Glossary of Terms
Workplace Design and Amenities From the onset of office work, humans have needed to create a space to perform their duties. In the beginning, this meant simply finding a location that was private and quiet enough for confidential conversations and employee productivity. As technology and solutions advance, it’s all about creating a comfortable environment that provides a great work-life balance while still meeting the needs of today’s digital workers. I hope you will be inspired by the ideas and considerations presented in this guide.
Gabriel Eckert, FASAE, CAE, is editorin-chief of the Commercial Real Estate Insight Journal. He also serves as the CEO of the Building Owners and Managers Association of Georgia and BOMA Georgia Foundation. He is a Certified Association Executive; Fellow of the American Society of Association Executives; and has been named by the Atlanta Business Chronicle as one of the Top 100 Who’s Who in Commercial Real Estate, a list of “leaders, deal makers, and legends who are changing Atlanta.”
LETTER FROM THE EDITOR CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 2
Building Scopes of Work for Landscaping Projects
There are two main goals behind sustainable landscaping: environmental sustainability, which aims to minimize the impact of human activities on the environment; and economic sustainability, which aims to maximize investment returns while minimizing costs.
The 2022 Landscaping Guide from CRE Insight Journal is a resource for commercial real estate professionals as they consider the design and implementation of indoor and outdoor green spaces for the future of the real estate industry.
As trends in commercial real estate landscaping continue to evolve, we can only begin to address this topic in this guide. However, by sharing this guide with your teams and customers, you will drive inspiration, creativity, and new ideas that your businesses and properties may consider. You are also encouraged to seek additional resources available www.CREInsightJournal.comat, a few of which have been highlighted in this guide.
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There are many ways to achieve these goals that are explored in articles and videos throughout this guide.
As the industry moves through “budget season,” now is the time to consider green space at your property. First, your customers have become more conscious of the role of green space in enhancing their lives and productivity. Second, the landscape industry has been undergoing a period of evolution, driven in part by the need to reduce costs, but also to increase the value that good indoor and outdoor landscaping provides to a commercial real estate asset and customers. This is the time to look for best practices that help them meet the needs of their clients while also addressing the needs of the Theenvironment.guidefeatures a selection of articles and video addressing a range of topics.
LandscapingSustainable and Landscaping Trends Sustainable landscaping can be defined as the practice of designing landscapes that are appropriate for the local environment and therefore sustainable. The term “sustainable” is used to describe practices, products, and services that meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
The scope of work for interior or exterior landscaping projects can vary depending on the type of property and the desired function or purpose. Great care should be exercised when preparing a scope of work for your property’s landscaping Learn more about the “Dos and Don’ts” when building your property’s landscaping scope of work in our feature on page 11.
It can be a challenge to keep up with all the landscaping jargon as you consider interior and exterior landscaping at your property. That is why this special guide features a glossary of terms to help readers navigate these topics explored in the Commercial Real Estate Landscaping Guide. You will find that resource on page 13.
No matter what challenges you face in your day-to-day, I encourage you to keep CRE Insight Journal as one of your resources.

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CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 4 CRE Landscaping Guide Contents © CRE Insight Journal 2022 Landscaping Guide is published for: CRE Insight Journal 5901 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd, NE Suite C-300 Atlanta, GA 30328 (404) Editor-in-Chief: Gabriel Eckert, CAE, geckert@bomageorgia.orgFASAE Executive Editor: Jacob Wilder, jwilder@bomageorgia.orgCAE Managing Editor: Owen Unlessokavanagh@bomageorgia.orgKavanaghotherwisenoted,allcontent was researched and written by Kathryn Kavanagh. 5 Native and Xeriscape Landscaping 7 5 Sustainable Landscaping Trends to Watch in 2022 8 VIDEO: Xeriscaping in CRE 8 Vertical Farming Methods in CRE 9 Workplace Design Evolution and Amenities 10 Green Roof Sustainability and Maintenance 11 Building Landscaping Scopes of Work for RFPs 12 VIDEO: Defining a Scope of Work:Landscaping RFPs 13 Landscaping Glossary of Terms 14 Water Features in Landscape Design in CRE 15 Pollinator Friendly Tips for Building Owners and Managers Thank you to our advertisers supporting the CRE Landscaping Guide! • LandCare - Page 6 • HighGrove Partners - Page 3
Other native wildlife such as various bird species benefit from native plants as food sources and shelter. Birds and native plants have a symbiotic relationship because the native species provide food and shelter, and the native birds help pollinate and spread seeds of native plants.
Costs The largest expense associated with transitioning to a xeriscape landscape is removing your current landscape to plant drought resistant or native plants. Altering your irrigation system to accommodate less need for water like a drip irrigation system can also be a large expense. These alternative sprinkler systems will save water as conventional sprinkler systems allow evaporation to take place, resulting in an ineffective use of water while drip irrigation targets lower areas on the plant to help prevent evaporation.
In the Southeastern region of the United States, Wood-Storks, Chuck-Will’s-Widows, and Swainson’s Warblers are a few native bird species. In the Southwestern United States, California Condors, Brown-Capped Finches, and Black Rosy-Finches are common.
While some birds may be native to a specific region, the migratory nature of many of these species allows for them to benefit from native plants across many regions.
Xeriscaping reduces water use and costs associated with high water usage. “Just by the nature of it being xeriscape you’re going to use less water” adds Sorbet.
Environmental Impact
Xeriscapingproperty? is a form of landscaping that requires little to no irrigation. This system can help reduce costs associated with installation and maintenance of plants and irrigation systems.
“Something that people don’t take into consideration is that there’s a carbon cost to water usage. Around 2 percent of the of the total electrical consumption in the United States is dedicated to treating and delivering water for domestic, commercial, or industrial use” adds Sorbet.
According to Sorbet, after his organization switched to xeriscaping, their irrigation water usage decreased by 90 percent. Additionally, xeriscaping not only reduces water usage but can also help reduce energy usage as well. The reduction of energy used to treat and deliver water to a property not only saves money but also reduces their carbon footprint.
Sorbet explains that planting drought tolerant or low maintenance trees provides shade which in turn can reduce a building’s air conditioning use. He also adds that the trees and shrubs help improve the air quality in the building’s area.
In Commercial Real Estate, landscape design is incredibly important to the overall look and feel of a property. However, the environmental impact of a landscape should be a high consideration as well. Native landscaping and xeriscaping can reduce overall maintenance costs and water usage while simultaneously providing habitats for pollinators and other native “It’sspecies.atechnique that’s employed to reduce your irrigation requirements. Typically, you’re going to use native and adapted plants” says Joe Sorbet, Director of Engineering for Collaborative Real Estate.
How can xeriscaping and native landscaping benefit your
CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 5
Xeriscaping usually utilizes drought-tolerant plants like succulents and plants native to your property’s area. Native landscaping and xeriscaping go hand-in-hand because xeriscaping techniques often utilize native plants to reduce irrigation needs and promote longevity in a landscape.
After installation costs, xeriscape landscapes need little maintenance because they do not need regular watering or usually any watering at all. Xeriscaping and native landscaping saves time, money, water, energy, and more.
Using native plants in xeriscaping reduces maintenance costs and encourages landscaping professionals to utilize native plants. Native plants are enormously beneficial to pollinators like honeybees and butterflies.

Thesystems.trees and other plants provide shade for buildings and shelter for local pollinators as well as reduce water usage, transportation, and lower costs on irrigation system maintenance. Why wait? Explore xeriscaping with native plants at your property and explore all the benefits it can bring today!
Reduced maintenance on a landscape directly translates to reduced labor costs as well.
CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 6
Why make the switch?
Understanding xeriscaping is the first step towards maintaining a minimal maintenance landscape. Making educated decisions about your landscape can reduce spending down the line.
Executive Director of the Georgia Urban Agriculture Council, Mary Kay Woodworth states that property managers and owners “recognize that they’ve got to have a low maintenance landscape and have less inputs on the landscape.”
Ecological health is a key factor for some tenants when comparing various properties and lush native landscapes are a great selling point. Xeriscaping and native landscaping reduce costs in labor and water, lowers environmental impact, and reduces the need for expensive irrigation systems. Native plants thrive in their indigenous climate and can create a vibrant landscape that appeals to potential tenants while simultaneously saving money and being environmentally beneficial.
Native plants are also more likely to thrive in their environment, reducing the risk of having to replant and the associated costs.
Less inputs on a landscape means reduced maintenance costs. Inputs on a landscape include anything used to maintain a landscape such as pesticides, fertilizers, irrigation systems, machinery, and more. Native landscaping reduces the need for unnecessary inputs on a landscape.
Xeriscaping with native plants reduces overall water consumption. But the benefits don’t end there. A reduction in energy usage because of building cooling provided by tree shade and reduced need for water transportation and irrigation
Joe Sorbet, Director of Engineering for Collaborative Real Estate Our dedicated teams, and our passion for landscaping shows in everything we do. Zach Stokes Zach.Stokes@LandCare.com678-708-7761 Your Land. Our Care. Find out how we can create a meaningful landscape at your property.
Mary Kay Woodworth, Executive Director of the Georgia Urban Agriculture Council
“The real forward-thinking technology is even though it’s a reduced irrigation requirement, still micromanaging that irrigation requirement for your xeriscape landscape and having satellite control of your irrigation and monitoring the weather conditions, et cetera” indicates Sorbet.
“Ultimately, in the long run over the life of the of the facility, [xeriscaping] is going to save a ton of money” says Sorbet.
With native landscaping, plants require less maintenance in terms of soil and water and are more persistent through inclement weather conditions. After initial instillation, native plants are inexpensive to maintain since they are acclimated to survive in their own environment.

Landscaping trends are always evolving, particularly trends that focus on sustainability and less maintenance. Staying up to date with these trends helps your commercial property cut costs and increase environmentally conscious practices for a more sustainable property.
Xeriscaping and Water Management Xeriscaping is a form of landscaping that uses little to no water, which reduces costs on irrigation systems and water.
“ is something that really makes a big difference because it’s not just about watering your lawn. It’s all about the stormwater runoff and pesticide use and things like that” says Woodworth.
“Many things are being put in and designed to keep people at the properties to utilize the space, and I think a very important selling point for a leasing or management company when they’re trying to attract people” says Mary Kay Woodworth, Executive Director of the Urban Agriculture Council.
Xeriscaping primarily utilizes native plants which are more drought-resistant in their native climates eliminating the need for expensive irrigation systems. This method of landscaping also reduces maintenance costs.
Strategically planted trees can provide shade for buildings and serve as a blockade against the sun and lower cooling costs for building owners and managers. On the opposite side, trees grouped strategically called “windbreakers” provide a barrier between a building and powerful winds during colder months.
“Drones have technology in them that can measure and observe properties from incredible angles. They can be up above the properties and locate water issues and insect or disease issues.
Outdoor lighting in landscaping is an attractive amenity for tenants while keeping bright and safe lighting. With LED lighting you can save money on energy costs. Solar energy is another sustainable option for cost-effective lighting to enhance a landscape and with decreases in solar cell costs, a solar install may be cheaper than ever.
CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 7
Landscaping professionals are moving towards more water efficient plants like native species to cut down on management costs and maintenance. Sustainable water management in landscaping can look different for different properties, such as grey water reclamation systems or an onsite well to reduce water
Woodworth mentions outdoor amenities like patios, rooftop gardens, bocce ball courts, and more that she’s seen recently added to commercial property planning.
Energy Efficient Landscaping
“There’s been research to show that if you provide a very beautiful and comfortable environment for the office workers that they’ll stay there and they’ll work harder” Woodworth adds.
Education on water management and conservation for landscaping professionals and commercial property stakeholders is an important preparation tool in the event of a drought or other unforeseen issues.
Technology Recently, landscaping and agriculture professionals began utilizing drone technology.
Outdoor Amenities
Higher retention rates and interest from potential tenants are major benefits to various outdoor amenities. Added amenities like outdoor kitchens, patios, rooftop gardens, and more attract new tenants and maintain current ones.
According to Schill Grounds Management, a professional landscaping management company in Ohio, another way to increase sustainability and save on costs is to update irrigation systems to reflect the latest technology like rain sensors and sprinkler timers. Newer technologies in irrigation systems allow for less water use and less maintenance time.

CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 8
Mary Kay Woodworth, Executive Director of the Georgia Urban Agriculture Council
Living Walls - Paradise Restored Landscaping
How can xeriscaping benefit your property? Xeriscaping encourages low maintenance and reduced utility costs. Join Joe Sorbet, Director of Engineering for Collaborative Real Estate as he explains how xeriscaping applies to you!
The Principles of Xeriscaping | Buildings
Sources: What is Xeriscaping? - GroundMasters Landscape Services, Inc. (
The Hottest Landscaping Trends for Commercial Properties (
Automated lawn mowers have also become popular in recent years. They reduce labor costs, noise, and are more efficient than traditional mowers.
allowed landscape planning to become more efficient and faster than traditional surveying techniques, but automation in commercial landscaping doesn’t end there.
Living walls are structures affixed on a wall with a selfsufficient vertical plant system. These green walls are an interesting amenity for tenants and have the added benefit of improving air quality and adding aesthetically pleasing elements to a commercial property.
In recent years, commercial real estate owners and managers have been moving toward environmental sustainability systems that are cost-effective and beneficial to tenants and staff. One of these systems is rooftop gardens, which are kickstarting a wider shift towards sustainable urban farming. Some properties do not have the luxury of a large space they can dedicate to a garden but with vertical farming techniques, it takes only a few square feet to grow fresh produce on-site for tenants, staff, and guests. Read more!
Potted plants are another great way to increase air quality and improve aesthetics in a commercial property with low maintenance costs. These trends and tactics can make your property more sustainable while simultaneously reducing costs. Keeping up with current sustainable trends help makes your property the most efficient and environmentally conscious it can be. Implement some of these trends in your property today!
Drones really help pinpoint problems on the property, and they are much more efficient and comprehensive than a person walking the property” explains DronesWoodworth.have
“Technology has made a tremendous difference and will continue to do so, particularly in commercial properties where you’ve got vast properties with many, many different topography, terrain, shade, and sun situations,” says Woodworth.
Vertical Landscaping Vertical landscaping is when plants are placed in a supporting structure vertically and grow directly on said structure. Some vertical landscaping systems include built in irrigation systems for lower maintenance.
Living green walls in commercial properties are becoming increasingly popular for added greenery.

The increase in client interest in workplace strategy shows how the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected the comfort elements and strategies of a workplace.
The Evolution of Workplace Design In the last few years, landscape design has evolved from a domino effect of events. First, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted working from home which later evolved into hybrid work systems focused on combining in-office and home-office working schedules. From there a larger emphasis was placed on the wellbeing of employees and how workplace design can benefit and encourage employees to enjoying working in an office
“Also, people are really saying, you know safety is a big concern, so do they feel safe in their building? Is there a security guard? Is there access control at all their doors? Do they feel like the building is well kept up?” adds Piper.
Christina Piper, Vice President of Workplace Design at Big Red Rooster – a JLL company says “since the pandemic, we’ve seen a lot of clients inquiring about hybrid work and kind of figure out their hybrid work strategies. The biggest change that we’ve seen in workplace design evolution is before the pandemic, clients who wanted workplace strategy was like 10 to 20 percent, very low, and now it’s really 50 to 60 percent and they want some bit of strategy to understand what’s lacking in their workplace, what could be different, and how to implement some of these hybrid Piperstrategies.”defines
“Whenspace.wetalk about a comfortable workplace, we’re talking about a place where people feel safe, where people feel they can be efficient, and where people feel like they can flex between several work settings is what I did was comfortable. A lot of that has to do with furniture, a lot of clients are bringing up points of ergonomic furniture” explains Piper.
“Also, a comfortable workplace is one where people can feel free to utilize technology, whatever route needed to be efficient” adds TechnologyPiper. has been increasingly important towards everyday life in the workplace, but different utilizations work for different employees, teams, and organizations. Emphasizing the notion of freedom to utilize technology that is effective and efficient for you can further encourage productivity in the office. Additionally, making technology adaptable and accessible for whatever method an employee chooses to utilize technology is crucial. If technology is not adaptable to the needs of each employee, the technology will likely go under appreciated.
Ergonomic furniture is human centric furniture that focuses on providing function and comfort. Piper gives an example of ergonomic furniture by mentioning the sit-stand desk she uses in her home office.
A property that has been invested in and cared for can look like many different things like dedicated green space, energy efficiency, technological advancements, and more.
“Just in general tenants want a modern building and they want to feel like they’re in a space that’s been invested in and cared for” describes Piper.
“Tenants are looking at standard things like parking but they’re also looking at restaurant options that are close by, things like dry cleaning, and even the ability to have parks and trails close to where they are for a lunchtime walk” says Piper.
CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 9
How does the design of a workplace attract employees? Why is workplace design so important towards retention rates? How have the needs of employees changed over time?
workplace strategy as “diving into the research side of their organization, focus groups, employee surveys, leader interviews, and more.”
For example, if an employee wanted a change of scenery to work in the common lounge space of their office, are there electrical outlets nearby that they can use for their laptop, is there enough natural light to make the space comfortable?
What are tenants looking for in amenities?

“Introducing natural elements which could be as literal as adding plants or a green wall. Or this could be done in a more subtle way, including naturally sourced materials, PVC free materials, light woods to warm the space, access to sunlight, etc.” says WhenPickus.developing an interior design plan, both Piper and Pickus mention the importance of a connection with nature. Research from the University of Copenhagen and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences confirms that there is a positive correlation between reduced stress levels and an increase in greenery or biophilia elements in the workplace. Many studies have shown that workplace design focused on incorporating
What does it mean to have a green roof? A green roof is any roof with a layer of vegetation over it. Green roofs can be extensive or intensive. Extensive green roofs usually focus on low growing plants and a thin layer of soil and are lower maintenance. Intensive green roof plants focus on deep plantings with a diverse ecosystem and increased maintenance. There are many considerations to look at before you install a green roof, here are a few of them.
Sources Christina: Piper, Vice President of Workplace Design at Big Red Rooster – a JLL company Madeleine Pickus, workplace designer at Big Red Rooster – a JLL Quantitativecompanyimprovement in workplace performance through biophilic design: A pilot experiment case study - ScienceDirect Workplace greenery and perceived level of stress: Benefits of access to a green outdoor environment at the workplaceScienceDirect
CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 10
Learn more about what to plant; benefits and costs; and solutions like creating a rooftop garden alternative...Read Now! SCAN ME! >
“When we talk about best practices, it’s about how would we want to feel in our workplace and ultimately, what are the things that we’ve learned from working from home that we desire? One big thing is flexibility, the ability to go for walk over lunch time. Those behaviors and desires can be replicated in the office environment now, and so a lot of that is incorporating biophilia into the design” expresses Piper. Biophilia design is incorporating nature in design elements based on human connection to nature.
green space and biophilia show positive effects. According to a study by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Keio University in Japan, there is a positive correlation between increased productivity and creativity with increase access to natural light and greenery in the office.
“A lot of it is increasing the amount of what we’re calling inclusive or wellness spaces, such as mothers, rooms and all gender restrooms to make sure that we’re building equitable spaces” says Piper. Conclusion Interior design has evolved to fit the needs of today’s workforce. A significant part of wellness within an office is access to nature whether it is accessible green space, natural light, or biophilia.
A connection to nature is incredibly important to the productivity and comfort of an employee.
Piper says best practices are “thinking about the employee’s entire workday, not just aspects of it.”
Many best practices in workplace design revolve around a human-centric design though process. It is essential to make sure your employees and tenants are comfortable and feel they can be productive in their space.
“In my experience as a designer, I would say “best practices” means creating a space that is intuitive for everyone and anyone” says Madeleine Pickus, workplace designer at Big Red Rooster – a JLL company.
Best Practices
In an office space, it is incredibly important to create accessible and functional spaces.

SOWs are in place to define the expectations or end result of an RFP. RFP stands for request for proposal and is used by property managers and owners to define the scope of work, evaluation standards, pricing, and more. An RFP usually includes an SOW, job requirements and specifications, a pricing matrix, scheduling information, bid form requirements, and more.
Wetherald advises “property managers or owners should reach out to their service providers to help them write scopes of work for each of their individual and different traits.”
“The expectation, in my opinion, is that you do whatever it needs to be done to make sure that the properties look the way that you expect it to” says Wetherald.
“A SOW is an acronym for a scope of work, and it’s important to have one to avoid contractors making assumptions about what you may or may not want, or what your ownership may or may not want with regards to the level of service and quality of your landscape management. It is important to be clear with your scope of work and what your expectations are, so you’re getting a service that will meet your needs” says John Wetherald, Director of Business Development at Russell Landscape.
Using past SOWs for current RFPs can create miscommunications between property management and contractors because they might not include the level of service that meets the property’s expectations on a specific project.
“I am always more than happy to help a customer or friend go through what their expectations are and how to put together a scope of work that their confident will get similar pricing and scopes from their vendors.”
CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 11
“One of the one of the problems that we see a lot is that people take scopes from other previously used documents, and they don’t always apply to the level of expectation that they have on a property” explains Wetherald.
“One of the things that I always ask for people to avoid are our
Often, the expectations at properties are aesthetic and outcome based. This is another reason why performance specifications are so important when curating an SOW for a project.
This issue can be avoided by utilizing advice from service providers to guide their curation of an SOW or an RFP.
Wetherald advises against exclusively using past SOWs to curate RFPs.
Understanding the different industry standards in your city or state help our property make more informed decisions about your expectations.
Industry standards can differ by state. “Industry standard in Atlanta is typically 51 visits, but in somewhere like Nashville, it’s usually 42 where you visit biweekly” explains Wetherald.
Wetherald emphasizes the importance of performance expectations. If performance expectations are explicit in an SOW, there is little room for confusion and miscommunication.
Dos and Don’ts of SOWs
Having well-defined and detailed SOWs included in RFPs is incredibly helpful towards making expectations and standards clear. Confusion can bring conflict and misunderstandings that hinder progress in projects.

trying to get a good representation of what the things cost to meet a certain scope and a phrase I hear all the time from property managers and owners is ‘apples to apples’ and when you are evaluating a service contract rather than landscape or janitorial or anything that involves labor there is almost no way to ever get an apples to apples comparison unless you’re talking about total annual labor hours budgeted for whatever your project is” explains Wetherald.
RFPs is
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Understanding and contemplating the realistic expectations of a project aid in clear portrayal of an SOW. When property managers and owners understand and clarify their own expectations for a property it is much easier to relay those expectations in an SOW.
Best Practices
CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 12
“In all cases you should have a pre bid meeting with all of the contractors that you would like to price the work to ensure that everybody is clear on what the level of expectation is at any given site” “Walk the site, discuss your expectations, and set clear “Alwaysgoals” allow enough time for your contractors to do proper takeoffs and evaluations to make sure that they have the right answer to your question” Clarity is equivalent to the success of an SOW. As explained by John Wetherald, setting clear expectations and specifications in an SOW is the most important part of defining a scope. well-defined and detailed SOWs included in incredibly helpful making expectations and standards clear. John Wetherald, Russell Landscape’s Director of Business Development as he explains SOWs and how to be successful when curating an SOW for your property’s RFP.
frequency charts and getting caught up with the number of times that you’re doing certain operations. I typically encourage people to use performance standards and specifications versus frequencies” says Wetherald.
Performance standards help contractors understand specific expectations as opposed to operations specifications. Frequency charts can still be useful to include but are not as vital as performance standards and “Everybodyspecifications.isalways

Perennials: plants that can live for more than two years and routinely come back throughout seasons
CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 13 : plants that cannot live for more than one year and must be replaced annually
Evergreen: plants that retain green leaves year round
Invasive Plants: invasive plants are a non-native species and are harmful to the native environment because they compete for resources. Invasive plants usually spread out of control and overtake an environment while also killing native species.
Ground Cover: low-growing plants placed in areas where traditional grass won’t grow or used as filler in plant beds.
Turf Grass: also known as sod and is usually used to establish new lawns. Turf grass is where the grass plant is already rooted in soil.
Hardscape: the non-plant features used in landscape architecture that are typically constructed and installed like paths or walkways
Drought Tolerant plants that can survive with no water for long periods of time
Barrier Plants: plants that provide a a boundary, barricade or delineation in landscape design.
Drip/Trickle Irrigation: irrigation system where water drips/trickles onto plants as opposed to direct watering. This method can reduce water usage.
Exotic/Non-Native Plants: plants that are non- native to a specific region or area but can still survive in that area.
Native Plants: plants native to a specific region or area.
Biennials: flower or plant that lives for two years
Xeriscaping: method of landscaping that requires little to no irrigation. Native plants are often used in xeriscaping.
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment): some type of clothing or item worn by a professional to protect them against injury from any occupational hazard. This might include gloves, eye goggles, heavy-duty shoes, and more.
Mulch: used in gardening and landscaping to lock in heat and moisture for plant growth
RFP: acronym for request for proposal. RFPs are used by property managers and owners to define the scope of work, evaluation standards, pricing, and more. An RFP usually includes an SOW, job requirements and specifications, a pricing matrix, scheduling information, bid form requirements, and more.
SOW: acronym for scope of work. Refers to the end result expectations of a project and is vital for curating an RFP.
Ornamental Grass: grasses that are grown as ornamental plants often in sustainable landscaping
RFI: acronym for request for information. An RFI is either an invitation used to “pre-qualify” potential contractors or a request from a contractor for more specifications on a specific project.
Deciduous: plants that lose leaves annually
Overseeding: distributing seeds over turf grass to foster new grass growth
Recycled wastewater/ gray water: water waste from indoor activities of a house or building such as water from the kitchen sink, baths, restroom sinks, etc. This water can be collected and used for other purposes such as watering other plants on the property.
Softscape: the live horticultural elements of a landscape such as flowers, shrubs, flower beds and tress.

A waterfall may be a better option if you want to add sound to your landscape design. A waterfall can also sit in the middle of a pond, so you can achieve both effects in one feature. A waterfall may be harder to clean than a pond. For example, it may be challenging to access the bottom of the waterfall if it is built into a rock feature. A waterfall may be more challenging to regulate than a pond, as the flow of water is not as easily controlled. You may want to consider a waterfall if you plan on having a lot of people near it, as waterfalls can be very loud.
CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 14
Downsides of Water Features on Properties
Environmental Impact When choosing which water feature to landscape your property, consider its effect on the environment. For example, a waterfall relies on gravity to direct the water from one level to the next. This means that it can be very challenging to regulate the flow of water for the desired effect. A pond, on the other hand, uses a pump or fountain to push water up a fountain head, meaning that you can easily control the flow rate of the water to achieve the desired effect. Similarly, you’ll want to be sure that the type of filtration used on your water feature is environmentally friendly and won’t harm nearby wildlife. Many common types of filtration use chemicals that can harm local aquatic life. If you’re concerned about keeping your pond or water feature environmentally friendly, be sure to do your research about the best types of filtration for your water feature.
Water Usage/ Maintenance Water features use a lot of water, so be mindful of the climate where you are. In very hot and dry climates, a water feature may use gallons of water per day. The type of plants you use near the water feature may determine how often you need to clean the water feature. For example, ferns and mosses are great for near water features because they help keep the water cleaner. However, plants like grass and flowering plants that require a lot of water may need cleaning more often. A waterfall or fountain will require an electrical source, and you may need to check the water pump regularly to ensure it is working properly. You may also need to clean the water feature regularly to prevent algae and other growth from forming. It’s also recommended to test the water for bacteria or any harmful chemicals. You may want to consider installing a UV filter to kill harmful bacteria.
How can water features elevate your property? Water features as amenities can range from ponds, fountains, waterfalls, pools, and more. These features are aesthetically pleasing for tenants and visitors. Water features can add value to your property as well as add a nature element to your landscape. Is your building located in a high traffic or noisy area? Water features may be able to cut through some noise pollution to increase the calming aesthetics of your property. Water features are attractive, and eye catching and can potentially attract and retain tenants. Water features provide an added habitat for native species like pollinators and birds.
A pond is often used as a water feature in a landscape design. Ponds provide a place for wildlife to live as well as add aesthetic beauty to a property. Ponds can bring a lot of life to your yard, and they can be designed in many ways—from simple to very detailed and ornate. There are many styles that incorporate ponds including Asian, Zen, and Balinese. Other landscaping elements that can be featured include natural rock formations such as waterfalls and streams. Water features can also be added to your property using fish ponds or water gardens.
Design/ Landscaping Elements
If you want to install a water feature on your property, keep in mind that it can actually pose some challenges for your tenants. Water features are likely to increase your operating costs, as

A well-designed water feature can be installed anywhere on a property, including near a patio or deck, in a garden, or even indoors. A water feature can be used year-round, and it can be enjoyed during any part of the day.
Water features can be used in many different ways to beautify a property. They can provide a serene and tranquil setting, especially if the water is flowing from a fountain or waterfall. You can choose from a variety of different water features and customize them to fit your taste or the style of your property. If you are using a pond, it can be landscaped to look like a serene and peaceful setting, or you can build a koi pond that includes a more ornate design. You can also create a waterfall that flows into the pond, which can create an even more dramatic feel.
you’ll need to regularly clean and maintain the feature to prevent algae and other growth from forming. You may also need to increase your water bill if the water feature is used often. For example, many water features use pumps to force the water out of a fountain head, which requires energy to operate. Be sure to check with your local utility company to see if you can install a separate meter for the water feature. This way, you can keep your utility costs separate from the other appliances on the property. A water feature may also increase the risk of slips and falls. You may want to add a barrier around the water feature to prevent injury.
Water features are great elements to add to your property that can increase the aesthetic appeal of your landscape design. Keep in mind that water features use a lot of water. Make sure you have enough water source nearby to support the water feature. You may also need to install a filtration system to keep your water clean.
CRE Landscaping Guide | August 2022 15
Aesthetic Appeal
For the past few years, there has been an ongoing conversation about the importance of pollinators to the health of ecosystems and biodiversity. Commercial real estate industry stakeholders have a unique opportunity to implement ways to support these vital Honeybeesspecies. are well known pollinators that aid plant growth but butterflies, moths, hummingbirds, and more also aid in plant cultivation. According to the USDA, more than 100 United States’ crops rely on pollinators. In an average diet, one in every three bites of food required a pollinator’s help....Read