TO FUND OR NOT TO FUND Boise schools levy debate hits the airwaves ROTUNDA 12
KEEP ’EM HONEST Lawmaker to media: keep the spotlight on ethics 1ST THURSDAY 23
MAP AND GUIDE INSIDE Know where to go and how to get there this First Thursday ARTS 32
ALL CUT UP Cut-paper art is far from folded
“I’d rather dirty dance with Warren Buffett than Dick Cheney.”
2 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
BW STAFF PUBLISHER: Sally Freeman Sally@boiseweekly.com Office Manager: Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com EDITORIAL Editor: Rachael Daigle Rachael@boiseweekly.com Features Editor: Deanna Darr Deanna@boiseweekly.com Arts & Entertainment Editor: Tara Morgan Tara@boiseweekly.com News Editor: George Prentice George@boiseweekly.com New Media Czar: Josh Gross Josh@boiseweekly.com Copy Datatante: Sheree Whiteley Sheree@boiseweekly.com Reporters: Andrew Crisp Andrew@boiseweekly.com Stephen Foster Stephen@boiseweekly.com Listings: calendar@boiseweekly.com Copy Editor: Jay Vail Interns: Amber Clontz, Annette Rincon Contributing Writers: Bill Cope, Zach Hagadone, Randy King, David Kirkpatrick, Scott Marchant, Sarah Masterson, Ted Rall, Patrick Trakel ADVERTISING Advertising Director: Lisa Ware Lisa@boiseweekly.com Account Executives: Sabra Brue, Sabra@boiseweekly.com Jessi Strong, Jessi@boiseweekly.com Doug Taylor, Doug@boiseweekly.com Nick Thompson, Nick@boiseweekly.com Jill Weigel, Jill@boiseweekly.com CLASSIFIED SALES Classifieds@boiseweekly.com CREATIVE Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Leila@boiseweekly.com Graphic Designers: Jen Grable, Jen@boiseweekly.com Adam Rosenlund, Adam@boiseweekly.com Contributing Artists: Derf, Glenn Landberg, Jeremy Lanningham, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Tom Tomorrow, Ben Wilson CIRCULATION Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town: Stan Jackson Stan@boiseweekly.com Distribution: Tim Anders, Mike Baker, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Jennifer Hawkins, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Lars Lamb, Brian Murry, Amanda Noe, Northstar Cycle Couriers, Steve Pallsen, Patty Wade, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 30,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. SUBSCRIPTIONS: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. TO CONTACT US: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: info@boiseweekly.com www.boiseweekly.com Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701 The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2011 by Bar Bar, Inc. EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Thursday at noon before publication date. SALES DEADLINE: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher. Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. BOISE WEEKLY IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER.
NOTE STRADDLING THE REAL WORLD AND THE DIGITAL REALM Every January the larger network of alternative newsmedia outlets to which Boise Weekly belongs hosts a conference about how we can better utilize the Web. And, typically, I write about it in a subsequent Editor’s Note. The message at last year’s conference was mobile, mobile, mobile. Check, check and check on our part. Not only have we had a mobile site forever, but we’ll be rolling out a new mobile platform sometime in the next four to six weeks. This year’s message was tablet, tablet, tablet. More than one speaker had a slide with a graph comparing how readers use various devices throughout the day, starting with peaks for mobile and tablet devices in the morning, followed by a peak for computers during the workday, finishing with another large spike in mobile devices after 5 p.m. with tablets outpacing mobile. These days, it seems, if you don’t have a tablet app, you’d better put that on your to-do list. It’s on my wish list, not my to-do list, but for you tablet users out there: Unless someone wants to build a beautifully designed app for us on the cheap, it may take us a little longer than we’d like. Finally let me share with you a few thoughts I shared with several of my colleagues from other alt weeklies. It’s the same message I shared with the editorial staff in our weekly meeting. I believe that strong, longform journalism is the hallmark of the alt weekly and continues to be its biggest strength. As long as I’m editor of Boise Weekly, that won’t change. We will continue to publish lengthy, in-depth main features, like “The Dirty Dance” on Page 13 in this week’s issue. However I also believe that a weekly newspaper has no choice but to evolve into the digital world and that its Web product should be a different animal than its print product. Why, with an entire toolbox of exciting things at our finger tips—video and audio capability, the ability to show multiple photos with a story, the ease with which we can link to or publish source material for further reading and research—wouldn’t we take advantage of them? Many of my alt-weekly colleagues don’t see the value in dumping time and resources into digital media. I think that’s shortsighted. I often invite readers to share their opinions with me, and as always, I’d be curious to know what you have to say. Drop me a line at rachael@boiseweekly.com. —Rachael Daigle
COVER ARTIST ARTIST: Travis Campion TITLE: ... it was dripping pitch and made of wood. MEDIUM: Watercolor and ink on watercolor paper ARTIST STATEMENT: Please check out my solo show at VAC running Friday, Feb. 3-Saturday, March 31. I will also be showing with the Idaho Watercolor Society in the Statehouse rotunda on Monday, Feb.20-Saturday, March 3. A giclee print of this piece is for auction at the 19th annual Valentine for AIDS at Flying M. Coffeehouse.
Boise Weekly pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 3
WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world.
BUELLER?... BUELLER?... Matthew Broderick takes a cue from his ’80s career-making character Ferris Bueller in a Super Bowl commercial. See what he’s up to in his latest day off at Cobweb.
IDAHO’S SUICIDE RATE RANKS FOURTH IN THE COUNTRY A recent report ranked Idaho in another Top 10 list in the nation. At No. 4, in fact. Too bad it’s a list we don’t really want to be on. See Citydesk for details.
SCENES FROM A SCENE #039 A band of Boise bands will head to SXSW to play a Boise Showcase, including Le Fleur. Get to know the group a bit better in the latest installment of Scenes from a Scene, BW’s ongoing video series that’s all about music and the people who make it.
OLYMPIC-SIZED OOPSIE Ruh-roh. A labor-rights group in China says mascots for the 2012 Olympics in London are being made in deplorable conditions for workers. Get the full story from GlobalPost at boiseweekly.com.
4 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
EDITOR’S NOTE 3 MAIL 6 BILL COPE 7 TED RALL 8 NEWS Parents and radio talk show host square off over levy 9 CITYDESK 9 CITIZEN 10 ROTUNDA 12 FEATURE The Dirty Dance 13 BW PICKS 18 FIND 19 8 DAYS OUT 20 SUDOKU 22 FIRST THURSDAY Visiting the Dying Letter Office 23 FIRST THURSDAY LISTINGS Map and guide 24 NOISE Weighing in on local releases 28 MUSIC GUIDE 30 ARTS The Cutting Edge 32 SCREEN Albert Nobbs 34 REC Life lessons from goose hunting 36 FOOD REVIEW Cosmic Pizza 39 BEER GUZZLER 39 CLASSIFIEDS 41 NYT CROSSWORD 44 FREEWILL ASTROLOGY 46
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 5
YOUR OWN FAULT My compliments to Carissa Wolf on her exemplary writing and research for “Playing the Game” (BW, Feature, Jan. 25, 2012). Her attempts to be balanced and unbiased were evidenced. My problem is with Ms. Cacciaguidi for her reaction to being unfairly treated by the program. Hmmm. We will reduce your sentence if you agree to enter this program and actively participate until the end. Her grievance (and subsequent lawsuit) and decision to drop out of the program is that she was unfairly accused ... of something. Guess what? This is a slice of real life. In real life, we are unfairly treated or accused of something and we have to deal with it. You missed the whole point of this opportunity. You diagnosed yourself. The problem was you. The problem was not the program. —Arthur Hamblin, Boise
A ROUNDUP OF COMMENTS FROM FACEBOOK.COM/ BOISEWEEKLY: BW asked: “Dear Residents of Facebookistan: Newt Gingrich wants to build a moon colony. Your thoughts?”
They answered: Yes, eventually, we’ll need a moon colony (by 2120, yes, but eight years from now ... hardly). But where does he think we’ll get the money. Privatize? China? Random investment and tax increases? Who knows. It sounds to me like a desperate ploy of the third-place runner in a two-man race. —Edward Kildow Check out some of the works from Stephen Hawking. Maybe not the moon, but he has some interesting thoughts on colonizing other entities in our constellation, even others. Not so unfathomable really. —Matt Pensyl Considering the current rates of environmental degradation, population growth and resource depletion, I think developing the technology that will help us alleviate our burden on Earth needs to be a priority. Gingrich sees himself as the savior of civilization (read: megalomaniac), but if he becomes the president who put a permanent base on the moon, he’ll become the most visionary historical figure since Jesus. —Harrison Berry
S U B M I T Letters must include writer’s full name, city of residence and contact information and must be 300 or fewer words. OPINION: Lengthier, in-depth opinions on local, national and international topics. E-mail editor@boiseweekly.com for guidelines. Submit letters to the editor via mail (523 Broad St., Boise, Idaho 83702) or e-mail (editor@boiseweekly.com). Letters and opinions may be edited for length or clarity. NOTICE: Ever y item of correspondence, whether mailed, e-mailed, commented on our Web site or Facebook page or left on our phone system’s voice-mail is fair game for MAIL unless specifically noted in the message. 6 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Great idea. The fact he is wanting to spur innovation and leaps in advancement by offering an incentive will open up so many new doors. Just think, not only would the technology and advancements be made for such an “out of this world” idea, but most of them will pave the way for future advancements in other fields and let some more of the impossible become possible. —Jim Forrester Maybe that’s where Obama’s birth certificate will finally be found. —Julie Johns O’Meara On a post linking to “Idaho Treasurer Exonerated of State Gas Card Misuse,” a story detailing how Idaho Treasurer Rod Crane was let off the hook for using state money for personal expenses: Hello and good evening, and welcome to the Idaho state government, where the rules are made up and the crimes don’t matter. —Samantha Boucher What a fine group of role models for all of us to look up to. And then they have the support and protection of others that are in leadership roles. Oh what lessons they are teaching our children ... —Shawn McWilliams Equal rights for all. ... Where do I pick up my state credit card? —Claire Fenton
Oakley oaf engorges own ego with Occupy ouster CITIZEN BILL’S BILL NO. 001— AN ACT RELATING TO USE OF THE CAPITOL MALL AND OTHER STATE PROPERTIES SUBJECT TO THE PREJUDICES, WHIMS, SCHEMES AND/OR BULLYING OF ANY PERSON OR PERSONS WHO ARE BEHAVING AS THOUGH THEY AND THEY ALONE ARE ENTITLED TO OCCUPY SAID PROPERTIES WHILE OTHERS ARE NOT; TO PROVIDE FOR THE PROHIBITING OF CERTAIN PERSONS OR GROUP OF PERSONS WHO OCCUPY AFOREMENTIONED STATE PROPERTIES THEMSELVES ONLY BY VIRTUE OF HAVING BEEN ELECTED TO OFFICE BY A HANDFUL OF RUBES AND HICKS RESIDING IN FAR CORNERS OF THE STATE OF IDAHO WITH RIDICULOUS NAMES LIKE “OAKLEY” FROM INTERFERING IN THE FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION OF ANY OTHER PERSON OR GROUP OF PERSONS. SECTION 1: OUTLINING THE INTENT OF CITIZEN BILL’S BILL: Whereas recent history has demonstrated with amplitude, certain officials and majority-party bosses have come to regard themselves to be definers and enforcers of the general morality, intellectual limits and commonweal, chosen not merely by the rubes and hicks who voted for them, but as indicated by their sanctimonious attitudes by the Lord God Almighty, who in His providence has furnished what seems to be an endless supply of rube and hick voters, it is incumbent upon citizens with opposing visions to make their voices heard in whatever manner best represents and reflects their grievances; Whereas the ever-growing opposition to the ruling class and accompanying hop-toadial political sector is most painfully aware that there is in Idaho even more so than elsewhere an alarming collusion between those who derive their power through wealth and those who derive their power through government sanction, it is most sensical and eminently symbolic for that opposition to take their democratic protests to the same properties on which the aforementioned collusion is arranged, paid for and consummated, just as any vice squad would look for pimps and hookers in a place where pimps and hookers are known to frequent; Whereas the purpose of such an occupation would be to demonstrate not only to the most powerful denizens of Idaho but even more importantly to the least powerful that those landmarks of our democracy—to wit: the Capitol building, the Capitol Mall, along with all other state-owned grounds and facilities—belong jointly by virtue of citizenship to every man, woman and child in Idaho, that contrary to what certain twerps and weenies—including but not exclusive to the weenie twerp who sponsored the bill to eject the Occupy Boise protest from said grounds, to wit, Assistant Majority Leader WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
Rep. Scott Bedke (R-Oakley)—would have us think, shared and equal ownership of said grounds and facilities belongs to all Idahoans, including but not exclusive to Democrats, Unitarians, drinkers, smokers, middle-class working schlubbs, students, Wiccans, hippies, Lutherans, food-stamp recipients, single mothers, Mexican-Americans, non-Mormons, non-Nazarenes, people who never vote for a Republican, people who never vote, union members, homeless people, people who lost their homes because of Republican mismanagement and malfeasance, people who lost their jobs because of Republican mismanagement and malfeasance, and people who have no respect whatsoever for pompous legislative assistant majority weenies from ridiculous places like Oakley, every bit as much as they belong to members of the state’s ruling class, including but not exclusive to the lobbyists, lawyers, corporate schemers, boot-lickers, favor-seekers, fawning sycophants, back-scratchers, good ol’ boys, drunkards, skirt chasers, connivers and cronies who are to be found in greatest concentration occupying the aforementioned citizen-owned properties during the course of any and all legislative sessions. SECTION 2: OUTLINING THE PRESCRIBED PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OUTLINED IN SECTION 1: Whereas the intent of this act shall be to identify the person and/or persons who have conspired to deprive the citizens of Idaho (to wit: Occupy Boise) access to the people’s property (to wit: the grounds identified as the Old Ada County Courthouse) as well as denying said citizens their self-evident right to express their opposition in a logical setting and symbolic manner; Whereas a certain pompous legislative assistant majority weenie (to wit: Rep. Scott Bedke) has taken it upon himself to deny the aforementioned group of co-owners from their rightful occupation of their own property, it is our duty and privilege as citizens of the state of Idaho to remind the aforementioned pompous legislative assistant majority weenie that the Occupy Boise protest undoubtedly has by many multiples more citizen support in the capital city than his sorry Oakley ass, which sits in the Legislature by virtue of 8,800 measly votes from the previous election in which he had no opposing candidate; Moreover, to establish that all those aiding and abetting in this reprehensible conspiracy against citizens of Idaho are henceforth to be denied access to those same properties and will be ejected posthaste in a kind and gentle, but firm, manner from any and all properties belonging to the citizens of Idaho; Moreover, the citizens of Idaho demand that Rep. Bedke be ejected from our properties and denied any further access to state facilities until he apologizes for being such a provincial little puke and rescinds his vicious attack on better citizens than he’ll ever be.
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 7
OCCUPY SEXUAL FREEDOM Sympathy for Newt and open marriage
You know the narrative. Right-wing familyvalues Republican gets caught doing secularliberal totally-not-family-values stuff, usually involving sex: Cruising for manlove in an airport men’s room. Sending dirty emails to male pages. Hiring male hookers and smoking meth. Asking wife No. 2 for an open marriage. This kind of thing happens all the time. Liberal pundits love to call fallen Republicans hypocrites. They point out that liberal politicians are often more heterosexual and monogamous than many conservatives. Now it’s Newt Gingrich’s turn. In her divorce filing, Ms. Gingrich the Second claims that Gingrich asked her for an open marriage so he could stay with her while carrying on with Callista, who became Ms. Gingrich the Third after Ms. Gingrich the Second refused said request. (You may need to re-read the previous sentence.) Cue the holier-than-thou liberals. CNN reporter John King opened a presidential debate with an assault on Newt’s alleged yearning for sexual freedom. A New York Times editorial called this “a perfectly reasonable question.” Across the vertical seam in the op-ed graveyard, Gail Collins could barely contain herself. “Beyond the hypocrisy of this sort of behavior from a guy who wants to protect the sanctity of holy matrimony from gay couples, there also seems to be a streak of almost crazed selfabsorption that runs through the Newt saga,” Collins gloated. “Who would ditch a spouse of 18 years in a phone call? Shortly after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis? And, of course, he broke up with his first wife while she was battling cancer.”
8 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
That Gingrich is pompous, nasty and one of the most hideous members of that repugnant tribe known as politicians. Still, I think the left is missing an opportunity. Progressives are fighting for human emancipation. The right to engage in sex with any consensual adult in any form is integral to this struggle. How, then, can we justify mocking anyone for expressing his or her sexuality? When Sen. Larry Craig was arrested in that Minneapolis-St. Paul airport restroom, essentially for being a closeted gay or bisexual male, he needed our support, not our ridicule. Imagine if gay rights supporters had refused to get sucked into stupid D-vs.-R theatrics. Defending Craig’s right to hit on other guys would have served the cause better. As for Newt’s alleged request for an open marriage, well, so what if he did? When 50 percent of marriages end in divorce, it’s clear that state-enforced monogamy isn’t working for everyone. Researchers estimate that up to 6 percent of American couples are in open marriages. You shouldn’t have to hide or lie when you’re doing nothing wrong. Yet so-called “liberals” join their rightist counterparts in snickering about Craig’s “wide stance.” The effect is to denigrate gays, lesbians and others. We should tell right-wingers like Gingrich: You’re one of us. The fact that you can’t live by your own supposed rules proves it. Quit living a lie. More importantly, quit asking everyone else to live the stupid lie that defines your out-of-date politics. Hey, Republicans: Are you a men’s-room-trolling, sexting, bondage-loving, gay-bi-trans-whatever? The right’s not that into you. Join us.
DO THE MATH Boise School District, advocates prepare for March 13 levy and talk radio pushes back
USGS scientists tested the Boise River for phosphorous in October 2011.
GEORGE PRENTICE Sue Lovelace knows a thing or two about children’s birthday parties. “As a mom, you have a lot of parties,” said the mother of three. “And you always know when you’ve invited too many kids to the party. You’ve just lost control. That’s what I’m thinking of.” Lovelace has been thinking a lot about kids and, in particular, how many kids appropriately fill a schoolroom. That’s why she is the face and voice of Friends of Boise Public Schools, an organization formed with one major goal: to see that enough voters in the Tuesday, March 13, levy election for the Boise School District vote “yes.” She’s convinced that her birthday party analogy is an accurate portrait of what might happen if the levy doesn’t pass. Simply put, she said, if a $14 million, four-year supplemental tax hike isn’t passed, a resulting 15 percent cut to staffing would result in a 15 percent classroom size expansion. The geoscientist said the math was rather simple—fewer teachers equals larger classrooms. “There are only two choices here,” she said. “Either we don’t pass this and we watch one of the best school districts in America go into a decline, or we pass it and we keep what we have.” It’s difficult to dispute the district’s recent academic successes. Its students regularly outperform Idaho and the nation on standardized achievement and advanced-placement tests, and all four of the district’s traditional high schools are listed among America’s top high schools by The Washington Post, one of only 20 districts in the nation to hold that distinction. In fact, Jay Mathews, the creator of Newsweek’s and the Post’s annual High School Challenge List, said Boiseans may not realize how lucky they are. “The Mountain West has been a disappointment,” said Mathews, who has studied educational excellence since the 1990s. “Idaho’s record is also poor, with the exception of Boise with all four of its high schools on the list. This is rare for any district of its size nationally, but for Idaho and the Mountain West, it is phenomenal.” That said, the real debate circling the upcoming election is about money—as in how the district spends its (or to be more accurate, its taxpayers’) money. Over the last three sessions of the Idaho Legislature, cuts to eduWWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
Sue Lovelace, co-chair of Friends of Boise Public Schools, has three children. Two of her daughters are graduates of Boise High who attend Cal Poly and Yale universities. Her son is a junior at Boise High.
cation have resulted in an approximate $23 million shortfall to the Boise School District. As the recession took its toll on home market values, associated property tax revenues also shrunk. In all, the district took a hit of approximately $35 million. “We’ll probably lose another $4 million in property tax revenues next year,” said Nancy Landon, the district’s budget and finance administrator. It has been Landon’s unenviable task to take a red pen to proposed budgets over the past three years, reducing programs, services, supplies and most importantly jobs. “We’ve cut administration, support staff, secretarial positions, custodians, nursing, music, you name it,” said Landon. “But our goal was always to make our cuts as far away from the classroom as possible.” Landon took a long breath. “Our feeling is we can’t go any deeper,” she said. “We’re not looking to replace anything. We’re worried about keeping what we have in place.” A.J. Balukoff knows a bit about budgeting. He’s a certified public accountant. More importantly, he knows a bit about school budgets. He’s also the president of the Boise School District Board of Trustees. “Nancy and her team came to us with the numbers, but our first reaction was to go back and make even more cuts,” said Balukoff. “Then, but only then, after cutting everything we thought we could cut without impacting class sizes, we realized last spring that we needed to take this to the voters. Originally, we scheduled a vote for August 2011.” But then something significant happened to Boise’s next door neighbor, Meridian. On May 17, 2011, more than 16,000 voters went to the polls and more than 9,000 rejected a two-year, $18.5 million-a-year school levy. “That caught our attention,” said Balu-
koff. “We knew then that we needed to take time to communicate the necessity of this levy and what the consequences would be if we failed. That’s the main reason why we moved this vote to March of this year.” Boise Weekly learned that Balukoff and members of the Boise School District even debriefed their counterparts in Meridian and lessons learned from the May vote. Every person BW spoke with for this story acknowledged that the Meridian election was influenced, to some degree, by opposition from local talk show host Austin Hill, who regularly debated the issue with his afternoon radio audience on KIDO 580 AM. “I would like some intellectual honesty from the Boise district to stop branding this thing and stop marketing this thing as a levy. It’s a tax hike. That is exactly what’s weighing in the balance,” said Hill, whose program airs weekdays from 3-6 p.m. BW was invited to talk with Hill and his listeners on air, as part of his Jan. 25 program. Listeners weighed in on the upcoming levy, the school district and the Friends of Boise Schools, which Hill said was spreading “propaganda.” “What I find unfair in the midst of this is that school district employees and friends of the district can get into venues and spread their message with no outside voices at all,” said Hill. “They have an impact that the average person cannot.” For nearly 90 minutes, Hill’s callers considered the supplemental levy—one in favor, most opposed. Pete (Hill only asks his callers’ first names to participate) said he felt he shouldn’t have to pay any property taxes to fund schools, let alone a supplemental levy. “I have no kids. My neighbor has eight kids, yet we pay the same tax to the school. How is that fair?” 11 asked Pete.
Officials at Boise City Hall have been talking a lot about phosphorous lately– they’ll be talking about it a lot more, along with their colleagues in Meridian, Nampa and Caldwell. They have all received a new U.S. Geological Survey report documenting a two-year study of water quality. The bottom line is that scientists found that between September 2008 and October 2010, the Boise River contributed 30 percent of total phosphorous to the Snake River system. That’s a problem. While phosphorous is necessary for plant or animal growth, too much phosphate can choke a waterway with algae and waterweeds, using up huge amounts of oxygen and ultimately threatening fish and aquatic organisms. More importantly, the Environmental Protection Agency is set to unveil new phosphorous restrictions this year. As BW reported last summer (BW, News, “Water, Water,” Aug. 3, 2011), recent phosphorous levels at the outtakes of Boise’s wastewater treatment facilities had been measured at 5,500 micrograms per liter. The EPA’s new guideline is expected to be closer to 70 micrograms per liter, an 8,000 percent targeted improvement. That’s why Boise, Meridian, Nampa and Caldwell commissioned the USGS to quantify how much phosphorous was contributing to the Snake River system. “We’ve known all along that the Boise River has a phosphorous problem,” said Tim Merrick, science information manager at the Boise USGS office. “But we really didn’t know the quantification of how much it was contributing to the Snake.” The baseline data will be an essential tool for regional resource managers to make critical decisions—both economic and environmental. A recent 2.5 percent bump in City of Boise sewer rates was necessary for an immediate $5 million in capital improvements to mitigate phosphorous levels. Long-range improvement to the West Boise Wastewater Treatment Facility could cost anywhere from $67 million to $92 million. “Our hope is to find the funding to continue this monitoring,” Merrick told Citydesk. “We mounted automatic sampling equipment at three different sites, and that’s much more efficient than when our technicians had to collect samples.” Merrick said most of the survey work is cooperatively funded. That means partners and the USGS split the cost. For FY 2011, the project costs totaled $162,000. —George Prentice
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 9
GERALD HUNTER IHFA president on why there’s no place like home GEORGE PRENTICE
You have been with IHFA through at least two significant economic cycles. The adage is that real estate drives our nation’s economy and vice versa. Yes, I’ve been through different cycles over the past 20 years and this one has been the most challenging to figure out exactly when we’re going to come out of this economic turmoil. I have a little more optimism than some. We still see a fairly strong demand for our loan products. That sends a signal to me that there are people who want to buy homes. Many of them have been on the sidelines, and I’m optimistic that we’re close to the bottom of the market, in terms of pricing. Are there too many homes on the market? In some respects, I think that’s true. The number of foreclosures has been very high. That’s an unfortunate outcome of our unemployment rate. It savaged a lot of
10 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Idaho families in terms of their ability to have decent, safe, affordable housing. But inventories are lower now than they have been for a while, and we’re starting to see some house prices come up a little bit. Many of your customers are walking through your doors to secure a loan or make a payment, but aren’t you seeing more people who rely on your organization for counseling? We serve as an approved counselor for the state of Idaho. What that means is that we’re not only doing counseling for our borrowers, but we also help many others who secured their loans from other lenders. Every day, our counselors are speaking with people whose lives have been dramatically impacted—one story after another of hardship, dilemma and challenge. There a number of federal programs available, but can you tell us about some of the best-kept secrets that can help keep people in their homes? The Home Affordable Refinance Program is one. It can help people defer payments, possibly to the end of their mortgage or even lower their interest rates. It’s a program that has been much-maligned in the national media, but we’ve had some success with it. There’s another program we launched a few months back: the Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program. It allowed us to find folks having difficulty with their mortgage— maybe they’re underemployed or unemployed but they have a reasonable chance of regaining employment. So there’s an opportunity for them to stay in their home and continue to make payments in the long run. We had very limited funding for the State of Idaho, but we used all those resources quickly and we were one of only six states in the nation
Housing is in Gerald Hunter’s blood. His father toiled in the construction industry and worked for years in the real estate business. Hunter never intended to follow in his father’s work boots—he chose a career of business and accounting—but housing always somehow seemed to follow him. In fact, when Hunter was a CPA in Salt Lake City, many of his clients primarily focused on real estate. In 1987, Hunter was hired as chief financial officer of the Idaho Housing and Finance Association, the Boise-based corporation that works both ends of the housing spectrum, managing a nearly $3 billion portfolio of home loans while partnering with dozens of nonprofits to assist Idaho’s homeless. Today, Hunter is president and executive director of IHFA, overseeing approximately 200 staff in five offices and serving nearly 23,000 customers.
to use all of our allotted funding. That ended up assisting more than 300 households. Isn’t it fair to say that many of these programs come and go as presidential administrations come and go? There’s no question. But once those decisions have been made, our position is, take maximum advantage of those resources and help those we serve the best we can. What’s the best advice for someone who is living in fear of losing their home? They need to talk to their lender as soon as they can. But overcoming that fear is daunting. Absolutely. If you get behind on your mortgage payment—three, four or five payments—it’s almost impossible to get back on top and continue to be a successful homeowner. You would probably think that many of our homebuyers would have a lessthan-average capacity to sustain their loans. But in reality, our delinquency rates and foreclosure rates are less than the average statistics when you look at all of Idaho. Is that because of your organization’s counseling? It’s because we have such aggressive outreach in our servicing departments. We contact people quickly when they 11 get behind. We try to figure out what’s
NEWS passed. But she’s only heard about Hill’s Michelle, a Boise mother, said she remarks secondhand. She doesn’t listen to thought the teachers in the district 9 his show. were “doing a wonderful job,” but “Talk radio is in the entertainment wanted to share a conversation that business. They’re not in the news business. she “had overheard.” A lot of what they say isn’t factual,” said “I heard one instructor tell another Lovelace. “I ignore it.” teacher that he was being pressured,” said But Lovelace and the Michelle. “They’re at Friends of Boise Schools your kids’ Christmas aren’t taking anything program or your PTO for granted, whether meeting, and they’re tellAVERAGE CLASS SIZE it’s opposition over the ing the staff that if they BY GRADE LEVEL airwaves or in the public don’t tell parents to pass IN BOISE DISTRICT SCHOOLS square. Beginning the first this, they’re going to lose WITH A 15 PERCENT STAFF REDUCTION week of February, they’re their job.” launching a full campaign, Frank, from Boise, said K-1 (21.5)* +3.8 STUDENTS not unlike an election for he was prepared to vote 2-3 (22.5)* +3.9 STUDENTS public office. Lovelace against the levy and didn’t 4-6 (26.8)* +4.8 STUDENTS wouldn’t say how much think that class size was 7-9 (24.1)* +6.0 STUDENTS the campaign chest was a critical issue. BW asked but confirmed that it was him whether he would be 10-12 (23.4)* +5.8 STUDENTS in the neighborhood of comfortable seeing a high *Number in parenthesis indicates the $50,000, mostly from school class size balloon average class size for 2010-2011 individual donations of $5 from 23 to 29 if the levy to $20. didn’t pass. “We have more than “I would be OK if it 400 people who have went to 39,” said Frank. volunteered to make phone calls,” said “I don’t buy that argument one bit.” Lovelace. “Plus, we’ll be canvassing a lot of With few exceptions, Hill was preaching neighborhoods.” to the converted. Lovelace said her group was leaning “I guess I’m the guy that’s raising the against purchasing any advertising to proquestions that most people don’t want to mote their effort, but it’s a pretty safe bet ask,” said Hill. that you won’t be hearing any radio spots on Lovelace said she has certainly heard the Austin Hill program. some criticism of her efforts to get the levy
going on so we can put together a plan to get them back on track.
Can you speak to the relationships that IHFA has, formal or informal, with organizations that serve the homeless? We work with more than two dozen organizations across the state—nonprofits that provide shelter, food and counseling, trying to help people back on their feet. In many cases, we can combine all of those different organizations together to secure greater efficiencies to secure grants or help with fundraising.
the country—not from an asset size, but on a per capita basis. We probably do more lending than any state in the nation. How much in loans do you have on the books right now? Our asset base is about $2.7 billion. We do at least $500 million in business each year. That includes home loans, multi-family apartment loans, transportation [Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle or GARVEE] bonds and economic development financing.
IHFA’s portfolio also includes a good amount of economic development financing. Something that’s new for us is our collateral support program. We picked up $13 million to help put collateral behind small business to help stimulate lending activity in Idaho.
Tell me about your colleagues who work here. We provide much more than a paycheck. Time and again, our folks tell me how they’re doing something meaningful. Our counselors hear these tough stories but they’re helping people and that’s quite satisfying.
You’re currently serving as president of the National Council of State Housing Finance Agencies, so I’m guessing you compare notes with other states. Our organization is one of the best in
I’m guessing that you see optimism where a lot of people don’t. People create their own path in life. If you’re an optimist, and you work in that direction, I think good things will follow.
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NEWS/UNDA’ THE ROTUNDA “Acceptance is the first step on the road to recovery. It just feels like we haven’t gotten to that point.” The five-term legislator worries that while Coeur d’Alene Republican Rep. Bob Nonini says he wants to do something about unethical ethics got a big media splash in the opening days of the 2012 Legislature, lawmakers and retailers who market electronic cigarettes to the media have moved on to a flurry of other Idaho minors. He’s upset enough to introduce issues. legislation to ban sales of e-cigarettes to “The Redistricting Commission blew up last anyone under the age of 18—a component curweek; this week it’s education; next week will rently missing in Food and Drug Administration be something else,” said Werk. “Without a guidelines. spotlight on ethics, it’s pretty easy for people, “They come in all sorts of different sizes especially in leadership, to think that it’s blown and shapes,” said Lora Whalen, director of over. They might say, ‘Nobody’s paying attenthe Panhandle Health District as she passed tion.’ The glare of the out pink and purple cameras is gone and e-cigarettes to the without the glare, they committee. “They can think they don’t need fit into all manner of to do anything. From pockets or in a child’s my perspective, this is locker.” the fundamental founThe plastic cigadation of everything rette-like devices use that goes on in state a heating element and government.” liquid nicotine, often in Werk pointed to flavors like bubblegum. a folder filled with Nonini’s House Bill proposed legisla405, as presented to tion, each carr ying the Health and Welfare the same theme: the Committee, would add Independent Ethics e-cigarette restrictions Commission Act, the to a statute that bans Idaho Conflict of Intersales of tobacco prodest Act, the Lobbyist ucts to people under Restriction Act, the the age of 18. The Whistleblower Reportmeasure would also ing and Protection slap a $100 fine on Act, the Idaho Public retailers found guilty Official Accountabilof selling the product ity Act, the Honest or device to a minor, Leadership and Open including online and Government Act and mail-order retailers the Pay to Play Act. making shipments to Werk is concerned Idaho addresses. that GOP leadership “The idea is to get may balk at any or all them out of the hands of the measures, but of children,” said Nonihe also said that a ni. “I think they market good number of his these to children with colleagues on both all these flavors as an sides of the aisle have enticement to children E-cigarettes are miniature vaporizers and the the appetite for what to start smoking.” smoking is also known as “vaping.” he called “a change in Democratic Rep. the culture.” John Rusche of “In the rank and Lewiston and Republican Rep. Carlos Bilbao file, I think it’s very fair to say that there is conof Emmett suggested a more stringent statute cern about what’s been happening,” he said. against the devices, which Whalen called a “In the last year, it has become a continuing “drug delivery system” capable of administerlitany of one ethics issue after another.” ing other contraband. And Democrats, according to Werk, aren’t “I applaud you for bringing the legislation forward,” said Rusche, a physician. “But I have immune to the problem. “Look, it’s not that the Democrats are pure to ask: Why are we allowing the sale of these of heart,” said Werk. “But we have a situation devices at all?” that, for the past two decades, the power in Nonini suggested the Legislature put that Idaho has been firmly planted in a single party on the table in the future. For now, his bill with a super majority and the capability of domoved through committee with a unanimous ing virtually whatever they wish to do.” “do-pass” recommendation. For now, a bipartisan ethics working group— —Andrew Crisp comprised of two members of each party from both the House and Senate—has taken up the BOISE SENATOR WORRIES MEDIA issue, meeting two to three times a week. GLARE OVER ETHICS HAS WANED “It’s important that this stay as a highBoise Democratic Sen. Elliot Werk envisions profile issue,” said Werk. “If we can’t fix this, the Statehouse struggle with ethics not unlike everything else is suspect. It doesn’t matter an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. “I’ve been thinking about how similar this is what the topic is.” —George Prentice to a 12-step program for addicts,” said Werk.
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Export plan puts North Idaho in the middle of a new coal rush by Zach Hagadone
here’s a stretch of road on Highway 200, as it nears the Idaho-Montana line in rural North Idaho, where the biggest traffic hazard is tourists parked on the side of the shoulder snapping pictures. It’s there that the narrow ribbon of asphalt climbs from the muddy flats of the Pack River Delta and winds its way up onto the toes of the Cabinet Mountains. From that vantage point the huge southern sweep of Lake Pend Oreille can be seen, and the view can be just as distracting as the idling roadside motorists. Like most scenic vistas, almost everybody’s pictures look the same, and it’s a safe bet that any panoramic shot taken down Pend Oreille’s northeastern shoreline will not only include water, trees and islands but a freight train chugging down the tracks that run along the water’s edge. Trains are so much a part of the scenery that they go unnoticed. While Highway 200 sees a steady stream of cars and trucks traveling to and from nearby Montana, it runs parallel with one of the Northwest’s busiest rail lines. And through a confluence of much larger global forces— including Warren Buffett, economic growth in Asia and coal mined in Montana and Wyoming—those vacation snapshots could come to include a whole lot more trains. Not everybody thinks the result will be too picturesque.
BOOM TIME While energy industry execs have for years trumpeted the vast opportunities for coal exports to Asia, they only hinted at the challenge of shipping that much commodity. Starting in early 2011, it started to become much clearer that firms like Peabody and Arch Coal had their eyes on either acquiring or building coastal export terminals of their own—always with the explicit intention of using them to move product from the Powder River Basin. According to figures cited in “Exporting Powder River Basin Coal: Risks and Costs,” a September 2011 analysis by the Western Organization of Resource Councils, Peabody’s increased exports “could mean an investment of as much as $500 million in new terminals.” Buffett’s company is heavily involved in one such terminal near Cherry Point, Wash., termed the Gateway Pacific Terminal. Though still in the permitting process, and facing stiff opposition from residents and conservation groups in the region, Peabody has plans to build 24 million tons of coal capacity there with the ultimate goal of doubling that. Arch, meanwhile, bought a stake in the Millennium Bulk
Kally Thurman is an artist. She also makes a mean lentil soup and some of the best ham sandwiches you’ll ever eat. Her combination art gallery/cafe (Outskirts/Hope Marketplace) is something of a gathering place in the tiny sister hamlets of Hope and East Hope. It’s there that locals sit around funky tables and share news and gossip, warmed by the wood stove and surrounded by paintings. Thurman’s business, which was a grocery store and filling station as far back as 1919, sits on the old highway and boasts a grandiose view of the lake. That view was maybe more grandiose before the new highway went in, but the tracks that run just across the street from her front door have always been there. Sit at the Hope Marketplace for long enough and you’ll have a front row seat to the never-ending shuttle of commodities between the Washington coast and the American interior. “I don’t mind the trains,” Thurman said. “I find them mystical, especially in the morning and the fog.” Ask how she would feel about a dramatic upswing in cars loaded with coal mined in Montana and Wyoming, and the mystical twinkle in her eye fades. “That just makes me happy,” she said with evident sarcasm and a sigh. “But what are we going to do about it? It’s the dirty dance we gotta do. If we’re going to be a capitalism-based economy, that’s the dirty dance. I’d rather dirty dance with Warren Buffett than Dick Cheney.” Buffett would be pleased to hear that. True to his world-moving sense of opportunity, coal is a dirty dance that he’s more than happy to get down with—especially considering his main partners, China and India.
While climate-change concerns have prompted a national cold shoulder toward king coal in the United States, the ravenous industrial engines of the Pacific Rim and India have lost none of their appetite for combustible fossil fuels. Despite the crippling international economic downturn, the U.S. Energy Information Administration noted that coal exports from the United States to Asia grew 176 percent from 2009 to 2010—17.9 million short tons worth. The stream of coal flowing from American mines to Asian industry is so great that if left unchecked, world coal consumption will actually increase by 2030, and 90 percent of that consumption will be attributed to China, which burned 125.8 million tons in 2009 alone. With a shaky domestic market, mining giants like Buffett’s Peabody Energy are looking to cash in, and the new boom is centered on the Powder River Basin, which straddles the Montana-Wyoming border southeast of Billings, Mont., and is home to the single-largest reserve of coal in the United States and one of the world’s richest deposits. As Peabody CEO Gregory Boyce said in 2010, as quoted by Bloomberg: “The real goal here is to see if we can’t get large volumes of Powder River Basin coal to Asia. ... We know we can sell it in China and Korea.” The big hurdle, however, is getting it there. And for that, you need a really, really big port. Make it two.
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(Left) Tracks run northwest from the Idaho-Montana border along the edge of Lake Pend Oreille and on to Sandpoint—a major conduit for commodity shipments from the Midwest to the Washington coast. (Right) Kally Thurman, owner of an art gallery/cafe in Hope, says coal shipments might be a “dirty dance,” but she’d rather get down with Warren Buffett than Dick Cheney any day.
Export goal for coal mined in Montana and Wyoming: 110 million tons per year. Estimated number of trains needed to transport that coal to coastal ports in Washington: Up to 40 per day. Average length of a coal train: 1.5 miles. Amount of coal and coal dust that can blow off a coal train: 500 pounds per car. More than 30 tons per train per trip. Total production in the Powder River Basin in 2009: 455 million short tons. Growth of Asian demand for United States coal imports: 176 percent from 2009-2010. Amount of coal imported by China in 2009: 125.8 million tons. Triple the year before. Estimated demand for imported coal in the AsiaPacific market: 140 million metric tons per year. Estimated demand by 2015: 220 million to 260 million metric tons. Amount of carbon dioxide produced by burning 1 ton of coal: About 2 tons. Amount of CO2 produced by burning 110 million tons of coal: 220 million tons per year.
Source: “Exporting Powder River Basin Coal: Risks and Costs,” Western Organization of Resource Councils. Sept. 2011
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Terminal near Longview, Wash.—across the Columbia River from Portland, Ore.—and plans to ship 5.7 million tons of coal per year. As in the case of the Gateway Pacific Terminal, that project is also under fire from a consortium of environmental groups. With some of the biggest financial muscle in the world pushing the project on both ends, from the mines in the Powder River Basin to the ports on the coast, that leaves every community along the shipping route stuck in the middle. And perhaps nowhere is that more apparent than in the Inland Northwest, through which shipments—regardless of their destination port—will almost certainly be funneled.
THE FUNNEL Looking at a map of rail lines in the western United States, one is struck by two patterns. The web of tracks fan out from the Midwest and converge into two dense choke points in the Mountain West. One in Salt Lake City, a vast hub for the Union Pacific Railroad, and the other in the Idaho Panhandle—smack dab on Sandpoint, where not only UP but Burlington Northern-Santa Fe and the much smaller Montana Rail Link meet before hitting the central rail yard in Spokane, Wash., and heading west and south. They call it “the funnel” and for good reason. About 50 trains, and sometimes as many as 70, travel through Sandpoint every day. The blare of horns is so commonplace that locals don’t even hear them and commuters habitually plan to be stopped at any of the more than 160 rail crossings located in Bonner County alone. Should the coastal terminals open and coal shipments ramp up to meet an export market of 110 million tons per year, estimates cited in the WORC analysis suggest that rail traffic would need to increase by about 40 unit trains—some more than a mile-and-a-half long—traveling to or from the ports every day. Along with that traffic would almost certainly come increased diesel emissions, wear and tear on the rail infrastructure and congestion, though officials with BNSF maintain the line through Sandpoint and Spokane has more
than enough capacity to handle the traffic. What really has environmental groups worried, though, are threats to air and water quality from the loads themselves. Some studies, including the WORC analysis, estimate that each coal car loses as much as 500 pounds of coal and dust, amounting to more than 30 tons per train, during each trip. In the case of North Idaho, where the BNSF tracks run for miles along the northeastern shore of Lake Pend Oreille, that potentiality alone is starting to raise a ruckus. “There’s a lot of significant things that people should be concerned about, but what we’re worried about are the impacts to the lake,” said Shannon Williamson, who heads the Lake Pend Oreille Waterkeeper organization. “The coal dust is quite significant, and when it flies off, it goes into the surrounding land and water. What’s worse, if there’s a derailment, it would be catastrophic. It would be horrific—like an oil spill—and that could be a real possibility.” Even the rail companies admit that coal dust is a danger, though officials with BNSF, which is itself owned by Buffett’s mammoth Berkshire Hathaway, say the biggest threat stems from coal dust’s corrosive effect on the rails not human health. “At the origin location—the Powder River Basin—coal dust has posed a serious threat to the stability of our track,” said Texas-based BNSF spokeswoman Suann Lundsberg. “But starting Nov. 1, we’ve taken measures to reduce coal dust. What we’ve said is, ‘Shipper, you need to reduce your coal dust by 85 percent.’” That is being accomplished by a request that coal loads be packed in the shape of a bread loaf to keep material from blowing off the sides. Still, loads are not required to be covered—and it costs time and money to do so—and without sealing the cars, it’s inevitable that particulates and even chunks of coal will come loose. That’s nothing to worry about either, Lundsberg said, unless you live near the mine. “If you take a dusty book off the shelf and blow on it, dust blows off the first time. If you blow on it a second time, no dust blows off,” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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she said, adding that potential human health risks are “not something we’ve studied.” However, doctors in Bellingham, Wash., have, and they stated that coal and coal dust do pose an environmental and health danger no matter how far from the “origin location” they travel. Lundsberg dismissed the study as inflated. “You can’t really compare health risks of miners with coal dust coming off of a car,” she said. “Where we have coal dust problems are in the Powder River Basin. We’ve never had a complaint in Washington state.”
DON’T COAL IT A COMEBACK The potentially sharp increase in coal shipments through the Sandpoint-Spokane area has been a bit of sleeper issue so far. While communities closer to the proposed export terminals have hosted numerous panels and information sessions, it wasn’t until October 2011 that any public outreach on the topic had been attempted in the Spokane area. Hosted by the Spokane Riverkeeper, the information session covered potential environmental and health risks, along with a discussion of how increased rail traffic could affect the region. “Here on the route there’s a major lack of education,” said Riverkeeper Bart Mihailovich. “They say, ‘Oh, the trains are going to Longview or Bellingham, who cares?’” The other educational hurdle is that neither the terminals nor the subsequent coal shipments are impending. Even if the permitting and environmental impact statements go through without a hitch, it would be at least five years before the region would feel any impacts from the surge in exports. Lundsberg, with BNSF, stressed that nothing involving expanded shipments from the Powder River Basin or freight loads to the proposed coastal terminals has been solidified. “It’s just way, way, way too early to even talk about that stuff,” she said. “It’s simply too soon to know what the market demands will be, and we don’t have a contract for any freight that goes into the Gateway Pacific Terminal.” Still, groups like the Pend Oreille Waterkeeper, Spokane Riverkeeper, Sierra Club and Power Past Coal are mounting
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their first resistance as the EIS process begins in earnest. The Sierra Club, in particular, thinks it’s a big enough deal to position someone in Spokane to keep an eye on the process and help spur area residents to action. “Cities along the coal rail route like Bellingham, Edmonds and Spokane, are waking up,” said Crystal Gartner, associate field organizer for the Sierra Club in Spokane. “They’re concerned they don’t have a say because they’re out of the scope of the study. It would be worse for Spokane because all the rails go through here, yet we have zero say in what happens.” Like other coal-shipment opponents, Gartner ticks off a list of potential dangers, from diesel emissions to coal and coal dust, to congestion and derailment. She also doubts communities along the possible route would see any economic benefit. “Coal trains bring only harm ... no benefit. Not one single job,” she said. “Basically, we’d be another sacrifice zone for the mining companies. Why should we let Big Coal ram this down our throats and threaten our quality of life?” Protecting the region’s quality of life means getting a seat at the table, and that’s a priority for Mihailovich as well. “Right now, we’re in the wait-and-see period,” he said. “Statewide groups in Washington have put pressure on the Governor’s Office to include this area in the EIS, as well as Bellingham and Longview. It should cover the whole region along the route.” Consideration of the plan should also mean looking at the larger impacts, Mihailovich added, including its contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions. According to figures cited in Science Daily and quoted in the WORC analysis, the export of 20 million to 30 million tons of Powder River Basin would result in the export of between 35 million and 53 million tons of carbon dioxide per year. A full 110 million ton export market would add 220 million tons of CO2 to the atmosphere annually. “That’s the larger education, and it’s a little harder to quantify—it’s even harder to do,” Mihailovich said. “We’re trying to tie this into a larger context.” With the filing of an application for the Cherry Point
Terminal near Bellingham expected in March, and the EIS process gearing up shortly thereafter, Williamson, with the Pend Oreille Waterkeeper, is also tracking the issue and working with fellow opponents to ensure potential impacts in North Idaho are considered in the process as well. “The Sierra Club and others are advocating for a longer public comment period on the EIS. They’re usually 30 days but that can totally slip under a lot of people’s radar. We want 90 days to comment on the EIS,” Williamson said. “The effect on our community needs to be reflected, too.” Gartner, at the Sierra Club, agreed. “Spokane, Sandpoint and other cities along the rail line will see nothing but harm and no benefits from Big Coal’s massive coal export proposal,” Gartner said. “We can’t trust the railroads or the coal companies to protect our communities. They’ll talk a big game, but when it comes down to it, they just want to make a big buck off the health and safety of our communities. “We are talking to community members, doctors, ministers, business owners and public officials about the risks this proposal poses to our community and opportunities this spring to let their voices be heard and make sure their community is represented in the process.” Looking out her window at the Hope Marketplace, Thurman remembers her experiences in China during the 1980s. “I’ve been to the Gary, Ind., of China—Baotou in Inner Mongolia—and it was like going back to the 19th century,” she said. “The only Anglos there were from Pittsburgh, and they were selling coal-burning equipment. We’re hopefully the last generation that’s going to use it.” Whether its coal dust in Montana, degraded tracks in Hope, congestion and diesel emissions in Washington or CO2-belching smokestacks in China, Williamson said there’s nothing to like about the plan. “It does absolutely nothing except cause damage, and I think everybody can find something to be concerned about this,” she said. “The only good news I can think of is that this isn’t completely imminent. There is some time to really raise some hell.”
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BOISEvisitWEEKLY PICKS boiseweekly.com for more events
Get strung out with Boise Baroque Orchestra.
SATURDAY-SUNDAY FEB. 4-5 music BOISE BAROQUE ORCHESTRA A talented troupe of belly dancers will shake it all at VAC.
SATURDAY-SUNDAY FEB. 4-5 gut groovin’ BIG BAD-ASS BELLY DANCE WEEKEND What do Sigmund Freud and Salvador Dali have in common, beyond really awesome names and, yes, making a living interpreting dreams? These two also shared a love of a unique form of entertainment and exercise—belly dancing. And we bet they’d spin in their graves knowing they’re missing Boise’s second-annual Big Bad-Ass Belly Dance Show. After 364 days of pining, dream journaling and fantasizing, director of Starbelly School of Dance Cecilia Rinn is ready to welcome the general public and belly dance enthusiasts alike to Visual Arts Collective on Saturday, Feb. 4, for an Old-World-meets-New-World belly dance extravaganza. Live music from the Fleet Street Klezmer Band, African drumming group Enjoy, and District 19 Flamenco will accompany special guest Myra Krien from Santa Fe, N.M., for three very different pieces. The program will be a mixed belly dancing bag, encompassing the full-spectrum of this exercise/art form. If you want to try belly bending for yourself, Krien will also share her talent during weekend workshops. The Saturday and Sunday classes are for beginners looking for a few new moves in time for Valentine’s Day, or the experienced belly movers interested in flamenco fusion, tribal fusion, lyrical choreography or oriental combos. If belly dancing only brings to mind images of iridescent, jingling midriffs and Shakira, it’s time you got an education and had some fun watching these talented dancers. Workshops: Saturday, Feb. 4, and Sunday, Feb. 5, 10 a.m.-noon and 1:30-3 p.m., $40 adv., $50 door, package deals available. Dance Is Everything, 1524 Vista Ave., 208-891-6609, ceciliabellydance.com. Big Bad-Ass Belly Dance Show: 8 p.m. doors, 9 p.m. show, $8 adv., $10 door. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297, ceciliabellydance.com.
FRIDAYSATURDAY FEB. 3-4 architecture HUMMEL HUNT AND LECTURE For the inauguration
of its new series, Modern Masters, the Idaho Historic Preservation Council will host an evening paying homage to Boise architect Charles Hummel. In 1905, the Idaho Legislature passed a bill that authorized the construction of the Idaho State Capitol. The job was given to a French architect named John Tourtel-
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lotte and his new partner, Charles Hummel. More than 100 years later, Hummel’s grandson, Charles F. Hummel, carried on the family legacy. In the literal shadow of his father and grandfather’s work—the Hoff Building, the Egyptian Theatre and the Idaho State Capitol—he made his mark on the world with his own
Treasure Valley music enthusiasts can experience the artistic style of 16th century Europe, without scouring for a wormhole or trying to craft a time machine. Boise Baroque Orchestra’s weekend performances will take audience members back in time and also highlight a very special guest soloist. An eclectic selection of instruments, ranging from strings to brass, comprises this unique orchestra. Together these musicians work to recreate a classical sound popular during one of the most artistically stimulating periods in history, one which produced legendary composers including Bach and Vivaldi. BBO was organized in 2003 and is made up of a variety of accomplished musicians, many of whom studied at prestigious schools around the world and built impressive resumes. Members alternate their time between BBO and various other organizations in the area to keep their skills—and notes—sharp. BBO also brings in special guests on a regular basis, so veteran BBO audiences will constantly have something new to experience. The orchestra’s next concert will feature the highly regarded oboists Gonzalo X. Ruiz, a professor at the Juilliard School in New York. His accomplishments include a Grammy nomination in 2010 and a feature in the Wall Street Journal for his performance at Oregon’s Bach festival. “His style is perfectly suited for playing faster, lighter music and all the sounds characteristic of the baroque oboe,” said Daniel Stern, BBO music director. When Ruiz comes to Boise, audiences can expect oboe concerti by Vivaldi and Handel, along with a new rendition of Bach’s second orchestral suite. Saturday, Feb. 4, 7:30 p.m., Nampa Civic Center, 311 Third St. S., Nampa; Sunday, Feb. 5, 2 p.m., First United Methodist Church Cathedral of the Rockies, 717 N. 11th St., Boise. $20, $15 students and seniors, FREE for children with adult admission. More information at boisebaroque.org.
buildings. He attended the tiny Boise Junior College and in the 1950s, contributed to the quickly growing university. Now Hummel sits on the board of Idaho Smart Growth, and his family’s company is rebranded today as Hummel Architects PLLC. His work includes the U.S. Courthouse, the Idaho Statesman building, churches in Oregon, and three buildings on the Boise State campus. After a special commemoration and lecture on the evening of Friday, Feb. 3, Preservation Idaho will host a Hummel Hunt, a family friendly scavenger hunt at Boise State to find the three buildings Hummel designed.
With mid-century aesthetic as your guide, identify architectural features to hunt for “Hummels” on a frosty winter afternoon. Be sure to bundle up and get ready to see the buildings that make Boise’s landscape what it is in a new way, for, in the words of great architect, “architecture is a community’s clothing; our third skin.” Commemoration: Friday, Feb. 3, 7 p.m., $20 Preservation Idaho members, $25 nonmembers, Idaho Transportation Department, 3311 W. State St.; Hummel Hunt: Saturday, Feb. 4, 1 p.m., FREE, Boise State, 1910 University Drive; preservationidaho.org.
SATURDAY FEB. 4 words NORTHWORST POETRY SLAM DEATHMATCH Poets are a fierce bunch, and nowhere is the ferocious potential of poetry more on display than at a poetry slam. Forget about the lax, melodious prose that your junior high English teacher shoved down your throat. These poets are out for blood—and a shot at the National Poetry Slam title— in the NorthWORST Slam WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Hit the slopes from your seat at the Banff Mountain Film Festival.
SUNDAY-TUESDAY FEB. 5-FEB.7 adrenaline BANFF MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL Twenty bucks can take you trekking through the Ennedi Desert of Chad, gliding from a launch pad on the side of Mt. Everest, protecting bear country from destruction, journeying on the epic path of Genghis Khan and ... of course, gliding through the most glorious expressions of the four seasons on mountain bikes, kayaks and skis. An Andrew Jackson won’t literally transport you across the globe but the stunning cinematography and wild story lines that always make a trip to the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour will make you feel like you’ve been around the globe. Presented by the Boise Nordic Foundation the tour inspires the adventurers and extreme sportspeople within all of us. Selected from approximately 300 films, this year’s Banff tour in Boise features more than 20 award-winning films, shown over the course of three days. In addition to kayaking, mountain biking and other warmer-weather outdoor adventures, the tour will also feature a number of films that include snowfriendly sports, with films like All.I.Can, Ski Bums Never Die and Seasons: Winter. But the tour is about more than getting your adrenaline flowing. This year’s films move beyond the fun, hallmark sports films that inspired Banff. Boise’s tour stop also features a number of films that examine life-changing experiences, like Chasing Water, which follows National Geographic photojournalist Pete McBride as he uncovers the lifeblood of the American West, and The Freedom Chair, which showcases the life of skier Josh Dueck after a ski accident changes his life. But wait there’s more: Every year the Boise Nordic Foundaiton puts on arguably the best raffle and silent auction of the winter. Among the items you can bid on is a trip to Bend WinterFest from Boise Weekly that includes two tickets to the event, two nights of accommodation, two lift tickets to Mt. Bachelor and more. Visit promo.boiseweekly.com to win tickets to Banff Mountain Film Festival and for details on the Bend Winterfest package. 6 p.m., $17 adv., $20 door, $13 students and seniors, $45 three-day pass. Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., 208-3871273, egyptiantheatre.net.
Poetry Regional Deathmatch, going down at Neurolux on Saturday, Feb. 4. Four of Idaho’s finest wordsmiths will face off against teams from Seattle, Portland, Ore., and Salt Lake City, to determine who is most fit to head to Charlotte, N.C., for a shot at the national title. The winning city
also gets bragging rights as the coolest and most poetrynurturing metropolis this side of the Great Salt Lake, or, as the event’s organizers put it, for “interstellar poetry dominance.” The judging pool is selected from members of the audience, and competitors are given a time limit to deliver
Have a tail-waggingly good time at Everything is Terrible!
TUESDAY FEB. 7 awful EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE! The psychotic, hilarious world of Everything is Terrible! Presents DoggieWoggiez! PoochieWoochiez! (tell us you read that and didn’t smile) will head to Boise for an evening of discarded VHS goodness on Tuesday, Feb. 7. It’s estimated that more than 6 billion VHS tapes pepper landfills across the globe. That’s terrible. The same old Danielle Steel novels adapted to film pop up in thrift stores around the country. That’s terrible. And while American society has moved from BETA to VHS to DVD to Blu-Ray, you can still find Pay it Forward in every Walmart in the country. This, too, is terrible. In fact, everything is terrible, and the VCRloving Internet-addicts over at Everything is Terrible! know it. In their endeavor to rid the world of all those miles and miles of VHS film, the EIT! crew members scour knick-knack shops across the nation looking for ill conceived movies with super strange scenes. They splice these scenes up helter skelter and create their own full-length films. Past creations include an old time medicine show and a stranger danger after-school special. For DoggieWoggiez! PoochieWoochiez!, the gang has culled only dog-related found footage in a remake of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s The Holy Mountain from 1973. After sifting through hours of flicks like Air Bud and All Dogs Go to Heaven, EIT! created a schizophrenic canine adventure. The result is a weird look at what all our collective society has done in film for (and to) pooches. This time, EIT! is touring alongside its film for an accompanying live performance, complete with full-body mascot costumes and furry performance art accoutrements. It should be a tail-waggingly good time. 8 p.m., $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St., 208-343-0886, neurolux.com
their verses. The teams will be judged on a point scale, and whoever ends up with the most points is crowned Northwest Champion. There will be 16 poets total, three of whom previously competed as finalists in the National Poetr y Slam competition. A spot in nationals is a pretty serious accomplishment—it’s the
Being the first kid on the block with a “Let’s Get Ready to Rapture” T-shir t is pretty cool, until you realize that it will just end up on the trash heap. And by heap, we mean the pile where piles go to die—the end-of-the-world heap. If it’s not on your calendar yet, you may want to circle Friday, Dec. 21, 122112.com 2012, the end-date of the 5,125-year-long Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar. Don’t worr y if you’re not up to speed on what that means—you can catch up at 122112.com, where you can also learn about celebrity believers like Woody Harrelson, Britney Spears and Smashing Pumpkins. But the website’s best attraction has to be 2012 Official Stuff, an Armageddon gift shop. There are plenty of T-shir ts (our fave is “Yeah! It’s Comin’” with a huge ball of fire hur tling toward Ear th), lots of books and videos (yes, they have 2012, the laughable John Cusack film), a gas mask and a two-person sur vival kit (can you say Valentine’s Day?). But the winner has to be the Apocalypse Teddy Bear. The adorably plush white bear spor ts a snug T-shir t that urges you to “Save the Date. It May Be Your Last!” It retails for $18 and will be available only while supplies (or the planet) lasts. —George Prentice
largest team per formance poetr y event in the world and features poets from all over the continent. So expect these slammers to bring the big guns and big lines. It’s going to be a poetic blood bath. 8 p.m., $5 entr y, Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St. 208343-0886, neurolux.com.
an event by e-mail to calendar@boiseweekly.com. Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 19
Festivals & Events
Festivals & Events
LNL PRESENTS YOU AND ME VALENTINES DANCE—Dress up and take your date to enjoy a DJ, appetizers courtesy of Locavore, $1 drinks from 6-7 p.m., $2 glasses of wine, raffle prizes and couples photos. For more info, email ladiesnightliveboise@ yahoo.com. 6 p.m. $5. Red Room, 1519 W. Main St., Boise, 208-331-0956, redroomboise. com.
FUNKY MUSIC AND ART FEST— Enjoy funk performances by the Scott Pemberton Trio, Phantasmagoria, Danger Beard, The Like Its and Shon Sanders while you cruise a slew of work from local artists in this celebration
of Boise’s art scene and benefit for Growing Change Inc. Visit toentertainu.com for more info. 7 p.m. $8. Knitting Factory Concert House, 416 S. Ninth St., Boise, 208-367-1212, bo.knittingfactory. com.
On Stage GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES—This play about two 8-year-olds and how their relationship endures twists and turns during the following three decades, explores themes of love, friendship, pain and healing. See Review, this page. 8 p.m. $15 and up. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., 208-331-9224, bctheater.org.
Calls to Artists BOISE WEEKLY COVER AUCTION GRANT: DEADLINE EXTENDED—Each year Boise Weekly hosts its annual Cover Auction, when we sell a year’s worth of cover art from local artists. For the last decade we’ve been giving away the proceeds to arts organizations and individual artists. To apply for a grant, submit a proposal answering a series of questions, which can be found at boiseweekly.com. Proposals must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 10. For more information, contact Office Manager Shea Sutton at 208344-2055 or shea@boiseweekly. com.
THURSDAY FEB. 2 On Stage GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $15 and up. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater. org. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE—While others attempt to find Elizabeth a husband among unsuitable suitors, she remains independent until she meets Mr. Darcy. Can there be a happy ending in the midst of pride and prejudice? Tickets can be purchased online or at the door. 7 p.m. $10-$18. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., 208385-0021, kedproductions.org.
Art STUDIO ART EXPLORATION— Create a drawing with visual clues inspired by a work in the exhibition Open to Interpretation. 5 p.m. FREE. Boise Art Museum, 670 Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-345-8330, boiseartmuseum.org.
20 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Dwayne Blackaller as Doug in BCT’s Gruesome Playground Injuries.
GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES Rarely do we recognize life’s pivotal moments as they are happening, especially when we are 8 years old. But a single, fateful moment forever links the two characters in Rajiv Joseph’s Gruesome Playground Injuries, Boise Contemporary Theater’s latest production, which takes audiences along on a riotously funny, yet touching journey through three decades of two messed-up but deeply connected people. When we first meet Kayleen (Lesley Shires) and Doug (Dwayne Blackaller), they are precocious 8-year-olds in the school nurse’s office—Kayleen suffering from a stomachache, Doug from the effects of riding his bike off the school roof. From there, the play time travels back and forth across their complex lives. As it Gruesome Playground unfolds, audiences realize how Injuries runs through deeply troubled Kayleen is and Saturday, Feb. 18. For more information or tickets, visit the depths of Doug’s devotion. bctheater.org. Both are self-destructive in their own ways, but connected so deeply they are dependent on each other. The pace is fast but not overwhelming, and director Maureen Towey makes the most of a minimal set and talented actors. Blackaller and Shires portray the characters between the ages of 8 and 38 and manage to embody the essence of each age, which is a large part of why the production is successful. It’s a marathon for the actors, who never leave the stage. Every set and costume change is done in full view of the audience, creating both a seamless production and an unusual familiarity with the actors in their underwear. Special kudos to sound designer Peter John Still, whose subtle sound effects (the squeak of a playground swing, the echo of an ice rink) create the perfect atmosphere. A tip of a slightly bloody hat to costume and makeup designer Sarah Maiorino for several effects that make the audience squirm. It’s hard to leave Gruesome Playground Injuries not feeling both uplifted and reflective—it’s a heady combination. —Deanna Darr WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
8 DAYS OUT HOKUM HOEDOWN SQUARE DANCE AND OLD-TIMEY MUSIC SERIES—The Hokum Hi-Flyers will provide the dance tunes and various callers will direct you where to go during this monthly square dance. The whole family is welcome, Pie Hole will dish up pizza and there will be a full bar with ID. 7 p.m. $5, $15 per family. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111, thelinenbuilding.com.
FIRST FRIDAY ART IN EAGLE— Take a stroll through downtown Eagle and visit local merchants and galleries along the way. First Friday invites the public to stop in to shops and enjoy a drink, art and music. 4:30-8:30 p.m. Old State Street and Eagle Road, Eagle. MODERN MASTERS: CHARLES HUMMEL— Celebrate the mid-century marvels of Boise architect Charles Hummel in the inaugural edition of Idaho Modern’s annual lecture series, Modern Masters. Coffee and dessert reception and silent auction to follow. For more info, to buy tickets, and to register, visit preservationidaho.org. See Picks, Page 18. 7 p.m. $20-$25. Idaho Department of Transportation, 3311 W. State St., Boise, 208-334-8000, itd.idaho.gov.
On Stage GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $15 and up. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater. org. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE—See Thursday. 6:15 p.m. $39 dinner and show or $20 show. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise, 208385-0021, kedproductions.org.
Literature LUNCH FOR LITERACY—Jess Walter, National Book Award finalist and Edgar Allen Poe Award winner, will deliver the keynote address at this 18th annual event. The luncheon will also feature an account from a Learning Lab student and a silent auction with book-themed baskets and approximately 100 first-edition books. Visit learninglabinc.org for more info. $50 adv., $55 door. Boise Centre, 850 W. Front St., Boise, 208-336-8900, boisecentre.com.
Art ARTIST RECEPTION—Meet Bullseye Glass Co.’s 2012 Emerge finalist Christopher Gibson. There will be treats and glass to experiment with, too. 4:30-7 p.m. FREE. Fusions Glass Studio, 347 S. Edgewood Lane, Ste. 120, Eagle, 208-938-1055, fusions-idaho.com.
Odds & Ends ANTI-BORED GAMES—This event features a different nontraditional board game each week, and participants are encouraged to bring their own as well. All ages are welcome, but featured games may be too complex for younger participants. 7 p.m. FREE. Ada Community Library, Lake Hazel Branch, 10489 Lake Hazel Road, Boise, 208-297-6700, adalib.org.
SATURDAY FEB. 4 Festivals & Events BRAIN GAMES—Give your noggin a workout and test your problem-solving skills while facing challenges for all ages and the entire family. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $6.50 adults, $4 youth. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-3439895, scidaho.org. RAIL JAM—The national tour of the 3rd Rail Jam showcases some of the best in snow sports with winner-takes-all rail jams, slope side graffiti art, MC battles, hip-hop music and live performances. Registration begins at 9 a.m. See Rec News, Page 36. $25 to participate, FREE to watch. Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area, Bogus Basin Road, Boise, 208-332-5100, bogusbasin.org. BIG BAD-ASS BELLY DANCE SHOW—The Second Annual Big Bad-Ass Belly Dance Show features Myra Krien. Get advance tickets at brownpapertickets.com. See Picks, Page 18. 9-11 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297, visualartscollective.com.
On Stage GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES—See Wednesday. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. $15 and up. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-3319224, bctheater.org. PRIDE AND PREJUDICE—See Thursday. 6:15 p.m. $39 dinner and show or $20 show. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise, 208385-0021, kedproductions.org.
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk. Go to www.boiseweekly.com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers. © 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
WILL ACT 4 FOOD: A 24 HOUR PLAY FESTIVAL—Daisy’s Madhouse presents this third-annual 24-hour play festival to benefit the Idaho Foodbank. Visit daisysmadhouse.org for tickets. 7:30 p.m. $15. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St., Boise, 208-3425104, boiselittletheater.org.
Concerts STUDENT UNION PERFORMANCE SERIES: ADAM NEIMAN—The renowned pianist will perform. Call 208-426-1242 for more info. Visit idahoickets.com to purchase tickets. 8 p.m. $5-$15. Boise State Special Events Center, 1800 University Drive, Boise, sub.boisestate.edu.
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 21
BOISE BAROQUE ORCHESTRA—Join the Boise Baroque Orchestra and special guest Gonzalo X. Ruiz, professor at the Juilliard School, for an evening of music featuring the works of Vivaldi, Handel and others. Visit boisebaroque.org for more info. See Picks, Page 18. 7:30 p.m. Nampa Civic Center, 311 Third St. S., Nampa, 208-468-5555, nampaciviccenter.com.
Workshops & Classes
6469 W. Fairview Ave | Boise | (208) 377-3801
BELLY DANCE WORKSHOPS WITH MYRA KRIEN—Belly dance superstar Myra Krien teaches workshops on oriental combos, lyrical choreography, flamenco fusion or belly baile, and tribal fusion. For more info or to register, log onto ceciliabellydance.com. 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $40 adv., $50 door each class. Starbelly School of Dance, 1524 S. Vista Ave., Ste. B, Boise, 208-891-6609, ceciliabellydance.com. LOVING TEA FOR A DAY—Relax while learning all about tea. The full day of classes kicks off with a tea meditation, followed by Understanding the Tea Leaf, tea tasting and cupping, and a focus tasting of signature teas from around the world. RSVP at morninggloryteahouse.com or call 208-550-Teas. Email: mgtreplies@gmail.com. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $100. Candlewood Suites, 700 N. Cole Road, Boise.
Literature NORTHWORST SLAM POETRY REGIONAL DEATHMATCH—Teams from Seattle; Portland, Ore.; Salt Lake City and Boise will compete for Northwest bragging rights. Sixteen poets, three of them National Poetry Slam finalists, will take the stage and the team at the top of the heap at the end of the night is guaranteed a spot at this year’s National Poetry Slam. This event is presented by Big Tree Arts. Visit boisepoetry. com for more info. See Picks, Page 18. 8 p.m. $5. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St., Boise, 208-343-0886, neurolux.com.
Odds & Ends ARCHITECTURAL SCAVENGER HUNT— Join in on this family-friendly architectural scavenger hunt and tour on the Boise State campus to explore the three modern buildings designed by Charles Hummel. For more info, visit preservationidaho.org. See Picks, Page 18. 1 p.m. FREE. Boise State Campus, 1910 University Drive, Boise. SALSA AMOR—Beginner lessons in merengue, bachata and salsa at 9 p.m., followed by dancing with DJ Giovanni. Full bar with ID. All Mountain Home AFB personnel get in free with military ID. FREE tickets available while they last. Go to salsaidaho.com or Salsa Idaho on Facebook for details. 8 p.m. $6. Knitting Factory Concert House, 416 S. Ninth St., 27 Boise, 208-367-1212, bo.knittingfactory.com.
22 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Children and adults chilled with some chili at TRICA on Jan. 28.
WEEK IN REVIEW 2.1.12: Despite protests from swoopy-banged teens, text messages aren’t generally considered an artform. But not in the hands of the Treasure Valley Artists’ Alliance. The group’s latest exhibition, Text Messages, recently opened at the Boise State Public Radio offices, and BW staffer Stephen Foster stopped by to check it out. According to Foster: “The show is a reminder that, at their core, the symbols and devices that we use to string together poems, stories and all manners of the written word are, themselves, pieces of art.” If you missed it, you can check out Text Messages from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Thursday, April 5. From texting to teen angst, old-school ska/punksters Voodoo Glow Skulls and Authority Zero tore up the Reef on Jan. 27. BW’s Josh Gross swung by to catch Authority Zero vocalist Jason DeVore jump, gyrate, stage-dive and make an earnest attempt to swing from the rafters. Though openers Skyfox played a sugary-pop punk set straight out of a late-’90s WB teen drama, the derivative sound didn’t spoil the raucous fun. VGS rolled out the horn section and blasted the sold-out crowd away with a mix of Latino-influenced ska and hardcore. Singer Frank Casillas started the set wearing a Mexican wrestling mask, but had to chuck it within the first several songs due to the heat. According to Gross, the show was “so gloriously rowdy that a line of police were waiting outside Reef. Their target: a 5-foot, 4-inch girl who had been tearing up the pit. She was led away in cuffs while the band played on.” In a much more low-key setting—the partially renovated Immanuel Methodist Episcopal Church in the North End—Foster checked out the Treasure Valley Institute for Children’s Arts’ Old-Timey Chili Feed on Jan. 28. As volunteers ladled out chili, Jonathan Warren and the Billy Goats thumped out bluegrass to a mixed crowd of kids and adults. After admiring a pair of giant wings created from more than 16,000 Boise Weekly newspapers, Foster chatted up TRICA founder Jon Swarthout about the progress of the children’s arts mecca, which has raised $2.1 million of its $2.7 million goal. “It will be an after-school destination, a field-trip destination, a place where we train volunteer art parents,” said Swarthout. “It will be an ever-evolving, ever-changing center devoted to providing arts education.” Also on Jan. 28, Features Editor Deanna Darr hit up the opening night performance of Boise Contemporary Theater’s Gruesome Playground Injuries. Written by Rajiv Joseph, the play follows “a riotously funny, yet touching journey through three decades of two messed-up, but deeply connected people.” Darr says the two main characters—Kayleen (Lesley Shires) and Doug (Dwayne Blackaller)—are both rich and complex. You can read the full review on Page 20. —Tara Morgan WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
DYING LETTER OFFICE Elijah Jensen revives the lost art of letter sending TARA MORGAN Seated on a vintage sofa in his Nampa home, Elijah Jensen watches light flood through the mail slot in his door and puddle on his wood floor. As the hatch squeaks shut, a few letters and a medium-sized package slide across the floor. Jensen’s eyes light up as he grabs the pile and thumbs through its contents. Unlike most of us, Jensen still eagerly awaits the mailman. In April 2009, while living in a New Jersey hotel for a job, Jensen got the idea to start the Dying Letter Office. His goal was to revive the lost art of letter writing and make some Elijah Jensen’s Dying Letter Office project has elevated waiting for the mail from chore to artform. tangible human connections along the way. “Really the impetus, the idea was, I want ing,” admitted Snow. “I don’t send it because Thursday, Feb. 2, at Bricolage, and the other to connect with people,” said Jensen. “The I’m not good at things like that. But I always on Saturday, Feb. 4, at Black Hunger gallery. idea itself was I’m going to send nice things to do the activity, and I feel like that’s part of it.” “It’s exciting to get something fun in the people and give them a chance to smile.” Eli Craven, Black Hunger gallery artist and mail,” said Chelsea Snow, Bricolage co-owner So Jensen did what anyone looking to DLO participant, agrees. and DLO recipient. “It’s kind of the only cool revive the dying mail system might do: He “Even when you really believe in something started a Facebook page. Jensen began collect- thing I get unless it’s like my birthday—it’s bills someone’s doing, it’s really hard to step up and ing friends’ mailing addresses online and prep- and junk and the occasional awesome thing put forth the effort and do it,” said Craven. from Elijah.” ping eclectic, artful packages to send out. But when Jensen mailed out a comic about Though the DLO packages are all unique, “I was using the Internet to compile these there is a uniting thread: “A painstaking effort a fictional drink called the “Menstruating addresses, but really, I was using those adYeti,” he got back something spirited: Three to avoid ease,” as Jensen puts it. There are dresses as this sort of fight against intangible Menstruating Yeti drink recipes from 10th tiny drawings, vintage slides, instructions for communication,” said Jensen. Jensen’s first package included a typed letter, how to make black tea-ringed tree stumps and Street Station bartender Dan Krejci. Jensen delicate hand-bound books of poetry featuring decided to throw a party for DLOers featura mix CD, a hand-plucked dried plant, and a ing the specialty drinks. The back-and-forth musings like, “Who cares? Everyone. And I fill-in-the-blanks “summertime party” invite collaboration inspired him to take a different think that is the most beautiful thing.” for people to photocopy and send out. The “When we get them, [my husband] Ben and approach with the project. letter’s mission statement read: “That’s when I stopped giving the asI wait until we’re home together to open it,” “1. Sending packages is fun, let’s do it!; 2. said Bricolage co-owner Juliana McLenna. “It’s signments out,” explained Jensen. “I was Receiving packages is even more fun, let’s acbecome kind of a sacred thing; we would never just trying my best to gather artifacts and I cept them!; 3. We will circumvent less expresrealized that was the wrong approach. I just open it without the sive ‘social networks’; send out what I want to and then people send other one.” 4. And make new back what they want to. And it’ll just sort of But the project friends!; 5. This is not PART ONE: naturally flow.” hasn’t gone exactly a scam.” First Thursday, Feb. 2, 6-9 p.m. Bricolage That flow will be on display this First as intended. Though DLO was a hit. 418 S. Sixth St. Thursday, Feb. 2, at Bricolage from 6-9 p.m. Jensen has received Jensen mailed the first 208-345-3718 Jensen has crafted a few DLO-related specialty a number of things package to 50 people, bricoshoppe.com items for purchase and has teamed up with back from DLO parand the list continued PART TWO: Collapse Theater’s Kelly Broich for an interacticipants—hand-spun to grow from there, Saturday, Feb. 4, 6-10 p.m. tive event. The party continues at Black Hunyarn, bird stencils, hitting approximately Black Hunger pressed flowers—DLO ger Gallery on Saturday, Feb. 4, with another, 100 at one point. He 2606 Breneman St. blackhunger.com more elaborate exhibition of Jensen’s DLO hasn’t been nearly as filled his packages collaborative as he had collaborations, starting at 6 p.m. with delicate handThough Jensen might not have resurrected originally hoped. made items: pocket the mail system, his dedication to the art of “How many I send out and how many I letterpresses, fill-in-the-bubble comics, a buildmailing his thoughts and gifts has helped draw your-own 3D model of his home. Soon, friends receive back, it’s about the same ratio every attention to the simple joy of opening a folded of friends of friends who Jensen had never met time, it’s about 10 percent,” said Jensen. “If I letter and unwrapping a handmade artifact. were asking to be involved with the Dying Let- sent out to 50 people, I’d get like five back.” “Although it is seen as an archaic method of For Snow, the act of getting an envelope, ter Office. Now, a large portion of those correspondences—both Jensen’s packages and the stamps and mailing out a package turns out to communication, people still do care about it,” said Jensen. “Even if it’s like 10 people. That be harder than it sounds. items people sent him back—will be split into makes it almost more powerful to me.” “I have been pretty lame about respondtwo public exhibitions: one opening on First WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 23
ning at 6:30 p.m. 611 Grove St., 208343-2671, basquemuseum.com.
BASQUE MARKET—Enjoy a glass of wine, stuffed mussels and portpoached fig tapas with your sweetheart. 608 W. Grove St., 208-4331208, thebasquemarket.com.
BOISE ART GLASS—Make your 2 own heart paperweight or snack on cheese and crackers while enjoy-
BASQUE MUSEUM AND CULTURAL CENTER—Enjoy free gallery tours for the exhibit Hidden In Plain Sight: The Basques. Tours of the Jacobs/Uberuaga House are guided every half hour from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Local musicians will play Basque tunes during the jam session, begin-
ing a free glass-blowing demonstration. $40/person per 30-minute session. 5-11 p.m. FREE. 530 W. Myrtle St., 208-345-1825, boiseartglass.com.
BRICOLAGE—Check out Elijah 3 Jensen’s Dying Letter Office, an informal postal exchange of objects,
THE DISTRICT COFFEE HOUSE— 5 Watch artist A.J. Paslay make pottery and purchase a piece to take
FLYING M COFFEEHOUSE—Bid on great 7 art for your sweetie at the annual Valentine for AIDS silent art auction. Proceeds benefit the
ideas and artifacts, along with tasty snacks. See First Thursday, Page 19. 418 S. Sixth St., Ste. 118, 208-3453718, bricoshoppe.com.
home. 110 S. Fifth St., 208-3431089, districtcoffeehouse.com.
Safety Net for AIDS Program. See Downtown News, Page 22. 500 W. Idaho St., 208-345-4320, flyingmcoffee.com.
THE COTTON CLUB—The Cotton Club will be open to the public and showcase Valentine’s Day quilts. 106 N. Sixth St., 208-345-5567, cottonclub.com.
FLATBREAD COMMUNITY 6 OVEN—Check out Amber Grubb’s photographs while enjoying happy hour featuring $6 deals. Bottles of wine are $20, and kids 12 and younger eat for free with purchase. 615 W. Main St., 208-287-4757, flatbreadpizza.com.
GOLDY’S CORNER—Check out the detailed, 8 exquisite work of Karaelia and several other local artists. Enjoy dinner, happy hour from 5-9 p.m., coffee and pastries. 625 W. Main St., 208433-3934, goldysbreakfastbistro.com. INDIE MADE—Local crafters and artists will set up shop in pop-up tents in the Pioneer Building. Enjoy live music while you browse. Open until 9 p.m. FREE. 108 N. Sixth St. MELTING POT—Enjoy happy hour and drink 9 specials all evening in the lounge, including $4 martinis and cheese or chocolate fondues for $5 per person. Meet local painter Ann Boyles and view her work. 200 N. Sixth St., 208-383-0900, meltingpot.com.
South Side
8TH STREET MARKETPLACE AT BODO— The Artist in Residence program hosts new work from artists from 6-9 p.m. Featuring writers Amanda Turner and Mike Medberry, along with filmmaker Todd Joseph Lundbohm. 404 S. Eighth St., Mercantile Building, 208-338-5212, 8thstreetmarketplace.com. ATOMIC TREASURES—Enjoy a mix of retro, found objects and art. 409 S. Eighth St., 208-3440811, atomictreasures.com.
BOISE ART MUSEUM—Find common traits between works of art in the exhibition Open to Interpretation and make your own series of artwork with a common theme. Art talk with Sandy Harthorn, BAM’s curator of art, begins at 5:30 p.m., and visitors may tour her favorite works in BAM’s 75th anniversary exhibition. 670 Julia Davis Drive, 208-345-8330, boiseartmuseum.org.
BROWN’S GALLERY—Enjoy a wide selection of fine art for casual shoppers and collectors. The gallery offers complete art services, including framing, appraisals and restoration. 5-9 p.m. FREE. 408 S. Eighth St., 208-342-6661. THE COLE MARR GALLERY/COFFEE 13 HOUSE—Artist in Residence Amanda Turner will host a writers’ workshop featuring Alan Heathcock, who will discuss “cross media,” the idea of promoting your writing career with radio, TV and the Internet. 404 S. Eighth St., Ste. 134, 208-336-7630.
HAPPY FISH SUSHI & MARTINI BAR— Enjoy new artwork form Jason O’Brian Darrah. 855 Broad St., 208-343-4810, happyfishsushi.com.
IDAHO STATE HISTORICAL MUSEUM— Check out some of the oldest artifacts in the state and take in the sights at Pioneer Village. 5-9 p.m. By donation. 610 N. Julia Davis Drive, 208-334-2120, history.idaho.gov.
LEE GALLERY BOISE—Enjoy Lee Gallery’s first group show, featuring the mixed-media works of four local, emerging artists. 409 S. Eighth St., Ste 101, 208-345-1120, leegalleryboise.com.
LISK GALLERY—Enjoy Mark Lisk’s Landscapes from the Tatshenshini River in Canada. Also, metal works by Delia DeLapp and polished steel works by Ken Fenton will be on display, along with work by Jerri Lisk and Carl Rowe. Wine tasting by Sawtooth Winery. 401 S. Eighth St., 208-342-3773, liskgallery.com. NORTHRUP BUILDING—View new work 18 from the Artists in Residence. Featuring video work from Amanda Hamilton is based on Marilynne Robinson’s 1980 novel Housekeeping, as well as the art of Arin Lindstrom and Meg Feldman. Eighth and Broad streets, second floor.
QUE PASA—Check out the best selection of Mexican artwork in town, including wall fountains, silver and cedar and leather sofas. 409 S. Eighth St., 208-385-9018.
R. GREY GALLERY JEWELRY AND ART GLASS—Check out heart-inspired art and enjoy drinks and snacks at the gallery’s Valentine’s Day show. 5-9 p.m. 415 S. Eighth St., 208-385-9337, rgreygallery.com.
24 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
RENEWAL CONSIGNMENT HOMEWARES— Renewal Underground—The Artist in Residence program features work from painter Anne Boyles. 517 S. Eighth St., 208338-5444.
ART GLASS ETC.—View 24 glass heart pendants and receive one free with any $50 purchase. Sign up for the Valentine’s Day special introductory glassblowing workshop to make your own pendant for $25. 5-9 p.m. 280 N. Eighth St., Ste. 138A, 208-794-3265.
SALON 162—New clients will receive $10 off when 22 they book an appointment. View work by a featured artist. 404 S. Eighth St., 208-386-9908.
THE ART OF WARD 25 HOOPER GALLERY— Check out the gallery’s new look
SOLID—Enjoy live music from Ryan Wissinger, free appetizers, spirit sampling from Pendelton whiskey and 44 North vodka, and tour the work of artist Jason Darrah, followed by Last Call Trivia at 8 p.m. 405 S. Eighth St., 208-345-6620.
and take 20 percent off your canvas purchase order. 745 W. Idaho St., 208-866-4627, wardhooper.com. ARTISAN OPTICS—Enjoy the Valentine’s Day trunk show and choose from the entire collection of eyewear and sunwear. Place your special order and enjoy music by Robert James. 190 N. Eighth St., 208-338-0500, artisanoptics.com.
SNAKE RIVER WINERY—Check out the new release of the ’09 malbec and savor some romantic reds paired with chocolates from the Chocolat Bar. 786 W. Broad St., 208-345-9463.
ART WALK Locations featuring artists
by Rajiv Joseph
tickets: start at $15 $10 if you are under 30 phone: 331-9224 x205 online: BCTheater.org 854 Fulton St. Downtown Boise, ID
BITTERCREEK ALE 26 HOUSE—See works artists have created in the spirit of the Add The Words Idaho campaign. 246 N. Eighth St., 208-345-1813, bcrfl.com/ bittercreek. CHOCOLAT BAR—Shop the selection of delicious, exotic truffles, salted caramels and beautiful boxes just in time for Valentine’s Day. Sawtooth Winery will pair wines with chocolates as well. Sample to your heart’s content. 805 W. Bannock St., 208-338-7771, thechocolatbar. com. CITY PEANUT SHOP—Enjoy regional beer and nut pairings with brews from the Press Public House. 803 W. Bannock St., 208-433-3931. DAN LOONEY UNDER27 GROUND ART—Watch Dan Looney present his original Bronze Pond Collage painting to Diana Rolig, winner of the raffle held at Twig’s Cellar. New small original Boise scenes will be available, as well as a 40 percent discount off framing of Looney’s artwork. 4-7 p.m. 816 W. Bannock St., Ste. E, 208-8709589, Imagemaker.org/artist/ danlooney.
ELLA’S ROOM—Take advantage of markdowns on bras, robes, slippers, slips and select sleepwear, perfect for Valentine’s Day. 216 N. Ninth St., 208-331-3552, ellasroom.com.
BERRYHILL & CO. RESTAURANT— Get prepared for Valentine’s Day with some of chef John Berryhill’s aphrodisiac bites, then try some chocolate and wine at the bar with live jazzy blues. Happy hour from 4-7 p.m. 121 N. Ninth St., 208-387-3553, berryhillandco.com.
Gruesome Playground Injuries
Jan. 25 – Feb. 18, 2011
1. Basque Museum
12. Brown’s
24. Ar t Glass Etc.
2. Boise Ar t Glass
13. Cole Marr
25. Ward Hooper
3. Bricolage
14. Happy Fish
26. Bittercreek
4. The Cotton Club
15. Idaho State Historical Museum
27. Dan Looney
5. The District Coffee House
16. Lee Galler y Boise
28. Massage Matters 29. Sage Yoga
6. Flatbread
17. Lisk Galler y
7. Flying M
18. Nor thrup Building
8. Goldy’s Corner
19. Que Pasa
9. Melting Pot
20. R. Grey Galler y
32. Basement Galler y
10. 8th St. Marketplace
21. Renewal
33. Galler y 601
22. Salon 162
11. Boise Ar t Museum
23. Solid
34. Galler y at the Linen Building
MASSAGE MATTERS— 28 Enjoy specials on massage gift certificates, refreshments, art by Cody Rutty and pottery by Genevieve Evans. 816 W. Bannock St., 208-315-0072. PORTSCHE’S JEWELRY BOUTIQUE—Take 10 percent off everything pink and red storewide through Tuesday, Feb. 14. 206 N. Ninth St., 208-343-4443, portsches.com.
HOFF BUILDING—Idaho public employees may enjoy a private party from 5-7 p.m. and the public may savor cupcake samples, Silpada jewelry in the lobby and the works of an artisans’ group. 802 W. Bannock St.
30. Thomas Hammer 31. Ar t Source
REDISCOVERED BOOKSHOP— Join in the Mark Twain Trivia Contest to celebrate the Read Me program with the Boise Public Library. There may be a surprise guest at the shop to help with the answers as well. See Downtown News, Page 22. 180 N. Eighth St., 208-3764229, rdbooks.org. ROSE ROOM—Fettuccine Forum. Amy Hutchinson, Guy Hand and Janie Burns will present The Year of Idaho Food—And What’s on the Menu for the Future at 5:30 p.m. Simply Pizza and beverages will be available. 718 W. Idaho St., 208-381-0483, parklaneco.com/roseroom.
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 25
1ST THURSDAY/LISTINGS SAGE YOGA AND WELL29 NESS—View Elizabeth Hilton’s vintage and nostalgia-
inspired mixed-media paintings. Kris Hartung will perform and Indian Creek Winery will conduct wine tastings. 242 N. Eighth St., Ste. 200, 208-338-5430, sageyogaboise.com. SUPERB SUSHI—Enjoy samples of Superb’s in-house smoked salmon and wine tasting, with entertainment by Michael Ray Cox. 208 N. Eighth St., 208-385-0123, superbsushidowntown.com. THOMAS HAMMER— 30 Featuring artist Gina Ridovcicha’s work. 298 N. Eighth St., 208-433-8004, hammercoffee.com TRIP TAYLOR BOOKSELLER— This month, Trip Taylor’s singing/ reciting contribution will include works by Shakespeare, Blake and Robert Duncan. 210 N. 10th St., 208-344-3311, downtownboise.org. TWIG’S CELLAR—Enter a drawing to win a bottle of bubbly and two Riedel Champagne glasses. 816 W. Bannock St., Lower Level, 208-344-8944, twigscellar.com.
West Side ART SOURCE GAL31 LERY—Check out the Idaho Scholastic Art and Writing Exhibition, a juried show of the work of Idaho artists in seventh through ninth grades. Winners will be eligible to compete at the national level. Enjoy wine from Indian Creek Winery and snacks. 5-9 p.m. FREE. 1015 W. Main St., 208-331-3374, artsourcegallery.com. BASEMENT GALLERY— 32 Enjoy paintings by British artist Janet Waring. 928 W. Main St., 208-333-0309. EXPOSURE A.L.P.H.A. INTERCHANGE— Enjoy chocolate fondue tastings from the Melting Pot, a Facebook fashion show and live models in the window. The Vinyl Club will also spin the hits. 6-9 p.m. 213 N. 10th St., 208-424-8158, exposureidaho. org. GALLERY 601—Check 33 out the Steckmest Walnut Rocking Chair, framed vintage ski, biking and Valentine’s posters. 211 N. 10th St., 208-3365899, gallery601.com. THE GALLERY AT THE 34 LINEN BUILDING—View Dave Thomas’ Time Line Paintings series, which features four large mixed-media canvases and 20 mixed-media studies on polypropylene. Thomas is a Boise painter and teacher at Boise State, whose work has been exhibited in nine states. The exhibit will run through Monday, Feb. 20. 5-9 p.m. FREE. 1402 W. Grove St., 208-385-0111, thelinenbuilding.com. THE RECORD EXCHANGE— Catch A.K.A. Belle’s album release party, a Mark Lanegan listening party with a vinyl giveaway, and suds from Payette Brewing Company. 1105 W. Idaho St., 208-344-8010, therecordexchange.com.
Show some love prehistoric-style with Jeremy Lanningham’s dino Valentine for AIDS.
ADD THE WORDS, VALENTINE FOR AIDS This First Thursday, Add the Words will take over Bittercreek Ale House for a note-able art show. In early January, Add the Words put out a call to local artists to submit of a piece of visual art on a Post-It Note or other small medium. Artists then pulled out their sticky pads and conjured up images meant to reflect the spirit of the grassroots campaign, which aims to add the words “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the Idaho Human Rights Act. The pieces were compiled into an exhibition that aims to demonstrate the urgency and necessity of the legislation and will be on display at Bittercreek for viewing through mid-February. The goal of the campaign is to demonstrate public support for the inclusion of gay and transgender folks in the state’s fair employment, housing and education laws. On Thursday, Feb. 2, Bittercreek will be full of citizens with real experiences sharing their stories and art, hoping that politicians will grant them, their friends and families basic protections from discrimination. Art contest winners will be announced at the First Thursday event. For more info, visit addthewords.org. In other awareness-raising First Thursday news, Flying M Coffeehouse will once again host Valentine For AIDS, its annual red-and-pink-filled fund-raising exhibit for the nonprofit Safety Net for AIDS Program. Started in 1993, the annual Valentines-themed art auction features unique work from around 250 artists and has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for local HIV/AIDS awareness. Bidding for Valentines for AIDS begins on First Thursday, Feb. 2, at 9 a.m. and runs through Sunday, Feb. 12, at 4 p.m. For more info about Valentine for AIDS, email info@flyingmcoffee.com. For more on SNAP, contact Jamie Perry of the Wellness Center at Family Residency of Idaho at 208-367-7033. If you’d rather kick it Samuel Langhorne Clemens-style, head over to Rediscovered Bookshop at 180 N. Eighth St. for a special Mark Twain Trivia Contest. Search the store for eight multiple-choice trivia questions about the famous author for the chance to win a hardcover copy of The Autobiography of Mark Twain. The trivia contest is in conjunction with the Library’s Read Me Treasure Valley, a program for adults and older teens that replaces The Big Read. This year’s book is Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. —Stephen Foster and Tara Morgan
26 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Festivals & Events
ARTIST DIALOG—Boise painter Dave Thomas will discuss his Time Line Paintings exhibition. 5 p.m. FREE. The Gallery at The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111, thelinenbuilding.com.
EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE—The favorite found-footage chop-shop creators are at it again with Doggie Woggiez! Poochie Woochiez! The event will feature a ďŹ lm mash-up with a canine theme and some crazy antics by the creators. Tickets available at the Record Exchange and at ticketweb.com. See Picks, Page 18. 8 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St., Boise, 208-343-0886, neurolux. com.
BOISE BAROQUE ORCHESTRA—See Saturday. 2 p.m. $20 adult, $15 students and seniors, FREE children with adult entry. Cathedral of the Rockies, First United Methodist Church, 717 N. 11th St., Boise, 208-343-7511.
Festivals & Events
DROP-IN WRITING WORKSHOP—Informal writers workshop is free to writers who wish to hone their skills, work on character development, overcome writers block ad be inspired. Led by Adrian Kien, a poetry and composition professor from Boise State. 6:30-8 p.m. FREE. The Cabin, 801 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-3318000, thecabinidaho.org.
BRAIN GAMES—See Saturday. Noon-5 p.m. $6.50 adults, $4 youth. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-3439895, scidaho.org.
Workshops & Classes BELLY DANCE WORKSHOPS WITH MYRA KRIEN—See Saturday. 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $40 advance, $50 door each class. Starbelly School of Dance, 1524 S. Vista Ave., Ste. B, Boise, 208-891-6609, ceciliabellydance.com.
Kids & Teens OPEN GYM FOR PRESCHOOLERS AND TODDLERS—Children can enjoy slides, plastic cars, balls and hula hoops in the gym with their parents. 9-11 a.m. $1 per child. Fort Boise Community Center, 700 Robbins Road, Boise, 208-384-4486, cityofboise.org/parks.
OPEN HOUSE—See Monday. 5-7 p.m. Rolling Hills Public Charter School, 8900 Horseshoe Bend Road, Eagle, 208-9395400, sde.idaho.gov.
Kids & Teens OPEN HOUSE FOR PROSPECTIVE PARENTS—Get a feel for what Rolling Hills Public Charter School has to offer. For additional information, email contact@rhpcs.org or visit rhpcs. org. 5-7 p.m. FREE. Rolling Hills Public Charter School, 8900 Horseshoe Bend Road, Eagle, 208-939-5400, sde.idaho.gov.
On Stage GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES—See Wednesday, Feb. 1. 8 p.m. $15 and up. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater.org. IMPROVOLUTION—Improvolution comedy troupe takes its laughfest west to downtown Nampa. Buy cheap tickets online at boiselaughs.com. 8 p.m. $10 online, $12 door. Darby’s Bistro and Lounge, 112 13th Ave. S., Nampa, 208-461-0113.
Talks & Lectures WINTER WEDNESDAYS LUNCH AND LEARN—Learn the best practices for feeding and caring for migratory birds. Gourmet soup, salad and bread lunch catered by Open Table Catering. For more information please call 208-334-2225. 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $16.50. MK Nature Center, 600 S. Walnut St., Boise, 208334-2225, ďŹ shandgame.idaho. gov.
Kids & Teens
EYESPY Real Dialogue from the naked city
HOW THINGS WORK—Children ages 6-12 are invited to explore the science of how all sorts of everyday things work. 4:30 p.m. Ada Community Library, Lake Hazel Branch, 10489 Lake Hazel Road, Boise, 208-297-6700, adalib.org.
Odds & Ends LIQUID LAUGHS OPEN MIC COMEDY—Try out your best comedy routine in front of a live audience. Sign-ups begin at 7 p.m. and the hilarity starts at 8 p.m. 7 p.m. FREE. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, liquidboise. com.
An Evening With
Call: 208-387-1273 Visit: Egyptiantheatre.net or Visit WKH (J\SWLDQ 7KHDWUH %R[ 2IĂ€ FH
Overheard something Eye-spy worthy? E-mail leila@boiseweekly.com
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 27
Killerz on location in Pleasantville.
TEEN GOAT KILLERS Electro-pop? Chill-wave? Neo-stoner sonic exploratory caucusing? All of the above? In what was a blatant attempt to irk music writers looking for simple categorical labels, Boise band Shades dropped its debut album Clear Motions on Jan. 24. Released direct-to-web via Synthemesc Recordings, the album features 12 tracks of pretty boys playing smooth keyboards and singing through oceans of reverb. The band told BW it is looking into the possibility of releasing hard copies of Clear Motions but for the time being it is purely a virtual product. In other local music news, Treefort Music Fest announced the first local bands that will be performing at the festival, including the reality-punchers The Brett Netson Band, name-changers Wolvserpent, electro-duo QP, indie folksters Grand Falconer and diasporic surf-punks Teens. Which out of town bands these locals will be paired with hasn’t yet been announced. Speaking of Teens—the band, not the scourge of the freeways—the band was accepted to play at some big to-do in Texas called SXSW in March, though it is not slated to perform at the all-Boise showcase. Teens guitarist-vocalist David Wood told BW the band is currently trying to book gigs on the way to Austin in order to support the trip. The band posted messages to its Facebook page asking if anyone knows of any suitable venues to play. If it all works out, Teens might well be both a band and the scourge of the freeways. Another local band trying to crowdsource its tour through Facebook is Jonathan Warren and the Billy Goats. And the group is even offering a free beer and a CD to anyone who hooks them up with a gig somewhere between Boise and San Francisco. Visit facebook.com/jonathanwarrenandthebillygoats to message the band. Boise’s “evilest” hip-hop group The Pleasantville Killerz isn’t Facebooking its way to SXSW, but it did shoot a new video this week. The video was shot in a west Boise warehouse dance studio by their stalwart visual collaborator, JR KC, and featured 200-ish people boogying down to the group’s new song, “Dance With Me.” In national noise news, Gibson Guitars announced a limited-edition replica series of Kiss guitarist Ace Frehley’s ’74 Les Paul. In a press release, Gibson says it has gone to painstaking lengths to replicate every possible detail of the guitar related to tone and feel. Gibson was mum about whether the reissues will be wired up to belch smoke from the pickups like Frehley’s. —Josh Gross
28 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Somewhere between Tom Waits-eqsue indieblues ballads and corridos, you’ll find the songs on The Last Possible Tense, the new album from Mostecelo’s J. Rebeca Suarez. Self-described as “cross-cultural and darkly comic,” Mostecelo’s songs are primarily mournful piano and guitar ballads, in the stor ytelling style of corridos delivered cour tesy of Suarez’s lonesome moan. But peppered with accordions, trombones and sparse percussion, the songs are richer, darker and less focused on hooks than standard ballads. The most interesting song on the album is its first: “Holler.” Bold blasts of trombone on the downbeats give it a heavy, stomping meter, beneath a lightly strummed nylon-string guitar. With Suarez’s wailing blues vocals on top, it sounds like a barker beckoning people into the circus. The ballads that follow are moody, multilingual laments—Suarez is par t Venezuelan—to a darkened room. Her unaccompanied piano sounds like it was recorded sitting alone in a dark cavern, and her tenderly plucked guitar sounds of lonely campfires in the deser t. It’s easy to get sucked into a sound like that, especially if you listen to the album lying on the floor of a dark room, a position that lets the imagination roam. The fifth track, “Go,” feels like the soundtrack to the meeting of two bashful lovers in a silent film. Several tracks later, “Blindside” sounds like their par ting. Another standout track is the accordion-and-guitar-focused “Isa’s Bir thday Song,” which conjures up the romantic imager y of old Europe. But if The Last Possible Tense has a major problem, it’s that after the siren-like lure of “Holler,” the album never again regains that momentum and feels somewhat empty as a result—one giant fade out, which is a shame because those ballads are entrancing and their starkness would other wise be a major strength.
Often, when a band takes its material into the studio, it evolves. Not just by the shapes the sounds take, but how those sounds influence arrangements, performances and supplementary parts. Sometimes a recorded song emerges with almost no relation to the song it was when it entered the studio. That’s not the case with Bodies in the Sun, Atomic Mama’s debut EP. Anyone who has seen Atomic Mama live isn’t going to be in for many surprises. But Bodies in the Sun chronicles that sound nicely with all its filtered synth sweeps and bass riffs like a snarling wolverine. But those who haven’t seen Atomic Mama may be opening up a can of psychedelic electroindie whoop ass on their ears. The band uses sparse kick and snare samples for the foundations of a beat, then layers them with percussion and rock riffs. Nowhere on the EP is that more evident than its penultimate track, “Psychocillin Roboboogie,” which starts with two minutes of slowly building percussion, gradually fades in a synth on the high end, and then drops a bass line like a piano from a rooftop. Another standout is the EP’s fourth track, “Never Ending.” With a spacious beat and an ultra-heavy bass line beneath a carefully metered vocal wail, it has the epic feel of a sermon. But it’s the sort of sermon you’d expect from a televangelist in a dystopian sci-fi film. If the EP has a flaw, it’s in its inconsistency. Half of Bodies in the Sun is universe-bending experiments in pop music, and the other half is flyover tracks primed for the skip button. For example, the album’s final track “WHAT IS LOVE” sounds like a cover of Alannah Myles’ “Black Velvet” as performed by Danny Elfman, which doesn’t stay compelling for seven minutes, especially when at least four of them are the line, “What is love,” repeated over and over again. Its second track, “Another Man,” is equally unengaging, especially when it’s sitting next to powerhouse tracks like “Never Ending” and “Psyhocillin Roboboogie,” as well as the album’s title track. But those three tracks alone make the EP worth picking up. —Josh Gross
—Josh Gross
NAOMI PSALM WITH THE BLUE CINEMA, STARE Formerly a solo act, singer-songwriter and guitarist Naomi Psalm now works with a full band, The Blue Cinema, comprised of Dan Costello, Mike Tetro, Rob Hill and the occasional synth player. Psalm, a Florida native, provides vocals for her most recent album, Stare. Psalm’s creations can be somber, poignant and even reverent, her talents akin to Sarah McLachlan. On “Dinner’s Late,” amid meandering guitar track intros, Psalm comes on sounding like Michelle Branch. But the band built around Psalm sets her apart from the “woman plus guitar” Lilith Fair trope, bringing back the depth of sound so often missing with a solo artist. “Gazing” goes much more country, channeling Shania Twain, while “Ink” stands alone in its more urban feel, with a grainy synth underlying twangy bass—these songs are made whole by the band. But not every song on Stare is a gem. “Already Hit Send,” as the title suggests, is all about how Psalm sent a text message too soon. She sings in a whispery cadence, “In the same room / it’s much clearer / in the same room / we connect.” From there, the song bleeds into a chorus that’s a cliche-riddled dedication to the metaphor, with lyrics like, “Connection lost, mis-under-stood” and “What did you mean / what did you mean?” At least the song doesn’t end with, “Do u like me lol?” Sometimes sappy, Stare could be written off as vanilla, but strong talent is there. In the same way that macaroni and cheese pleases countless folks, Psalm and The Blue Cinema will surely scratch that comfort itch. —Andrew Crisp WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
REVIEW/NOISE JAMES ORR, TINY LOVE It was peculiar seeing James Orr open for Mozam at Neurolux early last month. Not because the acts’ styles were completely different, but because Orr has been a regular in the Boise music scene for quite a few years now, and on that night, Mozam was nervously preparing for its first-ever performance. The scene from that night was illustrative of the current reality that many of Boise’s mainstays from the late-aughts are now facing: A slew of young buzz-worthy bands are bogarting all the attention from the city’s modest pool of music fans. With the release of Orr’s detailed and ambitious new record, Tiny Love, it’s apparent that he wants to remain in the conversation. The album introduces itself with an assor tment of soft, bubbly guitar blips that morph into the basis for the chorus of “Pride & Prejudice,” the first, and one of the best, tracks on the album. The song is tranquil but with a tense underbelly. This describes a lot of Orr’s new record—his guitar is light and air y, with lots of reverb and delay, his voice is soft and calm, but the pace and key of the songs tend to invoke a feeling of apprehension, like something big is about to happen. The problem is, nothing big ever really happens. Orr doesn’t develop his songs into peaks, and there aren’t many hooks for the listener to latch onto. The choruses are, for the most part, subdued and the album lacks
energy. The songs mostly just meander along, and right when you think something is about to happen, they’ll usually just fizzle out with little payoff. But maybe Orr doesn’t care for big impressions. Where he excels the most is in creating dreamy, soporific soundscapes. “1.15.11” is perhaps the best example of this; it’s a tempered, emotional track with Orr’s soft baritone atop a warm cello line and steady blanket of
his lullaby-like guitar tones. “Tiny Love Acoustic” is another relaxing tune with melancholy guitar riffs, pensive cello and some touching love lyrics contained in the opening lines, “Someone once described the oceans in your eyes as per fect / I don’t even care if I’m stuck drowning there forever.” It’s apparent that Orr put a lot of hard work into Tiny Love. The tracks are densely layered, the production is crystal clear, the lyrics and
mood are rife with heartfelt emotion, and the record is littered with small pockets of beauty. Still, it lacks the capacity to captivate and pull the listener in. It’s an admirable effort but not enough to tap into the excitement generated by Boise’s more adventurous up-and-comers. —Stephen Foster
LIKE A ROCKET, HEY MAN This three-piece—featuring Charlotte, N.C., transplant Speedy Gray on vocals, Z.V. House on bass and Dustin McFadden-Elliot on drums—shamelessly borrows from the best of the British invasion, Americana and Southern swamp rock. But Like A Rocket blends it together with panache, the best example being “Every Time Sweet,” on its new album Hey Man, where flute and piano accompany a funky bass line and bouncy drums. The mid-album “Tea Party!” features chords identical in energy to the Romantics’ “What I Like About You,” and it also instantly gets stuck in your head. Perhaps intentionally, the following track, “Monkey,” smacks of The Monkees. On it, Gray sings, “He’s a monkey / he’s a monkey in my well,” with accompanying psychedelic guitar work. “Breathe” features piano and leans more toward a somber, acoustic, Beatles-like track, but Speedy takes it a bit too slow with the vocals and leaves the listener hanging. The result feels a lot more like Wings than Abbey Road B-side. Toward the end of the record, the myriad directions Hey Man pulls itself gets a little wearisome. But Like A Rocket’s Hey Man is balanced in its attempt, leaving only a couple lesssuccessful tunes between the other gems, an unassuming release making up in fun what it lacks in flamboyance. While some of the rough edges—the barroom feel of “Woman” isn’t getting across—need polishing, the inclusion of jazz flute and their delightfully versatile sound serve the name Like a Rocket well. —Andrew Crisp WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
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LOST LANDER, FEB. 5, VAC Lost Lander began as an Internet collaboration between singer-songwriter Matt Sheehy and producer Brent Knopf, formerly of Menomena. It blossomed into a four-piece, with the addition of Sarah Fennell, Dave Lowensohn and Patrick Hughes. Together, the band creates beat-heavy tracks with breathy vocals that defy what’s normally thought possible with electronics. Lost Lander will be joined by Portland, Ore.’s Death Songs at Visual Arts Collective on Sunday, Feb. 5. The evening will also feature local bands With Child (the creation of Elijah Jensen, Andrew Hafner and Ben Turner) and Sun Blood Stories, Ben Kirby’s acoustic-electronic project. All three acts pair well with Death Songs, which isn’t nearly as somber as the name suggests. Formed by brothers Nicholas and Nathan Delffs of The Shaky Hands in 2007, the band has a bluegrass-y, Woodie Guthrie-esque feel. —Andrew Crisp With Death Songs, With Child and Sun Blood Stories. 8 p.m., $5. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297, visualartscollective.com.
30 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
WILSON ROBERTS—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Bown
DAN COSTELLO—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers DUCHESS DOWN THE WELL— 10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s
GAYLE CHAPMAN—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
FRIM FRAM 4—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
HANNAH’S GONE WILD—With the Rocci Johnson Band. 9:30 p.m. $5. Humpin’ Hannah’s
IN FLAMES—With Trivium, Veil of Maya and Kyng. 7:30 p.m. $25. Knitting Factory
HOKUM HI-FLYERS—With Hillfolk Noir. 8 p.m. $3. Neurolux
THE NAUGHTIES—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s
JIM FISHWILD—6 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow
PAT FOLKNER—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
LARRY CONKLIN—11:30 a.m. FREE. Shangri-La PAUL DRAGONE—5 p.m. FREE. Shangri-La RICO WEISMAN AND REX MILLER—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Meridian STEVE EATON AND PHIL GARONZIK—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. FREE. Buffalo Club THE SHAUN BRAZELL TRIO—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers WAYNE COYLE—8 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge THE WELL SUITED—9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid
SWINGIN’ WITH ELLIE SHAW—6 p.m. FREE. FlatbreadDowntown
TERRY JONES—6:30 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
’80S DANCE PARTY WITH KATHY O—11 p.m. $3. Neurolux
A.K.A BELLE—With New Transit, Storie Grubb and the Holy Wars. 7 p.m. $3, Neurolux CAMDEN HUGHES—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers ELVIS BY BRIAN COX—6 p.m. FREE. Rockies Diner FREUDIAN SLIP—8 p.m. FREE. Corkscrews GEORGELIFE AND THE BRIDGE CD RELEASE PARTY—With Timmy Grins and DJ Image, Dumb Luck, Customary and Phact. 9 p.m. $5. The Shredder
THE VOICE OF REASON—9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid
SATURDAY FEB. 4 DAN COSTELLO—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers ERIC GRAE—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
HOLDEN YOUNG—10 p.m. $TBD. Grainey’s JOHN CAZAN—5 p.m. FREE. Lock, Stock & Barrel JOHN JONES TRIO—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers LEE MITCHELL—8:30 p.m. FREE. Ha’ Penny MOTTO KITTY—9 p.m. $3. Kay and Traci’s 127 Club RANDOM CANYON GROWLERS—9 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
HIEROGLYPHICS—10 p.m. $8 adv, $12 door. Reef
ROCCI JOHNSON BAND—9:30 p.m. $5 after 10 p.m., FREE for ladies. Humpin’ Hannah’s
MOTTO KITTY—9 p.m. $3. Kay and Traci’s 127 Club
THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. Buffalo Club
TERRY JONES—6:30 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
GUIDE/LISTEN HERE GUIDE ROCCI JOHNSON BAND—9:30 p.m. $5 after 10 p.m., FREE for ladies. Humpin’ Hannah’s
THE MANHATTAN TRANSFER—7 p.m. $39.50-$75. Morrison Center
ROKNROD—8 p.m. FREE. Corkscrews
RYAN WISSINGER—6 p.m. FREE. Solid THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. Buffalo Club TRIO43—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers THE VOICE OF REASON—9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid
TUESDAY FEB. 7 DAN COSTELLO—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
SUNDERGROUND—9 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement
LARRY CONKLIN—11:30 a.m. FREE. Moon’s
THE TOASTERS—With Useless, Voice of Reason and Piranhas BC. See Listen Here, this page. 8 p.m. $8. The Shredder
NATHAN MOODY—8 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge
THE WORKING DJS—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s
TERRI EBERLEIN—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
SARAH PEACOCK—7 p.m. FREE. Anchor Bistro
JARED BLAKE—8 p.m. $5. Neurolux
DAN COSTELLO—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
JOHN MARTIN—4 p.m. FREE. Three Beez Coffee Bar
PUNK MONDAY—8 p.m. $3. Liquid
GAYLE CHAPMAN—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
LOST LANDER—With Death Songs, With Child and Sun Blood Stories. See Listen Here, Page 30. 8 p.m. $5. VAC
HANNAH’S GONE WILD—With the Rocci Johnson Band. 9:30 p.m. $5. Humpin’ Hannah’s
SHAUN BRAZELL—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
TRIO43—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
DANNY BEAL—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
BEN BURDICK—Noon. FREE. Grape Escape
JIM FISHWILD—6 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow
KEN HARRIS—6:30 p.m. FREE. Berryhill LARRY CONKLIN—11:30 a.m. FREE. Shangri-La PAUL DRAGONE—5 p.m. FREE. Shangri-La SARAH PEACOCK—7 p.m. FREE. Zulu Bagels-East STEVE EATON AND PHIL GARONZIK—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
Don’t know a venue? Visit www.boiseweekly.com for addresses, phone numbers and a map.
In comedy, it’s said the real money is in dick and fart jokes. In music, the real money also involves the posterior, though it has more to do with making booties shake than toot. Of course, it’s better when the beat is beneath music of merit. Hence the appeal of ska: lyrical themes of social justice, bright and brassy melodies from horn sections, and a beat so danceable it forbids sitting. On Sunday, Feb. 5, Boise can shake its tuchus off with one of history’s finest ska bands: The Toasters. According to its website, The Toasters (which formed in 1981) was the first foreign ska band to play behind the Iron Curtain in Russia. Last year, The Toasters celebrated its 30th anniversary with a tour and a beer brewed in its honor. This week, the band will rock The Shredder. —Josh Gross With The Useless, Voice of Reason and Piranhas BC. 8 p.m., $8. The Shredder, 430 S. 10th St., 208-345-4355.
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 31
Pamela Swenson opens at Enso.
PAUL G. ALLEN FOUNDATION GRANTS ANNOUNCED Microsoft co-founder Paul G. Allen has been good to Idaho and 2012 is no exception. This year, five Idaho-based nonprofits have been awarded grants from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, totaling $665,000. All of Idaho’s grant winners this year are repeat recipients. Boise Art Museum received a contribution last year to support the installment of Mike Rathbun’s “The Situation He Found Himself In” and has again been awarded $50,000 for Nick Cave’s exhibit Meet Me at the Center of the Earth. Idaho Shakespeare Festival will receive $125,000 to support a capacity-building technology development project, and Catholic Charities of Idaho—an organization that offers parenting and financial education, job-skill building and English conversation classes—has been awarded $110,000 to increase financial stability among lowincome individuals. The Idaho Nonprofit Center will receive $150,000, which will go toward capacitybuilding assistance for Idaho nonprofits. Also in the arts and culture realm, the University of Idaho Foundation has been awarded $20,000 to support the 2012 Lionel Hampton International Jazz Festival, an annual event in Moscow for more than 40 years. Also the Western Folklife Center in Elko, Nevada, received $50,000 to support Fiddlers’ Pilgrimage: Weiser, Idaho, a multi-media project. From 1990-2010, the foundation awarded $428 million to nonprofit organizations in the Northwest. Of the five states served by the foundation—Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington—Idaho has received the least, $3.7 million compared to Washington’s whopping $258.9 million. Idaho nonprofits who want to plead for a bigger slice of next year’s grant pie can visit pgafoundations.com for more info on the application process. Aside from grant opportunities, local arts lovers have another reason to see green. Landscape artist Pamela Swenson will host an opening reception for her new exhibition of oil paintings and works on paper Friday, Feb. 3, from 5-8 p.m. at Enso Artspace. Originally from Minnesota, Swenson has chosen Southern Idaho to continue her post-baccalaureate art education. In a press release about the exhibition, Swenson said: “Living in the country for most of my life, I have a strong connection to the land, sky, water ... These qualities of nature greatly affect me and inform my work.” Seasons: New Work by Pamela Swenson continues through Thursday, March 8. For more info, visit ensoartspace.com. —Amber Clontz
32 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Cutting Edge: Contemporary Paper will explore both the traditional and modern ways artists are using cut paper in their creations.
PAPER CUTS Cutting Edge explores the fold between paper fine art and craft SARAH MASTERSON born in Puerto Rico and raised in AlbuquerPaper is one of our first artistic mediums. que, N.M. She studied papel picado, a form When we’re young, someone curls our hand of decorative cut-paper art originating in around a crayon and we draw. We carve Mexico with master Catalina Delgado Trunk. snowflakes from colorful construction paper, Margarida-Ramirez de Arellano uses this cut silhouettes of our profiles, and delicately ancient art form to address social issues and fold Mother’s Day cards. Paper is a form of comment on contemporary relationships. The language. result is a maze of ornate, intricately framed On Friday, Feb. 3, from 6-8 p.m., Boise pieces with feminist themes and laugh-out-loud State’s Visual Arts Center will explore this captions like, “I’ve had bigger,” underneath a language with Cutting Edge: Contemporary purple peacock. Paper. VAC Gallery Director Kirsten Furlong Two of the 10 artists featured in the show and art professor Janice Neri have curated a are from the Boise area. Amanda Hamilton show featuring 10 emerging cut-paper artists works primarily as a video artist and painter. who are bridging the gap between paper as However, when she began preparing a body of craft and paper as fine art. Furlong has been putting this show together work in 2009 exploring the meaning behind flowers and plants, she found paper was the for more than a year. It started when she most suitable medium. noticed more artists using cut-paper as a me“I wanted to create plants that would exist dium, both in the resurgence of drawing and works on paper. She wanted an opportunity to under bell jars as though in a winter garden,” she said. explore the trend more in depth, and last year The result is a series of sculpted paper she got her wish. plants, whose individual leafs and petals are “I actually got a research grant to pursue cut and attached by hand. Hamilton thinks the project so I was actually able to travel,” of the collection as said Furlong, who “historical wonder visited New York City, cabinets.” With names Seattle and Olympia, Opening night Friday, Feb. 3, 6-8 p.m., FREE. like “winter savory,” Wash., with the grant. Through Friday, March 23 “cyclamen” and “rue,” “Not only was I able VISUAL ARTS CENTER, GALLERY TWO looking through the to meet and look at Hemingway Western Studies Center bell jars is like observthe work of several of Boise State 1910 University Drive ing a preserved winter. the artists, but I was artdept.boisestate.edu/VAC Amy Nack has had also able to do a lot of a love affair with paper research on some of the for as long as she can historic, cultural tradiremember. Nack worked for nearly 25 years in tions of cut-paper.” the paper industry before deciding to pursue a Furlong found that cut-paper has not only bachelor of fine arts degree in printmaking at existed for centuries but is also present in difBoise State. ferent forms all over the globe. “Although paper is likely the humblest of “There’s a tradition in so many different mediums, there is something so rich, tactile cultures of cut-paper—ancient craft methods and intimate about working with something like Chinese and Japanese. There’s a Jewish so familiar,” said Nack. “I love that paper is tradition … a Polish tradition, there’s a Gersomething you can so easily stash away and man tradition. … The list goes on and on.” stumble on even years later and be in awe of its While many of the artists in this exhibit potential.” comment on some of these traditions in their Using water as her inspiration, Nack’s work, only one is actively practicing an ancient installation includes floating discs of cut paper, cut-paper technique. each with a different series of perforations and Kai Margarida-Ramirez de Arellano was
textures. As a whole, they share the same tranquility as a still body of water. Nack’s affinity for her medium comes through in the delicacy of her work. Perhaps two of the biggest names in the exhibit are Beatrice Coron and Nikki McClure. “They’re probably the two most wellknown artists in the show and neither of them come from a traditional fine-arts degree,” said Furlong. Coron studied art briefly in France, and then went on to hold a series of odd jobs, including truck driver, factory worker, cleaning lady, shepherdess and tour guide. In 1985 Coron moved to New York and reinvented herself as an artist. She began to “cut stories,” as she puts it. Armed with a blade and sheets of Tyvek, a black protective wrap used in construction, Coron now creates dizzying paper cityscapes, and her work has even been purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. McClure is one of the better-known names in the homespun craft movement. With an array of self-published calendars, books, clothing, album covers and posters, she exemplifies DIY culture. McClure’s artwork tells stories of home: hidden swimming holes, harvested potatoes, tangled spider webs and pregnant bellies. On opening night, the Visual Arts Center is pairing up with Bricolage to offer a pop-up shop of McClure items such as books, prints, illustrated journals and calendars. Other cut-paper art on display in the show includes an entire handmade clover patch cut from Japanese paper by Rebecca Gilbert, Susan Knight’s nest-like creations, a handmade book filled with tissue-thin pages by Francesca Lohmann, Wendy Kawabata’s ghost-like figures defined by pin pricks and Hunter Stabler’s layered webs mounted on plexiglass. Furlong believes that being able to see cutpaper artwork in person, like she did during her research, will have a big effect on any audience. “It’s really hard to understand because of the way it’s crafted,” said Furlong. “It’s intricate and delicate and hard to read in a photograph, so to be able to actually see it in person is amazing.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 33
HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT Albert Nobbs is best performance of Glenn Close’s career GEORGE PRENTICE If Glenn Close picks up an Oscar on Sunday, Feb. 26, for her transcendent performance in Albert Nobbs—and don’t rule her out—she’ll need to offer a tip of the bowler hat to her supporting players. She most certainly would share thanks with co-star Janet McTeer (nominated in the Best Supporting Actress category). But Close’s finest support came from Matthew Glenn Close has won three Emmys, three Tonys, but no Oscars, in spite of being nominated six times. Mungle, Lynn Johnson and Martial Corneville, the Oscar-nominated team who turned above the overreaching exhibition by actresses Close nurtured the property for 30 years. her into a 19th-century Irishman. grabbing a prosthetic (Nicole Kidman in The She became the film’s producer, co-authored Prior to the September 2011 premiere of Hours) or a wig (Meryl Streep in The Iron the screenplay and even penned the lyrics for Albert Nobbs at the Toronto International Lady) in an obvious effort to nab an Oscar. the movie’s beautiful theme song, “Lay Your Film Festival, Close told me how Mungle Albert Nobbs tells the story of a 19th Head Down,” sung by Sinead O’Connor. had designed her makeup and prosthetics, century woman who must dupe everyone There was good reason to be skeptical of a how Johnston applied the masks each day in at Dublin’s Morrison Hotel into believing film version of Albert two-and-a-half hour that she is a man—serving as a butler—in Nobbs—the source sessions, and how what, she is convinced, is her only protecmaterial, a play (The Corneville styled her ALBERT NOBBS (R) tion against poverty. Her secret, while highly Singular Life of Albert amazing wigs. The Directed by Rodrigo Garcia unique, somehow seems familiar and resonates Nobbs) was overly delicacy of the trio’s Starring Glenn Close, Janet McTeer, strongly in our 21st century trappings. Albert’s theatrical. In a 1982 craftsmanship did Mia Wasikowska New York production, plight reminds us of the masks that we all put much more than a Opens Friday at The Flicks the play felt compacted on before we walk out the door. Powders and simple masquerade. by the proscenium, fine potions aim to soften our wrinkles or hide the They gave ultimate shadows beneath our eyes, while we debate for its Off-Broadway credence to the story over the appropriate color combination of our of a time-weathered lass hiding in plain sight venue, but practically impossible to adapt. wardrobe. Each day, we embrace alterations to Yet Close saw what others didn’t—Albert as a gentleman’s gentleman. our appearance in fear of being judged Nobbs was not merely a costume drama. In“I’m thrilled and very emotional,” Close deed, it was a study of manner, movement and for who we truly are. told me in Toronto (BW, Cobweb, “Glenn 35 In 1982, when Close first played sensibility, all suited best to be examined by the Close as a Man’s Man,” Sept. 12, 2011). “But Nobbs on the stage, she was just begincamera lens. Her film is head-and-shoulders it’s a dream come true.”
SCREEN/THE TUBE Jones) is investigating a brutal killing spree, but the suspect is a man who reportedly had died more than 30 years prior. It turns out that, one by Alcatraz, the new break-out hit (pun intended) on Fox’s Monday one, the once-missing Alcatraz inmates begin appearing in 2012 without night schedule, shares more with Lost (ABC, 2004-2010) than just its aging a day and again begin committing heinous crimes. creator—J.J. Abrams. Both programs also include Jorge Garcia (the roThe execution (pun No. 3) of the tund Hurley, perhaps Lost’s most-beloved theme is what compels us to watch. character). Most importantly, the two Madsen teams with Dr. Diego “Doc” series share a rare bloodline in episodic Soto (Garcia), an Alcatraz expert, FBI network television–originality. Alcatraz Agent Emerson Hauser (Sam Neill) and holds us captive (pun No. 2) due primarily Parminder Nagra as Lucy Banerjee (who to its highly creative conceit. harbors even more secrets). Here’s the drill: It turns out that when Alcatraz mixes first-rate procedural Alcatraz shut down as a federal prison in crime drama with very user-friendly science 1963 (very true), all of the prisoners went fiction. The series premiered to big ratings missing (very false). The series has us beand held its own, attracting 10 million lieve (and quite convincingly) that the U.S. viewers in its second week, indicating that government has covered up the mysterious Alcatraz might keep us prisoner for a while disappearance of 256 inmates and 46 (somebody please stop me—that’s four). guards from the infamous San Francisco Bay rock. Alcatraz picks up in 2012 as Bay Alcatraz airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on Fox. —George Prentice area detective Rebecca Madsen (Sarah
34 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Pitt, you’re up to bat at the Oscars. Hill, you’re on deck.
OSCAR CRED IN LATEST DVD RELEASES Two recent Oscar nominees are Boise’s favorite DVD rentals at Redbox’s flick-in-a-box kiosks. The most recent DVD stats for the week ending Jan. 22 indicate that Redbox consumers grabbed discs of Moneyball and The Ides of March more than any other available choices. Moneyball (its second week in the No. 1 slot) is that rare combination of being an audience and critical favorite. Following its September big-screen lease, Moneyball topped $100 million at the box office but also cashed in quite a bit of critical currency while picking up scores of nominations for major awards, including six nods from the Motion Picture Academy. On Sunday, Feb. 26, Moneyball will be up for Best Picture, Best Actor (Brad Pitt), Best Supporting Actor (Jonah Hill) and Best Adapted Screenplay (Aaron Sorkin and Steve Zailian). Sorkin and Zailian will compete against Grant Heslov, Beau Willimon and somebody called George Clooney, who penned the adapted screenplay for The Ides of March, which received significant critical acclaim but generated medium box-office results. Nonetheless, Ides is a crackerjack political thriller with a topnotch cast, including Clooney, Ryan Gosling, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Paul Giamatti. The film was Boise’s second-favorite Redbox DVD rental. Other Oscar nominees on the list for Jan. 22 included No. 5, Rise of the Planet of the Apes (one nomination), and No. 10, The Help (three nominations, including Best Picture). —George Prentice
Special Screenings BANFF MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL WORLD TOUR— Join Audi Boise and the Boise Nordic Foundation when the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour brings the spirit of outdoor adventure to Boise. Award-winning and audience favorites have been selected from approximately 300 action-spor t films that entered the annual festival. Tickets are available at egyptiantheatre.net or by calling the box office at 208-387-1273. See Picks, Page 19. Win tickets at promo. boiseweekly.com. Sunday, Feb. 5-Tuesday, Feb. 7. 7 p.m. $20 day of; $17 adv., $13 students and seniors for single-night pass; $45 for three-night pass. Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., 208-345-0454, egyptiantheatre.net.
Opening BIG MIRACLE—A small-town news reporter and a Greenpeace volunteer team up to save a family of gray whales trapped by ice in the Arctic Circle. (PG) Edwards 9, Edwards 14, Edwards 22 THE WOMAN IN BLACK— When a lawyer travels to a remote village to sort out his deceased client’s papers, he’s haunted by a woman in black and must uncover her intent. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 14, Edwards 22
For movie times, visit boiseweekly. com or scan this QR code.
T H E AT E R S EDWARDS 22 BOISE 208-377-9603, regmovies.com EDWARDS 9 BOISE 208-338-3821, regmovies.com EDWARDS 14 NAMPA 208-467-3312, regmovies.com THE FLICKS 208-342-4222, theflicksboise.com
THE BIG SCREEN/SCREEN ning a film career with breakout roles in The Natural and The Big Chill. Over the years, she’s been nominat34 ed for an Oscar six times, but has also ruled the small screen (three Emmys) and Broadway (three Tonys). Today she’s at the top of her game, and Albert Nobbs is her best work to date. At 64, Close marshaled all of her talents, and there are many, to bring us a story with universal themes: equality, decency, and the deepest desire to be accepted as we are. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
MAJESTIC CINEMAS MERIDIAN 208-888-2228, hallettcinemas.com
Rick Steves Live in Boise! I
daho Public Television proudly presents an evening with author and travel show host Rick Steves. Pledge your support for tickets to see Steves live Sunday, March 4, at 7 p.m. at Boise’s historic Egyptian Theatre. All seats are reserved for this family event. Steves will sign books immediately following the lecture. Tickets are available exclusively at idahoptv.org, or call (800) 980-4788 during business hours. Rick Steves Live in Boise. Another way Idaho Public Television educates, informs and inspires.
OVERLAND PARK $1 CINEMA 208-377-3072, opcmovies.com NORTHERN LIGHTS CINEMA AND GRILL 208-475-2999, northernlightscinemagrill.com
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 35
3rd Rail Jam makes a return trip to Boise.
RAILS TO RIVERS When people think of Boise, their minds obviously turn toward hip-hop culture ... OK, maybe not, but for at least one day, hip-hop will ring across the Boise Foothills as the 3rd Rail Jam returns to Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area on Saturday, Feb. 4. The event is a mash-up of hip-hop music and a no-holds-barred rail jam for skiers and snowboarders that takes over the hill with a day of music, sports, graffiti art and MC battles. Competitors will battle it out for swag in front of the crowds, while graffiti artists demonstrate their skills, all set to a constant stream of music, including a few live performances. For those who want to show off their prowess on the slopes, sign-ups for the rail jam begin prior to the 9 a.m. competition time in the J.R. Simplot Lodge, and any competitor 17 or younger needs to have a parent on hand to sign a waiver. It will run you $25 to go for the gold— um, swag—but it’s free for the public to watch. Music will play throughout the day. This is the second year the 3rd Rail Jam has hit Boise after starting in New Jersey roughly five years ago. The founders have been expanding the road show since, taking the event to eight stops across the county. For more information, check out bogusbasin.org or 3rdrailjam.com. So, maybe a sick rail jam and hip-hop jamboree isn’t your scene. If you’re more into activities that require a hook and reel, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game is asking for your take on fishing in Idaho. IDFG is conducting an online survey to get a better idea of the habits and preferences of Idaho anglers, with questions ranging from what they like to fish for to where they like to fish to what they think the department’s conservation priorities should be. The survey—done every five years or so—helps the department develop its next statewide fish management plan, which is scheduled to go into effect in 2013. IDFG officials will also host a series of public meetings to review the last plan. The meetings will be held around the state and start later this spring. If you want to offer your comments online, do so at fishandgame.idaho.gov, but you’d better move fast—the last day to participate online is Sunday, Feb. 5.
“One does not hunt in order to kill; on the contrary, one kills in order to have hunted.” —Jose Ortega y Gasset, philosopher The first time I sat in a goose blind, I was about 11 years old. It was a frozen January morning in a cut corn field outside of Greenleaf. We had set out the hollow plastic geese decoys to resemble a flock in the field while it was still dark. The goal was to trick the geese into thinking they could land in the decoys and be safe. Little did they know. After we set out the decoys, we waited.
And waited. Scanning the horizon, we saw one lone honker coming in. My father’s co-worker laid on the call. The goose swung right for the blinds. It circled a few times and then locked its wings to land among the decoys. As soon as the goose was in range, my dad whispered “take ’em” in my ear. I pulled up and blasted. One shot and then another out of my 16 gauge side-by-side shotgun. The goose fell hard and fast to the ground. I ran out to grab the bird and was so alive in the moment, I was shaking. The cold had gone away. The boredom of sitting endlessly was gone. All I could feel was a connection to something in my gut. It was
like my inner cave boy was clawing its way out. That was the only goose to come in that day. Four grown men and a child had spent the better part of a cold morning “hunting” geese with little luck. Yet no one seemed disappointed in the day. I got more pats on the back than I can remember. It was a great lesson for life that I learned from behind a goose blind. It was a lesson in patience, mortality, kindness and support for a younger generation. Knowing that I’m not the only one to have learned a few lessons in a goose blind, I set out to find a few others with stories to tell.
LESSON NO. 1: HUNTING IS HARDWIRED INTO THE HUMAN PSYCHE Dr. James Swan, Snow Goose Productions, author of In Defense of Hunting Every now and then you get a book that just makes you want to wax philosophically about a subject. In downtown Nampa, I found a great little book called In Defense of Hunting by James Swan. It seemed like a book I could get behind. As it turns out, Swan dedicated a whole lot of his book to his “spirit animal,” the snow goose. So I asked him for a lesson that he learned from behind the goose blind. “The hunt has been with us for thousands of years. Hunting is firmly hardwired into the human psyche: an instinct for survival fueled by passion and guided by ethics that locks mankind into a kinship with nature. Honoring the hunting instinct, getting your hands bloody and dirty to put food on the table, naturally inspires one to know what Thanksgiving really means.” Yeah, what he said.
LESSON NO. 2: IN LIFE, IT IS NOT WHAT YOU KNOW, IT IS WHO YOU KNOW Drew Allen, Peppershock Media, goose hunter “I’ve been goose hunting off and on since I was a kid,” said Drew Allen. “I remember getting up early with my dad, heading over to grandma and grandpa’s to meet up with Grandpa and his buddies. Grandma had the coffee and donuts ready. We’d drive one mile down the road, set up in a field right off 12th Avenue and Locust Lane in Nampa and slay geese. ... Those days are long gone. ... Basically, it has become a ‘who you know’ sport. I have a neighbor that would love to go more often, but he doesn’t know where to go. “Don’t get me wrong, though. ... I still love getting up early, brewin’ coffee and freezing my ass off even if we just end up watching a nice sunrise and bullshittin’ the whole time.”
—Deanna Darr
36 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
LESSON NO. 3: THINGS ARE NOT ALWAYS AS THEY APPEAR Brannon Hancock, counter guy at Sportsman’s Warehouse Hunters fund wildlife conservation. It sounds a little counter intuitive but it is true. In 1937, the Pittman-Robertson Act imposed an excise tax of 11 percent on all consumptive sporting goods. Consumptive goods are things like guns and bullets. That means that every $20 box of steel shells I buy contributes $2.20 to the conservation of wildlife. If I was a better shot, my conservation dollars would actually decrease. Crap, I now have motivation not to practice my shooting. But it still seems odd that purchasing goose-killing 3.5 magnum shells also helps save geese. “Speaking only for myself, I think it is marvelous. A great program,” said Brannon Hancock. “If we, hunters, don’t have the resource [game] then companies lose a customer base. ... The cost is hidden in the item that is bought. Hunting funding conservation.”
LESSON NO. 4: YOU ARE PROBABLY NOT THE FIRST PERSON TO HAVE THE IDEA Dr. Chris Hill, associate professor of anthropology at Boise State At first, Chris Hill was at a loss as to how he could help me find a lesson in goose hunting. While he normally digs up bird bones in his work, they are not typically identified by species. However he did mention a discovery in “the dry caves of Nevada” that was on the waterfowl topic. “One of the most amazing discoveries is from Lovelock Cave in Nevada, where duck decoys have been found that are about 2,000 years old, probably slightly older.” It just goes to show that hunters and decoys have a longstanding relationship. While it is great to think you are original, it is painful to realize that someone has probably thought of the idea before you.
LESSON NO. 5: DON’T SWEAT THE DETAILS Jeff Rhodes, owner of Winglocker Decoys Sometimes it is just as effective to get the gist of a situation and react as it is to be detail oriented. That is the case with goose hunting as well. Geese decoys are normally made with an astute attention to detail. The heads are painted just so, the black and white covering lifelike in the detail. But sometimes that is not the point at all. “Look,” said Jeff Rhodes. “If a goose can see all the little details of your decoy then the darn thing should have already been shot at.” He should know, he makes decoys. Not the normal, expensive ones but a silhouette decoy made out of cloth and wire. His decoys run about $36 per dozen while the higher end, very detailed decoys sell for more than $400 per dozen. “What sells decoys is shelf appearance,” Rhodes added. “Take a look at the expensive decoy at about 35 yards and tell me if all that detail matters.” I did; it doesn’t. You don’t always need to sweat the details.
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15TH ANNUAL INDOOR TRIATHLON—Swim, bike and run without having to brave the cold outside. Saturday, Feb. 4, 8:30 a.m. $30-72. Nampa Recreation Center, 131 Constitution Way, Nampa, 208-468-5858, nampaparksandrecreation.org. BIKE TRAINING—Enjoy training demonstrations for distance training, pacing and information on equipment needed to race so you can get ready for your own big bike event. Saturday, Feb. 4, 10 a.m.-noon. $5 members, $7 nonmembers. Boise State Rec Center, 1515 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-5641, 208-4261131, rec.boisestate.edu. IDAHO STAMPEDE BASKETBALL—vs. Rio Grande Valley Vipers. Friday, Feb. 3-Saturday, Feb. 4, 7 p.m. $7-20. CenturyLink Arena, 233 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-424-2200 or box office 208-331-8497, centurylinkarenaboise.com. STEELHEADS HOCKEY—vs. Alaska Aces. Wednesday, Feb. 8, Friday, Feb. 10 and Saturday, Feb. 11, 7 p.m. $16-$50. CenturyLink Arena, 233 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-424-2200 or box office 208-331-8497, centurylinkarenaboise.com.
Recurring AERIAL YOGA—Stretch out in wraps of silk suspended from the ceiling for a fun, de-stressing workout. Mondays and Thursdays, 8 p.m. and Saturdays, 9 a.m. $15. Ophidia Studio, 4464 Chinden Blvd., Ste. A, 208-4092403, ophidiastudio.com. DROP-IN VOLLEYBALL—Drop in for a day game of volleyball. Nets and balls provided. Saturdays, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Sundays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Mondays, Wednesdays, 9-11:30 a.m. $4 adults, $3 seniors, $2 youth. Fort Boise Community Center, 700 Robbins Road, 208-3844486, cityofboise.org/parks. KAYAKING CLASSES—Riverroots Ltd. presents indoor kayaking classes, designed to teach you the basics of the sport and prepare you for the river. Courses are divided into two classes, occurring on consecutive Tuesdays. Tuesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. $80-85. Nampa Recreation Center, 131 Constitution Way, Nampa, 208-468-5858, nampaparksandrecreation.org. LINE DANCE LESSONS—Beginners to advanced dancers of all ages are invited. Thursdays, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $5. Broadway Dance Center, 893 E. Boise Ave., 208-794-6843. SUNDAY POWERPLAY—Enjoy two-for-one pricing on skating. Sundays, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Idaho IceWorld, 7072 S. Eisenman Road, Boise, 208-331-0044, idahoiceworld.com.
Register SAWTOOTH RELAY—Register through Saturday, March 31, for the 31st annual Sawtooth Relay on Saturday, June 9, in Stanley. Six-person teams cover a 62-mile course. Visit sawtoothrelay.com for more info. $360 per team. Stanley, 1-800-878-7950, stanleycc.org.
38 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Driving to the top of Table Rock is for weenies. Hike it.
TO THE TOP OF TABLE ROCK One of the first things people notice when looking from downtown Boise to the top of Table Rock is that the peak is close— less than three miles. Other than Camelback Mountain in Phoenix or Twin Peaks in San Francisco, there may not be a better urban hiking experience so close to a major city in America. Mind you, the 3,652-foot peak is no Mt. Borah, but this unique piece of geography delivers the goods when it comes to picturesque vistas. From the crest of the flat-topped mountain, vistas extend south and southwest on clear days to the Owyhee Mountains nearly 50 miles away. Looking north, the forested ridgeline of the Boise mountains seems close enough to touch. Hikers can create a diverse four-mile, 900-foot-gain loop hike and escape the crowds by integrating several non-motorized trails. There are a few steep sections, but they only last a quarter mile or so. The route weaves between lichen-covered boulders, transitions through sagebrush, circles around Table Rock and descends an open hillside with superlative views. If you plan on being at the top of Table Rock at sunset, you will be in for a memorable treat when the sun sets. From the trailhead, ascend on the Tram Trail (No. 14), 1.2 miles to a junction with the Table Rock Quarry Trail (No. 17). Continue straight as the trail veers left and travels on the backside of Table Rock to a parking area near the peak’s apex. Cross the parking area and continue northwest to the edge of the peak, perched 1,000 feet over the downtown skyline of Boise. After enjoying the remarkable views, descend on the Table Rock Trail (No. 15), passing several placards with information on the geological history of the area. Turn left on the Table Rock Trail (No. 16) to a junction with the Rock Garden Trail (No. 16A). Turn right and the trail immediately splits; take the left fork (No. 16B) and descend back to the Tram Trail. Turn right and hike back a half-mile to the trailhead. There will be many intersecting trails, both unsigned and signed, which can be confusing. The Ridge to Rivers trail map does not list all of these intersections. However, it is difficult to get lost as the open terrain and looming Table Rock always give you a reference to your location. Avoid the trails during winter months when temperatures rise above freezing—they are likely to be muddy and can be easily damaged. The trailhead is reached from the intersection of Warm Springs and Broadway avenues, by driving east on Warm Springs 2.1 miles to the Warm Springs Golf Course. Turn right and park in the large parking area. The trailhead is on the opposite side of Warm Springs. Scott Marchant is the author of three hiking guidebooks for Central Idaho, as well as the upcoming The Hiker’s Guide to Greater Boise. Visit hikingidaho.com for more info. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
REVIEW/FOOD Restaurants get one chance to hit BW with their best shot. LAU R IE PEAR M AN
Step into the bathroom at Cosmic Pizza with the light on and it’s an underwhelming scene. A tattered, oversized print of a Moby album cover featuring a lone alien on a barren planet hangs on a one wall, surrounded by pale plastic cut outs of stars and aliens. Turn out the lights, however, and it’s a scene to behold as it becomes a glow-in-the-dark spacescape. The bathroom, as is often the case in restaurants, epitomizes an experience at Cosmic Pizza. At lunch the space kitsch is cute and the food fine. It’s not until the sun has firmly planted itself below the horizon that the place Miss breakfast? Take your eggs over easy on the Craters of the Moon pizza at Cosmic Pizza. starts to glow. Housed in a building that was most recently and the service staff could use some training. smart diner would refrain from loading it up a Cajun restaurant, Cosmic Pizza did the with nonsense. Even so, it’s almost unbelievable that despite space right by refusing to fight the building’s The more adventurous options—listed as a few visits, I have yet to see the place wallera. The low-sloped roof and shiny brown to-wall with college students. With $6 salads, the Star Fleet on the menu—beg to be ordered. wall tiles ache for the days of disco, an effect Mini corn dogs make for awkward pizza topa burger for less than $5 and only enhanced by the addition pizza starting at $7, it’s priced pings, but the Craters of the Moon ($10.75of an old-school, only slightly COSMIC PIZZA for the Boise State crowd. And $17.85), with eggs over easy that spill yolk functional Atari gaming system. 1221 W. Boise Ave. if a student needed more prod- when the pizza is cut, salty applewood bacon Hanging from walls and stuffed 208-258-3871 and potato chunks makes for excellent breakding, pizza toppings like mini in corners is original Star Wars cosmicpizzaboise.com fast leftovers. The biggest problem is deciding corn dogs, mac and cheese, memorabilia, space posters and Cosmic Pizza is a BW Card member. which crazy combo to take a chance on. and chicken tenders in wing ’80s-era robots. Throw in some Regardless, you can bet on the crust, which sauce read like a college food tacky plastic serving dishes and is lightly herbed and some magic mix of pyramid on a slice. the pastel disposable napkins perfectly pliable and totally durable. Next on Don’t dig weird pizza? Don’t worry, Cosyou might find on your grandma’s table, and my list is the Blue Thunder ($12-$19.80), with mic also does a few variations on the tradiyou have a place that in any other city would deep-fried chicken tenders, bleu cheese, wing tional red-sauce, red-meat, white-cheese pie. be so utterly hip it hurts. But in Boise, it’s sauce, carrots and celery. And while I wait for An all-natural, hormone-free burger ($4.95) just another semi-empty joint waiting for the that bad boy to time warp through the pizza comes build-your-own, which is dangerous crowd to find it. with a bevy of pizza toppings as options. The oven, you’d better bet I’ll be taking on my date Cosmic has a few minor faults—the for a rematch at the ping pong table. patty itself, though, is well seasoned, and a sandwiches aren’t really out of this world
NEWS/FOOD NATURAL GROCERS AND CURBSIDE BISTRO WILL OPEN SOON Amid the persistent din of Whole Foods chatter, another natural-foods store quietly zipped into the Boise market and set up shop. Natural Grocers, a 52-store chain based out of Denver, is set to open a 24,000-square-foot location in Boise at 1195 N. Milwaukee St. “If you look at it from a demographic standpoint, [Boise] has fairly similar demographics to Denver, and we do pretty well in Denver,” said Kemper Isely, Natural Grocers co-president. “And you go up there and you see the real successful co-op up there. There’s not a lot of other natural-food stores. I know Whole Foods is coming at the end of this year. ... I think there’s quite a bit of room for us to help expand the market for natural foods.” The family owned grocery and vitamin store specializes in natural and organic products. Though it will offer produce and prepared foods WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
from local vendors, it won’t have its own prepared foods or meat counter. “We’re pretty particular about what we sell in our stores. In our produce department, you’ll only find organic produce. The meats that we sell are naturally raised, which means that they’re raised without added hormones or antibiotics and in non-confined feedlot situations,” said Isely. “And then we don’t allow artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or artificial sugars in the products we sell in our stores.” Natural Grocers will also feature free nutritional coaching and a community gathering room with a demo kitchen and meeting space. The bag-free store—no paper or plastic—plans to open shop on Tuesday, Feb. 28. For more info, visit naturalgrocers.com. Speaking of no preservatives, antibiotics or growth hormones, Double XL Ranch will soon be slinging its local Berkshire pork and Wagyu beef from a mobile food truck. Double
XL Ranch owner Dan Gianuzzi has teamed up with Eddy and Geedes Sparks of Urban Rustic Gourmet to open a local foods/fusion truck called Curbside Bistro. “We’re going to try to use all local products,” Gianuzzi said, adding he has plans to work with Rice Family Farms and Rustic Gourmet. “It’s basically going to be a fusion menu. ... We’re going to do dumplings and we’re going to do pork belly and Kobe beef burgers, but everything with a twist.” Gianuzzi will finalize his menu while waiting for the truck to be painted. He hopes Curbside Bistro will be up and running by Thursday, March 1, but said April 1 is a more realistic goal. He hopes to be downtown Monday through Friday and do the bar scene on the weekends from 9 p.m. to 1 or 2 a.m. He also plans to do the circuit of special events and farmers markets. —Tara Morgan
SAISON BREWS In Europe, especially Belgium and France, farmhouse breweries are famous for their refreshing ales made with saison yeast. Traditionally these were low-alcohol brews designed for daily consumption by farm workers during the harvest. For me, Saison Dupont, now more widely available in Boise, sets the standard. American versions often pump up the volume, with alcohol levels more than 6 percent. This week, we have a very different take on the style from Dupont, along with two exciting entries from Oregon. DUPONT’S BIERE DE MIEL Flavored with honey, this brumous, coppercolored ale is topped by a thin, cream-colored froth that leaves a nice lacing. Earthy, herbal aromas are colored by floral honey and a spicy bit of brett. Round fruit flavors dominate the palate, where sweet malt is balanced by tangy citrus with spice kicking in on the finish. This is an intriguing brew, but you feel a bit of heat from the 8 percent alcohol—I’ll stick with their saison. UPRIGHT BREWING’S FOUR Sometimes less is more. This Portland, Ore., brewery has produced a worthy saison that is both light and flavorful. Four is a hazy, straw-colored pour that mixes pale and wheat malts. The aromas are a combo of orange blossom, herbs and grass, while the flavors are clean and refreshing with lip-smacking tartness backed by biscuit, bright citrus and lemon zest. With its soft carbonation and dry finish, this brew is definitely a food-friendly choice. UPRIGHT BREWING’S SIX A thick, tan head with good persistence covers this cloudy, coffee-colored ale. The rye in the blend definitely comes through on the nose, along with hints of citrus and papaya. That rye is still there on the palate, but it lurks more in the background behind flavors of chocolate, tangy cherry and creamy malt. Touches of earth and smoke come through on the finish. This beer makes for a good winter warmer. —David Kirkpatrick
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 39
Lorena Jimenez brings traditional Mexican favorites to a former Boise snack shack.
FROM MEXICO WITH LOVE The owner of Lorena’s Mexican Grill talks flautas and future plans PATRICK TRAKEL dobladas, sopes, huaraches and gorditas that Lorena Jimenez left her home in Tepeji del bear almost no resemblance to their Taco Rio Ocampo, in Hidalgo, Mexico, to escape Bell counterparts. Soon, workers from local an abusive marriage and create a better life Mexican restaurants started congregating at for herself and her three daughters. Her her shack for lunch. She asked one of them if original plan was to work for a couple of years, save up some money and return home. he was there because he didn’t like the cooking at the restaurant where he But when her eldest daughter worked, only to be told that Elitanya, 29, got married, he was the cook. Lorena decided to stay and THREE SQUARES: With the immediate not break up the family. That success of her small restauwas 14 years ago, and now What foods do you loathe? rant, Jimenez was able to Boise is home. Wasabi. (Jimenez mistook it for avocado the first pay her friend back within “To me, she’s always been time she tried it and used the first year. Jimenez had a a strong woman,” remarked far too much.) similar shack in Mexico, but Izzy, 17, the youngest of ultimately, she would like to Jimenez’s children. If you weren’t cooking grow the business into a small Jimenez was one of nine for a living, what would restaurant that can shield her children, her father was a you be doing? customers from the elements. farmworker and her mother I would be a social worker or a psychologist. Last year, the Idaho Hiswas a housewife and stay-atpanic women’s group Mujeres home mom. Jimenez’s first If you could cook a meal for Unidas de Idaho named job was washing dishes at anyone, who would it be and Jimenez one of its Women of age 7, and her employer used what would you make? the Year. to pay the money directly to God! What wouldn’t I make According to Izzy, Jimenez’s mother. for Him? Maybe he would Jimenez’s energy and optiWhen Jimenez got to Boise, leave fat. mism are boundless, and she she threw herself into working is always smiling. She says to provide for her children, she loves to cook because it’s often holding down several another way to make people happy. jobs at a time. Six years ago, a friend told “Life only is one time; it’s only this moher that the snack shack adjoining Mister ment,” Jimenez said. Carwash on Fairview Avenue and Curtis And while that thought may make some Road would soon be vacant. He lent her the feel pressured or panicked, to Jimenez, it’s just money to take it over and Lorena’s Mexican a reminder to savor the time we have. Grill was born. Jimenez’s menu consists not only of typical tacos and burritos, but also traditional Patrick Trakel is the author of local food favorites such as sincronizadas, flautas, blog Treasure Valley Treats and Tragedies.
40 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
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BOISE W E E KLY BW BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $500 Weekly assembling products from home. For free information, send SASE: HOME WORKSapBW, PO Box 101, Roseville, CA 95661.
R E A L ES TAT E BW ROOMMATES ROOM ON THE BENCH I have a furnished room to rent for a long term renter. $300/mo., $300 dep, includes util. W/D, A/C, grg., front & back yard carport. Call 412-9677.
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B O I S E W E E K LY HANDYMAN... Any job any time. Not enough time in the day to take care of your Honey-do list? Jacks of all Trades is a Boise based company that offers a wide variety of services for a low price, and we don’t leave until you have a smile on your face.
Give us a call for a quote, 208890-6596 and ask for Jon. IKEA(R) DELIVERIES Get your Ikea fix! Assembled in Boise is making runs to Ikea in Salt Lake, Utah. Visit our website for details. assembledinboise.com or facebook.com/assembledinboise
TESTING FROM IDAHO RADON Radon is a heavy, dangerous gas produced by the breakdown of uranium. Idaho Radon is dedicated to bringing the residents of the Boise region quality radon testing and mitigation systems. Phone: 208-577-6544.
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users for 10 yrs. I have references available. Most computer issues are a flat rate fee of $40. I’d be happy to answer any questions. Drew 208-409-5923.
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MIND, BODY, SPIRIT BW HEALTH & FITNESS ISAGENIX All natural cellular cleansing & nutritional replenishing. Be a healthier you in 2012! 208-9212402 or ronikrawl@yahoo.com.
BW MASSAGE A full body hot oil massage. In home studio/shower. $45 full hr. 841-1320. Terrance. A Full body massage by experienced therapist. Out call or private studio. 863-1577 Thomas.
1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, 24/7. I travel. 880-5772. New website massagebyeric.com. Male Only. Private Boise studio.
BOISE’S BEST! With Bodywork by Rose. 794-4789. www.roseshands.com
Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/Eves/Weekends. Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 866-2759. MYSTIC MOON MASSAGE Pamper yourself with warm relaxation massage. 1 hr. $30, 90 Min. $40. 322 Lake Lowell, Nampa. 1-10pm, Mon.-Sat. By appt. only. 283-7830. Betty. RELAXATION MASSAGE Call Ami at 208-697-6231. ULM 340-8377. Hrs. 8:30AM-8PM.
Free Foot Bath for Body Detox with 1 hr. foot massage. Treatments for acute and chronic cold hands & feet. Body Massage with special techniques. Pain Relief. 377-7711. Stop by 6555 W. Overland Rd near Cole.
SIMPLICITY HAIR DESIGN Please join us for our open house party! Saturday, Feb. 11 from 11am on. Prizes, food, raffles & fun! Join us in our new venture! 1336 E. State St., Eagle. Formerly DeeAnn’s.
42 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
VISIT | www.boiseweekly.com E-MAIL | classified@boiseweekly.com CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
NEWY(OU)EARYOGA Three Oaks Academy, 211 West State Street. Classes are M: 5:30p (Therapy), Tu: 9:15a (Flow), W: 9a (New2Yoga), W: 5:30p (All levels), Th: 8:30a (Flow), F: 5:30p (Therapy). Whew. You are welcome anytime, all the time. First class FREE! $10/hr. thereafter.
BW MUSIC INSTRUCTION/OTHER PREMIER DRUMS Premier Marine Black Pearl Drum set - 5 piece. $875. jrb4jc@hotmail.com FREE JAM BANDS & DEAD TAPES Bootlegs of the Grateful Dead, String Cheese Incident, Widespread Panic. These are analog tapes but could easily be converted to CD’s. Great for music collectors. 208-344-1688.
CD/DVD PACKAGE DESIGNER Professional CD/DVD/poster designer. 20+ yrs. exp. Available to help craft amazing designs and more. Needing a logo? How about a photography expert to get the quality shots you need? Will be happy to answer any questions and help you take the next steps to success. Visit Cox Creative for prices, samples and more info. 629-4617 or 615-3353588. www.briantcox.com/art/ cd_cassettes.html
will learn instrument basics and reading music. We have shows every month which give students the opportunity to play with a group once tunes have been learned. If you would like information regarding available times, rental instruments or rates call us at 208-344-7297.
BW MUSIC INSTRUCTION/OTHER PRO GUITARIST/SINGER Mega-experienced professional guitarist/singer looking for weekend work. Rock, blues, funk, soul, country-rock, folkrock, gospel, etc. youtube. com/watch?v=AceJn9MMMRw Call 442-6423 or marvjonesi @hotmail.com
VIOLIN-VIOLA-FIDDLE Fiddlin Frog String Studio is now accepting new students. All ages are given for 30 minutes or one hr/wk. One on one with a private instructor. Beginning students
CROCODILE GECKOS There are two females & one male. I have to get rid of them due to some health issues of mine. I simply do not have the time. They come alone, or you can purchase their cage from me. Email if interested: megan. dee.marie@gmail.com LAB/GOLDEN RETRIEVER I have a 8 mo. old Lab/Goldie for sale. Need to sell asap. I can no longer keep him because of where I live. He is good with kids, dogs, loves the water, and knows a few commands. If interested email me at findspets@gmail.com FREE ON-LINE CLASSIFIED ADS Place your FREE on-line classifieds at www.boiseweekly.com. It’s easy!
ELVIS PERFORMING AT ROCKIES An ELVIS “sound-alike” performer is singing at ‘50s decor’, Rockies Diner every Friday night from 6-9. Brian Cox has been a big Elvis fan for 30+ yrs. & has the moves & voice down to an art. Come by, have a burger & shake, take a photo with Elvis (post to Rockies Facebook page) and be selected to win great prizes. 3900 W. Overland Rd. in Boise.
These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society. www.idahohumanesociety.com 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508
SHOP HERE BANDIT: 10-year-old male German shepherd mix. House-trained. Good with other dogs and older children. Sweet, happy dog. (Kennel 308- #15021548)
JASMINE: 1-year-old female pit bull terrier/ border collie mix. Good with older children. Prefers to be the only dog. House-trained. (Kennel 410- #12481373)
ROSIE: 6-year-old female pit bull terrier/Australian cattle dog mix. Friendly with kids, cats and other dogs. Houseand crate-trained. (Kennel 310- #15085560)
MAGGIE: 4-year-old female domestic longhair. Litterbox-trained. Good with dogs, but prefers to be the only cat. Indoor cat. (Kennel 67- #15108092)
GUS: 3-year-old male domestic shorthair. Large, easygoing and affectionate cat. Litterbox-trained. Enjoys being held and petted. (Kennel 7- #15127253)
SUMMER: 1-year-old male domestic medium hair cat. Timid and would do best in a quiet, adult home. Litterbox-trained. (Kennel 13- #15112011)
These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats. www.simplycats.org 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177
KALO: I am a Staff Pick SYLVESTER: I love to for January. $20 adopts chase mice and will do me. it for no price.
VIXEN: Stunning redhead will warm your heart this winter.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 43
B O I S E W E E K LY FOR SALE BW STUFF Bed, Queen Tempurpedic Style Memory Foam Mattress. Brand new, w/warranty. Must sell $225. 921-6643. BEDROOM SET 7 pc. Cherry set. Brand new, still boxed. Retail $2250, Sacrifice $450. 888-1464. KING SIZE PILLOW TOP MATTRESS SET. New - in bag, w/ warranty. MUST SELL $199. Call 921-6643. QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET. Brand new-still in plastic. Warranty. MUST SELL $139. Can deliver. 921-6643. START BEEKEEPING We have 3lb package bees for sale. Order now, pickup date is April 28th. This is what you need to start your own hive. We also have beekeeping equipment in stock. Visit www.tubbsberryfarm. com or call 208-961-0969 for more information.
VISIT | www.boiseweekly.com E-MAIL | classified@boiseweekly.com CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
TV Television for sale. $20. email: jncrl9@gmail.com Couch & Loveseat - Microfiber. Stain Resistant. Lifetime Warranty. Brand new in boxes. List $1395. Must Sell $425! 888-1464.
ATOMIC TREASURES Atomic Treasures 409 S. 8th St. 344-0811 Stop in check our collection of vintage, retro, art and found objects. Decorative and unique treasures for home, jewelry, books, collectibles, new and vintage scrapbook supplies and ephemera. Unusual and unforgettable gifts!
BW EAT HERE SAIGON DELI IN MERIDIAN Vietnamese and Chinese food come check it out. Saigon Deli now open 1835 W. Cherry Ln. Call 208-884-5731.
BOOKS & GIFTS CherryLaneCurioisityShoppe.com 5850 W. Cherry Ln, Meridian. 658-8022. FREE ON-LINE CLASSIFIED ADS Place your FREE on-line classifieds at www.boiseweekly.com. It’s easy!
1989 HONDA ACCORD- 900 Maroon, automatic, 4 dr. Car runs well. New battery & transmission fluids just replaced. Asking $900 OBO. Please text or call 208249-6775 if interested.
BW AUTO SERVICES FOGGY HEADLIGHTS? The Headlight Doctor LLC Asolutely the best headlight refurbishing option in Idaho! 208-440-0502.
2001 NISSAN ALTIMA GXE Grey, automatic, power locks and windows. It has been well maintained, gets good gas mileage & runs great! Please contact Jonathan 241-1702 or Amber 840-0969 for more information. $3,200. 88 ISUZU TROOPER II 4X4 Awesome 4x4 off road or highway. 3500 mi. Good shape, ready to travel. $4900 OBO. Will consider any serious offer. To see/drive; Call Max 208-514-7190 in Boise.
2010 BLOOMER 7 HORSE LQ Sleeps up to 7, 1 deep slide & loaded to the brim. All our new Bloomer horse trailers are discounted heavily in order to make room for more inventory. Reduced to $119,953. Call 208-8813036. Please leave a message!
.IN THE DISTRCIT COURT FOR THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: Rebekah Marie Rich Legal name of child Case No. CV NC 1124088 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Minor) A Petition to change the name of Rebekah Marie Rich, a minor,
now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to Rebekah Marie Bauer. The reason for the change in name is:Petitioner has remarried and desires the child to have the same name as other members of her immediate family, which the child strongly desires as well. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o’clock p.m. on February 21, 2012 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: Dec. 16, 2011. CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: DEBRA URIZAR Deputy Clerk Pub. Jan. 11, 18, 25 & Feb. 1, 2012. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE 4TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: Amanda Marie Holmes Case No. CV NC 1200305 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult)
NYT CROSSWORD | SNOW WHITE’S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY BY ADAM FROMM / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ 24 Bad occupation for Sleepy? 26 One 27 Head of ancient Sparta? 28 Hardest to ship, say 29 Bad occupation for Happy? 31 Bit of wear for a fop 32 Hero who debuted in Weird Tales magazine in 1932
ACROSS 1 Colo. ___, Colo. 4 1040 preparer, for short 7 Heartbeat 13 Plied with spirits 18 Shakespeare 20 National Forensic League skill 22 Rare violin 23 Royal house until the early 20th century 1
33 M.A. hopeful’s ordeal 34 Like Oscar Wilde’s humor 37 Ruler in a robe 41 Touch while running 42 Home of two M.L.B. teams 44 Villains in 1939’s “Stagecoach” 48 Last ___ 50 Ones running away with the game? 9
42 50
91 95 106
66 71 78
72 79
82 86
83 88
81 85
69 74
57 60
41 49
22 25
13 21
54 Mrs. Robinson’s daughter 55 Having hands, maybe 57 Bad occupation for Sneezy? 59 More than a quarter of the earth’s crust, by mass 61 Longtime Yankee nickname 62 Spot for a flame
111 114
44 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
112 115
63 Bad occupation for Grumpy? 69 2000 musical with the song “Fortune Favors the Brave” 70 Diplomatic, say 71 Some juices 73 Bad occupation for Dopey? 79 Grippers 80 Spanish dish 81 Classic figure in a top hat 83 It needs to be fed frequently 84 Best in the market 86 Last word of “Finnegans Wake” 87 ___ Canals 89 Gives a darn? 90 Bridge maker’s deg. 91 Biblical mount 93 Singer John 95 Common tattoo spot 98 Bad occupation for Doc? 105 Hippocampus hippocampus, e.g. 108 Mishmashes 109 Employee of the month award, say 110 Bad occupation for Bashful? 112 Waldorf salad ingredients 113 Sports anchor Rich 114 Attacked ground units, in a way 115 Honchos 116 Lands in a puddle, maybe 117 Accent 118 ___-Magnon 119 ___-la-la
1 Kerri ___, U.S. gymnastics star at the 1996 Olympics 2 45 player
3 Pay up 4 Cave ___ 5 One going to market 6 Daily or weekly: Abbr. 7 “Friends” role 8 (0,0), on a graph 9 Eruption sight 10 “___ Frome” 11 A picky person may pick one 12 Trailer attachment 13 Bananas 14 “Somebody shot me!” 15 Questionnaire blank 16 Airport postings, for short 17 Force 19 Subject of dozens of Degas paintings 21 Vertigo symptom 25 Group with the 1995 #1 hit “Waterfalls” 27 Honor like a troubadour 30 Bar that shrinks 33 Miss 34 Like four U.S. presidents 35 Mathematician Descartes 36 River to the North Sea 37 Chapters in history 38 Half note 39 Novelist Calvino 40 Like lanterns at the start of evening 42 Log 43 Big bother 45 Degree of interest? 46 “Voilà!” 47 Fire 49 Convivial 51 Jai ___ 52 Funeral song in Scotland 53 Cuts 56 Become a YouTube sensation 58 Finally edible 60 Zip
64 Duo with the 2003 hit “All the Things She Said” 65 Levi’s alternative 66 Actors MacLachlan and Chandler 67 Serve up some ham? 68 Extend, in a way 72 Georgia and Moldova, once: Abbr. 73 Like two peas in ___ 74 Hail 75 Is allowed (to) 76 Overhead transports 77 Tolkien’s tree creatures 78 Some Jamaicans 82 “Switched-On Bach” instrument 85 Snares 88 Not a great hand for raising 92 Surgical inserts 93 Aristocracies 94 Big name in insurance 95 [Give me the worm! Give me the worm!] 96 Hallmark of the Philadelphia sound L A S T C O C A
97 Sounds of hesitation 98 Relating to the palm of the hand 99 Apple software bundle that includes GarageBand 100 Volunteer’s cry 101 “Shoot!” 102 Disgruntled worker’s parting cry 103 External 104 “The Gondoliers” bride 105 Ballet bit 106 Malevolent 107 Lhasa ___ 111 “Either plagiarism or revolution,” per Paul Gauguin 112 Fighters’ org. Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under extras for the answers to this week’s puzzle. Don't think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
W E E K ’ S E R N S T M O A M S A O T N A D I N X Y O P N D L I N N O E R D I C
A Petition to change the name of Amanda Marie Holmes, now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to Amanda Marie Walund. The reason for the change in name is: I was divorced pursuant to case CVDR04-01136 and want to be restored to my maiden name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 130 o’clock p.m. on March 1, 2012 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: Jan. 19, 2012 CLERK OF THE COURT By: Deirdre Price Deputy Clerk Pub. Jan. 25, Feb. 1, 8 & 15, 2012. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA In the Matter of the Estate of: GERTRUDE I. WOODLAND, Deceased. Case No. CV IE 1200937. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-6-801) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named descendent. All persons having claims against the descendent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 26th day of January, 2012. BETSY J. KNAUER C.K. Quade Law, PLLC 1501 Tyrell Lane Boise, ID 83706 Telephone: 208-367-0723 Pub. Feb. 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2012.
VISIT | www.boiseweekly.com E-MAIL | classified@boiseweekly.com CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
BARTER BW NEED ID LICENSE PLATE Looking for a 1965 ID license plate for my classic Corvette. Call & we can figure out a trade. Thanks. 272-0191. STORIES OF MOUNTAIN WOMEN Looking for gritty, entertaining & honest stories about life as a mountain woman from Native Americans to frontier women to modern day women who take refuge in & challenge their souls in the mountains. Any story welcomed including folklore and tall tales to be included in a book. Call 970-846-6768 or email UndiscoveredWriter@gmail.com
MEET SEXY SINGLES Reply to Ads FREE! Straight 208345-8855. Gay/Bi 208-472-2200. Use FREE Code 7760. Visit MegaMates.com, 18+. WHERE SINGLES MEET Listen to Ads FREE! 208-345-8855. Use FREE Code 7759, 18+.
BW CHAT LINES ALL MALE HOT GAY HOOKUPS! Call FREE! 208-489-2162 or 800777-8000. www.interactivemale. com 18+. EroticEncounters.com Where Hot Girls Share their private fantasies! Instant Connections. Fast & Easy. Mutual Satisfaction Guaranteed. Exchange messages, Talk live 24/7, Private 1-on-1. Give in to Temptation, call now 1-888-7008511.
MEN SEEKING MEN 1-877-4098884 Gay hot phone chat, 24/7! Talk to or meet sexy guys in your area anytime you need it. Fulfill your wildest fantasy. Private & confidential. Guys always available. 1-877-409-8884 Free to try. 18+. REAL DISCREET, LOCAL CONNECTIONS Call FREE! 208-287-0343 or 800210-1010. www.livelinks.com 18+.
BW I AM HERE 54 yr. old M with good stable job. Interests include Meridian Speedway & Firebird, long talks & drives, family time important & appreciation for simple things in life. No alcohol or drugs. Looking for W 45-55 with honesty, integrity & loyalty. Call 291-0028.
Accepting Knickknacks for in store trade at A Thrift Store with a Twist. Jewelry, DVD’s, Clothes. 4610 W. State St. 429-1226.
CONNECTIO N SECTIO N BW ENTERTAINMENT ALL KINDS OF SINGLES. Browse & Respond FREE! Straight 208-3458855. Gay/Bi 208-472-2200. Use FREE Code 7582, 18+. HOT GAY & BI LOCALS Browse & Respond FREE! 208472-2200. Use FREE Code 5914, 18+. “I’d rather be dancin’” Stripergrams, Shows Lessons. 208-4470026.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 45
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): Sad but true: A lot of people seem to be perpetually in a state of wanting what they don’t have and not wanting what they actually do have. I’m begging you not to be like that in the coming weeks, Aries. I’ll tell you why: More than I’ve seen in a long time, you will have everything going for you if you want precisely what you do have—and are not full of longing for what’s unavailable. Do you think you can manage that? You will be amazed by the sublimity of peace that will settle over you. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Of all the signs of the zodiac, Tauruses are the least likely to be arrogant. Sadly, they’re also among the most likely to have low self-esteem. But your tribe has an excellent opportunity to address the latter problem. Current cosmic rhythms are inviting you rather loudly and dramatically to boost your confidence, even at the risk of you careening into the forbidden realm of arrogance. That’s why I recommend Taurus musician Trent Reznor as your role model. He has no problem summoning feelings of self-worth. As evidence, here’s what he confessed when asked about whether he frequents music social networks: “I don’t care what my friends are listening to. Because I’m cooler than they are.” GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “If Mark Twain had had Twitter,” says humorist Andy Borowitz, “he would have been amazing at it. But he probably wouldn’t have gotten around to writing Huckleberry Finn.” I think you’re facing a comparable choice, Gemini. You can either get a lot of little things done that will serve your short-term aims, or you can at least partially withdraw from the day-to-day give-and-take so as to devote yourself with more focus to a long-range goal. I’m not here to tell you which way to go; I just want to make sure you know the nature of the decision before you. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You now have a special talent for helping your allies tap into dormant potentials. If you choose to use it, you will also have a knack for snapping lost sheep and fallen angels out of their wasteful trances. There’s a third kind of magic you have in abundance right now, Cancerian, and that’s the ability to coax concealed truths out of their hiding places. Personally, I’m hopeful that you will make lavish use of these gifts. I should mention, however, that some people may resist you. The transformations you could conceivably set in motion with your superpowers might seem alarming to them. So I suggest that you hang out as much as possible with change-lovers who like the strong medicine you have to offer.
46 | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | BOISEweekly
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Publishing a volume of poetry is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo,” said author Don Marquis. Something you’re considering, Leo, may seem to fit that description, too. It’s a project or action or gift that you’d feel good about offering, but you also wonder whether it will generate the same buzz as that rose petal floating down into the Grand Canyon. Here’s what I think: To the degree that you shed your attachment to making an impact, you will make the exact impact that matters most. Give yourself without any expectations.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Lessons could come to you from unforeseen sources and unanticipated directions during the next few weeks, Sagittarius. They will also come in expected forms from all the familiar influences, so the sum total of your learning could be pretty spectacular. To take maximum advantage of the opportunity, just assume that everyone and everything might have useful teachings for you— even people you usually ignore and situations that have bored you in the past. Act like an eager student who’s hungry for knowledge and curious to fill in the gaps in your education.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Comedian Louis CK told a story about his young daughter. She had a fever, and he gave her some Tylenol that was bubble gum flavored. “Ewwww!” she complained. Louis was exasperated. “You can’t say ‘ewwww,’” he told her. What he meant was that as a white kid in America, she’s among the most privileged characters in the world—certainly far luckier than all the poor children who have no medicine at all, let alone medicine that tastes like candy. I’m going to present a similar argument to you, Virgo. In the large scheme of things, your suffering right now is small. Try to keep your attention on your blessings rather than your discomfort.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “The consuming desire of most human beings is deliberately to plant their whole life in the hands of some other person,” said British writer Quentin Crisp. If you harbor even a small tendency in that direction, Capricorn, I hope that in the coming days, you will make a concentrated effort to talk yourself out of it. In my astrological opinion, this is a critical moment in the long-term evolution of your healthy selfsufficiency. For both your own sake and the sake of the people you love, you must find a way to shrink your urge to make them responsible for your well-being.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): I stumbled upon an engineering textbook for undergraduates. There was a section on how to do technical writing, as opposed to the literary kind. It quoted a poem by Edgar Allan Poe: “Helen, thy beauty is to me / Like those Nicean barks of yore / That gently, o’er a perfumed sea, / The weary way-worn wanderer bore / To his own native shore.” Then the book gave advice to the student: “To express these ideas in technical writing, we would simply say, ‘He thinks Helen is beautiful.’” Don’t take shortcuts like that, Libra. For the sake of your emotional health and spiritual integrity, you can’t see or treat the world anything like what a technical writer would. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Are you ready to start playing in earnest with that riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma? Are you looking forward to the rough-and-tumble fun that will ensue after you leap into the middle of that sucker and start trying to decipher its impossibly interesting meaning? I hope you are primed and eager, Scorpio. I hope you can’t wait to try to answer the question that seems to have no answer. Be brave and adventurous—and be intent on having a blast.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): If you go to California’s Yosemite National Park this month, you might get the chance to witness a reddish gold waterfall. At sunset, gaze up at the sheer east face of the rock formation known as El Capitan. There you will see what seems to be a vertical river of fire, also known as Horsetail Fall. I nominate this marvel to be your inspirational symbol for the coming weeks. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you will have the power to blend fire and water in novel ways. I encourage you to look at the photo (bit. ly/fluidicfire) and imprint the image on your mind’s eye. It will help unleash the subconscious forces you’ll need. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): After singer Amy Winehouse died, actor Russell Brand asked the public to scale back their derisive opinions about her struggle with intoxicants. Addiction isn’t a romantic affectation or glamorous self-indulgence that people are too lazy to overcome, he said. It’s a disease. Would you mock a schizophrenic for his “stupid” propensity for hearing voices? Would you ridicule a victim of multiple sclerosis for not being vigorous? I’m of the opinion that all of us have at least one addiction, although it may not be as disabling as Winehouse’s weakness for liquor and narcotics. What’s yours? The coming weeks would be a very good time to seek help in healing it.
BOISEweekly | FEBRUARY 1–7, 2012 | 47