BOLD Ageless Beauty - September 2015

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SEPT EMBER 2015 | I SSUE no 1

ag eless b eaut y


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The Models of The Lyngale Agency W hy NOT You? A Breast Cancer Survivor's Story A Model Couple's Love Story: 23 Year Separation Could Not Keep Them Apart Are You Living Life Fully? Food Done Right & More!

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m ag azine Page 3

ag eless b eaut y COLLABORATORS Ed it or -in-Chief Lynita Mit chell-Blackwell

Manag ing Ed it or Tina Br id g es

Cover Phot og rap h by Rob er t C. Her b er t of At lanta Phot og rap her s Net w or k Cover Makeup Ar t ist Kat hy "Kat " J allow of Per suasive Eyes W r iter s & Sp ot lig ht s

CONTACT Are you intr ig ued by our m ag azine and wish t o b e a p ar t of t he BOLD m ovem ent ? Contr ib ute, ad ver t ise, and com m ent on our p ub licat ion:

Faye Field s Paul S. Gr ieve Maxine S. McDaniel Elaine Tur ner Eg g lest on

Call 866-611-3753 Em ail BOLDFavor Mag azine@Gm

Visit w w w.BOLDFavor Mag

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ag eless b eaut y

LMB Editor-in-Chief

It is an honor t o p resent t his inaug ural ed it ion of BOLD Ag eless Beaut y. This is our fir st collab orat ion wit h anot her ag ency, and we could not have d one a b etter job select ing a p ar t ner or g anizat ion. Tina Br id g es is t he Founder and CEO of The Lyng ale Ag ency, a full ser vice m odeling ag ency t hat focuses on t he 4 0 + ag e g roup. All m odels are over 4 0 , and are fierce and fab ulously fine! As a per son ap p roaching 4 0 , I am inspired by t hese sm ar t , talented , b eaut iful people w ho tell t he m odeling and fashion ind ustr ies t hat "There IS life after 4 0 !" Enjo y t his issue of Ag eless Beaut y: t he st or ies of per severance and fait h jour neys, review s of b ooks and g reat food , b eaut iful m odels availab le t o w or k at your next event , and sup p or t our ad ver t iser s w ho have m ade it all com e t og et her.


Tina, cong rat ulat ions on t his w or t hw hile endeavor. em p ower ing people t o red iscover t heir sw ag . I look for w ard t o helping you b uild your em pire. The fut ure favor s t he BOLD. Be fear less!

L ynita Lynita Mit chell-Blackwell, Esq ., CPA, CCLC Ed it or -in-Chief Page 6

ag eless b eaut y

Tina B. Managing Editor Managing Editor

I had a dream to found a magazine, a yearning in my heart to share with the world my vision of Life After 40: beautiful, exciting, stylish, and invigorating. I shared my dream with BOLD Favor Magazine owner Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, and she was excited for me. Lynita agreed to help me turn my dream into a reality with this first issue of BOLD Ageless Beauty. We empower people 40 and up to embrace their swag with style!


I am so happy to share with you the fabulous models of The Lyngale Agency that I founded in 2013. I am also excited to share stories of incredible faith such as Mrs. Maxine McDaniel's battle with breast cancer; Elaine Turner's realization that life must be fully lived to be truly enjoyed; a book review of the pharmaceutical industry's desire to keep us buying more; and the beautiful products and services of our advertisers. I am grateful to every person, friend, and family member who encouraged me to push through the adversities that always come when we are working to do good in the world. Special thanks to Deborah Harris, USPS, my road dog Brenda Dubone, my BFF for over 20 years Stephanie Flint, my sister Vanita Sears, Mom, my son Durrel Booker, and Tony Trotter who always listens to my ideas: you guys rock. I am thankful for everyone's love, faith, and investment in my talents and abilities. Be ageless my beauties!

Tina Tina Bridges, Managing Editor

LYNGALE AGENCY Tina Bridges founded The Lyngale Agency in 2013 when she discovered being 40+ was a crime - at least in society's eyes. Tina thoroughly researched the issue and found that no agencies catered to the 40+ age range, and that is when she decided to form her own agency: The Lyngale Agency Tina's models are called AGELESS BEAUTY, and the agency has been warmly embraced by the industry. Lyngale produces an annual fashion show in June and is a frequent guest on radio and TV shows. The Agency books similar interviews for its models, as well as photo shoots and promotional work. Tina's motto is #shestayworking. Never give up your dream. The Lyngale Agency gives you something to look forward to.... turning 40 does't look so Page bad.7 WWW.THELYNGALEAGENCY.COM.

45 Photo by Larry Stephens

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Tw o Models w ho found love, and reclaim ed it 23 year s later !

18 Living a full life

The incred ib le m odels of The Lyng ale Ag ency



In this issue

Septemb er 2015 11 I am a survivor - A breast cancer survivor's story

15 A life fully lived - family, career, and hopes and dreams realized


Food done right - a review of Mary Mac's

restaurant, Atlanta

17 Side effects - a book review

18 A "model couple's" love story - love that finds its way across decades of separation

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The glorious models of The Lyngale Agency

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Maxine S. McDaniel, Child of God and 4 year Breast Cancer Survivor


SURV I V OR At t he ag e of 5, I w as m olested . At 13, I w as raped . I eng ag ed in a relat ionship fraug ht wit h d ang er - I now know it w as d om est ic violence. My Fat her d ied at 4 2 of a m assive Hear t Attack. My m ot her d ied at 59 - uter ine cancer. My b aby sister d ied ; m y hear t w as b roken. All of m y im m ed iate fam ily - seven sister s and t w o b rot her s has had som e for m of Cancer excep t one b rot her. I w as ver y ang r y and w anted reveng e. I t houg ht God had for g otten ab out m e. I w as VERY m ad at Him . But it w as not unt il 20 0 0 w hen I w as rob b ed at g unp oint and only by som e m iracle m y life w as sp ared , t hat I realized m y ar m s were just t oo shor t t o b ox wit h God and I needed t o g et m yself t og et her. I decided t o t otally reded icate m y life t o God ... He tested m e t o m ake sure I m eant w hat I said . In Ap r il 20 0 2, m y husb and and I decided t o g et b ack t og et her after b eing d ivorced 10 year s. After only six m ont hs of re-m ar ital b liss, m y love suffered a m assive hear t attack. We m ade it t hroug h t hat st or m , yet 10 m ont hs later m y husb and needed stent s. I could not help b ut ask, "Lord w hat have we d one w rong ?" I st ill had m ore g rowing t o d o t o really under stand t he Lord 's w ays. And I b eg an t o tr uly under stand His w onder in 20 0 8. My husb and had a t hird hear t attack t hat year, w hich req uired an ad d it ional stent . W hen t he d oct or went in t o d o t he sur g er y, he cam e out and explained a tr ue m iracle: of t he t w o valves t hat were com pletely closed , one had reconnected it self t o anot her and g rew a strong er valve. The d oct or w as b affled , he had never seen anyt hing like it , b ut t he nur se sp oke up and said , "That 's God !" My husb and later had Quad r uple Byp ass sur g er y in July 20 13. Since t he sur g er y, m y husb and has b een d oing q uite well. He has had ot her sur g er ies and m oves a litt le slower, b ut he celeb rated his 72nd b ir t hd ay on July 19, 20 15. My God is GOOD! In life, we are eit her g oing t hroug h a st or m , just enter ing a st or m , or leaving a st or m . Once m y husb and 's sur g er y w as over, m y per sonal st or m of infir m it y b eg an. I love b owling . I have b owled in Tour nam ent s all over t he countr y unt il I hur t m y knee in Oct ob er 20 11. I needed sur g er y - I had a Meniscus Tear. I d id not under stand how m uch t hat "sm all" injur y w ould take out of m e: it t ook m e 17 weeks t o lear n t o w alk ag ain after intense p hysical t herapy. But w alk I d id , and I char g ed for w ard t ow ard m y annual check up t o include all t he "lad y p ar t " exam inat ions: p ap, b reast , et c. A few d ays after m y ap p oint m ent , I had a follow up ap p oint m ent t o receive t he new s: you have Stag e 2 Breast cancer.

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T he L yngale A gency

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Modeling Classes Par t ies Event s Fun

Things that make our heart sing!

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ag eless b eaut y

I was st unned, but shoul d not have been: f i ve member s of my f ami l y - aunt s, si st er, ni eces and cousi ns - have had breast cancer. I was very angry wi t h God. I asked Hi m, "W hy me?" I was st i l l weari ng a k nee brace af t er just rel earni ng t o wal k ; i t coul d not be my t i me t o suf fer AGAI N. Af t er al l , I had al ready asked hi m for forgi veness for anyone/ anyt hi ng I had wronged or harmed i n anyway. I had al ready asked hi m t o bl ess t hose t hat I had si nned agai nst and t o sof t en t hei r heart s t o forgi ve me for anyt hi ng t hat was not of God. So agai n I asked, "W hy me?" The doct or s gave me an 80 percent chance of survi val . W hi l e t hat was good, no one want s t o hear t hei r chances are l ess t han 100. But God remi nded me of a mi racul ous f act : ALL of my f ami l y member s who had been di agnosed wi t h breast and al l ot her Cancer s had SURVI VED! And were t hri vi ng. So I t ook heart and asked for heal i ng - and prayer f rom f ami l y and f ri ends. I met Comedi an St Vi ck at my church about 7 year s ago. We deci ded t o work t oget her t o produce Chri st i an Comedy shows al l over t he Count ry. I founded my own company - G G 20% Product i ons - t o hel p empower women i n ent ert ai nment . I t i s appropri at el y named because t he doct or s gave me an 80 percent chance of recovery. I sai d "God Got t he ot her 20, so I am st i l l made whol e agai n. Page 14

I nt erest i ngl y, ri ght before I went i n for my exam, I was asked by St el l ar Award Wi nner, Gospel Art i st Earnest Pugh hel p t o do a vi deo and l i st eni ng part y for hi s new song at t hat t i me "I Need Your Gl ory". (I must t ake t hi s t i me t o shout out my f ri ends Rose Crawford, Bonni e Leger, Hat t i e St anci l , my Prayer Warri or s M ot her Jessi e Jack son, M ot her Li z Wi l l i ams, M i n. Beverl y Nance, Jani ce Harri s, Aut hor, Rev Dr Shi rl ey Browne and my Spi ri t ual Daught er s, K i m Gross-Turro, Shei l a Humphrey, Andrea Andrews, and Tonya At k i ns who has support ed me t hrough t hat journey.) I recei ved t he breast cancer di agnosi s a few days before t he vi deo shoot , but I di d not t el l anyone - I was af rai d t he opport uni t y t o work wi t h El der Pugh woul d be t aken f rom me. How smal l was my f ai t h! W hen I shared my di agnosi s wi t h El der Pugh i nt ernat i onal recordi ng art i st , mul t i pl e award wi nner, anoi nt ed man of God - he st opped t he l i st eni ng part y and PRAYED FOR M E.

But I have t o t el l you, I am st ubborn. I had t wo M ammograms, an ul t rasound AND an M RI before I was t ot al l y convi nced t hat I needed surgery. Yes, t hree t i mes: one for t he Fat her, one for hi s son Jesus, and one for t he Hol y Spi ri t .

I t was necessary, because I was t est ed: I devel oped a st aph i nfect i on post -bi opsy t hat al most k i l l ed me. Duri ng t he bi opsy, t he doct or s pl aced wi res i n my breast t o l ocat e t he cancer. The fol l owi ng morni ng I woke up t o a horror st ory: my breast had spl i t open, I was covered i n bl ood, and f l ui d was gushi ng f rom my wound. I had a 105 degree t emperat ure, had l ost hal f my body f l ui ds, and as a resul t , I l ost some of my memory. I al most di ed t wi ce and had t o have i mmedi at e surgery. I had t o wai t a mont h t o heal before I coul d do t he Breast Cancer surgery. I n August 2011, t hey removed 23 l ymph nodes. Ei ght week s l at er, I began radi at i on - f i ve days a week for 8.5 week s. The burni ng and peel i ng were awf ul , and I was so weak I coul d barel y wal k up my st ai r s.

W hi l e I was goi ng t hrough al l t hi s, my best f ri end of 35 year s Conchi t a Joyner of Dal l as Tx was di agnosed wi t h st age 3.5 breast cancer. We cri ed t oget her, prayed t oget her, and t ri ed t o upl i f t each ot her. And we bot h made i t t hrough! M y l ast t reat ment was November 11, 2011 (11-11-11). M y best f ri end had reconst ruct i ve surgery. (M y breast i s a bi t di sf i gured, but my husband i s not compl ai ni ng.) Si nce t hen, my best f ri end has been on t wo crui ses, and al t hough I was t oo weak t o at t end t he St el l ar Awards i n January 2012, I was del i ght ed t o see El der Earnest Pugh recei ve 4 St el l ar Award nomi nat i ons for t he "I Need Your Gl ory" vi deo t hat I hel ped coordi nat e for hi m. God i s GOOD!

Today al l i s wel l , but not wi t hout i t s chal l enges. Two of my si bl i ngs are st i l l goi ng t hrough t hei r second bout s of cancer, but I k now t hat God i s wi t h t hem. I nst ead of worryi ng about i t , I am goi ng t o pray!

I am al so goi ng t o cont i nue t o be support i ve of t hose who so l ovi ngl y t ook care of me and my husband when we were down. Our f ami l y member Rena Hi l l who sat i n t he chai r by my bed for mont hs and Dedri a Peepl es who cooked for me for mont hs, vari ous groups, Bowl i ng Fri ends, and Past or Jesse Curney I I I , El der Russel l Graves, and t he New M erci es Chri st i an Church Fami l y member s were amazi ng. And I am so bl essed t o enjoy my son Cort ez and a daught er-i n-l aw Candace, and t wo beaut i f ul grandchi l dren, Wi sdom & Trust .

Al l of my experi ences have creat ed a deep and abi di ng f ai t h i n God's l ove and f ai t hf ul ness, and I k now t he answer t o "W hy M e? "W hy not me?" Chri st suf fered more t han I and di ed. I was bl essed t o survi ve so I coul d share my st ory wi t h B.O.L.D. M agazi ne and be a bl essi ng t o ot her s. I am M axi ne S. M cDani el , Chi l d of God and four year Breast Cancer Survi vor!

"During times of stress and doubt, try to focus on what is going well. Those things can feel like life preservers in a storm." --Dr Alicia H Clark, Licensed Psychologist, Professor. College, earning an Associate Degree in Secretarial Science. Up to that point, her dream was to be an Executive Secretary, working directly with a CEO. As fate would have it, Elaine obtained a job with the state working in such a role, and changed her mind pretty quickly. She worked a few other jobs until their second child was born. They made a decision as a family that she would stay home with their children. It is a decision that many would condemn as a return to the dark ages, but Elaine adamantly disagrees. "It was the most beautiful experience of my life." For eight years, Elaine enjoyed being with her children, participating in their school activities, teaching Sunday school, and ensuring their family's Christian values and ethics were instilled - without filter.

45 A FULLY LIVED LIFE "I don't want to live an unlived life." These words are attributed to motivational speaker Les Brown, but are taken to heart by many including Elaine Turner-Eggleston. Elaine is a woman on a mission to enjoy her life fully, without regard to the restrictions of other people's thoughts. It has not always been easy, but it has always been worthwhile. Elaine was born and raised in St. Petersburg, Florida. She married her high school sweetheart one year after graduation - she was 18, he was 19. They were very much in love, but "We made adult decisions in childlike minds." Her husband entered the army, and they became a military family. Elaine worked, and went to school at Bliss Page 15

When her husband returned from Desert Storm, the relocated from Ohio to Georgia. Elaine obtained a job with State Farm and fell in love with insurance. Why? "I like educating people, counseling them on how to protect their interests. Insurance is just exchanging risk for premium. I ensure people have adequate coverage to cover their risks." Elaine left State Farm to form an agency franchise with three other ladies. That organization went under, so the ladies formed a joint venture. It was very successful, but the ladies had different visions as to how they viewed success. Because of their mutual respect for and genuine love for one another, they were able to part ways and remain friends. "We still talk every day." Elaine founded her own agency - Atlanta Premier Insurance - and took off! The flexibility of offering insurance from multiple companies, working for herself, and really implementing her vision were exhilarating. As her career took off, Elaine's personal life had begun to change. As she and her husband had grown as adults through the years, they grew apart. "He was and still is a stellar human being. We worked hard to set a good example for our kids. We were the first in our families to buy a house, buy a car, go to college. We had a great life together, but it was time."

The two divorced, and Elaine began to focus on her grandchildren and building her business. The two goals are intertwined because it is her grandchildren who motivate her to work so hard. "I want to pass on to them a financial bounty." At 7, 3, and 1, Aryanna, Xavier, and Malcolm are her heart. Elaine is well on her way to achieving her goal: she recently hired her first bi-lingual staff member, something she had dreamed about for three years. "My income has no ceiling. I determine how well I will do, and how much I will succeed." Although Elaine was not looking for love, it found her in the most curious place: a thrift shop. Elaine loves thrifting, spending countless hours digging through antique and consignment shops for treasures. On one such day she met William. He asked her advice on some "very dated furniture". She steered him away from that item and on to something more suitable, and the two became friends. They remained friends until William declared his intentions to be more serious with her - he bought her a car. "I was stunned. I was between cars at the time, and he went to the dealership and bought me a car." The car was beautiful, but the thing that solidified to Elaine that William was "the one" was his intuitiveness as to her needs. He knew she needed a car, could have purchased her own car, but wanted to do this as an affirmation of how he would care for her if she gave him the honor of being his wife. And so she did. The two are still on their honeymoon two years into their marriage. They love going to festivals, being involved in their church and enjoying life. In the winter, they hibernate, which is funny since Elaine spent so many years in Ohio prior to moving to Atlanta. Elaine's life has had its share of ups and downs, but she has no regrets. Her faith in God is strong and she believes "adversity is an opportunity for God to show His face."

VERY COOL INFO 40Billion: Advertise your business, product, or service to 150K+ businesses professionals, technology innovators, service providers, and consumers online from $10 to $159.99. The service posts your message on Twitter and Facebook for one day ($10) up to 28 days ($159.99).

FOOD DONE RIGHT There are m any w ays in life t hat we com for t our selves. One w ay is p utt ing on t hose com for tab le p a jam as or hear ing your m om ?s voice on t he p hone or t hat song t hat m akes you feel t hat all is g ood wit h t he w or ld . One univer sal w ay we com for t our selves is by eat ing fab ulous food s and an occasional lem on d rop m ar t ini. Com for t food s are defined as food s t hat p rovide consolat ion or a feeling of well-b eing , t ypically food s wit h a hig h sug ar content or car b ohyd rate content associated wit h child hood or hom e cooking . I g uess all t hose healt h food cr it ics are w rong t o say t hat cer tain car b ohyd rates are t he devil (act ually t hey are r ig ht , b ut w ho cares w hen you have a g reat plate of m acaroni and cheese). I have had t he pleasure of eat ing at one of At lanta?s favor ite restaurant s t hat ser ves som e of t he b est com for t food s. Dr um roll please?That restaurant is Mar y Mac?s. Sideb ar? m y m om ?s nam e is Mar y and she also is a g reat cook (she d id not ask m e t o w r ite t hat ). All of m y m eals at Mar y Mac?s have b een tast y exper iences. The ser vice has b een also b een w onder ful. One of m y favor ite d ishes are t he fr ied g reen t om at oes. As a tr ue sout her ner, I ap p reciate fr ied g reen t om at oes d one r ig ht and t hey g et it r ig ht . Anot her favor ite is t he g r illed liver and onions. The liver is tender and flavor ful. Also, w hen you read t he m enu at Mar y Mac?s, you can act ually under stand t he m enu wit hout asking a ser ver t o translate a p ar t icular ing red ient or d ish. In essence, Mar y Mac?s is g reat sout her n cooking t hat d oes not d isap p oint .

B Corporation Certification: Embrace a new kind of corporate success. Over 1,000 companies in 33 countries and 60+ industries have committed to high standards set by the B Lab organization to extend the definition of success beyond financial to include in social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency. Page 16

Mar y Mac?s has b een an At lanta staple since 194 5. The restaurant is located 224 Ponce De Leon Ave NE, At lanta Geor g ia 30 30 8. The hour s of operat ion are Mond ay t hr u Sund ay from 11am t o 9p m . Make sure you wear your stret chy p ant s w hen you eat at Mar y Mac?s b ecause com for t food s are t he BEST!!! Faye Field s

side effect s A book review by Paul S. Grieve Side Effects: A Prosecutor, a Whilstleblower and a Bestselling Antidepressant on Trial By Alison Bass

RATING: 5 STARS "You poor thing!? the dermatologist exclaimed after examining the festering mess all over my skin. The severe and recalcitrant acne bedeviling my face, neck and torso had wreaked havoc on my self-esteem and, gagging to try a promising new drug called Accutane, I cheered as the doctor declared me a candidate. I only half-listened as she counted the possible side-effects and, prescription in hand, bolted to the nearest pharmacy on my way out. Lord be praised, six months later, with not a zit to be seen anywhere on my skin, I was the happiest 17-year-old alive. Only later did I discover that Accutane had been recalled because of its association with joint problems, bowel disease... and suicide. My eyes were opened to some of the pitfalls of modern wonder-drugs by an excellent book called Side Effects: A Prosecutor, a Whilstleblower and a Bestselling Antidepressant on Trial by Alison Bass. Recounting the dramatic story of a lawsuit against the makers of popular antidepressants, Bass highlights what she believes is the inappropriately cosy relationship between drug marketers and the FDA, a relationship rife with glaring conflicts of interest. Such conflicts might explain how researchers on the payroll of big-pharma succeeded in rigging clinical trials and burying studies with unfavourable results, not to mention how drugs secretly known by their makers to amplify suicidal tendencies could be hailed as miracle cures for depression. Thanks to my own desperate search for a cure, I understand why patients awash in misery would want to try an untested new medication and why well-meaning doctors might be inclined to prescribe it. However, I find it unbearably frustrating that the officials entrusted with ensuring the safety of such drugs have been shown to be complicit in covering up their harmful effects. I take this book as a warning, not so much to avoid pharmaceutical drugs altogether, but rather, as the title implies, to be wary of potential side effects that could prove tragic and, importantly, not to put misplaced faith in the agencies tasked with protecting us. Page 17

KELVIN & HOPE A "Model" Couple's Love St or y

I was 18, she was 24. I went to school with her sister Margo in Racine, Wisconsin. I first saw her at an event with Margo; she was so beautiful! I wanted to approach, but was shy so I asked her sister to please give her my number. Margo replied, "Boy, my sister is not going to talk to you!" Determined, I kept pushing until finally Margo gave my number to her sister Hope. She called, we hit it off, and went on a few dates. She had three kids, and her babies' father got in the way, trying to hold on to what he lost... so I backed off and eventually moved to Atlanta. All contact was lost. Twenty-three years later my brother found Margo on Facebook, so I in boxed her asking about Hope. She told me her Facebook page name (she had gotten married at some point). My brother made me a Facebook page, then I sent Hope a friend request. I noticed (ironically) that her first

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husband's name was Calvin Harris (I'm Kelvin Harris), and they married on my birthday February 5th. What a coincidence right? When Hope received my friend request, she thought I was her oldest son Calvin Harris II playing a trick on her because my profile picture was a company logo (not my face). Two weeks later, Hope she finally thought of me then looked and saw it was me! Hope in-boxed me back, saying she would call on the weekend. So after we resumed contact, we talked for nine months until I offered to fly her to Dallas to visit me. She could not come at the time, so I went to Chicago. She did not believe I was coming until i told her to have the cab driver bring her to the Swisshotel near Navy Pier. It was like love at first sight all over again. We had a dream weekend, reuniting with a kiss. We'd never had sex, but my imagination ran wild. When I returned to Dallas, I

pondered how to win her over and get her to move to Texas. Hope visited twice and loved it. Five months later, she gave in and moved in with me. I met her at the airport after cutting ties with any females calling my phone. I was waiting for her with a card and inside was a pink key to our place for breast cancer awareness and a $200 Marshalls gift card (it is her favorite store) so she could replace any necessities. Two years in Dallas, now in Atlanta, four years later we are best friends. I love Hope, and she loves me with all we have despite trying times. No one is perfect, but we stand strong through it all. I put a ring on it and I wear one, too, so tying the knot is in our future. Hope has four grown sons and grandkids that live in Racine. I never had kids, so now we travel the world and enjoy life. The End......Happily Ever After

The Lyngale Agency Photography: Bill Woods/Stacy Morsette MUA Bertina Bailey/Erika Farmer Designer: Norahs Khan

The following p ag es feat ure m odels availab le for b ooking s t hroug h The Lyng ale Ag ency. Contact Tina Br id g es t o b r ing our Ag eless Beaut ies t o your event t od ay! Page 19


at inal

my name spelled backwards

My na me is La NiTa Jo . Some know me a s Jod y. Besid es b eing a photog ra pher, I a m a mod el, a nd a ctress. I a m a lso the Cha pter Director of the Motown Alumni Associa tion for (O hio) since 2000. Photog ra phy ha s b een something I enjoyed d oing since a ttend ing Da yton Dunb a r Hig h School a nd b eing in the g ra d ua ted cla ss of 1971. I ha ve ta ken pictures for wed d ing s, senior cla ss ima g es, fa mily a nd cla ss reunions. I a m a mother of 3, a nd 7 g ra nd child ren a nd a na nny for 1. Currently, I ta king a cla ss to b e a nutrient thera pist. I wa s d ia g nosed with a n a uto immune d ecea se in 1978 a nd I d ecid ed yea rs a g o to ta ke b etter ca re of my life a nd hea lth. I a m a sa les rep for All Da y Energ y Greens. You ca n rea d a b out g rea t hea lthy informa tion on my Fa ceb ook pa g e, ALL DAY ENERGY GREENS Get Fit to live, a nd ord er All Da y Energ y Greens on my web site. Atina The na me of my b usiness, ATINAL. is my na me spelled b a ckwa rd s. It mea ns "a ll thing s in na ture a re love". We a ll a re LO VE. LaNita Jo Winston

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Let Get and Stay Healthy.

connie william s aka connie the model

Ageless beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and after forty is when you can let your true beauty shine through. I am a caregiver for the elderly by day and by night I become this plus size model that lives deep within my soul that knows what ageless beauty truly is. I enjoy helping the less fortunate, reading and traveling as much and as often as I can. And of course I have a passion for fashion!

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DARLENE HART Photographer: Karla M. Johnson


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ELIZABETH HENDRIX Photographer: Phoenix Photgraphy

Photographer: Akemi Carter/ Charlotte NC MUA: Nancy Sears


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Photographer: Akemi Carter/ Charlotte NC MUA: Nancy Sears


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Boss Ladies on t he Move (BLOTM) f ounded by Boss Lady Mae is the VIP Group under Women About Biz?s (WAB) umbrella, which Trina Newby is the Founder/CEO. It consists of FORWARD- THINKING WOMEN, who want to collaborat e and work together to lif t each other up. Our mission is to empower, uplif t, honor, recognize, and celebrate one another! We will be known as a COLOSSAL group of Business Women all over the world, becoming successf ul by working together. You can learn more about t his extraordinary group of Businesswomen by contacting us at 770- 934- 2109 or email us at or inf

Eb ony (Emily) Rice Stylist/Ma na g er Emily@encorehd ma g a

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