Cookery for lockdown
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The Bolton
Family #HereforyouBolton
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#Heref oryouB olton
Contents Education and Learning Page 3 The Bolton Family Pages 4-5 Learning Resources for Years 10 and 11 Pages 6-7 Family Learning: Home Survival Guide Pages 8-9 Keep in Touch Through Technology Page 10 Cookery for Lockdown Page 11 Children’s Guide to Coronavirus and Top Tips on Tech Page 12 Caring for Your Environment Page 13 Spring Gardening Checklist Page 14 The Skills Toolkit Page 15 Poetry by Numbers Page 16 Connexions Advice for Young People Page 17 National Careers Service Pages 18 - 19 Bolton Library & Museum Volunteering Page 20 Page 21
CVS - Volunteers’ 2020 Community Learning Ambassadors
Page 24 Page 25 Pages 26-27
Get Work Ready Create a Winning CV Support for Business
Mental Wellbeing Page 28 Page 29
Tips for Better Sleep Tips to Improve your Frame of Mind
Team Bolton Help and Support Welfare, Benefits & Financial Support Page 31 Bolton Carers Support Page 32-33 Bolton Wanderers Community Trust Page 34 Bolton Christian Community Cohesion/Destitution Project Page 35 Poetry for Lockdown Page 36 Bolton College Challenge Page 37 Creative Corner – How to shoot on iPhones Page 38 Your Magazine Suggestions Pages 39 UCAN Pages 40 Coronavirus Test Site Pages 41-42 Team Bolton Help & Support Page 30
Support with Employment Page 22 Find Out About Health & Social Care Online Course Page 23 Focus on Employment
Bolton College’s new community e-magazine, created in partnership with Bolton Council
Bolton College is proud to support the work of
Seddon, Bolton at Home, Bolton Council and Urban Outreach have produced a film highlighting how the public, private and voluntary sectors in Bolton work together to overcome the challenges we face today.
Members of the Bolton Family include: Asda, Barkers LLP, Bolton CVS, Bolton at Home, Bolton Council, Bolton FM, GM Mental Health Services, Keoghs, Octagon Theatre, Seddon, Urban Outreach, Warburtons and The Woodland Trust, together with smaller companies and social enterprise organisations.
The work of The Bolton Family supports the Bolton 2030 Vision, helping the communities of Bolton to: • • • •
Start Well Live Well Age Well Be Aware of the Environment
Helping Bolton to develop a cleaner, greener prosperous place to live and work.
You may wish to support the current work to overcome Covid-19. Please visit:
College life is just around the corner We’re very excited about working with you, as a parent or carer, to help your child achieve their future ambitions - whether they’re in Year 10 and preparing for their final year of school; are joining us in September; or are taking an alternative route on the path to their future - we’re here. The world is a bit confusing at the moment, so we’d like to assure you that when it comes to your child’s next steps, whatever they are, we can support them - help your young person prepare for College, or Year 11, by sharing our recommended materials and activities in the learning resources, linked below. These aren’t just about the classroom either - they’ll also give your child a taste of college life, with links to our recent student e-magazines and amazing enrichment programme. Select your child’s area of interest, and if they’re not sure about their next career step, simply browse the range of options together - your child can still apply to join us in September, and we’re here to support them, and you, as they make important decisions about their future. If your child’s already applied to the College and they have questions regarding their application, they can email our helpful admissions team on Remember, you’re in safe hands! Click here to view all learning resources or click an area of interest on the page opposite:
Click Here
learning resources
Bolton College Family Learning Home Survival Guide Hello everyone,
three teachers , am Te ng ni ar Le ily lege Fam We are the Bolton Col lockdown life with of s w lo d an s gh hi the who are experiencing from home. children and working ence ve had recent experi ha or rs he ac te be t Most of you will no best, their likes n re ild ch ur yo ow kn You working in schools. u all as you occupy yo e ag ur co en to t an and dislikes. We w arning. There are le ue in nt co to em th lp your children and he idance to help with gu n, fu ng ni ar le g in n. lots of ways of mak motivate your childre to w ho d an y og ol in ng subject term t directions by offeri gh ri e th in u yo e id We are here to gu rful resources. de on w to ks lin eb w tic tips, ideas and fantas Please don’t despair!
e; d i u G l a v i v r ur Home Su
Download o
Click Here
Email - for more information about courses we offer parents or if you have specific questions about home learning.
Top tips from the
Family Learning Team
1) Be flexible and have fun
Use plans as a guide but don’t worry if you can’t always stick to them. Experiment to find the right thing for your child. School topics and tasks are important. However, there are plenty of fun, everyday activities that count as learning too! to find out more.
Click Here
2) Try to maintain a routine and be flexible with learning plans
Structure and routine are reassuring for children and will help a child’s body clock adjust so their eating, sleeping, learning and playing times are familiar. Find a routine that works for your whole family and set realistic chunks of time for home learning. Be flexible and take a break if things get too stressful.
3) Involve children in planning and include rewards
It’s best if children have some sort of involvement with their timetable. Make sure that they understand what’s happening each day. Focus on each task at a time and include something to look forward to, a reward or treat.
4) Agree a learning space
Try and create a space that is used for home learning. An area where children don’t expect to be able to watch television, or play with their phones or tablets, to minimise distractions.
5) Stay active and eat healthy foods
Being able to burn off energy and stay active is critical for children’s physical and mental wellbeing. Without this opportunity they can become bored and frustrated. Eating healthy foods energises your body, stimulates motivation, and improves memory and mental health.
Take care of your own wellbeing
You may feel so busy looking after everyone else that you forget to look after yourself. It’s important that you find time for you when possible. You may like to visit our online wellbeing course - visit the link below to register then use the course code: oc4laem
Click Here
Keep in touch through technology Keeping in touch with your family and friends is important. Call them or use a webcam platform - seeing loved ones, even if you can’t physically be with them, helps. Here are three ways to keep in touch, each with guides to create accounts and get started:
Email Email’s a quick way to send messages. It’s similar to sending a letter, but is faster, convenient and free - plus you can send and share photos and files by attaching them. Click this basic guide to set up an email account: Click Here
Facebook Facebook’s a great way to keep in touch with your family and friends. With instant messaging, video chat, status updates, photos and profile information, it will help you stay connected. Click Here
to get started.
Zoom Video Chat Zoom offers face-to-face communication, allowing you to speak to a number of people at the same time and share screens. Ideal for work and family get togethers. To discover how to set up your Zoom account. Click Here
Email - for more information about our digital courses ‘Get Going Online for Beginners’ & ‘Digital User Skills’. Really helpful to support you, a friend or family member with activities online.
When using digital communications be conscious of your privacy, safety and security with these tips: Create a separate password for your email account Email accounts are likely to contain lots of important personal information and are a gateway to other online accounts. Create a separate, strong password to protect the personal information linked to it.
Save passwords in your browser It’s important to use different passwords for your accounts, but remembering them can be difficult. Many web browsers offer secure password saving, to safely store and access your passwords.
Only install apps from trusted sources Only download apps from a trusted source, like an official app store or the manufacturer’s website. Don’t click on links from random individuals or unusual websites - these could be fakes.
Understand what you’re paying for If correctly configured, free apps, including video calling services, can provide adequate security settings for personal use. Paid subscriptions only need to be considered if you feel your needs and situation justify it. Keep video conferencing details private
Never share meeting details on social media or online forums, and only connect with people through your contacts list or another official source. Where possible, add a password to your meeting.
Consider your surroundings before starting a video call If you’re taking a video call at home, use the test feature to preview what you look like, then consider what appears in the background and whether that’s sensitive or personal. Consider using a background image.
Cookery tutor Robin Beeson has made these video tutorials for you to try at home, during lockdown. He uses cheap, basic ingredients, which you’re likely to find at the back of your cupboard or in your freezer, which means no trip to the supermarket! Access the tutorials by clicking the dishes below:
Fish Cake & Herb Wedges
Baked Beans & Flatbread
Cheese & Leek Quiche
We can send you course materials and recipes for the full Cookery for Lockdown course, plus links to other online cookery tutorials, FREE of charge. Email with your name, address and date of birth, requesting ‘Lockdown Recipes’.
n’s gui de to c oronav irus There have been big c ha created a children’s g nges in our lives bec uide to co ause of co ronavirus to help ex ronavirus, so we’ve The guide plain the s aims to an ituation. swer child children ho ren’s ques w to stay tions s afe and pr make the b otect othe about coronavirus, t est of the r people, a ell ir time at n h d o m h ow to help e. https://ww w.childrens them comm issioner.go
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us/ BT have joined u p with IT Tips on Te V and c r help yo ch - a series o f videos eated Top u, your fam an differen t techno ily and friends d guides to lo le most ou arn abo gies and t ut h ad brea of them. Watch ow to get the ks o the fir st ever y weekda ur series of sp y on ITV e break o , showin cial f This M break o g in o f the IT V Evenin rning and the central g News .
click here
Need s om our rob ething fun to d ot bake r y to ha o with the kid cake. A s? Visit v e fun wa y for kids a go at coding about c a and par oding to ents to gether. learn
click here
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s s e s l e k v c o l Re osable g p d-19
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Spring Gardening Checklist
To help with spring gardening, use our spring gardening checklist to make sure you’ve covered everything: 1. Clear the lawn of any fallen leaves/debris and cut grass on a high setting for its first cut of the year
2. Tidy flower beds and remove any weeds 3. Refresh soil by adding compost 4. Add fertiliser if needed 5. Get rid of any unwanted pests 6. Purchase some summer-flowering bulbs 7. Divide perennials - this will save money! 8. Get a water butt to collect rainfall - think sustainability. If you’re on a water meter, this will save you money also!
9. Fix up any broken fences or trellises 10. Create a composting area 11. Add some bird feeders/bird baths to encourage wildlife
If you have a pond in your garden you may be lucky enough to spot some tadpoles at this time of year. If you have fish, they’ll have started to become more active, as they come out of winter hibernation. Try feeding, but small amounts, until the temperature of the water increases as we enter summer.
Click Here to visit the Gardeners’ World website. Visit our website:
The Skills Toolkit Free digital and numeracy courses to build your skills
Want to learn a new skill whilst at home? Find FREE, high-quality digital and numeracy courses in The Skills Toolkit. Digital and numeracy skills are highly-sought after by employers, and can help you progress in work and boost your job prospects. Digital skills can be anything from using social media and staying safe online, to coding, programming or digital marketing.You can choose from a selection of high-quality courses, put together in collaboration with experts. Find a level and time to study that’s right for you. The Skills Toolkit makes it easy for you to boost your skills.
Why improve your digital skills? Digital skills are valuable and sought after for all kinds of jobs. In recent years, the number of digital jobs grew almost three times as quickly as other occupations We know lockdown has made life difficult for many of us, but if you can find the time, grab this opportunity to build up your existing skill set and discover new talents. Get started today!
For further learning opportunities please read pages 6 -19
82% of all job vacancies require digital skills.
Roles requiring digital skills pay 29% more than those that don’t.
Poetry by numbers Bolton College Maths tutor Gary Mason-Dring wrote this fantastic poem for National Numeracy Day...
A Poem for National Numeracy Day If you find numbers tricky, here’s fact number one, Maths doesn’t have to be boring – it’s fun! It’s also essential – that’s point number two, Without maths there are jobs that we could never do. The smallest odd prime number - that’s number three, Is a rule for composing the best comedy. Seasons and moon phases – both number four, But tetraphobia for some brings fear to the door. The number of arms on a starfish is five And an earthworm has five hearts to keep it alive! The first perfect number discovered is six (But what does that mean? Google it - just for kicks!) The days in a week, of course, number seven And in certain religions - divisions of heaven. In China, their luckiest number is eight, And the shape of this number is common to skate. On your fingers you can do the times tables for nine, (If you don’t know about this – go find it online!) In everyday life we all count in base ten, And solve number puzzles with paper and pen. But if you find numbers tricky, don’t give up! Keep on! Get empowered! – visit
We deliver FREE maths and English courses, right up to GCSE level. To learn more: CLICK HERE
Connexions Bolton are still available to offer an impartial advice and guidance service to young people in Bolton If you’re currently a year 11 student, or the parent of a year 11 student, you may feel concerned or uncertain about post-16 plans. Our Careers Advisers can help you make decisions about your future, giving advice and guidance on routes into education, employment or training. We can also support with applications and preparation for interviews, and liaise with colleges and providers to help you secure a place for September 2020. If you’re aged 16-19 and not in any education, employment or training (NEET), our Careers Advisers can discuss ideas and help identify suitable Apprenticeship, Traineeship and job opportunities, including those available online and via our ESF Skills Support For Growth (SSG) programme. We can also help you address barriers that may be preventing you from moving forward with your career choice, including support with CVs and applications, confidence building and improving self-esteem. We also continue to support our Looked After and Care Leavers, and those who have an EHCP up to the age of 25.
Our Careers Advisers are available Monday - Friday, 9.30am-3.30pm, on freephone 0800 052 5559. We also update our Facebook and Twitter daily, with opportunities and useful information.
Click Here
Click Here
Supporting you through COVID-19 The The National National Careers Careers Service Service- here here to to provide provide you you with with the the careers careers and and employability employability support support you you need need to to overcome overcome the the short short term term challenges challenges that that COVID-19 COVID-19 presents presents and and support support you you with with your your future future career career goals. goals.
Our Our qualified qualified careers careers advisers advisers offer offer full full telephone telephone appointments appointments to to talk talk through through your your personal personal circumstances circumstances and and help help you you plan plan your your next next steps. steps.
We We can can help help you you with... with... Redundancy Redundancy Better Better paid, paid, more more secure secure work work Upskilling Upskilling && retraining retraining CV CV writing writing and and interview interview techniques techniques
Returning Returning to to work work after after aa break break Flexible Flexible working working for for parents parents Graduate Graduate options options IT, IT, Maths Maths and and English English skills skills
To To book book aa telephone telephone appointment appointment with with an an adviser adviser in in Greater Greater Manchester, Manchester, Liverpool Liverpool City City Region, Region, Cheshire Cheshire && Warrington Warrington or or Lancashire, Lancashire, call call us us on: on:
0161 393 3033
Bolton Library & Museum Services Online Resources Access a world of information from your PC, laptop or tablet.
Our information resources are FREE and easy to use. All you need is your borrower number. If you are not already a member of the library, you will need to join to use some of these resources. Simply
to join online. Click Here Here are a few of our great online resources you can access from home:
The Encyclopaedia Britannica Encyclopaedia Britannica is an easy to use resource with trusted information. It contains over 120,000 articles, a world atlas, thousands of images and videos, an online dictionary and thesaurus and much more! There are three levels of information: adult, student and junior. Click Here
Newsbank Newsbank provides access to 351 newspaper and journal titles from across the UK and Ireland. It includes national, regional and local publications, with archives going back as far as 1982 for some titles. Click Here
Oxford Reference Suite Oxford Reference is a vast collection of subject dictionaries and reference books, offering over 1 million facts and definitions. There are also bilingual dictionaries and a range of English dictionaries and thesauruses. Click Here
Dictionary of National Biography The DNB contains over 56,000 biographies of anyone who was anyone in British history, from the Romans to 21st Century. Also included are images, audio files and links to hundreds of other free sites. Click Here
Issues Online Issues Online covers topics such as crime and justice; drugs and alcohol; health; and human rights and citizenship. Every topic has news articles, key facts and statistics, opinions from people involved in the subject and suggestions for topic work and assignments. Click Here
You can access all these resources and many more via our eLibrary site.
Library and Museum Services BoltonLibraryandMuseumServices
The buildings may be closed, but you can still access the fantastic eLibrary resources of Bolton Library and Museum Services from the comfort of your own home for FREE!
We’re bringing the Library, Museum, Art Gallery, Archives and Aquarium to you – At Home! Click Here There are themed activities, stories about our museum objects, free ebook and emagazine downloads, and even interactive storytime! Got any suggestions on what you’d like us to cover? Let us know! Our Object stories bring the fascinating contents of Bolton Museum to life!
Find out more about our very own Jurassic dinosaur, Jango the Tuojiangosaurus.. Tuojiangosaurus Click Here Explore the natural world around you with Outside at Home. Don, who looks after the Museum’s Natural History Collections, will take you on a Garden Bug Hunt!
Click Here Get inspired by our Art Collection and try your hand with your own projects, such as making a collage. Click Here Discover the oldest book on the Library’s shelves! Click Here You can even join us for Storytime with Shasha every Friday at 11am, on our Facebook page. Click Here
If you have any family members or friends who are currently shielding and would like to know about our Library Book Home Delivery Service or Digital Help support to access our online resources, email us at or phone us on 01204 332 853. Bolton College also offer some great online courses for beginners, see page 8.
How to be a Good Neighbour in Bolton With many older and more vulnerable people in our community self-isolating due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, lots of people have been stepping forward wanting to help, demonstrating the community spirit in Bolton
Volunteers’ Week 2020
We have put together some tips for the best ways you can offer your support.
Each year, Bolton CVS takes part in celebrating Volunteers Week, which takes place from 1st June until 7th June.
You can donate your time
Also, Bolton CVS provides a weekly eBulletin click here if you would like to subscribe.
This year, with the current Coronavirus pandemic situation we Beare a good neighbour all facing, we feel it is even more significant to recognise the importance of volunteering.
Connect and reach out to your immediate neighbours Therefore, our theme Saywill help Swap phone numbersis–‘Volunteering a conversationMatters…Time may be a lifelinetoand people feel less lonely Thanks’. If there is a neighbourhood social media page you could help them During Volunteers’ connect with this Week, Bolton CVS will be showcasing Encourage others on your streetvolunteering to help some wonderful stories around and how Help your neighbour put together a contact list volunteering has made an impact on them. of useful numbers e.g. their personal emergency contacts, local advice lines, etc. Practical support such as picking up prescriptions, helping them with online shopping, walking their dog, etc.
Follow Bolton CVS on Twitter and Facebook to find out what is happening: Advice and Guidance
Don’t enter people’s houses – stay on the doorstep and keep 2 metres/CVSBolton apart! @BoltonCVS Be kind and courteous Respect everyone’s privacy, helping vulnerable people requires mutual Working together toprivate develop a diverse, strong and trust e.g. don’t share any information Follow infection control advice and social with coronavirus effective voluntary and communitydistancing sector in–Bolton (COVID19) the situation is fast evolving so follow the latest advice from trusted sources e.g. Public Health England Forunwell more with information volunteering visit: If you feel symptoms about of coronavirus you should self-isolate. Guidance on this is available on the NHS website:
Thought about getting involved in volunteering?
Why volunteer? Volunteering is the perfect way to meet new people and make new friends. As well as helping others, you’ll be giving back to and improving your community. The Not enough time to qualifications you gain also volunteer? Think again! Volunteering doesn’t have be enhance employability. on a regular basis. Volunteer How do I volunteer? in a way that suits you: There are different routes, one-off events; volunteering including becoming a from home; or volunteering Community Learning daily or weekly. Ambassador (CLA). CLAs help people to access Bolton College, helping at events, We offer rewarding volunteer courses that can help you to gain qualifications whilst getting involved in your community.
Misbah Atcha Experienced Community Learning Ambassador (ECLA) “The volunteering programme has given me the opportunity to gain many qualifications. It’s also highly rewarding and satisfying; I know that getting back into learning can be very daunting, so I can make a new learner’s first step back into learning extremely positive. I’ve supported adults in class, delivered arts and craft sessions, and organised open days to promote the College.”
supporting people in class, and promoting courses and community projects. Becoming a CLA requires no experience, just an interest in getting involved and helping others. You will be trained and gain qualifications through our college volunteer training programme.
For further details, please email Russell Hodson, Community Learning Liaison Coordinator, on
FREE Online Course: Introduction to Health & Social Care Due to the current health crisis the country is experiencing, the need for more caring, compassionate care workers is higher than ever. This free online course explains exactly what a job in Health & Social Care involves. It also covers the skills and qualities required in the sector, and contains some handy bite-sized videos, giving you an authentic feel of what’s involved. Just Click Here , then take a look at the page opposite: there are plenty of positions available in Bolton, so get applying!
They made it happen! 10 Bolton College learners, who started on ‘Find Out About Health & Social Care’ courses, are progressing to university. Thanks to their hard work, and the support they received from their tutor, the group will be studying nursing and other health-related professions at the University of Bolton. Well done!
Focus on Employment The Care Sector is Still Recruiting! We’re looking for friendly, caring, compassionate and dependable people. You may have never considered a role in the care sector previously, but with many businesses temporarily closed, you may have transferable skills that we need. If you think you’ve got what it takes, we’d love to hear from you. All posts require a DBS check.
Day and Night Care Assistants Home Support Workers Apply Here
For vacancies across Greater Manchester
Employ GM connects employers who have urgent temporary vacancies with individuals across Greater Manchester, who are available to start working straight away during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Apply Here
Furloughed or looking for work? Free training available! Interested in learning a new skill or developing your personal wellbeing? Why not take the time to improve your skills and knowledge with online Adult Learning? Whilst our colleges and training providers are temporarily closed a range of qualifications and courses have been made available for learning online. Many are free and subsidised, depending on your circumstances. These qualifications and adult learning courses aim to support your wellbeing, develop digital skills, improve employability prospects and help you to change career. All listed training providers are approved and funded to deliver Adult Education. For further details visit Bolton Council Adult and Community Learning.
Click Here
Work Ready
‘The Workshop gave me confidence to believe in myself. I love my job and look forward to going to work every day.’ Jayesh.
Looking for support to find work? Upskill with the Workshop! Skills Support for Employment Scheme This programme offers free one-to-one support, training, qualifications and work experience, helping to improve your skills, plus we’ll also support you to find the perfect job. To qualify, you need to be aged 19+, have a valid National Insurance number, and be at least one of the following: • Unemployed (either claiming or not claiming a benefit) and not in full-time education • Working under 16 hours per week and claiming Universal Credit • Have limited recent experience of employment with a skills or training need which is a barrier to finding work Free online training is available to boost your confidence and employability skills. Work placements are available in a number of companies across Bolton, helping you find full or part-time work.
Here To find out more, contact The Workshop on 01204 Click 333 209 or email You can also visit their website:
Click Here Looking for support to return to work? Access free Occupational Health! Working Well Early Help Free occupational health is available for working residents who are currently off sick struggling with a health condition and looking for support to return to work. If recent changes at work such as working from home, front line key-work or furloughed from work, are causing you ill-health and stressyou can access a range of support. Maximus Health Works offer free one-to-one telephone-based support and access to a range of services including occupational therapy, counselling and health advice to support you to return to work. This service supports residents who are off work with ill health, that are self-employed, or work for an employer with under 250 staff. For further details and eligibility contact Maximus.
Contact Maximus:
Tel: 0300 456 8107 Email: Visit:
Create a winning CV! Due to Covid 19, many people have changed their normal way of working. Some have been furloughed, others are working from home, whilst others have unfortunately lost their jobs. Despite this, some sectors have experienced a massive shortage of staff. The health and social care sector urgently need staff, as do supermarkets - many stores are accepting CVs opposed to the usual lengthy application process. Whilst some jobs are temporary, they are still worth considering; a temporary job gives you valuable experience and a reference, enhancing your CV.
Did You Know?
Did You Know?
76% of CVs
70% of CVs
are rejected by employers due to poor spelling, punctuation and grammar
are rejected due to the applicant’s unsuitable email address
Build your CV NOW! With a demand for staff immediately, CVs are a quick way of applying for jobs, and once you have your CV, it will be quick and easy to update. Now is the time to ensure your contact details are correct, and any recent work experience or qualifications are evidenced. This video will tell you how to impress employers with your CV and if you don’t have one already, we’ll also tell you how to get help preparing one - watch NOW!
Business Support Business Bolton, the Council’s Business Support team, can help with support, advice and link to other Council services to help your business.
The team offer a free investment and property relocation service and work closely with partners, such as the Business Growth Hub and GM Chamber of Commerce, to support start up and growing businesses.
Business rates support and grants Bolton Council’s Business Rates and Business Bolton teams have been working hard to process grant payments for businesses, to support businesses through this period of disruption. Over £40m of grants have been allocated so far to support local businesses, in receipt of small business rate relief or retail rate relief. For further details on the support available and latest news, please Click Here For up-to-date information about funding and other measures available, please
Click Here
Other support available The Government has launched a coronavirus business support finder tool, which helps businesses and self-employed people to quickly and easily determine what financial support is available for them.
Click Here
The support available for businesses affected by Covid-19 includes statutory sick pay; the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme; coronavirus Bounce Back Loans; tax relief; job retention schemes; and Self-Employment Income Support. Further details, along with information on business support tools, good practice advice and tips to help your business at this difficult time, can be found on our website:
Click Here
Business Bolton also provide advice on funding and business during this difficult time, and are working closely with partners to provide up-to-date guidance for businesses. Email us at
Newsletter sign up To find out more about what Business Bolton can offer your business, sign up to our newsletter.
Sign Up
Top tips to get to sleep and to sleep better
Top tips to improve your frame of mind
Do you live in Bolton and want Do you live in Bolton and help wantwith help welfare benefits? with welfare benefits? Our free and friendly
Our free and friendly service canservice help can help you with: • benefit applications you with: • medical assessments
• Benefits applications • Medical assessment • Mandatory reconsiderations
• mandatory reconsiderations For more details or to make an appointment: call 01204 328091 or email
For more details or to make an appointment call 01204 328 091 or email Bolton Community Homes Bolton Community Homes bring brings together social togetherhousing social housing partners partners to build to build more morehomes homesinin the town the town and provide support and provide support for for the the residents of Bolton. residents of Bolton
Financial support during Covid-19
Our free and friendly service can help you with: If you are struggling financially at this difficult time, Bolton’s Money Skills Service offer free, confidential and impartial services to people who live, work or study in the Bolton • Benefits applications area. They can help with budgeting advice, reassurance about debt and bills, saving on • Medical assessment gas and electricity costs and much more. Email; or • Mandatory reconsiderations telephone; 01204 331 965. For more detail or to make an Are you a Bolton at Home tenant and need appointment: help paying your rent, buying food, or paying bills? Call 01204 328 091 or email Contact Bolton at Home Money Advice Team on 01204 328 000 or email
For other money saving tips and advice see the Money Skills newsletter;
Are you looking after someone? Bolton Carers Support is an independent registered charity that was set up in 1994 and offers a confidential support and information service to local people over the age of 18 who look after family members or friends, who need support due to illness, disability, addiction, or age. When you are looking after someone, it is difficult to know who to contact for information and advice about your caring situation. Our Carers Helpline can answer questions you may have and is open 24/7:
• From 9am to 5pm weekdays, call with any caring-related query or just to talk to someone in confidence about your caring role.
• At all other times (evenings/weekends/Bank Holidays) call if you have an urgent issue or emergency with your caring role.
All calls are treated in confidence. We do not pass on your details to any other agencies without your permission. Staff are empathetic and understand the need to be able to talk to someone in confidence about your situation. We are here to help. Please contact our free, confidential helpline, open all day, every day, on 01204 363 056 or email
Bolton Wanderers Community Trust During this pandemic, the Community Trust has had to look at new ways to engage with the Bolton community, with our focus being on helping people to stay active, reducing isolation and helping people to maintain their mental wellbeing. Below are three projects and campaigns that you can get involved in which can benefit yourself and the wider Bolton community and family.
FIT FANS It has never been so important to stay active, but this can be tough when at home. That’s why Bolton Wanderers Community Trust has teamed up with the EFL Trust for their #FITFANS campaign, which aims to provide fans with a safe way to get active in their homes. The sessions take place every Wednesday at 5pm and Saturday at 11am. Find the latest workouts:
Click Here
Connecting Generations We are appealing to Bolton Wanderers fans to #GetInTouch with an older relative, friend or neighbour, who may be isolated due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Fans are encouraged to share pictures of their letters or videos of their calls on social media, where appropriate, using #GetInTouch #WeAreOneTeam and tagging @officialbwct
Our charity partners, Mind, have developed a resource to support people to take care of their mental wellbeing at home. Early findings from Mind’s survey are: • The majority of people’s mental health has got worse in the last two weeks • People are most interested in guidance about how to look after their wellbeing while coronavirus restrictions are in place
• People with mental health problems are less likely to be active at this time Here they highlight their five ways to wellbeing: 33
Bolton Christian Community Cohesion (BCCC) During the current Coronavirus crisis, BCCC have been supporting churches and other Christian organisations across Bolton and its boroughs via its weekly bulletin. Their newsletter is an excellent source of information, providing news from, and links to, other organisations within Bolton, including Urban Outreach, Bolton’s Interfaith Council, Bolton Wanderers and Bolton Hospital. You can also learn more about online Church services in Bolton, and the Prayers for Bolton Show on Bolton FM. Read BCCC’s newsletter:
Click Here Lockdown has given us plenty of spare time, and many of us have been getting creative. Mike Wilson has turned to poetry, and would like to share this thought-provoking poem with you:
Click Here Find out more about Bolton Christian Community Cohesion by visiting:
DP aims to provide a safe environment for asylum seekers and refugees where they can find friendship, food and practical help. It has operated a Drop-In Centre at the Victoria Hall since 2001 and also provides casework support for asylum seekers including those who are destitute or have no recourse to Public Funds. To find out how you can support the project, please visit:
Poetry for Lockdown Despite the challenges many of us have faced since the Covid 19 outbreak, we’ve also benefited from more time to enjoy our gardens, the countryside and the outdoors. This inspired one of our students to write this beautiful poem.
The Simple Things
They say, “It’s grim up north”, but what I’ve found, Is that if you take the time to look around – sometimes, You’ll find - simple things that will astound. A single beam of sunlight teasing through heavy cloud. A tiny, velvet crocus, a purple splash on frigid ground. A dance of daffodils, brazen yellow, silently loud. A swan glides, majestic, with cygnets in tow. The view from, ‘The Pike’, My small world spread out below. Just simple things – pockets of joy, That grab you; startle you; light you up, and spark a flame, Warm right through your frozen heart, and melt that snow, Unlock the wonder you thought you’d never regain. For me, it was pigeons bathing in a pot-hole pool, On a cold, grey day, but they didn’t care. They preened and ruffled together – oblivious, carefree, unaware, While I sat and watched, and wished I could share, Their freedom, uninhibited – without a care. I drove home, delighted by their little show, A stage-lit spectacle, which reflected its glow, Onto me – and stripped back the dour, wintry woe. A small thing. A simple thing. Paula Hawken Poetry for Mental Health and Wellbeing
Send your lockdown poems to marketing The best one will win a £20 voucher.
Bolton College
Solve the three riddles: easy, medium and for experts only, advanced! Answers on page 38.
Easy: Two Sisters Two sisters we are, one is dark and one is fair, In twin towers dwelling we’re quite the pair, One from land and one from sea, Tell us truly, who are we?
2 Medium: T and an island What do the letter T and an island have in common?
3 Medium: Chicken, Cat and Goat What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and a half goat?
Corner From selfies to stills and action, from capturing that unique angle or just experimenting with colour, Apple has tons of tips for upping your iPhone photography game. Check out these fantastic step-by-step guides and tips for creating that perfect photo.
Upload your photos to Bolton College's social media #BCiphoneChallenge
Suggestions We’d love to know what you think of Supporting the Bolton Family! Please send us your feedback, or even better, send your suggestions to
You may like to read our learner magazines, packed full of activities and useful information during the current lockdown
Answers for Bolton College Challenge: Easy: Salt & Pepper Medium: Both of them are in the middle of water Medium: The answer is CHICAGO. CHI is 3/7 of CHICKEN, CA is 2/3 of CAT, GO is a half of GOAT
click here
Team Bolton Help and Support s
Coronavirus testing available Anyone with symptoms of coronavirus is now able to get tested at the University of Bolton stadium test site. The facility is a satellite of the national NHS testing programme and has been set up by Bolton Council, Bolton NHS Foundation Trust and Bolton Clinical Commissioning Group with Bolton Wanderers. Testing has been widened following the addition of Anosmia as a symptom of coronavirus. Anosmia is the loss or change in your normal sense of smell, it can also affect your sense of taste. This means you should self-isolate immediately if you have: • A new continuous cough OR • A high temperature OR • A loss of or change in your normal sense of smell or taste Tests at the site are available by pre-booked appointment only, for further information and to book an appointment visit: Click Here If you are unable to access the internet, call 119 in England and Wales or 0300 303 2713 in Scotland and Northern Ireland to book a test at one of the Regional test sites or a home test kit (subject to availability).
Looking after the [ Family
Struggling to access help and support during the current pandemic?
There’s lots of information, advice and guidance available, either online or at the end of a phone, so whether you need a helping hand, want some ideas for things to do or just need someone to talk to we’re all here to help.
How to get online: if you have access to the internet but need a little help to use your
phone, tablet or computer then talk to the ‘Ask Bolton libraries team’. Visit the Bolton library and museum website (see details below) or if you don’t know where to start give them a call …
Our COVID 19 community response line is now open offering vital help to people who need support, including food and essential items such as medication.
01204 337221 8.30am-5.30pm Mon-Fri and Sat 9am-1.30pm 1.
Bolton Council
Visit the council’s main website for the latest advice and guidance, from how to access essential services, become a member of the library, to current waste and recycling changes. If you don’t have access to online services then call: 01204 333333
2. Bolton Library and
Museum Services
Offering access to free online books, magazines and learning resources for everyone. From help with using your computer, to advice and guidance on accessing services and support as well as ideas for things to do for the whole family.
Need help getting online? Visit 01204 332853
Don’t miss the new
‘At home with’
ily series that offers da to s activities and idea bring the Library, , Museum, Art Gallery m Archives and Aquariu o! to you at home to
3. Bolton CVS – Volunteering and Funding
Offering lots of support for group organisers and the local community, including volunteer coordination to support many services and activities during the current crisis. Also providing funding for groups seeking to connect with the vulnerable. 01204 546055
4. NHS in Bolton
If you have any health concerns or need medical advice you should contact your GP practice by phone in the first instance. Many consultations are being carried out via video or telephone and GPs can provide advice and treatment. Visit your GP practice website for more information Remember: If you have chest pain, stroke symptoms, heavy bleeding, severe tummy pain or a severe headache, or have a child who is very unwell, you must attend Accident & Emergency (A&E) where lifesaving treatments are still available.
5. 1Point
- Counselling and Bereavement support
Offering online individual, couple and bereavement counselling.
01204 917745
6. Age UK Bolton – for older people
If you feel you need extra support then Age UK Bolton are making daily wellbeing calls to local older residents (prioritising those who live alone or have no other means of support) 01204 382411 (To request a call phone 9am-4pm, Mon – Fri) Age UK Advice Line: 0800 678 1602
7. Bolton Carers Support
Supporting local people over the age of 18 who look after family members or friends, who need support due to illness, disability, addiction, or age. 01204 363056 (free, confidential helpline, open all day, every day).
8. BAND Family Action - Emotional Health and Wellbeing Support for people aged 16+ experiencing mental health and wellbeing issues
01204 380643
9. Fortalice – Domestic Abuse
For women, families, children and young people affected by Domestic Abuse and Violence (‘live chat’ currently open 9am-5pm) 24-hour helpline: 01204 365677
10. Chat Health
Are you a young person aged between 11-19 needing a bit more help and support during lockdown? Through Chat Health you can text a specialist nurse for
confidential support and advice on a range of topics including emotional wellbeing, relationships, sexual health, alcohol and drugs and much more.
Text: 07507 331753
11. Bolton Safeguarding Children Keeping children safe in Bolton
During Covid-19 children may become more vulnerable to abuse or neglect. If you are worried about a child, take action.
During office hours 01204 331500
Bolton Safeguarding Children