BOLD Wellness November 2015

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May 2015 Novemb er 2015



Comed ienne La d y Q Making People Well O ne Laugh At A Time

The future favors the BOLD. Be well!

Love the Skin You're In!

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In this issue 6

TheBest Gift You Could Ever Give




Learning How to Say NO!


Feature: Lady Q-- Laughter is Healing for theSoul


The7 Chakras

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Sub scri be. A dv erti se. Read. Enj oy. BOLD Wellness highlights BOLD health and wellness practices and initiatives that positively influence our lifestyles. We are a publication of the Leading Through Living Community, LLC. To subscribe, advertise, or for more information, visit our website at

PO Box 2259 Douglasville, GA 30135 866-611-3753 Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. Page 4


From the Editor

Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell


aughter is good for the soul. It has a healing power that cannot be underestimated. Laughter makes our skin glow, relieves stress, shifts our perspective, and is infectious! Our cover Comedienne Lady Q knows all about "turning frowns upside down", drawing on her life experiences to make audiences around the world laugh. She uses laughter to entertain, enlighten, and empower people to embrace their own "wonder and wow". To truly inspire others, one must open herself up to inspection. It takes incredible self-confidence and self-love to do so because being transparent leaves one open to judgment. However, it also leaves one open to wonderful inspiration as seen in Susan Seay's survivor tips for "Super Mom's", Dorna Francine's advice on "Saying No!", and learning to open one's energy flow compliments of the Wellness Xperience. Enjoy these empowering stories of joy overcoming pain, fear, and circumstance. Support our advertising partners and remember: The future favors the BOLD. Be fearless!

L ynita Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, Esq., CPA, CCLC Founder and Editor-in-Chief

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bySusanSeay, Mentor for Moms

Th e Best Gi f t Yo u Co u l d Ev er Gi v e In 2013 I decided it was time to start taking better care of myself and stop promising that ?one day? I would take better for me. I made an appointment to go to the doctor and get a full check up. I wanted them to run a full blood test and check all my important levels, my cholesterol, iron, vitamins, all of it. A few days later the doctor called with the results. Her words to me were, "There's an irregularity in your test results.? To make a l-o-n-g story short, I ended up going through several appointments, follow-up appointments, and a few invasive procedures. What it all came down to was my body needed to rebuild. For WAY too long, I thought that taking care of myself was a sign of selfishness. I felt the honorable and noble way was to put others first at all times. Doing something that was just for me had become a rare event. Page 6

As I reflect on those days, I feel sad. I allowed myself to that I was giving the best of me when I wasn't even taking care of me. I allowed myself to believe that caring for my family and caring for the needs of everyone around me was more important than taking the time to care for my own needs and interests. Along the way I allowed my personal interests to fade away. Thank goodness that?s no longer true for me. God has blessed me to be a mom to 6 daughters. When I think about how I was modeling unhealthy sacrifice and teaching them that?s what it meant to be a ?good mother?. It would hurt my soul to think that they would repeat my same mistakes when they became a mother. I know all too well how consuming raising children can be, I have seven.

The key is to do something that is special to you, for you.

About Susan: Most parenting is focused on ?how-to?, instead I ask parents to focus on their why. Imagine if every family operated from a place of core values as the basis for every decision in their household. That would create a major shift in our homes, our churches, and our communities. That?s my mission. To help families do just that, to create a culture in our homes that is both on purpose and full of purpose. It?s what I refer to as - Intentional Parenting. Visit for a full month's support to building a better relationship with your kids. Simply sign up with your name and email.

I know that having a great marriage takes time and effort. I know. Trust me - I understand. Taking care of yourself doesn?t have to be hard or expensive. And here?s a real biggie - you don't have to do self-care alone! Self-care simply means taking care OF yourself, that doesn?t mean you have to be BY yourself. This will look unique for every woman. Not all of us will enjoy a mani and a pedi.

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your past for answers and start looking to your future and to God. Time to put feet to your faith and run hard after those dreams He has placed on your heart. If not now, when? The dream He gave you is not just for you, it is for this world, for the lost, for His Kingdom. Follow your dream and always Dream Big because we serve a God of endless possibilities. BeDetermined to do whatever it takes BeReady for anything at all times

D.R.E.A.M . by Regina "Sunshine" Robinson My inspiration begins with a word (paraphrased a bit) from my my sister Francena Robinson: Sitting here at work and it hit me: the image of Lot's wife looking back. And I had an epiphany: there is nothing behind me! I thought of all the times I looked behind me, and nothing came from it but bad things. Looking in the past or behind you only brings death. There is no way to move forward if the past or what you are leaving is always on your mind. Looking forward to what is ahead is where true joy is.

BeExcellent in every area of your life BeAbsolute in your Faith Find Meaning in the Higher Call. ?Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.? Philippians 3:13-14 Be Blessed. Stay SASSY! Keep Winning!

I received this email on a day when I was having my own little pity party about what I considered wasted time, talent and resources in my life. It was right on time! I was reminded that God is always with me, and He always sends just what I need, right on time. What a perfect word. A word for me. A word for you. A word for now. I challenge you today to stop looking to Page 8

A close family member of mine used to always tell me ?Stress is saying ?Yes?when your gut says ?No?.? The first time he told me, I was 10 years younger, on an upward professional climb, with an ex-husband and one son in tow.

Woosah! Learning How t o Say ?NO? ... before the Burnout byDornaFrancine

Fast forward to 2015. I now have a second husband, three sons, two biological, 20 and 3, one stepson - 8, and a host of other young men and women for whom I would probably give up a kidney? or a lung. See? There I go. Most Sundays at my house consist of me doing everyone else?s laundry ? washing, drying, folding, and organizing in closets and drawers ? all before noon. Well, let me put it this way, I start and intend to finish before noon, but with a three-year-old Alpha male running around, I have to build train tracks, rebound basketballs, watch Peppa Pig, and sing Annie 2014 songs at the top of my lungs. That was not really an accurate portrayal of a typical Sunday, because we travel A LOT. We travel to see the 20 year old play college baseball and we take the two younger boys to close-by staycation spots. Oh, and did I mention that we also own and operate a food truck? So, between a full-time job, family, caregiving, and hobbies like writing and connecting people, what time do I have for me? I don?t. But let me tell you how the universe took care of that. My brain began to get fuzzy. I started forgetting things. I was irritable all the time. I just really wanted to stop doing everything! Before you ask, ?Could it be menopause?? or some other physical issue, I?ve been poked, prodded, analyzed, and assessed. What it boiled down to was plain and simple burnout. I remember the day in a shopping center?s parking lot where a middle-aged woman approached me with a pamphlet. You know, one of the religious ones that they kind of shove in your hands? Well, she was very graceful and once my eyes connected with the cover, I knew I had to take it. I kept that pamphlet on my desk at work for days, weeks, and months without looking at it. I was too afraid to face the fact that I needed to prioritize and start cutting out some things that did not lead to the bottom line of ?freedom for my family?. The ?Wonder Woman? obsession had slowly taken its toll on me, and I realized that I needed a plan for me! So, with the help of my husband, parents, children, and some very good friends, I devised a plan that includes meditation, journaling, exercise, and a good old-fashioned drive to the park when I need to exhale. I have also been eating more green foods, and less processed junk. Most of all, I am learning how to say ?No?. Overextension of oneself is a recipe for burnout disaster. So, like good ole Saint Nick, I make a list, check it twice, and if it doesn?t lead to my bottom line, it?s not so nice!

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Lady Q Laughter is healing. My purpose, my passion!

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LaQuitcha L. Washington aka Lady Q is a native of Charleston, SC. She has been making people laugh all her life. Raised in a very strict Christian home, Lady Q grew up in and had no choice about going to church: her mother was a Missionary and her father a Deacon. If the doors of the church were open, her family was in the building. It is this experience that she draws upon to send crowds into spasms of hilarity as she shares anecdotes about church members, choir performances, and sermons. Lady Q is the youngest of one sister and two brothers. She is very candid about the fact that she "took advantage of being the baby". Her family was very loving, but unfortunately, her parents grew apart, separating and later divorcing when Lady Q was in her last years of high school. She found comfort in making people laugh - at church, in school, and just hanging out in the neighborhood. "I was not shy - I liked being out front in the crowd." It was the beginning of a career that she had no idea was waiting, but there would be challenges along the way. "I ran from my calling for years," said Lady Q. "When I finally accepted it, and realized God had both a purpose and a plan for my life, things began to change." One of the first changes involved moving. Lady Q relocated to Atlanta in 1998 with her two small children. Things were not always easy, but they had each other, and Lady Q knew she was on the right path and on mission. Not too long after moving to Atlanta, Lady Q found a wonderful church home for her family, and served as the Youth Pastor for several years. "I loved teaching! I used to bring the Word alive and the children soaked it up


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like sponge. It was incredible." But once the children got older and the season of service in that capacity ended, Lady Q was once again seeking. "I was just going to work every day... just at a standstill, waiting for something to happen. I felt empty inside. So I prayed for direction and change." And the Lord heard her prayer. Lady Q had performed in local church stage plays and hosted a few events throughout the years, loving being "life of the party". But it was not until she prayer for direction and change that things seemed to come together. One day, Lady Q was invited to perform a one woman show and she accepted. It was this defining performance in 2008 that LaQuitcha L. Washington birth the "Lady Q" stand up comedic act, and her first signature character - Ma?Bell - made her debut. Since then, times have definitely been a'changin'! Lady Q has performed all over the country in various venues: churches, international conferences, galas, and parties; and she has hosted several events as well. Lady Q has also opened for several comedic geniuses that include Rodney Perry, Marcus D. Wiley, Small Fire; and has performed with Bruce Bruce. Lady Q's commitment to "clean comedy" has been applauded by many and was the driving factor in her selection as the 2014 Season 4 Prazye Factor People?s Choice Awards for Best Christian Comedian. But she is most proud that her skills are used to heal. Lady Q?s late Aunt Betty had several bouts of illness. When Aunt Betty would feel particularly bad, she would watch Lady Q's YouTube channel (LadyQLaughter) and laugh until she felt better. "Aunt Betty would tell me that she just had to find the strength to visit my channel, and all would be better." Lady Q uses this knowledge

of laughter as the best medicine to lift people's moods and brighten their days. "Laughter is good for the soul. Laughter Is healing because it is the only natural medicine that can change the atmosphere to make individuals feel better." And it is a lot cheaper than a prescription from the doctor! Lady Q enjoys life to the fullest with her children: Jasmine 21 and Derrick 19, who are very proud of her and her accomplishments. They keep the fire under her burning so she continues to

"Laughter isgood for the soul. Laughter Is healingbecause it is the only natural medicine that can change the atmosphere to make individualsfeel better." work to be the most sought after clean comedian in the business!

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ElaineTurner-Eggleston Owner

Thereare7 primary chakrasin thehuman body

Back by popular demand and staying with the focus on energy or chi, we wanted to remind you of how powerful the Chakras are in understanding your energy levels? We know that everything is made up of some form of energy including our bodies. How that energy flows can have an effect on our well-being. We think positive thoughts it yields positive energy within the mind, body & spirit. Stress, negativity and such can do the opposite. The Chakras are the body?s energy centers. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning ?wheel.? Each chakra has a special duty and vibrate at a particular frequency and corresponds to the vibration of certain colors and minerals. Indian doctors and therapist have noted that sickness is always linked to a disturbance in the flow of energy within the body. The free flow of energy provide cells and organs with what they need to sustain their healthy functions. Health can be defined as the state in which energy is flowing unimpeded through the Page 14

chakras. There are 7 primary chakras in the human body vibrating at 7 different frequencies, each sharing information with the others. Stones can be used to influence the chakra and should be smooth and flat, with colors that match the chakra you want to affect. Lay the stone directly onto that chakra for one hour per day. It is very important to be quiet and rest during this process (Note: you can also tape the stone directly on the chakra overnight.) The 7 Chakras and recommended stones are as follows: Base or Root Chakra ? lies between the base of the spine at the tailbone in the back and the pubic bone in the front. It is the energy center for all of the body hard tissue: bones, spinal cord column, teeth, and nails. Recommended stones are garnet, hematite, red jasper coral, onyx and black tourmaline. Sacral Chakra, lies above the pubic bone and opens frontward. This governs the flow of all the body liquid

elements: blood lymph, sweat, digestive juices, sperm, and urine. Stones recommended for treatment are orange beryl, orange jasper, carnelian, and citrine. Navel or Solar Plexus Chakra, lies above the navel. This chakra governs the stomach, liver, spleen, gall bladder, the digestive system and the autonomic nervous system. Recommended stones are tiger?s eye, topaz, yellow tourmaline anfd citrine. Heart Chakra, lies in the middle of the chest and opens fontward. It governs the heat and circulatory system and also influences the thymus gland and immune system. Recommended stones are jade, moss, agate, emerald coral, rhodonite, and rose quartz. Throat Chakra, lies at the base of the throat, it provides energy to the thyroid gland, governs hunger and thirst, ear, eyes, nose and throat. Recommended stones are aquamarine, chalcedony, celestine, moonstones, opal, pearl, turquoise, and blue topaz.

Brow or Third Eye Chakra, lies above the top of the nose, it is linked to the eyes, nose, face, and senses. Recommended stones are, sodalite, amethysts, sapphire, rock crystal, and fluorite. Crown Chakra, celestial energy enters the body through the crown. It governs ones inner development. Recommended stones are, amethyst, rock crystal, diamond, ,and violet fluorite. For more information or questions about your Chakra, contact The Wellness Xperience at ? Remember, the Art of Organic Living is a Lifestyle.

10 Benef i ts of Col on Cl eansi ng You've heard that cleansing your colon can lead to improved health in general, but here are 10 specific benefits of having the procedure as outlined by Good Life Wellness Center 1. Improves digestive system efficiency. 2. Maintains regularity and prevents constipation. 3. Increases energy. 4. Increases the body's ability to absorb vitamins and nutrients.

Good Life Wellness Center

5. Improves concentration.

"Ever ybody Deser ves A Good Life"

6. Kick-starts weight loss. 7. Decreases risk of colon cancer. 8. Increases fertility. 9. Maintains bloodstream pH balance.

10. Improves overall well-being of the body. Page 15

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