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FOUNDATION NEWS A Message from the Head of Foundation

Without doubt it remains one of the great joys of my role to meet so many Old Boys and Old Girls at events, to enjoy your tales of School life and to recognise in your own appreciation of your School days what we must be very sure we continue to do for those currently at School: the key features seem to me to be intellectual ambition (with a helping hand for those who find some things more challenging); the chance to find your passion and interest in life, whether sport, drama, music or at one of the many other activities; a sense of being part of something bigger than yourself and a desire to help others.
The idea of helping others is shown by how many of you assist with our careers programme and on the mentoring schemes for Old Boys and, from this year, for Old Girls. I was delighted that the Find Your Path mentoring scheme devised by the Old Boltonians’ Association was shortlisted for a business mentoring award earlier this year. This helping hand, giving advice we either were given or wished we had been given, is a wonderful example of how being part of the wider community of the School can still create a sense of