3 minute read

Foundation Studies

Foundation Studies Step into Art & Design

‘I’m learning so much about Art & Design – so far we’ve covered weaving, tapestry, etching and so much more. It’s really helped to build my confidence.’

Foundation Studies helps students of all abilities to build skills for life. Our diverse range of courses aid progression into further study or employment. What’s Foundation Studies?

Foundation Studies prepares for further study or employment in a caring and supportive environment. Independent living, employability, English and maths skills and quality work experience provide a stepping stone on to a higher level course, employment or training.

Who is Foundation Studies for?

Our Foundation Studies courses are for: • Adults aged 19+ with learning difficulties and/ or disabilities but without an Education & Health Care Plan (EHCP) • Adults who had an EHCP but this has now ceased

Why choose Foundation Studies at Bolton College?

• We assess individual needs to see how we can best accommodate you. • You’ll have a personalised individual learning programme, with goals to work towards. • We’ll help you develop practical and essential job skills, as well as English and maths. • Our friendly environment provides a sense of belonging, helping you to grow in confidence. • Our teaching relates to the real world – we understand the barriers to work and teach crucial employment and life skills.

What programmes can I study?

Choose from: • Skills Passport: New for 2021! Develop a range of life skills via manageable modules, from keeping safe online to physical health and wellbeing. • Engaging in New Activities: Broaden your horizons and build confidence to live more independently. • Enterprise Skills: Create products, develop business skills and improve your English and Maths. • Catering: Become confident in the kitchen, to live independently and develop authentic employability skills. • Engaging in Activities for Life and Wellbeing:

New for 2021! For people of all ages whose learning reached a conclusion but who want to continue College and maintain skills. Enjoy keep fit, cook and eat, games, arts and crafts, maintaining your Maths and English skills, and meeting friends and having fun!

Foundation Studies Cookery for Independent Living

‘This course has improved my communication and confidence plus my skills in creating finished dishes. I really enjoy Foundation Studies classes and I want to do more.’

Don’t forget English & Maths pg 12

Day(s) Start Date Start Time Hrs Weeks Free or Concession Total Cost Course Code Learning Centre

Foundation Studies For further information visit: www.boltoncollege.ac.uk/adult-foundation

Certificate in Progression: GATEWAY i Mon 06/12/2021 09:00 5 24 Conc £433 FS404-AD01 Deane Road

Cookery for Independent Living - Introduction to i Mon 06/09/2021 09:00 5 12 Conc, Free* or £164 FS406-CLPC Brownlow Fold

Developing My Cookery Skills i Mon 06/09/2021 09:00 5 12 Conc, Free* or £224 FS403-CLPC Deane Road

E-Safety Award Entry Level 3: OPENAWARD i Tue 02/11/2021 09:00 6 3 Conc £99 FS720-AD01 Deane Road

Health & Wellbeing - Introduction to i Tue 07/09/2021 09:00 6 7 Conc, Free* or £156 FS700-CLPC Deane Road

Health & Wellbeing Certificate Entry Level 3: OPENAWARD i Engaging in Activities for Life & Wellbeing £i Engaging in New Activities i Tue 23/11/2021 09:00 6 26

Tue 07/09/2021 10:00 2 36

Wed 08/09/2021 09:00 6 36 Conc £399 FS720-AD02 Deane Road

£360 FS900-IG01 Brownlow Fold

Conc £632 FS701-AD02 Deane Road

Enterprise Skills - Introduction to i Thu 09/09/2021 09:00 3 12 Conc, Free* or £134 FS850-CLPC Brownlow Fold

Enterprise Skills Award Entry Level 2: OPENAWARD i Thu 09/12/2021 09:00 3 24 Conc £254 FS850-AD01 Brownlow Fold

Enterprise Skills Award Level 1 : OPENAWARD i Wed 08/12/2021 09:00 3 24 Conc £254 FS800-AD01 Deane Road

Enterprise Skills i Wed 08/09/2021 09:00 3 12 Conc, Free* or £134 FS800-CLPC Deane Road

Everyday Cooking : OPENAWARD i Mon 06/12/2021 09:00 5 24 Conc £433 FS407-AD01 Brownlow Fold

I’m interested, what shall I do next?

Once you’ve found a course that interests you in the table above, apply online by visiting


If you have any questions or queries, please call Janet Shepherd on 01204 482 567 or email janet.shepherd@boltoncc.ac.uk

Adele Graveson

Foundation Studies Cookery for Independent Living

‘I’ve been told I’m now an amazing cook and I’ve even had some of my dishes showcased on the College’s social media! I really like cooking and my favourite thing to bake is shortbread biscuits.’

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