4 minute read

Languages & Sign Language

Communicate with a D/deaf person; speak like a local on your next holiday; interact with your friends from abroad; boost your employability; or simply try something new - whatever you’re seeking, these courses will give you the skills to excel!


Don’t forget English & Maths pg 12

Day(s) Start Date Start Time Hrs Weeks Free or Concession Total Cost Course Code Learning Centre

Sign Language For further information visit: www.boltoncollege.ac.uk/courses/adult-bsl

Sign Language - Introduction to Wed 06/10/2021 13:00 2 10 - £310 ML017-IG01 Brownlow Fold

Sign Language - Introduction to Tue 12/04/2022 10:00 2 10 - £310 ML008-IG02 Deane & Derby

ABC Sign Language Level 1: ABC £ Tue 07/09/2021 13:00 2 30 - £440 ML100-IG19 Farnworth Library

ABC Sign Language Level 1: ABC £ Tue 07/09/2021 18:00 2 30 - £440 ML100-IG14 Deane Road

ABC Sign Language Level 2: ABC £ Thu 09/09/2021 18:00 2 30 - £440 ML100-IG09 Brownlow Fold

ABC Sign Language Level 2: ABC £ Wed 20/10/2021 18:30 2 30 - £440 ML100-IG28 Deane Road

Preparation for Level 3 Sign Language (Signature) £ Mon 06/09/2021 18:00 2 36 - £600 ML100-IG50 Deane Road

ABC Sign Language Level 3: ABC £ Thu 09/09/2021 18:00 3 20 - £460 ML102-IG15 Brownlow Fold

Case Study

ABC Sign Language Level 2 Brownlow Fold

‘Our tutor’s excellent – we all started on Level 1 and really enjoyed it, so next we’re all planning on doing the Level 3!’

Day(s) Start Date Start Time Hrs Weeks Free or Concession Total Cost Course Code Learning Centre

French For further information visit: www.boltoncollege.ac.uk/adult-languages/french

French Beginners Term 1 £ Mon 07/09/2021 18:00 2 14 - £164 ML400-IG10 Deane Road

French Beginners Term 2 £ Tue 04/01/2022 19:00 2 11 - £165 ML400-IG11 Deane Road

French Beginners Term 3 £ Tue 12/04/2022 19:00 2 11 - £165 ML400-IG12 Deane Road

French Pre-Intermediate Term 1 £ Mon 06/09/2021 19:00 2 14 - £165 ML400-IG01 Deane Road

Case Study

Kate Porter ABC Sign Language Level 2

‘I’m a Teaching Assistant and I’ve used what I’ve picked up in class to teach children to sign along to songs, which they love. This qualification will also allow me to support children with a hearing impairment.’

Don’t forget English & Maths pg 12

Day(s) Start Date Start Time Hrs Weeks Free or Concession Total Cost Course Code Learning Centre

German For further information visit: www.boltoncollege.ac.uk/adult-languages/german

German Beginner Term 1 £ Wed 08/09/2021 17:00 2 14 - £165 ML503-IG01 Deane Road

German Beginner Term 2 £ Wed 05/01/2022 17:00 2 11

German Beginner Term 3 £ Wed 13/04/2022 17:00 2 11

German Pre-Intermediate Term 1 £ Wed 08/09/2021 19:00 2 14 - £165 ML503-IG02 Deane Road

- £165 ML503-IG03 Deane Road

- £165 ML500-IG02 Deane Road

German Pre-Intermediate Term 2 £ Wed 05/01/2022 19:00 2 11 - £165 ML500-IG03 Deane Road

German Pre-Intermediate Term 3 £ Wed 13/04/2022 19:00 2 11 - £165 ML500-IG04 Deane Road

Italian For further information visit: www.boltoncollege.ac.uk/adult-languages/italian

Italian Beginner Term 1 £ Wed 08/09/2021 18:30 2 14 - £165 ML303-IG01 Deane Road

Italian Beginner Term 2 £ Italian Beginner Term 3 £ Wed 05/01/2022 18:30 2 11

Wed 13/04/2022 18:30 2 11 - £165 ML303-IG02 Deane Road

- £165 ML303-IG03 Deane Road

Italian Pre-Intermediate Term 1 £ Mon 06/09/2021 18:30 2 14 - £165 ML300-IG02 Deane Road

Italian Pre-Intermediate Term 2 £ Mon 10/01/2022 18:30 2 11 - £165 ML300-IG03 Deane Road

Italian Pre-Intermediate Term 3 £ Mon 11/04/2022 18:30 2 11 - £165 ML300-IG04 Deane Road

Italian Advanced Term 1 £

Italian Advanced Term 2 £ Thu 09/09/2021 19:00 2 14

Thu 06/01/2022 19:00 2 11 - £165 ML302-IG01 Deane Road

- £165 ML302-IG02 Deane Road

Italian Advanced Term 3 £ Thu 14/04/2022 19:00 2 11 - £165 ML302-IG03 Deane Road

Spanish For further information visit: www.boltoncollege.ac.uk/adult-languages/spanish

Spanish Beginners Term 1 £ Mon 06/09/2021 19:00 2 14 - £165 ML203-IG01 Deane Road

Spanish Beginners Term 2 £ Spanish Beginners Term 3 £ Mon 10/01/2022 19:00 2 11

Mon 11/04/2022 19:00 2 11

Spanish Intermediate Term 1 £ Tue 07/09/2021 19:00 2 14 - £165 ML203-IG02 Deane Road

- £165 ML203-IG03 Deane Road

- £165 ML200-IG01 Deane Road

Spanish Intermediate Term 2 £ Tue 04/01/2022 19:00 2 11 Spanish Intermediate Term 3 £ Tue 12/04/2022 19:00 2 11 - £165 ML200-IG02 Deane Road

- £165 ML200-IG03 Deane Road

Spanish Upper Intermediate Term 1 £ Wed 08/09/2021 19:00 2 14 Spanish Upper Intermediate Term 2 £ Wed 05/01/2022 19:00 2 11 Spanish Upper Intermediate Term 3 £ Wed 13/04/2022 19:00 2 11 - £165 ML202-IG02 Deane Road

- £165 ML202-IG03 Deane Road

- £165 ML202-IG04 Deane Road

Spanish Advanced Term 1 £ Spanish Advanced Term 2 £ Spanish Advanced Term 3 £ Thu 09/09/2021 19:00 2 14 - £165 ML204-IG02 Deane Road

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