1 minute read
Connect with Old Boys and Old Girls on the Bolton Alumni Network: www.boltonalumninetwork.com
‘Like’ our Facebook page for event invitations, School news and memories: search Bolton School – Old Boys and Old Girls (Official)

Connect with fellow Old Boys on LinkedIn: connect with Bolton School Alumni and join the Bolton School Group
Follow School and Alumni news via Twitter: @BoltonSchool/@BoltonSchAlumni Follow boltonschoolalumni to keep up with news, events and memories on Instagram. You can also follow bolton_school_foundation for the latest news and photographs from School and use #BSAlumni to share your own memories and photos.
Watch short films posted on the School’s YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/ boltonschoolmedia
Read regular blogs from pupils and staff from across the campus: boltonschool.me/
View photos of Alumni events on Flickr at www.flickr.com/photos/bsalumni/albums
Contact Us
Development Office
Bolton School
Chorley New Road Bolton
T: 01204 434718
E: development@boltonschool.org
The Team
Rebecca Brayshaw Development Manager
Laura Firth
Director of Development and Alumni Relations
Frances Johnson Development Officer
Rebecca Kendrick
Development Assistant
Elizabeth Lupton Development Assistant
Emma Metcalfe
Alumni Engagement Officer
Visit the ‘Alumni and Giving Back’ section of the School website at www.boltonschool.org to see event photos, read Alumni career profiles, find news of Old Boys, view an up-to-date events calendar, update your contact details and more.
Stay Connected
We hope you enjoy being kept up-to-date with what is happening at School and within the Old Boy community as much as we value the opportunity to stay connected to you. If your contact details have changed, or if you have not yet let us know your communication preferences and wish to continue hearing from School, then please contact the Development Office as soon as possible, or complete the Alumni Communications Update form found in the 'Alumni and Giving Back' section of the School website, www.boltonschool.org
Bolton School Merchandise
A variety of merchandise, including our new style hoodies, priced at £25 each and available in black or burgundy, is available from the store on the School’s website – please visit www.boltonschool.org/ourcommunity/commercial-services to see the full range and details of how to order.
All profits made from the sale of merchandise go directly to the School’s Bursary Fund which helps to make a Bolton School education open to all academically gifted pupils, irrespective of their families’ financial situations.