BOLD Pittsburgh

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BOLD Pittsburgh It’s our �irst issue!

Pittsburgh You Shine!

I Kayaked the river this summer. It was a great way to see the city. I have viewed the skyline from every angle but the rivers. Oh and airplane. But the Inclines and Mountain and even the spectacular views from all the major highways into the city. I lived in other cities and I lived in the country where there was no highways, no exhaust and a whole lot of trees. But everytime I see the Pittsburgh Skyline I know that this is a great place to live. That is the main idea of BOLD Pittsburgh. We have fun. We love the city and we want to show what there is to do. Where to eat, drink, dance and have fun. Things to see, people to meet and generaly the things that make this place so great. BOLD Pittsburgh was originally a dating blog that never got published. I wanted to help people meet and learn about relationships. I wanted people to go out and know where to show that someone special a great night. I wrote about 10 pieces for it and never hit the publish button. I sat on it for a year. No one ever saw it; not sure anyone ever will. But as I was writing those pieces and telling people this is what I wanted to do more people wanted to see it. Then one night as I was frustrated with both of my jobs I knew it was time to make my dreams a reality. I always wanted to work for a magazine. Since I was a teenager I read magazines like Cosmopolitan and Vogue. I liked the pictures and articles. I wanted this bad. As I went through art school I gave up on my writing and focused on being an artist. When I was introduced to blogging a few years ago I got back into writing. Anyways I thought about sending my resume to every single magazine in Pittsburgh or anywhere else I could go. Then I thought do I really want to work for someone else? No. After all this time I want to be my own boss. I want to work with people I adore. I want this to be fun. I want to share. I want to meet new people and shake hands. I want people to read this while they get there hair done or on the T. I want people to read how fun this city is to live in. So here is the �irst issue of BOLD Pittsburgh. I have been planning this issue since October and I would like to thank my wonderful friends who wrote and became to be a permanent part of my dream. There was some late nights, gallons of coffee and a new love of Evernote more then we will ever know. But here it is, and this is just the beginning. I might touch on the gems that people know or I may introduce you to something new, but this is my homage to this city.

Amanda Narcisi Chief Editor

In this Issue

Contributors Amanda Narcisi

Chief Editor Layout Designer @alnarcisi

Neighborhoods AdventureBurgh Cocktail & Food Dining in the Burgh Entertainment in the Burgh Bar in the Burgh Guest Writing Dating in the Burgh Fitness and Fashion Fun and Final

Amanda Cooney

Co-Chief Editor Adventureburgh @spots87

Jenn Pizzuto

Co-Chief Editor Snark Princess


Steve Fernald

Editor support Food Master @Stevefernald

Joshua M. Patton

Guest Writer Eternal Antagonist @JoshuaMPatton

Contact Us BOLDPittsburgh @Boldpgh

BOLD Neighborhood

Pittsburgh had one heck of a year while we were planning our �irst issue. Some of our contributors wanted to share some of our fun times. In the future issues this spot will highlight a neighborhood that is doing BOLD things.



By: Amanda Cooney

AdventureBurgh Hi there! I am Amanda and I have a confession to make. If you met me, you would think that I am a pretty outgoing and uninhibited person. However, despite my lively nature, I have always been one of those people who gets into a routine and never really feels comfortable straying away from their day-to-day patterns. My ideal day would go: wake up, get ready, go to work, then come home after 8-9 hours, watch TV alone in my apartment, then go to bed. Sounds sad, but I liked it because it was comfortable and predictable. Back on New Years Day in 2012, I made it my goal - a resolution, if you will - to try more things. Slowly but surely I started getting out once in a while to do some �itness activities with some friends. I was learning how to box and attending Zumba classes once a week. A few bumps in the road came along and I had to cease activities and ended up spending the rest of the year like the previous one - wake up, work, sleep. In early 2013, I was invited to a party for a friend to celebrate her upcoming weight loss surgery. The party was at a bar across town, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to make the trek in the snow, but I did. AND I HAD FUN! I made some new friends and started going out weekly. This is ultimately what helped me break out of my shell. Around the same time, I was asked by some co-workers if I wanted to join them in signing up for a 5K run in May. I was really hesitant; I was never any good at running in high school and if you told high school me that I was going to be running a 5K I would have laughed in your face. I couldn't think of a reason not to do the race and they ultimately convinced me to sign up. Then, the next thing I knew, they had also convinced me to sign up for a 10K in September! I did what everyone does in those situations; I went out and stocked up on running supplies - shoes, pants, shirts, special ear buds so I could listen to music then I kept making excuses to stay in and be a couch potato. Every week that had passed was a week closer to the race and I was not prepared. Then, one day I looked at the calendar and I had 2 weeks to prepare. In a last-ditch effort, I "trained" 3 times a week until the race. The morning of the 5K race started early; well, early for me. I packed my bag with my iPhone, a banana, a granola bar, and some water. I hitched a ride to the South Side T Station from my mom, paid the attendant, and rode the train to the North Side where hoards of people gathered outside PNC Park to prepare for the race. The weather was gorgeous and couldn't have been any better the sun was shining and the temperature was just right. Despite the perfect weather, was really nervous and tons of "what ifs" were going through my head. "What if I don't �inish?", "What if I get a cramp and can't get back?", "What

if I can't run fast enough and they tell me I have to get off the road because they have to open it back up?!" The race was about to start and there was no backing out at this point. My friends from work met up with me and we got in line to start the race. The race started on a somber note - the Boston marathon bombings occurred a few weeks prior to the Pittsburgh Marathon activities. It was nice to see that despite of the tragedy that happened, thousands of runners were still lined up to participate! The National Anthem was sung, the starting gun went off and it was showtime. My fears had subsided after we got past the �irst mile, the remaining 2.1 miles were a breeze. Veteran runners will tell you that your biggest obstacle is your mind, and they're right; once we started going I didn't want to stop (mostly because I don't think that I could start again if I stopped). While I was running I started to think about how I wanted to start living my life - I want to continue to be active and not be afraid of things that I have never tried. We crossed the �inish line in under an hour - which was really my only goal other than not �inishing dead last. A feeling of relief had washed over me and I felt like I could do anything! The next day, not so much - every muscle in my body ached and I screamed inside with every step. But all things considered, I was really glad I signed up! Since May, I have participated in two other races the Pittsburgh Great Race 10K run and the Mario Lemieux Foundation's 6.6K race. I plan on signing up for more races in the spring - which is something that I didn't think I wanted to do, but I really do! I also intend to get into more activities that pre-2012 Amanda wouldn't do. My ultimate goal is to try something new each month and share it with you, BOLD Pittsburgh readers. I have some really interesting activities planned over the next few months. I also welcome you to share some ideas for my upcoming adventures on Twitter @BoldPGH and Facebook #AdventureGirl. I hope you will follow me while I go on my adventures, but buckle your seat - this is only the beginning!

"What if I don't �inish?"

Want to help adventure girl try something new? If you have an idea of something new for us to try tweet us @BoldPgh or email us at Amanda can’t wait to try something new.

Cocktail& Food Apple Martini What you will need:

Caramel sauce Spiced rum Apple Pucker Apple cider or juice Apple slice

Apples & Pork Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin Medallions: You will need: Pork Tenderloin Bacon Salt and Pepper (to taste) ¼ c Butter, softened 4 oz. Goat Cheese

Sauce (all measurements to taste): Barbecue Sauce Sweet Chili Sauce Apple Cider Brown Sugar Apple Rice: Soy Sauce 1 Apple (your choice) Teriyaki Sauce 2 Tbsp butter Worcestershire Sauce 6 oz. Apple Cider Sriracha Sauce 3 oz. Spiced Rum Honey 1 ¼ c Minute Rice (white) Directions: Slice pork tenderloin into two inch thick medallions and wrap with bacon; to hold the bacon in place, use a toothpick. Season each side with salt and pepper. Set your oven to broil with the rack on the second setting from the top – but don’t put it in yet. Now, I’m going go through the steps of all the other things that make this dish so awesome. The �irst thing you will want to do is take a half a stick of room temperature butter and wrap it with goat cheese. Once you have molded the goat cheese around the butter, place it in cling wrap and roll into a log. Place in the freezer to harden. Now for the sauce. I like to use honey barbecue sauce as a base, but you can use any kind – no wrong

What to do: Drizzle the inside of a martini glass with caramel sauce. In an iced-�illed shaker, pour 3.5 oz. of spiced rum (any spiced rum will work well, but I like to use Captain Morgan), 1 oz. of Apple Pucker, and 2 oz. of apple cider or juice. Shake thoroughly and strain into the martini glass. Garnish with an apple slice and enjoy!

answers here. Pour the barbecue sauce into a bowl and add the apple cider, brown sugar, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, Worcestershire sauce, sriracha, honey, and sweet chili sauce. When you do this it is all to taste and could be different every time. After you get the �lavor you’re looking for, pour it in a sauce pan. Heat the mixture until it is warm. Using a colander, strain your sauce into a bowl and set aside. Ok, I hope you are still with me, this next part is easy. Dice your apple – I prefer Granny Smiths, but again, use what you like. Place in a sauce pan with 2 tablespoons of butter, 6 oz. of apple cider, and 3 oz. of Spiced Rum (I use Captain Morgan). Bring this to a boil and add 1 ¼ cup of minute rice. Stir a few times to mix together, cover and set off to the side to let the rice do its thing. All right yinz, let’s put this amazing dish together. Cook the pork for about 7 minutes on each side, basting with the sauce. Flip and baste it two more times, cooking it for 2 minutes per side each time. After 18 minutes your pork should be done; well, almost. Remember the goat cheese and butter? Slice off about 1/3 of an inch and place on top of each medallion. Slide the slice around until it starts to melt all over that awesome pork. Place the medallions on a plate and pour some of that sweet and spicy sauce you made over top of it. add a spoon full of the apple rice on the side. Boom! You now have an amazing, affordable dinner for two people and it only takes about an hour or less. Well… maybe more – it depends on how you handled the Spiced Rum situation since there is still bout 22 oz left in that bottle. I drink when I cook, and I feel if there is booze in the food, there should be booze in the cook.

Dining In DahBurgh

Shiloh Grill

For the �irst issue of BOLD Pittsburgh’s restaurant review I have picked the Shiloh Grill located at 123 Shiloh St. in scenic Mt. Washington. Now the only view from the Shiloh Grill of the city is if you lean off the front deck and look down towards Grandview Ave, or from the back windows of the banquet room you can see the South Side Slopes and the glow of Carson St. I have a few reasons for making this the �irst review most are personal that yinz don’t need to really worry about, but what yinz do need to know is that this isn’t you parents Shiloh Inn (Its former name). The Shiloh Grill is still the brown barn-looking, spooky, dim restaurant that it has always been bit with a new up beat youthful vibe of American food with a twist. The Shiloh also offers a great beer selection with 17 taps and 15 of them rotate every barrel. The Shiloh grill also offers a great cocktail menu that is quite extensive with crafted cocktails with some pretty interesting �lavors. Now let’s discuss the “twist”. The twist is that if you are a complete prude or have no sense of humor this is NOT the place for you. Some of the Menu items have some very interesting names and descriptions. For one there is a wing sauce with the name of Big Gay Al’s Strawberry Chipotle BBQ, which is sweet and tangy with a bit of a pop on the back side. Along with those is the Colombian Gum Nummers, of course the 1980’s cocaine reference, but these

damn things are hot. My personal favorite and will also make you regret your life choices in the morning is the Dry Rubbed Jamaican Jerk tossed in the Gum Nummer sauce. There are a few more wing sauces available as well and all orders come in six. So now that we have an idea of what the Shiloh Grill is about, let’s go through some of the other things that they have to offer. There are several things on the menu that everyone can �ind to tickle their fancy. From some “Fun Things to Put in Your Mouth” (Appetizers) like the Britney Spears with 2 dipping sauces (grilled chicken tenders on a stick), to the burgers and sandwiches like the “Thanksgiving in Blawnox” (turkey burger with sage, cranberries, and stuf�ing all mixed together on a bun with rosemary aioli). There are several other great items in the appetizers and sandwiches that are great and tasty to just satisfy your hunger. Probably the most sought after, tastiest things that the Shiloh Grill has to offer is, what I like to “call crack for fat people”, the Mac n Cheese. Now this isn’t the stuff from the blue box, it’s smooth,

Dining In DahBurgh

EntertainmentIn DahBurgh

rich, creamy, awesome goodness with spiral pasta. You can have it plain or with lobster and crab meat. I suggest that you have it with a Hanger steak prepared to a perfect medium rare and marinated. Another fan favorite that only comes around in the fall and winter is the Pork Shank Redemption that is served with mashed potatoes and green beans and a sweet bourbon glaze. For an up charge, you can do the Shank over top the Mac n Cheese; major food-gasm. They also have a great selection of brews that will pair well with your meal. I always feel welcome when I walk in; as if it is my local pub around the corner. The beer is always changing, the cocktails are tasty, and my Jameson is always neat. The Shiloh Grill has a lot of great daily specials: Tuesday’s are Bacon Night with free baskets of bacon at the bar from 7 pm until the kitchen closes; Happy Hour is Monday through Friday from 5 to 7 pm for half off drafts, frozen Cosmo’s, and wings; Brunch on Sunday is from 10 am to 2pm. Sunday Brunch includes an omelet station, some brunch staples like sausage and bacon, bagels, pastries, and a bunch of other treats that rotate in and out. I highly suggest that you make a trip up to the Mount and stop in The Shiloh Grill for a bit. Belly up to the bar or grab a table for some supper. In the nice weather relax on the deck and shoot the shit with friends over a few beverages of choice and some munchies to pad the belly for the fabulous cocktails that will put you at ease.

By: Steve Fernald

Check out Shiloh Grill 123 Shiloh Street Pittsburgh, PA 15211 412-431-4000

Terra Lane

2010 burst from its gate wielding a particularly harsh, snow laden winter. I was found myself at a personal crossroads--and at a temp job. I was working as a content writer for Dick's Sporting Goods, churning out copy for their eCommerce department. The task of all of the writers who had been assembled (on a contractual basis, of course) was to produce copy until eyes melted and oozed from their sockets in a cascading surge of insipid product details. Enter, one Tarra Layne. Tarra was a writer of copy by day; what the mentally denegrading work did not kill formed the seeds of her after hours masterpieces. Tarra was a singer and song writer...and a damn good one. The passion with which she spoke of her songs made me eager to hear them. Tarra had something I'd never before experienced...a presence. I knew then, as I know now, that she was going to make it. Fast forward four years. I attended her farewell party at Jergel's in Warrendale, which was a co wet that she headlined. She's released albums. She's made music videos. My friend, Tarra, is on iTunes. Two of her albums, Introducing Tarra Layne and The Yellow Couch Sessions are on constant loop in my car. Tarra's a Burgh chick with a wild hair and an even wilder voice. She can hit notes that would make Christina Aguilera jealous as she �lits from bluesy tunes to hard rocking, chill-inducing vocals. Tarra is currently relocating to LA...because now that she has disavowed the corporate environment and chosen to pursue her talent full time, where else would she go? This is the classic story of a super star on the rise. I'm calling this right now, on behalf of Bold Pittsburgh. We wholeheartedly support our home town girl and will root for her as she attains her inevitable rocks tar status. Because it's always awesome to watch the rise of a local chick with amazing talent who is, most importantly, a kind person. Who says that nice girls �inish last??

By: Jenn Pizzuto

BarIn DahBurgh


In the 21st Block of South Side there is an old wooden door with an “A” screened inside a freemason symbol. Housed behind the door is the largest Whiskey list I have ever seen. Regions all over the world divided a Five-page menu of rare and common Whiskey, Bourbon, and Scotch. The gentlemen behind the bar were dressed to match the décor. It reminded me of a speakeasy, as if I needed a password for a double on the rocks. Newsie caps and tight vests wile the classic 20’s era music roared. There was enough seating down the bar for about 15. A few booths lined the opposite wall. There are back rooms with more seating, both were dark on this evening. The main room was dimly lit just to add to the ambiance. I visited Acacia twice in one week. A Tuesday and Friday late night. Of coarse the Tuesday night in South side is a lot different then a Friday night. Tuesday was quiet, I was able to enjoy the cocktail more. Friday night was considerably busier, however I did not have to �ight for a seat at the bar. It was a different kind of crowd then in the other bars in South Side. We all can admit that every bar in South Side has a different crowd and a different vibe.

Acacia has an amazing cocktail list that has a selection of their best Liquor. First I tried an R&R Velvet Fog. I have a weakness for Grand Marnier so it was perfect. Black Strap Rum, Rye, Grand Marnier, Benedictine and Champagne. Delicious was an understatement. It was smooth, rich, and powerful. The mixture of the rum and champagne made it tangy with the taste of Grand Marnier added a sweet aftertaste. After the R & R Velvet Fog I tried the Rosemary’s Signature. It was Old Forester Signature, lemon, Lillet, honey, Chartreuse, and Rosemary. The coolest part of this drink was when they lit it on �ire. They prepared the rink in the shaker, put in a base and lit it on �ire, they then poured the rest on top. The drink ended up being smokey, but rich and �lavorful. The key part to Acacia that I am leaving out is the way the drinks are prepared. It is a theatre show of sorts, a work of art. After you order your drink they place a glass of water down in front of you while they went to make your drink. These gentlemen in their vests and caps prepare the drinks in big silver shakers with a double-handed shakes. While South Side is �illed with horrible bartenders who haphazardly throw together a cocktail: I appreciate a great bartender who takes pride in what they make. Within a week I visited Acacia again, this time on a Friday night. Again the bar was �illed however the ambiance stayed the same. I drank this time a Tommy’s Sour and autumn’s Ghost. I also enjoyed a double of Powers 75 Irish Whiskey. This time was same as before. I ordered my drink was served a glass of water while I waited and watched the performance. The bar emptied at 2:00 am like any other Friday night. The cost of both evenings was moderate, not your average but you got what you paid for. The liquor they used was top shelf and it showed in the taste. I suggest limiting to only a few drinks here. For one they are made strong with the mixes only used lightly. Also this will save you from a receipt shock. These are sipping drinks and so you can make a few last the evening. Drink the water that was served too. Be responsible. Acacia is a unique bar that stands out on Carson

only by its atmosphere and interesting Cocktails and whiskey menu. Try each cocktail once and �ind a favorite. Return often to sample a pour of whiskey on the rocks. Acacia is great for conversation, relaxing, and enjoying your evening. I highly recommend Acacia as a hidden gem in South Side.


Outside of the really major metropolitan areas, I would imagine that it is a common feeling amongst young people in any town to feel as if they are bigger than where they are from. I grew up in Bellevue, an insular suburb just outside of Pittsburgh’s city limits. It was a town whose generational make-up was comprised of Baby Boomers and their children who didn’t move too far from home. When I was younger, I always thought I would put Bellevue and Pittsburgh behind me, moving on to places better suited to the type of life I envisioned for myself. Out of a combination of family and patriotic duty, with a dash of “wanting to feel like a man” thrown in, I joined the U.S. Army, Well more accurately, the Army Reserves. See, I wasn’t joining the military to be a soldier. It was just a way for poor kids with average grades to get college taken care of, and good for some fun summer trips to other countries like Panama, Japan, or Germany. The last war we had at that time lasted 100 hours and the enemy was routed with ease. In the spring of 1998, “War” was something from a far less civilized time. Also, the Army was a chance to get the hell out of Pittsburgh. Basic Training and my subsequent deployment to Bosnia in 1999 took me to more states and foreign countries in just over a year than I had visited in my entire lifetime. The rural, open span of the Kentucky plains outside of Fort Knox; the tiny farms outside of the post in Darmstadt Germany; the miniaturized urban sprawl (even by Pittsburgh standards) of Columbia, South Carolina a short taxi trip from Fort Jackson; and Eagle Base tucked beneath the mountains of Tuzla, Bosnia where we once experienced all four seasons in day. What I didn’t realize until I embarked on my intermittent journey was how distinctive the culture of Pittsburgh is from the rest of the country. In Basic Training, I needed to withdraw cash from my bank account in order to pay for barracks haircuts and phonecards. When I asked the Drill Sergeant where the

machine was that dispensed cash, he looked me as if I had instead asked him if the base had a spaceship. “A what, Private?” he said to me. I was nervous. The Drill Sergeants actually scared me. They weren’t allowed to hit recruits anymore, but they had �igured ways around it. I would imagine that even to this day, mouthy recruits are still body-checked into walls “accidentally.” I repeated my original question, “Drill Sergeant? I was, uh, asking where the MAC machine is, Drill Sergeant?” “What the fuck is a ‘MAC Machine, Private?” He asked. At �irst I thought this was a bit of Drill Sergeant trickery. That I would give what seemed to be the obvious answer which then would further incense this madman wearing a campaign hat. When I didn’t immediately respond, I was ordered to shut my mouth and do push-ups. It was then that one of my battlebuddies in the platoon did something very brave. “Drill Sergeant? Permission to speak?” It was a Vietnamese kid from California who slept only a few bunks away from mine in the barracks. The Drill Sergeant acknowledged him with a look. “Drill Sergeant, he’s from Pittsburgh. That’s what they call ATMs. My aunt moved there. They also call rubber bands ‘gumbands’ for some—” but he was cut off and told to push-ups as well. Years later and halfway across the country in Minnesota, I sat at a bar and told that story after the bartender there also identi�ied me as a native of the Steel City. I asked him how he knew, and he pointed to the label I had been pulling off of my beer bottle in soggy strips. “Only people I have ever seen do that have been from Western Pennsylvania.” I was even more stunned than I had been upon learning that MAC Machines weren’t MAC Machines anywhere else. It was the �irst time I realized I wasn’t bigger than where I was from, but because of where I was from, I was part of something bigger than myself. It’s good to return home, and the best way to do it is via the Parkway North. It’s my favorite view of the Pittsburgh skyline. A few weeks ago I returned from a trip to Washington D.C. where I was covering the �irst conference focused on problem-solving courts for veterans. It was the �irst time that Veteran Journal had ever sent a correspondent on the road, so the travel budget was minimal. I took the Megabus—the cheapest travel option out there—and was lucky enough to be sitting in the front row of the secondlevel of the bus, directly over the driver. As we exited the tunnel the city was splayed out before me and it was beautiful. The PPG Building—my favorite, of course—owns that view, the US Steel building merely a looming shadow behind it. I felt like I always feel

when I see that view: at home. Now that I am more than double the age I was when I �irst longed to escape this tiny metropolis, I �inally realize how much I miss it when I go. There are a hundred tiny things that bind us Yinzers together, that make us an actual community. Here you can tell someone “Kennywood is open” and receive a nod of thanks as he zips up his �ly. Everyone shares a frustration about needless amounts of one-way streets seemingly designed to bottle-neck traf�ic rather than encourage ef�icient transit, a road system which makes sense if you think about it. Pittsburgh is small enough that if we had fourlane roads, you could drive through the city in minutes. You’d miss everything. The Bridge of Sighs over the courthouse or the Transformer made of Bridges, or the random pieces of art painted on walls would be so many blurs. With counter-intuitive city-planning and copious distribution of road work, Pittsburgh forces you to slow down a bit, to take notice. It slows you down enough so that ephemeral moments can take root and grow into lasting, lifelong affection. This city gets inside of you slowly until you can’t imagine not calling it “home.”

By: Joshua M. Patton

It was the �irst time I realized I wasn’t bigger than where I was from, but because of where I was from, I was part of something bigger than myself.

Joshua M. Patton is a father, veteran, and writer living in Pittsburgh, PA. He is a regular contributor to Veteran Journal, Opposing Views, and any other place that’ll have his nonsense. His �iction serial “The Prophet Hustle” can be found on the JukePop Serials App and Website. A native Yinzer, Joshua has discovered that almost everything about the city that once annoyed him, he now �inds endearing. Except braking in the tunnels. Seriously. It’s not even cute anymore.

Dating In DahBurgh

Creative Night Out

Growing up in Pittsburgh one of the �ield trips I remember the most was to the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh on the north side of the city. Housed in the old Allegheny Post Of�ice it was small and quaint in the 80’s. To us little kids it was a new adventure every year. Years later when I moved back to Pittsburgh I never thought it would be a perfect place for a date. I mean why would you take a potential partner to a place �illed with kids? Possibly a scare tactic? What if the Children’s Museum was �illed with the smell of food, and there was wine being served, and a bunch of fun activities to make you feel like a kid again? Welcome to MAKEnight. I went to two MAKEnights; one alone and the second I decided to take a date to test out if a guy would enjoy it. I had plenty of fun alone, I enjoyed food and drink from Bar Marco met some new people and made a few pieces of cool art. I liked something new that the city had to offer and the ticket price wasn’t so bad. When I went a second time I begged my boyfriend to go and try something new. He was the conventional date guy of dinner and nightlife or movie. Never something like this. The night is 21 and over so basically you are a grown-up doing grown-up things in a kid atmosphere. We stood in line to get in with the tickets I had bought online and he looked at the �lier for the evening’s projects. There are a few things to make between the MAKEShop and the Studio. The main area of the museum is for check in and food and drink area. His face lit up as he read the �lier. “I can make a Box car?” “Yea I guess so. Looks like out of recycled materials and then you can race it,” I said. I had found his highlight of the date. The MAKEnight had offered things to do for those awkward silences but still allowed for conversation unlike a movie. That night in addition to the boxcar we made soap, a notebook, and watched others make light photos. The activities were great and the food was an even better addition. Catered by local restaurants there is just usually �inger food and lite faire to keep the atmosphere moving. Since the night is 21 and over there is wine and other selections. The night I went alone was the �irst time I get to try Wigle Whiskey. If you are look-

ing for more food beforehand or would like to start the evening off with diner, I suggest the restaurants along the North Shore. From Hyde Park to Rivertowne the price and food offers variety. If the weather is nice I suggest parking in one spot and walking, however the parking is available for the MAKEnight. By the end of the evening I had a great dinner at Hyde Park, made some cool stuff and enjoyed new experiences. MAKEnights make for great dates.

And as cheesey as it is we kept our boxcars.

Next MAKEnight is February 6, 2014 Check out Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh 10 Children’s Way Pittsburgh, PA 15212 412-322-5058

By: Amanda L. Narcisi

Fitness & Fashion

It is wintertime in the burgh but everyone thinks of summer and those cute dresses and men not huddled beneath layers of hoodies and coats. If you are in the mood for a �lat stomach and a great upper body exercise Planking is the greatest and least time consuming exercise that is the biggest craze right now. It is a great yoga move that as it is held over time for a longer amount of time it conditions your muscles to tighten to hold you up. The idea is to hold yourself up with your feet and arms. Take a push-up position and don’t move up and down. That is a full plank. A half plank is if you hold the same position but with your elbows. The idea is to hold it for a longer time each day that you do it. For Example: Day 1: 20 Seconds Day 2: 20 Seconds Day 3: 30 Seconds Day 4: 30 Seconds Day 5: 40 Seconds Day 6: Rest Day 7: 45 Seconds Day 8: 45 Seconds Day 9: 1 Minute Day 10: 1 Minute Day 11: 1 Minute Day 12: 1.5 Minute Day 13: Rest Day 14: 1.5 Minutes Day 15: 1.5 Minutes Day 16: 2 Minutes Day 17: 2 Minutes Day 18: 2.5 Minutes Day 19: Rest Day 20: 2.5 Minutes Day 21: 2.5 Minutes Day 22: 3 Minutes Day 23: 3 Minutes Day 24: 3.5 Minutes Day 25: 3.5 Minutes Day 26: Rest Day 27: 4 Minutes Day 28: 4 Minutes Day 29: 4.5 Minutes Day 30: 5 Minutes

App Shopping is my newest addiction. Basically the last few out�its and items I have bought from my phone or tablet. These are my favorites: Modcloth-Pittsburgh based Modcloth made it easy to shop for dresss, out�its, accessories and even housewares. Your information is stored and allows you to purchase with just a couple of clicks. I have bought two dresses and found that the app was easier to shop from. You can save a favorites list and even get e-mail alerts when your item goes on sale. They even sent me a free gift my last purchase. Rue LaLa-This is a different type of shopping app. Items can be designer and marked as specials everyday. My major steal was a $100.00 Men’s Shirt for only $30.00. Again it stored my information to do shopping in just a few �inger pushes. They also sent daily emails on what was a deal that day. Shopping online has become simpler then searching through a website for your item. Both can show reccomendations and get your item to you easier and faster then before.

Dear Snarky Dear Snarky,

I am about to get married in April. I'm trying to get excited about it, but I've started having panic attacks. I'm having huge doubts about marriage, which my friends are calling "cold feet." I'm only 23, yet marriage seems like the logical next step after being engaged for two years. My �iancé is a great guy and I don't want to hurt him, or lose him to someone else while I get my act together. I should be excited but I'm not. Please help.

OH Oh my... When it comes to women Blondes and Redheads are fun for a weekend. Brunettes you marry.


Dear Unsure, You know this isn’t going to work. Your gut and intuition are screaming at you. It’s not “cold feet,” it’s called “being 23.” Have you traveled to Europe yet? Have you had terrible, soul-cringingly awkward dates that are funny anecdotes at parties but, more importantly, make you feel sure that your �iancé is “the one?” Because it doesn’t sound like you’re sure. You don’t want to hurt him by stopping the wedding train. I get that. It’s scary to call it off when dresses and presents have been bought, tuxes have been rented and the liquor is ready to go (because who wants to cancel the open bar??). The pressure to go through with it is ON. But consider the long run; think about how hurt your �iancé will be in the future if you try to create a solid marriage based upon doubt? Be honest with him and yourself. If he loves you, he’ll understand that you need more time. Let yourself be young and experience the full breadth of life. Your intuition will tell you when you’re ready for married life. And he’ll wait for you if his really loves you. You’re worth it.

Are you LoveLorn? Need some advice for life? Ask Snark...

Karaoke Song of the Month

Karaoke is a great bar pastime and most hunt out nights to go and sing your heart out. When you are stuck for a song let us suggest: Paradise by the Dashboard Light by: Meatloaf

I will admit that this is my �irst choice when I go out. But it always gets a laugh and if you can �ind a partner even better.

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