Quit my JOB to work my DREAM?! Yes, girl, and our cover Aqila Benjamin shares exactly how she did it - from Corporate America to Red Carpets all over the world!
What's behind always comes up - that's what Clarissa Partlow found as she removed the mask to find and build a life after 50
Size matters. Christine Adams Gardner discovered that "big" or "small", the search for self-love takes incredible commitment and a huge dose of fortitude.
Sexy is a swear word, and Twin Devine show you how to cuss cute as you dress to impress with style!
The search for peace means sitting still - and Robin Shockley knows a thing or two about the journey.
How can a self-improvement conference radically change your life? Learn from the stories of business women Angela, Tina, and Yaba.
And MORE in this issue of BOLD Plus!