Issue 3

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Issue 3

BOLD Pittsburgh


Editor’s Letter Spring has sprung in the Steel City: the sun is shining - when it isn’t pouring; I wake up every morning to birds chirping; and more importantly, Pirates baseball and the Penguin’s playoff run have started; it’s a great time to

be in Pittsburgh. Spring is one of my favorite times of the year; there is something about the longer days and warmer weather makes me feel new. I find myself coming out from under mounds of blankets and laters of clothing (not unlike a butterfly that has just emerged from its cocoon), walking outside, and feeling the warm sun against my skin and the grass beneath my feet. It’s an amazing feeling! Spring also means that summer is right around the corner and there are a lot of great activities coming up in Pittsburgh. I am thrilled to start new adventures and share my experiences with you. I hope that my explorations of our great city inspire you all to get out and have your own adventures, meet new people, and enjoy life. I also want to take this time to thank all of our readers and followers for their amazing support; this is our third issue and the responses we have gotten from you all is overwhelming and we couldn’t ask for more. We are really excited to keep bringing you entertaining and informative articles. Once again, thank you so much for your support - BOLD Pittsburgh wouldn’t be the same without you. Amanda E. Cooney BOLD Pittsburgh - Co-editor

Amanda Narcisi Chief Editor Layout Designer @alnarcisi Amanda Cooney Co-Editor Writer @spots87 Jefn Pizzuto Co-Editor Writer @snark_princess Steven Fernald Editor Support Food Master @stevenfernald Annie Fowler Guest Contributor

Contact Us BOLD Pittsburgh @BoldPgh


BOLD Pittsburgh

Contents 4&5~Lasertag with Adventureburgh 6&7~Clubbing While Older 8&9~Roundabout Brewery 10~Chrome Moses


11~The Date Detective

11~Eat Pittsburgh 12&13~Duck ~Green and Amber 14~Run ~Find the Perfect Dress


15~Dear Snarky goes Tinder

Interested in advertising in BOLD Pittsburgh? We have Media Kits available. If you are interested in us reviewing your restaurant or event or would like us to plug your event contact us. We are always looking for contributors and artists to help out.

BOLD Pittsburgh



My next adventure takes me to a place where I can image myself suiting up with the likes of Barney Stinson and having a legen – wait for it – dary evening; I am talking about Laser Tag*. I have been to different laser tag places in the past few years, and each of them seem to have their own scenarios and goals that players have to accomplish in a certain amount of time. They all, however, have just about the same idea: dark room with black lights, obstacles to hide behind splattered in neon paint, and people jumping out to shoot you with laser guns. Most recently, I visited Laser Storm which is located in a small strip mall on the south-bound side of McKnight Rd. I met a few friends there on a Sunday night earlier in the year. There is a special deal every day of the week, but Sunday happens to be ladies night where ladies of all ages pay $3 on laser tag games. The lobby is filled with arcade games including skee ball, racing games circa early 2000’s, basketball, and many others. After everyone had arrived, we approached the front desk which is filled with prizes you can get in exchange for arcade tickets. When you purchase a game of laser tag, you are given a colored token and then you wait for the color to be called. When the color is called, you line up and enter the briefing room where you pick a pack, a headset, and a gun to arm yourself. Once everyone is ready, one of the referees explains the rules of the game: no running; no swearing; no cheating; etc. He or she also tells you that there are two ways you can get points 4

BOLD Pittsburgh

Spring 2014

in this game. One way is to you aim your laser gun at the sensors located on the headsets of the people on the other team, if they are hit, their headset will light up. You can also get points by shooting a target that is hanging from the ceiling. The catch, though, is that your target is located in enemy territory. Each game is 20 minutes long and at the end you are provided individual score sheets. We were given the go-ahead and each team piled into the arena through their designated entrances. In order to start the game, each player needed to tag up on the recharge station located on the back wall of their territory. From there, everyone split up to take out the enemy. The first game was a little unorganized on our part and I ended up just shooting whomever crossed my path. However, after a little discussion while we were waiting for the second game to start, we briefly discussed our scores and strategized how we could improve. After the third game, I received a coupon for a free game for being our team’s Most Valuable Player! We were a force to be reckoned with. When we weren’t in the laser tag arena, we were playing arcade games. I was extremely excited to play skee ball as I hadn’t had the opportunity to do so in years. Let’s just say we walked out of there with a bunch of Chinese finger traps, sticky hands, bouncy balls, and foam dice. I honestly don’t remember the last time I had as much fun as I did that night at Laser Storm. I plan on going back within the next few months and I may even hold my next birthday


Spring 2014

party there. This location is one of the best that I have been to as far as the friendliness of the staff; the complexity of the rules; and most importantly the facility is great and easy to access. Laser Storm is open seven days a week and has a special every day. Birthday party offers are available and include invitations, cake, use of the Laser Tag arena, arcade tokens, and much more. If you are a manager or business leader looking for team building opportunities, Laser Storm offers packages for that too. Check out their website for details! Laser Storm 7715 McKnight Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15237 *This is a How I Met Your Mother reference; if you didn’t get it, you might be living under a rock.

By:Amanda Cooney

Do you have a fun adventure for us to take? Let us know @ BOLD Pittsburgh



Spring 2014


What happens when a few girls step out for their first clubbing night in over 10 years or ever? The best evening EVER!

AMANDA C. Growing up and attending college in the same small town, I never really had any experience with clubbing before moving to Pittsburgh. Even after moving here, when I went out I would go to a dive bar or a sports bar to watch a Pens game. My only experience with the club scene was driving through the hordes of people on my way home if the Liberty Tunnels happened to be closed. My good friends and co-editors had decided to have a girl’s night out on South Side to bond and have a good time. We arrived in rather early for a Friday night about 9 pm – and got a decent parking spot. We stopped in a sports bar to have a drink or two before heading to Diesel. I had only been to Diesel twice - both times to attend concerts. From what I had heard from others, there was a certain stereotype associated with Diesel (think Jersey Shore), so I was a little hesitant to try it out. We walked into the club and immediately approached the bar that is located opposite the dance floor. I ordered a whisky sour and had a seat on one of the couches just off to the side of the bar. At that point it was just before 11 pm and still, the place looked empty. 6

BOLD Pittsburgh

After a few drinks, people started flowing in and the next thing I knew, you couldn’t move around as freely! We danced for a few songs, talked to some people, and then decided to go to Skybar which is located above Diesel. Skybar prides itself as “Pittsburgh’s only rooftop pool and lounge - which I found fascinating in my state at that point in the night. On this brisk evening, though, the pool was covered with a glass dance floor. My friends and I reserved a private booth and ordered champagne that was brought to us by a beautiful woman named Megan - one of the bottles included some impressive pyrotechnics! From there, we drank, we danced, we bonded, and around 1 am we decided to leave and hit up Pizza Sola and our designated driver took us home. I had a really great time and I’m glad that the negative connotations with the club scene didn’t interfere with my experience. I actually found that it isn’t much different from going to other types of night life establishments; everyone that I talked to that night was really friendly and interesting in their own way. I can’t wait to have another reason to celebrate and go out again. I am definitely now spoiled because from now on I am going to have to get bottle service!


Spring 2014

JENN 6:00--Psyching myself up with “Sex and the City” reruns. Because that’s what I did in my 20’s...except, back then, I was already pre-gaming. Now I’m just snuggling with the cat and dreading the wardrobe stare-down. 6:30--Binge cleaning, aka PROCRASTINATION. That dust on the coffee table can’t stay there for another moment, even though it’s been there since...I moved in. Still dreading the wardrobe stare-down. And the hair--obviously I can’t crimp it. It’s not 1980 anymore, Toto. 7:00--Ok, I have to meet the girls at 8 and I’ll need 30 minutes of travel time. Let’s get this party started. Sigh. 7:45--Outfit selected. Cat fed. Hair is straight and sleek. I’m going to be so late and I need a make up refresh already. I’ve decided that I’m taking the Louie V out tonight! 8:10--I’m not THAT late and Amanda isn’t ready yet, anyway. We chat our venue options. Where do the kids go nowadays? The Boardwalk is closed?? Whhaaaat?! 8:40--Southside, Carson City Saloon. Ordering a vodka cranberry because it was my go-to beverage when I was 24. I was such a GIRL. 9:30--Heading to Diesel. Let’s get our dance on. I’m just buzzed enough to not care (much) about ridiculously priced beverages. Maybe it’s time to switch to whiskey. 9:40-WHERE IS EVERYONE?? It’s getting so late...let’s just watch the Pirate game. 10:30--Creepy guy hitting on me on the dance floor. His line: “Do you want to dance now or can we just skip it and make out?” Very suave, Romeo. (WHERE ARE MY GIRLS??) 11:00--We venture to the Sky Bar. I’m so over the crowded dance floor and creepers who don’t respect my space. I am NOT a piece of meat that can be handled before buying. 11:30--We all actually have jobs, which means that we have money. This also means that we can buy our OWN drinks...and we can afford the VIP box. Bring on the champagne. 12:00--Champagne’s still flowing. We chill on the dance floor when we feel like it; otherwise, we’re hanging in our VIP lounge. I love my life. 1:30--After the champagne ran it’s course, we hike it back to Amanda’s ‘hood to cap off the night at her favorite local dive with the really hot bartender. We close the bar...and bring some friends home, of course. (Wink, wink.) Was it the same as clubbing at 24? was better. We had more money and more confidence as women in our 30’s. I didn’t care about meeting men. I didn’t want anyone to buy me a drink. I wanted to dance with my friends and that’s exactly what I did. I bonded with my sisters and laughed more that night than I had in weeks. Clubbing isn’t about the show anymore--it’s about the ability to walk into a room, act like I own it, and not feel the need for external validation. I’m no longer an insecure girl in my 20’s. I’m a confident in my 30’s and loving every minute of it.

AMANDA N. In my early 20’s my favorite thing to do in Pittsburgh was to go clubbing. Every Friday night we dressed in jeans and halter tops, boots and our hair all done up. It was the early 2000’s and the place to go was the Strip District. Fast forward to now and while it is only 14 years later a lot has changed. I couldn’t think of leaving my local bar with a jukebox for some huge club with a bunch of younger guys and gals and an over zealous DJ. Also where do we go now? The Strip District is no longer the spot it was with Banana Joes, Bar Pittsburgh, and the Boardwalk. Station Square isn’t the happening place either anymore. We used to have Matrix, which was four clubs in one. Now Station Square is great for dinner and sight seeing and that is about it. Dancing still exists in a few places, but not as ample as before. Back then we went in search of a fun night. WE wanted to get drunk, dance all night and hit on men. Now it was different; we were in search of research. I had lots to celebrate, but getting drunk and picking up men was no longer an option. But where do we now go in Pittsburgh to dance and have a good time? My girls and I ventured to South Side, which before was reserved for crawls and band nights. We first went into Carson City Saloon but that seemed to be more of a sports bar. After one drink we moved on to Diesel where we knew there was dancing. However we were the ONLY ones dancing. This wasn’t early, before I didn’t leave the house until 10:00. Since when did the clubs not pick up until 11:30? Tonight was the norm; No one on the floor till 11:30 and even closer to 12:00. However we decided to stay and dance and have a few drinks. Shortly after midnight we proceeded to the adjoining bar: SKYBAR. Once we climbed the stairs to the roof I saw something I never saw in my 20’s club scene, a classy dance club. The dance floor was all glass over water. A fire bed was off to the other side. Against the left wall was this cabana like rooms with couches and tables. The right wall housed the bar. That is where we ventured first to order drinks. What happened next is the moment that was really different then my 20’s. My friend footed the bill for the private cabana. I pitched in on the second bottle. After Megan had brought our flaming bottle of champagne we toasted. We toasted success. We celebrated new jobs, money and our own form of power. By the time the evening ended (back at my local bar) I was on cloud nine realizing my 30’s toasted success. BOLD Pittsburgh 7


Roundabout Brewery


BOLD Pittsburgh

Spring 2014 It’s been a long day and you want, nay, need at least four beers in the privacy of your own home. Stepping into a bar to take out a six-pack is becoming the only viable course of action as you walk further from your car which is parked illegally on Butler Street. The bad news is bars have people in them. Lots of people. People who are having a better day than you and (clearly) get off work at a more reasonable time. The good news is, you have managed to cultivate a knack for finding the take-out beer fridge in any bar in under thirty seconds in the same way that a claustrophobic can find possible exit routes. There’s another way, and you’ll need a growler. About: Roundabout Brewery is a complete diamond in an already shining Lawrenceville. The front of the brewery has a very industrial feel about it which continues as you walk up a wooden ramp to reach the side door. When you step inside, the smell of beer seduces you into walking over to the simple, functional bar. I use the word ‘seduce’ not because it is a more interesting form of ‘beckon’ or ‘tempt’, but because it is the most precise word for this situation. You’ll see. There are two different ways to take home some brew at Roundabout: The Growler: a growler is a 64 oz. container. At Roundabout, you can buy an empty one for only $4.00 and fill it for well under $20.00. You may reuse your growler as well every time you return to Roundabout. The Round: a round is a 32 oz. container. At Roundabout, you can buy an empty one for only $3.00 and this will cost you under $10.00 to fill. Like the growler, bring it back for re-fills. It is also important to note that you do not need to buy a growler from Roundabout in order for them to fill it. They accept growlers from other breweries as well. Growlers and rounds are a great way to enjoy fresh, new, local beers and know that they taste the way the brewery intended them to.


The Beers: The beers offered are written on a chalk board to the left of the taps and have a short description of taste and ingredients for each beer. Dyana, one of the owners, suggests that I try each beer. Now, I was raised to believe that when someone points at a beer list and genuinely wants you to try all of them, one of two things has just happened: 1.) You are now having a good day, try the beers. Do it. You win. 2.) You have died (sorry), but have been very good (congrats). I start with the first on the list and just work my way down: My favorite is the Ginga Wheat (which I bought a growler of to take home). This beer is very refreshing and a complete journey of flavor: ginger, honey, then a touch of lemon. The ginger is definitely the primary flavor in the beer, which makes sense as it took 28 pounds of ginger to make it. The honey is locally sourced out of Aliquippa and adds a very welcome spring-like quality. Another favorite on tap is the Hyer-PA. This IPA has to be the culprit of the heavenly smell in the building. The flavor is an eclectic and wonderful mix of grapefruit, pine, and hops. The hops themselves are sourced from both the US and New Zealand, a fact I found to be romantic as the owners (husband and wife) are from a small town north of Detroit (Steve) and Christchurch, New Zealand (Dyana). The Irish Coffee Stout is dry and distinct. It tastes a lot like what the name would suggest. The coffee flavor is strong without being overwhelming and the delicate note of vanilla counters the bold coffee taste in a way that makes it uniquely balanced and perfect for a cold, spring evening. The Rusted Route Amber Ale is a great beer to enjoy with literally anything or anyone. It’s an easy beer with a great malty and caramel flavor. There is also a slight woodiness about the beer that comes from the Polish

Spring 2014

Marynka hops. I couldn’t leave without a growler of this one as well. The Roundabout Stout is a great, classic take on stout beer. It has a smooth and rich ‘roasty’ flavor from the roasted barley and has a clean and somewhat refreshing finish. This is as good as a stout can get and is definitely worth a try. In the queue for the brewery is the Trompe le Monde which will be a Belgian golden strong beer. One of which I am sure I will come back for. Location and Hours: Roundabout is located at 4901 Butler Street and their hours are Wednesday through Friday 4:30pm-9:00pm, Saturday 12:00pm-9:00pm, and Sunday 11:00am1:00pm. The brewery is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.

By:Annie Fowler BOLD Pittsburgh



Chrome Moses is a home-grown trio of Burgh boys who describe their eclectic, energetic sound as being tinged with “a 50’s groove and a 60’s swagger.” The band is enjoying a rapidly growing fan base; we had a chat with band member TJ Connolly, who have us the lowdown about the history--and future--of Chrome Moses. 1. Give us some backstory on the band. What inspires you? [Band mate] Joey and I have been friends since high school. We’ve played music together for about that long, which is over 15 years now. Chrome Moses is a band that we’ve always loved to play in. The music has a natural energy and the three-piece rock thing is something we have always enjoyed. 2. Describe your sound in three words. Rock, and, roll. 3. What is one random fact that fans MUST know about the band? A random fact that all Moses fans must know: our van’s GPS is named Derrick and he has the voice of Borat. For real.

10 BOLD Pittsburgh

Spring 2014

4. Tell us about the best show you’ve ever played. We’ve just played the Thunderbird Cafe, we love it there. We had a great turn out and a lot of our fans felt like dancing. The crowd stayed until 1 a.m. to party with us. We know people are busy, so it’s great that they share those wee hours with us. It really means a lot. 5. Why spend a Friday night with Chrome Moses? Spend a Friday night with us because we are simply a three-piece rock and roll band. I think that’s refreshing to a lot of people. There are no synthesizers or computers on stage. We have no gimmicks or shtick. There aren’t 10 band members with a bunch of effect pedals. Just three people who really love music, and have been playing it for most of our lives. I think that comes across to the audience. Chrome Moses’ next Pittsburgh show is on May 30 at the Park House in the North Side. It’s acceptable to stalk them on Twitter (@ChromeMoses), Spotify, iTunes and on their YouTube channel.

By:Jen Pizzuto


Spring 2014



The Date Detective


I want to do a million things on my days off but when it’s actually time to plan them (or if someone asks me what I want to do--on a date, for example) I can’t think of ONE. My lack of imagination and foresight always leads me to the same haunts in dreadfully boring, almost Groundhog Day-style. Dullsville.

The greatest day date in North Hills is spending the day in North Park. There is golf, batting cages, and walking and biking trails. They even have a new zip-line park. But it lacked one thing for all these years: Places to eat. Other then a few small dinerlike eats, you had to travel away from the park for lunch or dinner. Then OTB opened a local in the Boathouse. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner and has outdoor seating. Serving items from Bagel sandwiches (they have many) to their burgers which they boast about. Their Menu is fun and bike themed with lots of Pittsburgh themed names. They even include a kids menu for the young bikers. For lighter fare there is a many salads to choose from. They have beers on tap to offer for a windown or great top off to the meal during a date meal. Their claim to fame in South Side is being a Bicycle Cafe which means they are right at home at the Boathouse in North Park because it is usually the stopping point for walking and biking around the 5-mile trail. So to top off your North Park Date day try OTB Over the Bar in the Boathouse.

Enter one “Date Detective” and her sage blog of knowledge. This chick does her homework. Gone are the days of needless stress about planning a date that is both original and not sickeningly cheesy. DD provides suggestions for dates that can accommodate and thrill every personality type. Want Old Hollywood romance? DD outlines the perfect “Roman Holiday in Pittsburgh” outing. Seeking adventure? There’s a post that provides info about epic treks to the Laurel Mountains, or simply a guide to kayaking. Just want to drink? DD covers that, too, with her Brewery Tour Guide. Reading this blog and all of the exciting ideas will inspire immediate action...and unforgettable dates. Romance is not guaranteed but it’s strongly implied. Businesses that want to engage in some brilliant self-promotion will want to register with the Date Detective and invite our fair blogger to experience their establishments, which may lead to future blog posts. The rest of us will benefit from her array of experiences and suggestions to enjoy the perfect date. Romance implied. Visit to plan the adventure.

Want a Blog Featured? Let us know!

By:Jen Pizzuto

10301 Pearce Mill Road Allison Park, PA 15101 724-940-5000

By:Amanda Narcisi BOLD Pittsburgh 11

Yinzer Kitchen

12 BOLD Pittsburgh

Spring 2014

By: Steve Fernald

Food and Cocktails

Spring 2014


Hey, So Yinz like Duck?? Oh I really hope so. I have a great duck recipe that will knock your socks off. It involves a few duck breasts, espresso, chocolate, a little bit of oil and, of coarse, a pan.

So you have two duck breast for dinner. All you want to do is rub them and coat them in ground espresso and shaved chocolate. Then after that, you want to pan sear them for 10 minutes fat side down on a medium heat. While doing that you can make your side dishes to go with dinner. After 10 minutes on the fat side down, take Duck out of the pan and rinse and wipe the pan clean before placing the pan back on the burner on a medium heat. Once wiped and clean and back on a medium heat and the pan is warmed, place the duck breast back into the pan non-fat side to finish cooking for the next ten minutes. After ten minutes, take the duck breasts off the fire an let them rest for 2 minutes. After resting, slice them down bout ¼ of a inch and lay them on a plate, you should have a perfect medium rare to enjoy with you favorite sides. I also made a plum sauce to have and pour over my duck. I had ¼ cup of sweet whit wine, ¼ cup of water, and 2-diced plums that I brought to a boil with ¼ cup of sugar. Then I let it reduce by 1/3. Then to finish the sauce I hit it with an emerson blender. Then after placing my duck I drizzled my sauce over top with ample left for dipping, on my plate with my roasted redskins and grilled asparagus.

GREEN & AMBER Ingredients 1.5 oz Ultimat Vodka .25 oz Laphroaig Single Malt Scotch Whisky .75 oz Honey syrup (one part honey, one part water) .75 oz Lemon juice 1.5 oz Brewed green tea (Ito En)

Garnish: Lemon twist Glass: Collins

How to make the Green & Amber Cocktail Add all the ingredients to a Collins glass and fill with ice. Stir, and garnish with a lemon twist. From:

BOLD Pittsburgh 13

Fitness and Fashion

RUN! The weather is finally warming up and many of us are hitting the streets with our running shoes laced tight. Every year more and more people take up running whether to train for a run or to just get healthier. The most important thing in starting running or any exercise for that matter is safety. These are the top safety rules for running indoors or outdoors. 1. Stretch. To start off do your basic stretches and it is important to stretch the arms and legs. You can also start with some basic Yoga moves. Stretch your back for it’s alignment and looseness can impact your legs and possible shin injury. 2. Run During the daylight: If you are running outdoors you should during daylight. This is obvious for reasons like seeing where you are going and attacks are less often during the day. 3. Run with a buddy. Or a dog. 4. Don’t use earphones. If you must put one in and one out. You can’t hear traffic over Beyonce. 5. Change up your route. Stalkers are bad. 6. Write down your route. This way if you go missing the team has a good place to start. 7. Run against traffic. You can see them and they can see you. 8. Self Defense. Whether you use S-I-N-G or purchase some running mace always be prepared. 9. Look before crossing the street and obey traffic signals. This was taught at five it is vital now. 10. Carry a cell phone. If danger does arise dial 911 and get help. 14 BOLD Pittsburgh

Spring 2014

Spring Dress When the weather starts to warm up the dresses for the ladies start to become normal attire. From the office to date night what is the best way to shop for a dress? Store or online there are so many pros and cons. Here are the few reminders to make it easy. When shopping online remember to zoom in and look at all the angles. Most websites now offer for you to see the back and fronts and sides to make sure it is appropriate for the event you are dressing for. Once it gets home try it on right away, returns are simple but have a time gap.

Wear the shoes. If you know the shoes you are goin to wear with it then bring them to the store so you can see length and how it looks as a complete outfit. Shop around. There is such a thing as buyers remorse when you walk a mall and buy one dress and see a cuter one three stores later.

Lastly Enjoy It. There is nothing like buying a dress for spring. Spring means a life renewal and dresses are the perfect way to renew your fashion.

By:Amanda Narcisi

5. You’ve taken a selfie in the men’s room with another guy urinating in the background. This picture actually exists. I almost swiped right, just to scream at this guy for being an absolute idiot. Good sense prevailed and I threw him back like the fine catch he is.

Tinder is the newest dating app that you never knew you didn’t want. It’s tethered to Facebook and works like a game: a series of profile pics are presented. Swipe right if there’s interest, swipe left there isn’t. I’ve been engaging in some field experiments with Tinder because Snarky’s work is As always, I welcome your comments and feednever done. While I was wading through the back: @snark_princess on Twitter or send a sea of potential date candidates (who reminded message via our Facebook page! me of puppies at the shelter--sad, whimpery and high maintenance) I compiled a long list of profile pic no-no’s that will never garner a date with any respectable female: 1. Your profile picture is a meme that simply says, “Keep calm and stop being a bitch.” Because yeah...get over here, Romeo.

2. Please, please, please--NO dead animal pics. It’s cool if hunting/fishing is your jam, but don’t give me nightmares or induce vomiting when I see your trophies. Nothing purrs “romance” like a man who can deliver a carcass. 3. Another women is a snuggled up all comfylike with you. Is that your sister with whom you have an awkwardly close relationship? Is it your ex who, not-so-coincidentally, you joined Tinder to forget? I can’t WAIT to be the strungalong rebound for someone who is emotionally unavailable. 3a. Pics of you with lots of women hanging all over you. “Look at me, I’m popular!” I don’t need to date a playboy. 4. Excessive drinking. It’s no secret that we Bold Girls indulge in our share of partying. It’s also nice to hang with someone who can keep up...your profile pic is NOT the time to prove that. Classy boys rule the day every time.

By:Jen Pizzuto Snark_princess is always looking to help. Have a story or a question? Life, Love or career? Ask Snark @

Karaoke Song of the Month Cherry Bomb The Runaways

BOLD Pittsburgh 15

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