BOLD Wellness May 2016

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TheBeautiful Mile SteppingOut BOLDly Kiana Dancie LiveD.E.E.P.E.R. Lifeis AOK ThePassion Question EnergizeYour Closet

The Distinctive Design: Norahs Khan

Thefuturefavorsthe BOLD. Livewell! Page 1

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David Good

LETTERFROMTHEEDITOR LIVEWELL W elcom e to BOLD W elln ess? first issue of 2016. It is alm ost sum m er, an d everyon e is talkin g about gettin g to th e gym , tryin g a n ew diet, or gettin g th is fixed an d th at tucked. W h at w e sh ould be focusin g on is bein g m otivated to live a h ealth ier lifestyle th at en com passes ph ysical, m en tal an d spiritual h ealth . In th e follow in g pages you w ill see an d feel just th at: h ow to be m otivated to be a h ealth ier you. You w ill learn h ow to m ove from n egative circum stan ces from Tracey Rh ym es, learn five easy steps to livin g abun dan tly, be em pow ered to live on purpose, an d be in spired an d deligh ted as you delve in to th e Origin s of th e Distin ctive Design s Kn ow n as Norah s Kh an , our cover story - in tern ation al design er, poet, auth or, an d m istress of creation s! Of course w e w ould n ot forget our m en (I h ave to look out for th e fellas)! Our Ch rom e Spotligh t is th e in credibly talen ted m usician Ch arles Ch affer, w h o uses h is God given talen ts to reach n ew h eigh ts an d brin g m usic to th e n ext gen eration . Th is issue h as it all - n ot just h ow to be h ealth ier, h ow to LIVE w ell! Have som e fun as w e dive in h ead first an d explore our articles on fash ion , education , dan cin g, book review s an d m ore. W e w an t you to be h ealth y an d en tertain ed. W elcom e to livin g BOLDly th rough m otivation an d W ELLNESS!!

OURBOLD EDITOR @goodpublisher1

DavidGood Page 5 4

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InsidethisIssue 34

O ur BOLD Cover N orahs Khan

8 Living Life Abundantly 11 Five Ways to Live on Purpose 12 T he ACA Fashion Show 13 Energize Your Closet 15 Book Review: Phishing for Phools 17 T he Love M ama Column 28 Get O ut & Laugh 29 Stepping O ut BOLDly 40 Teen Fitness is N o Joke

T he Passion Q uestion


Life is AOK!

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Vacation Destination: T he Bunn H ouse

Comedian K iana Dancie



CH ROM E Spotlight: M usician Charles Chaffer

T he Beautiful M ile

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5 St eps t o Liv ing an Abundant Lif e by Obinna Morton There?s a saying, ?Life is what you make it.? So what do you think this means? A phrase open to a myriad interpretations, what is certain is that it suggests that we have the ability to shape our lives into whatever we so desire. It is this line of thinking that has led Dr. Jerrica Dodd, a pharmacist of 17 years, to build the life of her dreams as a life coach and entrepreneur through her new venture, which she started in 2015. An advocate for a Christ-centered life, Dr. Dodd works to empower individuals to transform their lives through coaching, speaking and consulting. I had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Dodd about taking ownership of your life, and here is what she had to say:

St art wit h t he end in mind. It is important to understand what the idea of abundance looks like to you. Christ said, ?I came so that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly.? What does a life of abundance look like to you? Visualize it and hold it near. Then record it. Write it down. Draw. Make sure your vision is vibrant to propel you towards reaching this goal.

Cul t ivat e an at t it ude of grat it ude. Prepare yourself to receive more in your life by breaking even with what you already do have. A well-paying job? Got it. Encouraging friends? Check. A roof over your head and savings? The business that you don?t have yet? Develop a spirit of contentment by recognizing both what you already have and what you will have. Matthew 25:21 reads, ?You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.? Prepare yourself for more by having gratitude. Page 9 8

Don?t l ive in t he past . While we are the sum total of our life experiences, we should never let our past dictate what we can achieve in our lives. Acknowledge it, for it will always be there. Unlike your email inbox, it can?t be deleted. However, we all have the ability to invent and reinvent ourselves, and this is the beauty that the present gives us each day.

Feel t he f ear. Do it anyway. Do you have an idea that you fear will be ridiculed? If you don?t, then your dreams aren?t big enough. Now think smart and while you feel the fear, flesh out the idea. Is it a viable idea that others can eventually find useful? Determine the viability of your idea by seeing if a market exists for what you have to offer. Let any fear you feel propel you forward and challenge you to learn more about who you are and what you have to offer.

Make a pl an. You?ve decided what abundance means to you and know exactly what it looks like. But the question remains; how do you get there? Make a plan, and leave a little room for adjustments along the way. Start planning weekly with objectives that ultimately lead to your main goal. Then up the ante by month, quarter and ultimately by year. Leaving fudge room allows for the miscellanies of life without the guilt associated with not planning for the unexpected. Fail to plan, and you will have plan to fail. Through coaching, speaking, and consulting, Dr. Dodd empowers individuals to transform their lives. Learn more about her mission at

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Javonte's line of "I'm Here" empowerment t-shirts modeled during the show.

I?M HERE MOVEMENT Foun der Javon te Rosello featured Fash ion Design er & Model in ACA "Classic Man " Fash ion Sh ow By Setsu McClen don

Javonte with our magazine's founder Lynita Mitchell-Blackwell, with a poster of his March feature in BOLD Favor.

Javonte Rosello, founder of the I'm Here Anti-bullying Movement, was a featured designer in the Classic Man Fashion Show at the Riverdale Town Center in Riverdale, Georgia. And which line did he present? The vibrantly bold "I'm Here" line of tee shirts and wristlets! The display of solidarity for those who have suffered and survived being bullied and mistreated was a real crowd pleaser; really warming everyone up during the unseasonably cold, yet beautiful day in the amphitheatre. The ACA fashion show was a wonderfully diverse and exciting display of fashion, talen, and fun. Attendees enjoyed incredible musical talent, acomedy show, and of course the beautiful styles of the designers that were bold, masculine and totally unique! The audience was captivated by the handsome men who walked the runway with confidence and power.

Setsu and her cute kids sporting their new I'm Here tees.

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OURCHROME SPOTLIGHT CHARLES CHAFFER Artist, Musician, Producer, Creator Showing a new generation what music looks like!

Ch arles Ch affer is a m an of in credible talen t an d am bition w h o is n ot afraid of m uch . He m oved to Atlan ta kn ow in g n ot a soul - literally w ith "n oth in g but a dream an d m y cloth es" - but kn ow in g th at God w as sen din g h im to th e place h e n eeded to be in order to fulfill th e soulful vision of h is life. Ch arles, born an d raised in Dallas, Texas, is th e oldest of n in e ch ildren . He w as raised by h is m oth er, w h o w as a sin gle paren t m ost of h is life, an d did n ot m eetin g h is dad un til th e age of 17, Ch arles foun d solace an d in spiration in m usic. He started playin g drum s at th e age of 4 an d w as sin gin g in h is ch urch 's m ass ch oir at th e age of 10. Music w as in h is blood, an d playin g th e drum s h as taken h im places h e'd on ly dream ed of; playin g for greats such as Kiki W yatt, Jam es Fortun e, Bish op T.D. Jakes, Bish op Morton an d Le'An dria Joh n son just to n am e a few . But h avin g th ese experien ces required great

CHROME Char i s mat i c Honor abl e Res our c ef ul Opt i mi s t i c Men of Ex c el l enc e

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flexibility an d bein g open to ch an ge. Ch arles m oved to Houston an d "th in gs started open in g up," but it w as n ot un til h e m oved to Atlan ta th at h e w as able to im plem en t th e fulln ess of h is gifts. Sin ce m ovin g to Atlan ta, Ch arles h as built a platform th at is both a sh ow case an d m ovem en t for art. He h osts even ts several tim es each w eek w ith a differen t th em e an d featurin g differen t

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Kian a Dan cie is a ch ip off th e ol' block - sh e's a baddie, just like h er m om - an d proud of it. Th is fun n y lady, w h o is very serious about h er m on ey, kn ow s th e value of h ard w ork, gettin g past life?s ups an d various disappoin tm en t, an d creatin g h er ow n opportun ities from virtually n oth in g. Alth ough born in Clevelan d, Oh io, Kian a h as lived in Atlan ta (w ith very brief tim es aw ay) sin ce sh e w as eigh t years old, so sh e con siders h erself a True Peach . "W h en you bite m e, I even drip a little," sh e said w ith a laugh durin g our in terview . A self-train ed com edian w h ose stories ran ge from Corporate Am erica fun n ies to dow n -h om e fam ily dram a, Kian a's ran ge of talen t is just as diverse as h er busin ess ven tures. In cluded on th e Georgia South ern alum n a's list are producer, w riter, actress, auth or, an d sh are h older in a n ew app called Miptags. Her en trepren eurial spirit is n o surprise. Her m oth er, sin gle an d youn g, raised both h er an d h er broth er to be resilien t an d stron g. "Sh e alw ays said th ere are 24 h ours in a day. You can be dow n for 24 h ours, but on th at 25th h our, you gotta get up an d m ove! You can 't stay dow n ." Kian a is very close to h er m om an d defers to h er in m ost th in gs, askin g advice about fash ion , busin ess - everyth in g. An d sh e is crazy about h er youn ger broth er sh e laugh ed th at sh e probably does n ot h ave ch ildren yet because sh e h as h er broth er. Laugh ter h as alw ays been a w ay for th e Kian a to push th rough h urt, an d sh e h as used it th rough out life to h eal h erself an d oth ers. W h en sh e w as laid off from Son y after relocatin g to Houston to take th e job, an d breakin g up from h er lon g-tim e boyfrien d about th e sam e tim e, Kian a "played aroun d w ith open m ic" an d started a colum n th at w as publish ed in m ultiple m agazin es en titled Page 21 20

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B e I nspired Reflectionsfrom the Heart is a compilation of breathtakingly honest life experiences and beautiful poems written by business woman M elvina D. Crawl. M elvina shares her hope, pain, joy, and struggles with the goal of encouraging and empowering others. H er witty and poignant collection of family stories that include memories of childhood, motherhood, and married life come together to create a beautiful tableau of love. And her poems featuring the voices of children and mothers in various states of relationship resonate long beyond the last page. Reflectionsfrom the Heart has something smart and inspirational for all who seek to be uplifted and strengthened to continue on through life's journey.

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w w w .Prem ierSolution Page 23 22

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G et E mpowered One Step At A Time: Walking in the Heels of A Trendsetter, T he M emoir of Traci J", is a #3 Amazon Bestseller! A breathtakingly candid journey through the life of Traci "Traci J" Jefferson. She shares her story of a loving childhood that seemed to spiral out of control to teen motherhood and a turbulent era during her twenties that included violence and insecurity... but that ultimately led to a spiritual awakening of self-love, the love of her Boaz, and the promises of God's bountiful blessings that include her "love affair with hair and fashion", community service and activism, and incredibly close and supporting love of family and real friends. Traci J gives a first-hand account of her life "no holds barred", to how she became T he Trendsetter and the person she is today. She shares her precious God Inspired M editations (or GIM S) on how she overcame the adversities life placed in her way, as well as the lessons she learned that will help you overcome your own trials. So grab your heels and get ready to stride down memory lane with the Trendsetter herself M s. Traci J. She promises you will walk away from this book with a new, fresh view of life as a woman with purpose.

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w w w .TraciJefferson .com Page 25 24

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L ifeis_AOK Domonique celebratingthe launch of her new kindness movement. Far right: being kind by putting money in someone'sexpired meter. Below, Domonique workingwith youngpeople to impart wisdom regardingself-care and self-love.

It all beginswithKindness.

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T he "O U T L? Clean Comedy Show (O rganizations U nited to Laugh) event was held at the Beaver R uin Baptist Church in N orcross, GA, hosted by Comedian Al H al on M arch 18, 2016. Entertainment included comedians, Cornelius George, "A D" (Anthony Demmer) and Payne (Stevie Belle); professional mime, 1 Purpose M ime (Dwayne Terry) and M usical Guests, R & B Artist K al Royal, DJ Swift, and none other than musical genius Desmond Champion; with Deaf Interpreter Tonette Eaves. As I make my way into the venue, I am pleasantly surprised with the number of vendor tables lining the walls to make the acquaintance of all arrivals. Vendors included; Shayla Fairwell, owner of Fashion on Purpose; Patrice H olland of Junes Designer H andbags & Accessories; Chic Designz, W ill Brown Jr. of the W ill Brown Jr. Foundation Inc., and last but not the least Corey Rolfe, CEO of N ew T.H .U .G (Trying H ard to U nderstand God) Apparel. I filled my eyes and my purse with as much as I could purchase without going over budget, then made my way to the main arena to take my seat. As I nestle in waiting for the show to begin, I noticed a second floor balcony where all of the entertainers were housed preparing to grace the stage. M ime, Dwayne Terry stretches his limbs from east to west, limbering up for his solo; singer Desmond Champion is warming up with his guitar strings; Comedian/H ost Al H al is going over his lines, and DJ Swift on the 1s and 2s, spinning some old Frankie Beverly & M aze! Comedian Al H al makes his way to the stage showering the audience with some laughter to break the ice, then opens the stage for each Organizer Maxine McDaniel with entertainer.

During my gut busting laughter, I smell the Oh-So gracious, downhome, southern aroma of barbecue filling the air from fried fish to R ibs; from sweet cornbread, macaroni and Cheese, to

Peach Cobbler and Red Velvet cake! Did I indulge you wonder? N ormally I would, but Ya?ll know I?m trying to watch the waistline a bit, but I did sneak a bite of the cobbler, and YES, it was slap yo-mama delicious? I?m still trying to order me a pan! Ladies and gents, this event wasn?t all about laughs, being entertained and getting our belly?s filled; but it was a chance for those single-bodied entrepreneurs and artists to introduce themselves to the public in a major way. It was about the idea behind ?connecting business with the public,? to actually shake hands face to face with someone and saying ?H i, this is who I am, and this is what I Do?! You heard it here first, Live free Sugas! M U U U U U U U U U U U U UAH

two supporters.

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shoe. She can tell that other women have this concern. ?T hey are holding their toes crunched up just to keep their shoes on,? explained R hymes. ?T hey tell me: ?I have so many shoes in my closet that don?t fit my feet. I wish I knew about this before.?? O ne thing is certain, women are never going stop buying shoes? especially if they can step out boldly without stepping out of their shoes. Today, this older, wiser fashionista is pushing her entrepreneurship--not drugs. She believes that the best years are ahead of her. She knows that her twins, now age 30, are watching--but this time with enormous pride. ?We?ve come a long way, M ama, and you have been there through it all,? said her son Darnell R hymes.

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Li v i ng th e D.E.E.P.E.R. Li f e Dr. Barbara L. Swinney W an t your life to go h igh er? Th en you h ave to go D.E.E.P.E.R. Th is revelation slapped m e righ t in th e foreh ead early Ch ristm as m orn in g as m y frien d illum in ated th e pits of a failed relation sh ip. Gen erally, I do w ell w h en it?s m y turn to be th e rock, but th is tim e I w as just n ot in m y best state. I th ough t, ?Oh m y goodn ess, w e?ve been th rough all of th is before!? As th e dread started to set in , I could feel a rum blin g in m y stom ach . Before I kn ew it, I th rew up th ese w ords, ?Girl! W e?ve been h avin g th is sam e con versation for five years! W e keep m ullin g over th e sam e stuff! Non e of th is is n ew ! You h ave to decide w h at you w an t, an d th in k in th at direction !? No soon er th an th e w ords left m y lips, I began to experien ce som eth in g; a revelation or an aw aken in g of sorts. As quickly as th ey spew ed from m y m outh , th e w ords m orph ed in to a visible, tan gible bein g. It w as as if I could actually see th em w alkin g in h er direction . I began to recogn ize th e ?bein g? as a fam iliar silh ouette? a curvy statuette th at stood about five feet an d th ree in ch es tall; h ips an d sh oulders n eatly proportion ed. It stood at a quick pause, th en sudden ly took a 180 degree turn an d darted directly tow ards m e. Th e w ords stepped righ t in m y face, slapped m e on th e foreh ead, an d in m y ow n voice spoke firm ly, ?Barbara, w e?ve been h avin g th is sam e con versation for th e past five years? W e keep m ullin g over th e sam e old stuff; talkin g about th e sam e un fin ish ed articles, th e un fin ish ed book, busin ess ideas, th e w eigh t loss, h opes? dream s. W h y h aven ?t you reach ed your goals? Non e

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N orahs could become another character and be carried away from the thoughts of being funny looking and unpretty, thoughts that made her believe she would never marry or have children. T he years went by, and N orahs met her "special guy" at 16. H e was in college, so handsome and confident. T hey dated for three years, and after a brief time away for college, N orahs returned home and married him. "We were going to make our lives the best ever!" T he first few years, they did just that, and three years later their son Kevin was born. As a military spouse,

do what was best for their son. "I was never a single parent. M y ex-husband was very involved [in raising Kevin]." T hey agreed to co-parent because they both came from single parent homes and wanted a better experience for their own child. Even when N orahs relocated to the East Coast, they co-parented well. N ot one to dwell on the past, N orahs moved forward with her new life in the DC/M aryland area. She remarried in her late twenties because she felt she "should be married"; she was in this relationship and her "traditional values kicked in", but neither she nor her second husband were ready. T here was a lot of issues in the relationship that led to drinking and violence. It took a toll and the situation became unbearable. It was not until years later, after they divorced, that they "dug in and got answers" to the root of the turmoil. But in the meantime, N orahs soldiered on and became physically ill trying to push past the emotional and physical trauma from her second marriage and a failed long-distance relationship. She moved back to Philly and started writing poetry again. Before her second marriage N orahs wrote original poems in love letters to a young man she met on a blind date (they remained connected in heart) as a way to purge the feelings, not knowing that he would keep them and be her lifeline to getting them published years later? .

moving from base to base as her husband's career progressed, N orahs worked in banks and universities. "I always had a side business.? She sold Avon, Tupperware and toys; and later developed her own body products with aloe as a base - these were the precursors to N orahs' H onor Your Body spa collection. "We were in California, and aloe was everywhere." N orahs also got to tap back into her love for acting, but since she was in California, she auditioned for movies instead of plays. She got a non-speaking part in "M eatballs 2", as well as a few other extras-type roles. It was a fun time... but then the music stopped. N orahs and her husband drifted apart, and eventually divorced. T hey remain good friends, and were completely united in their efforts to Page 37 36

N orahs was having "sister time" with her sister ( from her father side) and shared some of her

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poems. H er sister suggested that she use them to start a greeting card collection, which she did many years later. N ot too long after, N orahs saw an ad in a magazine to "Publish your poetry". T he Spirit spoke to her and N orahs moved - that was a defining moment; it was the beginning of moving when God said so. But there was a problem, N orahs had lost the poems through various moves through the years! So she contacted her friend in N ew York and asked him if he still had copies - he had every last one and with his blessings sent them to her the next day! T hat was the first book - Diary of Written Expressions. N orahs developed her pseudonym "N orahs" from her first name, copyrighted the work, and sent it to the publishing company from the ad. T hey accepted it, but N orahs decided not to sign with them and published the book herself, spending many nights at K inkos (now FedEx O ffice). From there, N orahs published five books over the next ten years, an odyssey of purging and self-discovery. Suppressed memories of childhood abuse came to the forefront, forcing a family conversation that led to tears and healing; and realization of her behavior that was consistent with a "classic abuse survivor" and with it came self-forgiveness. N orahs' poetry took her all over the world, most notably Japan. "T hey loved it and embraced it. T hey bought everything I had - poems, posters... everything!" During a period in California, working on a project, N orahs realized she did not want to live in cold snowy weather anymore. While living in Philadelphia, the city was in the midst of a snow storm and when N orahs arrived home, her car was covered by snow and stuck in ice. T hat was it; she packed up, sold everything that was non-business related and moved to sunny Central Florida! It was great for a time; the weather was nice; the people were nice; and the new pace was nice.

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T hen her body began to change. ?N o one tells you that your body does its own things once you reach a certain age.? She had always been petite, but now clothing in the stores just did not fit N orahs' curves as they once did. So she picked up her needle and thread and began to sew her own clothes. People in the area loved her designs! H owever, N orahs was not convinced she was suppose to sew for other people. N orahs sharpened her skills at O rlando Tech, Sewing Technology where she learned about new sewing machines and inducted into the N ational Technical H onor Society. At the urging of her now-adult son, N orahs moved to Atlanta to expand her brand - and that was the best move she could have made. Continuing her journey to heal and stay focused, she describes herself as only the vessel by which ?Divine Creativity? flows. "T his is my assigned mission to make a positive difference in the lives that embrace my Wearable Art Collection." Working on many philanthropic events to raise awareness to women and their values, self esteem and wellness, N orahs received the Women Empowerment Best Designer Atlanta 2014 Award. N orahs has coordinated and been highlighted as a featured designer in shows all over the U S and the Caribbean, as well as honored to dress celebrities that include Towanda Braxton and Evelyn Braxton for her fashion shows. N orahs Khan turned the name calling and teasing (because she looked different) into the name of her business... "Distinctive H and Designs By N orahs." She quotes, "I stand for embracing what is different about me and live on purpose with a purpose... By my Divine O rder." N orahs is very excited about the momentous success of her brand, and is thrilled by the positive response of her latest book, a compilation of her five books of poems entitled, T he Distinctive Design of N orahs Khan: M anifestation of Love, released April 30, 2016. To order your unique, one of a kind fashions and beauty spa products, contact N orahs at, and follow her on social media @norahskhan.

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M ost teens take exercising for a joke and they think it?s something that people do for fun but if they really look at it as helping them, they would have a change in mind. T hey?ll regret not exercising in a few years because their weight isn't what they want it to be or they hate the way people look at them. Teens today only want to stay at home and text their friends all day. If teens really took their health serious, it would bring down the high teen obesity rate in the U S and get other teens to workout as well. T he reason why teens don?t workout is because they don't have the motivation that they need to have for the exercise or because they're just lazy and don't want to expend the energy. Since teens spend a majority of their time in school, they should have a class that teaches them about health and fitness; something that will motivate them and get

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active. Start off small and let them work their way up and record their progress. T his will show them that they are doing great because a teen needs support. It's recommended that a teen get at least 1 hour of physical activity on most days, preferably every day of the week. Yet, physical activity tends to lag during the teen years, which are their formative years. M any teens drop out of organized sports, and participation in daily physical education classes is a thing of the past. But given the opportunity and interest, teens can get health benefits from almost any activity they enjoy ? skateboarding, in-line skating, yoga, swimming, dancing, or throwing a football in the driveway. N o matter the activity, teens should be more active and get outside.

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T he B eautiful M ile

T he Beautiful M ile event was held on M arch 26, 2016 at the H istoric old 4th Ward Park in Atlanta, Georgia. T his event aimed to uplift & inspire women (and essentially men) to create and express their own definition of beautiful. H undreds of women, men, and children all arrived with their shoe laces tied tight, and smiles shining bright. O ver 30 vendors occupied the court yard with exquisite materials and Page 43 42

services to offer. T his included lashes and brow art offered by PM AC (Professional M akeup Artist Conference); Angela walker of N aturally Fly body Sheas and scrubs; Livi R ae Lingerie; Tropical Roots hair care products and M any M ore!!! Special guest included Sarah Elizabeth Reed (Atlanta?s First Lady), Jasmie Crowne (Black Celebrity Giving), Shanell (Cash M oney Records), 100 Female Entrepreneurs and so many more! Entertainment included Shanell Young M oney, T he Gamma K appa Phi Step Team; with special guest performance by R & B Sensation, Caleb M inter!!! While making my way to the media table to grab my gold, VIP wrist band; I spot the beautiful and talented N avia Robinson of BET ?s Being M ary Jane, Philanthropist and fellow writer Chanita Foster, and the woman of the hour, the woman that made this day possible, M rs. Ardre O rie herself! Ardre entered the place wearing the savviest white, baby doll inspired dress; rocking her (like myself) black and white converse tennis shoes; while holding the cutest pink and white umbrella? wondering why M rs. Ardre was grasping an umbrella close to her chest? Well, it?s a funny game mother-nature decided to play this day? because it rained? ALL DAY! But when M rs. Ardre showed up, she brought her smile of a sunshine. She introduced herself, and spoke openly about her sadness due to the weather; as she was speaking the crowd yelled out, ?It?s alright, you?re beautiful anyway.? She smiled and said, ? You?re right, how can we recognize beauty, without a little bit a rain, and this is what this day is all about? seeing the beauty in everything. So today, this rain is just the heavens watering us and pouring out blessings.? N eedless to say, there was resounding cheers in the air; that I?m sure if we listened close enough, we

T he B eautiful M ile

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Th e

P a s s io n

Th e w orld is filled w ith dream crush ers an d idea slayers. It takes ten acity to boldly pursue a sin gin g career an d proceed w ith out seize. Th e passion to con quer th e w orld th rough m usic forces on e to aim h igh an d be prepared to rise above an y obstacles in th e quest to be a great artist. Th e w orld n eeds all types of voices an d Fran ceska Dw arica is h arm on iously scalin g h er w ay on a m usical journ ey to th e top. Education is a m ust an d th e degree Fran ceska w ill earn Decem ber 2016 from th e Un iversity of Green sboro in Green sboro, North Carolin a, w ill on ly culm in ate h er ability to set goals an d m aster th em . A dream is a beautiful picture of th e future th at in vigorates your m in d, body an d soul. Fran ceska?s dream of bein g n ot on ly a college graduate, but a sin gin g sen sation h as em pow ered h er to do everyth in g in h er w ill to m ake h er dream s h appen . Sh e is prepared in tern ally an d h as th e vision to see h erself surroun ded by m usical n otes th at give voice to h er th ough ts about love, life an d th e ch ase of h appin ess. Fran ceska un derstan ds th at an yth in g an d everyth in g is possible w h en you surroun d yourself w ith people w h o in spire you an d push you forw ard. Ultim ately th e on ly ?yes? sh e n eeds in life to follow h er dream s is th e ?yes? sh e gives h erself. Th e pow er to create an d in fluen ce th e w orld th rough m usic is in h er an d sh e is destin ed for success. Th e soun d of h er dream s does beat like a beautiful m elody in h er soul, h er passion sh in ed brigh t as sh e sh ared th is dyn am ic in terview for BOLD Favor: Fran ceska Dw arica Born : April 23, 1994

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Qu est i o n : Eth n icity: Puerto Rican , Gren adian an d Eastern In dian . Hom etow n : Fayetteville, North Carolin a W h en d i d y ou f al l i n l ov e w i t h si n gi n g? As lon g as I can rem em ber, I?ve kn ow n h ow to sin g an d dan ce. But as I got grew up, I got m y con fiden ce in m y talen ts by th e positive reaction s th at I received. Th ey becam e m y craft th at I kn ow in gly an d un kn ow in gly practiced. H ow d i d y ou bu i l d t h e cou r age t o l eav e t h e "t r ad i t i on al p at h " an d w al k y ou r f ai t h jou r n ey t o ex p l or e y ou r p assi on f u l l t i m e? I h ave n ot com pletely left th e ?tradition al path ? to w alk m y faith journ ey. I w ill be graduatin g Fall 2016 from th e Un iversity of North Carolin a at Green sboro w ith a BS in Busin ess an d Econ om ics. I like th at sch ool builds disciplin e an d you n eed disciplin e to be an artist.Th e courses th at I take h elp m e develop as an en trepren eur. I am curren tly utilizin g m y degree?s resources by bran din g m yself as an artist an d startin g a m usical partn ersh ip w ith m y team . H ow h av e r el at i on sh i p s h el p ed y ou br an ch ou t ? An d h ow d i d y ou l ev er age t h ose r el at i on sh i p s t o d o ot h er t h i n gs? Relation sh ips are very im portan t w h en tryin g to grow as an artist. W h en m eetin g people, I alw ays try to leave th e door open because you n ever kn ow w h en som eon e can h elp you or vice versa. Buildin g relation sh ips h as given m e th e ch an ce to bran ch out an d perform in differen t areas. Atten din g even ts, I h ave h ad th e ch an ce to m eet artists,

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Tw o years ago, m y colleague an d I started th is project called ?G.I.R.L.S Un ited? as a w ay to give youn g girls in co-curricular program s a w ay to express in dividuality. G.I.R.L.S stan ds for Girls In n ovatin g Real Leadersh ip Skills. Our m ission is to em pow er girls at a very im pression able stage in th eir lives (8-13 years old), in stillin g a h igh er level of con fiden ce th at w ill h elp th em in th eir social in teraction s, ultim ately en h an cin g th eir ability to be a w ell-roun ded leader. Located in Green sboro, NC., th e talen ts of n earby un iversities are in corporated in to th e curriculum . W h en y ou m u st "t r av el l i gh t ", w h at ar e y ou r m u st h av es? A ch an ge of cloth es, m y m on ey an d m y m usic! I alw ays keep m y m usic on h an d! I n ever kn ow w h en it?s go tim e. I also like to brin g an open m in d. I n ever kn ow w h at or w h o I w ill run in to, but th ere is alw ays som e kn ow ledge I can learn alon g th e w ay. W h at ar e y ou r f av or i t e set t i n gs/ au d i en ces w h en y ou si n g? I like all settin gs. I feel th at in every settin g th ere is a differen t approach th at you can h ave w ith th e audien ce. I like bein g able to take advan tage of th e differen t settin gs an d m oods I can express th rough m y son gs. Th ey give m e th e opportun ity to im pact th e audien ce in un ique an d gen uin e w ays. W ays th at are m ore person ally geared tow ards th em . Perform in g at th e sch ools w ith th e kids. W h at w as y ou r f av or i t e au d i en ce t o d at e an d w h y ? I like bein g able to perform for teen agers an d kids. I en joy bein g able to give th em positive w ords an d in spire th em . I w an t th em to kn ow th at th ey really can do an yth in g th ey w an t to Page 47 46

do. I h ave a ch an ce to m ake a really big differen ce in th eir th ough t process. Th ey m igh t h ave goals th at th ey aren ?t con fiden t in , but th ey n eed to kn ow th at an y goal is attain able. An d bein g th at th ere m in ds are precious at th ese ages, I can really be a factor th at ch an ges th at n egative m in dset in to a positive on e. W h o d o y ou con si d er t o be y ou r m en t or (s)? W h at h av e t h ey t au gh t y ou ? God an d m y paren ts h ave been th e stren gth of m y career. W ith th e grace, kn ow ledge, an d m ercy th at h as been sh ieldin g m e m y w h ole life, I h ave been able to succeed in accom plish in g m an y great th in gs w ith m ore to com e. Th ey h ave taugh t m e th at all th in gs are possible w ith dedication an d good in ten tion s. If y ou h ad i t al l t o d o ov er agai n ... get t i n g st ar t ed i n y ou r car eer , w h at w ou l d y ou d o d i f f er en t l y ? Of course I w ould w an t to say th at if I could do it again , I w ould start early but w h o kn ow s if I w ouldn ?t h ave been ready for it. At th e en d of th e day, God h as put m e th rough every m om en t th at I h ave en dured for a reason . So I w ill say th at I w ould n ot do an yth in g over again . Everyth in g th at I h ave been th rough h as built m e to be th e artist I am today an d th e artist I w ill be in th e future. W h at 's com i n g u p n ex t f or y ou ? W h at 's i n t h e p i p el i n e? I am curren tly w orkin g on m y EP. Th is w ill sh ow case m y soun d an d versatility as an artist. To keep up w ith Fran ceska, you can search h er on Soun d Cloud. Visit w w w .soun / 1fran ceska

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Look to the mountains of N orth Carolina for a refreshing and revitalizing weekend get-away. In turn of the 20th century Asheville, N C the mountain air was thought to have remedial properties, and in current day, the effect is still operative and kicks in at the higher altitudes. For a truly elevated experience you must try Asheville, N C?s remarkable Bunn H ouse (

M o u n t ai n Get -A w ay : A sh ev i l l e, NC?s Rem ar k ab l e Bu n n Ho u se By Cathy H. Burroughs

Asheville, NC?sBunn House ? Hospitality Reinvented W ith its exposed brick honoring the original 1905 brick maker/owner Albert Bunn and the newest owner?s seamless virtual reservation service, T he Bunn H ouse thrills us with its impeccable restoration, slew of surprises, complementary and imaginative goodies, high end everything done with gusto, wit, sophistication and a dash of brilliance. Both traditional and contemporary, T he Bunn H ouse elevates all notions of the classic bed and

Travel, Adventure & Luxury THEBUNNHOUSE breakfast; combining historic charm with a heady mix of cutting edge luxury and innovation. As you enter the magnificent, elegant, and mysterious (because you may never actually meet the management) lobby area and proceed to your guest room, you?ll begin to feel the

Cathy H. Burroughshaswritten for a variety of publicationsincludingT he Washington Post, T he Baltimore Sun and People Magazine. She currently writesabout travel and the artsand coversthe SE for Backstage Magazine. She isdelighted to be a regular contributor to BOLD Favor Magazine. Page 49 48

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heartfelt Italian try not to miss the newly opened renovated church with its homemade fresh daily pasta and nourishing, flavorful soups, breads and desserts (wittily called ?Amens?) at the neighboring and neighborly Chiesa (

T hings to D o and See From the Bunn H ouse, you?re just a block or so away from Asheville?s Visitors Center and really outstanding Grayline Trolley Tours ( M att, our guide, with his entertaining patter and impressive knowledge of every architectural and historical nuance of the ?Paris of the South? had us captivated. For a splurge, stay an extra night in the midst of all things Vanderbilt at the festive Biltmore Inn ( which captures the Biltmorean aesthetic beautifully. By all means while there you must do the Biltmore H ouse ( It is one of the Gilded Age?s most memorable and America?s most remarkable historic homes with miles of cascading gardens and take a night-time drive or the wonderful late night candlelight tour. Be sure to also amble through the no less beguiling N C Arboretum Gardens ( with reasonable entrance, live music, hot chocolate, interactive exhibits and crafts that will cap off your Asheville adventure sublimely. T he Bunn H ouse 15 Clayton Street Asheville, N C (828) 333-8700 Bunn H ouse Boutique H otel Downtown Asheville N C We?ve lain out a foolproof itinerary, but one of the joys of travel is to allow for new finds and unexpected encounters. So enjoy Asheville! If other mountain hideaways call, try the tres romantique Old Edwards Inn and Spa ( in the charming town of H ighlands, N C.

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