BOLD Favor Magazine Winter 2019

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fall 2018

I AM EXCITED TO HELP PEOPLE DRESS FOR SUCCESS Founded in 2017 by two siblings, T&N Bow Ties and Apparel was built around stocking and selling the season’s greatest fashion picks. Whether you’re on the lookout for kids' clothing or men’s clothing, you're at the right spot.

Have style with purpose!

07 08 11 16 CEO

Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell President

David Good Editor in Chief

Brianna D. Screen

Creative Director

Stacey Bowers Website Manager

Erica McKelvey Social Media Manager

Briana Marshall Photographers

Joshe Martin Ynette Keith Relle Goodwin Videographer

Toyin Fadina Distributor

Art Pope of PMD, Inc.

BOLD Favor Magazine is the Leadership Lifestyle magazine that highlights BOLD people, organizations and causes that inspire us to live fearlessly. The first magazine published by the BOLD Favor Media Group, BOLD Favor has grow to be physically distributed across the Metro-Atlanta area through PMD, Inc, and has a strong and loyal social media following that includes 21K on Instagram, 5K on Twitter, and the Group’s 3.7K Facebook likes. To learn more, or to advertise with us


Breaking Chains With Marcia Credle Settle Free Mixer Women of Virtue: Transitional Foundation Third Annual Brunch And Fundraiser 11.13.2018

20 The Spirit Of Giving 23 Let It Go 24 History & Hazards of Shapewear! Shapewear Lovers Beware

Public Relations Director

Tinzley Bradford

2018 Rear View Mirror

28 Surviving Family Violence

And Childhood Sexual Abuse

30 What It Costs To Speak Out

Against Abuse. A Survivor’s Story

36 Profile Of Theresa Martinez Gotta Give Back

38 The Bold Honorees 54 The Good List 55 For Marsy, Ann Casas Shares

Marsys Law With Bold Favor

60 We’re Still Standing:

Domestic Violence Charity Event

67 Glamour, Glitter, Fashion And Breast Cancer Helped Suzanne Nelson Find Her Voice

72 Stacking at the UWC Retreat 78 Greece's Magical Mountainous Village of Portaria: Walking In The Footprints Of The Gods

80 Faith That Overcomes Setbacks 82 The (Last) Leading Word:

Reflections From LMB



EDITOR IN CHIEF Brianna Screen

Season Greetings To Our Amazing Bold Favor Readers!!! 2018 is coming to an end as we anticipate the beginning of yet another year!!! It seems like only yesterday we were standing in the very space preparing for the holidays while thinking about our pending new year’s resolutions. One thing is for certain…time waits for no one!!!

December 2018 MAGAZINE CONTRIBUTORS Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell Tinzley Bradford Cathy Burroughs Jamila Choyce Sebe Dalieh David Good “Tima” Marilyn Humphries Val J Reed Dr. Connie Stevenson

This has truly been a BOLD and Fabulous year for Bold Favor!!! There are so many extraordinary people truly living their best life…or should I say “Living Their Best BOLD Life!!! It is with great pleasure that we honor such an amazing group of men and women at our 4th Annual Bold Lifestyle Awards being held December 1, 2018!!! And we couldn’t leave out recent graduates of the Jewell Jackson McCabe Emerging Leaders Institute, Inc.; who will be honored as well!!! The Bold Media group and supporters are taking over the Douglasville Conference Center for one amazing planned event in the only way we know how…BOLDLY!!! Our cover story For Marsy, Ann Casas Shares Marsys Law With Bold Favor introduces readers to Ann Casa, State Director at Marsy’s Law for Georgia.; an organization taking bold strides in seeking to amend state constitutions that don’t offer protection to crime victims in the state of Georgia. Breast Cancer Survivor Suzanne Nelson found her voice after conqueror the threatening disease through jewelry. Check out her story in Glamour, Glitter, Fashion and Breast Cancer Helped Suzanne Nelson Find Her Voice. CEO Lynita Mitchell shares her experience attending a phenomenal event hosted by the Still Standing Alliance in We’re STILL Standing! The Purple Affair Domestic Violence Honors in Excellence & Fundraiser. Learn how one Woman of God transformed her love of people into a thriving business in Breaking Chains with Marcia Credle. There’s also spotlights of our BOLD Award Honorees and so much more!!! As we prepare for the different holiday festivities I encourage you to embrace your family and friends. Take time out to enjoy life and the many blessings around you…take no one or nothing for granted!!! Reach out to that family member or friend you haven’t spoken to in years and rekindle a relationship with them!!! I also encourage you to carve out some time for yourself!!! Love on yourself real hard and celebrate your accomplishments of 2018. Don’t become so caught up in the commercial aspect of this holiday season; bring back love, spending quality time and enjoying the simple things life has to give!!! Never forget the true meaning of the holiday season!!! As the new year approaches plan to go into 2019 BIGGER and BOLDER than ever!!!! Stand in your truth and know that you are destined for greatness…BOLD GREATNESS!!! Brianna Screen

BoldFAVOR magazine

Brianna Screen Editor~in~Chief

Avaliable now on amazon and kindle

2018 Rear View Mirror WOW! This year is quickly drawing to a close, 2018 has been a totally AHHHMAZING year! As I gaze into my life’s rear view mirror, I reflect on a year that has been marked with change, growth and development, as well as a renewed sense of realization, not only of myself, but of the world in which we live. This has been an eventful year, one that warrants pause and thoughtful reflection. The year 2018 has elicited a plethora of emotions that span the gamut.

I said YES! As our country was adjusting to no longer writing 2017 and continuing to process the barrage of daily national tweets, the first order of business for the year for Dr. Connie was the commencement of wedding planning. While still on the high of my new engagement, February ushered in joy and pain. The commemoration of my Silver Anniversary as a member of my beloved sorority was indeed a very special occasion. My heart was full as I celebrated with the ladies whom I entered our sisterhood with 25 years ago. However another anniversary filled my heart with pain during that month as well. The loss of my dear mother continues to pierce my heart like a sharp arrow 10 years later. Political campaigns have never quite been my thing, but when someone near and dear to you decides to throw their hat into the political ring of one of our ever so important local elections, it becomes your thing. Politics up close and personal can be ugly. As our national politics spiraled out of control, My local participation allowed me to see more clearly the utter importance of being deliberate and conscientious of who we elect locally. Growth. Lessons. Eyes wide open. Mid year brought about the one of the biggest and most significant changes I have ever or will ever experience, I became Mrs. Jerome Stevenson. I married the love of my life on a Caribbean island surrounded by family and friends. Missing mom left a hole in my heart, yet having my dad to walk me down the isle was priceless. Nuptials, social and professional accolades that followed, have enriched my life. As we embark upon a new year, may we live more, love more, be kinder, help one another, and do our part to make our country and our world a better place. The year 2018 has brought about immense discord and strife. Many strides, even phantom strides, previously made have been nearly eradicated. In 2019, let’s make America love again. ■ Dr. Connie D. Stevenson


Breaking Chains Marcia Credle with

Speaker, author, dynamic woman of God sat down with us to discuss how she transformed her love for people into a thriving business. As we get closer to New Year’s resolutions and expectations for an awesome 2019, your friends at BOLD Favor wanted to set you up for success. And Marcia Credle is just the lady to get our minds primed for it!


On finding courage to step out and explore your new endeavor: The story is still being written as I currently have a full time career and a full time passion. I am still waiting on God to “give permission to proceed,” but I know He will keep His promise. Business relationships, like life relationships are key! I recognize and appreciate the importance of building relationships. The relationships that I have afford me the opportunity to meet many different people and pursue my goal of serving others.

develop a relationship with me, we will always have some sort of connection”. That does not mean that we will not grow and some things may change, but we will ALWAYS have some sort of relationship.

Key to ultimate growth

• transparency and authenticity gotta keep it REAL: I am very transparent when I speak. I am honest and open about my struggles and triumphs in the hope that others will see the possibilities. I always tell audience to first seek an answer from Him – do not listen to what the world has to say because the world is fickle.

But what about when REAL gets hard? I have been very fortunate with regard to the projects that I have selected, even when I thought something was a bust, I have learned something. I know that every situation is a learning process.

Manage risks the best you can by getting more information: Now, my “must-haves” are that I feel safe, the event planner has to give me details about what they expect from me, and I must have details about date, time and location. I do not accept engagements for events that are not designed to encourage, empower and or inspire women.

Case in point - the first relationship that yielded good fruit: About 20 years ago my mother invited me to her school to speak to fellow educators and I knew then that I loved speaking. I have to say everything fell into place [from there]. I always tell people “once you

How to keep your clients after working so hard to get them: I keep my skills fresh by attending speaking webinars and trainings. I always try to conduct a survey after I speak; I need audience feedback. I do work with a mentor in the industry, which I feel is a vital part of my growth.


I am a survivor edition

Stay grounded and humble by staying connected in the community: My philanthropic work centers on assisting women and children. I volunteer with a high school girls mentoring group. I also help a women and children’s shelter.

Being stylish MATTERS! I must have my lip liner and lipstick. (lol) I also must have a bottle of water and a pair of comfortable shoes. I can, and have, made do with just having those things.

Knowing your “sweet spot” for success is crucial. I am a people person. My favorite audience [size] is one of 50 or less. I like this size audience because

I feel like we can make a real connection. This size audience gives me the opportunity to walk around and give a hug if that is what my sister needs. If I had to choose a favorite audience, I would say it was the attendees at the 2018 Sister Circle Summit: Bringing It All Together – Mind, Body and Soul. The women at this conference had some life changing breakthroughs and we were able to have open and honest conversations about some of the issues that we as women deal with on an ongoing basis.

Take note of people who interest and inspire you: The most interesting person that I have ever worked with was a young woman who had such a hard shell that I honestly questioned whether I would ever make a difference. We would, or so I thought, make some progress and then she would shut down again. I almost gave up, but I am so thankful that He told [me to keep] praying and keep pushing. I am grateful that I listened to His word. He gave me the words and she had a breakthrough. She had been hurt by some previous relationships and understandably did not want to go through that again. However, He is faithful and she is making great progress.

And be sure to have a mentor: One of my mentors is Ms. Rita Mitchell. She has taught me to stand on my principles. She is wise WAY beyond her years and is always willing to cheer you when you are doing right [yet] will also chastise you when you are doing wrong. We’re so thankful to Marcia for sharing this awesome information. And we definitely want to KIT - so, what’s coming up next? ■ • Facebook:: Marcia Gibbs Credle and Credle Inspired Enterprises IG @CredleInspiredEnterprises


t h e l o v e m a m a’s 4th Quarterly

MIXER Left Attendees Saying No to Settling!

Heyyyy everybody, wow is all I can say. I’m sooo excited to share this success story with you all! As you may already know I’ve had 3 Settlefree Mixers so far and this past Saturday made number 4! So about October 20, 2018….. It was my 4th Quarterly Settlefree Mixer and all I can say is IT WAS PHENOMENAL!! So what is the Settlefree Mixer you may ask? I created The Settlefree Mixer/ Movement to empower and influence people to refuse to settle for less in love, life, finances, career choices and friendships. See for me, life is only what you make it so why not make it great! This is definitely a movement, and I’m making it known that if I’m not happy with it, I will NOT settle for it! That’s just the way it is sweetie! Living life on MY terms! No more asking for permission to be great! My theme and colors were gorgeous as I had Impeccable Designs by Faith décor, Rent a Flower Wall, and Styled by Royal Fudge Styling. I was so honored to have the panel, host, special guest, caterer and attendees I had. My host was the impeccable Chere Turner a talk show host and an actress. She was a shining star at my mixer and kept everyone entertained. Trust me.... she WILL be back per my request! I wish I could have my entire panel back again, we have unfinished business to discuss. We discussed some important relationship questions. Are women too unapproachable? Should a woman ever propose? Do men want the benefits but no commitment? We also discussed Why is building your financial future so important in Love, Business and Money.

My relationship panel consisted of a few of the best in the business. • Dr. Oliver Reid (Your Solution Coach) • Tenisha Bibbs (Beauti Coach) • Tommy Duncan • Marquita Johnson( Millennial Dating Coach) • Harralyn Swinger Rawls (Domestic Violence Advocacy Specialist) My Love, Business and Money segment had • Lynita Mitchell Blackwell ( Champion) • -Trelles Delandro (Lady Finance)


Finally, My amazing performers: • Cammie Tappin ( Lights, Camera, Cami) • James Worthy ( King James Worthy) • Yecheilyah Ysrayl ( Author/ Poet) What have you been settling for lately? Have you just accepted an unhappy relationship? Are you just working for a check and you’re no longer happy with your job? What about your finances? Are you settling for being broke and broken? Are your friend’s motivators or haters? Does your family seem like a distant memory lately? Let me tell you something, if you’re not happy in all areas of your life and you’re not doing anything about it then you’re settling!! I’m not going to do a big fancy introduction I’m going to get right to it. I know many of you might be asking what does she mean when she says live a Settlefree life? Well let me fill you in on this life changing way of life that will have you feeling like there is NOTHING

Visit Amazon and get your copy of my book “The Settlefree Dating Method for Women”


you can’t do, like there is NOTHING you can not accomplish and like there is NOTHING you can’t overcome. Living a Settlefree life is when you make the conscious decision to finally stop settling for basic, or mediocre, or with whatever someone brings your way, or even whatever life brings your way, Settlefree means you are no longer acting in the same manner that you once acted when things were not making you happy, when things were not bringing you joy, when things were not fulfilling to you, when you were not living in your greater purpose or walking in your greater purpose, when you were allowing certain behaviors in your life that you know we’re not good for you! Do you see where I’m going with this? Don’t you dare miss my 5th Settlefree Mixer which will be going down in March 2019. Follow me at SettlefreeTV on Instagram and Tinzleyb on Instagram Visit my website at Special shout out to my photographer Relle Godwin of Let’s Get Relle , Gumbo Sapmson Productions for videography. All my Sponsors: Kelvin K Chill Harris- Chill Zone Entertainment Kimberlee Slaughter- Kims Ala’Carte Briana Jazmin- Briana Jazmin Creative Literary Korner Publishing John Osgood –Golden Professional Realty Bold Favor Media Group Shaquanna Chappelle –Confidence Coach My awesome vendor ChicDesignz Article by Tinzley Bradford A.K.A. The Love Mama!

FaceBook@MenWomenAndDating Twitter@tinzleyb • IG@tinzleyb Periscope@tinzley

#SettleFree •


transitional foundation third annual brunch and fundraiser 11.13.2018 Sonya McKinzie is a warrior. Instead of allowing a previous relationship to define who she was she, left that abusive situation and turned it on its head when she established the Women of Virtue Transitional Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit, charitable and humanitarian organization that advocates for survivors/victims of abuse and acts to spread awareness about bullying, domestic and teen violence prevention. Through the organization McKinzie strives to empower girls and women to live healthy, productive and fulfilling lives.

Learn more at

him across the room. Tierra has since remarried and welcomed the birth of her second child this fall and recognizes Tye’s presence watching over them from Heaven.

At the organization’s third annual Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Event, Purple Orchids, Survivors, and ThriveHers Brunch and Fundraiser, domestic violence survivors, victims, and advocates were recognized, remembered and honored.

The program continued to crescendo with the opening keynote by Dr. Candice Cooper-Lovett, a third-generation survivor of abuse., Dr. CooperLovett’s mother watched her grandmother be abused, she watched her mother being abused and later found that she was abused. Married to a wonderful man, Dr. Cooper Lovett, founder and owner of A New Creation Psychotherapy Services, LLC. is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapy, Sex Therapist, and AAMFT Approved Supervisor that counsels in many areas, but more specifically she works with survivors and helps them work through post-traumatic growth by helping them find joy and clarity in living healthy lives.

The day was one to remember, it started with the founder’s daughter, McKinzie Baker, opening the event with prayer, and led way to three ambassadors to share their testimonies of life and death in the aftermath of domestic violence. Keke Jackson, an US Army Veteran whose mother was murdered on July 21. 2017 by her husband of one year shared her mother’s testimony with poise, strength and persistence. Then Tiffany Maria Love, founder of ‘The Tiffany Maria Show’, a platform created to inspire, uplift, and empower survivors, discussed the emotional and physical abuse she endured for eight and a half years and how she was challenged by a stranger to share it with the world. To conclude the “From Surviving to Thriving Ambassador segment, Vicki Haugabrook-Hawkins candidly and decorously spoke about her estranged husband and how he stabbed her multiple times, cut her tongue in half, and attempted to decapitate her. With dignity and humility, she expressed gratitude to God because she can still eat, speak and lived to see the light of day. Leading way to the Psalmist, Tierra Styles, who angelically sang “That’s Why I’m Saved” in honor of her deceased four-year-old son, Tye C. Hardin, killed three years ago by her ex-boyfriend when he threw 17

The event highlighted the silent auction, a primary fundraising component of the annual event and presented donated items from corporate donors: Atlanta Braves, Pikes, Barbara Green, Leslie McCree Photography, Cancun Vacations, Georgia Aquarium, Jekyll Authority, Georgia Swarm LeCrosse, 7 Stages, Atlanta History Center, Stone Mountain Park, amid others. The event also included numerous raffle and door prizes which were awarded prior to the end of the event which concluded prayer with Sonya McKinzie, McKinzie Baker, Barbara Green, and Cassandra McKinzie-Barnes. Well done Sonya! Looking forward to next year’s event.

The Saxophonist, Felix “Da Kat” Paul fired up the crowd with his rendition of “Ain’t No Stoppin’ Us Now” was followed by Latasha Brooks, a Marsy’s Law Representative, that shared its mission to ensure survivors know the status of their abuser’s movement through the judicial system. Thankfully, this law was passed in early November giving crime victims more rights in Georgia than their abuser. Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell served as the closing keynote, sharing her story of overcoming molestation as well as sexual assault, and the importance of not being pushed into sharing such things until one is ready to do so. The program concluded with the organization’s awards ceremony, presenting the Woman of the Year award to Lateka S. Carter, Humanitarian of the Year to Tierra Styles, and the Woman of Influence of the Year award to Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell. All three honorees were stunned because they did not know they were being recognized and honored. 19

the spirit of


Jalen keown


We love CHROME! Men who are

Charismatic Honorable Resourceful Optimistic Men of Excellence! “And the children will lead you and show you the way.” Jalen Keown is doing just that. The 14 year old 9th grader is showing us how we can make a difference just by showing up and doing what we can when we can. This is the third year that Jalen has led an Operation Christmas Child Drive, collecting toys and packaging them for those whose parents cannot afford to “do up” Christmas. I was inspired and asked his mom, LaTosha KeownGray (my fellow FAMU Rattler alum) if we could interview Jalen for the magazine. And she said yes! Enjoy this heartwarming read.

Christmas Child] was a great cause to donate things to people who are less fortunate. So we went in and we started getting boxes and buying stuff to put in the boxes. The first year that we did this, I hosted a party [at home] and only a few people came, but it was good.

BFMG: So Jalen, it is really a pleasure to sit down here with you today. I’m really inspired by the work that you’re doing with your Operation Christmas Child, this is amazing. Your mom has been posting on Facebook and rallying people up. She called me yesterday saying, “We’re still expecting you,” I’m like, “I’m going to be there, I promise.” So what inspired you to get started with this project?

Jalen: Year two was about the same amount of people that came, but it was still fun.

Jalen: So my brother used to go to daycare at a church, and like around Christmastime, we drove by and saw people handing out boxes. My mom got interested and looked [the program] up online to see what it was. [Operation

Jalen: I’d say maybe 30.

BFMG: So your mom said that there were about two kids who came and their parents of course, and that was year one. It sounds like you were still inspired and said, “This needs to go on regardless of how many people come,” so then you did year two, and what was that like?

BFMG: And now we’re at year three and I’m very happy to be here sharing this day with you. You have at least six other young people here with you, not including your own siblings, your brothers, as well as the parents of those children. And about how many boxes do you think you have completed today; just roughly?

BFMG: That’s awesome! So that’s 30 boxes, 1 to each child, so y’all are going to bless 30 different kids for Christmas this year; that is very exciting. Your mom shared that you have been appointed the spokesperson for the program for the Jack and Jill Chapter that your mother is a member of, but that you participate with as a team, is that correct? Jalen: Well, a couple weekends ago, we had a Jack and Jill Chapter picnic, and then I volunteered to introduce my Operation Christmas Child party. And there was a representative there so I just talked to the

whole chapter about it. And another representative volunteered to give us like the balloons and some magnets. BFMG: So now, you’ve completed the project and now the Jack and Jill Chapter is going to have a packing party on the first weekend of December, correct? Jalen: Yes. BFMG: Okay. And my understanding is that there are 97 parents or families represented. Jalen: Maybe. BFMG: And so if each one of those supplies packing materials for just one, that means that’ll be 97 more boxes, doesn’t that make you excited? Jalen: Yes. BFMG: Very cool, very cool. So as far as next year, what’s the plan for that?

BFMG: And it doesn’t matter how many people come, they’re going to get packed. Jalen: Yes. BFMG: Now, how do they get to the kids? Jalen: We delivery [them] to church and they hand them out to the kids. BFMG: Do you ever have opportunity to be there when that happens? Jalen: I haven’t personally, but I know that my piano teacher, her daughter knew a friend that was in another country that handed them out. BFMG: You know, I really have to commend you, not only are you doing this project for children that you have never seen, but you are trusting to the point where you do what you can and then you hand it off to somebody who can identify children who can benefit. And so I just wanted to tell you that I’m proud of you.

Jalen: Well, next year, we might have some [members of] Jack and Jill over for the packing party and there will probably be more stuff to pack.

Jalen: Thank you.

BFMG: And it sounds like you’re excited about that.

■ Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell

BFMG: You’re very welcome.

Jalen: Yes.

To support the Operation Christmas Child efforts in your area, visit 22

By Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell

Let it Go I will never forget the day that my mother called me while I was at college to tell me that she bought her desk. It was a huge deal for her because she was truly a teacher, and any “real” teacher had to have a desk. That was her dream even though it may seem small to others, it was a great accomplishment for her. When my mother was in her last days on this side of this earth she told me things that she wanted me to do with her belongings. Of course during that time, my state of mind was that this was all a bad nightmare and that she would be here forever. As she told me what to do with her belongings she mentioned her desk that she cherished. She said, “Just give it away! “I questioned her, “What do you mean, just give it away?” My response was “No, I will just keep it!” She replied, “Keep it for what?” I said, “Because it is special to you!” Her response to me was, “You do not have room for it and it is ok to let it go!”

let the desk go, I wondered about the other things in my life that I need to let go whether it is material or mentally. I need to let go of the past and make room for the future. When we let go of the past, we make room for the future. Whether is another piece of furniture, a rug, a purse or even a person (yes, I said a person) we need to let it go. There was a widower at my church whose wife passed away 9 or 10 years ago. I would see him every Sunday and one particular Sunday I saw him and I hugged him like I always do and he said, “I want you to meet my wife, I got married!” I hugged him again and said, “Congratulations!” “I am so happy for you!” He introduced me to his lovely wife. I have given this scenario because it is not like I forgot that he was married before, but he chose to move on because his former wife was no longer here. Letting go does not mean that you forget that person, it just means that you are making room for your future.

It has been six years since Momma passed away, and where is the desk? In my house, in an area that I really need for my kids and myself. So I have decided to “let it go!” I have not cleaned it out yet but as I looked in the drawers I saw many pictures that I had sent my mom over the years of Ryan, Kayla, and Micah and I smiled knowing that she was so proud of them. I remembered her words, “Let it go!” So as I prepare to

Until next time........ ■ Val J Reed


History & Hazards of Shapewear!

SHAPEWEAR LOVERS BEWARE I love wearing shapewear! It gives your body a smooth and sexy shape appeal. Honestly, I love the way it enhances my cleavage and tightens my tummy bulges, and it gives me a slimmer, sexier, and more confident me. Shapewear is not a new concept. Corsets and girdles are familiar terms which no doubt you may have heard your mother’s use to describe this type of intimate apparel that make our breast look more appealing and a tummies a little flatter, but with the sexier leaner look that are health ramifications. It comes at a monetary price at the checkout and it comes with health ramifications.


I am a survivor edition

HISTORICALLY body contouring, reshaping or body shaping is an ageless phenomenon. Since the ancient times, these garments were much sought after by women. Shapewear has been sucking in, pushing up and slimming down women for centuries. There is actually evidence of shapewear dating all the way back to 3000 B.C. Women have been using garments to reshape their bodies for various reasons since the dawn of recorded history. The ancient body shapers were not like the ones we used in the modern world. They were surprisingly different, few are believed to be made out of whale bones, while few included lead. The rest integrated iron and other metals in their making. Many consider the first shape wears to be a girdles. Ancient Greek women used to wear girdles woven out of firm linen fabric, wool or soft leather material. These shapers generally pushed the breasts outwards and clinched the waist making them look really small. Ancient Roman women also used shapers or precisely corsets to enhance their curves. Innovations lead to wearing the corsets over the clothes. These shapers were studded and embroidered for more attractive looks. These were paired with roman robes creating a classy look. In 2000, Hollywood best kept secret was exposed. Spanx were introduced to consumers’ world wild. It quickly becoming a sensation around the world, you would have thought that their creator, Sara Blakely invented the whole class of garments that we today call “shapewear.” One could convincingly argue that the brand Blakely founded has become inclusive in our collective consciousness of shapewear in general, but she hardly invented the first shaper. It is time to exhale with a sigh of relief at how far modern shapewear has come. Shapewear is definitely a trend that is here to stay for some time. Hazards of Shapewear-Spanx look so good under your clothes making you look “Tight and Right,” but what is the long term health ramifications of wearing shapewear. All of the research we dug up said that shapewear is fine in moderation but using it all day every day is where the problems really begin - your body just doesn’t like to be squished that much. Turns out, that star was on to something. While we can all relate to the aforementioned pain and suffering, most of us have no idea about the health ramifications of shapewear. Are we hurting our bodies in the name of smooth garment lines? We spoke to gastroenterologist Shapewear couldn’t do its job if it wasn’t tight. Unfortunately, this leaves your stomach, intestine and colon compressed, Restrictive clothing can also provoke erosive esophagitis. 25

It could give you a UTI - When you’re wearing anything that’s tough to wiggle in and out of, you’re just that bit more likely to try and delay having a wee. But, ignoring nature’s call can lead to all kinds of nasty infections in your urinary tract. We’re going to say a big ‘no thank you’ to cystitis - but to be fair, jumpsuits could be just as bad by that logic. Dr. Erickson also notes that there can be a tendency for those wearing shapewear to not to want to go to the bathroom. “You’ve got all of this pressure on your bladder from the shapewear pressing down,” she says. “If you postpone urinating, it can cause stress incontinence, where you leak, or it can exaggerate stress incontinence with people who already have it.” You might have some digestive problems gas or bloating - Your digestive tract is also affected. The intestines are supposed to contract and move food along, but when they’re compressed over a long period of time, the flow of digestion is stifled. The feeling is similar to when people eat a huge meal and then unbuckle their jeans. This damage, though not permanent, can lead to unpleasant symptoms like abdominal discomfort, bloating and gas. Many physician believe that it could give you acid reflux. As your stomach, intestines and colon are compressed, your digestive system isn’t happy. Acid reflux and heartburn could follow.. You’re compressing your organs - Some people have called shapewear a ‘modernday corset’, and not for nothing. Shape “squeezing effect” is literally compressing your internal organs - which can lead to all kinds of nasties, including bowel disorders and irritable bowel syndrome should wear shapewear with caution.

Your muscles will suffer if you rely on shapewear for good posture.

You might experience some numbness and tingling - You know when your mother used to warn you about tying loads of hair bands around your wrist for fear they’d cut off your circulation? Well, there’s a similar principle at work here, and r sitting in shapewear can lead to a reversible condition. The condition is called ‘meralgia paresthetica,’ which causes tingling, pain and numbness in your legs, thanks to a key nerve in your thighs being compressed. This occurs when the peripheral nerve in your thigh is compressed. This leads to tingling, numbness and pain in your legs, all of which can come and go or become constant. It could lead to varicose veins and blood clots - If you are genetically prone to varicose veins, wearing shapewear may worsen the condition. It becomes problematic when there is continuous pressure on your limbs for a prolonged amount of time could be led blood clots or varicose veins. When you sit in shapewear for long periods of time and if you are prone to varicosities can develop varicose veins and lymph congestion, which manifests as swollen ankles. Again, the rubber band effect can also decrease your circulation and lead to blood clots.


Or in more severe cases – incontinence- If you struggle with IBS or any condition that can make your need to relieve yourself more pronounced, shapewear might not be your friend. Any and all that pressure on your digestive tract can make those feelings even more urgent, and it can exacerbate stress incontinence or leaks in people who suffer from bladder issues. Like everything in life, it’s important to exercise moderation: Don’t wear them too often. You might hyperventilate - All pressure can affect your breathing as well as your veins and stomach. The tightness stops your diaphragm fully dilating when you breathe, which can lead to shortness of breath and hyperventilation. There could be a lot of bacterial nasties -Clean freaks, look away now. When you’re wearing something so figure-hugging, you’re going to sweat more, and that sweat and moisture doesn’t really have anywhere to go hence your pants can kind of become a breeding ground for bacteria. If it is control pants you’re wearing, you could even bring on conditions like thrush, or cause pesky spots on your back or tummy as the skin can’t breathe. Shapewear is exclusive, meaning it traps moisture and anything else under it, which predisposes shapewear wearers to both yeast and bacterial

infections. The most common infection she sees is folliculitis, since bacteria often gets trapped among hair follicles and causes red puss-filled bumps. “Usually folliculitis can be easily treated with topical antibiotics,” she says. “But recurrent infections may develop antibiotic resistance, meaning they get harder and harder to treat.” Ingrown hairs - You know how your waxing lady always tells you wear loose pants after a wax? Well, loose pants are basically what your lady parts would like 24/7, and wearing something super-tight only increases friction down there. The other hair-related woe could be folliculitis, which is when bacteria gets trapped in the hair follicles and causes angry red bumps. So sexy. Your posture might suffer - Plenty of people rate their shapewear for improving their posture. That cinched-in effect will make you stand taller in the short term, but relying on shapewear for good posture will only weaken your core muscles - turning things into a bit of a vicious cycle. Your muscles will suffer if you rely on shapewear for good posture. It’s important to develop muscle tone, because it’s those muscles that hold your posture in perfect alignment. Many people use shapewear as a crutch to avoid using those muscles.

Lastly, choosing the right fit is key There are so many different types of shapewear out there. You should pick the right style, but you also need to pick the right size. Need the support, but not pain, or the cutting feeling. You want it to do its job, but you don’t want to get something so small that it’s damaging you to those conditions. Shape wear should simply smooth you out, and be easy to put on and to take off. If you’re exhibiting any of the aforementioned symptoms, physicians recommend avoiding shapewear until the issues are completely resolved. ■ Jamila Choyce 27

Surviving Family Violence and Childhood Sexual Abuse It began before we were married. If you are someone Fast forward to the day I met my At twenty-seven I had never had prince charming, it was a fairy tale you love is trapped a healthy intimate relationship whirlwind romance with talks of in an abusive with a man. Never experienced marriage and love, full romance relationship be physical, spiritual or emotional and emotionally destructive behavior prepared, get healthily intimacy. In fact, I had and violence, although most of never been taught what a healthy professional help or itwas subtle it never failed that intimate relationship was and I any joy was soon to be followed call 911 if they are had never seen one modeled in by violent arguments, I never in immediate danger. my twenty seven years of life. experiencehealthy conflict resolution Make the call! in my twenty-three-year marriage.

There is help and hope

Nationwide Domestic Abuse Help Line 1-800-799-7233 Six months into the marriage I left, I hated the person I was becoming. My dreams, my hopes and my future were not even remotely close to the fairy tale life I had hoped with my prince, the only man who captured my heart, soul and mind. While separated I was invited to church by mutual friends and I got saved, radically saved, the Pastor and well-meaning friends began to encourage me to not give up on my marriage and invited my husband to church, here we began marriage and Pastoral counseling. This was a pattern in our twenty-three years of marriage, counseling with mental health professionals, secular counseling professionals, lay counselors, biblical marriage and family counseling. Yet not one professional or lay person ever screened or assessed us Family Domestic Violence and destructive behaviors. When I began to educate myself on emotionally destructive behaviors this led me to look up the definition of “Domestic Violence” and it was here I found in this knowledge, my entire life defined on the pages of an internet website what I had lived and been modeled, what I have determined since before my birth. I was in fact in an abusive relationship, a physically, emotionally, spiritually, financial abusive marriage. I called the Domestic Abuse hot-line and they confirmed for me I was in fact in a very abusive relationship and explained the dangers associated with my revelation and offered assistance with how to proceed with safety and caution. With the professional hot line guidance, I began to plan to exit with my children, that day came February 7, 2016 I left with a suitcase and my children refused to leave. Fear was gripping all of us, and innate instinctive fear built into each of us as human beings.

Little did I know then that the reason you are called a “Survivor” is because you escaped death. Today my children and I are safe, we are rebuilding ourselves emotionally, psychically and spiritually.There are many adverse effects on children who have long term exposure to Family Domestic Violence. I lost an entire family, a church and friends. Being abandon in your very hour of need impacts your belief in mankind, I began a journey of self-discovery and wanted I became a victim, determined never to be again and get myself help and understanding. I have dedicated my life and my life savings to prevention education. Trained and certificated professional victims advocate, Executive Director of Community Family Violence Prevention Initiativea nonprofit implementing prevention education classes in our schools state wide and eventually nationwide. I have learned nothing is wasted in life and there is power in our stories, I tell is as often asI can, encouraging others we must not let abuse steal our hopes and dreams of a better tomorrow. I travel on a 2003 Harley Davidson Road King speaking to anyone that will give me and ear, sharing my testimony, my hope and dreams of one day riding my motorcycle around the US and even the Globe. Domestic Violence remains one of the most prevalent and devastating crimes in our community. It inflicts deep emotional, physical and spiritual harm on those who endure it. It also inflicts long term damage to communities by reinforcing discriminatory social, economic and political dynamics that disfigure social and family relationships, robbing people of opportunity, safety and PEACE.

Georgia Help Line 24/7 1-800-33-Haven

”Tima” Marilyn Humphries Survivor/Educator/Speaker/Advocate Break the Silence • Break the Cycle

“If I could do it all over again I would have learned to love myself more.

A lot of the bad decisions I made were based on a lack of love for and value in myself.�

What it Costs to

Speak Out

Against Abuse. A Survivor’s Story ....................................

When we think about abuse, we normally think of spousal abuse. But what about those who have been molested, small children whose voices have been muted through sexual control, inappropriate touching, rape, and/or mental abuse?

What is the cost to the victim to speak out against molestation? The better question is – what is it costing us as a society to NOT hear the survivors?

Tanya Hutchings was molested at a young age by someone of trust and in a perceived position of power. She was angry for a long time, and her life showed the evidence of that rage. Then, one day she realized that if things were going to change in her life, SHE would have to change. But first, she’d need to deal with the root of the rage, frustration, and ultimately fear that drove her nearly mad. So she decided to talk about it. Then to write about it. And her book “The Appearance of Normal” was the result of that cleansing experience. Tanya agreed to sit down with us and share her journey.

BFM: When did you first find your voice to speak out and write about being abused? TH: The desire to speak out and write came long before the courage to do it. I spent most of my life desperately seeking to be normal. When I started to build a relationship with Christ and He began healing me of past hurts, I could see how much I had been hindered and bound by the acts of abuse. While I was healing, I felt that I had an obligation to share hope with those who were in the same dark places I once was held captive in. I had to share with others that they were not to blame and that there was a way to be free. BFM: How did you build the courage to walk your faith journey and explore your passion of being a voice for the voiceless? TH: Actually, my courage and passion to be a voice was birthed along with my first child. As I looked at all of the things I encountered in my life, and all the times I wished someone would stand up for me, I

decided that my children would never face the things I experienced. I knew that there were other sons and daughters out there who had endured what I had gone through, and they were waiting for someone to speak up for them as well. As long as I can speak, write or sing I will always be the voice of truth, love and healing for those who have been waiting silently for a chance to be heard. BFM: How have relationships (business and personal) helped you heal and evolve? TH: One of the greatest things about all relationships, is that they are a sure fire litmus test of your growth or lack thereof. The many relational challenges I’ve faced always seemed to shine a light on some area of my character that God was pruning or highlighting my maturity and progress. Through those relationships, I was allowed to see my incredible strengths and my weaknesses, and how God was using those relationships to heal me, deliver me and shape me into the woman that He has created me to be.


BFM: How did you leverage your relationships to branch into ministry and speaking?

BFM: What are your “must haves” and “no no’s” when serving?

TH: The transition was pretty smooth. I believe that you operate in your position of ministry long before you get the title. I have always been a teacher and a shepherd of sorts. I have always had a lot of young people around me because my children brought all of their friends’ home that needed help or guidance. My zeal and passion to learn new things also fostered a desire to teach what I learned. I think the hardest part for me was the speed in which God pushed and matured me in ministry. It has been a heck of a ride.

TH: I have a desire to see people thrive and live their best lives. My most important “must have” when serving is truth and love! Only truth and love can cast light into dark places. When we exhibit God’s love to others, and give them the truth about who God is and who they are to Him they are able to receive the healing and freedom He so desires for them.

BFM: When you are sharing with others, how do you inspire them to be courageous and walk with confidence? TH: I live a transparent life and I am my greatest example. Allowing others to see my vulnerabilities has shown them that they are not alone. They find themselves in various stages of healing, and the support and kinship of someone who has been where they are and overcame the same challenges, gives them a measure of confidence and courage to start their own healing process. I am pretty comfortable in any setting and with many types of audiences, but my favorite are informal settings where people can let go of their inhibitions and share the truths of their hearts. Sometimes in large or formal settings, people trade pride for truth. We seem to want to be perceived as having it all together while inside we are bleeding profusely. It’s time to get real…real close. My favorite audience to address is young adults. I am always excited by their creativity, passion and desire to take on the world. I love to see their faces when they finally get some concept or new idea I am teaching. I get the greatest joy out of introducing them to the love of God. So many people don’t have a clear view of God’s love for them. Their view of Him is askew and often times based on the example their earthly fathers have set. It is an amazing transformation to witness when they realize that God loves them and is for them and not judging them or against them.

My “no no’s” are judgment, pride and disbelief. The only way we can effectively and genuinely serve others is first to believe in God, and who He has made them to be. Secondly, we are to serve others without judgment. God calls us to be a witness not a judge. Lastly, Pride is a no no. You can’t allow pride to keep you from doing whatever is necessary to help and minister to others. I find myself greatly rewarded in Street Ministry. I love feeding, clothing, dressing and loving on God’s people. For the last 13 + years I have mentored young men and women and assisted them with not only their spirituality but also managing daily life. I also tutor school aged children in basic classwork as well as test preparation. I help a group of high school students with college prep and tours. I mentor single mothers as well as marriage counseling. I love to help anywhere I am needed and have been known to occasionally take in someone in need of a home. There is no other way to show love than to be love. Sometimes we get frustrated when we see so many people in need but if we help one person, one day at a time, we will soon make a difference in the lives of others.


BFM: Let’s transition a bit. You’ve been able to use your truth to not only serve others but to fund your ministry writing and speaking about it. Although it is your “truth”, audiences change and they want to hear something “good” (without know exactly what “good” is until they hear it). How do you stay sharp, sticking to your message but also keeping people engaged? TH: Although I have not attended any writing or speaking trade shows or trainings, I have been writing since early childhood. I now get the opportunity to hone my craft daily as a Virtual Administrative Assistant. I am always communicating verbally or in writing to help others to express their ideas, dreams and goals. This helps me to grow as well. But I must say that Sonny Hill, a fellow author, has been a great mentor and friend throughout the writing process. She kept me on task, was always honest and gave me guidance when needed. I really appreciate her humility and genuine support and she is a phenomenal writer as well. BFM: When you must “travel light”, what are your must haves?

TH: If I could do it all over again I would have learned to love myself more. A lot of the bad decisions I made were based on a lack of love for and value in myself. I sometimes allowed others to determine my worth. I would have celebrated the uniqueness of my gifts and talents. A person who cannot celebrate and love on themselves is a bull’s-eye target for manipulating, controlling and dishonest people. I am so glad that God’s love for me and the sacrifice of His son taught me my value to God. And in turn, I now see myself through the eyes of His love. BFM: What’s coming up next for you? What’s in the pipeline? I have been overwhelmed with the success of my first book, The Appearance of Normal. I feel like writing is something I can do well. I’ve seen a lot and I have a lot to say. There will definitely be another book soon. I also have a class that I teach called Who Is God? It’s a spiritual relationship building course that explores God’s character and nature and His relationship with His children. I also host an annual Worship conference and I am excited that 2019 will be the 7th year. I am looking forward to the workshops, book signings, radio and television interviews as well as the speaking engagements that I am being blessed with as a result of my book. And I thank you, and your wonderful readers, for the time you have shared with me. Thank you for sharing with us Tanya. We so appreciate your courage, and are thankful for you helping to breakdown the wall of silence surrounding abuse! ■

TH: My “travel light” must haves are music (all genres), my bible (it’s my daily bread), pen and paper (God is always speaking), a camera (I love to take pictures of the sky) and strawberry Twizzlers (well you know what that’s for). BFM: If you had it all to do over again, what would you do differently?


Profile of

Theresa Martinez

Theresa Martinez lives and succeeds by this rule. As CEO of Community Connections, LLC, Theresa’s literal mission is to find and connect people and resources – which requires her to constantly give back to the communities that have helped her land a multi-million dollar transportation contract. “My mission is to let everyone know that they too can start a company – a business – doing what they love doing for the rest of their lives.”

Gotta give back Visit Theresa at or email her at

I am a survivor edition

Angeles Chamber of Commerce, which helped her to obtain more knowledge and connections to the benefit of the NLBWA membership.

And she practiced what she preached. Theresa utilized the same information she shared with her BMA participants to build her own business. She obtained government contract certifications that allowed her to bid on projects as the prime and hire subcontractors. In December 2017, she won a $20 million bid with the LA Metro Transportation department to coordinate all of their communications work for the next seven years to help gain community support for their next project. This includes getting the word out in terms of marketing, ads, door-to-door outreach, media buys, and elected official outreach. People have been so proud and inspired by this incredible achievement, and want the same for themselves, but don’t know where to start. Theresa is quick to tell them three pieces of advice:

It all began with passion. Theresa started working at the Orange County Board of Supervisors in 1996. She was always out and among the people, and specifically her people – the LatinX community. It gave her great satisfaction to provide services and help for those who were willing to work and help others. The immediate impact their collective efforts had in terms of increased graduation rates, community beautification projects, and community pride were joyous indeed.

So she kept going. Once Theresa saw what an impact she and a few community leaders could have, she decided to really get organized. In 2002, she founded the National Latina Business Women’s Association, and served as president for four years. The organization grew to five chapters in California, and at one point had a chapter in Georgia. The organization has created several programs, but its flagship component is its Business Management Academy. The BMA helps women set up their companies, get them up and running, and become profitable by helping them find and secure business. Theresa also served as CEO of the Los

1. Get your business certified. Just 30 minutes a day will get it done faster than you think. 2. Sit on boards. Meeting people and working to help them will help you make the connections you need to eventually submit bids for large projects. 3. Give back. It’s not all about you, it’s about the community. Give back and make a positive difference where you live.

“I love working with various organizations.” Pushing other people to the forefront and helping them get recognized for their work is rewarding in and of itself. But knowing that it leads to new relationships (or building stronger bonds with current colleagues) is a huge benefit of doing the work Theresa loves. And people are always grateful. It is those little whispered “thanks” that warm the heart for an eternity. Of course, it helps when the home front is onboard. Theresa’s four children are very proud of their mom’s success and support her every step of the way. ■



April Smith

Benjamin C. Graham

Brian Poe

Dashiel and Violette Mills

2018 Bold Honorees

Dr. LaTarsha Holden

DeQuanda Sanders

Dr. Gina Gonzalez Dr. Rhonda Travitt Johnson

✩ April Smith ✩

✩ Benjamin C. Graham ✩

April Smith often referred to as a “Voice of Inspiration” lives to inspire and make an impact on the breast cancer community. She is the Founder of, “The Survivor’s Nest Inc”. The Survivor’s Nest empowers survivors to take a holistic approach to healing during and after cancer treatment. As a result, survivors leave the nest living a more fulfilled life. April also serve as a board member for Tickled Past Pink Foundation-a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing resources to women & men who battled with Breast Cancer. Additionally, April provides support and volunteers her time with, “I Will Survive Inc.”, a non-profit organization that provides prevention education, economic support, and health & wellness services to those at higher risk and those affected by breast cancer.

Benjamin C. Graham also known as “Bigmouthben”is a published authorof The Book of Benjamin, a business owner, and founder of Motivation Forward Inc. along with his wife Tanya Graham.Together they both empower their community to overcome adversities such as addiction, mental illness, and homelessness. Ben Graham also sits on the Board of Partners For Home, an Atlanta ContinuumofCare which diligentlyworkshard to provide resources for various C.O.Cs to make sure those experiencing homelessness and mental illness have the opportunity to become stable.

The Survivor’s Nest Inc. is an inclusive organization with a mission to uplift, inspire and empower the breast cancer community. The organization understands the importance of providing encouragement and support in the life of others; especially those who are facing obstacles.

Ben Graham has a powerful story that is touchingthe lives of many across the country.He has been featured on various news stations and recognized by former Mayor of Atlanta, Kasim Reed. He has led many on the path of recovery through mentoring and support. Ben is currently a CIT (counselor in training) realizing that the key to healing and building a community istreatment.He speaks in schools, universities, churches, and court mandated programs to carry the message of hope.

With a high level of compassion and a strong desire to inspire, The Survivor’s Nest Inc. was created. April was 34 years old when diagnosed with stage 2B breast cancer, June 17, 2013. The diagnosis caught her by surprise, it April’s understanding that she was too young to obtain breast cancer, nor did she have an immediate family history. Well after 17 rounds of chemotherapy, 30 days of daily radiation, a year of hormone treatment and a double mastectomy, she’s CANCER-FREE!

A series of traumaspropelled Ben Graham into a 17year drug addiction/mental illness. He also suffered a life-threatening injury being crushed at the pelvis on the back of a garbage truck. This injury landed Ben in a wheelchair but faith and determination brought healing. He took that same wheelchair and turned it into a snack cart to support himself later designing a bike whichsoon led to brick and mortar. Today he is certain that anyone can dream again with proper treatment and determination.

April affectionally devotes her time and resources supporting women battling cancer throughout their entire breast cancer journey. She stands on the motto, “We are Stronger Together”. Togetherness is a hugely important aspect of life. It unites us, gives us security, much-needed support and a sense of belonging, and encourages us to love one another.

✩ Brian Poe ✩

April resides in Lawrenceville, GA with her husband, Jerald Smith. She is the mother of two young adult children, Jakia & Briana.

Attorney Brian Poe is a well-known lawyer in Atlanta who has created several successful legal entities on his own or in partnership with other star attorneys. He is Founder & Chairman of Brian Poe & Associates, Attorneys, PC, a full service law firm; Co-Founder & Chairman of Poe Simpson Law, a boutique corporate, entertainment and commercial real estate law firm with Harvard Law graduate Michelle Simpson; and Chairman & CEO of Esquire Connect, LLC, a national


legal recruiting firm & member of the National Association of Legal Search Consultants. Brian Poe’s biggest focus today is as the Founder & Chairman of one of Atlanta’s fastest growing personal injury law firms - Georgia Injury Attorneys (“GIA”), a division of Brian Poe & Associates, Attorneys, PC and Chrisna Jones Law LLC, Injury & Trial Attorneys. In late 2017, Brian and his three GIA law partners were featured on the cover of Attorney At Law magazine, just six months after Brian was individually featured on the cover of the same magazine Born in Wichita Falls Texas and raised in Atlanta, Brian Poe is the son of another well-known local entrepreneur, Atlanta pediatrician Booker Poe, M.D., and the late educator Gloria Poe. He is proud father of Ryann Poe, a college senior and pre-med student at Tulane University, and Sydney Poe, a high school junior at Woodward Academy. An honors graduate of Woodward Academy and member of the National Honor Society, Brian Poe graduated from Florida University in three years with a degree in Multinational Business Operations, and received his Master of Business Degree just one year later from The University of Georgia. After serving two years with the United States Department of Labor as a federal investigator, Attorney Poe returned to school to earn his degree in law from The University of Virginia, where Brian was the President & Co-Founder of the University of Virginia Sports & Entertainment Forum. His legal career began as an Associate with international law firm of Morgan Lewis & Bockius in Washington, D.C. and as an Associate at Troutman Sanders law firm in Atlanta, prior to joining the Delta Air Lines, Inc. law department where he rose to the rank of Senior Attorney. Brian Poe’s entrepreneurial ventures began with his writing, producing and executive producing of Big Ain’t Bad, the made-in-Atlanta 2003 winner of The Hollywood Black Film Festival. Brian’s law firms were created with the same “people-focused” drive that resulted in him spearheading the raising of funds in the Atlanta community to pay for the production of his film. Today, “The People’s Champs” (moniker of his

law firms) has law offices in 6 different metro Atlanta locations, and employs (contract and full-time) over 20 attorneys and professionals per year. Brian Poe is a long-time board member and former General Counsel of the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia. He has been Atlanta Tribune: The Magazine’s legal columnist since 2009 through earlier this year, and also sat on the magazine’s advisory board. He is Co-Founder of The Atlanta Business & Entertainment Exchange (40K members on Facebook), and a longtime member of The Commerce Club in Atlanta. He also is a long-time member and usher at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. In 2018, in addition to today’s honor, Brian has been or will be honored by: (1) In The Spirit Awards Black and White Gala; (2) Prove Magazine/Dear Black Men Network (cover feature); and (3) Diverse Professional Achievement Awards.

✩ Dashiel and Violette Mills ✩ Dee H. Black and Laydee Vee are no strangers to the Sexual Positive Community. As a married couple of over thirteen years, “Dee & Vee” has spent over a decade in a non-traditional relationship together. Through their hard work and dedication to the lifestyle, DVpassion Love Experience, LLC was formed in 2009. By sharing this personal knowledge and expertise, Dee & Vee has helped hundreds of other couples and individuals to confront the challenges and obstacles they were facing in their own bedrooms. Dee & Vee are not only able to relate to those they coach but they provide a blueprint to allow people to follow their passions for greater love experiences. DVpassion’s consultations are highly sought after, and the business has grown to include individual and couple’s coaching, workshops, public speaking, seminars, a national radio show and a sex positive clothing line. Their motto is “Your nut is valuable” as they each strive to make sex great again. DVpassion Love Experience provides relationship coaching services that cater to both monogamous and non-monogamous relationships. By focusing on honesty, communication, empowerment and inclusion, DVpassion specializes in the mentoring and guidance of exploring adult sexual education


including enhancing sexual experiences, open relationships as well as providing the tools needed to achieve the ultimate in sexual pleasure.

✩ DeQuanda Sanders ✩

Founder of Saving Our Children and Families, Inc. DeQuanda Sanders is a Community Relations Advocate/Consultant in Georgia and is a native of Walterboro S.C. She received her Bachelor of Science Biology degree from Claflin University. In addition to her work in the medical field, she is very active in the community and has served on Holly Hill Association Board and volunteered with the A-Dopt-A Student Program/Mentor program. DeQuanda is a current Collaborative member for the Community Partnership for Protecting Children (CPPC) and the Executive Director for DeKalb Initiative for Children and Families. Ms. Sanders is also the recipient of the (f3) 2014 Humanitarian Award. DeQuanda received the 2016 Unsung Heroine Award from the Metropolitan Atlanta Chapter 100 Black Women. DeQuanda is a skilled community advocate and trainer in the areas of prevention and education on child sexual abuse. Ms. Sanders has organized a grassroots community initiative called Prevent Now in DeKalb County to bring awareness on how to protect children from Child Sexual Abuse. DeQuanda has trained over 1000 adults and joined in the efforts to eradicate child sexual abuse in our communities. Ms. Sanders has spoken on several platform panels sharing her knowledge of Child Sexual Abuse and Human Trafficking. She has been a panelist for the State Bar of Georgia on Adults protecting children from Sexual Abuse. DeQuanda has also moderated Human Trafficking: How Can We Save Our Children? for the Walterboro Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta. DeQuanda is a financial member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and numerous other service organizations. Ms. Sanders is the Founder of Saving Our Children and Families, (SOCAF), Inc., where she strives to put our children on a pathway to success. Her responsibilities include developing relationships locally, nationally

and supervising fundraising activities. DeQuanda also provides awareness, prevention and intervention initiatives to our communities through educational training; train the trainer workshops and speaking engagements. DeQuanda is a strong supporter and advocate for women and children issues on the local, state and national level. DeQuanda stands by her passion to provide supportive services and a safe house in underserved communities so that the healing process can begin. Her belief is that we can stop child sexual abuse one community at a time by empowering our communities through awareness.

✩ Dr. LaTarsha Holden ✩ LaTarsha Holden is a native of Atlanta, GA. She was a walking statistic: high-school drop-out, four kids by the age of twenty-two, welfare recipient, low self-esteem, mentally, verbally and physically abused. The predictable outcome was a life of poverty, dependency on welfare, uneducated and underemployed with little chance of success. Amazingly at thirty-five while homeless with six children she decided to fight for her dreams and children and enrolled in college. LaTarsha is a loving and devoted mother of six children. She is now an emerging leader in the city of Atlanta. She has an A.A. degree in Biblical Education, a B.A degree in Leadership and Administration, a MBA degree and obtained her Doctorate degree in Leadership Studies. She was also included in the 2014 edition of Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges. She has over five years’ experience as a small business owner of a residential contracting company. She’s been featured in Clayton County local newspaper and graced the front page of a local newspaper in Lubbock Texas. In Addition: she became a featured story on AOL Black Voices. She has appeared on The Debra Gatlin Show, The Ordinary People Show who are doing extraordinary things, and Joe the Gravedigger Show about helping others in the community who were facing difficult challenges. She’s been featured in several magazines


and interviewed on countless radio broadcasts around the world. She was presented with the award of “Women Who Inspire” at an annual women conference hosted by WEOP and was nominated for the “Humanitarian Essential Piece Award” from Ga. Alliance to End Homelessness. She was an Honoree for the “Unsung Hero” award at the APEX Pyramid awards ceremony. She received the “I Am a Warrior” award at the Stage Play “Lord Fight This Battle. She recently received a Proclamation from Atlanta City Council honoring her as an upcoming leader and advocate in Atlanta. She was the Host of Global Talk Radio where she advocated on issues that affects people around the world. She recently launched her new business Three Elements Inc.

✩ Dr. Gina Gonzalez Johnson ✩ Dr. Gina Gonzalez Johnson, D.O. is a board certified family physician who is passionate about preventive medicine, integrative medicine, nutrition and fitness. She was born in St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands after her grandparents emigrated there from Puerto Rico. At a young age, she was taught about the amazing health benefits the herbs, plants, trees and vegetables that grew in her backyard provided her; her grandfather was a farmer and dedicated his life to taking care of his family by cultivating his land, planting organic crops and raising organically fed animals. She remembers her mother sending her outside to pick the herbs that would be used for that night’s dinner. She is eternally grateful for the influence this had on her decision to become a holistic doctor. She developed a passion for fitness early on as well; she was in a dance company, played basketball and ran track and field in high school and college. In 1992, she was selected by the Olympic committee to represent St. Croix at the Barcelona Olympics as an ambassador and Olympic hopeful. She finished out her college career as a 3x All-American in the hurdles and long jump and won the George Hansell scholar –athlete award at commencement. In 1999, she graduated from the University of Medicine and

Dentistry—School of Osteopathic Medicine with top honors in Primary Care and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Prevention is the driving force Dr. Gonzalez Johnson uses to help many of her patients. She believes that doctors are no longer spending quality time with their patients educating them in ways that they can truly understand. If a patient is not motivated by their doctor’s words, actions, and compassion, they will never benefit from their office visit. Dr. Gonzalez Johnson chooses to be a leading example for her patients---she is quick to share healthy recipes, show a patient an exercise that can strengthen their core, or give personal experience that could help her patient. She is a certified pilates instructor and her vision for her patients was always one that allowed them to learn holistic living. That is why she founded Smart Pilates ATL where she could help patients move, nourish and de-stress their bodies. She truly wants her patients to live happy, healthy and fulfilled lives. In essence, she wants to walk with them on their path towards complete health. Or, some might say, run.

✩ Dr. Rhonda Travitt ✩ Dr. Rhonda Travitt is a noted author, entrepreneur, certified life coach, and professional counselor. A celebrated international speaker, Dr. Travitt has a passion through a practical and Biblically sound approach to empower the life of the everyday believer and help restore them to proper spiritual health. The founder of Restoring the Years Global Ministries in Marietta, Georgia, she genuinely engages her past experiences and openly shares her heart with those seeking an empowered and fulfilled life. Her commitment to reach the lost expands beyond the lines of age, nationality or gender. She holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Christian Counseling from Christian Bible Institute & Seminary in Houston, Texas. Dr. Travitt is a professional clinical member of the National Christian Counselors Association and a Christian Certified Counselor of the International Association of Christian Counseling Professionals. She is president of Rhonda Travitt Ministries and Rhema Bible Institute and Seminary,


both in Marietta, Georgia, and also the founder of Game Changers Re-entry & Mentorship Program.

✩ Farai Caldwell ✩

Dr. Travitt’s unique delivery of inspirational wisdom can be seen weekly in a broadcast named after her church on Atlanta’s WATC Channel 57, and also heard weekly on Rhema Gospel Radio. Additionally, she serves as chancellor and founder of The Apostolic and Prophetic School of Inner Healing & Deliverance, a Christian university that trains deliverance ministers and five-fold ministers, and specializes in training on the art of spiritual warfare.

Farai Caldwell is an author, entrepreneur, and founder of the Atlanta African American Book Festival. Farai spent his childhood years in Atlanta, Georgia, where he gained his love for reading and writing. Farai is the recipient of the Xavier University of Louisiana 40 Under 40 Award, the Regina Sunshine Global Network Boss Award, and the Bold Lifestyles Award. Farai’s work focuses on highlighting black voices in the contemporary literary arts through public programming and online education.

In 2018, Dr. Travitt marked the release of the second edition of her book “Rejection and Rebellion: The Twin Towers,” which, since its original 2012 release, has proved an invaluable resource for counseling professionals as well as for those seeking self-help. Seeing a need to restore God’s people back to proper spiritual health, Dr. Travitt was inspired to open a professional counseling and life coach practice, The National Empowerment Professional Counseling and Life Coach Association. Additionally, she founded the Truth, Trust and Transparency conference, a national and international women’s empowerment conference. Each month, she also hosts a women’s mentorship group, Queens & Rubie’z, which has a focus on empowerment. Additionally, Dr. Travitt functions as an advisor to ministerial colleagues across the nation as well as a corporate life coach and mentor to individuals within a variety of professional arenas, from entertainment to entrepreneurship, particularly in the industries of finance and personal care. In 2014, Dr. Travitt was honored as one of the 100s List Most Powerful and Influential Women of Georgia. In 2016, Sheen Magazine recognized Dr. Travitt with the distinguished “I Love My Pastor Award.” Dr. Rhonda Travitt resides in Georgia with her loving husband, Pastor Nick Travitt. Together, they proclaim the gospel and convey the theme, “lives restored, destiny fulfilled in the fullness of God’s time,” based on Joel 2:25.

In 2015, Farai released his debut children’s book, “Tolani’s Hair”, which focuses on the beauty of natural hair. Since publishing, Tolani’s Hair, has received great reviews. In 2016, Farai released his second children’s book, “Mommy and Daddy met at XULA”, a story that highlights the love of two Xavierites, as told through the eyes of their beautiful little girl. Mommy and Daddy met at XULA is available in Xavier University of Louisiana’s book store. Following the release of his second children’s title, Farai released Black Kids, an illustrated poem that highlights black children in positive spaces. In 2018 Farai created the Atlanta African American Book Festival(AAABF). AAABF is the premier black literary festival in Atlanta, Georgia. The inaugural event took place at Georgia State University and featured over eighty black authors, literary critics, agents, and publishers. Panel discussions and workshops engaged festival attendees in topics concerning literary industry tips, civil disobedience, activism, emotional and spiritual well-being, restorative justice, and health and wealth. Farai is currently the youngest book festival director in America. Visit to discover more about Farai and his work.


Farai Caldwell


Judith Chime

Kim Harley

2018 Bold Honorees


Naeemah Charles

Nameica Craig

Nicole Martin

✩ Hotep ✩

Hotep, Business Abolitionist Hotep is president and founder of Hustle University, the first self-help organization for entrepreneurs. He is an internationally renowned success strategist, Congressional Award-winning educator and authentic entrepreneur known for his out-thebox thinking, guerilla marketing tactics, branding expertise and his provocative, “hardcore” approach to teaching leadership, entrepreneurship and practical business best practices. Hotep is the author of several popular empowerment books including the phenomenal classic; The Hustler’s 10 Commandments. He is also the creator of the revolutionary Outcome Progression Model, which he has used to improve performance, personal and financial outcomes for over 10,000 individuals and organizations across the world. This work has earned him nominations as a CNN Hero and for the U.S Presidential Citizen’s Award. Also known as the Business Abolitionist, Hotep considers entrepreneurship as the key to freedom for all people. “It’s either OWNERSHIP or its SLAVE SHIP!” he says.

goalkeeper. I started my soccer career playing for a local club in Ajegunle, Lagos, Nigeria. This city in Lagos is where the most notable players start. My first team ever was Young Star FC of Ajegunle. A few months later I was invited to come and play for another team called the Eleven Planners FC at Marine base of Ajegunle. As I was playing in tournaments another team owner saw me and invited me to come and play for his team. I immediately moved to Ufuoma Babes of Warri Delta State. While playing for Ufuoma Babes, I was invited to the National team in 1991 in preparation for China 91. I was very disappointed and discouraged as I did not make the team. I continued to push myself and was then picked up by Simbiat Abiola Babes of Abeokuta. The club was owned by the wife of well-known MKO Abiola in Nigeria, after my experience in Abeokuta, I moved to Tony and Tony Cocoa Queens of Akure, then Pelican Stars of Calabar under the tutelage of Chief Ntiero Effiom who was also the former National team coach. Then to Rivers Angels of Port Harcourt While playing for the Super Falcons under Coach Ismaila Mabo, I was second choice goalkeeper to Ann Agumanu at the 1998, 2000, 2002 African Women’s Championships when Nigeria won all the titles. I also played with Agumanu team in the USA 99 FIFA Women World Cup.

✩ Judith Chime ✩

✩ Kim Harley ✩

Judith Chime was born in the eastern part of Nigeria Enugu state on May 20th 1978. I am the sixth of eight children. Growing up, I was known as “Kamala” because of my stature. I happened to be the only daughter of the family that was into sports. I was a very good table tennis player and that was my love at the time. One good day, a friend convinced me to play soccer with the boys in the neighborhood. My overly protective brothers felt soccer was a very physical sport and they did not want me hanging around the boys in the neighborhood. My entire family thought I might get hurt playing the game and rather I played table tennis. Despite all of the apprehension from my family, I could not deny how I loved this game.

From 2017-2018 Kim Harley’s work was published in over 25 magazines Nationally and Internationally. Her groundbreaking achievements were maximized when she appeared on the cover of 2 National Magazines in June of 2018. She was featured in Bonheur Magazine’s first beauty issue where she debuted The Harleywood Glam Mask for Problematic Skin. She is their most published Hair and MUA to date. Kim was very transparent in DMochelle Magazine regarding her personal life and current views on the changes in the beauty industry. She also was a highlighted speaker for the same publication during their Women’s Empowerment Event.

I quickly became a prominent female soccer

Many people are unaware of her community service in the city of Atlanta and the numerous charities she supports. She is currently perfecting her 1st beauty


product and hoping to launch by the end of the year. Her expertise covers everything from Natural Glam to Light FX applications which makes her a genuine commodity in this industry.

✩ McFarlins ✩ McFarlins They say home is where the heart is, yet many marriages fail everyday due to the lack of true essence and embodiment of even this short simple phrase. So how do you define the home? And more importantly how do you humble the heart to build what Connie and Patrick McFarlin have established since the greatest day of their lives took place at Langford Elliot Hall. Their wedding day. Saturday August 7, 1993 wasn’t just an ordinary bright sunny day with beautiful blue sky’s and palm trees. This was a true faithful day of recognition, remembrance, and reward for two souls to unite. Connie and Patrick McFarlin were both brought up in two loving and caring homes where hard work and due diligence would teach them both how to weather any storm trial and or tribulation in their lives. Born and succeeded by the late Charles And MaeLiza McFarlin Patrick is continuing to lead and live out the legacy of his mother and father to date by raising his two beautiful 22 year old twin daughters Keara And Ceara McFarlin with Connie in Conyers. Mr. Charles Patricks father was no stranger to hard work, as he worked as a veterinarian assistant at one of the local prominent vet offices in the neighboring communities . Mrs. MaeLiza upheld her duties as well during the latter part of the marriage by working as a homemaker for Patrick while taking care of his younger and older brother and sisters. Each one of Patrick’s siblings would later prosper from both their mother and father by having and raising their own children. Mrs. Connie upbringing was nothing shy of outstanding under the guidance and giving spirit of now Erna Lee and her Late great father Billy Jackson.

Mrs. Lee worked for The Deparrment Of Family And Children Services for over 30 years while Mr. Jackson worked as a construction worker. Billy soul to this day continues to live through Connie, Patrick and all of her children: Keara And Ceara, Anthony, and Demetrius Kilgore.

✩ Naeemah Charles ✩ Naeemah Charles is a proud mommy of the most precious and loved baby girl Niley who will be a year on 12/26/18. Naeemah Charles, a St. Croix US Virgin Islands native, moved to Georgia in 1995 to pursue a career in Nursing and works as a Women’s Health nurse at Grady Memorial Hospital for 18 years. She also one the Golden Globe Award in 2013 for Nursing Excellence in her field. In 2005 she went back to school for wedding and event planning and opened her business Beyond Nuptials and have traveled throughout the US and abroad sharing her talent going beyond her clients expectations. Naeemah is on the Executive Board of the Virgin Islands Association GA where she serves as the Public Relations Officer. Naeemah formed the Atlanta Heritage Dancers quadrille group in 2010 which currently has about 30 active members, and performs at numerous Caribbean events throughout the year. An extraordinary cook, Naeemah indulges tastebuds during Atlanta Caribbean Carnival each year, with Crucian Cuisine, her highly sought after catering company and food booth. Naeemah is the founder of Sisters Loving and Supporting Sisters, a close-knit group, where she conducts self-improvement workshops and coordinates community service projects with other ladies and young girls from the Virgin Islands. She is also a board member on the Universal Womanhood Collective which empowers women promoting peace, love and power. Naeemah’s passion is sharing the Virgin Islands culture and promoting unity among our people.


✩ Nameica Craig ✩

Speaker, Author, Purpose Coach, Entrepreneur Nameica Craig is a dynamic, Motivational Speaker who prides herself on empowering individuals to live their best life fabulously, through self-discovery, wholeness and un-apologetically on purpose. She is owner of EliSha’ Designz, LLC, anonline Fashion Boutique, NamiecaSpeaksEmpowerment Events, Inc., where shefacilitatesseminars and workshops. She is CEO ofThe R.A.R.E.(Real, Authentic, Relatable, Extraordinary)Experience, LLC.,a Consulting Agency for small business owners dedicated to training employees on how to provide exceptional service to the company’s customers and clients. She is founder of Defining & Divining You, Inc., amentoringprogram for girls and young ladies ages 10-25.Nameica is a gifted Purpose Coach, transforming the lives of others from the inside out. She utilizes wisdomfrom life experiences with an innovative and proactive approach designed to help her clients become their best selves by providing practical solutions that help them move forward into their destinyconfidently. Nameica is also a profound writer who has written content for local blogs, magazines and publications, she’s author of her first self-published bookentitled Girl,Affirm YourSelf! Nameica has earned the titleover comerbecause of the many life altering events, which through these adversities, she is now able to transparently give testament that regardless of what one experiences in life, successis still a possibility. Nameica’s goalis to shape future leaders, build andleave a legacy of excellence that will make a profound impact on society for many generations ahead of us.

make-up for print advertising, videos, television, stage performances, trade shows, competitions, weddings, and personal appearances. Her attention to detail and impeccable customer service skills keeps clients referring her to others. Her devotion to her craft is evident through her innate ability to transform an individual into an artistic masterpiece. Throughout her career, she’s provided makeup for many celebrities such as Alicia Keyes, Sheila E., Cicely Tyson, Kim Fields, Sommore, Shirley Caesar, and Heather Headley, just to name a few. She’s worked on major ad campaigns for Visa, Capital One, Adidas, Foot Locker, NBA, TaylorMade, Auto Traders, Covergirl, Dark n’ Lovely, Atlanta Hawks, Atlanta Falcons, NCAA March Madness, and networks such as Turner Sports, Bravo, BET, TvOne, CNN, and ESPN. She’s worked with numerous athletes such as Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley, Steve Smith, Jeff Teague, Julio Jones, Devante Freeman, Josh Smith, Jordan Speith, and Sergio Garcia. And, she’s provided her services to a ton of artists such as TI, Drake, Ludacris, Usher, Jagged Edge, Lil Wayne, T-Pain, Queen Latifah, Jamie Foxx, Goodie Mob, Anthony Hamilton, and Nelly. She’s worked with the editorial departments of several magazines such as Essence, Ebony, Rollingstone, and Upscale. Nicole has also worked with Tyler Perry Studios on the movie, Acrimony, and the television shows, “For Better or for Worse” and “The Haves and Have Nots”. Also, she works with Bobcat Films on made-fortelevision projects for BET, Centric, and TvOne. It’s been a truly rewarding and fulfilling career for Nicole and she’s looking forward to starting her own makeup line, television talk show, and teaching her craft to other inspiring artists. Visit her website at to learn about her extensive accomplishments.

✩ Nicole Martin ✩ Nicole Martin is a native Atlantan that has taken her innate talent and turned it into an enterprising and rewarding career that has taken her all over the world. She is a trusted professional that has provided

✩ Roger Bruce ✩ Roger Bruce was born in Harlem, New York. He attended St. Emma Military Academy graduating after serving as the Battalion Executive Officer and Company Commander, demonstrating leadership


skills very early in his life. He then went on to graduate from Morehouse College where he majored in Political Science. As a student, not only did he succeed academically but also displayed great concern for his fellow students and the next generation of students. He was President of the Political Science Club and reinstituted the Frederick Douglas Tutorial Institute to help high school students struggling in school. During college, he interned for former Atlanta Mayor Maynard Jackson at the law firm of Jackson, Patterson, Parks and Franklin. He is married to Angela, an Educator and has three children Andrea, Brandon and Ariel and three grandchildren. Roger Bruce represents District 61 in the Georgia House of Representatives. His district includes parts of South Fulton County, which includes parts of the new City of South Fulton, North Atlanta, Douglas County and Cobb County. He was first elected in 2003 and has been re-elected every two years since then. During his time in office Rep. Bruce has focused on issues related to children with special needs, the aging, education, working families, economic development, voting rights, and criminal justice. He has served on the Insurance, Education, Motor Vehicles, MARTOC and Intergovernmental Coordination Committees. He currently serves on the Judiciary, Game Fish and Parks, Small Business and Job Development, and Human Relations and Aging Committees. His first major piece of legislation was to provide for a licensing process for developers in response to elderly constituents that were being taken advantage of. He then sponsored the Time Out for Schools Legislation to protect parents that needed time off from work to address issues at their child’s school. After being asked to provide the same protection for parents that were providing assistance to their aging parents the bill was amended and became known as the Parent Protection Act, receiving support from many groups, including the Georgia Federation of Teachers, Georgia Council on Aging, AFL-CIO, PAGE, Georgia PTA, AARP and many more. He also sponsored a bill that was signed into law in June 2013 to prohibit internet companies from charging a fee to

remove mug shots from their sites if you have been exonerated for the offense you were accused of. He has also introduced legislation to assist minority and women entrepreneurs with accessing state contracts. His most recent legislation includes HB 22 that allows citizens to vote at any precinct within their county versus having to go to a specified location to vote. He also introduced HB 21 to assist minorities in accessing state contracts. His most recent legislation, HB 514, allows citizens of Unincorporated South Fulton County the opportunity to vote to establish their own city. Voters overwhelmingly chose to create what is now the City of South Fulton. His campaign slogan “Bruce Will Produce...Again” is most appropriate. Representative Bruce has served twice as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. This gave him the opportunity to vote for President Obama to be the Democratic nominee. He is a post seat holder for the Democratic Party and in his earlier days served as the Vice President for the Young Democrats of Georgia. He has been recognized for his work by many organizations, including A. Phillip Randolph Elementary School, Herndon Elementary School, All Children Are Special, Another Way Out, Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, National Coalition of 100 Black Women, and the Georgia Council on Aging. The Atlanta Police Department recognized him for his efforts to protect the officers by organizing the community and business owners in raising money to purchase bulletproof vests. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees at The Interdenominational Theological Center, the Board of Directors for Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority, Inc. and All Children Are Special. He is a member of Leadership Atlanta Class of 1980 and the 2006 Class of the Flemming Leadership Institute. Outside of his community and government responsibilities, Representative Bruce has had a distinguished career as a Human Resources Executive, having served as Vice-President of Human Resources for Burger King Corporation, American Hospital Supply, Nation Wide Credit Corporation and Atlanta Life Financial Group. In these roles he was


Rosa Coco Roberts

Roger Bruce

Shandron Pemberton

2018 Bold Honorees

Tarenia Carthan

Treandos Thornton

Zayda Rivera

Tamiko Lowry-Pugh

responsible for recruitment and retention, training and management development; legal compliance, benefits, and all other aspects of Human Resources.

"Always remember that EXTRAordinary doesn't fit, it stands out.." - Coco

He was the founder of Saving Our Society Pretrial Intervention, LLC. The company works with first time offenders and others that have minor infractions and assists them to get back on track. Once they complete the program they will be eligible to have their arrest record removed. While he has left SOS to pursue other interests, his impact on the lives of those that were kept out of the prison system, because of his work, will last a lifetime.

✩ Shandron Pemberton ✩

✩ Rosa Coco Roberts ✩ Rosa Roberts is a native of Estill SC, however currently resides in Jacksonville, FL. Daughter of the late Peola Roberts and John W. Roberts. She was raised in a single parent home by her mother Peola Roberts, along with her siblings, two brothers and two sisters .Recently graduated from Southern New Hampshire University with her Bachelors in Psychology (with a concentration in child development). Rosa left Estill in 1993 and joined the U.S. Army, where she served four years. She is the mother of three, very handsome young men and a GG (Glam-Grandmother) of four. Rosa fell in love with writing at a very young age, making homemade greeting cards for her mother for all special occasions and sometimes just because. She is very passionate about her writing, it is truly a gift. She self- published her first novel, Losing Yourself in 2012, followed by her children’s book, The Princess and the Penguins in 2016, Monny’s Trip Around the World in 2017,followed by her fourth book What Lies Beneath in Mach of 2018 with many other books in the works. Not only is she a self-published author, she is a speaker, a mentor (with Take Stock in Children), as well as a consultant (fees apply) for up and coming self-published authors. Her goal is to write and inspire those that cross her path. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, what situation that you’re in, you can overcome to do and be anything that you want to be.

President, Broker, CMCA, AMS, PCAM

Shandron Pemberton is the Qualifying Broker and Chief Officer at POSolutions, Inc. Shandron has over fifteen years of niche expertise in developing and leading neighborhood associations. She attended Alabama State University to receive a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and is also a Georgia Real Estate Broker, a certified Professional Community Association Manager and an Association Management Specialist with the National Board of Community Association Managers. She graduated from the (SBA) Small Business Administration’s Emerging Leaders program, and currently serves as Chairman of the Board for Douglas Downtown Development Authority, and is a Board member for the Douglas Urban Redevelopment Agency. Shandron actively pursues new opportunities in asset management and has expanded POSolutions portfolio into Building and Facilities Maintenance and Financial Recovery Services.

✩ Tamiko Lowry-Pugh ✩ Tamiko Lowry-Pugh often referred to as “The Empowering Diva” is a voice for Women’s Empowerment. As the CEO of EmpowerME! Life Coaching & Consulting - a personal development & lifestyle enhancement firm for women and the founder of The Still Standing Alliance – a nonprofit organization that that focuses on domestic violence awareness, advocacy, and prevention, she has constructed a powerful movement dedicated to the empowerment and personal development of women across the world. In the wake of growing, prominent domestic abuse cases, more and more people are demanding tangible solutions to eradicate the DV epidemic--


from the NFL to mainstreet. Speaker, author and change expert Tamiko Lowry-Pugh not only offers insight and eye-opening solutions, but she has become a rising dynamo who is influencing crime victim rights policy. Tamiko is a member of The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., MECCA Chapter where she serves as the 1st Vice President of Programs. As the 1st VP of Programs, Tamiko is responsible for supporting the organization’s vision to make a significant impact on the lives of women and girls in the areas of health, economic development, political awareness, public policy, financial literacy, and education, through advocacy. She is also an active member of several other professional women’s organizations and women’s advocacy groups across the country. Over the years she has received many awards and recognitions including The 2013 Atlanta Rising In Community Excellence Award, the Visionary of The Year Award, and the Unsung Heroine Award for her dedication to Women’s Advocacy as well as the fight to end domestic violence, just to name a few. Tamiko believes that empowerment comes from within and can be achieved by honoring yourself, your values, and expressing your talents and gifts.

✩ Tarenia Carthan ✩ Tarenia Carthan is a native of Atlanta, GA and a graduate of Atlanta Christian College. She is the wife of Tony Carthan and mother of 4 girls, Brittany, Alarin, Amaya, and Asia. Tarenia is the CEO of Elohim Consultants; a health information technologyconsulting firm established in 2005 and has served in the healthcare and technology sectors for over 15 years. Her dedication to excellence in the medical and technology fields may be seen in her philanthropic work that includes co-founding the Angels N Tech/Angels N Me Foundation to benefit young girls and encourage them to pursue careers in (STEAM) science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. In recognition of her work in the field, Tarenia was recognized as an Outstanding Entrepreneur by Who’s Who in Black Atlanta in 2012. Tarenia serves her community as the Vice Chair of

the Board of Assessors in Douglas County, and is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., along with being a weekly Meal on Wheels volunteer with Douglas County Senior Services. Currently, she serves as President of The Democratic Women’s Council of Douglas County, and is the former Chairman of the Healthcare Committee of the Georgia Federation of Democratic Women. Tarenia was selected as a member of the 2016 class of both the Georgia WIN Leadership and Douglas County Citizens Academy which help further civic engagement and leadership for citizens to participate in local and state government Tarenia is the Democratic Nominee for District 3 Commissioner of Douglas County. Her platform of Smart Economic Development, Innovation and Transportation, and a Government that works for ALL people will lead her to success at the polls. Her faith in God reminds her that “Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off God & the Goal.” Her goal is to make history and flip a red seat to a blue seat as she works hard to become elected as the first woman of color to hold the position of Commissioner of District 3 in Douglas County. Nevertheless, Tarenia is blessed because she holds close her faith, family, and friends.

✩ Treandos Thornton ✩ First grader Treandos Thornton leads the bow tie business T&N Bow Ties and Apparel. The online bow tie boutique offers stylish neckwear that encourages confidence for individuals of all ages. The kid operated business recently celebrated 1 full year in business. 6-year-old Treandos Thornton is the President and founder of T&N Bow Ties and Apparel. His younger 3-year-old brother Noah is the Vice President of the family organization. Treandos believes that style can have a purpose which can help boost the confidence of young men and women throughout all communities. 6-year-old Treandos is on a mission to help people in various ways. He successfully led the 2016 and 2017 Community Holiday Food Drive which collected hundreds of canned goods for families throughout the Southeast. He was recognized with his very own official day in the City of McDonough. The young entrepreneur aspires to be a cardiologist


in the future. For more information on T&N Bow Ties and Apparel, please visit

✩ Zayda Rivera ✩ Zayda Rivera is the President and CEO of 3L Communiqué, a media company specializing in event production, public relations, marketing, social media campaigns and the creation of unforgettable experiences for corporations and non-profit organizationswith a focus on the multicultural market. Two years after launching her company, Rivera founded Sisters of the World, a network of professional women of color, acting as mentors for the next generation of professionalwomen of color. Through her network, Rivera matches young, ambitious women with professional women, who are succeeding in the field they wish to pursue. Overnight the network grew from an idea to 500 plus strong on Facebook and it continues to grow. Her goal with Sisters of the World is to create an app where young sisters can locate mentors in their chosen field,who are localin their area. This grass roots community building ensures that women of color have a seat at the decision-making table in every industry, including the film & television industry, STEM, politics, and the criminal justice system. Over the course of her decorated career in journalism and public relations, Rivera has interviewed some of the entertainment industries biggest celebrities and led multiple prominent publicity and marketing campaigns. But her biggest accomplishment in life by far are her three children, 11-year-old Z’Maya and 1-year-old twins, Sage and Santana.





Traveling to Texas to attend my (David) alma mater’s homecoming. This means flying to Houston and making a trek to one of the oldest public HBCUs in the country, Prairie View A&M University, home of the Panthers and Marching Storm. If you have been watching the news then you know there was a storm brewing at PVU over voter registration and protection. The one thing we all were taught was to get an education and while getting this wisdom, we also get understanding. Understand that as people, especially young people, your voice should and does matter, don’t let people regardless of party, ideology, or motivation sway you by intimidation, guilt or saying that this is just how it is. This brings us to the Good List and who made it…. it’s our vocal young people across the country from those high schoolers who marched on Washington after experiencing the shooting deaths of their classmates in Florida to the students at PVAMU who said our voices and vote will be counted to the young people at our borders and at protest who want to be heard not herded. On the business side we see entrepreneurs and inventors as young as 9 to young millionaires. We must celebrate their drive, diversity and desires. We may not agree on the direction of this country or on various ideology but we do agree that young people are the future of this country and the world and all this rhetoric must stop. Party does not define us but their want for a good life should inspire us all. A free education at a public school should not frighten you if you are a conservative, no more than having a competitive market for services should not frighten a liberal. In our travels we have talked to young people (25 and younger) who tell us they do not care about conservative and liberal, dem or repub, they just want to know that a better future is coming because the rhetoric they see on social media is too much. They say they can’t go anywhere without hearing an anti-this or a pro-this. But they don’t hear that this is an opportunity for you, network here or this is an investment for you. Some who live in poverty but don’t have a poverty mentality deserve certain opportunities from the government and private sector because they are not responsible for where they are. Every young person I spoke too said they just want to be on equal footing with peers and they will fight for what they want to achieve their vision of success.

The Good List …. working hard for the community and our young people’s future.


So let’s fight for them and not against each other because of party or ideology. As adults and seniors we want our visions as well but let’s not go into 2019 without a vision or solutions to the issues that divides us. God did not say he has racially divided children, we are spirit beings into borrowed vessels, let’s get our souls right. We have the Dreamers, bad education systems, failing health systems, unhealthy rhetoric coming out of Washington and across the world, that is decisive, let’s fix those things starting with solutions and not talk. Let’s all make the Good List. ■ David & Myesha Good 54

Ann Casas


marsy’s law

For Marsy

Ann Casas Shares Marsys Law With Bold Favor

On a sunny yet cool Firday, I sat down and chatted with Ann Casas who is the State Director at Marsy’s Law for Georgia. Not long ago Bold Favor media Group had the opportunity to be introduced to Ann Casas as she was being recognized for her work in the community and for being an advocate for Marsys Law in the State of Georgia. Marsy’s Law for All seeks to amend state constitutions that don’t offer protections to crime victims and eventually, the U.S. Constitution to give victims of crime rights equal to those already afforded to the accused and convicted. Marsy’s Law was named after Dr. Nicholas’ sister, Marsalee (Marsy) Nicholas, a beautiful, vibrant California Santa Barbara student, was stalked and killed by her ex-boyfriend in 1983. The fight or Marsys Law came after it was just one week after Marsy was murdered, Dr. Nicholas and Marsy’s mother, Mrs. Marcella Leach, walked into a grocery store after visiting her grave and was confronted by the accused murderer. They had no idea that he had been released on bail. Mrs. Leach’s story is typical of the pain and suffering the family members of murder victims have endured. She was not informed because the courts and law enforcement, though well-meaning, had no obligation to keep her informed. While criminals have more than 20 individuals rights spelled out in the U.S. Constitution, the surviving family members of murder victims have none. (Source Marsys We’d like you to really pay close attention to this interview as this is something that could impact us all if no law is passed here in GA. and the other remaining States. BFMG: Thank you so much Ann Casas for joining us to tell us more about Marsys Law and the role you play as the State Director here in Georgia. Tell everyone who you are and what ties you have to Marsys Law? AC: Absolutely, My name’s Ann Cases and I am the State Director for Marsys Law for Georgia. I have been leading the efforts especially on the domestic violence and victim’s advocacy groups and just building coalitions for people who are interested in trying to protect crime victims’ rights on a stronger level in the state of Georgia.

to try to stop him from killing himself and he shot and killed her instead. The offense came when the family had attended the funeral, buried Marsy then later that week they went to the grocery store and was confronted by their daughter’s killer who unknowingly to them was already released on bond. He proceeded to harass them, tormented them, driving up and down their street. This made them

BFMG: So pretty much when you say for the State of Georgia, that leads me to believe that this law is either in effect or in progress of being created in more states? AC: That’s right, Marsys Law is a Nationwide Movement which originally started in California. Marsys Nicholas, a 21 year old college student and she had a boyfriend who was very abusive towards her and she broke up with him and did her best to stay away from him. He stalked her and one day called her saying that he was going to kill himself which out of concern for him, she went to his home 57

realize that not only were their rights as victims not being protected or enforced but the person accused or convicted of a crime such as the boyfriend in this case has rights that are constitutionally protected. This to them was inequality. So they were able to fight and get the rights of crime victims in California to give crime victims their equal constitutional standings and equal procedural rights in court and so they started the efforts across the nation in Illinois, North and South Dakota, Montana and it’s on the ballot right now in several other states which is why voting is so important. BFMG: Right, wow, that’s a very devastating thing and I could only imagine with having a young daughter myself what this family must have gone through. Running around seeing the killer walking around freely as if nothing happened. I’m just curious, what was the outcome of this crime? Was the boyfriend found guilty? AC: Yes he ended up getting convicted and sentenced to prison several years ago and he actually died in prison. BFMG: That’s good to know that he was sentence and served time for this crime up until his death. I’d like to know how we can get involved with Marsys Law to spread the word and make sure this law does indeed happen or get passed in all the states it’s still missing. How can we make sure the victims’ rights are protected? What can we do to be more involved?

AC: You know knowledge is power, education is important. Many times people think well the police came to arrest the assailant so they are paying for the crime already or the crime victims are protected but many times the victims’ rights are not enforced. It’s really important to understand the laws. The 6th amendment to the constitution states that when a criminal gets accused we get a speedy trial, we get a jury of our peers, and we get to confront the accuser. These are very important to the victims’ families. Taking a look at what your state laws are for crime victims is also a good way to get and stay involved. One good thing is there are 36 states that already have these crime victim laws in place it’s just Ga wasn’t one of them and the other 13 states are what advocates for Marsys law are fighting for. This is because they either aren’t strong enough or they haven’t started this law at all. BFMG: That’s really good helpful information to know and congratulations on your honor at the Still Standing Purple Affair Domestic Violence Advocacy Event by Founder Tamiko Lowery Pugh. I think about the fact that Marsy went back over to her then exboyfriends house all because she cared so much and wanted to help him despite his cruel treatment towards her. Makes me think of this quote from a well-known poet may years ago name Herman Hesse “Often it is the most deserving people who cannot help loving those who destroy them.” Marsy loved him enough to still try to reach out to help.


Now as far as domestic violence is concerned, seeing your level of passion around this makes me ask, what causes you to be so passionate about this? Were you a victim or survivor of abuse? AC: Yeah sure so it’s kind of a two-fold. First Being the State Director at Marsy’s Law for Georgia. I’ve been involved in the Ga Legislative for a long time. So I love the Legislative process and I feel that if we just speak up and get involved in a proactive way not just a reactive way, We get to know our Legislatives before something happens, we go talk to the legislatives at our Capital and tell our story, we’d be surprised at what we could accomplish by simply asking. Second well, yeah it’s kind of funny in a way because I did grow up with a father who suffered from PTSD and he killed people in a war. I remember him pulling out a gun on my mom threating to kill her. He held the gun to his head and to my mom’s head a few times I also remember him threatening to kill the kids. My mom never left probably out of fear or that no one would believe them or they feel like they can’t make it on their own. He’d just never got help and it was a sad thing. It saddens me too that based on my observation , many African American women are the highest victims of abuse crimes and it saddens me that they feel stuck and for whatever reason many of them stay thinking they can help or out of fear they just deal with the abuse. My mom never left either. BFMG: Wow that’s pretty interesting and that must have been devastating as a child watching your dad act in such a violent matter. I too am saddened that many victims just don’t know their worth or out of complete fear they stay in these situations and as you said, feel stuck. Well we at Bold Favor Media Group would like to thank you for taking the time to talk to us and telling us more about Marsys Law as well as how we can get involved. We thank you for your contributions to this very important cause. I commend you we commend you and all the victims and survivors who use their voice every single day to make necessary changes to the world.

Where can people find you if they want to go deeper and get involved? AC: Yes people can go to, or, or even You Tube has videos and links. November 6th is also a huge deal because that’s when state officials are to be selected and on the ballots there are 5 amendments and Marsy’s Law is number 4, we need everyone to vote yes. BFMG: We thank you Ann and we are so excited to have you as our cover story, you’re definitely doing BOLD work in the community. I wanted to leave you all with a quote from Marsys sister who created Marsys Law and who has been strongly involved in getting this law passed to protect victims’ rights. “If any good can come of something this horrible – the loss of my sister and the losses of other families of crime victims – it is that these violent acts served as a catalyst for change,” Dr. Nicholas said. “Marsy’s Law will provide for a more compassionate justice system for crime victims in California and make that a constitutional guarantee. Now the momentum can be put behind a U.S. Constitutional Amendment so that the rights of all crime victims, anywhere in America, can be protected.” ■ Tinzley Bradford A.K.A. The Love Mama

To learn more or see how you can get involved, visit 59

We’re STILL Standing!

c i t s e m o D Violence Charity Event

Please contact the Domestic Violence Hotline


if you or someone you know is in an abusive situation. Visit the website

On Saturday, October 6, 2018, the Still Standing Alliance fought back and won a battle in the war on domestic violence! Led by its president Tamiko Lowry Pugh, the Still Standing Alliance hosted its annual fundraiser, The Purple Affair (#purpleaffair2018) at the beautiful Atlanta Marriott Century Center. Honoring survivors and advocates of domestic violence, proceeds from The Purple Affair are used to help victims escape their abusers and stabilize so they may become thriving survivors. “Ninety-nine percent of victims stay with their abusers because of finances. It costs more than $1,000 for us to help survivors escape,” stated Ms. Pugh at the opening of the evening. Resplendent in a purple and gold gown designed by Le’Designer Scarlie, Ms. Pugh courageously shared her story of escape 10 years after her abuser beat her and threw her out of the car and into oncoming traffic on Interstate 85, one of the busiest freeways in the nation. With God’s grace, Ms. Pugh not only survived, but went on to found The Still Standing Alliance, a powerful national advocacy organization based in Atlanta that effectuates legislative change for the protection of victims. The night was a star-studded affair that included uproarious comedy by Mz Wallstreet, spoken word by Shamara Elle “My True Prince”, dramatic presentation by Natasha Howard “I Got My Flowers Today”, and soulful singer American Idol Kevin “Khule” Harris who had the ladies swooning! Master and Mistress of Ceremonies Fox 5 Atlanta anchor George Franco and Emmy-Award Winning TV Show Host Aurea McGarry kept the crowd going and giving, culminating in the Last Hero Standing contest for an all-expense paid trip to Costa Rica, donated by sponsor Elite Travel Charity owner Tammy Levent. Keynote speaker Drea Kelly, former wife of R&B singer R. Kelly, bravely shared her testimony of abuse during their 13 year relationship. Ms. Kelly spoke of her angry conversation with God, demanding to know why her, only to hear Why Not in reply, followed by a gentler statement acknowledging her strength to survive. Her voice was raw as she described the

moment she knew she had to leave – when her daughter asked her then-husband, “Why are you so mean to my mom?” Ms. Kelly realized that she had to leave to set an example for her child. If she stayed, in 20 years she would be in the position of begging her daughter to leave an abuser. She ended it with a rallying cry that had the 200+ crowd to its feet: “I’m battered and tattered, but I’m cold blooded to the bone. My abuser WILL hear me!” Yamma Brown Alexander, author and daughter of legendary artist James Brown, announced the Fruits of the Spirit Survivors Walk featuring nine gorgeous women in exquisite fashions to the audience’s delight. Kimya Motley was all Love, Harralyn Rawls had Joy on lock, Rhonda Thompson danced in Peace, Lorri Simmons shimmied in Patience, Charlisa Herriott did it up in Kindness, Jenni Steele was total Goodness, Latasha Howard was total Faithfulness, Shamara Elle killed it with Gentleness, and Christy Sims made us lose Self-Control. The ladies brought up Ms. Lowry and led the audience dancing to “I’m A Survivor” by Destiny’s Child. Well done ladies! State Representative Erica Thomas commended Ms. Lowry and the Still Standing Alliance for its work and presented her with a proclamation of honor from the State of Georgia. And the night continued to build. Jenni Steele, teen violence film documentarian based in the UK, announced that the Mayor of London, the Honorable

Shadiq Khan, has agreed to fund her project educating teens on relationship violence for the next 20 years! And Ms. Pugh presented her mother the first Survivor of the Year Award. Ms. Pugh graciously thanked her husband, Rev. Kenny Pugh who also doubled as DJ KP for the evening, and the Still Standing board, that included Talk Show Host Chere’ Turner, Duntenia Fitts, Isis Kennedy, Pastor Martin Byrant, Minister Kimberly Michelle Ford, Martina Dorsey, and Pamela Morgan. Heartfelt praise was shared all evening for the event’s sponsors that included Marsy’s Law for Georgia, Elite Travel, The Daughter of Soul/Yamma Brown Alexander, Sheen Magazine, Red Cloud Productions, Visionary Services Event Planning & Production, The Freedom Soul Foundation, the Classy Living Society, Destiny Chantell Beauty + Skincare, and of course yours truly, BOLD Favor Media Group. On a personal note, Tinzley Bradford and I had a wonderful evening interviewing guests and capturing this beautiful event. We appreciate the opportunity to share in the evening, and thank Ms. Pugh for continuing to fight on behalf of victims and survivors everywhere. To contribute toward the 2018 goal of $50,000, visit The Still Standing Alliance is at 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. ■ Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell


The 2018 Award Recipients

were all outstanding heros and heroines for survivors Ann Casas, Founder

Comia Flynn, Stylist

Marsy’s Law, Excellence in Advocacy. Ms. Casas is on a national quest to change state laws so that victims and their families are notified when their abusers are freed from prison.

Flynn Style, Excellence in Impact. A professional hair, makeup, and wardrobe stylist, Ms. Flynn completes makeovers for women from her own funds to improve their self esteem.

Sherry Boston, District Attorney

Genna Sapia Ruffin, Author

DeKalb County, Excellence in Service. Ms. Boston prosecutes offenders and assists survivors in getting free of their abusers.

Courtney Glaude, Filmaker “Blink”, Excellence in Collaboration. Mr. Glaude wrote and directed the movie “Blink” to force people to pay attention to violence in the home as the primary storyline of the movie, not a backdrop.


“Delivered from Temptation”, Survivor Spotlight. Ms. Ruffin was the wife of legendary Temptation David Ruffin, and shared her story of courage in her bestselling book.

Wardell Richardson, Actor “The Last Time Movie”. Mr. Richardson stared in the film as the abuser, but in reality is a powerful advocate for victim’s rights.

From the Genesis Women’s Shelter of Dallas •

Glamour, Glitter, Fashion

& breast cancer helped ••• Suzanne Nelson | Find Her Voice •••

If you’ve ever wondered how or why some things come together for people so effortlessly – don’t. There’s a story behind the smile, a destiny behind the dress, and a journey behind the jewels. Suzanne Nelson knows that better than most. When she was diagnosed with breast cancer, Suzanne went through the “natural order” of feelings: shock, disbelief, anger, fear… and then resilience, hope, and determination. She was very blessed in that she survived, but there was more behind it: she began to thrive.

“I will not ever allow fear to cripple me from moving forward again.”

opportunities when they presented themselves. Whenever I get the chance, I inspire and empower women to walk in their purpose. I found mine through being a survivor. I always had a passion for fashion and jewelry, but I found the courage after going through my life changing ordeal.” The courage that allowed Suzanne to step out and embrace life has also led to Suzanne meeting some interesting people, including international fashion designer Norahs Khan. “She was my neighbor for years and then we became great friends. Her energy was so inviting. She always encouraged me to be bold and step into my greatness.” That greatness includes using her natural ability to select and style, pushing Suzanne to tell “a story of being fearless, bold and chic at the same time.” However, she does take the time to check out the competition, but spends most of her research time attending fashion shows and talking with her customers about what they like.

Always having a passion for jewelry, Suzanne began exploring turning her part-time passion into a business – and founded Chic Designz. If you need something bold, beautiful, and amazing to offset that killer dress, Suzanne is the lady to see! But it took time to develop that confidence, particularly after her battle with cancer. So Suzanne looked to her tribe for support, finding it in her daughter. “[She] reminded me not to be ashamed to tell my story. I realized my story could help and inspire others. Knowing that God saved me gave me the courage to Live out Loud. And I know I am not alone. My business gives me a platform that I use to share my story.” Sharing one’s story of surviving cancer through jewelry was more than a novel idea, it was a way to create new relationships and empower other survivors. “Having my own jewelry business has provided me the opportunity to meet people and, at the same time, do something that I am passionate about. I realized I had a natural ability with jewelry, styling, and modeling, so I took advantage of the 68

When asked what’s next on the horizon, the glamorous jewelry maven is looking to expand her business from online to having her own studio “where customers and clients can shop or get styled for their red carpet and special events”. We can’t wait! ■

Although not opposed to one day being a professional speaker, Suzanne believes her “assignment right now is spreading the word to each person I come in contact with about Breast Cancer Awareness and using my jewelry and modeling as a platform to inspire and help other survivors improve their selfesteem and body image.” Powerful! Suzanne’s only regret overall was that she wishes she had taken more chances in life. “I will not ever allow fear to cripple me from moving forward again.” And forward she marches, with her business, and spending a great deal of time serving the homeless, and volunteering and fundraising with breast cancer foundations. Of course, Suzanne must sprinkle traveling into the mix, making sure to pack several pieces of her jewelry with her new lease on life tucked in for good measure.

visit Suzanne online at and on Instagram at @chicdesignz


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Elaina Zuker

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Melissa Malcolm

Deborah Hightower

Candace Bazemore

Lynita Mitchell -Blackwell

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Cynthia Jouber’t

Shaquanna Chappelle

Judie Turner

Careshia N. Moore

Topics Include THE S-M-A-R-T Strategy for Setting Goals How to Set Goals for Your Most Successful Year Ever! 5 Key Factors A Swift Kick in the Can’ts How to Use Peer-Mentoring ™ to Achieve your Goals How to Sell Anything to Anyone Elaina Zuker Funding Your Business: Securing Capital to Transform the Dream into Reality You’re Hired! Getting the Right Kind of Help You Need Right Now Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell

Strategic Planning is Really Not Boring! It’s ESSENTIAL! Molly Sutherland

Branding in Social Media and eCommerce; Through Planning - But Why? Lauren Zaslansky-Connor

Legal Landmines for Employers Melissa Malcolm

PR & Your Brand: A Necessary Partnership Shana Thornton

Next Level Leadership Deborah Hightower

How to Build A Modern PR & Marketing Plan Cynthia Jouber’t

Funding the Good: Three Effective Ways Nonprofits May Approach Fundraising From Government, Foundations, and Community Organizations Candace Bazemore Seal the Deal with Your Image Shaquanna Chappelle

Your Health and Fitness: How to Take Care of Yourself When You’re Taking Care of Business Judie Turner Stop Seeking Balance and Find Happiness Careshia N. Moore

stacking at the uwc retreat learning, loving, and growing into the leader of my dreams

The Universal Womanhood Collective Retreat was a masterful experience. And it was because of the meticulous planning of the organizers who implemented a process I call Stacking. Stacking occurs when the planners of a workshop or seminar take the time to ensure that each presenter’s topic builds upon the last person’s presentation. It requires the organizer to have a very definite and deliberate focus of exactly what he or she wants the participants to not only experience, but to feel, at the end of the program. Stacking also requires the facilitators to attend the sessions prior to their presentations to get a good understanding of the information being presented and how that information will relate to what they have in store.

During the Stacking process, the organizer will normally plan first time-presenters or those whose material can be interchanged throughout the sessions earlier in the program. And she will then place the more experienced facilitators who are good at combining information and presenting it as if it were a capstone course at the end. This ensures that the participants see the combination of events, and understand the way that the information works together for their good. Our first day at the UWC Retreat was preparation for the facilitators. We gathered so that we could purge any negative energy that was hovering over us. We did this in the form of a Bush Bath, a ritual of where a variety of essential oils and herbs are added to seawater, along with plants and rose petals, and each person is bathed in the water. It was led by Charlene Springer and was a beautifully spiritual experience. Because not only were feelings of doubt and fear removed (even the most seasoned presenters feel those things), but also feelings of camaraderie and bonding were established. This occurred because the Bush Bath required us to be vulnerable as to what our insecurities were. This was the foundational block of the Stack. We then had an orientation lunch where we formally met one another and gained an understanding as to what we each were bringing to the table. We also got the lay of the land as far as the itinerary. Although we had been given the information in print and had had countless conversations via phone, there is nothing like meeting in person to really get the flavor of what is expected. This was the cement for the foundational block of the Stack.

That evening, we then welcomed our participants with open arms at our reception. The food was delicious and everyone looked so beautiful in the coordinated yellow for the evening. Once the ladies were introduced and had the opportunity to hear the various reasons why people chose to attend, people felt so much more comfortable. We heard that people were there to support others. We heard that people were there for a vacation. We heard that people were there to improve upon themselves. And we heard that some people weren’t sure, but they thought that they better do something if they wanted their lives to change. Creating an environment that allows people to put forth that type of transparency is critical to ensuring healing. This is the second building block. The next day started with exercise, specifically Pilates by Dr. Gina Gonzalez Johnson. Opening the body and the mind on the beautiful beach at Chenay Bay hotel as the sun was rising was an experience beyond words. The sound of the sea crashing in our ears, the feel of the breeze on our bodies, and the feel of the sun on our faces lifted to bask in its light and praise was love personified. All the ladies then headed into the water for a quick swim, on to breakfast, and then beauty: a honey facial! But this was no ordinary facial – we used native honey from local Virgin Islands Bee Line to pamper and reveal our thoughts about our faces… and about ourselves. Our facilitator Charlene Springer asked us to apply the honey in loving strokes, then gently pat-pat-pat until it became sticky-smooth to the touch. (I admit that I sampled my masque… and it was yummy!) And then we spoke love to our reflections, “I love you, I appreciate you, I


see you.� Every wrinkle, furrow, hair, and line. Totally embracing our beauty and soulfulness. This is the third building block: acknowledging that the body and the soul and the mind need to be nourished first thing in the morning. And then it was off to fun! The fun consisted of shopping and tourism of the island: really getting a sense of who the people were and delving into the culture that we had come to embrace as our own, at least for the next few days. That included visiting Point Udall, which is the easternmost point of the United States of America. We formed a circle around the Millennium Monument and were quiet. We meditated and pray for ourselves and each other. This is the next part of stacking because it embraces the fact that people need to enjoy themselves as they are learning and growing if it is going to stick. An experience like the retreat is designed for those who want a life-changing experience and that experience needs to be pleasurable.

This is another cementing experience because food is good for the soul. And if we want people to continue to eat healthy, it has to taste delicious! The following day we again started with Fitness, this time with Aquafit instructor David Werdelin, who is also a decorated military veteran. Our exercise was actually in the ocean as opposed to on the beach and it was beautiful. Well, except for the squishy seaweed under our toes! (Some of us - I’m not calling any names - squealed as if our lives were in danger when really it was that our feet were being perfectly

After visiting the local shops and really supporting the businesses of the island, we returned back to the hotel to rest and rejuvenate, and then on to dinner - a beautiful reception hosted by Miss Naturalista, a natural hair products store on the island. And a special treat: Tameeka McNeil-Johnson AKA The Curl Whisperer out of New York performed demonstrations of beautiful, easy hair styles just for us! We also had a natural-look makeup session by Lauren and Bria Fredericks of RebelCroix. And the meal was prepared with such care, was delicious and really hit the spot. And did I mention that it was healthy! 74

pedicured!) Seriously, since we were already in the ocean and in workout gear, we just swam and it was a wonderful experience of release. For just those moments, we rejected the tradition of having to be appropriately attired, whatever that means, in order to fit in. At that moment and that day and at that time, the appropriate attire was a light heart; and that was all. That is another building block - the realization that the clothes don’t make the man, it’s the lady who makes the dress! We then headed off to more touring, but this time hard work was at play. We had a journaling session lead by Patrice DeChabert that challenged us to face our fears and write them down. She challenged us to create a plan to overcome those fears. She challenged us to face our purpose and our passion and to clearly articulate that in writing. And she challenged us to pick two accountability partners to hold our feet to the fire and ensure that we get things done. It was an impactful experience, not just because of the act of putting pen to paper, but because of where we were. We were at an old cotton and sugar plantation called Mount Washington where the ruins of the dungeon still stood. It was an emotional experience to see where slaves had worked and toiled for the benefit of all who they served. And a feeling of gratitude came across many in our group. Yes, there was anger at that some of our ancestors were oppressed, but also gratefulness that they did not give up hope. If they had we would not be here today. Without their phenomenal strength and courage to endure, there would be no us. This is another cementing block of stacking: the realization that every bad thing does not devastate, but rather fortifies and prepares for the Next Generation. We then proceeded to a local museum for a vision board party facilitated by Naeemah Charles and yours truly. And our theme was “Write the Vision and Make It Radiate”. Instead of grabbing random pictures and placing them on a board, Naeemah and I challenged the participants to write exactly what was revealed to them during an intense guided meditation. Naeemah emphasized that those magazine pictures are not the reality. WE are the reality – we are the manifestation of the dreams of our ancestors, our fathers and mothers. The things

that we do today are the direct result of our minds and hearts’ desires. I followed up by guiding them through a process to gather all of the energy within, push it out - transforming all into love; and to bring it back in so they could really hear God’s voice tell them exactly what it is they were to do in their life purpose. During the review of the boards we heard

Take more time for myself. Focus. Stop being afraid and take a chance. It’s time for love again. My children are grown and it is time to let them go. This is another cementing block of the Stacking process, as we built upon the day’s theme of purpose, passion, and vision. That afternoon, it was on to more relaxation: homemade ice cream and fun at the beach. We then returned to the art studio where a nice Airbnb apartment had been reserved for us to freshen up and change for the evening ahead at Cibone, an island-chic upscale restaurant. Oceana James opened with a stirring tribute to those who’ve gone one before us, and we enjoyed spoken word, original thoughts, karaoke, and shared hopes and dreams while we colored and enjoyed the night breeze blowing our cares away. Relaxing the mind is an essential element of effective Stacking. We also were led through a powerful release ceremony by Leone Williams Rohr, putting pen to paper the things holding us back and burning the sheets as we were surrounded by our accountability partners. The next morning, we began the day with yoga on the beach led by Yogi and Doula Nikki Plaskett. We were reminded to be present and to enjoy the beauty of the moment of now, to really focus on what we were


feeling and just enjoy it. Afterwards, everyone changed and headed into town to enjoy Sunday celebration at Hotel on the Cay, a small island oasis that requires travel by boat. It was more than a service – it was liberation! Pastor Terry Llanos-Logan shared her story of teen pregnancy, overcoming stigma to embrace self-love. She’d stuffed small bags labeled with limiting feelings such as Unforgiveness, Rage, and Depression, and had us go around the stage where she’d placed the bags, to pull according to our struggles, stuffing them into trash bags to be discarded. Julisa Sealey-Edney and Shermel Brown shared their strength in caring for their daughters, then being diagnosed with breast cancer. Dorna Werdelin and I shared our battles with fibroid tumors and endometriosis. And Dr. Gina Gonzalez Johnson inspired us to eat well and move our bodies with her family’s challenges with obesity. The speakers’ transparency allowed us all to feel comfortable sharing our hurts, and relationships were repaired and hearts healed during the process. Truly a miraculous experience! Afterwards, we headed back to the beach, standing in a circle in the water, enjoying one another’s presence in silence. The lapping of the waves against our backs, smiles on our faces as we reveled in the warmth of new and established friendships - the last block of the Stack. Later that evening, we gathered for dinner and debrief, as UWC Founder Dorna Werdelin led us through a self-care plan modeled after a Wounded Warrior Spouses exercise. We were guided through the process of putting ourselves first so that we could be strong for our families, communities, and co-workers. As people shared their thoughts of the Retreat, the recurring sentiment was embodied in one word: safe. Attendees felt safe being vulnerable, safe being transparent, safe trying new things, safe just being. And this is the cement of the Stack – an environment conducive to love. And acceptance. And healing. And ultimate growth. The power of the collective was ever present during the long Labor Day weekend. And because of the careful execution of Stacking, UWC’s mission of peace, love, and power was evident every moment of the program. ■


what when you can with all your

heart being to with all your

help someone who may have

nothing AugustPride has launched it’s newest project, [Do]nateDolls, custom hand made dolls crafted from fabric and other creative based materials.

Travel Review Greece's Magical Mountainous Village of Portaria:

walking in the footprints of the gods

Volos Less than thirty minutes halfway up Mount Pelion from the small city with the massive port Volos, Greece, which myth claims Jason and the Argonauts passed through in search of the “golden fleece,” we found the enchanting village of Portaria. Straddling the Parasitic Gulf and the Aegean Sea, this is the land of the Centaurs where Chiron first taught the healing properties of herbs. There you can walk in the hoof prints of the Centaurs and footprints of the heroes and Greece’s mythic Gods. Here the gods of Olympus were said to languish away their summer holidays and you can still very much feel their presence as you enjoy yours. A lesser-known destination in central Greece with skiing in winter and cozy fireplaces in some of the rooms, Portraria offers a cool respite from the hot hot Volos’ or Athens’ summer with its almost chilly mornings and evenings (bring a wrap!) and icy spring waters. One of our favorite spots in Portaria is the charmingly beautiful Krista Gastronomy Hotel and Restaurant (, right on the square, with air conditioning as well as an old-worldly quaintness, managed and decorated both with great imagination. There are balconies and fireplaces in some rooms (we had an anteroom) and it is one of the most wonderful places we’ve stayed. The uber-friendly and professional staff are beyond generous, presenting us with many surprises: an ouzo and tsipouradika pairing at the gate; oregano spice as a parting gift and fresh fruit after dinner.

The restaurant ( is now quite famed, with fruits and veg fresh from their organic farm and offers cooking classes. It may be unparalleled in this region, perhaps, beyond, with family recipes and positively scrumptious food at the vanguard of alternative tourism in Hellas. Their breakfast is an overflowing cornucopia of all homemade savories and sweets - a Babette’s feast for the body and soul. The wonderfully welcoming venue is a vision of homey original Alpine decor, a hand-carved art nouveau fireplace mantel by an Egyptian sculptor, fir tree and pine cone motifs and eight idyllic guest rooms. Our stay was pure sublime, lush sensory delight- on all levels!

village of Milies, home to some of Greece’s most courageous heros. Nearby is Vizitsa, another village, with its Turkish villas, and, in the other direction, the “balcony of the Pelion,” Makrinitsa with really good restaurants, down steep river rock inclines delivering the areas most thrilling views in a place where thrilling views abound. Spend an afternoon traversing the captivating and truly mystical Centaurs’ Path as it snakes around its wooded watery torrents and hand-built bridges leading to Spring Mana where centaur and fairy glimpses are regularly reported. As we wended our way back to town we stumbled upon a miniature ancient church where we lit a candle in thanks for our manifold blessings and could actually sound the bell!

Kristas Hotel guest room

Also found: fabulous beaches (Papa Nera, Agias, Ioannis and Plaka) under an hour away (Zagora is renowned), and departing from the Volos Port reach the islands of Skiathos, Skopelos and Alonissos where homeopathy is taught at the National Academy - good for day trips or longer; in the Portaria town center are terrific gift emporiums and Myrro Herbs (www.myrro. gr), a completely beguiling dispensary of dried teas and healing tinctures in a dreamy, luminous shop that would have made Chiron very happy, no doubt. Portaria is a magical region, not frequently visited by non-Greek travelers, and one of our all time favorites, and I mean, of all time! ■ Cathy H. Burroughs, International Travel and Culture Writer & Adventure Blogger

We also thoroughly enjoyed the trip down Alice’s rabbit hole at the nearby Alchemist Hotel with Cafe Patisserie (Facebook Alchemist Cafe Bistro). Their overgrown garden, unique one-ofa-kind rooms and Mad Hatter vibe is a secret haven; water is served in cut-glass decanters, aromatic teas with names out of children’s books are poured from vintage tea pots into ice-filled purple goblets and specialties like lemon pie and apple tart indelibly enliven one’s taste buds. The The Alchemist guest room Do not miss the wooden mythic train ride Mountzouris ( which winds its way around the mountainous passes and dizzying gorges with vistas from the tip-top of this thickly vegetated bucolic district; it departs from Ana Lechonia station to the traditional


Founder & CEO of Winning People Ministries Atlanta, GA

Faith That Overcomes Setbacks

2018, my year in review. Before January 1st 2018, I was optimistic and exceeding hopeful. I have had several conversations with the Lord prior and I was absolutely certain that 2018 was going to be my year of great harvest. All of my ducks were lined-up in the row and I was ready for action. Well, as it turned out, things did not go as anticipated. My hopes and expectations quickly circled into a nightmare. At least, that’s what it appeared to be. My dreams were shattered, my visions fissile out and I was dealing with a significant inner turmoil. Wandering in a state of spiritual conflict, I could not comprehend how I missed what I believed God had spoken into my spirit. However, I showed up for life each day with a smile on my face and did what was expected me. I was torn on the inside, discombobulated, not knowing my next move. Immediately I determined to pray as to inquire of the Lord what His mind was concerning my situation, perhaps He would give me a resolution. This inner turmoil was no walk in the park, it was daunting. It was a daily struggle because I considered myself a woman of strong faith, a woman who hears from God, and not only that, but also a woman who speaks on behalf of God and it comes into fruition. How could I be in a state of confusion and trying to tell somebody that God is going to do it for them? How could I be discouraged, trying to encourage someone? How could I be faced with disappointment and telling somebody to hope in God? I am talking about “Inner Conflict”. Consciously, I made a decision to believe God anyway. How did I do that? I recalled one of my favorite scriptures from Numbers 23:19. It says, “God is not a man that He should lie; neither a son of man that He should repent: hath He not said, and shall He not do it? I meditated on the scripture and prayed for twenty-one days. In a very brief space of time, God spoke and revealed unto me that my vision was not mistaken, nor was it dashed and that it will indeed still come to pass. Moreover, the Spirit of God went on to say that I should not ditch my hope in the Lord, that indeed God was rerouting me to get me to what He has promised. In this encounter, God taught me a valuable lesson, the importance of being present in the now moment. You see, I was absent in the present and redirected my focus into the future, trying to map out how things were supposed to play out and when it went contrary to my expectations, I

didn’t know what to do. I had forgotten that we serve a God who says, “My ways are not your ways, nor are my thoughts like yours.” I pieced together my own plans and didn’t factor in the what-ifs. I must had thought that I knew God’s methods of action but I fell short and was disappointed. With that said, I continue to believe what the Spirit had revealed to me, kept on operating in my calling and was confident that God will deliver. That’s the kind of faith that overcomes setbacks. To my greatest surprise, after I surrounded all of my cares unto the Lord and began to be present in the moment, just being the best version of myself, things started shifting. My professional life took a hike and major doors started opening! I couldn’t process what was happening initially because my miracle was happening all so fast! Promotion, new connections, and major opportunities were presented to with great regard. It was absolutely insane and needless to say, I saw the favor of God upon my life. Consequently, the blessing of God begun to flow and today, I can boldly say, faith in God can overcome mountains. My ministry reach has expanded, doors opened for me to advance my career and on top of that, I receive funds to further my education. It is amazing what a little faith as a mustard seed can accomplish. I was disappointed and confused. However, I believe that God was not a man to lie. He was the One who spoke into my spirit and He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or even think. My life is a testament of what God can do. In closing, I want to state that 2018 started off challenging but God turned it around and set me on a path to thrive spiritually, emotionally, professionally, and personally and I am utterly grateful! Faith can move Mountains, faith can bring you out of turbulence into greatness and faith can move you from deficit into bold systemic progress. I am expecting greater things in 2019! ■ Prophetess Sebe Dalieh


You are brilliant in every way. You were born that way I know because you were made in God's image. And God is good. All the time. And in every way. The truth of this is hard to believe. And those who do know and believe are sometimes shunned by the world. Not because they’re so bad. But because they are that good. If you’re reading this, you are one of those people. You’ve applied for a position that you were overqualified for, made a pitch for business you were over prepared to execute, attempted membership in organizations you were the poster child for that requirements, yet... You found yourself on the outskirts of Victory, a pariah of the town known as Acceptance. Beloved, your light is bright and it is blinding. That is not a criticism. It is a factual observance. Some people don’t want that kind of light in their spheres of influence. Why? Because. That’s a complete thought. Because. There’s no reason for you to twist yourself into a pretzel trying to figure it out. Thank the Lord for moving you along past that town that obviously was not your Destination. Keep going until you reach the place where your time, talents, and treasures are not only appreciated, but used for the Kingdom. Send warmth and love to those who did not welcome you. They are wounded. They are blind to the infinite glory of our Father who makes no mistakes when He forms us. Those people sadly believe that someone outside of the great I Am can steal their light, overshadowing them. They think that someone is you. But you know better. And so you do better. Believe stronger. Pray longer. Forgive more. Love bigger. And you continue to shine your brilliant light as a beacon to the world. It needs you. We need you. And so it is. Amen.


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