LOOKING BACK The 12 stories that topped 2012 headlines ARTS 27
STRANGER DANGER Opera Idaho presents the Grimm classic Hansel and Gretel SCREEN 30
FILM WARS A bracket breakdown of the top films of the last year REC 31
PARK PASS Parks and Rec hopes new program brings in the money
“Little by little, one by one, legislators are going to be held accountable.”
2 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
BW STAFF Publisher: Sally Freeman Office Manager: Shea Sutton Editorial Features Editor: Deanna Darr Arts & Entertainment Editor: Tara Morgan News Editor: George Prentice New Media Czar: Josh Gross Sultan of Events: Harrison Berry Reporter: Andrew Crisp Listings: Copy Editors: Amy Atkins, Jay Vail Contributing Writers: Sarah Barber, Bill Cope, David Kirkpatrick, Christina Marfice, Andrew Mentzer, Ted Rall, Christine Ritchie, Catie Young Intern: Jordyn Price Advertising Advertising Director: Lisa Ware Account Executives: Karen Corn, Zach Ritchie, Jessi Strong, Nick Thompson, Jill Weigel, Classified Sales Creative Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Graphic Designers: Jen Grable, Adam Rosenlund, Contributing Artists: Derf, Jeremy Lanningham, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Patrick Sweeney, Ted Rall, Tom Tomorrow Circulation Shea Sutton Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town: Stan Jackson Distribution: Tim Anders, Jason Brue, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Shane Greer, Stan Jackson, Lars Lamb, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Amanda Noe, Warren O’Dell, Steve Pallsen, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 30,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. Subscriptions: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. To contact us: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701 The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2012 by Bar Bar, Inc. Editorial Deadline: Thursday at noon before publication date. Sales Deadline: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher. Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. Boise weekly is an independently owned and operated newspaper.
NOTE YES, YOUR BAND IS GREAT More than “are you sure you need another drink?” and “is Bill Cope real?” the question we’re asked the most here at Boise Weekly is “why don’t you write about my band?” This is usually followed up by assurances that “we totally rock,” and accusations that “BW should do more to support the local scene.” On rare and special occasions, wild conspiracy theories about various section editors trying to keep bands out of the paper for personal reasons crop up. We always answer these questions with: yes, probably and we’d love to write about your band. But we’d love to do so with one big caveat: There has to be a reason. That’s what sets journalism apart from PR. What does that mean to musicians trolling for coverage? There’s an old cliche in journalism that says dog bites man, not news; man bites dog, news. To put that in a local band perspective: local band plays gig, not news; local band releases album, news. BW does its very best cover new releases from all local artists. If you are having an album release show, we will write about it. If you send us your album, we will review it. If you make a video, we will blog it. If you sign a record deal, score a big opening slot on a tour, get accepted to a prominent festival ... you can expect us to be rapt with interest because those are all newsworthy events we would love to write about. Email, call or stop by BWHQ. Or buy us that drink the bartender is holding out on. We’d love the chance to talk about your band. Another thing we’re talking about this week are the Top 12 stories of 2012, the things that dominated the headlines across sections of BW: Food, politics, music, theater, etc ... it’s all in there. We now look forward to reporting what will inevitably become the biggest stories of 2013. However, those of you in Mountain Home, Twin Falls and Wood River Valley may have to wait a little longer to read those stories. Beginning in 2013, Boise Weekly will be delivered to those communities on Fridays instead of Wednesdays. Don’t worry, it just builds the suspense. And finally, you may remember that BWHQ is closed through Tuesday, Jan. 1. We’ll all be back in the office on Wednesday, Jan. 2, when we’ll be happy to talk about your band. —Josh Gross
COVER ARTIST ARTIST: Kathleen Keys TITLE: Four Threes MEDIUM: Monotype created at Wingtip Press’ Monotype Monday. ARTIST STATEMENT: As this year closes and a new one begins, let’s all agree to look at more art, live with more art, experience the arts, connect others to the arts, and support the arts in diverse ways. The arts are a vital part of what makes Boise great.
Boise Weekly pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.
BOISEweekly c DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 c 3
WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world. K AR I GR EER
NEWS Planned Parenthood makes plans for the upcoming legislative session 8 CITIZEN
WILDFIRES FROM SPACE You saw Idaho’s wildfire season from the ground. But if you check out Cobweb, you can see what it looked like from space as well.
BOXING DAY In America, we think of Wednesday, Dec. 26 as the day to take stuff back to the store. But in other countries it’s called Boxing Day. What is it? Find out on Cobweb.
CHRISTMAS COFFINS If the video of sexy Mrs. Claus hocking coffins is any indicator, local commercials are just as bad in Guatemala as they are everywhere else. See the video on Cobweb.
4 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
FEATURE Top 12 of 2012
ARTS Opera Idaho leaves a trail of bread crumbs to Hansel and Gretel
SCREEN BW’s 2012 Sweet 16 film bracket
REC Idaho Parks and Rec looks to raise cash with the Parks Passport program 31 FOOD REVIEW Chow down at the meat-tastic Saint Lawrence Gridiron 32 WINESIPPER
A German design studio illustrated the scientific complexity of music. See it on Cobweb.
Election over, it’s time to focus on resources MICHAEL FERGUSON Now that the election is behind us, we have an answer from Idaho’s voters on the referenda related to the Students Come First laws (or Luna Laws, depending on your perspective). Both sides in this contentious campaign have now agreed on the need to work toward improving the quality of public education in Idaho. That’s encouraging, not because Idaho’s public schools are broken, but because it’s always going to be the case that there will be room for improvement. Hopefully, we will see a renewed commitment to collaboration among the various stakeholders in this most important of our state’s responsibilities. Two critically important issues need to be factored into this discussion: How much of our financial resources are we devoting to the education of our children, and how are we allocating those resources among those children? To answer the first question, Idaho is spending less and less on public education. After decades of stable funding at roughly 4.4 percent of Idaho’s personal income, since fiscal year 2000, Idaho has been devoting progressively fewer resources to its public schools—down to just 3.5 percent of Idaho’s personal income in the fiscal year 2013 budget. That’s a 20 percent decline in our effort level, or the share of our resources we devote to public schools. It’s also a factor in Idaho’s decline from 48th among states (and Washington, D.C.) in spending per student in fiscal year 2000 to 50th in spending per student in fiscal year 2010. To answer the second question, Idaho’s spending on public education is becoming more unequal. In 2006, the Idaho Legislature changed the funding sources for public schools by shifting away from the property tax and to the General Fund (i.e., income and sales taxes). An equalized property tax levy of .3 percent was eliminated, and the Idaho sales tax was increased from 5 percent to 6 percent to bolster the General Fund. In theory, the state General Fund would now cover the entire cost of a “general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools.” Reality is turning out to be much different. Since the 2006 funding swap, Idaho’s public school districts have dramatically increased their reliance on property taxes to supplement General Fund dollars. In just the past year the use of voter-approved supplemental levies by school districts has increased from $140 million to $169 million, a 20 percent increase. The problem is school property taxes are now entirely unequalized, meaning that each school district’s property tax capacity is all it has to work with. Property tax capacity per student varies widely across Idaho’s school districts. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
At the extremes, in fiscal year 2010 property values varied from $4.696 million per student in the McCall-Donnelly School District, to just $153,437 per student in the Snake River School District. That’s a 30-to-1 variation in the property tax capacity between these two districts. A levy of .1 percent ($100 per $100,000 of taxable value) would raise $4,696 per student in the McCall-Donnelly School District, while the exact same levy would raise just $153 per student in the Snake River School District. Small wonder, then, to find that Snake River had no property tax levy. It got by with strictly its state allocation of just $5,362 per student. McCall-Donnelly did have a property tax levy (of .142 percent) that produced an additional $6,657 per student, giving it a total of $13,208 to spend per student. If we look at Idaho’s six largest school districts, the variations are not as dramatic, but no less meaningful. Coeur d’Alene had $889,772 in taxable value per student vs. just $261,037 per student in Pocatello—that’s more than a 3-to-1 ratio in property tax capacity. Coeur d’Alene actually levied .092 percent and raised $820 per student from the property tax. Pocatello actually levied at over twice the rate of Coeur d’Alene (.199 percent), but raised less than two-thirds the revenue ($519 per student) from the property tax. The widest funding disparity among Idaho’s six largest school districts in fiscal year 2010 came more from the willingness of the district’s patrons to tax themselves. Boise had $713,400 in taxable value per student vs. $284,477 in Nampa. Boise levied at a rate of .428 percent, while Nampa levied only .039 percent. Boise had $3,053 in additional funds per student from the property tax (over and above the $5,126 it got from the state), while Nampa had only $110 in additional funds per student from the property tax (over and above the $4,924 it got from the state). These are just a few examples of the wide variations in resources available to Idaho school children depending on where they live. These examples are not exceptions, they are the rule. The details change from year to year but the disparities don’t. They remain enormous. So ask yourself this: If the Idaho Constitution places a duty on the Legislature “to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools” (and it does in Article 9, Section 1), how’s that going? My answer is not so well. Michael Ferguson is the director of the Idaho Center for Fiscal Policy.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 5
EXSPECIONAL Foundin’ Fathers running out of our ears “Yup, that was some doozy of an election.” “Yup, a doozy indeed, Red. Makes me wonder how many more like that the country could take. But what about you, pal? Are you feeling any better about the way it turned out?” “Some days are better’n others, Cope. I still have those times when I wish ol’ Mitt Romney was agonna be there in the presidentialing job just so’s I wouldn’t have to think so much about what I think of havin’ to rethink ever’thing I ever thought about them ... er, you know ... them urban sorts. But then I have days when I sort o’ stop thinking altogether about what I think of them folks, and it don’t seem so bad. Know what I mean?” “Uh, I’ll have to think about that.” “Besides, I sort o’ wish I hadn’t o’ skittered out so fast after the election and signed up with them fellers who want to secsessionate out o’ the U.S. of A.” “Why’s that, Red? Can you see now that it was all just a dim-witted, bratty tantrum being thrown by the sort of duncey trash we’d be better off without, anyway?” “Nah, that’s not it. It’s acause I been thinkin’ that if we actually did pull out o’ the U.S. of A., then neither the U.S. of A. n’r whatever we called our new country would be exspecional anymore.” “You mean ‘exceptional,’ I’m sure.” “Yeah. Ain’t that what I said? And I think it’s important that the U.S. of A. stay exspecional, even if it means we gotta put up with the wrong president f’r a few more years. Even you’d agree with that, wouldn’t you, Cope?” “Truth is, Red, I don’t think we’re exceptional. I’ve never thought we were exceptional. In fact, I think ‘exceptional’ has become a meaningless word. An empty, foolish word bleated out ad nauseam by the most unexceptional of Americans to give themselves credit for being unique and wondrous by no more virtue than having been born in this country instead of another.” “That gull durn figures! Cope, I might o’ known a bird like you would think the U.S. of A. ’tweren’t exspecional!” “But Red, that’s not to say this country doesn’t produce some exceptional people. Probably more than our share even, though who can know for sure, since it’s unlikely we’ll ever hear much about the exceptional folks from Thailand, say … or Morocco or Finland or Botswana. All I’m saying is, it’s ridiculous for people to think they share in some sort of common exceptionalism simply because they happen to live within the same borders as the few truly exceptional individuals.” “Them exspecional indivisionals y’r braggin’ on ain’t got nothin’ to do with it, Cope! It’s the Good Lord A’mighty God On High what made us exspecional. God put them Foundin’ Fathers here! Not in
6 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
Botswannyland n’r nowheres else. An‘ that’s what makes us exspecional. The Good Lord A’mighty God On High, as born again in Jesus Holy Christ what’s maninfestated in the hearts and souls of the Foundin’ Fathers, and then passed off on us with the Declarationing of the Constitutionals! So you see, Cope, if’n you respected our Foundin’ Fathers like you oughta, you’d know hows they inqueathed upon us a straight shot of pure Christly especialism, by dang!” “Red, I bet I respect way more Founding Fathers than you do. Take Louis Armstrong, one of the all-around greatest Founding Fathers, old Louis. You can’t imagine how much respect I have for that man.” “What you talkin’ ‘bout? Louie Armstrong weren’t no Foundin’ Father!” “Oh, he certainly was. Louis and Henry Thoreau and Henry Longfellow and Lenny Bernstein and Martin Luther King, Jr. … all Founding Fathers, every one of them, along with Harriet Beecher Stowe and Emily Dickinson and Susan B. Anthony and Betty Friedan and ...” “Y’r brain pan’s done rattled loose, Cope. Some o’ them what y’r callin’ Foundin’ Fathers ain’t even fellers.” “That doesn’t mean they didn’t each have take a huge role in defining the America we live in, Red. Herman Melville, Henry Ford, George Washington Carver, Tecumseh … they’re all standouts in the family picture. Oh, and Mark Twain, the Beach Boys, Carl Sandburg, Thomas Edison. Then there’s Brigham Young and Teddy Roosevelt and William Faulkner, Mae West and Duke Ellington and Charles Lindbergh, Andy Warhol and Abe Lincoln and Elvis ... can’t forget Elvis ... and Frederick Douglass. Harry Houdini, Billie Holiday, Buffalo Bi ...” “Stop it! Just stop it! Y’r blasphemizing the fellers what made this country what it is. That ain’t right, Cope. Even comin’ from you.” “I’m not blaspheming anything. I’m just saying this country—every country, for that matter—is what it is because generations of extraordinary people, for good or ill, add their own distinctive flavors to the soup. Jefferson, Washington and those guys started it to simmering, no doubt. But who can say for certain if their contribution is any more vital to what we are today and what we’ll be tomorrow than ... say, Abe Lincoln’s? Or Hillary Clinton’s. Or Jefferson Davis’. Point is, pal, this country isn’t finished being founded.” “So by you’re way o’ thinkin’, Cope, there might be a lot o’ Foundin’ Fathers what ain’t even been born yet.” “Let us hope so, Red, And let us also hope there are a lot more Abe Lincolns coming than Jefferson Davises, if you know what I mean.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 7
PLANNED POLITICS Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest gains viability, influence GEORGE PRENTICE
While the Brick Oven Bistro has closed, its liquor license may be a hot commodity.
—Andrew Crisp
Meanwhile, Idaho’s Legislature remains very male (74 percent) and very Republican GEOR GE PR ENTICE
Owners of the Brick Oven Bistro are holding sway in talks with businesses eyeing the restaurant’s location on Grove Plaza. While the building’s owners look for a tenant, Bistro owners Stephanie Telesco and Jeff Nee (who leased the location for 11 years) are looking to interest a possible buyer for their liquor license, which could carr y a hefty price tag. “I know [the new tenant] hasn’t been official yet,” said Nee. “When it is, we’ll see if they have an interest.” In Idaho, businesses can sell liquor licenses to other entities. While Nee said he doesn’t have a specific price he’s looking for, he’s heard the licenses can net six-digit prices. “The last sale that I’m aware of was around $125,000,” he said “I know there’s one being adver tised that’s $135,000.” It took Nee and Telesco quite some time to inch their way to the top of Idaho’s Alcohol Beverage Control list to secure a liquor license. “It took us 17 years to get one,” said Nee. “We had almost forgotten about it, and then they called us up and said, ‘your number came up.’” ABC Super visor Nichole Har vey told Citydesk a liquor license can rever t back to the state when a business closes up shop, or it may be transferred by sale or lease agreement after the license is 2-years-old. She added supply and demand dictate the price. “They’re really wor th what anybody’s willing to pay for them,” said Har vey. “You might see somebody willing to pay $200,000 in Ketchum, while in the city of Meridian, where there’s only a few people on the [waiting] list, somebody might be willing to pay $60,000.” Nee said the Bistro’s license will come of age in Januar y 2013–the same month the eater y’s lease agreement is up. “Liquor licenses must be available for actual sales,” said Har vey. “There’s no down time for a liquor license. They must always be in use and have that liquor available for actual sale.” Nee said both local and non-local businesses have considered the space, while the building’s landlords have indicated that they would prefer a locally owned tenant. But Nee said he’s not overly concerned about finding a buyer for his liquor license. “I’m not worried about tr ying to find a market right away,” said Nee. “I think there’s a bunch of people out there that would like to get one.”
When the clock struck midnight, ringing in 2012, Planned Parenthood had plenty to worry
Hannah Brass Greer, legislative director/Idaho team lead for Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest: “It’s going to take time in Idaho. Little by little, one-by-one, legislators are going to be held accountable.”
about: President Barack Obama, shackled to lousy job numbers, was sinking fast in the polls and his signature piece of legislation was about to be challenged in the U.S. Supreme Court. “And a fair amount of Idaho legislators thought we’d be preparing, right about now, for Mitt Romney to be sworn in as president of the United States,” said Hannah Brass Greer, legislative director and Idaho team lead for Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest. “But the more and more we talked to voters, the more our organization felt confident.” Eleven months later, Greer’s concern evolved into what she called “cautious optimism” on Election Night. “You saw some pretty big names make some pretty negative comments–many of them offensive–and none of those candidates won,” she said. In particular, Republican U.S. Senate candidates who made controversial remarks about rape and/or abortion lost on Nov. 6: Missouri’s Todd Akin, who argued that if women experience a “legitimate rape,” their bodies can avert unwanted pregnancies; in Indiana, Richard Mourdock insisted that pregnancies from rape were something “God intended.” When the new U.S. Congress convenes in January 2013, there will be 20 female U.S. senators, a new record. And in the U.S. House, women and minorities will rule the roost in the Democratic Caucus.
8 c DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 c BOISEweekly
(81 percent). “It’s going to take some time in Idaho,” said Greer. But people are paying attention. “Little by little, one-by-one, legislators are going to be held accountable.” Greer took note of one particular legislative district, Idaho 18 (BW, News, “Turning 18,” September 5, 2012), where voters decided to make a change: Democratic challenger Janie Ward-Engelking unseated incumbent Republican Rep. Julie Ellsworth and Democratic challenger Branden Durst turned out incumbent Republican Sen. Mitch Toryanski. “The ultrasound bill definitely played a role in District 18,” said Greer, referring to the controversial measure that would have required Idaho women seeking an abortion to undergo an ultrasound procedure, with no exceptions for rape or incest. The proposed legislation passed through the Idaho Senate but stalled in the Idaho House. “That especially impacted Durst’s victory over Toryanski,” said Greer. “[Toryanski] didn’t just vote for the bill. He was very outspoken about his support.” The ultrasound bill helped define the 2012 legislative session and despite its ultimate defeat, Greer said she wouldn’t be terribly surprised if it resurfaces in 2013 with altered language (see Page 19). But Greer also looked back at other Statehouse races, where she said her organization
would have made a difference but could only watch from the sidelines. “I think it’s fair to say that some candidates were overly cautious about getting an endorsement from us,” said Greer. “For example, we didn’t participate in District 15 races.” In two open seats, one in the House and another in the Senate, Democrats lost by margins that ranged from 762 to 1,137 votes. But neither Democrat sought out support from Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest. “Maybe a candidate doesn’t want a fullthroated endorsement because, quite possibly, that person may have had a record of past anti-choice votes. But we can still make a recommendation,” said Greer. “We have a questionnaire, a series of yes or no questions that trigger that endorsement.” The endorsement process, according to Greer, proved to be very successful in close races in 2012, even in conservative states. “A lot of candidates across the nation understand that Planned Parenthood is the most trusted messenger on women’s health issues,” she said. “But in Idaho, we have some work to do.” Some of that work will include some myth-busting, such as dealing with the oftenrepeated falsehood that Planned Parenthood only performs abortions. In fact, of the more than 6,000 clients served in 2011 at Planned Parenthood’s two Idaho offices–one in Boise, another in Twin Falls–only 12 percent of the services involved abortions, while the overwhelming majority of care-giving included contraception, screenings for sexually transmitted diseases and breast cancer screenings. “And perhaps, most important of all, we’re the only health-care provider for many of our patients,” said Greer. “When a state legislature attacks funding to Planned Parenthood, the funding that is being attacked is not abortion care, it’s an attack on cancer screenings and breast exams.” Changing misconceptions will keep Greer busy in the coming weeks, meeting new lawmakers and shoring up working relationships with the Legislature’s old guard. “Starting in January and going through the session, I’ll be having one-on-one meetings with legislators and candidates from both parties. Believe me, we’re nonpartisan,” she said. “I would love nothing more than to be involved with Republican races.” Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest’s electoral efforts in Idaho were something new. “This was the first year we did political work here in Idaho in earnest,” said Greer. “We were conservative in scope and dollars compared to our other Northwest states. But we proved this year that Planned Parenthood had the highest percentage of wins among national organizations that offered support and endorsements. We can turn out the votes.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Lula Coe and Angel Hernandez, one of the organizers of the December 15 “Team Lula” benefit concert
CLOSE TO PERFECT “Don’t ever feel like you’re less than perfect” CHRISTINA MARFICE Lula Coe donned a new purple sweatshirt emblazoned with the words “Team Lula” and sang her favorite song, “Perfect,”in front of a packed house at The Venue on December 15: “Pretty, pretty please, don’t you ever, ever feel like you’re less than perfect.” All smiles as she exited the stage, Lula said singing to an audience was “sort of fun and sort of scary,” and that she loves the song because “it’s about being pretty.” For more than a year, nine-year-old Lula has been battling Wilms’ tumor, a cancer that typically occurs in children–first in her kidneys and liver and now in her lungs. The concert and accompanying silent auction were organized by friends and neighbors to raise money for Lula’s family. “We’re just so grateful for everyone’s generosity,” said Lula’s mother, Kat Coe. “It’s been overwhelming.” Wilms’ tumor–or its more formal name nephroblastoma–is a cancer that is typically highly responsive to treatment. But Lula’s is a rare opposite case. She has already had one kidney and part of her liver removed, and the lesions in her lungs have failed to respond to several rounds of chemotherapy. The next step for Lula and her family could be a bone marrow transplant, which would require her to live in Salt Lake City for at least two months. For Kat Coe, who has three other children, the scenario is daunting. “We’re figuring out how to do life with a distance,” she said. But the community interest and involvement in Lula’s struggle is taking a small part WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
of the burden off the family. Neighbors have been keeping an eye on the Coes, willing to help out in any way possible. “I know people have been bringing food to the house. Kat has been so busy at the hospital all the time that it interferes with simple things like her ability to grocery shop,” said Monique Zehner, one of the concert’s organizers. Zehner, who owns a small convenience store near the Coes’ home, has been soliciting donations for Lula and her family for several months. Her customers have risen to the occasion: a can on the store counter decorated with photos of Lula and her brothers has raised hundreds of dollars. Zehner also gathered items for the benefit concert’s auction, resulting in nearly $6,000 raised for Lula’s upcoming treatment. “People are taking care of them,” Zehner said. “They even set up a Christmas tree at the concert so that people could bring things for the family for Christmas.” Even those with little to give have been lending a hand. It was one of Lula’s 9-yearold friends who had the idea to organize a concert to raise money, and who single-handedly garnered enough donations for a rented bounce house for children at the event. Through it all, Lula kept smiling. Friends of the family laughed and said that her “default setting is happy.” “The biggest thing for Lula is, it was her choice to give 10 percent of what we raise to the music-therapy program at St. Luke’s,” said Kat Coe. “It’s been her favorite thing to do and probably the thing that keeps her heart up the most at the hospital.”
BOISEweekly c DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 c 9
We’re presuming that Gary Craven has gone ahead and purchased a 2013 calendar but when Boise Weekly spoke to the so-called “prepper,” the moniker for those who believe the end of the world is coming sooner than later, he was preparing for all kinds of trouble. “Time is growing short,” Craven said. “I think there’s going to be a new world. We’ll have a lot of trouble and a lot of people won’t make it through.” Craven (BW, Citizen, “Gary Craven,” July 18, 2012) was one of scores of citizens that we met in 2012: actors, heroes, scholars, Olympians–not a bore in the bunch. Joanna Macy (BW, Citizen, “Joanna Macy,” Jan. 18, 2012) has survived world wars and climate change, but she wasn’t worried in the least about doomsday predictions from the Mayans. Rather, the legendary antinuclear activist fears what she called “fear, lust for power, greed and ignorance” that has defined the nuclear age. But Macy had high praise for her colleagues who stood up to nuclear power and weapons production as “some of the liveliest, soulful, energetic, funny and obstinate people I know.” “I’m just a sucker for courage,” she said. We’re pretty sure that Macy would have liked 64-year-old Geoff Burns (BW, Citizen, “Geoff Burns,” Feb. 22, 2012), the man who decided to go camping on Oct. 15, 2011. In
10 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
an act of solidarity with the then-burgeoning Occupy movement (which hadn’t yet come to Boise), Burns pitched his tent – on city property in the heart of Boise and refused to leave. He was promptly hauled off to jail. When BW spoke to Burns in February, he was still waiting for his day in court (charges were ultimately dropped in March). “I’m very comfortable with what I did regardless of the outcome,” said Burns. “One of the prosecutor’s arguments was that I never asked for permission. And I thought about that. What would our country look like if someone like Rosa Parks had to ask permission?” Burns said that when he sat in the courtroom, “I realized that it wasn’t about me.” “It was about ideas, and that validates what I did,” he said. “Here’s the thing: There’s that court, but what’s really important is the court of public opinion. That’s how our democracy has grown.” Byron Johnson (BW, Citizen, “Byron Johnson,” May 2, 2012) held great sway in Idaho courtrooms, as well as the court of public opinion. Johnson helped create the Boise chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and always loved a good legal tussle in his decades as an attorney and then justice on the Idaho Supreme Court. Johnson died Dec. 9 at his Boise home, which he had told Boise Weekly was the source of so much of life’s joy, along with his
wife Patricia, his children and grandchildren. When much of the nation was still secondguessing the pending U.S. Supreme Court decision on Obamacare, Johnson correctly predicted in May that the high court would uphold the law. He also said he had higher expectations for President Barack Obama. “He’s a marvelous candidate,” said Johnson. “I just don’t know if he can govern or not. I’m still waiting.” We profiled several lawmakers as some of 2012’s Citizens, many of them on their way out the door of the Idaho Statehouse. Some retired, some lost elections and others moved on to greener pastures. But with the Capitol in their rearview mirrors, each offered rare candor about his political party. Joe Stegner (BW, Citizen, “Joe Stegner,” Jan. 25, 2012) was getting settled into his new position as special assistant for state government relations for the University of Idaho when he spoke with BW in January. His new digs weren’t far from the Statehouse–directly across State Street–when he looked back on his years at the Capitol, where he was often labeled the Idaho Legislature’s most moderate Republican. “I think the Legislature changed, moving to the right, making me appear to be more moderate,” said Stegner. “I was probably more moderate on social issues. In general, I find conservative views on social issues as a restriction on freedom. Why
CITIZEN would the government be interested in limiting anyone’s freedom? That’s what a lot of those social issues do. I’m troubled and perplexed as to why that’s a moderate position.” When BW asked Stegner about the perception that lobbyists wielded adverse influence on the Legislature, the former lawmaker said, “if lobbyists didn’t exist today, we would invent them tomorrow.” “They truly fill a vital need in our government or they simply wouldn’t exist,” said Stegner. “Do people have influence? They absolutely do. Do those influences affect legislation? Without a doubt. I have a pretty strong confidence that people get the government that they deserve and that they want.” When former Boise legislator Brian Cronin (BW, Citizen, “Brian Cronin,” March 14, 2012) told BW that he was stepping away from the Idaho Legislature, he wasn’t planning on becoming a lobbyist. “It’s not my intention of getting a green tag and start lobbying,” he said. “But as with my previous work, a lot of what I do has a public dimension to it, and I suspect that it’s going to continue.” Shortly after the legislative session wrapped, Cronin took a job with Strategies 360 in April, and on Oct. 2 he sparred with Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna in a contentious City Club debate, prior to the defeat of the so-called “Luna Laws” in the Nov. 6 general election. Three-term Boise legislator Bill Killen (BW, Citizen, “Bill Killen,” April 11, 2012) also stepped away from the Idaho Legislature this year. But his reason was entirely personal: He wasn’t feeling well. Following a bad bout of the flu and severe dehydration, Killen said he had to continually excuse himself from key hearings due to his illness. “I can’t get very far from a restroom,” he said. “I also have a colostomy. I had colorectal cancer 15 years ago. I also have CLL, which is a form of leukemia, but all those things I’ve dealt with. Nobody can figure this thing out. I walk around my house and I have to take a rest. There’s no way in hell that I could campaign the way I would need to.” In looking back on the 2012 session, Killen pointed to what he called the Legislature’s “ethics problem.” “The biggest problem is that [Republicans] don’t realize they have one. Right now, the GOP majority simply doesn’t accept that there’s a problem,” said Killen, who conceded that the problem wasn’t unique to Republicans. “If the Democrats were the top dogs, they would have the same kind of problem. It goes with power.” Mountain Home Republican Sen. Tim Corder (BW, Citizen, “Tim Corder,” July 11, 2012) also bid adieu to the Statehouse after his May 15 loss in the GOP primary, a victim of what he said was redistricting, which placed him up against another incumbent, Rogerson Republican Sen. Bert Brackett, who emerged the victor. When BW asked Corder if he would ever WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
consider lobbying, he left the door open. “For the right cause,” he said. “I would only lobby for something I really believed in. I would never be a lobbyist that was for sale, a hired gun.” Corder said his own party was heading “downhill and to the right,” which posed a significant threat to the future of the GOP. “Risk to the party, to Idaho and to America,” said Corder. “The idea of political parties was to get people engaged. But now, both parties in Idaho have become clubs. Look at the GOP closed primary and the caucuses. That’s a club. Then they want to say who can be a member of the club. That’s anti-American. That’s socialism at the highest degree.” Gary Johnson (BW, Citizen, “Gary Johnson,” Aug. 15, 2012) abandoned the Republican Party in 2012. After being unsuccessful in breaking through the GOP presidential primary process, the former New Mexico governor re-launched his race for the White House as the standard-bearer for the Libertarian Party. Johnson told BW in August that there was a time that he was “in synch” with Republicans, “but I’m not a social conservative, never have been.” “I think the majority of Americans are fiscally responsible and socially accepting,” said Johnson. “I don’t even like to use the word ‘tolerant.’ I was the most outspoken governor in the country on issues like school choice and the war on drugs. Ryan Crocker (BW, Citizen, “Ryan Crocker,” Oct. 10, 2012) served a number of U.S. presidents–Republicans and Democrats–when he served as ambassador to Lebanon, Kuwait, Syria, Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan. “When the commander-in-chief asks you to serve in a time of war, there is only one correct answer,” said Crocker. “The only thing harder than going to Afghanistan would have been trying to live with myself if I had said no.” Kellen Moore (BW, Citizen, “Kellen Moore,” Aug. 8, 2012) rarely says “no.” On the heels of becoming the most successful quarterback in NCAA Division I history and finishing a career at Boise State University with a 50-3 record, Moore is anxious for a new opportunity to prove himself anew after being signed to the NFL’s Detroit Lions. “There are different ways of making a career and my goal is to be one of those success stories,” said Moore, who added that it wasn’t overwhelming to start from scratch with a new team. “It’s not too bad. Football is football,” he said. “There are only so many plays, so many schemes or styles. You revert back to some of your college days and connect to plays that were similar. Then you revise it by understanding the new verbiage that is taught here.” As for his confidence level, Moore said, “It gets better each day.” We can only hope for the same in 2013.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 11
at the top stories of the last year and where they might lead
12 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
s December winds down, taking 2012 with it, we at Boise Weekly would like to be among the first to say congratulations for surviving the Mayan apocalypse. With all those pesky end-ofthe-world concerns out of the way, it’s time to get a little reflective about the year that was. We know right now everyone is rolling out the “looking back” specials, attempting to analyze what happened and why. We’re no strangers to the format ourselves; it has been a staple of our year-end issue for a long time. But we’re also forward-looking people who think a little change can be a good thing. That’s why you may notice things look a little different from our previous Spuds and Duds features. This year, we decided to not only look back at what we think are some of the most important stories to come out of 2012, but to also offer some insight into what happened since the stories fell out of the headlines and how they might evolve in 2013.
When selecting our Top 12 stories, we tried to look beyond just the world of politics—although it was quite a year in that arena—to consider the things that influenced other spheres of life in the Treasure Valley. From groundbreaking cultural events to proposed legislation that rallied the masses to the changing face of Boise, it all has lingering effects on the lives of those of us who call this place home. This is in no way a comprehensive list, and some may take issue with our selections, but Treasure Valley residents are an opinionated group, so we expect some healthy discourse. Looking ahead to 2013, it’s anyone’s guess what will happen, but there are a few things we can depend on: Politicians will have us shaking our heads; more Idahoans will have us singing their praises; and BW will be back this same time next year, wrapping it all up. —Deanna Darr WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
ADD the
The most powerful symbol to emerge from the Idaho State Legislature’s 2012 session came in the form of an innocuous office supply. Post-It Notes sent in from thousands of Idahoans bore one simple message, “Add the Words.” The pastel-colored emblems were plastered across legislative office doors, desks and anything else that they could stick to in an effort to urge legislators to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the Idaho’s Civil Rights Act and Human Rights Act. It was the latest and most organized effort to add protections for LGBT citizens, which would make it illegal for someone to lose housing, job or educational opportunities simply because he or she is gay or transsexual. Despite hundreds of supporters turning out on a regular basis, the bill failed to make it out of the Senate State Affairs Committee on a strictly party-line vote, with the committee’s six Republicans shooting it down. “I can’t even describe the feeling at the end of the session,” said Mistie Tolman, cochair of Add the Words. “Knowing that you had done all you had done and all you could do. And so many people came out in support and [legislators] would still turn their heads and turn a blind eye to this need.” But there was never a question that the effort would go on. “It just feels that much more urgent,” Tolman said. Since then, Add the Words organizers have continued their work and the City of Boise enacted its own protections on Dec. 4, thanks to a 5-0 vote by the Boise City Council. Boise joins Sandpoint as the only Idaho cities to provide these protections, although Pocatello is working toward the same goal. “We’re so excited about it for so many different reasons,” Tolman said. “We’re WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
really excited to see an elected body listen to their constituents. ... When you see people coming out in support, it’s a lot harder for legislators to think, ‘my constituents don’t support this.’” Tolman said the group is far from giving up on the state level, either. “It’s too important of a topic when we have people all over the state living in fear,” she said. Organizers are already planning to refocus their efforts for the 2013 legislative session, this time focusing on education of both citizens—explaining just what the Human Rights Act is—and legislators—showing the public support for the amendment. Tolman said a recent survey conducted by Moore Information on behalf of the ACLU of Idaho showed that 81 percent of those surveyed felt it should be illegal to fire someone because he or she is gay. Add the Words is also planning to host more events and panel discussions over the winter, as well as more face-to-face meetings with legislators. “We do want to extend a hand of cooperation to the legislators,” Tolman said, adding that she believes many felt they had an adversarial relationship with Add the Words. “We’re not working against them,” she said. “We don’t want them to feel that way. We would like to work with them. ... [They need to] keep being reminded of how important this issue is.” The most visual reminder of the issue will once again be the Post-It Notes Add the Words organizers have pledged to keep delivering. “It’s the only way, as of now, that our legislators have to hear the voices of Idahoans,” Tolman said. “We won’t stop until they’ve heard.”
EXERGY tour In May, the long-sidelined sport of professional women’s cycling in Idaho came roaring back in grand fashion during the inaugural Exergy Tour. The multi-stage event drew some of the best women’s pro cycling teams from around the world to southwest Idaho, just before many of the competitors made their way to the 2012 London Olympics. The race was a resounding success. Crowds lined the route each day of the event, surprising both organizers and racers with their enthusiasm. Maybe it was partly because crowds had the chance to cheer for hometown hero Kristin Armstrong who, despite falling and breaking her collarbone in the Exergy opening time trial, went on to win her second Olympic gold medal shortly thereafter. It was the first time women’s pro racing had been in the spotlight since 2003, when the Women’s Challenge, which boasted one of the richest prize purses in women’s racing, folded after 19 years. Unfortunately, the Exergy Tour’s sponsor—Exergy Development Group—has faced one challenge after the other since the
race. First, the event cost nearly twice the $1 million budget Exergy Development Group had allocated. Then, new state regulations limiting wind energy development—Exergy’s main income source—put a choke hold on the business. In the wake of financial challenges, bills began piling up, as did the negative headlines. While Exergy leaders were quick to point out the company was paying off its debt as soon as it could, the economic outlook didn’t get any better. In late November, Exergy announced that it was cutting funding to its men’s cycling team, Team Exergy, in 2013, citing the sport’s lax attitude toward doping. The women’s team, Exergy Twenty16, is still being funded, as are the company’s youth outreach programs. Repeated calls to Exergy were not returned by press time, but nothing has been decided about the fate of the Exergy Tour for 2013, according to earlier reports. However, City of Boise officials have gone on record stating that they would like to see the event return.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 13
This summer, new construction in downtown Boise began in earnest. Thirty shovels with golden spades turned the construction in first symbolic scoopfuls of dirt to inaugurate what will become the tallest building in Idaho and fill what may always be known as the Boise Hole. “I think we all know the doldrums we’ve seen over the past few years, and we’ve shaken them. This is an economy on the move,” said Boise Mayor Dave Bieter July 12. “We need to have faith in our collective selves and faith in our city. Nothing shows that well-placed faith more than this project.” Bieter joined city and building officials in the groundbreaking at the site of the project, which sat empty at the center of the city for 25 years. In its place will be an 18-story office tower called Eighth and Main. Zions Bank—which financed the project—will occupy a portion of the building for its Idaho headquarters. In August, David Bowar, project manager for Boise-based Engineered Structures, Inc., gave Boise Weekly a look into the future of the tower. “This project will be 80 percent of my time for the next three years,” Bowar said. By October, a mammoth, bright blue crane stood above the skyline, lifting steel girders for the fast-grow-
ing structure. Officials hope to cut the ribbon on the building by January 2014. But the tower wasn’t the only major construction project launched in 2012. Bowar also led a crew that completed Idaho’s first Whole Foods location on Boise’s Broadway Avenue between Front and Myrtle streets. That location includes a 35,000-square-foot facility for the grocer and a 15,000-square-foot Walgreens location. On a smaller scale, crews also began work at 10th and Bannock streets, where Bend, Ore., brewer 10 Barrel Brewing Co. hopes to open a Boise location. Crews gutted a brick building to make way for tanks and seating areas, with an estimated completion date of spring 2013, although construction has been delayed numerous times over the last year (see Page 16). Boise’s urban renewal agency, the Capital City Development Corporation, also launched a series of streetscaping projects to update downtown sidewalks. Denoted by blue and green “CCDC @ Work” signs posted around the city, touch-ups included redoing the sidewalks and planting new trees along Ninth Street and an expansion of the sidewalk on 10th Street. On Capitol Boulevard, the City of Boise raised a crane of its own to service the ongoing renovation at City Hall. Inside, crews installed new tile in the main lobby, with plans to update the building’s brick-paved plaza in early 2013.
At the Old Ada County Courthouse at 514 W. Jefferson St., crews worked to refashion the 73-year-old building into a new center for law students. The building will house the Idaho Law Learning Center, including a Boise third-year law school program initiated by the University of Idaho College of Law, the Idaho State Law Library and other law-related public programs. Meanwhile, the Simplot family’s city block-sized tribute to the late J.R. Simplot began to take shape March 22. Situated on a 7.5-acre parcel, the $70 million project includes a 65,000-squarefoot, six-story facility and a 3-acre park, as well as “little jewel boxes,” which will showcase the family’s tractor collection, according to project architects. Stainless steel slides, an amphitheater, a children’s play area and a fountain are designed to draw people to the space. Officials estimate the project will be completed by summer 2014. There are even more projects slated to break ground in 2013. Boise Weekly told readers about plans to install four retail buildings in a dirt parking lot at 300 S. Capitol Blvd., with evidence pointing to Trader Joe’s as the key tenant. Across the river near Ann Morrison Park, 1004 Royal Blvd. is slated to become a five-story, 35,000-square-foot housing structure aimed at Boise State students. Meanwhile, transportation officials see a $12 million multi-modal transit center blossoming in the city’s core, which could be under way by spring 2013.
It took more than two years for the fight to overhaul the nation’s health care system to reach Idaho. In March 2010, President Barack Obama signed the contentious law known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to some, “Obamacare” to its opponents. It quickly became a centerpoint of the 2012 election and a political sticking point across the country. Early on, Idaho joined a group of other states that tasked their attorneys general with fighting the bill in court, which ultimately led to the ACA’s makeor-break moment in the U.S. Supreme Court. On June 28, the high court handed down a decision that upheld the laws but also stipulated states have flexibility in their implementation. Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter quickly released a statement, saying he was disappointed with the decision. “Obamacare has been bad for America from the beginning,” said Otter. He called for the repeal of the ACA and showed support for Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney. In July,
Otter appointed 26 individuals to two separate working groups to study the potential effects of the ACA if implemented in Idaho. One working group met with Idaho Department of Health and Welfare officials to evaluate Medicaid expansion and costs, which independent studies commissioned by the state revealed could mean as many as 100,000 new enrollees. The second group was asked to deal with Idaho’s position on creating a statebased health insurance exchange—a requirement of the ACA—or allowing the federal government to create one instead. A group of state lawmakers who made up the legislature’s health care task force quizzed officials representing the state’s health care programs on July 30 at the Capitol. Rupert Republican Sen. Dean Cameron asked about the pros and cons of different insurance exchange decisions—including a popular option among opponents of the bill, doing nothing. Meanwhile, during an August meeting the working group tasked with considering the health care insurance exchange, Idaho Department of Insurance Director Bill Deal guessed the cost of an health insurance exchange created by the state could reach $40 million, based on cost
estimates from neighboring states, Washington and Oregon. “Basically, we have ballparks on costs,” said Deal. Those months of talks came to a head in October, when the insurance exchange working group engaged in hours of debate on the subject. Alex LaBeau, Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry president and panel member, expressed concerns about the ACA, saying the state-based exchange was “the better route.” “My recommendation, my motion, is that our recommendation to the governor is to pursue a state-based exchange through the nonprofit model, because it’s probably the most flexible model,” said LaBeau. The group passed the motion, putting the 50-page report on the governor’s desk. On Dec. 11, just shy of the Dec. 14 deadline, Otter made his decision to steer Idaho toward creating its own health insurance exchange, subject to approval of the 2013 Idaho Legislature. While groups such as the Tea Party of Boise and the Idaho Freedom Foundation urged the governor to do nothing, he inevitably sided with Idaho businesses and the influential IACI in creating a state-based exchange.
14 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
Perhaps it was because similar efforts had fizzled in the past, but much of Boise seemed unprepared when the city’s long-simmering music scene finally came to a boil with four days of March music madness. Deliberately scheduled the weekend after Austin, Texas’ SXSW festival to catch bands on the road, Treefort Music Fest packed Boise clubs, streets and hearts with more than 140 bands playing shows accessible with a single wristband. It wasn’t just Boise that was buzzing. Media came to the festival from Portland, Ore., San Francisco, Seattle, Salt Lake City and more. A photo of headlining act Of Montreal was published in Spin magazine. When Portland, Ore., band Point Juncture, WA played at Visual Arts Collective the weekend after Treefort, its guitar player Wilson Vediner said that Treefort was all anyone in the City of Roses had been talking about. And for good reason. The festival sold more than 2,000 four-day wristbands and around 1,000 single-day passes. Not too shabby. And now everyone wants in on the action in the previously dark spot on the musical map. “We’ve been getting contacted from a lot of artists that want to get involved,” said Treefort press liaison Matt Dalley. Exactly which of those artists made the cut won’t be announced until mid-January 2013 at the earliest, but Dalley said that the festival is likely to expand this year in terms of total WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
number of bands and venues and in the prominence of the artists. “I can say that we’re looking at expanding venues but as far as details, I can’t say how deep that goes,” he said. So far, only a dozen acts—less than one-tenth of the total lineup—have been announced, all which fall into the “emerging artist” category. The list so far includes Foxygen, Radiation City, Wooden Indian Burial Ground, Japanther and Unknown Mortal Orchestra—names that will likely turn the heads of only the most dedicated audiophiles, though they might turn their heads pretty far. The rest of the acts will be announced on a rolling basis beginning in early 2013. But back in October, before even that small smattering of names was announced, early bird passes for the festival sold out in 17 minutes. Dalley said that sales for regular admission passes are better than they were at this time for last year’s festival. Clearly, Boiseans are invested. Dalley said Treefort organizers are also investigating the possibilities of expanding the festival to include a film component and to potentially add more panel discussions. Though the nature of Boise as a small market does cap how much Treefort can expand to some degree, considering that a significant portion of attendees came to the festival from out of town—Dalley said Salt Lake City and Seattle had the strongest representation—there is still plenty of room for the festival to grow before it hits that cap.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 15
OCCUPY boise BEER splosion When it rains it pours. And in the case of the Boise suds scene, it pours an effervescent gold with a persistent hoppy head. Over the last year, the craft beer market in the Treasure Valley has undergone a revolution. Though the City of Trees has long boasted a handful of restaurant/ brewpubs—Tablerock Brewpub and Grill, Highland’s Hollow Brewhouse, Sockeye Grill and Brewery—2012 saw the proliferation of production-focused microbreweries like Payette Brewing Company, which opened in May 2011, and Crooked Fence Brewing, which opened in February. “Even five years ago here, it was still a domestic-dominant market. But over the last five years, it’s definitely snowballed into a more open-minded market,” Crooked Fence head brewer Kris Price told Boise Weekly. In addition to slinging their beers at area bars and restaurants, Payette and Crooked Fence also started bottling their brews. Payette began filling cans in late July, and Crooked Fence started cranking out 22-ounce bombers, which can be purchased at area Albertsons stores, Whole Foods and the Boise Co-op. Boise isn’t the only locale pushing the local craft beer scene forward. Slanted Rock Brewing Company is slated to have its grand opening in Meridian Tuesday, Dec. 31 from 5 p.m.-1 a.m., and Crescent Brewery recently opened a taproom in Nampa. Another beer trend in 2012 involved even smaller operations: nano breweries. Kilted Dragon, a small three-barrel brewery, set up shop in Garden City. Co-owners Cory Matteucci and Jeremy Canning held a grand opening celebration Dec. 15. “We don’t have the volume that Payette has, we don’t have the volume that Crooked Fence has, at least not initially,” Matteucci explained. “So we’re probably going to be catering to more of a niche market.”
Other nano breweries, like Bogus Brewing and Cloud 9 Brewing, secured funding for their tiny operations via Bogus owner Collin Rudeen netted $30,992 for his “community supported brewing” operation, which offers folks the opportunity to purchase a share in the brewery, and Cloud 9 secured $30,231 for its nano pub in October. “What’s really cool about this idea is that it will give us the flexibility to have a ton of variety and experimentation. ... And of course, you’ll be getting something new and exciting every month with your CSB membership,” said Rundeen. But not all Kickstarter campaigns have been successful. Woodland Empire Ale Craft—a proposed nano brewery from Boise transplants Rob and Keely Landerman, head brewer of Ranger Creek in San Antonio, Texas—didn’t meet its funding goal. That’s not the only craft brew snafu this year. In August, Bend, Ore.’s 10 Barrel Brewing Co., which plans to open a satellite brewpub at 803 W. Bannock St. in downtown Boise, ran into some regulatory red tape. “We have a situation that’s revolving around getting a license for our retail establishment,” co-owner Garrett Wales told Boise Weekly in August. Idaho’s Alcohol Beverage Control laws wouldn’t allow 10 Barrel to continue shipping its beer from Oregon into Idaho while also operating a brewpub in Boise. Thankfully, by early November, Wales said 10 Barrel had made some concessions and the issue had been resolved. “We’re giving up our certificate of approval,” said Wales. “What that does is it prevents the concerns that are addressed by the laws that were causing the sticking point in the first place, bringing beer from out of the state.” 10 Barrel plans to be open in Boise by spring 2013. And we’re sure it won’t be the only craft beer addition in the coming year.
16 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
The Occupy Wall Street economic protest campout began Sept. 17, 2011, in Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park. Effectively turning the zeitgeist into a symbol, it grabbed the attention of the Internet, and similar protests popped up worldwide. When Boise State University student Christine Taylor started a Facebook group called Occupy Boise in late September 2011, she didn’t have a larger plan. But the group grew exponentially, with more than 1,000 people joining in the first week. Meetings turned into a series of marches and planning sessions, orchestrated less by Taylor than by whoever identified themselves with the movement and took the initiative. But a protest campout in downtown remained a central goal. A lone protester, Geoff Burns, had already been arrested for staging a campout in Capitol Park on Oct. 15, 2011. A large-scale encampment was installed Nov. 5, 2011, on the grounds of the Old Ada County Courthouse, across from the Idaho Capitol. The fact that it was on state property made it the jurisdiction of state rather than city police. And because it was leased to the University of Idaho—which has a clause in its bylaws stating that anything that might be construed as an act of free speech should be protected—the encampment was legal, unlike many Occupy encampments. Dozens of people set up camp, complete with a communal kitchen and library, woodstoves and solar panels, even donated Porta-Potties. The camp was a magnet for activism, the homeless and the scorn of conservatives. Two Canyon County Republicans parked cars in the encampment to protest it. Police were summoned numerous times for a variety of issues. The camp annoyed state legislators to no end, both by the Occupiers’ disruptions to the lawmaking process and by its continued existence. Republican members of the Idaho Legislature began an immediate attempt to evict the Occupiers. Eventually the Legislature passed House Bill 404, which prohibited camping on the Capitol mall. The Occupy camp was left standing as a symbol, but Occupiers slept elsewhere to comply with the law. But the state took issue with the empty tents as well, stating they were damaging the courthouse property and preventing crews from doing necessary maintenance. Though the Occupiers continued to fight in court,
they began spending more time dealing with the lawsuit than other issues and eventually vacated the site on June 13, making it the longest running Occupy encampment in the nation. Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park only lasted until Nov. 15, 2011. To the casual observer, not much has happened since then. The 5,000-member-strong Facebook group has become a forum to share newsclips and memes instead of a place to plan actions. The @OccupyBOI Twitter handle has been silent since April. The Occupy Boise website is gone. But according to Dean Gunderson, a police liaison and legal observer for the camp, that doesn’t mean it has gone away, just changed. “We had a great opportunity to share ideas for seven months and that served its purpose,” Gunderson said. “A lot of people that felt very disenfranchised got a lot of hope. They’re doing now what they would have done if they weren’t so broken by the times.” Much like the members of Occupy Wall Street, the larger collective has split into smaller groups working for various causes like the Move to Amend group, working to overturn Citizens United; The Broad Coalition, which focuses on women’s issues; and New Vistas Gun and Shovel, a club focusing on “back to the land” style self-reliance. Occupier Shavone Hasse told BW she is working to get churches to set aside a parking place so families who live in their cars can sleep in peace. Members of Occupy Boise also visited Sun Valley to protest the Allen and Co. conference, an annual who’s who of the 1 percent. Gunderson said he is still fighting the lawsuit against HB404 with three other members of the camp. “I don’t think the majority of people in Idaho know how many of their rights they had stolen [with HB 404],” he said. “You want to tailgate? Too bad.” Though Gunderson said he doesn’t know of any plans to disrupt the upcoming session of the Legislature, he wouldn’t rule it out. “Especially since the new speaker of the House [is] Scott Bedke, who introduced 404,” he said. But as Gunderson—and nearly any other Occupier—points out, no one person speaks for the group. The night BW interviewed Gunderson, a meeting of Boise Occupiers was happening at the Boise Main Library. “No, I didn’t know about it,” Gunderson said. “But I don’t need to.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Everything’s coming up Alan Heathcock. Not long after the Chicago-native and Boise State University professor released his first collection of short stories, Volt, in March 2011, the accolades started rolling in. On March 25, 2011, Donald Ray Pollock of The New York Times Sunday Book Review gave Volt some gushing praise: “Frankly, there is little to fault in any of the eight stories that make up this collection. Undoubtedly, there is much grit and violence in this world, but there is also an abundance of tenderness and compassion. Heathcock displays a generosity of spirit that only those writers who love their characters can summon, and Volt is galvanizing proof of his talent.” But it didn’t stop there. Volt was highlighted on many Best of 2011 lists, including Publishers Weekly, The Chicago Tribune and Salon. Heathcock was also called “the next Cormac McCarthy” in GQ Magazine and was crowned one of 40 National Endowment for the Arts 2012 Literature Fellows, which carried with it a $25,000 prize. In 2012, the Heathcock high-fives continued. Heathcock was one of 10 authors nationwide awarded a prestigious $50,000 Whiting Award. Both Heathcock and Idaho native Samuel Hunter were honored at a ceremony in New York City on Oct. 23, which featured remarks by former Whiting recipient Jeffrey Eugenides. Heathcock is also serving as a literature fellow for the State of Idaho. This year, it was also announced that two of Heathcock’s stories are being adapted into short films: “Fort Apache” by director Addison Mehr, was shot in upstate New York, and “Smoke” by
local filmmakers Stephen Heleker and Cody Gittings. Heathcock’s rising literary stardom sent other ripples through the local community. Heathcock was named Best Living Idaho Writer by readers in BW’s 2012 Best of Boise competition. And in June, one of Heathcock’s stories, “Streetlamps,” was turned into public art by local artist Grant Olsen. Heathcock’s words, “He worked hanging power lines across the high desert prairie. Towns bloomed with electric light,” now adorn the exterior walls of the Oliver Russell “I Love You” building downtown. In November, Boise songwriter Chad Summervill took it a step further, adapting four stories from Volt—“Freight,” “Fort Apache,” “Smoke” and “Lazarus”— into Americana ballads brimming with Heathcock’s imagery. The songs have been released as digital downloads on Summervill’s website, In the midst of this high-Volt-age acclaim, Heathcock accepted a 30-day residency in Marfa, Texas, in July, with accommodations provided by the Lannan Foundation. “They feel authors need a place of sanctuary to do their work and concentrate in an uninterrupted way,” Heathcock told Boise Weekly. “You can’t bring your family and you can’t have visitors. From the time I wake up to the time I go to bed, I’ll just be writing.” Here’s hoping that time spent focusing on his craft propels Heathcock’s momentum into 2013 and beyond.
Senate Bills 1108, 1110 and 1184 came—and went—by many names and characterizations: Proponents called them the Students Come First laws, believing they would limit the power of teachers’ unions, boost Idaho students’ access to technology and online learning, and implement a bonus structure to reward teachers for jobs well done. Detractors saw them as eroding collective bargaining rights for educators and as a weak screen against the charge that Idaho underfunds its schools, branding them “the Luna Laws,” an epithet derived from the name of their creator, Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Luna. By any name, they were among the most contentious issues of 2012. Opposition to the laws came early and often. By May 2011, organizers who objected to the bills had drafted a petition and reached their goal of collecting enough signatures to get all three bills added to the 2012 ballot. From then on, they had yet another appellation: Propositions 1, 2 and 3. But it was in leading up to the 2012 elections that tensions surrounding the propositions came to a head. In September, the Boise School Board, in a 6-0 vote, gave the Students Come
First initiatives an official thumbs down, with Board Member Rory Jones describing them as “a power grab” and “interference in local control” over school boards. Then the board released a draft of a scathing letter expressing a lack of confidence in Idaho School Boards Association Director Karen Echeverria for failing to allow detractors of the laws adequate voice in decision-making within the ISBA regarding the laws. In October, Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter and Luna announced that HewlettPackard would deliver 90,000 laptops to Idaho’s public schools by the 20152016 school year at a cost of $180 million spread over eight years. Finally, after weeks of heavy advertising on both sides of the issue, representatives of the Education Voters of Idaho, a pro-reform group, released the names of its donors under judge’s orders. Top contributors included New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Joseph Scott, chairman of the board of the J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Foundation. On Nov. 6, all three of the Luna Laws were defeated at the ballot. For their opponents, it was huge. “The ultimate poll was done Nov.
ALAN heathcock
6, and that was done: There’s no better poll than that,” said Mike Lanza, chairman of the Campaign to Defeat Measures 1, 2 and 3. For Lanza, defeating the measures was only a first step toward reaching a consensus about the real problems facing public education in Idaho. “We recognize that we need budget matters to clear up and endorse a process in which state groups address questions about what schools need,” he said. “The Luna Laws never identified the problem.” Otter and Luna have also indicated that the demise of Props. 1, 2 and 3 are a first step, as well. They and other Republican leaders are undeterred from reintroducing unspecified portions of the previous legislation in the future, describing their defeat as “a bump in the road.” At a press conference shortly after the election, Luna indicated that future reforms will emphasize components of the laws he said were widely agreed upon, including a dual credit proposal in which students could take up to 36 college credits funded by the state.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 17
REPUBLICAN party JOHN mcgee In December 2011, Sen. John McGee was carefully crafting his comeback strategy. The Canyon County lawmaker and once-rising star in the Idaho Republican Party granted a select number of interviews, most of them on television, to offer his latest of a string of mea culpas. “One of the things I can do is to be a responsible role model in my actions,” said McGee on KTVB Channel 7. McGee spoke in hushed tones about the difficulties of the past year. McGee had already sidestepped a possible felony charge following a bizarre Father’s Day 2011 driving escapade. He confessed to drinking way too much on June 19, 2011—his blood-alcohol level measured nearly double the legal driving limit—and two months later, when he emerged from an Ada County courtroom he sniffled that he had “hoped to win back the trust of those that I have disappointed.” By December, during the KTVB Channel 7 interview, McGee repeated that he was ready “to move forward.” Within days of the beginning of the 2012 session, Idaho GOP senators elected to keep the four-term senator as their majority caucus chair. But less than two months into the session, McGee was gone. Idaho’s GOP elite said they had accepted McGee’s resignation in the wake of sexual misconduct charges lodged by an Idaho Senate staffer. A judge would later say that McGee “used his position to victimize someone who had less power.” “It happened at the Capitol. It happened [while you held] a role as public servant. It happened when you were a senator,” 4th District Magistrate James Cawthon lectured
McGee at his August sentencing. “It’s not a question of treating you differently. It’s a question of treating you like any other public servant that misbehaves to the level of committing criminal behavior.” Before being taken away in handcuffs, McGee admitted to “acting inappropriately.” “I used language I should not have used,” said McGee. “I conducted myself in a way that was offensive, and I am guilty of this.” McGee didn’t elaborate, but prosecutors said their investigation found that McGee had isolated the female staffer on numerous occasions early in the 2012 legislative session, including at least one closed-door incident in which he made inappropriate sexual remarks, grabbed the woman’s buttocks and suggested she perform oral sex on him. The victim told prosecutors that, on another occasion, McGee locked her in his office and asked her to take her shirt off. She said she ran from the room while McGee was masturbating. McGee was carted off to jail, where he served a 44-day stint at the Ada County lockup. He was released on Sept. 29, five days early for good behavior, but remains on a twoyear probation. Meanwhile, a year after McGee’s TV interviews, his behavior still casts a shadow over the Statehouse. Standing before 44 new Idaho lawmakers on Dec. 4, then-House Speaker Lawerence Denney welcomed the new crop of legislators to what he called “the goldfish bowl.” “You’re going to have to be very, very careful what you do, when you do it, and how you do it because it may be the headline the next day.”
18 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
Idaho’s GOP elite got exactly what they bargained for when they introduced new measures in 2012, designed to gin up interest in its caucuses, primary and general election. First, the party closed its primaries for the first time, allowing only registered Republicans to cast votes. The contentious move drew no shortage of controversy, as well as confusion among many in Idaho who thought they were Republicans but had never registered. Many Idahoans were forced to officially choose a party if they wanted to vote in the Republican primary. When the party announced it would participate in the so-called Super Tuesday marathon for the first time, Gem State Republicans hoped they would get some notice from presidential hopefuls who, in years past, had bypassed Idaho. Party officials had no idea how much attention they were about to get. By the time thousands of Idahoans squeezed into arenas, school auditoriums and town halls, they had gotten some face time with Republican candidates Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum. The four hopefuls stood in what amounted to a circular firing squad, each taking verbal shots at the others. Paul called Santorum a “fake conservative.” Santorum said Paul “passed one bill in 20 years” in the U.S. House of Representatives. Romney said Gingrich had to resign as speaker of the U.S. House “in disgrace.” And Gingrich said Romney was “severely distant from the facts.” Ultimately, Idaho’s GOP caucuses were historic, luring 44,000 Republicans out into a cold March night. In Ada County, where more than 9,000 packed Boise State University’s Taco Bell Arena (2012’s largest caucus turnout in the nation), Romney secured 4,223 votes, followed by Santorum, Paul and Gingrich. Elsewhere, Paul won Bonner, Boundary, Camas, Idaho, Latah and Nez Perce counties while Santorum won Benewah, Clearwater, Kootenai, Lewis, Owyhee, Shoshone and Washington counties. But Article VI, Section 5 of the Rules of
the Idaho Republican Party awarded all of the state GOP’s 32 delegates to Romney because he won more than 50 percent of the total counties’ proportion of delegates. Super Tuesday catapulted Romney toward his party’s nomination and he was even introduced on Aug. 30 to the Republican National Convention through a bizarre appearance from Clint Eastwood. (Romney recruited Eastwood to participate in the convention when Eastwood made a surprise appearance at an Aug. 3 Sun Valley fundraiser.) But Eastwood’s RNC appearance, in which he offered a rambling speech directed to an empty chair, left many gobsmacked. Idaho became one of Romney’s cash cows, as the campaign raked in millions from supporters. By the time the General Election dust had settled in the early morning hours of Nov. 7, Republicans had practically run the table, maintaining a chokehold on the Idaho House and Senate and U.S. congressional delegation. But its most prized target, the White House, still belonged to President Barack Obama. Romney secured 64.5 percent of the Idaho vote on Election Night. His ardent supporters were a bit surprised, considering that 2008 GOP presidential nominee John McCain had won 61.5 percent of the Idaho vote four years earlier with considerably less funding and public support from the Gem State’s GOP elite. Even with the new declarations of unity, things turned ugly within the party, as some high-profile leaders—House Majority Leader Mike Moyle and former Speaker of the House Lawerence Denney—funneled money into the GunPAC, a political action committee that openly supported candidates challenging more moderate Republican incumbents. The power play didn’t earn many fans, and Denney was voted out of his leadership position when the newly elected House met in December, replaced by Oakley Rep. Scott Bedke. Many observers expect that the party infighting will only continue, but such is the nature of the beast when one political party is so dominant for so long. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Among the scores of posters carried by protesters at the Idaho Statehouse during the 2012 Legislative session, one of the more startling included the words “Work On These” in large, bold colors, pointing to pictures of a foreclosed home, an Idaho roadway and a graduation cap. At the bottom of the sign, the words “Not Here” were written above a pair of women’s panties that had been stapled to the cardboard. “I was born in 1970,” said Toni Sutton as she stood on the Capitol steps on April 28. “That means that I had more legal control over my body at the age of 3 than I have now. In the last 12 months, women have become sluts for taking birth control.” Hannah Brass Greer, Idaho legislative director for Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest, isn’t certain that the scene will be repeated in 2013, or at least she’s not saying. “I’m cautious to say about what we might see because, to be perfectly honest, we don’t want to give anyone any ideas,” said Greer. “If history teaches us anything in Idaho, we usually see women’s health and anti-choice bills surface in a couple of other states before they pop up here. Of course, we saw ultrasound legislation surface in other states before we saw it.” Most Idahoans might not know Senate Bill 1387 by its formal moniker. Rather, they probably know it as “the ultrasound bill,” legislation crafted by Boise Republican Sen. Chuck Winder with help from Right to Life of Idaho. The bill, as written, mandated all women considering abortion to undergo an ultrasound with no exceptions for rape or incest.
Winder’s bill quickly passed through the Senate but before the House could take up the measure, word of the pending legislation began to spread. “Idaho women and men, from across the political spectrum, didn’t like what they saw,” said Greer. And there was plenty to see. In what became one of the most unusual moments in Statehouse history, supporters of SB 1387 filled a Capitol committee room, where live ultrasound demonstrations were performed on six pregnant women at different terms in their pregnancies. “We want the babies in the womb to have the opportunity to testify,” said Brandi Swindell from Stanton Healthcare. “The babies themselves deserve to have a choice in this debate.” But opponents were outraged. “This is shaming of women,” said Lea Bowman, a Boise social worker. “This is just religiously motivated.” When word of the controversial demonstration went viral, lawmakers’ phone and email inboxes were jammed. Too many Idahoans had heard enough and within hours, the Idaho House canceled its hearing on the measure, effectively killing it. “I would be surprised if we saw the exact same legislation in 2013,” said Greer, but she quickly added, “If we do see a similar bill, it might come through the House. I think the State Senate doesn’t want to be in the same position it found itself last year.”
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 19
BOISEvisitWEEKLY PICKS for more events
This would be why they call him Jumping Joe.
DEC. 28-29 jumpin’ jozef Give your New Year’s resolution a kick in the rear at Modern Resolutions.
FRIDAY-SATURDAY DEC. 28-29 modernity MODERN RESOLUTIONS As 2012 draws to a close, there’s a final to-do list item waiting to be crossed off before New Year’s Eve Champagne-soaked bashes: a resolution. But committing to a really good one can be tricky, and nobody wants to brag about a promise, only to break it Jan. 1. That’s where Modern Resolutions at Modern Hotel and Bar comes in. The hotel/bar is turning some of its first floor rooms into pop-up shops for local nonprofits, businesses and artisans Friday, Dec. 28, and Saturday, Dec. 29, from 5-10 p.m. Each “shop” will feature a theme, offering visitors the chance to peruse the top New Year’s resolutions— and maybe find one that fits. “The whole point of this is to give people a place to come and get a jumpstart on their new year’s resolution,” said Jay Saenz, events and social media manager at The Modern. Within the hotel’s rooms, Usful Glasswares, Bricolage, Hyde Park Books and the Cabin Literary Center will inspire visitors to become more thrifty, handy or well-read, while personal trainer Renu Medispa, and Graeber and Company salon will focus on outer beauty and health. In another room, Duck Club Presents, Treefort Music Fest, the Record Exchange and Radio Boise will present visitors with local listening options for the new year, should your resolution include tuning your ear to better music. Speaking of music, the event includes entertainment from Hillfolk Noir, The Deep Dance Experience and more. But it’s also a party that offers warm alcoholic drinks to steel against the cold, as well as the bar’s usual libations and full restaurant menu. According to Saenz, Modern Resolutions expanded from previous plans to include more than 20 local vendors, more rooms and even the parking lot, incorporating live entertainment and music. Hillfolk Noir will circulate through the event, while a room featuring Story Story Night organizers will allow visitors to step inside and tell the stories of resolutions past. 5-10 p.m., FREE. The Modern Hotel and Bar, 1314 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-424-8244,
SATURDAYSUNDAY DEC. 29-30 peace and tranquility
ECSTATIC DANCE BOISE Boise’s dance scene can seem like a spectator sport. Ballet Idaho and Trey McIntyre Project are stunning spectacles, but you’re liable to break a sweat just imagining yourself flying, sliding and hopping across a stage
20 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
like the pros. For those interested in modern and interpretive dance, seasoned vets or just those who want to burn a few holiday calories, there’s Ecstatic Dance. The group holds occasional community dance events at the TMP studio on Warm Springs Av-
SKATING THROUGH THE SEASONS: HOLIDAY ICE SHOW An escape from the stresses of the holidays in the Treasure Valley seems pretty tempting right about now. Thankfully, McCall is only two hours from Boise but can seem like it’s a world away, especially this time of year when the snow is piled high. Ice skating is a time-honored tradition in the wintery months, but most of us spend more time on our duffs than in the air performing triple axels. Sometimes, it’s best to leave the skating to the pros. Slovak skater Jozef Sabovcik—known for his mastery of the technical tuck axel, and for his flowing blond locks—has been on the ice since he first stepped out onto the rink at the age of 6. While most of us stop there, he ascended to pro status and earned a bronze medal at the 1984 Olympics in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. Idahoans can catch “Jumping Joe” in action, when he joins the McCall Starz on Ice Elite Ensemble for a special holiday ice show, Friday, Dec. 28, and Saturday, Dec. 29. The event takes place near the shores of the frigid Payette Lake and is hosted by the Richard Sabala Foundation at the Manchester Ice and Event Centre in downtown McCall. The holiday show pairs competitive skaters from the McCall area with emerging skaters, led by former World Professional Skating champion Lori Benton. Children as young as 4, competitive young adults and skating coaches join Sabovcik to wow audiences with their lithe skills. Skating Through the Seasons is one of the last events at Manchester before the new year, and offers a chance for parents and children to squeeze in some more holiday cheer after Christmas. 7 p.m., $12, $8 children age 12 and younger. Manchester Ice and Event Centre, 200 Lake St., McCall, 208-634-3570,
enue, but the real difference is that you’re not watching the dance—you’re doing it. Saturday, Dec. 29 and Sunday, Dec. 30, the program is hosting a dance event emphasizing peace and tranquility. Think of it as yoga, only faster and set to music. A special adult dance takes place on Saturday, while the Sunday dance is family friendly. Peace and tranquility are part of the draw to Ecstatic but, according to Jean Doyle, Ecstatic’s organizer, there is also a sense of community that brings participants together under one overarching sentiment: Move at your own accord. “The mission is for
everyone to feel like they’re a part of this,” said Doyle. “Being a good dancer is not the objective; the mission is to create a space of uninhibited joy and freedom, which is expressed through the love of movement.” Doyle assures even those wary of their dancing skills that “when people can move past their initial inhibitions, they’re often quite surprised at how freeing it is.” Saturday, Dec. 29, 8-10 p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 30, 10:30 a.m.-noon. $1-$5 for children, $5-$12 for adults. 2285 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-871-3788,
TUESDAY JAN. 1 holiday burn YMCA NEW YEAR’S DAY 5K Double espresso and Extra Strength Tylenol are well-known hangover remedies, but the toxins from hard New Year’s Eve par ties are tough to purge. You’ve been living off Champagne and store-bought hors d’oeuvres since Christmas, and you can feel the grease from all that appetizer salami pumping through your ar teries. It’s time to cast off the WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Time to party like it’s 2013.
MONDAY-TUESDAY DEC. 31-JAN. 1 Congratulations on surviving the End of Days, do you want to talk about it?
doomsday STORY STORY NIGHT: APOCALYPSE If the doomsayers were correct, you wouldn’t be reading these words; but since you are, do you enjoy telling stories? Are you a fan of full bars? If you answered yes to both, head to the Rose Room this New Year’s Eve for Story Story Night: Apocalypse, a collection of tales and anecdotes about doomsday, Mayan lore and other minutiae tangential to the end of the world. Topics might include what was packed into a bomb shelter, and why; how to improvise anti-zombie weapons using only a hair brush and a lawn mower blade; and wistful tales of that time when the rivers didn’t run red with blood but totally might have. SSN is known for presenting stories on unusual themes, but the apocalypse may be one of the most chilling yet. After all, this doomsday is no numerological extrapolation from the Book of Revelations: It’s an extrapolation from an exotic calendar entry on a particularly exotic calendar. So if you survived Boise’s smokiest summer, holiday shopping and the reset of a Mesoamerican itinerary, you might unwind by dropping by The Rose Room New Year’s Eve. This SSN is a special edition in another way, as well. The Boise story staple raised $6,000 via Kickstarter to cover its expenses as it applies for 501(c)(3) status, merchandise, startup costs and a website redesign. And with Kickstarter campaigns come prizes, including a date night with SSN regulars, two SSN passes and more. 7 p.m. $15 in advance, $20 at the door. The Rose Room, 718 W. Idaho St.,
fuzzy slippers and sweatpants of yesteryear, lace up your running shoes and get back into shape. At 10 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 1, the Treasure Valley YMCA hosts its annual New Year’s Day 5K. Consider it a head-start on your New Year’s resolution of shedding that spare tire and dumping cholesterol points. Plus, with a loop course that begins and ends at the Ram Restaurant and Brewery, there are plenty of opportunities to blast that hangover with a little hair of the dog. Proceeds support the YMCA’s Team Idaho Track
and Cross-Country Club. These young runners are encouraged to adopt healthful habits from the program’s coaching staff and compete on the national level. If you’re not willing to get off the couch so your doctor doesn’t shake his head and grunt disdainfully after reading the results of your latest electrocardiogram, then do it for the kids. Established more than 33 years ago, this long-standing program is possible through sponsorship. Apart from a lung-cleansing, circulation-boosting aerobic effort, participants
New Year’s Eve is kind of like the adult version of prom— the one night when everyone dresses to the nines and hopes that by the time the clock strikes midnight, their dates will have the boyish good looks of Ryan Gosling or the female equivalent. Since New Year’s is a Champagne holiday, that might happen. But navigating your way through New Year’s Eve can be a real hassle. With thousands of boozed-up adults stumbling from bar to bar, refusing to pay covers and pushing past fellow imbibers loitering around outside, you’re going to have to make a plan. If you’re going to survive New Year’s, you need to make like a Boy Scout and be prepared. Luckily, there is no shortage of parties in and around downtown Boise. Here’s our list of some hot New Year’s Eve happenings: If you’re in search of a party that has it all (tunes, booze, goodies), drop by Liquid in BODO for the Liquid Laughs New Year’s Eve Extravaganza. For $5, guests will be treated to live music from Heibarger, Jimmy Sinn, Roofied Resistance and the Piranhas. Doors open at 8:30 p.m. and will carry through the whole evening with rotating drink specials, and a Champagne toast at midnight. For those looking to get down and dance, Neurolux welcomes 2013 with DJ Noah Hyde, Dirty Moogs and Edward Dantes. The music starts at 7 p.m., with a $5 cover. Anyone looking for something less rowdy can find it at 96.1 BOB FM Rockin’ New Year’s Eve at the Boise Centre. Enjoy music by J.R. and the Stingrays, as well as some party favors. Tickets are $20 in advance online or $25 at the door. If you’re hoping to avoid the downtown crowds, consider Helina Marie’s Wine Bar in Star. The party includes beer, wine, Champagne, dancing and one last chance to throw on some fancy attire in 2012. Tickets are $10 per person; call in advance to reserve your spot. While these are just a few soirees where you can welcome the New Year, we’re confident that no matter where you end up, partying will occur. So stay safe, drink up and see you next year, Boise. Liquid Laughs: 8:30 p.m., $5. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-287-5379,; Neurolux, 7 p.m., $5. 113 N. 11th St., Boise, 208-343-0886,; Rockin’ New Year’s Eve, 8 p.m., $20 adv., $25 at the door. Boise Centre, 850 W. Front St., Boise, 208-336-8900, idahotickets. com; Helina Marie’s Wine Bar, 8 p.m., $10. 11053 Highway 44, Star, 208-286-7960,
in the race also receive a long-sleeved race T-shirt, as well as a warming afterparty inside the Ram. And, if you’re fast and live for the fame and glory of the winner’s circle, there are prizes for speed demons in every age group.
This holiday season has been pretty swell for The Arc, the Boise-based nonprofit that has assisted thousands of disabled adults since 1956. “It has been awesome,” said Nicole Lang, who has worked at The Arc for 14 years, the past five as its director of programs. “B’Arc Bones have really taken off this season. We sold 50 bags at one location in a single day.” The Arc has been making B’arc Bones, peanut butterflavored dog biscuits retailing for $5.99 a bag, for six years. But a recent upgrade to the facility’s kitchen and positive word-of-mouth have made the treats 2012’s new passion for $5.99 per bag pet owners. at local retailers. The biscuits, made of wheat flour and plenty of peanut butter, have even been human-tested. “That’s true. The University of Idaho suggested that we test them for freshness,” Lang said with a laugh. To bake and package B’arc Bones, The Arc employs approximately 30 men and women with disabilities, who earn up to $10.84 an hour. B’arc Bones are sold at The Arc, Idaho Humane Society, Pups Parlor and Bark n Purr Pet Supplies in Boise, Flying M in Boise and Nampa, and H3 Pet Foods in Meridian. “And we’re pretty excited because we’ve just begun talking to Zamzows about a possible deal,” said Lang. More importantly, Lang said B’arc Bones may take The Arc to a new operational level. “We look at B’arc Bones as a prototype for a bigger retail business,” she said. “We’d love to turn our worksite into a retail and distribution center, and we’re going to start by getting more B’arc Bones out to the world.” —George Prentice
Registration is accepted until 9:30 a.m. on the morning of the race. Packet pickup is on Monday, Dec. 31. 10 a.m., $25 ages 14 and younger, $35 adults, The Ram, 709 E. Park Blvd., Boise, 208-344-5502, ext. 295,
an event by e-mail to Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 21
On Stage
Festivals & Events
REAL TALK COMEDY WORKSHOP—Refine your comedy routine and stay for the free comedy show at 8 p.m. 6 p.m. FREE. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379,
VICTORIAN OPEN PARLOR—See the Bishops’ House decorated for the holidays and enjoy house tours and cider. All proceeds assist The Friends of The Bishops’ House in preserving and sustaining one of Boise’s historic landmarks. 3-7 p.m. $4, FREE 12 and under. Bishops’ House, 2420 E. Old Penitentiary Road, Boise.
YOU’RE A GOOD MAN, CHARLIE BROWN—This musical presents a day in the life of Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Lucy and the rest of the Peanuts gang. 7 p.m. $10$30. Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main St., Hailey, 208-578-9122,
Food & Drink
Food & Drink BEER AND WINE TASTINGS— Sample a rotating selection of European wines and beers. 5-8 p.m. $10. Tres Bonne Cuisine, 6555 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-658-1364, BOISE GREEN DRINKS—Eat, drink and be eco-friendly during a social gathering for anyone interested in environmental issues. 5:30 p.m. FREE. Bittercreek Ale House, 246 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-345-1813, bittercreek.
On Stage COMEDY AT THE VARSITY: JAY WENDELL WALKER—7 p.m. $8. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658,
BARGAIN BUBBLES WINE TASTING—Pair sparkling wines with Idaho’s own Ballard truffle and salt cheddar and a vlaskaas cheese from Holland. 4:30-6:30 p.m. FREE. Boise Co-op Wine Shop, 915 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-472-4519,
GENERATION ME COMEDY SHOW—7 p.m. $3. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St., Boise, 208-3430886,
Kids & Teens
DRAMA KIDS INTERNATIONAL CHRISTMAS CAMP—Explore your dramatic side through movement, speech activities, snippets, improvisations and theater games. Fast-paced activities each day. For ages 6-11. 10 a.m.-noon. $45-$50. Nampa Recreation Center, 131 Constitution Way, Nampa, 208468-5858, MR. PATRICK’S WORKSHOP— Young designers, inventors and engineers can bring their creations to life with Legos. Bring a shoebox full of your own if you’ve got them. Some will be provided for you if you don’t. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Ada Community Library, 10664 W. Victory Road, Boise, 208-362-0181,
Literature WEDNESDAY NIGHT BOOK CLUB—Adult readers meet to discuss the featured selection. 7 p.m. FREE. Library at Hillcrest, 5246 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-562-4996,
Odds & Ends PIONEER TOASTMASTERS— Work on public speaking and leadership skills. For more info call 208-921-2480. 6-7:30 p.m. FREE. Elmer’s, 1385 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-343-5714. WEST COAST SWING AT THE POWERHOUSE—No partner or experience needed. Beginner West Coast swing lesson brought to you by instructors from Heirloom Dance Studio at 9 p.m., followed by open West Coast swing dancing from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. $5. Powerhouse Event Center, 621 S. 17th St., Boise, 208-331-4005.
22 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
MYLES WEBER—Featuring Tom Davenport. BOGO tickets. 8 p.m. $5. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379,
TAME IMPALA, LONERISM Lonerism is the second full-length release from Australian psychedelic rock outfit Tame Impala—the band dropped Innerspeaker in 2010 to mostly positive reviews. Produced by Dave Fridmann (The Flaming Lips, Mogwai, Low), the recording of both albums has mostly rested in the hands of frontman Kevin Parker. Listening to Lonerism is like walking into an early ’70s jam session. Its swelling, psychedelic sound recalls an earlier, more straightfor ward time for rock ’n’ roll. There is comfor t in its nostalgia, but modern production allows for a sound quality that would not have been possible in that era. The album’s scope is larger than Innerspeaker and the sound fuller, which is a welcome evolution for Tame Impala. One of the brightest moments on the album is “Be Above it,” Lonerism’s predominantly instrumental opening track. The song expands in pulses over driving percussion and a breathily insistent “Gotta be above it / Gotta be above it,” then immediately but effectively drops off. “Elephant” takes on a heavier, hallucinogen-unravelled sound that recalls T. Rex’s Electric Warrior. It’s a shame Lonerism doesn’t continue pushing in this direction. Cer tainly there is something to be said for meat-and-potatoes rock ‘n’ roll in a sea of mind-numbing beep-boop-beep music. That said, Lonerism has achieved a level of hype it doesn’t necessarily deser ve. Sure, it’s an agreeable listen, but it’s also easy for a listener to lose interest and for the record to quickly become background noise. People respond well to familiarity in today’s saturated musical climate. But by the same token, it’s difficult to sing the praises of a record that doesn’t present the listener with a challenge or new content. —Catie Young WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
8 DAYS OUT Workshops & Classes
POWER PARTY SCULPT—Get a workout with disco balls, Top 40 music and dancing. 8:15 p.m. $7. Ophidia Studio, 4464 Chinden Blvd., Ste. A, Garden City, 208-409-2403,
ART AND CRAFT CLASSES— Learn a new skill and make something unique for the holidays. 7:30-8:30 p.m. $15. Meridian Entrepreneur Think-Tank Co-Operative, 33 E. Idaho Ave., Meridian, 208-602-5129.
Kids & Teens
FIT AND FALL PROOF—Seniors will learn simple exercises to increase their balance in order to prevent falls. 11 a.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2941,
DRAMA KIDS INTERNATIONAL CHRISTMAS CAMP—See Wednesday. 10 a.m.-noon. $45$50. Nampa Recreation Center, 131 Constitution Way, Nampa, 208-468-5858,
PRACTICE AQUI—Spice up your bilingual aptitude. Designed for ages 13 and older. Attendees should have an understanding of English and Spanish. 6 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208472-2941,
PRESCHOOL STORYTIME—Stories and fun for preschoolers. 10-11 a.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2941,
TEACHINGS OF ABRAHAM MEET-UP GROUP—Join in this co-creative Law Of Attraction experience and be an active part of focusing on what we have all come here to take part in: experiencing the joyous grandeur of life. Facilitated by Thomas O’Rourke. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Spirit at Work Sanctuary, 4948 Kootenai St., Boise, 208-388-3884,
FRIENDS NIGHT—Enjoy $3 studio fees. 5-9 p.m. Ceramica, 510 W. Main St., Boise, 208342-3822.
Sports & Fitness LINE DANCE LESSONS—Beginners to advanced dancers of all ages are invited to line up some new moves at this class. 7:30-9:30 p.m. $5. Broadway Dance Center, 893 E. Boise Ave., Boise, 208-794-6843.
Odds & Ends BOISE BRIDGE CLUB THURSDAY—12:15-4:15 p.m. $8. Boise Bridge Club, 6711 N. Glenwood St., Ste. 101, Boise, 208-327-0166. CHIP AND A CHAIR POKER— Practice your poker skills for free while earning points towards prizes and glory. 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. FREE. Eastside Tavern, 610 E. Boise Ave., Boise, 208-3453878. GEEKS WHO DRINK—Answer questions about bad television and celebrities, and take on wordplay challenges in this version of pub trivia. Visit for more information. 8 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub & Grill, 150 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208343-2444, THE MERIDIAN SINGERS—A group for women who like to sing a cappella in the barbershop style. The ability to read music is not necessary. 7:30-9 p.m. The Music Den, 245 E. Blue Heron Lane, Meridian, 208-724-6311.
New Year’s Ev Eve e ' L Q Q H U % X I I H W Forty Nine Dollars per person
Pianists Eric Grae & Terry Jones 6-10pm Special Guests
Frim Fram 4 Swing Era Dance Band 10pm-1am
POKER—Play for fun and prizes. 7 p.m. FREE. The Buffalo Club, 10206 W. Fairview Ave., Boise, 208-321-1811.
for reservations call 387-3553 or 9th street & idaho, downtown boise
Festivals & Events
HOLIDAYS IN THE MOUNTAINS—Sleigh rides, bon fires, tree lighting, parade, snow tubing, snowman building, crosscountry skiing, local artisans, shopping, dining and lodging each weekend will offer you a new adventure and a reason to take a drive and see a winter wonderland. For more info, email Fridays-Sundays, 10 a.m., and Mon., Dec. 31, 10 a.m. FREE. Crouch. MODERN RESOLUTIONS—Join local artisans, entertainers, businesses and non-profits to get your New Year’s resolutions off to a good start while enjoying a selection of hot drinks and liver arts performances. See Picks, Page 20. 5-10 p.m. FREE. The Modern Hotel and Bar, 1314 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-424-8244,
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit Go to and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
SKATING THROUGH THE SEASONS—Watch a team of expert ice skaters wow audiences with their moves and incredible skill against the backdrip of the frigid Payette Lake in McCall. 7 p.m. $12, $8 children under 12. Manchester Ice and Event Centre, 200 Lake St., McCall, 208-634-3570,
On Stage COMEDY AT THE VARSITY: JAY WENDELL WALKER—7 p.m. $8. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658,
© 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 23
8 DAYS OUT HANSEL AND GRETEL—Opera Idaho performs Engelbert Humperdinck’s classic, modeled after the classic Grimm Brothers folktale. The production features the Opera Idaho Children’s Choruses led by Linda Berg. For more info and tickets, visit or call 208-387-1273. 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, bctheater. org. MYLES WEBER—See Thursday. 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. $5. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379,
Workshops & Classes INTERCAMBIO: SPANISH-ENGLISH—English speakers have the opportunity to practice their Spanish with native Spanishspeakers. 7-9 p.m. FREE. Puentes Language Programs, 4720 W. Franklin Road, Boise, 208-344-4270, WALK-IN GLASS STUDIO HOURS—Create your own fused glass artwork with the help of a studio artist. No experience necessary, and all ages are welcome. 11 a.m.-8 p.m. $15$35. Fusions Glass Studio, 347 S. Edgewood Lane, Ste. 120, Eagle, 208-938-1055,
Food & Drink DATE NIGHT—Enjoy 20 percent off a second piece of pottery and free chocolate. 5-9 p.m. Ceramica, 510 W. Main St., Boise, 208-342-3822.
Sports & Fitness FIRE DANCING CLASSES— Learn the art of fire dancing in a safe environment. 6-7 p.m. $9. Ophidia Studio, 4464 Chinden Blvd., Ste. A, Garden City, 208409-2403,
Citizen NEW REPUBLICAN CLUB (TREASURE VALLEY PACHYDERMS)—Guest speakers and an open forum over dinner for local Republicans. For more information, email 6 p.m. $5 for members and $6.99 for nonmembers; donations accepted. Fresco Arts Academy (formerly ArtsWest), 3467 W. Flint Drive, Eagle, 208-9385410,
KONG KING: MURDER MYSTERY DINNER—Join the cast of River City Entertainment’s Kong King in solving a mystery surrounding the death of one of the players. Go dressed as an extra on a 1930s movie set, enjoy a four-course dinner paired with Woodriver Cellars wines and be prepared to play along. Call 208286-9463 to make reservations. 7-10 p.m. $30-$35. Woodriver Cellars, 3705 N. Hwy. 16, Eagle, 208-286-9463, woodrivercellars. com.
MYLES WEBER—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. $5. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379,
Workshops & Classes WALK-IN GLASS STUDIO HOURS—See Friday. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. $15-$35. Fusions Glass Studio, 347 S. Edgewood Lane, Ste. 120, Eagle, 208-938-1055,
VINTAGE SWING DANCE—Instructions on classic Lindy Hop moves. All ages. No partner required. 8 p.m. $5. Heirloom Dance Studio, 765 Idaho St., Boise, 208-871-6352,
Festivals & Events BOISE BIKE PROJECT HOLIDAY SHOW—7 p.m. FREE. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St., Boise, 208343-0886,
Sports & Fitness
HOLIDAYS IN THE MOUNTAINS—See Friday. Fridays-Sundays, 10 a.m. and Mon., Dec. 31, 10 a.m. FREE. Crouch, north of Boise, east of Highway 55 between Banks and Lowman.
ECSTATIC DANCE BOISE—Get fit and dance like the professionals for peace and tranquility at the Trey McIntyre Project’s Warm Springs headquarters. See Picks, Page 20. 8-10 p.m. $1-$5 children, $5-$12 adults. 2285 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-8713788,
MODERN RESOLUTIONS—See Friday. 5-10 p.m. FREE. The Modern Hotel and Bar, 1314 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-424-8244, SKATING THROUGH THE SEASONS—See Friday. 7 p.m. $12, $8 children under 12. Manchester Ice and Event Centre, 200 Lake St., McCall, 208-634-3570,
Kids & Teens DRAMA KIDS INTERNATIONAL CHRISTMAS CAMP—See Wednesday. 10 a.m.-noon. $45$50. Nampa Recreation Center, 131 Constitution Way, Nampa, 208-468-5858,
On Stage COMEDY AT THE VARSITY: JAY WENDELL WALKER—7 p.m. $8. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658,
Odds & Ends BOISE CAFE LATIN NIGHTS— See Friday. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. $5. Boise Cafe, 219 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-343-3397.
EYESPY Real Dialogue from the naked city
Kids & Teens DRAMA KIDS INTERNATIONAL CHRISTMAS CAMP—See Wednesday. 10 a.m.-noon. $45$50. Nampa Recreation Center, 131 Constitution Way, Nampa, 208-468-5858,
Odds & Ends BOISE CAFE LATIN NIGHTS— Take a Latin dance lesson and then dance to DJ music until 2 a.m. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. $5. Boise Cafe, 219 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-343-3397.
24 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
Overheard something Eye-spy worthy? E-mail
8 DAYS OUT BOOMER SHACK—Enjoy dance lessons from Martha Bradford at 9:15 p.m. and live music by the Triple R Band until 2 a.m. Between sets, ballroom dance to DJ music. 9 p.m. $8. Limelight, 3575 E. Copper Point Way, Meridian, 208-898-9425. CLUB ISH—Club night created for plus-sized women and the men who adore them. Featuring DJs, a full bar and a VIP area. 9 p.m. $5. Quarter Barrel, 4902 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-322-3430.
NEW YEAR’S EVE—Listen to live music and toast the new year at midnight. FREE. Piper Pub & Grill, 150 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-343-2444, SKATE INTO THE NEW YEAR—Open the new year with discount admission and skate rentals. Free noisemakers for the first 50 people. 8 p.m. $5. 7072 S. Eisenman Road, 208-331-0044,
On Stage
Calls to Artists
A DERRIERE AFFAIR VAC FUNDRAISER—Red Light Variety Show and Alley Repertory Theater present a New Year’s celebration fundraiser for new VAC seating. Doors at 8 p.m., show at 9:30 p.m., and DJ at 11:30 p.m. 9:30 p.m. Pay what you can. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297,
BOISE WEEKLY COVER ART SUBMISSIONS—Boise Weekly’s covers are works from local artists. BW pays $150 for published covers. The piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds are reinvested in the local arts community through private grants for which all artists may apply. Submit BW cover art at 523 Broad St. All media are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen as a cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded. For more information contact Art Director Leila Rader at or 208-344-2055. Boise Weekly, 523 Broad St., Boise, 208-344-2055,
STORY STORY NIGHT: APOCALYPSE— Bring in the new year and let the SSN crew regale you with stories about how the world didn’t end Dec. 21. See Picks, Page 21. 7 p.m. $15 adv., $20 door. The Rose Room, 718 W. Idaho St.,
Festivals & Events VICTORIAN OPEN PARLOR—See Thursday. 3-7 p.m. $4, FREE under age 12. Bishops’ House, 2420 E. Old Penitentiary Road, Boise.
On Stage HANSEL AND GRETEL—See Friday. 2:30 p.m. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, MYLES WEBER—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $5. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379,
Sports & Fitness ECSTATIC DANCE BOISE—See Saturday. 10:30 a.m.-noon. $1-$5 children, $5-$12 adults. 2285 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-871-3788,
Literature POETS AT THE DEPOT—Poets are invited to read their works aloud in a gallery setting. Free tower tours and historical displays as well. Poets check in five minutes before performance time. 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. FREE. Boise Train Depot, 2603 Eastover Terrace, Boise.
Odds & Ends DANCE LESSONS—Learn some moves from members of the High Desert Swing Dance Club. 7 p.m. FREE. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658, THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID SUNDAYS—Free pool tournament and karaoke. 8 p.m. Quarter Barrel, 4902 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-322-3430.
MONDAY DEC. 31 Festivals & Events BACK TO THE FUTURE NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY— Are you a fan of Marty McFly and Doc Brown from the famous movie Back to the Future? Then the Boise Hotel has the perfect NYE party for you. Enjoy live music, dancing, and a DJ, as well as hors d’oeuvres, a midnight Champagne toast and more. Also featuring special room packages including breakfast the next morning. 9 p.m. $25. The Boise Hotel and Conference Center, 3300 S. Vista Ave., Boise, 208-343-4900. HELINA MARIE’S NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY—Don your fanciest clothes for the last time in 2012 to drink and dance the night away. 8 p.m. $10. Helina Marie’s, 11053 Highway 44, Star, 208-286-7960, helenamaries. com. HOLIDAYS IN THE MOUNTAINS—See Friday. Fridays-Sundays, 10 a.m. and Mon., Dec. 31, 10 a.m. FREE. Crouch, north of Boise, east of Highway 55 between Banks and Lowman.
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 25
8 DAYS OUT Kids & Teens
Kids & Teens
LOCK-IN FOR KIDS—Children stay with the Nampa Rec Center all night. They will enjoy movies, swimming, games and a pizza party. A male and female supervisor are with the children all night. Children should bring a sleeping bag, swim suit, towel and clothes to sleep in. For ages 6-12. 7 p.m. $20-$25. Nampa Recreation Center, 131 Constitution Way, Nampa, 208468-5858,
MR. PATRICK’S WORKSHOP— Young designers, inventors and engineers can bring their creations to life with Legos. Bring a shoebox full of your own if you’ve got them. Some will be provided for you if you don’t. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Ada Community Library, 10664 W. Victory Road, Boise, 208-362-0181,
WINTER GARDEN AGLOW—This holiday tradition features more than 250,000 lights, which transform the Idaho Botanical Garden into a sparkling winter wonderland. Enjoy lights, model trains, appearances by Santa and local choir performances. 6-9 p.m. FREE-$8. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-343-8649,
NEW YEAR’S OVERNIGHTER— Go out and have fun and let your child ring in the New Year in style. Boys and girls ages 5-12 explore Planet Kid, rock out in the rock gym and bounce on inflatables. Includes dinner and breakfast the next morning. 7 p.m. $35 first child, $30 each additional. Wings Center of Boise, 1875 Centur y Way, Boise, 208-376-3641,
PIONEER TOASTMASTERS— See Wednesday. 6-7:30 p.m. FREE. Elmer’s, 1385 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-343-5714.
TUESDAY JAN. 1 Sports & Fitness YMCA NEW YEAR’S DAY 5K—Start at the Ram and end at the Ram on this 5k run put on by the Treasure Valley YMCA. See Picks, Page 20. 10 a.m. $20 youth under 15, $30 adults. The Ram, 709 E. Park Blvd., Boise, 208-344-5502, Ext. 295,
WEDNESDAY JAN. 2 Festivals & Events POETRY SLAM OF STEEL—Big Tree Arts presents this all-ages poetry slam workshop as part of the Idaho Loud Writer’s Program. The workshop will be followed by a slam at 7 p.m. Contact Cheryl Maddalena at 208-426-0383 for more info. 6 p.m. $5, $1 with student ID. The Crux, 1022 W. Main St., Boise, 208-342-3213.
On Stage REAL TALK COMEDY WORKSHOP—See Wednesday. 6 p.m. FREE. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379,
Food & Drink LADIES NIGHT OUT—Wine tasting, beers, free apps, shopping discounts, networking, music, karaoke and more. Bring your girlfriends and co-workers for fun and socializing. Gentlemen welcome, too. Must be 21 with valid ID to attend. 6-10 p.m. Helina Marie’s Wine and Gift Shop, 11053 Highway 44, Star, 208286-7960,
Odds & Ends
WEST COAST SWING AT THE POWERHOUSE—Boise’s biggest weekly West Coast swing event is now happening every Wednesday at the Powerhouse. No partner or experience is needed. Beginner West Coast swing lesson brought to you by instructors from Heirloom Dance Studio at 9 p.m., followed by open West Coast swing dancing from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. $5. Powerhouse Event Center, 621 S. 17th St., Boise, 208-331-4005.
HELICOPTER RIDES—Give the family a helicopter ride to see the Christmas lights. You can take up to three people for an awesome trip over Boise. Silverhawk is locally owned and operated. Call 208-453-8577 for appointments or more info. 5-10 p.m. $50/person. Western Aircraft at Boise Airport, 4300 S. Kennedy St., Boise, 208-3381800,
NOISE/CD REVIEW MAC DEMARCO, 2 2012 hosted a number of pleasantly surprising ar tist debuts and Montreal’s Mac DeMarco was among them. DeMarco, only 22 years old, previously recorded and toured as one half of Makeout Videotape. But in spring 2012, he released a solo singer-songwriter EP entitled Rock and Roll Night Club as Mac DeMarco. The album took off, resulting in the release of a full album, 2, in the fall. The great thing about 2 is ever y song is strong enough to stand on its own. Tracks like “Cooking Up Something Good,” “Ode to Viceroy,” “Robson Girl” and “My Kind of Woman” are singer-songwriter fare with simple production. Though some might call it slacker rock, that’s the appeal. Its beauty lies in its straightfor wardness. Imagine a wittier, chain-smoking, Steel Reser ve-pounding Jack Johnson wrestling with a few demons, and you’re there. But the album doesn’t tread into guilty-pleasure territor y, either. DeMarco maintains an earnest vibe, mixing in a dash of funny and a little dark for good measure. “Cooking Up Something Good” opens the record and showcases DeMarco’s par ticular brand of lyricism: “Mommy’s in the kitchen, cooking up something good / And daddy’s on the sofa, pride of the neighborhood / My brother’s in the ballet, it seems he’s got it set / And I’ll be up at midnight, with my cigarette.” The conclusion of 2, “Still Together,” is the sor t of timeless track that you might initially think is a cover. It’s like a Hawaiian lullaby mixed with an Eric Clapton tune. “I’ve had my share, it’s just not fair / that we should be together / but if it’s fine that I’ve done my time / let’s walk the line together,” DeMarco sings, proving there’s still a place in this world for an easy, classic love song. —Catie Young
26 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
HANSEL AND GRETEL Opera Idaho sweetens up the Grimm classic
The Cabin is gearing up for its 2013 anthology.
DETOURS AND CO-OPS Take two kids with an appetite for sweets, add in a witch with an appetite for children, then throw the whole thing into a hot oven and you’ve got a recipe for Hansel and Gretel, a dark fairy tale classic by the Brothers Grimm published in 1812. In the early 1890s, the familiar story about the brother and sister’s misadventures was transformed into an opera by composer Engelbert Humperdinck. And beginning Friday, Dec. 28, Opera Idaho will put on a gentler version of the opera using a minimal cast—six actors, the Opera Idaho Children’s Choruses and Sean Rogers on the piano. Sink your teeth into Opera Idaho’s family friendly holiday production, Hansel and Gretel. “This rendition is for kids and families. It’s kinder and more traditional,” said Mark opera progresses, there’s really scary stuff. Opera Idaho selected Hansel and Gretel Junkert, general director at Opera Idaho. They deal with the Witch; they work together this season for a number of reasons. Junkert “The opera was originally not for kids; it’s a to defeat her. It’s important for kids to see explained that the melodies in the opera are heavy story with oppression and poverty.” that they can have power and can deal with ones that many might not know but were In a classic technique called a pants hard things.” popular in the past. He also enjoys the folk role, in which a female is used to portray a Pyron, also singing mezzo-soprano, is song elements that are woven into the score. young or adolescent boy, soprano Melina anticipating portraying Hansel. Soprano Gardner-Porter will play Gretel. Pyron will play Hansel. Amanda Gardner“It’s always fun to play the boy’s role for She recently made the switch from mezzoPorter will portray Gretel, while the father me, because I was quite a tomboy growsoprano—which usually sings secondary and mother will be played by real-life husing up,” said Pyron. “Hansel is also really roles—to soprano after working with a new band and wife Jason and Michele Detwiler. enjoyable because the music is gorgeous and voice coach. Suzanne Hansen will play the Witch, and complex, and the story has always been one “I had Mark [Junkert] come sit in on one Victoria Arriero will be both the Sandman of my lessons and I sang one of Gretel’s songs that appealed to me. Who can resist getting and Dewman. to eat all those candies and goodies at the Opera Idaho’s version—about 70 minutes— for him,” she said. “It’s exciting because it’s ginger bread house?” is much shorter than the original and has been my first big soprano role.” But the story holds a deeper meaning Gardner-Porter, who came to Boise a translated into English. In this performance, Hansel and Gretel become lost in the woods at year and half ago, is looking forward to the beyond the candied facade, which appeals to Pyron. performance. night. The next morning, they make their way “It seems like the story is telling us that “It’s such a good show; the music is reto a magnificent house made of gingerbread, ally interesting and the story’s really dark— you can’t escape your problems by painting candies and other sweets, where they meet a pretty picture on them and living in denial. they’re writing a lot out. ... Once you get the Witch, who turns kids into gingerbread The alternative to dealing with the reality of to where you learn [the music], you get to cookies. In the abridged story, many of the their situation is far worse than the poverty play, to do make-believe again,” Gardnerdarker elements have been removed—there’s they were experiencing,” Pyron said. Porter said. less about the devastating poverty in which Performances of Hansel and Gretel won’t Mezzo-soprano Hansen is just as thrilled Hansel and Gretel’s family lives and some take place in Opera Idaho’s usual venue, the to perform as the Witch. of the scarier parts involving the Witch have Egyptian Theatre. Boise Contemporary The“It’s really lush, rich, been omitted. ater, which boasts only 231 seats, will host yummy music—kind of like The opera will be shown the opera for this production. Reducing the Friday, Dec. 28 and Saturday, Dec. 29, a Wagner-light. But Humduring the week between 2:30 and 7 p.m.; Sunday, Dec. 30, number of seats per performance means that perdinck keeps the story Christmas and New Year’s 2:30 p.m.; $15-$40 the production will run for three days rather going,” Hansen said. “And Eve, deviating from Opera BOISE CONTEMPORARY THEATER cackling is actually written than two. In January, the company will also Idaho’s usual winter 854 Fulton St., 208-331-9224, into the score. I love that the perform Hansel and Gretel in area schools performance schedule. For Witch’s mood changes every as part of an outreach program. the past few years, Opera “It will be interesting to see it in a 16 to 18 measures, from Idaho has put on Gian Carsmaller venue. People tend to be very lastlullaby to menacing to delo Menotti’s Amahl and the ranged, like with the tone of talking about tea minute when buying tickets, so we won’t Night Visitors in early December. Junkert but she’s really talking about eating children.” really know until the few weeks before the noticed that the Christmas season tends to performances how many tickets were sold,” Hansen also loves the antagonism that bring a lull in the local artistic calendar. He said Junkert. flows through the opera. hopes that by offering performances during Hopefully, the smaller venue and cast will “Kids want to play, not do chores. I don’t this time, more families will be drawn to know any kid who can’t relate to mom’s nag- offer an intimacy that is deliciously digestible the opera and more children will be able to for both children and adults. ging,” said Hansen, mother of five. “As the experience a new art form. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
Heads up local writers: If there wasn’t enough room to include your tale in The Cabin’s last anthology, Rooms: Writer’s in the Attic, the local lit center recently announced it’s seeking submissions on a new anthology theme: Detour. “The main route is closed, plans have changed, there are unanticipated events and unreadable signs, backtracks, road blocks— which path do you take?” The Cabin wrote in a press release. “Sometimes we have to deviate from a direct course, are forced, or choose, to take a circuitous or roundabout way. Local authors—new or seasoned—are encouraged to tell us a story about a detour.” Idaho writers aged 18 and older are urged to submit stories that clock in at 1,500 words or less by Friday, Feb. 22, at 5 p.m. Submission forms and competition rules are available at Speaking of seeking, Wild Lotus Art Consignment Co-op is currently seeking local artists to become members at the new co-op, which hosted it’s grand opening at 3203 Overland Road in early December. According to the Treasure Valley Artists’ Alliance’s website: “All types of art are considered, including reproductions of original work. One of the goals of Wild Lotus Art is to get exposure for those artists who work in media that are difficult to get shown because they aren’t considered ‘fine art.’ Jewelry, pottery, painting, sculpture, woodwork; anything handcrafted will be considered.” Membership is free for the first two months and $20 per month afterward, with a 20 percent commission. Artist members are also required to donate 16 hours of their time per month to work in the store. For more info, contact Michele Konechny at or visit facebook. com/wildlotusart. In other artist collective news, Black Hunger announced that it will be hosting its first sound performance at the North End gallery and studio space Saturday, Jan. 5. Experimental music project Memory Smoker is a collaboration between Boise artists and musicians Luke Hayhurst, Benjamin Mulkey and Alex Sprague. According to Black Hunger’s Facebook page: “Entirely synthesized, Memory Smoker’s compositions are improvised as the members respond to one another, creating a unique performance that should not be missed.” Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show goes down at 8 p.m. at 2606 Breneman St. in Boise. For more info on the performance, visit or head to —Tara Morgan
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 27
MICKY AND THE MOTORCARS, DEC. 31, KNITTING FACTORY For Austin, Texas, band Micky and the Motorcars, traveling to Idaho is coming home. Brothers Micky and Gary Braun were raised in Challis and formed their alt-country outfit in Stanley before moving to Austin to record the band’s inaugural release, Which Way From Here. Since then, the band has made four more albums, including 2011’s Raise My Glass. The brothers Braun join their father, Muzzie, for an annual New Year’s performance at Knitting Factory, Monday, Dec. 31, to toast the end of 2012. Sure, you could spend New Year’s Eve sipping Andre from a plastic cup, straining to hear songs through an iPod dock. But to ring in 2013 Texas-style, the Braun family will be stomping its boots at the Knitting Factory. —Andrew Crisp With Muzzie Braun and Audio Moonshine, 8:30 p.m. doors, 9:30 p.m. show, $26-$100. Knitting Factory, 416 S. Ninth St., 208-367-1212,
28 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
DJ NIGHT—8 p.m. FREE. Club Max
TERRY JONES—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
DEULING PIANOS—9 p.m. FREE. Varsity Pub
WORKING DJS—10 p.m. $3. Grainey’s Basement
BEN BURDICK—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Bown
BUDDY AND THE BB’S—6 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s
DAN COSTELLO—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Downtown
DEULING PIANOS—9 p.m. FREE. Varsity Pub
LARRY KISER—6:30 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow
DJ MIGHTY DELTA ONE—11:30 p.m. FREE. Varsity Pub
LIQUID LABS—Featuring D Ron Groove and Mixstress Morningstar. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid
FRIM FRAM 4—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
GO LISTEN BOISE HOLIDAY SHOW—With Exit Prose, Hey V Kay and Oso Negro. 7 p.m. FREE. Neurolux
JOHNNY BUTLER—6 p.m. FREE. Salt Tears
HILLFOLK NOIR—5 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
DEULING PIANOS—9 p.m. FREE. Varsity Pub
OPEN MIC NIGHT—With Dakota Mad Band. 8 p.m. FREE. Frontier Club
JOHN CAZAN—5 p.m. FREE. Lock Stock & Barrel
DJ ERIC RHODES—9 p.m. FREE. Willowcreek-Eagle
JOYRIDE—9 p.m. FREE. Willowcreek-Eagle
DJ MIGHTY DELTA ONE—11:30 p.m. FREE. Varsity Pub
KATIE AINGE—8 p.m. FREE. District Coffee House
DJ NIGHT—8 p.m. FREE. Club Max
ROCCI JOHNSON BAND—9:30 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s
FIVE SMOOTH STONES—9 p.m. FREE. Monkey Bizness
THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. Buffalo Club
GAYLE CHAPMAN—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
SHON SANDERS—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub
HAVEN SNOW—9 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Downtown
STELLAR TIDE—8 p.m. FREE. Sockeye
SUN BLOOD STORIES—With Red Hands Black Feet and Leaf Raker. See Listen Here, Page 29. 8 p.m. $5 or two for $7. Red Room
REBECCA SCOTT—8:30 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub
NED EVETT—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s PATRICIA FOLKNER AND JOEL KASERMAN—7 p.m. FREE. Lock Stock & Barrel PAUL DRAGONE—6 p.m. FREE. Shangri-La RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid STEVE EATON AND PHIL GARONZIK—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers SUMMER BEACH BLAST—With the Rocci Johnson Band. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s WILSON ROBERTS—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Meridian
PAUSE FOR THE CAUSE—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. FREE. The Buffalo Club WAYNE COYLE—8 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge
FRIDAY DEC. 28 BROCK BARTEL—6 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s BUDDY AND THE BB’S—6 p.m. FREE. Shorty’s
FIVE SMOOTH STONES—9 p.m. FREE. Monkey Bizness GAYLE CHAPMAN—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid
SATURDAY DEC. 29 DEACON 5—9 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge
ROCCI JOHNSON BAND—9:30 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s
DJ MIGHTY DELTA ONE—11:30 p.m. FREE. Varsity Pub
GUIDE/LISTEN HERE GUIDE THE SALOONATICS—9 p.m. $5. Buffalo Club SWAMP FROGZ—7 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s TEENS—With Gayze, Art Fad, Deaf Kid and DJ Louie Bash of Shades. 8 p.m. $3. Red Room TURNS OUT—Midnight. FREE. Liquid WORKING DJS—10 p.m. $3. Grainey’s Basement
MONDAY DEC. 31 A-N-D FRIENDS—6 p.m. FREE. Moxie Java-Five Mile THE BLUES ADDICTS—8 p.m. $10. Linen Building BLUES JAM WITH WAYNE COYLE—8 p.m. FREE. Jo’s Sunshine Lounge ERIC GRAE—With Frim Fram 4. 6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill
BEN BURDICK—Noon. FREE. Grape Escape
FIVE SMOOTH STONES—9 p.m. FREE. Monkey Bizness
DJ K-SEAN—10 p.m. FREE. Varsity Pub
GREEN JELLO—With Storie Grubb and The Holy Wars, and Black Bolt. 8 p.m. $5 adv. $7 door. Red Room
JASON BUCKALEW—10:15 a.m. FREE. Berryhill JIM LEWIS—6 p.m. FREE. Lulu’s JOSHUA TREE—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s TURNS OUT—Midnight. FREE. Liquid
JOSHUA TREE—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s MICKY AND THE MOTORCARS—See Listen Here, Page 28. 9:30 p.m. $26-$100. Knitting Factory
LIQUID LAUGHS NEW YEAR’S EVE EXTRAVAGANZA—With Heibargr, immy Sinn, Roofied Resistance and the Pirahnas. See Picks, Page 21. 8:30 p.m. $5. Liquid NEW YEAR’S EVE BASH—With DJ Noah Hyde, Dirty Moogs and Edward Dantes. See Picks, Page 21. 7 p.m. $5. Neurolux RILEY FRIEDMAN—6 p.m. FREE. Lulu’s ROCKIN’ NEW YEAR’S EVE— With J.R. and the Stingrays. See Picks, Page 21. 8 p.m $$20$25. Boise Centre TERRY JONES—6 p.m. FREE. Bacon
WEDNESDAY JAN. 2 BEN BURDICK—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-downtown JIM FISHWILD—6:30 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow KATIE MORRELL—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Bown LIQUID LABS—Featuring D Ron Groove and Mixstress Morningstar. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid PAUL DRAGONE—6 p.m.FREE. Shangri-La RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid STEADY RUSH—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Meridian
STEVE EATON AND PHIL GARONZIK—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers SUMMER BEACH BLAST—With the Rocci Johnson Band. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s
SUN BLOOD STORIES, DEC. 28, RED ROOM Sun Blood Stories, the stage name of Boise blues guitar slinger Ben Kirby, was no slouch as a solo act. Kirby used his gritty, rumbling voice and ballad songwriting to bring a taste of the Mississippi Delta to the Idaho desert. But earlier this year, Kirby filled out the act with drums, bass, keys and saxophone, turning Sun Blood Stories from a strong solo act to one of Boise’s best bands with wider-thanusual appeal. What really makes Sun Blood Stories great is that if you strip it all away—the roundhouse heavy beats, the sultry sax, the smoothness of the organ and the low pulse of the bass— you still have songs that will chill your bones and licks that seem plucked straight from a Southern crossroads at midnight. —Josh Gross
V E N U E S Don’t know a venue? Visit for addresses, phone numbers and a map.
With Red Hands Black Feet and Leaf Raker. 8 p.m., $5, $7 for two. Red Room, 1519 W. Main St.,
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 29
THE YEAR IN MOVIES The Sweet 16, Elite 8, Final 4 and Top 2 GEORGE PRENTICE I offer you good tidings of great joy for the New Year, for a number of films I was privileged to see in the last 12 months still haven’t made their way to Boise and some are superb: Amour, Central Park Five, On the Road, and four more are flat-out fantastic: Promised Land, Rust and Bone, Silver Linings Playbook and Zero Dark Thirty. With 2012 offering a pretty great year at the cinema, my final four were: Argo, Moonrise Kingdom, Silver Linings Playbook and Zero Dark Thirty. And ultimately, Argo and Zero Dark Thirty were my top two, each offering the best equity of intelligence, relevance and high entertainment value.
LISTINGS/SCREEN For movie times, visit or scan this QR code.
T H E AT E R S EDWARDS 22 BOISE 208-377-9603, EDWARDS 9 BOISE 208-338-3821, EDWARDS 14 NAMPA 208-467-3312, THE FLICKS 208-342-4222, MAJESTIC CINEMAS MERIDIAN 208-888-2228,
30 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
PAY TO PLAY Idaho Parks Passport program to help cash-strapped State Parks Department
Andrew Mentzer readies for part two of his around the world trip.
ANDREW CRISP In recent years, shell-shocked state budgets led some legislatures to shutter state parks. That’s a fate spared Idaho’s 30 state parks— to this point. While the flow of visitors hasn’t slowed—4.5 million to 5.2 million campers and day users annually—IDPR’s shrunken budget has forced the department to reevaluate its role. Keeping the gates open means answering a call to arms issued by Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter. “The governor asked all state agencies to start operating more like businesses,” explained Jennifer Okerlund, IDPR communications manager. “Our agency took that very, very seriously and went to work immediately evaluating each of our parks and establishing business and marketing plans.” That includes selling a new product. Or rather, selling the same product—Idaho’s state parks—in a new way. To do that, IDPR launched the Parks Passport, an annual pass to Idaho’s parks that can be purchased at county Department of Motor Vehicle offices for $10. A single-day entry fee is $5. “It’s a bargain any way you look at it,” said State Parks Director Nancy Merrill at a Sept. 28 press conference announcing the program. That day, Otter became the first Passport customer and bought for four more passes to give to his children. Merrill estimates the program could net the cash-strapped department an additional $1.9 million per year. “We lost 80 percent of our general fund in the past two years,” she said. “This is one leg of our three-legged stool to get to financial sustainability,” said Okerlund. IDPR has also looked to better market its services. In July, the department debuted a revamped website and contracted Boise artist Ward Hooper to create unique brands, said Okerlund, to paint the picture of each individual park. “Like Bruno Dunes, for example. Hooper has this ability to transform a scene into a classic image, a very emotive image, and just that logo with the dunes, with the wildlife surrounding it—you really get a snapshot of what’s available in that park,” said Okerlund. The idea isn’t unique to Idaho. Okerlund mentioned a passport program in Michigan, enacted in 2010. The Wolverine State’s program also works with business partners that offer discounts for passport-holders. “This program is essential for our agency in helping to ensure that Idaho State Parks
The Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation’s new Parks Passport program is the latest effort to raise money for the agency that has seen its budgets slashed in recent years.
stay open and accessible for generations to come,” said Okerlund. A predecessor to the program cost $40, of which Okerlund guesses the department sold only 20,000, previously available only through IDPR’s branch offices and by phone. Now the program is more accessible, she said. IDPR worked with the Idaho Transportation Department to create the Passport’s delivery system. “It’s rare for two state agencies to work so closely to bring a new program to Idahoans,” said Okerlund. Christine Fisher, registration program specialist with ITD, said the Parks Passport sticker is created using the same machines that print vehicle registration for license plates. A unique number issued to each passport is tied to the vehicle’s license plate number and can be transferred should drivers change vehicles. “You walk into the office, you say you need to renew, they queue that up on their registration machine and at a certain point in the transaction, it says ‘Parks Passport, yes or no?’” Fisher said. Passports can be purchased at a DMV any time. Those who choose to buy them are handed a freshly printed Parks Passport sticker, which can be affixed to the glass of whatever vehicle a driver chooses. “Most everything that the counties register can have a passport added to it,” said Fisher. “Anything that can drive into a state park, or can follow a vehicle into the state park and come off of a trailer—snowmobiles, ATVs and motorcycles—can have a passport.” Fisher emphasized that the program doesn’t make ITD or the counties any money. “It’s the beauty of the simplicity of the way the process works which made that
possible,” Fisher said. In addition, the pass offers discounts on boat launches and overnight camping, something the previous $40 pass didn’t. Okerlund reported IDPR sold approximately 7,500 passports in October. “At first blush, it seems to be very accepted by Idahoans and will be a success,” she said. The goal is for 20 percent participation rate for Idaho’s 2.5 million registered vehicles. “It’s just a reality of what’s happened, economically, to our state in the past few years,” she said. “Our agency—we took a significant hit. And people need to understand this agency is really not supported by tax support anymore. This agency receives about $1.4 million in tax support. The rest of the ongoing management and operation comes from user receipts and the sale of the passport.” IDPR will continue to find ways to cut costs while managing maintenance of facilities across the state. “For any business, your staff costs are going to be one of your largest expenses, but in our case, we have one, sometimes two staff members operating an entire park. That’s our largest expense. It’s not exorbitant by any stretch of the imagination,” she said. “We’re totally reliant on volunteers and seasonals.” Future IDPR programs will have to look into more ways to generate revenue. The Parks Passport is the start of that, as the program looks to shift to a more businessminded operation. “No one component is going to be the absolute fiscal saving grace for the agency,” said Okerlund. “Hopefully in the end, we will become an agency that is mostly self-sustaining. That’s really the overall goal.”
The year 1977 was an interesting one in southeast Asia. The World of Soccer Cup was hosted by Singapore; Malaysia Airlines Flight 653 was hijacked and crashed in a swamp outside of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, killing all 100 on board; and the king and queen of Thailand were nearly assassinated in a terrorist bombing in Yala. In the decade following the Vietnam War, the region was still finding stability, moving toward the modern Asia we know today. It also happens to be the year my father, Terry Mentzer, rode his motorcycle through southeast Asia as part of an around-theworld journey. He had just completed a brutal 3,000-mile ride across Australia’s interior, followed by two weeks on a freight ship crossing the Indian Ocean and Java Sea to the Port of Singapore. During his ride, he met Sikhs and soldiers, farmers and former Viet Cong. Then he crossed the Bay of Bengal to Calcutta, India, before riding west through Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. Last summer, I began an around-the-world trip of my own, taking a slightly different route through Australia before storing my custombuilt Kawasaki KLR 650 adventure touring motorcycle with the kind folks at Cyclone Honda in Darwin, Australia. Unlike my father, I am riding around the world as finances and schedule allow. On Jan. 1, 2013, I fly to Singapore to begin the second phase of my tour. After collecting my bike from the busiest shipping port in the world, trucking it approximately 15 miles across to Johor Bahru, I will head north, following my father’s route. The ride should take three weeks, leading along the west coasts of Malaysia and Thailand. I will visit the urban hubs of Malacca and Kuala Lumpur before heading into the tea-growing country surrounding the Cameron Highlands (3,900 feet elevation). From there, I will hit the beaches of northern Malaysia and southern Thailand before working my way to Bangkok. Time permitting, I will ride northwest toward the Golden Triangle and Chiang Mai. If the stars align, I will attempt to ride into Myanmar for a few days of exploration. Barring catastrophe, I will store the bike back in Bangkok and head home to Boise for a few months. This summer, the trip continues with visits to India and Kathmandu, and an epic ride from Kazakhstan to London. While I will be on the road on my own, I won’t be without my trusty laptop. I’ll be regularly updating my travel blog during the trip, letting people from around the world be part of the adventure. You can follow my trip at —Andrew Mentzer
BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 31
SEGURA VIUDAS BRUT RESERVA, 1.5 LITERS, $16.99 This is a bargainbasement big bottle from Spain—a true methode champenoise, or wine that’s been aged two to three years in the bottle. A magnum is the perfect format for bubbles, and this one is surprisingly elegant. There’s none of that stemminess you often get with inexpensive Spanish cava, just a graceful array of light citrus and apple flavors backed by spice and mineral. It’s a no-compromise, budget-priced choice that’s looking for a party. LUCIEN ALBRECHT CREMANT D’ALSACE BRUT, $21 A blanc de blanc from the Alsace region of France, this wine’s back label states it is 100 percent pinot blanc, but the blend often includes pinot auxerrois and chardonnay. This wine opens with aromas of fresh-baked bread with candied citrus, apple and touches of nut and mineral. Creamy ripe apple and melon flavors are backed by crisp citrus on the palate. The tiny bubbles last and last in this delightful charmer. 2009 RAVENTOS I BLANC DE NIT, $22 Another Spanish entry, this rose overdelivers for its price point. This beautifully hued sparkler is a blend of the traditional cava grapes macabeo, xarel-lo and parellada from 30- to 40-year-old vines, along with 5 percent monastrell for color and an appealing cherry flavor. This delicately structured wine is crisp and impeccably balanced. Money no object, it’s still one of my all-time favorites. —David Kirkpatrick
Restaurants get one chance to hit BW with their best shot. LAU R IE PEAR M AN
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again— sparkling wines are so versatile and food friendly, it’s a shame most people think of them as special-occasion bottles. But the simple fact is that bubbles (especially champagne) will always be connected with celebrations. I’m guessing more corks fly on New Year’s Eve than any other day of the year. Here are three of my favorite sparkling wines that won’t break the budget.
SAINT LAWRENCE GRIDIRON The patron saint of juicy slabs of meat JOSH GROSS In the world at large, Saint Lawrence is the patron saint of librarians, archivists, cooks and deacons. In Boise, he’s the patron saint of anyone looking for a juicy slab of meat. Saint Lawrence Gridiron, the bright orange food truck that first appeared in Boise in April, made a name for itself as one of the valley’s leading dealers in cow and pig, sliced Appropriately named Saint Lawrence Gridiron employee Angus Center hams it up with some pork belly. and grilled to perfection—just like Saint Lawrence himself, who made his way into steamed buns ($5 for 2), is slightly disapto an obvious inference that Boise has more sainthood after his execution by barbecue. pointing: the white bao dough is used to class than Philly. Though the menu rotates, one of the make a small tortilla topped with pulled pork For the slightly more adventurous, truck’s flagship dishes is its burnt-ends pouand jicama. Call me old-fashioned, but I like there are the pork belly fries tine ($5.50)—a bed of handcut my hum bao as balls, not tacos. ($5.50), thick rectangles of fries doused in rich gravy and The one thing you won’t find much of it at tender, greasy pig seared to a bits of brisket, garnished with SAINT LAWRENCE GRIDIRON Saint Lawrence Gridiron is veggies. There’s a light crisp on the outside and gorgonzola. It’s the best kind 208-830-7030 rotating selection of savory salads—such as dripping with artery-clogging of gutbomb, with enough @SLGridiron the tasty kale salad ($4.50) with carmelized goodness on the interior. starch and fat to kill the shallots, mushrooms and shaved romano— They’re served on a pool of hangovers of 10 men, but with but it’s largely a meat-and-potatoes menu, balsamic glaze with a lightly a palette of rich flavors rarely with veggies serving a mostly decorative spicy mustard aioli on the seen outside of a traditional function. The result is that the comfort food side, and several puffy chicharrones. The holiday meal. Saint Lawrence Gridiron dispenses is enjoyed fried belly fingers are tender and rich, with a Another staple is the Boise cheesesteak most comfortably with the top button of slightly jelly-like texture and a warm satisfy($7), a giant hoagie bun loaded with brisket, your pants undone and a good heart surgeon ing finish. a cheddar ale sauce, pickled peppers and on speed dial. A current rotating item, the Asian pork onions. A single bite of that sandwich leads
FOOD/NEWS with its standard menu plus some holiday specials. 320 11th Ave. S., Nampa, 208-468-0029, Chandlers Steakhouse: Open for an early dinner seating from 5:306:30 p.m. for $75 per person, or for a later seating from 8 p.m. until full for $125 per person. Reservations suggested. 981 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-383-4300, Cottonwood Grille: Open from 11 a.m-10 p.m. with a special holiday Angell’s: Serving its standard dinner menu from 4-11 p.m. 999 W. menu. 913 W. River St., Boise, 208-333-9800, Main St., Boise, 208-342-4900, Fork: Open from 5-10 p.m. for dinner with its regular menu. 199 N. Asiago’s: Open regular hours with its standard menu. 1002 Main St., Eighth St., Boise, 208-287-1700, Boise, 208-336-5552, Le Cafe de Paris: First dinner seating will begin at 5:30 p.m. with a Barbacoa: Bar opens at 4 p.m., restaurant opens at 5 p.m., with last special holiday five-course meal. 402 N. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-336seating at 8 p.m. $65 per plate for special NYE dinner. Reservations 0889, recommended. 276 Bobwhite Court, Boise, Lock Stock & Barrel: Open regular hours 208-338-5000, with its standard menu plus holiday specials. Bella Aquila: Serving its regular menu, in ad1100 W. Jefferson St., Boise, 208-336-4266, dition to some holiday specials, from 4-10 p.m. 775 S. Rivershore Lane, Eagle, 208-938-1900, Modern Hotel and Bar: Open regular hours with a special menu. 1314 W. Grove St., Boise, Berryhill and Co.: Special holiday buffet 208-424-8244, for $49 per plate, with three different seatTavern at Bown Crossing: Open 11 a.m.-11 ings from 5-5:30 p.m., 6:45-7:30 p.m. and p.m. with a limited menu, including a prime rib 8:45-9:30 p.m. Reservations suggested. 121 special for two. 3111 S. Bown Way, Boise, 208N. Ninth St., Ste. 102, Boise, 208-387-3553, 345-2277, Ring in the New Year at one of these haunts. —Jordyn Price Brick 29 Bistro: Open from 11 a.m.-9 p.m.
Some say how you choose to celebrate New Year’s Eve dictates how you will spend the rest of the year. So to ensure that you’ll have a stellar 2013, we suggest you and your crew hit up one of the following restaurants to ring in the New Year with some good grub and stiff drinks.
32 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly
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CNA’S ALL SHIFTS AVAILABLE! 24/7 Pro Solutions is currently hiring for part time CNA’s! All shifts available, work as little or as much as you’d like. CNA’s must meet the minimum requirements: Current CNA Certification, Current CPR, Current TB, Current Health Clearance. All employment offers are contingent upon satisfactory results of a criminal background check and pre employment drug screen. Apply online at: agencyrecruiting. or call our office at 908-6080. HOME INCOME, ORGANICS! Health and Wealth, Lose Weight with Organics, FREE product offer, Instant Home based business! Take control, it’s going to be a GREAT YEAR! HELP WANTED!! Extra income! Mailing Brochures from home! Free supplies! Genuine opportunity! No experience required. Start immediately! HELP WANTED!!! MAKE $1000 A WEEK mailing brochures from home! FREE Supplies! Helping Home Workers since 2001! Genuine Opportunity! No Experience required. Start Immediately!
IN HOME CAREGIVERS ASAP! 24/7 Idaho Homecare has current openings for various clients in the Treasure Valley. Duties would invlude assistting with personal cares, shopping, laundry, light housekeeping and various other tasks as planned. Currently we have all shifts/days/eves available, you can work as little or as much as you’d like. These positions are long term temporary positions, our preference is to keep the client with the same caregivers. Interested applicants should apply at: candidate.cfm or you may call our office at 908-6080. LPN’S - 1 YEAR EXP. 24/7 Pro Solutions is now hiring for all shifts! 24/7 Pro Solutions places nurses in various facilities throughout the Treasure Valley on a per diem basis! All shifts available, work as little or as much as you’d like. Minimum Requirements: Current LPN Licesne, in good standing, Current CPR, Current TB & Current Health Clearance. Able to pass a pre employment drug screen and criminal background check. Apply online: agencyrecruiting.
BW CAREER TRAINING Learn how to be, do, or have anything your heart desires. To get your FREE “ Money Making Secrets Revealed” CD please call 1-800-385-8470.
NEW HOME SALES CONSULTANT If you possess strong leadership skills, are highly assertive & customer service oriented, this is an ideal sales position with exceptional income opportunity. We are looking for outstanding sales professionals who are career-minded & up for a challenge, highly goal oriented and motivated for success. APPLY: Please send resume and cover letter to MORE EYES ON YOU Need more eyes on your business? Ask me how to reach out regionally and/or nationally in print. Email jill@boiseweekly. com
COMMUNITY BW EVENTS BOISE BIKE PROJECT HOLIDAY SHOW Sat., Dec. 29, 7 p.m. at the Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St. 343-0886. DRAMA KIDS INTERNATIONAL CHRISTMAS CAMP Kids & Teens explore your “dramatic” side through movement, speech activities, snippets, improvisations and theater games. Different, fun and fast-paced activities each day. For ages 6-11. $45-$50. Nampa Recreation Center, 131 Constitution Way. Dec. 26-29, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 208-468-5858. PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT Parents get a night out on the town while children ages 5-11 get to swim, play games, make crafts and more. Snacks are provided. full-facility member $23; program member $35. YMCA, 1050 W. State St. Second Friday of every month, 6-10 p.m. 344-5502, Ext. 263.
HOLIDAY LIGHTS TROLLEY TOUR Join the holiday fun on the vintage decorated open air “Ms. Molly” Trolley. Dress warm and snuggle together on this 50-minute tour. The tour picks up at the Evergreen Business Mall (at Cole and Ustick) at the opposite end from where the library is. For more info, visit $16 adults, $8 kids. Through Dec. 28, 7pm. PRACTICE NEW YEAR’S EVE Get your New Year’s groove on ahead of time with music from Sun Blood Stories and Red Hands Black Feet, a faux New Year’s countdown and champagne. $1 beers from 9-11 p.m. $5. Fri., Dec. 28, 8 p.m.-2 a.m. The Red Room Tavern, 1519 W. Main St. 331-0956. SKATE INTO THE NEW YEAR Open the new year with discount admission and skate rentals. Free noisemakers for the first 50 people. $5. Idaho IceWorld, 7072 S. Eisenman Road. Mon., Dec. 31, 8 p.m. 331-0044.
REACH 5 MILLION hip, forwardthinking consumers across the U.S. When you advertise in alternative newspapers, you become part of the local scene and gain access to an audience you won’t reach anywhere else. http://www.
Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Out to Lunch 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701
OFFICE ADDRESS Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad Street in downtown Boise. We are on the corner of 6th and Broad between Front and Myrtle streets.
PHONE (208) 344-2055
FAX (208) 342-4733
DEADLINES* LINE ADS: Monday, 10 a.m. DISPLAY: Thursday, 3 p.m. * Some special issues and holiday issues may have earlier deadlines.
RATES We are not afraid to admit that we are cheap, and easy, too! Call (208) 344-2055 and ask for classifieds. We think you’ll agree.
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BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 33
B O I S E W E E K LY THE SCREENWRITERS GROUP Learn and practice pitching your screenplay or project at the Idaho Screenwriters Group, meeting the third Tuesday of every month. For more information, email Meet at the Idaho Pizza Company, 7100 W. Fairview Ave. Meridian at 6:30 p.m. VICTORIAN OPEN PARLOR See The Bishops’ House decorated for the holidays and enjoy house tours and complimentary cider. All proceeds assist The Friends of The Bishops’ House in preserving and sustaining one of Boise’s historic landmarks. $4, free under age 12. Bishops’ House, 2420 E. Old Penitentiary Road. Thursdays, Sundays, 3-7 p.m. Continues through Dec. 30. WINTER WONDERLAND FESTIVAL See the light show, the gingerbread village and take in the Winterfest in the days before it closes for the season. Sun Valley, Through Jan. 4, 2013, 9 a.m.5 p.m.
HIP FLASK Found: stainless steel hip flask by BSU. Call 283-1162 to describe and claim.
CROSS COUNTRY SKI CLINIC Early winter clinic by coaches & athletes of Bogus Basin Nordic Team. Saturday, Jan. 12. Two sessions: 9:30-11:30am or 1-3pm. Choose skate or classic stride instruction. All ski levels welcome. $42 for one session or $63 for both. Register at All proceeds benefit BBNT, a non-profit organization.
BW LOST LOST KEYS Lost keys anywhere from N. End to the shopping mall area; they were on the bumper, key fob & one other key on a large vintage safety pin. 208-499-9654 if found. Thank you. MISSING WHITE CAT PINK NOSE Rowan. White cat, F, green eyes & pink nose. She is 14 yrs. old & not used to being outdoors. Missing since September 4 from Hillway Dr. cross streets Hill Road & Lancaster. Area backs up to Highland Hollows. We are still hoping she is alive. Please contact if you have any information. Reward if found and returned. 828-3509.
FOR SALE BW FOR SALE White enamel, antique wood cooking stove. 80 yrs. old. Bread warmer. $500 firm. 891-9026. ATLAS PASTA MAKER Gently used, $50, sells new $65, not in original box. Great gift for Christmas. Call 208-713-9780, leave message. Living rm set. 4 person sofa, lodge pole pine, w/ Aztec print fabric. Perfect condition. Love seat, ottoman & coffee table. $1000 OBO. 891-9026.
SHARPER IMAGE AIR PURIFIER Tabletop silent air purifier from The Sharper Image. Used once, & in the plastic wrap since. Really just need to get rid of it. Here’s a link to amazon where it goes for $89.99 new. Includes the purifier, instructions packet & cleaning brush $40 OBO. Email movielife85@yahoo. com or call 954-4923. SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS With most all electronics gadgets getting smaller and smaller, even the solar energy field is getting the act. SolarVolt Power has teamed up with an KD Energy Technology to offer an alternative to the standard systems that use one power inverter. There are two model types offered; one is where the inverter is attached to the aluminum rails and the other is attached directly to the solar panel. The module mounted unit can be ordered with communications ability for continuous monitoring, using a modem and your computer. All of this at a very competitive price and 6 months, no interest financing! Go to SolarVolt Power and start building your system today! FREE MOVING BOXES I have about 25 boxes from moving. I don’t want to place them outside in the wet weather. Please call Shawn at 801-2441563 to pick up. TAG AWAY SKIN TAG REMOVER Tag Away is a renowned and an all natural solution for removing skin tags in the home. Greatest yet, Tag Away is currently providing an exclusive and time sensitive 2-for-1 deal for all online Tag Away purchases. QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET. Brand new-still in plastic. Warranty. MUST SELL $139. Can deliver. 921-6643.
VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
HOMEGROWN TIE DYES FOR SALE Locally crafted, hand dyed tie dyes by HomeGrown Tie Dyes. T-Shirts (adult and youth), dresses, tank tops, socks, undies and much more! I currently have a spot at The Treasure Garden Flea Market located at 6521 Ustick Road in Boise. The Treasure Garden is an awesome shop with tons of other stuff too! Open Friday-Sunday 10am to 6pm. Tie Dye prices start at $10 (youth, socks etc) and MOST adult t-shirts are $12. I have lots of ready to buy items, so stop in check ‘em out! xoxo
PETS BW PETS STANDARD POODLE PUPPIES Standard Poodle Puppies were born on 10/20/2012. Dewclaws removed, tails docked, first shots, wormed & had their well puppy checks. Both parents are AKC regestered (puppies will not, sold as pets to good homes) with great genetics and soft coats. Please call 360-513-6820. Email for more info and more pictures. Can meet you half way for a small fee of $50. vic.10@
TRANSPORTATION BW 4 WHEELS 2010 TOYOTA FJ CRUISER Trail Teams Edition. 22,088 mi., sandstorm exterior, 4X4, excellent condition, warranty. $12,400. CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www.
Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/ Eves/Weekends. Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 8662759.
Deep tissue Swedish. Full body: $50/hr., $40/half hr. Foot Massage: $25/hr., $20/half hr. 7 days a week. 9am-10pm. 626-3454266. 320 N. Orchard St.
FULL ROOM MASSAGE Professional Full Body 5HOD[DWLRQ 3DLQ 5HOLHI 7 days 9am-10pm
626-345-4266 320 N. Orchard Embrace the moment with a sensual massage at ULM. Now accepting new clients. ULM 3408377. Hrs. 8:30AM-8PM. Cold Outside? Come in for a Massage! 322 Lake Lowell. Betty 283-7830. MASSAGE BY LIZ $50/1 hr., $75/1.5 hr. & $100/2 hr. (most popular). Unique style of massage, blending several influences to tailor each session to your needs. I balance targeted pressure with long, flowing movements in order to create an overall sense of well-being & relaxation. Sessions are full-body. My specialty is neck & shoulder work. In-call or out-call, 9am to 9pm start times every day. Liz 901-0511. RELAXATION MASSAGE Call Ami at 208-697-6231.
BOISE’S BEST! With Bodywork by Rose. 794-4789.
A awesome full body massage by male in home studio with flat shower. $50/hr. 841-1320. Terry. A Full body massage by experienced therapist. Out call or private studio. 863-1577 Thomas.
1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, 24/7. I travel. 880-5772. New website Male Only. Private Boise studio. FULL BODY MASSAGE Experienced Certified Massage Therapist. $40/60 mins. & $60/90 mins. Call or text Richard at 208695-9492.
34 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
FREE Head & Should Massage with 1 hr. Chinese Reflexology Foot Massage at VIP Massage. 377-7711. Stop by 6555 W. Overland Rd near Cole. Tantra sessions available with Jamie. 440-4321. THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE Experienced massage therapist who enjoys healing others. $30/ half hr,. $55/hr., $125/2 hrs. Please call Petra 208-658-6587.
VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
BW BEAUTY BW YOGA Beautiful massage or private yoga room for rent by the hour. Insured practitioners only. BECOME A CERTIFIED YOGA INSTRUCTOR. Shanti Yoga. Ongoing Registration, call 208-634-9711,or email BELLY BUSTIN’ CORE Purify, strengthen, align and stretch while connecting to your inner core. This Yoga-Pilates fusion class combines core conditioning with the breath, balance and relaxation of yoga. or 338-5430. HAVE A STUDIO? Let us know. Boise Weekly wants to spread the word. Email: YOGA Teacher training starting soon in the North End. Call or text for details. 208-440-6344.
NEW YEAR’S DAY Join us at MUUV for an hour of fantastic vinyasa yoga with Jenny Lewis. Then stay for a cup of chai tea, & a 30 min. instructional on Chakra Balancing. 9:30-11:00 a.m. Contact the studio to sign up:, 440-8307.
BOMBSHELL SALON 921.1005 Hi! I’m Robin & I LOVE color: radiant reds, soulful browns & the perfect beige blond. Come see me today! I am so excited to meet you! Come be a Bombshell. Online booking
These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society.
HYDROTHERAPY 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508
TORY: 5-year-old female Jack Russell terrier mix. Busy-bee, livewire. Good with dogs, but needs a cat-free home. Active family needed. (Kennel 406- #17925419)
BOSTON: 2-year-old male pit bull terrier mix. Goofy, silly lug of a dog. Strong and needs work on manners. Appears to be house-trained. (Kennel 317- #18680852)
TEX: 3-year-old male Chihuahua mix. Weighs 8 pounds. Loving, gentle personality. Needs to live indoors. Bright and willing to learn. (Kennel 323- #17955427)
ROBBY: 11-month-old domestic shorthair. Litterbox-trained. Extremely relaxed personality. Good with other cats. (Kennel 103#17959498)
DAMIEN: 11-month-old male domestic shorthair. Litterbox-trained, social, confident and outgoing. Somewhat independent cat. (Kennel 04- #18722940)
STUBS: 7-year-old female Manx. Long, silky coat and a short tail. Extremely affectionate. Litterbox-trained. (Kennel 13- #11923573)
These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats. 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177
DAYFLOWER: It’s a great day for flower picking—pick this Dayflower today.
SHASTA: Open up a can GEORGIA: Is Georgia of cute. Make Shasta on your mind? This yours. pretty girl is waiting for you.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 35
BATTLE THE HOLIDAY BULGE WITH A NEW YEAR CLEANSE! Colonics, FIR Sauna therapy & the NEW Vibra-Trim- 3-pack-powerpunch, wins the BATTLE, hands down! Cleanse Specials available-makes an awesome gift! High Stream Healing-Boise Colon Cleanse. 850-8075.
EXPANDED CONSCIOUSNESS I am starting a group for spiritual growth through expanded consciousness. I use channeling & bring in Divine Wills. This is a weekly group. I have studied Light Body Consciousness & love to share the new consciousness with others. $5/session. 505-603-3634.
DIRECTV/DISH NETWORK DEALER Superior Satellite - Free Install and Equipment. Buy Local! Lowest prices on DIRECTV, Dish Network and CenturyLink Internet. Ask about Home Theater and custom wiring work. Call today to save $30/month on average. 208-426-9800 JOURNEYMAN PAINTER 30+ years experience in the trade clean and courteous fair rates lic/ insured 463-7771.
RECYCLE OLD ELECTRONICS Go green & recycle your old, obsolete & broken electronics. At United Electronics in Boise. Free pic-up for businesses. 3809 S. Eagleson Rd. 424-3655.
HANDYMAN SERVICES Profesional Handyman Services. No job to big or small. Licensed and Insured. Call Jonathan Stewart Construction, 921-1561 or visit
NYT CROSSWORD | HEARING DOUBLE ACROSS 1 Food that jiggles 6 “Along ___ spider …”
11 Gone, but not forgotten 15 Horizontal: Abbr. 18 Ticked by
6 19
44 48 52
61 67
73 75 81
35 39
15 22
37 40
93 97 101
SECURITY TECHNICIAN NEEDED Company in need of security technician. We are looking for an individual with experience servicing and installing: Burglar Alarms, Fire, CCTV, & Access Control Systems. We are looking for an individual who can work independently and efficiently. Pay will be determined upon hire, based on experience. Please email resumes to: or ULTIMATE TRANSMISSION Vehicle need servicing? Give us a call or stop by! Custom transmissions, transmission repair, oil changes, tune up, brakes, and much more! We are located at 220 W. 37th St. in Garden City. 631-2133.
M U SI C BW INSTRUCTION GUITAR & BASS LESSONS Learn guitar & bass in my home studio near Orchard & Emerald. Beginners & intermediates. 40 + yrs. of professional experience. Have fun while you learn! $30/ hr. Rick Segoine 922-7192 or 724-3297. PIANO LESSONS Gentle yet effective, many years experience, all ages. I teach in the North End. 505-603-3634. PIANO TEACHER My teaching is gentle yet effective. I love to share the joy of music. All ages. Piano lessons $15/lesson. 505-603-3634.
BW MUSICIAN’S EXCHANGE CALL TO WOMEN SINGERS I am starting an a cappella group for women singers who can read music and sing without vibrato. Classical music. Call 505-6033634.
BW LIVE MUSIC KARAOKE Navajo Room at 8 p.m. nightly. 4900 Emerald St. 343-5817.
21 Dangerous outpouring 22 Overly 23 Souvenir from the Petrified Forest? 25 Priests, at times 27 Two-fifths of ’N Sync? 28 Actor Edward James ___ 29 What randy bucks do? 31 Agreement from the Gipper’s coach?
20 First U.S. screen portrayer of Dr. Fu Manchu
VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
108 112
36 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 45
Luth. or Presb. Force Crowning touch? What mayo is part of Tolkien trilogy, to fans Measure of purity Knobby Plucky housekeeper? Drama set at the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce ad agency 47 Nautical direction 48 Pasta suffix 49 Inquirers 50 Words before coming or made 52 Inclined 55 Some salmon 56 “Well done, Sir Lancelot,” in Franglais? 59 Python in “The Jungle Book” 60 Handel bars? 61 Wings: Lat. 62 Lightning ___ 64 Soothsayer’s shoelace problem? 70 Link up with 72 Pleasure boats 73 Affair of the heart 74 Chucklehead 75 ___ Jima 76 Stage assistant 77 Outpourings 78 Shorten a bar mitzvah by 50%? 83 Decorative pin 85 Qatari bigwig: Var. 86 Ones with a lot of pull? 87 London can 88 Alpine wind 91 Literally, “itself” 92 Memo opener 93 Polar explorer, after getting religion? 95 Tagline for the biopic “Dudley” starring bandleader Brown? 98 Out at the dentist’s? 99 Freddy Krueger’s street 100 Ten Commandments no-no
101 Where Macy’s keeps the wedding dresses? 105 Wimple wearer 106 Home to the 90-Down, once 107 Nasty look 108 “___ it!” 109 Popular smartphone app 110 Dog command 111 Guitarist Duane and others 112 Makes, as one’s way
DOWN 1 What one may break during exercise 2 André and Mia’s adoptive daughter 3 Book about the writing style of the Mongols? 4 Iraq war hazard, briefly 5 Small, low island 6 Be at one (with) 7 Former San Francisco mayor 8 Stately home 9 K.C.-to-Chicago direction 10 Postscript: Abbr. 11 Former attorney general Gonzales 12 Kind of salad 13 Steve ___, 1980 Olympic track champion 14 Stinging rebuke 15 Was humbled 16 Like the ring in an eclipse 17 Leopard spot 19 Scammed 24 Bones next to humeri 26 Tranquilizing 30 Horatian piece 32 Balcony cry 33 Soundboard controls 38 Deliberately delude 39 Alaska’s ___ Peninsula 41 Walk-___ (non-recruited athletes) 42 It may be rigged 43 Sacha Baron Cohen persona
44 Who wrote “A bear, however hard he tries, / Grows tubby without exercise” 45 Big truck maker 46 Have ___ (bathe) 50 Willing recipients? 51 Urgently 52 Psychology pioneer Alfred 53 Trick-taking card game 54 Abdicated? 56 Photoshop command 57 Locale of a 12/7/1941 attack 58 Funny Fields 60 Just begun 63 Freckles, e.g. 65 Salad bar supply 66 Castle component 67 ___ to go 68 Drop 69 One of five Nicholases 70 Start of a basketball game 71 Words from Sgt. Friday 74 U.K. mil. decoration 76 Feminist Germaine 78 Raining hard? 79 Totally jazzed L A S T T O W I T
80 Some scriptural passages 81 74-Down recipient, e.g. 82 Fergie, for one 83 Bygone bookstore chain 84 Bull session? 87 Inspector in Elizabeth George mysteries 89 Obeyed a sentry, say 90 See 106-Across 92 “___ Only One” (Melissa Etheridge hit) 93 Cleared the dishes 94“ Antigonae” composer Carl 96 Miss America identifier 97 Allay 102 Neither Dem. nor Rep. 103 Knock over 104 Charlemagne’s realm: Abbr. Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under extras for the answers to this week’s puzzle. Don't think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
W E E K ’ S T E S T E E
HOKUM HOEDOWN SQUARE DANCE & OLDTIMEY MUSIC SERIES Enjoy music from the Hokum HiFlyers while you learn squaredance moves, followed by an old-time hootenanny featuring a cast of callers. Pie Hole pizza will be served and a full bar is available with ID. $5/person, $15/family. First Friday of every month, 7 p.m. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., 385-0111. LARRY KISER AT HIGHLANDS HOLLOW BREWHOUSE Wed., Dec. 26, 6:30 p.m., 2455 Harrison Hollow Lane North Boise, 343-6820. OPEN MIC NIGHT Every other Friday, 7 p.m. Rembrandt’s Coffee Shop, 93 S. Eagle Road. Call 938-1564. PATRICIA FOLKNER AND JOEL KASERMAN Wednesdays, Dec. 26, Jan 2, Jan. 9 & Jan. 23 at 7 p.m. Acoustic/ Folk/Singer-Songwriter at Lock Stock & Barrel, 1100 W. Jefferson St., 336-4266. PAUL DRAGONE Wednesdays, 6 p.m. Acoustic/Folk/ Singer-Songwriter. At Shangri-La Tea Room, 1800 W. Overland Rd. 424-0273.
VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill
NOTICES BW NOTICES WHAT’S NEW? There happens to be a lot in Classifieds for the New Year! Keep reading & tell us what you think.
FUN LOCAL SINGLES Browse & Reply FREE! 208-3458855. Use FREE Code 7887, 18+. MEET GAY & BI SINGLES Listen to Ads & Reply FREE! 208472-2200. Use FREE Code 5988, 18+. REAL DISCREET, LOCAL CONNECTIONS Call FREE! 208-287-0343 or 800210-1010. 18+. WILD LOCAL CHATLINE Send Messages FREE! Straight 208-345-8855. Gay/Bi 208-4722200. Use FREE Code 7886, 18+.
WE’RE COMING OUT! Engagement, Wedding, Anniversary Announcements for everyone! Boise Weekly welcomes all and does not discriminate against gay or straight couples! Call 344-2055 for a price quote!
SUPPORT GROUP FORMING For victims of CPS, IDHW & the Courts. For info. go to: suncanaa. com & Tom Kofoed 906-6883. Help to get your children back home!
If you have a family member or friend who is trying, there are things they can & must do to help their cause. Contact Maloney Law on our 24 hr. line 208-392-5366 for a free consultation. Assistance available in parole & probation violations also.
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 37
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): In the sci-fi film trilogy The Matrix, the heroes are able to instantaneously acquire certain complex skills via software that’s downloaded directly into their brains. In this way, the female hacker named Trinity masters the art of piloting a military M-109 helicopter in just a few minutes. If you could choose a few downloads like that, Aries, what would they be? This isn’t just a rhetorical question meant for your amusement. In 2013, I expect that your educational capacity will be exceptional. While you may not be able to add new skills as easily as Trinity, you’ll be pretty fast and efficient. So what do you want to learn? Choose wisely.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): For years, the gravestone of Irish dramatist Oscar Wilde was covered with kiss-shaped lipstick marks that were left by his admirers. Unfortunately, Wilde’s descendants decided to scour away all those blessings and erect a glass wall around the tomb to prevent further displays of affection. In my astrological opinion, Leo, you should favor the former style of behavior over the latter in 2013. In other words, don’t focus on keeping things neat, clean and well-ordered. On the contrary: Be extravagant and uninhibited in expressing your love for the influences that inspire you--even at the risk of being a bit unruly or messy.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Are you familiar with the fable of the golden goose? The farmer who owned it became impatient because it laid only one gold egg per day. So he killed it thinking he would thereby get the big chunk of gold that must be inside its body. Alas, his theory was mistaken. There was no chunk. From then on he no longer got his modest daily treasure. I nominate this fable to be one of your top teaching stories of 2013. As long as you’re content with a slow, steady rate of enrichment you’ll be successful. Pushing extra hard to expedite the flow might lead to problems.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): In 2013, I hope to conspire with you to raise your levels of righteous success. If you’re a struggling songwriter, I’ll be pushing for you to get your music out to more people—without sacrificing your artistic integrity. If you’re a kindergarten teacher, I’ll prompt you to fine-tune and deepen the benevolent influence you have on your students. If you’re a business owner, I’ll urge you to ensure that the product or service you offer is a well-honed gift to those who use it. As I trust you can see, Virgo, I’m implying that impeccable ethics will be crucial to your ascent in the coming year.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Here are some of the experiences I hope to help you harvest in the coming year: growing pains that are interesting and invigorating rather than stressful; future shock that feels like a fun joyride rather than a bumpy rumble; two totally new and original ways to get excited; a good reason to have faith in a dream that has previously been improbable; a fresh supply of Innocent Crazy-Wise Love Truth; and access to all the borogoves, mome raths and slithy toves you could ever want.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): After Libran poet Wallace Stevens won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1955, Harvard University offered him a job as a full professor. But he turned it down. He couldn’t bear leaving his day job as the vice president of an insurance company in Hartford, Conn. I suspect that in the first half of 2013 you will come to a fork in the road that may feel something like Stevens’ quandary. Should you stick with what you know or else head off in the direction of more intense and unpredictable stimulation? I’m not here to tell you which is the better choice; I simply want to make sure you clearly identify the nature of the decision.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): In her gallery show Actuality, Reminiscence, and Fabrication, artist Deborah Sullivan includes a piece called “Penance 1962.” It consists of a series of handwritten statements that repeats a central theme: “I must not look at boys during prayer.” I’m assuming it’s based on her memory of being in church or Catholic school when she was a teenager. You probably have an analogous rule lodged somewhere in the depths of your unconscious mind—an outmoded prohibition or taboo that may still be subtly corroding your life energy. The coming year will be an excellent time to banish that ancient nonsense for good. If you were Sullivan, I’d advise you to fill a whole notebook page with the corrected assertion: “It’s OK to look a boys during prayer.”
38 | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In 2013, I will try to help you retool, reinvent and reinvigorate yourself in every way that’s important to you. I will encourage you to reawaken one of your sleeping aptitudes, recapture a lost treasure and reanimate a dream you’ve neglected. If you’re smart, Scorpio, you will reallocate resources that got misdirected or wasted. And I hope you will reapply for a privilege or position you were previously denied, because I bet you’ll win it this time around. Here are your words of power for the year ahead: “resurrection” and “redemption.”
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Based on experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, a team of physicists in France and Switzerland announced in July that they had tentatively discovered the Higgs boson, which is colloquially known as the God particle. What’s all the fuss? In her San Francisco Chronicle column, Leah Garchik quoted an expert who sought to explain: “The Higgs boson is the WD40 and duct tape of the universe, all rolled into one.” In 2013, Sagittarius, I think there’s a good chance you will begin using what you might call your own personal 2.0 version of that fundamental and glorious thing. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In 2013, I pledge to help you bring only the highest quality influences and self-responsible people into your life. Together we will work to dispel any unconscious attraction you might have to demoralizing chaos or pathological melodrama. We will furthermore strive to ensure that as you deepen and fine-tune your self-discipline, it will not be motivated by self-denial or obsessive control-freak tendencies. Rather, it will be an act of love that you engage in so as to intensify your ability to express yourself freely and beautifully. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Genius is the ability to renew one’s emotions in daily experience,” said French painter Paul Cezanne. What do you think he meant by that? Here’s one interpretation: Many people repeat the same old emotions over and over again--even in response to experiences that are nothing like the past events when they felt those exact feelings. So a genius might be someone who generates a fresh emotion for each new adventure. Here’s another possible interpretation of Cezanne’s remark: It can be hard to get excited about continually recapitulating the basic tasks of day-today living. But a genius might be someone who is good at doing just that. I think that by both of these definitions, 2013 could be a genius year for you Aquarians. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Home is not just the building where you live. It’s more than the community that gives you support and the patch of earth that comforts you with its familiarity. Home is any place where you’re free to be your authentic self; it’s any power spot where you can think your own thoughts and see with your own eyes. I hope and trust that in 2013, you will put yourself in position to experience this state of being as often as possible. Do you have any ideas about how to do that? Brainstorm about it on a regular basis for the next six months.
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BOISEweekly | DECEMBER 26, 2012 – JANUARY 1, 2013 | 39