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Mini Reunions
Freshers have a Fine Time in York
Students from the Class of 2022 got together in York to visit the Christmas markets.
Morgan, Jack and Tom also watched the University of York’s Freshers’ play, Agatha Christie’s And Then There were None, in which Christian was starring as Sir Lawrence Wargrave, the murderer. Old Girl Lillian Featham (Class of 2022), who studies at the University of Leeds, also joined the get-together.
The group took up the Development Team’s generous offer to contribute £10 per head to groups of Old Boys and Old Girls organising reunions at university. If you are a current undergraduate and would like to arrange a mini-reunion to take advantage of this offer we would love to hear from you – the only stipulation is that you send in a photo for publication in The Bugle!

London Lunch
Four chaps from the Class of 1970 recently got together in London for a lunchtime of wine, food, wine, memories and wine.