Boise Weekly Vo. 20 Issue 27

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LESSON TIME The Boise School District levy by the numbers PICKS 16

EENY MEENY MINEY MO Catch some fun by the toe with BW Picks REC 29

STAIRWAY TO CHARITY Boise firefighters among top stairclimbing competitors FOOD 30

WOLF, IT’S WHAT’S FOR DINNER Or not. Exploring our distaste for the grey

“Men run to be somebody. Women run to do something.”


2 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly


BW STAFF PUBLISHER: Sally Freeman Office Manager: Shea Sutton EDITORIAL Editor: Rachael Daigle Features Editor: Deanna Darr Arts & Entertainment Editor: Tara Morgan News Editor: George Prentice New Media Czar: Josh Gross Copy Datatante: Sheree Whiteley Reporters: Andrew Crisp Stephen Foster Listings: Copy Editor: Jay Vail Interns: Amber Clontz, Annette Rincon Contributing Writers: Sarah Barber, Bill Cope, Randy King, David Kirkpatrick, Ted Rall, Christopher Schnoor, Carissa Wolf ADVERTISING Advertising Director: Lisa Ware Account Executives: Sabra Brue, Jessi Strong, Doug Taylor, Nick Thompson, Jill Weigel, CLASSIFIED SALES CREATIVE Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Graphic Designers: Jen Grable, Adam Rosenlund, Contributing Artists: Derf, Jeremy Lanningham, James Lloyd, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Patrick Sweeney, Tom Tomorrow, CIRCULATION Shea Sutton Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town: Stan Jackson Distribution: Tim Anders, Mike Baker, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Jennifer Hawkins, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Lars Lamb, Brian Murry, Amanda Noe, Northstar Cycle Couriers, Steve Pallsen, Patty Wade, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 30,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. SUBSCRIPTIONS: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. TO CONTACT US: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701

NOTE VOTE EARLY, VOTE OFTEN As this edition of Boise Weekly heads to press, Idaho’s first Super Tuesday caucus has yet to happen, though by the time this thing hits stands on Wednesday morning, the GOP vote and Ron Paul’s Super Tuesday Idaho camp will be nothing but a memory. Next week, though, I’ll write something similar. As the Wednesday, March 14, paper gets inked, some Idahoans will be hitting the polls to vote on levies that would help put monies in their local school district’s coffers. And by the time the paper hits stands, we’ll know whether Ada County voters in Boise and Meridian approved levies of $70 million and $28 million respectively. When Meridian voters shot down an $18.5 million levy in May 2011, voter turnout was dismal and failure to reach the two-thirds supermajority “yes” threshold forced the district to cut school days, institute pay-to-play extracurricular activities and increase class sizes this year. All of those factors, some say, could have increased voter awareness enough that parents who have been affected by this year’s cuts will be motivated to turn out in support of the two-year levy. In Boise, the campaign in support of the levy has been a well organized effort with a public awareness campaign, while the levy’s detractors have been a vocal contingent. The sheer volume and content of the letters to the editor BW received could serve as an indication of the number of parents who are not only aware of the Tuesday, March 13, vote but who are actively engaged in helping it pass. In News this week, we give you the Boise School District levy by the numbers. How much it is, how much it will cost you, and what that money will do. Your task: Just go out and vote. In A&E news, New Media Czar Josh Gross is on the road with local band Finn Riggins en route to SXSW, where a Boise showcase will, no doubt, knock the socks off festival goers in Austin, Texas. He’ll be reporting like a mad man on Cobweb. Log onto and click on the SXSW button for all things SXSW and the Treefort Music Fest after-party. —Rachael Daigle


ARTIST: Zach V. Ganschow TITLE: Three Cheers for Ultralight Transportation

The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2011 by Bar Bar, Inc. EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Thursday at noon before publication date. SALES DEADLINE: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher. Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. BOISE WEEKLY IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER.


MEDIUM: Watercolor, mixed media ARTIST STATEMENT: Recast the iron dinosaurs that drink the carbon milk.


Boise Weekly pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.

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WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world. ANDR EW C R IS P

INSIDE EDITOR’S NOTE MAIL BILL COPE TED RALL NEWS Boise School District gears up for a levy vote

ADD THE WORDS TO RESURFACE? Advocates behind the effort to update Idaho’s Human Rights Act say they’re hopeful that another Add the Words measure will soon surface at the Idaho Legislature. Stay tuned to Citydesk for updates.

ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, WHO WON IDAHO’S CAUCUS WAR? Idaho’s devout GOPers showed up in full force for the state’s first-ever Super Tuesday caucuses. BW was there as the state’s Republicans cast votes for their man. Get a recap at Citydesk.

CITY OF TREEFORTS BW staffers are losing their damn minds over Treefort Music Fest. Geek out with them at Cobweb, or log on to and look for the SXSW logo. Click on that bad boy for all the SXSW and Treefort news you can handle.

ON THE ROAD As this issue hits stands, BW’s Josh Gross is on the road to SXSW with local band Finn Riggins. Log on to Cobweb and follow @boiseweekly for the all the SXSW goods.

4 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly

Ebooks leaving library CITYDESK ROTUNDA CITIZEN FEATURE House Run BW PICKS FIND 8 DAYS OUT SUDOKU NOISE Up in the air with Cloud Nothings MUSIC GUIDE ARTS Raymond Pettibon’s punk history SCREEN Friends with Kids REC Fighting fires and climbing stairs FOOD Can you eat a wolf? WINE SIPPER CLASSIFIEDS NYT CROSSWORD FREEWILL ASTROLOGY

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MAIL SNOBBY REPUBLICAN I found the comment from Domenic Gelsomino, state chairman of the Idaho Federation of College Republicans, distasteful: “We’re tired of seeing moderate and liberal Republicans take over the mantle of our party. They’re leading the party that is truly not the Republican way.” (BW, Features, “Elephant in the Room,” Feb. 29, 2012.) I would be curious what he feels is required to conform with the “Republican way.” In the words of one of the presidential candidates, “what a snob” Mr. Gelsomino is. —Bob Neilson, Meridian

SLAP ON THE WRIST Over the past year, Story Story Night has become my favorite monthly Boise activity, and I look forward to the funny, moving and insightful stories I am told every month. I have also found that I love sitting in the audience, that it makes me feel part of a warm, supportive community that comes together to listen to each other and share in happiness and grief. The audience at Story Story Night has always been supportive of each person that

gets up on stage, laughing and sighing at all the right points (even if a story isn’t that funny or sad or makes no sense at all). However, this past event left me embarrassed to be part of the audience. During the story slam (when people from the audience tell five-minute off-thecuff stories on the month’s theme to win a great prize), the audience stirred, talked and at one point clapped loudly in order to get a speaker off the stage. In the audience’s defense, the speaker had gone well over his five minutes. However, Story Story Night has never been about running people off stage. Then, following the story slam, when the host thanked all the people that help put on the amazing shows, the audience talked loudly, got up and left. This is a production that I am positive hundreds of people in Boise appreciate, as it sells out every time, and yet when the time came to say thanks, the people who work so hard to put it on were disrespected. I hope that next month the audience remembers their manners. —Emerald Shirley Boise

S U B M I T Letters must include writer’s full name, city of residence and contact information and must be 300 or fewer words. OPINION: Lengthier, in-depth opinions on local, national and international topics. E-mail for guidelines. Submit letters to the editor via mail (523 Broad St., Boise, Idaho 83702) or e-mail ( Letters and opinions may be edited for length or clarity. NOTICE: Ever y item of correspondence, whether mailed, e-mailed, commented on our Web site or Facebook page or left on our phone system’s voice-mail is fair game for MAIL unless specifically noted in the message.

6 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly

HE Y SI E RRA CLU B OF CA LI FOR NIA ... WHAT HA P P E NS I N I DA HO, STAYS I N IDAHO!” —anonymous, (, Cobweb, “Shoot a Mountain Lion, Lose Your Job,” March 1, 2012)

BIKING 101 Thank Goodness for the Boise Weekly and their uncanny ability to “poke the bear.” I’m sure I’m not the only person to comment on Judy Taylor’s letter to the editor, and I’m sure Judy was not the only driver to respond to Josh Gross’ incredible reporting on the 3-foot law (BW, Features, “Road Wars,” Feb. 8, 2011). However, there are several roads to take in rebuttal, and rather than taking the high road or the low road I’m going to venture down the road of actuality. Judy’s letter was really pretty good on a lot of levels; it probably captured the thoughts of a lot of drivers and pointed out some real flaws with cyclists. Its biggest triumph though, was that it truly captured/exposed the underlying problem with the debate of bikes vs. cars and sharing the road. Drum role please ... lack of education. The first and easiest step to enlightenment is to look up Idaho

Code-Title 49 Ch. 7 and examine some of the laws about human-powered vehicles (aka bicycles). Once there, think back to Judy’s use of the phrase “motorist lane.” This does not exist, it is actually a “vehicle lane” and according to code 49-714, “Every person operating a vehicle propelled by human power or riding a bicycle shall have all of the rights and all of the duties applicable to the driver of any other vehicle … except as otherwise provided in this chapter.” Section 49-720 is one of the “otherwise” mentioned and shows that there are some specific stop laws, including “a human powered vehicle approaching a stop sign is required to slow down, and if required for safety, stop before entering the intersection.” Basically treat it as a yield sign. For stoplights, “a bicycle approaching a steady red traffic-control signal shall stop before entering the intersection.” Basically treat it like a stop sign. The laws say that cyclists have just as much

right to be on the road as Joe Chevrolet. It means Judy needs to relax a bit when a cyclist doesn’t touch a toe if he/she gets to the four-way stop first. And it also means that cyclists need to learn, practice and obey the rules of the road. Currently, half of the states in our country have standard Safe Routes to School curriculum in schools that make bicycle education mandatory, but not Idaho. In fact, Idaho’s SRTS program, that teaches thousands of kids about bicycle transportation with practically no budget, is about to be axed so we can repave another mile of the interstate. Think about what the heroes at SRTS could do if we actually gave them resources instead of taking them away. SRTS gives us a great foundation, which we should continue to fight for and build on throughout the education system. Next we should consider spending more than 10 minutes discussing bike and pedestrian interaction in drivers ed. Maybe instead

of cow-interaction questions on the state drivers test, we should consider joining 32 other states in the United States that have at least one mandatory bike question on each test. This is the underlying problem. It isn’t the cyclist’s fault, it’s not the driver’s fault, it’s the lack of education in our system and everyone’s fault for not fighting for it. Judy, where your letter really started to crumble was when you started using words like “them” and “us.” We’re all using the road and that’s not going to change, so there is simply an “us.” Among all of “us” are good and bad cyclist/drivers and the best we can do is educate everyone that’s using the road in every way possible. There is no need to be terrified of cyclists. Cyclists don’t need you to swerve into the other lane to get around them but at least 3 feet would be nice. And legal. There is a lot of good info on the Idaho Transportation Department’s webpage about bike and pedestrian road use and a lot of great bicycle nonprofits that are happy to help you overcome your fear of cyclists. Oh yeah, Judy, cyclists sometimes ride on the painted white line instead of the middle of “their” lane because they don’t want to get nailed when a driver’s side door swings open from a parked car parked. It hurts. —Jimmy Hallyburton Boise



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ASK BILL Sail on, O sinking ship Cope, you in-grown hair on Michael Moore’s flabby ass, I bet you wish I’d get lost and not send you letters anymore, don’t you? Well your ain’t going to be so lucky to have that happen, you sack of Saul O’Linksy’s afterbirth. I did happen to move out of my mom’s place in Homedale and got myself a pretty clean double-wide in Parma, but that’s as far as I’m going. I’ll be around for a long, long time to point out what a scrambled brain libber lips you are. It’s just like this U (suck) of I flagship thing what’s come up and has all you Vandal losers all rawfed up over it. I bet you’re right in there with them, aren’t you? That’s one thing what I know about you U (suck) of I graduators. You all act like you just got off the bus from Hoitytoitytown. Like the U (suck) of I made you better than normal people what didn’t go there to collage. That’s why you’re all Hussane Obama voters, I bet. Because just like what Rick Santorum says about him, you are snobs. As far as I’m concerned, calling the U (suck) of I a flagship should of never happened in the first place. Who do they think they are, calling themselfs the flagship univercity around here when they can’t even get out of podunk Moscow? If they want us to think they are so almighty, why arin’t they set up in a town big enough to have a hockey team, that’s what I want to know? Also as far as I’m concerned, this state doesn’t not need no more univercities than one, which is the one we got right over there in Boise. If we Idahoers got to have a flagship, that’s what ought be the flagship, good old Bronco State. So they ought close up the U (suck) of I for good, that’s what I think. Lock the doors and send all the libtard professers back to San Fran Sicko and Maggot-Chusetts. We don’t need whatever they been professering. What do you think of that idea, you Al Gore humped-up envirowhack nut? To have us put your precious U (suck) of I out of its mizery? —Signed: Dick From Parma PS: Did you notice that every time I wrote U of I, I put (suck) in it so that how you say it is “U suck of I?” My roping partner thinks that saying ought be made into a T-shirt what I can sell at the Bronco store, that’s how funny he thinks it is. And maybe I’ll do that. Dear Dick From Parma, I’m happy for you that you were able to move out of your momma’s house. Must be such a relief not having to flush the toilet every time you use it, eh? I also commend you on that stroke of genius concerning the “U (suck) of I” logo. Funny stuff. Funny, funny stuff. But as to expanding your wit to the T-shirt genre, let me warn you it could backfire. Imagine how you would feel the first time you passed an answering T-shirt on the street, emblazoned with the design “BSUcks” on the front. What I mean to say is, once you elevate the old school rivalry to “you suck/no, you suck!” levels, who can say where it would end? Now as to the “flagship” controversy: It may surprise you to know I agree the U of I should have never been called Idaho’s “flagship university.” My position is that maritime metaphorical references just simply don’t resonate when describing anything that has to do with Idaho. After all, what does a “high tide mark” or “mizzen mast” have to do with a landlocked hinterland whose population looks to Lake Lowell for aquatic adventures? Why, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that in remote corners of Idaho—I’m thinking of Canyon County in particular—there reside people who are not even aware we are surrounded by oceans and seas. I ask you, what would “20,000 fathoms” or “batten down the hatches” possibly mean to such people? Besides implicit within the image of “flagship” is the suggestion there is some sort of an assembly of other ships over which the flagship presides. See what I mean, Dick From Parma? A fleet, perhaps. An armada. A navy, even ... strong and proud with cruisers and destroyers, gallant galleons and formidable men-o’-war. Ah, if only Idaho’s dinky flotilla of ivied halls were so seaworthy. Aye, matey, I be afeered that with such land-lubber cabin boys as Luna, Otter and them Legislature scurvies setting the course and rigging the sails, our boats of higher ed have been run up onto the rocks. We be scuttled, and we’re leaking students, curriculum offerings, qualified classroom instructors, and education opportunities like oil oozing out of the good ship Costa Concordia. Our advanced learning be on its way to Davy Jones, boy-o … sunk to the bottom by scalawags who figure the less the passengers know, the better off the ship of state be. Argh! Uh, pardon me, Dick From Parma. I believe I was momentarily possessed by Capt. Morgan. Anyway, as to the point I was trying to make: However accurate it may be that the University of Idaho is the state’s flagship university, her accompanying fleet amounts to a few junior college dinghies and a couple of overloaded garbage scows. So it is my opinion the word “flagship” should indeed be dropped from the school’s mission statement and be replaced with something more appropriate to prevailing Idaho cultural sensibilities. Maybe, “Idaho’s anchor store university.” How about, “the state’s Carl’s Junior university”? Or, “the bishop university”? As to closing down the U of I, Parma Dick, I don’t think that would be such a good idea. Do that, and all we’d have left would be the dinghies and the garbage barges.

8 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly



DEATH AND TRIVIA United States can’t/won’t address voters’ issues Millions of Americans won’t vote this November. We don’t care about two-party electoral politics because two-party electoral politics don’t care about us. What are Americans most worried about this election season? The economy. Tens of millions are unemployed. People who still have jobs live in terror of layoffs. Real inflation is out of control but salaries are frozen or falling. The Fed and the White House are colluding in their tradition of ginning up a pseudoboomlet to support the incumbent. Thus, the latest Dow bubble and phony 8.3 percent unemployment rate, which counts people who have given up looking for work as employed. Everyone knows the recovery is fiction. Who are you going to believe—the talking heads or your overdrawn, second-mortage line of credit? According to the latest Gallup poll, which asks people how they’re doing in the actual world, 9.1 percent of Americans are unemployed and 19 percent are underemployed. When 28.1 percent of Americans are broke, that affects everyone. People expect their representative democracy to represent their interests. No wonder we’re so apathetic. Our “leaders” hardly talk about the economy. Rick Santorum is more worried about how easy it is to get sex than how hard it is to find work. Mitt Romney thinks it’s 1992 and that he’s Ross Perot, the businessman who promised to run America like a corporation. President Barack Obama imagines that we didn’t notice that he only started asking Congress to work on the economy after Congress fell under the control of the other party. Since they can’t take on the real issues, the


elites are reduced to the politics of distraction. Federal regulators announced on Feb. 27 that all cars manufactured after 2014 must have rearview cameras. The National Highway Traffic Administration says that “95 to 112 deaths and as many as 8,374 injuries could be eliminated each year by eliminating the wide blind spot behind a vehicle,” reported The New York Times. But there’s something screwy about a political culture that makes this trivial story a Congressional priority while the elephants in the room go unaddressed. If you must obsess over cars, why aren’t you pushing radical improvements in fuel efficiency? Cars are a major cause of pollution, which triggers asthma attacks, which kill at least 5,000 people a year in the United States. The establishment is still wallowing in George W. Bush’s hoary post-9/11 death cult. The day after its scoop, the Times was back with another page-one heartstopper: “The mortuary at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware disposed of body parts of some victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks by burning them and dumping the ashes in a landfill,” began the story. The victims were killed on Flight 93. Gross? No doubt. Inappropriate? Unquestionably. Important? Hell no. A more appropriate headline would ask: “Why Hasn’t There Been an Independent Investigation?” What if Flight 93 had landed safely? Some passengers would have been laid off. Some would have been foreclosed upon. And the government wouldn’t have given a rat’s ass. Why don’t people vote? A better question is: Why do people vote?

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LEVY BY THE NUMBERS What does Boise School District’s proposed levy look like? GEORGE PRENTICE

New Penguin Books and Brilliance Audio e-book titles will not be available to the Boise Library.

PUBLISHERS PULLING PLUG ON E-BOOK TITLES AT LENDING LIBRARIES The popularity of e-books in the Boise Public Library System has been nothing short of extraordinary. In January alone, more than 6,682 e-books were checked out of the Boise system—an approximate 300 percent jump from a year ago. “We have more than 3,500 adult titles and 2,000 youth titles in our current e-book library,” said Chrisanne Brown, acquisitions and technical services manager at the BPL. But recent changes from a few of the nation’s largest publishers will soon hinder the public’s access to e-books from lending libraries in Boise and across the United States. Penguin Books, which includes authors Tom Clancy and Patricia Cornwell in its nest, has terminated its contract with OverDrive, the electronic lending platform used in libraries across the nation. Penguin titles already purchased remain available, but no additional or new titles can be purchased. Additionally, Brilliance Audio has suspended availability of new or additional copies for its titles, including books by Danielle Steel and Dean Koontz, through OverDrive. “Brilliance is one of the big audiobook producers,” said Brown. Making matters worse, Random House, the world’s largest English-language publisher, jacked up its prices for libraries as much as 300 percent, effective March 1. “In January, we paid $27 for Unbroken,” said Brown, referring to the No. 1 bestseller from Laura Hillenbrand. “Today, that same title costs us $81.” Libraries must pay for each e-book copy and only one copy is leant out at a time. If a library wants multiple copies, it pays the full price to the publisher again. “I can tell you, for example, that we have 32 holds for John Grisham’s bestseller The Litigators,” said Brown, meaning each of the library’s five copies are currently in circulation while 32 more patrons await their chance to read the e-book. “I’m presuming that all of this is based on [publishers’] desires to have more people purchase their e-books,” said Brown. But Brown was unaware of any security issues with the OverDrive platform. The sudden change in policy from publishers caught librarians off guard and is scheduled to be the subject of conversation at the Wednesday, March 7, meeting of the library’s Board of Trustees. “The good news is that the Harry Potter titles in e-book and e-audio formats will be released in April,” said Brown. “And [author] J.K. Rowling only charged libraries $22.95 for each copy of a title.” —George Prentice

10 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly

Officials at the Boise School District have set their sights on what they call “the other Super Tuesday,” March 13. That’s the day voters go to the polls in Idaho’s second-largest school district to consider a $70 million temporary tax hike—$14 million each year for five years (the supplemental levy would expire in the 2017-18 school year). Much has been said about the proposed levy. Even more has been said about the district and its financial straits. When BW visited with proponents and its most-vocal opponent of the levy, KIDO talk show host Austin Hill (BW, News, “Do the Math,” Feb. 1), our story was met by a continued barrage of charges and countercharges. “My advice to Mr. Hill is, ‘if you have a tale made of straw, you’d better stay way from the fire of facts,’” wrote one blogger. “Will any amount of money ever be enough for Boise Independent School District No. 1?” asked another. In the run-up to the all-important vote, here are some facts to consider:



16-PAGE REVIEW ON MANWILL DEATH RELEASED Blue ribbon panel report on 8-year-old’s murder calls for investigative changes GEORGE PRENTICE No one is saying that the contents of a much anticipated 16-page review of the Robert Manwill case could have saved the 8-yearold boy from horrendous abuse, neglect and eventual murder in July 2009. But the report, completed on Jan. 10 and publicly released on March 5, is designed to serve as a foundation to prevent similar nightmares from happening again. In December 2010, Health and Welfare Director Dick Armstrong told Boise Weekly that he couldn’t reveal many details of the pending review. “Because this is a criminal trial, there will be other facts coming out,” said Armstrong. “And for us to convene a panel prior to the trial could jeopardize the legal proceedings.” But the trials of Manwill’s mother, Melissa Jenkins, and her boyfriend, Daniel Ehrlick, are now over. Both were found guilty of the systematic abuse of Manwill. Ehrlick is behind bars for life for the boy’s murder. Jenkins is in prison for 25 years, without parole, for aiding and abetting the crime.


protected by the state Testimony during of Idaho. both trials revealed that “[Health and WelHealth and Welfare fare] should develop social workers had guidelines to assess the visited Jenkins’ home risks of abuse, neglect in the months leading or abandonment to a up to Manwill’s death contact child,” wrote because another son of the panel. Jenkins’ was the subject In a formal response of a separate childto the recommendation, protection case. Armstrong confirmed According to the changes would soon be report, Manwill was made in his agency: considered a “contact “By June 2012, the child,” because he residdepartment will modify ed in a household where its standard, in reference there was an active to service planning, to protective case involvRobert Manwill would have turned 11 years specifically address all ing his half-brother. The old on July 26, 2012. contact children who panel wants Armstrong may be present in the and his Health and household,” wrote Armstrong. Welfare colleagues to be armed with stronger The panel wants Armstrong to go a step furinvestigative authority for any and all children ther by convening a regular working group to in a household, even if only one is formally

review child mortality throughout Idaho. But such a review reaches beyond the current scope or legal jurisdiction of Idaho’s Department of Health and Welfare. “A child mortality review evaluates all children’s deaths, which includes deaths that are natural, accidental—such as car accidents or drowning—suicides, or from abuse or neglect,” wrote Armstrong, who said he would need a green light from the Idaho Governor’s Task Force on Children at Risk The chairperson of the Manwill panel was Elizabeth Brandt, associate dean of the University of Idaho College of Law. Also participating were doctors Kenny Bramwell and Paul McPherson, Health and Welfare managers Shirley Alexander and Jane Smith, Canyon County Prosecutor Bryan Taylor, Ada County Public Defender Annie Cosho, Gem County Coroner John Buck, Boise Police Det. Bill Bones, Lt. Erik Skoglund of the Nampa Police Department, attorneys Kirt Naylor and Nancy Thaemert, and Gary Harvey, a retired teacher from the Boise area.

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ULTRASOUND DEBATE Opponents: controversial measure ‘shames and demeans women’ CARISSA WOLF An effort at the Idaho Statehouse would shadow a Virginia effort to force women to undergo ultrasounds prior to having an abortion with the introduction of a controversial measure that opponents say would add burden and trauma to women facing crisis pregnancies. “The objective is to reduce the number of elective abortions,” said bill sponsor District 14 Republican Sen. Chuck Winder. Winder crafted the legislation with the help of Idaho Right to Life, following Virginia’s lead to require women seeking an abortion to undergo an ultrasound or sonogram prior to having the procedure. “We feel this is what a woman needs to know in order to make an informed decision,” said Kerry Uhlenkott, Idaho Right to Life’s legislative director. “A lot of women were not given this information and they regretted it the rest of their life.” An early draft of the measure closely followed Virginia’s legislation, requiring transvaginal ultrasounds. Virginia’s proposal drew fire for requiring a procedure that critics called invasive and likened to mechanical rape. Virginia lawmakers ultimately caved to pressure, amending the proposal to cut the transvaginal ultrasound requirement from the measure—a move opponents said will likely doom that bill. Winder also bowed to pressure from some Idaho constituents, removing the transvaginal ultrasound provision in the original draft of his bill, inserting language that calls on the ultrasound method to be left to the discretion of the physician. But opponents said the new language didn’t protect women from undergoing a transvaginal ultrasound. “It appears to give an option, but really there is no option,” said Hannah Brass, legislative director of Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest, a lobbying branch of Planned Parenthood. Brass said that while the bill allowed physicians to decide which ultrasound method to use and doesn’t mandate a transvaginal ultrasound, a doctor may still elect to use the transvaginal method if it offers a better image of the fetus. “In reality, this does the same thing as the Virginia legislation,” Brass said. “The purpose of bills like this is to shame and demean women. It forces a medical procedure based on politics not medicine.” Planned Parenthood, the American Civil Liberties Union and a coalition of women’s rights advocates have stepped up in opposition to the legislation, voicing concerns that

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the law would create new barriers to accessing abortion and further traumatize women facing crisis pregnancies. Winder and Idaho Right to Life said the bill enhances informed-consent laws that provide information about abortion risks and gestation to pregnant women. In 2007, the Idaho legislature passed a measure that gave women the right to choose to view an ultrasound image prior to abortion. “I don’t think there’s any reason to go any further than that,” Brass said. “We should trust a woman to make her own decisions based on her own wants and needs and based on what her physician says and based on medicine.” Winder said he felt the heat from some constituents, criticizing him for meddling in women’s reproductive issues, not to be tampered with by a man and a largely-male Legislature. But Winder noted the legislation was brought to him by two women and he stands to represent the unborn and the public. “I feel like the fetus—the baby—is someone that has not been spoken for, and the public, the state, has an interest,” Winder said. The bill would provide women with a list of providers, overseen by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, that would offer free ultrasounds prior to abortions. But Sara Kiesler, spokesperson with Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest, said the language of the bill could force women to undergo two ultrasounds. The legislation mandates that a physician must sign off on an ultrasound while also setting provisions that would allow women to access a free ultrasound. “It’s unclear,” Kiesler said of the measure’s wording. The options for a free ultrasound were weaved into the bill amid concerns that the cost of the roughly $200 ultrasound procedure would hamper access to abortion. But the free ultrasounds touted by proponents are often offered by crisis pregnancy centers that don’t always have a physician on staff. Nor do they have to abide by heath-care privacy regulations or other health-care mandates that licensed doctors must follow. This could force women who sought a free ultrasound into needing a second procedure as the first test may not fulfill the bill’s requirement of having the backing of a physician. Victims of rape or incest are also not exempt from the measure. “For a victim of rape or incest, it could be a double trauma,” Brass said. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M


DEBBIE WALSH ‘Men run to be somebody. Women run to do something.’ GEORGE PRENTICE

Did you have a role model as a young woman? I grew up in the West Village of New York City. One of my earliest memories was of my mother taking me to a debate when Bella Abzug first ran for Congress. It made me think, “This is what women can do.” According to your organization, the United States ranks 71st in the world when it comes to women in national legislatures. That’s one behind Turkmenistan. No matter how you cut it, it’s pretty dismal. It’s an interesting number because a lot of countries have quota systems that require a certain percentage of their parliaments to be women. For instance, in Iraq: When the new government was being formed, the United States



Debbie Walsh was born into politics—not political office but certainly political engagement. “Politics was served every night at the dinner table,” said Walsh. “I come from a family where politics reigned supreme. My parents were active in the peace and Civil Rights movements. Politics is just what you did.” Walsh’s father was an artist—she still owns some of his paintings—and her mother was, in her words, “quite a feminist.” Today, Walsh is living proof of her heritage. She serves as director of the Center for American Women and Politics, a unit of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University. Prior to her participation in Go Lead Idaho’s second-annual leadership development conference, BW spoke with Walsh about her hopes for 2012, why the United States ranks as one of the worst nations in the world for women holding public offices, and about all things political.

said Iraq needed to have a quota in its constitution that said 25 percent of the parliament needed to be women. In one fell swoop, Iraq had a higher proportion of its women in national politics than we did. But surely you don’t advocate for a quota system in our country. It’s not going to happen because of the way our political party structure is set up. Are you a fan of the two-party system? It’s the system that we operate in. From our perspective, we study the trends and analyze the numbers, and then we look at how women fit into the system that exists. But no matter how you look at those numbers, it’s currently not a good fit for women. Congress and state legislatures are overwhelmingly male. I’m not sure if more independent parties would change that or not. The real issue here is that there’s not enough good recruitment of women candidates going on. We know from research that women need to be asked to run more than men do. I’ve heard you say that potential male candidates look at themselves in the mirror differently than potential women candidates. When we ask them why they ran in the first place, men say they had a long-standing interest in politics and women say they ran because there was a public policy issue that they cared about. Men run to be somebody. Women run to do something. A lot of women work really hard to make change, but they do it from the outside. What we’ve learned is that the best way to make systemic change is definitely from the inside.

Your work must be doubly difficult because the public perception of politics is diminishing. I’m very distressed to see someone like Olympia Snowe pull out of the U.S. Senate. When somebody like her says, “I can’t take it anymore,” it’s hard to go out and tell women, “You should do this.” But without getting new faces and fresh voices, we’re going to get more of the same. Sens. Snowe and Barbara Boxer are marquee names in politics, but don’t high-profile personalities feed the illusion that more women have been elected to higher office than is the reality? You have Nancy Pelosi in the paper every day and you see Michele Bachmann running for president. The reality is that only 17 percent of members of Congress are women, only 24 percent of all state legislators are women, and of 50 governors only six are women. What are your organization’s specific goals for 2012? We would like to best the record number of new women that were elected to the U.S. House in 1992. That was 24 new women. I’m certain that you’ve been briefed on women in Idaho politics. You rank 15th in the nation as far as your legislature. You have no women in your congressional delegation and you have only one woman in statewide elected office.

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WHAT DO REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES SAY ON THE FORECLOSURE CRISIS? NOT MUCH. LOIS BECKETT, PROPUBLICA resident Barack Obama’s plans to help homeowners have come up short time and again. ProPublica recently looked at Obama’s latest proposals, most of which are unlikely to make a major dent in the crisis. So how about the Republican presidential candidates: What do they say should be done about the foreclosure crisis? They don’t say much. As newspapers in hard-hit states like Florida, Nevada, California and Ohio have been quick to point out, none of the candidates has made the foreclosure crisis a policy priority. Mostly the candidates have argued that the housing market needs to heal on its own, without government interference. Rick Santorum and Congressman Ron Paul have suggested tax breaks for some homeowners. Here’s an in-depth guide to how Santorum, Mitt Romney, Paul and Newt Gingrich say they would approach the issue as president, as well as an evaluation of their claims.


RICK SANTORUM: “LET CAPITALISM WORK,” BUT LET HOMEOWNERS WRITE OFF HOME LOSSES ON THEIR TAXES. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum has proposed allowing people who owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth to sell their houses and deduct their losses from their taxes. The details of Santorum’s plan aren’t clear, and the campaign did not respond to multiple requests for comment. One tax-law expert, James Maule of Villanova University School of Law, said a tax write-off “would not do much for the majority of people who are in financial trouble.” Right now taxpayers who sell their primary residences at a loss can’t deduct that loss from their taxes. Changing the tax law wouldn’t do much good, Maule said, because people who are struggling with their mortgages often have little or no income, so giving them a tax deduction actually wouldn’t help.

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Other than that, Santorum says we just need to “let capitalism work,” as he put it in a Republican debate in Tampa, Fla., on Jan. 23. “Allow these banks to realize their losses. And create an opportunity for folks who have houses to realize their losses and at least help them out.” Santorum also has said his plan would help the housing market “find its bottom.” “This is something I think is important temporarily to put in place to allow people the freedom to be able to go out and get out from underneath these houses that they’re holding onto and at least get some relief from the federal government for doing so,” he said at the Jan. 23 debate. But according to some experts housing prices might be close to hitting bottom already—and thus on their way to rebounding. It’s also worth noting that a 2007 law provides a tax exemption for homeowners who negotiate debt relief on their mortgages, including through short sales. It’s unclear whether this law and Santorum’s plan might overlap. Earlier in Nevada—one of the states where the foreclosure crisis has been most severe—Santorum emphasized “freemarket solutions” and cautioned citizens against looking to the government for help. According to CNN, Santorum compared the housing crisis to health care and suggested that, given the opportunity, liberals in government would implement a housing solution like “Obamacare.” When Santorum and others call for private-sector solutions, they’re largely sidestepping a reality: The mortgage market already relies deeply on government support. Government-owned Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac own or guarantee roughly half of all mortgages in the United States. And while both the Obama administration and Republicans want to scale back government involvement, it’s actually been growing. Fannie and Freddie now guarantee three out of every four new mortgages. Factor in the Federal Housing Administra-

tion mortgages guaranteed by Ginnie Mae, and the percentage of mortgages backed by the government is even higher.

MITT ROMNEY: MAY BE OPEN TO SOME HOMEOWNER AID PROGRAMS BUT WON’T TALK SPECIFICS. In a videotaped interview with the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s editorial board in October 2011, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said his approach to addressing the housing market would be: “Don’t try to stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom.” He said the Obama administration had “slow-walked the foreclosure process,” and that the housing market would “turn around and come back up” only when foreclosures go through and those houses are put on the market, sold to investors and then rented. Romney also has said that repealing the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, which introduced new regulations to the mortgage market, would help ease the crisis. Economist Elliott Parker of the University of Nevada-Reno, said that while he is not “enamored” with the Dodd-Frank regulation itself, “it is absurd to pretend that repealing DoddFrank would work some magic in turning around Nevada’s housing catastrophe.” “Any time you establish a set of regulations, there are unintended consequences,” Parker told the Las Vegas Sun in October. “There may be banks that can’t lend now or some people who can’t get loans. But to offer that as a solution is pretty empty, and it completely ignores the magnitude of the problem that we have today.” Mark Calabria, the director of financial regulation studies at the Cato Institute, pointed out that while he agrees with Romney that the housing market needs to heal on its own, the Obama administration’s general approach to the WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M

But Paul also laid out a series of tax benefits foreclosure crisis was first developed and in- and potentially go out of business themselves.” Many investors suspect that Romney is that he said would help the residents of Nestituted by President George W. Bush, so it’s right: While banks continue to list mortgage vada, which is among the states hardest hit by not fair to characterize the administration’s investments on their balance sheets at their the foreclosure crisis. programs to help homeowners as a purely face values, investors worry that because of Among these were “providing tax credits to Democratic strategy. the struggling housing market and high rates those who have suffered foreclosure” in order “Both Obama and Bush’s housing poliof foreclosure, the actual value of what the to provide an easier path to “new, more affordcies have had relatively small impact. They banks own is far less. If true, banks could able housing,” and allowing homeowners “to certainly have not stopped the price decline. face big losses. take a capital-loss deduction if they sell a home They’ve slowed the rate at which this hapOther elements of Romney’s defense of the for less than they paid for it.” pened,” Calabria said. banks’ role in the foreclosure crisis have been Paul’s campaign did not respond to Contacted for comment, a Romney a request for comment, making it difficult campaign spokeswoman emailed a statement more questionable. “Now, the banks aren’t bad people. They’re to compare his and Santorum’s tax-deducsaying, “The only real solution to the houstion plans. ing crisis is to get the economy growing again just overwhelmed right now,” Romney said at another event in Florida, according to the Los It’s worth noting that Paul, unlike Sanat a healthy rate.” The spokeswoman did Angeles Times. “They’re overwhelmed with a torum, did warn about the dangers of the not offer details about what plans Romney lot of things. One is a lot of homes coming in, mortgage bubble years before it burst. endorses or opposes. “Like all artificially created bubbles, the Despite his “hit the bottom” rhetoric and that are in foreclosure or in trouble, and the boom in housing prices cannot last forever. focus on “private-sector solutions” between other is a massive new pile of regulations.” Banks may be overwhelmed, but they also When housing prices fall, homeowners will exbanks and homeowners, some of Romney’s statements suggest that he might actually be recently agreed to a $25 billion settlement over perience difficulty as their equity is wiped out. Furthermore, the holders of the mortgage debt open to providing government assistance to robo-signing and other fraudulent foreclosure practices. ProPublica has done extensive will also have a loss,” Paul told the House of homeowners. reporting on how homeowners have suffered Representatives in 2002, introducing his Free As Forbes pointed out recently, Romney from the banks’ deeply dysfunctional loan Market Enhancement Act, which would have was very supportive of Bush’s attempts to aid servicing practices, which continued years after repealed special privileges granted to Fannie homeowners in 2008. the foreclosure crisis began in 2007 and long Mae and Freddie Mac. “Helping reverse the housing crisis is critiPaul also warned that taxpayers would ulcal,” he said in 2008, praising Bush’s programs before the Dodd-Frank financial regulations became law in 2010. timately be forced to bail out investors. Fannie to help homeowners through the Federal and Freddie are still more than $150 billion in Housing Administration. “Loosening those the red after a taxpayer bailout. requirements and expanding the ability of RON PAUL: HANDS-OFF FHA to help out homeowners would make a POLICY EXCEPT FOR TAX big difference.” BENEFITS FOR THOSE WHO NEWT GINGRICH: One of Romney’s top economic advisers, LOSE THEIR HOMES. “REPEAL DODD-FRANK.” economist Glenn Hubbard, released a plan Like other Republican Like Romney, former Speakin September suggesting that every homecandidates, Texas Congressman Ron Paul has er of the House Newt Gingrich owner with a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac advocated a hands-off approach to the foreclohas advocated removing new government-backed mortgage who is current sure crisis. regulations on the mortgage industry as a way on mortgage payments should be allowed to “The best thing you can do is get out of to address the foreclosure crisis. refinance his or her mortgage at a low rate. the way, because you want the prices to come “If you could repeal Dodd-Frank tomorrow Romney didn’t endorse the plan but didn’t down so that people will start buying them morning, you would see the economy start to reject it, either. again,” he said at the Tampa debate in January. improve overnight,” Gingrich said at the Janu“I think the idea of helping people refinance “Any further federal programs ary debate in Tampa. homes to stay in them is one that’s worth furdesigned to fix prices by pumping He has not offered much beyond that point. ther consideration, but I’m not signing on until credit into the housing market His 21st Century Contract with America I find out who’s going to pay and who’s going will only compound the mentions the housing crisis only in the context to get bailed out,” Romney said in October. damage done by prior inof his goals for repealing Dodd-Frank and HOME In January, when Romney met with terventions,” he said in reforming the Federal Reserve. In a January ina preselected group of struggling an interview with the terview with the Las Vegas Review-Journal, he FORECLOSURES Florida homeowners in Tampa, he Las Vegas Review- repeated his debate comments almost word for called their situations “tragic” Journal. word, adding, “The No. 1 thing that we can NATIONAL and said “the banks ought to do to help the housing market is to strengthen 1,354,115: show greater flexibility in the overall economy.” Foreclosed homes being able to renegoti$164,623: ate with those people This story was first published at Average foreclosure sales price who have on Feb. 27. stances that IDAHO would justify 861: that renegoNew forecloses in Idaho tiation.” $125,259: But at the same Average foreclosure sales price event, he defended FORECLOSURES EXISTING banks that foreclose on One in every 776: FOR ALL LOANS HOME SALES homeowners. Number of foreclosed homes statewide “The banks are 2010 2010 scared to death, of National: 4.63 percent ADA CANYON National: 4,908,000 course, because they Idaho: 3.75 percent COUNTY COUNTY Idaho: 388,000 think they’re going to go 303 fore243 out of business,” Rom2011 2011 closed foreclosed (not including National: 4.38 percent ney said. “They’re afraid homes, homes, the fourth quarter) Idaho: 2.83 percent that if they write all these or one in or one in loans off, they’re going National: 4,880,000 every 526 every 286 —Source: Mortgage to go broke. And so Idaho: 380,000 homes— homes— Banker’s Association, they’re feeling the same the most in the second courtesy of Idaho Housing —Source: National Association thing you’re feeling. and Finance Association the state most in the of Realtors, courtesy of They just want to prestate Idaho Housing and tend all of this is going to Finance Association —All statistics for get paid someday so they January 2012 don’t have to write it off Source: RealtyTrac WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M

BOISEweekly | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | 15


Story Story time goes adult-rated in an all new late night show that ain’t for the kiddies.


Balance Dance Company and Boise Rock School will make beautiful music together.

THURSDAY-SATURDAY MARCH 8-10 rockin’ moves BALANCE DANCE COMPANY AND BOISE ROCK SCHOOL PRESENT BAND OF BALANCE Prior to phonographs, radio and recorded music, if you wanted to hear a tune, your only option was a live performance. Theater, opera and dance all required a musical ensemble to provide the soundtrack. But in the 100 or so years since recorded music gained popularity, performances have moved away from using live music, opting instead for speakers and records, and depriving the audience of what once was an integral part of seeing a performance. Two local arts groups are collaborating on a project that reunites musicians with performers, providing the audience with twice the spectacle of a typical production. Balance Dance Company is teaming up with Boise Rock School for a dance- and rock music-filled evening with some of Boise’s most-accomplished young artists at Boise Contemporary Theater. “Performance arts are so fleeting, so if you’re dancing and playing music, there’s something really important about doing that,” said Leah Clark of Balance Dance Company. “And being able to share that space and time together on stage is really magical, and the audience will feel that. Having these young and virtuosic musicians play with these young virtuosic dancers creates a beautiful synergy.” The performers are all teenagers, but this won’t be a trip to your high school band concert or little sister’s dance recital. “The students that we have doing this project are all older—14, 15, 16—and some of the dancers are even older,” said Boise Rock School’s Ryan Peck. “So it’s a full-on performance, it’s not like kids’ play. It’s legit and it’s going to be really, really cool.” The event features six choreographed dances, including a contemporary ballet from Lauren Edson of Trey McIntyre Project and a modern dance that involves about 100 cardboard boxes on stage from Tahni Holt of Portland, Ore. March 8-9, 7 p.m.; March 10, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m., $7-$15. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., 208-331-9224,

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At 8 p.m. on Monday, March 12, the storytelling collective Story Story Night will go naked. And by that we mean it will debut its first-ever late-night showcase that focuses on darker, provocative, scintillating subject matter. The new series will take place the second Monday of the month and is just for adults—or those whose age allows them to be called adults. The hardest part about serendipitously taking the stage at a Stor y Stor y Night event is having to self-edit. The cosmopolitan audience invariably includes grandmotherly types and at least a handful of children. For those of us with potty mouths, or stories of lust, love or booze, it means restraining a stor y or omitting details. Fret not, sinners, for the folks behind the live stor ytelling phenomenon have created Stor y Stor y Late Night, with the inaugural program, Naked. The program of provocative tales will be housed at the 21-and-older venue Visual Arts Collective in Garden City, where host Emma Arnold will take the stage to kick off the salacious evening. Featured musician Dan Costello will provide late-night atmosphere and will use his dulcet tones to cue storytellers that their time is up. Arnold will introduce a vessel from which names will be drawn to share their stories live, on-stage and without notes. “This will highlight raw and real stories on an unblushing theme, live on stage, without notes or inhibitions. We want to set the stage for unfiltered, uninhibited and hilarious honesty,” said Jessica Holmes, a pioneer behind Story Story Night. Three more late-night events are planned in coming months, including one on Monday, May 14, that will feature Boise Weekly’s own Josh Gross as host extraordinaire for Crime Stories. 7 p.m. doors, 8 p.m. show, $5. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208424-8297,

WEDNESDAY MARCH 7 walk it off CULINARY WALKABOUT Gluttony is bad—hell, it’s one of the big seven no-nos, right up there with sloth, envy and wearing Ugg boots and pajama pants to the grocery store ... or at least that last one should be. But can gluttony ever be good? Well, it can be when

it’s done in the name of a good cause. The annual Culinary Walkabout will take over Boise Centre on Wednesday, March 7, in an effort to raise money to support the Elks Rehab Center’s Meals on Wheels program. The nonprofit program makes sure that Ada County seniors who ordinarily can’t get out of their homes get hot meals, serving roughly 800 meals every weekday. You can help out by showing up to fill your own belly with creations by 24 of

Boise’s best chefs. A $75 ticket will get you in the door for a full night of dining, music and a silent auction in which you can bid for even more food to be prepared for you and your friends (if you want to share) by a local chef. See what we were saying about gluttony? As long as it’s being done for a worthy cause, you’re good. 6-9 p.m., $75 individual or $500 for a table. Boise Centre, 850 W. Front St., 208-489-4592, WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M



Damn Yankees will claim your soul or at least provide a jaunty tune.

Award-winning author Elizabeth Strout will bring her cast of characters to The Cabin’s Reading and Conversations Series.




words ELIZABETH STROUT READING AND CONVERSATIONS INSTALLMENT As part of The Cabin Literar y Center’s Readings and Conversations Series, Boise will welcome Pulitzer Prize-winning author Elizabeth Strout on Wednesday, March 14, to read a selection from her latest work, Olive Kitteridge. The Cabin Director Dede Ryan read the collection of short stories with her local book club. “You learn about Olive Kitteridge first from her husband. After I finished the first stor y, I was so sorr y because I loved the character. And then she’s featured in the next stor y,” Ryan said. Elizabeth Strout began her writing career as a child armed with a notebook, exploring the coasts and forests of New England. Now living in New York City, Strout has said the nameless faces in corner delis make her life a cast of characters. For Olive Kitteridge, Strout has created a series of short stories that focus on one woman, a retired school teacher. Each tale is a different perspective on her life. From the perspective of a lounge musician, a young student and others surrounding Kitteridge in Crosby, Maine, the book centers on the despair and drama of human existence. “It’s a very unusual structure. You get to learn more about this character from different perspectives,” said Ryan. Strout’s writing style, described by the San Francisco Chronicle as “funny, wicked and remorseful,” garnered her the 2009 Pulitzer Prize and a nomination for the National Book Critics Circle Award, as well as made her a New York Times bestseller. Her previous novels include Abide With Me and Amy and Isabelle. 7:30 p.m., $12-$35, Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., 208-331-8000,

SATURDAY MARCH 10 global SAVOR THE WORLD Savor the World is a fundraiser for Dunia Marketplace,


which has been a prominent community organization in historic Hyde Park for more than a decade. The nonprofit fair-trade store will welcome the public to experience a cultural event reflecting its good doings. Sip local beer and wine, get a taste of international

Damn Yankees is Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Faust in seven innings. There are few archetypes that don’t show up in some way in contemporary culture, and a man who sells his soul to the devil for happiness is no exception. (Anyone remember Bedazzled with Brendan Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley?) The seven-time Tony Award-winning musical is based on Douglass Wallop’s book, The Year the Yankees Lost the Pennant, written in 1954 and remade with the help of coauthor George Abbott. As a musical comedy, the show has had a run of more than 1,000 performances since 1955. It will add another to the scoreboard when it comes to the Morrison Center as part of Fred Meyer’s Broadway in Boise series Tuesday, March 13-Thursday, March 15. In a city without a Major League baseball team, members of the audience will still appreciate themes of folly and ambition, pursuit of passion, temptation and regret. Damn Yankees’ soul barterer Joe Boyd is tangled between two women and is a real estate agent. Because he knows contracts, Boyd finds a loophole in his pact with the devil. That’s hardly a spoiler though—this musical has more curve balls than even the most-famous Major League pitchers. Though the Morrison Center won’t have peanuts or Cracker Jacks for sale, Damn Yankees packs in 15 musical numbers from acclaimed lyricists Richard Adler and Jerry Ross, so the audience will be too busy singing along to miss traditional stadium snacks. “Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets” may never make a baseball fan reconsider the merits of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game,” but both songs reveal a love so strong, not even an extra inning could break the tie. 7:30 p.m., $30-$50. Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, 208-426-1110,

cuisine and enjoy music from around the globe. Featured artisans will share stories and display works for a silent auction. But even if you don’t walk away with your favorite piece, you can still take home one of the Sustainable Futures event glasses. For the past 16 years, Dunia Marketplace has supported local and

As the bold warnings on blow dryers make it abundantly clear, if you use consumer electronics in the bathtub, your bones will light up like a cartoon X-ray. In fact, the bath is one of the last peaceful, electronic respites—though some might risk warping the pages of a paperback, most relegate their e-readers to the bedroom. Well, not anymore. Lifeproof now manufactures virtually indestructible iPhone cases that are dirt, snow, shock and, yes, waterproof. According to the Lifeproof website: “Chat, text or watch movies in the bath. Your Lifeproof case is designed for total water immersion. What’s more, you can watch movies in the shower or listen to music because your Lifeproof Case has patent-pending features that let the sound pass but keep the water out.” The case is rated for complete water immersion up to 6.6 feet and allows you to take underwater photos and videos. In a disgusting, user-submitted video on the Lifeproof website, a woman chucks her iPhone across a parking lot before sitting down to eat a fast food burger while hovering over the phone. Blobs of ketchup and grease ooze all over the screen. Unphased, she dunks the phone into her soda to clean it off. Though Lifeproof’s iPhone cases are on the pricey side—$79.99 a pop—they’re worth it for the accident prone among us. Lifeproof is also currently taking orders for iPad 2 cases. —Tara Morgan

international artisans from 39 developing countries, hence the event’s $39 ticket price—$1 for every country represented. Savor the World is an opportunity for Boise citizens to experience myriad cultures without packing a bag. 7-11 p.m., $39, 18 and older. Sage Yoga and Wellness, 242 N. Eighth St., Ste. 200,

an event by e-mail to Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.


BOISEweekly | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | 17


WEDNESDAY MARCH 7 Food & Drink CULINARY WALKABOUT—Local chefs unite to help raise money for Meals on Wheels by dishing up their most-creative cuisine—and trying to outdo each other in the process. The cuisine will range from appetizers, main dishes and salads to desserts and coffee. Reserve your tickets at 208-489-4592. See Picks, Page 16. 6-9 p.m. $75. Boise Centre, 850 W. Front St., 208-336-8900,

Literature SPRING AUTHOR SERIES—Laura Lee Guhrke will talk about her books and writing process in the historical romance genre. Noon. FREE. Library at Cole and Ustick, 7557 W. Ustick Road, 208-5706900,

Green HOW TREES WORK—The certified arborists of Boise Community Forestry will help you learn about the inner workings of trees so you can better care for yours. To register, send your name, email address and phone number to Community Forestry at or call 208-384-4083. 6-8:30 p.m. FREE. Boise Public Library, Hayes Auditorium, 715 S. Capitol Blvd.,

Citizen INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY FUNDRAISER—The Agency for New Americans hosts its 12th annual fund-raising event in celebration of International Women’s Day. Bid on items from around the globe at a silent auction and savor ethnic dishes prepared by refugees. Buy tickets at the Agency for New Americans or online at Win tickets at promo.boiseweekly. com. 5:30 p.m. $50. Red Lion Downtowner, 1800 W. Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-344-7691.

THURSDAY MARCH 8 On Stage AN EVENING OF ONE ACTS— Enjoy two comedies and a drama, all in one evening. Featuring A Candle on the Table, Lost and The Traveling Sisters. 7:30 p.m. $12.50, $9 seniors and students. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St., Boise, 208-3425104, BAND OF BALANCE— Balance Dance Company and Boise Rock School have teamed up. See Picks, Page 16. 7 p.m., $15, $7 youth. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St, 208-331-9224,

18 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly

Letters and hair clippings—Extensions of Erin Cunninham’s new exhibit, Whispering Pines: The Hazel B. Jackson Project.

MOSS, BEESWAX AND BUTTERCUPS This First Thursday was all about the ladies. And not just because dozens of local nonprofits that benefit the fairer sex set up tables and fanned out informational brochures at 22 downtown businesses for International Women’s Day. First Thursday, March 1, also featured a fantastic new exhibit by local artist Erin Cunningham at Bricolage, a business owned by local ladies that was celebrating its second anniversary with a spread of tea party-themed treats. Titled Whispering Pines: The Hazel B. Jackson Project, Cunningham’s mixed-media show highlighted another side of the artist, who is perhaps best known among BW readers for her Victorian-influenced, vintage paintings. This exhibition explored the fictional life and history of Hazel B. Jackson, a name Cunningham stumbled across randomly. One particularly poignant piece featured two oval picture frames, one with a man and the other with a woman reaching out toward each other from a forest floor. The frames’ borders bloomed with tufts of bright green moss and a web of green thread shot out Spiderman-style, connecting the couple’s fingertips. In other First Thursday goings on, BW’s Andrew Crisp hit up the Boise State Public Relations Student Society of America’s A Sweet Taste of Boise event in the Alaska Building. Crisp sampled an array of edibles—like fruit tarts from La Vie en Rose—while Shaun Brazell laid down Motown tracks and artist Patrick Hunter live-painted. You can check out a photo slideshow of all the First Thursday action, including Willow Socia’s life-sized beeswax marionette, at Speaking of wax, the 50 or so amateur and professional riders who showed up to the Red Bull Buttercup on March 3 could’ve used a little before the snowboard competition kicked off its practice sessions. According to BW’s Josh Gross, “After a few slightly funny ass-over-tea kettle dismounts, organizers ran in with a bar of wax and got things back on track.” The sun also didn’t mind its beeswax, showing up to melt the four dump trucks worth of snow that had been brought from Bogus Basin to Newt and Harold’s for the competition. Undeterred by the heat, snowboarders climbed up the roof-level ramp and zipped down, busting tricks and trying their best not run aground when the snow ended 20 feet later. Not all were successful. You can watch a video of the wipeouts at And moving from ramped to amped, between 100-200 fans packed Visual Arts Collective on March 3 for the long-awaited album release from local orchestral collective A Seasonal Disguise. The evening also featured performances from Larkspur, Le Fleur, Otto Van Walton and Sleepy Seeds, with each set “blending into the next magically.” According to Crisp, “In the middle of frontman Z.V. House’s droning guitar solo on the band’s final song, friends and members of Larkspur snuck onto the stage armed with balloons and stuffed animals to shower the crowd.” —Tara Morgan WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M

8 DAYS OUT HAMLET—Boise State’s Theatre Arts Department presents this classic Shakespearian tale. Tickets available at and Select-A-Seat outlets. For more info, visit A free ticket may be obtained at on-campus ticket offices with a valid Boise State ID. 7:30 p.m. $15; $12 non-Boise State students, alumni and seniors. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-3980, theatre. LIQUID LAUGHS: MARCUS FROM LAST COMIC STANDING—This installment of Liquid Laughs also features Guy Siedel. 8 p.m. $8. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, SCOTT LONG—Check out the comedic stylings of Scott Long. 8 p.m. $8. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658, varsitypubmeridian. com.

Concerts CALDER QUARTET—The sophisticated quartet from Los Angeles will perform, and will stick around to judge the seventh annual BCMS Young Artist String Quartet Competition. Call 208-426-1216 for more info. 7:30 p.m. $20-$25 single performance, $100 for all four in the series. Morrison Center Recital Hall, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise State campus, Boise, 208-426-1609.

Food & Drink MAKE YOUR OWN CORNED BEEF—Make your own

corned beef for St. Patrick’s Day. Pre-order your beef and Life’s Kitchen will teach you how to corn it, then store it while it cures, and you pick it up the following week. Light snacks will be provided. For reservations, call Erin at 208-331-0199. 6-9 p.m. $20 (plus cost of brisket). Life’s Kitchen, 1025 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-331-0199,


Literature IDAHO MIGRANT PATHWAYS FROM NEPAL, MEXICO AND BEYOND—Listen to writers Nathaniel Hoffman and Melissa Davlin read from their upcoming books. Coffee, drinks and food available for purchase. 7-9 p.m. FREE. The Cole Marr Gallery/ Coffee House, 404 S. Eighth St., Ste. 134, Boise, 208-336-7630.

ALTERNATIVE BOOK COVER ART CONTEST RECEPTION—View the results of the Alternative Book Cover Art Contest at this reception featuring Oregon artist Greg Manchess. 7-9 p.m. FREE. Yanke Family Research Park, 220 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise.

SKIN DEEP—Written by Jon Lonoff and directed by Joseph Wright, this Stage Coach Theatre production is a story of giving romance one last shot. 7:30 p.m. 251 N. Orchard St., 208-342-2000,

Concerts TREEFORT MUSIC FEST PREVIEW CONCERT—Get your dancing shoes on and jive with the guys of Treefort, the Fine Arts staff and all things musical. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. FREE. Student Union Brava! Stage, Boise State, Boise.

Art UNDERBELLY BY LAUREN KISTNER—Artist Lauren Kistner presents mixed-media oil paintings that have been oxidized. They address the concepts of innocence, growth, imperfection and contentment. Light refreshments will be served. Exhibition runs March 9-April 10 in the Student Union Fine Arts Gallery. 4:30-6:30 p.m. FREE. Boise State Student Union, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-INFO,

Animals & Pets DOG ADOPTION EVENT—The shelter will celebrate National Agriculture Day by offering reduced-fee adult dog adoptions to farmers and ranchers. Adoption fees include spay/neuter, vaccinations, a microchip and a bag of food. The $25 fee excludes some specially priced dogs and puppies. $25. Canyon County Animal Shelter, 5801 Graye Lane, Caldwell, 208-455-5920,

FRIDAY MARCH 9 On Stage AN EVENING OF ONE ACTS—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $12.50, $9 seniors and students. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St., Boise, 208-342-5104, BAND OF BALANCE—See Thursday. 7 p.m. $15, $7 youth. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-3319224, HAMLET—See Thursday. 7:30 p.m. $15; $12 non-Boise State students, alumni and seniors. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-3980, theatre. LIQUID LAUGHS: MARCUS FROM LAST COMIC STANDING—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, SCOTT LONG—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $8. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658, SKIN DEEP—See Thursday. 8:15 p.m. $15. 251 N. Orchard St., Boise, 208-342-2000,


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8 DAYS OUT SATURDAY MARCH 10 Festivals & Events SAVOR THE WORLD— This benefit for Dunia Marketplace includes a silent auction, sweet and savory global foods, world music, artisan stories and local wine and beer. A Sustainable Futures glass is included in the ticket price. See Picks, Page 17.7 p.m. $39. Sage Yoga and Wellness, 242 N. Eighth St., Ste. 200, Boise, 208-338-5430,

On Stage BAND OF BALANCE— See Thursday. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. $15, $7 youth. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, BATTLEPROV ST. PATTY’S DAY BASH—Improvolution presents St. Patrick’s Day Battleprov, with four improvisers stepping on stage and only one being crowned Battleprov champion. Also featuring a stand-up comedian or two before the battle begins. 7:30 p.m. $10. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111,


CHICKS ‘N’ GIGGLES IMPROV—Chicks n’ Giggles Improv Comedy Troupe presents Audience Overload. The night will be crammed with an extra helping of the troupe’s favorite games using audience participants. 8 p.m. $10. Fatty’s, 800 W. Idaho St., Ste. 200, Boise, 208-514-2531, AN EVENING OF ONE ACTS— See Thursday. 8 p.m. $12.50, $9 seniors and students. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St., Boise, 208-342-5104, HAMLET—See Thursday. 7:30 p.m. $15; $12 non-Boise State students, alumni and seniors. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-3980, LIQUID LAUGHS: MARCUS FROM LAST COMIC STANDING—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, SCOTT LONG—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $8. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-9060658, SKIN DEEP—See Thursday. 8:15 p.m. $15. 251 N. Orchard St., Boise, 208-342-2000,


Concerts ANTARES—The Student Union Performance Series continues with this virtuoso quartet that plays everything from the chamber masterworks of the Classical and Romantic eras to modern music. 8 p.m. $15; $8 seniors, Boise State faculty, staff and alumni; $5 students. Boise State Special Events Center, 1800 University Drive, Boise, sub.

Workshops & Classes END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT—Geologist Bryant Ware will lead hands-on activities showing the cause and effect of geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis and more. All ages welcome, with activities for adults and children alike. No registration is required. Please leave pets at home. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. FREE. Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Road, Boise, 208514-3755,

Talks & Lectures IRAN AND THE WEST—Michael Zirinsky, Boise State professor of history emeritus, will share his thoughts and perspectives on Iran and its relationship with the United States. Zirinsky lived in Tehran, Iran, from 1956-1960. The talk is hosted by the Boise chapter of the Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East. For more info, contact Debbie Espen at debbieespen@ 4 p.m. FREE. Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 6200 N. Garrett, Garden City, 208-658-1710,

Kids & Teens KIDS IN THE KITCHEN—A fun health and fitness event with chefs, health-care providers, community organizations and businesses encouraging participants to make healthy eating and physical activity lifetime habits. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. FREE. West Treasure Valley YMCA and Boise City Aquatic Center, 5959 Discovery Place, Boise, 208377-9622.

Odds & Ends KIPP SHERRY: MAGIC AND MENTALISM—Enjoy dinner, a magic show and mentalism with Kipp Sherry. 7-10 p.m. $10, includes one beverage. The Open Space, 12 N. Fisher Park Way in Eagle Island Crossing, Eagle, 208-938-6128,

IDAHO NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS To find out more email Nicole at or call 541-344-2739


20 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly


| HARD |


Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit Go to and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers. © 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.


SUNDAY MARCH 11 Festivals & Events KITTENS TO COUGARS—Girls ages 11 and up (Kittens) and their moms/guardians are invited to participate in an array of fun, age-appropriate and educational activities from 3:30-5 p.m.


8 DAYS OUT Chocolate fondue from The Melting Pot and sparkling cider will be served. From 5-7 p.m., activities transition for women ages 18 and older (Cougars). Guests are advised that some program content will include information related to sexual health and HIV/AIDS. 3:30-7 p.m. FREE. Exposure A.L.P.H.A. Interchange, 213 N. 10th St., 208-424-8158,

On Stage CHILDREN’S READING SERIES—Bring the kids to hear actors bring to life the best in contemporary children’s literature and favorite classics during this series of three plays designed for children. 2 p.m. $8$12 single tickets, $18.75-$30 for the series of three. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224,



Festivals & Events

On Stage

TEAM EXERGY PRESENTATION AND COMMUNITY APPRECIATION PARTY—Enjoy live music by Poke, a free swag raffle, bar service by Boise River Catering Co. and food by Azteca and Pie Hole while you learn a little something about Team Exergy. 5:30 p.m. FREE. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111, thelinenbuilding. com.

DAMN YANKEES—Part of the Broadway In Boise 2011-2012 Season. Songs like “Whatever Lola Wants” fill the Tony Award-winning Broadway musical. See Picks, Page 17. 7:30 p.m. $30-$50. Morrison Center for the Performing Arts, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-4261609,

Talks & Lectures

Literature STORY STORY LATE-NIGHT: NAKED— The popular Story Story Night is branching out with an adults-only series. The first installment, Naked, will feature Emma Arnold and musician Dan Costello. The host will open the night with an audacious story, then open the floor to the audience. Names will be drawn from a vessel, and the chosen ones will come up on stage and tell a story. Subject-matter related prizes will be given to storytellers. Leave the kids at home—this is a 21-and-older show. Visit for advance tickets and more info. See Picks, Page 16. 8 p.m. $5. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297,

HAMLET—See Thursday. 2 p.m. $15; $12 non-Boise State students, alumni and seniors. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-3980, SKIN DEEP—See Thursday. 2 p.m. $15. Stage Coach Theatre, 5012 Emerald Ave., 208-3422000,

Concerts BOISE BAROQUE ORCHESTRA—Pianist Barton Moreau will perform works of Bach and Mozart. A reception and silent auction immediately following the concert will feature hors d’oeuvres, desserts, wine and beverages. Visit boisebaroque. org for more info. 2 p.m. Concert: $20, $15 students, FREE for children; Reception: $10, FREE BBO donors and season ticket holders. Cathedral of the Rockies, First United Methodist Church, 717 N. 11th St., 208343-7511.


BROWN BAG LECTURE WITH AMBER BEIERLE—Amber Beierle from the Old Idaho Penitentiary will speak about the famous and forgotten female inmates—from one of the nation’s first serial killers to a down-on-her-luck thief. Beierle will delve into crimes of the ladies, their living conditions and changing perspectives of women and crime. Coffee, punch and cookies will be available. Noon-1 p.m. FREE. Idaho State Historical Museum, 610 N. Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-334-2120,

Citizen COFFEE WITH MERIDIAN MAYOR—Meet and mingle with Meridian Mayor Tammy de Weerd and other city leaders. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions, discuss neighborhood issues, network and pick up information about community programs and events. For more information, call 208-577-2900. 8-9:30 a.m. FREE. Broadview University, 750 E. Gala Court, Meridian, 1-866-253-7744,


Real Dialogue from the naked city

On Stage DAMN YANKEES—See Tuesday. 7:30 p.m. $30-$50. Morrison Center for the Performing Arts, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-1609, mc.boisestate. edu.

Literature THE CABIN READINGS AND CONVERSATIONS—Featuring Pulitzer Prize-winning author Elizabeth Strout. Tickets are available by calling 208-3318000. See Picks, Page 17. 7:30 p.m. $12-$35. Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-0454, egyptiantheatre. net.

Overheard something Eye-spy worthy? E-mail


SPRING AUTHOR SERIES— Mitch Wieland will discuss his books and writing process in the adult fiction genre. Noon. FREE. Library at Cole and Ustick, 7557 W. Ustick Road, Boise, 208570-6900, boisepubliclibrary. com.

Stay & Ski Free Package Person Double Occupancy Through March 31, 2012* $139 Per

Stay in the Sun Valley Lodge or Inn for only $139 per person, double occupancy. Each person receives a free lift ticket per day. The package can be booked multiple days and does not include tax. Kids 15 & under ski free. *A few restrictions and blackout dates apply.

SolFest - Sun/Snow/Rock-n-Roll 15 & Under Ski Free March 23 – 25, 2012 $139 Kids

Stay in the Sun Valley Lodge or Inn for only $139 per person, double occupancy. Each person receives a free lift ticket per day. The package can be booked multiple days and does not include tax. Mention “SOLFEST,” book for 2 night minimum and add a $25 gift card per room.

College Deals College Six Pack – $259

Valid for any 6 days of skiing /riding during the 2011–2012 winter season. College Triple Play – $139

Valid for any 3 days of skiing /riding beginning March 3 through the end of 2011–2012 winter season. *Must have proof of full time status.

For Reservations Call: 1.800.786.8259 or visit


b TRADITION. BOISEweekly | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | 21



A STORM’S BREWING Is Arcade Fire plotting a secret SXSW show?

HITTING THE ROAD Boise band A Seasonal Disguise dropped its new album, Waterfowl of Eastern Canada, last week with a big release party at Visual Arts Collective, which featured openers Larkspur, Le Fleur, Otto Van Walton and Sleepy Seeds. See Week in Review on Page 18 for more on the show. The band has also recently completed a successful crowdfunding campaign on to raise the $2,000 required for merch and a tour to promote the album. A promo video posted by the band listed strings, T-shirts, Band-Aids, vaccinations, backup loin cloths, dental floss and a bag of shuttlecocks as some of those needs. But not every local band needs vaccinations to record. Members of local pop-punk band Hotel Chelsea are doing it all by their diseaseridden selves. The band is reportedly nearly done recording its debut album. Frontman Ryan Sampson, formerly of The Percolators, told Boise Weekly that the band is down to the finishing touches on the collection, which it plans on calling El Pee. (You know, because it’s like L.P.? But in Spanish it means “the urine”?) The band will leave for a spring tour after a kick-off show supporting So-Cal smutrockers Guttermouth at The Red Room on March 6. Another local band setting out into the world is Finn Riggins. Its latest single, “Benchwarmers,” got some national attention from Nylon Magazine, which wrote: “This song is so good, it makes us totally reconsider the benchwarmer bad rap.” That high-profile blurbage came on the heels of the band’s song “Blackrock” being used in an NBA commercial for the Chicago Bulls. Finn Riggins will keep busy with a March touring schedule that includes appearances at the 35 Denton Festival in Denton, Texas, several performances at SXSW in Austin, Texas, and then a quick zip back to Boise to rock the bejeezus out of Treefort Music Fest. Boise musicophiles can follow Finn Riggins’ adventures down to SXSW on BW’s blog, where this reporter will be posting updates as part of ride-a-long SXSW coverage. Not scheduled to perform at SXSW is Arcade Fire. However, the Grammy-winning chamber-pop band from the great white north has announced plans to lecture at the University of Texas at Austin on Monday, March 19, leading Pitchfork to speculate that some secret SXSW shows might be in the works. —Josh Gross

22 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly

Cloud Nothings grow darker, heavier with new album STEPHEN FOSTER When he was 18 years old Dylan Baldi started to grow bored and disillusioned with college. He was studying music at Case Western Reserve, a prestigious private university in Cleveland. To curb his boredom, Baldi spent his free time recording songs on the computer in his parents’ basement under the name Cloud Nothings. It wasn’t long before these songs seeped onto the Internet and spilled out of the speakers of smitten music bloggers and lo-fi indie fans. The enthusiasm and buzz generated by these early recordings propelled Cloud Noth“With the previous stuff, I recorded everyings into a record deal with Carpark Records thing on my own,” said Baldi. “I would always (Beach House, Toro y Moi, Dan Deacon) and make every part, and play all the guitars, all landed it on the road with a consistent schedule of gigs. Now 20 years old, Baldi hasn’t seen the bass, all the drums, and then tell everyone what to play. With the new record, I would the inside of a university classroom in ages. just write my part and my melody or whatever “I had no idea it would get to the level it is currently at,” said Baldi on a 12-hour van ride I was singing, and then I would just bring that to the band and we would make the song from from Florida to Texas. “It kind of blew me that. So I guess it was more of a collaborative away when people actually cared about it.” process this time.” Cloud Nothings started out as a fuzzy, lo-fi In an interview with BW in October 2011, indie rock band with garage and pop-punk leanings. The band’s songs on its debut compi- Albini commented on his studio approach: “I tend to not get involved in creative decilation album, Turning On—as well as most of its first self-titled full-length—were simple, fun sions in the studio because I’m an ignorant pop songs. They usually clocked in at less than outsider. I haven’t done those eight-hour drives three minutes and were loaded with hooks and where the whole life story and philosophy of the band has been worked out in conversation catchy choruses. As Pop Matters noted, “What makes Cloud ... so I really have no right to and no perspecNothings one of the best of the lo-fi pop bands tive to tell them that this song should actually around right now is the commitment to writing be a little bit faster or that maybe the guitar solo shouldn’t be so long,” he said. good pop songs and nothing else.” Albini’s engineering philosophy allowed This pop proclivity is apparent on tracks Cloud Nothings to chart its own course in the like “Leave You Forever,” where Baldi churns studio. The band has always utilized distorted out a simple four-chord structure with little guitars and fuzzy vocals, giving it a rather more than a strong, catchy chorus and barebones lyrics. But with his song-writing prowess heavy sound. But the new record takes the group’s heaviness to a different level, with and knack for appealing pop hooks, Baldi’s songs like “Separation,” on which Baldi wails two-and-a-half-minute tracks often come off as sturdy pop songs. That same can be said for on his instrument, emanating a thrashing wall of sound, or “No Sentiment,” on which rapsingles like “Understand at All,” “Nothing’s idly strummed guitar Wrong” and “Hey is backed by slow, deCool Kid.” liberate drumming and On its most recent With Memoryhouse and Mr. Dream. Thursday, a dark bass line, while record, 2012’s Attack March 8, 8 p.m., $10. Baldi throatily screams On Memory, the band NEUROLUX with nihilistic swagger, went into a proper 111 N. 11th St. “we forget what you recording studio with 208-343-0886 do / we don’t care what indie legend Steve we lose.” Albini and came out “Having the full with a batch of dense, band helped make the songs heavier. … And heavy guitar-rock tracks. The album contains part of it is the material itself is actually heavier songs that run longer than eight minutes, with lengthy instrumental jams that barely resemble than the other songs we’ve done,” Baldi said. “[I’m] trying not to do the same thing over and early singles.

Cloud Nothings is something to write home about.

over again. I wanted to branch out.” This desire to branch out is also reflected in Cloud Nothings’ live show. Baldi and his band—an assemblage of friends he put together for touring back in 2009—grew bored of playing the same old songs the same way night after night, so with this new batch of songs, the band left room for live improvisation. “Every night’s a little different,” said Baldi. “It’s fun to not be 100 percent sure about what’s going to happen when you go and play a show. There are a lot of instrumental sections that we add into the songs that are more improvised and free.” In addition to some on-stage experimentation, Baldi promises that when Cloud Nothings plays Neurolux on Thursday, March 8, it will be a hard-hitting show. “The audience can expect the most energetic show that they’ve seen in a while,” said Baldi. “There’s a lot of energy to our performances that I think a lot of bands lack.” Baldi’s assertions are backed up by a recent concert review from the Texas music blog Austin Town Hall, where the critic gushed: “Clearly, singer Dylan can write great tunes, as he’s been doing it for over three years now, growing with each release. But live, dear lord, they’ve become a different beast entirely. Dylan focuses his humble attention on the lyrics and audience, the rest of the band just kills it.” It turns out that playing gigs night after night, recording acclaimed albums with top producers, and traveling the country isn’t such a bad way for a 20-year-old to spend his days, even if he can’t enjoy a post-show drink. “Touring in a band when you’re young probably isn’t as romantic as people might think,” said Baldi with a laugh. “But it’s more fun than the other possibilities that are in my life at this point, like being in school and studying music or whatever, which probably wouldn’t have gotten me where I am right now.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M


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BACKWOODS PAYBACK—With Jar, Bukkit and Robbed Ether. 9 p.m. $5. Shredder

CLOUD NOTHINGS— With Memoryhouse and Mr. Dream. See Noise, Page 22. 8 p.m. $10. Neurolux


G. LOVE AND SPECIAL SAUCE, MARCH 8, KFCH Before Jack Johnson, Ben Harper or Jason Mraz, there was Philadelphia musician G. Love, who was cranking out sunny, feel-good blues tunes while those other guys were still living under their parents’ roofs. G. Love has been in the music biz since the early ’90s, and despite never hitting the big time with a popular single or hit record, his laid-back jams and groovy melodies—along with a very professional live show—have kept fans coming to concerts and buying records. For G. Love’s current tour, he’s traveling as a trio with Timo Shanko on upright bass and Jeffrey Clemens on drums. The setlist will center on his latest offering, 2012’s delta bluesinspired Fixin to Die. He’ll also drop in a number of old-school hip-hop jams and greatest hits. For diehards hoping to catch a particular rarity or old favorite, you can tweet @glove before the show with your request. —Stephen Foster With Scott H. Biram. 8:30 p.m., $20-$40. Knitting Factory, 416 S. Ninth St., 208-367-1212,

24 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly

GAYLE CHAPMAN—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid HE’S MY BROTHER SHE’S MY SISTER—With Bad Weather California. 8 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux JESSICA FULGHUM—6 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Downtown JIM FISHWILD—6 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow

DAN COSTELLO—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers

ROB FIELDS—7:30 p.m. FREE. Corkscrews

JOHNNY SHOES—8 p.m. FREE. Corkscrews



STEVE EATON—6:30 p.m. FREE. Twig’s Cellar WAYNE COYLE—8 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge

DC3—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers ECID—10 p.m. $3. Reef FRIM FRAM 4—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s G. LOVE AND SPECIAL SAUCE—With Scott H. Biram. See Listen Here, this page. 8:30 p.m. $20-40. Knitting Factory HOT BUTTERED RUM—With Cornmeal. See Listen Here, Page 25. 8 p.m. $16. Visual Arts Collective

FRIDAY MARCH 9 A CLASSIC EDUCATION—With Ganglians. 8 p.m. $8. Neurolux

REBECCA SCOTT—8 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper THE RINGTONES—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s



CAMDEN HUGHES—6:30 p.m. FREE. Berryhill EQUALEYES—With Ladytramp. 10 p.m. $5. Reef

PAMELA DEMARCHE—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Bown

KRISPEN HARTUNG—With Sult, White Orange, and Wellspring and Honor. 9 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement

EVOL G AND BRACKNEY—11 p.m. $2. Red Room

TERRY JONES—6:30 p.m. FREE. Berryhill

NORMAN—9 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s

ROCCI JOHNSON BAND—9:30 p.m. $5 after 10 p.m., FREE for ladies. Humpin’ Hannah’s


SWINGIN’ WITH ELLIE SHAW— 5:30 p.m. FREE. FlatbreadMeridian

MOTTO KITTY—9 p.m. $3. Kay and Traci’s 127 Club

BLAZE AND KELLY—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub




HAPPY PEOPLE—8 p.m. FREE. Ha’ Penny

MARSHALL POOLE—With Zack Quintana. 8 p.m. FREE. Flying M Coffeegarage

JEANNIE MARIE—7 p.m. FREE. Orphan Annie’s

MONKEYS IN SPACE—9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid

JOHN CAZAN—5 p.m. FREE. Lock, Stock & Barrel

THE NAUGHTIES—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s

JOHN MARTIN—4 p.m. FREE. Three Beez Coffee Bar

THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. Buffalo Club SHAUN BRAZELL—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers THE SHAUN BRAZELL QUARTET—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers WENDY MATSON—8:30 p.m. FREE. The District




GUIDE p.m. FREE. Monkey Bizness BLAKE SHELTON—With Justin Moore and Dia Frampton. 7:30 p.m. $27-$51.75. Taco Bell Arena DAN COSTELLO—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers ERIC GRAE—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill JOHN JONES TRIO—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLYGOATS—9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid LEE PENN SKY—8 p.m. FREE. Corkscrews THE LYRES—9 p.m. FREE. Woody’s MARINADE—10 p.m. $5. Reef MOTTO KITTY—9 p.m. $3. Kay and Traci’s 127 Club NINTH ANNUAL PISCES PARTY—With Bukkit, Sandusky Furs, Furious Jones and Piranhas. 6 p.m. $6. Neurolux NORMAN—9 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s PEACE MERCUTIO—With Alabaster, Fighting the Villain, A Life Set Apart, Fires in France and Just a Fluke. 7 p.m. $7. Venue ROBIN SCOTT—7 p.m. FREE. Orphan Annie’s ROCCI JOHNSON BAND—9:30 p.m. $5 after 10 p.m., FREE for ladies. Humpin’ Hannah’s



PUNK MONDAY—8 p.m. $3. Liquid

SOULCATS—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s

SHAUN BRAZELL—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers

SOUL SERENE—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub





DAN COSTELLO—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers


THE AGGROLITES—With Mike Pinto. 10 p.m. $8 adv., $12 door. Reef

GAYLE CHAPMAN—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid



SUNNYVALE STRINGBAND—8 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s TANGO ALPHA TANGO—With Violet Isle, Thank You For This, The Arctic Turtles and The Nightlife of Trees. 9 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s TERRI EBERLEIN—10:30 a.m. FREE. Berryhill THE WORKING DJS—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s

DAN COSTELLO—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers EDWARD ROMEO—With Alameda and Range Life. 9 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s LIME HOUSE—8 p.m. FREE. Sockeye ROB FALER—8 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge RIGHTEOUS VENDETTA—6:30 p.m. $3, or two for $5. Masonic Event Center


TRIO43—8 p.m., FREE. Chandlers

ANDREW CORTENS—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill



JESSICA FULGHUM—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Bown JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLYGOATS—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s KATIE MORELL—6 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Downtown PAMELA DEMARCHE—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Meridian STEVE EATON AND PHIL GARONZIK—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers TERRY JONES—6:30 p.m. FREE. Berryhill

Don’t know a venue? Visit for addresses, phone numbers and a map.

HOT BUTTERED RUM, MARCH 8, VAC San Fransisco five-piece Hot Buttered Rum is as warm, frothy and sweet as the drink of the same name. Stuck together by mutual bluegrass proclivities, the band members’ dulcet tones sneak up on you like a stiff drink. Comprised of Aaron Redner on fiddle, mandolin and lead vocals, Bryan Horne on bass, Erik Yates on banjo, flute and dobro, Nat Keefe on guitar and Lucas Carlton on percussion, Hot Buttered Rum creates a sound with myriad nooks and crannies to get happily lost in. On Thursday, March 8, the band will hit Visual Arts Collective with co-headliners Cornmeal. The band’s self-stated goal is to create a “new Northern California sound,” an ambitious target that the group has been hell-bent on hitting. The butter boys are currently touring the country and simultaneously working on a forthcoming release with producer Steve Berlin. —Andrew Crisp With Cornmeal. 8 p.m., $16. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-387-1273,

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PAINT IT BLACK Artist Rachel Teannalach shrugs off Invierno to celebrate Primavera.

WINTER/SPRING SWING The first day of March in Boise was nothing like Disney’s dewy depiction of spring: wobbly fawns, budding branches and hungry hatchlings. We got a big, slushy, sideways dump of snow. But a few flakes won’t put the brakes on Primavera, a new, one-nightonly group art exhibition. Featured artists Rachel Teannalach, Amy Westover, Christine Raymond, Pat Kilby, Olive Wicherski and Susan Valiquette will congregate along with Castlerock Strings Quartet at Beside Bardenay on Friday, March 9, from 7-9 p.m. for a show exploring the central theme of spring. Artists will utilize a variety of mediums—drawing, painting, photography, sculpture—to “celebrate the fresh perspective that the spring season brings.” But for those of us not ready to bid the barren trees and frosted windshields goodbye, Enso Artspace will provide a respite with Anna Ura’s new show, Winter, which opens on Friday, March 16, from 5-8 p.m. at 120 East 38th Street, Unit 105 in Garden City. The San Francisco transplant will explore Idaho landscapes utilizing paintings, photography and video in this new series that examines “winter as nature’s time for catharsis: the shedding of the old, needless aspects of itself.” Speaking of shedding the old, the Eighth Street Marketplace Artist in Residence program is prepping for a new crop of greenhorns. These newbies will occupy their downtown studios from March through September, with the inaugural First Thursday studio tours Thursday, April 5, from 5-8 p.m. Without further ado, here’s the list: Star Moxley, installation artist and costume designer, Mercantile Ste. 201; Seth Randal, documentarian, Mercantile Ste. L138; Kate and Sarah Masterson, visual artists, Northrup Ste. 295; Cassandra Schiffler, abstract painter, Northrup Ste. 295; Theresa Burkes, printmaker, Northrup Ste. 295; Idaho Book Arts Guild, a collaborative of 10 artist book makers, Northrup Ste. 295; Adrian Kershaw, mixed-media sculptor, Renewal Underground. And speaking of open studios, Boise Open Studios Collective Organization is currently accepting applications for membership. BOSCO artists will participate in one open-studio weekend in October, with an opening at Boise Art Museum. New BOSCO members are juried in annually, and this year’s professional artist juror will be Zella Bardsley. Applications must be submitted electronically and are due by Sunday, April 1. For info, visit or email —Tara Morgan

26 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly

Raymond Pettibon’s punk period CHRISTOPHER SCHNOOR Raymond Pettibon is a legend in his own time. Not with the general public but certainly with fans and aficionados of the punk-rock scene centered in Los Angeles in the late 1970s and ’80s. His graphic, low-life vignettes were reproduced in zines and on fliers, promotional posters, stickers and album covers for Los Angeles punk bands of the period—most conspicuously his brother’s group, Black Flag. Pettibon’s creative activities from those years made him a cult figure in the underground music scene, a status he holds to this day despite spending the last 25 years building an international reputation as a respected contemporary artist. Beginning Wednesday, March 7, Boise State’s Visual Arts Center will present RayRaymond Pettibon illustrated iconic punk album covers like Black Flag’s Six Pack. mond Pettibon: The Punk Years, 1978-86, an exhibit featuring some 200 examples of basics. Even so, the introduction of more color Pettibon’s graphic output during those prolific, design skills and a sharp, subversive mind— was a harbinger of the changes in his work he came up with the Black Flag name and subversive years that preceded his career as a that came after he began showing in galleries. designed its four-bar logo. recognized artist. Raymond Pettibon: The Punk Years, Working with offset and screen printThe exhibit is curated by David Platzker 1978-86, is touring under the auspices of ing techniques on behalf of bands like the of Specific Object, a New York clearinghouse Independent Curators International. It is the Circle Jerks, Subhumans, Dead Kennedys, the for visual, literary and outsider art that, in first of the Exhibitions in a Box series, which Ramones, Meat Puppets, Husker Du, Killer, his words, “has fallen through the cracks of the Minutemen and, of course, Black Flag, Pet- over the last two years has sponsored 12 such mainstream culture.” The show represents events, conceived and developed by artists, eight years of Platzker collecting a sizable stash tibon produced a stream of raw, edgy imagery curators and art historians providing what it oozing attitude with an assortment of erotic of Pettibon punk paraphernalia. Although calls “high-content, low-cost exhibitions” for (homo and hetero), sacrilegious and political his curatorial interests focus mainly on pop venues of varying size and resources. A kit, if themes. Spiced with macabre humor, sordid art, minimalism and conceptual art, Platzker you will, for creating an art show on the spot. characters, a heavy dose of cynicism and the has an active interest in any “transformative clamor of competing fonts, his style was noted It is unlikely that we have seen anything like work that affects how we look at art today,” The Punk Years at Boise State’s Visual Arts for its total lack of taste. For example, in one whether high-brow or low. Center before. of Pettibon’s artist books in the collection, The 1960s were transformative culturPettibon was unable to be reached for an entitled “Just Happy to Be Working,” the ally in many ways, not least of which was interview, which is unfortunate but not out of frontispiece features a the evolving rapport character. Some critics have said, in retrospect, shirtless, shoeless male between rock and the Exhibition opens Wednesday, March 7, and that Pettibon was actually contemptuous of the hanging by his neck. visual arts. Around runs through Wednesday, March 28. Opening whole Los Angeles punk scene, as evidenced Black print and dark 1966, album covers reception Friday, March 9, 6-8 p.m. by the fact he peopled his imagery with “such shadows dominate and concert posters VISUAL ARTS CENTER pathetic losers,” as one commentator put it. Pettibon’s early work, became, for a time, Gallery One, Liberal Arts Building, Boise State But was he really the misanthrope he seemed with fliers and posters increasingly more 1910 University Drive to be in his base portrayal of humanity? And often printed on colinventive and bold ored paper. To find any how does he look at this work in hindsight? in design, color and Platzker is of the opinion that Pettibon’s historical precedent, demeanor. California personal take on the subjects of women, sex one has to go back to the photomontages of led the way with psychedelia, day-glo effects and religion was more edgy than dark. He cites the Dada artist John Heartfield (nee Helmut and R. Crumb. But Platzker is right when he says, “every 10 years or so, a small revolution Herzfelde) in the 1920s, whose photomontages Pettibon’s 1984 comment that “all this stuff savaged the Nazi thugs, corrupt politicians and will be collectibles someday” as evidence of his in visual art takes place.” cynical mindset. lords of industry in Weimar Germany. Nothing had prepared us for the advent of Yet there is no denying that darkness has Pettibon’s covers for 7-inch and 12-inch punk in the late ’70s. long had enormous aesthetic appeal to him, vinyl records in the Boise State exhibit include In 1977, Pettibon’s guitarist brother Greg an aspect of his art that he still returns to—as a number of classics, like Black Flag’s albums Ginn founded the band Black Flag—a tribute to Black Sabbath and the insecticide—and SST Six Pack, The Process of Weeding Out, and the in his 2009 series of lithographs entitled The Black Album. The ICI survey of Pettibon’s soft-porn The Blasting Concept compilation Records, which recorded the leading punk formative years as a punk evangelist gives us album jacket, all in black and white. Though bands in Los Angeles. At this point, Pettibon Pettibon would often use color for the records, the opportunity to consider these questions was not a represented artist but a subculture firsthand. with Black Flag particularly, he preferred the denizen with aggressive, comic-style graphic WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M


FRIENDS WITH KIDS Spring’s hottest cast in the season’s most lukewarm film GEORGE PRENTICE Friends With Kids, Hollywood’s new likeable but not lovable rom-com, is very pleasing to watch, if only the two lead characters would get out of the way. One need not look much further than the poster advertising Friends With Kids. Jon Hamm? There’s a big picture of the Mad Men man, but he plays a relatively small role. Megan Fox? Big photo for the lovely When all their friends start having kids, Adam Scott and Jennifer Westfeldt decide to have kids ... as friends. lady but even smaller part. Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph and Chris O’Dowd? Nice douche. Rule No. 2: if you ignore Rule No. how, the unattached will soon be attached images of the ladies and gent from Brides1, don’t think an audience will forgive him in and, sooner than later, they’ll be bouncing maids, but in this film, they’re supporting the final 90 seconds of the film. around a baby. OK, fine, it’s a story revisited players. And oh, yes, let’s not forget Adam Yale University grad Westfeldt should in a dozen films and a dozen more television Scott and Jennifer Westfeldt, the stars of sitcoms. But what makes one movie or sitcom know better: she’s a fine actress (Broadway’s Friends With Kids, who are given short more pleasing than the rest is character devel- Wonderful Town) and an even better screenshrift from the film’s marketing team. In writer (Kissing Jessica Stein). She and her opment. And therein lies spite of the fact real-life paramour, Hamm, are poised to be the problem with Friends that they’re the Tinseltown’s new power couple. With Kids. two leads, don’t FRIENDS WITH KIDS (R) But after seeing Friends With Kids at Westfeldt, who also try to spot them Written and directed by Jennifer Westfeldt the Toronto International Film Festival in wrote and directed the on the poster. Stars Jennifer Westfeldt, Adam Scott, Maya September 2011, I turned to other attendees, film, is funny, smart and Friends With Rudolph, Jon Hamm, Megan Fox who pretty much shrugged their shoulders drop-dead gorgeous. Kids is certainly Opens Friday at The Flicks and Edwards and told me that they “didn’t hate the movie Unfortunately, she wrote relevant—three but didn’t love it.” her own role as a selfish 30-something Entertainment Weekly recently called the 1-percenter and her councouples with kids stars of Friends With Kids “spring’s hottest are longtime college chums with a single man terpart as a bit of a prick. Scott can be really and woman, neither of whom are attached or charming, as he is each week on NBC’s Parks cast,” with a big two-page photo spread of have children. We know where this is heading and Recreation, but here, he’s a self-absorbed Hamm and Fox. I had to jog my memory to remind myself they were even in the film. before the opening titles finish rolling—some- jerk. Rule No. 1: don’t make your lead a

BIG SCREEN/SCREEN The matinee will showcase nine films, including Film festivals come and go. But for all of Weed War, in which goats their excitement and occasional glamour, once wage a Rocky Mountain the lights come up and audiences head home, weed-eating campaign; the festival is soon forgotten. Rhiannon and But then there’s the Land Trust Madison, the of the Treasure Valley’s Wild Saturday, March 10, saga of two and Scenic Film Festival. 4 p.m. and 7 p.m., young women The Land Trust, which $10-$15 adults, who discover recently closed on the purchase $5 students, 14 and that Girl Scout under FREE. of Harrison Hollow—59 acres of cookies EGYPTIAN THEATRE precious Foothills property off 700 W. Main St. contain palm of Bogus Basin Road—wears 208-387-1273 oil; and Miss its mission on its sleeve (and Find out which way the cookie crumbles in Rhiannon and Madison. South Pacific, sometimes on the big screen): about how a preserving and protecting the resident is born again by the river; The Greatbeauty pagGem State’s most precious est Migration, the 900-mile journey of Snake eant queen implores judges and spectators to resources. River salmon; and One Plastic Beach, an reduce global carbon emissions. This year’s Wild and Scenic Festival is set examination of a decade of debris. The evening also showcases nine local for Saturday, March 10, with shows at 4 p.m. films, including Seasons, about how a McCall —George Prentice and 7 p.m. at the Egyptian Theatre.



BOISEweekly | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | 27

SCREEN/LISTINGS Special Screenings





DIRTY BUSINESS—Featuring stories from China to West Virginia, this film reveals the true social and environmental costs of coal power and explores the murky realities of “clean coal” technology. Sponsored by the Snake River Alliance and the Boise State Sustainability Club. Watch the trailer at Screening at the dining stage. Thursday, March 8, 6:30-8:30 p.m. FREE. Boise State Student Union Building, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-INFO, sub.



Three Oaks Academy & Integrative Therapy Clinic 211W. State St. Boise, Idaho 208.342.3430

A THOUSAND WORDS—Eddie Murphy stars as a smart-talking literary agent who has to learn to communicate without words after a magic tree appears in his yard. (PG-13) Edwards 9, Edwards 14, Edwards 22 JOHN CARTER—This actionadventure flick is set on Mars and based on a classic novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs. (PG13) Edwards 9, Edwards 14, Edwards 22 SILENT HOUSE—Elizabeth Olsen stars as a woman locked inside her family’s lake house in this horror film. (R) Edwards 9, Edwards 14, Edwards 22

For movie times, visit boiseweekly. com or scan this QR code.

GOING DEPP: JOHNNY TOPS BOISE DVD FAVES IN THE RUM DIARY Maybe it’s the alcohol. Possibly it’s the lush Puerto Rican locales. Most likely it’s Johnny Depp. Treasure Valley Redbox renters made The Rum Diary their No. 1 DVD choice at the movie-in-a-box kiosks for the week ending Feb. 26. This time, Depp finds trouble in paradise (but without a pirate costume) as a rum-loving reporter. Even though the movie didn’t intoxicate critics when it hit the big screen, it’s a hit in the DVD marketplace. Fans of the supernatural made the vampire-werewolf-human triangle Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part I the No. 2 pick for the week. Shrek-spinoff Puss in Boots captured the No. 3 spot, with Hugh Jackman’s Real Steel and Ryan Gosling’s Drive completing the Redbox Top 5 rentals. If Rum Diaries is sold out (and that’s a definite possibility), and you absolutely have to scratch your Depp itch (and don’t mind just listening to his voice), definitely check out Rango, which won the Oscar as 2011’s Best Animated Feature. —Annette Rincon



28 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly

Sadly missed by the Motion Picture Academy when it handed out nominations for 2011’s best documentaries, Battle for Brooklyn was one of last year’s best. Boiseans will get a one-shot opportunity to witness the battle on the big screen when The Flicks showcases the film on Sunday, March 18, at 7 p.m. The story revolves around Brooklynite Daniel Goldstein, who refused to sell out to developers hoping to build a new basketball arena. It’s a Sunday, March 18, 7 p.m. 21st century David vs. Goliath THE FLICKS as Goldstein faces down real 646 W. Fulton St. estate gazillionaires and grand208-342-4288 standing politicians. Filmmakers Michael Galinsky and Suki Hawley don’t pretend to be “fair and balanced” in their storytelling and have been accused of advocacy filmmaking. Good for them. Battle for Brooklyn is all about standing your ground, which is clearly what the directors have done. —George Prentice WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M


ONE STEP AT A TIME Boise firefighters ready for ultimate stairclimb challenge

Three of Idaho’s wolf-hunting zones have been closed for the season.


SARAH BARBER The US Bank building in downtown Boise boasts 22 flights of stairs spanning the distance from the basement to the rooftop, making it the tallest building in Idaho. A reasonably fit, motivated and properly attired individual might spend about five minutes hiking up those steps, if done without stopping. That’s how long it took me. I was gasping when I reached the emergency exit door that opens up to bright blue sky, and I thought to myself, “Whew. That’s a lot of stairs!” Boise firefighter Rich Brown doesn’t think so. In fact, on the day that I joined him midway through a training session in the building, his goal was to complete not one, but 10 sets of 22 flights of stairs. Brown is training for the Scott Firefighter Stairclimb, a national event that takes place at the Columbia Center in Seattle, the fourth-tallest building west of the Mississippi. More than 1,500 firefighters will converge in the heart of the city on March 11 to race their way up 69 flights of stairs, totaling 1,311 steps and 788 feet of elevation. For those who spend several hours a week at the YMCA, sculpting quads and calves on Stairmasters, climbing 69 flights of stairs might not seem like such a big deal. But add 25 pounds of full structural firefighting gear and the mission becomes decidedly more challenging. The heft of turnouts alone is significant, but the wide-brimmed helmet and steel-tipped leather boots exaggerate the force of gravity with every step. A 30-pound airpack worn like a backpack further compromises the effort. One more element raises the stakes another notch. A regulator and mouthpiece connected to an air hose are clicked onto the user’s facemask, so he huffs and puffs with a sensation of confined respirations, sucking down a limited supply of compressed air. During the competition, each participant uses a bottle designed to hold 45 minutes of breathable air under normal circumstances. However, the anticipated exertion during the stairclimb is so extreme that there’s one opportunity for an air bottle exchange on the 40th floor. Almost every participant will breathe hard enough to require an exchange to successfully complete the challenge. The fastest contestants will finish in as little as 11 minutes, but the majority will take longer than 20 minutes. While most Americans are searching for reasons to exercise, Brown and his fellow competitors have more motivation than they WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M

Rich Brown of the Boise Fire Department’s stairclimbing team, the real stair masters.

need. For starters, a well built aerobic engine translates into less suffering during the official stairclimb event. Also it’s difficult to imagine a more practical form of fitness for a firefighter. Anyone can hoist dumbbells in a gym or zone out with an iPod to get the doctor-recommended 30 minutes of a cardio each day. Firefighters, on the other hand, don’t always have a choice: When a high-rise is ablaze, people’s lives—maybe even their own—will depend on their fitness. Furthermore, nothing builds cohesion and camaraderie among a fire captain and his crew more than working up a sweat together. “It’s fun ... when you’re finished,” Brown said. Most important, however, is that the Scott Firefighter Stairclimb isn’t just about hauling firefighting gear up tall buildings. Instead, the event’s sponsorship, entry fees and participant fund-raising benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, which supports blood cancer research and patient services. In fact, at press time, Brown was leading the nation in fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. “Without Rich Brown, our department team wouldn’t even have half the money raised that we have. We wouldn’t have half the speed either,” said team captain and fellow Boise firefighter Tom Compton. Compton explained that teams participating in the competition are ranked in the results in two categories: combined speed of the top

three stairclimbers and total dollars raised. “Last year, Boise Fire was third for speed, and sixth in fundraising, but we made more money than the two teams that were faster than us, and we were faster than the five teams that made more money than us. So effectively, we had the best combined result. Our goal this year is to maintain that position,” said Compton. Brown’s cause is even more personal. Nearly a decade ago, his father-in-law was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells in the bone marrow. He and his wife were firsthand witnesses to the arduous treatment path taken by blood cancer patients, including bone marrow transplants, chemotherapy and radiation. While Brown’s father-in-law survived and is now in good health, a close friend wasn’t so fortunate. In October 2011, Brown’s longtime cycling buddy and teammate Jason Werst died from acute myeloid leukemia during his third and final battle with the disease. This year, Brown is dedicating his race to Werst and his family. As a conditioned athlete, Brown is no stranger to the physical rigors he will endure in the Scott Firefighter Stairclimb, but he admits there might be moments when he wants to quit. “The thing is, even when the going got tough, Jason didn’t quit. He fought until the very end,” said Brown. And that’s all the inspiration he needs.

Hiking always seems like such an innocuous activity, but there never seems to be a shortage of controversy surrounding it. And like most things, it’s usually brought on by a few who don’t follow the rules. Case in point No. 1: This is the time of the year when Foothills trails are most at risk. The combination of regular precipitation with warmer overnight temperatures means Boise’s beloved trail system is one muddy mess made worse when hikers and bikers don’t stay off the wet trails. If you love the trails, stay off of them until they are either dry or frozen. You can get trail condition updates and suggestions online at But it’s not just the trails closest to Boise that are facing hard times. Case in point No. 2: Not only are people using muddy trails near the Idaho State Veterans Cemetery, but access to the trailhead is being threatened because of some dog owners who are being far from respectful. The area has been a designated onleash area since 2010 in an effort to keep dogs out of the cemetery, but a trailcam placed in the cemetery area showed that 70 percent of dogs are still off-leash on Veterans Trail No. 114. Veterans Cemeter y officials are now warning that if dog owners don’t start following the rules, the popular trailhead— which provides access to trails between Dr y Creek and Horseshoe Bend roads— may be closed. No shortage of controversy surrounds anything that has to do with wolves in Idaho, and Idaho Department of Fish and Game officials are tasked with the unenviable duty of managing the species. IDFG recently finished a wolf-control project in the Lolo Zone in Northern Idaho, killing 14 wolves from a helicopter in an effort to reduce the population in an area where wolves have flourished and are being blamed for the drastic decline in the region’s elk herds (BW, Features, “Predator and Prey,” April 7, 2010). The 14 wolves are in addition to 11 killed by hunters during the season, 11 taken by trappers and six killed through earlier agency control actions. Three of Idaho’s 13 wolf-hunting zones have closed for the season, with the majority of the rest open through the end of March. As of press time, 240 wolves had been killed through hunting and another 101 have been taken by trappers. Get updated totals on Idaho’s wolf harvest at —Deanna Darr

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TURF WARS AND FLAPJACKS Hey, Westside Story fans, it’s time to disengage your snappin’ fingers and tuck away your pocket combs. The turf war is over, and the Westside has won. The Westside Drivein, that is. Chef Lou Aaron’s long-running vintage burger shack at 1939 W. State St. has now taken over the Eastside, opening a second location at 1113 Parkcenter Blvd. The much larger establishment features ample indoor and outdoor patio seating, as well as a drive-thru, and officially opened its doors on Valentine’s Day. The Eastside-Westside is now serving up the same selection of burgers, shakes and tots that North End denizens have grown to love over the last half century. On Aaron’s website,, he implores customers to: “Stop by for that same Westside food, feel and service you’ve come to know for the last 55 years!” Speaking of Eastside takeovers, small Winnemucca, Nev.-based breakfast chain The Griddle is bringing its batter and spoons to the former Focaccia’s location at 404 E. Parkcenter Blvd. The family owned business has two other Treasure Valley locations— one in Meridian and one in Eagle—and is known for its hot cakes and the oh-so-decadent croissant French toast. According to executive chef Martin Oshiro, construction has already begun on the restaurant, which is slated to open in late spring. Chef Bill Green’s breakfast nacho haven, Focaccia’s, closed up shop in mid-December due to an “intense battle for his wife’s health.” And for more on the pancake beat, The Original Pancake House opened on Feb. 6 at 5900 W. Fair view Ave. The franchise has more than 100 locations across the countr y and is known for its exacting flapjack recipe, which includes “93 score butter, fresh Grade AA eggs, hardwheat unbleached flour and our sourdough yeast … made in our own kitchen from a culture of potatoes, flour, sugar and activated by a ‘start of yeast.’” The Original Pancake House is open seven days a week from 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more info, call 208-321-2614 or visit Moving from pancakes to pearls, 32 Willowcreek Grill at 1065 Winding Creek Road in Eagle debuted a fresh

30 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly


Burgers done the Westside way are now available on the Eastside.

HOW TO COOK A WOLF You can shoot ’em, but can you eat ’em? RANDY KING The florescent light bulbs flickered in the back alley of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, night market. Small animal cages lined the perimeter of the restaurant. Snakes lived in the cages, mostly. In front of the cafe, if you could call it that, was a fresh meat selection with little signs full of Chinese words I could only guess the meaning of. At this type of cafe, you hand select the food you want to eat and then the kitchen cooks it. The meat rack was covered in intestines of some sort, what looked like brains, a liver, a pile of ground meat and a multitude of small fish and bivalves. With my translator close at hand, I asked what each item was. My instincts served me well but my heart stopped when we got to the ground meat. “Dog meat … the sign says it is dog meat,” my translator informed me. “I want to eat that,” I said. Even my translator seemed stunned. “No, Americans don’t eat dog,” he said. True. Americans, for the most part, don’t eat dogs. But they hunt and kill them. Coyotes and wolves are shot with great regularity in Idaho but never put on the table like deer or elk. As a person who eats what I kill, it made me wonder if anyone was actually eating wolf in Idaho. With the total reported kill at about 341 as of press time and the average weight of a wolf at near 80 pounds, that is more than 13 tons of meat on the ground. Probably all of it rotting or possibly being eaten by other wolves. Idaho has laws that say hunters can’t just shoot and run on wild game. Hunters are required to make “all reasonable attempts” at recovering game meat. And when the game is recovered, hunters have to follow wanton waste laws that apply to the meat. The laws establish a baseline for what the Idaho Department of Fish and Game considers harvestable meat. In the 2011 Idaho Fish and Game Big Game rule book, there is the following rule for big game meat: “Hunters are required to remove and care for the edible meat of big game animals, except black bears, mountain lions and gray wolves.” A hunter can literally just shoot and run with lions and wolves and bears (oh my). If they’re not required to cart off the meat, does anyone eat wolf? I called a few wolf-hunting guide companies to see if anyone had eaten the wolves they had shot. The

reaction I got was a mixture of revulsion and incredulity. “Have you ever smelled a dead wolf? Do you know what they eat? Any animal that eats rotten meat, smells like death and looks like a dog is not all that popular on our dinner table around here … so no, we don’t eat wolf,” explained Inga Cabral with Russell Pond & B Bar C Outfitters out of St. Maries. I pleaded with her that all I wanted was some meat to try. “If someone shoots a pup, I’ll try and send you some meat,” she said. “I don’t think you want to eat an adult. Most of our hunters go for the biggest one in the group so I don’t know if I can help you. Fish and Game even asked us to use gloves when skinning and gutting wolves because they are so nasty and full of parasites and things. They smell rotten. … That is what they eat, rotten meat.” After repeated, unreturned calls to Idaho Fish and Game, I got the hint that “eating wolf” is not a topic that the department would like to go on record about. Idaho is not the only area with wolf issues, pro or con. The Montana Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife group is taking aggressive moves to encourage wolf hunting. It is offering a $100 reward to sportsmen who send in photos of killed wolves. The president of the group, Keith Kubista, noted: “You have to encourage people to do it [wolf hunt]. … You can’t eat a wolf. There’s no food value.” But that’s not exactly true. According to the National Wildlife Health Center, “Fortunately, the meat from wildlife generally is safe

to eat when properly harvested and prepared. … Unfortunately, no matter how much we know about the meat being considered for consumption, there always will be some degree of risk.” So wolf is an “eat at your own risk” sort of meat. But there are famous cases of wolf eating. Probably the most famous involves Lewis and Clark. They shot 18 on their trip but ate only one—and only in desperation. But they ate the hell out of dog meat. The expedition ate 190 dogs total, according to the Natural History of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Recently, Jedi knight Liam Neeson made headlines for eating wolf in preparation for his survival film The Grey. According to an interview with Neeson in Outdoor Life: “A few guys did upchuck. We all knew what we were eating. All I can say is, it was very gamey,” explained Neeson. But long before the hoopla about Neeson, there was the Seattle-area restaurant How to Cook a Wolf. To be clear, the name is not an homage to barbarism but the title of a book by famous food writer M.F.K. Fisher. But that’s not to say that people haven’t been confused by the name. “We had one person repeatedly egg the restaurant every few months. We ended up setting up security cameras and caught him hammering in a window and egging the inside of the restaurant,” said chef-owner Ethan Stowell. “When we caught him, we asked why he was doing the egging. He said ‘Cuz you can’t serve 31 wolf.’ We showed him the menu and WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M

CON’T/FOOD DISH/FOOD Restaurants get one chance to hit BW with their best shot. LEILA R AM ELLA- R ADER

Thank your Lucky Fins Meridian now has a locally owned seafood spot.

LUCKY FINS SEAFOOD GRILL Seafood chains are known for their ridiculous kitsch. Plastic crabs and wooden captain’s wheels cling to the walls like barnacles to oysters. So when I discovered that Meridian’s newest seafood restaurant, Lucky Fins Seafood Grill, was locally owned, I heaved a sweet sigh of relief. I have zero interest in sucking sugary drinks from swirly straws while servers sing sea shanties. And Lucky Fins lived up to my expectations aesthetically— simple dark-wood tables clustered around sailboat-sized booths framed by large windows, and a few wall-mounted chalkboards listing the day’s specials. But when our Lucky Fins T-shirt-clad server handed over a giant, multi-colored menu— trademark logos littering most descriptions and prices missing on the mixed drinks—I got a chain chill. Like its chain cousins, Lucky Fins doesn’t skimp on options: There are steamer platters, tuna melts, salmon salads, crab cakes, steaks, seafood enchiladas, shrimp-topped burgers, fish tacos and creamy seafood pastas. Oh, and an entire specialty sushi menu. But the bufLUCKY FINS 1441 N. Eagle Road fet of choices made the menu a Meridian headache to decipher. 208-888-3467 As it was Walk the Plank Wednesday, I went with the cedar plank salmon ($15) topped with a red-pepper-laden corn relish. The day’s other rotating, wood-plank options included tilapia on apple and salmon on alder (both $19). When the pink fillet arrived, a waft of smoky cedar summoned a wave of nostalgia for my youth spent traipsing through the cedar-filled Texas hill country. Though the salmon’s fatty juices had welded it to the thin board, the fish wasn’t overcooked. And neither was my date’s very spicy blackand-blue marlin ($15), which also came with a pile of loaded red potatoes smothered in cheese and bacon. The side of “seasonal” veggies—broccoli with green and yellow squash— was perhaps my favorite part of the meal. The well seasoned squash had just the right snap, and the steamed broccoli had soaked in a buttery richness. Though someone in the kitchen doesn’t know how to wield an oyster knife—as evidenced by the bits of grit we fished from our mouths while slurping a half dozen on the half shell ($11)—they can handle a saltshaker. As we shuffled through the sleek cocktail lounge on our way out, commenting on the weirdly not-kitschy jellyfish-shaped lights floating over the bar, I realized Lucky Fins has all the ingredients to make a successful franchise empire. But, for my sake, I hope it tones down the chain vibe and plays up the simple, well prepared fare that sets it apart. —Tara Morgan WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M

explained that we have never served wolf. … He cut us a check for the damages.” Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your perspective, Americans have a distaste for meat that is not chicken, pork or beef. Each culture seems to choose the animals that it is comfortable eating. Hindus don’t eat cows. Americans consume huge amounts of beef. Portuguese eat horse. Americans closed the last horse glue and meat factory a few years back. Rabbit is a French staple and Americans keep them as pets. Wolf meat is not inherently a bad meat, but as wildlife reporter Perry Backus said: “In this country, we just don’t eat dog, that’s all.” At the Taiwanese night market I explained to my translator that I wanted to try the dog, some snake and “those little clams.” With a slight shrug, my translator gave the order to a lady at the counter. She smiled a little when the dog meat was ordered and then gathered up small amounts of each for the kitchen to cook. The dog meat was fine—virtually indistinguishable from the many other ground meats that I’ve eaten in my life. It was mild and not in the least bit gamey, like some of the other exotics I have eaten. But then I thought back to my dog Miley at home in Idaho, and eating dog meat seemed like a terrible thing. The whole experience made me wonder about the selective eating habits of a culture. To some extent, meat is meat, as long as it doesn’t walk on two legs. Right? So I did some follow-up questions with chef Stowell. I was curious how he would cook a wolf. “I would spit roast him over wood, nice and slow. Then I would pull the meat and serve it with roasted jalapenos, tomatillo salsa, fresh cilantro and tortillas. Oh, and a good beer,” he said. “You can’t eat dog without beer.” 30

BOISEweekly | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | 31

FOOD/NEWS oyster and wine bar in late December 2011. The bar is open Wednesdays through Saturdays from 4 p.m. until 10 p.m. and hosts a variety of wine and champagne tastings. The menu features Penn Cove oysters shucked to order, along with antipasto platters, peel-andeat shrimp, wines, cocktails and microbrews. And speaking of microbrews, Salt Lake City’s boutique brewer y, Epic, is prepping to roll into Boise for the Epic Bown Crossing Tap Takeover on Saturday, March 31, from 11 a.m.6 p.m. The event will feature 24 different Epic brews—like the Utah Sage Saison, the Smoked and Oaked and the Big Bad Baptist—pouring from taps at five Bown Crossing businesses: Bier:Thirty, Locavore, Boise Fr y Co., Tavern at Bown Crossing and Flatbread Community Oven. For $25, you’ll you get a glass and 24 3-ounce samples. Tickets are available at any of the participating Bown restaurants. And in less epic news, locally owned downtown business The Fixx Coffeehouse officially closed its doors on Feb. 17. Known for its spacious upstairs loft at the corner of 10th and Bannock streets, the fair trade/organic coffeeshop closed due to complications the owner suffered in a car accident in June 2011. On its Facebook page, The Fixx left its customers with the following words of caution: “In a single generation, we have been taught to only trust and purchase from big box stores. Please continue supporting small businesses, without them, we are all destined to fail.” And speaking of big-box failures, table-doodling Italian chain Romano’s Macaroni Grill recently shut down its location at 980 N. Milwaukee St. by the Boise Towne Square Mall. 30


BARBERA, THE OTHER ITALIAN RED Sangiovese may be Italy’s most widely planted red grape and the variety behind that countr y’s best-known wine, chianti, but barbera still ranks a respectable third in terms of vineyard acreage. It is one of the core grapes of the Piedmont region and is particularly prominent in the locales of Asti and Alba. A rather late-ripening variety, barbera is particularly well suited to warmer climates, claiming the advantage of maintaining excellent acidity even as sugar levels rise. It accompanied Italian immigrants on their pilgrimage to North America and found a home in California, where, as this tasting proved, it has assimilated itself quite nicely. Here are the panel’s top three barberas. 2009 DAMILANO BARBERA D’ASTI, $14.99 Floral rose and cherry blossom aromas on the nose are punctuated by an earthy touch of black olive. The wine’s flavors are marked by cherry cola, tangy currant and plum, with a light kiss of coffee and oak. Smooth tannins come through on the finish, which is a mix of creamy berry and food-friendly acidity. This wine strikes a nice balance between Old and New World styles. 2009 LUIGI VOGHERA BARBERA D’ALBA, $23 This wine is unmistakably Old World, with rustic dark fruit aromas that are laced with a bit of brett, a yeast that in small doses adds a pleasant touch of game and spice. In the mouth, it’s a beautifully balanced wine with chocolate-covered cherry fruit flavors backed by smooth tannins, light oak, earth and leather. The finish lingers on and on. 2009 TERRA D’ORO BARBERA, $15.99 This standout wine from California’s Montevina Winery reflects its Amador County terroir, while remaining true to the grape’s Italian heritage. It opens with a beautiful array of aromas, including anise, coffee, cola and bright raspberry. Big and bold on the palate, this wine is filled with concentrated berry fruit flavors and colored by dark chocolate and fig. —David Kirkpatrick

—Tara Morgan

32 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly



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R E A L ES TAT E BW ROOMMATES FEMALE HOUSEMATE WANTED Female to share clean, quiet, safe home with my daughter & I in North Boise. Student? Five mins. to downtown/BSU. Your own bedroom, living room, bathroom, private entrance. Share laundry, garage storage, kitchen. $425/ mo. Contact 794-8513.

BW RENTALS 3131 Jordan. Clean & nice. New remodel. 850 sq. ft., 2BD, 1BA. $565/mo. Call Fred 384-0438. BOISE APARTMENT RENTALS For apartment rentals in Boise contact, Plenty of listings of apartments for rent with pictures, prices & amenities. Updated frequently. LOS CABOS 4/13-4/20 Need a Mexico Vacation? I have 2: 1BD suites at Marina Fiesta in Los Cabos, already paid for 4/134/20. $600/suite for the week. Look it up at marinafiestaresort. com. Take one or both. This is not a timeshare promotion! Paid for the reservations for two suites, & something came up, now can’t use them. Possible to exchange for another week, I can look, if you are interested. NORTH END BRICK CHARMER Lovely home in great location for rent. With 5BD, 2BA. living room, family room, lots of storage, large fully fenced back yard with small basketball court & patios. Hard wood floors, new carpet, new paint, new light fixtures. Perfect place for family or roommates! Walking distance to 36th St. Garden Center & Bistro, and foothills. Three parks within walking distance. $1399/mo. 1 yr. Amazing landlord! 208-206-7987.

NORTH END HOUSE 1706 N. 18th. Completely remodeled 2BD with small office/bonus room. The front yard is completely landscaped & is maintained by the owner. There is off street parking & plenty of space for a garden. Pets are negotiable. Sorry, there are no W/D hookups. $800/mo. $600 dep. Call 841-6808.

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$$$HELP WANTED$$$ Extra Income! Assembling CD cases from Home! No Experience Necessary! Call our Live Operators Now! 1-800-405-7619 EXT 2450 Paid In Advance! Make $1,000 a Week mailing brochures from home! Guaranteed Income! FREE Supplies! No experience required. Start Immediately! TECHNICAL Applied Materials, Inc. is accepting resumes for the following position in Boise, ID: Process Engineer (IDDRA): Develops new or modified process formulations, defines process or handling equipment requirements and specifications, reviews process techniques and methods applied in the fabrication of integrated circuits. Please mail resumes with reference number to Applied Materials, Inc., 3225 Oakmead Village Drive, M/S 1217, Santa Clara, CA 95054. No phone calls please. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship. EOE.

BW CAREER TRAINING/ EDUCATION NEED YOUR GED® DIPLOMA? We offer no-cost tutoring! For details, call 855-591-2920. STEVENS-HENAGER COLLEGE. YARD SALE SALE HERE! Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for an unbeatable price of $20. Kit includes 3 large signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Extra signs avail. for purchase. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.

CO M M U N I T Y BW CLASSES & WORKSHOPS ABSOLUTE BEGINNER SEWING SUNDAY MARCH 11, 2012 12:303:30 “Reluctant Seamster :: Making Friends With Your Machine” is a 3 hour workshop that will include various trust-building activities, giving you the confidence and skill to tackle your first project. Limited to 5 students/session. Cost is $30. Pre-registration required: visit www.bricoshoppe. com


OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Out to Lunch 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.

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LINE ADS: Monday, 10 a.m. DISPLAY: Thursday, 3 p.m. * Some special issues and holiday issues may have earlier deadlines.

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B O I S E W E E K LY SEWING CLASSES & LESSONS Caledonia Sewing School offers sewing & design classes for those who have never touched a needle, to consummate couturiers. We offer group classes, private lessons, weekend workshops and open labs. Current class offerings at The Sewing School has several gifted instructors ready to guide you through your next project! Expand your creativity & skill set beyond current boundaries.

BW ANNOUNCEMENTS VOICES FOR PALESTINE Voices for Palestine is an all-volunteer team working to educate the Treasure Valley in an effort to end the occupation of Palestine. We have planning meetings on the 1st Sunday of each mo. at Dawson Taylor Coffee, 6pm (8th and Bannock). Please join us & become an active participant in ending the occupation!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED To help move homeless families into new homes. CATCH,Inc. provides housing to families with children who are currently living in homeless shelters & helps them become reestablished in our community in homes & become self sufficient within six months. CATCH, Inc. is in need of volunteers with trucks to move furniture to a family’s home or to bring a donation to the donation center. Donations are tax deductible! For more information contact: Blenda Davis, 208-246-8830. bdavis@ VPNA ANNUAL MEETING - 3/19 Veterans Park Neighborhood Association’s (VPNA) annual meeting will be at Taft Elementary Monday, March 19, 6-8pm. An open house will begin at 6pm. Presentations & elections will occur between 6:30-7:30pm. If you are interested in becoming involved or would like more information on the activities in your neighborhood, please join us! Taft Elementary, 3722 W. Anderson St. Near State & 36th.



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1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, 24/7. I travel. 880-5772. New website Male Only. Private Boise studio.

BW HOME INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING Handyman’s services. Outside trim & stucco repair, deck & fence power wash, staining & sealing. 25 yrs. exp., dependable, clean, ref. Call Joe Bohemia Painting for a free estimate! 208-345-8558 or 208-392-2094.

ADMINISTRATIVE & IT HELP We offer small business solutions for administrative, marketing & IT problems. Don’t want to hire someone? Just need a little help? Got one small project? Save time and money. Call us! 208-352-2271.

READINGS AT BELLA’S! Every Wednesday from 3:00 6:00. Psychic Readers at Bella’s Grove ~Tarot, Palm, Past Life, Runes, Chakra, etc...get a reading for you or a friend!

BW SPIRITUAL Dear Ames, Basking in the glow of your rays, my petals unfurl, reaching for warmth. Please let me be the sun to your flower again. Love, S.


BOISE’S BEST! With Bodywork by Rose. 794-4789.




boise’s organic skincare Facials and waxing By appointment only Gift certificates available Éminence organic skincare products 729 N. 15th St. 208 344 5883


Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/ Eves/Weekends. Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 8662759. HOLISTIC LIFE PROGRESSIONS Therapeutic massage. March special $60/hr. In my studio. Call Amy 375-2346. RELAXATION MASSAGE Call Ami at 208-697-6231. ULM 340-8377. Hrs. 8:30AM8PM.

ABC YOGA CLASS SERIES Never practiced yoga before? 4 wk. workshop series designed specifically for the absolute beginner or anyone wanting a stepby-step review of the basics! Be comfortable walking into drop-in basic or open level yoga classes. Class size is limited. Please register early! March 6th - March 27th. Tuesdays 10:30-11:30am. $30 at Muse Yoga, 1317 W. Jefferson St., Brittany McConnell, RYT. YOGA RETREAT MEXICO Meditation in Motion Yoga Retreat Hatha-Vinyasa-Joy, surrender, breath, gratitude, being present, detox: Daily themed yoga practices followed with optional hikes, snorkeling, kayaking and so much more or do nothing at all. March 26-April 1. $995/person. 7 days. for retreat details. Contact Julia Jones retreat leader 208-899-2114.


34 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S


YOGA STUDIO FOR SALE! Full turn key Yoga studio for sale moving. Includes all furniture, fixtures, website, i-contact list, marketing material, clients, face book clients, -studio currently in lease-you can take over lease or take the studio to another location. This studio has highly qualified teachers & a client data base. Call for more details 8992114.



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ELEGANT VINTAGE WOOL SUIT Never worn, Vintage - size 12 tags still on it. Orlando Rossi 100% wool - rich purple. Retailed for over $300. Will sacrifice for $75. I will provide detailed photos if you’re interested. GARMONT TELE BOOTS Women’s Garmont Syner-G Tele Boots, G Fit liners, shell 25/26.5, liner 24.5, excellent condition, rarely used, $100. 208-338-0388. KING SIZE PILLOW TOP MATTRESS SET. New - in bag, w/ warranty. MUST SELL $199. Call 921-6643.

MIXED BAG LATAH DETOUR SALE 50% off selected items. We appreciate your support of a small business at the mercy of torn up streets! 106 S. Latah St. 3679000. QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET. Brand new-still in plastic. Warranty. MUST SELL $139. Can deliver. 921-6643. FREE ON-LINE CLASSIFIED ADS Place your FREE on-line classifieds at It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please.

BW ANTIQUES BOISE DEPOT GICLEE PRINT 8 x 10 giclee color print. From an original mixed media, watercolor painting. Prominently displays the Union Pacific Overland Route badge as it appears on the depot. Below the badge is a pencil study and watercolor wash of the depot as seen from behind the station. Printed on archival paper, shipped in a roll tube. Ready to frame. Price includes

Idaho State tax, shipping & handling. Private collection. Go to


YARD SALE SALE HERE! Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for an unbeatable price of $20. Kit includes 3 large signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Extra signs avail. for purchase. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 3442055.



FREE ON-LINE CLASSIFIED ADS Place your FREE on-line classifieds at It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please.

These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society.

M U S IC 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508



LOKI: 10-month-old

OLLIE: 2-year-old male SOPHIA: 2-year-old fe-

male border collie mix. Intelligent, active and good with other dogs. (Kennel 322- #15470990)

pit bull mix. Housetrained. Likes people. Good with some dogs. (Kennel 407#15454906)

male German shorthaired pointer mix. High energy. Lots of potential. (Kennel 400- #13336983)

SAM: 5-year-old male

ZEBRA: 1-year-old

STELLA: 3-year-old

domestic longhair. Litterbox-trained. Good with older kids. Friendly cat. (Kennel 5- #15521925)

female domestic shorthair. Good with children and dogs. Litterbox-trained. (Kennel 14- #15525221)

female domestic shorthair. Petite cat. Very people-focused. Litterbox-trained. (Kennel 7- #15487742)

BW STUFF Bed, Queen Tempurpedic Style Memory Foam Mattress. Brand new, w/warranty. Must sell $225. 921-6643. BEDROOM SET 7 pc. Cherry set. Brand new, still boxed. Retail $2250, Sacrifice $450. 888-1464. Couch & Loveseat - Microfiber. Stain Resistant. Lifetime Warranty. Brand new in boxes. List $1395. Must Sell $425! 888-1464.

PETS These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats. 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177

KING MOONRACER: I must be the only king of your castle—$25 adopts me.


HEATHCLIFF: Looking ABSINTHE: Extra-tiny for a hunter? That’s me. female is too cute to Adopt me for free! be legal.

BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | 35


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NYT CROSSWORD | BACK TO THE START BY DANIEL A. FINAN / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ ACROSS 1 Bulb holders 6 Part of the name of many a Spanish restaurant 12 Confabs 20 Stern taking a bow (in two senses) 21 Demands (from) 22 Eternally





23 Aide for a V.I.P. customer 25 Multiple Grammy winner who was a contestant on “Dancing With the Stars” 26 Paper nautilus, e.g. 27 Words mouthed to a TV camera 29 Like the pen or pencil you might reach for










28 32














81 87


93 98

109 118


89 95 100

104 110



99 103






72 76







64 69














42 49





54 59

62 67







29 33




25 27








50 Dirty 51 Kind of switch 53 Special ___ 54 It may be popped for fun 56 Metro area 57 X X X lover? 59 Freudian concept 62 Lie about 63 The “L” of S.L.R.









30 P.T.A. interest 32 One of two options at a fast food restaurant 34 Sample 35 Prozac, for one 40 W.C. 42 “Oh baby!” 46 Eve’s opposite 47 Work assignment 48 Gore in fiction

105 111








64 Trample 65 Inverness native 67 Funeral stands 69 Run out 72 “Tell ___ lies” 73 Jimmie Rodgers or Tex Owens, musically 75 Bun contents 76 Make ___ dash 78 Mountains, rivers, plains, etc. 82 More sinister 85 Blackjack decision 86 “The Magnificent Seven” co-star 87 Suffix with human 89 Actor Hill of “Moneyball” 90 Mind 92 Spanish winds 93 Distilled vis-à-vis tap 95 Gospel singer Winans 96 Like the “ng” sound 98 “___ who?!” 99 Fancy salad ingredient 101 Org. making grants to museums 103 Big faucet maker 105 University in North Carolina 106 Rear 110 Genealogical study 112 Articles aren’t found in it 117 London transportation 119 Marlon Brando film 121 Set free 122 “Cheers” bartender Sam 123 Movie droid 124 Fastener patented in 1939 125 Pivoted 126 ___-Japanese








1 Alternative to dieting, informally

36 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S

2 “Just ___!” 3 Bartering locale 4 ___ Robles, Calif. 5 Checked (out) 6 Antecede 7 ___ Rose 8 Bills, e.g. 9 Most 17-Down 10 Plant pores 11 “You missed ___” 12 Grok 13 Sir Anthony Eden, 1st Earl of ___ 14 Pulitzer winner for “John Brown’s Body” 15 Brother’s place 16 Early life forms? 17 See 9-Down 18 Refrain syllables 19 Send some pixxx? 24 Network connections 28 Environs 31 Incapacitate 33 Subject of the documentary “An Unreasonable Man” 35 Helter-skelter 36 Bar ___ 37 Cavemen 38 Blows up 39 Eve who wrote “The Vagina Monologues” 41 Has parked 43 South Dakota memorial site 44 Modern December birthstone 45 White elephant, e.g. 48 TiVo precursor 49 “Eavesdrop” from across the room, say 52 It’s felt on the head 54 “Time ___ …” 55 Poetic preposition 58 Only Hitchcock film to win Best Picture 60 Minnesota twins?

61 Song that starts “A winter’s day in a deep and dark December” 65 Draw (off): Var. 66 Premium Cuban cigar brand 68 Nationals whose flag declares “God is great” 69 What echoes do 70 Clear the atmosphere of 71 Sod house locale 74 Min. or max. 75 Sweets 77 Capt.’s superior 79 Drew in 80 Old-timer 81 Some M.I.T. grads 83 Per 84 Korea’s Syngman ___ 88 Like some housecats 91 “Gone With the Wind” bad guys 93 Yammer 94 First TV show to debut at #1 in the Nielsen ratings 97 Eye up and down L A S T F A B R I C









99 Discordant 100 General Motors subsidiary 102 Feeling pervading Brat Pack movies 104 Towers 106 Reynolds of “Boogie Nights” 107 From the top 108 Mid fifth-century year 109 Hofbräuhaus crowd? 111 Place after place 113 Home of the Norte Chico civilization 114 Part of 101-Across 115 Corp. money types 116 Switch attachment? 118 Metered praise 120 Charlotte-to-Raleigh dir. Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under extras for the answers to this week’s puzzle. Don't think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply doublechecking your answers.

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BW LEGAL NOTICES IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE Irina Haakonstad CASE No. CV NC 1202629 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) A Petition to change the name of Irina Haakonstad, now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in District Court in ADA County, Idaho. the name will change to Gorobinskaya. The reason for the change in name is: divorce. I’d like to get my old last name back. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o’clock p.m. on April 12, 2012 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: April 12, 2012 CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: Beth Masters Deputy Clerk Pub. Feb. 29, March 7, 14, 21, 2012. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: Christine Pearl Oria Case No. CV NC 1202849 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) A Petition to change the name of Christine Pearl Oria, now residing in the City of Meridian, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to Salem Christian Djembe. The reason for the change in name is: commonly known by peers professionally & personally. Gender reassignment. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 130 o’clock p.m. on April 19, 2012 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: Feb. 24, 2012.


BW 4-WHEELS CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 IDAHO LICENSE PLATE NEEDED Looking for a 1965 Idaho license plate for my classic Corvette. Call if you know where I might find it! Thanks. 272-0191.

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CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: Deirdre Price Deputy Clerk Pub. March 7, 14, 21 & 28, 2012.

BW CHAT LINES ALL MALE HOT GAY HOOKUPS! Call FREE! 208-489-2162 or 800777-8000. www.interactivemale. com 18+. REAL DISCREET, LOCAL CONNECTIONS Call FREE! 208-287-0343 or 800210-1010. 18+. UNCENSORED RAW PHONE SEX Experienced independent phone sex operator! Any topic! Great rates! Visa/MC/AMEX/Discover, Credit, Debit, Prepaid! Must be 18+, $1/min. Discreet Billing! Call Jolene! 1-800-573-2995.

BW I SAW YOU 2/9/10 FRED MEYER FRANKLIN Saw you in self check line, blonde wearing black hoodie, blue jeans, & black boots. We walked out the same time, I should have asked you what you were up to, but just said “have a good night.” Watched you speed away in an older red Subaru wagon with a face spray painted on the window. If you are single & want to be taken on a date, talk to me. You came to me at Honks one weekend & told me how beautiful I was....I want to see you again SOON. I feel so sad without you!

BW I AM HERE DO YOU REMEMBER 1981-1982? We worked together in the lounge at the “new” Red Lion. I would love to talk about old times.



D. Thanks for turning my phone into the Verizion store on Broadway. You’re awesome! C.H.

BW PEN PALS Pen Pals complimentary ads for our incarcerated friends are run on a space-available basis and may be edited for content. Readers are encouraged to use caution and discretion when communicating with Pen Pals, whose backgrounds are not checked prior to publication. Boise Weekly accepts no responsibility for any relationships that may arise from contacting these inmates.


I’m a 26 y.o. M, 5’11”, brown hair and hazel eyes ISO a pen pal between the ages of 20-50. Someone to have a conversation and befriends with because I’m not from this area. Write to Michael Brady #79047 ISCI 13C-56A Boise, ID 83707. 30 y.o. M, 5’11”, 210 lbs., blonde hair and green eyes looking for someone to write while finishing up my sentence in prison. 13 months left until topped out w/ out parole. Write and send pics to Rick Storm #84076 PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. Lonely SWM, 28 y.o., open to all. Enjoys writing, loves to laugh. Tim Hendrickson #852064 CRCC PO Box 769 Conell, WA 99326. My name is David Smith and I am 5’9”, 180 lbs., and turning 22. I’m currently incarcerated with 59 months left before I walk out free. Looking for F pan pals to talk with and possibly more. I don’t care about age as long as your 18 or older. David Smith #93865 IMSI J3-72 PO Box 51 Boise, ID 83707. Correspondence wanted: Blonde blue eyed discreet country boy with relationship interests. Jack Hoggatt CRCC #630955 PO Box 769 Connell, WA 99326. Older mature women wanting correspondence. Pen pal, possibly more. My sexual preference is M, no preference on nationality, must love children, I’m from Alaska and looking for new friends. Accepting letters from M and F. K. Vann #92868 Unit 2 PWCC 1451 Fore Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204. 27 yr. old Idaho inmate looking for a pen pal. Seeking friendship but open to a relationship. Lance Warr #76682 IMSI PO Box 51 Boise, ID 83707. 28 y.o. F looking for companionship and friendship through correspondence. Please write Amanda Stolp #76944 PWCC 1451 Fore Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204.

Attention Ladies: Seeking a good home for our 23 y.o. Ginger named Camron. We used to take him on adventures (camping, skiing, four wheeling, etc.) but due to where we are moving we are unable to keep him. He is about 5’10”, 215 lbs., energetic and friendly box of fun. Willing to be your loyal companion for walks or spending nights at home curled up by your side. If your interested write Cameron Dorman #93365 Unit 9 Cell 72B ISCI PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. Hi, I am a 40 y.o. M ISO a SF to be pan pals with or maybe more. I’m 6’ with blondish red hair, blue eyes and weigh 215. I like to read, write. I also like the outdoors and to watch movies and football and other sports. I am currently an inmate at ISCI in Boise. Raymond Robb #81740 ISCI Unit 16B PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. 33 y.o. F incarcerated for one more year. Please help a pretty woman pass the time. Keri Ingle #99050 PWCC 1451 Fore Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204. I am a 28 y.o. SWM, 5’10”, 155 lbs., with brown hair and eyes. I’m originally from Salem, OR and currently living here in the Boise area. I am wanting pen pals. Michael Chapin #72557 Unit 15B-12B ISCI PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. I am seeking F correspondence and friendship. Jarvis Cantsee #90550 Unit 1-11-A CAPP 15505 S. Pleasant Valley Rd. Kuna, ID 83634. Beautiful 29 y.o. Christian woman looking for other Christians to write to. M or F doesn’t matter. I’m fun loving, humorous and honest. I hope to hear from you. Robin Childress #74626 SBWCC Unit 2 13200 S. Pleasant Valley Rd. Kuna, ID 83634.

30 y.o. SWF, lonely bad girl needing her bad boy to rescue her. Brown hair, blue eyes, funny, cute and loyal with lots of tattoos. Gabrielle Saksa #86310 13200 S. Pleasant Valley Rd. Kuna, ID 83634. SWM, looking for friends to write. Not from this area and prison is pretty boring. Check out my profile/email account at if intreested. Eric Ewell #88556 SICI MCU-A-5 PO Box 8509 Boise, ID 83707. Inmate seeks F contact for correspondence, phone calls and/ or visits. I am 40 y.o., muscular, athletic and I love writing poetry and drawing. Someone close to my own age or younger would be preferred but not absolutely necessary. Matt Ortman #97757 ICC/ G-112A PO Box 70010 Boise, ID 83707. Young, spunky F looking for pen pals. Currently incarcerated. Cute. If interested please write back at Amanda Gouge #94579 PWCC unit 2 1451 Fore Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204. 36 y.o. 5’5”, 160 lbs., attractive Native American ISO fun, interesting guy. Don’t be shy, take a chance. Kathy Phillips #56344 PWCC 1451 Fore Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204. Ladies -n- Gentlemen show me some love! They moved me to a lame county. AGHHH! I need some mail. Hit me up at Nikki Robinson #79315 C/O Jefferson County Jail 200 Courthouse Way Rigby, ID 83442. 36 y.o. SWF looking for pen pals, friends and possibly more. Partial to men and would love to get to know you. Please send picture of yourself if possible. Looking forward to hearing from you. Heidi Morris #487203 7210 Barrister Dr. Boise, ID 83704.

BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | 37

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Controlled hysteria is what is required,” said playwright Arthur Miller in speaking about his creative process. “To exist constantly in a state of controlled hysteria. It’s agony. But everyone has agony. The difference is that I try to take my agony home and teach it to sing.” I hope this little outburst inspires you, Aries. It’s an excellent time for you to harness your hysteria and instruct your agony in the fine art of singing. To boost your chances of success in pulling off this dicey feat, use every means at your disposal to have fun and stay amused. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The Cherokee Heritage website wants people to know that not all Native American tribes have the same traditions. In the Cherokee belief system, it’s Grandmother Sun and Grandfather Moon, which is the opposite of most tribes. There are no Cherokee shamans, only medicine men and women and adawehis, or religious leaders. They don’t have don’t walk the Good Red Road. In fact, they walk the White Path, have a purification ceremony called Going to Water, and perform the Green Corn ceremony as a ritual renewal of life. I suggest you do a similar clarification for the group you’re part of and the traditions you hold dear, Taurus. Ponder your tribe’s unique truths and ways. Identify them and declare them. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the coming weeks, the activity going on inside your mind and heart will be especially intense and influential--even if you don’t explicitly express it. When you speak your thoughts and feelings out loud, they will have unusual power to change people’s minds and rearrange their moods. When you keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself, they will still leak all over everything, bending and shaping the energy field around you. That’s why I urge you to take extra care as you manage what’s going on within you. Make sure the effect you’re having is the effect you want to have. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Artist Richard Kehl tells the story of a teenage girl who got the chance to ask a question of the eminent psychologist Carl Jung. “Professor, you are so clever. Could you please tell me the shortest path to my life’s goal?” Without a moment’s hesitation, Jung replied, “The detour!” I invite you to consider the possibility that Jung’s answer might be meaningful to you right now, Cancerian. Have you been churning out overcomplicated thoughts about your mission? Maybe you should at least dream about taking a shortcut that looks like a detour or a detour that looks like a shortcut.

38 | MARCH 7–13, 2012 | BOISEweekly

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): An old Chinese proverb says: “My barn having burned to the ground, I can see the moon.” The speaker of those words was making an effort to redefine a total loss as a partial gain. The building may have been gone, but as a result, he or she had a better view. I don’t foresee any of your barns going down in flames, Leo, so I don’t expect you’ll have to make a similar redefinition under duress. However, you have certainly experienced events like that in the past. Now would be an excellent time to revise your thinking about their meaning. Are you brave enough and ingenious enough to reinterpret your history? It’s Find the Redemption week. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” Numerous websites on the Internet allege that Greek philosopher Plato made this statement, which I regard as highly unlikely. But in any case, the thought itself has some merit. And in accordance with your current astrological omens, I will make it your motto for the week. This is an excellent time to learn more about and become closer to the people you care for, and nothing would help you accomplish that better than getting together for intensive interludes of fooling around. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves,” said Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl. His advice might be just what you need to hear right now, Libra. Have you struggled to change a stagnant situation that has resisted your best efforts? Is there a locked door you’ve been banging on, to no avail? If so, I invite you to redirect your attention. Reclaim the energy you have been expending on closed-down people and moldering systems. Instead, work on the unfinished beauty of what lies closest at hand: yourself. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In this passage from Still Life with Woodpecker, Tom Robbins provides a hot tip you should keep in mind. “There are essential and inessential insanities. Inessential insanities are a brittle amalgamation of ambition, aggression and pre-adolescent anxiety—garbage that should have been dumped long ago. Essential insanities are those impulses one instinctively senses are virtuous and correct, even though peers may regard them as coo-coo.” I’ll add this, Scorpio: Be crazily wise and wisely crazy in the coming weeks. It will be healthy for you. Honor the wild ideas that bring you joy and the odd desires that remind you of your core truths.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): I don’t think you will need literal medicine this week, but I’m hoping you will seek out some spirit medicine-—healing agents that fortify the secret and subtle parts of your psyche. Where do you find spirit medicine? Well, the search itself will provide the initial dose. Here are some further ideas: Expose yourself to stirring art and music and films; have conversations with empathic friends and the spirits of dead loved ones; spend time in the presence of a natural wonder; fantasize about a thrilling adventure you will have one day and imagine who you want to be three years from now. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Each of us is the star of our own movie. There are a few other lead and supporting actors who round out the cast, but everyone else in the world is an extra. Now and then, though, people whom we regard as minor characters suddenly rise to prominence and play a pivotal role in our unfolding drama. I expect this phenomenon is now occurring or will soon occur for you, Capricorn. So please be willing to depart from the script. Open yourself to the possibility of improvisation. People who have been playing bit parts may have more to contribute than you imagine. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The “cocktail party effect” refers to your ability to hear your name being spoken while in the midst of a social gathering’s cacophony. This is an example of an important practice, which is how to discern truly meaningful signals embedded in the noise of all the irrelevant information that surrounds you. You should be especially skilled at doing this in the coming weeks, Aquarius—and it will be crucial that you make abundant use of your skill. As you navigate your way through the clutter of symbols and the overload of data, be alert for the few key messages that are highly useful. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Shunryu Suzuki was a Zen master whose books helped popularize Zen Buddhism in America. A student once asked him, “How much ego do you need?” His austere reply was “Just enough so that you don’t step in front of a bus.” While I sympathize with the value of humility, I wouldn’t go quite that far. I think that a slightly heftier ego, if offered up as a work of art, can be a gift to the world. What do you think, Pisces? How much ego is good? To what degree can you create your ego so that it’s a beautiful and dynamic source of power for you and an inspiration for other people rather than a greedy, needy parasite that distorts the truth? This is an excellent time to ruminate on such matters.



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