Our Approach to the Promotion of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Quality Assurance Managers and Promotion staff promote EDI is embedded into all quality equality and assurance mechanisms designed to drive improvement of teaching, diversity learning and assessment, such as observations and walkthroughs of passionately and teaching, learning and assessment, exceptionally well. learner surveys, course reviews, departmental and College selfThere is a strong assessment reports (SARs), performance management and development of quality improvement plans (QIPs). learners’ awareness Teachers use the EDI Champion calendar to plan for the embedding of equality and and promotion of EDI into lesson diversity themes. plans and schemes of work. Latest Ofsted Inspection
The College has an active approach to promoting and celebrating equality, diversity and inclusion. We pride ourselves on being a welcoming and inclusive College with a real commitment to continually raising awareness of equality and diversity matters and minimising discrimination and prejudice. There is a senior strategic lead in place with the objective of ensuring a proactive approach is taken to promoting and monitoring EDI in our College.
Comprehensive systems are in place to regularly monitor the views of learners (questionnaires, focus groups, learning walks, student representatives). The student questionnaires include specific questions on aspects of EDI.
In-year course attendance, retention, achievement, progress and success rates are monitored by protected characteristic. This approach was recognised by Ofsted in its latest inspection: “Managers and staff promote equality and diversity passionately and exceptionally well. Managers identify any particular groups of learners who do not achieve as well as others and put effective actions in place. Consequently, there are no significant differences in achievement between different groups of learners.”
Annual Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report 2020-2021 17