DREAMING BIG City of Boise eyes one really big number for a new main library FEATURE 12
STAYING PUT Why young artists are electing to stay in Boise 1ST THURSDAY 19
TO DO LIST Plan your First Thursday with our map and guide REC 31
GAMER’S PARADISE What to get the gamer on your list
“Boise, Idaho, get ready, you are about receive into your community the filthiest people alive.”
2 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
BW STAFF Publisher: Sally Freeman Sally@boiseweekly.com Office Manager: Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com Editorial Features Editor: Deanna Darr Deanna@boiseweekly.com Arts & Entertainment Editor: Tara Morgan Tara@boiseweekly.com News Editor: George Prentice George@boiseweekly.com New Media Czar: Josh Gross Josh@boiseweekly.com Sultan of Events: Harrison Berry Harrison@boiseweekly.com Reporter: Andrew Crisp Andrew@boiseweekly.com Listings: calendar@boiseweekly.com Copy Editors: Amy Atkins, Jay Vail Contributing Writers: Bill Cope, David Kirkpatrick, Michael Lafferty, Ted Rall, Catie Young Intern: Jordyn Price Advertising Advertising Director: Lisa Ware Lisa@boiseweekly.com Account Executives: Karen Corn, Karen@boiseweekly.com Zach Ritchie, Zach@boiseweekly.com Jessi Strong, Jessi@boiseweekly.com Nick Thompson, Nick@boiseweekly.com Jill Weigel, Jill@boiseweekly.com Classified Sales Classifieds@boiseweekly.com Creative Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Leila@boiseweekly.com Graphic Designers: Jen Grable, Jen@boiseweekly.com Adam Rosenlund, production@boiseweekly.com Contributing Artists: Derf, Jeremy Lanningham, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Patrick Sweeney, Ted Rall, Tom Tomorrow Circulation Shea Sutton Shea@boiseweekly.com Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town: Stan Jackson Stan@boiseweekly.com Distribution: Tim Anders, Jason Brue, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Shane Greer, Stan Jackson, Lars Lamb, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Amanda Noe, Warren O’Dell, Steve Pallsen, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 30,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue.
NOTE CRAMMING FOR HOLIDAY DEADLINES Despite cool temperatures, everyone sweats in December. It’s universal. Whether you’re a student cramming for final exam, a workaday facing office closures or a stay-athome parent with a shopping list a mile long, it’s axiomatic that the holidays are crunch time. Every day brings new deadlines that make you feel like you’re slamming into brick walls head first at full speed. Here at Boise Weekly, we’re cinching up our helmets and packing our parachutes in preparation for the closing of our office between Monday, Dec. 24, and Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013. Before we retire to our pup tents in the woods to adorn our holiday shrubs, we have to tie a bow on the three issues that fall on the Wednesdays of Dec. 19, Dec. 26 and Jan. 2, 2013, which we dub the Trifecta. Those issues must be complete before we leave for the holidays, so the writing on the wall if you’re putting on an event, be it a concert, a barn raising or a backyard brawl between now and Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013. If you’re planning anything, it’s imperative that you email calendar@boiseweekly. com about it on or before the drop-deadline submission date of Friday, Dec. 7. Submit your event now, lest you miss your chance of being included in BW’s print calendar listings. And just because BW staff won’t be in the office over the holiday break doesn’t mean that there won’t be the breaking news blasts on Citydesk or the arts and culture coverage on Cobweb you expect at boiseweekly.com. Thanks to the miracle of the Internet, BW can keep you informed through the season. If you want the scoop on Idaho political developments or missed that concert, BW promises to remain your one-stop source for news and events. Speaking of the holidays, in this edition of BW, we introduce you to a man who probably loves Christmas more than just about anyone. Pencil-mustachioed pioneer of indie cinema John Waters—the filmmaker whose portfolio contains such classics as Pink Flamingos and Hairspray—will be in Boise at The Knitting Factory to tell Boise his best Christmas stories and just how many Christmas cards he writes by hand every year. Read BW’s interview with Waters in Arts on Page 27. In the main feature on Page 12, you can learn why more young artists are choosing to stay in Boise, while in News on Page 8, you can read between the lines to find out what muchanticipated store could soon be calling downtown Boise home. —Harrison Berry
Subscriptions: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. To contact us: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: info@boiseweekly.com www.boiseweekly.com Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701
COVER ARTIST ARTIST: Katherine Grey TITLE: Chicken MEDIUM: Linocut
The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2012 by Bar Bar, Inc. Editorial Deadline: Thursday at noon before publication date. Sales Deadline: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher.
ARTIST STATEMENT: Grey is known for her depictions of the landscape and animals of Idaho and the Pacific Coast. Each design is carved onto wood or linoleum and the plates are then hand printed. She has recently opened The Grey Fox Studio in Eagle, featuring her block prints and notecards. View more work online at thegreyfoxstudio.com.
Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. Boise weekly is an independently owned and operated newspaper.
Boise Weekly pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 3
WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world.
NEWS Boise eyes one very big number when considering a new main library 8 CITIZEN
UNICORNS ARE REAL North Korea claims it has found proof that unicorns once lived in the country. What’s its proof? Find out on Cobweb.
FIRST THURSDAY Art is on board(s) for the return of Art Deck-O
FIRST THURSDAY LISTINGS Your full map and guide waits inside 20 SUDOKU
THE BONE THUGS SIX Six Boiseans were arrested for being a little too awesome at the Bone Thugs-N-Harmony concert. Check Citydesk for the full story and some truly precious mugshots.
SCENES FROM A PLAY DATE In the latest episode of Scenes From a Scene, Boise Weekly’s video music series, aging punks start making and listening to children’s music. Check it out on Cobweb.
THE TOWN THAT BEHEADED JESUS Vandals lopped the heads off of marble statues of Jesus, Mary and Joseph at a Catholic sanctuary in Portland, Ore. Get the full story on Citydesk.
4 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
FEATURE Five Artists Under 25
ARTS John Waters seriously loves Christmas
SCREEN Awards season begins
REC A gamers’ holiday wish list
FOOD REVIEW Flying high with Bleubird
And slowing Remember that one debate where President Barack Obama seemed so disgusted to be stuck in the same room with Mitt Romney that the likeliest explanation for his poor performance is that he was throwing up in his mouth every time Romney looked at him, and that he had to spend the evening trying to get past that vomit taste? Well, fellers, that wasn’t the worst thing to happen in Cope’s world that week. Within hours of that disastrous debate, I passed any prime that may have ever been mine, and I turned 65. Yes sir, it’s official. I am old. Now excuse me, but I have to go chase some goddamn kids off my lawn. U That took longer than I expected. By the time I got outside, I’d forgotten what I went there for. But then I figured as long as I was there, I might as well stand at the roadside for a spell and yell at drivers to slow down. That was fun. It pooped me out, though, so I took a nap. That was fun, too. After I woke up, I headed into the kitchen for a bowl of Raisin Bran but on the way, I noticed the computer was still on. I was getting ready to growl, “Who left the goddamn computer on?” but I remembered it was me. So I’m back. Let’s see now … where was I? Oh, that’s right. I was telling you about how I’m 65. I didn’t say anything about it when it happened because there was so much going on. That election, remember that? Whooee, that was some election. They don’t make ’em like that anymore, let me tell you. Goddamn kids, they think they know a thing or two about elections, but they don’t know diddly-squat, not compared to the kind of elections we had to go through. Like that one between Obama and, uh ... what’s-’isname. You know who I mean ... that guy who smiled like a hungry lizard? Shoot, it’ll come to me. Well, anyway, so I wasn’t too keen on turning 65. You’ll know what I mean when you get there, Sonny Jim. That Social Security and Medicare stuff are fine and dandy, but there’s plenty of downside that comes with it. Like, the very day I turned 65, I start carrying a pocketful of coins in my trousers and a big wad of ones so that no matter what I bought, I could pay with exact change. I didn’t even realize I was doing it until I was in a convenience store counting out nickels and pennies. When I looked up, there were like eight or nine smart alecks standing in a line behind me. That got me flustered, thinking about how I was holding things up, and I lost count and had to start over. It’s probably a good thing my hearing is going to crap because I think there was some grumbling going on, so that it’s probably best I couldn’t hear. Oh, and I’m walking bowlegged now. I imagine I look like an orangutan trying not to tip over sideways. I don’t know exactly how WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
it started, but I’m guessing that somewhere just over the horizon there’s a hip replacement with my name on it. U It’s a shame. I used to have what you’d call a broad range of interests. I could piddle away a whole evening talking about how Ravel could out-compose Debussy with one hand tied behind his back, or how Willy Faulkner could write rings around Ernie Hemingway, or how that greasy weasel Nixon should have spent a decade or two in prison, or how ... well, you know what I’m getting at. I had a lot on my mind, is what I’m getting at. But now? Shoot, all I can think about is either taking some grandkids fishing, or going for a slow walk in a park somewhere with my wife. I haven’t fished enough in my lifetime to even mention and I never did like walks no matter who I was with. But ever since I turned 65 all I have on my mind is how to show some squirmy snotnose how to put a worm on a hook or letting my wife shove some goddamn flower she wants me to sniff up my nose. Maybe I’m watching too much TV. That’s where it comes from, you know that don’t you? Watch enough goddamn TV commercials like I do anymore because I keep losing that goddam channel changer gizmo so I can’t switch to another station real quick like I used to do back when I was 64, and you’d think that’s all old fellers like me had to think about anymore. About whether this drug would fix my gizzard better than that drug. Whether this supplemental insurance policy covers more than that supplemental insurance policy. Whether this laxative works quicker than that laxative. All so’s you can stay kicking long enough to teach some goddam kid how to worm up his hook or sniff some goddam pansy. That TV gets in your head, no fooling. Watch enough of it, and you get to thinking, “Why would all those old people be doing it if it weren’t a good idea?” It’s not the same as watching commercials for those fancy picture phones all the kids have anymore, or those sugared-up cereals they sell to parents too stupid to know that chocolate and marshmallows ain’t proper breakfast food. No, these are all old folks in those commercials I’m talking about. You know ... like me. So from the looks of ’em, you’d think they ought to have sense enough to be doing something maybe I should be doing, too. Like checking with my doc to see if the old ticker’s up to a little whoopee. Or dabbing some goop on my age spots. Or wearing diapers. Whoa there, Speedy Gonzales. We don’t have to get this all done right now, do we? And anyway, I just got a powerful thirst for a cold can of Ensure. Maybe I’ll be back ... and maybe I won’t.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 5
SHOOT THEN JUSTIFY Police state does what it wants, then writes a memo Imagine that you were the president of United States. Now think what you would do if you or one of your advisers proposed an idea—a great idea, one that solved a big problem— that was radical to the point of possibly crossing the legal line into unconstitutionality. You’d want to lawyer that sucker, right? Now imagine that you were a chief of police and you or one of your officers came up with a great approach for tracking down bad guys, but you couldn’t be sure that arrests made using your new tactic would hold up in court. What would you do? I know what I’d do: I’d consult legal counsel. But that’s not how presidents or cops do things in today’s might-makes-right era. Case in point: Since 2009, President Barack Obama has ordered more than 300 drone strikes, killing more than 2,500 people. All of these bombings and murders were committed minus the veneer of legal justification. However, it has come out that during the final months of the presidential campaign, when polls showed that Mitt Romney had a chance of winning, Obama and his advisers gathered to begin work on a legal framework for the drone program. “There was concern that the levers might no longer be in our hands,” an Obama official told The New York Times, speaking on condition of anonymity. “The effort, which would have been rushed to completion by January had Mr. Romney won, will now be finished at a more leisurely pace,” the leaker said. Obama referenced his retroactive drone legalization project on Oct. 18. “One of the things we’ve got to do is put a legal architec-
6 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
ture in place, and we need Congressional help in order to do that, to make sure that not only am I reined in but any president’s reined in terms of some of the decisions that we’re making,” he told Jon Stewart. Isn’t this the sort of thing Obama should have thought about back in January 2009? For that matter, shouldn’t George W. Bush, who originated the drone assassinations, put forward some sort of legal basis? You’d think Congress would take an interest. But no, the legislative branch took no interest whatsoever in a president—make that two presidents—who secretly claimed the right to murder anyone they please without any accountability whatsoever. This culture of top-down lawlessness has filtered down to local police departments, many of which have begun routinely searching the cellphones of suspects they arrest. Phone companies told Congress that they turned over 1.3 million records in 2011 to police departments seeking location data, emails, text messages and other data about their customers. It’s easy to see why cops want to collect as much information as they can—although, under our system of laws, suspects are innocent until proven guilty—but how can they justify enacting such a radical new policy before getting authorization from the courts? Most people want to think their political leaders and law enforcement authorities mean well and are using their powers wisely. But, according to The Times, the program has broadened into something far more sinister that few Americans would support. Why are these guys getting away with murder—literally? Because we’re letting them.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 7
READ ALL ABOUT IT Will Boise residents include a new main library branch on their wish list? ANDREW CRISP
TAKING IT TO THE STREETS In an effor t to introduce a bit more justice to the Treasure Valley, the Idaho Trial Lawyers Association is getting ready to set up shop–beginning in Februar y, 2013–inside the Boise Public Librar y Main Branch with a monthly Street Law Clinic. “We’re pretty excited,” Barbara Jorden, ITLA’s executive director, told Citydesk. “We’re doing this in conjunction with Concordia and the University of Idaho law schools, and our members will be the super vising attorneys.” The idea is simple: Walk-in clients will be able to access on-the-spot legal advice. If the client needs fur ther representation, he or she may be referred to an ITLA lawyer who has indicated willingness to take a pro bono case. “We honesly don’t know how many folks will show up to help but people will be able to ask about so many things: family issues, job actions or housing,” said Jorden. “I must tell you that we’ve been over whelmed by how many people want to help us do this.” ITLA’s proposal is to have at least two super vising attorneys and two-to-six law students to staff the clinic. “It’s was Erika’s idea. She said we should do this,” said Jorden. That would be Erika Birch, attorney in the Boise office of Strindberg & Scholnick, member of the ITLA and native of Utah where she was par t of a street law clinic created by the University of Utah eight years ago. “Erika is really instrumental in helping us get this star ted here in Idaho,” said Jorden. “And the folks at the Boise Librar y are pretty excited, too.” When the ITLA approached the Boise Public Library, she said, library officials were more than happy to provide a home for the service, which will offer its first clinic on Monday, Feb. 11, 2013, from 4-6 p.m. Jorden said the clinic fills a significant void in providing free legal advice to “those who desperately need it.” “Legal Aid in Idaho is great but they’re also greatly under funded,” she said. “And so many Idaho attorneys want to offer pro bono ser vices. Well, this is all about making those connections.” Training for students and attorneys hoping to par ticipate in the Street Law Clinic is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 11, 2013. If the first clinic is successful, and Jorden said she had a pretty good feeling that it would be, future two-hour clinics (and possibly more than one per month) will continue to be held through 2013.
The iconic exclamation point that dots the main branch of the Boise Public Library couldn’t be more appropriate. Not only does it promote what library officials tout
lite branch), at a cost of $6.8 million. But the biggest project, in size and cost, would be a new main public library with a nine-digit price tag.
as the “excitement and engagement” of reading, it also punctuates a proposed price tag for what could be a new landmark for learning but also one of the largest and most expensive public construction projects in Idaho history: $119 million! “We’re in the dreaming stage right now,” said Boise Public Library Director Kevin Booe. “Our library, as anybody who has been here knows, the main library is quite cramped. We need to do some things to update this facility for the 21st century.” It’s no secret the Boise Public Library wants to address the main library’s cramped quarters (BW, News, “Something’s Got to Give,” May 18, 2011). The building’s original design targeted a Boise population of 75,000. In 2010, Boise’s population ballooned to 205,000. Finding a process to pay for a new main branch spurred Boise City Council members to evaluate a list of its infrastructure projects over the next eight years–a list that ultimately fell into two categories: projects funded with available cash in the city’s general fund, and those whose price tags exceed the general fund’s current total, requiring funds from other sources. For example, one of the larger price tags on the second list is attached to a community library branch at Bown Crossing in Southeast Boise (which would be the city’s fourth satel-
According to Jade Riley, Mayor Dave Bieter’s Chief of Staff, there simply isn’t enough general-fund cash to pay for all of it. “We realized this is not something where we have a couple of meetings and HowdyDoody, here’s our answer,” said Riley. “It’s really a pretty long conversation just internally, and an even longer conversation with the community before we do anything.” Bieter, his staff and the City Council are working on the early stages of finding a path forward. That conversation includes looking at alternative funding measures and managing priorities. Most importantly, it includes asking Boiseans if they’re willing to pay more to fund projects such as a new main library. In 2010, estimates for a new 185,000-square-foot main branch totaled $119 million, a number that the mayor and City Council considered to be a bit too high to consider in the throes of a recession. “Right now, this project is carrying the $119 million,” said Riley. “So as soon as we figure out if that could go lower, what might that look like, and the pros and cons, then we can bring it back into the overall city discussion.” The next key step for officials at the library and City are to map out three possible scenarios by early 2013. Riley sketched out what those options could include. No. 1: upgrading a four-story, 78,000-square-
foot facility, a former hardware store renovated in 1972. No. 2: adding to the existing structure, securing more space for the library’s footprint. No. 3: construct a new building. “I think based on mayor and council’s discussions, [the ideal scenario] would be a new building with a lower price tag,” said Riley. “Nobody has said, ‘It shouldn’t be $119 million; it should be $60 million.’ But [it should be] lower than $119 million.” Meanwhile, City officials are considering the proposed Bown Crossing branch, an extension of the neighborhood branch system that began in 2007 as a response to overcrowding at the main Capitol Boulevard branch. The first three neighborhood locations included the 15,000-square-foot Library at Cole and Ustick roads, the 12,000-square-foot Collister branch and the 8,000-square-foot Hillcrest library. The proposed Bown Crossing branch, a new 15,000-square-foot facility. would cost approximately $6.8 million. “I think as initial plans surrounding the main library branch come back, the Council will then want to figure out when we can promise for the Bown facility,” said Riley. “And the Bown branch would most likely precede the main project. We really want to make good on the promise that we deliver on our neighborhood library service.” City officials were quick to add that a proposed new main library wasn’t the only project in need of funding. In fact, before Bieter and the City Council begin evaluating ways to pay for such projects, they would need to reach out for community input. “To start talking about what-ifs,” said Riley. “All we know today is, with current funding, it is unlikely we will fund this list. That’s the only thing we know today.” Riley said the City prioritizes maintaining its current assets – renovations and maintenance – and that includes the existing 80-year-old main library structure. “The takeaway to me as a citizen is, we’re funding annual maintenance and we’re going to be committed and fund major repair and maintenance at the proper level so we don’t let precious assets deteriorate,” said Riley. “Most people jump over these categories and go to these goodies, the new stuff.” After the library finishes evaluating its options, the City will begin a survey process to reach out to the public. Questions will include how citizens want to prioritize Boise’s projects and, more importantly, if they’re willing to pay for them. “If I was to gauge the continuum of the conversation, we’re maybe one-fourth of the way through the conversation,” said Riley. “And that would be on a good day.”
—George Prentice
8 c DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 c BOISEweekly
The proposed square of retail operations for the parcel of land at Capitol Boulevard and Front Streets would be anchored by 13,060-square-foot store with a familiar footprint.
CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? Welcome to the new game show: Name That Store GEORGE PRENTICE Nobody’s talking – at least on the record – but private developers and public planners have been asked to sign confidentiality agreements, triggering Boise’s newest guessing game: Which store has its eye on a prime parcel of Boise real estate? Here’s a hint. The leading contender’s initials are: T.J. Oh, heck, it’s Trader Joe’s. Soon after Boise Weekly first broke the story (BW, News, “Retail Square Proposed,” Nov. 28, 2012) that architects have crafted plans to turn a 1.7-acre parking lot, framed by Capitol Boulevard, Front, Sixth and Broad streets, into a square of four retailers, city officials and developers quickly closed ranks and didn’t offer any details. “I’m not trying to be coy, but I do have confidentiality on this,” Scott Schoenner, partner at Ranelli and Nahas Real Estate, owners of the land, told BW. “A developer made us an offer, which we accepted, and we’re going through the due diligence now.” Developers have a Wednesday, Dec. 12, date with the Boise Design Review Committee in hopes of securing a conditional use permit for the property. “We totally welcome this,” said Cece Gassner, economic development assistant to Mayor Dave Bieter, who pointed to the recent evolution of the Front Street corridor from BODO to the newly opened Whole Foods Store on Broadway Avenue. “That’s an area that is truly ripe for development,” Gassner said. “There are so many interesting parcels there and this is one of them. It’s a gateway to the downtown, as well as that whole corridor leading down to Broadway. Anytime you see a WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
parcel like that being developed, if lifts up the whole area.” But Gassner wasn’t confirming any talk about Trader Joe’s either. She did confirm that developers had already visited City Hall with nondisclosure forms in hand. Developers also visited Anthony Lyons, executive director of the Capital City Development Corporation, but he said it wasn’t his practice to sign any nondisclosures. “So, they wouldn’t tell me who the tenant was or wasn’t. But I’ve got a pretty good sense of these things,” Lyons told BW. The developers’ proposed blueprint for the largest of the four retail buildings – approximately 13,060 square feet – looks extremely familiar to anyone who has ever visited a Trader Joe’s, the specialty grocer that has more than 350 stores in nine states, offering gourmet foods and its iconic Three Buck Chuck wine. The Boise designs reveal aisles, check-outs and huge coolers similar to the Trader Joe’s footprint. “Oh Lord: Please bring Trader Joe’s to Boise. Whole Foods needs a plain but honest friend,” tweeted a Boise woman at the @ TraderJoesBoise Twitter account. Not to be undone, the Bring Trader Joe’s to Boise Facebook page currently boasts more than 4,600 “likes.” “The developers have a site plan, and that plan is based on the tenants that the developers see going into those buildings,” said Lyons. “If the city approves those plans, I would imagine that they would announce their tenants pretty soon after that.” That is, if everyone involved can still keep a secret.
BOISEweekly c DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 c 9
STEPHANIE TELESCO The art of managing an iconic Boise restaurant GEORGE PRENTICE
Did you ever see yourself running a restaurant? Absolutely not.
Have interested parties been looking at your space? Oh yes. We’ve been giving quite a few tours. But I can’t say much about who they are. Are they local? Let’s put it this way: If you had a list of the top local restaurants, most of them on that list are probably interested in this space.
So what was your impetus? We didn’t want to lose money on our investment. It was about to go bankrupt.
If you could wave a wand, who would you see coming in here? Somebody with a bistro-like concept. Maybe someone with some live music. If it’s a chain restaurant, I’m going to be so sad.
What was the problem? Probably mismanagement. I began thinking that art history was the perfect background for me because it gave me an eye for detail.
Do you have a sense of how many people have worked for you over the years? About 4,800.
What’s the biggest difference between when you took the reins of the restaurant in the 1980s and 2012? The complexity of the food and, of course, our size. We moved from where Addies Restaurant is now to the Grove in 1991. And you watched this portion of downtown Boise build around you. When we moved here, I told Jeff that this was the worst decision we ever made. Nobody was walking around the Grove at the time. But then we saw the Boise Centre, the new arena and, of course, BODO come in.
10 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
When did you decide to close? A couple of months ago. We didn’t want to sign another three-year lease and my husband had an opportunity to work with his brother to help manage a credit card developing and processing company.
That’s stunning. Can you imagine having 4,800 children? That will give you a flavor of what running this restaurant has been like. What did most of those 4,800 have in common? An appreciation for a job well done. They didn’t mind when I would always tell them, “Two hands.” What does that mean? God gave you two hands. Let’s use them. None of that silly theory that everyone who plays should get a trophy.
Stephanie Telesco says it was all about the attention to detail. That’s why her formal education in art history was the perfect foundation for her success at the Brick Oven Bistro. The daughter of a Filipino businessman and a physician, Telesco spent her formative years learning about art, Spanish and sociology, teaching English, marketing real estate and owning a clothing store. But from the mid-1980s, Telesco and her husband, Jeff Nee, were the proprietors of the Brick Oven Bistro, working 12-hour days, seven days a week until their last supper on Nov. 25.
Now that you’re closed, where you will you go out to eat? The CasaBlanca Cuban Grill. I love Cafe Vicino. We really want to try The Brickyard. But we’re hard pressed. The truth is, we’ve been very disappointed by the food here. I’m guessing that you’ve heard more than once that the food in the Treasure Valley is overwhelmingly average. The sad part is that a large part of the public is OK with that. When I used to interview staff, I would ask them about their best dining experience, and too often, I would hear someone bring up the name of a chain. And now you’re going to start working on a cookbook. I’m hoping to get our first recipes on a website, hopefully by February. Then I’ll write my first book, focusing on our special entrees. I’ll probably write another book after that with all of soups, salads, side dishes and desserts. You’re also an astrologer. What’s your star sign? I’m a Libra. We love peace and quiet. I find it hard to believe that you love peace and quiet. I love it. Running the Brick Oven Bistro was really managed chaos.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 11
artists under
artists making a case for the city of trees eing an artist has never been easy. Finding inspiration and a support system to help make your name and carve out a place in the art scene can be as challenging as getting a first solo show. Traditionally, artists have flocked to arts Meccas like New York, Austin, Texas, Seattle or Portland, Ore., to find the creative atmosphere they crave. But increasingly, young artists are choosing to forgo the big city for a chance to build something for themselves in smaller communities like Boise. Whether it is current economic challenges or a desire to stay close to home that’s behind the decision to stay put, Boise’s city and business leaders are quick to encourage the creative class to settle down, recognizing that a vibrant artistic community can draw more than a pretty picture. “When companies come here and ask about a community, they’re not just asking, ‘what are the electric rates and what are the tax rates,’” said Boise Metro Chamber of Commerce President Bill Connors. “It’s the entire community. And communities with lively arts, with rich arts organizations, tend to win out over those that don’t have that. ... We have a vibrant arts community as part of our pitch.” Boise has had an impressive arts scene for its size for decades. Well-established arts organizations like Boise Art Museum, Boise Philharmonic, Opera Idaho, Ballet Idaho, Idaho Shakespeare Festival and Boise Contemporary Theater exist alongside budding organizations like Visual Arts Col-
12 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
lective, Alley Repertory Theater, Black Hunger Gallery and Treefort Music Fest. But developing that richness depends on keeping creative people living in the community, especially those at the beginning of their careers. “Young people have the energy and enthusiasm and they’ve got a voice,” said Terri Schorzman, director of the Boise City Department of Arts and History. “They still have a great vision of the world and the things that are available out there for them to do.” The department hosts workshops to help artists learn skills that will help create their career—like building a business, marketing themselves and even finding health insurance. “It’s important to keep these young folks because if they’re willing to stay and be here, they’re going to continue being contributing members of Boise and, as a result, make the economy even more vibrant and creative,” said Schorzman The Department of Arts and History also posts calls to artists, awards grants and tries to cater to the needs of the younger demographic. “We really do want to look toward the grassroots and try to help get funding to those under 25 where possible,” Schorzman said. “Or to find those opportunities where they can engage.” These and similar efforts seem to be producing incremental gains. Many of the young artists Boise Weekly interviewed
by catie young | photos by laurie pearman
waxed on about the overwhelming support and comfort they found in Boise’s creative community and the population at large. For others, living in a place like Boise has made artistic pursuits more of a challenge. “I’m hearing from a lot of folks who are in their late 20s and early 30s that they felt that they needed a more vibrant artistic culture to do the work they needed to do,” said Schorzman. “But then I see, on the other side, folks that have come back or that are settling in and doing some really creative, interesting things and finding a neat way to do that and to really connect.” Richard Young, chair of the Boise State University Art Department, has observed trends among graduating students, particularly who’s staying and who’s heading out of town. While he couldn’t say for sure whether more artists are choosing to stay, he has noticed a more welcoming arts scene burgeoning. “A lot of the different arts organizations—whether they’re visual arts organizations or whatever—are providing more opportunities for artists to stay here and continue their practice,” he said. Young said several of the recent graduates who opted to stay in Boise have started independent ventures, adding that much of the driving force behind this entrepreneurial spirit has been the slow economic recovery. Many artists have found success as freelancers. Retroscope WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Age: 23 Discipline: Theater Day Job: Floor staff at Edwards 9, freelance marketing Hometown: Chicago Years in Boise: 19
Evan Sesek is an actor and playwright. He graduated from Boise High School and went on to complete the theater program at Boise State University. Right out of high school, he started interning at McCall’s Seven Devils Playwrights Conference, a gathering put on by a New York-based theater company and attended by playwrights from all over the United States each summer. Sesek worked his way up at the conference, moving from intern to actor and eventually—after co-writing Voices from the Boise Hole—he participated in the conference as a playwright. Sesek’s play—aptly centered on several post-collegiate individuals and their struggle to decide whether to stay in Boise or move away—received a stage reading in New York and was turned into a main stage production by the Boise State Theater Majors Association. “It’s so easy to live here,” Sesek said of Boise. “You can get a job, pay rent and do nothing.” “It’s a very comfortable place to live, which is a good thing I think, but maybe comfort is not always the best thing,” he added. “Maybe comfort is the thing I should be seeking out in my 30s and 40s. Maybe being in your 20s is about being uncomfortable.” Sesek has appeared in numerous plays in the Boise area, including Boise Contemporary Theater’s 2010 production of Norway, a play written by Idaho playwright Samuel D. Hunter. Sesek also appeared in BCT’s 2012 season opener, Tigers Be Still, a dark comedy about the misadventures of a young art therapist. Sesek does marketing work for Alley Repertory Theater on the side and in late summer 2012, the company put on another of Sesek’s plays. Written along with Jason Haskins, Levi Middlebrooks: Back 2 Boyzee follows a fallen former boy band member and his attempted reentry into the music business as a Christian rock singer. “I’m doing something here,” said Sesek. “It does feel like there is this burgeoning something. ... You wanna be part of that. It’s almost like you don’t want to leave when things are getting good. You’ll go somewhere and you’ll work a couple of shitty jobs and you won’t do any theater and they’ll all be doing theater back here. “In terms of whether it can stack up to Portland [Ore.], those places ... I think it’s going to be different,” said Sesek. “I think people focus on that a lot—are we going to be this city or that city—and I think we just need to be Boise. It’s just different. It’s different than all those other places.”
Media and Credenda Studios are flourishing businesses both begun by Boise State graduates. Not expecting to find a design job in Boise, Beau Greener had planed to move to Seattle after graduating from Boise State in 2011. When he was offered a position at Carew Co. in Boise, he decided to stay and, along with a friend, started Credenda Studios, a screen-printing business specializing in concert posters. Zach Voss, also a 2011 Boise State graduate, saw that staying in Boise might provide a unique opportunity and started Retroscope Media shortly before leaving school. The film production company celebrated its first year of operation this fall. “I don’t want to leave to compete with the masses that are also hoping to make it or break through,” said Voss. “I feel like I can, with comfort, figure out exactly what I want to do here.” The security of living in a smaller community creates a confidence-building, big-fish-in-a-small-pond dynamic that allows artists to experiment more freely with their work. According to Schorzman, the opportunity to do this while living in a financially manageable area like Boise makes engaging in such pursuits even easier. Access to affordable space and cheaper materials is just the beginning. “[The economy] has always impacted me as an artist,” said Monique Betty, a dancer with Ballet Idaho. “There are a WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
lot of dancers who have had the opportunity to train in these elite programs that cost a lot of money and I never had that. Finances always had something to do with it.” Financial concerns are not always as important as lifestyle for some artists who choose to stay in Idaho. “I’m a Northwest girl,” said Betty, a Pocatello native. “Even if I had the opportunity to go back East or something, I don’t necessarily know that I would. The quality of life here is just great. And the people—I think that’s the thing—it just makes me happy.” Financial considerations had little to no effect on Greener’s decision to stay in Boise. “[It was] the idea of being a part of something that has such good potential,” Greener said. “I feel like Boise gets overlooked. When people stop and actually notice Boise, what’s coming out of Boise and Idaho, they’re pretty surprised. It seems like everything is growing. It’s just taking off so quickly, it’s starting to get more national recognition and people are starting to notice it more. We’re not a bunch of desert hillbillies.” Connors feels that molding Boise’s image so that it is seen as young, hip and artistic will an important draw for new residents. “Some cities have done a great job branding themselves where young artists would want to be,” Connors said. “Take Austin: Music City, USA. Young artists, young musicians
hang in Austin because they’ve branded themselves that way.” Any such branding would have to be carefully thought out considering that many find Boise’s lack of a specific artistic reputation to be among its most appealing attributes. “We have a distinctive different kind of lifestyle and different kind of opportunities for [artists],” said Schorzman. “Boise is, for so many people, kind of a blank slate in the way that you can almost create what you want to create.” Boise’s lack of artistic definition might just be what allows the visions of some artists to be realized in a more natural way, without an excess of influence from other artists, giving them room to grow. “Every generation, every time period, has something different to offer. Depending on the artist or the artistic vision of what they need, how they’re going to meet those needs of the community and themselves,” said Schorzman. Many of these young artists feel that Boise’s creative culture is undergoing its own adolescence and is at a tipping point. The community could move in any direction and its members want to be here to help guide it. “There are significant things happening and it’s interesting being part of defining what that movement is,” Voss said. “I am aware of a shift and the decisions I make, especially in terms of staying or leaving, play directly into that … to continually engage in that development and play a part in it is what intrigues me so much.”
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Age: 24 Discipline: Illustration Day Job: Graphic artist at Whole Foods Market Hometown: Boise Years in Boise: 24
Julia Green was born and raised in Boise and she has never left. Her work can be found on concert posters, in newspapers and magazines, on the chalkboard in front of Pie Hole and on the Internet. Her characters span a wide range of themes, but they’re also distinctive. She begins her drawings with traditional materials—good old pencil and ink—then she adds color and makes small adjustments with her computer. She has loved drawing since childhood but decided to pursue illustration as a career after seeing a concert poster by fellow Boise artist Ben Wilson. “Boise is a great community of creative people, and it’s a fun time when 90 percent of your friends are doing important things and making things,” Green said. “I really love Boise because it is so damn beautiful here, the people are in a state of calm, it’s cheap to live here, and it’s easy to make your way to the top.” Green studied art at Boise State University, and after a few years of producing concert posters, her work started to gain recognition and she was solicited for gallery shows and other freelance work. She still does posters but has expanded to album art and T-shirt
Age: 23 Discipline: Film Day Job: Director at Retroscope Media LLC Hometown: Pocatello Years in Boise: Five
zach voss
Zach Voss moved to Boise in 2007 to attend Boise State University. While still sheltered safely inside the undergraduate cocoon, he realized the only way he could find a job making the kind of work that really interested him was to employ himself. He started Retroscope Media, a creative media company specializing in video production. After graduating in late 2011, he was able to make Retroscope a full-time job and the LLC has been running successfully for more than a year. “Fresh out of college starting your own business was much easier to do in Boise than it would have been in a bigger city,” Voss said. “There are hard costs, which are the same ... but other things are much more accommodating, like cheap rent whether it’s in my housing or my office. “Also, I think the ease of being able to ride my bike with my trailer to a location and film that way and not have to get on a highway and be in traffic for an hour. It’s small enough to where I can navigate the scene and enjoy doing so. ... It’s cool to be able to get someplace pedal-powered.” Voss cites his participation in the i48 festival as a turning point in his creative life, a point at which he became better known for his films. In 2010, Voss entered Object of Affection in the novice category and it won best film. The follow-
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designs. Her illustrations also pop up in the pages of Boise Weekly and Pittsburgh-based Bicycle Times. For Green, geographical isolation has become a near non-issue thanks to the Internet. “I’ve been able to use my work in Boise as a way to build a portfolio and get artwork in other cities using connections I make on the Internet,” she said. In February 2013, Green will participate in a women’s-only group show at G1988 in Melrose, Calif. The show is a collaboration with hellogiggles.com—the female-centric entertainment site started by Zooey Deschanel, Sophia Rossi and Molly McAleer. Early this year, Green made plans to leave Boise for a bigger city. But as she was about to pack her belongings, she scored a job. And not just any job—the kind that actually pays her to do art. Venturing away from Boise someday isn’t out of the question but for now, Green has found enough to keep her here. “For the small amount of people in Boise, the percentage of really amazing people is high,” Green said. “There are plenty of artists here who could easily make a living in other, larger cities, and it actually bums me out that some are too shy to try.”
ing year, Beard’s Company was a competitor in the open category and won best film as well. Not long after his 2011 success, Voss received a grant from the Idaho Film Office to create another short film. Mandrake Estate follows Brooks Lloydman, the groundskeeper of a prestigious golf course. The film wrapped production in late summer with plans for a screening later this year. “I’m finding a lot of opportunity available to me without having to have an undesirable level of competition with anyone else,” said Voss who has been able connect and collaborate with other Boise artists in a way he doesn’t feel would be possible in a larger city. “All those avenues that are just right there,” he said. “A phone call away and I know that I would be greeted with a positive response and a willingness to participate.” Retroscope Media continues its momentum with a grant from the Boise City Arts and History Department, which will result in a documentary film detailing the life and work of local tricycle craftsman Gregory Allen. “It’s intriguing and I wanna ride that wave,” Voss said of Boise’s progress. “I think that it’s kind of a common idea to leave when you want to pursue something like that and jump into it in a place that might be considered a hub, but to stay here and represent this place I think is an honorable task and something I wish to continue.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Name: Daniel Kerr Age: 24 Discipline: Music Day Job: Server/chef at Bacon Hometown: Pocatello Years in Boise: Five
Name: Jake Warnock Age: 23 Discipline: Music Day Job: Barista at The Crux Hometown: Pocatello Years in Boise: Five
daniel kerr jake warnock Daniel Kerr and Jake Warnock are Atomic Mama, a band that plays “rock ‘n’ roll for the future.” The two played in bands together during their youth and when they graduated high school, they went their separate ways, each seeking to break into the music scene of a bigger city. Kerr went to Portland, Ore., and Warnock moved to Phoenix. A year into their respective adventures, the two were talking on the phone and decided to come back to Idaho. “[We] realized that we hadn’t met the kind of people we wanted to play music with,” Kerr said. “We wanted to rehearse and record and have a place to put all our stuff, so we just went out to Garden City and found a big warehouse for cheap,” he said. “It’s that kind of stuff that’s hard to do in other places.” “I think people move to big cities with all these stars in their eyes, but it takes a real long time to figure it out if you don’t have a foundation there,” said Warnock. “We have a pretty solid foundation, we just needed to figure out the right kind of venue for it.” That venue was Boise. “There’s a lot of response to the creative things because the people are hungrier here than they are in a lot of other places,” said Warnock. “There’s not nearly so many jaded [people]—everyone’s really cool in an innocent WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
sense of cool instead of so fucking cool that nothing’s really cool at all. You know, not cold. ... The people here are really supportive of what we do and that’s a beautiful thing. It makes it a lot easier to get up in the morning.” Kerr and Warnock find Boise’s isolation helpful in shaping creative pursuits, or rather, in not shaping them. “It’s kind of nice being able to separate yourself ... and feel like you’re an Idaho boy just playing whatever comes to mind and comes to heart,” said Kerr. “I’d like to keep that as long as we can before we really need to venture out.” “You get into these cliques in bigger places,” Warnock added. “I think a lot of bands get sucked into having the exact same sound. ... We have so many influences and so much love for so many different types of music. We want to play all of it.” “We definitely don’t want to shut any of it out,” said Kerr. “We wanna be able to draw on whatever we wanna draw on.” “There’s more of a sense of a creative freedom here,” said Warnock. “The beautiful thing about music is that it takes you all over the world if you let it and cultivate it enough to let it. Boise has been a great home base. ... I think that anywhere we go in the entire world, if we ever move, we still would have a really huge part of Boise in our hearts.”
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 15
BOISEvisitWEEKLY PICKS boiseweekly.com for more events
Finding the right word for the situation can be very tiring. Boise will RAWk out during the final RAW event of the year.
Though they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, words don’t always adequately convey meaning. Sometimes it’s a struggle to find the right words for complex emotions, making for strained relationships. Other times, it’s words left unspoken that cause cues to go unnoticed, leading to a failure to identify love at all. These and other forms of communication breakdown afflict the subjects of Julia Cho’s play, The Language Archive. The budding thespians of Boise State University’s Theatre Majors Association take up the war of words and debut a production of Cho’s play running Wednesday, Dec. 5-Saturday, Dec. 8. The four evening performances begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Danny Peterson Theatre in the Morrison Center. A professional linguist, the play’s main character, George, struggles to stop the demise of the world’s words. He “is a man consumed with preserving and documenting the dying languages of far-flung cultures,” according to the TMA website. But while George struggles with his work, communication also fails him at home. Despite his lingual facility in the field, George fails to find the words to salvage his marriage with Mary, who is ready to leave him. Meanwhile, he fails to see the lovesick writing on the wall scrawled by romantically stricken lab assistant. The Language Archive is directed by Mathew Kolsky and David Cowan, who lead a cast of their drama-minded peers. Tickets are free for Boise State students and $5 for the public. Wednesday, Dec. 5-Saturday, Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m. FREE students, $5 general admission. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, 208-426-3980, theatrearts.boisestate.edu.
SATURDAY DEC. 8 giving back FILL A ROOM WITH HOPE Each year, the month-long span between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve seems
to go by in a blur of food, drinks, gifts, lights, decorations and invitations to more holiday parties than actual holidays. Whether it’s the copious amount of hot buttered rum you tip back or all the endorphins floating around, it’s pretty hard not end up drunk from all the merriment—if not the booze.
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But before your holiday hangover sets in, take some time to help those who may have to go without this year. Saturday, Dec. 8, the Nampa Sleep Inn will hold its inaugural Fill a Room for Hope event to benefit Hope’s Door—a shelter for victims of domestic violence—and several other charities. If ever there was a reason to venture into
HOLIDAY RAWK Each month, the Boise satellite of RAW: Natural Born Artists invites arts- and cultureminded citizens to don cocktail attire and rub elbows at the Powerhouse Event Center. At every RAW event, the stage and balcony gallery feature work from a small army of artists, musicians, designers and fashionistas, while performers regale the crowd. For the Thursday, Dec. 6 RAW event, organizers welcome visitors to celebrate the end of 2012 with Holiday RAWk, a mashup of more than a dozen performing and visual artists. Inside, host Dylan Haas and DJ Myko help get the evening started while event-goers peruse work from artists, including Lori Simpson, Lythium Flash and Olive Wicherski, Carri Sue and Cat Leewaye whose work uses strong pastel colors. Performer Kristen Hill brings the skills she has honed as part of the Red Light Variety Show and Ophidia Studio to the RAW stage while Boise musicians Storie Grubb, Customary and Johnny Butler provide the evening’s soundtrack. Meanwhile, fashion designer Gina White shows her Victorian era-inspired styles with the ladies of the Boise Model Menagerie, who will strut the runway. The full list of participating artists can be found at the RAW Boise website. The last RAW event of the year begins at 7 p.m. Admission runs $10 for pre-sale tickets, or $15 at the door. 7 p.m.-midnight, $10 advance, $15 door. Powerhouse Event Center, 621 S. 17th St., 208331-4005, rawartists.org.
2C, this is it. The goal is to fill two hotel rooms with food and children’s toys for those in need. But why not make sure those rooms are overflowing with holiday goodies? Do your part and stop by the Sleep Inn any time between noon and 4 p.m. to drop off any new toys, nonperishable foods, turkeys or cash donations. Even the
smallest donation can help families struggling through this holiday season. All proceeds from the event benefit Hope’s Door, Toys 4 Tots and The Idaho Foodbank. While it may seem cliche, it truly is better to give than to receive. Noon-4 p.m. Nampa Sleep Inn, 1315 Industrial Road, Nampa, 208-4636300.
SATURDAYSUNDAY DEC. 8-9 old-timey RE-ART: OLD TIME MUSIC Nothing makes a bygone era on stage or screen feel quite as authentic as WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Have flute, will travel.
WILD LUSTRE Chill out at Idaho Ice World to celebrate the holidays.
enchanted wind instruments LUNA’S MAGIC FLUTE
zamboni HOLIDAYS ON ICE Hey, baby, it’s cold outside, so why not come inside and sit beside a giant ice rink for a couple hours? Sure, some kindling in the fireplace, a warm blanket and a cup of hot chocolate would be a welcome reprieve from the biting winds, but you’re already bundled, and nothing keeps the blood circulating—and the winter malaise away—like a few turns around the rink. So if your kiddos have always dreamed of becoming Olympic-level ice skaters (or maybe you just know all the lines from Blades of Glory), then head over to Idaho IceWorld for some holiday cheer. On Saturday, Dec. 8, Idaho IceWorld will hold performances of Holidays on Ice. And by “holiday,” the event organizers don’t just mean Christmas. The performance celebrates everything from Valentine’s and St. Patrick’s days to Thanksgiving and New Year’s. With colorful costumes and festive music, we can’t promise that this won’t send you into some kind of holiday meltdown, but what’s life without a little risk? The program includes skaters from Boise Figure Skating Club as well as the Learn to Skate programs through Idaho IceWorld. So if you’re looking for some family friendly entertainment to kick off the (entire) holiday season, load up the crew and hit the rink. You bring the gloves; they’ll provide the entertainment. 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. $7 adults, $5 children, $10 VIP (includes on-ice seating with snacks and hot beverages). Idaho IceWorld, 7072 South Eisenman Road, Boise, 208-331-0044, idahoiceworld.com.
period music. The most lavish example that comes to mind is the old-timey soundtrack from O Brother, Where Ar t Thou? Reconstructed from tinny, low-fi vinyl recordings, the film brought the Depression-era Deep South alive through hummable ditties. Re-Ar t—the Treasure Valley Institute for Children’s Ar t program which provides free ar t instruction for children second weekend of ever y month—joined forces with the Boise Public Librar y and Boise Rock
School to per form a similar feat for Boise’s sesquicentennial celebrations. That’s right: For Boise’s 150th birthday, three of Boise’s most kid-friendly institutions are revivifying the city’s past through oldtimey tunes performed by its youngest denizens. On Saturday, Dec. 8, and Sunday, Dec. 9, join kids and adults in observance of the City of Trees’ encroaching old age at the Boise Public Library nearest you. Starting at 1 p.m. each day, youngsters ages 5-12 offer a
Zelda: The Ocarina of Time is arguably one of the greatest adventure video games ever. In it, the hero, Link, obtains a magical flute that, when played, uncovers the obscured, opens closed doors and charms mythical creatures. He explores the vast world in which he lives, ultimately using his flute to defeat the evil Ganondorf. In a similar vein is Luna’s Magic Flute, the American premiere of which takes place at Boise Contemporary Theater Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 6 p.m., performed by Jennifer Myers (flute) and Betsi Hodges (piano), 60 dancers from the School of Balance Dance Company and Open Arms Dance Project. The story goes like this: Young Luna (played by Boise High School junior Rebecca Reed), gets her hands on a magic flute and explores the world, making new friends and encountering danger along the way in the form of a dragon, which Luna must outwit after the oversized lizard steals her enchanted accessory. The whole shebang is set to music by Blaz Pucihar. “It’s cute. It’s kids. It’s not the Nutcracker,” wrote Leah Clark of Balance Dance in an email. All the same, it promises lively and original music, a huge cast and the services of narrator Renee Knappenberger of Idaho Shakespeare Festival. OK, so giant lizards and enchanted woodwind instruments might not be traditional holiday fare, but it’s good to shake things up a bit. Besides, there are plenty of nutcrackers out there already. 6 p.m., $5 in advance, $6 at the door. Boise Contemporar y Theater, 854 Fulton St., 208-331-9224, balancedance.org.
bit of Southwestern Idaho’s frontier spirit, from the early days of fur trapping to the bustling Boise of the more recent past. This year, Re-Art endeavored to give kids better insight into Idaho’s past by providing classes and workshops invoking the skills and pastimes of its earliest settlers, from spinning wheel classes with Keren Brown to Square Dancing with Ava Honey. Partnering with Boise Rock School promises to be an ambitious collaboration
Boise is home to some free-spirited, innovative designers, and the ladies of Wild Lustre—Bronwyn Leslie, Emily Peyton and Kyra Beanauer—are among them. The collective includes Leslie’s Mother Native, Peyton’s Gilded Ember and Bernauer’s Weave Gold brands. The artists create handmade 208-477-1530, beaded jewelry and accessowildlustre@gmail.com ries, pouring themselves into each design. Each piece draws inspiration from Native American beadwork and is hand-crafted from seed beads and string. Though the materials are simple, the designs are imbued with a free love, 1960s spirit and each piece of jewelry features a different color palette. Leslie described her design process as something unique to both the customer and her environment. “I’ll start beading, and from there, a creation is born,” she said. Leslie also credits music as a large influence for many of her pieces. She says mellow tunes produce more elegant designs while a band like the Black Angels inspires “something more intense.” By getting to know the individuals they are designing for, the ladies of Wild Lustre are able to create “one-of-a-kind accessories that are specific to personal taste.” You can purchase some of these pieces by calling 208477-1530 or emailing wildlustre@gmail.com. —Jordyn Price
that’s fun for the family. The event is free and open to the public, so there’s no excuse not to check it out. Saturday, Dec. 8, 1-2 p.m. FREE. Library at Collister, 4724 W. State St., 208562-4995; 3-4 p.m. Library at Cole and Ustick, 7557 W. Ustick Road, 208-570-6900; Sunday, Dec. 9, 1-2 p.m. Main Library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-384-4076; 3-4 p.m. Library at Hillcrest, 5246 W. Overland Road, 208-562-4996; trica.org.
an event by e-mail to calendar@boiseweekly.com. Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 17
8 DAYS OUT WEDNESDAY DEC. 5 Festivals & Events BOISE WEEKLY LOOKSMART SMARTCARD PARTY—Use your BW SmartCard smartphone app to score entry into the hottest party of the season. Raid your closet or the local boutique for cocktail partywear, purchase your tickets—they’re limited, so hurry—and head to Idaho Botanical Garden to partake of appetizers, a full bar and Winter Garden aGlow. 6 p.m. $25. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-343-8649, bwsmartcard. boiseweekly.com.
On Stage
TINY WONDERFUL PREVIEW— Inspired by the holiday season, Enso artists have created works that embrace the qualities of tiny and wonderful. Featuring treasures by Chris Binion, Cate Brigden, Michael Cordell, Andrea Merrell, Kelly Packer, Lisa Pisano, Pamela Swenson, Christine Raymond, Anna Ura and Amy Westover. 3-8 p.m. FREE. Enso Artspace, 120 E. 38th St., Ste. 105, Garden City, 208-991-0117, ensoartspace.com.
On Stage ALLEY REPERTORY THEATER: BREADCRUMBS—Breadcrumbs by Jennifer Haley examines the life of a reclusive writer who is grappling with Alzheimer’s in the midst of writing her autobiography. Show is 21 and older, with beer and wine available. 8 p.m. $10-$15. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297, alleyrep.org.
DAMASCUS—See Wednesday. 2 p.m. $14. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater.org. DOC’S HOLIDAY—Join Boise Bible College for a night of comedy. A buffet dinner is served before the show. 6 p.m. $5-$12. Boise Bible College, 8695 W. Marigold St., Garden City. EARS ON A BEATLE—Check out Mark St. Germain’s play about two FBI agents assigned to watch John Lennon. 7:30 p.m. $15. Stage Coach Theatre, 4802 W. Emerald Ave., Boise, 208-3422000, stagecoachtheatre.com. EVERY CHRISTMAS STORY EVER TOLD—Instead of performing Charles Dickens’ classic, three actors decide to perform every Christmas story in this madcap romp through the holiday season. 7:30 p.m. $12.50, $9 seniors/students. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St., Boise, 208-342-5104, boiselittletheater. org.
DAMASCUS—A dubious hero seeks truth on a trip to Dunkin’ Donuts. 8 p.m. $14. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater.org.
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Available in the Boise Co-op Wellness Department! 888 W. Fort St t 208.472.4500 t Open 7 to 10 Daily 18 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
THE LANGUAGE ARCHIVE BY JULIA CHO—George is a man consumed with preserving and documenting the dying languages of far-flung cultures. Closer to home, though, language is failing him. He doesn’t know what to say to his wife to keep her from leaving him, and he doesn’t recognize the deep feelings that his lab assistant has for him. See Picks, Page 16. 7:30 p.m. FREE for Boise State students with ID, $5 general admission.. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-4263980, theatre.boisestate.edu.
Literature WRITERS IN THE ATTIC—Celebrate the release of The Cabin’s anthology of stories by local artists. Join author Alan Heathcock and musician James Orr for the event. Copies of the book are available for $12.99 with authors present for signing. 7 p.m. $5. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111, thelinenbuilding. com.
THURSDAY DEC. 6 Festivals & Events ADULT COMMUNITY HEALTH SCREENING—Health screenings for uninsured adults. Services are provided by Idaho State University-Meridian faculty and student clinicians. No appointment necessary. Full screening takes about an hour. 4-7 p.m. FREE. ISU-Meridian, 1311 E. Central Drive, Meridian, 208373-1700, isu.edu/meridian.
ARTS/REVIEW BCT’S DAMASCUS DRAWS POLITE APPLAUSE Damascus, the latest one-man play by Boise Contemporary Theater vet Andrew Weems, is teeming with vivid descriptions of eccentric characters. As with his 2010 BCT production, Namaste Man, Weems weaves a tale that tugs the audience across the globe, from the unforgiving streets of New York City to a crowded bus ambling through the back roads of rural India. Neil Patel, who designed the set for Damascus’ premiere at the Fourth Street Theatre in New York earlier this year, crafted a simple set at BCT. The stage is a cold warehouse space with a table shivering in the center; a framed photo of James Dean hovers on the back wall and a small Indian shrine skulks stage right. It’s more or less a blank canvas on which Weems can paint his colorful imagery peppered with a flurry of indulgent accents. The play’s central character—a schlubby unnamed alcoholic in mom jeans who works a dead-end job at a NYC bookstore and still listens to a Walkman (“To hell with the shiny new machines”)—is an unlikely protagonist. He throws back six packs on the roof of his New York City apartment and on the long train ride to JFK airport. There’s a side story about his infatuation with a fellow bookstore employee, Annie, who punctuates her worried entreaties with, “You’re my dude.” Alcohol is as much a character in Damascus as the eccentric Russian landlord Jeff, with his “greased-back Fonzie hair,” or the lead’s brother Ted, who was once a James Dean-ish rebel but is now a disillusioned minister on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Hungover in a Dunkin’ Donuts after spending the night passed out on a park bench, Weems’ character dives into an old magazine story, “Damascus,” about a researcher who receives an academic grant to India. He runs across a similar collection of oddballs, like the sweet Scottish schoolteacher Fiona and the disapproving Mr. Babbington, and soon realizes that the real India is a far cry from his romanticized ideal. In the end, Damascus—both the magazine article and the play—is the story of a lost man wandering down the metaphorical Road to Damascus, the not always pretty or direct path to self-discovery. But for all the color and character building—an impressive feat for Weems, who is seated at a table for most of the production—Damascus was ultimately unfulfilling; a haphazard mosaic of stories without a compelling central arc. Boise audience members, usually liberal with their standing ovations, remained in their seats opening night, clapping politely. —Tara Morgan WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
8 DAYS OUT GIFTS OF THE MAGI—Musical based on the story by O. Henry, set during Christmas 1906. 8 p.m. $18, $15 student/senior/ military. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise, 208-385-0021, kedproductions.org. THE LANGUAGE ARCHIVE BY JULIA CHO—See Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE for Boise State students with ID, $5 general admission. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-3980, theatre. boisestate.edu. LIQUID LAUGHS: SPENCER KING—Featuring Jake Sharon. Buy one, get one tickets. 8 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, liquidboise.com.
Concerts CLARINET STUDIO RECITAL—7:30 p.m. FREE. Morrison Center Recital Hall, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise State campus, Boise, 208-426-1609. STUDENT CHAMBER MUSIC RECITAL—5 p.m. FREE. Morrison Center Recital Hall, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise State campus, Boise, 208-426-1609.
Food & Drink SECOND ANNUAL CBNA CHILLY FEED AND BAKE SALE—The second annual Central Bench Neighborhood Association’s soup feed and bake sale fundraiser for neighborhood projects and features a variety of chilis and extras for $2 a bowl. 6-8 p.m. FREE. Wright Congregational Church, 4821 W. Franklin Road, Boise, 208-333-0312.
Odds & Ends CALDWELL WINTER WONDERLAND—Take a trip to downtown Caldwell to view the spectacular light display. Walk the decorated paths along the river. Take your mittens and your camera. Leaves from Nampa Recreation Center front drive. 6-8:30 p.m. $10. Nampa Recreation Center, 131 Constitution Way, Nampa, 208468-5858, nampaparksandrecreation.org. LADIES’ LOUNGE—Swig some cocktails with the ladies of Boise Weekly and enjoy prize giveaways, drink specials and oh-so-much more. Visit BW’s promo page to get the 4-1-1. 5 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s Saloon, 12505 Chinden Blvd., Boise, 208-331-5666, willibs. com.
RAW: NATURAL BORN ARTISTS—Put on your cocktail attire, do up your hair and groove to some of the hottest visual, musical and performing artists around. Emceed by Story Story Night’s Dylan Haas with beats by Myko. See Picks, Page 16. 7 p.m. $10 pre-sale, $15 at the door. Powerhouse Event Center, 621 S. 17th St., Boise, 208-3314005.
FRIDAY DEC. 7 Festivals & Events HOKUM HOEDOWN SQUARE DANCE AND OLD-TIMEY MUSIC SERIES—Enjoy music from the Hokum Hi-Flyers while you learn square dance moves, followed by an old-time hootenanny featuring a cast of callers. Pie Hole pizza is for sale and a full bar is available with ID. 7 p.m. $5, $15 per family. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-3850111, thelinenbuilding.com. LIPSINC—Watch Idaho’s first professional female impersonation troupe perform Tree Toppers. 8:30 p.m. $15. Balcony Club, 150 N. Eighth St., Ste. 226, Boise, 208-336-1313, thebalconyclub.com. TINY WONDERFUL OPENING RECEPTION—See Thursday. 5-8 p.m. FREE. Enso Artspace, 120 E. 38th St., Ste. 105, Garden City, 208-991-0117, ensoartspace.com.
On Stage ALLEY REPERTORY THEATER: BREADCRUMBS—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $10-$15. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297, alleyrep.org. CHRISTMAS CAROL II—The ghosts are back in this music melodrama parody presented by Prairie Dog Playhouse. Ebenezer Scrooge has become a pushover, so the ghosts re-haunt him to get him back on track. Call 208336-7383 for details. 7:15 p.m. $10-$15. Boise WaterCooler, 1401 W. Idaho St., Boise. DAMASCUS—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $14. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater.org. EARS ON A BEATLE—See Thursday. 8:15 p.m. $15. Stage Coach Theatre, 4802 W. Emerald Ave., Boise, 208-342-2000, stagecoachtheatre.com.
| EASY |
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk. Go to www.boiseweekly.com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
GIFTS OF THE MAGI—See Thursday. Dinner show: $39; $20 show only. 8 p.m. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise, 208385-0021, kedproductions.org. THE LANGUAGE ARCHIVE BY JULIA CHO—See Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE for Boise State students with ID, $5 general admission. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-3980, theatre. boisestate.edu.
© 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 23
8 DAYS OUT LIQUID LAUGHS: SPENCER KING—See Thursday. 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208287-5379, liquidboise.com.
UP ON THE HOUSETOP—Little Tiger wants to see Santa. It’s late on Christmas Eve—will St. Nick ever come? 10:30 a.m. FREE. Boise Public Library, Hayes Auditorium, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, boisepubliclibrary.org. WHITE CHRISTMAS—Based on the beloved film staring Bing Crosby, this musical adaptation features 17 Irving Berlin songs, including “Blue Skies,” “I Love A Piano,” “How Deep Is the Ocean” and the perennial favorite, “White Christmas.” 7:30 p.m. $17 adv., $20 door. Nampa Civic Center, 311 Third St. S., Nampa, 208-468-5555, nampaciviccenter.com.
Concerts ALL KEYED UP—Join musicians from Boise Philharmonic, Boise State and Boise Baroque for an evening of piano, organ and glockenspiel music. 7:30 p.m. Suggested $10 donation. Cathedral of the Rockies, First United Methodist Church, 717 N. 11th St., Boise, 208-343-7511. FOUNTAINVIEW ACADEMY ORCHESTRA AND SINGERS— Celebrate the season with the So God So Loved The World concert series, presented by the world-renowned Fountainview Academy Orchestra and Singers. 7 p.m. FREE. Cloverdale Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 1115 N. Cloverdale Road, Boise, 208-377-8447, cloverdale. adventistnw.org.
Food & Drink BOISE HIGH MADRIGAL DINNER—Join family and friends for the 40th annual Madrigal Dinner at Boise High School. Featuring entertainment, Renaissance costumes (complete with a royal court and wenches), a short concert and a feast. 6:30 p.m. $15-$20. Boise High School, 1010 Washington St., Boise, 208-854-4270.
Art REALISM WITHOUT BORDERS EXHIBIT—Impressionist art show brings together paintings by Soviet and contemporary American, French, Russian and Ukranian artists. The show connects two centuries and two continents. 1-6 p.m. FREE. Lee Gallery Boise, 409 S. Eighth St., Ste 101, Boise, 208-345-1120, leegalleryboise.com. WESTON ... MOSTLY LANDSCAPES—Exhibit features 30 years of landscapes and abstracts by nationally known painter and sculptor Jeffrey Weston of Cascade. Weston has shown in New York, Las Vegas, San Franscico and Florida. This show features the 8-foot-long Sawtooth Autumn painting that hung in the Governor’s Office for seven years. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE. Tupper’s Ice House, 106 E. Pine St., Cascade.
The Found Footage Festival found its way to Boise’s Red Room Nov. 30.
BLAST FROM THE PAST From old-school VHS footage to shredding metal legends, last week was a nostalgia-filled blast from the past. The Found Footage Festival kicked the weekend off in gory style Nov. 30 at Red Room with grainy video snippets of a live roadside birth, severed arms and parrot diarrhea. According to Boise Weekly’s Josh Gross, it only got weirder from there. “They showed clips from a short-lived cable access show called Dancing With Frank Pacholski, which featured Mr. Pacholski wearing only an American-flag Speedo and dancing for an intimate audience of senior citizens while smearing guacamole into his armpits and shoving a plucked chicken into his skivvies,” Gross said. The following night, Dec. 1, Gross swung by Visual Arts Collective for Alley Repertory Theater’s Breadcrumbs, a somber look into a woman’s struggle to document her life story. “Breadcrumbs, Alley Rep’s new play by Los Angeles playwright Jennifer Haley, is the story of Alida, a gruff and intensely private writer who is battling to get her life story on paper before it’s lost in the fog of Alzheimer’s,” Gross explained. According to Gross, the play weaves together flashbacks, elements of fairy tales and the struggles of dementia, all the while revealing information about Alida’s shattered childhood. “Both actors, Janet Summers in the role of old and young Alida, and Sarah Gardner in the roles of Beth and Alida’s mother, give fine performances in these remarkably complex roles,” Gross said. “But since there is little action and sparse staging, the show depends entirely on them. And the chemistry between the two drifted in and out, like they were acting more in their own worlds than in tandem with one another.” Breadcrumbs will continue at Visual Arts Collective through Saturday, Dec. 8. Moving from shattered childhoods to shattered eardrums, BW’s Harrison Berry made his way to Knitting Factory Dec. 2 for a set by iconic metal wizards Megadeth. “The energy put off by the band multiplied when Dave Mustaine and Chris Broderick played call-and-response guitar solos. Broderick laid a bloody mess of notes over the drum and bass, paused a beat, and Mustaine would respond in his crisp, methodical style,” noted Berr y. “In that single beat, the audience, reduced to piranhas in the mosh pit near the stage, was caught between Scylla and Char ybdis in a whirlpool of sound that sometimes more closely resembled a typhoon of broken glass.” —Tara Morgan
24 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
8 DAYS OUT Religious/Spiritual
CHRISTMAS CAROL II—See Friday. 7:15 p.m. $10-$15. Boise WaterCooler, 1401 W. Idaho St., Boise.
JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM—The Journey to Bethlehem live nativity event takes place outside, so dress warmly. Each tour lasts about 30 minutes. Live animals include Clyde the camel, a donkey, sheep, goats and other farm animals. Please take a gift of canned or other nonperishable foods for the Meridian Food Bank. 5:30-8:30 p.m. FREE. Meridian Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 1855 N. Black Cat Road, Meridian, 208-888-7171, meridianadventistchurch.org.
DAMASCUS—See Wednesday. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. $14. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater.org. EARS ON A BEATLE—See Thursday. 8:15 p.m. $15. Stage Coach Theatre, 4802 W. Emerald Ave., Boise, 208-342-2000, stagecoachtheatre.com. GIFTS OF THE MAGI—See Thursday. 8 p.m. Dinner show: $39; $20 show only. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise, 208385-0021, kedproductions.org.
THE LANGUAGE ARCHIVE BY JULIA CHO—See Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. FREE for Boise State students with ID, $5 general admission. Danny Peterson Theatre, Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-3980, theatre. boisestate.edu.
Festivals & Events FUSED GLASS HOLIDAY BAZAAR—Handmade fused glass items from several Treasure Valley artisans. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE. Fusions Glass Studio, 347 S. Edgewood Lane, Ste. 120, Eagle, 208-938-1055, fusionsidaho.com.
BALANCE DANCE COMPANY WINTER PERFORMANCE: LUNA’S MAGIC FLUTE—Watch the American premiere of Luna’s Magic Flute, a fairytale told through dance, flute and piano about a young girl who must win her magic flute back from an evil dragon. 6 p.m. $5 advance, $6 at door. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., 331-9224, balancedance.org.
INHERITANCE IN JANE AUSTEN’S TIME—James Nagle speaks about Jane Austen and inheritance in honor of the English author’s birth. Raffle tickets and books are available for purchase. For more info, call 208-577-7686. 11 a.m. $25. Ada Community Library, 10664 W. Victory Road, Boise, 208-3620181, adalib.org.
LIQUID LAUGHS: SPENCER KING—See Thursday. 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208287-5379, liquidboise.com.
On Stage
UP ON THE HOUSETOP—See Friday. 2 p.m. FREE. Boise Public Library, Hayes Auditorium, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, boisepubliclibrary.org.
ALLEY REPERTORY THEATER: BREADCRUMBS—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $10-$15. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297, alleyrep.org.
EYESPY Real Dialogue from the naked city
WHITE CHRISTMAS—See Friday. 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. $17 adv., $20 door. Nampa Civic Center, 311 Third St. S., Nampa, 208-4685555, nampaciviccenter.com.
Concerts FOUNTAINVIEW ACADEMY ORCHESTRA AND SINGERS—See Friday. 4 p.m. FREE. Cloverdale Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 1115 N. Cloverdale Road, Boise, 208-377-8447, cloverdale. adventistnw.org. SENIOR RECITAL—11:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. FREE. Morrison Center Recital Hall, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise State campus, Boise, 208-426-1609.
Art ART & ALE III—Beer and art are tied on the list of best holiday gifts. This year, you won’t have to choose between them: Drink beer and shop for art from local artists as part of this holiday tradition. See Arts News, Page 27. Noon-10 p.m. FREE. Payette Brewing Company, 111 W. 33rd St., Garden City, 208-344-0011, payettebrewing.com. REALISM WITHOUT BORDERS EXHIBIT—See Thursday. 1-6 p.m. FREE. Lee Gallery Boise, 409 S. Eighth St., Ste 101, Boise, 208345-1120, leegalleryboise.com. WESTON ... MOSTLY LANDSCAPES—See Friday. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE. Tupper’s Ice House, 106 E. Pine St., Cascade.
Sports & Fitness
HOLIDAYS ON ICE—Watch as your favorite holidays—Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Christmas and Thanksgiving— are represented in displays on ice. See Picks, Page 17. 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. $5-$7. Idaho IceWorld, 7072 S. Eisenman Road, Boise, 208-331-0044, idahoiceworld.com.
2013 PLAYS
FILL A ROOM FOR HOPE—Help fill two standard hotel rooms with food and toys for Hope’s Door shelter for battered women. Donate new toys and nonperishable food, turkeys or cash. All proceeds benefit Hope’s Door, Toys 4 Tots and Idaho Foodbank. See Picks, Page 16. Noon-4 p.m. FREE. Sleep Inn Nampa, 1315 Industrial Road, Nampa, 208-463-6300.
Kids and Teens
Overheard something Eye-spy worthy? E-mail leila@boiseweekly.com
RE-ART: OLD TIME MUSIC—Boise Rock School instructors teach students ages 5-12 how to make music from days gone by. Visit trica.org for more info. See Picks, Page 16. 1-2 p.m. FREE. Library at Collister, 4724 W. State St., 208-562-4995; 3-4 p.m. Library at Cole and Ustick, 7557 W. Ustick Rd., 208-570-6900; Sunday, Dec. 9, 1-2 p.m. Main Library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., 208384-4076; 3-4 p.m. Library at Hillcrest, 5246 W. Overland Rd., 208-562-4996; trica.org.
Earlybird Savings & Gift Certificates, Too!
Tom Ford*, Jodi Dominick*, The Imaginary Invalid (2012). *Member Actors’ Equity. Photo—DKM Photography.
WWW.IDAHOSHAKESPEARE.ORG OR CALL 336-9221 M–F, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 25
8 DAYS OUT Religious/Spiritual CHRISTMAS AT THE CATHEDRAL 2012—Light Eternal features singers, handbell choirs, children’s choirs, an orchestra and an organ from across the valley performing Morten Lauridsen’s Lux Aeterna. Suggested donation of $10 for adults and $5 for students. Nonperishable food items will be collected for the Idaho Foodbank. 4:30 p.m. Cathedral of the Rockies, First United Methodist Church, 717 N. 11th St., Boise, 208-343-7511. JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM— See Friday. 5:30-8:30 p.m. FREE. Meridian Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 1855 N. Black Cat Road, Meridian, 208-888-7171, meridianadventistchurch.org.
SUNDAY DEC. 9 Festivals & Events FUSED GLASS HOLIDAY BAZAAR—See Saturday. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE. Fusions Glass Studio, 347 S. Edgewood Lane, Ste. 120, Eagle, 208-938-1055, fusions-idaho.com.
On Stage mai thai A CHRISTMAS CAROL—Hear a reading of the play. 2 p.m. $7. Morrison Center Recital Hall, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise State campus, Boise, 208-4261609. COMEDY AT THE VARSITY: BOB GOLUB—7 p.m. $8. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658, varsitypubmeridian.com. LIQUID LAUGHS: SPENCER KING—See Thursday. Buy-one, get-one-free tickets. 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208287-5379, liquidboise.com.
Art WESTON ... MOSTLY LANDSCAPES—See Friday. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE. Tupper’s Ice House, 106 E. Pine St., Cascade.
Kids & Teens RE-ART: OLD TIME MUSIC—See Saturday. 1-2 p.m. FREE. Library at Collister, 4724 W. State St., 208-562-4995; 3-4 p.m. Library at Cole and Ustick, 7557 W. Ustick Rd., 208-570-6900; Sunday, Dec. 9, 1-2 p.m. Main Library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., 208-384-4076; 3-4 p.m. Library at Hillcrest, 5246 W. Overland Rd., 208-562-4996; trica.org.
JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM— See Friday. 5:30-8:30 p.m. FREE. Meridian Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 1855 N. Black Cat Road, Meridian, 208-888-7171, meridianadventistchurch.org.
Animals & Pets
CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS BIRD COUNT—Bring the whole family. Binoculars and field guides available to borrow. 9-11 a.m. FREE. Hyatt Hidden Lakes Reserve, 5301 N. Maple Grove Road, Boise.
GOLDEN EAGLE AUDUBON SOCIETY MEETING—Neil Paprocki, Boise State raptor biology master’s student, presents a slide lecture: Wintering Raptor Population Trends. Using locally intensive surveys and historic Christmas Bird Count data, Paprocki explores whether changes in habitat, climate or both are influencing shifts in Southwestern Idaho’s wintering raptors. 7 p.m. FREE. MK Nature Center, 600 S. Walnut St., Boise, 208-3342225, fishandgame.idaho.gov.
Calls to Artists
On Stage
BOISE WEEKLY COVER ART SUBMISSIONS— Each week’s cover of Boise Weekly is a piece of work from a local artist. BW pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded. For more information contact Art Director Leila Rader at leila@boiseweekly.com or 208344-2055. Boise Weekly, 523 Broad St., Boise, 208-344-2055, www.boiseweekly.com.
DAMASCUS—See Wednesday, Dec. 5. 8 p.m. $14. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater.org.
Animals & Pets
TUESDAY DEC. 11 On Stage EUGENE BALLET’S NUTCRACKER—Local dancers join the Eugene Ballet in this annual family favorite event. 7:30 p.m. $10-$25. Jewett Auditorium, The College of Idaho, 2112 E. Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, 208459-3405 or 208-454-1376, caldwellfinearts.org.
Art REALISM WITHOUT BORDERS EXHIBIT—See Thursday. 1-6 p.m. FREE. Lee Gallery Boise, 409 S. Eighth St., Ste 101, Boise, 208-345-1120, leegalleryboise.com.
ONGOING Festivals & Events WINTER GARDEN AGLOW—This holiday tradition features more than 250,000 lights, transforming Idaho Botanical Garden into a sparkling winter wonderland. Enjoy lights, model trains, appearances by Santa and local choir performances. Continues daily through Sunday, Jan. 6. 6-9 p.m. FREE-$8. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-343-8649, idahobotanicalgarden.org. KEEP KIDS WARM OUTERWEAR COLLECTION DRIVE— PODS of Boise, a moving and storage company, has teamed up with Kissin’ 92.3 FM to help collect donated clothing during the radio station’s 16th annual “Keep Kids Warm” campaign. Items needed include coats, scarves, hats and gloves. Winterwear should be gently worn or new. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE. YMC Inc., 2975 Lanark St., Meridian; Tom Scott Toyota, Idaho Center Auto Mall, 15933 N. Idaho Center Blvd., Nampa.
A CHRISTMAS STORY— Boise Classic Movies presents Ralphie’s all-consuming quest for a Red Ryder BB gun. 7 p.m. $6-$9. Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-0454, egyptiantheatre.net.
Religious/Spiritual CHRISTMAS AT THE CATHEDRAL 2012—See Saturday. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Cathedral of the Rockies, First United Methodist Church, 717 N. 11th St., Boise, 208-343-7511.
26 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Art REALISM WITHOUT BORDERS EXHIBIT—See Thursday. 1-6 p.m. FREE. Lee Gallery Boise, 409 S. Eighth St., Ste 101, Boise, 208-345-1120, leegalleryboise.com.
DECK THE HALLS Local artists deck out skateboards for Art Deck-O ANDREW CRISP the event. Half of the proceeds from this Skateboards lead rough lives. Decks get year’s event benefit the artists and half benscuffed and scraped against metal rails and efit local charity Family Advocates. seesawed on the lips of concrete bowls. Yet “They’re all one-of-a-kind,” said The between the wheels, the underbellies often feature expressive illustrations and graphics. BoardRoom owner Chris Heise, who “I skateboarded when I was a teenager,” bought Bobby Gaytan’s airbrushed board in 2011. “The primary focus for these is wallsaid Boise artist Nicholas “Pickle” Burgdorf. “When you buy a board, that’s a pret- hanging art.” For the first Art Deck-O, Knopp carved ty personal thing. That image on the board his deck to resemble an accordion, complete is like the clothes that you’re wearing.” with keys and wooden bellows. Oliver RusOver the years, Burgdorf has painted sell founder Russ Stoddard wanted it. more than 50 decks for Boise’s Sibbz “I keep telling Kelly, ‘If you do another Longboards, joining the ranks of other local deck like that, I’ll buy it from you,’” said artists bringing color to skateboards. That Stoddard, who eventually lost the bidding link between the urban sport and visual art war. “I’m an accordion player, so not only is celebrated at Art Deck-O, an event that returns First Thursday, Dec. 6, to Mulligans. was it beautiful, but it really kind of fit for another reason, too.” In 2011, more than 25 local artists were Stoddard described the crowd as active and handed blank decks and charged with creatmore engaged than he’d seen at other auctions. ing original work on the wooden canvases. Knopp said he was surprised by the sucThe night of the inaugural Art Deck-O in cess of the first event and thinks that artists July 2011, Mulligans became a makeshift will try to top themselves this year. gallery featuring boards coated with layers “Kelly got all the best artists in town,” of paint and ink, even one stitched up with Burgdorf said. “All my favorite artists are yarn. Each board was auctioned off with half the proceeds given to the artists and the there. So at this event, I’m trying to bring my A-game and do my best ... I’m trying other half donated to a local charity. “I remember keeping an eye on the price to show off to the other artists. It’s probably the only show in Boise where I’m not and the prices of other boards to see, ‘All doing it for people or fans, right, I’m doing OK,’” said I’m doing it for the other Burgdorf. artists.” Kelly Knopp, contribThursday, Dec. 6, 5-10 p.m., FREE. This year’s crop of uting artist and event MULLIGANS returning artists includes organizer, borrowed the 1009 Main St., 208-336-6998, Burgdorf, Rick Walter, idea from similar happenmulligansbars.com. Kelly Friederich, Erin Cunings in other cities. He ningham and more. For doesn’t suggest skating on artists like Julia Green, last year’s event was the boards—they’re meant to be displayed their first foray into using a skateboard as as art. canvas. “I imagine that if you were buying “I think the weird shape of it can someone-of-a-kind art, you wouldn’t want to times make it hard to decide what you want skate it,” he said. “That would be a pretty to put on the board,” said Green. “It’s kind expensive board.” of an extreme shape, either horizontally or Local skate shops Prestige, The Board vertically, depending on what you choose.” Room and Newt and Harold’s joined the Green’s previous piece was a portrait of Boise Skateboard Association to sponsor WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
True Grit curmudgeon Rooster Cogburn painted with a wide color palette. For this board, she focused on three colors: gold, black and white. “I didn’t want to overthink it because it’s a skateboard,” said Green. “I think the culture is really loose, not so serious.” Sam Stimpert, cofounder of Visual Arts Collective, is new to Art Deck-O, but not to designing boards. Stimpert has been invited to do similar shows in the past, but this will be his first showing in years. “I was kind of unsure it would even work when Kelly asked me to be in the show,” he said. “I’ve declined them all in the past because I couldn’t figure out how to do it.” Stimpert poured molten metal to shape his deck, which he said charred the wood but retained its characteristic shape. “This definitely has become art,” he said. “In no way could you ever skate with it now.” Artists had different takes on whether buyers should use the boards. Having seen the destruction wrought on his longboard creations, Burgdorf said the purpose of skateboards is to “rough ’em up.” “It’s cool that someone will buy my art and want to show it off like that. If it gets destroyed, it gets destroyed,” he said. “I can always draw something else.” Rick Walter agreed. “As far as using the board, I say go for it. I grew up doing pieces on my friends’ decks. Seeing them get smeared and scraped up never hurt my feelings,” Walter said. While Walter wouldn’t sweat watching his work get destroyed, Green said she has a hard time letting go—after the first Art Deck-O event, she briefly “stalked” the buyer of her deck via Facebook. All told those buyers spent $4,200 at the inaugural Art Deck-O, according to Knopp, and many seemed to side with Green. On the white walls at DV-8 Salon in Boise, Friederich’s board is displayed prominently alongside other pieces of his artwork.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 19
1ST THURSDAY/LISTINGS East Side ARTISANS 4 HOPE—Check out locally crafted textiles from Boise’s refugee population. 4-9 p.m. 413 W. Idaho St., third floor, artusabs4hope. org. BASQUE MUSEUM AND CULTURAL CENTER—Basque Museum holiday sale, featuring discounts of 10 percent for nonmembers and 20 percent for members across the store. Online and phone orders are also covered the day of event. Enjoy refreshments, pintxos,
a no-host bar and music by Basque musicians from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Free gallery tours of the exhibit Hidden In Plain Sight: The Basques and tours of the Jacobs/Uberuaga House every half hour from 6:30-8:30 p.m. The Basque music jam session features local musicians. There will be discounts in items across the store. 611 Grove St., 208-343-2671, basquemuseum.com. BANDANNA—Join photojournalist Katherine Jones as she tells stories about her life as a runner. 7 p.m. 504 W. Main St., 208-386-9017.
BRICOLAGE—Catch Bricolage’s annual holiday block party. Classic Design and Ming Studios bring food, drink, music and demonstrations. Check out photographs by Brooke Burton. Treats provided by Heather Honey Badger. 5-8 p.m. 418 S. Sixth St., 208-345-3718, bricoshoppe.com. THE DISTRICT COFFEE HOUSE—Featuring open mic night. 8 p.m. 110 S. Fifth St., 208-343-1089, districtcoffeehouse.com.
DRAGONFLY—Enjoy free wine tasting. Buy one pair of Silver Jeans and get 50 percent off the second. 5-9 p.m. 414 W. Main St., 208-338-9234. FLATBREAD COMMUNITY OVENDOWNTOWN—Kids younger than 12 eat free. Happy hour goes until 6 p.m. and every bottle of wine is on sale starting at $20. 615 W. Main St., 208-287-4757, flatbreadpizza.com.
FLYING M COFFEEHOUSE— View Meatbag, an exhibition by Conrad Garner and Cale Cathey. 6 p.m. 500 W. Idaho St., 208-3454320, flyingmcoffee.com.
FRONT DOOR NORTHWEST PIZZA AND TAP HOUSE—Enjoy a three-course pairing with beers from Lagunitas Brewing Company including Capuccino Stout, Brown Shugga’ and Little Sumpin’ Wild. 6 p.m. $16. 105 S. Sixth St., 208-2879201, thefrontdoor.com.
GOLDY’S CORNER—Happy hour from 5-9 p.m., with 50 percent off beer and wine. View work from local artists. 625 W. Main St., 208-433-3934, goldysbreakfastbistro.com. HUMPIN’ HANNAH’S—Prizes for the best jammers. 8 p.m. 621 Main St., 208-345-7557.
INDIE MADE—Local crafters and artists will set up shop in pop-up tents in the Pioneer Building. 7 p.m. 108 N. Sixth St., 208-3420809. shopindiemade.com. MIXING BOWL—Warm up with hot drinks and appetizers while you browse. 5-9 p.m. 216 N. Ninth St., 208-345-6025, themixingbowl.com. SAROLI CHOCOLAT—Visit the grand opening of Boise’s newest chocolatier for a ribbon cutting, refreshments and holiday goodies. 4 p.m. 755 Broad St., 208-433-9432.
SILLY BIRCH—Enjoy Proletariat wine and hors d’oeuvres hosted by The Lift Bar & Grill while viewing work by artists Chris Collins, Tony Caprai and Will Eichelberger. 4-7 p.m. 507 Main St., 208-345-2505.
South Side
7 8
EIGHTH STREET MARKETPLACE AT BODO—Featuring work by Artists in Residence. 5-7 p.m. 404 S. Eighth St., Mercantile Building, 208-338-5212, 8thstreetmarketplace.com. BOISE ART MUSEUM—The museum will be open until 9 p.m. for First Thursday. Studio Art Exploration is from 5-8 p.m. Art Talk features Shelton Woods, professor of East/ Southeast Asian History and associate dean at Boise State at 5:30 p.m. 670 Julia Davis Drive, 208-345-8330, artmuseum.org.
THE COLE MARR GALLERY/COFFEE HOUSE—Featuring 28 prints of John De Veuve’s high-desert photography, collectively entitled Listen to the Quiet. 6-9 p.m. 404 S. Eighth St., Ste. B 100, 208-336-7630, cmphotoworkshops.com. IDAHO STATE HISTORICAL MUSEUM—Go to the museum for an evening of book signings with local authors and 10 percent off items in the Museum Store. 5:30-8:30 p.m. By donation. 610 N. Julia Davis Drive, 208-334-2120, history. idaho.gov.
LEE GALLERY—Realism Without Borders. Presented by Akhmed Salakhly, art critic and collector from the advisory board of the Repin Academy St. Petersburg. Featured painters include Alexander Kremer, Alexander Pushnin and Boris Gladchenko. 5-9 p.m. 409 S. Eighth St., Ste 101, 208-345-1120, leegallery.com.
11 12
LISK GALLERY—View small works by Geoff Krueger, Gina Phillips, John Killmaster and others. 5-9 p.m. 401 S. Eighth St., 208-342-3773, liskgallery.com. MACLIFE—Enjoy refreshments and check out iPhone and iPod photography by high-school students on sale in support of the Timberline High School photography class. 5 p.m. 421 S. Eighth St., 208-3236721, maclife.com. QUE PASA—Check out a selection of Mexican artwork, including wall fountains, silver, Day of the Dead decor, and cedar and leather sofas. 409 S. Eighth St., 208-385-9018.
R. GREY GALLERY JEWELRY AND ART GLASS—Check out jewelry designs by artists Alex Sepkus and Sarah Graham. Wine tastings by Telaya Wine Company. 5-9 p.m. 415 S. Eighth St., 208-385-9337, rgreygallery.com.
SALON 162—Check out surreal acrylic art by Morgan Cleverley. 5-9 p.m. 404 S. Eighth St., 208-386-9908.
SNAKE RIVER WINERY—Sample Snake River’s sangiovese, tempranillo and reserve. All cases of wine are 20 percent off. 5-9 p.m. 786 W. Broad St., 208-345-9463.
20 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
LISTINGS/1ST THURSDAY SOLID—Enjoy live music from Robert Wissinger, free appetizers, wine tasting from Holsinsky Winery and art from Maiyan Linane and Kyirsty Unger. Followed by Last Call Trivia at 8 p.m. 5 p.m. 405 S. Eighth St., 208-345-6620, solidboise.com.
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VAN DYCK FRAME DESIGN—Displaying black and white photographs by Charlie Carter, with prints available. 5 p.m. 733 Broad St., 208-336-3454.
Central 805 IDAHO BUILDING— TypePlace, an exhibition of work from an international exchange between Boise State and the University of Applied Arts and Sciences in Hildesheim, Germany (HAWK), celebrates its public opening. 6-9 p.m. 806 N. Idaho St., boisestate.edu.
AMERICAN CLOTHING GALLERY—Featuring Trunk Show by Old Gringo, with goatskin boot fitting by Buzz Hammond. View art by Jamie Brewer and Diane McCoy. Music by Joshua Tree. 5 p.m. 100 N. Eighth St., Ste. 121A, 208-433-0872, americanclothinggallery.com.
THE ART OF WARD HOOPER GALLERY—Open for First Thursday. 5-8:30 p.m. 745 W. Idaho St., 208-866-4627, wardhooper.com. BERRYHILL & CO. RESTAURANT—Jazz by Ken and Rico from 6-9:30 p.m. Get $10 added to every $100 in gift cards. 121 N. Ninth St., 208-387-3553, berryhillandco.com. CHOCOLAT BAR—Snake River Winery will pair with in-house chocolates. 5 p.m. 805 W. Bannock St., 208-338-7771, thechocolatbar.com.
ART WALK Locations featuring artists
D.L. EVANS BANK— Enjoy appetizers, wine tasting and a visit from Santa while viewing art from Longfellow Elementary students. 5-8 p.m. 213 N. Ninth St., 208-331-1399.
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HAPPY FISH SUSHI & MARTINI BAR— Check out photography from Charles Beck and Kenneth Koslov. 855 Broad St., 208-3434810, happyfishsushi.com. HEIRLOOM DANCE STUDIO— Laugh with Insert Foot Theater. 8 p.m. $5. 765 Idaho St., 208871-6352, heirloomdancestudio. com. MCU SPORTS—Open until 7 p.m. and offering shuttle rides to Bogus Basin McU’s for First Thursday. 822 W. Jefferson St., 208-342-7734, mcusports.com.
THE PRESS—Featuring an exhibition of a collaboration between students from Assembled Form and Professional Practices in Graphic Design at Boise State University’s Department of Art. 5 p.m. 212 N. Ninth St., Ste. B, 208-336-9577.
REDISCOVERED BOOKS—Local photographer Hal Eastman discusses the technique used in his two portfolio books, Natural Dance and Dancessence. 7 p.m. Rediscovered Bookshop. 180 N. Eighth St., 208-376-4229, rdbooks.org.
SAGE YOGA AND WELLNESS—Hosting Mandala paintings by Uma Mulnick and the fall collection of perfume by Caitlyn Davies. Wine tastings by Indian Creek Winery. Music during Vinyasa Yoga by Jessica Dean and Aaron Maynard. 5:30-7 p.m. 242 N. Eighth St., Ste. 200, 208338-5430, sageyoga.com. SEE JANE RUN—Meet at 6 p.m. for a three-mile run followed by champaign and chocolate. Buy three pairs of socks and receive a gift. 814 W. Idaho, 208-3385263, seejanerun.com.
THOMAS HAMMER— Featuring watercolor paintings by Bonnie Russell-Lee. 5 p.m. 298 N. Eighth St., 208-433-8004, hammercoffee.com.
West Side
25 1. Basque Museum
11. Lisk Galler y
2. Bricolage
12. MacLife
3. Flying M Coffeehouse
13. R. Grey Galler y
4. Goldy’s Corner 5. Indie Made 6. Silly Birch 7. Eighth Street Marketplace at BODO 8. Boise Ar t Museum 9. The Cole Marr Galler y
20. Happy Fish Sushi Bar 21. The Press
14. Salon 162
22. Rediscovered Books
15. Solid Bar and Grill
23. Sage Yoga and Wellness
16. Van Dyck Frame Design
24. Thomas Hammer
17. 805 Idaho Building 18. American Clothing Galler y 19. D.L. Evans Bank
10. Lee Galler y
25. The Alaska Center 26. Ar t Source Galler y
THE ALASKA CENTER—Winter Art Exhibition. People and Places of the West shows traditional and nontraditional views of where we exist and with whom we share this existence. Featured artists: Chi E. Shenam Westin, Eric Obendorf and Allen Ansell. 5-9 p.m. 1020 Main St.
ART SOURCE GALLERY—Featuring Loca Color, an exhibition of acrylic paintings by Jaki Katz Ashford. Music by JB Duo and wine from Indian Creek Winery. 5-9 p.m. 1015 W. Main St., 208331-3374, artsourcegallery.com. BEN & JERRY’S SCOOP SHOP—Enjoy $1 scoops. 5 p.m. 103 N. 10th St., 208-342-1992, benjerry.com.
27. Boise 150 (Sesqui-Shop) 28. DV8 Salon
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 21
BOISE 150 (SESQUISHOP)—Visit the gallery and interpretive center of Boise’s 150th birthday. The center is collecting stories about the people who make up Boise’s history, so stop in, share your story and check out art from the Visual Chronicle. 1008 Main St., 208-433-5671. THE BRICKYARD—Check out Brickyard’s Home Grown Thursday with an American Revolution cocktail for $4 or Payette Outlaw IPA or Rodeo Rye Pale Ale for $3. 601 Main St., 208-287-2121, brickyard.com.
DV8 SALON— View acrylic art by Kelly Friedrich and get warm with locally crafted knit hats and accessories. 5 p.m. 1025 W. Main St., 208-3421003.
ECIGS BY S. WICKS—Featuring local artist Sydney Chivers. Enjoy refreshments while checking out his work. Guitars built by Carl Hamilton are also on display. 208 N. Ninth St., 208-331-3244, ecigsbyswicks.com. EYES OF THE WORLD—Listen to live electric music by Mantra while Kathy Ackaret performs 20-minute tarot card readings. Refreshments served inside while Dilly’s Food Truck provides hot eats outside. 5 p.m. 1576 W. Grove St., 208-331-1212, eyesoftheworldonline.com.
GALLERY 601—Peruse works of art for holiday gift giving by 601’s stable of artists. 6 p.m. 211 N. 10th St., 208-336-5899, gallery601.com.
THE GALLERY AT THE LINEN BUILDING—View a new show by Michael Chambers, Dave Thomas and Ed Anderson. The exhibition is up through Monday, Dec. 31. 5-9 p.m. 1402 W. Grove St., 208-385-0111, thelinenbuilding.com.
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GYPSY GALLERY— See arts and crafts by various artists for First Thursday. 5:30-9 p.m. 213 10th St.
9:30AM - 1:30PM
8th Street from Bannock to Main Street & on the Grove Plaza
HOLIDAY MARKET - NOV. 3RD TO DEC. 22ND TIS THE SEASON Bring your Holiday Gift List! Come to Boise’s most unique shopping experience!
* Great Selection of Local Artwork * Fresh locally grown produce, herbs, & flowers * Idaho Specialty Foods & Wines
IDAHO MOUNTAIN TOURING—With The Walton Works. Featuring illustrations by Bridget Hall, Travis Compion’s tattoo art, Mark McGinnis’ prints and more. 5 p.m. 1310 Main St., 208-336-3854, idahomountaintouring.com. INTERFAITH SANCTUARY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE—Enjoy appetizers and consider giving a night of shelter for a homeless member of Boise’s community. 5-9 p.m. 1020 W. Main St., Alaska Building, Ste. 100E, 208-371-8974, interfaithsanctuary.org.
MULLIGANS—Art Deck-O-2. Check out custom skateboard art by local artists. See First Thursday, Page 19. 5-10 p.m. 1009 W. Main St., Boise, 208336-6998. OWYHEE PLAZA HOTEL—Enjoy special wine flights and music by the Juke Daddys, champagne flights, prizes, samples, photo booths and vendors. 6 p.m. 1109 Main St., 208-343-4611, owyheeplaza.com.
“Portrait of the Girl (Milkmaid)” is part of a new exhibit at Lee Gallery.
BLOCK PARTIES AND RUSSIAN REALISM Ming Studios (which includes Bricolage, Classic Design Studio, Boise Art Glass, Rocket Neon and Fawn and Foal) is kicking off December in style with an annual block party that goes down First Thursday, Dec. 6. Located at Sixth and Myrtle streets, the arts organizations welcome visitors to party and peruse work from local artists. Peek inside Boise Art Glass to catch free glassblowing demonstrations, as artists craft glass pieces and pour molten material. That evening, the studio also hosts an ornamentmaking workshop, which continues through December. Meanwhile, Brooke Burton’s photographs of birds posed in surprising domestic situations, take roost at Bricolage. Next door, Classic Design Studio is open for visitors to wander in and sample eats, while Alex Richards provides live music. Over at the Basque Museum and Cultural Center, visitors are invited to check out a holiday sale and tour the historic Cyrus Jacobs-Uberuaga house, the site of a recent University of Idaho anthropological dig that unearthed artifacts from early Boise settlers. Visitors can stroll through the museum and enjoy discounts at the Center’s store, while enjoying Basque pintxos and wine by the glass. Local Basque musicians will keep things lively from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Speaking of keeping things lively, the Gypsy Gallery manifests once more for the collective’s 10th anniversary show. The roving band of a dozen or so artists debut work in metal, acrylic, glass, photography and more at the headquarters for A.L.P.H.A., the Allies Linked for the Prevention of HIV and AIDS at 213 10th St. The roving band of artists meets this First Thursday, Dec. 6, from 5:30-9 p.m. Over in BODO, at 409 S. Eighth St., Ste. 101, Lee Gallery debuts a collection of Russian, Ukranian, French and American realistic paintings. The collection belongs to Akhmed Salakhly, collector and art critic on the advisory board of the Repin Academy in St. Petersburg, Russia. The exhibit, Realism without Borders, will remain in Boise until Monday, Dec. 31. Just down the street, artists from the Creative Access Art Center showcase their work at Enable 3.0 from 5-8 p.m. The apprentice artists, who are developmentally disabled, have worked for hours with skilled artists to create their own pieces. All proceeds from the exhibit go to the artists, as part of a program developed with the Idaho State Independent Living Council to help those with disabilities explore the arts as a means of self-employment. The Creative Access Art Center, 500 S. Eighth St., will also serve light appetizers while Dave Triggs provides live music. —Andrew Crisp
22 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
RED AND GREEN FLAMINGOS Cult director John Waters loves Christmas JOSH GROSS Forty years ago, film director John Waters put Boise on notice. “Boise, Idaho, get ready, you are about receive into your community the filthiest people alive,” he wrote in Pink Flamingos. “And finally, 40 years later, it will hapJohn Waters is no cry-baby; he adores Christmas, emotional upheavals and all. pen,” he told Boise Weekly in a phone interview. After all those years of longing, Waters will impact his films have made. presents more of a challenge. make his way to the Knitting Factory Friday, “Now the studios are looking for the Films like Pink Flamingos, Female Trouble, Dec. 7, but not to show the sort of smutty film John Waters that made Female Trouble,” he that made him famous. He will be there to take Desperate Living and Mondo Trasho are said. “They want a film that you made for celebrations of obscenity, delving into Water’s up a topic even the most vanilla Boiseans can fascinations with sex and violence. The movies $50,000 that’s at Sundance. They buy it for get on board with: Christmas. $200,000, they add $300,000 of bad pop were cast from his circle of decidedly nonA John Waters Christmas is a frill-free premusic, $500,000 to make it look worse techniHollywood friends, including the wildly flamsentation, just Waters on stage for 70 minutes cally than you had it before, then release it as discussing his sincere obsession with Christmas boyant drag queen Divine. Many of the films couldn’t be shown in theaters when first made. a found-footage movie and make $70 million. as a scripted one-man show. “We used to travel around the country with They’re looking for it. It’s the best time ever to “When I say I love Christmas, there’s no prints in the trunk of my car playing at univer- be a young person making movies.” irony in that,” he said. “But I understand why One of the reasons Waters felt his last film sities,” he said. others don’t. So I try to help those people and didn’t make money was that it got an NC-17 Waters called that his “Vaudeville act.” also satisfy the people that really do like it.” rating—meaning it was cut from major theater “Divine would come out on stage with the How much does Waters love Christmas? He chains and advertising venues, something he telephone book in hand [to tear in half] and I has sent out more than 2,000 personally dediscussed in the documentary, This Film is Not signed, hand-signed Christmas cards each year would throw dead fish at the audience and I Yet Rated. And though A Dirty Shame wasn’t would yell about nudist camp movies. No one for the past 46 years. He has been trying to the first of his films to get an NC-17 rating, did that stuff,” Waters said. “We had a stolen make a Christmas movie called Fruitcake for his earlier films were rated after the fact, so it police uniform and we’d get a hippie in each five years. And he put together the aforemendidn’t hurt distribution. While Waters thinks tioned spoken-word show that he’ll perform at town and put a short wig on him and he’d come out and pretend to arrest us for obscenity the ratings board has largely been fair with his Knitting Factory. ... and Divine would strangle him and then the films, he still takes issue. Though that all might seem excessive, Wa“The MPAA says, ‘Well, anybody over 17 ters said, chuckling, “Things that are excessive movie would start.” can see it,’” he said. “But what I’m saying is Between performing the live shows and are what I do for a living.” that they don’t back up their brand. They don’t Waters said his show is partially about how writing books, Waters hasn’t made a movie go out and lobby so that newspapers will carry since 2004. He has projects lined up for the to survive Christmas. ads and theaters will carry it. So they have a next three and a half years, but he said the “Things can go wrong,” he said. “It’s an lemon, they have an Edsel of rating, and they primary reason is no one wants to pay for emotional upheaval time.” don’t do anything about it.” a John Waters movie right now, especially That was something Waters learned at a And the shadow cast by that lemon may be since his last film, A Dirty Shame, didn’t young age when a Christmas tree fell on his what’s keeping him from making Fruitcake, the make money. grandmother. “The movie business PG-13 Christmas film he so strongly desires. “And from then on, But he also said it might have to do with the has radically changed,” Christmas was always A John Waters Christmas, Friday, Dec. 7, discovery that his Blackberry has been autohe said. “They want melodramatic because 8 p.m. doors, 8:30 p.m. show, $40-$100. correcting his initials, JW, to say “Jew.” independent movies to you knew something KNITTING FACTORY CONCERT HOUSE “[It] is quite embarrassing: ‘Thank you for cost $500,000 to $1 like that might hap416 S. Ninth St. 208-367-1212 million, and my movies meeting me, Jew.’ It horrified me when I realpen,” he said. bo.knittingfactory.com ized it and I thought that might be why I’m not cost $5 million.” But what you getting the film made,” he said. Though Waters got shouldn’t expect at A But film or no film, Waters and his love of his start making microJohn Waters Christmas budget cinema, he said Christmas will soldier on. is to see or hear much “I want very much to make this movie but doing that now would be a step backwards. about his canon of films—other than how he really, I just want to tell stories,” he said. “I was 18 then,” he said. “Now I’m 66. might reshoot them as Christmas movies. As for the story of how he’d turn Pink FlaI have four people that work for me. I have While his more populist films like Crymingos and its infamous dog shit-eating scene mortgages. I did that. I don’t go back. I’m not baby, Hairspray or Serial Mom might seem into a Christmas film: “You’ll have to come to going to be a faux revolutionary at 66.” easy enough to throw a few Christmas themes the show to hear that,” he said. But that doesn’t mean he’s discounting the or snowy outdoor shots into, his early work
Snag artwork from Noble Hardesty and a cold brew from Payette Saturday, Dec. 8.
CROSSING CULTURES AND TINY WONDERFUL A new series opens Friday, Dec. 7 at the Sun Valley Center for the Arts in Ketchum, which explores our notions of race as the definition continues to morph. Crossing Cultures: Ethnicity in Contemporary America includes four artists who collectively represent Native American, Asian, European and Mexican backgrounds. Participating artists Bob Dix and Joe Feddersen will be on hand to talk about their work during an opening reception Friday, Dec. 7, from 5:30-7 p.m. Other artists involved in the show include San Francisco’s Julie Chang, who blends motifs ranging from “Chinese textiles, European wallpaper patterns and contemporary graphic design,” and Ana Serrano who works primarily in cardboard, making “sculptures of buildings she sees as representative of Latino neighborhoods in Los Angeles.” Crossing Cultures remains on display through Feb. 23, 2013. More information is available at the center’s website, sunvalleycenter.org. In the Treasure Valley, Enso Artspace is celebrating things both tiny and wonderful. On Friday, Dec. 7, Enso invites visitors to a special holiday reception for a new series, featuring all 10 Enso ar tists called Tiny Wonderful. According to Enso’s website, the series includes gold-leafed bones created by Chris Binion and leaf mosaics crafted by Lisa Pisano. The works are inspired by the holiday season, and will remain on display through January 2013. Just down Chinden Boulevard, Payette Brewing Company hosts Art & Ale 3, which takes on a holiday theme this time. The event pairs local brews and art from noon to 10 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 8. You can score work by 12 local artists, including Noble Hardesty, Tomas Montano, Danielle Demaray, Julia Green, Fawn and Foal, and more. Saint Lawrence Gridiron slings eats and the C.O.T. provides live music. And in calls-to-artists news, the Boise City Department of Arts and History is seeking designs for a life-sized sculpture of late Micron CEO Steve Appleton, which will stand in the courtyard of Boise State University’s new Micron Business and Economics Building. According to the city, the sculpture budget is $90,000. Artists nationwide are encouraged to apply, and applications will be reviewed by a selection panel in January 2013. Once installed, the sculpture and courtyard will pay tribute to Appleton. For details or to apply, visit boiseartsandhistory.org. —Andrew Crisp
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 27
ALTURAS—9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid
Portland, Ore., blues duo Hopeless Jack and the Handsome Devil sounds like capital T-rouble and performs like a boxer fighting his way out of a corner. It’s common to see guitarist Jack Beisel leap atop the drum set and howl threats of murder over grungy slide riffs and the furious drumming of Smilin’ Pete Thomas. “I pawned off my Bible, child, to buy some hollow point rounds ... I’m gonna to kill him,” Biesel sings on “Hopeless Love.” “The way that I love you, child, you know I’d kill for you,” he croons on “38 Special.” Anyone doubting that rock ’n’ roll can still be dangerous needs only to hear the whisky-haggard tone of Biesel’s voice to know it is still as dangerous as a cornered wildcat. With Indecisive, Matt Stone and Sun Blood Stories, 8:30 p.m., $3. The Crux, 1022 W. Main St., 208-342-3213, facebook.com/thecruxcoffeeshop. —Josh Gross
28 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Hillfolk Noir HILLFOLK NOIR—7 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s INDECISIVE MATT STONE— With Hopeless Jack The Handsome Devil and Sun Blood Stories. See Listen Here, this page. 8:30 p.m. $3. The Crux
BUDDY AND THE BB’S—6 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s
SUMMER BEACH BLAST—With the Rocci Johnson Band. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s
BFD (BUD FONNY DIVIT)—8 p.m. FREE. Corkscrews
BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR—With JefFREE. Star New Year’s Day and Davey Suicide. 7:30 p.m. $17-$19. Knitting Factory BUDDY AND THE BB’S—6 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s DAN COSTELLO—With Ben Burdick. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
CHUCK SMITH—6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers GAYLE CHAPMAN—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid The Grouch HOW THE GROUCH STOLE CHRISTMAS—Featuring The Grouch Eligh Mistah FAB Prof and DJ Fresh. 10 p.m. $15-$18. Reef
JOHN CAZAN—5 p.m. FREE. Lock Stock & Barrel
PAUSE FOR THE CAUSE—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s
JOHN WATERS—See Arts, Page 27. 8:30 p.m. $40-$100. Knitting Factory
THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. FREE. The Buffalo Club
JIM LEWIS—6 p.m. FREE. Willowcreek LIQUID LABS—Featuring D Ron Groove and Mixstress Morningstar. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid
WAYNE COYLE—8 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge
PAUL DRAGONE—6 p.m. FREE. Shangri-La
RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
Frim Fram 4 FRIM FRAM 4—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
JIM LEWIS—7 p.m. FREE. Woodriver Cellars
THE SWORD—With Gypsy Hawk and American Sharks. See Listen Here, Page 29. 7 p.m. $18-$20. Neurolux
REBECCA SCOTT—6:30 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow
IDAHO SONGWRITERS ASSOCIATION SHOWCASE—Featuring Dan Costello, Michael Chacon and Casey Russell. 8 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper
NED EVETT—7 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s RENEDAGE—9 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s REBECCA SCOTT—8 p.m. FREE. Sockeye ROCCI JOHNSON BAND—9:30 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. The Buffalo Club STONESEED—7 p.m. FREE. Crooked Fence Brewing WHISKEY CREEK BAND—9 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s
DUCK CLUB PRESENTS FINN RIGGINS—With And And And and Little Tiny People. 7 p.m. $5. Neurolux
BEN BURDICK—Noon. FREE. Grape Escape
A-N-D FRIENDS—6 p.m. FREE. Moxie Java-Five Mile
JIM LEWIS—6 p.m. FREE. Lulu’s
MOZIK—2:30 p.m. FREE. Morrison Center Recital Hall
ERIC GRAE—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
OPHELIA—8 p.m. FREE. Sockeye
PUNK MONDAY—8 p.m. $3. Liquid
JIM FISHWILD—6 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow
ERIK ANARCHY—With Nude Oil and Cat Massacre. 8 p.m. $5. Red Room
LIQUID LABS—Featuring D Ron Groove and Mixstress Morningstar. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid
FLOATER—8 p.m. $16-$31. Knitting Factory
TERRY JONES—With Bill Liles. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
FRANK MARRA—With Boxcar 3. 6:30-8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
BLUES JAM WITH WAYNE COYLE—8 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge
GAYLE CHAPMAN—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
MOZIK—Keyboardist Gilson Schachnik and drummer Mauricio Zottarelli will present authentic Brazillian jazz. Presented by the Boise Jazz Society. Visit boisejazzsociety.org for more info. 7 p.m. $40. Esther Simplot Center for the Performing Arts
ROCCI JOHNSON BAND—9:30 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s
THE SIDEMEN—6 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. The Buffalo Club
TERRI EBERLEIN—10:15 a.m. FREE. Berryhill
TURNS OUT—Midnight. FREE. Liquid
TURNS OUT—Midnight. FREE. Liquid
IDAHO SONGWRITERS ASSOCIATION SHOWCASE—Featuring Lee Penn Sky, James Coberly Smith and Doug Petcash. 8 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper
TUESDAY DEC. 11 DAN COSTELLO—With Ben Burdick. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers OLD-TIME JAM SESSION WITH THE HOKUM HI-FLYERS—6 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
PATRICIA FOLKNER AND JOEL KASERMAN—7 p.m. FREE. Lock Stock & Barrel PAUL DRAGONE—6 p.m. FREE. Shangri-La RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid JIM LEWIS—6 p.m. FREE. Willowcreek-Eagle STEVE EATON AND PHIL GARONZIK—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers SUMMER BEACH BLAST—With the Rocci Johnson Band. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s
V E N U E S Don’t know a venue? Visit www.boiseweekly.com for addresses, phone numbers and a map.
THE SWORD, DEC. 6, NEUROLUX Forged in Austin, Texas, The Sword is known for wielding fiery metal in its crusade to melt faces. Counted among veterans like ... And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead and Metallica, the retro-metal revival band channels the genre’s roots. Singer John Cronise has called Britain’s Led Zeppelin an early influence, and once told the Austin Chronicle Zeppelin’s penchant for storytelling helped inspire his own interest in mythology. The quartet first unsheathed its sound in 2006 on debut album Age of Winters, which paired crashing cymbals with frenetic guitar work. The record’s early single, “Freya,” paid tribute to the Norse god of the same name, with lyrics like “A sword of fire and an axe of cold / Vision of the Sibyl has foretold.” The opening track of the band’s latest album, Apocryphon, evokes the Egyptian goddess Isis, patroness of nature and magic. The Sword will cut a path to Neurolux, Thursday, Dec. 6. With Gypsy Hawk and American Sharks, 7 p.m., $18 adv., $20 door. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St., 208-343-0886, neurolux.com. —Andrew Crisp
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 29
LISTINGS/SCREEN Special Screenings
A CHRISTMAS STORY—Boise Classic Movies presents Ralphie’s all-consuming quest for a Red Ryder BB gun. (PG) Tuesday, Dec. 11, 7 p.m. $6-$9. Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-0454, egyptiantheatre.net.
ALL THAT GLITTERS Award season buzz starts now AGE OF CHAMPIONS—Five senior citizens compete in the National Senior Olympics. (NR) Sunday, Dec. 9, 4 p.m. FREE. Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-0454, egyptiantheatre.net.
TOTAL RECALL—Total Recall is part of Boise State’s Thursday Blockbuster Series. (R) Thursday, Dec. 6, 7 p.m. FREE-$1. Boise State Special Events Center, 1800 University Drive, Boise, sub. boisestate.edu.
GEORGE PRENTICE Still reeling from a post-election high? As Al Jolson said in Hollywood’s first talkie The Jazz Singer, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, folks.” The silliness that was this year’s race for the White House has nothing on the cutthroat campaign for American culture’s biggest prize: a 13.5-inch gold-plated statuette—the stuff that dreams are made of.
Partisanship? Oh, just you wait until we get into the year’s big debate between Argo and Lincoln. Nothing spells controversy like an argument over concerns for white hostages vs. black slaves. If you’re still hungover from the electoral marathon, grab a bucket of popcorn and sit down for this one: the Oscar season is about to begin in earnest. Academy Award
precursors the Film Independent Spirit Awards and the Golden Globe Awards have already sparked a flame, with the Spirits unveiling its nominations Nov. 28 and the Globes set to reveal its noms Thursday, Dec. 13. Never one to be late for a good party, here are our early predictions (and a few suggestions) for Oscar’s top prizes:
Argo The Hobbit Les Miserables Lincoln Silver Linings Playbook Zero Dark Thirty
Bradley Cooper: Silver Linings Playbook Daniel Day-Lewis: Lincoln John Hawkes: The Sessions Joaquin Phoenix: The Master
Jessica Chastain: Zero Dark Thirty Marion Cotillard: Rust and Bone Jennifer Lawrence: Silver Linings Playbook Quvenzhane Wallis: Beasts of the Southern Wild
BUT HOW ABOUT ... The Dark Knight Rises Moonrise Kingdom Skyfall
BUT HOW ABOUT ... Christian Bale: Dark Knight Rises Anthony Hopkins: Hitchcock Edward Norton: Moonrise Kingdom Denzel Washington: Flight
BUT HOW ABOUT ... Emmanuelle Riva: Amour Kristen Stewart: On the Road Emma Watson: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
SCREEN/EXTRA PLAYING FOR KEEPS—A former soccer star (Gerard Butler)tries to rebuild his relationship with his son only to be wrangled into coaching the boy’s soccer team. (PG-13) Opens Friday, Dec. 7. Edwards 9, 12, 14, 22.
For movie times, visit boiseweekly.com or scan this QR code. 30 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
include sci-fi, Westerns and what he called modern classics. “My list would definitely include Martin Scorcese films,” he said. “And In response to the highly successful Boise Classic Movies series, I would love to hold a Daniel Day-Lewis marathon.” the Egyptian Theatre is poised to see a good many more cinematic 2012’s classic films included The Godfather, Rear Window and this gems in 2013—and with greater frequency. A uniquely themed series month’s successful slate of holiday films. of films kicks off the new year with a quartet of “But nothing came close to The Big Lebowski movies directed by the Coen brothers—a different and The Princess Bride, which both sold out,” said film will be showcased each Saturday in JanuWerner. “We packed in 750 people for each.” ary: Fargo, Raising Arizona, O Brother, Where Art Werner said he was optimistic about Boise Thou? and the little-seen but critically acclaimed Classic Movies when he launched the idea in Blood Simple. June, but he has been stunned by its success. “Our monthly shows have been a huge suc“I thought we might get 200 people by the cess,” Boise Classic Movies founder Wyatt Werner skin of our teeth,” he said. “But now, people are told Boise Weekly. “If the new idea goes well, we’ll readily thinking about the Egyptian when they think probably introduce a month of new themes each about classic movies.” quarter in addition to our monthly classics.” —George Prentice Werner said his wish list of themes would See how far Frances McDormand will go in Fargo.
GOT GAME? A gamer’s 2012 holiday wish list MICHAEL LAFFERTY Grand Targhee Resort
Well, it has come again: the season when it is better to give than to receive—or at least, that is what we are told. The truth of the matter is that unless you tell people what you want, receiving can be disappointing. Sure, there is the spirit of giving, but who really wants a tie or socks when he or she can have hours of fun adventuring through surreal worlds, hacking and slashing to glory? That doesn’t sound very much like a Christmas attitude, although it does sound like Black Friday shopping. Regardless, it’s time to name of few of this year’s top titles that may crop up on the Christmas wish lists of your favorite gamers. A host of games was released for handheld gaming devices, but we’ll just focus on the Big Four: PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii (Wii U).
ACTION-ADVENTURE TITLES: A lot of solid titles were released this year. There were rehashes of old favorites like Mass Effect 3, Call of Duty Black Ops II, Darksiders II, Max Payne III, UFC Undisputed 3, Assassins Creed 3, Borderlands 2 and Halo 4. All of those titles garnered media acclaim, have solid action and animation, and you really can’t go too wrong with a Halo, CoD, Assassin’s Creed or Mass Effect title. Borderlands may only be the second release in the series but the artwork, irreverent tongue-in-cheek dialogue and action also make it a great choice. For those looking for something that they can play either in a solo setting or with a community, Diablo III is pretty much the same as Diablo II but with a darker story, some improvements in gameplay mechanics and a few new elements introduced to enhance the experience. Still, it is a dungeon crawl that combines magnificent cut scenes with a “same thing, different setting” feel. The same goes for Guild Wars 2, one of the better massively multiplayer releases of the year. Both D3 and GW2 require buying the box but the online gameplay elements are free to play. Dishonored is a new title that combines Renaissance with steampunk, mixes in some arcane elements, and then supports the whole thing with a strong storyline. Be careful, though: you need to have a big enough system to handle it if you get the PC version. Other titles to consider include Starhawk, Journey, Twisted Metal and Fez.
FAMILY FRIENDLY TITLES: Exercise-based programs got a huge boost thanks to titles like Zumba Core Fitness, Adidas miCoach and Nike+ Kinect Training, and there are plenty other titles that WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
Dishonored is one of the most talked about action-adventure games of the last year.
bear some consideration. Compilation titles featuring a bevy of mini-games that can be played either solo or in competition with others on the same machine include Sports Champions 2 (PS3 exclusive), Kinect Sports Ultimate Collection (360 with Kinect exclusive), and the annual releases like Madden Football, NCAA Football, NBA 2K13, FIFA Soccer 13 and SSX.
OTHER GAMES: Titles like Far Cry 3, Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition and Battlefield 3: End Game are planned for release by the end of the year. A couple are slated to launch in December, and in the case of Battlefield 3, that could actually slide into 2013. For shooter or role-play fans, Far Cry’s latest entry and the re-release (with upgrades) of Baldur’s Gate will be welcome additions to gaming collections. It should be noted that Baldur’s Gate EE will also launch for the iPad, and the buzz is that the game looks pretty darn good on that device.
WHAT THOSE IN THE BUSINESS WANT Getting in touch with friends in the publishing business of the video-game industry is always a treat. This year was no exception. When asked what they would want for Christmas, their lists provided some surprising answers. PlanetSide 2 was on the top of one list—a massively multiplayer online shooter title that is free to play but does have some elements that have to be purchased to be accessed. “It’s been nine years since the original game launched, and I have been eagerly awaiting it ever since,” said Sean Kauppinen, founder and CEO of International Digital Entertainment Agency. “Free-to-play makes it
even better.” Angry Birds Trilogy, Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2013 and Cabela’s Hunting Expeditions were also high on the list, as was the family friendly title Skylanders: Giants.
WII U A new console? Really? You already have a Wii, and the price on the Wii U is bundled at around $380. But the real steal is this: You can pick up a Wii for less than $100 and the Wii is more of a family friendly gaming device. If you are looking for a console that is more physically interactive, however, then a 360 Kinect system might be more appropriate. Sadly, you won’t find titles like New Super Mario Bros. U or Nintendo Land on the old console. Before diving in and purchasing titles for gamers, here’s a bit of advice: Find out what type of game they like and don’t buy based on presumed age-oriented appropriateness. Not too many teen boys would choose Angry Birds over Halo. And if you buy a PC game, make sure the gamer’s system can handle the game. Some games require newer operating systems or video cards. And lastly, if the game has an online component, check for fees to play online or if the recipient has access to online play. Xbox LIVE requires a membership to play online, and if the person getting the game can’t afford to buy that membership, maybe toss in a gift card for online accessibility. Of course, if he or she doesn’t have a wireless router or way to connect, the point is moot. Whatever title you end up selecting, remember, by next year, there will be a whole new batch of titles to wade through.
OK, we get it. You’re anxious to hit the slopes for the season, and looking up at the scant dusting at Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area is doing nothing to slake your thirst for powder turns. Unfortunately, Mother Nature hasn’t been particularly kind to Northwest ski areas so far this season. While snow has fallen, it has only stuck around in the highest elevations, leaving most ski area operators with plenty of time to choreograph their snow dances. Thankfully, there are a few resorts that have been able to open for the season, giving skiers and boarders an outlet for their angst—as long as they’re willing to drive a ways to get there. While Bogus Basin, Brundage Mountain Resort and Pomerelle Ski Area are crossing their proverbial fingers as they wait for snow, Sun Valley Resort is once again kissing its snowmaking equipment and saying a prayer of thanks for its Thanksgiving opening. Only a portion of Bald Mountain is open at this point, but the resort opened some additional terrain on Nov. 30, including Flying Squirrel, Lower Picabo, Lower Warm Springs, Roundhouse Slope and Lower Canyon. It also opened the Warm Spring Day Lodge and plans to open Dollar Mountain for the season on Saturday, Dec. 8. For more info on current conditions, visit sunvalley.com. If you want to head east, both Grand Targhee Resort in Alta, Wyo., and Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in Jackson, Wyo., are both open for the season, although both have limited terrain and early season conditions. Because of those conditions, Targhee is offering special early season prices on lift tickets, which means skiers can pick up an adult day pass for $59. Get more info at grandtarghee.com and jacksonhole.com. If you want to head west instead, Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood is open with some limitations, but those who plan ahead can take advantage of a killer lodging deal. To celebrate the lodge’s 75th anniversary, it’s offering rooms for just $75. The hitch is they are only available Sunday, Dec. 9, and Monday, Dec. 10. To get more details, visit timberlinelodge.com or call the reservation line at 800-547-1406. Timberline’s neighbor, Mt. Hood Meadows, is also partially open for the season. Get more info at skihood.com. Finally, if you’re looking for more open terrain, head for Bend, Ore., and Mt. Bachelor Ski Resort. The area also scored a Thanksgiving opening, but it was done entirely with natural snow. Get more details at mtbachelor.com. —Deanna Darr
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 31
2011 BLUE PLATE CHENIN BLANC, $10.99 For some reason, most people hate the label on this California entry. It does look more like a Rosie the Riveter poster than a bottle of wine, but what’s inside proves you can’t judge a book by its cover. The aromas are a fresh and lively mix of lemon, lime, peach and pineapple. The reprise of crisp peach and pineapple on the palate make a wine with good balance and length. This pick is a definite bargain. 2011 HESTIA CHENIN BLANC, $17.99 The first of a pair of wines from Washington, this pick proves that the Northwest has a way with this French variety. The wine opens with enticing aromas of sweet peach backed by classic touches of honey and black walnut, all colored by a nice minerality. A core of sweet lime flavors are surrounded by layers of mineral, melon, black walnut and a kiss of basil. 2011 L’ECOLE NO. 41 CHENIN BLANC, $13.99 This Walla Walla, Wash. pioneer’s first vintage of chenin blanc was back in 1987. The nose on this wine is a rich mix of peach, honeydew and lime with intriguing touches of basil and brine. Succulent best describes the wine’s palate, with its blood orange, creamy, ripe stone fruit flavors and a classic bit of honeyed black walnut. A splash of citrus brings balance to the long finish. —David Kirkpatrick
32 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly
Restaurants get one chance to hit BW with their best shot. JOS HU A R OPER
Chenin blanc, native to the Loire Valley in France, is one of the most versatile grape varieties in the world. At one end of the spectrum, the grape is responsible for some of the longest lived dessert wines. Toned down a bit, it produces lovely, lightly sweet wines that are undeniably appealing. At the other end of the spectrum, it’s completely dry but with a richness of flavor that makes it a great choice for the colder weather. For our tasting, we went the dry, food-friendly route. Here are the top picks:
BLEUBIRD Sublime sandwiches TARA MORGAN Boise has no shortage of sandwich shops—interchangeable shrines to deli meat, processed cheese and portability. Yet, strangely, it’s a simple sandwich joint, not a starched white linen steakhouse or a low-lit gastropub, that has created the biggest buzz in the downtown dining scene in recent memory. Husband and wife duo Dave Kelly and Sarah Kornfield opened Bleubird in the former Fixx coffeehouse space in September. Despite an awkwardly timed construction project enveloping the cafe’s sidewalk and limited hours—11 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday— the spot has amassed a loyal following. But Bleubird hasn’t revolutionized the sandwich, it just nailed the details. The grilled cheese ($7) boasts a modest blend of gruyere and cheddar topped with grilled gives a nod to the spot’s culinary eccentricity: onions, mustard and fig jam, melted to “We understand our menu has a few … differa satisfying crunch. Despite the eclectic ent items. Just ask us to help you clarify.” accoutrements, this grown-up sandwich is But these more adventurous every bit as comforting as the ingredients—by Boise restauchildhood classic. rant standards, at least—don’t The same can be said for the BLEUBIRD seem to be keeping folks away. pressed butternut squash sand224 N. 10th St. During a recent lunch hour wich ($8.50)—which features 208-345-1055 rush, Kelly hurriedly took a bright smear of butternut, bleubirdboise.com orders from a growing line of brie cheese, garlic aioli, flecks diners, greeting many by name of arugula and a sprinkling with a broad smile. A few feet of pepitas—and the egg salad away, Kornfield assembled the sandwiches in sandwich ($8), with hunks of yellow yolk an open, stainless steel kitchen. As each order mingling with capers, arugula and mayo on a was finalized—accompanied by a heap of chips thin bed of purple potatoes, all encased in a or a simply dressed mixed greens salad served pillowy brioche bun. on a thin wooden plank—Kornfield yelled out Bleubird’s rotating chalkboard wall menu
Bleubird’s grilled cheese is the bees knees.
the customer’s name, the call ricocheting up the large windows into Bleubird’s bustling upstairs. But the joint isn’t always so hectic. From 4-7 p.m., Monday through Friday, Bleubird offers what it calls “apres,” a happy hour selection of wines, beers, sangrias, cheeses and charcuterie. The cheese boards come with crisp toast points, seasonal dried fruit and jam, a glistening wedge of honeycomb and nuts. But what seals the deal is an accompanying mini mason jar filled with colored knives and spreaders. It’s this kind of thoughtful attention to detail that has Boiseans singing Bleubird’s praises. Unfortunately, due to increased catering demands, Bleubird has put apres on hold until March. We’re a-praying for its speedy return.
FOOD/NEWS “We have small plates so we have three mini Kobe brisket sandwiches, we have a veggie sandwich, osso bucco. … I think when we have acts that For those saddened by the seasonal closure of The Riverside Hotel’s don’t require seating that we’ll have a lighter menu,” said Fries. Greenbelt-hugging Sandbar restaurant, there’s a glimmer of cold weather The Sapphire Room plans to be open regularly in early 2013, though hope. The Riverside Hotel recently completed a renovation of its aging Fries said the space is available for rentals. Club Max lounge, turning it into a swanky blues and jazz venue called the And in other hotel revamp news, Boise native Clay Carley, who owns Sapphire Room. the Old Boise Sixth and Main development, has purchased the Owyhee “There were a lot of changes made, it used to be Club Max … and now Plaza Hotel, a downtown landmark since 1910. you wouldn’t even recognize the room,” said The Riverside Hotel’s RayCarley told Boise Weekly that the Owyhee’s prime restaurant space, the anne Fries. “It’s got a blue theme to it and they made a stage. The whole now-shuttered Gamekeeper, is a “critical component to the revitalization.” room is for listening to music, so everything was put together with the best The Gamekeeper Restaurant closed in May 2009, but Carley said while sound quality in mind.” his first objectives are to bring the hotel’s Though local jazz musician Kevin Kirk architecture “back to life” and bring “new was on board to book music at the Sapenergy” to the block, he is anxious to introphire Room, Fries confirmed he resigned. duce a new eatery to downtown Boise. “We’re taking this small step back and Carley confirmed he was expecting to analyzing where we’re going to go in 2013 receive his first proposal from a potential with it,” said Fries. “We’re still trying to get restaurant operator “any day now.” local and national acts in there.” “But I want to carefully scrutinize the On Nov. 29, the space hosted a gettingcandidates,” he said. “Even if it takes me a to-know-you event with 50 local musicians year or two years, we want the right restauand songwriters. Fries hopes that event will rant operator and the right theme.” help book more acts in the space. The Sapphire Room, which has a —Tara Morgan and George Prentice 150-person sit-down capacity, will also offer The Riverside Hotel’s Sapphire Room will open soon. a selection of snacks and a full bar.
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DEADLINES* LINE ADS: Monday, 10 a.m. DISPLAY: Thursday, 3 p.m. * Some special issues and holiday issues may have earlier deadlines.
RATES We are not afraid to admit that we are cheap, and easy, too! Call (208) 344-2055 and ask for classifieds. We think you’ll agree.
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BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 33
B O I S E W E E K LY HOLIDAY FLEA MARKET Join us at The Treasure Garden. 6521 Ustick Rd. Boise. Open Friday-Sunday 10 to 6. Renting 10 x 10 spaces for $37 for 3 days & few spaces for $25 for 2 days. On going Flea Market. Stop in this weekend & check it out. Reserve your space now. Call 208-344-0811.
MISSING WHITE CAT PINK NOSE Rowan. White cat, F, green eyes & pink nose. She is 14 yrs. old & not used to being outdoors. Missing since September 4 from Hillway Dr. cross streets Hill Road & Lancaster. Area backs up to Highland Hollows. We are still hoping she is alive. Please contact if you have any information. Reward if found and returned. 828-3509.
PASTEL ART CLASSES To teach a technique using a step by step instruction in applying pastel to get detailed realism in your animal painting. SKILL LEVEL OF PARTICIPANTS: Anyone over 16 that has some drawing experience will be shown a technique using soft pastel, (this is not a drawing class). Ginger Lantz, instructor. Classes held at the Hasbrouck House in Nampa Idaho. Classes are Thursdays or Fridays. Call or email for more information. GDLANTZ@GMAIL. COM or 208-466-6879.
MIND, BODY, SPIRIT BW MASSAGE A Full body massage by experienced therapist. Out call or private studio. 863-1577 Thomas.
1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, 24/7. I travel. 880-5772. New website massagebyeric.com. Male Only. Private Boise studio.
BOISE’S BEST! With Bodywork by Rose. 794-4789. www.roseshands.com Cold Outside? Come in for a Massage! 322 Lake Lowell. Betty 283-7830. Embrace the moment with a sensual massage at ULM. Now accepting new clients. ULM 840-8377. Hrs. 8:30AM-8PM.
VISIT | www.boiseweekly.com E-MAIL | classified@boiseweekly.com CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/ Eves/Weekends. Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 8662759. ELITE MASSAGE AND BODYWORK Therapeutic & relaxing massage & bodywork by EXPERIENCED Certified Massage Therapist. Trained in many modalities, massage tailored to fit your needs. Specializing in pain management & soft tissue rehabilitation. Located in a quiet downtown office with free parking. Will travel, $20 additional fee. Hours: Evenings and weekends. Call in advance to get best possible appointment time. Call Crystle at 208-697-4291. Email getphysical.elitemassage@gmail.com FULL BODY MASSAGE Experienced Certified Massage Therapist. $40/60 mins. & $60/90 mins. Call or text Richard at 208695-9492.
Deep tissue Swedish. Full body: $50/hr., $40/half hr. Foot Massage: $25/hr., $20/half hr. 7 days a week. 9am-10pm. 626-3454266. 320 N. Orchard St.
HAVE A YOGA STUDIO? Let us know. Boise Weekly wants to spread the word. Email: classifieds@boiseweekly.com
BW BEAUTY ARE YOU FAT AND SICK? We are the sickest and fattest generation ever. We eat food-less foods and lifeless drinks, 2 out of 3 people are overweight. If God made it eat it, if man made it, eat in moderation! 469-443-6737 www.hempdoctor.myrainmakersystem.com/go2.html HENNA/MEHNDI Eid & Karwa Chauth are coming up, if you want beautiful henna/ mehndi please contact Joey to book an appointment. Appointments can be made in the comfort of your own home. Find us on Facebook, Mehndika: Henna Art by Joey. 850-653-5341. HOLIDAY HAIRCUT DEAL! First time clients pay half price on haircuts all month at Illuminate Salon! Regularly $20 for men’s cut, includes shampoo & straight razor neck shave. Woman’s haircut regularly $35, includes shampoo & styling. Don’t miss out on this great deal! Over 8 yrs. exp. as a stylist .Call Libby at 4014001 to schedule an appointment! 214 N. 10th St.
SERVICES BW CHILD PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-413-6293 Void in Illinois.
FREE Head & Should Massage with 1 hr. Chinese Reflexology Foot Massage at VIP Massage. 377-7711. Stop by 6555 W. Overland Rd near Cole. RELAXATION MASSAGE Call Ami at 208-697-6231. Tantra sessions available with Jamie. 440-4321.
YOGA Teacher training starting soon in the North End. Call or text for details. 208-440-6344.
34 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
BW HOME JOURNEYMAN PAINTER 30+ years expierence in the trade. Clean & courteous, fair rates. Lic/insured 463-7771.
BW PROFESSIONAL ALL CLEANING/ MAINTENANCE If you need anything done to do with cleaning or maintenance or even general labor give us a call you won’t be disappointed. We have all equipment we could possible need. Check us out or contact us aokbuildingmaintenance.com aokbuilding@q.com Or call our Regional Manager Benjamin Engle (208)867-0589 Thank you we looking forward to serving you ATKINSON LAW OFFICE Boise based law firm, representing clients who have been accused of misdemeanor or felony criminal charges. The firms attorneys offer free consultations. 1087 W. River St., Ste 290. 208-571-0627. DUI & Criminal Attorneys.
VISIT | www.boiseweekly.com E-MAIL | classified@boiseweekly.com CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
See photos of our work online at windowpainting.org and call Rhea 685-9540!
INDIE SINGER WANTED If you are a singer who would enjoy recording or performing, please contact me. I am looking for someone to collaborate with once a week. The sound would be somewhat like Tristan Prettyman, Keane, Fiona Apple, Garbage, Dandy Warhols, Tori Amos, The Pretenders , Black Rebel Motorcycle Club,The Sundays, Chris Isaak or Radiohead. You can check out my variety of
sound at reverbnation.com/superloser Feel free to call or text me at 540-0928 or solowwon@ hotmail
Andrea Nicole Geske. Now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to Andrew Nicolas Geske. The reason for the change in name is: individual is in the process of transitioning permanently to the male gender. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 130 o’clock p.m. on December 27, 2012 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: Nov. 9, 2012 CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: Deirdre Price Deputy Clerk Pub. Nov. 28, Dec. 5, 12, 19, 2012.
These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society.
www.idahohumanesociety.com 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508
MASSAGE MIND, BODY, SPIRIT - MASSAGE ELVIS: 1-year-old male bluetick coonhound. Big, goofy dog. Irresistibly, friendly personality. Indoor dog. Housetrained. (Kennel 301#17809644)
CHAMP: 1-year-old male Chihuahua mix. Adorable, peppy personality. Likes being a lap dog. Alert, active, engaging. (Kennel 304#17925566)
TRUMAN: 3-year-old male, 107-pound bloodhound. Needs a strong owner. Good with kids and dogs. House-trained. (Kennel 322- #16613106)
BOOMER: 3-year-old male snowshoe/Siamese mix. Declawed indoor cat. Relaxed personality. Bonds quickly. (Kennel 08#17807525)
MATILDA: 1-year-old female domestic medium hair. Darling, round faced, unique cat. Friendly. (Kennel 13- #17934259)
SPUTNIK: 1-yearold male domestic shorthair. Silly, playful cat. Litterbox-trained. Inquisitive, alert, curious. (Kennel 05#17980031)
These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats. www.simplycats.org 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177
CLEMENTINE: Oh my darling! Orange beauty needs a replenishment of human love.
BOSLEY: Quiet cuddler wants a gentle companion.
SIERRA: Lively kitten will jump for joy if you adopt her today.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 35
B O I S E W E E K LY COMMUNITY PETS BW PETS DEAD BROKE THOROUGHBRE MARE Dead broke sweet 10 year old fully broke bomb proof mare .She gets along good with other horses animals and kids.She does what is asked without question and loves to run and play.She is 10 and was a race horse and all around horse trails western exc that is all i know about her only had her under a year.Her name is DIAMOND AND SHE IS REGISTERED.She is about 15 1 i think and has a pretty head.Her temperament is about 3.If you are interested in her please email or call me two 08 seven 1 three 14 7nine or aznaom22@gmail. com i am asking 1000 for her .We payed a lot more for her so this is a good price for a dead broke horse.thanks Melanie
NYT CROSSWORD | A LITTLE EXTRA 1 It might appear on a spine
32 36
58 62 69
89 93
72 82
86 90
83 87 91
46 53
56 59
39 44
21 The brother in “Am I my brother’s keeper?” 22 Monosyllabic state 23 Bialys 25 Fussy about rules 27 Wrestling achievement 28 Cup holder 29 Rain-forest flora 30 Contrail source, once: Abbr. 31 Jurassic suffix 33 Novel writing, e.g. 34 Key in a chain, maybe
92 96
97 102
103 109
113 116
104 110
36 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
FREE CATS TO GOOD HOMES Have several cats that are about 5 months old. Little Tiger: Small female gray striped. Q: Female gray striped with white tip on her tail. Will curl the tail over her back. Cow Cat: Black and white long haired male. Siberia: Lovely gray and white Siamese with blue eyes. Sleepy: Gray tiger striped male. All are very loveable and use to dogs. 391-0376.
FOR SALE BW FOR SALE PLAYSTATION 3 120GB W/ GAME Serious buyers only please. If you are interested, contact 9958980. If there is no answer please leave your name and number and I will be sure to call you back ASAP. $200 OBO.
DRIFT BOAT One of kind! Classic in great condition, comes with everything. 16’ w/ brand new cover. Anchor system, trailer w/new tires, Cataract oars, leg locks & ample storage. Motivated seller. Asking $4,000. Call for more info. 208761-9969. ATLAS PASTA MAKER Gently used, $50, sells new $65, not in original box. Great gift for Christmas. Call 208-713-9780, leave message. QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET. Brand new-still in plastic. Warranty. MUST SELL $139. Can deliver. 921-6643.
IPHONE/IPOD ALARM CLOCK iPhone/iPod/MP3 compatible alarm clock. Works great & speakers have fantastic sound. Brand name: Mercury Innovations. Functions: iPhone/iPod/ MP3 connect abilities, AM/FM Radio with white chord antenna, 2 alarm settings & snooze/nap/ sleep option, Alarm settings: iPod, radio, or buzzer. Backlight with dimmer. DC adapter or use with 6 AA batteries for travel. Silver color $25. If interested call Vicki 954-4923. SHARPER IMAGE AIR PURIFIER Tabletop silent air purifier from The Sharper Image. Used once, & in the plastic wrap since. Really just need to get rid of it. Here’s a link to amazon where it goes for $89.99 new. Includes the purifier, instructions packet & cleaning brush $40 OBO. Email movielife85@yahoo.com or call 954-4923.
19 “The Wrestler” actress 20 Trio on camels
6 In the thick of 10 The “C” of FDIC: Abbr. 14 Muslim moguls
VISIT | www.boiseweekly.com E-MAIL | classified@boiseweekly.com CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
35 Two of them make a sawbuck 36 Having everything one needs 38 Victoria’s Secret purchase 39 Walk, e.g. 40 Whiz 41 Tormentors of a sort 44 Goat’s cry 45 Carrier letters? 46 Je ne sais quoi 49 His tomb is a pilgrimage site for both Muslims and Jews 51 Occupy, as a booth 53 To whom it is said “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” 54 Danish, e.g. 56 Grave letters 57 Big Red Machine hustler 58 Four-time role for Patrick Stewart 60 Almost every man in the world has one 62 Myrna of “Cheaper by the Dozen” 64 Indeed 65 Followers of a boom? 72 More precise alternative to scissors 80 Largest moon in the solar system 81 Bottom line, maybe 83 “You try!” 84 Decrees 85 Neighbor of Niger 87 One of a pair of drums 88 Lunar mission commanded by Thomas P. Stafford 89 Ad ___ 90 Frat.’s counterpart 92 Cousins of honey badgers 93 Morgan le ___ (Arthurian sorceress) 94 “The Labors of Hercules” painter Guido 95 Marquee name 97 Kauaian ring 98 Mmes. of España 100 Wipe out, in surfing lingo
101 Converted into bundles for a loft 103 Thwarter of HAL 106 Spank but good 107 Allure 108 1970s-’80s F.B.I. sting 110 Xanthippe, e.g. 111 A spy will often cross them 113 Widely used term declared “undignified” by John Paul II 115 Liquefy 116 Part of N.B. 117 Squared up 118 Nutcases 119 Centuries, e.g. 120 Grab, with “onto” 121 “What ___?” 122 Wield, as influence
DOWN 1 Features of some sports cars 2 Area conquered by Alexander the Great 3 Liftoff point 4 Excommunicator of Martin Luther 5 German one 6 Dangerous liaisons, often 7 1992 Denzel Washington title role 8 Spanish churches 9 Sorry state 10 Script writer’s study? 11 Like a good butler 12 King’s things 13 Quest of the astronomer Percival Lowell 14 Athos, Porthos and Aramis, e.g. 15 Beano competitor 16 Reaches a nadir 17 Ouzo herb 18 Quakers and Shakers 24 Snoop Lion’s genre 26 Muscle below a delt 32 Smell like 35 Triple Crown jockey Eddie 37 Rubbish 40 Cuts back on
77 Summer cooler 78 Clichéd prison contraband item 79 Verb with “vous” 80 Indian tourist haven 82 Malformed 85 Pamper, say 86 Willing to consider 89 Vitamin A 91 Novelty glasses 94 G’s opposite 96 Fresh 98 Measures 99 Accumulated 100 Print option: Abbr. 102 Part of a horse’s pedigree 104 Knight’s attribute 105 Discharge 107 Observes 109 Plant, maybe 112 Comic book mutants 114 Wii alternative
41 42 43 46 47 48 50 52 53 55 57
Dickens schemer Shade of bleu Dates Pic Seine tributary Sushi bar topping Part of U.N.L.V. One of the X’s in X-X-X Hesitate in speech Nick of “Cape Fear” Hunt in the wrong place? 59 Révolution target 61 Actor Stephen 63 Mustachioed cartoon character 65 Fictional writer in a John Irving best seller 66 Historical transition point 67 South African antelopes 68 Simon & Garfunkel’s “For ___, Whenever I May Find Her” 69 City near Virginia City 70 YouTube video lead-ins 71 Hebrew N 73 Bit of ink, slangily 74 Sheep’s genus 75 Turkey’s Atatürk 76 Caught L A S T J A N E R O E
Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under extras for the answers to this week’s puzzle. Don't think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
W E E K ’ S
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BW SERVICES WALTHER PPK STAINLESS STEEL This is a used, but well maintained handgun. Chambered in .380 ACP, it is small but packs a wallop. I purchased this gun new from Sportsman’s Warehouse, about 5 yrs. ago only shot 5 or 6 times & only had about 300 rounds put through it. Will also include what .380ACP ammo I have left (Approx 50 rounds.) Call Kenny 779-0224 with any questions or to see it. Will not sell this to anyone who is under legal age, and I will ask for photo ID as well. Will accept cash, Paypal or certified funds. See online ad for details. $625 OBO.
TUNDRA TOWING AND RECOVERY Offering towing services & auto care. Call today for price quotes. 781-0012 or email tundratowing@ outlook.com FREE ON-LINE CLASSIFIED ADS Place your FREE on-line classifieds at www.boiseweekly.com. It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please.
BW CHAT LINES FUN LOCAL SINGLES Browse & Reply FREE! 208-3458855. Use FREE Code 7887, 18+. MEET GAY & BI SINGLES Listen to Ads & Reply FREE! 208472-2200. Use FREE Code 5988, 18+. REAL DISCREET, LOCAL CONNECTIONS Call FREE! 208-287-0343 or 800210-1010. www.livelinks.com 18+.
MEET GAY DATE AND GAY MATES Find a Gay date or a Gay mate at Gaymatchmate.com a dating site made for the Gay and Lesbian community. Basic Membership is FREE so check out www.gaymatchmate.com today ! RAW UNCENSORED PHONE SEX V/MC/AmEx/Dsc,18+,$1 p/min. Call Jolene! 800-573-2995. WILD LOCAL CHATLINE Send Messages FREE! Straight 208-345-8855. Gay/Bi 208-4722200. Use FREE Code 7886, 18+.
BW ENTERTAINMENT ADULT DATING LARGEST SITE Meet local singles and couples for adult dating. Check out the world’s largest adult dating site in the world ! Visit http://adultfriendfinder.com/go/g808607-pmo FREE ON-LINE CLASSIFIED ADS Place your FREE on-line classifieds at www.boiseweekly.com. It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please.
BW WANT TO BUY CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www.cash4car.com
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 37
TO: IRIDESCENT GIRL Landlocked in a city of trees, who showed me shirt & joy~Kisses & Hugs & Wildflowers~an indie photographing hipster.
Pen Pals complimentary ads for our incarcerated friends are run on a space-available basis and may be edited for content. Readers are encouraged to use caution and dis-
cretion when communicating with Pen Pals, whose backgrounds are not checked prior to publication. Boise Weekly accepts no responsibility for any relationships that may arise from contacting these inmates. Hi, I am a SWM ISO F to write as a pen pal. I’m funny and everyone calls me mini me because I’m under 5’5”. I am only 20 and I got a lot of stuff in common with F. I love to giggle and have fun. Christopher Lavatta #96815 ISCI Unit 16 PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. Hi, I am a SWM age 20 looking for a SWF or SWM of ages 18-30. I love to play around, talk but, I spend a lot of time in my cell. Really hyper, try to joke around, don’t have many friends cause of all this. Meade J. Chandler #100711 ISCI Unit 16A-58-A PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707. I am a SWF, 20, ISO F to write. I’m from Louisiana. I am really tall and athletic from two good parents. Not a S.O. and very patient and loving. Willing to write any F who writes me. David Irby #97983 ISCI Unit 10 PO Box 14 Boise, ID 83707.
Stop by our place for lunch. Friday, Dec. 14th & meet P. Ditty’s Wrap Wagon. Serving local fare from 11:30-2pm at 6th & Broad Streets downtown. Enter to win a free lunch: boiseweekly.com/ boise/FreeStuff
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Spencer Silver was a co-inventor of Post-it notes, those small, colorful pieces of paper you can temporarily attach to things and then remove to use again and again. Speaking about the process he went through to develop this simple marvel, he said, “If I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have done the experiment. The literature was full of examples that said you can’t do this.” I’d like to make him your patron saint for the next few weeks, Aries. Like him, you now have the chance to make practical breakthroughs that may have seemed impossible, or at least unlikely. Ignore conventional wisdom—including your own. Trust your mischievous intuition. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The axolotl is a kind of salamander that has an extraordinary capacity for regenerating itself. If it loses a leg in an accident, it will grow a new one in its place. It can even fix its damaged organs, including its eyes, heart and brain. And get this: There’s never any scar tissue left behind. Its power to heal itself is pretty much perfect. I nominate the axolotl to be your power animal in the coming weeks, Taurus. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you now have an extraordinary ability to restore any part of your soul that has been hurt or stolen or lost. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): In the coming months, I hope that you will get sweet revenge. In fact, I predict that you will get sweet revenge. Keep in mind that I’m not talking about angry, roaring vindication. I don’t mean you will destroy the reputations of your adversaries, reduce them to humiliating poverty or laugh at them as they grovel for mercy while lying in a muddy gutter. No, Gemini. The kind of revenge I foresee is that you will achieve a ringing triumph by mastering a challenge they all believed would defeat you. And your ascent to victory starts now. CANCER (June 21-July 22): I would love to speak with you about your hesitancy to fully confront your difficulties. But I will not speak forthrightly, since I’m pretty sure that would irritate you. It might even motivate you to procrastinate even further. So instead, I will make a lame joke about how if you don’t stop avoiding the obvious, you will probably get bitten in the butt by a spider. I will try to subtly guilt-trip you into taking action by implying that I’ll be annoyed at you if you don’t. I will wax sarcastic and suggest that maybe just this once, ignorance is bliss. Hopefully that will nudge you into dealing straightforwardly with the unrest that’s bubbling.
38 | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Drama is life with all the boring parts cut out of it,” said Leo filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock. By that criterion, I’m guessing that your experience in the coming week will have a high concentration of magic and stimulation. You should be free from having to slog through stale details and prosaic storylines. Your word of power will be “succulence.” For best results, take active control of the unfolding adventures. Be the director and lead actor in your drama, not a passive participant who merely reacts to what others are doing. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): One of my spiritual teachers once told me that a good spiritual teacher makes an effort not to seem too perfect. She said some teachers even cultivate odd quirks and harmless failings on purpose. Why? To get the best learning experience, students must be discouraged from over-idealizing the wise advisers they look up to. It’s crucial they understand that achieving purity is impossible and unrealistic. Being perceived as an infallible expert is dangerous for teachers, too: it makes them prone to egotistical grandiosity. I bring this up, Virgo, because it’s an excellent time to reduce the likelihood that you’ll be seduced by the illusion of perfection. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): This would be a good week to talk to yourself more than usual. If you’re the type who never talks to yourself, this is a perfect time to start. And I do mean that you should actually address yourself with passionate, humorous, ironic, sincere and insightful comments as you would anyone you care about. According to my interpretation of the astrological omens, you would benefit from the shock of literally hearing how your mind works. Even more importantly: The cheerleading you do, the encouragement you deliver and the motivational speeches you give would have an unusually powerful impact if they were audible. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast, a grotesque human-like creature hosts the heroine in his home, treating her like a queen. She accepts his hospitality but rejects his requests to marry him. Eventually, he collapses from heartache. Moved by the depth of his suffering, she confesses her deep affection for him. This shatters the spell and magically transforms the Beast back into a handsome prince. Your life may have parallels to this story in the coming months, Scorpio. You might be tested. Can you discern the truth about a valuable resource that doesn’t look very sexy? Will you be able to see beauty embedded in a rough or shabby form?
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): If you thoroughly shuffle a deck of cards, the novel arrangement you create is probably unique in all of human history; its specific order has never before occurred. I suspect the same principle applies to our lives: Each new day brings a singular set of circumstances that neither you nor anyone else in the last 10,000 years has ever had the pleasure of being challenged and intrigued by. There is always some fresh opportunity, however small, that is being offered you for the first time. I think it’s important for you to keep this perspective in mind during the coming week. Be alert for what you have never seen or experienced before. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): I wish I could do more than just fantasize about helping you achieve greater freedom. In my dreams, I am obliterating delusions that keep you moored to false idols. I am setting fire to the unnecessary burdens you lug around. And I am tearing you away from the galling compromises you made once upon a time in order to please people who don’t deserve to have so much power over you. But it’s actually a good thing I can’t just wave a magic wand to make all this happen. Here’s a much better solution: You will clarify your analysis of the binds you’re in, supercharge your willpower and liberate yourself. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In his book Even Cowgirls Get the Blues, Tom Robbins talks about a gourmet who “gave up everything, traveled thousands of miles and spent his last dime to get to the highest lamasery in the Himalayas to taste the dish he’d longed for his whole life, Tibetan peach pie. When he got there ... the lamas said they were all out of peach. ‘OK,’ said the gourmet, ‘make it apple.’” I suspect you’ll be having a comparable experience sometime soon, Aquarius. You may not get the exact treat you wanted, but what you’ll receive in its place is something that’s pretty damn good. I urge you to accept the gift as is. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “Having ‘a sense of self’ means possessing a set of stories about who we are,” according to William Kittredge in his book The Nature of Generosity. He says there are two basic types of stories. The first is “cautionary tales, which warn us” and therefore protect us. The second consists of “celebratory” tales, which we use to heal and calm ourselves. I believe that you Pisceans are now in a phase when you primarily need celebratory stories. It’s time to define yourself with accounts of what you love and value and regard as precious.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 5–11, 2012 | 39