with help from hits such as “Sadie Hawkins Dance.” Other notable acts on the bill include A Day to Remember, Less Than Jake, The Wonder Years, D.R.U.G.S. and Sum 41. Brave the brutal, late-summer sunburn and celebrate all things punk rock at this year’s Warped Tour. 1 p.m., $19.50-$30 adv., $35 show. Idaho Center, 16200 Idaho Center Blvd., Nampa, 208-468-1000, ictickets.com.
exists. Case in point: the silhouetted, sarcastic figures at the bottom of every Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode. To honor the talking shit about crappy movies tradition, NCM Fathom and RiffTrax are presenting the boys of MST3K in a special live-streamed event. Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett will offer commentary on another underappreciated classic: Jack the
Giant Killer. The film is a 1962 middle-budget gem of epically cheesy proportions, in which Jack, a handsome and heroic farm stud, tirelessly defends Princess Elaine from a barrage of monsters and giants conjured by the evil sorcerer Pendragon—who turns into a two-headed stopanimation giant, mutantpterodactyl-thing. There’s also a leprechaun trapped inside a glass bottle, a char-
FRIDAY AUG. 12 reading JOSH RITTER READING AT RECORD EXCHANGE Homegrown Idaho songwriter Josh Ritter has always had a nose for the prose. In his tune “Thin Blue Flame” off the album The Animal Years, Ritter sings: “Caesar’s ghost I saw the war-time tides / The prince of Denmark’s father still and quiet / And the whole world was looking to get drowned / Trees were a fist shaking themselves at the clouds.” It should come as no surprise, then, that Ritter recently took a break from songwriting and published his first fulllength fictional novel, Bright’s Passage. The story follows Henry Bright, an American soldier who has just returned to the isolated West after World War I. Following the sudden death of his young wife, Bright flees with his newborn child, which he has been told is the Future King of Heaven. On Oprah.com, contributor Leigh Newman said, “In lesser hands, this tale might turn in to a hokey, strange religious parable” but instead, Ritter created “a work of masterful, stunning prose in which past and present inform each other—a story that reveals how we can make earthly ‘devils’ out of men and (perhaps) invisible ‘angels’ out of our need for love and protection.” Bright’s Passage also found a friend in Stephen King, who said the novel “shines with a compressed lyricism that recalls Ray Bradbury in his prime.” You can hear Ritter read from his debut novel at a special event at Record Exchange on Friday, Aug. 12, at 8 p.m. You can snag two wristbands guarantying admission to the reading with the purchase of a Josh Ritter bundle for $34.99, which includes a copy of Bright’s Passage and a Bright’s Passage American Apparel T-shirt. You can also grab a single wristband with the purchase of Bright’s Passage or any other Josh Ritter album. 8 p.m., FREE with purchase. Record Exchange, 1105 W. Idaho St., 208-344-8010, therecordexchange.com.
acter sure to prove essential to the integrity of the plot. The show will be broadcast live from Nashville, Tenn., to 500 theaters around the country.
Vegan cheese sucks. And anyone who’s bitten into grilled cheese filled with a “non-dairy cheese alternative” expecting the gooey stretch and piquant tang of a sharp cheddar knows what I’m talking about. The unnaturally orange, flavorless, shredded bits cling together like a gloppy pile of Silly String and taste, I’d imagine, much the same. So it was with great hesitation that I plopped a bag of Daiya “deliciously dairy free” mozzarellastyle shreds into my Boise Co-op basket and made plans for a vegan pesto pizza. The package promised that the product was: “cholesterol free, trans fat free, dairy free, vegan and free of common allergens including dairy (casein and lactose), soy, gluten, eggs, peanuts and tree nuts (excluding coconut).” Which pretty much BOISE CO-OP 888 W. Fort St. leaves air and water as 208-472-4500 the only possible ingredidaiyafoods.com ents. Well, water, tapioca and/or arrowroot flours, non-GMO expeller pressed canola and/or non-GMO expeller pressed safflower oil, coconut oil, pea protein, salt and vegan spices. Yet, somehow, all those random-sounding components melt together into a magical, stretchy, tangy, mind-blowingly cheese-like experience. This stuff is 100 percent legit. And I’m only one among the converted: Daiya was voted best vegan cheese by the readers of VegNews in 2010 and also won the Peta Libby Award for Best Vegan Cheese in 2009. You can currently pick it up in town at Fred Meyer and Boise Co-op. —Tara Morgan
6 p.m., $12.50. Edwards Boise Stadium 22 and IMAX, 7701 Overland Road, 208377-9603, fathomevents. com.
an event by e-mail to calendar@boiseweekly.com. Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.
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WEDNESDAY AUG. 10 Festivals & Events ALIVE AFTER FIVE—Unwind mid-week with friends, live music and a cold beverage during this family friendly concert series. 5 p.m. FREE. The Grove, Boise, downtownboise.org. IDAHO SPACE DAYS 2011—Celebrate Idaho Space Days at the Discovery Center with a myriad of activities for all ages over the course of six days. $4-$6.50. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-3439895, scidaho.org.
On Stage HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL—The cast and crew of starlight Mountain Theatre perform Disney’s much-loved musical. 8 p.m. $10$24. Starlight Mountain Theatre, 850 S. Middlefork Road, Crouch, 208-462-5523, starlightmountaintheatre.com. TAMING OF THE SHREW—It’s a classic battle of the sexes in the Bard’s comic take on love and marriage. See Review, this page. 8 p.m. $18-$65. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-4299908, box office 208-336-9221, idahoshakespeare.org.
Literature BOISE NOVEL ORCHARD—Writers meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month to edit and critique their work. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Rediscovered Bookshop, 180 N. Eighth St., 208-376-4229, rdbooks.org.
Talks & Lectures BOISE RIVER CONFERENCE AND FLOAT—The annual Boise River Conference and Float will include talks on topics like the National Clean Water Act-Waters of the United States and Wind Energy at a Crossroads. Attendees are invited to float the Boise River after the formal program ends at 4:30 p.m. and have dinner in Ann Morrison Park. 12:30 p.m. $10 program, $25 program and dinner. Barber Park Education and Event Center, 4049 S. Eckert Road, Boise, 208-5774577, adaweb.net.
Farmers Markets CALDWELL FARMERS MARKET—5-8 p.m. FREE. Located on the corner of 12th and Dearborn streets next to the library.
Kids & Teens KID’S MAKE AND TAKE—A science and art program for children ages 6 and older held in The Secret Garden. 4 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208472-2941, gardencity.lili.org.
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Idaho Shakespeare Festival gets in on the planking craze.
TAMING OF THE SHREW, LIKE TOTALLY Idaho Shakespeare Festival’s production of Taming of the Shrew may mark the first time the Bard’s work has included the terms “douchebag” and “don’t have a cow.” Under the leadership of Tracy Young in her ISF directorial debut, the classic tale is ripped out of Padua, Italy, and dumped in the middle of 1980s Los Angeles, complete with all the ridiculousness of that time and place. From neon Spandex and popped collars to shoulder pads and big hair, the production is a tongue-in-cheek tribute to an era that those of us who lived through it are kind of glad is over. The juxtaposition of ’80s trends and terms with the classic script is a bit jarring at first. The comedy has the air of farce as ’80s pop culture is laid out in an almost tribute to the decade of excess. But as the production progresses, it gains rhythm, especially with assistance from the iconic music of the era, which plays an integral role in helping to tell the story while creating a sense of nostalgia. ISF veteran Sara M. Bruner takes the lead as Katherina, or Kate, the strong-willed daughter of a wealthy Hollywood resident. Her father has declared that no one will marry his Valley Girl-esque younger daughter Bianca (Kjerstine Rose Anderson) until Kate is married. Taming of the Shrew runs Lucentio (Reggie Gowthrough Sunday, Aug. 28. land)—who is from a powerful Visit idahoshakespeare.org Portland, Ore., family—arrives for tickets and information. to see the wonders of Los Angeles, one of which turns out to be Bianca. He plans to win her heart by posing as a tutor. In the meantime, another of Bianca’s suitors, Hortensio (Eduardo Placer), talks his old friend Petruchio (Jim Lichtscheidl)—freshly arrived from Montana—into wedding the shrew with the promise of the riches that come with the union. Cue the hilarity. ISF first-timer Lichtscheidl provides not only needed grounding but makes Petruchio a much more likeable character with more depth than the cock-sure, testosterone-poisoned character he is usually made out to be. This Petruchio has a softer and more thoughtful side. Initially, Bruner’s Kate is played less as a headstrong woman and more like a bat-shit-crazy lunatic who should be committed. Thankfully, her portrayal becomes more measured in later acts. The highly physical show has actors circling in and out of the audience, constantly chucking things at each other and breaking into random dance moments, all without dropping a line of the complex dialogue. By the end of the performance, the audience is won over by the story’s charm and the fact that the production owns its silliness as it ventures back to the 1980s and brings the audience along on a nostalgic trip. —Deanna Darr WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
8 DAYS OUT THURSDAY AUG. 11 On Stage TAMING OF THE SHREW—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $18-$65. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-336-9221, idahoshakespeare.org.
Workshops & Classes UNDERSTANDING THE TEA LEAF—Learn how tea leaves become a consumable product and how the top-producing countries process it differently. Each participant will take home samples. 6:30 p.m. $20. Le Cafe de Paris, 204 N. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208336-0889, lecafedeparis.com.
Citizen CULINARY WALKABOUT— Guests can sample cuisine made by local chefs during this culinary competition and fund raiser for Meals on Wheels. The evening also includes live and silent auctions and music from the Boise Straight Ahead Jazz Band. 6-9 p.m. $50 adv., $60 door, elksmealsonwheels.org. Boise Centre, 850 W. Front St., Boise, 208-336-8900.
Farmers Markets MERIDIAN URBAN MARKET—5-9 p.m. FREE, downtown Meridian on Idaho Avenue, 208331-3400.
PASSION’S PLAYTHINGS—LipsInc’s latest sexy show. 8:30 p.m. $15. Balcony Club, 150 N. Eighth St., Ste. 226, Boise, 208336-1313, thebalconyclub.com.
Food & Drink Odds & Ends GARAGE SALE—Super deals on clothing, toys and more in back of the store. 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m. FREE, $5 suggested donation. Eyes of the World, 1576 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-331-1212, eyesoftheworldonline.com.
14TH ANNUAL WINE FEST— Enjoy wine, the Oinkari dancers and tapas. Call 208-343-2671 to make reservations. 5:30-9:30 p.m. Four for $100 prior to Aug. 7, $27 individual in advance, $30 day of. Basque Block, 601 Grove St., Boise.
FRIDAY AUG. 12 Festivals & Events 43RD ANNUAL SUN VALLEY ARTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL—130 artisans showcase unique handmade arts and crafts. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE. Atkinson Park, 900 Third Ave. N., Ketchum.
On Stage CABARET—Musical about love and war. 8 p.m. $12-$40. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., 208-3369221, idahoshakespeare.org.
NEIGHBORHOOD BLOCK PARTY—Pack a picnic and bring the family for an evening of games and to learn about free medical services and programs through the Boise School District. 5:308:30 p.m. FREE. Grace Jordan Elementary School, 6411 W. Fairfield Ave., Boise. SHEPARD’S HOME GOLF TOURNAMENT—This dinner and four-person golf scramble is a fundraiser for The Shepard’s Home. Golf starts at noon. Cocktails at 5 p.m. will be followed by dinner, live music and an auction. 10 a.m. $150 golf/dinner, $50 dinner only. The Clubhouse at Jug Mountain Ranch, Hwy. 55 to Lake Fork, 208-634-5072, jugmountainranch.com.
Farmers Markets THE MEPHAM GROUP
ARRIVE AFTER FIVE—5-9 p.m. FREE. Located in the Gateway Shopping Center near Sports Authority, Nampa.
Odds & Ends GARAGE SALE—See Thursday. 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m. FREE, $5 suggested donation. Eyes of the World, 1576 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-331-1212, eyesoftheworldonline.com. IDITAROD RACER MEET-ANDGREET—Idaho native Jaimee Kinzer is back in Boise to promote her attempt at the Iditarod in March 2012. See story at boiseweekly.com under “Rec.” 4-7 p.m. FREE. Northwest Pets, 3060 E. State St., Eagle, 208939-8119, northwestpets.com.
SATURDAY AUG. 13 Festivals & Events
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk. Go to www.boiseweekly.com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers. © 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
43RD ANNUAL SUN VALLEY ARTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL— See Friday. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE. Atkinson Park, 900 Third Ave. N., Ketchum. FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS—The 25th annual event celebrates the creative spirit in our community through art, music and dance with more than 175 artisan booths and vendors. See Picks, Page 16. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE. Lakeview Park, Garrity Boulevard and 16th Avenue North, Nampa, nampaparksandrecreation.org
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | 19
8 DAYS OUT IN PLANE SIGHT: RACE AND BLOCK PARTY—Race around downtown during this scavenger hunt to benefit Commit 65. The after-party includes live music and the chance to check out the airplane the nonprofit will attempt to fly for 65 days nonstop. Visit commit65.org for more info. 7-10 p.m. $50 per five-person team. Downtown at Eighth and Idaho streets, Boise.
MIDDLETON FARMERS MARKET—9 a.m.-1 p.m. Located in Roadside Park at the corner of Highway 44 and South Middleton Road, Middleton, middletonfarmersmarket.webs.com.
On Stage
Odds & Ends
CHUCKLES COMEDY CABARET—Featuring hot young newbies and established stand-up comedians. 8 p.m. $12. China Blue, 100 S. Sixth St., Boise, 208-345-9515.
GARAGE SALE—See Thursday. 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m. FREE, $5 suggested donation. Eyes of the World, 1576 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-331-1212, eyesoftheworldonline.com.
On Stage
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $10-$24. Starlight Mountain Theatre, 850 S. Middlefork Road, Crouch, 208-462-5523, starlightmountaintheatre.com.
IDITAROD RACER MEET-ANDGREET—See Friday. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Rudy’s Pub and Grill, 2310 E. Overland Road, Ste. 150, Meridian, 208-884-4453, rudyspubngrill.com.
CABARET—See Friday. 8 p.m. $12-$40. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-336-9221, idahoshakespeare.org.
PASSION’S PLAYTHINGS—See Friday. 8:30 p.m. $15. Balcony Club, 150 N. Eighth St., Ste. 226, Boise, 208-336-1313, thebalconyclub.com.
STREETCAR TOUR—Join historian Barbara Perry Bauer for a tour of a replica of the historic trolleys that once operated in Boise. Purchase tickets at brownpapertickets.com. 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. $15. Boise City Hall, 150 N. Capitol Blvd., Boise.
COMEDY AT THE BALCONY— Try your routine out and watch local and professional comedians. 8 p.m. FREE. Balcony Club, 150 N. Eighth St., Ste. 226, 208336-1313, thebalconyclub.com.
Animals & Pets
EAST END MARKET—10 a.m.-2 p.m. Bown Crossing, end of Parkcenter Boulevard, Boise.
TAMING OF THE SHREW—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $18-$65. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-336-9221, idahoshakespeare.org.
Food & Drink TASTE OF MCCALL—Samplefood paired with wine and microbrews. There will also be a silent auction to benefit the McCallDonnelly Education Foundation. Tickets are available online at mdef.org. 1-4 p.m. $50. River Ranch Club House, 101 Headquarters Road, McCall.
NAMPA FARMERS MARKET—9 a.m.-1 p.m. Located on Front Street and 14th Avenue South in Lloyd’s Square, Nampa, nampafarmersmarket.com.
MOBILE PET ADOPTION—The Idaho Humane Society will have several dogs available for adoption. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. $25. Petco, 3548 S. Findley Ave., Boise, 208-344-1651, and noon-4 p.m. $25. Petco, 179 N. Milwaukee St., Boise, 208-375-7971, petco.com.
SUNDAY AUG. 14 Festivals & Events 43RD ANNUAL SUN VALLEY ARTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL— See Friday. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE. Atkinson Park, 900 Third Ave. N., Ketchum. FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS—See Saturday. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. FREE. Lakeview Park, Garrity Boulevard and 16th Avenue North, Nampa.
Farmers Markets
Animals & Pets MOBILE PET ADOPTION—See Saturday. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. $25. PetCo, 3548 S. Findley Ave., Boise, 208-344-1651, and noon-4 p.m. $25. PetCo, 179 N. Milwaukee St., Boise, 208-3757971, petco.com.
Citizen BENEFIT FOR BILLY—Hors d’ oeuvres, a wine bar, live music, a silent auction and more. Tickets are available at The Record Exchange. All proceeds go to Bill and Theresa Broderick to help with medical bills. 5 p.m. $10 adv., $15 door. Mardi Gras Ballroom, 615 S. Ninth St., Boise, 208-342-5553. GATUMBA MASSACRE MEMORIAL—Join the Boise survivors of the massacre to remember those who were lost. 3 p.m. FREE admission. Collister Methodist Church, 4400 E. Taft St., Boise.
Farmers Markets CAPITAL CITY PUBLIC MARKET—9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Eighth Street between Main and Bannock streets, 208-345-9287, capitalcitypublicmarket.com. EAGLE SATURDAY MARKET—9 a.m.-1 p.m. Heritage Park, 185 E. State St., Eagle. KUNA FARMERS MARKET—9 a.m.-noon. Bernard Fisher Memorial Park, Swan Falls Road and Avalon Street, Kuna. MERIDIAN FARMERS MARKET—9 a.m.-1 p.m. Located in the Crossroads shopping center at Eagle and Fairview roads, Meridian, meridianfarmersmarket.com.
20 | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
Skeleton Blues by Connor Coughlin was the 1st place winner in the 9th Annual Boise Weekly Bad Cartoon Contest.
8 DAYS OUT SIZZLIN’ DAY BLACK DOG WALK—Bring your dog and join Spay Neuter Idaho Pets (SNIP) in bringing awareness to the plight of black dogs and cats in shelters. Visit snipidaho.org for more info. Noon. FREE. The Ram, 709 E. Park Blvd., Boise, 208-3452929, theram.com.
MONDAY AUG. 15 On Stage
Festivals & Events
Festivals & Events
THE SCREENWRITERS GROUP—Practice pitching your screenplay or project. For more information, email sherry.ae@ hotmail.com. 6:30 p.m. Idaho Pizza Company, 405 E. Fairview Ave, Meridian, 208-375-4100, idahopizzacompany.com.
ALIVE AFTER FIVE—See Wednesday, Aug. 10. 5 p.m. FREE. The Grove, Boise, downtownboise.org.
On Stage
POETRY SLAM DELUX—The winner of this open slam gets $50 cold hard cash. 8 p.m. $5. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th, Boise, 208-343-0886, neurolux.com.
CABARET—See Friday. 8 p.m. $12-$40. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-336-9221, idahoshakespeare.org. HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $10-$24. Starlight Mountain Theatre, 850 S. Middlefork Road, Crouch, 208-462-5523, starlightmountaintheatre.com.
Odds & Ends BEER PONG—Play for prizes and bar tabs while drinking $5 pitchers. 9 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s Saloon, 5467 Glenwood, Garden City, 208-322-6699.
Odds & Ends
BOISE OPEN MIC MONDAY— With Larry Buttel. 8 p.m. FREE. Ha’ Penny Irish Pub and Grill, 855 Broad St., Ste. 250, Boise, 208-343-5568, hapennybridgepub.com.
BEER PONG TOURNEY—Eight tables set up for play, $4 pitchers and a $300 cash prize. 10 p.m. FREE. Fatty’s, 800 W. Idaho St., Ste. 200, Boise, 208-5142531, drinkfattys.com.
LAST CALL TRIVIA—8 p.m. FREE. Balcony Club, 150 N. Eighth St., Ste. 226, Boise, 208336-1313, thebalconyclub.com; 9 p.m. FREE. Applebee’s-Nampa, 1527 Caldwell Blvd., Nampa, 208-461-5330.
STAND-UP COMEDY NIGHT— Test out your routine on patrons. 8:30 p.m. FREE. Quarter Barrel, 4902 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-322-3430. PABST BINGO NIGHT—Play bingo for PBR, swag and other random stuff found at secondhand stores. $1 PBR, Oly, or Rainier cans, or get a “ghetto bucket” (two of each) for $4. 7 p.m. FREE. Donnie Mac’s Trailer Park Cuisine, 1515 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-384-9008.
TRIVIA NIGHT—The previous week’s losing team gets to pick the new theme every week. 8 p.m. FREE. Pitchers and Pints, 1108 W. Front St., Boise, 208906-1355.
EYESPY Real Dialogue from the naked city
PERFORMANCE POETRY WORKSHOP, SLAM OF STEEL AND HAIKU BATTLE—A performance poetry workshop followed by an all-ages poetry slam. For more information, email cheryl_ maddalena@yahoo.com. There is a $25 prize for the haiku champ. 7 p.m. $5 poetry slam, $1 with student ID, boisepoetry. com. Woman of Steel Gallery and Wine Bar, 3640 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-3315632.
On Stage NO GLASS EYES OR PETS— Black Linen Productions presents a series of short play readings, featuring Boise writers. BW’s own Josh Gross kicks off the series. 7:30 p.m. FREE, $5 suggested donation. Hyde Park Books, 1507 N. 13th St., Boise, 208-429-8220, hydeparkbookstore.com. TAMING OF THE SHREW—See Wednesday, Aug. 10. 8 p.m. $18-$65. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-429-9908, box office 208-336-9221, idahoshakespeare.org.
Citizen BOISE BICYCLE PROJECT VOLUNTEER NIGHT—Volunteers may donate their time to help build and repair bicycles for those in need. 6-8 p.m. Boise Bicycle Project, 1027 Lusk St., Boise, 208-429-6520, boisebicycleproject.org.
The Sound of Sun Valley 2011 Sun Valley Concerts & Events
Michael Franti & Spearhead Presented by the Sun Valley Center for the Arts. For tickets visit www.sunvalleycenter.org
August 15 Huey Lewis & The News 35th Annual Danny Thompson Memorial Benefit Concert
August 17
Trey McIntyre Project Boise Modern Dance Company
August 26
Governor’s Cup Concert Featuring Lee Ann Womack
September 9
Farmers Markets CALDWELL FARMERS MARKET—5-8 p.m. FREE. Located on the corner of 12th and Dearborn streets next to the library, Caldwell.
Kids & Teens TEEN LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY—Help plan events by becoming a member of the Teen Advisory Board. 4 p.m. FREE. Library at Cole and Ustick, 7557 W. Ustick Road, Boise, 208-5706900, boisepubliclibrary.com.
The Sun Valley Pavilion features artists and groups across various genres under one unique acoustic canopy. For tickets and show information, call 208.622.2135 or visit seats.sunvalley.com. For summer hotel & concert packages call 800.786.8259.
Odds & Ends
Overheard something Eye-spy worthy? E-mail leila@boiseweekly.com
LAST CALL TRIVIA—8 p.m. FREE. The Lift Bar and Grill, 4091 W. State St., Boise, 208342-3250, theliftboise.com; 7 p.m. FREE. Eastside Tavern, 610 E. Boise Ave., Boise, 208-3453878; 8 p.m. FREE. Buffalo Wild Wings, 3223 E. Louise Drive, Meridian, 208-288-5485, buffalowildwings.com; 9 p.m. FREE. Applebee’s-Emerald, 7845 W. Emerald St., Boise, 208-3781890.
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | 21
Taking a cue from Arrested Development, Buster Blue flees from a loose seal.
RED, WHITE AND BUSTER BLUE Reno’s megaphone-wielding, accordionsqueezing troubadours Buster Blue are moseying their raucous caravan back through Boise. The band has kept busy this summer traversing across the Western states—everywhere from Jackson, Wyo., to Donnelly— and packing dance floors with their brand of gory, front porch-stomping folk. You can catch Buster Blue perform songs from their latest album, When the Silver’s Gone, during a free show at Liquid Lounge on Saturday, Aug. 13, at 10 p.m. In other ass-shaking news, Brooklyn’s The Pimps of Joytime will swing through town with the Tour De Fat bike festival on Saturday, Aug. 20. The band just released the album Janxta Funk, which blends genres like afrobeat, salsa, rock ’n’ roll and electronica. According to fellow alt weekly the Charleston City Paper: “The Pimps can’t be pigeonholed into a genre—it’s all soulful, but one song might segue from an Afrobeat groove to an electronic club beat with sitar. It’s all pretty damn funky, and it’s impossible to hear it and sit still.” The Pimps will play a show at the at The Bouquet on Wednesday, Aug. 20, at 9 p.m. for $10 in advance or $12 at the door. On the pop punk front, Record Exchange is hosting a special autograph sesh on Wednesday, Aug. 17, at 4 p.m. with Baltimore lads All Time Low before their set at the Knitting Factory later that evening. The group is promoting its album, Dirty Work, which features collaborations with Rivers Cuomo of Weezer and Swedish dance popsters The Sounds. Dirty Work is being billed by the band as a “12-track mix of hardcharging anthems and sugar-shot rockers that are poised to dominate house parties and joyrides this summer.” Fans who purchase Dirty Work at Record Exchange before the event will receive a wristband, which guarantees priority placement in line during the CD signing. For more info, visit recordexchange.com. On the local music front, Red Room hosted its first Red Room Unplugged last Sunday, Aug. 7. The open-mic event featured acoustic sets from Finn Riggins, Busman’s Holiday, Grandma Kelsey, Mr. Lambert, Fugue, Eric Larson, Ryan Sampson and BW’s own we’re-not-sure-when-thehell-he-sleeps Josh Gross playing as Los Tres Sombreros del Muerte. Organizers hope that Red Room Unplugged will become a semi-regular event featuring scheduled acoustic sets from local and touring bands along with an open-mic sign-up for audience members. —Tara Morgan
22 | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
IN THE EYE OF THE STORM Typhoon wraps up tour in Boise ERIC AUSTIN Wearing a faded red V-neck shirt, Kyle Morton sat against a brick penitentiary wall. At 7:30 p.m. on a mid-July evening, the sun was on its way toward the horizon but was still baking the pale dirt where he rested. “Great show! I really enjoyed it,” said a man as he walked up to Morton carrying a copy of Typhoon’s Hunger and Thirst CD and a permanent marker. Several signatures were already splayed across the plastic jewel case. “Thanks,” Morton said earnestly. “I really Show up with an instrument and you might become the newest member of Typhoon. enjoyed playing. This is a nice place.” An hour earlier, Morton, the singer/ songwriter for Portland, Ore.-based band Tyboth on the Portland, Ore.-based record lato the music and they all appear to have an phoon, was hunched over his guitar onstage bel Tender Loving Empire, and Finn Riggins surrounded by his bandmates as they opened acute sensitivity to one another during performances. The interplay among instruments will join Typhoon on the bill for the Aug. 12 for The Decemberists at Idaho Botanical show at VAC. is calculated and never seems overwrought. Garden. That July show was the second in When Typhoon arrived in Boise on the day At times, it’s easy to hear fingerpicking from a tour that has included dates in Montreal, of the Idaho Botanical Garden show, Finn New York, the Newport Folk Festival, Lolla- a single guitar. Other times, the music is an Riggins’ Eric Gilbert suggested that Typhoon eruption of horns, strings, multiple drums palooza and The Late Show with David Letand myriad other instruments. But above all play a midnight acoustic set at the downtown terman. Typhoon will come nearly full circle Pie Hole that night. The show was not adverby making Boise the last stop of their tour on of it is a sense of balance. tised per se, but Twitter and word of mouth “We certainly operate on the principle of Friday, Aug. 12, with an in-store appearance were enough to get roughly 50 people to accumulation,” Morton said. at Record Exchange and a performance at the downtown patio. They huddled around Most of the members of Typhoon are Visual Arts Collective. the band members who were folded into the in their mid-20s, but many of them have a “I grew up thinking Boise was one of the cramped area with their instruments. It was Northwest’s places to play at because of Built longer musical history than their youth suga cluster of pleasure and people, many of gests. Morton has played alongside bassist to Spill,” said multi-instrumentalist Devin whom were singing along. Toby Tanabe since the late ’90s. They grew Gallagher. At the outset of a tour that would be full up in Salem, Ore., and both were founding Portland is known for cranking out buzzof big venues, festival performances and an members of a high-school band that shed worthy bands, and Typhoon has become appearance on Late Show With David Letterseveral names before settling on The Mopps. one of them—in 2010 they were No. 2 on Tyler Ferrin,Typhoon’s man this was an intimate contrast. The band Willamette Week’s list had brought only the most essential equipbrass instrumentalist, of the 10 best new ment so it was economical, and fans stood on initially joined The Portland bands. But Friday, Aug. 12, 2:30 p.m., FREE. even ground, some only a few inches away Mopps as a guitarist. Typhoon is more like from a band whose music they adore. In 2005, those meman orchestra, playRECORD EXCHANGE 1105 W. Idaho St. For Gallagher, the high point in what has bers of The Mopps ing layered songs 208-344-8010 already been a steadily growing career for became Typhoon and that build and swell therecordexchange.com Typhoon was not a festival performance, an released their debut to booming climaxes With Finn Riggins and Dark Swallows. album release or any other specific event. album the same year. with brass, string and Friday, Aug. 12, 8 p.m., $8. “I’m just really proud that we stuck Typhoon now has percussion instruments VISUAL ARTS COLLECTIVE together,” he said. When he graduated from more than three times tiptoeing in one after 3638 Osage St. high school, Gallagher’s decision to stay comas many musicians as another. 208-424-8297 mitted to the band sparked resistance from The Mopps did. To The words “full” visualartscollective.com Morton, the only nag- pretty much everyone he knew. He said that and “expansive” people who cared about him supported his ging challenge of havcome to mind, which decisions, but they also feared that his friends ing such a large band is not surprising: from high school wouldn’t last and that a is not in conflicting schedules or musical Typhoon has 11-13 members (although as band with so many members and so many interplay but in the frequency of bathroom many as 17 have contributed to a recorddivergent lives would surely fall apart. stops on the road. ing). However, Typhoon is anything but “The fact that we’ve done eight tours in “There are [many] bladders all trying to messy. When the band performs, each musisix years and we’re still together—that, to be empty,” Morton said. cian bounces and sways in what looks like me, is what the high point is.” Typhoon and Boise’s Finn Riggins are part choreography and part natural reaction WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | 23
FRIDAY AUG. 12 BLAZE AND KELLY—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub
AMOS LEE—7 p.m. $25$49.50. Eagle River Pavilion
BRAUN BROTHERS REUNION—Featuring Rodney Crowell and more. See Picks, Page 16. 5 p.m. $45 single-day pass, $74.95 two-day pass, $99.95 three-day pass. Challis
BLUES ADDICTS FAN APPRECIATION NIGHT—With The David MacNeill Band. 8 p.m. FREE. Knitting Factory
CALEXICO—With Joy Kills Sorrow. See Listen Here, this page. 8 p.m. $23 adv., $26 door. Egyptian
DANNY BEAL—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
JIMMY BIVENS—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
GIRL IN A COMA—8 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux
DOWNTOWN NAMPA NIGHTS: 504 PLAN—5:30 p.m. FREE. Lloyd Square
JOSH RITTER: SIGNING AND PERFORMANCE—8 p.m. Get a wristband with the purchase of Josh Ritter’s music, book or T-shirt before the show. Record Exchange
CALEXICO, AUG. 11, EGYPTIAN THEATRE The name Calexico is an exotic hybrid of California and Mexico (it’s the name of a small city in California) and the music confirms a color ful marriage of traditional folk, countr y, rock and even a little pop full of the flavors of both Spanish and American sounds as guitars, violins, percussion and horns weave in and around one another. After 22 releases and a slew of collaborations what started as a two-man band—Joey Burns and John Convertino—in the mid-’90s has morphed and grown (there are now six members) much like Calexico’s reputation for creating intoxicating music. In 2010, Calexico released the soundtrack for Circo, a film about a family that has been running a traveling circus in Mexico for more than 100 years. Joey Burns told KCRW.com that when the director sent him and Convertino a glimpse of the Ponce family that the documentar y was about, they both fell in love. If you haven’t already fallen for them, after a night with Calexico, you might be a little in love, too.
GIZZARD STONE—9:30 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s INFORMAL SOCIETY—With Landmine Marathon. 9 p.m. $5. Red Room JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLY GOATS—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s KEVIN KIRK—With Jon Hyneman and Phil Garonzik. 7 p.m. FREE. Chandlers KILEY SHAW—6 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Downtown THE NAUGHTIES—7 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper
—Amy Atkins With Joy Kills Sorrow. 8 p.m., $23. Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., egyptiantheatre.net.
24 | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
FRIM FRAM FOUR—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s GREAT GARDEN ESCAPE: THE MYSTICS—6:30 p.m. $7 members, $10 general. IBG MICHAEL BUBLE—8 p.m. $51.50-$87. Taco Bell Arena MILK DRIVE—With Taarka. 10 p.m. FREE. Liquid THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. FREE. Buffalo Club STEVE EATON—7 p.m. FREE. Chandlers THURSDAY THUNDER: THE POLICE EXPERIENCE—6 p.m. FREE. Edwards Stadium 22 Plaza
BRAUN BROTHERS REUNION—Featuring Robert Earl Keen and more. 4 p.m. $45 single-day pass, $74.95 two-day pass. Challis DUDE BRO MAN—With The Funk Yeahs! 9 p.m. FREE. Liquid
TERRY JONES—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill TRIBAL SEEDS—8 p.m. $13$25. Knitting Factory TRUCK STOP TRIO—8 p.m. FREE. Sockeye TYPHOON—2:30 p.m. FREE. Record Exchange TYPHOON—With Finn Riggins and Dark Swallows. See Noise, Page 22. 8 p.m. $8. VAC VANS WARPED TOUR—Featuring August Burns Red, The Devil Wears Prada, Asking Alexandra and more. See Picks, Page 17. 1 p.m. $30. Idaho Center THE WHISPERLIGHTS—With Undeground Cities, Jump Jets and Atomic Mama. 9 p.m. $4. Grainey’s Basement
ONE BE LO—8 p.m. $15. Linen Building PILOT ERROR—9:30 p.m. $5. Reef RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid SALLY TIBBS AND KEVIN KIRK—With John Jones, Mike Seifrit and Jon Hyneman. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers SCHOOL OF ROCK—6 p.m. FREE. Boise Towne Square SPRACTA SNUT SKALLAR— With Nffu. 7 p.m. $5. Shredder
SATURDAY AUG. 13 ARRIVAL: THE MUSIC OF ABBA—8 p.m. $19.50-$49.50. Eagle River Pavilion BRAUN BROTHERS REUNION—Featuring The Braun Family, Pinto Bennett and the Famous Motel Cowboys and Reckless Kelly. 1 p.m. $45 single-day pass. Challis
GUIDE BUSTER BLUE—See Noise News, Page 22. 9 p.m. FREE. Liquid DAN COSTELLO—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub
LAST CALL—With Forever Came Calling. 9 p.m. $5. Shredder THE NORTHEND SNUGGLERS— With Hotel Chelsea. 9 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement
ERIC GRAE—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill JIMMIE VAUGHN—8 p.m. $20$40. Knitting Factory LETA NEUSTAEDTER—7 p.m. FREE. Shangri-La MOTLEY CRUE—With Poison and New York Dolls. See Listen Here, this page. 7 p.m. $45-$235. Idaho Center PILOT ERROR—9:30 p.m. $5. Reef SALLY TIBBS AND KEVIN KIRK—With Jon Hyneman. 7 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
SUNDAY AUG. 14 AWOLNATION—With Wallpaper and New Regime. 8 p.m. $13$30. Knitting Factory DOPE THOUGHT—With Smash Bros, Dedicated Servers and Oso Negro. 9 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s GREG PERKINS AND RICK CONNOLLY: THE SIDEMEN—6 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
MONDAY AUG. 15 BROCK BARTEL—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid PJ FRANCO AND THE BURNOUTS—With Teenage Nasty and Pull Out Quick. 10 p.m. $4. Grainey’s PUNK MONDAY—Demoni, Social Antidote, Trigger Itch and Flexx Bronco. 8 p.m. $3. Liquid
KEVIN KIRK—With Phil Garonzik AND WENDI PHELPS. 7 P.M. FREE. CHANDLERS MAMMOX—With The Dedicated Servers and Arthur Maddox. 9:45 p.m. FREE. Liquid MIRANDA COSGROVE—7 p.m. $29.50-$69.50. Eagle River Pavilion PETER FRAMPTON—6:30 p.m. $45. IBG PIGS—With Sneezebill and Hot Dog Sandwich. 9 p.m. $3. Red Room REVOLT REVOLT—With Muffalo and Red Hands Black Feet. 8 p.m. FREE. Neurolux
WEDNESDAY AUG. 17 ALIVE AFTER FIVE: THE RAGBIRDS—With Matt Hopper and the Roman Candles. 5 p.m. FREE. The Grove ALL TIME LOW GIMME SUMMER YA LOVE TOUR—Featuring All Time Low, Mayday Parade, The Cab and We Are the In Crowd. 7 p.m. $19.99-$40. Knitting Factory CAMDEN HUGHES—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill DAN COSTELLO—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
RUSS PFEIFER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
THE ETTES—8 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux
REX MILLER—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
TERRI EBERLEIN—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
GIZZARD STONE—9:30 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s
THE SHAUN BRAZELL TRIO— 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
UBER TUESDAY: STREET EATERS—With Storie Grubb and the Holy Wars and Jumping Sharks. 8 p.m. FREE. VAC
HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS—8 p.m. $50-$250. Sun Valley Pavilion
TAI SHAN—8 p.m. FREE. Reef
VICTORIAN HALLS—With Paint Me Irrational, Ella Ferrari, A Life Set Apart and Inshallah. 7 p.m. $10. The Venue
KEVIN KIRK—With Jon Hyneman and Phil Garonzik. 7 p.m. FREE. Chandlers LOOSE CHANGE—7:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub REBECCA SCOTT—7 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper
MOTLEY CRUE, POISON, NEW YORK DOLLS; AUG. 13, IDAHO CENTER Vintage stores are full of items that are desirable because of their age. When talking about a band that has been around for ages, the words “classic” and “iconic” usually get tossed in. But in the case of Motley Crue, Poison and The New York Dolls, vintage is a more apt descriptor. Some of the biggest news buzzing around this summer concert tour is Crue drummer Tommy Lee’s rollercoaster drumkit. The stick man’s high energy is matched by a setup that takes him 360 degrees like a Matchbox car on a track. Bret Michaels performed at the inaugural Boise Music Festival last year and the New York Dolls played The Knitting Factory a couple of years ago, but to see all three of these bands together is a rare opportunity. It’s vintage at its best. —Amy Atkins
V E N U E S Don’t know a venue? Visit www.boiseweekly.com for addresses, phone numbers and a map.
7 p.m., $45-$235. Idaho Center, 16200 Idaho Center Blvd., idahocenter.com.
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | 25
DANG AND PACKER AT VAC A new exhibit a Visual Arts Collective was grounds for a reunion. Photographer Nathan Dang and painter Kelly Packer first showed together at the Hyde Park Gallery in 2006. This new exhibition is the first time they have shared a space since then. It also marks the first time Dang has shown his work in five years. “I had a child and started a business, so there’s been a lot of photograph taking but not a lot of photograph showing over the past couple of years,” Dang said. Packer is a multimedia artist but she primarily works with paint, using bright colors and layered structures to create striking abstracts. For the VAC exhibit, she created large-scale paintings, which are reminiscent of some of her smaller pieces. Dang also created a large installation for the exhibit: a site-specific project that is based on VAC’s spaces and surrounding environs that is displayed digitally, “like a glorified slideshow, so to speak,” he said. Though he still shoots traditional photographs, Dang recently embraced digital photography, at least partly because the color chrome film he used in his Cannon A1 35mm for more than 12 years is no longer manufactured. The exhibit runs through the “Everyend of September. thing is VISUAL ARTS COLLECTIVE digital now, 3638 Osage St. so I wanted 208-424-8297 to present visualartscollective.com a piece that was all digital, shot and shown as a new medium,” said Dang. The approach Dang takes to his work has changed as well. “There’s a lot of technique in trying to stay fine art and high end with digital because anybody can do it. Creating something that’s artwork is a different ball game,” Dang said. For the rest of his pieces in the exhibit, Dang drew from photographs taken over the course of his 20-year-plus career as a photographer, including a selection of photographs that were cut and reconfigured into diptychs and triptychs. The photographs capture urban landscapes and man-made objects in intimate compositions. For Dang and Packer, collaborating for this exhibition made sense beyond just an opportunity to work together again. “Similarities you’ll see are geometric shapes, spacing and use of color,” Dang said of his and Packer’s work. “Our colors are totally different—she uses a lot more than I do. But the way we use them in the works is similar.” —Shelby Soule
26 | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
Kelly Packer-s a slew of color into her paintings.
SOMETHING FUNNY HAPPENED Local comics go DIY, make their own scene JOSH GROSS It would be hard to believe for anyone squeezed elbow-to-elbow at The Quarter Barrel on a recent Tuesday open-mic comedy night that only six months ago, stand-up comedy in Boise had about as much life in it as an extra in a George Romero film. In January 2008, Boise’s long-running comedy club, The Funny Bone, closed, leaving Boise’s Danny Amspacher makes his “oh” face when he talks about Boise’s comedy scene. approximately 50 comedians without a club to call home. “It was a bummer,” said Danny Amspacher, Amspacher said that new comics are imporall those rules go out the window,” said Dunn. a local comedian and host of two area open tant not only to keep thing fresh, but because “It’s like doing a trapeze act without a net.” mics. “When Funny Bone was around, there But after a few years of grappling with one- they bring their friends to see them perform was a pretty healthy comedy scene. When it and get more people out to shows. And someoff gigs, local comedy is finally starting to get closed, the more experienced comics went on thing else important happens. some traction again. the road. But the new comics weren’t orga“When people see that open stage, they Open mics are now consistent events at nized and things fell apart.” suddenly realize they could give it a shot, too,” three bars. China Blue has comedy before the Though another club, Hijinx, opened sevhe said. club opens for dancing on weekends. A foureral months later, it didn’t stay open for long. Lee, a 17-year veteran of the comedy busiday comedy festival featuring national headlin“It was just a bad partnership,” said Brian ness who worked his way up from the door at ers is in the works for fall, and Lee said he is Lee, one of the club’s managers. working on opening a full-time comedy club in The Funny Bone, is quick to admit it was a big Since then, Amspacher said not much hapmistake to eliminate the open mic at Hijinx—a town, possibly by summer’s end. pened in Boise’s comedy scene. mistake he plans to rectify with his new club. Much of the credit for the revival should “Stand-up is like any other skill,” he said. But Lee doesn’t share the local comedians’ “You got to keep doing it to improve. And you go to Amspacher. He showed up at what was enthusiasm for Boise’s comedy renaissance. He scheduled to be a comedy open-mic night at need a stage. So without one, there wasn’t any The Quarter Barrel and found an empty stage. plans on having an open mic for local comics opportunity to grow.” at his new club, but less frequently. So he talked to the owner about throwing a Though scattered and disorganized, Boise “Open mics keep people interested in good few bucks behind the event with beer tabs, comedians cobbled together one-off nights at comedy,” he said. “But you just hope it doesn’t music venues and did their best to convince bar prizes and even paying headliners. burn them out on bad comics ... Once a month Less than six months later, Quarter Barrel’s owners to give comedy a shot. is really all it needs. It gives the comedians time weekly open-mic night is busy. Garden City “It’s typical of what happens when there’s regulars, hip downtowners, bikers, college kids to write new jokes and the audience time not no anchor comedy club in town,” Lee said. to get burnt out.” and a regular regiment of the Treasure Valley “A lot of outfits pop up to throw something Amspacher, on the other hand, is optimistic. Rollergirls saddle up to together.” “Boise isn’t a big enough market for a slurp down drink speLocal comedian OPEN MIC COMEDY NIGHTS comedy night to fill a thousand seats at the cials and watch more Gabe Dunn finds it TUESDAYS, 8:30 p.m., FREE. Quarter Barrel, Morrison Center,” he said. “But if regulars fill than a dozen comics strange that local com4902 W. Chinden Blvd., 208-322-3430. up a bar and everyone brings one friend, that’s sharpen their wits on edy didn’t have more LAST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH, 8 p.m., the two-foot-tall stage. 30-50 people,” he said. “That’s a good night.” support. FREE. Sockeye Brewery, 3019 N. Cole To see that happen, Amspacher is starting The event draws an av“In an atmosphere Road, 208-658-1533, sockeyebrew.com. a one-stop website for Boise comedy, where erage of 40-50 people where everything is buy SUNDAYS, 7 p.m., FREE. The Balcony Club, on a Tuesday, generally comedians can post profiles that will be searchlocal, it’s weird that lo150 N. Eighth St., 208-336-1313, making it the bar’s best able by fans, promoters and other comedians cal comedy struggles so balconyclub.com. so that they can book shows together. For now, night. The monthly much,” he said. Dunn they’re using Facebook to talk about perforopen mic Amspacher has been producing his mance opportunities to each other and to fans. own show, the Fueled By Desperation Tour, for hosts at Sockeye Grill and Brewery is standing More than anything, what Amspacher and room only. The success of those two spawned the last several years. a third open mic at The Balcony Club, which is other local comedians want is to prove to venDunn booked shows into whatever bars hosted by comedian Mikey Pullman on Sunday ues that comedy is as viable an entertainment would have him and called it a tour—his feloption as music and that it’s worth paying for. evenings. All three of those events feature a low comics joked that the “tour” was of five “I think bars shy away from stand-up number of short opening slots, followed by a blocks in downtown Boise. None of it was unless it’s someone famous,” said Amspacher. professional feature-length set. ideal, but it was what the comedians had so “But what they gotta realize is, comics drink. “The older comics are starting to come they ran with it. And it worked—sort of. “[In] a comedy club, they tell you, ‘Shut off back out,” said Amspacher. “And that’s getting Bars can pay them and they’ll just get the money right back.” your cell phones, no talking.’ [In] a regular bar, new ones interested.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
THE APE OF THE PLANET Project Nim examines ambition, arrogance, lust GEORGE PRENTICE The first five minutes of the documentary Project Nim contain more dramatic tension than nearly two hours of Rise of the Planet of the Apes, which serves as an odd companion piece. In fact, Project Nim packs more cinematic punch than the James Franco rehash of the Charlton Heston classic. Before Nim’s opening titles roll, we are transported to a remote Oklahoma compound in November 1973. An adult female In the name of science, Nim became an object of study. In the name of gratification, chimpanzee, Carolyn, has had six of her Nim became a way to pick up chicks. previous babies stolen by scientists. When humans approached her again in an attempt sensuality with the chimp) that threatens her the chimp over to the women, asking them to to take her most recent newborn, Nim, she marriage and ultimately her ability to behave senses something terrible will happen. A man, raise him as a human or teach him American rationally. Sign Language. One by one, as Terrace’s relaidentified only as Dr. Lemmon, aims a pistol When Terrace’s relationship with LaFarge tionships with the women deteriorates, so does at Carolyn, shoots her point-blank with a sours, he transfers Nim to Laura, another of Nim’s care. Through tranquilizer and grabs his grad students and sexual conquests. Tera series of interviews the baby before Carorace, with the help of the dean of Columbia, for the documentary, lyn slumps to the provided no less a surreal setting than a New Terrace represents ground. The story of York suburban mansion for Laura’s work himself as blandly Nim, one of the most with Nim. passive. But that celebrated animal exTerrace exploited his experiments with doesn’t make him any periments of the late Nim, with barely a move not documented less evil. He was an 20th century, begins by a photographer or camera crew. Internaarchitect of thoughtviolently—and it goes tional media attention followed. But behind less exploitation. downhill from there. the scenes, things were deteriorating rapidly. Through much of Project Nim’s the 1970s, Nim went Nim, like most chimps, would soon grow to unlikely villain is from one inappropri- 5 feet tall and be six times stronger than an Herbert Terrace, a ate setting to another. adult human male. If an adult stood up too Columbia University quickly around Nim, or didn’t share his or Early in the film, we behavioral psycholoPROJECT NIM (PG-13) her food, the chimp’s eyes would go cold as see archival footage gist. One of the most Directed by James Marsh he bared his full set of teeth. He had every of Nim in diapers celebrated social intention of drawing blood. What followed and human clothes, scientists of the 1970s, Features Herbert Terrace, Stephanie LaFarge, Laura-Ann Pettito living in the New York was even more tragic. The movie is too good Terrace comes across brownstone apartment to spoil the rest for you. in the documentary as Opens Friday at The Flicks Project Nim’s director is Oscar-winner of Stephanie LaFarge a smug, misogynistic (along with her disap- James Marsh (Man on a Wire). He expertly piece of shit. He surcrafts a story documenting the worst kind of proving husband and rounded himself with seven children). LaFarge begins a cringe-wor- inhumanity: abhorrent selfishness in the name a series of nubile female grad students, using of scientific discovery. thy relationship with Nim (even exploring Nim as his bait. One by one, Terrace hands
THE TUBE/SCREEN CBS NEWS PREZ: NO MORE CHECKBOOK JOURNALISM An important line-in-the-sand moment occurred on Aug. 3 at the Television Critics Association meet-and-greet soiree in Los Angeles. The big news came from ... wait for it ... CBS News Chairman Jeff Fager. The man who has been holding his network’s news division together with chewing gum and baling wire in the shadow of dismal ratings said he was taking CBS out of future bidding wars for “big gets.” Citing recent accusations that ABC paid $200,000 for home movies of Casey Anthony and paid a woman who “sexted” photos to former Rep. Anthony Weiner, Fager said enough was enough. “I don’t like that one bit,” Fager told TV reporters. “I think it’s a WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
terrible practice. For our organization, it goes against ever ything we believe in.” Fager should know that his own network paid six figures to Richard Nixon’s White House Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman for an exclusive 60 Minutes interview in 1975. NBC signed million-dollar contracts with Gerald Ford and Henry Kissinger to serve as “exclusive adviser/consultants” in news specials. And the O.J. Simpson saga dragged out the worst of the worst, paying practically everybody for “exclusives.” But kudos to Fager for saying, “We won’t do it. I’m just against it for our organization.” Let’s hope he feels the same way the next time he gets “scooped.” —George Prentice
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SCREEN/LISTINGS Special Screenings AIDA—Verdi’s opera is performed by Teatro Antico Taormina, starring Isabelle Kabatu. Sunday, Aug. 14, 2:30-5 p.m. $9. The Flicks, 646 Fulton St., Boise, 208-342-4222, theflicksboise.com. ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL—This week features the Chinese films Infernal Affairs (R) on Thursday, Aug. 11, at 7 p.m., and Ip Man 2 (R) on Saturday, Aug. 13, at 3 p.m. Tickets are available at Fujiyama, Sono Bana, Twin Dragon, Idaho Japanese Association and Idaho Chinese Cultural and Business Center. Visit idahojapaneseassociation.org or call 208-8604536 for more info. See Picks, Page 16. $10 per show. The Flicks, 646 Fulton St., Boise, 208-342-4222, theflicksboise.com. CABLE ONE MOVIE NIGHT— Watch a flick in the park. The movie this week is Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga Hoole, rated PG. Friday, Aug. 12. FREE, Settlers Park, corner of Meridian and Ustick, Meridian, meridiancity.org/movienight. RIFFTRAX LIVE: JACK THE GIANT KILLER—The stars of Mystery Science Theatre take on the cult classic. The movie is rated PG. See Picks, Page 17. Wednesday, Aug. 17, 6 p.m. $12.50. Edwards Stadium 22 and IMAX, 7701 W. Overland Road, 208-377-9603, regmovies. com.
For movie times, visit boiseweekly. com or scan this QR code.
THE MUSIC NEVER STOPPED Music connects people to various aspects of their lives, most often memories of what they were doing the first time they heard a song. In The Music Never Stopped, Gabriel (Lou Taylor Pucci) is trying to rediscover his forgotten past after a surgery to remove a cancerous brain tumor. Gabriel’s father, Henry (J.K. Simmons), attempts to reconnect his son with his memories with the help of music therapist Dianne Daley (Julia Ormond). The movie is based the true story of Dr. Oliver Sacks’ 1967 case study, “The Last Hippie.” Gabriel’s lesson plan follows many popular songs of that era, which allows him to open up and regain meaningful conversation. While Henry initially rejects the music, he finds it more important to regain his son than to risk losing him again.
OUTSIDE THE LAW It seems in America that our world-history education falls flat, making movies about historical events all the more appealing. Outside the Law is the story of three Algerian brothers in France during World War II and subsequent years. While we’ve all studied the American side of it, we could be a little hazy on the details of Algerian independence and the Algerian War. After the brothers lose their home in Algeria, they find themselves in very different places: Messaoud becomes a member of the French army in Indochina, Abdelkader is a leader for Algerian independence in France, and Said moves to Paris, making money in clubs and boxing halls. Curious connections bring the siblings together again to fight for their home country’s freedom. —Lizzy Duffy
SCREEN/APPS course. It is available for Android, iPad and iPhone and is as smooth and stylized as the Sites like the Huffington Post and Gawker devices it runs on. The app lets you choose have cashed in on Americans’ desire for your most oft-visited sites and sort them into instantaneity. Aggregators put ever ything pages, a little like the iPhone’s folder system. from news of insurgence in the Middle East Headlines from those sites are in a row (acto terrorist attacks in Nor way to what Kim companied by a large thumbnail Kardashian wore to her birthday image) and each page can have party in one easy-to-access Pulse is free. Visit iTunes row after row of RSS feeds place. But you still have to go to download for iPhone or ordered however you want. You from HuffPo to Gawker to I Can iPad and market.android. can have social networks on one Haz Cheezburger in order to com for Android-based page, world news on another read through ever ything that phones. and fashion and style blogs on a interests you. It would be nice third. Or line up Facebook, Twitif someone would aggregate the ter, Popular Science, TechCrunch aggregators. Oh, someone did. and New York Times all on one page if those Meet Pulse. are the sites you visit most. Pulse is a stunning news-reading app that Just don’t forget to add ICHC. was created in 2010 by two Stanford graduate —Amy Atkins students as part of an Institute of Design
28 | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
BECOMING A GODDESS Project Athena comes to Boise on a mission of healing DEANNA DARR When Kathleen Gardner was staring down a diagnosis of breast cancer more than four years ago, she knew life was going to change. But beyond fear and medication and treatments, she realized that facing something as big as cancer leaves a scar on someone’s life. It’s the same hurdle many survivors face, when life is divided into “before” and “after.” Sometimes that new reality is hard to face and moving forward can be the biggest battle. Project Athena founder Robyn Benincasa won’t let a hip replacement—or four—slow her down. “Once you survive something, people talk about a new chapter,” Gardener, 45, said. board,” she said. “They helped me get my juju “For a survivor, it’s a new book. You’re start- tion after experiencing her own setbacks. back together.” Benincasa is nothing if not a fierce coming over again. This is not something you That experience inspired her to start petitor. She’s a world-class adventure racer, expected to happen.” Now Gardner is preparing to start that new triathlete, ultra-distance racer and recently set Project Athena. “What if I could give this circle of good the Guinness World Record for the farthest book with the adventure of a lifetime. In Sepjuju, package that and give it to other distance traveled by kayak on flat water in tember she’ll join a rim-to-rim-to-rim hike of women?” she said. 24 hours by a woman—121.37 miles. When the Grand Canyon, traveling 45 miles in two The organization is based on that idea she’s not racing across an inhospitable landdays, climbing in and out of the canyon twice. of creating a circle of support and giving scape, she’s part of an all-female firefighting The trip is being made possible by a relatively survivors a light at the end of a sometimes very team in San Diego. new nonprofit working to help women who But her competitive career nearly came to a dark tunnel. Since it started, Project Athena have survived life-changing events move forhas awarded more than 40 Athenaships. ward by using outdoor adventures as catalysts. screeching halt in 2002 during the adventure “It gives you an opportunity to do someracing world championships. Gardner is the first Idaho recipient of a thing different to get started in that book,” “I just couldn’t walk anymore,” she said. grant from Project Athena, which aims to creGardner said. “The possibility is there that ate a support network of survivors, friends and “It was like a light switch.” you can actually make something like that. Benincasa couldn’t move her leg, but she family to help others heal in more than physiWhen you’re doing this, you’re not going to be refused to give up, so she tied a rope around cal ways. Survivors of medical, physical or thinking about all you went through. I’m just it to physically pull her leg forward. Her team emotional events can apply for scholarships— thinking about my goal.” or Athenaships—to help them accomplish their still finished sixth. Boise resident Heather Hill joined the Doctors diagnosed her with osteoarthritis, dream adventures. Grand Canyon hike last year on a whim, and saying she had worn away all the cartilage “When I found out, actually, it was was so moved by the stories of the survivors in her hips. A few weeks later, Benincasa such a boost for my self-esteem,” Gardner on the trip that she decided to become more underwent a double hip replacement and was said from her home in Garden Valley. “I’m involved with the group. But in an ironic twist, told she would never still in shock.” just three weeks after she came home, she had run again. That didn’t Project Athena a very nasty horseback accident and broke last long. holds several major PROJECT ATHENA RACE SERIES both her neck and her wrist. She has since adventures each year, Saturday, Aug. 20, in Julia Davis Park. 10K As a triathlete, Hill was frustrated that she replaced one of her including the Grand run and 5K team adventure hike begin at 8 couldn’t to do her favorite activities, but with artificial hips after it Canyon hike. But this a.m. 1K kids race starts at 10 a.m. Registration is $35 through Thursday, Aug. 18, or $40 gave out in the middle the support of friends, she started setting mini year, the organizaon the day of the event. Kids registration is goals, and by April—just seven months after of another race—her tion—which started in $10 or $15 on the day of. Registration for all her accident—she ran the Race to Robie Creek. femur cracked—and is 2007—is expanding survivors is free. “It’s so healing,” she said. “It gave me my scheduled to have the through a series of Registration and a full schedule energy and helped me heal.” other hip replacement mini-events. Boise will at projectathena.org. Hill is now heading up the ground team in replaced. kick off the national Boise and helping to spread the word about “I cried the first tour on Saturday, Aug. Project Athena. Benincasa said these three time when he said I 20, followed by Norwas never going to run again, but by the fourth mini-events are the first step toward the orgafork, Va., on Sept. 17 and Seattle on Oct. 1. time, I just bust out laughing,” Benincasa said. nization going national. Each event includes a 10K run and a 5K team The goal, she said, isn’t to get survivors As she was recovering from her first surgeradventure hike, which is basically a scavenger ies, Benincasa leaned on her two best friends— back to who they were but to help them be the hunt across Julia Davis Park. Kids can get in best of who they are now. one of whom is a breast cancer survivor and on a 1K run. Events aim to raise both aware“We’ve been to the edge and come back, one who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis. ness and money for the fledgling group. and that makes you realize that we’re still here, “I was an elite-level adventure racer who It’s been quite a ride for Athena founder and we’re coming back,” Benincasa said. may never run again. I needed a sounding Robyn Benincasa, who started the organizaWWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
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DIRTY DASH—Prepare to get down and dirty on this obstacle course/race to be held Saturday, Aug. 27, at 9 a.m. Register online at thedirtydash.com through Sunday, Aug. 14. $40$50. Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area, Bogus Basin Road, Boise, 208-332-5100, bogusbasin.org. GARDEN CITY CHAMBER RIVER RUN 5K AND 1 MILE— Register online at bluecirclesports.com through race day for this race on Saturday, Aug. 13, at 8 a.m. The races begin and end at the Boys and Girls Club on East 42nd Street in Garden City, and proceeds benefit the organization. $15-$25. PROJECT ATHENA—Visit projectathena.org to register for the 1K Kidz Challenge, 5K-ish team adventure hike or 10K run through Wednesday, Aug. 17. See Rec, Page 29. Saturday, August 20, $10-$45, Julia Davis Park, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise.
Events & Workshops BOISE HAWKS BASEBALL—vs. Eugene Emeralds. Aug. 10-14; vs. Twin Cities Dust Devils. Aug. 15-17, 7:15 p.m. $6-$10. Hawks Memorial Stadium, 5600 N. Glenwood St., Garden City, 208322-5000, boisehawks.com. CALDWELL NIGHT RODEO— Professional rodeo action, including bull riding, barrel racing and more. Visit caldwellnightrodeo.com for more info and to purchase tickets. Aug. 16-20, 6:45 p.m. $8-$20 daily, $75 for a five-day pass. Canyon County Fairgrounds, 22nd Avenue South, 208-455-8500, canyoncountyfair.org CITIZEN FOR AN OPEN GREENBELT RALLY—Meet at the corner of Glenwood Street and Riverside Drive with your bikes, signs and banners to walk the portion of the Greenbelt that is currently closed to bikers in protest. Saturday, Aug. 13, 10 a.m. FREE. DRINK BEER, RIDE BIKES ALLEY CAT—Registration begins at 11 a.m. There will be drink prizes and specials for riders. Sunday, Aug. 14, Noon-4 p.m. $10. Payette Brewing, 111 W. 33rd St., Garden City, 208-344-0011, payettebrewing.com. GOLD’S GYM SPORTS, FITNESS AND ARTS FESTIVAL— Check out the U.S. Open Freestyle Footbag Championship and participate in fitness classes and games. Art lovers can take advantage of demonstrations and classes. Saturday, Aug. 13, 9 a.m.-7 p.m. FREE. Settlers Park, corner of Meridian and Ustick roads, Meridian. RUMPUS ROYALE: ROLLIN’ SNAKE EYES—The Treasure Valley Roller Girls take on Battle Born Derby Demons and a special guest opponent. Tickets are available at treasurevalleyrollergirls.net, Thomas Hammer, Record Exchange and Need to Bead. Saturday, Aug. 13, 7 p.m. $4-$10. Qwest Arena, 233 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208331-8497, qwestarenaidaho. com.
THE CHIRP OF CRICKET As I stepped onto the grass at Ann Morrison Park, I saw a not-surprising collection of Frisbee golfers, families feeding the geese and waterlogged rafters heading back to their cars. I, however, was there to play cricket. The Boise Cricket Club is comprised of three teams with players from across the valley. Pratap Murali, the club president, was the man responsible for coaxing me into a match, and I’m glad he did. I played football and soccer as a kid but have since gravitated to more solitary sports like hiking and snowboarding. But the warm welcome I received after walking up to the cricket pitch was more than enough reason to join a team sport. Sanjeev Sapra, club vice president, was the first to greet me and didn’t laugh when I made it clear that I’m more comfortable over a keyboard than on a field: I tripped as I walked up to the pitch. My button-up shirt and lack of proper footwear could have been another clue that I had no idea what to expect. So together, Murali, Sapra and I watched the end of a match as Sapra explained some basic rules. Cricket is played with 11 members on each team. All players of the fielding team go out to field, and two players of the batting team go out to bat. The remainder of the batting team waits off the field for their turn to bat. Once everyone is in position, the bowler (similar to the pitcher in baseball) throws the ball toward a batter. If the batter hits it, the two batters switch sides of the pitch. Each time this is successfully completed, it’s worth one point. Despite Sapra’s breakdown of the rest of the rules, that was about as much as I understood and even that was hazy. But it was enough to try my hand at one of the world’s most popular sports. It was time for me to step up to the pitch and take some hits, but not before encasing my shins and thighs in protective gear. As we walked across the grass, Murali, who was described to me as “not only the club president but also our star player,” took his position as bowler. “We’ll give you a few easy For more information visit ones,” he explained as he cricketboise.com. hurled the hard leather ball toward me. I swung. I missed. Murali slung a few more at me, and I managed to hit at least four or five, surprising all of us. Murali and Sapra boosted my confidence by telling me that I was doing well, so I wanted to end on a high note. “One more,” I yelled. The pitch came straight at me, my eyes on the ball the whole time. But it wasn’t enough. I watched the ball fly right past me. “OK, I can’t end on that. One more,” I yelled again. Murali hurled another great one at me. That time, I stepped into my swing, made contact and realized that while I had possibly found a new recreational outlet, I couldn’t wait to return to a more comfortable place: in front of my laptop. —Brady Moore
30 | AUGUST 10–16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
CRAFTY BEER BREWERS The storied history of brewing beer in Idaho GUY HAND In early July, 13 breweries from across the state gathered at Nampa’s Lakeview Park for the first-ever Idaho Brewers Festival. Kevin Dinius, event organizer and a partner in the newly opened Crescent Brewery in Nampa, proudly explained what made the festival special. “We use only ingredients that are grown and processed in Idaho,” Dinius said. “All our grain comes from Idaho. All our hops come from Idaho. I mean, that’s kind of the history of brewing in Idaho.” But in reality, that’s only part of Idaho’s brewing history. The rest is a storied tale of Prohibition, commercial production, changing tastes and changing times. And Idaho beer historian Herman Ronnenberg knows about all of it. For decades Ronnenberg researched the Idaho beer industry, and he has written numerous books on the subject, from Beer and Brewing in the Inland Northwest to The Beer Baron of Boise. His doctoral thesis was on the history of Idaho’s brewing industry—his friends call him Doctor Beer. Yet, on the phone from his home in Troy, Ronnenberg seemed truly taken aback by the notion that Idaho now contains enough commercial beer brewers to pull together what could actually be called a festival. There are 19 commercial brewers in Idaho, and although that number pales in comparison to the number of breweries currently operating in Oregon and Washington, compared to Ronnenberg’s baseline—which is nothing at all—that amount is remarkable. Ronnenberg said that in 1978, when he came to Idaho to work on his Ph.D., there were no breweries in the state of Idaho. “I was beginning to research breweries and it was completely a dead subject at that point,” Ronnenberg said. From 1960 to 1985—for a full quarter of a century—not a single Idahoan commercially brewed beer. “So an Idaho brewers’ festival, to me, it’s still like magical that there is such a thing,” Ronnenberg said. It seemed a little magical to the brewers who were participating in the festival, too. Dinius said it was the first time that Nampa had permitted a beer festival of any type within city limits. “I think it’s a sign of the changing times,” he said. The other brewers, who often work in isolation from their peers, seemed pleasantly stunned to be standing next to their Idaho brewing brethren. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
If supporting the local movement means more breweries opening in Idaho, we’ll drink to that.
“We are working with the Huckleberry Cream Ale today,” the Laughing Dog brewer said as I walked by. Sockeye Brewing was pushing its Wooly Bugger Wheat, Wallace Brewery its Jack Leg Stout, Von Scheidt its Sour Mash Corn Porter. When I related all this beer-induced information to Ronnenberg, he said it reminded him of Idaho’s original beer brewing heyday. He explained that back in 1888, Idaho had 33 breweries scattered across the territory, but the excitement then was fueled not by cream ales but by gold and the unquenchable thirst of camp miners. Ronnenberg said Idaho’s very first brewery started up in Lewiston in the early 1860s and was a stepping stone to the mining camps in Orofino, Pierce and Elk City. “As the miners move down into the Boise Basin, you get breweries there, and as they move into Silver City,” Ronnenberg continued. “And very soon you get breweries in Boise and little places that you don’t think of, like Rocky Bar.” Before the Civil War, Ronnenberg said American brewers often followed British brewing traditions, not unlike many modern craft brewers, their saloons serving dark pints of ale, porter and stout. The mining camp brewers were different. Most were immigrants from German-speaking countries steeped in a love of lager. Ronnenberg estimates that more than 90 percent of the beers served in the mining camps “were lager, lager, lager.” That’s one real distinction between Idaho’s 19th century brewers and today’s lager-shunning craft beer makers. But both—separated by over a century of time—believed fervently in the value of one thing: small-scale, local brewing. Back then, brewers didn’t have much of a choice. Beer was about as perishable as milk, and brewers had to brew close to the mining camps they served. When those camps moved on, so did the brewers. When the gold rush began to ebb, brewers settled into the towns that
remained like pebbles settling along stream banks after high water. Along with the bakers and hardware stores, breweries became local institutions. But by the 1870s, big Eastern brewers had perfected production methods that would drastically change the American beer industry. They began pasteurizing their beer. With a far longer shelf life, they could then ship that pasteurized beer out West in railcars cooled with block ice. Idaho brewers, suddenly feeling the heat of outside competition, reacted by advertising the virtues of local, Idaho beer. In an echo of today’s “buy local” movement, a Boise brewer named John Lemp declared his beer “honest beer” made with “Idaho hops and barley.” He reminded his customers that “the money you spend helps to employ Idaho labor.” That was in 1895. “You start seeing these ‘support local industry’ ads early on in places like Wallace,” Ronnenberg said, in any place where there was a railroad. But it wasn’t any easier for local businesses to fight outside competition then than it is today. Large brewers like Schlitz and Pabst began shipping their beer to any Western town with a rail line. “You’re making 600 barrels a year and you’re trying to compete with a guy whose making 600,000,” Ronnenberg said of Idaho’s small brewers. Food and agricultural writers frequently cite the post-World War II era as the turning point when industrialization and consolidation began to dominate America’s food system, but Idaho’s local beer industry began to falter under the pressure of outside, industrial competition as early as the 1890s. Then came Prohibition. 32 “Of course, it’s the great knockout
OVER INDULGENCE As much as we cherish our foodietude here at BW, we’re also proponents of facestuffing overindulgence. In the name of quality journalism, we subjected ourselves to a Four Loko liver baptism and a ghostpepper flecked sushi-eating challenge. But on Thursday, Aug. 4, we let the pros do the dirty work. We witnessed “Furious” Pete Czerwinski, a former anorexic turned body builder and competitive eater, break the world record of 10 minutes and 34 seconds for fastest time scarfing a double Big Jud’s 2-pound burger. Czerwinski downed the burger and fries in six minutes and five seconds. Visit video.boiseweekly.com for the disturbing footage or scan the QR code on Page 4. Speaking of competitive eating, Archie’s Place food truck is hosting a sloppy joe eating contest at Payette Brewing Co. on Saturday, Aug. 27, from 5-9 p.m. Joe wolfers can throw their names into the hat for $20 per person. Those who prefer to watch others smear their faces with gloppy meat sammys can partake in an all-you-can-eat sloppy joe buffet for $10. Entrants must sign up by Saturday, Aug. 20, at archiesplaceboise.wordpress.com. Speaking of food trucks, the B29 Streatery recently published an interesting post at b29streatery.blogspot. com, titled “The Trouble With Being Local.” The piece is a response to a customer who got upset that the truck labeled Gem Pack beef “local.” B29 Streatery’s chefs say that in order to keep costs down, they purchase Idaho-made products that aren’t artisanal and the community needs to “expand our concept of what is local.” To read the entire piece, or join in the debate, visit Cobweb at boiseweekly.com or scan the QR code on Page 4. In other local news, the Elks Meals on Wheels 14th Annual Culinary Walkabout will take over the Boise Centre on Thursday, Aug. 11. The event features grub from spots like Salt Tears, Bella Aquila and The Brickyard, among others. Tickets are $50 per person and can be purchased by contacting Grant Jones at 208-489-4592. On the national front, Food Network Magazine released an article titled 50 States, 50 Pizzas, in which they selected one specialty pie from each state. Boise’s Pizzalchik made the cut for its Wild Forest Mist pizza, which contains five varieties of wild mushroom, house-made elk sausage, lavender-flecked sauce and aged dough. And in booze news, after a quick breather following the San Inazio Festival, the Basque Museum is gearing up for another wine-soaked event on Friday, Aug. 12. The appropriately named Winefest 2011 will offer a smattering of local wine samples for $27 in advance or $30 at the door. For tickets, call 208-343-2671. —Tara Morgan
BOISEweekly | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | 31
32 | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
FOOD/DISH Restaurants get one chance to hit BW with their best shot. LEILA R AM ELLA- R ADER
punch for American brewing,” Ronnenberg said. Idaho went dry in 1916, and by the time Prohibition was repealed in December of 1933, it was too late. “It wasn’t easy for small brewers to come back,” Ronnenberg said. “They can’t find a man who knows how to run the equipment, the market is down, they start up but they don’t do well, and these little places just start closing in droves.” Instead, the vacuum created by Prohibition was filled by Schlitz, Pabst, Budweiser “and the big guys who have the capital to do everything they need,” said Ronnenberg. “So you look at the percentage of beer brewed by the top 10 brewers in America, and it goes from like 30 percent to like 90 percent of the market. They just take over because they have the capital, the expertise, the distribution network.” A few breweries limped through the 1950s but all had closed by 1960, according to Ronnenberg. That’s why he finds it so remarkable that, in the 1980s, the national craft beer movement began to reverse the domination of larger, more distant beer makers. In fact, 20th century craft brewers were again touting the virtues of local decades before the Oxford University Press named “locavore” its Word of the Year in 2007. Back at the Idaho Brewers Festival, Dinius cocked his head to one side, as if trying to slide the brewery names into a neat row as he listed a few that were there. “We’ve got Wallace Brewing from Wallace, Idaho,” he began. “We’ve got Payette Brewing from Boise, we’ve got Sun Valley, Van Scheidt out of Twin Falls, Table Rock, The Ram, Portneuf Valley Brewing out of Pocatello, and Laughing Dog from Sandpoint.” Ronnenberg was right. Looking at 1960, when not even one local brewery existed, to now, when there are enough of them crafting beer to warrant a celebration, that is magical. 31
A huarache from Campos never cesinas to make us smile.
CAMPOS MARKET Utter the words “carne asada” anywhere in Boise city limits and nine times out of 10, someone will blurt out that Campos has the best. (The other guy still gets his south-ofthe-border fix from the gringo SoBo restos that dish up gratis chips and salsa.) But one thing Campos isn’t known for is its restaurant. Cooks who’ve hit up the butcher counter at Campos know that in addition to fixin’s for meals, shoppers can slide one counter over and get a plate of hot tacos. For the rest of you, here’s a secret: You’ve been missing some of the best Mexican food to come out of a brick-and-mortar eatery in the city. Campos is a simple taqueria, a place that has been called a “taco truck without the truck” by its fans. During lunch, when the place starts to bustle, when Spanish is the first language among most patrons, when the pop music is cranked, it’s easy for a diner with wanderlust to pretend Boise is miles away. Navigating your way to the Campos restaurant, however, is easier than charting a course to a small-town Mexican food stall. Steer through the marCAMPOS MARKET ket’s aisles, blow by the bin of 413 N. Orchard St. 208-658-0644 bright green cactus and home in on the festive orange-andyellow dining area, above which dangles the flimsy paper tethers of Dora and Diego pinatas. The taqueria is bordered by a wall of glass-doored refrigerators filled with Jarritos and Coca-Cola, displays of fresh fruits and vegetables, and by the heaps of bright red meat in the butcher’s case. The menu selection is deeper than it looks at first glance. Broad choices include tortas, huaraches, flautas, sopes, burritos, tacos and quesadillas with meat options like asada, cesina, pollo, chorizo, al pastor and tripe. Weekends promise menudo and caldo de camaron. It’s difficult to discern what the house speciality is—everyone has a different opinion. Chatting up one clerk led me to a huarache ($5.99) for two reasons: the promise of a fresh, handmade tortilla and the option to pile on both asada and cesina. The oblong fried masa base, far thicker than the sort of tortilla you’d find holding together a taco, was a soft and hefty foundation for layers of salty refried beans, small folds of asada, heat-tinged cesina, bite-sized globes of sauteed onions, and dustings of cotija and finely chopped cilantro. With the addition of a few stripes of punchy red sauce and the subtler green sauce, a meal that begins big enough for two ends as leftovers that a diner will selfishly not want to share. Our advice? Swing by the meat counter on your way out and pick up some carne asada to share instead. —Rachael Daigle WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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B O I S E W E E K LY MIND, BODY, SPIRIT BW BEAUTY HOT AUGUST DEAL! Amp up your back-to-school look with 8 foils for only $20! Or add a haircut for a total of only $40! Melinda at The Four Gables Salon, 4720 E. Fairview Ave. Call/ text 208-867-4329 for an appointment today!
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Leather Sofa plus Loveseat. Brand new in crate w/Lifetime warranty. Retail $2450. Sell $699! 888-1464. PROPANE HEATER AND A.C. Big Buddy propane heater plus hose. $100. Used very little. Shop swamp cooler - on wheels - water hook up. Paid $325. Asking $175. 2 yrs. old. Never used this season. tbennic@mindspring.com QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET. Brand new-still in plastic. Warranty. MUST SELL $139. Can deliver. 921-6643. **BRAHMIN HANDBAG** Preowned never used Brahmin Satchel Handbag in Toasted Almond. Was $425 at Nordstroms. Must see to appreciate. Beautiful! Will sacrifice for $200. Please call 891-7607. LARGE, COMFY SECTIONAL SOFA We are moving & would like to sell our large sofa sectional. Bought in 2007, good condition. 12 ft. across the back, 8ft on one side, & 6ft on chaise side. Selling for $600 OBO. Cash only please. 319-721-7108.
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34 | AUGUST 10–16, 2011 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
NAMPA ART GUILD ARTIST CALL Nampa Art Guild is looking for submissions for its 26th Anniversary Juried Show “Art Out LOUD,” runs Oct. 25 - Nov. 2 at the Nampa Civic Center. The show is open to all artists 18 yrs. & older with original works created in the last two years. Those works can be in oil, acrylic, watercolor, gouache, pastel, pencil, pen/ink, mixed media & oneof-a-kind woodworking, sculpture, & hand-thrown pottery. Sept. 26 is deadline for digital entries. Please see the Show Prospectus on our web site for more information. U-Pick Thornless Blackberries. Waterwheel Gardens Awesome Blackberry picking begins Fri. & Sat. Aug.12 &13. 7am-12pm. Come Visit our farm! See us at the Capital City Market or waterwheelgardens.com for pricing & directions.
BW CONCERT TICKETS ROSLYN KIND TICKETS For sale (2) $25 each For concert at: Nampa Civic Center. August 2, 7:30 pm .Seats available F-19 & F-20 Call 208-863-9833.
BW LOST $100 REWARD- GLASSES I lost my prescription glasses sometime between 7/16 - 7/18. They are in a silvery mesh covered glasses case. A plain green cleaning cloth & a blue cleaning cloth with EPSON logo. The brand is OXO. I would *really* like to get these back as I don’t have a back-up pair! Please call me at 208-340-9709. Thanks!
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FOUND VOLKSWAGEN KEY Found a Volkswagen laser cut hide a key on Milwaukee St. in front of Cost Plus parking lot. Would love to return it to rightful owner. Just prove it works in your car... email & will respond asap. ty359@msn.com WAS YOUR BIKE STOLEN? A friend of mine has stolen a couple of thin wheeled ‘fixie’ bikes. He keeps leaving them at my house. I want to help the owners get them back. Email me at knowatheif@gmail.com with details of your bike so we can set up a meeting.
CHEESEMAKING CLASSES Hands On. You make the cheese while learning all the steps. Saturdays in Nampa. Call for schedule 468-7724 or go to nampabrewers.com Children 14 yrs & up - 4 students per class - Make a party of it!!! $25/person. Soft Cheese 2.5 hrs. Call Deb today 468-7724. SWORD COMBAT 13TH CENT. Get trained in historical European sword combat, we can turn you into a reliable fighter with the longsword or sword and shield. We don’t charge for lessons & we have some loaner equipment. We teach AUTHENTIC skills from commentaries based on ancient fightbooks such as Lutergus (1290ad) & Liechtenaur. Basic training takes about 6 lessons, technical another 6 to 12 and then we move to light contact sparring. Advanced sword comes much later. All lessons are free & done with an informal but well behaved atmosphere. Phone GLOCK, 208-375-7171 or visit our new meetup site.
BW VOLUNTEERS GUITAR INSTRUCTORS NEEDED!! Boise Schools Community Education is seeking volunteer guitar instructors to teach basic/beginning guitar. Our classes run evenings at local Boise schools. Your commitment would be one evening for 4, 5 or 6 wks. for a few hours. Our students are lining up to take this class! If you would be willing to share your talents & your time, please call us today! 208-854-4047. Work & Live Buddhist center, Northern CA. No exp. required or bring your skills Construction, maintenance, land & garden. Includes living allowance, housing, meals. No religious affiliation needed. 510-981-1987 volunteer@odiyan.org
BW GARAGE/ESTATE SALES Flea Market - Aug. 11th 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., 12th & 13th 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.. K-Mart parking lot. Something for everyone. YARD SALE SALE HERE! Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for $20. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.
PETS BW PETS LOST BOSTON TERRIER- REWARD Lost our little dog on Saturday the 9th. She lost her tags during her escape. We are desperate to find her! I’m worried that someone has decided to keep her. I’m hoping a large reward will help get someone’s conscience moving. Any help finding her would be appreciated. My 9 year old misses her. 890-5727 or 250-4728. LOST CAT- LARS Orange Long Haired Male Scottish Fold cat. Last seen at 407 Broad St. on Saturday 7/9. He was not wearing his collar, but he is MicroChipped. There is a quarter sized patch of hair missing between his shoulder blades where the Chip is located. He’s a little guy, about 6 pounds. I will gladly offer a reward to anyone who helps bring Lars home safely. He is probably scared but very sweet. If you have any information, please email, call or text. 208-850-4511 or 208-870-7760. LOST: ORANGE MALE CAT I lost my 14 year old Orange Short hair male cat on July 5th. We just moved from SE Boise to NW Boise & I let him out too soon. He may be on his way back to finding our old house. He has a collar. His name is Finn. He is orange with white paws & orange eyes. He has white on his inner neck & belly & a white spot on the left side of his nose. He is also de-clawed in front. If you have any information or think you have found him, please let me know. Sara 208-284-8819.
FOUND - TAN MALE CHIHUAHUA Sunday evening, July 3 in 5100 block of Yorgason Ave, Boise. ann@beach-mail.com TWO CATS FOR ADOPTION Yin & Yang are 5 yrs. old. They are brother & sister & have been together their whole life. I can no longer take care of them due to personal reasons. However, these cats are incredibly sweet, loving & fun. Email me if you are interested in more information or adoption. Thank you. b7owaliceup@gmail.com FREE ON-LINE CLASSIFIED ADS Place your FREE on-line classifieds at www.boiseweekly.com. It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please.
B A RT E R BW HAVE SWAPCAFE.COM Come join us! Trade your stuff, your skills, your inventory. Submit via SwapCafe.Net for personal swaps or SwapCafe.Com for B2B. Good luck trading! Questions Info@SwapCafe.Net YARD SALE SALE HERE! Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a Yard Sale kit for $20. Kit includes 3 signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Call by 10AM on Monday for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.
ADOPT-A-PET These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society. www.idahohumanesociety.com 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508
MAYBELL: 7-year-old female domestic shorthair. Came as a stray with injuries but is healing. Talkative, interactive and relaxed. (Kennel 23- #13702116)
BRAVEHART: 6-yearold female domestic shorthair. Good with dogs and other cats. Litterbox-trained. Quiet, unassuming cat. (Kennel 54- #13703529)
AMBER: 3-year-old female black Lab. Good with dogs. Crate-trained and people-orientated. Big, goofy girl. Knows some commands. (Kennel 312- #13489595)
ROCKY: 4-year-old male domestic longhair. Friendly cat who acts kitten like. Curious and playful. Litterboxtrained. (Kennel 45#13662462)
TRUDY: 8-year-old female boxer/lab mix. Laid back girl who appears house- and crate-trained. Independent but gentle. (Kennel 311- #13676925)
MAX: 5-year-old male rottweiler/Shar Pei mix. House-trained. Good with older children. Well mannered and attentive. 90 pounds. (Kennel 309- #12337556)
These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats. www.simplycats.org 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177
BRUCE: Talkative tabby needs to be your one and only kitty.
MARZIPAN: Cat of the Month! Take me home for only $20.
MAMOSA: Beautiful DLH calico with a big personality.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | AUGUST 10–16, 2011 | 35
Accepting Knick Knacks for in store trade at Thrift Store with a Twist. Jewelry, DVD’s, Clothes. 4610 W. State St. 570-7962.
GUITAR, PIANO, BASS LESSONS Guitar, Piano, Bass, Voice lessons out of my Nampa home. Instructor has a BA & MA in education and currently works as a professional musician. Discounts for multiple family members. Group beginning guitar lessons also available. Only six to eight openings available. Call now! 353-3080.
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57 60
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21 French toast piece? 22 It might be pulled 23 Pompeii, e.g. 24 Bride in “The Gondoliers” 25 “What the Butler Saw” playwright, 1969 26 Noted diamond family name 27 See circled letters in 76-/109-Down 30 Restless walker
36 44
18 “___ Story: A Journey of Hope” (Jenna Bush best seller) 20 Expect
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4 71 answers in this puzzle 9 Get used to it 14 Several CBS dramas
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36 | AUGUST 10–16, 2011 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
32 Title character in a 2009 Sandra Bullock crossword film 33 “Well, I’ll be!” 34 “Told ya so!” looks 36 “Fear is pain rising from the anticipation of ___”: Aristotle 39 Wampum, e.g. 41 Endangered 44 … in 119-/120-Across 48 Sweetheart 50 Sweetheart 51 Part of a pack? 52 Panamanians and Peruvians 53 1960 Olympics host 54 Duel tool 55 Radii, e.g. 57 Cut 58 Some drink garnishes 59 Place for some animal baiting 60 Sharpness 62 Bit of physics 63 Hostess’s ___ Balls 64 ... in 116-/117-Across 67 Summer letters 70 Enter, for one 72 Give a hard time 73 Check, as one’s numbers 76 Huntee in a game 79 Mounted 80 Authorizes 81 “Of thee” follower 82 Michael Jordan, e.g. 83 Conservative side 85 Comparison’s middle 86 T. S. of literature 87 Neither more nor less, in France 88 ... in 39-/60-Down 90 Item in a restaurant basket 92 Virus named for a river 94 French CD holder 95 Enemy of a Medici 97Composition of many a cask 98 Techie’s hangout 102 It may have sand in it 103 ... in 17-/43-Down
109 User-edited Web site 110 Words on a sandwich board 112 Emerson’s “___ Beauty” 113 “The Neverending Story” writer 114 Upper class? 115 First woman to teach at the Sorbonne 116 “Think” or “Think different” 117 They’re stranded, briefly 118 Times past 119 Best ___ 120 Rear’s rear? 121 Radiator sound
DOWN 1 Hospital wings 2 Language akin to Kalaallisut 3 Like Gomer Pyle 4 See 5 Had a balance 6 Dry’s partner 7 Not yet final, at law 8 Leaves a crooked trail 9 Owned up to 10 ___ Marquez, Nickelodeon cartoon girl 11 ___-at-law: Abbr. 12 Master 13 Game with a setter 14 ... in 1-/4-Across 15 Pitcher’s place 16 “___ out?” (poker query) 17 Merchandise ID 19 Cowardly sound 28 Unfold 29 Miami squad 31 Dada figure 35 Tightfisted sort 37 Silliness 38 Missing, as the start of a party 39 The U.N.’s ___ Ki-moon 40 Definitely not Felix Unger types 42 “___ Pastore” (Mozart opera)
43 Honorary law degs. 44 Inches for pinches 45 Buenos ___ 46 Lake ___, Switzerland/ France separator 47 Some tails, for short 49 Add to, perhaps 53 Uncle ___ 54 Brief word of caution 56 ... in 12-/35-Down 57 Pulitzer-winning Sheehan 60 France from France 61 “Do You Hear What I Hear?,” e.g. 62 “In case you didn’t hear me ...” 65 1970s TV spinoff 66 Wrap for a queen 68 Big bargain 69 Ankle supports 71 Piece of work? 74 Even chances 75 A perfect score on it is 180: Abbr. 76 Daily weather datum 77 Aoki of the World Golf Hall of Fame 78 Off-road specialist 79 2003 Affleck/Lopez flick L A S T
Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under extras for the answers to this week’s puzzle. Don't think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
W E E K ’ S
80 Century 21 competitor 83 “I’m listening” 84 ___ leash 87 “View of Toledo” artist 88 U.K. carrier, once 89 Word with cherry or cotton 91 Rush igniter 93Offshore accommodations 96Actors’ grp. 99Sally ___ (teacakes) 100Show-biz father and son 101Graceful word? 102Program coordinator? 104Vituperate 105Japanese noodle 106Part of AARP: Abbr. 107Small: Suffix 108Outlet 109Mode 111Strauss’s “Ariadne ___ Naxos”
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Pen Pals complimentary ads for our incarcerated friends are run on a space-available basis and may be edited for content. Readers are encouraged to use caution and discretion when communicating with Pen Pals, whose backgrounds are not checked prior to publication. Boise Weekly accepts no responsibility for any relationships that may arise from contacting these inmates. SWM, father ISO pen pal. Joshua Isler #305689 Rainer C-303 WSP 1313 N. 13th Ave. Walla Walla, WA 99362. 27 yr. old M looking for pen pal. Oscar A. Nevarez #95362 NICI 236 Radar Rd. Cottonwood, ID 83522. Inmate looking for pen pal. 30 yr. old M. Thomas Woodruff #87972 NICI 236 Radar Rd. Cottonwood, ID 83522. I am a 31 yr. old S Christian M. I am looking for a SF pen pal. I am caring, kind and warm hearted. I top out in Oct. 20, 2011. I am 5’9” and weigh 150 lbs. I enjoy the outdoors, cooking, dancing and singing. I hope if there is anyone that will give me a chance. I am like an angel that will warm up your heart. Michale Phillips #85549 16B-46A ISCI PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. 60 yr. old Christian looking for any lady looking for friendship and possibly more. I’m 5’10, 170 lbs. I’m out early next year. I enjoy outdooractivates. Steven Munk #46638 16B-15A ISCI PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | AUGUST 10–16, 2011 | 37
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): Dr. Larry Dossey thinks we shouldn’t automatically dismiss the voices that speak to us in the privacy of our own heads. Some of them may actually have wise counsel or at least interesting evidence about the state of our inner world. Besides, says Dossey, “it is vital for our mental health to keep the channels open, because when the voices of the gods are shut out, the devils often take up residence.” This would be good advice for you to observe in the coming days, Aries. Don’t let the nagging, blustering or unhinged murmurs in your head drown out the still, small voice of lucid intuition. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): What are you going to do to attract or induce the phenomena I name in the list below? At least three of them could come your way in the days ahead: 1. A “limitation” that leads to more freedom; 2. An imaginative surrender that empowers you to make a seemingly impossible breakthrough; 3. A healthy shock to the system that tenderizes your emotions; 4. A tough task that clarifies and fine-tunes your ambition; 5. A seemingly lost chance that leads to a fresh promise through the vigorous intervention of your creative willpower. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Thirteen will be your lucky number for the foreseeable future. In fact, a host of things for which the average person has an irrational aversion could be helpful to you. For that matter, influences that you may have considered to be unsympathetic or uncongenial in the past could very well be on your side, and may even conspire to enlighten and delight you. At least temporarily, I urge you to shed your superstitions, suspend your iffy biases and dismiss your outworn fears. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Anne Cushman wrote a book called Enlightenment for Idiots. It wasn’t a how-to book but rather a novel about a spiritual truth-seeker wandering through India. As far as I know, no one has written an actual instructional manual with the theme she named in her title. If anyone could do it, though, it would be you right now. Lately, you’ve been getting smarter by doing the most ordinary things. You’ve been drawing life-enhancing lessons from events that others might regard as inconsequential or unsophisticated. I suspect that this trend will continue in the coming days. Through the power of simplicity and directness, you will succeed at tasks that might have defeated you if you had allowed yourself to get lost in complicated theories and overly-thought-out approaches.
38 | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | BOISEweekly
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): For 34 years, a diligent Californian named Scott Weaver worked on creating a scale model of San Francisco using toothpicks. Meanwhile, Eric Miklos, of New Brunswick, Canada, was assembling a 40-foot-long chain of bottle caps. And in 2006, a team of artists constructed a 67-foottall gingerbread house, the world’s largest, inside the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minn. These are not the kinds of stupendous feats I advise you to get started on in the coming weeks, Leo. The astrological omens suggest that you’ll attract blessings into your life if you launch deeply meaningful masterpieces, not trivial or silly ones. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Storyteller Clarissa Pinkola Estes loves life’s natural rhythms just as they are. She says we can avoid a lot of suffering if we understand how those rhythms work. “The cycles are birth, light and energy, and then depletion, decline and death,” she told Radiance magazine. In other words, everything thrives and fades, thrives and fades. After each phase of dissipation, new vitality incubates and blooms again. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, Virgo, you are currently going through a period of dwindling and dismantling. The light is dimmer than usual, and the juice is sparser. But already, in the secret depths, a new dispensation is stirring.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): What images would be most helpful for you to fill your imagination with? What scenes would heal and activate your subconscious mind, inspiring you in just the right ways? I invite you to make a list of at least five of these and then visualize them often in the coming days. Here are a few possibilities to get you warmed up: peach trees filled with ripe fruit; the planet Jupiter as seen through a powerful telescope; a magnificent suspension bridge at dawn or dusk; a large chorus animatedly singing a song you love; the blissful face of a person you love. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Scientists have proved beyond a doubt that heavenly bodies cannot possibly exert forces that affect events on Earth, right? Well no, actually. According to research reported in the Dec. 24, 2009, edition of the science journal Nature, it turns out that the gravitational tug of the sun and moon sends significant tremors through California’s San Andreas Fault and could potentially trigger full-blown earthquakes. Speaking as a poet, not a scientist, I speculate that those two luminaries, the sun and moon, may also generate a lurching but medicinal effect on you sometime soon. Are you ready for a healing jolt? It will relieve the tension that has been building up between two of your “tectonic plates.”
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Where do you want to be at this time next year? What do you want to be doing? I encourage you to fantasize and scheme about these questions and be alert for clues about possible prospects. Here’s my reasoning, Libra: Some foreshadowings of your future life may soon float into view, including a far-off whisper or a glimpse of the horizon that will awaken some of your dormant yearnings. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that these visions must be acted upon instantly. Instead, ruminate leisurely on them, regarding them as the early hints of potential long-range developments.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Follow your dreams,” read the headline on some random blog I stumbled upon, “except for the one in which you’re giving a speech in your underwear.” In the comments section, someone named “Mystic Fool” had posted a dissenting view: “I would much rather have a dream of giving a speech in my underwear than of being naked and drunk and inarticulate at a cocktail party, trying to hide behind the furniture.” Mystic Fool’s attitude would serve you well in the coming week, Aquarius. Expressing yourself in a public way, even if you don’t feel fully prepared, will actually be a pretty good course of action— especially as compared to keeping silent and hiding.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Let’s say, hypothetically speaking, that you can’t get The Most Beautiful Thing. It’s out of reach forever. You simply don’t have the connections or wherewithal to bring it into your life. Could you accept that disappointment with a full heart and move on? Would you be able to forgive life for not providing you with your No. 1 heart’s desire, and then make your way into the future with no hard feelings? If so, Scorpio, I bet you would be well-primed to cultivate a relationship with The Second Most Beautiful Thing.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Some substances that seem to be rock solid are in fact fluids that move verrrryyy slowly. Bitumen is one example. It’s a form of petroleum also known as pitch. In a famous experiment, an Australian researcher set up an apparatus that allowed a blob of pitch to gradually drip into a container below it. Since the experiment began in 1927, eight drops have fallen. I like to think you’re engaged in a similar long-term process, Pisces. And from what I can tell, a new drop is about to drip.
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BOISEweekly | AUGUST 10-16, 2011 | 39
AUGUST 20, 2011