ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM Republicans set to do battle with cash and prayer FEATURE 11
OVER EXPOSURE How to stalk someone on social media NOISE 22
SWEETMEAT Meatloaf reflects on his place in pop culture FOOD 32
PARK IT BW rolls into the new Eastside Westside Drive-In
“There’s good reason why they keep Penthouse behind the counter.”
2 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
BW STAFF PUBLISHER: Sally Freeman Sally@boiseweekly.com Office Manager: Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com EDITORIAL Editor: Rachael Daigle Rachael@boiseweekly.com Features Editor: Deanna Darr Deanna@boiseweekly.com Arts & Entertainment Editor: Tara Morgan Tara@boiseweekly.com News Editor: George Prentice George@boiseweekly.com New Media Czar: Josh Gross Josh@boiseweekly.com Copy Datatante: Sheree Whiteley Sheree@boiseweekly.com Reporter: Andrew Crisp Andrew@boiseweekly.com Listings: calendar@boiseweekly.com Copy Editor: Jay Vail Interns: Emily Anderson, Tabitha Bower, Christina Marfice, Amy Merrill, Jessica Murri Contributing Writers: Bill Cope, David Kirkpatrick, Andrew Mentzer, Ted Rall, Christopher Schnoor ADVERTISING Advertising Director: Lisa Ware Lisa@boiseweekly.com Account Executives: Sabra Brue, Sabra@boiseweekly.com Karen Corn, Karen@boiseweekly.com Jessi Strong, Jessi@boiseweekly.com Brenda Stroud, Brenda@boiseweekly.com Doug Taylor, Doug@boiseweekly.com Nick Thompson, Nick@boiseweekly.com Jill Weigel, Jill@boiseweekly.com CLASSIFIED SALES Classifieds@boiseweekly.com CREATIVE Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Leila@boiseweekly.com Graphic Designers: Jen Grable, Jen@boiseweekly.com Adam Rosenlund, Adam@boiseweekly.com Contributing Artists: Derf, Julia Green, Jeremy Lanningham, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Tom Tomorrow CIRCULATION Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town: Stan Jackson Stan@boiseweekly.com Distribution: Tim Anders, Jason Brue, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Shane Greer, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Amanda Noe, Northstar Cycle Couriers, Steve Pallsen, Elaynea Robinson, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 30,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. SUBSCRIPTIONS: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. TO CONTACT US: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: info@boiseweekly.com www.boiseweekly.com Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701 The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2011 by Bar Bar, Inc. EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Thursday at noon before publication date. SALES DEADLINE: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher. Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. BOISE WEEKLY IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED NEWSPAPER.
AND NOW WE NEED A ROUND OF SHOTS Happy birthday to us. Happy birthday to us. Happy birthday to Boise Weekly ... happy birthday to us. Sure, anniversary might be a more appropriate term for an inanimate object than birthday but it just doesn’t quite have the same ring in song, does it? This edition of Boise Weekly marks the 21st year that this rag of ours has been littering shelves and streets all over town—and we’re damn proud of it. We want to celebrate in a manner that’s in line with our hard-earned reputation for partying but we want your help. Here’s what we want as our 21st birthday present from you: your photo. And not just any photo. We want a photo of you during your 21st year (which, yes, we realize is technically your 22nd year). Don’t send us anything you don’t want published because it’s quite possible that we will share any shot you give us with the wide world of BW readers. We know you youngin’s out there already have a stockpile of digital photos stowed away in some cloud or on some social network, but we’re also aware that, like many of us at BW, our 21st year was soooo pre-digital. While we’d much prefer that you email your photos to 21@boiseweekly. com, we’re also willing and able to accommodate those of you who aren’t digital and still want to share. Just stop into the office at Sixth and Broad streets and we’ll use our fancy technology to scan your photo. Either way, the deadline is Tuesday, July 10. Please and thanks. Also: One more very important piece of information. Next week, due to the Fourth of July holiday, Boise Weekly will not be delivered until Thursday, July 5. If I’ve just ruined your holiday morning plans, I apologize. But seriously, instead of reading a newspaper, shouldn’t you be getting yourself to A: the grocery store for beer and watermelon, B: the “special” firework stand (you know, the one that sells the stuff you’re not supposed to set off in Idaho), or C: the nearest body of water? We’re looking forward to seeing your photos. See the ad on Page 40 for more info. And have a safe and happy Fourth of July. —Rachael Daigle
COVER ARTIST ARTIST: Julie Erb TITLE: Just a Bowl of Cherries MEDIUM: oil ARTIST STATEMENT: I hope viewers will become aware of the beauty of the ordinary. And while it’s good to support STEM education, also learn what George Bernard Shaw knew—“Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.” Support all the arts, too.
Boise Weekly pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.
BOISEweekly | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | 3
WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world. JES S IC A M U R R I
NEWS Idaho Republican Party’s big shindig
For-profit prisons by the numbers CITIZEN
THE OLYMPICS CLOSER TO HOME Athletes ages 10 to 70 gathered June 23-24 for the 41st Idaho Special Olympics Summer Games. Check out a slideshow of the opening ceremonies at Cobweb.
SMART PEOPLE ARE FUCKED Turns out smart people excel in many areas—except the ones that don’t require brains, like finding a mate, raising kids and making friends. At least that’s one smarty pants man’s hypothesis.
CROSS OUR HEARTS AND HOPE TO DIE Every year hundreds of people buy illegal fireworks in the state, sign a waiver promising not to light them within Idaho’s borders, and then promptly head home to do exactly the opposite of what their signature promised not to do. This year, Lewiston has increased penalties in an effort to prevent that from happening.
YE OLDE VIDEO They jousted, they catapulted, they locked up criminals in the stockades, they even had camels. BW went to Ye Olde Renaissance Faire, and we have the video to prove it.
4 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
9 10
FEATURE Social Media Jungle
NOISE Digging in with Meatloaf
ARTS BW checks out Truth and Memory
SCREEN Your Sister’s Sister
REC Around the world on two wheels
FOOD REVIEW Eastside Westside Drive-In
A ’toon is worth a thousand pie charts Close your eyes and imagine, please, that I am a political cartoonist instead of a political columnist. (This could never happen outside our imaginations because any talent I may have had for the graphic arts was lost about the same time I left my last box of Crayolas out in the sun 60 years go. But as long as we’re sharing a fanciful conceit here, I invite you to imagine that my illustrations are as elegant as the greatest of the great cartoonists. Thomas Nast, perhaps. Or Herblock. If you don’t know who they are or how they illustrated, I’m sure you can find them somewhere on the shelves of Google, and you’ll be glad you did. Then imagine I can draw as well as they.) Now as to the picture I’m drawing: There is a very muscular and well proportioned fellow, naked except for whatever fig leaf or loin cloth he needs to get him approved by your inner censor. (I don’t intend him to be as bulgy as Arnold Schwarzenegger, circa Conan the Barbarian. I picture him more Charles Bronson-y, circa 1972. Look up Chato’s Land on your Internet machine if you’re too young to know who Charles Bronson is or what he looked like nearly naked in 1972.) Upon this strong guy’s sinewy biceps is written the legend “The Middle Class,” and his face is twisted into a grimace of intense pain and effort. (i.e., Robert DeNiro’s face when he’s taking a right cross from Sugar Ray Robinson in Raging Bull.) The reason he’s straining so hard is that he’s pushing an enormous rock up a steep hill. (On my mental sketch pad, I have the rock a little bit bigger than a Dutch Brothers coffee hut and the hill at about a 45 percent grade.) The only thing going for our muscle man is that the rock is round. Or round-ish, at least. It’s not like a smooth granite marble 15 feet in diameter but at least it’s not square. Of course, you will have recognized by now that I am using the story of Sisyphus to make whatever point I have in mind. (To those readers who didn’t do so well in your mythology studies, or who believe the world started about the time you were potty trained, return once more to the Google box and look him up. That’s quicker and easier than me trying to explain why Zeus would condemn a man to an eternity of uphill boulder rolling.) My envisioned Sisyphus is working like a sumbitch to push that rock and the name of the rock is “America’s Wealth.” Get it? Everything in a political cartoon has to have something written on it to explain what it represents, yes? So the boulder is called “America’s Wealth” and the boulder roller is called “The Middle Class.” Adding further to the point I’m attempting to make is a little man, sitting atop the rock as it’s being pushed uphill. Were the rock rolling with any speed that would be a dangerous place to sit. But it’s moving agonizingly slowly, a centimeter at a time. And the WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
little man sitting on top makes the task even harder for our Charles Bronson/Sisyphus. The cartoon caption written on this little guy’s tailored suit is “The One Percent,” denoting he is a member of the very richest of the rich. By the way he’s gesturing up the hill with his riding crop, we can tell not only is he controlling how “The Middle Class” is pushing the big-ass boulder but where it’s headed, as well. (You might visualize this character with a top hat, a cane and a fluffy mustache like the fellow from the Monopoly game, but I would rather you pictured him as a flabby, fat, sneering Donald Trump. Maybe one of the Koch brothers or that ugly troll from Las Vegas who so far has spent $100 million to defeat President Barack Obama.) Simple enough picture, eh? The middle class slave their lives away to put a higher and higher percentage of the available wealth under the control of a handful of people. That’s all I’m trying to say with this cartoon. That is the point I have in mind. I was moved to do it this way when I heard the recent news that the average middle-class family has lost 40 percent of its accumulated worth in this damned recession. My hope is that if you could actually see—even in your mind’s eye—what’s happening in our economy, rather than just reading about it in news reports or those boring graphs and pie charts, then it might sink in a little deeper how grave the situation has become and how profoundly we—the men and women by whose labor all wealth is born—are being manipulated. (I wanted to use another word here. It begins with “f,” ends with “k” and describes what is happening to the middle class more colorfully than does “manipulated.” But my inner censor wouldn’t let me use it.) Now don’t open your eyes quite yet. There is one more component to this picture I haven’t told you about. It’s the hill itself. The hill represents something, too. I call it “The Reagan Legacy.” That’s because I—unlike so many people who seem to have lost all memory of whatever took place in the world over a few minutes ago—understand the base of this hill, the foundations to this long, tortured middle-class slog, to be in the administration of Ronald Reagan, 30 years ago. That’s when it started, this rush of America’s wealth into fewer and fewer pockets. Along the way, there were plenty of news reports and graphs and pie charts to prove what was happening, but alas, so few people paid attention. And now the middle class has no choice but to keep pushing. Really, if this thing ever starts coming down—as it inevitably does in the myth of Sisyphus—who’s going to get smashed first? (Youngsters, while you’re out Googling, look up Ronald Reagan. But don’t believe a word they say about what a great president he was.)
BOISEweekly | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | 5
WHERE’S THE LEGACY? Political malpractice and missed opportunities
I’m on book tour promoting The Book of Obama: How We Went From Hope and Change to the Age of Revolt. In the book I argue that Barack Obama is America’s Mikhail Gorbachev. Like Gorby, The One (Oprah’s phrase) is the most progressive, decent and intelligent leader his system is willing to allow to rise to power. Obama’s fundamental not-so-badness exposes the fact that the system is the problem. That voting for a better/less-evil leader can’t bring about the changes we need, because what the 99 percent view as problems are things that the system views as not merely desirable but necessary. Among progressives Obama has been a disappointment. Why hasn’t the president lived up to the hopes and dreams we invested in him? I don’t know what’s in Obama’s heart. Frankly I don’t care. It’s all about policies: Either you’re for good policies or you’re not. Like most pundits, I tend to focus on the negative. So this week, let’s look at Obama’s signature accomplishments, the things he actually did get done: health-care reform, his statement of support for gay marriage and the Dream Act Lite, his order that Department of Homeland Security stop pursuing the approximately 800,000 young people who were brought to the United States illegally. It took three years for this president to do something that brought a smile to my face. So I owe him this: Nicely done, Mr. President. (Sure, it’s just a political ploy, a play for the Hispanic vote. But other things Obama should do, but won’t—unlimited unemployment benefits, assistance for foreclosure victims, a new WPA—would be popular, too. Pandering to the people is called democracy.)
6 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Yet, it came later than it should. The Dream Act failed in December 2010, after the Republican sweep in the midterms. I keep thinking back to 2009. Democrats had both houses of Congress. Obama enjoyed a worshipful media. Sky-high public opinion polls. Why didn’t he propose the Dream Act then, when it would probably have passed? Worse than too little and/or too late, Obama’s support of gay marriage came so late that by the time he spoke out, gay marriage had become an inevitability. Less clear but with broader implications was health-care reform. “Have you had enough of Obamacare?” Tim Pawlenty asked a crowd at a pro-Mitt Romney rally. “Yes!” they shouted. But there is no Obamacare. Not yet. Even if the Supreme Court doesn’t overturn the administration’s biggest achievement, it doesn’t go into effect until 2014. After, perhaps, President Romney takes office. What was Obama thinking? If nothing else, wasn’t he worried about his historical legacy? My guess is that he cares less about his legacy or changing things, than political races. Obama has a few chances left to prove me wrong. He could still close Gitmo. He could also propose a federal law legalizing abortion, forcing the GOP to counter the 77 percent of Americans who told the most-recent Gallup poll that they’re pro-choice. It would be a bold move, one that would resolve the decades-long legal limbo. Is Obama incapable of bravery? Of vision? Or is he using the threat of a Romney SCOTUS to threaten women into voting for him? No one knows. All we can do is consider the president’s actions.
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TEXTING WHILE DRIVING BAN GOES INTO EFFECT JULY 1 As of Sunday, July 1, texting and driving is illegal in the state of Idaho, becoming a primary offense, meaning texting drivers can be pulled over without having committed any other traffic violation. “It’s another tool for parents to tell their teens that they cannot text in the car because it is dangerous,” said Boise Police Department spokesperson Lynn Hightower. Boise Police have been training alongside other law enforcement agencies in preparation for the new ban. Using a philosophy of “educate first and enforce when necessary,” Hightower said Boise officers will issue warnings and educate offenders before doling out citations. She said the tactic, similar to the city’s implementation of its smoking ban in restaurants, bars and parks, is expected to have “more-effective compliance.” “What the department has found when new ordinances take effect is that people want to follow the law,” said Hightower. “Most folks appreciate being law abiding.” But those who don’t abide face a possible $81.50 fine. The Idaho Legislature held up previous efforts to ban texting while driving, primarily over vague interpretations of what exactly constitutes texting. Under the new law, texting will include everything from typing in a text message to using Facebook or Twitter, but will not include typing in a phone number. “With this bill, even sending a tweet would be considered ‘texting,’” said Coeur d’Alene Republican Sen. James Hammond when presenting the 2012 measure. Unlike inattentive driving, which is a misdemeanor that can result in a threemonth jail sentence and possible fines totalling $1,000, texting and driving will be an infraction. “It’s an officer’s discretion,” said Hightower. “But this allows them to issue a ticket that is not quite as severe as inattentive driving.” Officers are being trained to determine if a person operating a car is in fact texting or typing in a phone number. However, without either consent or a search warrant, officers may not have the authority to search or handle drivers’ cellphones. “This law does not allow anything different,” said Hightower. “Officers should only handle your cell with your consent.” On July 1, Idaho will join 35 other states that currently enforce texting and driving bans as a primary offense. “This is not just about texting. It’s another reminder that tragedies can happen when we take our minds and our eyes off the road,” said Hightower. —Tabitha Bower
8 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Lawbreakers face a fine of $81.50 for texting while driving.
MIXING MONEY, FAITH AND POLITICS Idaho GOP pays and prays for Mitt Romney GEORGE PRENTICE Standing before hundreds of bowed heads under dimmed lights, Father Michael St. Marie opened his June 22 invocation in typical fashion. “Let us pray,” said St. Marie, spiritual leader of St. Edward Parish in Twin Falls. What followed was anything but a traditional devotion. St. Marie didn’t just blur the line between church and state. He decimated it. “Dear Lord, I ask that on Tuesday, Nov. 7, you find a new job for President Obama,” he prayed. In opening the General Session of the Idaho GOP State Convention in Twin Falls, St. Marie was preaching to the converted: not Catholics but Republicans. St. Marie’s prayer was greeted by cheers from the 400 attendees representing Idaho’s 44 counties. “I was so impressed that he asked you to pray so fervently,” said U.S. Sen. Jim Risch. Idaho’s junior senator was met with polite but tepid applause when he was introduced to convention delegates, but as his oration intensified—bashing large government, high taxes and President Barack Obama—his red state rhetoric was exactly what the gathering craved. “We’re engaged in nothing less than a battle for the heart and soul of the American people,” said Risch. “But we drifted away from our founding fathers over the last three or four decades.” Risch failed to mention that five of the last eight U.S. presidents were Republicans, representing 25 of those 40 years. Risch chose to be pragmatic, though, in forecasting who would be the nation’s next person to occupy the Oval Office. “Tell me who wins Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and I’ll tell you who it will be,” said Risch. “I think [GOP nominee] Mitt Romney will win Florida. I think Obama wins Pennsylvania. So, I think it all comes down to Ohio. It’s going to be a knock-down, drag-out there.” But before Romney secures votes in Ohio, he still has some work to do in Idaho. Rick Martin, a Twin Falls delegate sporting a bigas-his-smile button that read, “Proud to Be a Republican,” said Romney was far from his first choice of who should be president. Martin is a fan of Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul. “I honestly don’t think many people in Idaho who supported Ron Paul will vote for Romney,” said Martin. “I hope I’m wrong.
Kelly Steele (center) along with her husband Chris and sons, 15-year-old Keegan (left) and 12-year-old Collin (right) bring their Romney-friendly business to Republican events across the nation.
The Republican Party would be over if Romney can’t get the Ron Paul vote.” Martin spent his two days at the Gem State GOP convention trying to convince fellow delegates to wage what he called “a reformation of the Idaho Republican Party from within.” “Gov. [C.L. “Butch”] Otter talks like he’s a Libertarian, but his voting record doesn’t match his rhetoric,” said Martin. “He kept pushing his Idaho IGEM project. He took federal money for that, and I think that’s a limited form of fascism.” IGEM is Otter’s $5 million Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission to spur economic growth through research. Martin said if Idahoan Republicans adopted Paul’s Libertarian-skewed platform, a robust youth vote would follow. “Look at Ashley here,” said Martin, pointing to 22-year-old Ashley Budden of Twin Falls. “She’s the future of our nation.” Budden, an accounting student at the College of Southern Idaho, hitched her political wagon to Paul in her recent effort to become a GOP precinct committeeman. In a major upset, Budden defeated Twin Falls Republican Rep. Steve Hartgen in the May 15 primary race for Twin Falls 19th precinct committeeman. Hartgen, who is also running for a third term to the Idaho House, lost the precinct committee race to Budden by one vote. “It was a really big deal,” said Budden. “It’s all about my future.” The Steele family is banking its future on Romney. Though their family-owned business is called “GOP Stuff 2012,” the only stuff they sell promotes Romney’s campaign. Literally wearing their politics on their sleeves, each wore a different variation of a Romney T-shirt. Their $25 tie-dyed T-shirts were hot sellers with the Twin Falls crowd. “We chose Romney early on,” said Kelly Steele, mother of 15-year-old Keegan and 12-year-old Collin. “Once we made that
decision, we started printing up shirts and buttons.” Steele, who also home-schools her sons, said her family owns other businesses, including real estate and what she described as one of the world’s largest indoor trampoline parks in Park City, Utah. Additionally, her husband is a frequent infomercial host on late-night television. The family of four has been on the road since January, traveling through Texas, Arizona, Washington and now Idaho. “Mitt Romney’s campaign is the foundation for our business, literally,” she said. “When we started, we were certain that he had the best chance to beat Obama.” The former Massachusetts governor will have plenty of Gem State money to fuel his campaign. As of April 30, Idaho individual donations to the Romney campaign outpaced Obama 7-1. Romney had raised more money in Idaho than in 25 other states. But that’s just the beginning of what should be a significant Gem State bankroll. Idaho Republican delegates were told that the state GOP had just signed an agreement with the Romney campaign to assist in fundraising, one of only four states in the nation to do so. “Rest assured, the Idaho Republican Party will play a key role in working with and for the Romney campaign,” said Norm Semanko, outgoing chairman of the state GOP. Damond Watkins, vice president of corporate relations for Melaleuca, knows a thing or two about fundraising for Romney. His boss, billionaire Frank VanderSloot, put Watkins on administrative leave to help the campaign. “Normally, individual campaign donations are capped at $2,500,” said Watkins. “But when Mitt Romney became the presumptive GOP nominee, his campaign became a father, of sorts, to multiple accounts. Now, donations can be as high as $75,000 a person. Of all the states across the nation, Gov. Romney has a very, very close relationship with Idaho.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BY THE NUMBERS America’s growing for-profit detention industry SUEVON LEE, PROPUBLICA The growth of the private detention industry has long been a subject of scrutiny. A recent eight-part series in the New Orleans Times-Picayune chronicled how more than half of Louisiana’s 40,000 inmates are housed in prisons run by sheriff’s departments or private companies as part of a broader financial incentive scheme. The detention business goes beyond just criminal prisoners. ProPublica looked at some of the numbers associated with the billion-dollar and wideranging for-profit detention industry—and the two companies that dominate the market.
GENERAL STATISTICS: number of state and federal prisoners in the United States 1.6 MILLION: Total as of December 2010, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Number of state and federal prisoners housed in private facilities 128,195: as of December 2010. by which number of prisoners in private facilities increased 37: Percent between 2002 and 2009. federal inmate population as of May 2012, according 217,690: Total to the Bureau of Prisons. of federal inmates in privately managed facilities 27,970: Number within the Bureau of Prisons. size of detained immigrant population as of 2011, 33,330: Estimated according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
CORRECTIONS CORPORATION OF AMERICA of facilities owned and operated by Corrections Corporation of America, 66: Number the country’s largest private prison company based on number of facilities. Number of beds available in CCA facilities across 20 states 91,000: and the District of Columbia. $1.7 BILLION: Total revenue recorded by CCA in 2011. expenditures in the last 10 years, according $17.4 MILLION: Lobbying to the Center for Responsive Politics. political contributions from years 2003 to 2012, $1.9 MILLION: Total according to the National Institute on Money in State Politics. $3.7 MILLION: Executive compensation for CEO Damon T. Hininger in 2011. number of inmate-on-inmate assaults at CCA-run Idaho Correctional Center 132: Recorded between September 2007 and September 2008. Recorded number of inmate-on-inmate assaults at the state-run Idaho State
42: Correctional Institution in the same time frame (both prisons at the time held about 1,500 inmates).
$1.6 BILLION: Total revenue in year 2011, according to its annual report. 65: Number of domestic correctional facilities owned and operated by Geo Group Inc. 65,716: Number of beds available in Geo Group Inc.’s domestic correctional facilities. expenditures in the last eight years, $2.5 MILLION: Lobbying according to the Center for Responsive Politics. political contributions from years 2003 to 2012, $2.9 MILLION: Total according to the National Institute on Money in State Politics. $5.7 MILLION: Executive compensation for CEO George C. Zoley in 2011.
Damages awarded in a wrongful death lawsuit against the company last June for the beating death of an inmate by his cellmate at a GEO Group-run Oklahoma prison. An appeal has been filed and is pending.
Fine levied against the company in November 2011 by the New Mexico Department of Corrections for inadequate staffing at one of its prisons.
BOISEweekly | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | 9
JIM HALL Retiring Parks and Rec director on the Foothills, mending fences and shaving his head GEORGE PRENTICE
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10 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
wanted to build the park the way it is now, and there was a lot of resistance. Joe ďŹ nally told the mayor that he was going to build it his way and he would give it to the city when he was done. When you make someone like that unhappy, that message goes out to a lot of other people who otherwise would want to work with you. I needed to build a more positive reputation and over time, donors really stepped up with some really great projects. Since I’ve been here, we’ve added 33 new park sites with a value of $34 million, and we probably only paid about $17 million. The rest was donation. What’s your operating budget? Twenty million dollars. We bring in about $7 million in revenue. When I got here, I think our budget was $4.8 million. Ironically, some people say, “You’re and empire builder.â€? But people love their recreation and they love their parks. And now look at what we have.
What kind of department were you coming into when you started? We had just taken over recreation, and rec people didn’t feel they were part of the team. It was important for us to change the name to Parks and Recreation. Plus, I had to mend a lot of fences, starting with Joe Albertson.
In May 1997 you said you had an idea to preserve open space in the Foothills. I think a lot of folks take that initiative for granted now, but at the time, there was a pretty big question of how that vote would end up. Even a couple of people who worked on our open space plan were not in favor of the levy. I honestly didn’t know if it was going to pass or not. And now, we’re set to close on the sale of Hammer Flat to Idaho Fish and Game. We paid $4.1 million and we’ll get more than $4.2 million back.
What was going on? The department wanted to build the [Kathryn Albertson] park one way, but Joe
Is there a wish list for what the city might buy next? There might be some good opportunities
Jim Hall didn’t really know what he wanted to do with his life when he was 18. Having just graduated from high school and working as a box boy in a Moscow grocery store, his life changed forever when the then-parks director for the City of Moscow pulled up to the store and asked Hall if he wanted to go to lunch. They made a point of driving past the University of Idaho. “He told me that he would hire me, right on the spot, to run the city’s youth programs if I agreed to go to college and study administration of parks and recreation,â€? remembered Hall. “I said, ‘OK, but what’s parks and recreation management?’â€? Forty-two year later, Hall is ready to retire from a life of parks and rec management. “With the exception of six years when I was deputy city manager in Juneau, Alaska,â€? he said, but those years included his oversight of Juneau’s parks in addition to police, ďŹ re, airport and libraries. “I honestly don’t think I could have done this job if I had simply been a parks and rec person from Moscow,â€? said Hall. But in August 1991, when then-Boise Mayor Dirk Kempthorne called to offer him the job of Boise parks director, he was ready.
based on the conversations we’re having with some folks. I think there’s some low-hanging fruit out there that we can pick off. You have a terrible-looking bruise on your left arm. You were in a pretty bad accident recently. It was June 8, and I was riding my bike near Military Reserve. I didn’t negotiate the trail right. I clipped my front wheel and went over the top. I chipped a bone and separated my shoulder, cracked a rib, and I’m bruised all over my arm and chest. My helmet was trashed. Let me tell you, helmets save your life. Your retirement is set for Friday, June 29, but have you thought about going back to work sometime? I’m going to take four to six months and relax, but I would love to do something in the nonproďŹ t sector. And the day after your retirement is your 62nd birthday. How will you celebrate? I’ll put on my shorts, T-shirt and ip-ops, and I’m threatening my wife and kids that I’ll shave my head, just for the heck of it. I might take a lot of heat, but they’ll get over it. But how about taking a lot of heat from the sun on a bald head? I wear a lot of hats.
ate on a Saturday evening in March, a thin, attractive young woman walked into Mulligans and pulled an opalescent Apple iPhone out of her purse. She ordered a colorful drink, cradling her phone in one hand, errantly dabbing at the screen with the other. Not pausing to look up, she misstepped slightly, cupping the glass without spilling her drink as she skirted a man making a beeline to the bathroom. She sat down and finished checking in with the FourSquare app to tell her friends about the cocktail. “There are people that I still talk to from across the country that found me on FourSquare because we both checked into the same club in Las Vegas,” said Krystin Hayer, the young woman at the bar. Hayer’s details are available online with nothing more than a smartphone. A Google search for Krystin Hayer turns up several hundred thousand results. The top picks were her unprotected social media accounts. With that little information, someone can name her dog and describe him.
Hayer has an information problem. For many, Boise’s small population and lack of crime make social networking seem safe. Local users casually dish on any and all subjects without regard for censorship. Couple that with Boise’s position as one of the 20 most socially networked cities in the United States, as named by Men’s Health Magazine, an early tech adoption rate and a penchant for oversharing. An entire generation is learning a different way to live, and a default setting for sociality may not be a good thing. Attached to Hayer’s account is a picture made sepia-toned with Instagram, another sharing platform, showing a dark-haired woman in a low-cut red dress, her arm and chest bearing colorful tattoos. By tapping on her picture, followed by a few more quick taps, a list of her linked social networks are revealed. Google helps find what isn’t linked. Social media has become an addiction for some users. With the ability to share intimate details of one’s life with ease, users are lulled into a false sense of security. By combining all the little bits of information, a large, detailed picture of someone’s life emerges—a picture that can leave users vulnerable. FourSquare makes a night out a competition. The popular app, boasting more than 10 million users, employs the GPS component of a smartphone to log the user’s location, allowing operators to check in at businesses and venues for points. Hayer said she uses it
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Leigh Ann Dufurrena, aka @lilivonshtupp, is one of Boise’s more prolific Twitter personalities, who, as a marketing professional, uses it as a tool.
to meet new people, because: “It’s neat to run into people that you only knew through social networking,” she said. There’s a lot to know about Hayer, and anybody could dig it up while sitting across from her in a bar. The Boise bikini club The Torch has a FourSquare location for patrons to check into. An accompanying leaderboard shows which of your friends are going out the most. Most Boise venues, from gas stations to greasy spoons, street vendors to strip clubs, have places for the app’s users to check in. The mayor of the location—the person who visits most—is showcased on the club’s FourSquare page, and it features the same dark-haired woman at Mulligans. Hayer is not only the mayor of The Torch, she has been a dancer at the club for more than two years. If you called the Torch, no one would tell you an employee’s address, but it’s available straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. Hayer is unconcerned about the risks associated with broadcasting her every move. “I never would check in somewhere if I didn’t want someone to know where I was,” said Hayer. Yet on many weekend nights, she broadcasts that she isn’t home by checking in at different bars and clubs around town. She frequents the Ranch Club and went there on June 21. She goes to the Brickyard; she visited there on June 24. She checked in at a FourSquare location created for the apartment of a guy she was dating. Her other mayorships include The Jungle, a building north of State Street. “The Jungle is my house,” she said. The address is clearly labeled, a map to the building just a tap away. “Our house is called ‘the Torch House,’ according to cab drivers,” she said. Boise Weekly found Hayer as a source through her profile and negotiated an initial interview via text message. Though cagey about meeting for an interview, Hayer agreed to answer questions via text message—while simultaneously logging her whereabouts on FourSquare. She said she has never had a problem with social media and safety. Hayer said her use of social media has been free of controversy—for the most part. “Well, I had something happen that made me delete my Twitter and Facebook for about four months until I made new ones,” she said. “My phone was stolen in Vegas and people
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posted inappropriate things.” For the time in between, a stranger hijacked Hayer’s entire digital life. “I just deleted everything to make sure it wouldn’t happen again,” she said. But a far worse scenario, given her frequent and public check-ins on FourSquare, is certainly possible: A Torch patron could follow Hayer back to her house, for example. All a stalker would need is a user’s check-in at a club. He or she could lay in wait for a check-in at the person’s home. On an average night out, the social media user shares location details with friends, accruing drink specials or bragging rights for mayorships. But that information is a digital paper trail anyone could follow, not just law enforcement after an incident. Having a page with information about a person is helpful. Knowing the name of the cute girl or guy at the other table in a bar can get you access to their profile: interests, likes and dislikes, and the absolutely crucial relationship status. These companies want to make sharing information fun, because it’s beneficial to building social relationships. “The whole concept behind Facebook is you live your life online,” said Glenn Greenwald, salon.com writer and political commentator, during a visit to Boise in February. But at the same time, the websites operate for profit. If you use one of these websites— Facebook, Google, Twitter—without paying, you are the product. So while Google can offer its extensive suite of applications for free, users balance out the relationship by allowing an exhaustive record of their usage, habits and information to be recorded by the California search giant. The more information users divulge, the more each user is offered in the form of hyper-contextual results, turning oversharing into behavior that is encouraged and even rewarded. The average person is given this platform to broadcast to a large group of followers or friends whom websites like Twitter and Facebook, by design, make you eager to please. Companies push users to share without thinking of the consequences. A built-in reward system is even included in the form of digital tokens—each notification or mention on Twitter is a form of reward, a kind of digital merit badge. A post about eating a sandwich receives far fewer rewards than gossip about a mutual friend. The result WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
By William Shakespeare Sponsored by Hawley Troxell and Idaho Statesman’s Scene and Treasure Magazines
By Agatha Christie Sponsored by D.A. Davidson & Co., and KTVB 7 Idaho’s Newschannel
Freely adapted from Molière by Oded Gross and Tracy Young. Originally produced by Oregon Shakespeare Festival Sponsored by Holland & Hart, LLP and Boise Weekly
By William Shakespeare Sponsored by 200 Teachers, UBS Financial Services, Inc., and Boise State Public Radio
By Michael Frayn Sponsored by Stoel Rives, LLP, and 107.1 KHITS
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Photo Credit: Jodi Dominick*, Paul Hurley*, The Mousetrap (2012). Photo by DKM Photography. *Member Actors’ Equity.
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BOISEweekly | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | 13
FACEBOOK FROM THE AFTERLIFE Facebook profiles often become digital memorials to those lost. The late Boise State Criminal Justice professor Michael Blankenship still receives birthday wishes from former students, friends and family after he passed away in April 2011. Many have contributed videos, memories and pictures commemorating Blankenship’s life, with his family using his account to respond. But many who lose siblings or children often struggle with how to manage the account of a lost loved one. Facebook allows family members to request profiles become memorial pages. However, many users complain that when the page is converted, many status updates, comments and other interactions are lost forever. The Facebook community has a death rate roughly half the world average, with 200,000 Facebook users passing on each year, and approximately 548 deaths per day, according to Facebook and allfacebook.com. Deadsocial, a new U.K. startup, is a platform that ports into Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, allowing users to schedule messages and wall posts to go up after they die. One example from the Deadsocial website includes this exchange among cartoon characters in an introductory video. “Gabriel’s friends, wife and even grandson still receive messages from Gabriel. His widow is also the recipient of an inappropriate joke from time to time,” the thought bubble above Gabriel read: “‘I miss you however Marilyn Monroe has been great.’” “‘Haha, good one Granddad and thanks for my birthday message,’” his grandson responded. If I Die provides a similar service, where sites like Entrustet, Legacy Locker and My Webwill seek to make digital information safe after death. Few states have gotten on board to come up with definitive rules on how these accounts are administered after death. However, Idaho and four other states have taken a stab at the issue. Idaho law states that an executor, typically a family member, can “Take control of, conduct, continue or terminate any accounts of the protected person on any social networking website, any microblogging or short message service website or any email service website,” without court approval. —Andrew Crisp
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is response that nets the companies more advertising power and users a written-in-stone, uneditable catalog of their activities, thoughts and feelings. Greenwald admitted he finds the potential for interaction flung far and wide useful, like its use by rebels during Egypt’s Green Revolution, who connected via Facebook and mobile phones to coordinate efforts. But he admitted that when users don’t understand the risks, technology isn’t always beneficial. “We are social beings. We’re sort of political animals, and so we’re not going to live our lives with total privacy. There’s conflicting drives, of course,” said Greenwald. It’s those conflicting drives that come to a head online, particularly when there are social ramifications for not joining the club, so to speak. Think of that friend, the one who periodically deletes his or her profile, only to pop back up with a new account and a fresh friend request months later. The key behind FourSquare and Facebook, behind all the popular social media tools we take for granted, is the idea that information is valuable. “If you’ve ever noticed on Facebook, the ads sort of know what you’re in to,” said Leigh Ann Dufurrena. “That information can be used for advertising.” Dufurrena is the voice behind the Twitter handle @lilivonshtupp—an identity that made her a local celebrity, even netting her the 2010 Best of Boise award for Best Local Twitterer. For advertising and media professionals like Dufurrena, Facebook is a huge well of information that companies can tap. Similarly, it’s a platform for consumers to put themselves in touch with the products they buy. “Very few people really understand that by opting into an app—you can make your information private but as long as you’re opting into those apps, you’re making it available. On my end, I’m sort of one of the consumers of that information,” said Dufurrena. “For me, it’s more of a tool.” Dufurrena’s personal profile shows a picture of her cat, her birthday and a “like” for Scentsy candles, In-N-Out Burger and more. To a business, this information might serve as a way to better connect with a specific demographic. Professionally, Dufurrena would use that information, like the details on a Facebook page, for targeted advertising. Socially, she might strike up a conversation about a shared interest. People find the data valuable. Wall posts with gossip, Facebook check-ins, work history, education and more all reveal things about a person. Any entity paying Facebook to use the data has its own intentions. While my intentions were for a story, other people using the information aren’t always so forthright. Boise attorney Lisa McGrath sometimes tackles this issue. She has made a career out of her passion for social media, creating a practice with a focus on the Internet. Her Facebook profile for “Lisa McGrath LLC” is a clean, white page devoid of burger joints or personal photos. “I was heavily involved with social media and people came to me with legal questions,” said McGrath.
According to constitutional experts like Greenwald, Harvard law professors and attorneys in Boise, they’re all talking about the nebulous questions the Internet begs us to try to answer. “If you went to my Twitter stream, and they admitted something against me—maybe I checked in on FourSquare—it’s all admissible,” McGrath said. “Facebook is the No. 1 place that attorneys are going to for evidence. There was actually a recent case involving Facebook. It involved a post being used as an alibi.” The implication: It could be used to incriminate, too, a problem given the clicks made my millions of people every day, from their desks and now from their palms. “The issues that I’m seeing coming up— these are pretty much the biggest areas—is the social media and the workplace,” she said. McGrath said she is constantly asked about professional social media decorum. “I’ve had HR people come up to me, ‘If I see somebody that’s African-American in a profile picture on Facebook, I don’t have to hire them, do I?’” She paused for theatrics. “Yes, the employment laws still apply.” Some employers are requiring new hires to divulge all their social media account login and password information. Employees have been fired for complaining about their jobs on Twitter. “I’ve even seen attorneys jumping on Facebook and waving privilege,” said McGrath. Employers know this, and to dig up the dirt, they are Googling potential hires, looking for that one piece that would disqualify the candidate. “Online reputations—essentially your resume is your online presence these days. If you are going for a job, it’s absolutely time to clean up those accounts,” said McGrath. The problem comes down to what that information says about a person, and how much access you have to changing your online identity. Furthermore, while each new digital fad calls for more information, the record a person leaves behind online grows more exhaustive. As sharing becomes the default, people lack a real identity if they choose to forego social media. In extreme cases, teens have been bullied into suicide for posts on social media. Fringe communities and groups bear the brunt of showing their otherness to the world on Twitter and Facebook. A British neuroscientist, Oxford University Professor Susan Greenfield, told the U.K. tabloid The Daily Mail that the basic system of reward for social sharing is rewiring the brains of American youth, creating a Pavlovian response to posts with drama, gossip and malice, which bring more “likes” and comments. We’re conditioning youth to obsessively compete for followers, viewers and friends, turning them toward performance on stage in order to net appreciation. YouTube viewers become a status symbol, and success is measured by fame. For the most vulnerable of society, particularly children, this reward system influences social behavior and development. Given the ease and dexterity youth show in getting online and finding information, including others to talk with, it’s not surprising that unmonitored teens turn to the Internet to WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Wendie Green, aka @WendieGoneFeral, is well aware of the risks oversharing on social media can mean.
connect with strangers—sometimes older men and women with intentions of their own. But while the darker side of Internet use by youth is an issue, its ability to project one’s voice is perhaps what’s so appealing to people with a message. Wendie Green, the voice behind the Wendie Gone Feral Blog, is a local, openly gay, social media celebrity on Twitter and Facebook. Her profile showcases her Spotify music player habits, namely Pavarotti and the Moulin Rouge soundtrack. “You’re not anonymous,” said Green. “You can’t expect to not get a whole lot of feedback. A lot of people found that out very quickly.” For Green, the accountability created in a community helps stem some of the negativity that a semi-anonymous computer screen affords people. She describes a group of Boise Twitter friends who work together to make a positive community. “Personally, I’ve never had any downsides to being connected either through Facebook or Twitter,” said Green. Boise’s size means a tightknit social media population. It’s possible to connect with state politicians via Facebook, or share Pandora music stations with Rupert Republican Rep. Dean Cameron, who is partial to Michael Buble. Green said that having access to the larger community is helpful for safety—and for getting people involved. “We’re really appreciating Boise Police Department’s presence on Twitter,” said Green. “We have a direct link now to law enforcement. They’re really fast and they get right back to us. They tweet traffic alerts, they tweet warnings, and they give reminders. You can tweet and ask them questions.” The ability to connect with people for change through the Internet is altering local communities. Idaho’s Add the Words campaign, an organization that seeks to include LGBT rights as part of Idaho law, was spawned out of digital, grass-roots networking. “One of my philosophies is that social networking doesn’t replace relationships, it enhances them,” said Green. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
Social media is bridging the gap between people, which originally required more inperson connections. “There’s a lot of examples, too, of people getting in trouble and with national disasters,” said McGrath. “People have used social media to get help. These people were on a trail run and ran into trouble and weren’t able to use their phone but were actually tweeting it.” Yet Green, unlike Hayer, is reluctant to use FourSquare. “I don’t do FourSquare,” said Green. “Maybe every once in a while when everybody I’m with agrees. Because of privacy issues, I am a little bit concerned on that.” For Green, the risks aren’t worth the reward. “In one of my past relationships, it became a problem to tweet and say where you are,” she said. So there are boundaries. But as with anything, law and social mores change how we interact with one another. In that regard, Boise continues to be a laboratory for new innovation. “I think Boise’s ahead of the curve in a lot of different aspects,” said Green. “We’re a very active community anyways, so we use social media to enhance our already-active lifestyles. I like to say, ‘We don’t hate fun.’” For me, the fun was at my expense one evening. Stepping outside the safe haven of Boise’s social media scene, and bridging the physical and digital worlds while visiting Idaho Falls, I checked in at a restaurant one evening using FourSquare. Twenty or 30 minutes later, the bartender came up to me. “Is anybody here named Andrew?” she asked. “There’s a phone call for you.” I walked over to the phone, where a voice I didn’t recognize asked for a donation to the Red Cross and mentioned some person named Joe I knew in the eighth grade. The voice on the other end laughed, poked fun. Puzzled, I hung up. “How’d they know where to find you?” asked the bartender, and “Who was that?” I still don’t know. Since then, I’ve deleted my FourSquare profile.
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Get down and dirty—in a completely clean way—at Weed Dating.
THURSDAY JUNE 28 dirt date Hillfolk Noir will be back on the block for Boise Contemporary Theater’s Block Party.
THURSDAY JUNE 28 par-tay BCT SUMMER BLOCK PARTY Boise Contemporary Theater is usually associated with the dark confines of its theater on Fulton Street, but even a theater company needs to bust out once in awhile. The crew at BCT has decided that they not only need to see the light of day, but that they want the rest of the community to join them for a full-out summer block party complete with live music, food and beer. The BCT Summer Block Party will take over downtown Boise’s Basque Block on Thursday, June 28, with local bands filling the performance stage from 7-10 p.m. The event is a fundraiser for the theater company, but Managing Director Helene Peterson said the company wanted to keep things affordable so more people could join the fun. Peterson said the party was inspired in equal parts by Alive After Five and the Streets for People, the now-defunct city block party that drew residents downtown in the 1980s. “We just remembered how fun that was,” Peterson said. “We wanted to do our own little thing with some local bands who are our friends.” Those local bands will include Bill Coffey and His Cash Money Cousins, aka Belle, Bindi Bowler, Steve Fulton and Hillfolk Noir, which will be straight off of its tour of the United Kingdom and Ireland. Pie Hole and the St. Lawrence Gridiron food truck will be selling food and Payette Brewing Company will have beer available for those of legal imbibing age. Advanced tickets are available on bctheater.org but will also be sold at the gates. 7-10 p.m., $10, $5 age 20 and younger. Basque Block, Grove Street between Capitol Boulevard and Sixth Street, 208-331-9224, bctheater.org.
WEDNESDAY JULY 4 sparklers INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATIONS The day of barbecues, fireworks, burn kits and above-average levels of patriotism is near, and if your
Fourth of July plans consist of little more than cranking up Toby Keith and buying a flag or flag-design six pack of Budweiser, check out these happenings around the Treasure Valley. Boise’s annual Fourth of July Liberty Day Parade will kick off at 11 a.m. sharp. Departing from 10th and Jefferson streets, it will wind through downtown and end
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at 11th and Idaho streets. Get there early to claim your spot on the sidewalk and feel free to bring your waterlaunching devices. Visit boiseparade.blogspot.com for more info. We’d be remiss not to mention the big ol’ party in Ann Morrison Park, where throngs of people tote in chairs, blankets and tons of grub every year. Food
WEED DATING Generally, getting in bed with someone you just met leads to a morning of dodging eye contact and frantically searching for clothing. Hopping from bed to bed will earn you some lessthan-complimentary monikers, and getting dirty before you know a potential mate’s last name isn’t regarded as the best idea. But on Thursday, June 28, you can partake in all those endeavors without having to lie to your grandma about what you did last week. Earthly Delights Farm will host its second installment of Weed Dating from 6-8:30 p.m. No, it’s not special time with your plastic bottle bong. Sheesh. The event is a chance for those with a love of gardening, but who lack a lover, to meet someone special with similar green interests. The farm describes it as “like speed dating but much more badass.” Last year, three known love connections were made and about 20 people participated. For the second installment, Earthly Delights has upped its marketing strategies and is hoping for a bigger pool of people looking for love. “I love that kind of stuff,” said Earthly Delights’ Casey O’Leary. “Watching people get all giggly around each other and stuff.” O’Leary noted that you get to know someone in a different way when gardening, and fidgety first-daters won’t have to worry about what to do with their sweaty palms. Participants pin a number on their shirts and are paired up in short one-on-one weed-pulling sessions. Then they move to a different vegetable bed and meet a new person. Find someone you like? Cowboy up and say it to his/her face, or go the sly route and leave a note in the mason jar with a number that matches the one pinned on your potential new beau or bird. The event won’t cost you any green—you’re paying for it in manual labor by getting rid of those pesky weeds—but donations for start-up beer purveyor Bogus Brewing will be accepted. The community supported brewery is being funded in part by a Kickstarter campaign and will offer small-batch craft brews with a focus on dialogue between brewers and members. Weed dating is for the 21-and-older set. RSVP isn’t required but may help forge better potential love connections since organizers can match up people when they know who’s coming and who they’re looking to meet. Visit earthlydelightsfarm.com to RSVP, for more info and for a video of the last Weed Dating event. 6-8:30 p.m., FREE. Earthly Delights Farm, 3516 Hawthorne St., 208-284-3712, earthlydelightsfarm.com.
vendors will be in the park if you don’t want to grill up your own dinner, children’s activities will take place from 1-7 p.m., and Desirae Bronson and Pilot Error will perform at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., respectively. The fireworks display begins at approximately 10:15 p.m. and will be broadcast on KIVI Channel 6, for those not wanting to duke it out
over blanket space in the park. The show will be set to music broadcast on 107.1 FM K-HITS. A chalk art display will precede the explosions in the sky and feature artists Ed Anderson, Karen Bubb, Fred Choate, Geoff Everts, Lauren Kistner and Marcus Pierce. Children ages 12 and older may participate for $10. Pre-registration is
required at idahostatesman. com/chalkart. While the Ann Morrison party is pretty huge, Meridian isn’t to be outdone by its neighboring city. The Meridian Parks and Recreation Department and the Meridian Speedway have partnered up to provide an entire day of patriotic activities, including lots of kids’ activities and music in Storey Park, featurWWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Try a little canvas-swapping at Paint ’n’ Sip.
The family that competes in triathlons together stays really fit together.
DATE NIGHT AT PAINT ’N’ SIP Date night has the tendency to become a bit dull. But Paint ’n’ Sip will help shake up the bland routine Friday, June 29. Paint ’n’ Sip provides various ways to unleash your creative side: with paint, various classes and booze. The house of art has beer and wine available, so you may find your creations going a little more toward abstract. Paint ’n’ Sip also has a selection of tea, coffee, soda and snacks available for those who want to paint straight lines. The Date Night event needn’t involve a romantic interest. Participants are encouraged to grab their significant other, mom, best friend—anyone whose company you’ll enjoy for a few hours. Except maybe your cat. But it may behoove you to consider the level or artistic talent of your potential companions. Participants will swap canvases at some point during the class, resulting in a sort of exquisite corps collaborative art piece. Fix your partner’s mistake or watch your masterpiece take on a different direction. Paint ’n’ Sip provides regular classes for the 21-and-older set, which involve following an instructor step-by-step. All materials are included in the class fee. Participation in date night requires a reservation, which can be made online. Painting can get messy, especially when balancing a glass of wine in the hand opposite your paint brush, so leave the standard date attire at home and don’t wear anything that wouldn’t look better with a little acrylic on it. 7 p.m., $35 per person. Paint ‘n’ Sip, 5626 W. State St., 208-505-0004, paintnsip.com.
ing the Dakota Mad Band, Big Wow and Social Fallout. Races start at the Speedway at 6:30 p.m., and then fireworks start at approximately 10:15 p.m. Visit meridiancity. org/independenceday for more info. Boise’s boys of summer will take the field at Hawks’ Memorial Stadium at 7:35 p.m. against the Tri City Dust Devils. The game will be followed by the “biggest fireworks show of the season.” Visit milb.com for tickets. If you’d rather fill your
belly with pancakes than ballpark hot dogs, start your Independence Day off at Julia Davis Park, where the Gem State Kiwanis Club will host its 49th annual Fourth of July Pancake Breakfast from 7-11 a.m. near the band shell. Music, face painting and plenty of flap jacks will fill the park. Cost is $5 adults, $4 children and FREE for active-duty military members and their families. Visit boiseweekly.com for more Fourth of July events.
FRIDAY-SATURDAY JUNE 29-30 sweat QUEST FOR THE CAPITOL AND KIDS’ SPLASH PEDAL ’N’ DASH Almost one mile of swimming, a 22-mile-long bike ride and a 10K run through downtown. It’s not an average workout for most, but Saturday, June 30, the Quest for the Capitol triathlon will be a bunch of fit Boiseans doing just that. This will be Tri Idaho’s second year putting on the Olympic-distance race. Race Director John McKinley said a sprint race was added this year, with 750 yards of swimming, six miles of biking and three miles of running, starting at Veteran’s Memorial Pond at 9:30 a.m. The Olympic-distance race begins an hour earlier, with athletes plunging into Veteran’s Memorial Pond, pedaling out to Hidden Springs and back, and running to the Capitol building. “The cool part for the runners is they leave running directly away from the Capitol building, and then the whole last mile coming to the finish line, they’re running directly to the Capitol building, hence Quest for the Capitol,” McKinley said. For those kids who look up to their athletic parents, ages 4-10 can participate in the Splash Pedal ’N’ Dash triathlon the night before. Starting at 4 p.m. Friday, June 29, in Veteran’s Memorial Park, kids can race, too. “We have kind of a slip-and-slide wading pool-type situation for them,” McKinley said. “Then they slap on their helmets and ride a half-mile around the park.” All the kids get a medal at the end, and parents get calmed-down versions of their typically over-energetic children. For those who have more fun watching athletic people rather than being one, the best place to watch the race is Capitol Boulevard between the Capitol and Boise State around 10 a.m. Saturday. That section of road will be closed to traffic. Kids’ Splash Pedal N’ Dash: Friday, June 29, 4 p.m., $25. Quest for the Capitol: Saturday, June 30, 8:30 a.m., $50-$100. Veteran’s Memorial Park, 930 N. Veterans Memorial Parkway. More info at triidaho.com.
Back in the good old disposable ’80s, you could class up your paper plate “china” by sliding it into a circular wicker holder. Then came the spendier, sturdier designs, which boasted branchhome.com/wasara a nearly bulletproof thickness and came in an array of fashionable hues. And now, the paper plate has gotten a 21st century, eco-friendly makeover. Wasara’s line of “single-use, biodegradable and compostable pieces” are manufactured from 100 percent treefree renewable materials, including sugar cane fiber, bamboo and reed pulp. Designed by Shinichiro Ogata in Japan, Wasara plates and bowls are oil- and water-resistant, and claim to be “responsibly manufactured” in China. But the real draw is the line’s pleasing design. Both the square Kaku plates and the round Maru plates, which come in an array of sizes, feature a curved edge perfect for gripping in one hand. The sleek designs would be equally at home at a candlelit garden wedding or a Fourth of July park picnic. The Wasara line also includes bowls, trays, coffee cups, wine cups and tumblers, which the company claims are suitable for hot and cold foods. The line is available in the United States through a variety of retailers, including branchhome.com, which offers retail packs of 12 plates for $8-$11 and bulk packs of 100-200 for $88-$108. —Tara Morgan
an event by e-mail to calendar@boiseweekly.com. Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.
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WEDNESDAY JUNE 27 Festivals & Events SPLASH BASH POOL PARTY— Check out the weekly pool parties, featuring a poolside bar, special appetizers, and live music from 7-10 p.m. This week: music by Soul Serene. All ages welcome. 5-10 p.m. FREE. Owyhee Plaza Hotel, 1109 Main St., Boise, 208-343-4611, owyheeplaza.com.
On Stage TRAVIS LIPSKI WITH THE REPTILIANS—With Ned and the Sedatives and An Evening with Basqueskwatch. A night of brutal comedy and brutal music. For more information on Travis Lipski and The Unbookables, visit theunbookablesmovie.com. 8 p.m. $5. The Shredder, 430 S. 10th, Boise.
Maria Dominguez and her husband Alberto, along with 18 other people, became U.S. citizens June 23 during Boise’s World Refugee Day celebration at The Grove.
GRUBBING DOWN AND GREENING UP Food & Drink IDAHO FARMERS MARKET RECIPE CONTEST—Shoppers who love farmers markets and understand how their recipes taste better with quality ingredients can enter their favorite farmers market recipe for a chance to win a $100 prize. The entry deadline is Sunday, July 1. Contest entry forms and a complete listing of Idaho farmers markets are available at agri. idaho.gov.
Workshops & Classes HOW TO GET YOUR PIECE OF THE PIE—Meet Howard Olivier, former owner of the Flying Pie Pizzeria, and learn his business secrets to success, the four P’s. Discover what steps to take to set your business apart from the competition. Cost includes lunch. To register, call Shannon Gentry at 208-336-6722, ext. 221, or email sgentry@mtnstatesgroup. org. 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. $20. US Bank Building, 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-345-8519, unicoprop.com.
Calls to Artists
9:30AE - 1:30HE
8th Street from Bannock to Main Street & on the Grove Plaza Chef Abbigail Carlson - Cooking with fresh, seasonal produce from the Market - Saturdays Q 10am to Noon
This Week at the Market -
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Oregon Berries! Albeke Farms, Oregon City, Oregon. EVERY SATURDAY AT THE MARKET
A Free Service of the Market!
18 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
RECYCLED FASHION CONTEST—The Boise Art Museum invites fashion designers and wearable art makers of all experience levels to participate and compete in the Recycled Fashion Contest in conjunction with the current exhibition Nick Cave: Meet Me at the Center of the Earth. The competition is open to the first 20 entries. Entries will be featured at BAM’s Art of Fashion Show when attendees will vote for their favorite on Friday, Oct. 26 The winner of the Recycled Fashion Contest will receive $500. Visit the museum’s website for an entry form and specifications. To enter, complete the entry form and submit it with the $25 entry fee to BAM. See Arts News, Page 26. Boise Art Museum, 670 Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-345-8330, boiseartmuseum.org.
Gefilte fish and rock-hard matzo might be easy to drag through the desert, but they aren’t exactly culinary marvels. Luckily, Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel’s annual Deli Days celebration helps to showcase all of the delicious aspects of Jewish grub. Boise Weekly New Media Czar Josh Gross schlepped out to the food festival June 21 to sample some of the assorted offerings. “In addition to the requisite corned beef and pastrami on rye, the kosher dogs and dills and the mountains of steaming knishes, there are tables upon tables of baked delights: challah bread, brownies made with Dead Sea salt, cheesecakes and enough kugel to make sure people pop that top button on their pants after the meal,” Gross gushed. Moving from culinary diaspora to cultural diaspora, World Refugee Day took over The Grove June 23. Capital City Public Market shoppers wandered by as 25 refugees from 12 different nations became new U.S. citizens with family and supporters looking on. According to BW intern Amy Merrill: “The area surrounding the Grove stage was filled with dozens of onlookers and ethnic booths. Vendors sold food, jewelry, housewares and more from myriad different countries. The smell wafting from a nearby booth selling African sambusas, a savory pastry, drew a steady stream of customers while dancers showcased moves from their native countries on stage.” Volunteers at the fifth-annual Idaho Green Expo spent all night June 22 reassembling tents at Expo Idaho after a wind storm ravaged the parking lot. Luckily, everything was back in working order before the expo opened June 23. According to BW freelancer Harrison Berry, there were “between 140-150 booths, 116 of which were inside the Expo building itself. Hidden from the summer sun were solar panel exhibits, geothermal water heater demonstrations, businesses selling everything from cookies to glassware and even environmentally conscious clubs.” And moving from glassware to bluegrass, the 60th annual National Oldtime Fiddlers’ Contest and Festival wrapped up June 23 in Weiser. BW freelancer Andrew Mentzer was there to check out the hullabaloo: “Musicians from around the world—along with thousands of spectators from around the region—made the trek to the otherwise quiet town for some good ol’-fashioned folk, country and bluegrass music. While fiddles were the focal point of the get-together, there were also some excellent riffs from talented guitar, mandolin, banjo and bass players,” Mentzer said. Visit boiseweekly.com for a slideshow of all the Weiser Fiddle Fest action. —Tara Morgan WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
8 DAYS OUT Talks & Lectures GARDENING WITH NATIVE PLANTS—Elisa Clark of Flutterby Gardens and North End Organic Nursery will use the center’s native plant garden as a walkaround classroom to help you envision them in your own yard. 7-8:30 p.m. FREE. Foothills Learning Center, 3188 Sunset Peak Road, Boise, 208-5143755, boiseenvironmentaleducation.org.
Animals & Pets SNIP BENEFIT DOG WASH—Doggie Day Spaw in Meridian is hosting a dog wash with 100 percent of the proceeds going to Spay Neuter Idaho Pets, which will use the money to spay/neuter dogs and cats for individuals who cannot afford to do so. Noon-9 p.m. $10. Doggie Day Spaw, 1760 W. Cherry Lane, Ste 100, Meridian, 208-888-5489, doggiedayspaw.net.
favorite weeding tool. Open to 21 and older only. More info available at the farm’s website. See Picks, Page 16. 6-8:30 p.m. FREE. Earthly Delights Farm, 3516 Hawthorne St., Boise, 208-284-3712, earthlydelightsfarm.com.
CINDERELLA—Broadway’s magical musical comedy about a working girl who can’t catch a break comes to life in this enchanting version of the beloved fairy tale. 8 p.m. $12-$24. Starlight Mountain Theatre, 850 S. Middlefork Road, Crouch, 208-462-5523, starlightmountaintheatre.com. COMEDY AT THE VARSITY: DARRYL RHOADES— See Thursday. 8 p.m. $8, FREE for military personnel and veterans. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658, varsitypubmeridian.com. LIQUID LAUGHS: DAVID CROWE—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, liquidboise.com.
Art DATE NIGHT AT PAINT ’N’ SIP—This event will start out like one of the regular classes (you get everything you need to paint and follow an instructor step-by-step), but with a twist. Halfway through, you will switch canvases with your partner. It should lead to some fascinating results. Bring your significant other, best friend, mom or dad and have a little fun painting. Sign up on the website. See Picks, Page 17. 7 p.m. $35/person. Paint ‘n Sip, 5626 W. State St., in The Shops at State and Bloom, Boise, paintnsip.com.
THURSDAY JUNE 28 Festivals & Events ADULT NIGHT: THE SCIENCE OF EXPLOSIONS— Join the largest Diet Coke and Mentos explosion Boise has ever seen. Enjoy beer, wine and food from local vendors while you play with the exhibits. Explosion demonstrations will take place all night, culminating in the giant explosion show outside. Bring your own roll of Mentos if you want to join in on the fun; the Diet Coke will be provided. Tickets include a drink token. 6-10 p.m. $8-$10. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-3439895, scidaho.org. BOISE CONTEMPORARY THEATER SUMMER BLOCK PARTY—This fundraiser for Boise Contemporary Theater features music from Bill Coffey and His Cash Money Cousins, Hillfolk Noir, aka Belle and Steve Fulton. Beer will be available from Payette Brewing Co. and food from local food trucks. See Picks, Page 16. 7-10 p.m. $10, $5 ages 20 and younger. Basque Block, 601 Grove St., Boise.
On Stage COMEDY AT THE VARSITY: DARRYL RHOADES— The comedian will perform as part of Varsity Pub’s Red, White and Blue Weekend, during which military personnel will receive free comedy tickets and half off food and drinks. Proceeds from the show will benefit the Idaho Guard and Reserve Family Support Fund. 8 p.m. $8, FREE for military personnel and veterans. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658, varsitypubmeridian.com. FIDDLER ON THE ROOF—The Starlight Mountain Theatre presents its rendition of this classic tale. 7:30 p.m. $10-$18. Starlight Mountain Theatre, 850 S. Middlefork Road, Crouch, 208-462-5523, starlightmountaintheatre.com. LIQUID LAUGHS: DAVID CROWE—Purchase tickets for this installment of Liquid Laughs at liquidlaughs. com, by calling 208-941-2459 or at Liquid or Solid. 8 p.m. $8. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, liquidboise.com.
Talks & Lectures BETH GATES WARREN LECTURE—Join Beth Gates Warren, former director of photography at Sotheby’s, for Los Angeles During its Bohemian Heyday: 19101925. Meet some of the archetypal characters who populated the City of Angels when it was a roughand-tumble place and thousands came seeking to reinvent themselves. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Center for the Arts, 191 Fifth St. E., Ketchum, 208726-9491, sunvalleycenter.org.
Odds & Ends WEED DATING—Meet new friends and lovers at the speed-dating event for folks who love getting dirty in the garden. Participants get paired up for quick one-on-one weeding sessions with potential partners, hopping from bed to bed throughout the garden. Bring your
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JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 201 | 19
8 DAYS OUT Kids & Teens KIDS SPLASH PEDAL ’N’ DASH—Kids ages 4-10 will splash through a series of squirt guns and make their way to their bikes (training wheels are more than welcome). Kids will complete the half-mile bike leg and end with a quarter-mile run to the finish line. Everyone wins, medals for all. For more info, email john@ triidaho.com. See Picks, Page 17. 4 p.m. $15. Veterans Memorial Park, 930 N. Veterans Memorial Parkway, Boise.
SATURDAY JUNE 30 On Stage COMEDY AT THE VARSITY: DARRYL RHOADES—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $8, FREE for military personnel and veterans. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658, varsitypubmeridian.com. LEGALLY BLONDE—The hilarious film is a smash-hit musical. When sorority queen Elle Woods gets dumped by her boyfriend, she is determined to get him back, so she grabs her Chihuahua, puts down her credit cards, hits the books and sets out to go where no other Delta Nu has gone before: Harvard Law School. 8 p.m. $12-$24. Starlight Mountain Theatre, 850 S. Middlefork Road, Crouch, 208-462-5523, starlightmountaintheatre.com.
NORTHWEST RIBFEST COOKING COMPETITION—Two days of nonstop cooking, sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbeque Society and featuring many of the nation’s top barbecue teams competing for a $10,000 purse. Live music, hundreds of vendors, hot air balloons, beer and wine gardens and a children’s area featuring a FREE trophy trout pond. See Food News, Page 32. 11 a.m.-9 p.m. FREE. Julius M. Kleiner Memorial Park, 1900 N. Records Ave., Meridian.
SUNDAY JULY 1 Auditions THE 39 STEPS—See Saturday. 2 p.m. Stage Coach Theatre, 4802 W. Emerald Ave., Boise, 208-342-2000, stagecoachtheatre.com.
Food & Drink Workshops & Classes
NORTHWEST RIBFEST COOKING COMPETITION—See Saturday. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. FREE admission. Julius M. Kleiner Memorial Park, 1900 N. Records Ave., near Fairview Avenue and Eagle Road, Meridian.
ZIMBABWEAN DRUM AND DANCE WORKSHOP—Zimbabwean master musician and teacher Tendai Muparutsa presents an introductory class in Zimbabwean drumming, dance, singing and hosho (gourd rattle). No experience is necessary. Space is limited to instruments on hand. Call Heather Steele at 208-794-6474 or email hnsteele@q.com to pre-register. Co-sponsored by Marimba Boise and the Global Lounge Group. 3-5 p.m. $20 donation. YMCA, 1050 W. State St., Boise, 208344-5501, ymcaboise.org.
Odds & Ends DANCE LESSONS—Learn some moves from members of the High Desert Swing Dance Club. 7:30 p.m. FREE. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658, varsitypubmeridian.com.
Kids & Teens
YOUTH WRITING WORKSHOPS—These workshops for kids ages 9-12 will focus on sharpening skills in observing and writing about nature, using the garden grounds as inspiration. Workshop size limited to 12 participants. 10 a.m.-noon. $15-$20. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-343-8649, idahobotanicalgarden.org.
On Stage CINDERELLA—See Friday. 8 p.m. $10-$18. Starlight Mountain Theatre, 850 S. Middlefork Road, Crouch, 208-462-5523, starlightmountaintheatre.com.
Auditions THE 39 STEPS—Stage Coach Theatre will hold open auditions for its upcoming production of The 39 Steps, a comedy adapted by Patrick Barlow. The show will open Friday, Aug. 24. 2 p.m. Stage Coach Theatre, 4802 W. Emerald Ave., Boise, 208-3422000, stagecoachtheatre.com.
EYESPY Real Dialogue from the naked city
ZIMBABWEAN MUSICIAN TENDAI MAPARUTSA—Zimbabwean musician Tendai Maparutsa will perform in concert. Also, there will be workshops taught by Maparutsa with marimba, drumming, dance, singing and hosho at the downtown YMCA during the day. Contact Heather Steele at 208-794-6474 or hnsteele@q. com for more info. 7:30 p.m. $15. Hyde Park Mennonite Fellowship, 1520 N. 12th St., Boise.
Food & Drink HEATHERWOOD RETIREMENT COMMUNITY FIRST ANNUAL COOK-OFF—Enjoy children’s activities, entertainment and lots of food at the first-annual barbecue-style cook-off. Proceeds benefit the Idaho Food Bank and Assistance League. Noon-4 p.m. $7 per plate, or $5 per plate with donation of two cans of food. Heatherwood Retirement Community, 5277 Kootenai St., Boise, 208-345-2150.
20 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Overheard something Eye-spy worthy? E-mail leila@boiseweekly.com
8 DAYS OUT Citizen
way 44, Star, 208-286-7960, helinamaries.com.
LIQUID FORUM—Learn about and celebrate the important work nonprofit organizations do for our community amid the sounds that give pulse to our community. Special musical guests: Fleet Street Klezmer Band. Sponsored by United Action for Idaho and United Vision for Idaho. FREE. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, liquidboise.com.
TUESDAY NIGHT BEER AND WINE TASTINGS—Enjoy appetizers and selections from a different Idaho brewer or winemaker every week. 6 p.m. $5. Salt Tears Coffeehouse & Noshery, 4714 W. State St., Boise, 208275-0017, salttears.com.
TUESDAY JULY 3 On Stage LEGALLY BLONDE—See Saturday. 8 p.m. $10-$18. Starlight Mountain Theatre, 850 S. Middlefork Road, Crouch, 208-462-5523, starlightmountaintheatre.com.
Food & Drink BIKE NIGHT AT HELINA MARIE’S—Ride in for wine and beer specials, food, music and karaoke after 9 p.m. Huge outdoor patio with fire pit, tiki bar and dance pole. Must be 21 or older with ID. $5 glass pours, $2 domestic beers. Helina Marie’s Wine and Gift Shop, 11053 High-
Literature BOISE’S NOVEL ORCHARD CRITIQUE NIGHT—Bring your current writing project and a red pen and have fun sharing opinions with other writers. View the guidelines at boisenovelorchard. org. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Hyde Park Books, 1507 N. 13th St., Boise, 208-429-8220, hydeparkbookstore.com.
Talks & Lectures TOBY JUROVICS—The chief curator and Holland curator of American wester art at the Joslyn Art Museum will speak about photographers Thomas Joshua Cooper and Timothy H. O’Sullivan, both of whom have photographs of Idaho’s Shoshone Falls on view at the Sun Valley Center for the Arts. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Center for the Arts, 191 Fifth St. E., Ketchum, 208-726-9491, sunvalleycenter.org.
WEDNESDAY JULY 4 Festivals & Events FORTH OF JULY LIBERTY DAY PARADE—Celebrate Independence Day with this annual parade. See Picks, Page 16. 11 a.m. Departs from 10th and Jefferson streets downtown Boise, Visit libertydayparade. com for more info. FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION—Watch local artists and children create chalk art and vote for your favorite, participate in children’s activities at the Boise Parks and Recreation Mobile Recreation van, enjoy music by Desirae Bronson and Pilot Error, bring a picnic or grab some grub from one of the food vendors in the park. The fireworks display beings at approximately 10:15 p.m. and will be simulcast on Today’s Channel 6. The show will be synched with music on 107.1 FM K-HITS. See Picks, Page 16. 8-12 a.m. FREE. Ann Morrison Park, Americana Boulevard., Boise. PERFORMANCE POETRY WORKSHOP, SLAM OF STEEL AND HAIKU BATTLE—Part of The Idaho Loud Writers’ Program. Includes a performance poetry workshop followed by an all-ages poetry slam. For more information, email cheryl_maddalena@ yahoo.com. There is a $25 prize for the haiku champ. 6 p.m. $5 poetry slam, $1 with student ID. Woman of Steel Gallery and Wine Bar, 3640 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-3315632, boisepoetry.com.
On Stage DAS BARBECU—This Texasthemed musical blends Wagner’s epic “Ring Cycle” operas with the state’s twang, big hair and big hats. Visit companyoffools.org for more info. 7 p.m. Pay-whatyou-feel preview night. $10-$30. Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main St., Hailey, 208-578-9122, companyoffools.org. FIDDLER ON THE ROOF—See Thursday. 7:30 p.m. $10-$18. Starlight Mountain Theatre, 850 S. Middlefork Road, Crouch, 208-462-5523, starlightmountaintheatre.com.
Food & Drink
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk. Go to www.boiseweekly.com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
GEM STATE KIWANIS FOURTH OF JULY PANCAKE BREAKFAST—The Gem State Kiwanis will host the 49th annual Fourth of July pancake breakfast, with plenty of pancakes, music and face painting for children. 7-11 a.m. $5 adults, $4 children and seniors, FREE for active-duty military members and their families. Gene Harris Bandshell, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., in Julia Davis Park, Boise, cityofboise. org/parks.
Sun Valley On Ice runs July 4, and Saturday nights through September 1 promising a dazzling new spin on our traditional outdoor ice show under the stars. For show tickets or buffet and show tickets go to seats.sunvalley.com or call 208.622.2135.
© 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
BOISEweekly |
JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 201 | 21
MEAT AND GREET Give ’em a red hand: Red Hands Black Feet finally finished its debut album.
RED HANDS REVOLUTION FUNDAY Tickets are now on sale for the inaugural slate of acts booked into Boise’s newest music venue, Revolution Concert House. The lineup includes a special non-arena performance from Joe Walsh of The Eagles, who will open the club up Wednesday, Aug. 22. Other acts include Michael Franti and Ziggy Marley on Tuesday, Aug. 28, George Thorogood and the Destroyers on Wednesday, Sept. 26, and Alice Cooper on Wednesday, Nov. 21. The 2,200-capacity venue at Chinden Boulevard and Glenwood Street announced its lineup on June 18, and gave media a sneak peak inside the venue before tickets went on sale June 22. Tickets for those shows are all available at ticketfly.com. But if you can’t wait that long for some tunes, you can always head up to McCall Wednesday, July 4, for the dulcet tones of the bizarrely named Sharlie Fest. The new festival will go down at the Manchester Ice and Event Center from 6:30 p.m.-2 a.m. and will feature performances from Nit Grit, Kaya Jones of The Pussycat Dolls, Feature Cuts, OnCue, Silver Medallion, Kosha Dillz, Futuristic and Mike Balance, as well as local artists Big Ups, Jeremiah, Aaron Liven, Myko and The Working DJs. Tickets for Sharlie Fest run $25-$40 and are available at sharliefest.com. Be sure to enter a picture of yourself in a bikini for the totally topical and non-exploitative online bikini contest while you’re there. In other festive news, Boise’s world-class slowpokes Red Hands Black Feet have reportedly finished mixing a debut album. This is an act that has been performed at the speed of one of the band’s guitar solos, a joke that is high-laaaaarious to anyone who has ever seen the group live. So, how long has this saga been going on? The band’s studio adventures were first reported in this column in September 2011. “We’ve definitely been dragging our feet because this is our first album and we want to do a good job with it,” says RHBF guitarist Eric Larsen. Perhaps all that dragging is why their feet are black? Just sayin’. And finally, the debut Sunday Funday event June 24 was dealt an un-funday blow when headlining act Asher Roth missed his plane like a total square. Fun was had anyway, as the parking lot at 105 S. Sixth St. filled with foam and the sounds of Kosha Dillz, Zak Downtown and Nova Rockafeller. The outdoor hip hop series is slated to continue monthly. —Josh Gross
22 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Meatloaf mouths off on acting, Samuel Beckett and multiple stage personas JOSH GROSS For most people, using a comfort food for a moniker might be weird. But Meatloaf doesn’t mind. “It is better than being called Dick,” he said. Meatloaf, or Meat, as he told me to call him after I mistakenly called him Mr. Loaf, will bring his bombastic stage show and cataAfter 46 years in the public eye, Meatloaf believes his career high point is still ahead. log of smash hits to the Eagle River Pavilion on Monday, July 2, and he’s pretty sure he will do “At the Songwriters Hall of Fame, I comfeel and is seen through my eyes.” or say something he regrets. pared Steinman to who I consider the secondMeatloaf is a stage character he debuted “I’m very much improv,” he said. “Whatbest writer of all time behind Shakespeare: in 1978, when he embarked on a tour for Bat ever comes into my mind, I take off. And then Samuel Beckett,” said Meat. “Beckett was the Out of Hell. I’ll walk off stage and say, ‘Don’t ever let me master of the human condition, but he also “I put that character together, and he’s do that again, please.’ Believe me, there’s somehad a wit, a humor and wink of an eye about hysterically funny,” said Meat. “Makes me thing I say every night that I go, ‘Oh my god, him. And that’s Steinman.” laugh all the time when I see old footage of why did I say that?’” The duo’s catalog together is so iconic in its him in interviews. I laugh real hard. He’s quite That freewheeling stage style paired with narratives that Meat said a Meatloaf musical songs like “I’d Do Anything for Love,” “Para- the comedian.” along the lines of Mamma Mia or Rock of But Meat also claimed the only thing undise by the Dashboard Light,” and “You Took Ages is a frequently floated idea. usual about his character is that he’s up front the Words Right Out of My Mouth,” have “We’ve been approached a lot,” he said. made Meatloaf one of the top-selling recording about it. “That’s Steinman’s deal. Jimmy wants to con“Any performer, any rock performer, that artists of all time. His debut album, Bat Out of trol it, so we let him do that. My guess is that Hell, has sold more than 43 million copies. His tells you that is their self up there is lying at some point in the next several years, I’ll step through their teeth,” he said. “They all have total album sales are in excess of 100 million. a little more into the picture and have a little And he’s still touring large venues 46 years into personas.” bit more say about it.” And that forthrightness has oftentimes his career. But don’t expect to see Meat onstage for worked against him. Yet despite success beyond the wildest “I’ve seen it written about me several times, that show if it happens. He’s no stranger to dreams of most musicians, he claims his real Broadway, but it is a character he would likely ‘How can he possibly feel the songs if he fame came from his movie roles. reject outright. doesn’t write them?’ It’s like going to Brando “I’m an actor,” he said. “That’s what I “I get a lot of scripts,” he said. “And if I and saying, ‘Your performance in Streetcar know. That’s what I’ve studied. If you want to Named Desire sucked because you didn’t write get a script and I read it and I go, ‘Oh, I know go watch musicians play all kinds of eclectic exactly how to do this,’ I’ll turn it down.” it, Tennessee Williams did,’” he said. riffs in C-7th minor, you go see Rush.” Instead, he said, he accepts the ones that Meat explained that he works directly A moment later he added: “I don’t know make him say: “How in the hell am I going to with songwriters when crafting the tunes he what C-7th minor is. But it sounded good.” pull that off?” Meat has played iconic roles in Rocky Hor- sings. The only exception was when he briefly So what in that impressive oeuvre stands ror Picture Show and Fight Club, alongside less recorded for Motown. “They’d cut a track and call you in to come out most to Meat as his big moment? glamorous appearances in Spice World, Glee “I haven’t done it yet,” he said. “It’s a sing it,” he said. “It is the equivalent to workand the upcoming White Trash Christmas. process. And the process is always about ing on a movie set and He will even take two the day you’re going to learning, always about improving. I’ve done breaks from his current some things that are good, but they aren’t shoot it, having them tour to shoot films. Monday, July 2. 6 p.m. doors, 7 p.m. show, perfect,” he said. “There’s too many things hand you rewrites.” So it makes sense $35-$99.50. In those cases, Meat out there to do. The minute you think you’ve that Meatloaf claims he EAGLE RIVER PAVILION done something, you might as well get in a has taken to telling didoesn’t sing his songs 827 E. Riverside Drive, Eagle corner and play Go Fish.” rectors: “Homey don’t as much as act them. cttconcerts.com While some might say, at this point in his play rewrites.” “Jimmy allowed me career, decades after he broke in the music But when the to be the actor that I world, Meatloaf is fooling himself to think that songwriter in question am with his songs,” he his defining moment is yet to come, he doesn’t is Steinman—the man behind megahits for said, referring to Jimmy Steinman, Grammy see it that way. Bonnie Tyler, Celine Dion and Barry Manilow Award-winning songwriter for Meatloaf’s big“It has nothing to do with relevance,” he who was once asked to write lyrics for The gest hits. “And that’s always continued. Every Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Web- said. “It’s like a painter who paints. Maybe his album we’ve done has had characters up until this one, Hell in a Handbasket. Which is how I ber—homey didn’t have much to worry about. art doesn’t sell, but he loves it.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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GUIDE WEDNESDAY JUNE 27 ALIVE AFTER FIVE—Featuring Andy Frasco and the U.N. with Dedicated Servers. 5 p.m. FREE. Grove Plaza BLANCA MORA WITH RED HOT AND BLUE—6 p.m. FREE. Rembrandt’s
DELICATE STEVE, JUNE 29, VAC Don’t let the name fool you—Delicate Steve’s sound is far from delicate. After recording friends’ bands in his home studio, New Jersey-based songwriter Steve Marion realized he had enough equipment to record an album of his own. Layering percussion and synthesized keyboards amid intertwined slide guitar and head-bobbable beats, Delicate Steve produces ambient instrumental tracks that range from relaxed to straight-up danceable. Best known for the 2010 release Wondervisions, Delicate Steve’s sound is reminiscent of a mellowed-out Animal Collective with more folk and fewer words. Newer, upbeat songs feature synthesized keyboard versions of classic rock riffs. You can catch Delicate Steve at Visual Arts Collective Friday, June 29, when you’ll hear new tracks from the band’s upcoming July release, Positive Force. —Christina Marfice With Atomic Mama and Buster Blue. 8 p.m., $7. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St, Garden City, 208-424-8297, visualartscollective.com.
24 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
BLUEBIRD SKY TOUR—Craft of Biomecca with Exit Prose, Percussive Tongues, Charles Engels and the Family Matters with Infected Dread. 9 p.m. $3. Red Room
SHANA FALALNA—8 p.m. $3. Flying M Coffeegarage
RYAN WISSINGER—8:30 p.m. FREE. Ha’ Penny
THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. FREE. Buffalo Club
GOLDEN SHOWER—With Sword of a Bad Speller, Junior Rocket Scientists, Callow, Dark Swallows and DJ OK. 7:30 p.m. By donation. Red Room
SHAKIN’ NOT STIRRED—7:30 p.m. FREE. The District
THE INTERVENTION—8 p.m. FREE. District Coffee House
VANMARTER PROJECT—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement
JIM FISHWILD—7:30 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s
WAYNE COYLE—8 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge
WILLISON ROOS—7 p.m. FREE. Montego Bay THE WORKING DJS—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement
MARSHALL POOLE—7 p.m. FREE. Sockeye REBECCA SCOTT—8 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper
DAN COSTELLO—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
DC3—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
A TASTY JAMM—9 p.m. FREE. New Frontier Club
JIM FISHWILD—6 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow
DOUG BROWN—6 p.m. FREE. Salt Tears
B3 SIDE—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
SERIAL HAWK—With Norska and White Orange. 8 p.m. $8. Shredder
FRIM FRAM 4—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
GREAT GARDEN ESCAPE—Featuring Blaze and Kelly with Rochelle Smith. 6:30 p.m. $7 IBG members, $10 nonmembers. Idaho Botanical Garden
BLANCA MORA WITH MICHAEL MUELLER—9 p.m. FREE. La Cantina Sociale CHUCK SMITH—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
SOUL SERENE—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub SUGARCANE STRING BAND—9 p.m. $5. Grainey’s
LIKE A ROCKET—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s
DELICATE STEVE—With Atomic Mama and Buster Blue. 8 p.m. $7. VAC
DYING FAMOUS—With Cap Gun Suicide. 9 p.m. $3. Darby’s
RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
ESTOCAR—8 p.m. FREE. Flying M Coffeegarage
VALIENT THORR—With Royal Thunder and The Kickass. 7 p.m. $10 adv., $12 door. Neurolux
SCHOOL KNIGHTS—7 p.m. $3. Neurolux
ROBERT JAMES—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
PROJECT 213—8 p.m. FREE. Woodriver Cellars REBECCA SCOTT—7:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub REILY COYOTE—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
GAYLE CHAPMAN—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
TERRY JONES—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
WORKING DJS—10 p.m. $5. Grainey’s Basement ZAC AND KOLBY—7 p.m. FREE. District Coffee House
SUGARCANE STRING BAND—9 p.m. $5. Grainey’s
’80S NIGHT WITH IROCK—9 p.m. $3 (FREE with costume). Creekside Lounge
TWIN FALLS INVASION—Featuring Bear Refuge, Meth House Party Band, Halograms, Bad Carb, CAMP and Hedtriip. 7 p.m. $2. Red Room
A TASTY JAMM—9 p.m. FREE. New Frontier Club
WORKING DJS—10 p.m. $5. Grainey’s Basement
THE BEST LYRES—8 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s BIG WAVES OF PRETTY—With the Green Zoo. 8 p.m. $3. Flying M Coffeegarage BIG WOW—9 p.m. FREE. Montego Bay DC3—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers FRANK MARRA—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers GAYLE CHAPMAN—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
SUNDAY JULY 1 BEN BURDICK—Noon. FREE. Grape Escape BLOOD FREAK—With Coffin Dust, Clinging to the Trees of a Forest Fire and Chest Pain. 9 p.m. $10. Shredder
TRIO43—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
BILLY BRAUN—5:30 p.m. FREE. Sandbar
MEATLOAF—See Noise, Page 22. Doors at 6 p.m., show at 7 p.m. $35-$90. Eagle River Pavilion
LITTLE WOW DUO—7 p.m. FREE. Montego Bay
SHAUN BRAZELL—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
PAMELA DEMARCHE—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Bown
SLOTH RUST—8 p.m. $5. The Shredder
ROCKSTAR MAYHEM FESTIVAL—Featuring Slipknot, Anthrax, Slayer, Motorhead, The Devil Wears Prada, White Chapel, Betraying the Martyrs, Asking Alexandria and As I Lay Dying. See Listen Here, this page. 1:30 p.m. $49.50 adv., $55 door. Idaho Center
This year, you can ring in the Fourth of July with a juicy metal, hardcore and screamo burger when the The Rockstar Mayhem Festival fires up its grills at Nampa’s Idaho Center. One of the festival’s headliners is metal band Slipknot, which will perform a tribute to founding member and bassist Paul Gray, who passed away in 2010. Another Mayhem Festival headliner, Anthrax, has promised a more “bare bones, guerilla” set at this year’s show. “We decided to pattern the Mayhem set on the kind of shows The Ramones used to do. ... No lulls, no filler, totally in your face,” Anthrax’s Charlie Benante said in a press release. Rockstar Mayhem will also include performances by Slayer, Motorhead, The Devil Wears Prada, White Chapel, Betraying the Martyrs, Asking Alexandria and As I lay Dying.
TRAVIS WARD—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
JOHNNY SHOES—5:45 p.m. Solid
BARBARA LAING—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
LUCKY TONGUE—1:30 p.m. FREE. Sandbar
DAN COSTELLO—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers ELLIE AND KILEY SHAW—5:30 p.m. FREE. Sandbar
REBECCA SCOTT—8 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper
MUSIC FROM STANLEY—Featuring the Country Club with Jonah Shue and Dave Manion. 4 p.m. FREE. Redfish Lake Lodge
PAT RICE—1:30 p.m. FREE. Solid
SHON SANDERS—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub
SUNDERGROUND—Featuring Retrobates and Whale. 10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement
PIGS ON THE WING: A TRIBUTE TO PINK FLOYD—8 p.m. $12$32. Knitting Factory POKE—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
PUNK MONDAY—8 p.m. $3. Liquid
CORY BRANAN—With Audra Mae, Matt Smith and the Alex Richards Band. 5 p.m. $10. Shredder
BEN BURDICK—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Downtown
RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid STEVE EATON AND PHIL GARONZIK—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers SWINGIN’ WITH ELLIE SHAW— 5:30 p.m. FREE. FlatbreadMeridian
REILLY COYOTE—7 p.m. FREE. Sockeye
Don’t know a venue? Visit www.boiseweekly.com for addresses, phone numbers and a map.
—Tabitha Bower 12:30 p.m. doors, 1:30 p.m. show, $49.50 adv., $55 door. Idaho Center Amphitheater, 16200 Idaho Center Blvd., Nampa, 208-468-1000, idahocenter.com.
BOISEweekly | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | 25
Folks looking to make their fortunes or re-invent themselves oftentimes flock to California, specifically Los Angeles. From 1910 to 1925, people Live an artful life with a free flooded the lecture at SVCA. city. Although a few of the fame- and fortune-seekers succeeded, even more failed. Beth Gates Warren’s book, Artful Lives: Edward Weston, Margrethe Mather and the Bohemians of Los Angeles, details these journeys. Warren will present a lecture on Los Angeles’ Bohemian heyday from 1910-1925 at the Sun Valley Center for the Arts, located at 191 Fifth St. in Ketchum, on Thursday, June 28, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Audience members can also check out an accompanying slideshow while swilling complimentar y wine. Speaking of heading west, Stewart Gallery is planning to move from its current location at 1110 W. Jefferson St. to a new, smaller space at 2230 Main St. “It was a logical progression of the gallery,” said co-owner Stephanie Wilde. Partners Wilde and Lane Bune opened the art gallery 25 years ago and have occupied eight different spaces since then. Stewart Gallery moved to its current location five years ago, and now it’s heading back to its old hood. “People ask me, ‘Why are you moving?’ They don’t know the art world very well— rents change, people want the building, then you move,” explained Wilde. “Stewart Gallery continues to be committed to exhibiting group and solo exhibitions by nationally and internationally established and emerging artists. We will be continuing our participation in national art fairs,” the gallery said in a press release. Stewart Gallery will open in its new space on Wednesday, July 4. Moving art can be hard work, but art that moves is nothing short of mesmerizing. On Friday, Oct. 26, from 6-9 p.m, Boise Art Museum will host the Art of Fashion Recycled Fashion Contest in conjunction with its Nick Cave exhibit. The show will feature wearable designs constructed from 50 percent or more recycled or found materials that have been sewn—not glued—together. A $500 prize will be handed out to the best designer, which will be voted on by attendees. The evening will also feature new fashions from Dillard’s and a Soundsuits performance. BAM is currently accepting entries for the competition, which will be capped at 20 submissions. Entry will cost $25 and forms can be downloaded at boiseartmuseum.org. —Amy Merrill
26 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
TRUTH AND MEMORY Wither and Bloom reconciles the two CHRISTOPHER SCHNOOR Pretty Hair 1911.” The view point Wither and Bloom—a show of new work by for both is from behind, set against Boise artists Erin Cunningham and Eli Craven a dark brown background. The at Visual Arts Collective—harnesses painting former evokes a living, breathing and photography to “explore notions of truth being, while the latter is disembodin representation and the suggestive power of ied like a wig. The hair in these images upon memory.” The results, for the portraits is beautifully painted in most part, are striking. The show considers yellows, browns and blacks, making how representations can reinforce our mental for a dramatic study in light and universes and reminds us of the cyclical/transishadow, which Cunningham seems tional nature of existence. to relish. They clearly constitute a As such, it is art that invites us into private, feminist statement, one that speaks personal realms. to generational change, historical Cunningham’s large, almost monochrotaste and/or societal imposition. matic figurative oils on unstretched canvas The works contrast the contemalternate with colorful close-ups of floral subporary natural look with an enjects, which are paintings of gravesite flower forced aesthetic of coiffed and tied arrangements photographed by the artist. In ropes of hair. But there is no anger their vibrant color and sturdiness, it is clear that the flowers are artificial, belying the decay or accusatory posturing here; rather, there is a whiff of nostalgia. taking place beneath. As in the Cunningham’s Cunningham’s “An Island previous work, the interplay between image Emerges” is a dark commentary and memory—between what endures and on the institution of marriage. what does not—is important to her aesthetic. Though she insists that her art is Erin Cunningham’s “Still Growing” (above) Cunningham’s figures have also been capnot fatalistic, there’s no denying the tured from other sources, but she places them Eli Craven’s “Transitory Periods of Greatness, No. 6” (below) melancholia at the core—which is in voids of sepia or other tones that impart part of its allure. anonymity, isolation and drama. The seawater an invitation into an intriguing private Photographer Eli Craven has a lighter green “This Used to Be An Ocean” is a comtouch but a sensibility and technique similar to world in which we feel at home. A hand pelling painting that sets the quiet, depressed slipping through a neatly folded pair of Cunningham’s. He seems more focused on the tone of this body of art. A fashionable woman decorative sheets evokes a content relationtruth in representation aspect of the exhibit’s stands thigh-deep in a pool of water, contemship between the human hand and a product theme. His chromogenic prints are presented plating an environmental past and present, of craftsmanship and is one example of in a series of works that, like Cunningham’s, and perhaps her place in history. The floral Craven’s particular brand of intimate poethave an intimacy to them, yet he derives decoration on her 1950s dress symbiotically ics. A photograph of a hooded sweatshirt a more-obvious inspiration from nature. echoes the gravestone flowers nearby. In this, sprouting herbs also poetically entwines the Craven’s technique of blending figurative, and her other works at VAC, Cunningham’s botanical and human worlds. floral and decorative elements from existing dexterity with lighting effects adds an element His second series of Transitory Periods of images he has re-phoof theater, suggesting a Greatness (No. 16-No. 20) is more expantographed—manipulatconundrum of consumsive, incorporating geologic and atmospheric ing the negatives in his mate choices without forms on a more dramatic scale. Though his studio to recreate surreal relying on a bold palette. art is contemporary in concept, Craven is a private moments—resoThe push and pull of nates with Cunningham’s romantic, with a Keatsian sensibility inherent the solitary figure and in the first series and Shelley-esque aspirations approach. the gravestone flora is informing the second. There are two groups repeated in CunningSo it is a bit startling when we notice that of work entitled Transiham’s “Just One More pain, too, is part of Craven’s visual vocabutory Periods of GreatMinute,” paired with lary. His Condolences are compositions of reness, one that conveys the surreal still-life “And photographed, reconfigured arms and hands a quiet poetic vision Make It Last.” The entwined and clutching heads for support in and a second series that partially covered woman settings that suggest emotional trauma. The incorporates the grander lying in bed materialindividuals’ neediness is rendered with senforces of nature. In both, izes from the monochrositivity that evokes tenderness and empathy. Craven said, he is subtly matic canvas in a state of Craven is an accomplished technician attuned trying to communicate peaceful slumber (vs. a to the poignant potential of his medium. what he calls a “trandeath-imposed “sleep”), Exhibit runs through Tuesday, July 31. There is only one drawback to this show sitionary weight,” i.e. conjuring the depresVISUAL ARTS COLLECTIVE and it has to do with the large space with significant change on sive’s hesitation to get 3638 Osage St., Garden City which it must contend. Standing alone in a variety of levels, not up and face the day. The 208-424-8297 visualartscollective.com VAC’s expansive interior, a viewer becomes necessarily involving floral composition has aware of an alternating pulse that comes from death. In his close-up ima vaguely hallucinatory the art: dark and light, withdrawn and outages, especially, Craven aura, perhaps emblematic going, lost and found. In a more contained demonstrates a painterly feel for consideration of a mental cocoon. venue, this attribute would be more apparent. of surface and texture. But the most striking of Cunningham’s Wither and Bloom could just as easily have Craven’s first Transitory series (No. 1-No. works are two that might be called hair been called Rhythm and Blues. 7) is the more effective and suggestive: portraits: “Still Growing” and “Mother’s WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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BOISEweekly | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | 27
LISTINGS/SCREEN Special Screenings
YOUR SISTER’S SISTER CALIFORNIA STATE OF MIND—Film introduction and Q&A with Executive Producer Hilary Armstrong, granddaughter of former California Gov. Pat Brown. The documentary explores Brown’s legacy and how it is threatened today. Monday, July 2, 5 p.m. FREE. The Community Library, 415 Spruce Ave. N., Ketchum, 208-726-3493, thecommunitylibrary.org.
THE AMAZING SPIDERMAN—Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Campbell Scott, Irrfan Khan, Martin Sheen and Sally Field star in this film about one of the most-popular comic book characters. (PG-13) Edwards 9, 12, 14, 22 BERNIE—Jack Black stars in this comedy/drama based on the true story of Bernie Tiede, a Texas funeral director who made headlines in the late 1990s. See review, Pate 29. (PG-13) The Flicks MAGIC MIKE—Channing Tatum stars in this film based on his real life. He takes a young man (Alex Pettyfer) under his wing and teaches him about partying, picking up women and making money. (R) Edwards 9, 12, 14, 22 PEOPLE LIKE US—Chris Pine stars in this drama/comedy about a man who returns home to put his father’s estate in order and reluctantly reconnects with his estranged family, only to discover that he has a sister he didn’t know about. (PG-13) Edwards 9, 12, 14, 22 TED—Seth MacFarlane is the screenwriter, director and voice of the crude Teddy Bear that refuses to leave Mark Wahlberg’s side in this comedy. (R) Edwards 9, 12, 14, 22 TYLER PERRY’S MADEA’S WITNESS PROTECTION—Eugene Levy stars as a man who discovers that he’s been set up as the fall guy for his company’s Ponzi scheme. His family is sent into witness protection at the home of Madea in this Tyler Perry film. (PG-13) Edwards 9, 12, 14, 22 YOUR SISTER’S SISTER—Set in Washington’s San Juan Islands, this film tells the story of a secret liaison. See review, this page. (R) Edwards 9, 12, 14, 22
For movie times, visit boiseweekly.com or scan this QR code. 28 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Lynn Shelton’s whiney mess of a movie GEORGE PRENTICE Your Sister’s Sister, Lynn Shelton’s whiney mess of a movie that so wants to be adored, is more like millennial trailer trash. This liquor-fueled, uneven banter of 30-something slackers, each more self-absorbed than the next, is 90 minutes of cramps that I shall not soon forget. Shelton’s film is the latest art-house entry in the so-called “mumblecore” genre— the label du jour tagged to low-budget, Just because you can sleep with sisters doesn’t mean you should. meandering talkfests that are more acting exercises than movies. Film pragmatism developed role of bisexual Hannah. Blunt, sary of his death, Tom’s once-girlfriend Iris is nothing new—director John Cassavetes who is pretty fabulous in so many films, in(Emily Blunt) offers her family cabin to perfected it in the 1960s—and at its best, cluding this year’s underappreciated Salmon a still-grieving Jack for some alone time. reality-based method acting can lay a thin Fishing in the Yemen, attempts to grin When Jack arrives at the remote cabin on membrane of reality over melodrama. But her way through the thankless role of Iris. Washington’s Puget the banality of Your Duplass, as Jack, is the most ship-wrecked Sound, he comes Sister’s Sister is mind of the trio. We don’t know whether to root upon (and I mean numbing, no amount YOUR SISTER’S SISTER (R) for Jack or be reviled by his dick-for-a-brain that in the most litof attractive acDirected by Lynn Shelton behavior. All three deserve better. eral way) Iris’s sister tors or lush scenery Starring Emily Blunt, Mark Duplass and It’s a shame. Jack’s back story, absent the Hannah (Rosemarie (which are bountiful Rosemarie Dewitt Dewitt), who has also slutty siblings, might have offered a good here) can rescue this Opens Friday, June 29, at The Flicks tale to tell. Somewhere along the way, Jack isolated herself from crapfest. allowed the ghost of his brother to become reality. The plot is more too important in his life. But instead of Egocentricity fills Penthouse than examining the complexity of dealing with the screen as the story morphs into someparadox: three young adults, two of them thing resembling a bad telenovela. But wait, an unresolved specter, Shelton instead tosses sisters, are entangled in a triad of sexual this lost soul into a quite-icky sex comedy. there’s more. Naughty hijinks ensue when tension. The premise of crisscrossing two There’s nothing cute about sleeping with sets of siblings is as old as Shakespeare, but Iris shows up to profess her new attraction two sisters, and there’s good reason why when only three of the four participate, you to her dead boyfriend’s brother. they keep Penthouse behind the counter. It’s Shelton’s script abandons her actors in have much ado about shit. quicksand. DeWitt, who was so heartbreak- trash. Your Sister’s Sister commits an even Jack (Mark Duplass) is the slovenly greater sin: It’s barely interesting. ing as the title character in 2008’s Rachel brother of Tom, who is dead before the Getting Married, is strapped to the understory begins (lucky him). On the anniver-
2. SAFE HOUSE Remains No. 2.
—Source: Video Memories, 4504 Overland Road, Boise, 208-385-0113
3. JOHN CARTER Remains No. 3.
Don’t let that smile fool you, Bernie is a total downer.
RIP-OFF ROBIN HOOD Bernie kills the rich and gives to the poor GEORGE PRENTICE Marjorie tucked beneath the Swanson frozen Bernie, the only-in-Texas true tale of a dinners in her ice chest. mortician who steals from a rich bitch (after In 1998, Skip Hollandsworth wrote an promptly stuffing her body into a meat amazing article about Bernie and Marjorie freezer) and gives to the poor, is devoid of in Texas Monthly Magazine. Unfortunately, a pulse. In spite of an impressive cast led by Hollandsworth’s script, based on his own Jack Black, Shirley MacLaine and Matthew story, is surprisingly dull. What could have McConaughey, the film’s trying-too-hard-tobeen a much more engaging bit of macabre, please awkwardness kills the story, ending in instead turns into a forgettable puddle of a film that’s as stiff as a cadaver. sentimentality. Black plays funeral director Bernie Tiede, Black, who usually imbues his characthe Carthage, Texas, semi-legend who beters with his own verfriended the wealthision of black comedy, est widow in town, BERNIE (R) is a showboat of Marjorie Nugent Directed by Richard Linklater talent and Bernie—a (MacLaine). gospel singing, ef“Her nose was so Starring Jack Black, Shirley MacLaine and Matthew McConaughey feminate optimist— high, she’d drown in a seemed tailor-made rainstorm,” says one Opens Friday, July 13, at The Flicks for him. Black should of the townsfolk. have slipped into the In her absence, role like a pair of Bernie used Marjorie’s fortune to transform Carthage into an idyllic comfortable cowboy boots, but the film’s fits and starts never allow Black to unleash hamlet, complete with a lovely Main Street, the farce buried beneath the reality. Inboutiques, vibrant mom-and-pop businesses stead, we settle for something resembling a and a new church. All the while, Bernie conbizarre episode of NBC’s Dateline. It’s too tinued to live a modest life, but his Robin bad. All the ingredients were there but the Hood-esque efforts came to an end when end result flatlines. the local sheriff found what remained of WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
BOISEweekly | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | 29
WORLD RIDE Hitting the open road Down Under ANDREW MENTZER
BARS AND BIKES Remember all those ultra-high-end bikes that were stolen from one of the professional women’s bike racing teams competing in the Exergy Tour? Well, the Boise Police Department announced that it has arrested the man officials think is responsible for not only that theft but the theft of between 30 and 50 other bikes in the area. BPD announced on June 21 that Michael Anthony Lawrence, 19, had been nabbed while he was allegedly trying to steal tires from inside a Boise business. The department revealed that Lawrence had been the focus of an ongoing investigation into the bike thefts. He has been charged with 13 felony counts of grand theft for the bikes, valued at roughly $110,000, as well as felony burglary for the attempted tire theft. Police have also recovered two other bikes that were reported stolen, each valued at roughly $3,500. Officials stated that they believe Lawrence has been selling his ill-gotten goods on the Internet. In much more light-hearted bicycle news, it’s time to start preparing yourself for the annual Bars and Stripes Alley Cat Race. To celebrate the annual Coldest Beer issue—which hits stands the week of Wednesday, July 4—Boise Weekly is once again hosting a brew-filled afternoon of bikebound bar hopping. Action will start at 3:15 p.m. Saturday, July 7, at BWHQ, 523 Broad St., with signups starting at 1:30 p.m. The first 100 or so racers will take to the streets on a bike-bound scavenger hunt race that will take them to some of the fine drinking establishments in the city on their quest for glory—or at least beer. Registration will cost you $13, and you score a sweet party at the end of the trek. The path you take is up to you but remember that stops along the route will close at 6 p.m. In other feel-good news, Bandana Running announced that it will start selling the Janji brand of running apparel. Beyond just making you look good, the company donates part of its proceeds to charities that help alleviate the problem of malnutrition in Haiti and Kenya. Bandana will start stocking the running gear—shorts and shirts—beginning Sunday, July 1. For more information, check out runjanji.com. —Deanna Darr
30 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
“Twisting and turning through the equatorial jungle, the paved road climbs to the Cameron Highlands—high plantation country, everything under the sun grows up here. I stop for Nasi Goreng, a fried-rice dish, at a small roadside restaurant where native music is playing on the stereo. Old tape comes out, new tape goes in. Volume goes up. ‘Boogie Fever’ accompanies my lunch.” —Terry Mentzer, Motorcyclist Magazine, November 1978 Over the course of 207 days in 1977 and 1978, Terry Mentzer circumnavigated the globe on a Honda XL250. trip it’s my turn. “The urge for adventure got pretty On June 8, I returned from the first leg of strong” right around that time, he said. my own around-the-world tour, tackling the Mentzer was 37 years old and in transiwilds of Australia on a Kawasaki KLR 650. tion—he’d been on the road working in the industrial insurance industry for more than a With obligations on the home front, my voyage—unlike my father’s—will be completed decade and had plans to settle down. Lookin several pieces over the next year. Like him, ing back, Mentzer said he was generally a however, the journey will take a while to happy person but he had fallen victim to a incorporate into my mindset. corporate life that was overly common—a I began my trip in Sydney, visiting family life that, to some extent, lacked fulfillment. and preparing for the long ride ahead. From Somewhere along the way he decided there I pushed north to Brisbane, where the best way to overcome his angst and to I collected my bike after a nearly tworeclaim a sense of self was to take on an month-long shipping delay. I hopped along uncharted experience that would define his Australia’s densely populated east coast for worldview for the rest of his life. the better part of a week in an unforgiving Traveling solo on his Honda, he passed downpour, passing through Pakistan, quickly through Iran and Afghanicoastal towns like stan just a few Rockhampton, months before Townsville, Mackay Ayatollah Khomeini and Cairns, as well overthrew the shah as Queensland’s in revolution and a northern beaches. maelstrom of instaUnfortunately, bility spanning three the downpour wars and countless wasn’t the worst of conflicts settled in. what should have Over the course of been the easiest part his pilgrimage he of the trip. The bike tangoed with sheiks broke down on three and warlords, sooccasions because of cialites and paupers. Keep an eye out for follow-up pieces this winbad gas and the fact Mentzer returned ter and next summer that will take Mentzer that the carburetion/ to life in Idaho a all the way to London and eventually back fuel system had been changed man, with a across the United States. The complete story left to rot thanks to firsthand appreciation is available at transworldtour.com. the delay with the for the diversity and freight forwarder in complexity of a changLos Angeles. ing world and a new I had the bike repaired in Cairns and took outlook for himself. a few days to reboot before heading into the “It took a while to digest,” Mentzer said Outback. At Trinity Kawasaki, I met of Steve recently about his journey. “Months, if not Humphries and Dennis Wheeler from Perth. years, went by before I was able to incorpoThey were on their way home after nearly a rate the trip into my mindset.” month of riding dirt tracks across Australia’s I grew up hearing the story since Mentzer remote interior—southwest to northeast and is my father, and almost 35 years after his
back. We met for dinner that evening and decided to ride together for a day. “It’s probably about 6,500 km each way. We love the dirt,” said Humphries of their cape-to-cape ride. In yet another relentless tropical rain pounding, we traversed the kangaroo carcassladen Savannah Way from the rolling green hinterlands of Atherton all the way to the grassy plains of Normanton. It’s one of the most-interesting stretches of road on Earth. At first glance, it is difficult to make a comparison to any other piece of transportation infrastructure out there. The nearly 500-mile span from Atherton to Normanton services no more than a few thousand residents in a handful of remote towns, which raises the question, why bother to pave it at all? For me, the answer seemed to be that this route is more of an extension of the Australian way of life than traditional thoroughfare. It serves as a reminder of what Australia used to be and provides access to the recreational and historical elements that make up a fair portion of the national identity. After a night camping in the Outback— and finally out of the unseasonably wet weather of the past two weeks—I pushed southwest solo to the middle-of-nowhere mining hub of Mount Isa. Lead, silver, copper, zinc—you name it, they dig for it there. I shared a five-bed dorm at the Traveler’s Haven hostel with a group of 20-something Taiwanese mine workers who were less than thrilled about their Australian experience. They were assigned to this unlikely destination to maintain their work visas and save enough money to travel after they were finished. The next morning, I headed into some truly remote country—west to the Outback oasis of Tennant Creek. Along some of the lengthier straight stretches, I began to imagine what it must have been like for my dad to 31 ride across the Nullarbor Plain, which WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
LISTINGS/REC Events & Workshops LEARN TO KAYAK—Develop the paddling technique and safety skills you need to enjoy whitewater kayaking. Spend the morning on flatwater learning about the equipment and practicing wet exits and various paddle strokes. The afternoon will be spent on the Boise River learning about whitewater safety, how to
read the river and practicing eddy turns, peel outs and ferries. Call Riverroots at 208-850-7637 to reserve your spot. Saturday, June 30, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. $79. QUEST FOR THE CAPITOL—Watch athletes compete in Olympic distance and sprint triathlons, ending with a run toward the Idaho Statehouse. Racers depart from Veteran’s
REC translates to “no trees,” 35 years earlier. How lonely and isolated that must have seemed on his Honda 250. Tennant Creek is a gritty oasis and one of the few overland stopping points to Alice Springs and the legendary Uluru (also known as Ayers Rock). The streets were uncomfortably quiet and empty except for a few campers fueling up. I stashed my gear at the Traveler’s Rest Hostel in the west end of town and spent some time with owner-manager Tony and his friend Bill. Tony originally planned for a three-month visit to Tennant Creek but 20 years later had yet to leave. “This is the bush. We like to keep it simple,” said Tony of his modest-but-functional operation. At 74 he still drives down to the Greyhound station most mornings at 2 a.m. to collect exhausted tourists overnighting on their way to Uluru. The man has some excellent stories about life in the Outback. Bill is a British ex-pat who headed out on an aroundthe-world trip many years ago after growing up in Suffolk and living in London for a stint. Sick of the hustle, he never made it any further than the Outback. “I knew I wanted to live here the minute I arrived,” Bill said. He now works and lives between Tennant Creek and the super-remote surrounding Aboriginal lands. This country seems to have that effect on people—it captures them immediately with its promise of seclusion and physical challenges in the most authentic sense imaginable. And there is no easy way out of this unforgiving land. If you decide you don’t want to be there anymore, you’d better have a bush plane or chopper or a reliable land vehicle, as well as tremendous patience and several days to burn. The next day, I shifted north to Daly Waters for a taste of Australian history. The isolated pub and cattle station was home to the first international airport in the Land Down Under—the result of the strategic placement of a WWII American military base. The pub is richly adorned with mementos from visitors past and historical artifacts that showed the most complete representation of Australia’s progression over the last 80 years. The 10,000-foot airstrip up the road looks incredibly out of place until you get the background story. A leisurely 350-mile ride the next day and I was in Darwin, my gateway to Southeast Asia. With monsoon season picking up in Thailand and Malaysia, and shipping time frames not working to my advantage, I elected to store the KLR in Darwin until December, when the weather clears. Now back in Boise, and with about 20 percent of the total trip accounted for, I have begun to reflect on the experiences my father would have had on his journey. It is nice to finally have some empathy for an experience I long considered too exotic to ever fully appreciate. Another 12,000 miles and I reckon it will all make sense. 30
Memorial Park. See Picks, Page 17. Saturday, June 30, 8:30 a.m. triidaho.org.
Recurring FIRE DANCING CLASSES— Learn the beautiful art of fire dancing from expert instructors in a safe environment. Fridays, 6-7 p.m. $9. Ophidia Studio, 4464 Chinden Blvd., Ste. A, Garden City, 208-409-2403, ophidiastudio.com. GR8 TO SK8—Wear a crazy costume while you hone your ice skating skills. Dress in the day’s theme on Fridays this summer and receive $3 off your public skating session. Visit the website for a list of themes. Fridays. Idaho IceWorld, 7072 S. Eisenman Road, Boise, 208-3310044, idahoiceworld.com. LADIES DAY AT RIDGECREST GOLF CLUB—Every Thursday is Ladies Day on the Wee-9 at Ridgecrest Golf Club. Enjoy discounted green fees through Sept. 27. $10. Ridgecrest Golf Club, 3730 Ridgecrest Drive, Nampa, 208-468-9073. THAI CHI IN THE GARDEN— Tai Chi, a meditative practice incorporating slow movement, has been described as poetry in motion. Provided by longtime practitioner Jeff Rylee, participants are encouraged to become centered with the invigorating morning sounds and scents of the Meditation Garden. Saturdays, 10 a.m. FREE for IBG members, $5 nonmembers. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-343-8649, idahobotanicalgarden.org.
Register FALL ADULT COED SOFTBALL—Softball designed with fun in mind. The level of play is not highly competitive. Each team plays twice a week for 10 games, plus a double-elimination tournament at the end of season play. League starts Monday, Aug. 6. Games held at Skyview Park. Player fees: Nampa residents $10, nonresidents $15. $265 by Tuesday, July 3 or $290 by Tuesday July 10. Nampa Recreation Center, 131 Constitution Way, Nampa, 208-468-5858, nampaparksandrecreation.org. FIT FOR LIFE HALF MARATHON—Register at bluecirclesports.com for the 10th Fit For Life Half Marathon, which will take place Saturday, July 14. Visit bluecirclesports.com for more info. Hawks Memorial Stadium, 5600 N. Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-322-5000, boisehawks.com. SOUTHERN IDAHO GRASS VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT— Pre-register for the third leg of the Southern Idaho Grass Volleyball Tournament series by message on Facebook, email at southernidahovolleyball@ gmail.com, or by phone or text at 208-794-6029. Must be preregistered by 8 p.m. Friday, June 29. Sorry, no exceptions. Saturday, June 30, 9 a.m. $15-$20. Ann Morrison Park, Americana Boulevard., Boise.
BOISEweekly | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | 31
2010 ELK COVE PINOT BLANC, $17.99 A lovely array of smoothly textured aromas pour from the glass, including peach, pear, lemon custard, lime, vanilla and mineral. This entry from Oregon’s Willamette Valley is round and rich without being over the top. Most of the fruit apparent on the nose comes through on the palate, where ripe stone fruit plays against lively lemon and lime. This is an outstanding wine in every way. 2010 SCHULTHAUSER PINOT BIANCO, $21 Pinot bianco is an Italian take on the grape that hails from the northern region of Alto Adige in the shadow of the Alps. This wine’s nose is an intriguing mix of stone dust and melon. That melon carries over to the palate, where it is joined by creamy peach and apple. This is another rich wine that’s per fectly balanced by bright, food-friendly acidity. 2010 SKYLARK PINOT BLANC, $20 There’s a light touch of earth coloring the soft pineapple and melon aromas in this pinot blanc from Mendocino, Calif. It’s a beautifully structured wine offering crisp citrus that’s very well matched by sweet peach and mango. The refreshing, ripe lemon flavors on the finish linger nicely. —David Kirkpatrick
32 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Restaurants get one chance to hit BW with their best shot. LEILA R AM ELLA- R ADER
One of the many descendants of the original pinot variety, the white wine grape pinot blanc is a clonal mutation of pinot gris, which in turn is a lighter colored version of pinot noir. It originated in France in the late 19th century, where it was often confused with the similar-appearing chardonnay grape. Tastewise, the two share little in common, other than the fact that both are rather full-bodied. It is also an unfortunate reality that chardonnay produces the morepopular wine—unfortunate because pinot blanc has much to recommend it. While the aromas are often subtle, the flavors are typically rich and wellbalanced, making for a very versatile wine. Here are the panel’s top three picks:
EAST MEETS WEST The Eastside Westside Drive-In is nothing new JOSH GROSS The Westside Drive-In’s second location is forging new territory in inaccurate names. For starters, it’s on Parkcenter Boulevard, deep in the heart of East Boise. And while it has a drive-thru, the design of the restaurant is geared toward dining in, which makes it neither on the west side, nor a drive-in. But it’s an alternative for those who don’t like their ice cream potatoes marinated in exhaust and would rather sit in a booth than a car. The new Westside Drive-In’s patty might not melt your heart but the patio will. Those acquainted with the State Street institution knighted by Guy Fieri will find few throwback to ’50s car culture, it is a manufacbunch, the salad—comprised of chopped surprises on the menu, which includes the tured homage to the glamorized ’50s diner in a romaine and chicken breast tossed in a curry usual lineup of burgers, fries, shakes and a town already saturated with them. dressing—was the only item that didn’t have a high likelihood of heartburn. The interior is clean with large windows, frozen or pre-made taste to it. The patty melt ($8.99), plenty of booths and turquoise walls that A side of onion rings came out served on marbled rye with EASTSIDE WESTSIDE match much of the furniture. But the booth especially dry and industrial, the option of sauteed mushDRIVE-IN though the processed curly fries I sat in was wobbly and poorly constructed. rooms, is a decent, though fairly 1113 Parkcenter Blvd. There were no black-and-white checkered tiles, fared better. standard, option. But unlike 208-424-0000 and instead of a jukebox, the joint boasted The place where Westside a burger you might find at a cheflou.com three gaudy plasma screen TVs. It was not that Drive-In wields the most culigastropub, Westside’s patty melt far removed from a fast-food restaurant. nary clout is its shakes, which doesn’t forge any new territory, However, the spot does sport a pleasant are prepared with a wide variety of rotating even though it comes with a similar price tag. patio perfect for summer dining. So, while the flavors and ingredients, including strawberry, The menu is also peppered with a few vegnew Westside Drive-In makes for a nice neighgie options. A daily special curry chicken salad peanut butter, blackberry and cappuccino. borhood haunt, or a good low-impact refueling The only real distinction between the ($7.99) was an acceptable light lunch, and the station for those out on the Greenbelt, it isn’t eastside Westside Drive-In and the original is garden burger ($8.49) came with sprouts and worth driving in if you’re not nearby. the vibe. Instead of a charmingly dilapidated avocado—a nice touch. But out of the whole
FOOD/NEWS known for coffee, pastries, paninis, beer and wine. The couple took over The Venue in summer of 2011 and began planCameron Lumsden is no stranger to Italian cuisine. The restaurateur ning for a restaurant, the Beatnik Cafe, two months ago. helped open the successful Flatbread Community Oven Neapolitan “We really want to have a space that’s going to be open and availpizza chain before opening the locally focused Northwest eatery Fork in able for people in the community during the day,” Johann said. early 2011. And now, Lumsden has his eyes set on another concept. The Beatnik Cafe will offer coffee, espresso and pastries in the “We are taking over the Palmercash space, it’s about 2,200 square morning, hot sandwiches and soups at lunch, and mini pizzas, pretzels, feet,” Lumsden explained. “It’ll be a 70-seat restaurant—full-bar, full nachos, beer and wine in the evening. service. And keeping in line with our company philosophy ... it’s going to Johann isn’t worried about underage be a locally inspired Italian concept.” drinking becoming a problem because Fork’s Executive Chef Wiley Earl will drinks will stay in a segregated area and oversee the still-unnamed restaurant from not be allowed on the dance floor. a culinary standpoint, serving up houseThe cafe hopes to open by September. made pastas. The kitchen will be open for And moving from punk to pork, Meridlunch and dinner, while bartenders sling ian will host the Northwest Ribfest craft cocktails behind the U-shaped bar. Saturday, June 30, from 11 a.m. to 9 “The fine dining touches will be there p.m., and Sunday, July 1, from 11 a.m. similar to Fork, but we like the approachto 7 p.m. at Julius M. Kleiner Memorial able price point. We don’t want to get into Park. The free event will feature teams the fine-dining business,” Lumsden said. competing for a $10,000 top prize, along Lumsden plans to open by late Novemwith live music, more than 100 vendors, ber or early December 2012. margarita gardens and a $10,000 fishing Speaking of new concepts, The Venue, derby. For more information, visit 521 W. Broad St., is known for loud, allhelpidaho.com/ribfest. ages punk rock shows. But owners Jenean Get your digits dirty at the ’cue-filled Northwest Ribfest. —Tara Morgan and Jessica Murri and Johann Claus hope it will soon be
Jim Graban (left), Sarah Carrico (center) and Annabelle Graban (right) prepare traditional Hungarian sausage.
THE KOLBASZ KINGS Local family makes Hungarian kolbasz from scratch ANNE HENDERSON explained. “And of course, with all the trimJim and Annabelle Graban’s home is comfortable—the type of place you’d likely wake mings and all that we’d make the Kolbasz.” Carrico’s face flushed as she pushed the up as a grandkid and smell breakfast already chunks of cold meat through the electric grindcooking in the kitchen. er with a round wooden implement. Jim has been making traditional Hungar“I am much stronger now that I do this for ian kolbasz since he was 5 years old. Now 81, a living, but for normal people, it really wears Graban has taught all of his grandchildren you out,” she added. how to make the sausage. On a recent afterAfter the grinding and mixing the meat, noon, his eldest grandchild, Sarah Carrico, Graban and Carrico untangled the large, uncame to help out. ruly pile of pig casings and readied them to be Graban explained that it’s best to cut the stuffed, which is where the patience comes in. meat first into one-inch chunks. “You can’t make sausage without wine,” “It just grinds better that way,” he said. Graban said, smiling. “And then I put the spices on and let it stand After savoring a splash of Gewurztraminer, overnight.” they transferred the mixed-up meat into a tall Graban uses Szeged Hungarian paprika, stainless steel canister, which was then secured kosher salt, black pepper and fresh garlic. beneath a screw-style sausage press, which On the counter, he gathered a stainless steel pushes the meat through “the stuffing horn.” bowl filled with spiced one-inch fresh pork Carrico and Graban carefully pulled the and lamb chunks, an electric meat grinder, a casing tube onto the horn, a delicate process manual meat mixer and a sausage press. Carrico has cooked for Boise’s Bar Gernika kind of like putting on nylons. Once the horn for three years, and said her grandpa has been was stacked with the tube of casings, a knot was tied to the tail end, and the stuffing began. a huge culinary inspiration. “She’s got the cranking down perfect. ... “He has taught me many, many things,” Carrico explained, while mixing ice-cold water She and her mom have just mastered that,” Graban said with pride. into the meat chunks with Graban fashioned links of gloved hands. “We are kind of five to seven sausages, enough a food-centric family.” This profile is part of an for one meal. Once formed, The ice water adds moisture ongoing Makers series that examines local, small-scale Carrico said the links should be to the sausage and helps the fat artisanal food producers. left uncovered in the fridge for in the meat stay solid, which a few days to dry out a bit. makes it much easier to grind. “I take them out to my shop “If you want to make a healthy sausage, don’t make sausage,” Carrico and hang them on the pole because it is cold out there,” Graban said. laughed. “Sausage is about fat, and you don’t Carrico chimed in, smiling: “We can’t do eat large amounts of it. It’s a treat.” The Graban family eats this particular sau- that in the restaurant. It is against the law. In other countries where they care more about sage every year at Christmas and Easter. artisan foods, they might be able to.” “Every fall, we’d butcher two pigs,” he WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
BOISEweekly | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | 33
B O I S E W E E K LY OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Out to Lunch 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
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NORTH END HOME FOR RENT Charming North End home available August 1, 2012 for rent. Enjoy the inside: 3BD, 2BA. Enjoy the North End lifestyle! $1100/ mo. plus all util., $1100 dep. Call 208-631-4803 to set up a viewing appointment.
BW FOR SALE TAKE-OVER PAYMENT PROGRAM. $800-$1200. 2 and 3 bedroom homes available!!! Call today (805) 683-8600 Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055. MOBILE HOME Selling my mobile home 2BD, 1BA. We rebuilt everything. It looks like an apartment from the inside. I am wanting to sell my mobile home asap. No leaks. The lot rent is $399. W/S/T incl. Small shed just put in 4 new windows. Send me an email & I will get to you as soon possible! Open to all offers. I was asking $3800. Thanks koalabear15@ hotmail.com
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LINE ADS: Monday, 10 a.m. DISPLAY: Thursday, 3 p.m.
COMEDY SHOW TONIGHT! Super funny. Nate Ford & Friends performing stand-up comedy at the Varsity Club in Meridian, Wednesday, June 27, 8pm, $5 at the door. Featuring Danny Amspacher, Stephanie Anne Mason & hometown boy Nate Ford. INITIAL POINT ART GALLERY Nampa Art Guild presents “Courage of Expression” art exhibit July 2nd-August 2nd. The exhibit features watercolor, acrylic, oil & mixed media. Monday-Friday, 8am to 5pm. Opening Reception Tuesday, July 3rd 4:30 to 7:30pm. Meridian City Hall, 3rd floor, 33 E. Broadway Ave. nampaartguild.org.
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HELP RAISE FUNDS FOR FIDO Run Fido Run is an Idaho 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a mission to raise funds to benefit local Idaho animal shelters & welfare organizations. Our 3rd annual 5K “doggie dash” will be held on Saturday, September 8 at Eagle Island State Park. 100% of funds raised are donated to local animal welfare organizations. Run Fido Run is always looking for volunteers. Please join us on June 27 at Julia Davis Park (near the band shell) at 6:30pm for a Volunteer Meeting. You can also fill out our volunteer form at www. runfidorun.org/volunteer.htm or contact us at 208-515-2077 or runfidorun@gmail.com for further details. WANT TO DO SOMETHING GOOD? Our hospice is looking for quality volunteers to provide companionship to our patients. Times are based on your schedule, not ours. Training provided. Contact the Volunteer Coordinator, Zach, at Idaho Home Health & Hospice for more information. 887-6633. Call today and take a chance on something that might just change your life. We are looking for people in all areas of the Treasure Valley and we would really love to connect with some folks in Nampa, Caldwell and Kuna!
Binoculars. Call to identify 3925884.
LOST CAT Ridenbaugh & 7th area of North End. Calico, mostly white with big black & orange spots, tail is black. Missing on May 26th. Call 890-3277.
BW CLASSES, WORKSHOPS & SEMINARS ITALIAN LESSONS IN BOISE Learn from a native of Italy! Sign up for classes today... * Conversational approach - Learn to speak quickly! * Professional instructor with over 7 years teaching experience. From beginner to an advanced speakers. Call or email today! istudyitalian.net
BW BEAUTY HAIRLINES Are you ready for new Du By Lui the Hair Whisperer? Call HAIRLINES now for an appointment. In BODO. 383-9009. Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.
EXPERIENCE AYURVEDA TODAY! If you are suffering from chronic illness, digestive issues, high stress, obesity, mental conditions, and the like; you have come to the right place. I want you to experience better health and Ayurveda offers many transformational modalities to get you there. Ayurveda, which literally means the “knowledge and wisdom of longevity”, is the traditional healing system of India. It is a system of holistic healthcare that considers the uniqueness of each individual as it helps them to create a state of internal harmony and optimal health. 297-8233.
A Full body massage by experienced therapist. Out call or private studio. 863-1577 Thomas.
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1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, 24/7. I travel. 880-5772. New website massagebyeric.com. Male Only. Private Boise studio. RELAXATION MASSAGE Call Ami at 208-697-6231.
With Amber Grover or Courtney Beatty
3815 W Overland Rd 577-2999
10 Years of Experience Matters These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society.
www.idahohumanesociety.com 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508
MIND, BODY, SPIRIT - MASSAGE RUSTY: 4-year-old male domestic shorthair. Large, robust guy. Friendly but also independent natured. Litterbox-trained. (Kennel 08- #16498115)
PETRIE: 3-year-old female Siamese mix. Curious, social cat. Still has kitten-like behavior. (Kennel 20#16479653)
JONNY: 2-year-old male pointer/shar pei mix. House-trained. Good with kids, cats and dogs. Energetic, knows some commands. (Kennel 405- #16465377)
BALOO: 1-year-old male rottweiler/Australian cattle dog mix. Good with dogs and older kids. Appears to be house-trained. (Kennel 415- #15978288)
SPUNKY: 4-year-old female British shorthair mix. Affectionate and loving. Enjoys playing with other cats. Litterbox-trained. (Kennel 01-#16326714)
PETE: 6-year-old male pit bull terrier. Goofy boy who loves playing. House- and crate-trained. Bonds easily. (Kennel 309#16115177)
These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats. www.simplycats.org 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177
ELEANOR: Blue-eyed beauty only $20 to adopt if you are a senior.
BJORN: Playful older kitten is ready for a family. Make it yours.
THUMBELINA: Mischievous girl will make all your wishes come true.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | 35
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MASSAGE BY GINA Full Body Treatment/Relaxation, Pain Relief & Tension Release. Call 908-3383. Having a stressful week? *Relax* from the rest of the world. June & July special $25/hr. 322 Lake Lowell Nampa. Betty 283-7830.
Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/Eves/ Weekends. Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 866-2759. BOISE’S BEST! With Bodywork by Rose. 794-4789. www.roseshands.com
FREE Head & Should Massage with 1 hr. Chinese Reflexology Foot Massage at VIP Massage. 377-7711. Stop by 6555 W. Overland Rd near Cole.
THE TOUCH/ESELAN STYLE The long slow t’ai chi-like strokes awaken awareness, and as the tissues open to the warm touch, the contact deepens, releasing bound up muscles. A relaxing sigh moves through the body, the practitioner responds with integration strokes into related areas. Each session is unique, tailored by personal requests, comfort level, physical tension and release. Licensed 15 yr. practitioner. Private office in healing center. 208-995-0179. Evenings and weekends available. ULM 340-8377. Hrs. 8:30AM8PM. Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for an unbeatable price of $20. Kit includes 3 large signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Extra signs avail. for purchase. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.
NYT CROSSWORD | PLAYABLE BY KYLE T. DOLAN / EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ 22 Falter while imitating Jay-Z? 24 Something thrown in “West Side Story”? 26 Underworld deity 27 “Is that clear?” 29 Dickensian setting 30 Trick-taking game 31 Like pumice 33 Game-ending cry 34 See 107-Down
ACROSS 1 Grp. with an alphabet 5 Message from police HQ 8 It makes bubbly bubbly 13 Tar 17 Eastern nurse 18 Brooklyn, e.g., informally 20 Hoi ___ 21 Mammy’s place
76 83
91 95
108 111
72 78
52 56
47 51
33 37
In a frenzy Dines on X, on campuses Bridge locale It may follow “forever and ever” 63 Didn’t conceal one’s smugness 67 Region of 70-Across for which a type of wool is named
24 27
58 59 60 61 62
8 19
36 Sing high notes? 42 1970s exile 45 Noted 2011 TV retiree, popularly 47 Reduce marks? 48 Kind of column 49 Nesting site 50 Wall Street type 52 Develops slowly 54 Cry upon arriving at an earthquake site?
109 114
119 122
36 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
69 70 72 73 76 77
Animal stomach See 67-Across Suffix with ball “All systems go” Tuition and others What the turnover-prone football player had? 82 Fountain location 84 El Pacífico, e.g. 85 Ball-shaped part 86 “Hmm …” 87 Knock for ___ 90 W.W. I battle locale 91 A bad one may contain holes 92 Shenanigans at the royal court? 95 Not a lot 97 Mil. leader 98 Points in the right direction 100 Ball partner 104 Begin a tour 108 He wrote “Knowledge is the food of the soul” 109 Senescence 110 Nickname for a hardto-understand monarch? 114 Lens cover for a large telescope? 116 Classical bow wielder 117 Eats up 118 Outer: Prefix 119 Blood rival 120 Oxford profs 121 Feature of grocery purchases, often 122 Coral, e.g. 123 Numbers game
DOWN 1 Bigwig 2 Put a smile on 3 Source of the words “mulligatawny” and “catamaran” 4 “Are you kidding me?!” 5 Fives
6 ___ favor 7 Fort ___, N.C. 8 Source of a viral outbreak 9 American ___ 10 Robe for one tending a flock 11 Fa-la connector 12 Telephone system connectors 13 Taser, say 14 Airport security item 15 “Giovanna d’___” (Verdi opera) 16 German train track 19 Dentist’s directive 20 Record listing 23 Neighbor of Poland: Abbr. 25 The Atlantic, in a common phrase 28 Quick preview 31 Subject of Newton’s first law of motion 32 Canon product, for short 33 “Have a look!” 35 Where pieces are put together? 37 Most holes in one 38 Nomad 39 Baseball’s Justin or B. J. 40 Many a Silicon Valley hiree 41 Radical ’60s org. 42 Genesis son 43 “Ver-r-ry funny!” 44 Some Monopoly properties: Abbr. 46 Exasperated outburst 51 Cry just before disaster strikes 53 “The Magic Flute” protagonist 55 Mercedes-Benz luxury line 56 ___ choy (Chinese vegetable)
57 62 63 64 65 66 68 69
Troop grp. Lovingly, to a musician Fairy tale girl Big game fish That, in Tijuana Fiesta bowl? Sex appeal A tabloid keeps tabs on one 71 G.I.’s address 73 Genesis son 74 Promise, e.g. 75 Alter ego who carries a notepad 76 Burkina ___ 77 Sorrow 78 Arctic waters, on historical maps 79 Mythical elixir of forgetfulness 80 Long-jawed fish 81 Where cheap seats are in a baseball stadium 82 Part of r.p.m.: Abbr. 83 Useful husband, say 88 Spanish bear 89 Befuddle 93 Nobel Prize subj. L A S T A N G E R
94 “Frasier” character 96 Outdoor promenade 99 iPod ___ 101 Brooch feature, maybe 102 Over 103 One of the Marx Brothers 104 Threw out of a contest, informally 105 Prefix with zone 106 Lowly laborer 107 With 34-Across, what “<” means 109 Concerto soloist, perhaps 111 Its stem is used in miso soup 112 Witticism 113 Cup holder? 115 Energy meas. Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under extras for the answers to this week’s puzzle. Don't think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
W E E K ’ S
BW SPIRITUAL VEDIC ASTROLOGY Utilizing the ancient science of Vedic Astrology receive profound knowledge deep insights about your life and the forces affecting it. Gain a better perspective through the light of ancient wisdom. Readings consist of a general overview of the chart with a focus on achieving one’s purpose in life and recommending traditional and modern Vedic remedies to support this. Readings are done on a donation basis for a limited time so please call 297-8233 for your appointment.
BW YOGA YOGA STUDIO BIZ FOR SALE Full turn key studio for sale. Includes all furniture & fixtures, mats/props, website iam-yoga. com, marketing materials, 300 plus customer base, signage. Ample parking & 4 large windows in studio. All the work has been done, just come in & start teaching! The studio is centrally located to attract clients from the entire Treasure Valley sub-lease or move to a new location! 11521 W. Fairview Ave # 103 Boise. Call Julia 208-899-2114.
SERVICES BW CHILD PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6293 (Void in Illinois).
FOR SALE BW STUFF TEEPEE Teepee 12’ diameter with most poles. Excellent condition. Purchased for $900 without poles from White Buffalo Lodge. 342-3456.
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NOTICES BW LEGAL NOTICES IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDSICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: HILLARY E. McLEAN. Case No. CV NC 1209126 NOTICE OF HEARING A Petition by Petitioner, Hillary E. McLean, born on the 4th day of September, 1981, in American Fork, State of Utah now residing at 28740 Cherry Lane, #G208, Boise, Idaho is proposing a change in name to the Petitioner has been filed in the above entitled court, the reason for this change in name being that she desires to return to her maiden name: The names and addresses of the Petitioner’s nearest relatives are: Kendal G. Eyre (Father) 3033 Chieftain Way, Boise, ID 83709 Rebecca Eyre (Mother) 3033 Chieftain Way, Boise, ID 83709 Jerem Eyre (Brother) 1628 Renaissance Way, Springfield, UT 84663 Brookann Hessing (Sister) 3831 N. Bryce Canyon Pl., Meridian, ID 83646 Corey Eyre (Brother) 1602 S. Juanita St., Boise ID 83706 Shannon Willardson (Sister) 366 East 100 South, Provo, UT 84606 Trevor Eyre (Brother) 6981 N. Swift St., Portland, OR 97203 Alicia Eyre (Sister) 175 West 3rd South, Rexburg, ID 83440 Such petition shall be heard at 130 p.m. on 26 day of July, 2012, or at such time as the court may appoint, and objections may be filed by any person who can, in such objections, show to the court a good reason against such a change of name. WITNESS my hand and seal of said District Court this 25 day of May, 2012. By DEIDRE PRICE Clerk DATED this 25th day of May, 2012. BRADLEY B. B. POOLE Pub. June 13, 20, 27 & July 4, 2012. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: Tamara Lynn Higginbotham Case No. CV NC 1208363 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) A Petition to change the name of Tamara Lynn Higginbotham, now residing in the City of Kuna, State of Idaho, has been filled in the District Court in ADA County, Idaho.
The name will change to Tamara Lynn Hoy-Higginbotham. The reason for the change in name is: to include my maiden name along with my married name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o’clock p.m. on July 19, 2012 at the ADA County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: May 25, 2012 CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: DEIRDRE PRICE Deputy Clerk Pub. June 13, 20, 27 & July 4, 2012. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE 4TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: Robert Lane Daigre Case No. CVNC1210286 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) A Petition to change the name of Robert Lane Daigre, now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in ADA County Idaho. The name will change to Robert Lane Hoopes. The reason for the change is because my stepfather raised me. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o’clock p.m. August 16, 2012 at the ADA County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: June 12, 2012 CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: Deirdre Price Deputy Clerk Pub. June 27, July 4, 11 & 18 2012. SUMMONS CASE NO.CVOC1108168 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA PALOUSE SUB. TOWNHOUSES, INC. (THE), a Idaho Nonprofit Corporation, Plaintiff -vs- GENEVIERE A> EVANS, an individual, Defendant. NOTICE YOU HAVE BEEN SUED BY THE ABOVE-NAMES PLAINTIFF. THE COURT MAY ENTER JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN 20 DAYS READ THE INFORMATION BELOW.
you may claim. 3. Your signature, mailing address, and telephone number or the signature, mailing address, and telephone number of your attorney. 4. Proof of mailing or delivery of a copy of your response to Plaintiff’s attorney, as designated above. To determine whether you must pay a filing fee with your response, contact the clerk of the above-named court. DATED this 27th day of April, 2011. Christopher D. Rich, Clerk of the District Court, by Patricia A. Dwonch, Deputy Clerk Shane O. Bengoechea, ISB#2945, BENGOECHEA LAW OFFICE, PLLC, 671 E. Riverpark Ln., Suite 120, Boise, ID 83706, Tel: 208424-8332, Attorney for Plaintiff Published June 27, July 4, 11 & 18, 2012.
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BW I SAW U AT ALIVE AFTER FIVE JUNE 13 W. - was that you near the Beanery beer line, in a white shirt? Handsome & grinning at me (I was in the pink top). It didn’t dawn on me til later that it might have been you. You were the guy from the Flicks, who sat next to me & chatted kindly, months ago. I still remember it.
BW KISSES I MISS MY STUFFED TIGER I’ve seen you out recently. I’m sorry for staring at your handsome face. But as Calvin told Hobbes, “The world’s a complicated place.”
TO: DEDENDANT, GENEVIERE A. EVANS You are hereby notified that in order to defend the lawsuit, an appropriate written response must be filed with the above designated court within twenty (20) days after service of this Summons on you. If you fail to so respond, the court may enter judgment against you as demanded by Plaintiff’s the Complaint. A copy of the Complaint is served with this Summons, If you wish to seek the advice or representation by an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be filed in time and other legal rights protected. An appropriate written response requires with Rule 10(a)(1) and other Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure and shall also include: 1. The title and number of the case. 2. If your response is an Answer to the Complaint, it must contain admissions or denials of the separate allegations of the Complaint and other defenses
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | 37
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): If you play solitaire, your luck will be crazy strong in the coming weeks. If you have candid, wide-ranging talks with yourself in the mirror, the revelations are likely to be as interesting as if you had spoken directly with the river god or the angel of the sunrise. Taking long walks alone could lead to useful surprises, and so would crafting a new declaration of independence for yourself. It’ll also be an excellent time to expand your skills at giving yourself pleasure. Please understand that I’m not advising you to be isolated and lonely. I merely want to emphasize the point that you’re due for some breakthroughs in your relationship with yourself. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Are you in possession of a talent, interest or desire that no one else has? Is there some unique way you express what it means to be human? According to my understanding of the long-term astrological omens, the coming months will be your time to cultivate this specialty with unprecedented intensity; it’ll be a window of opportunity to be more practical than ever before in making your signature mark on the world. Between now and your next birthday, I urge you to be persistent in celebrating the one-of-a-kind truth that is your individuality. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “Message in a bottle” is a form of communication that has been used throughout history for serious purposes. England’s Queen Elizabeth I even appointed an official “uncorker of ocean bottles.” And as recently as 2005, a message in a bottle saved the lives of 88 refugees adrift in the Caribbean Sea on a damaged boat. Glass, it turns out, is an excellent container for carrying sea-borne dispatches. It lasts a long time and can even survive hurricanes. In accordance with the astrological omens, I nominate “message in a bottle” to be your metaphor for the rest of 2012. Here’s one way to apply this theme: Create a message you’d like to send to the person you will be in five years, perhaps a declaration of what your highest aspirations will be between now and then. Write it on paper, stash it in a bottle and open it in 2017. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Every 10,000 years or so, reports the Weekly World News, hell actually does freeze over. A rare storm brings a massive amount of snow and ice to the infernal regions, and even the Lake of Fire looks like a glacier. “Satan himself was seen wearing earmuffs and making a snowman,” the story says about the last time it happened. I foresee a hell-freezes-over type of event happening for you in the coming months, Cancerian—and
38 | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | BOISEweekly
I mean that in a good way. The seemingly impossible will become possible; what’s lost will be found and what’s bent will be made straight. For best results, be ready to shed your expectations at a moment’s notice. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “In purely spiritual matters, God grants all desires,” said philosopher and activist Simone Weil. “Those who have less have asked for less.” I think this is a worthy hypothesis for you to try out in the next nine months, Leo. To be clear: It doesn’t necessarily mean you will get a dream job, a perfect lover and $10 million. (Although I’m not ruling that out.) What it does suggest is this: You can have any relationship with the Divine Wow that you dare to imagine; you can get all the grace you need to understand why your life is the way it is; you can make tremendous progress as you do the life-long work of liberating yourself from your suffering. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): A plain old leap of faith might not be ambitious enough for you in the coming months, Virgo. I suspect your potential is more robust than that, more primed for audacity. How would you feel about attempting a quantum leap of faith? Here’s what I mean by that: a soaring pirouette that sends you flying over the nagging obstacle and up onto higher ground, where the views are breathtakingly vast instead of gruntingly half-vast. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “The dream which is not fed with dream disappears,” said writer Antonio Porchia. Ain’t that the truth. Especially for you right now. These last few months, you’ve been pretty good at attending to the details of your big dreams. You’ve taken the practical approach and done the hard work. But beginning any moment, it will be time for you to refresh your big dreams with an infusion of fantasies and brainstorms. You need to return to the source of your excitement and feed it. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): A Chinese businessman named Hu Xilin is the champion fly-killer of the world. Ever since one of the buzzing pests offended him at the dinner table back in 1997, he has made it his mission to fight back. He says he has exterminated more than 10 million of the enemy with his patented Fly Slayer machine. And, oh, by the way, his obsession has made him a millionaire. It’s possible, Scorpio, that your story during the second half of 2012 will have elements in common with Hu Xilin’s. Is there any bad influence you could work to minimize or undo in such a way that it might ultimately earn you perks and prizes—or at least deep satisfaction?
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): From the 14th through the 18th centuries, many towns in England observed a curious custom. If a couple could prove that they had gone a year and a day without ever once being sorry they got married, the two of them would receive an award: a side of cured pork, known as a flitch of bacon. Alas, the prize was rarely claimed. If this practice were still in effect, you Sagittarians would have an elevated chance of bringing home the bacon in the coming months. Your ability to create harmony and mutual respect in an intimate relationship will be much higher than usual. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “If I had my life to live over,” said Nadine Stair at age 85, “I would perhaps have more actual problems, but I’d have fewer imaginary ones.” I suggest you write out that quote, Capricorn, and keep it close to you for the next six months. Your task, as I see it, will be to train yourself so you can expertly distinguish actual problems from imaginary ones. Part of your work, of course, will be to get in the habit of immediately ejecting any of the imaginary kind the moment you notice them creeping up on you. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Astronomer Percival Lowell (1855-1916) was instrumental in laying the groundwork that led to the discovery of Pluto. He was a visionary pioneer who helped change our conception of the solar system. But he also put forth a wacky notion or two. Among the most notable: He declared, against a great deal of contrary evidence, that the planet Mars was laced with canals. You have the potential be a bit like him in the coming months, Aquarius: mostly a wellspring of innovation but sometimes a source of errant theories. What can you do to ensure that the errant theories have minimal effect? Be humble and ask for feedback. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Throughout the 16th century and .beyond, European explorers trekked through the New World hunting for the mythical land of El Dorado: the Lost City of Gold. The precious metal was supposedly so abundant there that it was even used to make children’s toys. The quest was ultimately futile, although it led the explorers to stumble upon lesser treasures of practical value—the potato, for example. After being brought to Europe from South America, it became a staple food. I’m foreseeing a comparable progression in your own world during the coming months: You may not locate the gold, but you’ll find the equivalent of the potato.
BOISEweekly | JUNE 27 – JULY 3, 2012 | 39