Apprenticeship Buzz 2022

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Part of the University of Bolton Group

Adam Corbally from BBC TV’s The Apprentice

An Apprenticeship is a real job with a real wage; in this e-mag, you’ll discover why becoming an apprentice could be your key to a very successful future! Read on, and learn how to secure an Apprenticeship; meet some of our national award-winning apprentices; and discover the building blocks for a perfect apprentice. There are also opportunities to win Amazon vouchers, plus so much more!

Contents 3… 4-5… 6-7… 8 - 11… 12 13 14-15… 16… 17… 18-19… 20-21…

22-23… 24…



Apprentices make their mark! Buzz Quiz Meet the Star of the BBC’s The Apprentice! Construction Apprenticeships & T Levels Apprentice Case Study – Katelyn Dodgin Apprentice Ella triumphs in National Competition! Build Your Perfect Apprenticeship! Business & Professional Services Apprenticeships & T Levels Computing, Digital & IT Apprenticeships & T Levels Meet our Apprentices Our Apprentices have lost their tools! Find the bonus object to win a £30 Amazon voucher! Employer and Apprentice Perspective Early Years, Childcare, Education & Teaching Assistant Apprenticeships & T Levels



29… 30… 31… 32-33… 34… 35… 36…

Hairdressing & Barbering Apprenticeships Keep Fit! Burn some energy then check out our Sport, Fitness & Wellbeing Apprenticeships Celebrity Apprentices Word Search Find all 12 apprentices and win a £30 Amazon voucher! Funnies Health & Social Care Apprenticeships & T Levels Motor Vehicle Apprenticeships Supported by The RRG Group & T Levels Bolton College’s Open Events How to Secure yourself an Apprenticeship Bolton College Young People’s Guide 2022 Follow us on Social Media!

Bolton College’s Apprenticeships e-magazine

Apprentices make their mark! We receive lots of positive feedback from happy employers regarding their apprentices. Here’s just what a few of them had to say: ‘Beth’s a fantastic apprentice showing exceptional dedication and hard work, getting the job done not only quickly but to a very high standard.’ Ruth Berry, Bromak Recruitment

“Oliver is amazing and a pleasure to have as part of my team – he has a very bright future.” Paul Thompson, Thompson Style Ltd

‘We’ve been that impressed, we’ve offered work experience placements to other learners.’ Paul Lomax, Ciceley Commercials Ltd


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Buzz Quiz! Learn more about Apprenticeships with this online quiz, courtesy of Amazing Apprenticeships…

Try the Apprenticeships Quiz Here! Click Here!

e g n e l l a h C ge

e l l o C n o t l o B 4

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Aced it? Try some more…

Guess the Employer Quiz There are thousands of apprentice employers across the UK – learn more about them. Click Here!

T Level Quiz T Level students spend 80% of their time in College, and 20% of their time on a sector-specific Industry Placement. Take this quiz to learn more about T Levels, an inspiring Gold Standard qualification.

e g e l l o C n o t l Bo e g n e l l Cha

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Star of the BBC’s The Apprentice!


Adam Corbally’s a big friend of Bolton College, so he jumped at the chance to connect with the next generation of young entrepreneurs when we asked him to star in the video below. Named the favourite ever candidate of the BBC’s The Apprentice, listen to Adam’s engaging thoughts on Apprenticeships, as well as his recipe for success!

Check out Adam’s websites here:


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Check out the Funny Bits from The Apprentice Episode 11, where Adam was tasked with creating a new sweet.


Watch Adam’s audition for The Apprentice – Adam reached the final three, narrowly missing out on the final.


Adam not only starred in The Apprentice, he also made a big impression on another BBC show, Total Wipeout!

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n o i t c u r Const s p i h s e c i t n e r p Ap s l e v e L &T

All sectors of the Construction industry are booming! As the world moves to a greener agenda, ambitious and motivated young people are in demand! So if you’re leaving school, or are looking for a new direction and challenge, then this is the place to come! We offer Apprenticeships in:

Brickwork, Carpentry & Joinery, Electrical, Painting & Decorating, Plastering, Plumbing and Roofing You may also like to consider one of our T Levels in Construction. These Gold Standard Level 3 technical qualifications are equivalent to three A Levels at A*. For more information visit:


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d n a g n i y a l k c i y r Br e n i o J & y r t n e p r a C s p i h s e c i t n e r p Ap

Cole Isherwood Phil Bristow

Brickwork Apprenticeship Level 2 Former pupil of Rivington & Blackrod High School Working at Mitchell & Davis Construction Ltd ‘I’ve worked on different projects, from new builds to remodelling existing properties, which means that I’ve picked up a variety of skills – you can’t beat learning on the job!’

uture F e h t d l i Bu


For more information and how to apply visit: virtual-open/brickwork-video

Carpentry & Joinery Apprenticeship Level 2 Former pupil of Sharples School ‘I’d certainly recommend an Apprenticeship; it’s taught me so much new stuff because it’s all about doing the task, rather than talking about it in a classroom. Eventually, I’d like to be self-employed with my own joinery business.’

eFuture h t d l i u B


For more information and how to apply visit: virtual-open/carpentry-video

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d n a l a c Electri g n i r e t Plas s p i h s e c i t n e r App

Emilio Boaro

Alex Duksal

Electrical Apprenticeship Level 3 Former pupil of Westleigh High School Working at Kensite Services Ltd ‘Bolton College has taught me everything I need to know to progress and the team at Kensite have helped me to grow as an electrician. In the future, I’d love to work abroad in either Australia or America using my skills for a career in the electrical trade.’

uture F e h t d l i Bu


For more information and how to apply visit: virtual-open/electrical-video 10

Plastering Apprenticeship Level 2 Former pupil of Smithills School Working at KB Plastering ‘I progressed from Level 1 to the Apprenticeship and now I’m working full-time for KB Plastering, in a permanent role. In College, I’ve been really successful with competitions and awards, after receiving lots of encouragement from my tutors.’

SKILLBUILD National Finalist!


Plaisterers Training Awards



eFu Buildth


For more information and how to apply visit: virtual-open/plastering-video

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d n a g n i b m u l P g n fi o o R s p i h s e c i t n e r p Ap

Jay Stringer Nathan Stevenson

Plumbing Apprenticeship Level 3 Former pupil of Harper Green School Working at Eclipse Plumbing Heating Gas Ltd ‘The Apprenticeship led to me becoming a fully-qualified plumber; it’s been great learning the trade from different people, I’ve really benefited from their experience in the trade.’


eFut h t d l i u B


For more information and how to apply visit: virtual-open/plumbing-video

Roof Slating & Tiling Apprenticeship Level 2 Working at Balmane Developments Ltd ‘I got top grades in my A Levels but I decided that I wanted a career that would get me outdoors; I much prefer working onsite and I travel from Stockport to be here. I would definitely recommend an Apprenticeship. Eventually, I’d like my own business.’


eFut h t d l i u B


For more information and how to apply visit: virtual-open/roofing-video

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: y d u ase St

C e c i t n e r p Ap n i g d o D n y l e Kat

Painting & Decorating Apprenticeship Level 2 Former pupil of Harper Green School Working at Bolton College ‘I started on a Level 1 Study Programme and was really keen to progress to an Apprenticeship; eventually I’d like my own business, so being an apprentice is giving me on-the-job experience and essential skills that I’ll use when I set up on my own.’

uture F e h t d l i Bu


For more information and how to apply visit: 12

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Apprentice Ella triumphs in National Competition! Bolton College’s Ella Harper showcased her Apprenticeship skills and became a finalist in a national competition, The Concept Hair Awards. Hairdressing apprentice Ella, a former pupil of St James’s C of E High School, fought off competition from 1,000 other entrants to reach the final six of the prestigious competition, with a festival then stunning red carpet look. Judges were extremely impressed with Ella’s submissions and like us, they can’t wait to see what she does next!

Ella and her Red Carpet look

Ella and her winning style for Round 1 13 Visit Our Virtual Open Event:


It’s daunting not knowing what can help you land that job. However, being aware of what employers look for puts you a little closer to getting your dream Apprenticeship. Here are the building blocks to becoming the perfect apprentice.


Show them that you’re passionate about the industry


Proving tha t you are self-mo tivated and driven will help you ca tch the eyes of emp loyers


All those gr oup projects or team sports you’v e played in w ill come in handy now

Commun icat Skills ion T he skills you’v learned i e n everyday situation s ca applied a n be t your new job

Problem Solving

You’ll ne ed t them you o show can calm and stay effective work ly to sol problem ve s

Willingn ess Learn to

It’s all ab out on-the-j ob traini ng so show them ho w excited y ou are about le arni experts i ng from n the fiel d!


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r u o Y d l i u B t c e f r ! Pe p i h s e c i t n e r p Ap

Katie Mulligan Former pupil of St Joseph’s RC High School Working at Clevelands Prepatory School

‘This Apprenticeship has led to a qualification that I will use for the rest of my working life, in a role that I truly enjoy.’ Visit Our Virtual Open Event:


l a n o i s s e f o r P & s s s p e i n h i s s e u c i B t n e r p p A s e c i Serv s l e v e L &T DISTINCTION Graded Student!

Izzy Hampson

Did you know that the Business & Professional Services sector is one of the biggest employers in the UK? We offer Apprenticeships in:

Accounting, Advertising & Media, Business Administration, Customer Service, Leadership & Management and Paralegal.

Accounting Apprenticeship Level 4 Former pupil of Smithills School Working at Bolton Council ‘Initially I tried university but it wasn’t for me; being an apprentice feels like a much better route to a career in accountancy because I’m gaining the right skills to progress.’

You may also like to consider our T Level in ure Management & Administration. This Gold t u F e h t Build Standard Level 3 technical qualification is equivalent to three A Levels at A*. For more information visit: Business apprentice Ashleigh followed our


recipe and she’s enjoyed great success – she wowed her employer and is now training as a For more information and how to apply senior visit: manager at Stateside Foods. 16 16 16

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T I & l a t i g i D , g s n l i e t v u e p L m T Co & s p i h s e c i t n Appre

Elliot Grocott

Design an app, create a video game, build a website, code amazing software...what will YOU do with a qualification in Computing & IT? We offer Apprenticeships in:

Digital Marketing and IT Helpdesk Technician You may also like to consider one of our T Levels in Digital. These Gold Standard Level 3 technical qualifications are equivalent to three A Levels at A*. For more information visit:

IT/Helpdesk Technician Apprenticeship Level 3 Former pupil of Harper Green School Working at Tonge Moor Primary Academy ‘I feel so lucky to have this job, I love it and on completion of my Apprenticeship I’d really like a permanent role here.’


eFu Buildth


For more information and how to apply visit: 17 Visit Our Virtual Open Event:


r u o t e e M

! s e c i t n e r p ap

We’ve put our apprentices on the spot and asked them the questions that YOU want to know the answers to.

Emilio is an award-winning plastering apprentice.

Hairdressing apprentice Caitlin was named ‘Apprentice of the Year’ at the Bolton Business Awards. 18

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Sporty Molly is making her mark as a personal trainer apprentice.

Apprentice Brooke is a natural when it comes to painting and decorating.

Naeem’s made a big impression as an IT apprentice at Bolton School. Clarice and Katie love working with children at Eagley School House Nursery.

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I Spy with my Apprenticeship Eye...

Can you find...

Our apprentices have lost their tools - can you find the 10 hidden objects below?

Find our bonus object and you could win a £30 Amazon voucher! Email us to tell us where it’s hidden, or send a screenshot to



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Employer and apprentice perspective When it comes to successful Apprenticeships, the working relationship between an apprentice and their employer is key. Both bring big benefits to the table; an ambitious, motivated apprentice can have a hugely positive impact on a business, whilst an employer’s expertise and encouragement can bring out the very best in a young person as they start out in their career.


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We caught up with Mia and her employer, Paul, to discuss the benefits of Apprenticeships… Mia is a former pupil of Turton School. She’s worked as an Advertising & Marketing apprentice at North West Design Studios Ltd since December. She said:

“As a former manager at a large restaurant chain, I developed an interest in the way the company used digital marketing. I decided this was a career I wanted to pursue and becoming an apprentice seemed like the perfect way to start a new career. I’m really enjoying learning at both the College and within the workplace.”

Paul, a director at North West Design Studios Ltd, said:

“Mia is our third apprentice over the last few years and she has very quickly become a valued member of our Digital team. Apprenticeships are integral to the growth of our business, introducing new talent that can learn and develop with us whilst they also gain a valued qualification”. Visit Our Virtual Open Event:


, e r a c d l t i n h a C t , s i s s r s a A e Y g y n l i r h c Ea a e T d n a s n l o e i v t e a L c T Edu & s p i h s e c i t Appren

Sarah Fisher Looking for a career that combines work and play, and allows you to make a real impact on the next generation? We offer Apprenticeships in:

Early Years Education and Teaching Assistants You may also like to consider our T Level in Education & Childcare. This Gold Standard Level 3 technical qualification is equivalent to three A Levels at A*. For more information visit: Reply all| DeleteJunk|

Childcare Apprenticeship Level 3 Former pupil of Turton School Working at Highview Kindergarten ‘The course is fun and practical and the Work Based Tutors are so supportive. I’m now fully qualified and I’ve secured a full-time position.’


eFu Buildth


Re: Updates to Apprenticeship Buzz

For more information and how to apply visit:

24 24

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g n i r e b r a B & g n i s s e r Haird s p i h s e c i t n e r p Ap


Hair Awards Finalist!

Ella Harper A Hairdressing or Barbering Apprenticeship can lead to an amazing career – you’ll use your creativity every day and gain new qualifications and skills. We offer Apprenticeships in:

Hairdressing and Barbering

Hairdressing Apprenticeship Level 2 Former pupil of St James’s C of E High School Working at Scissor Sisters Hair & Beauty ‘My employer’s so supportive, especially when I entered the Concept Hair Awards. From 1,000 entrants, I reached the final six! I was so happy that my work got noticed.’


eFutu h t d l i u B


For more information and how to apply visit: 25

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Burn some energy with this online training session! Try Kayla Itsine’s 30 minute full-body home workout - Kayla, a qualified Personal Trainer, runs a global fitness empire worth $696 million, so she clearly knows her stuff! Click Here!

Kayla’s workout inspired you? Become a Personal Trainer too, with our Personal Training Apprenticeship Level 3. Visit bc-personal-trainer 26 26

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If you love Sport, Fitness & Wellbeing, check out our other Apprenticeships: Community Activator Coach Apprenticeship Level 2 Community Activator Coaches promote, deliver and coach fun, inclusive and engaging activities to keep communities physically active. Once fully qualified, you could work in sports clubs; youth work agencies; social change charities; and so much more!


Community Football Coach Apprenticeship Level 2 Community Football Coaches promote, deliver and coach fun, inclusive and engaging activities to keep communities physically active. You could progress to a career as a Football Coach in academy or grassroots football, or even start your journey in to elite coaching.


Community Sport & Health Officer Apprenticeship Level 3 Community Sport & Health Officers initiate behaviour changes in communities. You could deliver activities in the fields of leisure, sport, youth justice, outdoor education or public health, getting more people more active, more often!

Visit: 27 Visit Our Virtual Open Event:



Even celebrities have to start somewhere. Did you know some of the biggest names started their careers with an Apprenticeship? We’ve hidden some of these names in the wordsearch below and we challenge you to find all 12 of them!

Find all 12 celebrity apprentices in the wordsearch below!

Have you found them all? 28

Then send your answers to us at or tag us on social media to win a £30 amazon voucher!

Here are some hilarious videos of things that can go wrong at work. You’ll definitely want to send these to your work bestie right now.

Click Here!

Click Here!

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Click Here!

WARNING: Please enjoy without coffee in your mouth. Visit Our Virtual Open Event:


e r a C l ia c o S & h t l a e H s p i h s e c i t n e r p Ap s l e v e L &T

Olivia Power

Careers in Health & Social Care can be deeply fulfilling, offering opportunities to make a real difference to the lives and welfare of others. We offer Apprenticeships in:

Adult Health & Social Care You may also like to consider our T Level in Healthcare. This Gold Standard Level 3 technical qualification is equivalent to three A Levels at A*.

Lead Adult Care Worker Apprenticeship Level 3 Former pupil of Smithills School Working at Old Vicarage Residential Home ‘The Apprenticeship gave me lots of first-hand experience in a care environment and I gained so much confidence looking after people with different needs; once my Apprenticeship ended, I was offered a full-time role here.’

For more information visit:

ture u F e h t d l Bui


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r e y o l p m E e l s c p i i h h e s V e Motormy Apprentic Acade vels & T Led by the RRG Group te r o p p u S

At the end of December 2018, there were 38.2 million vehicles licensed for use on the UK’s roads, which means we need more professionals to build, maintain and repair them! Study with us and we’ll help turn your passion for cars into a rewarding career in the motor vehicle industry. We offer Apprenticeships in:

Motor Vehicle Maintenance, Motor Vehicle Paint Technician and Motor Vehicle Panel Technician You may also like to consider our T Level in Motor Vehicle. This Gold Standard Level 3 technical qualification is equivalent to three A Levels at A*. For more information visit:

Alex Strange

Motor Vehicle Panel Technician Apprenticeship Level 3 Former pupil of Turton High School Working at RRG Group’s Accident & Repair Centre ‘The College’s Motor Vehicle Academy is supported by the RRG Group, which led to me getting an Apprenticeship with them. It’s brought lots of benefits; now that I’ve finished my Apprenticeship, RRG have employed me as a full-time Panel Beater.’


For more information and how to apply visit: 31


eFut h t d l i u B

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Part of the University of Bolton Group

We can’t wait to tell you about the amazing opportunities here at Bolton College, including over 140 full-time Study Programmes, T Levels and Apprenticeships, covering a broad range of industries. So to help you discover what we’re all about, we’re giving you TWO options – visit us in person or view our Virtual Open Event!



Deane Road Campus, BL3 5BG

Tue 8th March 2022 5pm-8pm

To explore our programmes and hear from students and staff from the comfort of your own home, check out our Virtual Open Event, available online NOW! Visit the link below to access over 40 videos, helping you to make important decisions about your future.


Over 25,000 visitors!

Register via:


Click to watch our Whistle Stop Campus Tour

Click to watch our video, Celebrating our Students’ Success Visit Our Virtual Open Event:


f l e s r u o y e r u c e s o t w Ho p i h s e c i t n e r p p an A

This guide will give you step-by-step advice on how to secure an Apprenticeship, from creating a CV to cold-calling local companies. You’ll benefit from first-class information and advice, as well as top tips from local employers, careers advisors and our current apprentices.

click here to view

Check it out and get ahead of the game! 34

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Part of the University of Bolton Group

View our Young People’s Guide now! Inside, you’ll find: • Over 140 exciting Apprenticeships & Study Programmes • Information on our NEW Gold Standard T Level qualifications, starting this September

• Enrichment opportunities, our Pre-Professionals & Gifted & Talented Programmes, and more!

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l a i soc ! a i d me We’re really active on social media so to keep in the loop, follow or like us!




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