LOOKING FORWARD Supreme Court decision on DOMA gives hope to LGBT couples FEATURE 11
WOLF CHRONICLES The man vs. wolf debate continues in North Idaho REC 30
WET AND WILD Proposal could mean big changes at the Eagle Bike Park FOOD 32
FRESH BAKED Acme Bakeshop brings breads to Boise Farmers Market
“I do my best not to crush dreams.”
2 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly
BW STAFF Publisher: Sally Freeman Sally@boiseweekly.com Editorial Editor: Zach Hagadone ZHagadone@boiseweekly.com Features Editor: Deanna Darr Deanna@boiseweekly.com Arts & Entertainment Editor: Tara Morgan Tara@boiseweekly.com News Editor: George Prentice George@boiseweekly.com Sultan of Events: Harrison Berry Harrison@boiseweekly.com Listings: calendar@boiseweekly.com Copy Editors: Amy Atkins, Jay Vail Interns: Skylar Barsanti, Chris Grapes, Ryan Thorne Contributing Writers: Bill Cope, Josh Gross, David Kirkpatrick, Andrew Mentzer, Jessica Murri, John Rember, Carissa Wolf Advertising Advertising Director: Brad Hoyd Brad@boiseweekly.com Account Executives: Karen Corn, Karen@boiseweekly.com Jill Weigel, Jill@boiseweekly.com BOISE WEEKLY IS LOOKING FOR AN EXPERIENCED SALESPERSON (MEDIA SALES PREFERRED) CALL BRAD HOYD 344-2055 Classified Sales Classifieds@boiseweekly.com Creative Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Leila@boiseweekly.com Graphic Designer: Jen Grable, Jen@boiseweekly.com Contributing Artists: Derf, Elijah Jensen, Jeremy Lanningham, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Patrick Sweeney, Tom Tomorrow, Garry Trudeau Circulation Man About Town: Stan Jackson Stan@boiseweekly.com Distribution: Tim Anders, Jason Brue, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Shane Greer, Stan Jackson, Lars Lamb, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Amanda Noe, Warren O’Dell, Steve Pallsen, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 32,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 1000 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. Subscriptions: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. To contact us: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: info@boiseweekly.com www.boiseweekly.com Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701 The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2013 by Bar Bar, Inc. Editorial Deadline: Thursday at noon before publication date. Sales Deadline: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher. Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. Boise weekly is an independently owned and operated newspaper.
NOTE THE SPIRIT OF ’13 It’s hard to find a better vantage point from which to watch Boise’s Fourth of July fireworks than Crescent Rim Drive, on the Bench. It was there that my wife, our son and two friends joined a sizeable portion of the neighborhood to take in the show against a backdrop of downtown and the Foothills. From there, in the half light, Boise looks pretty inspiring; but behind us it was hard to ignore the unblinking eyes of the Crescent Rim condos—mostly blackened in their vacancy. The “elegant living” complex, approved for up to about 80 units, was controversial when it was announced in 2005, with many neighbors in the cottage-dominated Depot Bench area concerned that the four-story development wouldn’t mesh with the local vibe. Still under construction, about half the units are unsold. Though Boise real estate sales have surged in recent months, it’s hard to shake the feeling that the condos are a monument to the boom times of yesteryear. It already felt fraught with meaning to sit on the manicured street-side grass in front of a mostly empty development, eyes on the economic center of the state, and ruminate on the meaning of living in the present-day Recessionary States of America. And that was before a mini-protest erupted. When we sat down in front of the complex, it was clear that Crescent Rim owners didn’t want anyone trespassing on their property—and rightly so. Security officers were visible and while they patrolled without incident on foot and bike, when a guard drove by in a car with flashers, calls of “turn off your lights” were heard from those camped out on the grass. When a security vehicle tried to pass through a crowd sitting on the street mid-fireworks display, things got a little heated. As fireworks explodes in the sky, people refused to budge, blocking the car. At least one person reportedly laid down in the street in protest. I heard someone shout, “They’re public servants, trying to do their job,” to which someone else—noting their status as security—called out, “No they’re not.” They were just doing their jobs (and on a holiday, no less), and I wouldn’t have wanted to be in their shoes. But there’s a strange irony at work when people gathered to celebrate freedom and independence are interrupted by quasi-authority figures whose purpose is to protect the property of the wealthy. The crowd parted peaceably after a minute or three, but the anti-establishment moment carried a whiff of class consciousness that lingered along with the cordite. Spirit of ’76? Not quite. Call it the Spirit of ’13. —Zach Hagadone
COVER ARTIST ARTIST: Karen Bubb TITLE: Havana, Cuba, 2013 MEDIUM: Encaustic on wood. ARTIST STATEMENT: Cuba on the Cusp, a show of more than 100 encaustic paintings about Cuba, opens Sunday, July 14 from 5-7 p.m. and is up through Friday, Aug. 30 in the Gallery at the Linen Building.
Boise Weekly pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. A portion of the proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.
BOISEweekly | JULY 10–16, 2013 | 3
WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world.
IMAGES FROM PARADISE Didn’t make it to the Paradise Music Festival this year? Check out a slideshow of images at Cobweb.
REFORMED RACIST A former white supremacist now serving time says he’s sorry and claims ignorance and fear made him do it. Get the details at Citydesk.
UP IN SMOKE It’s summer, which means fire season. Get the lastest info on area wildfires at Citydesk.
4 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly
—Lisa Netzel (Boiseweekly.com, Citydesk, “CSPI: Long John Silver’s ‘Big Catch’ is Worst Meal in America,” July 3, 2013)
POT PEDDLERS News that Oregon lawmakers had signed off on a bill allowing for state-sanctioned medical marijuana dispensaries (Citydesk, “Oregon Legislature Approves Medical Pot Dispensary Bill,” July 7, 2013) gave hope to some Idaho cannabis-rights supporters. Here’s what they said online: Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! —William James Esbensen Hopefully Idaho is not far behind. The reefer madness prohibitionist attitude toward marijuana is quickly becoming a political liability. —Meridianmoderate
RAUL RHETORIC Idaho U.S. Rep. Raul Labrador recently made his sixth appearance on Meet the Press, where he talked about immigration and health care reform (Citydesk, “Labrador on Meet the Press: ‘If We Don’t Do [Immigration Reform] Right, It Could Be the Death of the Republican Party,’” July 7, 2013). Some online commenters were none too impressed:
token hispanic. He has no interest in immigration reform besides granting visas to blue collar immigrants who will take jobs from your college educated children. If he gets this concession, he will support reform. If not, he will join with other members of the Tealiban in opposing immigration reform on the grounds that the border is not secure. This guy has absolutely no connection to Idaho besides the fact that he found enough rubes here to support his line of John Birch inspired Koch brothers talking points to get elected. He is now assured a berth on the gravy train, as a loss at the ballot box will only lead to a lucrative lobbying career. Congratulations Idaho, this accomplished carpet bagger you have created will be throwing monkey wrenches into the gears of democracy for decades. —boisentv The agenda for the “R”s is transparent as always. If the issue doesn’t address their need for power or money it isn’t going to be addressed. Their only interest in immigration is exploitation of the immigrant and making sure they can’t vote against them. Period. —Brad N’Joi Marker
Labrador is a tool of the Koch brothers. A Koch sucker, if you will. He gets plenty of airtime as a GOP
BUNK BUNK The Canyon County Jail added some new beds to the facility, but ACLU of Idaho said that doesn’t go far enough to solve the jail’s overcrowding problems (Citydesk, “Press Tribune: A Few New Beds For Overcrowded Canyon County Jail,” July 5, 2013). Readers online seemed to agree that a couple of new bunks wouldn’t improve the situation: The real fix is stop locking people up for non violent offences. (ie. pot) Any non-violent offender should be out working off their debt to society, in society, not taking up residence best left to real criminals. —Benj Hall The main problem with Canyon County is their commissioners. Their track records speaks for themselves. They feel like they need to spend millions of dollars on new offices for themselves but yet the jail facilities are inadequate. They think buying land out in BFE for a new fair ground site is a priority. What’s next? How about setting some money aside for employee raises, or put some of this money towards the dwindling insurance trust of their employees. As it stands right now their employees could possibly lose insurance coverage. It’s time to get rid of these baboons! —feduptaxpayer
S U B M I T Letters must include writer’s full name, city of residence and contact information and must be 300 or fewer words. OPINION: Lengthier, in-depth opinions on local, national and international topics. E-mail editor@boiseweekly.com for guidelines. Submit letters to the editor via mail (523 Broad St., Boise, Idaho 83702) or e-mail (editor@boiseweekly.com). Letters and opinions may be edited for length or clarity. NOTICE: Ever y item of correspondence, whether mailed, e-mailed, commented on our Web site or Facebook page or left on our phone system’s voice-mail is fair game for MAIL unless specifically noted in the message. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
BOISEweekly | JULY 10–16, 2013 | 5
PRISONIZATION Do private goals really answer public needs?
t in concer
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6 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly
I want to thank—and need to credit—one of our valley neighbors, H.C., for inspiring me to address the question of corporateoperated prisons versus state-run prisons. Because I wish to bring him no grief in any way, I won’t divulge H.C.’s full name. I don’t like to scatter private citizens’ identities throughout this page as though I was applying weed&feed to my lawn, not unless they have said or done something notably stupid or notably jerksome in a public way. H.C. did nothing stupid or jerksome to bring him to my attention. To the contrary, he published in the other newspaper in town a smart and deftly written opinion—something you don’t often see on the letters to the editor page of any newspaper—arguing it is high time the state of Idaho takes back in full the function of operating our state prison system. I couldn’t agree with him more. Truth is, the privatization of our prisons was a screwed idea from the beginning, and has gotten nothing but screwier over time. What’s more, it fits the overall pattern of fraud, felony, fabrication and failure that have marked the privatization of traditional government functions from the day corporate pirates commandeered Ronald Reagan’s brain and steered that leaky vessel into the shallow shoals of laissez faire ideology. Think about it: Are our wars any cheaper now that Dick Cheney’s old Halliburton cronies are feeding and housing the troops? Do those wars seem any shorter, efficient, more humane or less wasteful now that we’ve contracted the likes of Blackwater and various other mercenary outfits to assume much of the collateral military operations? Has our nation become more secure now that we know many intelligence duties have been handed over to the sort of private enterprise that hires a man like Edward Snowden? Has Canyon County, by farming prosecutorial work out to system gamers like John Bujak, expedited any court proceedings or saved the taxpayers any money? Are our highways, our sewer systems, our bridges and our dams any better since we began handing the infrastructure work over to the lowest bidder? In short, are we, our America, now in tiptop order? Is our middle class moving on up and prospects for our poor getting brighter? Are our wages keeping up with what it costs to feed, house and clothe our families? Are our kids smarter and our health healthier? Does our vote still count and does our opinion still matter since we allowed the idolaters of Ronald Reagan to take over what had before been government work? But perhaps I’ve spread my message out too thin here. Let us gather in our focus and turn it back to Idaho’s prison situation. U As maybe you’ve heard, the Idaho Board of Correction announced that Corrections
Corporation of America has been ushered out to the parking lot and invited to leave Idaho. In a way, it’s too bad. There is reason enough in my mind to believe that instead of simply terminating CCA’s contract and sending it on its way, this Nashville, Tenn.-based mob should be escorted directly from the warden’s office to an 8-by-10 cell in which it would sweat it out—bail denied!—until its guilt was established in a court of law. In lawsuit after lawsuit, brought by inmates who had no other recourse to defend themselves against CCA’s policy to run Idaho’s biggest prison like a Mad Max movie, the corporate goons have been accused of using gang violence as a substitute for adequate staffing and professional supervision. Evidently, allowing inmates to be beaten into comas is better for the stockholders than hiring enough qualified guards to effectively control the population. Currently, CCA is under investigation for over-billing and falsifying records. It will probably never be known exactly how badly Idaho taxpayers have been mugged by these thugs in suits, but in spite of our fervent wishes that crime doesn’t pay, it is unlikely any of them will see the inside of that cell I mentioned earlier. Yet, despite the dismal experience that prison privatization has given Idaho—and as it’s turning out, several other states unfortunate enough to have partnershipped with CCA, including Texas and Mississippi—the Board of Correction insists it will not return to the ways that served Idaho rather well up until 2000, when CCA was awarded the contract. Again, we thank H.C. for singling out the board’s chairwoman, Robin Sandy—a political appointee, wouldn’t you know—who refuses to consider letting the state do a proper state’s job, as it would “amount to expanding state government.” Evidently, as the astute H.C. points out, Sandy would rather Idaho tax dollars go to settle lawsuits and bloat the compensation packages of out-of-state CEOs. Reagan would be proud. But let us put aside until another time the real reasons the Republican oligarchy favors privatization over government agency—the subjugation of workers, the unholy marriage of political leaders with business interests, the opportunities for unlimited corruption—all those elements that add up to all power and all wealth being sucked upwards. As to the matter of whether privatized prisons is a good idea, we need to ask only one question: Why would an enterprise that profits from a steady and dependable crop of inmates, that can grow its bottom line only with more and more incarceration, ever involve itself too energetically in rehabilitating those inmates, or even in stemming the criminal behavior which brings such cash cows in prison scrubs back and back and back? WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
A BOUTIQUE WILDERNESS How Mike Simpson failed the White Clouds
Last July, I left the trailhead at the end of Fourth of July Road in Idaho’s White Cloud Mountains, hiked past Fourth of July Lake and Born Lakes, climbed the headwall above Born Lakes, and traversed above Shallow and Scree lakes to Windy Devil Pass above the Little Boulder Lakes. I was accompanying my friend Sean Petersen, who had left a pair of binoculars on Windy Devil on a backcountry ski trip the winter before. We found the binoculars, then dropped down into the Little Boulders, hiked over another pass into the Big Boulder drainage and walked down to the Livingston Mill trailhead. We arrived seven hours after we had begun hiking. It had been a long day, but not a particularly hurried one. We had taken photos and done some glissading, and had eaten a leisurely lunch in the sun on the green shore of a lake only half-melted out of winter. We had gone by Castle Peak, traversed under White Cloud Peak, skirted close to the Big Boulder Lakes and gazed across three miles of crystalline air to O’Calkens Peak and Railroad Ridge, on the northwest end of the range. The White Clouds aren’t that big, if two old guys can walk through them in a day. In light of the failure of Rep. Mike Simpson’s Central Idaho Economic Development and Recreation Act and the Idaho Conservation League’s current campaign to have President Barack Obama designate the area a national monument, I think that Simpson missed a bet back in 2004. He could have introduced legislation designating 40,000 acres of the White Clouds as wilderness. Period. No strings attached. Then he could have gone on to entirely unrelated things, like attending to the economic health of his Central Idaho constituents. Instead, Simpson invited all sorts of interest groups to the federal table. As is the custom at that table, folks got greedy. Ranchers wanted big money for grazing rights that had been given to them in the first place. The Idaho Conservation League wanted hundreds of thousands of acres of wilderness, much of it in the form of buffer lands that effectively reserve the wild for the few, the fit and the fanatic. The Blue Ribbon Coalition wanted motorized corridors. Disabled persons wanted wheelchair-safe trails in the wilderness. The city of Challis wanted federal land. Custer County wanted federal money and more federal land. In the nuttiest provision of the bill, a public-owned meadow just north of Stanley was to be given to the county to be sold to developers. The developers would build trophy houses. The trophy houses would generate property tax dollars. I’ve watched as Stanley and its suburbs have poured more property tax into Custer County coffers than they’ve gotten back in county services, so I understand the impulse. But it’s foolish to think you’ll get more than you spend from the owners of trophy houses, who are adept at getting whatever WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
expensive governmental services they want. The worst aspect of CIEDRA was that it would have weakened the 1964 Wilderness Bill by trading wilderness designation for payoffs to interest groups. The worst aspect of national monument designation would be that the White Clouds would be micro-managed and mega-regulated by the U.S. Park Service. The Park Service, compared to the Forest Service, is a paramilitary crowd-control organization whose operating philosophy is a cheerful totalitarianism—and it’s only cheerful until you cross it. Simpson could still introduce a bill for a small, high-quality wilderness, one minus the kowtows to interest groups. Forty-thousand acres won’t preserve an ecosystem—not that anything will, in these days of lethal jetstream anomalies—but it would bring all the economic benefits of a larger wilderness to surrounding communities. Wilderness designation is a human artifact. It’s not the same thing as preserving the wild, but it does attract people to areas of natural beauty. When young people raised by screens are placed in a natural setting, they eventually learn to conduct object relations with real objects. When people visit a place mostly untouched by civilization, they take better care of the places they go home to. Wilderness is good for humans, even when they can’t use it as an excuse to extort dollars from the federal government or from donors. I have left the Boulder Mountains out of this discussion, but the Boulders are doing a good job of preserving themselves. They remain wild because they’re high, dry, windy, rocky and contain few lakes or tree-lined trails. They contain no timber worth sawing down, and what profitable minerals they did contain were mined out long ago. When I was a wilderness ranger in the Boulders and White Clouds in 1971, I ran into a hiker at the Bowery Guard Station on the east fork of the Salmon River. He was an ambitious young guy who had just hiked through the Boulders. He had started at the North Fork of Wood River above Ketchum, climbed 11,600-foot Glassford Peak and walked out Ibex Creek, a place of sere and severe beauty whose creek bottom is best described as a fivemile-long pile of avalanche debris. He hadn’t made it in seven hours. His leather hiking boots were shredded. His clothes were ripped and torn. His face was burnt and smoke-blackened from sitting over a campfire through an unplanned night out. But he had encountered the wild, and in no uncertain terms. He said he would remember it for a lifetime, and cherish the memory, but one night in Ibex Creek was enough. He was happy to hear that the White Clouds had trails and signs and the occasional wilderness ranger to point the way to civilization the next time daylight threatened to run out before the trip did.
BOISEweekly | JULY 10–16, 2013 | 7
THE AYES OF LOVE 300-400 citations are handed out each year.
BOISE COPS: NO DESIRE TO BE ‘CUP POLICE’ OR SMELL CUPS With less than two months to go before the kickoff of another Boise State football season, city officials are quietly huddling to allow tailgaters to go deep—beyond the confines of the Bronco Stadium parking lot and as far as a portion of Julia Davis Park. And while Boise police are anxious to stop handing out anywhere between 300-400 criminal citations per season to violators of the city’s open container ordinance, Boise Police Chief Mike Masterson says he has no desire to continue being “the cup police or to smell park visitors’ cups.” “The purpose of the [new] proposal is to make the law fair to citizens, and to allow [police officers] to focus on enforcement of more pressing issues,” said Masterson, who added that his department was meeting with Boise State officials and surrounding neighborhoods to discuss the details. BPD Officer Jermaine Galloway, who has coordinated game-day patrols for neighborhoods and public property surrounding Boise State for eight years, said, “The main problem is the public not knowing where open containers are allowed,” and that the goal of the new concept is to establish “a way for individuals to consume alcohol in a compliant way, versus the police department writing tickets to responsible citizens.” The proposal would stretch tailgating— where open containers of alcohol would be allowed on game days—from Myrtle Street south along Broadway Avenue to Beacon Street. The line would then run west from Broadway to Lincoln Avenue. In Julia Davis Park, the tailgating area would be proposed east of Zoo Boise, stretching to Broadway. “There are already tailgaters in the park who risk having alcohol by hiding their drinks in a cup,” said Galloway. But if Masterson and Galloway have their way, the Boise Parks and Recreation Commission would need to give its OK to a game-day “cup policy” for Julia Davis Park. “I support the cup policy as it looks more professional and will be consistent with Boise State policy,” Parks and Rec Commissioner Scott Raeber told Masterson and Galloway May 16. Members of the Bronco Athletic Association, who fork over significant amounts of money for the privilege of parking just outside of Bronco Stadium (some paying as much as $1,000 for an RV space), have had the privilege of drinking on school property for years. The public will have an opportunity to weigh in on the matter when a public hearing is scheduled later this summer. The Boise City Council will have the ultimate authority on the entire tailgating issue. —George Prentice
8 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly
Supreme Court DOMA ruling inspires Idaho’s same-sex couples CARISSA WOLF Gloria Mayer says she will finally get around to flying her rainbow windsock. A few weeks before the United States Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act— paving the way for equal treatment of legally married same-sex couples under federal law—Mayer told Boise Weekly that she was reluctant to fly the windsock (BW, Feature, “The Patchwork Rainbow,” June 12, 2013). “I’m afraid to,” she told BW. The Pocatello grandmother spoke of her fear as half of a lesbian couple living in a state that does not afford them protection from sexual orientation and gender identitybased discrimination. The fear, she said, cast a blanket of trepidation over the revelation of her identity in the press. As a result, Mayer said she kept the rainbow windsock out of plain sight. That was then. Change has since swept through the lives of the couple and Idahoans across the state. Mayer’s hometown of Pocatello passed a citywide anti-discrimination ordinance in June, joining seven other Idaho cities in granting some form of LGBT anti-discrimination protections. Then the U.S. Supreme Court ruled June 26 that the federal government cannot discriminate against same-sex married couples for the purposes of determining benefits. Now out of the closet, Mayer proudly says she’s still madly in love with the woman she met nearly two decades ago. And neighbors now catch a glimpse of more color as they drive past Mayer’s Pocatello home. “The rainbow windsock hangs along with the wind chimes, just because we can,” Mayer said. The home’s aesthetic isn’t all that’s about to change for Mayer and her partner. The SCOTUS ruling may mean a second wedding ceremony—this time with all the legal pomp that comes with saying “I do,” in the state of Washington. Mayer and her partner were previously wed in a non-legal commitment ceremony in Pocatello. Advocates remind Mayer and other Idahoans they still have a battle to wage for equality on the Idaho homefront. Activists say they’ll return to the Idaho Statehouse in 2014 to, once again, add the words “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” to the Idaho Human Rights Act. “We’re just like [the state legislators],” said Mayer. “We pay the bills, we pick up the kids, we come home. If we’re lucky, we have an hour to watch TV. We’re even boring, just like
Abby Wolford (left) and Heide Harm (right) cautiously celebrate the June 26 SCOTUS decision to divorce the nation from DOMA. Wolford called the landmark ruling “hopeful, but it’s also confusing.”
them.” Even the U.S. Supreme Court’s majority says married same-sex couples are just like every other married couple. “But I still have a lot of questions. I want to know what will happen,” said Heide Harm, who joined her partner, Abby Wolford, at an American Civil Liberties Union SCOTUS ruling celebration dinner on June 27. “It’s hopeful, but it’s also confusing,” Wolford said. The ruling may radically change Wolford and Harm’s life together. They’re planning their future a bit differently—at least when it comes to ceremonies and paperwork. The SCOTUS ruling has the couple thinking about a Washington wedding but leaves them wondering what the marriage certificate would mean once they return home to Boise. “It looks a lot like that Facebook status: ‘It’s complicated,’” Monica Hopkins, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Idaho, told celebrants. “As we work through the decision, the ACLU will untangle more than 1,100 places in federal laws and programs where being married makes a difference—and figure out what that means for same-sex Idahoans who were legally married in some states.” Amid a flurry of questions June 26, celebrants said they held tight to what they called “a deeper meaning” of the Supreme Court’s decisions on DOMA and Proposition 8, clearing the way for same-sex marriage to resume in California. “[The DOMA] ruling is momentous for Edie Windsor and for all the loving, married same-sex couples and their families across the nation,” Hopkins said. “DOMA is the last federal law on the books that mandates discrimination against gay people by the federal government simply because they are gay.” It was a lawsuit, lodged by Windsor, that precipitated the Supreme Court ruling, when
she said the U.S. government failed to recognize her marriage and survivor benefits from her deceased partner, Thea Spyer. The couple met in the early 1960s and married in 2007. Spyer died in 2009 and left all of her property to Windsor, but because the federal government did not recognize same-sex marriages, Windsor was forced to pay $363,000 in estate taxes—a bill that she would not have owed if she were married to a man. “At least to some extent, it’s not complicated: We win,” ACLU of Idaho attorney Ritchie Eppink told couples, advocates and allies June 26. “But just because we win, we do not get to do whatever we want, where we want to,” he said, noting how the DOMA ruling and the more than 1,100 rights and responsibilities impacted by the decision touch the lives of Idahoans depends on how agencies apply the Supreme Court decision. Meanwhile, Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden noted the SCOTUS ruling and ultimate demise of DOMA does not directly impact Idaho law, which—by state constitutional amendment—does not recognize samesex marriage. “Yes, we have a dual sovereign system and in the [SCOTUS] cases that came down, it would not directly affect existing Idaho law,” Hopkins said. “However, it directly affects legally married same-sex couples.” How Idahoans feel about the impact of the DOMA decision depends on what agencies recognize as a valid marriage. The Social Security Administration, for example, has looked to the state laws where a person lives or place of residence as the determinant of a valid marriage. Others, including immigration agencies, have looked to where a couple got married, or place of celebration. Legally married same-sex Idahoans may get access to some, but not all federal rights and 9 benefits. What rights Idahoans enjoy WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
PARKING TWO HOURS ON BOISE STREETS: $4.50? City Preparing to Push Proposal for Saturday Enforcement GEORGE PRENTICE Boise city officials say this summer’s installation of 200 so-called “smart” parking meters—the first wave of more than 800 meters to be installed in the downtown area over a four-year period—are intended to “leverage city resources.” That’s government-speak for collecting more money. Meters currently charge $1 per hour. Officials with the city’s Department of Finance and Administration want to jack that up to $1.50 for the first hour and $3 for a second hour. Now that the first meters have appeared in BODO and around City Hall, city leaders will be asked later this month to approve the higher rates, a transition away from limited free onstreet parking zones toward more meters and, perhaps the most controversial piece of the new strategy, Saturday meter enforcement until 8 p.m. in a downtown square bordered by Myrtle, Jefferson, Fifth and 10th streets. Boise Weekly first reported in late May that the city was anxious to charge more at the new meters (BW, Citydesk, “Boise Officials Look-
Downtown parking meters currently charge $1 per hour. Officials with the Department of Finance and Administration want to jack that up to $1.50 for the first hour and $3 for the second hour.
ing at Possible Charge For Saturday On-Street Parking,” May 22, 2013), in an effort to push more long-term parkers toward six downtown parking garages, owned and operated by the Capital City Development Corporation. As a comparison, if the Department of Finance and Administration has its way, it would cost $4.50 to park for two hours in front of a smart meter, versus $2.50 for two hours in a garage. As for charging Saturday visitors to park on city streets, officials at Finance and Administration are asking the Boise City Council to approve what they call an “Extended Hours of Enforcement Pilot” that would include 26 blocks in Boise’s inner core, bordered by Myrtle, Jefferson, Fifth and 10th streets. The pilot could run as short as six months or as long as a year before city officials measure its success and decide whether to make it permanent.
and what responsibilities they’re now obligated to under law— whether it be estate tax exemptions, marriage penalty taxes, dual 8 income reporting on federal student loan applications or Social Security benefits—still remain somewhat ambiguous as agencies sort out their rules and regulations under the DOMA decision. “That will continue for some time. And I suspect that there will be little battles fought in each of these agencies by various advocacy groups and positions getting them to do X, Y or Z, because when they change their rules, it has to go through a process—including public comment,” Eppink said. Human-rights activists have characterized the SCOTUS rulings as the LBGT civil-rights movement’s equivalent of the Voting Rights Act, Emancipation Proclamation or gathering at Seneca Falls. But they say battles are yet to be won. “As a movement, this was huge,” said former journalist and humanrights advocate Steve Martin, who works as regional development organizer for the Pride Foundation.“But there was this moment where we said, ‘This isn’t over yet. We still have to fight. Idaho should not ignore that we are not going away.’” The contrast between the Supreme Court rulings and the habits of the Idaho Legislature were not lost on attendees of a June 27 celebraWWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
In early June, downtown merchants were given an opportunity to voice their concerns at a sparsely attended public workshop—fewer than 20 people showed up (BW, Citydesk, “Downtown Boise Merchants Weigh In On Smart Meters,” June 7, 2013). “I don’t like the idea of doing it on Saturdays,” Barbara Krogh, owner of Barbara Barbara & Co. told BW. “I think we’re going to see a lot less business.” Dan Balluff, owner of the City Peanut Shop, said he was wasn’t thrilled with the extended enforcement being proposed. “I think it will be a real detriment to business downtown to have extended hours in the evening and on Saturdays,” he said. Nonetheless, city officials are nudging the proposal forward; a City Hall public hearing on the issue is set for Tuesday, July 23.
tion dinner at Boise State’s Smoky Mountain Pizza, the day after the U.S. Supreme Court DOMA ruling. “I have many friends who are gay and here today and I am happy to celebrate with them. I just wish our lawmakers would get on the side of history,” said Linda Grozier. “It’s time to add the words and make marriage legal in all 50 states,” said her same-sex partner, Terry Grozier. “Marriage is one thing, but it’s nice to have housing and a job and feel safe.” Idaho lawmakers have refused to add the words “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” to the Idaho Human Rights Act for seven consecutive years; and, last month, the Idaho GOP voiced its firm opposition to granting non-discrimination protections to Idahoans in a central committee resolution that urged lawmakers to enact legislation that voids municipal nondiscrimination ordinances. Stephanie Steele has endured the wounds of this battle—from the scars of discrimination to the pain of exclusion from her partner’s medical decisions. She sees the SCOTUS rulings as a healing point and a wake-up call. “There is a move within the country toward equality,” she said. “Idaho can drag its feet and be one of the last one to the party, but the party is coming.”
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CALVIN GOINGS On Obamacare, the sequester, immigration reform and being an X-Man GEORGE PRENTICE
Is it fair to say that the No. 1 concern for many small businesses is the implementation of the Affordable Care Act? Here are the numbers that matter: 25, 50 and 100. If you’re a small business with fewer than 25 employees—and that’s the vast majority of businesses—and you voluntarily offer insurance because it’s the right thing to do and to be competitive, there are some new incentives under the ACA. If you’re a small business with 50 or fewer employees, there is absolutely no employer responsibility under the Affordable Care Act. And [beginning in 2015], some businesses with up to 100 employees will be accessing the health insurance exchanges. And the best analogy I can think of for the exchanges is Costco. If you go to a high-end grocery store and buy a dozen eggs, you pay one price point. If you go to Costco, you pay a much different price point when you buy five dozen eggs. These exchanges are designed to create greater purchasing power. Won’t the level of concern only increase between now and October, when those ex-
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changes are supposed to be ready? There is a lot of contradictory information out there. You probably shouldn’t believe everything you hear from talking heads on cable news. Our top priority right now is to tell employers that if you have fewer than 50 employees, there is no—repeat, no—employer responsibility. How does the SBA measure success? As I remember, grimly, what it was like when the Obama administration came into office, we were seeing about 750,000 jobs lost every month. Credit markets were completely frozen and the economy was in a freefall. Fast-forward to today: In the fiscal year which just ended, we had $30 billion in loans to small businesses nationwide and $88 billion in small business procurement contracts. Altogether, through the Recovery Act and the Small Business Jobs Act, we received about $850 million and we turned that into about 150,000 different loans that were worth $73 billion to our economy. That’s not a bad return on investment and that kept small business doors open and shelves stocked.
Eight-year-old William Goings thinks his dad is one of the X-Men. “My son is into comic books,” said Calvin Goings. “And when he sees that I’m the administrator for Region X—and he sees the ‘X’—he thinks that’s the coolest thing ever.” Goings doesn’t have any superpowers, but his agency, the U.S. Small Business Administration, has the power to fuel a significant economic engine: Small businesses—with 50 or fewer employees—make up about 96.5 percent of all American businesses, and that number is closer to 98 percent in Idaho. As regional administrator for Region X, which includes Idaho, Alaska, Oregon and Washington, Goings has helped promote nearly $2 billion in SBA loans and facilitated the award of more than $9 billion in federal procurement contracts.
But isn’t the sequester putting some of that at risk? What kind of shadow does the sequester cast over your agency? It’s estimated that we could lose $400 [million] to $500 million in small business loans and we could see $1 billion less in government contracts to small businesses. That’s huge. The sequester is indiscriminate—no rationale. It’s a meat-cleaver approach. But at best, those cuts will drag the economy, and at worst, it could bring the economy to a screeching halt. The president has said it best: “We don’t need any more self-inflicted wounds.” For those businesses that are still struggling, the best thing we can do is not make silly, indiscriminate, across-the-board cuts that hinder our ability to provide services or loans. The nation has never come this close before to sweeping immigration reform. In addition to the millions of personal lives that hang in the balance, there must be a great deal at stake for small businesses. There is huge potential for all of us through a balanced immigration reform, and there are thousands of entrepreneurs poised to fully enter our economy. They’ll thrive and grow and put our friends and neighbors back to work in the process.
Robert Roman cradles a pale wolf skull in his upturned palm. He does not hate wolves, he says, gripping the hollow eye sockets and turning the bleached bone in his hands. Perhaps God just built the wolf too well. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
Working along the ragged jawline, Roman runs his thumb against the curved point of each tooth, edged almost like knives. “These are for cutting,” he says. “These are for ripping.” With powerful jaws and sharp instincts, wolves prey upon animals many times their size. Long-legged and swift, they run down moose, elk and deer. They tear flesh and crush bone. “That’s a pretty good machine,” he says to the skull. “With the teeth and the strength and the size, they’re good at what they do.”
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A 54-year-old logger and hunter from rural Post Falls, Roman has long wrested his living from the land. As wolves move back into Idaho—competing for scarce elk in some Panhandle regions—he has set out against his fellow predator. Roman says he took this skull from his first wolf in 2011. Since then, 16 more wolves have fallen into his traps and snares. While thousands of Idaho hunters have stalked wolves over three recent seasons, just a few hundred have succeeded. Roman has likely claimed more than any other hunter or trapper in the state. Since man first sought to break the wolf, the howling beast has stirred fear and mysticism. They haunt our fairy tales and folklore. They’re held as a symbol of the American West. The untamable dog, canis lupus, feels both familiar and foreign, a best friend to some and a savage enemy to others. “People talk about their little dogs and things,” Roman says. “These aren’t little dogs, these are wolves—whole different ball game.” Wiped out by settlers in the early 1900s, modern researchers spent more than two decades returning the gray wolf to the Northern Rocky Mountain areas of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Now numbering as many as 2,500, wolves have split the region along bitter battle lines as states have expanded hunting and environmentalists have repeatedly sued to continue recovery efforts. A new fight now looms between wolf advocates, game managers, ranchers, conservationists and hunters: After nearly 50 years on the Endangered Species List, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in June proposed removing federal protections for gray wolves nationwide. Jim Hayden, a regional wildlife manager with Idaho Fish and Game, says no other creature provokes as much passion or incites as much controversy: “I’ve never met a more polarizing issue in my entire career than the wolf.” In the high mountain country of North Idaho, gray wolves have roamed the pinetopped ridges and steep river drainages of the Coeur d’Alene Mountains for thousands of years. On a recent morning, Hayden steers his mud-splattered Fish and Game truck up a narrow dirt road near Bumblebee Peak, about 15 miles north of Kingston. Hayden, who has managed the Panhandle region since 1991, plans to check a game camera set up to monitor a wolf “rendezvous site” from last year. “This is the territory of the Bumblebee Pack,” he says, his tires rumbling over the washed-out ruts. When settlers first took hold in Idaho, they declared war on the wolf, eventually wiping them out through intense hunting and the use of poison. Researchers believe the last Idaho wolves died off in the 1930s. Public opinion shifted in the 1960s and ’70s with the introduction of the Endangered Species Act, which listed wolves as protected. By the 1980s, a few wolves had started to wander back into Idaho from Canada. Federal wildlife officials jump-started wolf recovery in 1996 with a widely publicized transplant of 66 wolves into Yel-
lowstone National Park and Central Idaho. Within two years, the 35 wolves in Idaho had increased to 115. Hayden says wolf numbers have continued to rise, passing all recovery benchmarks in 2002. With a rapid reproduction rate of about 29 percent a year, the wolf population has doubled every three years. Idaho wildlife officials listed a minimum population of 683 wolves at the end of 2012, but Hayden says that number can nearly double in peak summer months. Officials count more than 2,500 wolves throughout the entire Northern Rocky Mountain region at peak times. In Washington state, biologists have watched closely as local wolf populations have ticked up in recent years. Wildlife managers most recently counted at least 51 wolves in 10 confirmed packs, mostly in the far northeast corner of the state. Hayden excitedly checks the memory card from the game camera. It has captured a bobcat, a curious elk and two wolves— one less than 24 hours gone. He scouts the surrounding areas and finds a set of prints in the broken mud. “We’re getting closer to them,” he says. Wolves have had many successes. They have bucked expectations and brought new attention to wildlife preservation efforts. But hunters have been quick to blame wolves for declining elk numbers in some areas of the state. As Hayden rounds a curve up a new ridge, he hits the brakes. He’s spotted something in the road. “That’s interesting,” he says. Covered in delicate fur, the tiny severed leg of a newborn elk calf rests in the dirt.
From behind a chain-link fence, the howling starts high, rolls off and then fades into a lonesome moan. Soon others join in the call, wails rising and overlapping as Nancy Taylor visits her wolf pens. Blonde and soft-spoken, Taylor owns Wolf People, a wolf habitat and education center just off Highway 95 south of Sandpoint. The center keeps 23 adult wolves and four young pups in several enclosures. “I’m kind of the mama of the pack,” she says with a laugh. As many as 100 people a day visit the Wolf People center to learn about wolf behavior, history and recovery efforts. They can take up-close photos with the animals. A souvenir store stocks wolf T-shirts, wolf ties, shot glasses and postcards. Fluffy stuffed animals sit on the shelves. Tribal music with soft drums and flute plays over the stereo. Taylor opened Wolf People about 20 years ago, shortly after moving to the area from Arizona. She says she started with wolf-dog hybrids, but quickly acquired several pure wolves to better share her passion for the animal with others. “It is the true goal of Wolf People to show the beautiful, loving, intelligent side of the wolf,” she says, “to do away with the snarling monsters that the news media makes them out to be.” Taylor joins thousands of other conservationists still fighting to end wolf hunting in Idaho and other states. An old arctic wolf named Waka nuzzles against her leg as she invites her visitors to observe and interact with her wolves. “Wolves are extremely misunderstood,” she says. “We’re trying to show that they are
not the aggressive animals. They’re really very peaceful, loving animals.” Suzanne Stone, Rocky Mountain and Northwest field representative with Defenders of Wildlife, argues that returning wolves make many important contributions to Idaho habitats. “Wolves have been an integral part of our ecosystem,” she says. Wolves help keep ungulates such as deer and elk from overgrazing vegetation, she says. They also “test” animals before attacking prey, helping nature weed out older or weaker animals. With individual states creating different rules for protecting or killing wolves, Stone says the federal government should continue providing some national guidelines. She says wolves don’t recognize state boundaries. “It’s really apparent in some states … that wolves need help,” she says. Stepping inside a second wolf pen, Taylor crouches to pet Mohawk, brushing his thick coat and stroking his shoulders. Passing another nearby enclosure, Taylor presses her face up against the fence to let a young wolf lick her chin. “I just love them,” she says. “They’re like my best friends and my family.”
Hayden snaps on a pair of latex gloves before kneeling to examine the severed calf leg. It looks just a few days old. No signs of where it may have been killed. With a sigh, he tosses the leg off the side of the road. Many Idaho hunters hold wolves responsible for recent declines in the elk population. Hayden argues elk numbers depend on the size of the area you’re looking at. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
He says statewide elk counts have remained healthy, but he acknowledges some specific regions have seen an impact from additional wolf kills. “Most of it’s tied to calf recruitment—not enough calves surviving—and a primary factor there is predation,” he admits. “One of the points people miss is that it’s predation as a whole, not necessarily just wolf predation.” Bears, mountain lions and coyotes also kill their share of elk, he says. Deterioration of some habitat—aging forest stands and areas damaged by recent severe winters—has also chipped away at the elk population. But wolves have caught almost all of the backlash. Crossing into a new drainage, Hayden waves to a hunter in a cowboy hat, asking if he has seen any game. The hunter says he had spotted a couple of promising moose, but he fears the wolves will kill them off by hunting season. “I’ve been hunting up here for 30 years and the last three years have been the worst I’ve ever seen,” the man says. Wildlife officials report about 28 percent of wolf packs have also been involved in some kind of attack on domestic livestock. While advocates emphasize wolves account for only a minuscule number of livestock deaths each year, officials report wolves killed 194 cattle, 470 sheep, six dogs, three horses and one llama throughout the Northern Rocky Mountain region in 2012. The U.S. Wildlife Services, which kills problem wolves in “control actions,” responded by shooting or trapping 231 wolves last year, 73 of those in Idaho. Stone, with Defenders of Wildlife, says the organization has partnered with ranchers and farmers to implement non-lethal strategies for keeping wolves away from livestock. The group’s Wood River Wolf Project has used range riders, dogs, cameras and other strategies to keep out wolves, losing just four sheep out of 27,000 in 2012. “There’s lots of things people can do,” she says. After surpassing wolf recovery goals in 2002, Idaho held its first wolf hunt in 2009. Wildlife groups sued to block additional hunts, but in 2011, Idaho again opened up wolf hunting. The state sold 43,280 wolf tags that season, with hunters harvesting 375 wolves. Hayden says public hunting and trapping has served as the primary means of controlling the wolf population. Recent numbers show Idaho sportsmen killed 319 wolves this past season. An annual report says the state’s wolf population dropped 11 percent in 2012, after hunting, control actions and other mortalities. When wildlife officials noticed elk numbers falling by more than 70 percent in the Avery area earlier this year, Hayden says Fish and Game took the extra step of calling in an experienced trapper, Post Falls’ Roman, to further reduce local wolf numbers. “[We needed to] remove a few predators to try to keep that elk herd … from just being wiped out entirely,” Hayden says, “so we hired him to go in there for a month just to see what he could do.” Crouching in the warm dust, Roman braces his foot against the jaws of his Minnesota Brand-750 wolf trap. He wrenches back the springs and locks the trap open. An anchor chain dangles from the trap as he sets the pressure on the trigger pan. Now it’s WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
ready to go. Roman comes across as a man confident in his hands and his values. He started trapping as a boy in St. Maries, Idaho. Back then, he often caught coyotes. He says he quit for many years, until 2011, when the state authorized the trapping of wolves. “I’m a wolf lover. I love to trap ’em,” he chuckles. “But I wouldn’t want ’em gone either.” Roman says wolves present a unique challenge, a chance to go up against a cagey predator and help protect elk herds at the same time. He has proven a quick study, taking a wolf trapping class before the 2011 season and rapidly racking up more than a dozen catches. In the 2011-12 season, while 286 Idaho hunters took a wolf, just six individuals
claimed more than three kills for the year. Roman bagged seven. “That comes from being observative out there,” he says. “You spend a lot of time out in the wild and see where they’re going, what they’re doing.” Trapping of any kind involves predicting the future, watching what an animal did yesterday and then foreseeing what it will do tomorrow. It’s also about rigging the odds, narrowing your prey’s options. Roman uses bait and lure to draw them in close. “We want to funnel him in to check out that spot,” he explains. “Out of the thousands of acres where he puts his foot, we want him to put it right there.” Roman works with a combination of steel traps and snares. A typical trap snaps around a wolf’s paw, pinching tight without
breaking skin or bone, he says. It holds the wolf until he can kill it. A snare, meanwhile, involves a hanging cable loop that catches around a wolf’s neck as it runs through the snare. The loop slips closed and locks, strangling the animal within minutes. Trappers must check their sets every three days by state law. Roman spends the hunting season busily running from trap site to trap site. Between traps, fuel, vehicle maintenance and other expenses, a single wolf often costs more than $1,000. “You’re not going to make money at it,” he says. “It’s a hobby-type thing.” Roman says he sold one wolf pelt for $350. He’s given the rest to his sons and other family members. He mostly traps for the sport of it, and for the chance to even the
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odds for the elk he also enjoys hunting. “The game is pushed back up into pretty tough country already to make a living,” he says. “Then we dumped the wolves on top of them and it’s kind of unfair for them. … So I suppose I try to balance it out a bit.”
Graphic photos of gutted horses and mauled family pets dominate anti-wolf websites and social media pages. Slogans like “The only good wolf is a dead wolf” and “Smoke a pack a day” plaster hunting forums and Facebook pages. Alternatively, wolf advocacy sites often promote romantic notions of wolves as spiritual beings, sharing photos of fuzzy pups or hand-painted artwork of majestic howling companions. Debate can turn vicious on both sides. Hunters mock pictures of dead wolves while wolf conservationists curse hunters as hateful and ignorant. Comments rapidly escalate to death threats. “I hope you all have a happy hunting accident very soon, you sacks of useless fat shit,” one pro-wolf commenter recently taunted on the “Kill the Wolves” Facebook page. With its June 7 announcement, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed the scaling back down of federal protections for gray wolves, and both camps have rallied for the next battle. Mike Jimenez, a wolf management and science coordinator for USFWS, says officials expect to receive heated feedback on the issue. “Anything to do with wolves is controversial,” he says. Federal delisting would return all wolf management responsibilities to the individual states. Each state would submit a management plan and limit their wolf populations as they chose. Federal officials would continue to monitor the numbers for at least five years to make sure the recovery was sustainable. “We think wolves have been very successful in the Northern Rocky Mountains,” Jimenez says. “The population’s grown dramatically year after year. It’s robust. It’s stable.” Jimenez says USFWS plans to collect public comment for 90 days and spend the next year developing a final rule for a potential delisting. Jamie Rappaport Clark, president of Defenders of Wildlife, voiced disappointment over the USFWS plan to abandon wolves just as they had started to make progress. She says wolves still need support to expand into wilderness areas of Colorado, California and Utah. “Having just a few thousand wolves in the Northern Rockies … is a far cry from what many of us envisioned for gray wolf recovery when we embarked on this ambitious conservation effort nearly two decades ago,” she says in a statement. “Though wolf recovery has made significant progress so far, that is not an excuse to give up now when the job is only half done.” Stone says Defenders of Wildlife has started gathering testimony from biologists opposing the delisting. Tony McDermott, the Panhandle region commissioner for Idaho Fish and Game, blames overzealous conservation efforts for
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much of the public backlash against wolves. He says environmental groups have hijacked the Endangered Species Act and repeatedly sued to delay wolf hunting, allowing the population to grow unchecked. “They’re beautiful animals,” he says. “They look at you with these cold steely eyes … but unless they’re controlled, they are a problem.” Public hunting and trapping have struggled to keep wolf numbers under control, he says. He expects the state will be forced to open longer seasons and approve more proactive wolf killings to prevent the predators from overwhelming the Panhandle region. “You have to kill wolves to save wolves,” he says.
Driving into the Lightning Creek drainage east of Lake Pend Oreille, Scott Rockholm curses the wolves he says have driven the elk from his favorite hunting area. The Sandpoint-area sportsman, barrel-chested and outspoken, calls the federal reintroduction of wolves a “criminal enterprise.” “Nobody cared about our heritage and what we loved,” he says. “It was the rest of the nation, mostly urban areas, who forced this whole thing on us.” After scouring public records and interviewing dozens of officials, Rockholm argues wildlife managers broke their own regulations when they transplanted wolves into the state in the mid-’90s. He alleges they also misused public funding to pay for the effort. “I want the truth out there,” he says. “They did not have the permits. … They basically took a diseased animal and dumped it on our environment.”
Rockholm has started a group called Save Western Wildlife to spread information about the impact of wolves throughout the region. He travels with a rifle and videography gear, filming wolf kills and wildlife meetings for an upcoming documentary on the issue. On one filming mission a few years ago, Rockholm discovered a fresh elk kill in a narrow Montana creek valley. As he started recording the scene, he says, he noticed shadows flitting between the trees. Before he knew it, he found himself surrounded by as many as eight wolves. “It scared the crap out of me,” he says. Rockholm says he drew his .45-caliber handgun and fired off several warning shots, emptying two magazines as he nervously climbed out of the valley. At one point, he recorded an emotional good-bye into his camera in case he didn’t make it home. “I didn’t even have the mindset, by the time I got to my truck, to get out the rifle and start blazing away,” he says. “All I could think of was get in my truck, get out of there as fast as I could, as far away as I could, and call my wife.” Rockholm says he no longer lets his children play outside unsupervised. He argues wolves have pushed elk and deer out of the hills and closer to towns. He believes the wolves will follow close behind. “I don’t go anywhere without a gun,” he says now. “Never. Anywhere out in the woods. Never. Not fishing. Not even to go pick huckleberries.” With fears of encroachment and growing frustrations over elk numbers, some Idaho hunters have joined a private group called the Foundation for Wildlife Management. The group has started a bounty-like reward
system to pay hunters up to $500 for each wolf they kill. “Wolves cannot be managed by politicians or biologists,” the foundation site states. “They cannot be managed in a conference room or in the media. Wolves can only be managed by people with boots in the dirt.” Rockholm says he’s tired of environmentalists manipulating emotions to distort the debate on wolves. He believes hunters and conservationists share interests in a healthy ecosystem, but that may require fewer wolves. “Every wolf I see from now on I will kill dead,” he says. “And I’ve gotten to be pretty good at what I do.”
Two fluffy-coated wolf pups scamper into Taylor’s lap as she settles onto her porch at the Wolf People center. The soft gray pups tumble over each other, chasing their tails and rolling in the grass. “It’s such a political issue,” Taylor says. “A lot of it, I believe, is driven out of fear. People don’t know and understand wolves.” Curious little noses sniff at the ground as the pups explore the yard. They’re only a couple months old, but soon Taylor will introduce them to the rest of the pack. “The Native Americans refer to wolves as ‘teachers of life’ and that’s exactly what they are,” she says. “I’ve learned so much from the wolves.” Taylor says the center has grown far beyond her initial expectations. Her staff now offers educational outreach programs to schools and regional businesses. She hopes WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
the young pups will help future generations better accept wolves. “We’re always trying to reach the children,” she says. “It’s the children who will decide the fate of the wolf in the future.” With the proposed delisting on the horizon, Taylor says she hopes wolves were not brought back to the American West just to be slaughtered again. She smiles as the pack begins howling again. Wolves are powerful communicators, she says. They can share their joy and fear and pain. If you howl, a nearby wolf will often howl back to you. Taylor drinks in their deep moans like music. “Good boy. Good girl,” she says, before joining in their call, baying alongside them at the sky.
Roman squints against the June afternoon sun, looking across the pasture to his small herd of bison grazing in the dry grass. Ranchers and farmers have always managed their livestock as needed. They brand them. They butcher them. “The spring work that ranchers do with cattle, that isn’t for everyone,” he says. “But that’s something we do as human beings. It’s the same with trapping wolves.” People brought wolves back into Idaho, so people should take responsibility for the impacts, Roman says. They can’t just walk away from their role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. “A lot of people talk like humans are aliens to the planet or something,” he says, “but there’s a master plan and humans are a big part of it. We’re here. Wolves are here. We’re going to get along, but we’re
also going to utilize them and manage them. “Everything that God made has its purpose,” he adds. “Even humans.” With his rust-worn steel traps slung over a nearby pine branch, Roman turns the wolf skull in his hands. He wouldn’t have brought back wolves, he says, but he doesn’t think they need to be exterminated again. He says Idaho Fish and Game has a big job ahead balancing wolf preservation and management. Up in the Coeur d’Alene Mountains, Hayden drives across another ridgeline, searching for any recent signs of wolves. North America, throughout Alaska and Canada, maintains thousands of wolves. The numbers in the lower 48 continue to grow each season. “As a species, the wolves are just fine,” he says. “Most people don’t realize … wolves have the second largest distribution of any mammal in the world. Only man exceeds their distribution. So as a species, they’re very healthy.” While wolves likely will dominate the rest of his career, Hayden hopes their recovery will eventually reach a point where environmentalists don’t fear their extinction and hunters don’t resent their presence. “That’s the brass ring that’s out there in the fog somewhere.” At the top of a bluff, Hayden pulls over and steps out to the edge of the overlook. He cups his hands around his mouth, draws a deep breath and lets out a long, solitary howl. He listens hard, his ear against the wind, but receives no answer. This story first appeared in June 19, 2013, edition of The Pacific Northwest Inlander.
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BOISEvisitWEEKLY PICKS boiseweekly.com for more events PATR IC K S W EENEY
Hot July nights bring hot racing action.
Auto garage, turned coffee shop turns into a crafters paradise.
speed racer
arts SUMMER CRAFT MARKET Just what constitutes art and what is considered craft can be argued at length by people who aren’t afraid to wield a paintbrush or a hot glue gun. Crafts are usually looked down on like the underachieving cousin of the family, but in the right hands, crafts can make Aunt Martha’s colorfully painted gourd look like it belongs in a folk art museum. Need proof? Head to Nampa on Friday, July 12, when Flying M Coffeegarage is refusing to unleash the Pandora’s Box of DIY mediocrity on an unsuspecting public and is instead showing off the artistry of the pros. The Super Summer Craft Market will fill the Coffeegarage’s downtown Nampa parking lot with booths featuring local artists and seasoned crafters. Shoppers can indulge their desire for original art by Tierra Studios, home fragrances from The Sweet Home, fused glass from Surly Mermaid, original screenprinted T-shirts and apparel by Fawn and Foal, and hemp jewelry from Idaho Hemp Works, among other creations. While patrons are satisfying their hunger for handcrafted masterpieces, they can also satisfy cravings of a more ravenous nature thanks to local food trucks, including Saint Lawrence Gridiron. Unlike past years, this year’s market will take place in the evening and segue into the Nampa Art Walk to further showcase local businesses and artists. While the art vs. craft debate may never be settled, the two sides will declare a truce for at least one night. 4-9 p.m. FREE. Flying M Coffeegarage, 1314 Second St., Nampa, 208-467-5533, flyingmcoffee.com.
FRIDAYSATURDAY JULY 12-13 hosed down EAGLE FUN DAYS There are few opportunities to consume bull
testicles, get sprayed by a firetruck and watch a brilliant fireworks display in the course of one day—but if that happens to be on your bucket list, get ready to cross off an item. Eagle’s annual celebration of summer, Eagle Fun Days, brings family friendly activities to town Friday, July 12-Saturday, July 13.
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Things get going on Friday at 4 p.m., when food and drink vendors set up shop. Opening ceremonies begin at 6:30 p.m. in Harrison Park with live music and a food court. Stuff your belly and check out the sounds of local group iRock as you relax in the summer air. The day gets started when vendor booths open at
Bicycles might be a common sight along Boise’s thoroughfares, but cyclists rarely get to let loose and tear down busy streets without risking personal injury or a warning from the police. But going as fast as possible on two wheels is the entire point of Boise’s Twilight Criterium, which returns Saturday, July 13, bringing with it some of the top road racers in the world. Watch as a peloton of bikers zip along a closed circuit through downtown Boise. Behold as the virtuosos speed ahead, ripping around corners at breakneck speed and cross your fingers there aren’t any devastating wipeouts. Pick a favorite team and observe its progress throughout the afternoon and remember: The winning team isn’t necessarily the one with that lone, standout rider. If you’re looking to gin up cycling enthusiasm with the kids, grab bikes and pedal downtown at 1 p.m. for a chance to meet Boise native and Olympic gold medalist Kristin Armstrong and register to let the kids take advantage of a chance to ride with her beginning at 2:30 p.m. The sponsors’ marketplace opens on Main Street between Ninth and 10th streets at 2 p.m., but racing action begins at 3:15 p.m. on the course, which extends in a loop from Bannock to Grove streets, and Ninth to 10th streets. Racers take off in various categories throughout the day, with the final race of the day starting at 8:15 p.m. An awards ceremony at 10 p.m. will conclude the event, and cash prizes up to $1,500 will be handed out to competition winners and top finishers in each event. Kids Ride, 2:30 p.m.; racing, 3:15 p.m. FREE. Downtown Boise, boisetwilightcriterium.com.
10:30 a.m., followed by live entertainment at Heritage Park at 11:30 a.m. But the real highlight of the festival begins at 2 p.m., when the Wet and Wild Parade hits the streets of downtown Eagle with an army’s worth of squirt guns and a chance to get hosed down by the city’s firetruck. Play it safe and wear something you don’t mind getting soaked. The parade begins at Iron Eagle Drive and Old State Street and continues west on Old State Street. If getting soaked in the summer sun ignites your
appetite for nontraditional eats, head to Merrill Park for the Eagle Fire Department’s annual Rocky Mountain Oyster Feed from 5-10 p.m. Tickets cost $20 for adults or $10 for kids for all-youcan-eat bovine privates in true Wild West fashion. After gorging on bull cojones, head back to Heritage Park to catch a concert, then cap off the day with a fireworks display at dusk. Friday, July 12, 4 p.m.; Saturday, July 13, 11:30 a.m-dusk. FREE-$20. Downtown Eagle, 208-939-4222, eaglechamber.com.
SATURDAY JULY 13 tunes THE BENCH MUSICAL READING Boise has always been known as something of a time warp—a place that often finds itself, in various ways, at least a decade behind the rest of the nation. But now, a new musical production is pushing fast-forward by premiering its new work in the Treasure Valley WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Open air aromatherapy.
Ride ’em cowboy.
Ahh, lavender. The pleasingly pungent purple plant that was once just your grandmother’s perfume has been elevated to a homeopathic heavyweight—the stuff is understood to promote calm and relaxation—and a culinary colossus, making its way into ice cream, cheeses and even the venerable marshmallow. You’ve got to wonder how that would taste in a s’more. Celebrating the flower’s meteoric rise to fame, Lakeside Lavender Farm in Nampa is holding its annual You-Cut Festival Saturday, July 13, and Sunday, July 14, with vendors, classes and the chance to harvest some of the 1,500 plants in bloom at the farm. As well as the eponymous plant—available for $6 per bundle—the festival also features face painting, handcrafted books, bags, jewelry and pottery, plus live music from Michael Cappel. Nampa’s Brick 29 Bistro will offer gourmet lavender lunches, with Joe to U dispensing espresso, tea and Italian sodas. You can also bring along some food to donate to the Idaho Foodbank as part of the Festival Food Drive. If you can drag yourself out of bed at the crack of dawn, Yoga 430 will lead a crowd in the downward dog and morning crescent within sniffing distance of the fields from 8-9 a.m. both days. Those who want to test their photography skills can capture the expansive fields in full bloom before the cutting begins during a special photography day on Thursday, July 11, from sunrise to sunset. Other classes during the You-Cut event include wand making (to keep in your drawers and cupboards, rather than to battle Voldemort), a guide to utilizing lavender oils and cooking demonstrations. Maybe they’ll do some of those marshmallows. 4-9 p.m. FREE. Lakeside Lavender Farm, 1003 W. Locust Lane, Nampa, 208-466-0523, lakesidelavender.com.
before (hopefully) heading to larger towns. A staged reading of The Bench—Journey into Love will take over the Nampa Civic Center Saturday, July 13, giving audiences a chance to get ahead of pop culture for once. This family friendly musical recounts unconventional tales of love and family
values as told by narrators Fate and Destiny. Tituss Burgess—known for his role as the flamboyant D’Fwan on 30 Rock—plays the role of Fate, while Destiny is embodied by New York-based vocalist Angela Birchett. The two walk audiences through critical times in the lives of The Bench’s characters to prove that love is more than
It’s time to git on yer horse and drink yer milk—at least until the bronco throws you mercilessly to the ground. If your only experience of rodeo is a drunken attempt on Dirty Little Roddy’s mechanical bull, saddle up and head to Nampa’s Idaho Center to witness the real thing, as the Snake River Stampede returns for its 98th year of hurling professional cowboys into the dust. The Stampede evolved from its roots as a local buck show around Horseshoe Bend to become one of the premier rodeo events in the country, boasting a $400,000 payoff. It regularly attracts world champions to pit their roping and riding skills against bulls, steers, saddled and bareback broncs, and other angry beasts of burden. Other rodeo events include steer wrestling, barrel racing and team and tie-down roping. Even the kids can get involved with junior events like the calf scramble or mutton busting. Rodeo week kicks off Saturday, July 13, with a parade through Nampa beginning at 11 a.m. Get up early for the Buck-A-Roo Breakfast from 7-10 a.m. Monday, July 15, and Tuesday, July 16, for $5 per person. Rodeo action gets going Tuesday, July 16, and continues through Saturday, July 20, with nightly shows beginning at 7:30 p.m., as well as a noon matinee on Saturday. Parade: Saturday, July 13, 11 a.m. FREE, downtown Nampa; Buck-A-Roo Breakfast, Monday, July 15-Tuesday, July 16, 7-10 a.m., $5, Idaho Center; Rodeo, Tuesday, July 16-Saturday, July 20, gates 5:30 p.m., show 7:30 p.m., Saturday matinee, gates 10:30 a.m., show noon. $11-$34. Idaho Center, 16200 N. Idaho Center Blvd., Nampa, 208468-1000, snakeriverstampede.com.
just attraction. While it is a staged reading and not a full production, the performance features dancers from Idaho Dance Theater, Ballet Idaho, Off Center Dance and the Boise Dance Co-op, who will perform under the musical direction of jazz pianist Chuck Smith. Audiences will have two chances to catch the produc-
Globally conscious hipsters with a barren shoe rack will soon have the perfect thing to fill the void. California shoe company Toms—best known for its Argentinean-inspired alpargata canvas slip-ons—has collaborated on a collection of kicks with Seattle-based label $58-$69. toms.com/sub-pop-shoes Sub Pop (which launched Nirvana and, more recently, New Zealand’s folk-pop/geek-rock export Flight of the Conchords) for the alt-rock label’s 25th anniversary. The limited-edition collection features men’s Paseo lace-ups in gray, and Classic slip-ons in navy (for the guys) and red (for the gals), branded with Sub Pop’s logo. Along with the shoes, buyers will get a download sampler album of Sub Pop’s current signings, featuring a variety of new and rare tracks from Shabazz Palaces, Mudhoney, Father John Misty, Pissed Jeans, METZ, Shearwater and King Tuff. They’ll also contribute to Toms’ nonprofit One for One project, with the company donating a pair of canvas shoes for each pair sold to children in need across 50 countries. The shoes went on sale online July 1. To try them on before you buy them, you’ll have to head over to Seattle and pop into either the Nordstrom’s or Sub Pop’s Silver Jubilee celebration in Seattle’s Georgetown neighborhood Saturday, July 13. —Chris Grapes
tion, with shows at 2:30 pm. and 8 p.m., and $1 of every advance ticket sold will be donated to the Boise Public Schools Education Foundation to help support music education in public schools. 2:30 p.m. and 8 p.m., $25, Nampa Civic Center, Brandt Auditorium, 311 Third St. S., Nampa, 208-4678011, thebenchmusical. com.
an event by e-mail to calendar@boiseweekly.com. Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.
BOISEweekly | JULY 10–16, 2013 | 17
WEDNESDAY JULY 10 On Stage COMPANY OF FOOLS PRESENTS: OTHER DESERT CITIES—In this family drama, Brooke Wyeth uncovers a family secret that might destroy her kin. 7 p.m. $10-$35. Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main St., Hailey, 208578-9122, companyoffools.org.
Food & Drink DATE NIGHT AT CORKSCREWS—Enjoy live music and your date gets a free drink. 7-9 p.m. FREE. Corkscrews Wine Shop and Pub, 729 N. Main St., Meridian, 208-888-4049, corkscrewswineshop.com.
Odds & Ends BOISE TALENT SHOW—Put your talent on stage, whatever it is. The only acts discouraged are bands that have already played a show, acts involving nudity, flames or potential danger to the audience. 7:30 p.m. $3 donation. The Red Room Tavern, 1519 W. Main St., Boise, 208331-0956, redroomboise.com.
Kids & Teens KIDS EXPERIENCE—A science and art program for children ages 6 and older held in The Secret Garden. 3 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208-472-2941, notaquietlibrary.org. MR. PATRICK’S WORKSHOP— Young designers, inventors and engineers bring their creations to life with Legos. Bring a shoebox of your own or some will be provided for you. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Ada Community Library, 10664 W. Victory Road, Boise, 208-3620181, adalib.org.
Odds & Ends BIOTZETIK BASQUE CHOIR— No Basque language skills necessary, just singing. Call 208853-0678 or email averquiaga@ hotmail.com for more info. 6 p.m. FREE. Bishop Kelly High School, 7009 W. Franklin Road, Boise, 208-853-0678, biotzetikbasquechoir.org. LATIN NIGHTS—Instructors Tabish L. Romario and Becca Towler teach salsa, bachata and Brazilian zouk lessons followed by social dancing at 9 p.m. 7:30-11 p.m. $5. The Press, 212 N. Ninth St., Ste. B, Boise, 208-336-9577.
18 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly
Sara M. Bruner imbues Mrs. Lovett (center right) with wild-eyed intensity.
SWEENEY TODD DELIGHTS WITH BLOOD, BONDAGE AND BELLY LAUGHS Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street opens with a chorus of singers, their faces painted and eyebrows arched, waxing on the musical’s titular character, who sends his victims “to their maker impeccably shaved.” This bit of wit sets the tone for the enigmatic Todd—played with gusto by Tom Ford in Idaho Shakespeare Festival’s production of the musical—whose drive for vengeance is transmuted to comedy by irony in this charming rendition. Stephen Sondheim’s musical centers on a barber sentenced to exile when his wife becomes an object of lust for Judge Turpin (Darren Matthias). When the barber returns, he assumes the name of Sweeney Todd, vows revenge and shacks Sweeney Todd runs through up with the unbalanced (and unSunday, Sept. 1. successful) meat pie chef Mrs. IDAHO SHAKESPEARE Lovett (Sara M. Bruner). FESTIVAL The plot thickens when it is 5657 Warm Springs Ave. revealed that Todd’s daughter, 208-336-9221 Johanna, is the betrothed of idahoshakespeare.org the sneering Turpin; that Todd’s only friend, Anthony Hope, is in love with Johanna; and that Todd’s rival and would-be blackmailer, Adolfo Pirelli, has been given a Columbian necktie, leading to the dubious innovation of a chute, through which Todd slides his victims down to a bakery where Mrs. Lovett processes them into the best meat pies in London. It’s all executed with a tip of a hat, and many artful quips and puns that won belly laughs from the audience. The music, though not something one would want a significant other humming around the house, is lively and catchy, while the lyrics explore Todd and Lovett’s ghastly enterprise. Ford and Bruner make a hell of a team. Ford’s despondent visage puckers into a glower by the second act while Bruner’s wild-eyed infatuation evolves into romantic desperation and insanity. Their gallows humor is livened by a blindness to their respective singular devotions and a large and kinetic cast. But the highlight of ISF’s Sweeney Todd is the props: Todd’s shining, silver-handled straight razor and his plush, red barber’s chair that pushes his victims down a chute into Lovett’s bake house. Add to that buckets of blood and gore, a guffaw-inducing portrait of Todd and Lovett and a basement meat grinder oozing pink human sludge, and the macabre mood is set. The vibe also gets a healthy dose of darkness with Charlotte Yetman’s costumes, resplendent with leather bondage-esque attire and glimmering surfaces. Sweeney Todd is still a tragedy: The machine that sends the corpses to the kitchen ultimately reveals the horror of Todd, Lovett and Turpin’s respective monomanias. But the tragedy of the ending didn’t dampen the ISF audience, which was thrust out of its seats for applause when the cast took its bow opening night. —Harrison Berry WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
THURSDAY JULY 11 Festivals & Events AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY DAY—Photograph thousands of lavender plants. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE. Lakeside Lavender Farm, 1003 W. Locust Lane, Nampa, 208-466-0523, lakesidelavender.com.
SMART PLANTS WITH AMY NACK AND RACHEL MURPHY—This class includes wine tasting, cheeses and artist-led projects in needle felting and print making. Participants uncover the world of the Boise River watershed’s plant life, then delve into a plant-based art form. 6:30-8:30 p.m. FREE. Boise WaterShed, 11818 W. Joplin Road, Boise, 208-489-1284, cityofboise.org/bee/watershed.
On Stage
COMPANY OF FOOLS PRESENTS: OTHER DESERT CITIES—See Wednesday. 7 p.m. $10-$35. Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main St., Hailey, 208-5789122, companyoffools.org.
GREGORY LIEFER—The author of Aviation Mysteries of the North reads, signs and discusses his book, which details anomalies such as the disappearance of two U.S. congressmen. 6 p.m. FREE. Rediscovered Books, 180 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-376-4229, rdbooks.org.
MUNDEK CLEMENT STEIN’S COMEDY SHOWCASE—8 p.m. FREE. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, liquidboise.com.
Food & Drink BEER AND WINE TASTINGS— Sample a rotating selection of European wines and beers. 5-8 p.m. $10. Tres Bonne Cuisine, 6555 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-658-1364, tresbonnescuisine.com.
SHEEP SAFELY GRAZE— Freelance writer Wendy Green discusses folklorist Louie Attebery’s Sheep May Safely Graze. Copies of the book are available for purchase. 6 p.m. FREE. Boise Public Library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-384-4200, boisepubliclibrary.org.
FRIDAY JULY 12 Festivals & Events EAGLE FUN DAYS— Spend the afternoon in downtown Eagle for art, music and entertainment. See Picks, Page 16. 4 p.m. FREE, eaglechamber.com. Downtown Eagle, eaglechamber.com. KETCHUM ARTS FESTIVAL— Local and Idaho artists, chefs, brewmeisters and musicians gather for this summer tradition. A free kids activity tent. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Festival Meadows, Sun Valley Road, Ketchum, 208-309-1960, ketchumartsfestival.com. LAKESIDE LAVENDER FESTIVAL—See Thursday. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. FREE. Lakeside Lavender Farm, 1003 W. Locust Lane, Nampa, 208-466-0523, lakesidelavender.com. NAMPA ART WALK—Featuring new artists showcasing work in downtown Nampa businesses. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Downtown Nampa, 12th Avenue and First Street, Nampa. POOL PARTY—Featuring DJs from WILD 101.1 FM for music, prizes and giveaways. 9-10:30 p.m. FREE. Borah Pool, 801 Aurora, Boise, 208-375-8373. SUPER SUMMER EVENING CRAFT MARKET—Join local artisans, artists and food trucks for Nampa’s Second Friday Art Walk. See Picks, Page 16. 4-9 p.m. FREE. Flying M Coffeegarage, 1314 Second St. S., Nampa, 208-467-5533, flyingmcoffee.com.
On Stage THE CLONE PEOPLE—A suspense thriller about Hollywood actors with a surprise ending. Drinks served 45 minutes before curtain. 8 p.m. $15-$20. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise, 208385-0021, kedproductions.org. COMPANY OF FOOLS PRESENTS: OTHER DESERT CITIES—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $10-$35. Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main St., Hailey, 208-5789122, companyoffools.org. IMPROV COMEDY CAGE MATCH—8 p.m. $5. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, liquidboise.com. MATT BAKER’S COMEDY STUNT SHOW—10:15 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, liquidboise.com.
| HARD |
Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk. Go to www.boiseweekly.com and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
TRICKS—A single mother struggles to raise her young son in this comedy by Lloyd Schwartz. 8:15 p.m. $15-$20. Stage Coach Theatre, 4802 W. Emerald Ave., Boise, 208-3422000, stagecoachtheatre.com.
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BOISEweekly | JULY 10–16, 2013 | 19
8 DAYS OUT Kids & Teens SNOOZE AT THE ZOO FAMILY OVERNIGHT—Activities, games, art projects and up-close animal encounters are part of the adventure. Light evening snack, breakfast and covered sleeping areas provided. 7 p.m. $40-$50. Zoo Boise, 355 Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-384-4125, zooboise. org.
Odds & Ends BOISE ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY—Learn how to use a telescope to view the sky during this month’s meeting. Noon. FREE. Discovery Center of Idaho, 131 Myrtle St., Boise, 208-3439895, boiseastro.org.
BOISE CAFE LATIN NIGHTS— Get a basic Latin dance lesson at 9 p.m. and then dance to live DJ music until 2 a.m. while enjoying drinks and snacks. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. $5. Boise Cafe, 219 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-343-3397.
SATURDAY JULY 13 Festivals & Events EAGLE FUN DAYS—See Friday. 5 p.m. FREE, eaglechamber.com. Downtown Eagle, eaglechamber. com. FREE ROCK SHOW—Featuring The Jerkwadz, Ben the Drunken Poet and more, with free hot dog sandwiches. 6 p.m. FREE. Hot Dog Sandwich Headquarters, 3115 W. State St., Boise, 208-412-1903.
KETCHUM ARTS FESTIVAL— See Friday. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Festival Meadows, Sun Valley Road, Ketchum, 208309-1960, ketchumartsfestival. com. LAKESIDE LAVENDER ANNUAL YOU-CUT FESTIVAL—Pick your own fresh lavender and check out local artisans, classes, lunch and lavender ice cream. See Picks, Page 17. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. FREE. Lakeside Lavender Farm, 1003 W. Locust Lane, Nampa, 208-466-0523, lakesidelavender.com. THIRD SPACE SATURDAY—Join Spacebar Arcade, DJ I.G.A. the Independent Grocer and the Vinyl Preservation Society for video games, beer and community. 10 p.m.-1 a.m. FREE. Spacebar Arcade, 200 N. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-918-0597, spacebararcade.com.
Check out the entire week’s worth of Doonesbury online at boiseweekly.com—select “Extras” then “Cartoons.”
20 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly
8 DAYS OUT Concerts
Odds & Ends
THE BENCH MUSICAL STAGED READING—The Bench: Journey Into Love is a Broadway-style staged reading of a romantic musical set on a bench starring Tituss Burgess of 30 Rock. See Picks, Page 16. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. $25. Nampa Civic Center, 311 Third St. S., Nampa, 208-468-5555, thebenchmusical.com.
MOUNTAIN MUSIC SLEEPOVER—Storie Grubb & The Holy Wars, Hillfolk Noir and more play an evening music festival in the mountains. 4 p.m. FREE. 54 E. Main St., Atlanta.
BOISE CAFE LATIN NIGHTS— See Friday. 9 p.m.-2 a.m. $5. Boise Cafe, 219 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-343-3397.
Food & Drink DINNER IN THE ORCHARD— Enjoy a six-course meal while seated in a cherry orchard at Symms Fruit Ranch, located in the Sunnyslope area near Caldwell. The meal includes local meats, cheeses and fresh cherries prepared by executive chef Dean Fuller of the CastleRanch Steakhouse. Optional bus transportation will be available from Boise and Nampa. For more info email skylar.jett@agri.idaho. gov. 5:30-9:30 p.m. $50, $60 couples. Symms Fruit Ranch, 14068 Sunny Slope Road, Caldwell, 208-459-4821, symmsfruit.com.
BOISE’S FUNNIEST PERSON COMPETITION—Watch amateur comedians compete in a tournament for a $1,000 cash prize. 8 p.m. $5. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-2875379, boisesfunniestperson. com. THE CLONE PEOPLE—See Friday. 8 p.m. $15-$20. Knock ‘Em Dead Dinner Theatre, 415 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Boise, 208385-0021, kedproductions.org. COMPANY OF FOOLS PRESENTS: OTHER DESERT CITIES—See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $10-$35. Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main St., Hailey, 208-5789122, companyoffools.org.
COMEDYSPORTZ BOISE—ComedySportz improv is fast-paced, interactive comedy based on audience suggestions. The show is never the same twice. 7 p.m. $5-$10. ComedySportz Boise, 3250 N. Lakeharbor Lane, Ste. 184A, Boise, 208-991-4746, boisecomedy.com.
BARBARA PERRY BAUER—The author of Treasure Valley Electric Railway sells copies of her book in the store during the Capital City Public Market. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. FREE. Rediscovered Books, 180 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208376-4229, rdbooks.org.
RYAN NOACK’S COMEDY SHOWCASE—10:15 p.m. $5. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, liquidboise.com.
Animals & Pets COMMUNITY DOG WASH FUNDRAISER—Get your pooch washed for a donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Idaho. All proceeds go to charity. All dogs must be on a leash. No aggressive dogs. Noon-3 p.m. $10 suggested donation. Broadway Veterinary Hospital, 350 E. Linden Ave., Boise, 208-344-5592.
TRICKS—See Friday. 8:15 p.m. $15-$20. Stage Coach Theatre, 4802 W. Emerald Ave., Boise, 208-342-2000, stagecoachtheatre.com.
Challis Idaho 201 3
On Stage
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tickets avaiable at the gate day of shows or online at
LATE-NIGHT SWING DANCE— Beginner lesson followed by dancing until midnight. Now with a late-night Lindy special move and opportunities to win music and other vintage-themed prizes. 8 p.m. $5. Heirloom Dance Studio, 765 Idaho St., Boise, 208-871-6352, heirloomdancestudio.com.
SUNDAY JULY 14 Festivals & Events KETCHUM ARTS FESTIVAL— See Friday. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Festival Meadows, Sun Valley Road, Ketchum, 208309-1960, ketchumartsfestival. com. LAKESIDE LAVENDER ANNUAL YOU-CUT FESTIVAL—See Saturday. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. FREE. Lakeside Lavender Farm, 1003 W. Locust Lane, Nampa, 208-466-0523, lakesidelavender.com.
On Stage HEATH HARMISON’S COMEDY SHOWCASE—Two-for-one tickets. 8 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208287-5379, liquidboise.com.
Art DIG INTO CLAY WITH RICK JENKINS—Live pottery wheel demonstrations by the Pied Potter Rick Jenkins, a ceramic art exhibit, in-store specials, wine and treats. 4-7 p.m. FREE. The Gallery at Finer Frames, 164 E. State St., Ste. B, Eagle, 208888-9898, finerframes.com.
Real Dialogue from the naked city
Calls to Artists
Overheard something Eye-spy worthy? E-mail leila@boiseweekly.com
BOISE WEEKLY COVER ART SUBMISSIONS—Each week’s cover of Boise Weekly is a piece of work from a local artist. BW pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. A portion of the proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. The remainder of the covers this year will help support Boise Weekly. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded. For more information contact Art Director Leila Rader at leila@boiseweekly.com or 208344-2055. Boise Weekly, 523 Broad St., Boise, 208-344-2055, boiseweekly.com.
BOISEweekly | JULY 10–16, 2013 | 21
p.m. $10-$35. Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main St., Hailey, 208578-9122, companyoffools.org.
On Stage
POETRY SLAM DELUX—Featuring 2 Dope Boys in a Cadillac. For ages 21 and older. 8-10 p.m. $5. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St., Boise, 208-343-0886, neurolux.com.
ART TALK: TECHNIQUES AND INFLUENCES—Join July artist in residence Melissa Wilkinson for an art talk titled Techniques and Influences: An Informal Conversation with Melissa Wilkinson. 6:30-8 p.m. FREE. Surel’s Place, 212 E. 33rd St., Garden City, 208-407-7529, surelsplace.org.
TUESDAY JULY 16 Festivals & Events SNAKE RIVER STAMPEDE—This annual rodeo features bull riding, clowns, food and its own whiskey. See Picks, Page 17. Gates at 5:30 p.m., show at 7:30 p.m. $12-$34, snakeriverstampede.com. Idaho Center, 16200 Idaho Center Blvd., Nampa, 208-468-1000.
On Stage COMPANY OF FOOLS PRESENTS: OTHER DESERT CITIES—See Wednesday. 7 p.m. $10-$35. Liberty Theatre, 110 N. Main St., Hailey, 208-5789122, companyoffools.org.
Talks & Lectures EXPLORING WARM SPRINGS AVENUE: ITS HISTORY AND ARCHITECTURE—Learn about the history and architecture of Warm Springs Avenue. 7 p.m. $3-$5. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-3438649, idahobotanicalgarden.org. THE TITANIC—Vickey Gearring brings her collection of Titanic memorabilia. 3 p.m. FREE. Heatherwood Retirement Community, 5277 Kootenai St., Boise, 208-345-2150.
WEDNESDAY JULY 17 Festivals & Events SNAKE RIVER STAMPEDE—See Tuesday. Gates at 5:30 p.m., show at 7:30 p.m. $12-$34. Idaho Center, 16200 Idaho Center Blvd., Nampa, 208-468-1000, snakeriverstampede.com.
Food & Drink DATE NIGHT AT CORKSCREWS—See Wednesday, July 10. 7-9 p.m. FREE. Corkscrews Wine Shop and Pub, 729 N. Main St., Meridian, 208-8884049, corkscrewswineshop.com.
22 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly
Kids & Teens
MR. PATRICK’S WORKSHOP— See Wednesday, July 10. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Ada Community Library, 10664 W. Victory Road, Boise, 208-362-0181, adalib.org.
Odds & Ends BIOTZETIK BASQUE CHOIR— See Wednesday, July 10. 6 p.m. FREE, 208-853-0678. Bishop Kelly High School, 7009 W. Franklin Road, Boise, biotzetikbasquechoir.org. LATIN NIGHTS—See Wednesday, July 10. 7:30-11 p.m. $5. The Press, 212 N. Ninth St., Ste. B, Boise, 208-336-9577.
KIDS EXPERIENCE—See Wednesday, July 10. 3 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208472-2941, notaquietlibrary.org.
NOISE/CD REVIEW WEREWOLVES IN SIBERIA, THE RISING Boisean Chris Cavoretto already wrote one love note to 1980s horror when he started punk label 1332 Records—a number that is 666 times two, making it “twice the evil,” he told BW in 2006. But after selling the label to current owner Levi Poppke, Cavoretto moved on to a new project, also a love letter to the neon dystopia of late-20th century youth culture: Werewolves in Siberia. The Rising— the project’s debut EP, which was released in March and quickly followed up with several collections of new songs and remixes on Bandcamp—has seven tracks of low-budget, horrorthemed synth rock, sparse metallic beats and arpeggiated laser sounds. You can almost hear the squeak of a VHS player and the heavy panting of an actor sweating it out in a bad monster costume in the background. And while it certainly evokes the feeling of the time and its cultural tropes, Cavoretto’s project is mining the past, which gives off a feeling of epic corniness, and not strictly from aping the B-horror style. Though there are some great ’80s synth sounds, the arrangements of the songs are fairly rudimentary, almost like the cut-and-paste sample style that can be made by quickly looping beats in GarageBand. There are some nuggets of gold, however. The throaty bass and beat of the second track, “The Rising,” is reminiscent of Filter’s “Hey Man, Nice Shot,” and many of the arpeggiator patterns used throughout the EP are wonderfully dissonant. But in the end, Cavoretto’s success at calling forth those horror movie themes may ultimately be the EP’s biggest obstacle. Werewolves in Siberia’s The Rising would definitely make for great soundtrack music, or find a home on a stock audio website. But as a song collection, its struggles to find the necessary footing to stand alone. —Josh Gross WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
PINK MARTINI Portland, Ore.’s classy mini-orchestra thrives under bawdy new singer JOSH GROSS
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: A piano savant, a reality TV star and NPR’s senior White House correspondent walk into the Hollywood Bowl … Or how about the mega-famous band from Portland, Ore., that wouldn’t touch indie rock with a 10-foot pole? Oh, you haven’t heard that one? Well, both are about Portland mini-orchestra Pink Martini, which will class up the Morrison Center Thursday, July 11, with tunes from across the pop spectrum. Pink Martini was conceived in the mid-’90s by bandleader Thomas Lauderdale as a way to Class up your evening with Pink Martini at the Morrison Center Thursday, July 11. spiff up the fundraising events he frequented as a member of Portland’s political class. “I was like, ‘Who is this gorgeous hunk of like a whore, some trollop where China should Lauderdale wanted to run for mayor one day gay meat?’” Large chuckled. be,” said Large. and would be damned if he had to do so with Shapiro performs with the band when he But it worked better than she expected and a tinny PA playing Bruce Springsteen. can get time off from his day job as NPR’s Large quickly figured out the key to playing But it didn’t take long before “Symsenior White House correspondent. with an orchestra instead of a rock band. pathique,” the band’s first single, became “He is so annoyingly perfect in every “I just don’t talk about cocks on stage,” such a runaway smash in France that people possible way,” said Large. “He should be mistook it for an Edith Piaf tune, and running she said. “That’s really the trick. Don’t talk detestable. But I love him with the ferocity of about cocks.” for mayor took a backseat to performing a thousand tire fires on the sun. He is a just But Large had to expand her vocabulary in around the world with vocalist China Forbes and the 10-piece orchestra Lauderdale formed other ways, as well. Filling in for China meant a saint.” Guest vocals on Get Happy were also doing so in a dozen-plus languages which to back himself. performed by Phyllis Diller, Rufus Wainwright Large does not speak. Forbes’ sultry voice is the kind one rarely and more. And that’s to say nothing of songs “Russian is probably the hardest because hears outside of Bond theme songs. Combined sung in Farsi and Romanian. the consonants get stacked together,” said with her ability to sing in 15 languages and For Large, singing a Romanian song in RoLarge, who worked with a vocal coach to Lauderdale’s composition skills, the band’s national and international accolades grew with learn the songs phonetically. “And surprisingly, mania actually stands out as one of the biggest moments for her since she joined Pink Martini. French. Even that has linguistic similarities in albums like Hang on Little Tomato and Hey “They have their independence, but you the written word. French is so fucking easy to Eugene!, and performances everywhere from wouldn’t know it,” she said. “It’s such a sad, say something horrible by accident.” the Cannes Film Festival to Carnegie Hall. beaten-down country full of beautiful people For example, when Large was attempting But last year, Forbes developed polyps on to joke with French audiences that Lauderdale and beautiful land. But they are beaten down her vocal cords and that voice went away, by Germany, by Russia. And here we are, these looks like a baby duck, “le petit canard,” she meaning the band was in deep trouble. fluffy dorks from Oregon, and the roar and had been saying “le petit connard,” which “Thomas called me in a panic and said, the sigh, and we start singing in Romanian, translates somewhere between ‘China lost her voice,’ and said women literally clutching their chests in total “little motherfucker” and he needed me to fly to D.C. and “little bastard.” She found that disbelief that we were performing one of their sing with the National SymPINK MARTINI songs. It really hit home—the importance and out only after repeatedly makphony Orchestra,” singer Storm Thursday, July 11, 7:30 power of music as a language, as a universal ing the joke across the whole Large told Boise Weekly in a p.m., $39.50-$75. Morrison Center, 2201 Cesar Chavez medium. It made the room explode. It felt like of France. phone interview. “And when I Lane, 208-426-1609, they were going to eat us.” “The most important thing was like, ‘When?’ He said, ‘Five mc.boisestate.edu. Boise’s audience isn’t likely to eat the band to learn to say in French is, days.’ And I was like, ‘No.’” ‘I’m so sorry; I’m an American. or treat it quite like The Beatles arriving in Large changed her mind America, but the group’s tasteful frivolity is Your language is so beautiful, and went to work learning the but hard to learn,’” said Large. “Then you can likely to be out in full force at the Morrison band’s material as quickly as possible. But Center. Provided Large can keep it in check. pretty much get away with anything.” there was a far higher hill for her to climb. “I was a rock ’n’ roll, silly, loud, dirtyLarge managed to hold and twist her Though her voice was equally commanding pants, all the way to the balls,” she said. tongue long enough to get upgraded to a as Forbes’, Large, a cast member on reality TV show Rock Star: Supernova, had an image permanent band member, taking turns fronting “But I really am just enjoying doing what I’m doing regardless of what people expect from Pink Martini with Forbes and performing on about as far removed from Pink Martini’s me. I’m still going to put on a good show, if the band’s new album, Get Happy. class as Pink Martini’s was from Portland’s I’m wearing some nice gown and singing an Though she did have a bit of trouble holdrock scene. Irving Berlin song, or on my knees talking ing her tongue when introduced to the band’s “There was this weird blonde bag of pits about cocks.” where the singer should be and I instantly look other occasional vocalist, Ari Shapiro. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
THE SHREDDER IS NOW ALL-AGES A member of Boise’s music scene just found the Holy Grail. And we don’t mean that dusty cup from the third-best Indiana Jones movie. We’re talking about all-ages certification—the much-sought after and hard-as-fudge to achieve status that allows an establishment to let kids in the door to see the music but still sell booze to their older siblings so the lights can stay on. Previously, the only place that had it locally was downtown coffee shop The Crux, and that venue’s proprietors went through quite the battle with Idaho’s Alcohol and Beverage Control to make it happen. But according to Justin Cantrell, owner of The Shredder, Boise’s foremost den of iniquity is even further along on its quest to replicate the Foot Clan’s warehouse in the original live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. Kids are now welcome to skate, play video games and headbang along with those of legal drinking age. “Shredder has applied for and received a restaurant endorsement, not a multi-use endorsement because they are a beer and wine licensee only,” confirmed Lt. Russ Wheatley of Alcohol Beverage Control. That means, according to code, The Shredder must now be “advertised and held out to the public as primarily a food eating establishment,” or at least 40 percent of sales must come from food and nonalcoholic beverages. The Shredder also has to have a room or rooms for cooking and employees cooking food. “It can’t be chips,” Wheatley said. No word yet on how Cantrell plans to make that happen. But, hey, maybe you’re not a college junior who’s into metal dating a college sophomore who’s into metal. Maybe you’re a college junior who’s into indie rock and dating a college sophomore who’s into klezmer. Then this Shredder being all-ages business doesn’t do squat for you. Instead, you ought to head up to Atlanta this weekend for the Mountain Music Sleepover, which was canceled last year because Atlanta was sort of on fire. This year’s (sort-of) follow-up features music from nine regional acts—such as Old Death Whisper, Dedicated Servers, A Seasonal Disguise and Fleet Street Klezmer Band—performing outside The Hub, which located in the heart of downtown Atlanta, followed by camping in any of the many sites nearby. The Mountain Music Sleepover goes down Saturday, July 13, and is free—though there will be a series of fundraisers for Atlanta’s Quick Response Unit. Camping in the area averages about $15 and music should start around 4 p.m. Also happening out in the sticks is the annual Music From Stanley series, which puts a marquee selection of regional acts onstage at the historic Redfish Lake Lodge in Stanley, and later broadcasts the performances on local radio stations KBSU, KBSW and KISU. Blues rockers The Bare Bones performs Sunday, July 14. Like all Music From Stanley concerts, the performance is free and runs from 4-7 p.m. —Josh Gross
BOISEweekly | JULY 10–16, 2013 | 23
LISTEN HERE/GUIDE GUIDE WEDNESDAY JULY 10 ALIVE AFTER FIVE: PICKWICK—With Thomas Paul. 5 p.m. FREE. Grove Plaza ADDAM CHAVARRIA—8:30 p.m. FREE. Reef COSMONAUTS—With Gayze and HiHazel. See Listen Here, this page. 7 p.m. $7. Neurolux
COSMONAUTS, JULY 10, NEUROLUX Though the San Francisco scene of 1967 gets the bulk of ink in history books, the psych-rock sound that endured through the passing decades wasn’t the jam-pop of Jefferson Airplane or The Grateful Dead, but the raw garage proto-punk of the 13th Floor Elevators. It’s a sound you hear clearly from Fullerton, Calif.’s, Cosmonauts. The band straddles the line between MC5-style jam-kicking and the dripping, time-shifted reality of Television, covered up in the sorts of verbed-out insane howls you might ask someone else if they hear as well, just to be sure you’re not losing it. As part of the push for the band’s latest release, 2012’s If You Wanna Die Then I Wanna Die, it has been touring pretty much nonstop for months and will be heading off to Europe in August. Catch Cosmonauts now, before its members drop dead of exhaustion. —Josh Gross With Gayze and HiHazel. 7 p.m., $7. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St., 208-343-0886, neurolux.com
24 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly
PATRICIA FOLKNER—7 p.m. FREE. Lock Stock & Barrel PENTAGRAHAM CRACKERS—With James Plane Wreck and Fort Harrison. 8 p.m. $5. Shredder REILLY COYOTE—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s SPEEDY GRAY—6:30 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow WIDESPREAD PANIC—With Bloodkin. 6 p.m. $35. Idaho Botanical Garden
DAN COSTELLO—With Ophelia. 10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s DAN COSTELLO DUO—6 p.m. FREE. Sandbar DJ MAXIM KLYMENKO—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement FRANK MARRA—With Steve Eaton and Phil Garonzik. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers GIRLS, GUNS & GLORY—9 p.m. FREE. Hannah’s JEFF MOLL—7 p.m. FREE. Varsity Pub JOHNNY SHOES—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Meridian MATTI SAND—6 p.m. $5. The Dojo
THURSDAY JULY 11 BAPTIST GENERALS—With Jumping Sharks. 8 p.m. $10. Neurolux
THOMAS PAUL DUO—6 p.m. FREE. Sandbar
FRIDAY JULY 12 ALPENFLOW—10 p.m. $5. Grainey’s
A-N-D & FRIENDS—7 p.m. FREE. Black Bear Diner
BLISTERED EARTH—7 p.m. $10-$18. Knitting Factory
BARRY MANILOW—7 p.m. $20$130. Taco Bell Arena
BOISE METAL FEST—See Listen Here, Page 25. 8 p.m. $5-$25. New Frontier Club
BOISE METAL FEST—2 p.m. $5-$25. New Frontier Club
CHICAGO AFROBEAT PROJECT—9 p.m. $5. Reef DAN COSTELLO—With John Jones Trio. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
COPACABANA: A BARRY MANILOW DISCO—With DJs Miss Kimberly, IGA, Wendy Fox and Chic. 7 p.m. $2. Neurolux DJ MAXIM KLYMENKO—10 p.m. $5. Grainey’s Basement
DAN COSTELLO—With Chuck Smith. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
DJ MAXIM KLYMENKO—10 p.m. $5. Grainey’s Basement
DUCHESS DOWN THE WELL— 10 p.m. $5. Grainey’s
FRIM FRAM 4—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
FUTUREBIRDS—With Diarrhea Planet and Business Venture. 7 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux
EMILY TIPTON BAND—6 p.m. FREE. Salmon River Brewery
PAUSE FOR THE CAUSE—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s
MILKDRIVE—With Stoneseed. 8 p.m. $10. Visual Arts Collective
PINK MARTINI—See Noise, Page 23. 7:30 p.m. $39.50-$75. Morrison Center
TED NUGENT—With Laura Wilde. 8 p.m. $30 adv., $33 door. Knitting Factory
HECTOR PROCTOR—7 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s IDAHO SONGWRITERS ASSOCIATION PRESENTS AARON CHRISTENSEN—With Gayle Chapman and Brian Liming. 8 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper POSSUM LIVIN’—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
ERIC GRAE—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill FRANK MARRA—With Ben Burdick Trio and Amy Rose. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers IDAHO SONGWRITERS ASSOCIATION PRESENTS BRAD DETEAU—With BFD and Christi Green. 8 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper
GUIDE JOSH ABBOTT BAND—8 p.m. $10-$20. Knitting Factory
THE SIDEMEN—6 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
TERRY JONES—10:15 a.m. FREE. Berryhill
THE PURRS—With The Kitchen and First Borns. 8:30 p.m. $5. Red Room
REILLY COYOTE—6 p.m. FREE. Sandbar RIVER ROCK DECK PARTY—6:30 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow
1332 RECORDS PUNK MONDAY—9 p.m. $3. Liquid DAN TEDESCO—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s THE DIRTY HEADS—With The Expendables and Big B. 7 p.m. $23-$51. Knitting Factory JOHN HIATT & THE COMBO—8 p.m. $20-$100. Revolution Concert House
JONAH SHUE—6 p.m. FREE. Sandbar
BODEANS—8 p.m. $20-$40. Knitting Factory
TERRY JONES AND BILL LILES—With Terry Jones Trio. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers
BOISE METAL FEST—2 p.m. $5-$25. New Frontier Club JIM LEWIS—6 p.m. FREE. Lulu’s Fine Pizza JAZZ JAM HOSTED BY SANDON MAYHEW—6 p.m. FREE. Sandbar
THUNDERBIRD—With Cerberus Rex and Obscured by the Sun. 8:30 p.m. $5. Red Room
BOISE OLD TIME’S OLD TIME JAM—With The Country Club. 6 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s DAVE MANION AND BERNIE REILLY—6 p.m. FREE. Sandbar EMILY TIPTON BAND—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s FRANK MARRA—With Terry Jones Trio. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers KENNY LOGGINS—With Blue Sky Riders. 8 p.m. $35-$65. Revolution Concert House OPHELIA—9 p.m. FREE. Sockeye RADIO BOISE TUESDAY: ROADKILL GHOST CHOIR—With Aaron Mark Brown and Hillfolk Noir. 7 p.m. $6 adv., $8 door. Neurolux
WEDNESDAY JULY 17 ALIVE AFTER FIVE: DAVE ALVIN—With a.k.a. Belle. 5 p.m. FREE. Grove Plaza
THE COUNTRY CLUB—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s DJ MAXIM KLYMENKO—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement DOUGLAS CAMERON—6 p.m. FREE. Sandbar FRANK MARRA—With Steve Eaton and Phil Garonzik. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers IDAHO LIVE: MOSES GUEST— With Bread & Circus. 8 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux JEFF MOLL—7 p.m. FREE. Varsity Pub JIMMY EAT WORLD—8 p.m. $25-$61. Knitting Factory JOHNNY SHOES—6:30 p.m. FREE. Highlands Hollow MATT HOPPER AND THE ROMAN CANDLES—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s PATIO CONCERT SERIES: KEN HARRIS—With Lawson Hill and Rico Weisman. 6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill PATRICIA FOLKNER—6 p.m. FREE. Smoky Mountain PizzaParkcenter SPEEDY GRAY—With Johnny Shoes. 6 p.m. FREE. Salt Tears
DJ MAXIM KLYMENKO—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s Basement
’80S NIGHT—With DJ Grant Olsen, Popsicle and live karaoke. 9 p.m. $2. Red Room
SHARON JONES AND THE DAP KINGS—7 p.m. $35-$45. River Run Lodge
ALTURAS—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s
V E N U E S Don’t know a venue? Visit www.boiseweekly.com for addresses, phone numbers and a map.
METAL FEST, JULY 12-14, NEW FRONTIER CLUB If BW’s concert calendar is any indicator, our western cousins are into metal. So, so, so much metal. And this weekend, even they may get their fill with the second annual Boise Metal Fest: three full days of metalicious metal with 26 regional and national bands performing both inand outside Meridian’s New Frontier Club. Headliners include the local thrash-ninjas and trampoline enthusiasts of Krystos, the Godsmacked hard rock of Black Tooth Grin and nu-metal blasts from the past Saliva. Music starts around 8 p.m. Friday, July 12 and 2 p.m. Saturday, July 13, and Sunday, July 14. It’s enough metal that even Meridian may be crying for mercy by the end of it. —Josh Gross Friday, July 12, 8 p.m.; Saturday, July 13, 2 p.m; Sunday, July 14, 2 p.m.; $5-$25. New Frontier Club, 116 E. Broadway Ave., Meridian, 208-888-9034, newfrontierclub.com/calendar.
BOISEweekly | JULY 10–16, 2013 | 25
26 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly
ANTIQUES ROADSHOW RE-CAP BW chats up attendees and appraisers at a Boise taping of the TV show JESSICA MURRI In 1962, Hank traveled to Cameroon on a religious mission, where he met the sevenfoot-tall king of the Maasai tribe and snapped his picture with a Polaroid camera. The king was apparently so impressed by the square image that emerged from the camera, he gifted Antiques Roadshow drew thousands to Expo Idaho toting along oddities like this Chinese lion head. the missionary a hand-carved spear, a basket and two large woven wood mats. As a child, Hank’s family friend, Bob, sat rapturously in snaps. Hank stuffed his fingers into the pockets as unique as the objects they were appraising. church, listening to tales of Hank’s travels. Identical twins Leigh and Leslie Keno are mirof his dark indigo Wranglers and scanned the Now, Bob and his wife, Jan, are in possesror images of each other, save for one’s passion room. sion of Hank’s Maasai trophies, which they for folk art and the other’s eye for furniture. The couple approached the appraisal table piled into a red Radio Flyer wagon and hauled inside the blue-curtained beehive, where several At Expo Idaho, one wore a blue tie, while the to Expo Idaho June 29 for a taping of PBS’s other wore red. The twins took an interest in cameras, cranes and boom mics were set up, hit TV program Antiques Roadshow. (The antiques around the age of 12, and have both along with a director’s chair. An assortment of show asks that reporters not use last names of been involved with the Antiques Roadshow crewmembers stood nearby, keeping a vigilant attendees to protect their potentially valuable since the show’s start, 18 years ago. Leigh eye on their equipment. Three blue-carpeted antiques.) spoke of his childhood in New York, while sets faced the cameras, each complete with “It’s not good feng shui,” Jan said, gesturLeslie bent down in front of an armoire mirror chairs, a table and a little wooden wand used ing toward the spear, “so we keep it in the to sneak a glance at his swept-to-the-side blond for highlighting features on selected antiques. garage.” More than 20 tables surrounded the set, which hair. Jan joked about acting as the “line moniBoisean David, a young face in the sea of was lined with appraisers—each devoted to tor” while the couple waited for an appraiser antiques, found out that his attic treasure was a single category, such as clocks, folk art or to assess their goods, ready to give a gentle more like attic trash in the eyes of appraismusical instruments. poke to anyone who needed to move along or ers. The 33-year-old left Expo Idaho pushing When Ron and Charlene laid down their tried to cut. a catering cart with a Chinese lion head on bridle, an appraiser’s eyes lit up. The line for the event stretched outside the it, the kind that would be found in a Chinese “This is really rare,” he said. main building, zigzagging through two huge, New Year parade. Its green, googly glass eyes “My father raised horses in the ’40s and empty rooms with hundreds of people waiting bobbed on springs and the horsehair on its lips gave my two brothers and I each a bit,” Ron to reach the appraisal tables. Hardcore antiswayed in the wind. quers and thrift store aficionados carried dress- said. David found the lion head in the back “Have you ever tried to sell it or have it apers, dolls, paintings, tribal art, books, violin room of an antique shop several years ago and praised?” he asked. cases and grandfather decided he had to have it. He was on a Kung“No, sir. I had an clocks. Antiques RoadFu movie kick at the time and was working auctioneer once tell show received 14,827 as a pizza delivery driver, so it took him a few me he would sell it ticket applications for weeks to save the $400 to buy it. for me, no commisthe 3,000 pairs of free “The appraiser said he didn’t know the sion. Said he’d have tickets for the Boise no trouble selling it,” value on it,” David said. event. While some of “It was a costume from the ’70s,” appraiser said Ron. the 5,000-6,000 folks Lark Mason said. “Not a piece of art. I tried “No shit,” the who showed up were to be diplomatic about it, but it wasn’t an appraiser said. He prepared with folding antique.” whisked the couple chairs, the rest shifted Mason wore a colorful silk bow tie and away to be screened back and forth on their rounded glasses. He, too, has been with the for an on-air interfeet like kids waiting view and a walk onto Antiques Roadshow since the beginning. to see Santa. Appraiser Lark Mason inspects an ivory bead. the prestigious blue “I do my best not to crush dreams,” Mason For Ron and said. “People are disappointed, but I try to be carpet. Charlene, it was a sensitive.” When asked if really good day. They As for David, he will take his Chinese lion he thought he’d end up on TV when the new made the hourlong drive from New Plymouth head back home and hang it up again in his to Boise, toting along a seasoned saddle, bridle season of Antique Roadshow airs in January living room. Though Antiques Roadshow’s 2014, Ron smiled and said, “You come, and and bit. Ron wore his 10-gallon cowboy hat discriminating eyes didn’t see value in it, he you wonder.” and a western shirt with pearl snaps, explainconsiders it “priceless.” Some of the appraisers at the event seemed ing that he doesn’t own a shirt without pearl JE SSI CA MURRI
For the past 20 years, a piece of Pop Art history has been slowly aging in a Boise storage facility. Roy Lichtenstein’s “Wallpaper with Blue Floor Interior”—a massive 8.5-foot by 12.75-foot silkscreened print on paper—is owned by Boise State University, which is just now restoring the work. “It was donated in the late 1990s by a local businessman who was moving out of town rather urgently,” said Richard Young, chair of Boise State’s Art Department. Along with Andy Warhol, Lichtenstein was instrumental in ushering in the Pop Art era. His avant-garde work fused comic book aesthetics, art deco and industrial techniques, creating an instantly recognizable style. The piece is No. 39 out of 300 printed (one of which belongs to Boise Art Museum), and features a living room scene with blue and yellow flourishes. It combines many of Lichtenstein’s textural techniques with a scale rarely seen in prints. In 2012, one of the prints sold at auction for more than $30,000. A recent storm of events has prompted Boise State to begin restoring the artwork. The warehouse where it had been sitting is relocating and the university is in the process of constructing a new Visual Arts Building, due to be completed in 2016. But inspiration also came from an arts conservation student attending Boise State. “We have the University Art Collections Committee, which is just now starting to get some traction under its feet,” said Holly Gilchrist, fine arts manager at the university, “and we have a student rep on the committee, Alaggio Laurino, who’s been very involved. … He inspired the committee to really start looking at some of the grant opportunities.” But the piece’s size adds to both its uniqueness and the difficulty of restoration. “You just do not see prints this large, typically, and the paper has essentially been adhered to a piece of wood,” said Gilchrist. And according to Young, the print is “pretty well adhered” after 20 years. “The restoration involves removing the work from the support and then remounting it,” he said. “There’s also some superficial damage to the outside.” Boise State is still investigating grants for restoration, but Young hopes someone locally may be able to assist in the process. “Because of its size, it can’t be shipped anywhere, so it would be nice if there was someone locally who did have the expertise to tackle this project,” he said. “It probably weighs a couple of hundred pounds.” Though it may need some work, Gilchrist says she’s still in awe of the print. “It’s dirty and dusty, and even though there’s some minor surface damage, it was still really inspirational to be standing in front of it, within inches of an actual Lichtenstein of that scale,” she said. “It was so awesome, and I think the university community would love to have it in its presence, as well.” Young agreed, adding: “It’s definitely one of the most interesting, well-known works in the university’s collection. It is quintessential Lichtenstein.” —Chris Grapes
Shakespeare UNDER
come hang with us
2013 Plays Much Ado About Nothing
By William Shakespeare Sponsored by ACHD Commuteride and Idaho Statesman’s Scene and Treasure Magazines
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
A Musical Thriller. Music & Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. Book by Hugh Wheeler. Sponsored by Stoel Rives LLP and Boise Weekly
King Richard III
By William Shakespeare Sponsored by Merrill Lynch and Boise State Public Radio
The Foreigner
By Larry Shue Sponsored by Holland & Hart and 107.1 KHITS
Season Partners
Cassandra Bissell*, Karen Thorla, Much Ado About Nothing (2013). *Member Actors’ Equity. Photo—DKM Photography.
M–F, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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Season Media Partners
94.9 FM the River The Idaho Statesman KTVB–Idaho’s News Channel 7
BOISEweekly | JULY 10–16, 2013 | 27
LISTINGS/SCREEN Special Screenings
BOISE CLASSIC MOVIES: GONE WITH THE WIND—Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable star in this classic Civil War drama. Thursday, July 11, 6:30 p.m. $9 adv., $11 door, boiseclassicmovies. com. Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-0454. CITIZEN KANE—Orson Welles plays Charles Foster Kane, a publishing mogul who rose from humble beginnings. Thursday, July 11, 2 p.m. FREE. Library at Hillcrest, 5246 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-562-4996, boisepubliclibrary.org.
DIRTY WARS—Idaho Peace Coalition hosts a film about Jeremy Scahill, an investigative reporter uncovering America’s covert wars and drone deployments. Thursday, July 11, 7 p.m. $10, dirtywars.org. The Flicks, 646 Fulton St., Boise, 208-342-4222. MOVIES IN THE GARDEN PRESENTS: THE SANDLOT—A group of boys learn about baseball, courage and friendship as they attempt to recover a signed Babe Ruth baseball from a neighboring yard guarded by a huge dog. Friday, July 12, 7 p.m. FREE-$5. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-343-8649, idahobotanicalgarden.org. SAFE HOUSE—A CIA safe house sitter must move his charge when his facility is attacked by international criminals. Thursday, July 11, 6 p.m. FREE. Library at Hillcrest, 5246 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-562-4996, boisepubliclibrary.org.
GROWN UPS 2—Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade and Salma Hayek star in this film about Lenny (Sandler), who, along with his friends, learns life lessons from his kids on their last day of school, despite antics from bullies old and new, drunk cops and unbalanced ex-flings. (PG-13) Opens Friday, July 12. Edwards 9, 22. STORIES WE TELL—Academy Award-nominated director Sarah Polley takes on the role of detective in this film about a family of storytellers narrating the history of their kin in often contradictory ways. (PG-13) Opens Friday, July 12. The Flicks.
For movie times, visit boiseweekly.com or scan this QR code. 28 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly
Collage artist Winston Smith discusses his work with the Dead Kennedys for MOCAtv’s The Art of Punk series.
THE ART OF PUNK YouTube series chronicles how logos and fliers influenced the punk rock scene JOSH GROSS was happening,” Turcotte wrote in an article Like so many of Boise’s children of the ’90s, on Vice.com. filmmaker Bo Bushnell grew up drenched in But more than just an information stream, the blood, sweat and punk rock that blasted those fliers displayed some of the most radifrom the now-defunct Crazy Horse. The cal contemporary art of the times; art that venue did more than just provide an outlet for his burgeoning boyhood bohemian tendencies, expanded the scope of the music into a larger philosophy and subculture. it gave him a field of expertise that helped in It may seem like a bit of a stretch for a his latest film project, The Art of Punk. The classy joint like MOCA to be interested in the multi-part documentary series was commisphotocopied scribblings of the unwashed kids sioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art you can’t seem to get off your couch. in Los Angeles and examines the logos of the Even Turcotte said that punk fliers punk acts he grew up getting pummeled to. shouldn’t be behind glass and that his are It’s currently featured on the MOCAtv chanprominently displayed in a giant pile on his nel on YouTube. desk. “Last year, Google But as Bushnell was and YouTube launched youtube.com/user/MOCATV quick to point out, 100 channels,” said punk is hardly underBushnell in a phone ground anymore. interview from his “The Met Gala was dedicated to punk this now-home of Los Angeles. “They funded year,” Bushnell said, referencing one of the companies to take TV to the Internet. MTV swankiest black tie and butt-flap shindigs on has their own. Vice has their own. The the New York culturati calendar. MOCA Museum, the museum in Los Angeles, But that doesn’t mean Bushnell doesn’t see got one and they were looking for some kind the irony. of radical programming.” “[Punk] was founded on the premise of MOCA initially approached Bushnell’s being anti-art, on the principle of mocking art, partner, Bryan Ray Turcotte, who collected and it became art,” said Bushnell. “Especially more than 100,000 punk fliers and compiled Raymond Pettibon. The things he put on his them in his book, Fucked Up + Photocopied. posters were to mock people, to freak people “Back in the early ’80s, the only real guide out, and now they sell for $900K.” to what was going on was fliers. … There was Pettibon, the artist who designed Black no Internet, no telephone hot line and no Bay Flag’s logo and recently showed an exhibiArea Music Mag coverage of punk shows at tion of his posters at Boise State’s Visual Arts all—fliers were the way we found out what
Center, is the subject of the first episode of The Art of Punk. Bushnell and Turcotte spent more than a year securing and executing interviews with musicians like Greg Ginn, Henry Rollins and Flea. “I guess punk rock is hard to penetrate,” Bushnell said. “So we really had to wait for the right opportunities to come up.” But the series is worth the time it took. The resulting webisodes are around 20 minutes each, chronicling the thoughts and feelings of members of bands like Black Flag when they see their logos on fliers and tattooed on the bodies of their fans. “Most people don’t really care about their music, it was more about what they stood for, about their logo,” said Bushnell of the iconic four-black-bars logo Pettibon designed for Black Flag. “People around the world wear the Black Flag logo and you have to wonder if they know what it represents.” Bushnell’s series aims to give them the inside line, in case they don’t. The episodes for Black Flag, Crass and Dead Kennedys are all live on MOCAtv. “What I find fascinating about [punk rock] is that it’s underground youth culture that is basically fighting the system, what is going on in politics or the economy, and they wanted to stand up and say something about it,” Bushnell said. “And it really freaked people out. And no matter what people said, they kept pushing it.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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Some of us like to lounge through the lazy days of summer, but others prefer to get competitive. For those who feel the need to unleash some of that pent-up energy in the form of hucking a bouncy ball at someone, you’re in luck Allegiant Airlines is sponsoring a co-ed dodgeball tournament in Boise on Saturday, July 20, at Fairmont Park. While the airline is using it to promote its low-cost fares, that’s no reason not to use it as an excuse to celebrate your competitive spirit. The Boise Parks and Recreation Department is organizing the tournament, which will include teams of six to 10 players with at least two women on each team. All players must be at least 18 years old and pony up the $100 registration fee. The good news is that proceeds will be donated to the Kristin Armstrong youth scholarship program, as well as Let’s Move Boise and the city’s adaptive recreation programs for people with disabilities. But participants won’t walk away empty-handed: Besides the glory and a few bruises, every player gets a T-shirt. To register, visit dodgehighfares.com. If you prefer your competition to come with water, the Boise Surf This Bash will bring wakesurfing action to Lucky Peak Reservoir Thursday, Aug. 1-Sunday, Aug. 4. Sponsored by Brigade Wakesurfing, the event will feature both pro and amateur wakesurfers showing off their skills. A hybrid of wakeboarding and surfing, wakesurfers are towed behind a boat designed to create large waves. Once the wake is big enough, the wakesurfers release the tow rope and surf the curls. The public can watch boat demos by Tige Boats on Thursday, Aug. 1, and Friday, Aug. 2, but the action gets going on Saturday, Aug. 3, with competition in numerous categories from 8 a.m.-8 p.m. daily. On shore, spectators can check out vendors, a kids’ water jump house and giveaways, all while DJ music fills the air. For more info, visit endlesswavetour. com. Of course, if your idea of a perfect summer day involves less DJ music and more casual biking on a balmy evening, Boise’s own RideOut Technologies is introducing a new handlebar grip designed to make biking in traffic a little safer. The FireFly bike grips slip on bike handlebars and create brightly lit turn signals that can be activated without taking your hands off the bike. The signals use LED lights mounted at the ends of the handlebars, which are activated by pushing your thumb on an FireFly bike embedgrips. ded button. The signals turn off automatically after 30 seconds or can be shut off manually. Thankfully, they’re also waterproof and UV resistant for all those sunny Boise days. The grips cost $37.75 and are available at McU Sports in downtown Boise. For more info, check out rideouttech.com. —Deanna Darr
PARK AND RIDE Ski, board, wakeboard park may be coming to Eagle ANDREW MENTZER Since its creation, the Eagle Sports Complex has had the attention of many recreationists in the community. A skate park, basketball court, BMX track, skills park and myriad mountain bike trails have been popular; however, the anticipated addition of a cycling velodrome has not fared as well—remaining unfinished years after the original pit was excavated. Now, retired professional snowboarder Ryan Neptune, of Planet Snow, has big plans for the Eagle Bike Park. Ryan Neptune of Planet Snow—a Boisebased terrain park consulting and construcour lives.” planners hope, could be a good thing for tion company—has set his sights on the Tarek Richey of Boise said that the expanthe area. complex for the creation of a wakeboarding sion of the facility would be a promising “At this point in time with the information summer facility and jib park/tubing hill in the addition to the Treasure Valley, giving area ski/ winter. His vision for a comprehensive sports that they have, they [the Eagle City Council] board/wakeboard shops a shot in the arm, as facility with affordable access to many popu- are supporting the concept” said Aho. well as boosting the popularity of action sports As for the proposal itself, Aho is confident lar activities has been generally well received, for a new generation of riders. that the project has been well thought out but but still faces an extensive vetting process by “The park is the future of both wakeboardis awaiting additional feedback from the city’s the city of Eagle. legal staff, City Council members and the com- ing and snowboarding. With the cost of boats Thus far, the Eagle City Council and Parks and the cost of transportation even up to munity before formulating an official opinion. and Pathways Committee have both indicated Bogus, it’s making these sports unobtainable. At its June 11 meeting, the Eagle City that they will support the project, but nothing I’m an advocate,” he said. Council accepted public testimony on the will be set in stone until Neptune’s contract In response to parking concerns, Neptune proposal, with the majority presenting a neuproposal has been thoroughly reviewed and noted that the facility has more than adtral position. Some, however, voiced concern put to a vote. equate parking available, and even has room over many The to expand if need be. As for noise concerns, aspects of project, as the project, Neptune said the type of snow gun he plans envisioned, to use “has the noise equivalency at 50 feet including would away of the standard dishwasher in your parking, include the house. The closest house from that snow gun increased renovation is 1,000 feet away.” traffic, of the existRegarding concerns about wildlife, Neptune snow-making skate stated bluntly that, “This is a sports complex. ing noise, park, plus It was never, ever, ever supposed to be a nature displacethe addition reserve. It’s not a part of the design of the footment of of snowprint. What we’re building into is less than a wildlife making quarter of a percent of the 240-acre footprint.” and water equipment, His matter-of-fact rebuttal may have consumpa tubing hill, seemed glib, but his willingness to put funds tion—almagic carthough few toward specific conservation efforts adjacent pet, jib park to the complex has gained Neptune the supcame out and utilizing in outright port of the folks responsible for the Healthy the now opposition. Hills Initiative. defunct veAs for water usage, he quickly noted, “the Jonalodrome pit A rough sketch of the proposed changes at the Eagle Bike Park shows the amount of water that we’re going to consume than for a shalgeneral area where terrain park and wakeboarding facilities would be located. is the equivalent of 1.5 baseball fields per year. Marder low 19-milWe’re not pulling from local wells. … We’re of Eagle lion gallon pulling from city of Eagle water.” expressed concerns about some of the operawakeboarding reservoir with a cable tow line. The official contract has been submitted for Day passes are proposed to run about $15 and tional aspects of the project. review by the city’s legal staff, and will be up “All my life I have hated the acronym of season passes are expected to cost about $100. for approval in the coming weeks. If successful, Neptune’s company and its sponsors will front NIMBY,” he said. “I’ve never wanted to be Eagle will likely see a completed facility by the one, but then again, I’ve never had anything the approximate $1 million price tag for the like an amusement park proposed to be in my end of the summer. project, and the city of Eagle would receive 10 “We expect anywhere between 60-90 backyard. We wonder what kind of neighbor percent of gross revenue from the facility. days for completion on the work” said Eagle Parks and Recreation Director Mike Ryan and this company are planning to be. Neptune. … It’s going to make a significant change to Aho believes that the facility, if realized as WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
Sports & Fitness
IDAHO STATE CRITERIUM CHAMPIONSHIP—Join the Idaho State Crit for an afternoon of bicycle racing along a 1K track with eight corners in Hidden Springs. Day-of registration $25$45. For more info or to register, visit usacycling.org. Sunday, July 14, 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. $10-$25. Hidden Springs Village Green, Hidden Springs Drive, Hidden Springs. ROLLER DERBY: SKATERS OF THE LOST ARK—Treasure Valley Rollergirls take on Nampa and Cherry City. Purchase tickets in advance for $10 on the website, Thomas Hammer, Record Exchange or Reggies Veggies. Saturday, July 13, 7 p.m. $10 adv. CenturyLink Arena, 233 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-4242200 or box office 208-3318497, centurylinkarenaboise. com/home.aspx.
There’s nothing like that wet dog smell.
PAYETTE RIVER GAMES Taci Davis threw a tennis ball into a calm swimming hole in Cascade with a crowd of 70 people behind her. It cleared the bright red buoys and the referee started a stopwatch. Josie, her 30-pound gray-speckled border collie, splashed through the water and brought the ball back in 17.12 seconds. Competing against 26 other dogs for this event in the inaugural Payette River Games on June 22, Josie won her owner the $100 grand prize. Josie probably would have enjoyed the moment as the proudest of her life if she had any idea what was going on. When asked how she got into the sport of river fetching, her owner translated for us. “I started when I was 6 weeks old,” Josie said. “Now I’m 6 years old.” Josie had the home advantage, since she lives right across the river. She enjoys chasing more than just tennis balls. “I chase pebbles, twigs, butterflies, grass, lights… moving or stationary,” Josie said. “Josie, say your prayers,” Davis said. On cue, Josie pulled her front paws to her face and balanced on her haunches. She put her head down in reverence. The River Dog competition fit well within the Payette River Games, a mildly gimmicky, but popular event at Kelly’s Whitewater Park in Cascade June 21-23. Kayak races, volleyball tournaments, golf games and more drew 14,000 spectators from all over the United States. Stand-up paddle boarders attempted to ford rapids and circle around massive inflated beach balls in the SUP-cross event. Most fell helplessly off their boards and scrambled to stay upstream. The junior kayak event payetterivergames.com brought kids 12 and younger to play on the same waves as kayakers three times their size. But these little bad-asses strutted around with miniature kayaks and skills comparable to their full-sized boating heroes. The homunculi even nailed the paddler style with flat-bill caps flipped backward, junior-sized tank tops and all the swagger of their big brothers. But the freak flags really flew at the last event Saturday night, during the Kelly’s Expression Session. Any vessel could take these shameless floaters down the waves. One man awaited his turn wearing an Easy Rider motorcycle helmet and an Oxford button-down with a high-society bow tie, toting around a wheel barrow. Before the event began, a stray blue 55-gallon drum escaped the launch point and bobbed into the sunset. —Jessica Murri WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
TWILIGHT CRITERIUM—Catch some of the best cyclists from around the country race through downtown Boise, as well as a variety of cycling-related events, including a kids’ ride with Kristin Armstrong. See Picks, Page 16. Saturday, July 13, 11 a.m.-midnight. FREE, boisetwilightcriterium.com. Downtown Boise, 12th and Idaho streets, Boise, boisetwilightcriterium. com.
Recurring BOISE DART LEAGUE—Dart players of any caliber are welcome to sign up for the Boise Dart League. Players do not need to be on a team to participate. Sign up at 6 p.m. and start playing at 7 p.m. Wednesdays, 6 p.m. $5. VFW Post 63, 8931 W. Ardene St., Boise, 208-4248387, vfwpost63.org. BOISE FOOSBALL—Draw-yourpartner foosball tournament. Sign-ups begin at 7:30 p.m., matches begin about 8 p.m. Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. FREE. Dutch Goose, 3515 W. State St., Boise. CONTEMPORARY-MODERN— Develop creativity and diversity with this expressive dance form. Wednesday classes are for ages 10-14, Saturday classes are for adults. Wednesdays, 6:45-7:45 p.m. and Saturdays, 10-11:30 a.m. $15, discount with purchase of multiple classes. Ballet Idaho, 501 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-343-0556, balletidaho.org. LEARN TO FLY—Learn to fly a with a certified flight instructor. By appointment daily. For more info, call 208-466-1800. $49, flitequest.com. Nampa Municipal Airport, 3419 Airport Road, Nampa. LOST RIVER CYCLING NOHOST SUNDAY ROAD RIDE—A no-drop, multiple-group road ride with a maximum speed of 15 mph. Sundays. 9 a.m. FREE. Big City Coffee, 1416 Grove St., Boise, 208-345-3145. lostrivercycling.org. LUNCHTIME YOGA CLASS— Take a break from the grind. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Noon. 10 classes for $70. Sage Yoga and Wellness, 242 N. Eighth St., Ste. 200, Boise, 208-338-5430, sageyogaboise.com.
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LEINENKUGEL’S SUMMER SHANDY, $1.79-$2.39 This beer pours a cloudy straw color, with a thick, sudsy head that collapses quickly. You get a big hit of lemon Jolly Rancher on the nose, but there’s a bit more going on taste-wise, with creamy lemon, soft wheat and malt up front. Honeyed citrus comes through on the finish. This Chippewa Falls, Wisc.-based stalwart has been around since 1867, and it was one of the first American breweries to offer a shandy. This brew comes in a 16-ounce can. SAMUEL ADAMS PORCH ROCKER, $1.39-$1.79 This is about as clear and bright as a brew can be—light gold in color with the thinnest of heads. A helles lager (Munich’s answer to Bohemianbased pilsner), this beer is flavored with fresh lemons, and that definitely comes through on the nose, along with touches of herb, citrus zest and smooth malt. Just the lightest of hops color the palate, which is a mix of soft malt and lemonade. This beer is definitely worthy. WARKA RADLER, $1.59-1.99 In the glass, this brew looks like bottled lemon juice with a meringue froth on top. And it smells like lemonade, too. Of the three, it is the most like soda pop and the least like beer. The flavors are a mix of sweet citrus dominated by lemon and orange. The finish is a bit sweet, as well, but the saving grace here is the 2 percent alcohol by volume. Serve well-chilled and enjoy this 16-ounce can with a clear conscience. —David Kirkpatrick
32 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly
I’m not typically a fan of dressing up beer with other flavors, but back before craft brews were reborn, I enjoyed mixing real beer and ginger beer, 50/50, to create a low-alcohol shandy. In the summer, I switched to adding lemonade. The same drink is called a “radler” in Germany, and you can still create your own, but several brewers have done the mixing for you. Weighing in at around 4 percent alcohol, these beers are definitely quaffable.
ACME BAKESHOP New bakery is on the rise in Garden City RYAN THORNE Mike Runsvold stood at a nearly empty table as the bell rang, signalling the end of a busy day at the Boise Farmers Market. Throughout the morning, his breads had gradually disappeared one by one, as customers came by to snag a slice of sourdough or a bite of boule. “Everything that I make, I try to make like it would be an exceptional version of its type of bread,” Runsvold said. Using experience garnered over years working for Zeppole and Gaston’s Bakery Acme Bakeshop owner Mike Runsvold loafs about at the Boise Farmers Market. in the basement beneath Le Cafe de Paris, Runsvold decided to branch out and open his The new Po’ Bois food truck also asked “You can’t find bread flour that’s produced own bakery, Acme Bakeshop, using personal Acme Bakeshop to create a special po’ boy bun or milled locally, but the one I use is in Lehi, recipes he has handcrafted through years of to complement its Southern-influenced cuisine. Utah, not very far away,” Runsvold said. trial and error. “The recipe they gave for the po’ boy In addition to using unbleached white flour “Every day, you have a chance to troublebun is native to the New Orleans area, so I shoot minor tweaks and that’s what keeps this from Lehi Roller Mills (where Footloose was filmed), Runsvold also sources from Shepherd’s just got a list of ingredients and listened to a interesting,” Runsvold said. recipe podcast before creating my own bun,” Grain. He procures other flours, including But Acme needed a commercial-sized oven whole wheat and rye, from Caldwell and Don- Runsvold said. to get off the ground, and Runsvold had been Besides two contracts with local vendors, nelly, where they are grown and milled on the eyeing a few for sale on eBay. Acme Bakeshop currently accepts orders as spot. “I was watching ovens go up for bid for part of a bread share on Facebook. Twice a Acme breads quickly caught the eye of 10 months and finally found one for a good week, Runsvold makes extra loaves of sourBarrel’s chef Paul Faucher, who wanted local price,” Runsvold said. “They can run up to dough and multigrain to provide to individual breads to complement the $50,000, and I was able to customers, a practice he is slowly phasing out. brewpub’s menu. get mine nearly brand new for “If someone asks for some bread, I “When we were opening $10,000.” ACME BAKESHOP this place up, I asked Mike if he wouldn’t say, ‘No,’” he said. “It’s just that I With an oven and a recently 221 W. 37th St., Ste. B, am about as busy as I can be. If I took on too could do something special for acquired workspace in Garden Garden City us,” Faucher said. “We decided much, I wouldn’t be able to do as good of a City, Runsvold is now able to 208-284-5580 job.” to incorporate our beer wort produce enough bread to fulfill Though business is steady for Acme Bakeinto our buns.” obligations with vendors like shop, Runsvold doesn’t plan on expanding Runsvold uses the wort to 10 Barrel Brewing Co., and to any more until he can afford to hire additional add sweetness and flavor to the buns. So far, stock a weekly booth at the farmers market. Faucher has been impressed with the quality of bakers and employees. “It’s just a production space, not fit for “I’m working on my own and there’s only Acme’s breads. customers; it’s just too ugly” Runsvold joked. so much I can do right now,” he said. “My “The customers really like how unique our “But it’s a great place to work out of and it’s focus is establishing a strong identity with bun is,” Faucher said. “We sell a hundred a close to downtown.” my products, then I will move forward from week—well a couple hundred a week—and Runsvold’s breads are made with local and there.” feedback has been nothing but positive.” semi-local flours and ingredients.
FOOD/NEWS NEW FOOD TRUCKS ROLL OUT IN NAMPA AND KUNA Lately, we’ve been trumpeting the arrival of new food trucks on the Boise dining scene, but we’re expanding our street eats scope this week to tell you about two new trucks parked further out in the Treasure Valley. Fred and Elyssa Goins recently opened Bel Cibo food truck, which is serving sandwiches from its bright yellow truck at the Nampa Farmers Market every Saturday. “I’m a stay-at-home mom, I have been for 15 years, my kids are all starting to go back to school and I wanted to work kind of out of the house, but not for somebody else,” explained Elyssa, a home cook turned food truck chef.
Menu items include: Jamaican Jerk Chicken with purple slaw and the Mac Daddy, mac and cheese-stuffed grilled cheese. “It’s the cheesiest sandwich I’ve ever had,” said Elyssa. For more info on Bel Cibo, which means “beautiful food” in Italian, check out its Facebook page, facebook.com/belcibotruck. And in other food truck news, Voluptuous Vittles is now slinging eats at 704 W. Fourth St. in Kuna. The truck offers eclectic bites like Brussels sprout tacos with strawberry salsa, Reuben egg rolls served with “1,000,000 island sauce” and truffle fries with reggiano cheese. For more info on Voluptuous Vittles, call 208-353-7541 or visit facebook.com/voluptuousvittles. —Tara Morgan WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M
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FREE Head & Should Massage with 1 hr. Chinese Reflexology Foot Massage at VIP Massage. 377-7711. Stop by 6555 W. Overland Rd near Cole. Stress relief & relaxing massage. $35/hr. Avail. 11-9, Mon.-Sat. By appt. only. Call Betty 283-7830. Tantra massage. Call Jamie. 4404321. ULM 340-8377.
ASTRO: 6-year-old male Chihuahua/rat terrier mix. Loves playing with other small dogs. High energy. Loving, engages with people. (Kennel 400- #20188500)
MISTY: 1-year-old female border collie mix. House-trained. Good with cats and dogs. Needs an indoor home and a 6-foot fence. (Kennel 405- #20314833)
BUCK: 3-year-old male Chihuahua. Loves to play with other dogs. Confident, happy-golucky guy. (Kennel 316#13862339)
FANCY: 2-year-old female domestic shorthair. Elegant, long, lean cat. Quite talkative and outgoing. Litterboxtrained. (Kennel 103#20305072)
SUNKISS: 4-year-old female domestic shorthair. Declawed on front feet. Needs a quiet, dogfree home. Needs to be an indoor cat. (Kennel 107- #20029985)
KIWI: 6-year-old female Manx. Plump girl needs a light diet. Needs a dog-free, indoor home. Litterbox-trained. (Kennel 7- #19765765)
These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats. www.simplycats.org 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177
Tour the WCA ,I 7KHVH :DOOV &RXOG 7DON Learn more about our services and creating healthy relationships Call today: 208-343-3688 ZZZ ZFDERLVH RUJ WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M
BONNE BELL: With my ROSIE: Adopt me today IVY: Only $10 for silky coat and gorgeous and I promise we’ll be a kitty this sweet? eyes, how can you the best of friends. Sounds purr-fect. resist?
BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | JULY 10–16, 2013 | 35
B O I S E W E E K LY BW LEGAL NOTICES IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: CRYSTAL BROOKE NELSEN Case No. CV NC 1308560 A Petition to change the name of CRYSTAL BROOKE NELSEN, now residing in the City of Meridian, State of Idaho, had been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to CRYSTAL BROOKE SCHUMACHER. The reason for the change in name is: Petitioner is no longer married and wishes to return to her former name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 11:00 o’clock a.m. on (date) July 25, 2013 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: May 20, 2013 CHRISTOPHER D. RICH
CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: Deirdre Price Deputy Clerk Pub. June 19, 26, July 3, 10, 2013. LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR PUBLICATION. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF, THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA In the Matter of the Estate of: DOUGLAS LELAND HERNDON, Deceased, LAUREL HERNDON, Personal Representative. Case No. CV-IE-2013-10717. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 18th day of June,
2013. Laurel Herndon c/o Gary L. Davis MANWEILER, BREEN, BALL & DAVIS, PLLC P.O. Box 937 Boise, ID 83702 (208) 424-9100 Pub. June 26, July 3 & 10, 2013.
9 1/24 of un jour
COMMUNITY BW ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertise your business or product in alternative papers across the U.S. for just $995/ week. New advertiser discount “Buy 3 Weeks, Get 1 Free” www.altweeklies.com/ads OPEN FOR THE SEASON Check out the fruit stand on W. State St. between the old Moxie Java & Burger & Brew! Nicest guys in town!
14 First name in footwear 18 Robs 20 Onetime wrestling great ___ the Giant 21 Shade of black 22 Forced return? 23 Woman in Conan Doyle’s “A Scandal in Bohemia” 24 Most common elements 25 Asset
29 32
97 103
99 105
100 106
36 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
74 81
FINE ART CLASSES Learn the ancient art of batik, drawing & painting, ceramics, or sandblasting in a professional art studio. Cindy’s Art Studio offers 6 and 8 week classes in all mediums. Check out classes at www.cindysartstudio.com or by calling her directly at 338-5147 for information.
TEN DOLLAR RIDE Rides anywhere in Boise for just 10 bucks! Call or text me. 208286-6277. Also deliveries and rides anywhere else for cheap!
BW WEEKEND MARKETS THE TREASRUE GARDEN FLEA MARKET Art, crafts, antiques and other good stuff. Friday, Saturday & Sunday. 10-6, 6521 Ustick Road East of Cole. Antiques, art, crafts, vintage and retro clothing and accessories. Unusual treasures from the past, present and future! 3000 sq. ft. of treasures. Great prices and easy parking. Stop in this weekend and check it out!
BW HOME Place your FREE on-line classifieds at www.boiseweekly.com. It’s easy! No phone calls please. REVAMP WARDROBE ORGANIZATION & CONSULTANT Do you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear? I can rescue you! Know what to keep, toss, give, and buy. Discover your closet’s hidden treasures. Achieve a grab-and-go wardrobe. Plan the perfect wardrobe for trips and special events. Keep your closet clutter-free. Take the guesswork out of dressing. Minimize, organize and accessorize your way to wardrobe freedom. A personal “closet audit” will bring peace and order back into your life. jenimccu@gmail.com
10 ___ Franklin, Grammynominated gospel/R&B singer
1 Coll. senior’s exam 5 Some S.U.V.’s
AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Photographers are invited to the Lakeside Lavender Farm before the festival on Thursday, July 11th, from sunrise to sunset. The address of the farm is 1003 W. Locust Lane, Nampa.
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26 Target of 2006 United Nations sanctions 27 Euripides play 28 Opening words? 29 Heads of a Northwest tribe? 31 Endings of some courses 32 Compose 34 ___ Selassie 35 What whalers may bring back 37 “Defending liberty, pursuing justice” org. 39 Carlo ___ wine 41 Go kicking and screaming 43 Collaborative Web site 46 Bon ___ 47 Fully 49 Duplicitous 51 They may be epic 53 Actor Roberts 54 Trouble 55 The Superdome, e.g. 56 Biblical figure whose name means “help” 57 ___ de Pompadour (figure in Fr. history) 59 Many a person behind the Iron Curtain 61 Dome, e.g. 63 Secretary, e.g. 64 Piece longer than its name suggests 67 Second of a Latin trio 71 Gang member’s “O.K.” before a job 73 Bird or fruit 74 Canadian interjections 75 Like a sighting of an ivory-billed woodpecker 76 Where 84-Across were invented 79 Suffix with favor 81 Catching ___ 83 Seat of Dallas County, Ala. 84 Seven-piece puzzles 86 Adventurer of Greek myth 89 Big gobbler 90 Dish that may be ladled 91 Eskimo boot 93 Hollywood legend Davis
94 95 97 99
Crooked Bridge spot It has 31 días ___ bar (Hershey product) 101 Some dinero 103 Disobeyed orders, say 106 Dewy 109 Four Holy Roman emperors 110 Certain singers 111 Noted mausoleum site 112 ___ buddy 113 Women’s Health competitor 114 Terminal information 115 Baghdad’s ___ City 116 ___-length 117 You may be shocked by it 118 Baseball’s Slaughter 119 Carpentry fastener 120 Affix, in a way 121 Word before and after “Tovarich” in a “Doctor Zhivago” number 122 Informal greetings
DOWN 1 Columbus’s home 2 “Hoochie Coochie Man” singer 3 In ___ (late, in law) 4 They may be shot at basketball games 5 Star quality 6 West Point subject 7 Frigid 8 1943 penny composition 9 The Three Stooges, e.g. 10 Clairvoyant’s hurdle 11 Caramel candy brand 12 Shooting off more 13 Flummoxed 14 Like porn films 15 Purple Heart recipients, e.g. 16 It’s worn by many Libras 17 Bang for one’s buck 19 Many S.A. women 30 1962 movie for which Anne Bancroft and Patty Duke won Oscars, with “The”
33 36 37 38 40 42
Likewise ___ Z Jazzed Still dripping? Gloss “___ be a real shame …” 44 “Toy Story 3” role for Michael Keaton 45 Muckraker Tarbell 48 Peruvian volcano El ___ 50 ___ Schwarz 52 Euphemism used often on “The Newlywed Game” 54 Frank Sinatra’s second 57 Year the iPod came out 58 Money raised by members of Congress? 60 Stupefying 62 72 in a six-pack, often: Abbr. 65 Don Ho’s instrument, informally 66 Sierra ___ 68 Dewar’s product 69 Medieval museum exhibit 70 Lowdown 72 Nick, maybe 76 They’re beside the point: Abbr. L A S T
77 78 80 82 83
Magician’s prop Blissed out Tut’s relative Racing vehicle Where one might be in the hot seat? 85 Mornings, for short 86 Some baby sitters 87 Fundamentally 88 Beehive State native 92 Gave for a time 96 Posit 98 Where one might be in the hot seat? 100 Bimetallic Canadian coin 101 Writing on the Wall? 102 A Coen brother 104 Joie de vivre 105 Language of Lahore 107 They’re always done by one 108 Feds Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under extras for the answers to this week’s puzzle. Don't think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.
W E E K ’ S
J AND J FAMILY FLOORING LLC Looking to have hardwood floor’s installed or refinished? Amazing work at an amazing price. Affordable Hardwood Installation, sand, refinishes & repairs. Residential new construction. We also install tile, Pergo, & laminate flooring. Licensed & Insured! Free estimates. Excellent references available upon request. 454-6421.
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BW KISSES Snootchie, as another birthday approaches & we prepare to roll on down the road in the Paddy wagon together, I was reminded of an ad that I placed oh so many years ago telling you that I love you. Now with our love child by our sides I know that I love you more than ever & thank you for keeping my garden green. Here’s to many more miles together as we sample fry sauce at all the greasy spoons we pass along the way. Love, Pinky and G-Dawg
Watch this video & decide for yourself. Google: “DNA vs. the Book of Mormon.” PROFESS YOUR LOVES/LIKES/JOYS ...in Boise Weekly Kisses. Free to someone you love this Summer, print space permitting. Email: Classifieds@BoiseWeekly.com WE ARE OUT Engagement~Wedding~ Anniversary Announcements for everyone! Boise Weekly welcomes all and does not discriminate against gay or straight couples. Call 3442055 for a price quote! GOLDY’S To the family at Goldy’s a weekend morning a few weeks back. Thank you for sharing your cheerios with us. Without them our tiny man would have gone into full meltdown mode. Thank you to all the racers, the bars and the stop workers for making the 8th Annual Boise Weekly Bars & Stripes Alleycat Race a success.
BW KICKS ARE YOU A HATER? Have something you can’t say but needs to be said? Try Boise Weekly Kicks. Free this Summer when print space is availalble. Email: classifieds@boiseweekly. com
when is SMALL better?
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BW I AM HERE If you are reading this—I drew you cherry blossoms once & you put them on your phone. I felt something for you & I think you felt it too. If you would like to write me or are able to write-Daniel LEhl #88476, IMSI E-2-B, PO Box 51, Boise, ID 83707.
MUSIC BW MUSICAL INSTRUCTION YARD SALE SALE HERE! Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for an unbeatable price of $20. Kit includes 3 large signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Extra signs avail. for purchase. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): The Space Needle is a tourist attraction in Seattle. Near the top of the structure is a circular restaurant that rotates slowly, making one complete turn every 47 minutes. The motor that moves this 125ton mass is small: only 1.5 horsepower. In the coming days, Aries, I foresee you having a metaphorically similar ability. You will be able to wield a great deal of force with a seemingly small and compact “engine.” TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “How many years can some people exist before they’re allowed to be free?” asked Bob Dylan in one of his most famous songs, written in 1962. “The answer is blowin’ in the wind,” he concluded. Many people hailed the tune as a civil rights anthem. Thirteen years later, a hippie cowboy named Jerry Jeff Walker released “Pissing in the Wind,” a rowdy song that included the line, “The answer is pissing in the wind.” It was decidedly less serious than the tune it paid homage to, with Walker suggesting that certain events in his life resembled the act described in the title. “Makin’ the same mistakes, we swore we’d never make again,” he crooned. All of this is my way of letting you know, Taurus, that you’re at a fork. In one direction is a profound, even noble “blowin’ in the wind” experience. In the other, it would be like “pissing in the wind.” Which do you prefer? It’s up to you. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Italian artist Duccio di Buoninsegna painted his Madonna and Child sometime around the year 1300. It’s a compact piece of art—just 11 inches high and 8 inches wide. Nevertheless, New York’s Metropolitan Museum paid $45 million for the pleasure of owning it. I propose that we choose this diminutive treasure as your lucky symbol for the next eight to 10 months, Gemini. May it inspire you as you work hard to create a small thing of great value. CANCER (June 21-July 22): When the comic book hero Superman first appeared on the scene in 1938, he had the power to jump over tall buildings, but he couldn’t fly. By 1941, he was hovering in mid-air, and sometimes moving around while floating. Eventually, he attained the ability to soar long distances, even between stars. Your own destiny may have parallels to Superman’s in the coming months, Cancerian. It’s possible you will graduate, metaphorically speaking, from taking big leaps to hovering in mid-air. And if you work your butt off to increase your skill, you might progress to the next level—the equivalent of full flight—by March 2014. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “It’s never too late to become what you might have been,” said novelist
38 | JULY 10–16, 2013 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S
George Eliot. I’d like you to keep that thought in mind throughout the rest of 2013 and beyond, Leo. I trust you will allow its sly encouragement to work its way down into your darkest depths, where it will revive your discouraged hopes and wake up your sleeping powers. Here are the potential facts as I see them: In the next 10 months, you will be in prime time to reclaim the momentum you lost once upon a time ... to dive back into a beloved project you gave up on ... and maybe even resuscitate a dream that made your eyes shine when you were younger and more innocent. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): When I first arrived in Santa Cruz, Calif., some years back, I helped start a New Wave-punk band called Mystery Spot. Our first drummer was a guy named Lucky Lehrer. After a few months, our manager decided Lucky wasn’t good enough and kicked him out of the band. Lucky took it hard, but didn’t give up. He joined the seminal punk band the Circle Jerks, and went on to have a long and successful career. Flipside magazine even named him the best punk drummer of all time. I suspect, Virgo, that in the next 10 to 12 months you will have a chance to achieve the beginning of some Lucky Lehrer-type redemption. In what area of your life would you like to experience it? LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): According to my reading of the astrological omens, the next 12 months will be a time when you will have more power than usual to turn your dreams into realities. You’ll have extra skill at translating your ideals into practical action. To help make sure you capitalize on this potential, I suggest you adopt this Latin phrase as your motto: “a posse ad esse.” It means “from being possible to being actual.” So why not simply make your motto “from being possible to being actual”? Why bother with the Latin version? Because I think your motto should be exotic and mysterious—a kind of magical incantation. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In 2010, two economics professors from Harvard wrote a paper that became a crucial piece of evidence for the global austerity movement. Politicians used it to justify their assertion that the best way to cure our long-running financial ills is for governments to spend less money. Oddly, no one actually studied the paper to see if it was based on accurate data until April 2013. Then Thomas Herndon, a 28-year-old Ph.D. student at the University of Massachusetts, dived in and discovered fundamental mistakes that largely discredited the professors’ conclusions. I believe you have a similar mojo going for you, Scorpio. Through clear thinking
and honest inquiry, you have the power to get at truths everyone else has missed. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Breakthrough will probably not arrive wrapped in sweetness and a warm glow, nor is it likely to be catalyzed by a handsome prince or pretty princess. No, Sagittarius. When the breakthrough barges into your life, it may be a bit dingy and dank, and it may be triggered by questionable decisions or weird karma. So in other words, the breakthrough may have resemblances to a breakdown, at least in the beginning. This would actually be a good omen—a sign that your deliverance is nothing like you imagined it would be, and probably much more interesting. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In a wheat field, a rose is a weed— even if that rose is voluptuous and vibrant. I want you to promise me that you will work hard to avoid a fate like that in the coming months, Capricorn. Everything depends on you being in the right place at the right time. It’s your sacred duty to identify the contexts in which you can thrive and then put yourself in those contexts. Please note: The ambiance that’s most likely to bring out the best in you is not necessarily located in a high-status situation where everyone’s ambition is amped to the max. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Is your soul feeling parched? In your inner world, are you experiencing the equivalent of a drought? If so, maybe you will consider performing a magic ritual that could help get you on track for a cure. Try this: Go outside when it’s raining or misting. If your area is going through a dry spell, find a waterfall or high-spouting fountain and put yourself in close proximity. Then stand with your legs apart and spread your arms upwards in a gesture of welcome. Turn your face toward the heavens, open up your mouth, and drink in the wetness for as long as it takes for your soul to be hydrated again. (In an emergency, frolicking under a sprinkler might also work.) PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Igor Stravinsky was a 20th century composer who experimented with many styles of music, including the avant-garde work “The Rite of Spring.” “My music is best understood by children and animals,” he said. In my vision of your ideal life, Pisces, that will also be true about you in the coming week: You will be best understood by children and animals. Why? Because I think you will achieve your highest potential if you’re as wild and free as you dare. You will be fueled by spontaneity and innocence, and care little about what people think of you. Play a lot, Pisces. Be amazingly, blazingly uninhibited.
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BW AUTO SERVICES FRIENDLY FAIR REPAIR Visit 27th Street Automotive. Cleanest most comprehensive service in the area. People you can trust. Call 890-8739. South on 27th at State St. YARD SALE SALE HERE! Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for an unbeatable price of $20. Kit includes 3 large signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Extra signs avail. for purchase. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.
YARD SALE SALE HERE! Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for an unbeatable price of $20. Kit includes 3 large signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Extra signs avail. for purchase. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.
BOUTIQUE Serendipity Boutique at Nearly Nu Shoppe. Under new ownership. Contemporary & vintage clothing for men & women. Tues.-Sat. 116. 3117 W. State St. FREE ON-LINE CLASSIFIED ADS Place your FREE on-line classifieds at www.boiseweekly.com. It’s easy! Just click on “Post Your FREE Ad.” No phone calls please.
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