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Looking Back
Keith Johnson (Class of 1968) sent in this photo of a School trip to Portsmouth in 1965 – Keith (pictured second left, back row) and his classmates, including Philip Brammer, Stephen Gorski, Joe Howard, Ken Rigg and Dave Robinson, spent a week learning to sail dinghies on training ship Foudroyant (formerly HMS Trincomalee) accompanied by masters Mr De Maine and Mr Tydeman

Alan Pearce (Class of 1963) sent in this photograph of the 1963 Hockey 1st XI. Alan (centre, top row) can identify Morecroft, Seddon, Cubbin, Aldred, Entwistle and Middleton – and apologises to those whose names he is unable to recall! Please get in touch if you recognise any of the other team members.

Many thanks to Frank Millhouse (Class of 1961) for this photo of the 1956 U14 cricket team Back, L-R: Murdon, Jones, Beesley, Clarke, Nuttall, Leaver, Millhouse, Clements-Scorer, Rushton
Front: Ryder, Walker, Stokes, Kennedy, Hargreaves
Frank also sent in this photo of Cricket at Lilleshall, Easter 1956 – he is second from right on the second row, next to Whisky Walker. Also featured are Masters John Hyde, Peter Atkinson, Ron Booth, Jack Ikin (Coach, England and Lancashire) and Alan Mitchell.

Thank you to Andrew Doxsey (Class of 1973) for this photo of the joint production of The Admirable Crichton back in 1972/73. Andrew is on the left wearing the chef’s clothing, while the lead is Andrew Peter Nuttall (Class of 1973).

Thank you to Roger Butler (Class of 1976) who sent in this photo of the Scout Camp at Newton Stewart in July 1971.

Thank you to Bill Dick (Class of 1960) for this photo of the Lower Third, 1953-54 –although taken 70 years ago, Dick (on the middle row to the left of Mr Mills) can name most of the class and wonders if those featured can do so too!
If you have any photos of your time at School which you would like to share, please email them to development@boltonschool.org