Boise Weekly Vol. 23 Issue 41

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A P R I L 1 – 7, 2 0 1 5

VO L U M E 2 3 , I S S U E 4 1

“Yup, f***ing creepy, that’s what it is. It’ll be like we’re in one of those ant farms.”


Street Fighters

Without Jefferson Street closure, St. Luke’s says it may move some services


Jekyll and Hyde

How a new development could change the face of Hyde Park



50 for Foodies

BW’s Bar and Restaurant Guide looks at the top spots and trends in Boise’s cuisine scene FREE TAKE ONE!

2 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly


BOISEweekly STAFF Publisher: Sally Freeman Office Manager: Meg Andersen Editorial Editor: Zach Hagadone Associate Editor: Amy Atkins News Editor: George Prentice Staff Writer: Harrison Berry Staff Writer: Jessica Murri Listings Editor: Jay Vail Listings: Contributing Writers: Roberta T. Axidea, Bill Cope, David Kirkpatrick, Tara Morgan, John Rember Interns: Cheyenne Paulk, Tony Rogers, Cady Terry Advertising Advertising Director: Brad Hoyd Account Executives: Nathan Bartlett, Cheryl Glenn, Jim Klepacki, Darcy Williams Maupin, Josh Sanders, Jill Weigel, Classified Sales/Legal Notices Creative Art Director: Kelsey Hawes Graphic Designers: Jenny Bowler, Jeff Lowe, Contributing Artists: Dean Gunderson, Elijah Jensen-Lindsey, Jeremy Lanningham, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Jen Sorensen, Tom Tomorrow Circulation Man About Town: Stan Jackson Distribution: Tim Anders, Char Anders, Becky Baker, Tim Green, Shane Greer, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Ashley Nielson, Warren O’Dell, Steve Pallsen, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 32,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 1,000 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. Subscriptions: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. To contact us: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2014 by Bar Bar, Inc. Editorial Deadline: Thursday at noon before publication date. Sales Deadline: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher. Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it, too. Boise weekly is an independently owned and operated newspaper.


EDITOR’S NOTE NEW AND IMPROVED BAR AND RESTAURANT GUIDE, PLUS CHANGE IS AFOOT The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus obviously thought he was on to something with his immortal phrase, “the only constant is change.” Translations of his work contain more than a dozen variations on that theme, which is awfully meta if you really think about it: Even his own assertion about the constancy of change was changeable. Well, there’s plenty of change in this week’s edition of Boise Weekly. Inside you’ll find our lovely full-color, glossy 2015 Bar and Restaurant Guide, which we’ve substantially changed from previous years’ iterations. Inside you’ll find a countdown—in no particular order—of 50 things we think make the Treasure Valley’s food scene unique. Thanks go to BW roving food writer Tara Morgan for her top-50 concept, writing and editing contributions; BW Art Director Kelsey Hawes for her stellar design work; and BW Associate Editor Amy Atkins for her tireless editing. Related to change, on Page 8, BW News Editor George Prentice profiles the growing controversy surrounding a sweeping expansion plan fronted by St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center, which would dramatically alter portions of Boise’s East End neighborhood. Finally, in what is no doubt going to ruffle the most feathers, we bring a story on Page 11 that readers won’t find anywhere else: Hyde Park’s transformation from a sleepy North End neighborhood into an urban shopping district. As Boise continues with a historic building boom, it seems clear that development and redevelopment will not be confined to urban infill or previously underused properties on the fringes of the city’s growing suburban footprint. Now, it seems, even long-established areas like Hyde Park must reckon with the present surge in building density. It’s a story that only BW could tell and one we hope our readers will agree has to be seen to be believed. —Zach Hagadone

COVER ARTIST Cover art scanned courtesy of Evermore Prints... supporting artists since 1999.

ARTIST: Connie Karleta Sales TITLE: “Silent Trembling IV” MEDIUM: ink, intaglio etching, charcoal, graphite, paper ARTIST STATEMENT: Silent Trembling is part of a series of self-portraits. Join myself and Sue Latta for the opening of The Grand Experiment: I am because you are, Thursday April 2, 5-9 p.m. at Gallery Five18, 518 S. Americana Blvd. Exhibit continues through April.

SUBMIT Boise Weekly publishes original local artwork on its cover each week. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. A portion of the proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. Cover artists will also receive 30 percent of the final auction bid on their piece. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.

BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 3

BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world.


PUSHBACK Two Blackfoot students are facing opposition to their plan to host a number of events intended to raise awareness for gender equality in the eastern Idaho community. More on Citydesk.

MEMORIES While some Treeforters might still be recovering from fort fatigue, others are likely already nostalgic for the five-day bacchanal of music and cultural events. For a look back, see Cobweb.

EXTRADITED The 30-year-old man accused of a shooting spree in January that left three dead and one wounded in Moscow has been extradited to Idaho where he’ll await trial. More on Citydesk.


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“A ‘BAD DECISION’ IS WE ARING PL AID PA NTS WITH A STRI PED SHIRT ( UNLES S YO U ’ RE A C LOWN ) . A M O R A L LY C O RRU P T A N D INHUMAN DECISION IS DECIDING TO PU RC HASE SOME PEOPLE TO WO RK AS YOUR SL AVES .” —watcher (, Citydesk, “Idaho Rep. Paul Shepherd’s Awkward Invitation, His Website Makeover and Bizarre Reference to LGBT Advocates as Slaveowners,” March 27, 2015)

MAIL SYMPATHY AND ADVICE I sympathized with Jack Ader’s recent plea for the Boulder-White Clouds (Boise Weekly, Mail, “A Monument for Veterans,” March 4, 2015) and his vision of a natural chapel where veterans of recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq could unwind. The sympathy followed from my own experience walking off a battlefield in Vietnam and hitchhiking to the Himalayas. The memory of making my own way from Asia’s drainhole to its rafters without having to take or give an order, without getting shot at or worrying about stepping on something that would blow me up, is a lasting satisfaction. And the spring trek of 1970 was pure magic: Namche Bazaar and Thyangboche monastery hadn’t been discovered by the tourism industry, the Sherpas hadn’t yet learned to become cartoons of themselves, Mallory’s body rested undisturbed below the summit and the only recreational nuisance was a Japanese climber who tried to ski off one of Everest’s shoulders.

I know it was only the luck of good timing, but it was the last right moment to be there, just as today may be for the White Clouds. However, as an older veteran addressing a younger one, I’d be cautious about treating the alpine beauty of either Nepal or Idaho as a therapeutic laboratory. Skills that have served me and many of my veteran friends best since 1969 center more on history than healing. Growing into a fuller appreciation of your own experiences, your family’s history, the history of the drainage basin or mountain range where you live and work, the history of your state and its recreational and economic record, the history of your own country in your own lifetime (how many people “thanking you for your service” could distinguish the first from the second battle of Fallujah?), will serve you better in the long run than wandering around in the therapeutic wonderland of healing and recovery. —Ken Reid

S U B M I T Letters must include writer’s full name, city of residence and contact information and must be 300 or fewer words. OPINION: Lengthier, in-depth opinions on local, national and international topics. E-mail for guidelines. Submit letters to the editor via mail (523 Broad St., Boise, Idaho 83702) or e-mail ( Letters and opinions may be edited for length or clarity. NOTICE: Every item of correspondence, whether mailed, e-mailed, commented on our Web site or Facebook page or left on our phone system’s voice-mail is fair game for MAIL unless specifically noted in the message. BOISE WEEKLY.COM

NEWS YOU CAN USE While placing your periodical under my car to prevent an oil leak from staining my driveway, I actually perused an article by Bill Cope. From time to time, I summon the strength to read an article, only to finish it shaking my head in surreal astonishment. Therefore, I hereby offer you my considerable writing services, on a freelance basis, to (take a breath breath [sic]) hopefully improve your publication and add to its readership. Perhaps something other than a Bill Cope/Ted Rall obsequious butt-kissing of Barack Obama will generate more readers, save those in Hyde Park. Because, face it, Boise Weekly isn’t good for much more than lining bird cages and starting fires. I promise to write fair and balanced (yeah, I went there) pieces that are culturally relevant and factually correct. Trust me, you’ve got nothing to lose. —Brian Henneman (Editor’s Note: Thanks, Brian, but we’re fully staffed staffed at the moment moment. We are glad you’re taking advantage of the super absorbency of our pages, which are cut from recycled paper and, indeed, useful for a range of household tasks. We suggest using wadded up pages of Boise Weekly and a splash of vinegar to wash wash your windows.) BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 5


The Society #MakingPeopleBetter Newsletter BILL COPE Welcome, Brothers and Sisters of the SFMPB. We have a NEW RULE to share! But first... notice how we addressed you as Brothers and Sisters? Yes, it was absolutely intentional. It was one of the last decisions made by Rajah Bill before he quit calling himself Rajah Bill. Oh my, he struggled so gallantly to find another, more appropriate, title for himself, it was hard to watch sometimes. He would lock himself in his office—or as his wife calls it, “our bathroom”—for hours it seemed, then come out and ask, oh-so plaintively, “Hon, what do you think of Viceroy Bill?” And Mrs. Rajah Bill would look at him in that funny, sweet, I-wonder-if-it’stoo-late-to-have-this-annulled look, and say, “No Dear. That makes you sound like an idiot.” The same thing, over and over. “Commodore Bill?” “Regent Bill?” “Cardinal Bill?” “His Excellence Bill?” “Founding Father Bill?” And each time, Mrs. Rajah Bill would shake her head and say, “No Dear. That makes you sound like an idiot.” (Except for that once, when she said, “Then I would be Mrs. Founding Father Bill, which makes me sound like an idiot.”) Finally, it came to him. “Brother Bill.” PERFECT! It has all the egalitarian sobriety and subdued respect anyone could ask for. And, as Brother Bill soon realized, if he addresses all SFMPBers the same way, as “Brothers,” the Society has taken a giant leap forward in it’s goal to MAKE PEOPLE BETTER! (Incidentally, it was Mrs. Brother Bill who suggested that female SFMPBers should be addressed as “Sisters.”) Now, onto that NEW RULE! ••• But first... notice how our new THE FLUTTER! subtitle has one of those newfangled “hashtag” jobbies in it? Brother Bill has decided that, since he doesn’t do Tweets, or Insta-Gripe, Facing Books, Selfies or any of those things, perhaps he had better do something “hep” if he wants to keep the younger SFMPB members satisfied. In doing so, though, he has run nose first into a dilemma. You see, at the same time he was revamping the subtitle (The Society #MakingPeopleBetter Newsletter), he was also revamping the main title with the intention of shortening the issue number even further. He decided to use the universal symbol for “number,” which is “#.” And as he was surveying the changes he had made to the new THE FLUTTER! design, he couldn’t help but notice that “#” (for “hashtag”) and “#” (for “number”) looked an awfully lot alike. The very next day, Brother Bill was on the telephone, speaking with one of those nice com6 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly

puterized ladies, when she said, “If you wish to speak to one of our associates, please hit pound.” Finding no such word on his telephone buttons, he hit them all until something worked. It was only after he’d hung up that he noticed the button that worked, the so-called “pound” button, had a “#” on it. My goodness, you can’t imagine how confused Brother Bill felt. He started to examine his past experience for any clues that might explain how “#” could mean so many things. To further complicate matters, he remembered from his music-playing days that in musical scores, whenever the composer intends for a note to be played a half-step higher, he puts a “#” in front of it. Indeed, there can be as many as seven “#”s clustered together on a musical staff like guppies in a pond. WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE!? And what does it all have to do with that insidious “children’s” game, Tic-Tac-Toe? Unwittingly, Brother Bill may have stumbled onto something big. And let us pray it doesn’t have anything to do with Satanism, the Rosicrucians, the Shriners or the NSA. Now, onto that NEW RULE! ••• It has been months since we’ve added a new rule to our Official Society For Making People Better Rule Book, and Brother Bill apologizes for that. He knows as well as anyone that a list of rules must follow the same dictum that controls cellular reproduction, political parties and mushrooms: GROW, OR DIE! Yet for some time, your Brother Bill has felt like he was making up rules rather willy-nilly. In fact, he is rather embarrassed by more than one of the rules he has added to the Rule Book. However, at long last, not only has Brother Bill thought of a new rule, but it’s a “good ‘un,” as they might say in those sections of the country where people seem to have lost the use of their lips as an element in proper pronunciation. This rule has a broad application for people around the globe, and we are convinced if it were applied thoughtfully, it would not only make a great many people better people, but it would make this a better world to live in. Without further ado, here is our dear Society #MakingPeopleBetter’s NEW RULE: Rule 18: If you chose to reject sound, scientific evidence in some fields, you cannot take advantage of sound, scientific results from other fields. Tragically, your Brother Bill has used up all the room in which he intended to explain his new rule and why he thought of it. Perhaps in a future THE FLUTTER!, we can finish what we started. Until then... TOODLE-OO! BOISE WEEKLY.COM

OPINION THE DARK PLACE Existential advice for writers JOHN REMBER When I was teaching creative writing to undergraduates, I insisted that they write about the big existential questions. If they wanted to write about the small existential questions, I told them there were no such things. And if they answered the big questions easily, I made them go back and look at their work until they realized where they had gone horribly, perversely wrong. Here are the big not-easily-answered questions, at least as Jean-Paul Sartre defined them: 1. Why do we have to die? 2. Why are we free to choose but never have enough information to make a valid choice? 3. Why are we alone in life? 4. Why is the only real meaning of life the one we make while we’re living it? Ever helpful, I would add practical corollaries to each of the big questions: 1a. Don’t live in the future. 2a. Don’t wait for all the data to come in. It never will. 3a. Don’t expect anyone to complete you. 4a. Always choose observation over explanation unless writing fiction for the The New Yorker. By the end of the first week of class, my students turned into devout anti-existentialists—except for the few who sat in the back row, dressed all in black, stared intensely at me all through my lectures and, when class was over, stood outside the liberal arts building and smoked Gauloises. The religious students said that their faith took care of Sartre’s questions. Other students said that their family or their country answered the questions for them. “These are the paths most people take,” I said. “Religion, family and country do give you answers. They do their best to insulate you from folks like Sartre. If you’re lucky, the answers they give will outlast you and Sartre.” But then I told them that if we live long enough, the torments of Job—if not of Gethsemane—would likely come upon them. At those moments religion, family and country might stop dispensing their comforts. “You might find ourselves in a grieving raging dark place where Sartre suddenly makes a lot of sense,” I said. I also explained that existentialism got a boost from the French experience in World War II, during which the Catholic Church colluded with the Nazis to put Jews on trains to the death camps, the Vichy regime became Germany’s ally, neighbor turned against neighbor, and families dissolved in hatred and betrayal. “By the end of the war,” I said, “people like Sartre quit believing in anything they couldn’t see. Not God, not Country, not even the Love and Honor and Faith of other people. They had BOISE WEEKLY.COM

seen it all turned upside down.” Then I told them that regardless of their beliefs about the afterlife, death would represent a pretty radical and upsetting change for them. I told them that if they were still reveling in their freedom to come to college and choose a mate and a major, those choices would determine who they were in 40 years. For the sake of their future selves, they better not screw up. I told them stories of people who had been married for decades and never really knew the person they were married to. What they construed as intimacy and true love was good old projection. Unless they were careful, people could walk through life in a box of mirrors. I denied such grim statements were child abuse at the time and I deny it now. I did point out that Albert Camus put a much nicer face on the same dilemmas. I recommended they read The Plague and The Myth of Sisyphus rather than Being and Nothingness and No Exit. “And anyway,” I said, “you’re in this class to become writers, and writers construct stories by careful observation and withheld judgment, not by a blind acceptance of what other people say about the world. Learn to fall back on your own perceptions. It’s the only way I know not to be overcome by disillusion and cynicism if you’re ever up against the existential wall.” It was also the only way for them to get to depth with their writing. Most of my students wanted to write deep and meaningful stories, but they wanted to write them without being confronted by their own pain and grief. When a story ended without ever leaving the surface of life, I’d tell the author to go through her story paragraph by paragraph and find a sentence that was a doorway down, and then follow it. “You don’t have to live down there,” I’d say. “You just need to be able to follow a story there. Of course, you have to get back in one piece.” Which isn’t always a sure thing. I never told them that “go deeper,” when uttered by a writing teacher, is shorthand for, “You go deeper. I’ll wait here for the cops.” What I did tell them was that the short, the difficult, the painful and probably the only answer for writers is that we have nothing until we write something. That’s the ground we stand on, and if it’s like quicksand at first, it gets firmer as we go along. When you can point to a book, story or poem and say that it’s been written with your heartblood, you’ll know your path back to the solid surface of things. Adapted from John Rember’s MFA in a Box blog, BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 7


A tie vote effectively killed a bill that would have offered a way to access medical cannabidiol oil.

BABIES, BATHWATER AND CANNABIS OIL The only thing more dramatic than the testimony heard March 30 by the Idaho House State Affairs Committee was the committee’s vote. The hearing, to consider whether to grant parents an “affirmative defense” to use cannabidiol oil to help reduce the severity or number of their children’s epileptic seizures, lasted nine hours—long after most of the rest of the Legislature had gone home for the evening. After a physically and emotionally exhausting two-part hearing, in which parents held back tears while pleading for their children’s comfort, the committee deadlocked 8-8, effectively killing the bill. Garden City Democratic Rep. John McCrostie joined seven Republican legislators in voting against Senate Bill 1146aa. Plummer Democratic Rep. Paulette Jordan was not present for the vote. “It’s a tie,” said Committee Chair Rep. Tom Loertscher, R-Iona, who voted with four Republicans and three Democrats in favor of the bill, sponsored by Boise Republican Sen. Curt McKenzie. Members of the public who had endured the marathon, sat stunned after spending the day imploring lawmakers to help their children. “I’ll try to contain my emotions,” said Holli Bunderson, whose son suffered his first seizure when he was 10 months old. He has since had a tumor and a cyst removed from his brain and been diagnosed with autism and limbic rage syndrome, which triggers violent seizures that wrack his 7-year-old body. Dr. David Bettis, a pediatric neurologist who works with many of the Idaho families coping with their children’s severe epilepsy, cautioned lawmakers, “not to throw the babies out of with the bathwater.” “I would urge you not to overemphasize the bathwater,” he said. “Let’s keep in mind that these children deserve this kind of help. Yes, I struggle with the illegal transport of the drug as much 9 as anyone, but that’s the part of the bathwater. We can work that out.” 8 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly

NEWS THE BATTLE OF JEFFERSON STREET It’s ‘their way or the highway’ for St. Luke’s Master Plan GEORGE PRENTICE It was a stunning vote. In a decisive blow to St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center—the hub of medical care in downtown Boise for more than a century—Boise’s Planning and Zoning Commission rejected the hospital’s master plan, which includes a dramatic expansion of heart and vascular care, women’s care, ortho/neuro services, the children’s hospital and cancer treatment facilities. The most controversial piece of the plan is St. Luke’s requirement that a portion of Jefferson Street be permanently closed to accommodate the expanded footprint. It was a non-starter for P&Z, which voted 6-1 to deny to the plan. “I think the case has been made that an undue burden would be placed on the public by closing Jefferson,” said Commissioner Rich Demarest. Commissioner Rick Just said he went “back and forth at least 16 times,” but ultimately concluded “connectivity trumps design in this case.” Commissioner Mike Gillespie sealed the “no” vote by saying, “This would clearly be the public’s loss of an important street.” Instead of returning to the drawing board, officials at St. Luke’s have decided to double down, putting the fate of the hospital’s master plan—and perhaps its future in downtown Boise—into the laps of the Boise City Council. Boise lawmakers will hear from St. Luke’s and the public on Tuesday, April 7 and Tuesday, April 14—they’ve already decided that the issue is so important, and potentially volatile, that two public sessions will be needed before the council has its say on the fate of St. Luke’s. “There is no Plan B,” St. Luke’s Director of Community Relations Theresa McLeod told Boise Weekly. “If we don’t receive approval from the City Council, and we understand that we don’t have the opportunity to come before them again, well then… Well, then our leadership, over time, will have

A massive expansion of St. Luke’s Boise Medical Center hinges on whether the hospital will be allowed to close a portion of Jefferson Street—a plan that has drawn strong opposition from some neighbors.

to determine where they locate these tertiary care services for heart, cancer, children—all those services that we believe is needed for that lateral, horizontal footprint.” In other words, if St. Luke’s doesn’t get the OK to close a portion of Jefferson Street, it could move some of its most critical services out of Boise’s East End neighborhood—potentially out of Boise altogether. “This is not an ultimatum at all,” McLeod said, “but it’s a real possibility. It could happen over time. We realize that, quite possibly, our community and our city leaders may not have understood the reality of those services.”

THE EMOTIONAL TUG A recent St. Luke’s video has already begun circulating—on the hospital’s website, in emails and on YouTube—that, at first, is similar to something you might see on the St. Luke’s Children’s Miracle Network Telethon. It’s a sweet video that shares the heart-tugging story of a young Boise couple that recently welcomed a newborn son named Jack—but Jack’s arrival at St. Luke’s was five weeks early. “It was a really difficult time for us,” says mother Jesse, fighting back tears. “You have this little baby that you want to take home so badly, and you can’t.” Pediatrician Dr. Alicia Lachiondo appears next, saying “it’s terrifying enough to take your child home from the newborn nursery with no complications, but to know that they’ve been monitored so closely and then have to take them home is pretty scary.” Trevor, Jack’s father, is in the frame next, saying, “It was tense and nerve-wracking at times. But having the people at St. Luke’s that we did helping us out, it puts you at ease.”

At the 54-second mark, the video takes a subtle turn. It shows Jesse and Trevor walking through their Boise neighborhood as the camera pans up to a Jefferson Street sign. “One of the biggest benefits of living in Boise, and specifically this part of Boise, is that it’s a place where you can be pretty active. You can walk, you can bike, and it’s great to be able to do that,” says Trevor. “And to lose even a small piece of that would be unfortunate. But my thought on that is: to retain the services that are currently here, and to expand on them, is worth the trade-off.” The video’s message then becomes a lot less subtle. “St. Luke’s needs city approval to modernize and upgrade Idaho’s only children’s hospital,” says a narrator. That plain appeal is then followed with full-screen email addresses of Boise Mayor Dave Bieter and the Boise City Council. “Contact the city now to keep health care in Boise strong,” concludes the narrator. Should St. Luke’s move its services, it would be to the west. According to the hospital’s website, St. Luke’s would “migrate our major services, over time, to Meridian, increasing the cost of care, jeopardizing continuity of care and disrupting the patient experience.” St. Luke’s also states that the loss of child care, cancer care and other services would force “longer commutes,” trigger “a migration of physicians and employees who live and work in the downtown area” and result in “a significant loss to the Boise economy.” McLeod said St. Luke’s isn’t “playing a heavy hand and not putting down ultimatums. But we realize that our community has to understand.” BOISE WEEKLY.COM


“We’re optimistic, but we’re also very realistic,” she added. “We know that there are still some concerns with some of our East End neighbors.”



THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD Meanwhile, those same East End neighbors say they love St. Luke’s, but more than a few of them say they hate the idea of seeing Jefferson Street permanently closed for the hospital’s master plan. “We’ve become the city’s sacrifice zone,” said Erik Kingston, a certified professional community and economic developer and East End resident since 1994. “We lost East Junior High School to Boise State and that increased traffic as a result; we lost our only activity center at 111 Broadway, which became derelict and abandoned. We gave up Bannock Street to St. Luke’s in the 1990s; we supported the hospital for its Life Flight helipad; now we’re being asked to give up more.” Kingston thinks St. Luke’s push for support, particularly among its business partners and supporters, might be counterintuitive. “We’ve heard from a number of people that say they’re being heavily pressured to testify on behalf of St. Luke’s, and the fact that they’re coming to us and saying that leads me to think that they really don’t want to do that,” said Kingston. “Something like their [video ad] campaign could actually backfire. Sure, they can pack a room, but these organizations are being asked to think that they need St. Luke’s when, in fact, St. Luke’s needs them.” The East End Neighborhood Association has launched and is distributing leaflets describing the St. Luke’s master plan as a “sprawling campus,” a “super block that isolates the East End” and “a bad precedent for any neighborhood.” Charles Honsinger and his wife, Lee, have lived in the East End for 20 years. “Look, we’re not professionals,” Honsinger said. “We’re just trying to preserve our neighborhood. It’s a good place to live. We’ve been standing in front of M&W Market on Warm Springs talking about this, and everyone we’ve met hadn’t heard anything about this, but they were immediately concerned about the possible closure.” On March 15, as the Honsingers were walking through their neighborhood handing out leaflets, things got a bit testy. “A man approached us who was adamantly opposed to our effort. My wife talked to him first,” said Honsinger. “He was getting louder and angrier, and when I tried to engage him a little bit, he called us selfish and said that if St. Luke’s gets their way, it would increase his property value. He kept following us and getting angrier. Finally, my wife turned BOISE WEEKLY.COM

“We’ll gladly risk this. We’re already in prison.”

Natalie Stevens said she was prepared to testify before the House committee because she was an expert. “I’m an expert on my daughter,” Stevens said. Her daughter is 11-yearold Marley, who suffers between two and 100 seizures every day. “You’ve heard the word ‘seizure’ over and over today,” said Stevens, “but when you hear it over and over, you forget what that entails. ‘Seizure’ means Marley can never be out of my sight. It means that she has scars from biting her tongue all the time. It means that her breathing stops. It means missing school and missing work. It means sleepless nights and agonizing days. “Seizures are our prison,” she added “We’ll gladly risk this. We’re already in prison. We would rather be arrested and have an affirmative defense.” Opponents of the bill brought out the big guns, figuratively, with Idaho police, sheriffs, prosecutors and Elisha Figueroa, director of the Idaho Office of Drug Policy, pushing hard against SB 1146aa. “Yes, this is heart wrenching, but I want to be clear: this is not hemp oil you can buy at the Co-op. This is marijuana, a Schedule One drug, and Idaho will be violating federal law if this passes,” said Figueroa, who was appointed as drug czar by Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter. “We have a very real criminal element in this state that is looking for a shield for their activity, and this law does just that,” he added. Figueroa urged the committee to instead support Senate Bill 1156, which would direct the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare to administer a special program including trials and oversight of the pharmaceutical drug Epidiolex. The Epidiolex trial would include approximately 25 to 30 people, but at least one estimate during the March 30 State Affairs Committee hearing indicated that there approximately 1,200 Idaho children suffering from severe seizures. 8

Among the proposals in the St. Luke’s Master Plan are a new hospital tower, expanded children’s hospital and multiple office complexes.

around with her cellphone and told him that she was taking a video of him. He took off pretty quickly.” Honsinger insisted that he would love St. Luke’s to stay where it is and even expand. “But it’s all about Jefferson,” he said. “That’s what we’re focused on. We’ve always said, ‘Hey, if you want to expand, fine. Let’s work out a way where we keep Jefferson open. But they’re not talking about a Plan B. It’s either this or nothing.” Honsinger said that he’ll be at the April 7 hearing in front of the City Council. “It’s hard to guess what they might do,” he said. “But I think we have a good shot.”

THE MAN IN THE MIDDLE Ben Quintana may be in the most tenuous position when it comes to St. Luke’s. He’s a Boise City Council member but spends his days as an organization development program manager for the St. Luke’s Health System. “And that’s why I’ll be recusing myself; I won’t be voting on this,” Quintana told BW, adding that he may, in fact, have to step down from the Council dais during the public hearing. “I’ll need to join the audience at that point.” Quintana also isn’t allowed to advocate for, or against, the issue with his fellow lawmakers. “I’ve been staying out of those conversations,” he said. That can’t stop him from speaking publicly on the issue. Given that he’s a St. Luke’s employee, Quintana thinks there’s way too much at stake not to approve the hospital’s master plan. “This is one of the biggest decisions the city will make in the foreseeable future,” said Quintana. “This involves hundreds of millions

of dollars and thousands of jobs.” Quintana acknowledges that a number of neighbors simply don’t want to see Jefferson closed, but he also says that too many members of the public simply haven’t seen the actual plan. “I ask people, ‘Have you seen the plan?’ They say, ‘No, I haven’t.’ When we’re able to see what St. Luke’s is trying to do and how it actually advances the city’s overall comprehensive plan, I think the community will see how everyone greatly benefits from the proposal. There are so many improvements that go with this plan, but a number of people are only looking a portion of Jefferson Street being closed.” Alan Shealy knows a thing or two about testifying before the Boise City Council—he’s been on both sides of the podium. Shealy spent nearly nine years as a councilman, approving and rejecting plans that were or were not in sync with the city’s overall master plan. In February, Shealy told the city’s P&Z Commission, “I view the intent to block Jefferson Street as being sheer arrogance on the part of hospital authorities.” Shealy is expected to be one of scores of citizens to stand before the Boise City Council to weigh in on the debate on April 7 and April 14 before lawmakers cast their votes. “Those meetings could be pretty long, but we’ll do our best,” said Kingston. That remains one thing that Kingston and McLeod can agree on. “He’s absolutely right. They will be very long evenings,” said McLeod. “But they will be evenings full of passion. There will be a lot of people there to either support the plan or oppose the plan; and all of that will come with a tremendous amount of passion.”

—George Prentice BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 9

CITIZEN in a day, in our partnership with Habitat for Humanity. That was a bit of a shock, but I knew it would awaken us to our possibilities. It’s organized chaos, a thing of beauty, 300 hammers going all at once. We’ve done it every year since.






These are interesting times for this community; we see unprecedented growth, yet there are too many men, women and children who are in need of food or shelter. We need to ask ourselves: If for some horrible reasons if we closed the church’s doors, what would be missing other than our worship? That’s one of the reasons we hand out 100 sack lunches every week of the year. NN





Easter, sunrises and a hope for something bigger GEORGE PRENTICE When Duane Anders was a young man, growing up in Charlestown, W.V., people would tell him, “Someday, you’re going to be a pastor.” When he was in junior high, he met with his own pastors, but didn’t tell his parents just “I thought if I changed my mind, people might be disappointed,” Anders said. It’s one reason why he earned a bachelor’s degree in American history but never had any intention of being a history teacher. Soon enough, Anders earned a master’s in divinity, was ordained as a pastor in the United Methodist Church and spent more than 25 years behind a pulpit in Ohio. Then, four years ago, Anders was asked to be the pastor of Boise’s Cathedral of the Rockies. As the Christian world prepared to celebrate its holiest week of the year—the days framed by Palm Sunday and Easter—Boise Weekly sat down with Anders to talk about the season, his cathedral’s rich musical legacy and the difficulty of loving your enemies.

When you took this appointment at Cathedral of the Rockies, how did you choose to begin influencing not only your congregation but your new community? In my first Christmas message, we said that we needed 400 people to frame two new houses 10 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly

and be present with one another, those are good things. But what if there’s no sense of God’s presence? The surprising part of God is that God seems to more OK with that than God’s followers. God is present with all that is unexpected. Yes, you do keep the law by loving your neighbor, but you also keep the law by loving your enemy. Let’s talk about the reality of that. I’m finding it difficult to love a few people on this planet, more than ever. Sure. How is it possible to love ISIS?

Who are these people that you’re feeding? Chronic homeless, people passing through, students from Boise High and people who have a lot more days left in a month than they have money. We also serve a hot meal every Sunday night. It’s our so-called “mercy ministry.” It doesn’t stop hunger; it just stops it for that moment. We then have to ask ourselves, “Why are there more hungry this year than three years ago? What’s going on when we see more people sleeping under a bridge?”

Yes, I’m a bit tone-deaf with the unspeakable cruelty of ISIS. Help me out with that. When I look at ISIS, I wonder what is going on in their world where it appears that ISIS is some people’s only choice. What kind of example of God have they seen? I could stand at the Idaho Capitol and pray for us to Add the Words, but I don’t fear that someone is going to chop my head off. I want to believe we can love our enemy and sometimes in doing so, that means you get crucified.

Let’s talk about the musical legacy at the cathedral. I’ve attended jazz concerts here, performances from the Boise Philharmonic... And we were a Treefort venue.

Let’s talk about something more pleasant, like an Easter morning sunrise at Camel’s Back Park. Amazing. Sunrise is 7 a.m. this year and, yes, we’ll hold our Easter Sunrise service there again on Sunday, April 5. We gather, tell the story of Easter, sing, pray and celebrate the fact that God still surprises all of us.

I’m presuming that so many of those experiences transcend faith. I just had a conversation with a man who grew up in this church but is no longer Christian. He said, “The thing I miss is singing in the choir.” I said, “Why is that you think you can’t sing in the choir just because you don’t have a clarity about God?” Is it OK if those dots don’t connect? My heart says they’ll connect. It may take longer than I think. Cathedrals, through history, were centers of communities and homes of artists. That’s a vision that this church embraced years ago: to continue to be a home for poets, musicians, painters, sculptors. During Holy Week, we have different artists’ visions of the Stations of the Cross (see Page 23). Let’s talk about how a person might reconcile the secular versus the religious celebration of holy days, particularly Easter and Christmas. Millions of Americans see Easter as an opportunity to put on some nice clothes and go to brunch. And goodness knows how we overdo things when it comes to Christmas. Are you OK with that? If underneath all of those feelings is that our holidays give us a chance to breathe and love

I’m presuming that your Easter sunrise service draws a number of people who may not normally walk through your doors. It’s interesting that you say that. I was talking about sunrise with a homeless man the other day. Every day is a gift. It doesn’t matter what the newspaper headlines say or how crappy my life is; the sun still comes up. There are days where I fear it’s not coming up because of the shape that the world is in. But God is still God. And people, whether they’re Christian or not, are part of something bigger. They always are. What do you know about Jesus Christ today that you didn’t know as a young man? There was a time when I was a teenager that I needed faith to answer all of my questions. If you figured out God, God got really small. Today, just as I think I can figure out God, God gets bigger. And that’s OK. The Apostle Paul said, “We see through the glass dimly on this earth.” Someday we’ll get the bigger picture. Someday soon? I don’t know. It may not be soon enough. BOISE WEEKLY.COM

From Homespun


Tim Barnford opened his Hyde Park coffee shop in 1987, years before Starbucks started spreading out of Seattle, years even before the simple cup of coffee morphed into a cornucopia of exotic variations. “I still have the first espresso machine I brought into this place,” he said. “It’s in my garage, at home, and it still works fine. It just got to be too small.” Barnford hesitated before explaining why he hasn’t gotten rid of the machine. “I don’t know, really,” he said, “but I think it’s something about hanging on to stuff that brought us to where we are. “It’s the opposite of what they’re planning to do here. To this whole place,” he added, waving his hand across the view from the patio of his shop. “I still can hardly believe what’s happening.” Barnford built his patio about 20 years ago, and the view of 13th Street as it runs through Hyde Park hasn’t changed much since then. The neighborhood remains one of the few quaint reserves left in the city and BOISE WEEKLY.COM

serves as a reminder that—not so long ago— Boise was a town of quaint reserves, congregated around clusters of mom-and-pop stores that provided everything from groceries to ice cream sundaes to shoe repair. “It’s like there are two kinds of people,” Barnford told Boise Weekly. “People who would like to see things stay the way they are—I guess that’s me—and then there are these guys who can’t wait to get hold of something and exploit it. You know, suck everything out of it until nothing’s left of what used to be here.” Little of what Hyde Park used to be will remain if plans move forward to enclose four square blocks of the North End neighborhood as an upscale shopping, dining and entertainment complex. As the project description states on the website of Palo Alto, Calif.-based developer Birdwell/Caar Meta-Designs: “Coming Soon: Hyde Park Commons—where neighbors come to see neighbors.”

WHO’S BUILDING WHAT WHERE? The Commons is modeled on the kinds of so-called concept consumer spaces (CCS) that have sprung up in cities all over Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and California. The concept part of the name refers to the uniformity of architectural presentation and a calculated ambience that differs depending on the tastes and styles of local populations, prevailing regional purchasing habits, economic demographics and even weather patterns. It’s not exactly cookie-cutter retailing, in the old sense that one mall looks pretty much like another, but developers have learned from experience what consumers are looking for—be it in a shopping trip or an evening of dining and entertainment. “The kind of people we try to draw in do 40 to 60 percent of their buying online, but on the weekends, they like to get out. Maybe pick out a new jacket or pair of shoes, 12 have some drinks and dinner, go to a movie or see a band, all without having BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 11

The Hyde Park Commons plan calls for preserving existing businesses, though with subtle twists. A longtime Hyde Park antique store gets a makeover.

to drive to multiple locations,” said Ken Birdwell, principal 11 partner of Birdwell/Caar.

The company plans to subcontract with Boise development giant LTD Options, Inc., to formalize the design for the Hyde Park Commons project. Birdwell is an old hand at designing CCSs. Before partnering with Hans Caar, an urban engineer trained at the Neo-Bauhaus Akademie in Haaslichstadt, Germany, he drew up the original plans for The San Antonio Greens, the CCS in Texas widely considered the first of its kind. Together, Birdwell and Caar are responsible for the development of 18 other such concepts, from The Courtyard in Sacramento, Calif., to The Mammoth Stage Stop in Santa Fe, N.M. “What’s exciting, yet challenging, about this Hyde Park space is that it’s the first one we will have done that’s set in an older, pre-existent neighborhood,” Birdwell told BW in a telephone interview. “It’s like half the parking is already there, half the landscaping, and we’re expecting half the clientele, too, considering so many people live close enough to the target area to access the site on foot or by bike.” Barnford doesn’t share Birdwell’s enthusiasm. “Did [Birdwell] say anything about how they’re going to block off six city streets? Did he say anything about all of the trees that’ll have to removed? I doubt it,” Barnford said, adding that representatives with LTD Options have already reached out to several Hyde Park business owners, promising that as many trees as possible would be spared during construction—some trees could even be incorporated into the design of the CCS. “How do you tear down 40, maybe 50 houses, put up 20 or so retail shops and restaurants—I don’t know how many condominiums—one of those programmable fountains and an outdoor stage, plus a three-screen movie theater, all while you’re trying to work around a 150-year-old elm tree without killing it?” Barnford said. LTD Options has left an indelible mark on the Boise landscape. After inheriting the development firm from his father in 1992, President and CEO Lawrence T. Donnwiddy relocated the firm from Arizona to Boise in 1996. The guiding force behind the controversial Klapp Building—next to the Boise River off 12 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly

River Drive—and the trend-setting MoorHaus shopping center on North Ballantyne Lane and State Street in Eagle, he is also responsible for 13 boutique hotels planned for locations from the east end of ParkCenter Boulevard to Karcher Road between Nampa and Caldwell. Three are currently under construction. Donnwiddy has also partnered with other heavyweight figures in the Boise real estate and development market in everything from parking garages to water parks and senior retirement centers. As urban growth increases in the Treasure Valley, Donnwiddy is positioned to remain one of the most influential figures in the post-recession building boom. In addition to serving as president and CEO of LTD Options, he sits on the boards of directors of the Boise Classical Music Performance Foundation, Charitable Giving of the Treasure Valley, the Boise Literacy Society and Saint Gertrude’s United Health Systems, one of Idaho’s largest health care providers and home to the nation’s leading hip replacement center. Donnwiddy’s latest venture is Hyde Park Commons, which— subject to the approval of the Greater Ada Planning and Zoning Commission—would convert the neighborhood into what has been described as a retail coliseum, with existing businesses rimmed by an elevated terrace studded with shops, theaters, bars and eateries.

THE IMPACT IN THE PARK “I grew up in that house, right there,” said 54-year old Corrine Ysibarra, pointing to a two-story frame house across the street from her current home on West Sherman Street. “My dad grew up there, too. That’s how long that house has been there. But Fred Davis bought it off dad sometime in the ’70s, along with five or six others around here close, and rented them out until he died. Now his son owns them, and if I know Wiley Davis, he’ll sell out to Donnwiddy’s outfit quicker than you can say, ‘Where do I sign?’” According to planning documents, Davis has already sold the old two-story to LTD Options, along with the seven other rentals that his father, then he, had owned. The tenants have been given notice that their leases will be void by the end of the year.

Corporate sponsorship could result in rebranding for some landmarks.

Should the plan win approval, they won’t be alone. As many as 50 structures within a two-block radius of the epicenter of Hyde Park would have a date with the wrecking ball. Those buildings include single-family dwellings, garages, duplexes or small apartment buildings; about a third are being rented from a handful of landlords, while the rest are resident-owned. There are a significant number of residents who will not sell. Jerry Knotts’ hesitation is typical. “I suppose if the money is right, I’ll consider it. But I raised my kids in this house. I got memories that go back 40-some years here. And where am I supposed to go, anyway? I’m 72, and getting settled into a new place isn’t going to be easy. But we’ve talked it over,” he said, nodding to his wife, June, “and we’re waiting to see what they offer before we make up our minds.” “It’d better be good,” June said, shrugging her shoulders. The trouble with the Knotts’ expectations is that—if the past is any prelude to the future—the longer they hold out, the less they may be offered. Donnwiddy’s pattern is to proceed with a project before acquiring all of the property he needs to finish it. BW readers might remember the last time Donnwiddy made news, in April 2010, with his attempt to purchase the Pioneer and Morris Hill cemeteries in order to turn those properties into high-end retail spaces and apartments. When word of the negotiations leaked, outrage over the proposed exhumation and relocation of the bodies buried at the cemeteries led the city to back out, with officials denying they knew anything about the plans. To date, the cemetery project has been Donnwiddy’s only development setback since he moved his company to Idaho. In Hyde Park, Donwiddy has already secured 15 residential properties, which are due to be demolished beginning in mid-summer. The neighborhood most immediate to Hyde Park could, sooner than later, begin to look like a combat zone, with dump trucks and trailers loaded with heavy equipment rumbling over the narrow North End streets. As neighborhoods degenerate, so do the values of what is left. “That’s what Donnwiddy is counting on,” said Francine Crisp, owner of The Atmospherialist, a bohemian nook crammed with wind chimes, incense burners, crystals and self-discovery books. BOISE WEEKLY.COM

Many shops in the Commons will be geared toward the active, outdoor lifestyle that has long made Hyde Park attractive to residents from all over the Treasure Valley.


“He knows he can wear the old-timers down. They’ll start to get scared that they won’t get anything like what their places are worth if they wait too long. It’s like dominoes, only it’s property values that are tumbling.” Vince Eberley echoes Crisp’s fears. “We’re in a vise, and Donnwiddy is turning the screw,” he said. Eberley and his brother, Theo, opened their bike store, The Cycle Spot, in 2004. BW asked if they had discussed moving their business out of Hyde Park. “It’s complicated,” Eberley answered. “[Donnwiddy] wants most of us to stay. The businesses, I mean. Most of us rent the buildings we’re in and he’s already snatched them up. But he wants us to stay put, to keep the appearance of this cozy little village. Then people who come for the movies or the stuffed shiitakes can sit outside on the patios up above and watch us go about our work.” The Eberley brothers have accumulated a loyal clientele over the years and fear it will be lost if they relocate. “Then, like a month ago, we get this letter from LTD Options saying they want us to either commit to staying or get out now, because they claim to have someone who will run a bike place here if we’re gone. One way or another, there’s going to be a bike shop here, see? And if it’s not us, someone else will be capitalizing on all the work we’ve put into this location,” Eberley said. It’s the same with every one of the shops and eateries in Hyde Park: They either stay or get replaced with a virtual clone of themselves. Most, if not all, of the structures on 13th Street in the two-block stretch from Alturas Street to Brumback Street will remain as they are, including the C.H. Wayhire Building. The longtime neighborhood convenience store is already being converted into a replica of a mercantile co-op from another era, circa 1955.

When the transfiguration is complete, the only traffic allowed within the greater Commons will be pedestrian and bicycle. At the very center, on the intersection of 13th and West Eastman streets, a four-tiered water fountain is planned, complete with programmable water jets, multicolored lights and hidden speakers. “I’ve seen the model,” said Barnford. “There’s a balcony—like a wide veranda, I guess you could call it—all the way around the inside of the outer ring. It’s set up so the crowds can sit up there, 30 feet up, and watch us and our customers. See what I mean? It’s f***ing creepy, isn’t it?”

THE NUTS AND BOLTS OF A SCREWING Several Hyde Park residents have wondered aloud how such a sweeping enterprise could have been approved by the agencies responsible for guiding development in Boise. After all, rising to an ultimate height of five stories—not counting two six-story parking facilities, the six-story corner penthouse turrets and the faux cupolas on the roof—will make it by far the most visible structure in the North End. From the vantage of the Boise Bench, its red brick facade will stand out among the proliferation of greenery like a Monument Valley mesa, and residents of the condos proposed for the top two floors will be on an eye-to-eye level with people in homes in the lower Foothills. Inside the Commons there will come days when sunlight doesn’t reach the street until mid-morning and will have disappeared behind the western walls by 4 p.m. Matters of taste and scale aside, it is undoubtedly the most ambitious construction to be planned in Boise since the advent of high-rise buildings along Capitol Boulevard. Given that, opponents say it’s hardly surprising that the people most impacted by the development would feel that their concerns have not been recognized. 13

BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 13


In one of the more ambitious aspects of The Commons, a gondola would ferry passengers from Hyde Park to skiing opportunities in the Boise Front Range.

The project, however, is still going

13 through the approval process. It has

been given a tentative nod by the Greater Ada Planning and Zoning Commission—pending completion of soil, archeological and environmental evaluations—but it has yet to receive the blessing of the agency with the final say, the Boise Council of Aesthetic Values, Compatibility Concern, and Consistency Issues (BCAVCCCI). “You watch, though. It’ll get the OK,” said Howard Hansen, a Greater Ada P&Z commissioner. “After that fiasco with the cemeteries five years ago, Donnwiddy isn’t about to be leaving anything to chance. You can bet he’s got his ducks in a row on this one. And I predict those BCAVCCCI pussies will cave like a cheap soufflé. “Notice how [Donnwiddy] even managed to delay a public hearing on the thing until after he’s torn down a dozen or so houses?” Hansen added. “By then, those old Dead-Endsters will be tripping over their pot bongs to get the hell out of there.” (Hansen asked that his remarks be off the record, but since he asked after the interview, rather than before, it was too late.)

14 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly

Several phone calls and emails requesting comment from members of BCACCCVI went unanswered, and city officials would not admit to knowing who is on the council or even where its offices are located. Nor would Hansen or anyone else on the commission admit to knowing any members of the BCACCCVI. “I don’t know who they are, don’t want to know who they are, don’t give a shit who they are,” said Hansen. “But you can bet one thing: Whoever they are, they’re already in Donnwiddy’s pocket. That’s how he does business—finds out who the weaklings are and then goes to work on them like pizza dough.”

A TEAR FOR YESTERYEAR Tim Barnford rolled his head back and stared into the leaf buds springing from the elm tree over the deck of his establishment. “I suppose you’ve heard about the elevated cable they eventually want to string between here and the ski hill. For those hanging gondola things, you know, like they have in Switzerland, or someplace?” he said. “And the dog park, you know about that, don’t you? Yeah, they’re going to put

a fake turf dog park on the second level. You know, for those people who can’t leave their mutts at home. Let’s see my tree get through all that.” After a moment of silence and what appeared to be an effort to compose himself, he continued. “Yup, f***ing creepy, that’s what it is,” he said. “It’ll be like we’re in one of those ant farms. You know the things I mean? Sand inside some glass? And we’re supposed to go on digging our little tunnels and hauling around the little sand grains while these giant yuppie f***s watch us do it from outside the glass. “I’m starting to wish I’d sold out to Starbucks 15 years ago.” (BW requested an interview with Lawrence T. Donnwiddy, but his office declined.) Roberta T. Axidea, Ph.D, is an adjunct professor in the Urban Reimagining Department at Boise State University and practices freelance journalism because she needs the extra money.

Contrary to what most Boiseans might think, Hyde Park is not a namesake of either of the more famous Hyde Parks in London, England, and New York. It was actually named for Hendrick VonHyde, an immigrant from Vermont to territorial Idaho who came for the same reason that brought thousands of other Americans west: gold. After giving up his prospecting aspirations when he realized he had shown up at least a year late to the Boise Basin rush, VonHyde made his fortune supplying miners and camp followers with commodities rare in Idaho at the time: fresh eggs from the chickens he wheedled from laborers, fresh milk from a small herd of Guernsey cows he accumulated, and spirits he distilled himself from local wild juniper berries and camas root. There were also whispers that, if he wasn’t the first Idahoan to employ women for the purpose of carnal sport, he was the best. By 1873, VonHyde had expanded his original small encampment into a considerable estate, complete with barns for his dairy production, stables for his mules, pens for his hogs and a substantial pasture in which his livestock grazed. On the far end of his property, at the bottom of what is now Camel’s Back Hill, he reportedly maintained a multi-room dwelling in which prostitutes imported from Texas plied their trade. When VonHyde died in 1887, from what was rumored to be syphilis, he was arguably the wealthiest man in Boise, though you wouldn’t have known it by the way he lived. He refused to own a horse, preferring to ride his mules around the growing town, and his home was little more than a piecemeal expansion of the ramshackle hut he built himself back in 1864. He had no family, so his property went to the territorial offices, which within a year had pushed a new road through the center of it, connecting the Old Fort Line with Foothill Run (Now Fort Street and Hill Road). Contemporaries called it “VonHyde Pyke” until at least the turn of the 20th century. It is unclear when exactly “VonHyde” became “Hyde” and “Pyke” became “Park,” but by 1920, the old neighborhood was well-established. —Roberta T. Axidea, Ph.D.


FIRST THURSDAY east side BARDENAY—Catch the distillers and tour the distillery to find out all you want to know about our nation’s first small batch distillery pub. A Boise original indeed! 5 p.m. FREE admission. Bardenay, 610 Grove St., Boise, 208-4260538, BASQUE MARKET—Join the annual April Fool’s Day celebration, where nothing is as it should be. The paella served at 6 p.m. will become Thai-Ella, and all of the tapas will be anything and everything but typical. 5-9 p.m. FREE admission. Basque Market, 608 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-4331208, BASQUE MUSEUM AND CULTURAL CENTER—Explore the lifestyle of the Basques in the boarding house setting. Guided tours of the Jacobs Uberuaga House available every half hour from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Live Basque music by local musicians. Store open 5:30-8:30 p.m. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Basque Museum and Cultural Center, 611 Grove St., Boise, 208-343-2671,

FLYING M—Saratops McDonald is a sculptor by trade, but dabbles on occasion in the two-dimensional world. Her new series Shadow Play explores the imagination and wonderment of shadow puppets. 5-9 p.m. FREE admission. Flying M Coffeehouse, 500 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-345-4320, GOLDY’S CORNER—Entertain yourself with art, drinks and food. Annie Huntley is in the shop with 10 other local arists. Happy hour runs from 5 p.m. to close. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Goldy’s Corner, 625 W. Main St., Boise, 208-433-3934, GUIDO’S NEW YORK STYLE PIZZERIA—Get a large one-topping pizza and one bottle of select wine, two bottles of beer or four fountain sodas for $20 plus tax. Dine in only. 5 p.m. Guido’s Original New York Style Pizzeria, 235 N. Fifth St., Boise, 208-345-9011,

HIGH NOTE CAFE—Try out the delicious food made from scratch in the open kitchen, $2 specialty mimosas with seasonal local fruit and berries, six taps of local brews and a lovely local wine list. Plus there’s always local art rotating on the community gallery walls. It’s all ages all the time for the free live music. 5 p.m. FREE. High Note Cafe, 225 N. Fifth St., Boise, 208429-1911, IDAHO BLUEPRINT & SUPPLY CO.—Check out art by TVAA and BOSCO artist Dennis Hayzlett, and enjoy store specials of 10 percent off easels, 2-for-1 IronLak and 2pak canvas up to 60 percent off. C2F Art rep will be on hand with samples and answers to all your questions. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Idaho Blueprint and Supply Company, 619 Main St., Boise, 208-3447878,


BOISE BREWING CO.—Check out the art from Fire Fusion Studio and chocolate and beer pairing with The Chocolat Bar. 5-9 p.m. Boise Brewing Co., 521 W. Broad St., Boise, 208342-7655. BRICKYARD STEAKHOUSE— Check out the debut of the summer drink menu, with a Jalapeno Blackberry Margarita, Cucumber Melon Martini, Dragon Berry Mojito, Summer Sangria and Honey Bourbon cocktails. 5-9 p.m. FREE admission. Brickyard Steakhouse, 601 Main St., Boise, 208-2872121, BRICOLAGE—Drop by the opening reception for April featured artist April VanDeGrift and featured maker paper artist Tom Bennick. There’ll also be a wine tasting by Williamson Vineyards. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Bricolage, 418 S. Sixth St., Boise, 208-345-3718, BUSINESS INTERIORS OF IDAHO—Enjoy a wine and food pairing hosted by Honey Baked Ham. Local artists will be showcasing artwork, jewelry and vintage-inspired home goods. Music provided by Bri Dawkins. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Business Interiors of Idaho, 176 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-384-5050. DRAGONFLY—Enjoy free wine tasting while shopping and receive 20 percent off all clothing, including clearance items. Sale continues through Saturday, April 4. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Dragonfly, 414 W. Main St., Boise, 208-338-9234, facebook. com/dragonflyboise. FETTUCCINE FORUM—Hear Boise State professor John Bieter talk about, “Why Is It Called Atlanta?: Migration to Idaho & the West after the Civil War.” In Council Chambers. 5 p.m. FREE. Boise City Hall, 150 N. Capitol Blvd., Boise.


Poetry slam! For free!

BOISE PUBLIC LIBRARY Librarian Heidi Lewis strives to give the community a chance to do things for free that would normally cost money. First Thursday is a great opportunity for that, so in celebration of National Poetry Month, the Boise Public Library has invited Big Tree Arts to host a poetry slam. “They do great work putting on poetry slams around town, but people usually need to pay for them,” Lewis said. “We paid them so it will be free to the public.” Members of the Boise Poetry Slam Team will help host the event, which is open to all ages. Everyone is welcome to try their hand at slam with two poems, each fewer than three minutes long. The audience will judge the poems, using a scoring system of one to 10, and winners will receive charming prizes. The Big Tree Arts Poetry Slam will take place in the William F. Hayes Memorial Auditorium, 6:30-8 p.m. BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 15

FIRST THURSDAY INDIE MADE—Stop in to see what’s new at Indie Made, with more than 60 local makers of unique clothing, jewelry, pottery, baby gifts and other specialty items. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Indie Made, 108 N. Sixth St., Boise, MING STUDIOS—One night only, MING Studios resident artist Marijn van Kreij presents international films from Dutch artist Jereon Eisinga British artist Rory Pilgrim. Screenings begin at 6:30 p.m. Boise’s own 208 Ensemble performs at 8 p.m. 5-9 p.m. FREE. MING Studios,

420 S. Sixth St., 208-949-4365, REEF—Give your taste buds a treat with Steak Oscar, the half-pound rib eye steak char broiled and crowned with Dungeness crab meat, wild Mexican prawns and silky bearnaise, accompanied by white truffle mashed potatoes and char grilled asparagus spears. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Reef, 105 S. Sixth St., 208287-9200, THE MELTING POT—Take advantage of the 2-for-$22 special: cheese fondue

for two and two glasses of house wine. 5-9 p.m. The Melting Pot, 200 N. Sixth St., 208-343-8800, boise. TRADER JOE’S—Hop on down to First Thursday at Trader Joe’s for Easter week. Plan your holiday meals while you enjoy some delicious food samples and wine and cheese pairings. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Trader Joe’s, 300 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-336-7282, ZEE’S ROOFTOP CAFE—Art by Maria Essig, Mark Hardy and Mike Shipman,

plus a Cork Board Fundraising display, beer, wine, snacks and small plates for purchase. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Zee’s Rooftop Cafe, 250 S. Fifth St., 208-381-0034,

south side ATOMIC TREASURES—Stop in and check out the special vintage Easter gifts and decor, in addition to the col-

lection of vintage, retro art and found objects. You’ll find decorative and unique treasures for the home, jewelry, books, collectibles, vintage ephemera, weird stuff, cool junk, and unusual and unforgettable gifts. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Atomic Treasures, 409 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-344-0811. BOISE ART MUSEUM—BAM offers extended hours on First Thursday. From 4-7 p.m., hear about dragon legends related to artist Liu Bolin’s “Nine-Dragon Screen.” Then draw your own dragon in BAM’s Education Studios. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. By donation. Boise Art Museum, 670 Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-345-8330, BOISE PUBLIC LIBRARY—Enjoy a poetry slam brought to you by Big Tree Arts and Boise Public Library. All ages. 6:30-8:30 p.m. FREE. Boise Public Library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-384-4076. BONEFISH GRILL—Don’t miss out on the special $6 Bang Bang Shrimp Appetizer from 4 p.m. to close, with purchase. 5-9 p.m. FREE admission. Bonefish Grill, 855 W. Broad St., Boise, 208-433-1234, bonefishgrill. com. COLE MARR PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS AND COFFEEHOUSE—Don’t miss the opening of Landscapes of the Kootenai Valley of Idaho, works by David Marr in B&W and color. Artist will be present during opening reception 6-9 p.m. Comfort foods will be served. All are welcome 5-9 p.m. FREE. Cole Marr Photography Workshops and Coffeehouse, 404 S. Eighth St., Ste. L100, Boise, 208-336-7630, THE FLICKS—Don’t miss Playing With Fire, a film event sponsored by the Agency for New Americans. Tickets available in advance or at the door at The Flicks. 6:30 p.m. $12. The Flicks, 646 Fulton St., Boise, 208-3424222, FOSTER BUILDING—Hop on over and celebrate spring with the Foster Building Merchants: Atomic Treasures, Mr. Peabody’s Optical Shoppe, Que Pasa, Hairlines, Off The Wall, The Vintage Trunk and Gone Rogue. There’ll be treats, giveaways and great sales. 5-8 p.m. FREE. Foster Building, 409 S. Eighth St, Boise. FRESH OFF THE HOOK SEAFOOD—Enjoy half-priced domestic bottle beers, house cabernet, chardonnay, merlot and Twisted moscato wine by the glass. Plus featured half-price appetizers: calamari strips, coconut shrimp and green bean fries. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Fresh Off the Hook Seafood, 401 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-3430220, GALLERY FIVE18—Check out mixed-media artwork by Connie K. Sales and Sue Latta. How are perceptions formed? What questions can we ask that build and strengthen our senses? This show is about the questions, the experiment, the success and maybe even the failures. Wine sampling and pouring provided by Potter Wines. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Gallery Five18, 518 S. Americana Blvd., Boise, 208-342-3773, galleryfive18. com. HAIRLINES—Are you ready for something new? Cut, color, perm, highlights or a whole new style? Call Lui The Hair Whisperer for an appointment now. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Hairlines, 409 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-3839009. HA’ PENNY BRIDGE IRISH PUB AND GRILL—Enjoy a special 10 percent discount on any purchases made at the Ha’Penny Irish Pub or Happy Fish Sushi/Martini Bar. They have full selections of liquor, 34 martinis and 24 beers on tap. 5 p.m. FREE admission. Ha’ Penny Bridge Irish Pub and Grill, W. 855 Broad St., Ste. 250, Boise, 208-343-5568, HAPPY FISH SUSHI/MARTINI BAR—Enjoy a special 10 percent discount on any purchases made at the Ha’Penny Irish Pub or Happy Fish Sushi/Martini Bar. They have full selections of liquor, 34 martinis and 24 beers on tap. 5-9 p.m. FREE admission. Happy Fish Sushi/Martini Bar, 855 W. Broad St., Boise, 208-3434810, LIQUID LOUNGE—Don’t miss out on BOGO comedy tickets, plus fantastic food specials from Solid and deals on local brews at the club that features national

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FIRST THURSDAY touring acts and great comedy five nights a week. 5 p.m. FREE. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, liquidboise. com. MR. PEABODY’S OPTICAL SHOPPE—Spring has sprung and Mr. Peabody’s is celebrating with all EYESHOP sunglasses for only $54. Plus giveaways and treats for all. 5-8 p.m. FREE. Mr. Peabody’s Optical Shoppe, 409 S. Eighth St., Ste. 101, Boise, 208-344-1390, OFF THE WALL—Enjoy a treat, sign up for an upcoming craft class and enter to win a great gift basket from the Foster Building merchants. You can crack an egg for a chance at First Thursday discounts. While there, you can talk to the folks at Off the Wall about great custom wedding gift ideas for those upcoming spring and summer weddings. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Off The Wall, 409 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-989-2933, facebook. com/Off-the-Wall. QUE PASA—Enjoy the best in Mexican expression, featuring thousands of items from Mexican master craftsmen: Sterling silver, pottery, blown glass, Talavera, dragons, fairies, mermaids and Day of The Dead. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Que Pasa, 409 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-385-9018.

central downtown ANGELLS BAR & GRILL RENATO—Buy one appetizer and receive one FREE. The new $7 appetizer menu features Swiss fondue, rack of lamb lollipops, escargot, frog legs and much more. Plus unlimited house wines with the very popular three-course dinner for $29. View the menu on the website. 5 p.m. FREE admission. Angell’s Bar and Grill Renato, 999 W. Main St., Boise, 208-3424900, ARTISAN OPTICS—THEO is modern frame technology that pushes the envelope between amazing and amusing and is ideal for those who seek the unique. The entire collection will be in-store noon-8 p.m. Stop by for a free eyewear makeover and discover your perfect THEO. In-network with insurance. 12-8 p.m. FREE. Artisan Optics, 190 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-338-0500,

BARBARA BARBARA & CO.— Check out the special surprise happening First Thursday only. 6-9 p.m. FREE. Barbara Barbara and Co., 807 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-342-2002. BITTERCREEK ALEHOUSE—Art of the Worm: Get to know the underground worms that Red Feather Lounge and Bittercreek Alehouse employs in their quest to eliminate organic waste. Tours run from 6-8:30pm. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Bittercreek Alehouse, 248 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-429-6340, CHANDLERS STEAKHOUSE— Enjoy some special new bites at Chandlers New Social Hour from 4-6 p.m., featuring a menu of delicious small plates and creative cocktails, all priced between $5-$7. This menu is exclusive to these hours ONLY. 4 p.m. FREE admission. Chandlers Steakhouse, 981 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-3834300, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM—Take advantage of specials on products as well as


R. GREY GALLERY—Don’t miss your chance to get great buys from up-and-coming artists (and some old-pro alums) at the annual Boise State Art Metals Program silent auction. You can enjoy tastes from Williamson Winery only at the First Thursday opening reception, but the auction runs through the end of the month. 5-9 p.m. FREE. R. Grey Gallery Jewelry and Art Glass, 415 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-385-9337,

SOLID GRILL & BAR—Don’t miss out on the free tasting, free art show and free appetizers. Plus 2-for-1 drinks and live music. 5 p.m. FREE. Solid Grill & Bar, 405 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-3456620, THE VINTAGE TRUNK—Stop by and check out the unique new and vintage home décor. 5-8 p.m. FREE. The Vintage Trunk, Foster Building, 409 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-841-2371.


COSTA VIDA—The coast is calling at Costa Vida downtown. Surf in for the best beach-inspired fresh Mexican food now available downtown, on the Grove. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Costa Vida, 801 W. Main St., Boise, 208-429-4109, EVERMORE PRINTS—Check out Inner Impressions by fine art photographer Cecilia Richardson. She has been taking photographs for more than a decade with a cognitive practice into introspection. Plus beverages by Boise Brewing. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Evermore Prints, 780 W. Main St., bOISE, 208-9913837, FLATBREAD NEAPOLITAN PIZZERIA—Enjoy happy hour from 4-6 p.m. with 50 percent off all cocktails, beer and wine. After 5 p.m., you’ll get 20 percent off all bottles of wine until they’re gone. Kids under 12 eat FREE with the purchase of an adult meal. Limit two per table. 4 p.m. FREE admission. Flatbread Neapolitan Pizzeria-Downtown, 800 W. Main, Ste. 230, Boise, 208-287-4757,


Feather Lounge, 246 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-429-6340, redfeather.

OLD CHICAGO—Kids eat FREE with the purchase of an adult entree. Two kid meals per paying adult. 5-9 p.m. FREE admission. Old Chicago-Downtown, 730 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-363-0037, OLIVIN—Taste the highest quality balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. Get 10 percent off all purchases over $40. 5-8 p.m. FREE. Olivin Olive Oil & Vinegar Taproom, 218 N. Ninth St., Boise, 208-344-0306, PIPER PUB & GRILL—Enjoy happy hour specials until 6 p.m., live music 5:30-7:30 p.m., and then Geeks Who Drink meet at 8 p.m. 3 p.m. FREE. Piper Pub & Grill, 150 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208343-2444, RED FEATHER LOUNGE—Art of the Worm: Get to know the underground worms that Red Feather and Bittercreek use in their quest to eliminate organic waste. Tours 6-8:30pm. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Red

RUTH’S CHRIS STEAK HOUSE— Enjoy the “Sizzle, Swizzle and Swirl” Happy Hour from 4:30-6:30 p.m., with appetizers and specialty cocktails for only $7. You can try out their bacon blue cheese burger and a beer or enjoy their ahi tuna and a blueberry mojito. 4:30 p.m. FREE admission. Ruth’s Chris Steak House, 800 W. Main St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-4268000, SAINT LAWRENCE GRIDIRON— Enjoy an Appetizer 3-Way special, with wine and beer pairings. Full menu available for regular hours. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Saint Lawrence Gridiron, 705 W. Bannock St., Boise, 208-433-5598, SNAKE RIVER TEA CO.—Enjoy happy hours 8-10 a.m. and 4-6 p.m., with 50 cents off tea drinks. Or from 5-8 p.m., enjoy $5 Tea Tasting: choose any three teas for tasting and receive a free 12 oz. cup of your favorite of the three.


LEAF TEAHOUSE—Taste samples of healthy food from the new spring menu. FREE tea tastings, too. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Leaf Teahouse, 212 N. Ninth St., Boise, 208-336-5323, leafteahouse. LUX FASHION LOUNGE—If you’re looking for new and resale men’s and women’s clothing for a fraction of retail price, then this is your place. You’ll also find a unique selection of jewelry, hats and purses. Different local art is featured each month. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Lux Fashion Lounge, 785 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-344-4589.

SALON 162—Take a look at the artwork of Brian Halverson, a Northwest-based artist, with roots in comics and pop influences. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Salon 162, 404 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-386-9908. SNAKE RIVER WINERY—Help ring in spring with the folks from The Boise Farmer’s Market. You’ll not only get to meet winemaker Scott DeSeelhorst and the farmers, you can also enjoy a few samples and a complimentary wine flight featuring wines to pair with your Easter dinner. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Snake River Winery, 786 W. Broad St., Boise, 208-345-9463.

audio/visual presentations on spiritual healing based on the Bible. 5-9 p.m. FREE admission. Christian Science Reading Room, 222 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-3445301,

Playing with Fire shows a side of Afghanistan you don’t see on the news.

THE FLICKS During the past 10 years, 390 Afghan refugees and immigrants have arrived in Boise, and more continue to come through three refugee resettlement agencies. To help raise awareness and funds to resettle these new members of the community, the Agency for New Americans is renting out a theater at The Flicks to screen the documentary Playing with Fire. The film follows six Afghan women who want to be actresses, even though in 1994, the Taliban banned women from acting. “With this movie, the community can learn more about the type of life [Afghan] women have there,” said Yasmin Aguilar, community resource coordinator for the agency. “People can learn more, that we shouldn’t generalize people. We have to respect them and show them not to be scared in America because they are Muslim.” Playing with Fire, which shares the struggle of these aspiring actresses, starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $12.

MCU SPORTS—Stop in to see what’s new for bikes this spring. Plus new swimwear from Carve has just arrived and Parana workout gear is cute as can be. 5-9 p.m. FREE. McU Sports, 822 W. Jefferson St., boise, 208-3427734, MIXED GREENS—Lots of locally made stuff to check out. Nystrom Goods (concrete planters), Slanted Rock Brewery (beer) and the Cake Ballers (cake balls) will all be showing off what they do to make the Treasure Valley a cooler place. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Mixed Greens, 237 N. Ninth St., Boise, 208-344-1605, THE MIXING BOWL—Spring our way for $3 off your very own Beer Stixs. You’ll picnic in style with these beverage picnic stakes for the outdoors. Take 20 percent off all Cuisinart coffee makers or add to your collection and swoop up the Shun Premier Santoku knife for $130 (regularly $164). 5-9 p.m. FREE admission. The Mixing Bowl, 216 N. Ninth St., Boise,

Contemplate a decade of artist Ben Gin’s life.

THE CRUX One of the best ways for an artist to celebrate a birthday is with a retrospective—and that’s just what local artist Ben Gin will do to mark turning 30, with a free show at The Crux, 5-9 p.m. For the show, #WHATIDIDMYTWENYS (that’s not a typo), Gin will exhibit 10 years of work, which includes four large oil paintings of Boise’s skyline, the largest of which is 6 feet by 4 feet. Gin said he found inspiration for the cityscapes after chartering a helicopter and seeing Boise from a different perspective. Gin has mixed feelings about his work during the past 10 years. “I look back and I see a lot of things have improved and a lot of things have stayed the same,” he said. “In some ways, I’m proud of where it’s come, and others, I’m like, ‘Wow, I haven’t gone anywhere.’” Viewers to his Gin’s Crux show will experience not only his artwork but his animated videos and electronic music.

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FIRST THURSDAY 5-9 p.m. FREE admission. Snake River Tea Co., 801 W. Main St., Ste. 103, Boise, 208-841-9746,

p.m. FREE. Boise Creative Center, 1204 W. Front St., Boise, 208371-9697,

SUPERB SUSHI—Swing on down to sample some fabulous wines and the in-house sushi-grade smoked salmon. Plus, you can enjoy unlimited dollar nigiri with the purchase of any sushi roll all night long. 5-9 p.m. FREE admission. Superb Sushi, 208 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-385-0123,

CHI E SHENAM WESTIN—Featuring Art in the Alaska Center, with photography by Allen Ansell, complementary portraits, Landscapes of the West by Chi E Shenam Westin, and pen and ink by Joseph Pacheco. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Chi E Shenam Westin, Alaska Center, 1020 Main St.,

ZENERGY—Join Zenergy for African drumming, appetizers, drinks and spa specials. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Zenergy Boise, 800 W. Main St., Ste. 210, Boise, 208-789-0477,

west side ALASKA CENTER—Featuring Lilly Janes Cupcakes, Laneige Bridal, Radio Boise Open House, Interfaith Sanctuary Housing Services, Allen Ansel Photography and Chi E Shenam Oil Painting. 5-9 p.m. FREE. The Alaska Center, 1020 Main St., Boise. ALLAN R. ANSELL PHOTOGRAPHY—Featuring Celebration of Gay Marriage and the Constitution, a photography exhibit of gay couples married by Boise City Council President Maryanne Jordan, on Oct. 15. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Allan R. Ansell Photography, LLC, Alaska Center, 1020 Main St., Boise, 208-8632808, ART SOURCE GALLERY—Don’t miss the opening reception with Kevin Flynn and Amber Day of Flynn Day Pottery, who will be showing thrown, altered, and hand-built stoneware and raku pieces that are functional, whimsical and altogether enchanting. Live music by Wayne White and wine by Indian Creek Winery. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Art Source Gallery, 1015 W. Main St., 208-331-3374,

THE CRUX—Featuring the #WHATIDIDMYTWENYS art show by Ben Gin. Plus music and beer. 5-9 p.m. FREE. The Crux, 1022 W. Main St., Boise, 208-342-3213, facebook. com/thecruxcoffeeshop. DESIGN CENTER OF BOISE— Check out the extended spring home special offers while enjoying live music, snacks, popcorn machine, sodas and drinks, and a food truck out front. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Design Center of Boise, 1185 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-658-8888, DISTRICT COFFEE HOUSE—Stop by for new works by a local artist and a free pour-over tasting. 5-9 p.m. FREE. The District Coffee House, 219 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-343-1089, districtcoffeehouse. com. ECHELON FINE HOME—Stop by for a sneak peek at the Parade of Homes furniture and spin the wheel for a chance to win special discounts and prizes. Plus appetizers drinks. 5-8 p.m. FREE. Echelon Fine Home, 1404 W. Main St., Boise, 208-761-0711.

GALLERY 601—Celebrating the Family is what Steve Hanks does best. Whether Hanks is capturing a tender moment between mother and child or the sunlight reflecting off the water during a family stroll, stop by and see why he is considered one of the best watercolor artists of his time. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Gallery 601, 211 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-336-5899, INTERFAITH SANCTUARY HOUSING SERVICES—Interfaith Sanctuary Housing Services will host an informational evening at the administrative office. Nights of shelter will be available for pre-sale through the Idaho Gives campaign. Learn about the group’s commitment to alleviating homelessness in our community and share the roots of your passion for those less fortunate. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Interfaith Sanctuary Housing Services Office, Alaska Center, 1020 W. Main St., Boise, 208-343-4160, LILLY JANE’S CUPCAKES—Check out the new downtown location and get a free cupcake. You’ll also want to take advantage of special pricing, with $2 large cupcakes and $1 baby cakes. Plus Olive and Vyne will offer a free taste testing of their balsamic vinegars that Lilly Jane’s uses in their cupcakes and sells at the shop. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Lilly Jane’s Cupcakes Boise, Alaska Center, 1020 W. Main St., Ste. 111, Boise, 208-336-1747, lillyjanescupcakes. com.


Real Dialogue from the naked city

BEN & JERRY’S—As always, enjoy $1 scoops all day on First Thursday. 1-8 p.m. FREE. Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Shop, 103 N. 10th St., Boise, 208-342-1992, BOISE ART GLASS AND FIREFUSION STUDIO—Watch FREE demonstrations while enjoying light refreshments. Cinder wines will be sampling and selling wine. Classes: Make Your Own Glass Egg Paperweight is $40 per session, and Make Your Own Glass Enamel Art is $25 per session. Call 208-345-1825 to sign up. 5-9 p.m. FREE. Boise Art Glass and FireFusion Studio, 1124 W. Front St., Boise, 208-345-1825, BOISE CREATIVE CENTER—Featuring artist Myra Hage, who will be displaying her work through the month of April. Plus live music, live performance painting by Alex Vega and an interactive painting area for the kids. 5-9

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Overheard something Eye-spy worthy? E-mail


CALENDAR WEDNESDAY APRIL 1 On Stage 18TH ANNUAL GENE HARRIS JAZZ FESTIVAL— The 18th annual Gene Harris Jazz Festival features jazz master saxophonist, composer and educator David Liebman. For a schedule of events, visit the festival website. $15. Boise State Student Union, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-INFO, THE FISHERMAN AND HIS SOUL PREVIEWS—Don’t miss this world premiere by Michael Baltzell and Michael Hartwell, based on the 1891 fairy tale by Oscar Wilde. Take advantage of special preview ticket prices through April 3; regular run Wednesdays-Sundays April 4-25. 8 p.m. $16. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, NO GREATER LOVE EASTER PAGEANT—Celebrate Easter as hundreds of actors, choir members and extras portray the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ April 1-5. 7 p.m. $5. Nampa First Church of the Nazarene, 601 16th Ave S., Nampa, 208-466-3549,

Workshops & Classes ROSES & LANDSCAPE—From proper pruning techniques to selecting the right plant for the job, Andrea Wurtz will review the basic steps involved in producing beautiful healthy roses. Landscape Architect Toby Norton will provide background on landscape design, including orientation, hydrozones and proper plant placement. A question-and-answer session follows the presentation. 6-8:30 p.m. FREE. Boise Public Library Hayes Auditorium, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-384-4076,



Talks & Lectures

38 MINUS: THE IDAHO FISH PROJECT—Monday-Friday through April 17. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE. Rosenthal Gallery, 2112 E. Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, 208-459-5321,

WILD ABOUT LIFE LECTURE: HIGH-MOUNTAIN LAKES—Learn more about recreational opportunities at Idaho’s high-mountain lakes. Mike McLean will focus mostly on lakes near McCall. He will discuss taking advantage of the journey to and from the lakes and recreational activities, plus fishing tips and species you might catch. 7-8 p.m. FREE. Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge Visitor’s Center, 13751 Upper Embankment Road, Nampa, 208467-9278,

ART SOURCE GALLERY AT DAWSON’S—Through April. FREE. Dawson’s Downtown, 219 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-336-5633, THE BRAIN: A BIG IDEA MULTIDISCIPLINARY PROJECT— Mondays-Fridays through April 17. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Center for the Arts, 191 Fifth St. E., Ketchum, 208-726-9491, HAZLETT, ROHRIG & COBO SOLO EXHIBITIONS—Mondays-Saturdays through April 30. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. FREE. Gail Severn Gallery, 400 First Ave. N., Ketchum, 208-726-5079, LIU BOLIN: HIDING IN THE CITY— Tuesdays-Saturdays through May 24. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $3-$6. Boise Art Museum, 670 Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-345-8330, RED CIRCLE PRESS: TRANSLUCENCY—Through July 12. FREE. Boise State Special Events Center, 1800 University Drive, Boise. 208426-1242,

Calls to Artists CHAIR AFFAIR 2015 CALL FOR ENTRIES—This competition provides an opportunity for designers, architects, artists, furniture designers/fabricators and students in the Northwest to display their original designs and to compete on a professional level. Presented by Interior Designers of Idaho, the Chair Affair Gala will be held at The Owyhee on Saturday, April 11, at 7 p.m. Deadline to enter: April 4. Visit the website for details. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. $30 students, $40 pros. The Owyhee, 1109 Main St., Boise, 208343-4611,

Sports & Fitness BOISE COED SUNDAY SOFTBALL LEAGUE REGISTRATION—Teams are invited to register through April 3 for the popular adult coed softball league offered Sunday nights by Boise Parks and Recreation. Games are played at Willow Lane Athletic Complex, 4623 W. Willow Lane. Teams play eight league games with one umpire Sunday evenings from May to mid-July. Space is limited. Players must be age 14 or older. For more info, call 208-608-7650. 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. $316 plus fees. Boise City Recreation Office, 110 Scout Lane, Boise, 208-608-7650,

Kids & Teens BANBURY SPRING 2015 JUNIOR PROGRAMS—This eight-week program features three skill-level groupings for golfers pre-K through age 15. Designed to introduce beginning junior golfers to the basics of the game, and increase enjoyment and knowledge for juniors already knowledgeable of the basics. Group sessions kick off on April 1, and April 3-4. Call for details and to sign up. $225. Banbury Golf Club, 2626 N. Marypost Place, Eagle, 208-9393600, BUGS WHAT’S COOKIN’ DINNER CLUB FOR KIDS—Kids age 10-14 learn how to create healthy meals from seasonal foods. The future chefs learn basic knife skills,

sautéing and baking techniques. Wednesdays April 1-22 or May 6-27. Register online at parks.cityofboise. org/register-for-classes. 4-6 p.m. $38-$58.35. Boise Urban Garden School, Comba Park, 2995 Five Mile Road, Boise, 208-891-4769, ROLLING HILLS CHARTER ACCEPTING 2015-2016 APPLICATIONS—Rolling Hills Public Charter School is accepting 2015-2016 enrollment lottery applications until April 10. Visit the school website for more info and an application. Rolling Hills Public Charter School, 8900 Horseshoe Bend Road, Eagle, 208-939-5400,

BIKE & BUILD FUNDRAISER—This summer Walkyria Whitlock is biking across the country for affordable housing with a nonprofit organization called Bike & Build. There will be an auction, raffle, drinks, music and dancing. To learn more or donate directly, visit bikeandbuild. org. 5:30-10 p.m. $5 minimum donation. Rose Room, 718 W. Idaho St., Boise. 208-316-3711,

SHORE LODGE JOB FAIR—Speak with hiring managers to learn about summer opportunities at Shore Lodge, The Cove and Whitetail Club. Visit the website for a complete list of available positions. 3-6 p.m. FREE. Shore Lodge-McCall, 501 W. Lake St., McCall, 208-630-0225,



Food WINE DINNER WITH SPLIT RAIL WINERY— Enjoy a four-course meal prepared by Chef Aaron Wermerskirchen, featuring fresh food from Idaho and the Northwest and custom pairings from Split Rail Winery. Call for reservations. 7-10 p.m. $55. Juniper Kitchen and Cocktails, 211 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-342-1142, YELP EVENT: LOCALLY INSPIRED EATS & CRAFT COCKTAILS—In the past 18 months, Red Feather has revamped their space, renewed their passion for seasonal, locally inspired dishes, and continued their crafting of exquisite and inventive cocktails. Yelp’s got the exclusive invitation for you: $12 for two craft cocktails and appetizer menu samplings. RSVP required at Yelp. com/events. 6-8 p.m. $12. Red Feather Lounge, 246 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-429-6340, redfeather.

THURSDAY APRIL 2 Festivals & Events

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS

Go to and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers. © 2013 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.

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18TH ANNUAL GENE HARRIS JAZZ FESTIVAL—Boise State Student Union Building, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-INFO,

ALBERTSONS LIBRARY 50TH ANNIVERSARY JURIED ART EXHIBITION OPENING RECEPTION—Help the Albertsons Library celebrate the big five-zero at the opening reception for this juried exhibition. Boise State jurors Lily Lee, visual artist and assistant professor of sculpture, and Brian Wiley, visual artist and assistant professor of graphic design, selected 36 works by 27 artists for inclusion in the exhibit. Awards for top works to be announced at 6 p.m. Both the exhibition and reception are open to the public. 4-8 p.m. FREE. Albertsons Library, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-4261204,

THE FISHERMAN AND HIS SOUL PREVIEWS—8 p.m. $16. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, A MUSICAL GIFT FOR THE WCA— Steve Eaton and Friends entertain the 2015 TWINS honorees at a gala fundraiser to benefit the Women’s and Children’s Alliance. Enjoy a night filled with excellent food and beverages, and the amazing women honored each year by the Women’s and Children’s Alliance. 7:30 p.m. $10-$15. Riverside Hotel Sapphire Room, 2900 W. Chinden Blvd., Garden City, 208-343-1871, NO GREATER LOVE EASTER PAGEANT—7 p.m. $5. Nampa First Church of the Nazarene, 601 16th Ave S., Nampa, 208-466-3549,

summer workshop and receive 20 percent off your purchase. 7 p.m. FREE. Rediscovered Books, 180 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-376-4229,

Talks & Lectures SVCA THE BRAIN LECTURE: ENHANCING YOUR COGNITIVE POTENTIAL—Hear Dr. Sandra Bond Chapman, founder and chief director of the Center for Brain Health at the University of Texas at Dallas, discusses enhancing our cognitive and creative potential through seven scientifically validated secrets anyone can implement to improve brain performance. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Center for the Arts, 191 Fifth St. E., Ketchum, 208-7269491,

Literature BOISE STATE LITERACY CENTER— The Boise State Literacy Center will join Rediscovered Books to talk about the great things they do for our community. Sign up for BSLC’s email newsletter or register for a


Gene Harris has been gone for 15 years, but his jazz fest lives on.

Kids & Teens

Treasure Valley. You will meet the administrator, teachers and staff, see the facility and classrooms, and take the opportunity to talk to current families. Enrollment lottery applications accepted until April 10. Visit the school website for an application. 6-7 p.m. FREE. Rolling Hills Public Charter School, 8900 Horseshoe Bend Road, Eagle, 208939-5400,

Religious/Spiritual EPWORTH CHAPEL HOLY WEEK—Epworth Chapel on the Green is celebrating Holy Week. All are welcome. Maundy Thursday, 7 p.m.; Good Friday, April 3, 7 p.m.; Easter Vigil, April 4, 8 p.m.; and Easter Sunday, April 5, 10 a.m. FREE. Epworth Chapel on the Green, 6110 W. Northview St., Boise, 208-336-3951,

ROLLING HILLS CHARTER OPEN HOUSE—See for yourself what makes Rolling Hills one of the top-rated K-8 schools in the


The Albertsons Library: Helping students cram for 50 years.


On Stage

Festivals & Events BOISE OLD TIME’S HOKUM HOEDOWN—Check out this modern take on the old-time hootenanny, featuring the infectious swing of the Hokum Hi-Flyers. At each Hoedown, the band performs a diverse assortment of traditional folk-dance and string-band tunes while a cast of colorful callers teaches and directs the dances. It’s a come-as-you-are, hand-clappin’ good time for all. 7-10 p.m. $7. Mardi Gras Ballroom, 615 S. Ninth St., Boise, 208-342-5553. CAPITAL HIGH SCHOOL 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION—All alumni are invited to attend the Capital High School 50th Anniversary Celebration. 9-10:30 a.m. FREE. Capital High School, 8055 Goddard Road, Boise, 208-854-4490,

ALICE IN WONDERLAND—Join DreamWeaver Musical Theatre in a never-before-seen musical production of Lewis Carroll’s classic story that illustrates the fantastical and dreamlike intent of the original. 7 p.m. $5-$10. Jewett Auditorium, The College of Idaho, 2112 E. Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, 208-936-4443, COMEDIAN PAULY SHORE—When you think Pauly Shore, you probably think Bio-Dome or Encino Man, but there’s more to Shore’s goofball persona than might be expected. You have four chances over two days to see what’s new with the infamous performer. 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. $25. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, THE FISHERMAN AND HIS SOUL PREVIEWS—8 p.m. $16. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224,


Pauly Shore is alive and well and living in La Jolla.




The 2015 edition of the Gene Harris Jazz Festival, now in its 18th year, has been compressed into two days and they are jam-packed. Clinics, workshops, ensemble performance and showcases of Idaho’s finest young musicians will be bouncing off the walls of Boise State’s Student Union. The Gene Harris Festival Superband will be in the spotlight both evenings, featuring 16 world class musicians and legendary saxophonist David Liebman, who has toured with Miles Davis and Elvin Jones. School bands from throughout Idaho take the main stage of the Special Events Center both evenings beginning at 7 p.m, just before the Festival Superband muscles in at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April 1 and Thursday, April 2, 8 a.m.-10 p.m.; day passes $15. Boise State University Student Union Ballrooms and Special Events Center. 1910 University Drive,

Fifty-two years ago, crews began digging the foundation for what would become the Albertsons Library at Boise State University. At the time, of course, Boise State was called Boise Junior College and the Albertsons Library wouldn’t be named in honor of the Albertson family until 1995. The library hosted its first open house in 1964 and Boise Junior College began its transformation into Boise State University. Celebrate both 50th anniversaries Thursday, April 2 with the Albertsons Library Juried Art Exhibition featuring more than 30 artworks by 27 artists including Heather Bauer, Katherine Bajenova Grimmet and Carl Rowe. Awards will be announced at an opening reception from 4-8 p.m. April 2. Thursday, April 2, 4-8 p.m.; Friday, April 3, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. FREE. Albertsons Library, 1865 W. Cesar Chavez Lane,

On paper, the words “enduring” and “career” would not be used in conjunction to describe Pauly Shore——but that’s exactly what the comedian/actor/writer/director/producer has had. He burst onto the scene in the early ’90s with both small and big screen roles, including TV’s Totally Pauly (1990) and movies like Encino Man (1992), and later moved into writing, directing and guest starring in a slew of productions. Growing up hanging around LA’s historic Comedy Store, Shore cut his comic teeth on stand-up, and although he continues to appear on screen, it is the stage he returns to again and again. He is returning to Boise, too, and for two nights we’ll have a chance to see why Shore has stayed around for so long. Friday, April 3 and Saturday, April 4, 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. $25. Liquid Laughs, 405 S. Eighth St., 208-287-5379,

20 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly


CALENDAR NO GREATER LOVE EASTER PAGEANT—7 p.m. $5. Nampa First Church of the Nazarene, 601 16th Ave S., Nampa, 208-466-3549, SHIMI TREE FLAMENCO—High energy music complete with flamenco dancers. 7 p.m. FREE. Shangri-La Tea Room, 1800 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-424-0273,

Art ALBERTSONS LIBRARY 50TH ANNIVERSARY JURIED ART EXHIBITION—Help the Albertsons Library celebrate the big five-zero at this juried exhibition. Boise State jurors Lily Lee, visual artist and assistant professor sculpture, and Brian Wiley, visual artist and assistant professor graphic design, selected 36 works by 27 artists for inclusion in the exhibit. Through May 3. FREE. Albertsons Library, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-1204,

BOISE STATE ART METALS ANNUAL SILENT AUCTION—The Boise State University Art Department Art Metals Program will be holding its annual silent auction through the month of April. Artwork includes sculptures and jewelry. All proceeds go to purchase tools and equipment and help fund the Art Metals Visiting Artist Program. 10 a.m.5:30 p.m. FREE admission. R. Grey Gallery Jewelry and Art Glass, 415 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-385-9337, BOSCO SMALL WORKS OPENING RECEPTION— Check out works no larger than eight square inches by 24 members of the Boise Open Studios Collective Organization. Exhibit runs through April 5. 5:30-8:30 p.m. FREE. Surel’s Place, 212 E. 33rd St., Garden City, 206-4077529, HAIRSTORY-HERSTORY BY JILL ANNIEMARGARET—This exhibition shines a light on sexual assault, domestic violence and child sexual abuse through works made with hair and writings from victims in


Boise and Argentina. 6-9 p.m. FREE. La Tertulia Spanish Learning Center, 2404 W. Bank Drive, Boise, 208-429-4094 or 208-401-5090,

Citizen CAMP RAINBOW GOLD HOME OF DISTINCTION TOUR—Proceeds from the tour will benefit Camp Rainbow Gold. Contact the CRG office to purchase your tickets. 12-7 p.m. $8. Legacy Subdivision, 6261 W. Flounders Drive, Eagle, 208350-6435,

Religious/Spiritual EPWORTH CHAPEL HOLY WEEK— Epworth Chapel on the Green is celebrating Holy Week. All are welcome. Good Friday services, 7 p.m.; Easter Vigil, April 4, 8 p.m.; and Easter Sunday, April 5, 10 a.m. FREE. Epworth Chapel on the Green, 6110 W. Northview St., Boise, 208-336-3951, TWELVE LINKS OF DEPENDENT ARISING AND BUDDHIST VOWS AND COMMITMENTS—Treasure Valley Dharma Friends presents Lama Jhampa Shaneman teaching on Buddhist Vows and Commitments and the Twelve Links of Dependent Arising. 7-8:30 p.m. Boise Institute for Buddhist Studies, 660 N. Ninth St., Boise, 208-345-2088,

Food BASQUE MARKET FRIDAY THREE-COURSE DINNER—Choose a starter, entrée and a dessert from weekly seasonal and locally sourced Chef’s Menu. Wine pairings for each course and pintxos will also be available for an additional charge. Call to RSVP. 4:30-8 p.m. $25. Basque Market, 608 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-433-1208,

The hills have eyes.

BCT 5X5 READING SERIES: DENIS JOHNSON Denis Johnson is frequently referred to as the greatest living American fiction writer, but he is also described as one of the most reclusive American writers. He can be found at Boise State University, where he is a visiting professor, and his work can be found at Boise Contemporary Theater and the Flying M Coffeegarage, where local actors will perform his play Psychos Never Dream. Set in north Idaho (where Johnson lives part-time), the play follows a group of murderous, polymorphously perverse hillbillies who hump and kill their way through a comedic, incisive exploration of everything from property rights to the legacy of the Vietnam War.` Monday, April 6, 7 p.m., $10-$12. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., 208-331-9224;Tuesday, April 7, 7 p.m., $10-$12. Flying M Coffeegarage, 1314 Second St., Nampa, 208-467-5533, BOISE WEEKLY.COM

SATURDAY APRIL 4 Festivals & Events BALLET IDAHO SPRING FASHION SHOW—Be dazzled by handpicked spring fashions from local Boise boutiques and designers, worn by Ballet Idaho dancers. Be dazzled again by a unique and intimate performance, inspired by April’s performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Plus there will also be a raffle in which you can win glamorous prizes and even shoes for a year courtesy of Piece Unique. 8 p.m. $55-$75. Crystal Ball Room, Hoff Building, 802 W. Bannock St., Ste. 202, Boise, 208-336-0533.

BW RESTAURANT/BAR GUIDE UNVEILING—Be among the first to see the 2015 Boise Weekly Bar and Restaurant Guide. 9 p.m. FREE. Grind Modern Burger, 705 W. Fulton St., Boise, 208-342-0944, ‘THE FREEMASON’ DINNER AND MOVIE—Help the Boise Masonic Lodge celebrate its 150th anniversary with dinner and a movie, followed by a Q&A with Joseph James, the film’s executive producer. Adults only; no-host bar. 6:30-10:30 p.m. $20, $30 for 2. El Korah Shrine Center, 1118 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-343-0571, TREASURE VALLEY BIG GAME BANQUET—Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Banquet with live and silent auction and raffle. 5 p.m. Ford Idaho Center, 16200 Idaho Center Blvd., Nampa, 208-4681000,

On Stage ALICE IN WONDERLAND—2 p.m. and 7 p.m. $5-$10. Jewett Auditorium, The College of Idaho, 2112 E. Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, 208-936-4443, BAXTER BLACK BENEFIT CONCERT FOR TRAILING OF THE SHEEP—Don’t miss Baxter Black’s final performance before he goes on hiatus. The evening begins with a VIP reception, limited to 50 guests. The main event includes a three-course dinner, no-host bar and performance by Black. All proceeds benefit the Trailing of the Sheep. In the Limelight Room. 5 p.m. $150-$225. Sun Valley Resort, 1 Sun Valley Road, Sun Valley, 208-622-4111 or 1-800-7868259, COMEDIAN PAULY SHORE—8 p.m. and 10 p.m. $25. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208287-5379, THE FISHERMAN AND HIS SOUL—8 p.m. $26-$32. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224, NO GREATER LOVE EASTER PAGEANT—7 p.m. $5. Nampa First Church of the Nazarene, 601 16th Ave S., Nampa, 208-466-3549,

Workshops & Classes GARDENING CLASSES—Check out these Saturday gardening classes. Planting & Irrigation 101: Learn the crucial things you need to know when planting and providing irrigation to your garden. 11 a.m.12 p.m. FREE. Madeline George Garden Design Nursery, 10550 W. Hill Road, Boise, 208-995-2815,

Art ALLEY ARTS STUDIO/ GALLERY BIKE TOUR— Discover the Alley Arts District in Garden City by bike. Your tour begins at Surel’s Place with a complimentary drink from the ST(r)EAM Coffee & Tea Bike. Then you will follow on your own bike to hidden artist studios and galleries. 2-4:30 p.m. $10. Surel’s Place, 212 E. 33rd St., Garden City. 917-4955840, BENJAMIN JONES SOLO EXHIBITION OPENING RECEPTION—Don’t miss the opening reception for Observations, the new solo exhibition by Benjamin Jones. His unique perspective speaks to an experience that is shared by anyone trying to find their way through the chaos of a mad world. Exhibition runs through May 30. 1-5 p.m. FREE. Stewart Gallery, 2230 Main St., Boise, 208-433-0593,

Calls to Artists STAGE COACH THEATRE AUDITIONS—Director Greg Culet seeks three men and four women ages 30-70 for Stage Coach Theatre’s May-June production of Last Chance Romance by Sam Brobrick. For more info, email Culet at 2-4 p.m. FREE. Stage Coach Theatre, 4802 W. Emerald Ave., Boise, 208-3422000,

Literature AUTHOR FRANK E. ADEN—Local author Frank E. Aden will sign copies of his new book, Boise: A Postcard History Series, which tracks the images of what Boise first looked like when it was founded on the Oregon Trail in 1863. Each page features postcards from different historical eras. 11 a.m. FREE. Rediscovered Books, 180 N. Eighth St., Boise, 208-376-4229,

Citizen FIGHT FOR AIR CLIMB—Help raise funds to support the American Lung Association in Idaho’s lung health and clean air work. Participants test their stamina and lung power by climbing 32 to 128 floors of stairs. 8-11 a.m. $35 registration fee, plus $100 fundraising or donation. US Bank Plaza, 101 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-345-2216, climbboise. org. STEPPING THROUGH THE MIRROR MASQUERADE BALL—Advocates Against Family Violence and Hope’s Door present “Stepping Through the Mirror” Roaring ’20s Masquerade Ball dedicated to the mission of eliminating domestic violence in our community. All proceeds will go directly to AAFV and Hope’s Door to provide hope, healing and strength to those in need. 7-10:30 p.m. $35-$60 adv.,

$40-$65 door. O’Connor Field House/Caldwell Events Center, 2207 Blaine St., Caldwell, 208459-6330, SUICIDE HOTLINE SEEKS OUTREACH VOLUNTEERS—You can make a difference and help save lives in Idaho by becoming a community outreach volunteer, or “Hotline Ambassador” for the Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline. To learn more, call Nancy Pounds at 208-2586994, email or visit 11 a.m.-1 p.m. FREE.

Kids & Teens EASTER EGG HUNT—Easter Egg Hunt followed by FREE hot dogs. Everyone is welcome. 2-3:30 p.m. FREE. Silver Sage Baptist Church, 5858 S. Maple Grove Road, Boise, 208-362-0309, EGGSTRAVAGANT WALK WITH JESUS—Children of all ages are welcome to experience the festivities. Activities include egg scramble, craft stations and cellphone photo booth. 10 a.m.-noon. Cathedral of the Rockies Amity Campus, 4464 S. Maple Grove Road, Boise, 208362-2168, EGGSTRAVAGANZA—Check out this fun family friendly event. Egg hunts begin every 30 minutes (take your own basket), with multiple age groups. Plus food, prizes, games, inflatables and a special appearance by the Easter Bunny. 10 a.m.-noon. FREE. Boise First Baptist Church, 607 N. 13th St., Boise, 208-3447809, EGGSTRAVAGANZA—Celebrate Easter with train rides, coffee, bounce houses, face painting, popcorn, carnival games, pictures with the Easter bunny, arts and crafts, a food truck and, of course, an egg hunt. 10 a.m.-noon. FREE. Karcher Church of the Nazarene, 2515 W. Karcher Road, Nampa, 208-4677479, FLASHLIGHT EASTER EGG HUNT—Join Nampa Parks and Recreation for the annual Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt. Music and live entertainment kick off the evening, with the hunt to follow. Take your own flashlight and search for every last egg. For ages 13-17. 8-9:30 p.m. $3. Nampa Recreation Center, 131 Constitution Way, Nampa, 208468-5858, GIRLS SCHOLASTIC CHESS TOURNAMENT—Check out this girls-only chess tournament. Side events include the movies Searching for Bobby Fischer, Knights of the Bronx, and Brooklyn Castle. 10 a.m. $15. Community Campus, 1050 Fox Acres Road, Hailey, 208-4509048,

Religious/Spiritual EPWORTH CHAPEL HOLY WEEK— Epworth Chapel on the Green is celebrating. All are welcome. Easter Vigil, 8 p.m.; and Easter Sunday, April 5, 10 a.m. FREE. Epworth Chapel on the Green, 6110 W. North-

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CALENDAR view St., Boise, 208-336-3951,

Maple Grove Road, Boise, 208-9689988,

Odds & Ends


8 FEATHERS DISTILLERY TOURS—Drop by and take one of the weekly Saturday tours of the distillery, meet the head distiller and sample the great 8 Feathers Idaho whiskeys. No charge for the tour or the samples. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. FREE. 8 Feathers Distillery, 272 N.

SPARKLING WINE SOIREE—Enjoy sparkling wines from Gruet, Ste. Chapelle’s sister winery. You’ll learn about pairing and how to saber a bottle of the bubbly. 2-4 p.m. $20, $30 couples. Ste. Chapelle Winery, 19348 Lowell Road, Caldwell, 208453-7843,

MILD ABANDON By E.J. Pettinger

SUNDAY APRIL 5 Festivals & Events BPL HOLIDAY CLOSURE—All branches of the Boise Public Library will be closed Sunday, April 5, for the Easter holiday. Boise Public Library, 715 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-384-4076, TREASURE VALLEY SINGLES CLUB WEEKLY DANCE—Join the Treasure Valley Singles Club for a weekly dance with live bands. Everyone 21 years and older is welcome, including married couples. 7:30 p.m. $6-$7. Boise Eagles Lodge, 7025 Overland Road, Boise, 208376-0115.

On Stage C OF I THEATRE: YOU’RE A GOOD MAN CHARLIE BROWN—Enjoy C of I Theatre’s Spring Production of the beloved musical based on the classic comic strip. For tickets or more info, call the Langroise Box Office. 2 p.m. FREE-$15. Langroise Center for the Performing and Fine Arts, 2112 Cleveland Blvd. College of Idaho campus, Caldwell. 208459-5426. NO GREATER LOVE EASTER PAGEANT—7 p.m. $5. Nampa First Church of the Nazarene, 601 16th Ave S., Nampa, 208-466-3549,

Sports & Fitness RAINBOW BOWLING LEAGUE— The Treasure Valley’s only gay and gay-friendly bowling league is always looking for fun new people and bowlers of all skill levels. Weekly on Sundays. 6:30-8 p.m. $11. 20th Century Lanes, 4712 W. State St., Boise, 208-342-8695,

Religious/Spiritual EPWORTH CHAPEL HOLY WEEK—All are welcome. 10 a.m. FREE. Epworth Chapel on the Green, 6110 W. Northview St., Boise, 208-336-3951,

wildlife-related story, make a craft, and explore the Deer Flat Refuge’s visitor center. First and third Monday at 10 a.m. and repeating at 2 p.m. All craft supplies are provided. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. FREE. Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge Visitor’s Center, 13751 Upper Embankment Road, 208-467-9278, Nampa, fws. gov/deerflat.

Food ANGELL’S 8 COURSE EASTER BRUNCH—Avoid the buffet line this Easter at Angell’s. This year’s holiday brunch is eight courses. Call ASAP for your reservations as seating is very limited. 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $34.99 adults and 11.99 children under 12. Angell’s Bar and Grill Renato, 999 W. Main St., Boise, 208-342-4900,

TUESDAY APRIL 7 Festivals & Events

BANBURY EASTER BRUNCH— Reservations required at 208-9394600. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. FREE-$28.50. Banbury Golf Club, 2626 N. Marypost Place, Eagle, 208-939-3600,


On Stage

BCT 5X5 READING SERIES: DENIS JOHNSON— Local actors bring five of the best new plays in the country to life. Up next: Psychos Never Dream by Denis Johnson. He challenges America’s myths, heroes and everyday realities with verve, violence and eloquence. 7 p.m. $10-$12. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-331-9224,

Kids & Teens READING AT THE REFUGE—Preschoolers and kindergartners and their families are invited to enjoy a

BCT 5X5 READING SERIES: DENIS JOHNSON—Local actors bring five of the best new plays in the country to life. Up next: Psychos Never Dream by Denis Johnson. He challenges America’s myths, heroes and everyday realities with verve, violence and eloquence. 7 p.m. $10-$12. Flying M Coffeegarage, 1314 Second St. S., Nampa, 208467-5533,

Workshops & Classes BUSINESS BASICS—This workshop is an ideal starting point for both future and new small-business owners. To reserve your space, call 208-334-9004, ext. 336, or visit


DROP-IN WORKSHOP WITH A.K. TURNER—Memoirist, humorist and fiction writer A.K. Turner will host the drop-in workshop with a brandnew prompt to help jump-start your writing, plus time to share your work and invite critique. 6:30 p.m. FREE. The Cabin, 801 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208-331-8000,


IDAHO ANNE FRANK HUMAN RIGHTS MEMORIAL TOURS—Enjoy 45-minute docent-led public tours of the Idaho Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial weekly on Tuesdays. Meet at the Statue of Anne Frank in the memorial. 12:15-1 p.m. FREE. Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial, 777 S. Eighth St., Boise. 208-345-0304.

On Stage

9-11 a.m. FREE. Small Business Administration District Office, 380 E. Parkcenter Blvd., Ste. 330, Boise, 208-334-1696,

CRAFT TALK & COCKTAILS WITH KAREN RUSSELL—Don’t miss your chance to talk craft over cocktails with Karen Russell, author of Vampires in the Lemon Grove and Swamplandia. Afterward, transportation from The Cabin to Russell’s lecture at The Egyptian Theatre is available. 5 p.m. $50. The Cabin, 801 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, 208331-8000, READINGS & CONVERSATIONS: KAREN RUSSELL—Karen Russell, author of Vampires in the Lemon Grove and Swamplandia, shares her work and perspectives on the important issues of our time. 7:30 p.m. $26.50. Egyptian Theatre, 700 W. Main St., Boise, 208-345-0454, 208-387-1273,

Citizen RACHAEL COREY FUNDRAISER: LONG HAUL MOVIE—In addition to the movie, there’ll be food, raffle prizes, no-host bar and lots of fun. All proceeds go to help local runner and triathlete Rachel Corey in her recovery from injuries sustained when she was hit by a vehicle while riding her bike. Buy tickets at Shu’s Idaho Running Co., 1758 W. State St., Boise. 6 p.m. $5. PowerHouse Event Center, 621 S. 17th St., Boise, 208-331-4005.

visit our for a more complete list of

calendar events.

22 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly




Local artists illustrate the Stations of the Cross at the Cathedral of the Rockies JESSICA MURRI A cathedral, according to Debbie Coutts, is more than a house of worship, it’s “a home for the artist.” Coutts is the pastor of family life at the Cathedral of the Rockies First United Methodist Church, located downtown behind Boise High School. Coutts said the Cathedral of the Rockies, which is one of only two cathedrals in the city of Boise, works hard to honor that mission by inviting choirs, musicians, performers and visual artists into its immense hall. The cathedral even served as a venue for the 2015 Treefort Music Fest, with Josh Ritter performing in the sanctuary on March 25. This week, cathedral staff have transformed The Cathedral of the Rockies is hosting 14 works of local art depicting the 14 Stations of the Cross. the walkways of the sanctuary into an art gallery with work chronicling Holy Week, when Christians observe the crucifixion of Jesus Station 12, in which Jesus is on the cross sur“A lot of these things have stretched my Christ. rounded by his mother and disciples. Looking abilities as a crafter,” Roberts said. “I am Lining the pews are 14 works of art, each at it, though, observers wouldn’t be able to portraying one of the 14 Stations of the Cross, used to making Raggedy Ann dolls. … It’s pushed me forward as an artist and very much tell. It’s the only purely abstract piece in the which depict Jesus on the days leading up to lineup, with the canvas covered in soft earth enriched me spiritually every year.” his crucifixion. The Cathedral of the Rockies Roberts also created prayers to go with each tones, golds and touches of blue. started bringing local artists together to make She made it with latex paint, charcoal, station, so worshippers can go on a self-guided a display for each station five years ago. The tour and reflect on each piece through prayer. graphite, metallic grit and handmade ink. She works are high quality and created in various makes her ink from steel wool and vinegar, media, from abstract and realistic paintings to Roberts and Coutts have both worked in past along with dead leaves she picks up on her years to make their stations photography and sculpture. walks and leftover coffee grounds. interactive and thoughtFor local crafter Sue Roberts, CATHEDRAL OF THE ROCKIES FIRST UNITED METHODIST For Sales, making this painting was a deepprovoking. it’s a profound experience. She CHURCH One year, Coutts made a ly spiritual experience. She used a meditative usually displays her work at Art 717 N. 11th St., practice called Visio Divina, or divine seeing. life-size cross. People could in the Park and the Boise Art “It’s an ancient, contemplative form of write down their sins and Museum’s gift shop, but she has then nail them to the wood. prayer, a meditative form of reading the participated in this project since scriptures,” she said. “The process is a matter “Each time that hammer would hit the the first year, making her way through each of nail, it would echo through here,” Coutts said, of really sitting and letting the drawing speak the stations. looking up at the tall ceilings and stained glass to you.” This year she was tasked with Station Five, She believes that if she creates an abstract in which Jesus is judged by Pontius Pilate and windows. “It’s heavy, but it’s very moving. image, then the observer can connect on a Before it was over [last year], the entire cross sentenced to death. more emotional level without preconceptions, She created a faceless, puppet-like figure to was covered.” and feel more immersed in the artwork. Coutts estimates that hundreds of people represent Pilate. His hands, made of clay, are Sales is an artist by trade and has a show dipping into a pot of water to wash away both will walk through the sanctuary to look at the the blood and his guilt, according to Roberts. art. The tradition attracts people from outside opening up on First Thursday as well, at Galthe First United Methodist Church congrega- lery Five18. Around Pilate’s beard—made of sheep’s wool The artwork will be on display through the tion as well, such as Nampa artist Connie from Nampa—she pinned words and senevening of April 3 and the church is open to tences to represent what may have been going Sales. the public 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. throughout the Sales’ had never been in the cathedral through his mind when he made the decision week. before starting on her piece, which represents to execute Jesus. BOISE WEEKLY.COM

One of Levi Bettwieser’s found photos.

BOISE WEEKLY 2015 COVER AUCTION GRANT WINNERS The committee has spoken and six proposals have been selected to share a total of $10,063 from the 2015 Boise Weekly Cover Auction Grant program. In October 2014, BW reported on the efforts of Levi Bettwieser to collect, develop and preserve photographs for his Rescued Film Project. His work has since been covered by Vice, National Public Radio, CBS This Morning and The Daily Beast, to name a few. Bettwieser was awarded a $2,000 grant for a gallery exhibition and costs associated with the professional publication of a photo album. Not a company to confine itself to the blackbox theater format, Boise Contemporary Theater is always on the lookout for ways to break its mold. BCT will receive a $1,000 grant for its Super Secret Site Specific Something—“a throwback to ’60s happenings and environmental theater”—which deconstructs the traditional theater experience by using Boise locations for site-specific drama. Kansas City Art Institute Professor Hugh Merrill will receive $1,500 for a one-month residency at Surel’s Place, where he’ll work with University of Utah Professor Janet Kaufman and a variety of local organizations and children on his Grump Meter project. The money will go toward making banners and paintings that illustrate how our moods affect our behavior. Boise Open Studios Collective (BOSCO) was awarded $1,500 for its ongoing work of sharing local artists’ creative process with the general public. BOSCO will use the grant money for advertising, printing and graphic design. Hermit Music Festival will put its $2,000 award toward paying musicians, employing a visual artist and advertising costs for its 2015 event, Friday, Sept. 4-Sunday, Sept. 6, at the Mardi Gras Ballroom in Boise and at Indian Creek Winery in Kuna. Lastly, Boise Weekly will receive $2,063, that will go toward BW Watchdogs, which has helped support 14 longform investigative features since its launch in 2013. The grant selection committee was comprised of former BW Art Director Leila Ramella-Rader, current BW Art Director Kelsey Hawes, Idaho Commission on the Arts Executive Director Michael Faison and BW Publisher/ Owner Sally Freeman. —Harrison Berry BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 23




MUSIC GUIDE WEDNESDAY APRIL 1 BEN BURDICK TRIO—7:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers CARMEL CROCK AND KEN HARRIS— 6 p.m. FREE. Sofia’s CHARLIE PARR—With Betse Ellis (of The Wilders). 7 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux DAN AND SHAY—With Canaan Smith. 7:30 p.m. $18 adv., $20$35 door. Knitting Factory DERREN DAVIDAVITCH FLAMENCO GUITAR—5:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers EMILY STANTON BAND—8 p.m. FREE. Bouquet


GENE HARRIS JAZZ FESTIVAL— For a complete schedule of performances, visit 8 a.m. Boise State Student Union

BRENT MARCHBANKS—11:45 a.m. FREE. Shangri-La

JAM NIGHT—Hosted by For Blind Mice. 8 p.m. FREE. Tom Grainey’s

THE BRET WELTY BAND—8 p.m. Bouquet

STEVE EATON—5 p.m. FREE. Bar 365 WETT WEDNESDAY—9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid


LIQUID OPEN MUSIC JAM— Hosted by Ryan Thorne. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid RIVER CITY EXTENSION—With Cold Fronts and guests. 7 p.m. $10. Neurolux

JOHN JONES TRIO—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers

BIG WOW—10 p.m. $5. Tom Grainey’s

LIVE GERMAN MUSIC—6-10 p.m. FREE. Schnitzel Garten

BREAD AND CIRCUS—9 p.m. FREE. Sockeye Grill

MICKY AND THE MOTORCARS— With Chicken Dinner Road, Jeff Crosby and The Refugees and Tylor and The Train Robbers. 8 p.m. $20-$40. Knitting Factory


FRIM FRAM FOUR— 8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s


GENE HARRIS JAZZ FESTIVAL—8 a.m. Boise State Student Union

SEAN HATTON—5 p.m. FREE. Bar 365

DJ FOOSE—10 p.m. $5. Grainey’s Basement

JIM PERCY—7 p.m. FREE. Shangri-La

TANTRIC—With Hey Joe. 7 p.m. $15 adv., $20 door. Eclypse (formerly Shorty’s)

FRANK MARRA—5:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers

KARAOKE WITH DJ BONZ—5:309 p.m. FREE. Six Degrees Nampa

TERRY JONES—5:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers

HANG ELEVEN—10 p.m. $5. Reef HOOCHIE COOCHIE MEN AND OLD DOG NEW TRIX—7:30 p.m. $7-$10. Sapphire Room


ANDREW JACKSON JIHAD— With The Smith Street Band, Jeff Rosenstock and Chumped. 7 p.m. $15. The Shredder


INTERNATIONAL MUSIC FESTIVAL—Featuring local and up-and-coming artists. 8 p.m. $10. Crazy Horse

NONPOINT—With 36 Crazyfists and Scare Don’t Fear. 8 p.m. $15$35. Revolution ROB HARDING— 5 p.m. FREE. Bar 365 SHIMI TREE FLAMENCO—High energy music complete with flamenco dancers. 7 p.m. FREE. Shangri-La



FAMILY TREE(FORT) Treefort Music Fest 2015 photos BW STAFF

Local author Alan Heathcock entranced the audience with a reading at the Linen Building.

Desert Noises (UT) getting down—or up—on the Treefort Main Stage.

For five days, people from across the city, state and country came together for what has become one of the most anticipated events in Boise and beyond: Treefort Music Fest (March 25-29). It was like a big family reunion, seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones as music, food, booze, film, dance, tech, stories

Foxygen (CA) took “onstage” to a whole new level at the Treefort Main Stage.


24 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly



At the Rose Room, Dr. Fresch (CA) had the cure for boredom: dancing.

and more brought thousands into downtown Boise. While we’re sad to say goodbye to Treefort 2015, we can reminisce on the experience with our videos and photos (like the ones below) until Treefort 2016. To see our full album of photos, go to, Extras, Slideshows.

TV on the Radio (NY) delivered an explosion of sight and sound on the Treefort Main Stage.





BANE—With Backtrack, Malfunction and Alone. 6 p.m. $15. The Crux


CHUCK SMITH—5:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers


MONDAY NIGHT KARAOKE—10 p.m. FREE. Tom Grainey’s

BILL RECTOR—5:30 p.m. FREE. O’Michael’s

ANDRE NICKATINA—With Anonymous That Dude. 8 p.m. $22-$44. Knitting Factory


CHUCK SMITH TRIO—7:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers

BAXTER BLACK—5 p.m. $150$225. Sun Valley Resort

PUNK MONDAY—9 p.m. FREE. Liquid

BIG WOW—10 p.m. $5. Tom Grainey’s

SOUL SERENE—5 p.m. FREE. Bar 365

TERRY JONES AND CLAY MOORE—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill WEEDEATER—With King Parrot and Mariana. 7 p.m. $15 adv., $20 door. Neurolux


FRANK MARRA—5:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers HAILEY BROTCKE—With Rachel McGehee and Mike Carrier. 7:30 p.m. FREE. The District

LIKE A ROCKET—10 p.m. FREE. Tom Grainey’s OPEN MIC—8 p.m. FREE. WilliB’s RADIO BOISE TUESDAY: PEACH KELLI POP—7 p.m. $5. Neurolux

DJ ODIE—10 p.m. $5. Grainey’s Basement ERIC GRAE—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill

DAN COSTELLO—5:30 p.m. FREE. Chandlers

V E N U E S Don’t know a venue? Visit for addresses, phone numbers and a map.


JOE YOUNG—This master flutist ensures an evening of musical delight. 7 p.m. FREE. Shangri-La KARAOKE WITH DJ BONZ—9 p.m. FREE. 127 Club MAW BAND—10 p.m. $5. Reef SCHNITZEL GARTEN LIVE GERMAN MUSIC—6-10 p.m. FREE. Schnitzel Garten TAMBALKA—5 p.m. FREE. Bar 365 TERRAVITA—8 p.m. $10-$35. Revolution WILSON FRENCH—9 p.m. FREE. O’Michael’s YONATAN GAT—7 p.m. $10 adv., $12 door. Neurolux


WEEDEATER, APRIL 3, NEUROLUX Dixie Dave Collins might look like a Duck Dynasty extra, but under the well-worn ball cap and scraggly beard is the talented frontman and bassist for legendary metal band Weedeater. Collins formed the Wilmington, N.C.-born trio from the primordial sludge of disbanded Buzzov*en, and with its 2001 debut, ...And Justice for Y’all (re-released on Season of Mist, 2014) the stoner-doomweed metal Weedeater became known for delivering melodic yet punishing, fuzzed-out riffs both on the stage and in the studio. Collins’ low, husky voice rings with the dichotomy of the South: when speaking, his honeyed N.C. accent is inviting and interesting but when he sings, Collins’ guttural vocalizations reverberate with something far more sinister—it all makes for strangely enchanting, visceral music. Weedeater recently reissued all four of their previously out-ofprint full-length albums on Season of Mist, which is scheduled to release Weedeater’s new release, Goliathan, on Tuesday, May 19. Stream “Cain Enabler” from Goliathan at —Amy Atkins With King Parrot and Mariana, $25 adv., $20 door. Neurolux, 111 N. 11th St., 208-343-0886,


BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 25

WINESIPPER VERSATILE BARBERA Once the most widely planted red-wine grape in Italy, barbera slipped to No. 4 as of 2010, after sangiovese, montepulciano and merlot. However, in Piemonte, where its reputation takes a backseat to Barolo’s nebbiolo, it’s still No. 1 in terms of quantity. The three DOCs in that region, which include Alba and Asti, produce some of the best examples of this versatile red. And though the grape is native to Italy, barbera’s plantings have spread around the globe. Here are the panel’s top three picks:

FOOD/DISH DUEL DISH DUEL: TLT SANDWICH SMACKDOWN Which version is the most tempeh-ting?

TARA MORGAN Tempeh is tricky. The brick of fermented soybeans has a nutty, mushroomy flavor that needs a good amount of seasoning to override. Also, tempeh is high in fiber, relatively low in fat and has zero cholesterol, which makes it pretty much the opposite of bacon. Nonetheless, it is frequently cut into strips, soaked in marinade and used as vegetarian bacon. Here are two tempeh takes on the BLT.

2011 LOCATI CELLARS BARBERA, LONESOME SPRINGS VINEYARD, $15.99 This barbera from the Oregon side of the Walla Walla AVA is a lean and lovely expression of that region’s terroir. Lightly toasted oak complements the soft berry aromas with touches of coconut, tobacco and graphite adding more complexity. The palate shows nice restraint (which is not always typical of Walla Walla wines) and offers smooth, ripe red fruits, balanced by racy acidity and light tannins. 2013 PICO MACCARIO LAVIGNONE BARBERA D’ASTI, $14.99 This wine opens with bright cherry and raspberry aromas backed by subtle notes of green tea leaf. Crisp cherry flavors lead off on the palate of this well-structured wine. Anise and blueberry also weigh in, with the flavors lingering nicely. A clean hit of food friendly acidity marks the finish. —David Kirkpatrick 26 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly


2013 BOROLI QUATTRO FRATELLI BARBERA D’ALBA, $16.99 There’s a remarkable depth to this wine’s fresh Bing cherry and bramble berry aromas, along with hints of earth, rose petal and red licorice. In the mouth, it’s a big burst of creamy dark fruit flavors playing against lightly tart cherry. The supple finish is marked by smooth tannins. This wine is drinking beautifully now.






Name: Northender Veggie BLT

Name: Tempeh TLT (BLT Style)

Description: Tempeh bacon, kale pesto, Idaho heirloom tomatoes, green goddess dressing.

Description: Smoked tempeh, oven-roasted tomatoes, arugula, green goddess spread, Acme Bakeshop focaccia bread.

Price: $7

Price: $10

Presentation: Wrapped in a straightjacket of white butcher paper, sliced in half and wound in another layer of paper, this hefty sandwich is an eathalf-now, eat-the-rest-later meal. It’s also geared toward those on the run: It came flying out of the kitchen a few short minutes after I ordered it.

Presentation: Served on a square slice of focaccia, 10 Barrel’s TLT appears more modest than Main Street Deli’s, at first blush. Slivers of oven-roasted tomato and wisps of arugula drape down the sides of the large hunk of tempeh. It comes with a pile of french fries on the side.

Bread: Fluffy white sourdough from Gaston’s Bakery, untoasted.

Bread: The rich, rosemary-studded focaccia from Acme is barely charred on its white underbelly, leaving a pleasant crunch that stands up to the tempeh.

Tempeh: Lightly smoked, organic Tofurkey-brand tempeh, sliced in quarterinch strips and served in a single layer.

Tempeh: Soaked in a balsamic marinade and smoked in-house, it has a nutty, slightly loose texture and smoky flavor that lingers like great barbecue.

Toppings: Loaded with mixed greens and a few thick slices of pale tomato, this meal has the healthy crunch of a hybrid salad-sandwich.

Toppings: The roasted tomatoes have a bright, lightly lemon flavor but could use more salt. The arugula provides a peppery bite but not much texture.

Spread: The vibrant green goddess dressing is made with mayo, yogurt, sour cream and tarragon, with a little spinach thrown in for extra color.

Spread: 10 Barrel’s super creamy green goddess spread is packed with sour cream, parsley and basil. It has a mild tang and is liberally applied.

Extras: A garlicky vegan pesto flecked with pine nuts, kale and lemon juice.

Extras: The side of crisp french fries were a welcome addition.

Verdict: Props for creating a vegetarian sandwich that magically feels healthy and filling at the same time. Points deducted for untoasted bread. More points deducted for the kale pesto’s raw garlic bite, which helped me ward off vampires well into the evening.

Verdict: Mega props for smoking the tempeh in-house—it imparts a meaty flavor that just can’t be mimicked. Though focaccia is a decadent bread choice for an already rich meal, this was, by far, the most satisfying vegetarian sandwich I’ve ever had. Despite my moderate intentions, I wolfed down the whole thing.

Winner: 10 Barrel. Main Street Deli makes a stand-out veggie version—packed with plenty of zip and crunch—in a town that frequently overlooks vegetarians, but 10 Barrel’s smoky, meaty sandwich appeals to herbivores and carnivores, alike. BOISE WEEKLY.COM

SCREEN THIS FILM IS RATED ‘I’ (AND Q, D, S, J, B, H AND P) The elite eight films of Lunafest 2015 GEORGE PRENTICE Clear your calendar for Saturday, April 11. If you have something scheduled for that day, it’s doubtful that whatever you had planned will be more inspiring or entertaining than this year’s Lunafest Film Festival, which will come and go with a one-day screening at The Flicks. The 2015 edition of the showcase is among Lunafest’s best—considerable praise when we look The many faces of Lunafest 2015, to be screened at The Flicks on Saturday, April 11. Clockwise (from upper left): back at the festival’s 15-year history. Flor De Toloache, Chica’s Day, Miss Todd, Tryouts, Viva. Founded in 2000 by female employees of the Luna Bar division of nutrition bar manufacturer Clif Bar, Lunafest is a rolling coast-to-coast film combined 90 minutes long, Lunafest 2015 may into Lady Parts Automotive, a Redwood City, be the most densely-packed hour-and-a-half of festival, and this year’s collection of short films Calif., auto repair shop “designed with a woman artistic splendor to visit Boise in quite some time. in mind.” for and about women will visit more than 150 Below are some highlights: communities in as many days. The festival’s “I get a crazy, grizzly bear feeling when I see a The absolute best of the program is a 12-min- mom being taken advantage of,” says Lady Parts proceeds support the Breast Cancer Fund (15 ute wonderment titled Miss Todd from British percent) and local nonprofit hosts (85 percent). owner Mae de la Calzada. “These single moms filmmaker Kristina Yee. The stop-motion aniIn Boise, the local chapter of Soroptimist Interespecially—when a single mom’s car breaks down, mated film tells the story of Lillian Todd, history’s her life breaks down.” national is hosting. “I’m so passionate about this,” said Jolene An- first female aeronautical engineer. Get this: All of Also great is A Good Match, an insightful derson, public awareness chair of the Soroptimist the characters are animated paper dolls and Miss 13-minute comedy about Ann and Alex, a young Todd is a musical. Plus, it’s being adapted into a Rocky Mountain Region. “We’re the oldest noncouple that can’t make their relationship work. It’s children’s book, scheduled to hit bookshelves in governmental agency in the world that advocates not a problem until Ann realizes she misses Alex’s the United States in June. Miss Todd is destined to mother more than she misses Alex. for women and girls.” be an instant classic. If knowing proceeds go to a good cause isn’t Lunafest 2015 offers even more: a touchAnother favorite is Viva, enough to bring the crowds ing drama about a Muslim-American girl who a 7-minute documento Lunafest, the quality of this desperately wants to be a part of her high school’s tary about Viva Hamnell of year’s films should seal the deal. cheerleading squad but can’t remove her headLUNAFEST 2015 Cornwall, England. “‘Viva’ The screening opens with covering hijab (Tryouts); a girl’s day out where Suitable for older teens and adults is the Latin word meaning familiar words of caution: “The everything is allowed (Chica’s Day); and a musi‘to live,’ and that’s what I’ve following film has been rated…” cal treat from an all-female mariachi band that Saturday, April 11, 12:30 p.m., $15, The Flicks, 646 Fulton St., theflicksgot to do,” says 82-year-old You’d expect it to see “G” (Genperforms on New York City subway platforms Hamnell in the film. eral Audiences), “PG” (Parental (Flor De Toloache). The film tells the charmGuidance) or “R” (Restricted). “Lunafest is such a perfect fit for Soroptiing tale of a lovely senior Instead, it reads, “The following mist,” Anderson said. “It’s all about living your citizen, but there’s one jaw-dropping fact: In the film has been rated I,” which stands for “inspidream, not being fearful and being willing to be 1970s, Hamnell was a vocalist with the punk rational.” The “I” disappears, followed in rapid a trailblazer.” band The Bricks and once stood trial for drug succession by, “The following film has been rated Much of the proceeds from Lunafest 2015 Q,” and then “D,” “S,” “J,” “B,” “H” and “P,” rep- possession. will help fund the Soroptimist “Live Your Dream” Known as “Viva, the Queen of Cornish Punk” education and training awards. resenting (in order) “quirky,” “daring,” “soulful,” Hamnell can still be seen flashing her tattoos at “joyous,” “brave,” “honest” and “powerful.” “We help economically disadvantaged, head21st century music festivals. Organizers of Lunafest should have added of-household women who want to go back to “S” for “superb,” because each of the eight short Next, don’t let the title of Lady Parts fool you. school and get a degree,” said Anderson. “Lunaffilms—all with three- to 14-minute runtimes— The six-minute documentary by filmmaking team est is our highest-profile event; and it truly helps are world class. Given the fact that the films are a Emily Fraser and Katherine Gorringe, takes us make those dreams come true.” BOISE WEEKLY.COM

BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 27



Monday-Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701


These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats. 2833 S. Victory View Way | 208-343-7177

Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad Street in downtown Boise. We are on the corner of 6th and Broad between Front and Myrtle streets.

PHONE (208) 344-2055

FAX (208) 342-4733

E-MAIL MALORY: If you take a little time with me, I’ll reward you with sweet purrs, rubs and rolls.

OLLIE: Want a steady gentleman with whom to spend your evenings? I’m your man.

MARIA: I’m a snuggly, polite girl who will win your heart in a minute. Come get me.

These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society. 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508

DEADLINES* LINE ADS: Monday, 10 a.m. DISPLAY: Thursday, 3 p.m. * Some special issues and holiday issues may have earlier deadlines.

RATES We are not afraid to admit that we are cheap, and easy, too! Call (208) 344-2055 and ask for classifieds. We think you’ll agree. CHEYENNE: 2-year-old, female, Chihuahua mix. Bonds quickly and has a warm, lively personality. Does well on a leash. (Kennel 317 -#25191057)

GRIZZLY: 3-and-1/2-yearold, male, St. Bernard. Cheerful and positive. Walks well on a leash and responds to affectionate handling. (Kennel 312 – 24066360)

CUDDLES: 1-year-old, female, Rhodesian Ridgeback mix. Calm, friendly, willing and gentle. Would do best in an indoor home. ( Kennel 303 – 25184973)

DISCLAIMER Claims of error must be made within 14 days of the date the ad appeared. Liability is limited to in-house credit equal to the cost of the ad’s first insertion. Boise Weekly reserves the right to revise or reject any advertising.

PAYMENT ROSEBERRY: 7-monthold, female, domestic longhair. Quiet and gentle, enjoys sitting on a lap and having her back scratched. (Kennel #101 - # 25258417)

28 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly

FABIO: 2-year-old, male domestic shorthair. A bit shy at first but warms up with gentle handling. Curious and playful. (Kennel 2 - #25226868).

RANGER: 2-year-old, male, domestic shorthair. Calm and enjoys sitting on laps. Handsome boy who would be a great companion. (Kennel 3 – 25149123)

Classified advertising must be paid in advance unless approved credit terms are established. You may pay with credit card, cash, check or money order. BOISE WEEKLY.COM


VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill


shop here





BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 29



VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill








26 Newbie: Var. 27 Senator Mike from Wyoming 28 1965 hitmakers Dino, ____ & Billy 30 Start to lose it 31 Exactly 72, maybe 33 “No fishing here!”? 38 Be up 39 Ending with Vietnam 40 Vietnam ____

1 Small drums 7 Leaves of grass 13 Folded like a fan 20 East Coast national park 21 Early stone tool 22 Go wild 23 Ancient Peruvian using Netflix? 25 Washington post? 1




























90 93




105 110

106 111



95 103











30 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly



77 Letters after Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s name 78 Less deserving of a laugh, say 81 Sealer, maybe 82 Part of a jumbo trail mix? 87 Sorry sort 89 Lit 90 Marie Antoinette, par exemple 91 First name on the “America’s Got Talent” panel 93 State on the Miss. 94 Bouncer’s concern 96 AAA offering: Abbr. 97 Agent for Bogart’s partner? 102 Wild 104 Declare 105 Filmmaker Riefenstahl 106 Hold it! 108 “When I was ____ …” 109 President John Tyler’s wife 111 “12-Point Type: A History”? 116 Tied up 117 They might grab some food before a flight 118 Hard and unyielding 119 Bar order that’s not drunk 120 “Me as well!” 121 Isn’t completely truthful



89 92






64 69














72 75



57 62 66













56 60



40 44



25 28



58 “Network,” for one 59 Never 62 “Is that so?” 64 A minimus is a little one 65 Comment to an annoying blackjack dealer? 71 TV ET 72 Pub fixture 73 “Ta-da!” 74 Up-to-the-minute













41 Like the headline “ELVIS FATHERED MY ALIEN BABY” 42 Sheer 44 Lines from Homer and Erasmus 47 Some art projections 51 Dog whose rocket went off course? 55 Make the podium 56 Some black-tie events 57 Refrain syllable




1 It may be on the tip of your tongue 2 Put in play 3 It holds a lock in place 4 Classic theater 5 Marshy place, perhaps 6 Identical to 7 Auto pioneer Karl 8 “When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of ____”: Dale Carnegie 9 Will Smith biopic 10 When repeated, a child’s meal 11 Yadda, yadda, yadda 12 Tangerine or peach 13 Force divided by area, in physics 14 ____ brothers, inventors of the motion picture (1895) 15 Having five sharps

16 Cause of a great loss? 17 Option for a quick exit 18 Quaint letter opener 19 Classic British Jaguar 24 Concerning 29 Sharp turn 32 Projected image 34 High-tech surveillance acronym 35 Major account 36 Site of a 1776 George Washington victory in the Revolutionary War 37 ____ Rudolph, U.S. sprinter who won three golds in the 1960 Olympics 43 British racetrack site 44 ____ Hardware 45 It’s in the 60s 46 Rock singer? 48 Photoshop user, e.g. 49 Egyptian king overthrown in a 1952 revolution 50 Wintry mixes 52 Barely touch, as a meal 53 Visibly stunned 54 Grp. with a launch party? 58 Criticism 59 Spiral-horned antelopes 60 “C’est magnifique!” 61 Like some titmice 62 Fist bump, in slang 63 It might say “Happy Birthday!” 66 Ancient Assyrian foe 67 Old lab burners 68 Ambushed 69 One calling foul? 70 Mess (around) 75 Catholic rite 76 “Delphine” author Madame de ____ 78 Waxing and waning, e.g. 79 U.K. honour 80 Free

82 Thomas Jefferson and Calvin Coolidge, e.g. 83 Quiet period 84 Menial 85 Showstopper? 86 When school’s open 88 More slapstick 92 Novelist McEwan 94 ____-bodied 95 Board’s opposite 97 Maryland’s largest city, informally 98 ____ Fisher Hall, longtime venue at Lincoln Center 99 Whale constellation 100 Capone henchman 101 Something you might get a charge out of 103 Tasty 107 “In that case …” L A S T W A R T S











110 China’s Lao-____ 112 Suffered from 113 Jeff Lynne’s band, for short 114 Patch of land 115 ____ season Go to and look under extras for the answers to this week’s puzzle. Don't think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers.

W E E K ’ S













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OBITUARIES BW OBITUARIES RIGHT HERE The Boise Weekly offers obituaties for close to half off the daily newspaper, plus a full week in the paper & online versus one day. Email classifieds@boiseweekly. com for a quick quote. We know we can do better.


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The Mayo Clinic describes a stroke as the effect of an interruption or severe reduction of blood supply to part of the brain. Deprived of oxygen, brain cells begin to die within minutes. A stroke can affect language, memory, cognition, emotional stability and, particularly, motor skills. While studies have shown “the central nervous system is adaptive and can recover some functions,” they’ve also found it is “necessary to keep practicing regained skills.” Therein lies the rub. Therapy can become tedious and frustrating, causing a patient to lose interest altogether, thus slowing or even stopping the recovery process. As the “world’s first FDA-approved clinically $1,099 or $99.95/month validated music-based hand rehabilitation device” the MusicGlove, by Flint Rehabilitation Devices, allegedly improves hand functionality for people who’ve suffered a stroke, spinal injury or traumatic brain injury—and makes it fun. The MusicGlove has sensors that read a user’s movements as he or she plays a song on a tablet or similar device. As notes scroll up the screen, the wearer touches fingers to thumb for each note: think Guitar Hero. A March 21 article in the Orange County Register quotes Dr. Dan Zondervan, Flint vice president, co-creator of the MusicGlove and a musician, as saying “there are quite a few studies that show benefits of using music in movement therapy. It helps motivate people in a fundamental way.” —Amy Atkins



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CALL FOR ARTISTS We invite you to enter Smith & Coelho’s Show Off! 2015 Spring Fine Art Show, April 24, 4-9 p.m. 1151 East Iron Eagle Dr., Eagle. Now in our 9th year, Show Off! enjoys valley-wide recognition & publicity. Last spring over 300 enthusiasts attended an evening filled with art, music, refreshments, flowers and fun. This is our invitation to fine artists to participate in the 9th year of this event. Email an entry form to: office@

BW CLASSES EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE SEMINARS Come and learn how to control your emotions at our Emotional Intelligence Seminars. Simpatico Seminars consist of lectures, activities and class discussions. Seminars are a class room (curriculum) introduction to Emotional Intelligence. Social Awareness Seminar 6:30 - 8:30, March 5th Self Awareness, March 12th - Self Management, March 26th - Social Awareness (Empathy), April 2nd Relationship Management, Free Admittance. www.simpaticokjl. com - visit our website

BW FAMILIES MUSIC FOR INFANTS AND WORKING PARENTS! Been reading all those studies about how important music is to your child’s development? Wish your baby or toddler could attend class but can’t because you work? Music Together is now offering evening “pajama” classes. Beginning Monday, March 16. Meet other parents, sing, dance, play instruments and have a great time....basically it’s a baby Woodstock each and every week. Call 602-2866 or

BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 31


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Cleaning services available. 11 years experience, home or commercial. Great rates, trustworthy & professional with references. 208-409-3563. MOVERS FOR MOMS Two Men and a Truck believes every Mom should be celebrated on Mother’s Day. That’s why Two Men and a Truck of Boise has initiated Movers For Moms and is teaming up with local organizations to collect essential items to be delivered to women living at the Women’s and Childrens Alliance this Mother’s Day. To donate items or to find out more contact 495-7111.

ORGANIC.CHILD SAFE.PET SAFE Plus, local! The best pest control services in the valley. PROTEC, call Brett at 284-1480.

BW NEED COMPOST Refugee farmer needs compost of any kind. I have a truck & will pick up. Call 409-3563. Thanks!


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BW VOLUNTEERS CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS World Village cultural & music festival. At Capitol City Park, June 19-21, 2015. Contact bmp.50@ for details.


BOISE AREA FLUTE LESSONS Struggling in band? Preparing for auditions or competitions? Wondering why you sound so different than the recordings you hear? Would like to dust that flute off that you played in junior high? Or maybe you have a child nagging you to learn to play. Whether you need a problem solved or a complete beginner, I can help you get


VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill




COME TO CELEBRATE SPRING WITH THE FOSTER BUILDING MERCHANTS 409 S. 8th St in BODO. This FREE event will be on First Thursday for all to enjoy, from 5-8. We will have treats, giveaways and great Sales. So Hop on over. We hope to see you there!

CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808

BW AUTO SERVICES LOST AND FOUND BW LOST AND FOUND Rings lost on Saturday afternoon March 28th in Shopko parking lot on Broadway. If found, please call Linda at 297-5128 for a reward.


LEGAL BW LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL & COURT NOTICES Boise Weekly is an official newspa-

per of record for all government notices. Rates are set by the Idaho Legislature for all publications. Email or call 344-2055 for a quote. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: LAUREL JANE WALKER Legal Name Case No. CV NC 1502627 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) A Petition to change the name of LAUREL JANE WALKER, now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to LAUREL JANE OSTERHOUT. The reason for the change in name is: returning to my maiden name. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 130 o’clock p.m. on (date) April 14, 2015 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date FEB 25 2015

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Choconiverous” is an English slang word that’s defined as having the tendency, when eating a chocolate Easter Bunny, to bite the head off first. I recommend that you adopt this direct approach in everything you do in the coming weeks. Don’t get bogged down with preliminaries. Don’t get sidetracked by minor details, trivial distractions, or peripheral concerns. It’s your duty to swoop straight into the center of the action. Be clear about what you want and unapologetic about getting it. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The American snack cake known as a Twinkie contains 68 percent air. Among its 37 other mostly worthless ingredients are sugar, water, cornstarch, the emulsifier polysorbate 60, the filler sodium stearoyl lactylate and food coloring. You can’t get a lot of nutritious value by eating it. Now let’s consider the fruit known as the watermelon. It’s 91 percent water and 6 percent sugar, yet it also contains a good amount of Vitamin C, lycopene and antioxidants, all of which are healthy for you. So if you are going to eat a whole lot of nothing, watermelon is a far better nothing than a Twinkie. Let that serve as an apt metaphor for you in the coming week. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You may be as close as you have

ever gotten to finding the long-lost Holy Grail—or Captain Kidd’s pirate treasure, for that matter, or Marie Antoinette’s jewels, or Tinkerbell’s magical fairy dust, or the evidence that Shakespeare’s plays were written by Francis Bacon. At the very least, I suspect you are everso-near to your personal equivalent of those precious goods. Is there anything you can do to increase your chances of actually getting it? Here’s one tip: Visualize in detail how acquiring the prize would inspire you to become even more generous and magnanimous than you already are. CANCER (June 21-July 22): People are paying attention to you in new ways. That’s what you wanted, right? You’ve been emanating subliminal signals that convey messages like, “Gaze into my eternal eyes,” and, “Bask in the cozy glow of my crafty empathy.” So now what? Here’s one possibility: Go to the next level. Show the evenmore-interesting beauty that you’re hiding below the surface. You may not think you’re ready to offer the gifts you have been “saving for later.” But you always think that. I dare you to reveal more of your deep secret power. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Some people believe unquestioningly in the truth and power of astrology. They imagine it’s an exact science that can unfail-

32 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly

ingly discern character and predict the future. Other people believe all astrology is nonsense. They think that everyone who uses it is deluded or stupid. I say that both of these groups are wrong. Both have a simplistic, uninformed perspective. The more correct view is that some astrology is nonsense and some is a potent psychological tool. Some of it’s based on superstition and some is rooted in a robust mythopoetic understanding of archetypes. I encourage you to employ a similar appreciation for paradox as you evaluate a certain influence that is currently making a big splash in your life. In one sense, this influence is like snake oil and you should be skeptical about it. But in another sense it’s good medicine that can truly heal. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): According to the Biblical stories, Peter was Christ’s closest disciple, but acted like a traitor when trouble came. After Christ was arrested, in the hours before the trial, Peter denied knowing his cherished teacher three different times. His fear trumped his love, leading him to violate his sacred commitment. Is there anything remotely comparable to that scenario developing in your own sphere, Virgo? If you recognize any tendencies in yourself to shrink from your devotion or violate your highest principles, I urge you to root them out. Be brave. Stay strong and true in your

duty to a person or place or cause that you love.

new array of provocative fun and games.

into your sanctuary and get back in touch with your primal purpose.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Marketing experts say consumers need persistent prodding before they will open their minds to possibilities that are outside their entrenched habits. The average person has to be exposed to a new product at least eight times before it fully registers on his or her awareness. Remember this rule of thumb as you seek attention and support for your brainstorms. Make use of the art of repetition. Not just any old boring, tedious kind of repetition, though. You’ve got to be as sincere and fresh about presenting your goodies the eighth time as you were the first.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The English writer William Wordsworth (1770-1830) wrote hundreds of poems. Among his most famous was “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” which is also known as “Daffodils.” The poem sprung from him after a walk he took with his sister around Lake Ullswater in the English Lake District. There they were delighted to find a long, thick belt of daffodils growing close to the water. In his poem, Wordsworth praises the “ten thousand” flowers that were “Continuous as the stars that shine / And twinkle on the milky way.” If you are ever going to have your own version of a daffodil explosion that inspires a burst of creativity, Sagittarius, it will come in the coming weeks.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Sometimes you’re cool, but other times you’re hot. You veer from acting aloof and distracted to being friendly and attentive. You careen from bouts of laziness to bursts of disciplined efficiency. It seems that you’re always either building bridges or burning them, and on occasion you are building and burning them at the same time. In short, Aquarius, you are a master of vacillation and a slippery lover of the in-between. When you’re not completely off-target and out of touch, you’ve got a knack for wild-guessing the future and seeing through the false appearances that everyone else regards as the gospel truth. I, for one, am thoroughly entertained.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In Cole Porter’s song “I Get a Kick Out of You,” he testifies that he gets no kick from champagne. In fact, “Mere alcohol doesn’t thrill me at all,” he sings. The same is true about cocaine. “I’m sure that if I took even one sniff that would bore me terrifically, too,” Porter declares. With this as your nudge, Scorpio, and in accordance with the astrological omens, I encourage you to identify the titillations that no longer provide you with the pleasurable jolt they once did. Acknowledge the joys that have grown stale and the adventures whose rewards have waned. It’s time for you to go in search of a

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Your subconscious desires and your conscious desires seem to be at odds. What you say you want is not in precise alignment with what your deep self wants. That’s why I’m worried that “Don’t! Stop!” might be close to morphing into “Don’t stop!”— or vice versa. It’s all pretty confusing. Who’s in charge here? Your false self or your true self? Your wounded, conditioned, habit-bound personality or your wise, eternal, ever-growing soul? I’d say it’s a good time to retreat

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): How can you ripen the initiatives you have set in motion in recent weeks? Of the good new trends you have launched, which can you now install as permanent enhancements in your daily rhythm? Is there anything you might do to cash in on the quantum leaps that have occurred, maybe even figure out a way to make money from them? It’s time for you to shift from being lyrically dreamy to fiercely practical. You’re ready to convert lucky breaks into enduring opportunities. BOISE WEEKLY.COM

CHRISTOPHER D. RICH CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: DEIRDE PRICE DEPUTY CLERK PUB March 11, 18, 25 & April 1, 2015. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE 4TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: DANIELLE MARIE MORGAN Legal Name Case No. CV NC 1502754 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) A Petition to change the name of DANIELLE MARIE MORGAN, now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to DANIEL AEDYN MORGAN. The reason for the change in name is: Personal Reasons. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 130 o’clock p.m. on (date) APR 14, 2015 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date FEB 25 2015 CHRISTOPHER D. RICH CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: DEIRDE PRICE DEPUTY CLERK PUB March 11, 18, 25 & April 1, 2015. LEGAL NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION CASE NO. CV 14 10445 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CANYON, Fieldcrest Village Subdivision Neighborhood Association, Inc., Plaintiff, v. Roberto Acosta and Ana Cabrera Acosta, Defendants. TO: ANA CABRERA ACOSTA You have been sued by Fieldcrest Village Subdivision Neighborhood Association, Inc., the Plaintiff, in the District Court of the Third Judicial District in and for Canyon County, Idaho, Case No. CV 14


10445. The nature of the claim against you is for unpaid homeowner association assessments, more particularly described in the Complaint. Any time after twenty (20) days following the last publication of this Summons, the Court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the case number., and paid any required filing fee to: Clerk of the Court, Canyon County Courthouse 1115 Albany Caldwell, Idaho 83605 Telephone (208) 4547300 and served a copy of your response on the Plaintiff’s attorney at : Jeremy O. Evans of VIAL FOTHERINGHAM LLP, 12828 LaSalle Dr Ste 101, Boise, ID 83702, Telephone 208-629-4567, Facsimile 208-392-1400. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the court or the attorney for Plaintiiff. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. DATED this 25 day of Feb., 2015. CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT CHRIS YAMAMOTO PUB. FEB. 11, 18, 25 & APR. 1, 2015. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE 4TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: LEANN ELIZABETH WOOD Legal Name Case No. CV NC 1502671 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) A Petition to change the name of LeAnn Elizabeth Wood, now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to Elizabeth Ada Shakespeare. The reason for the change in name is: to reflect personal and marital changes. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 130 o’clock p.m. on (date) APR 14, 2015 at the Ada




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County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date FEB 25 2015 CHRISTOPHER D. RICH CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: DEIRDE PRICE DEPUTY CLERK PUB March 18, 25, April 1 & 8, 2015. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE 4TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: Anthony Steven Garcia Legal Name Case No. CV NC 1503054 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult) A Petition to change the name of Anthony Steven Garcia, now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to Anthony Steven Richardson Gerrard. The reason for the change in name is: Desire to legally use family names on mothers side. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 130 o’clock p.m. on (date) APR 28 2015 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date MAR 11 2015 CHRISTOPHER D. RICH CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: DEIRDE PRICE DEPUTY CLERK PUB March 25, April 1, 8, & 15, 2015. IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: Robin Lee Landing Legal Name

Case No. CV NC 1503979 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE A Petition to change the name of Robin Lee Landing, now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to Robin Lee Hood. The reason for the change in name is because the Petitioner would like to use her maiden name following her divorce in February of 2004. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 130 o’clock p.m. on May 12 2015 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. MAR 23 2015 CHRISTOPHER D. RICH CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: DEIRDE PRICE DEPUTY CLERK PUB April 1, 8, 15 & 22, 2015.

than any other maid or cleaning service in Idaho. Visit my website to book your cleaning!

BW CHAT LINES MEET SEXY SINGLES Browse & Reply FREE! 208-3458855. Use FREE Code 3188, 18+. WHERE HOT GUYS MEET Browse Ads & Reply FREE! 208472-2200. Use FREE Code 2619, 18+.

BW KISSES ARE YOU TRYING TO REHOME YOUR CAT? Submit your information & a photo to We will post it on the Simply Cats website on our OUT of FACILITY page. Simply Cats Adoption Center 208343-7177.


ADULT BW ADULT MEET SEXY SINGLES Send Messages FREE! Straight 208-345-8855. Gay/Bi 208-4722200. Use FREE Code 3187, 18+. SEXY HOME OR OFFICE CLEANING I do basic household chores & cleaning. From bathtubs & toilets, floors, laundry, dishes, & even cooking. I’ll get the job done right, & be a lot more fun to be around


BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 33


SCREEN EXTRA THE BOYS OF SUNNYVALE HAVE NINE LIVES With little fanfare, Netflix released Season 9 of Trailer Park Boys on March 27. The acclaimed Canadian faux-documentary TV series, which is set in Nova Scotia, has been taking us into the fictional Sunnyvale Trailer Park and the lives of Bubbles, Julian, Ricky and the other residents since 2001. The show originally aired on Canada’s Showcase network and after seven seasons and several movies and specials, Netflix picked it up. It doesn’t take a rocket appliance to know that was a smart move. —Amy Atkins

READER COMMENTS From our most commented story on Facebook, March 2530, “What?? McCall Star-News Headline States Tom Luna is McCall’s New School Superintendent”: Katie Peterson: Yikes! Read the article people. You can’t always just trust a headline! Btw… April Fools are supposed to be funny… this freaked me out. Whew. Glad it’s just a BAD JOKE! Jan Lundell Ahlin: Sorry, but Luna (Tom or his sister) working anywhere with schools is not


Amount Monsanto Co. has been ordered to pay in fines for not reporting toxic chemical leaks at its phosphate plant in Soda Springs

funny… It is lunacy. They both should be sued for all the money they funneled off to various programs run by cohorts and partners in crime. Scott Chapman: I totally fell for it… Jennifer Hancock: STOP IT. When will ID learn!? John Brandell: I live in McCall. It bothered me at first, then realized April fools joke. Sad but wouldn’t put anything past this government. Hollie White: April fools day is a few days away??? Can’t believe this BS. How can this even happen.


Average Idaho teacher pay in 2013-2014, a decrease of more than $200 from 2012-2013 Idaho Ed News

Associated Press

Worst April Fool’s Day Hoaxes 1. Uday Hussein-owned Babil newspaper tells Iraqis in 1998 that the United States has lifted its sanctions and rations will now include bananas and Pepsi (psych!) 2. Opinia newspaper in Romania (falsely) reports in 2000 that inmates will be released from Baia Mare prison 3. London City Hall worker suffers a heart attack and files for early retirement trying to meet a made-up report deadline 4. Man ties a dead chihuahua to a (deaf) co-worker’s car bumper 5. Man pretends to hang himself on the front yard to scare his ex-wife 6. Clothing store employee calls her boss to tell him the shop is being robbed 7. State-run Russian news agency Itar-Tass punks the world with news that the Warsaw Pact may be revived


“ Sl ave ow n e r s FROM THE BW POLL VAULT

Christians and good people. …

9. An Oregon radio station warns that a local dam has burst, leading homeowners to flee

decisions. And

NO. 49

taken by instagram user silitary_bibliophile

were ver y good

8. Boston DJs Opie and Anthony in 1998 claim Mayor Tom Menino died in a car crash; his family is among those who believe the report

10. Iraqi ambassador to Russia in 2003 announces in a press conference that U.S. forces fired a nuclear missile on British troops


[J ]ust people who made terrible that’s how I see gay people.” —RIGGINS REPUBLICAN REP. PAUL SHEPA RD O N I DA H O REP O RT S .



Idaho ranking for teacher pay among all states and the District of Columbia, behind Mississippi and South Dakota

Foreclosure rate reported in the Treasure Valley in January, marking the lowest such rate since October 2007

Idaho Ed News

Idaho Business Review


Estimated cost for the proposed Bown Crossing Branch Library in east Boise

“Do you think the charges against Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl (desertion and misbehavior before the enemy) are fair?” Yes, they reflect his actions: (51.5%) No, they should be harsher: (13.5%) No, he should not be charged at all: (21%)

I don’t know: (14%) Disclaimer: This online poll is not i ntend ed to b e a s c i enti f i c s a mp l e o f l o c a l, statewi d e o r n ati o n a l op i ni on.

NO. 1

Ranking for Madison County, in eastern Idaho, in a study from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation on the healthiest counties in each state

NO. 7

Ranking for Ada County in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation study of the healthiest counties in each state


Tie vote in the Idaho House State Affairs Committee, killing a measure that would have opened a way to access cannabidiol oil to treat children with severe seizure disorders.

34 | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | BOISEweekly


Special Guest

CARL LENTZ Hickory°Ave


Lead Pastor | Hillsong NYC

Kleine r Park

The Village



Also join us April 4, 2015 for

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A PRIL 4,2015

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F o o d Vend o rs, J um p Ho uses F a c e Pa i nti ng , E a ster Bunny G i v e Awa y s & M o re

BOISEweekly | APRIL 1–7, 2015 | 35

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