2 minute read
Alumni London Dinner

The Armourers’ Hall, Friday 3rd March 2023

The Armourers’ Hall provided a spectacular backdrop for Old Boys and Old Girls from across the generations to chat and share stories about their time at School.

‘3’ Class Reunion
Calling all Old Boys who left in 1953, 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003 and 2013!
We will be holding a Reunion at Bolton School on Saturday 30th September 2023 for these year groups – Former Staff are also very welcome to attend, as are Alumni from other years. (Please note that this date supersedes that previously advertised of Saturday 22nd April.)

Details of how to book may be found at www.trybooking.co.uk/CHUS. We hope to see as many of you as possible, so please get in touch with your classmates and make sure you all have this date in your diaries!
Calling the Class of 1992!
Do you remember the days of passing notes in class and staying up late talking on the phone? Trips to Cautley, Geography field trips, lots of rain, ski trips, French exchanges, day trips to London, Edinburgh and York, running around the park in the rain avoiding the piles of leaves, the teacher who inspired you, the smell of freshly cut grass on the Levels, school dinners, Central Park, Ritzy, 'Avinit, using real coins and using phones with wires?
It’s been 30 years since you left School, but these are memories shared. As you are all contemplating turning the big FIVE O you now have the opportunity to celebrate this milestone with a blast from the past!
Six of your school mates are arranging a reunion night to take place on Saturday 18th May 2024. This will
Alumni Events Calendar
Wednesday 3rd May not be a Schoolorganised event, more a revamp of the Sixth Form school parties that were held at Central Park and Ritzy’s (with a little more sophistication and better drink choices!). These venues are long gone, but the organisers promise to find a great place in Manchester to bring everyone together. It will be a fun night of reliving old memories and creating new ones.
As plans are firmed up you can register your interest on the following site: www.avinitagain.com. There is also a Facebook site you can request to join too: ‘Avinit again! 2024. If you have any problems registering, please email: avinitagain2024@gmail.com.
The Hulton Lecture Girls’ Division Great Hall and via live stream, 5.00pm (Annual Primary Division Lecture)
Wednesday 10th May Founders’ Day Assembly Via live stream, 8.55am
Monday 15th May Old Boys’ Lunch and AGM Bolton School, 12 noon
Wednesday 7th June Former Staff Lunch Bolton School, 12 noon (Boys’ Division, Girls’ Division and Primary Division)
Friday 16th June Alumni Cumbria Lunch Lindeth Howe Hotel, Windermere, 12 noon
Tuesday 27th June Recent Leavers’ (Class of 2022) Reunion Bolton School, 2.30pm-5.00pm

Saturday 30th September ‘3’ Class Reunion Bolton School, 11.30am-4.30pm
To reserve your ticket for any of our Alumni events, please call the Development Office on 01204 434718, email development@boltonschool.org or visit the Alumni and Giving Back section of the School website (www.boltonschool.org) where you can book online.