Campus Chatter Issue #4

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r e t t a h C


S T N E T N CO 3… 4… 6… 7… 8… 10… 12… 13… 14… 15…

Hairdressing Apprentices Reach Finals of National Competition Lockdown Olympics Creative Corner Keep Fit with Mike Bruns Brainteasers Spotlight on Sport, Public Services & Sciences Love 2 Read LRC Curriculum Area Reps Funnies Guess Who?


Poetry – 2020, the Year to Remember


Tips for Supporting Employees’ Wellbeing in Lockdown

20… 22… 24… 26… 28…

Success Stories

30… 32… 34…

Competition Time! In the News Supporting Someone during Covid Adam Corbally, Star of the BBC’s The Apprentice National Apprenticeship Week In the Spotlight Answers

Message from the Principal This e-magazine shines a light on the fantastic achievements of our staff and students over the past few months. It’s not been easy but as a College we’ve pulled together, overcoming various challenges and achieving the best possible outcomes for our learners. So amongst competitions and brainteasers, in this e-magazine you’ll also find a selection of articles celebrating these achievements, including: • • • •

Our Learning & Development Mentor team distributed 750 pieces of equipment to learners, an amazing feat and just one of our success stories. How we’ve supported our partners and community throughout the pandemic, including the new e-magazine for the people of Bolton, ‘Supporting the Bolton Family.’ Our Young People’s Virtual Open Event – an admirable effort by all involved, with over 40 videos produced to showcase our College. Plus National Apprenticeship Week, inspiring poetry and much more.

I look forward to welcoming you all back in to College in the not too distant future! Best wishes, Bill.

Hairdressing apprentices reach finals of National Competition! Hairdressing apprentices Caitlin Hesketh and Ella Harper have reached the finals of a prestigious national competition. Caitlin and Ella wowed judges in the heats of Concept Hair Magazine’s Learner of the Year 2021 competition. Now, they face stiff competition from creative talents up and down the country for a chance to scoop the top spot. For the finals, Caitlin and Ella will complete a red carpet look with hair, make-up and an outfit. Follow us on social media to get the result in April.

Caitlin and her winning style for Round 1

Ella and her winning style for Round 1


BOLTON COLLEGE CHALLENGE It’s not too late to take part in the Lockdown Olympics! Click to watch the success of participants so far!


If you have a disability, we can adapt elements of the event to meet your needs – please email for more details.

Lockdown Olympics Ends Sunday 28th February

Do you have what it takes to win Gold? Round 1 1 METRE TEABAG THROW It’s you against the teabags! Get 10 teabags and attempt to throw them into a mug 1 metre away – how many teabags can you get in the mug? Round 2 THE WALL SIT Sitting still is easy right? WRONG! Put your back right up against a wall with your knees bent at a 90 degree angle, with your arms folded or down by your side. Now, wait for the pain to hit but don’t give up, pain is your friend! If you can do over 75 seconds, we’ll be impressed! Round 3 1.5 MILE RUN Download the FREE Strava app and join ‘Bolton College Luna Challenge’ group. We’ve been easy on you so far, so now it’s time to work up a bit of a sweat. Quite simply, how fast can you run 1.5 miles? Scores will be recorded on Strava, so it’s essential you join to take part.

All students and staff are invited to participate in Bolton College’s Lockdown Olympics; now don’t worry if your cupboards are severely lacking in Olympic equipment – we’re saying NO to figure skates, bobsleighs and skis and YES to teabags, trainers and toilet rolls - this is an Olympics like no other! The event runs for 7 weeks, and each week will be dedicated to one activity. Taking part is easy – simply film yourself completing each round, then upload the video to social media or email Sam Santley – full details below. There are 10 points up for grabs for each round, evidenced weekly on a leader board. The best bit? At the end of the event, the top three individuals in each student and staff category will win a prize! So, summon that Olympic spirit, and check out what’s in store:

Round 4 10 ROLL BOWLING If you’ve bulk-bought toilet roll like last lockdown, this round will be a piece of cake. Stack 10 toilet rolls onto each other in a 4-3-2-1 formation, just like a pyramid, then use another toilet roll to knock them down. You only have one shot, can you get a STRIKE!? Round 5 30 MINUTE RUN/WALK CHALLENGE You should already have Strava from Round 3 but if not, download the app and join ‘Bolton College Luna Challenge’ group. How far can you travel in 30 minutes? Distance is the aim, but it’s up to you whether you walk, speed walk, hop or run! Scores will be recorded on Strava, so it’s essential you join to take part. Round 6 PRESS-UPS IN A MINUTE It’s time to use those guns - how many press ups can you complete in 1 minute? Round 7 SOCK, CLAP & CATCH Roll up a pair of CLEAN socks, throw them up in the air and clap before you catch them again. How many catches can you achieve in 1 minute without dropping the socks?

It’s time to go for GOLD! To participate, record each activity then upload to Twitter or Instagram, tagging in either: @BoltonSport_PS or @boltoncollegesport Alternatively, email your video to

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Research published in the Creativity Research Journal found that colouring-in can: • Increase mindfulness • Reduce some symptoms of anxiety Some studies have suggested that signs of anxiety can be decreased even more by colouring-in mandalas, which are symbols often associated with meditation and mindfulness. There are lots of free templates available online, or you could even splash the cash and treat yourself to a book.

Take a look at this colourful example below!


If you’re looking for something therapeutic, then colouring-in might be for you! It’s not just for children; there are plenty of adult colouring-in books available too. You might want to use colouring as a relaxing activity on your lunch break if you’re working, or as something to do whilst watching TV in the evening.

Click here for free colouring sheets




Mike isn’t just Curriculum Le ader for Sport, Public Services & Sc iences, he’s a qualified Pe rsonal Trainer too! Let Mike put you through your paces with a high-intensity workout, all from the comfort of your own home.

Make HIIT happen! Just click this Zoom link or using the Zoom platform, input: Meeting ID: 841 4570 9056 Passcode: 825947

Level up your FITNESS!


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3. 8

What is the next number in this sequence? 4, 2, 3, 4, 6, 2, 4, ?

I have a large money box, 10 inches wide, and 5 inches tall. Roughly how many coins can I place until my money box is no longer empty?

S R E S A E T phynx S e h t f o e l d d i R


re walks u t a e r c h c i Wh in the s g e l r u o f on o legs morning, tw noon, in the after s in the g e l e e r h t d an evening?


I have forests but no trees. I have lakes but no water. I have roads but no cars. What Am I?


located on the back page



All departments have overcome the challenges of lockdown in ingenious ways, keeping learners engaged with live lessons and innovative ways of delivering the curriculum. Here, we focus on what Sport, Public Services & Sciences have been up to in lockdown…


Public Services students learnt all about life as a Commando.

! Diggin’ it logy o e a h c r a A virtual nsics & e r o F r o f lesson rners. a e l y g o l Crimino

The Sports department launched a Strava Group, ‘Bolton College Around the World’. Open to students and staff, members are collectively attempting to circumnavigate the world!

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D A E R 2 E V LO eads! r t s u m 6 p o t College’s n o lt o B – m is Pure escap





Click on the books for more info



Visit Bolton Library

Borrow Box for ebooks + audiobooks

If you have a book, film or TV series recommendation let us know by emailing us at:



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Here are some of the things we actively do to support teaching and learning:


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• Help teachers order all their course-related materials • Help out with IT wherever we can • Act as a point of reference if you need assistance finding an information source to support an area of learning • Deliver Study Skills workshops to learner groups; for example, research skills, Harvard referencing and plagiarism sessions • Provide a library of helpful how-to videos on our YouTube channel 'BoltonCollegeLRCTV' • Promote reading for pleasure with learners and staff • Invest in wellbeing resources - see the library's extensive collection of books to support mental health

Click Here for your LRC ebooks and online resources


FUNNIES Click to watch

Share your Funnies by emailing us at:


Which Bolt on College colleague did this litt le girl grow up to be?

‘I’m one of seven children.’ ‘I qualified as an Early Years Practitioner when I was 18 .’ ‘I’m getting married in June and a random fact about me is…I once sat on an EasyJet flight with Mark Wright, and I shared a packet of Starburst with him!’

Last issue’s 'Guess Who' was Kyle Cambray, one of our Learning & Development Mentors.

Have you guessed who it is? Email your answer to and we’ll reveal our mystery person in the next issue.

Be next issue’s ‘Guess Who’. Just email with a childhood photo.

2020…the year to remember Talented Early Years apprentice Millie King created this impressive poem in her English class:


Although the year we thought was going to be the best, turned out to be nothing but a mess, There’s been some fun times, happy times and even a little laughter, When COVID came along, it was just a disaster. From laughing in London, watching fireworks with friends, To staying two metres away and cancelling plans. The country got shut down, which made everyone feel down. Families were split up, and friendships were lost too, All thanks to good old COVID, we love you too. Borders were closed, across air, sea and land, The world that we knew, had turned into COVID land. People wore masks, gloves and constantly gave their hands a good wash. But that’s not all, there was soon even more fear for us all. When Boris announced lockdown, everyone felt scared. From standing and chatting to dodging everyone everywhere. From hugging and kissing to waving through a screen, I think at one point, everyone let out a good scream. The anger, the upset, the ever-lasting pain, Saying goodbye to family members, sometimes never to see again. The confusion and hurt caused some people to shatter, But they weren’t even sure what was really the matter. The hope and joy kept people believing, Support bubbles were good, but not for the shielding. Finally lockdown ended, but all wasn’t how it seems, Plans were made then cancelled, Pubs were open then shut.


Y R T E People hoped they’d go back to their job, Whilst others went back to their perfect job. Some were seen begging for money, Whilst others were seen swimming in money. Schools went back, people mixing, That only led to more COVID testing. Tier one, two and three but which one were you in? People went out, whilst others stayed in. Stay safe and take care, the government ranted. As we come to the end of this horrible year, Let’s remember, it’s the time to cheer. Your decs should be up, including your tree, Christmas is coming, which means a bubble of three. Switch on your lights and make them extra bright. And remember, this year was probably the worst one, But Christmas 2020 will be the best one! Stay safe and take care everyone! 2020… the year to remember!

By Millie King If you’d like to submit a poem for the next issue of Campus Chatter, please email it to indicating whether you’d like us to publish your name, or use it anonymously.

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Be Flexible and Compassionate

These are unique and extraordinary times which will be challenging for all of us in different ways. Examples such as having children who would ordinarily be at school or elderly relatives who require assistance will add to the stresses and strains of everyday life. Encouraging flexible working hours and paying extra attention to workload management will help people balance their ‘work’ and ‘home’ lives.

Encourage Best Practice for Staff Working From Home


Not everyone will be used to remote working. Simple things like properly setting up a workspace that is separate from ‘home’ space, taking regular screen breaks, and clearing away at the end of the day can help people switch off their ‘work mode’ and decompress. Exercise, eating well, and practising self-care can also have a big impact on mental and physical wellbeing.


Connect Authentically

Remember that with most of us working remotely, there is less room to bump into each other, chat organically, or discuss concerns we might have. Arranging more informal sessions such as a remote team coffee every morning can help teams stay connected and reduce feelings of isolation. Some organisations have even started collaborative music playlists, virtual yoga sessions, and a company radio station to get to know each other better and maintain a culture of support and collaboration.

Make Time For Supportive Conversations


Try to think about ways to adapt, giving support for people who may be struggling with their mental health in a remote setting. Start by applying the same principles of having a supportive conversation as you would in person – set enough time aside, minimise distractions around you (you may need to move to another room), and give the person your full focus by turning off your notifications and other devices.


Don’t Pour From An Empty Cup

When supporting your colleagues' wellbeing it’s important to remember to prioritise your own wellbeing. This will give you the best possible chance of providing effective support. Consider the support measures you have around you, whether that’s a peer support network, your line manager, the College Mental Health First Aiders, or the College’s Human Resources Team who of course can provide a listening ear; they can also provide access to other services such as occupational health and counselling. Most importantly encourage anyone who needs support to reach out.







The Learning & Development Mentor team, with the support of ISU, Admin, Estates and Student Support, have been working hard to ensure that ALL our learners have the equipment to engage remotely during the pandemic – in total, they’ve supplied over 750 pieces of equipment!

Just four months after its launch, we've made the Top 10 Schools and Colleges for Xello usage, our new Careers and Employability platform! Well done to the Learning & Development Mentor team, who’ve driven learners to engage.

Caroline Hurst’s Fun, Family Zoom Quiz was a HUGE success! In total, 45 families took part! Organised for staff and their families, Student Liaison Officer Caroline created an event that was engaging and fun for all involved. She certainly went the extra mile to keep spirits up in lockdown!

Carpentry & Joinery apprentices Luis Gould and Tom Grundy achieved distinctions in their Level 3 End-Point Assessments, thanks to the support they received in College. Luis said: ‘My time here has been fantastic and the tutors and staff have been great.’


Tom added: ‘The hands-on experience has been really beneficial - I’m leaving College with so many transferable skills.’


Several of the College’s Level 3 Early Years students are off to uni! Berivane Wallace has just received an offer to study Primary Education, with Qualified Teacher Status, at Edge Hill.

Onwards and upwards for Berivane!

Childcare & Education learners designed positive affirmation posters for Children’s Mental Health Week. The learners agreed that as adults, they need to focus on their own mental health so that they can be the best versions of themselves for the children in their care.




s y a D l a n o i t a N e h t Guess

the s s e u g u o , can y w o l e b s e u an ag o y m i e e v i h g t l l ’ m Fro s? We k e e w r o s y special da start! o t e n o y eas



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6. 8.


10. Email your answers to

IN THE Read all about it!!! When Dorothy Chapman began studying at Bolton Technical College in 1946, little did she know that over 75 years later, Early Years students would be taking inspiration from her work. Jennifer Coke, Curriculum Leader for Early Years, was overwhelmed when she received Dorothy’s old notebook in the post, following her passing at the age of 87.

READ MORE Three of the College’s Elite Development Squad players have hit the big time!

Their talent hasn’t gone unnoticed and they’ve been asked to train with Bolton Wanderers’ Academy Team.

We reached the finals of the Association of Colleges’ Beacon Awards, the equivalent of the Oscars in the Further Education sector!

In partnership with Hopwood Hall College, we were highly commended for working collaboratively to become trauma informed colleges.


Read more

Kind-hearted Sports students created and delivered a Christmas hamper to patients at Bolton Hospice. Ryan Gillibrand, Learning & Development Mentor, said: ‘The students really thought about what would benefit the hospice patients, and they all agreed that giving back to society is a great feeling.’

The Performing Arts Department have made headlines yet again, this time with a music video filmed at Bolton Wanderers! Kyle Cambray directed, whilst Edd Lewis filmed and edited, and they even managed to rope in Wanderers’ legend Tony Kelly for a supporting role!

Watch HERE The Anderton Centre, which is part of the University of Bolton Group, has won a top regional enterprise award. The activity centre, based in Rivington, has been named ‘Best Outdoor Learning & Activities Facility in the North West’.

Read MORE DO you have some news to share? Send your stories to


Supporting someone during Covid Checking in on your family, friends and colleagues is always important. But as the coronavirus pandemic continues, this is more important than ever. Lots of us have felt worried about the coronavirus pandemic, and everyone will feel differently about the changes to lockdown restrictions. If someone’s feeling anxious or worried, you don’t need to be an expert on mental health to support them. Think about using our three top tips:

Check in If someone doesn’t feel ready to meet face-to-face, picking up the phone, having a video call, starting a group chat or messaging someone on social media lets them know you are there to talk and ready to listen


Listen & Reflect Whether you have a mental health problem or not, this will be a challenging time for our mental health and wellbeing. If someone opens up to you, remember that you don't need to fix things or offer advice. Often just listening, and showing you take them seriously, can help someone to manage.

Ask Questions & Access Support Ask how people are managing, and ask again if you're worried they aren't sharing the full picture. Asking again, with interest, can help someone to open up and explore what they're feeling. The College’s HR team are also here to support you, so if you need to talk or have any worries then just get in touch with the team via or contact Jane Marsh, Director of Human Resources directly via or call 01204 482 100. HR can provide a listening ear, an opportunity to talk things through or of course, provide support through our occupational health and counselling services.

If you’re in need of mental health advice and information in relation to Covid-19, Mind and Rethink Mental Illness have a number of resources:

Star of the BBC’s The Apprentice!


Adam Corbally, named the favourite ever candidate of the BBC’s The Apprentice, would normally be visiting schools this month, giving pupils the chance to swap the classroom for the boardroom and learn more about Apprenticeships. Luckily Adam, a big friend of Bolton College, wasn’t about to miss the opportunity to connect with the next generation of young entrepreneurs, so here’s the next best thing - Adam’s engaging thoughts on Apprenticeships, as well as his recipe for success!

Check out Adam’s websites here:



Check out the Funny Bits from The Apprentice Episode 11, where Adam was tasked with creating a new sweet.


Watch Adam’s audition for The Apprentice – Adam reached the final three, narrowly missing out on the final.


Adam not only starred in The Apprentice, he also made a big impression on another BBC show, Total Wipeout!


National Apprenticeship Week 2021 All you need to know about Apprenticeships in one bite-sized video.

#BuildTheFuture Celebrating National Apprenticehip Week is an annual event at Bolton College. Let’s take a look at how we overcame restrictions to give Apprenticeships the big shout out they deserve!

Videos were created for each curriculum area delivering Apprenticeships – here’s an example:

Click to view al on soci gst Shared d amon n a a i d ne me magazi e , s l o o sch ticeship Appren ains nt Buzz co ons, iti compet ccess su videos, d more. an stories


Step-by-step advice on how to secure an Apprenticeship, from creating a CV to contacting local companies.

Over 160 posts and tweets were scheduled on the College’s social media platforms across the week!


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Linking with schools Schools received an electronic package of resources to support pupils – these included Apprenticeships info, as well as links to learning resources and our Virtual Open Event.



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By Saiqa



Making Headlines!

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The College’s apprentices made headlines in the Bolton News for their efforts during lockdown – they were praised for their response to the pandemic, and the manner in which they overcame the challenges of the past 12 months.

IN THE SP During the past 12 months we’ve helped each other and supported our partners in the wider community. Here’s how the College has stepped up: Supporting The Bolton Family is an emagazine created by Bolton College, in partnership with Bolton Council. Thanks to contributions from Team Bolton, the emag has done a fantastic job of supporting Bolton’s communities. You can read all issues here. We all know home schooling isn’t easy. Thankfully, our Family Learning team created a Home Survival Guide to support parents and carers, making life that little bit easier. Read it here.

Since the start of the pandemic we’ve supported the NHS, helping to relay important messages about Covid, and raising awareness amongst our learners.


POTLIGHT Young People’s Virtual Open Event

This academic year’s Open Event went virtual, allowing young people to learn all about the College from the safety of their home. Thanks to the efforts of YOU, the event was a huge success, with a deluge of positive feedback received from schools across Bolton: ‘What an incredible creation! Thank you so much! The resources are presented in such an eye catching, cool YP approach! I am really amazed and blown away with what you and your team can do!’ ‘Really impressive - the content’s engaging and the production is really creative and professional. Well done!’ ‘I’ve distributed to our Advisors and had positive feedback from them saying it’s easy to use and engaging.’

‘Loo ama ks z Abso ing! l awes utely ome !’

FAST FACTS 11,000+ overall views 1 take for Kyle Cambray to shoot the hoop from the halfway line during the Whistle Stop Campus Tour!

‘I’m very impressed with the Virtual Open Event, students are finding it really helpful.’



r e t t a h C YOU needs

We’d love to know what you think of Campus Chatter! Please send us your feedback, or even better, send your suggestions for new content!

How to keep fit!

Your Favourite book!

Your very own challenge!

Competition ideas!

Most watched box sets!


ANSWERS TO THE RIDDLES 1. Beauty. Because beauty is in the eye of the beholder (bee holder). 2. Just one, after which it will no longer be empty. 3. The answer is 8. The numbers represent the lengths of the words in the question. 4. Man – four limbs as a toddler, two feet as an adult, two feet and a walking stick when elderly. 5. The answer is MAP.

Your creative ideas!

Or some new ideas!

Send them all to

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