Gran Alacant Advertiser - December 2013

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FRalwaays EE s


4-6-8-10 NEWS IN ENGLISH 10


























60 GA












Hello everyone Firstly, plenty of adverts showing you who is open and when, for Christmas and New Year. We hope you all enjoy yourselves over this Christmas period. As you will see on pages 30/31 the first snow this year. It seemed to come onto mountains further down this November, never before have we seen snow from our windows. Hopefully we won´t see much more, it certainly made it very chilly. Thankfully it soon cleared. We have to get our January edition printed BEFORE CHRISTMAS so hope all of our advertisers and contributers will be able to get copy to us earlier in December than usual. Have a good month Sandra & Barry Our little dog from the front cover has hidden herself away in the magazine, can you find her? Last month she was on page 47 on Santa Pola beach.



15 euro per month for a 40mm x 60mm advert

95 euro per month for a 153mm x 202mm advert

35 euro per month for a 90mm x 60mm advert

110 euro per month for a 153mm x 232mm advert

55 euro per month for a 128mm x 92mm advert

including artwork and

free advertising on our website!!

(exact location o

(exact location on the GA map at back of this magazine) 3

We at your Gran Alacant Advertiser continue to bring you all of the news, including that from our Gran Alacant Councillor, Loreto Cascales, as we have since May 2005. It is our perogative at the magazine, NOT to update this 2005 picture, as we all looked a great deal younger!!! In January we start a new feature for the winter months from Rose Jackson called


Do you ever wonder what the wildflowers around Gran Alacant are called, which seem to emerge from rock or sand even in winter? (Though the winters here are usually pretty mild compared to Northern Europe, which must have something to do with it!) Well, I did too and this year finally got round to photographing and naming the flowers, with the help of several books on the subject and a botanist friend who stayed for a week. I was surprised that many had names in English, as well as Latin. The Advertiser will feature short articles on one or two of the species flowering in the relevant month, starting in January. (If there are any botanists living locally, I would love to hear from you, or anyone else who has an interest and/or photos). Rose Jackson: email: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Information sent in to us I am sending details of a great new group in the area. It's main aim is to help find and return to their owners any lost/stolen pets in the area. You can find it at Gran Alacant Pet Watch/Facebook. My little cat Billy went missing last week and I searched the streets for him. After contacting Pet Watch I was amazed how quick they found where my cat was. he had got in an empty house in the next community, through the basement window and was unable to get out. If you look at the pictures on Pet Watch you can see the dramatic rescue. There were two cats in there, Billy and another cat from our community which had been missing for 3 days. Bernard from Pet Watch was in touch with the owners of the house in England and had got permission to enter the house but we managed to partially open another window so the cats could be dragged out. Both cats were very happy to be returned to their families. I dread to think what would have happened if Bernard and his Pet Watch organisation had not found them, a slow and agonising death. People go back home and leave the window in the basement open a little for ventilation and cats being cats will explore. I am enclosing a picture of Billy, who has been with us for 4 years. he was found on waste ground with a broken leg when he was a kitten. Any organisation which aims to try and help pets in Spain should have our backing. Yvonne Bragg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As you probably saw last month, we advertised the MABS yearly show, and what a show it was. Probably one of their best with the whole event organised by Jean Reiterbund It is truely amazing the number of singers, dancers, and entertainers, here on Gran Alacant. To some it is just a one off event, and how the have the nerve to perform in front of us all is really amazing. The girls in the dance group must have put in hours of rehearsal to go through all of the routines that they were part of. Seeing people you have know for years, suddenly appear, and you have to say to yourself “I didn’t know he/she could do that.” GO TO PAGE 6



It also showed up the wonderful people that there are among us on our Urbanisation, and so good to see the great comradery between all of the entertainers. A real family group and of course all gave up their time for money to be raised for this CANCER SUPPORT GROUP. We have some pictures from the show in this edition and even more uploaded onto our magazine website Below is the report from M.A.B.S Hi Barry and Sandra, could you please find room for the M.A.B.S. show write up. M.A.B.S. CRAZY MUSICAL SHOW. On the 4th 5th 6th of November the G A centre in GRAN ALACANT, sprang to life as the M.A.B.S. CANCER SUPPORT GROUP opened their show CRAzY MUSICALS. Restaurants closed to support us and joined their staff to celebrate another success for the M.A.B.S. FUNDRAISING TEAM. Singers and dancers young and old raised the roof at the VIVALDI LIVE MUSIC BAR. People flew over from the UK to take part or support us in this wonderful cause that raises so much money to help and support those fighting cancer here in GRAN ALACANT. Aquarius, Casanova, El Texicano, Molly Molone, Tress Besos all donated restaurant vouchers and Simone Beauty Salon treatments. Many who attended gave wines for the raffle. In spite of a rumour spread that only seven people had bought tickets and that it would not be worth going, over 200 hundred attended over the three nights, as only myself and another committe member had access to the tickets and no one but us knew the number that were being sold. I guess the psychic powers of that person went pear shaped. Thank you every one for your support, with out your support many people would be having a more differcult time. Thank you all my M.A.B.S. team for all your hard work and the cast for all their time. Barry and Sandra for always being there for M.A.B.S. and the team. THE AMOUNT RAISED WAS €2115.80 plus the weekly cake sales of €579 Jean Reiterbund ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We know many readers like to see the animals looking for a new home, so we do like in the advertising, to include success stories. Yvonne from Pets in Spain tell us that “From last month Amigo, Jasmine and Ralfie are adopted and someone is interested in Amanda so hopefully she will also be adopted too.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We print below an excerpt from the regualtions about owning a dog in the Santa Pola area *The owners or keepers are required to keep them in proper sanitary conditions and in this sense must be properly vaccinated, wormed , housed, fed and controlled sanitary . *Also the accommodation will suit their natural requirements and needs must be met when the species requires exercise. *For reasons of sanitary or discomfort may limit the number of animals to be kept in every home or property. * The keepers are required to take the necessary measures to prevent the tranquility of their neighbors and by the behavior of those. *It is prohibited from 22 am until 8 pm, to leave them on patios , terraces, verandas and balconies or other open spaces, pets than with their sounds , cries or barking disturb the rest of the neighbours . *In accordance with current legislation it is expressly prohibited to keep them improper installation from the point of view of hygiene -sanitary or inappropriate for the practice of care and attention necessary according to their ethological needs by race and species. *It prohibits the keeping of animals in places where you can exercise adequate care and supervision. *In the event that the owners or keepers of animals incumpliesen the obligations set out in previous articles, and especially when there is a risk to the safety or health of people , or generate nuisance to neighbours (noise aggression, poor hygiene ) the local authority may require the owners or managers of animals that generate the problem and punish them. Failure to take into effect the municipal administration , according to the guidelines that indicate the current legislation, may seize the animal and arrange transfer to an appropriate facility by the owner or the animal GO TO PAGE 8



shelter facilities and take any additional action considered appropriate. We think we all know the continuing problem in the area of dogs owners. All dogs must now be registered at the Town Hall. There are around 1,000 dogs on GA and only around 200 are registered. Meetings are now taking place at the Town hall to decide what kind of action is to be taken against bad dog owners. These measures will suddenly appear and remember, you have been warned. If you are effected by dogs in any way, phone Pasquel, police officer, who will try to help you. You will need an interpreter if you do not speak Spanish. You can contact him on 965 4 111 03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Barry & Sandra! After a period with very bad connections (more than ever!!) both for fixed telephones and mobiles in the Gran Alacant area, I have to ask you the following. 1. Who have the overall responsibility for the tele communication in this area? 2. Is this a problem for operators like Telefonica, Vodaphone etc? 3. Have you had any discussions with the Town Hall earlier, because the problem has not started now. 4. Is it possible to force any who have the responsibility to solve this very serious problem. I´m thinking i.e of an urgent need of an ambulance. I hope to get an answerer from you, who can get wider information than me. Regards and have nice day! Nils Yes this is a problem for some on GA. I must admit we switched to Movistar many years ago and have very few problems. A few years back we reported in our magazine that the Town Hall had tried to erect a mast near the school, but residents turned up at the Town Hall with placards against the installation. Nobody on GA wanted the masts in their backyard, so no new masts appeared. Perhaps you can contact us at the magaine if you have phone problems in your area of GA, so we can see if only a few areas are affected. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The market is progressing, very slowly. The pavements around the perimeter are now being laid and once all of this work is completed we will be much nearer to an official opening. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A message from the Gran Alacant Library about how and what to leave with them, to take to the needy in our area. Dear Barry and Sandra, Santa Pola's libraries only collects food (non perishable) , homecare products, toilet products and first-hand toys. Clothes must be directly taken to Caritas in Santa Pola's church Monday to Friday from 10 to 12 am and from 6.30 to 8.30 pm. The libraries are very thankful to everybody for their solidarity. Biblioteca Internacional Gran Alacant Av. Escandinavia, 31 03130 Santa Pola Tel. 966697110 E-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We thought you might be interested to read the Official fiqures given to us by the Town Halll, showing the number of people registered here on Gran Alacant. There are a total of11,565 made up of 5,998 men and 5,567 women. The only nationalities over four fiqures are Spanish 5,766 and British 2,976




Restaur ant i n Lo s A renales

C/San Bartolomè de Tirajane, no.40 03195 Arenales del Sol. Tel: 96 691 12 13

Menu of the Day (every day of the year) weekday menu ............................................ 9 euros menu Saturday, Sunday and holidays ....... 12 euros.

Evening menu (night only) salad fry (fish) or grill (meat) bread and beverage......(8.50 euros per person minimum two people)....... ......................17 euros.

Special menu .. salad especial starter rice with lobster food, drink and dessert ......(minimum two people).......... 17 euros.

Every day of the week, the menus will consist of 5 first courses (inc pasta, rice, and soup) and 5 main courses (meat or fish).

Open every day of the year Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, do not open at night. WE ARE HERE




Would you believe that there are 86 differentt Nationalities registered. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To the editor, I would like to thank the animal welfare organisation Feral Friends of Gran Alacant and their founder, Shell, for the support they gave to my parents, Trevor and Peggy Bassett, while they were living in Arenales. Not only was Shell extremely helpful with regards to issues relating to the street cats in the neighbourhood but over the years she assisted my parents as translator and general all-round "fixer", and my parents were very grateful for her help. Unfortunately, Peggy passed away in February of this year, but I know she considered Shell to be a good friend to her and her cats. Feral Friends of Glan Alacant offer a very much needed municipal service and as a charity needs all the financial help it can get. Best wishes, Drew Bassett, Melateng端rtel 21, 50933 Cologne, Germany ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See page 53 for English speaking films in Santa Pola

More news next month

Sandra & Barry




En enero empezaremos una sección llamada “¿COMO SE LLAMA ESTA FLOR?” editada por Rose Jackson. ¿No se preguntan de vez en cuando como se llaman las flores silvestres que rodean Gran Alacant? Increiblemente emergen de las tierras arenosas y rocosas cada año (puede que los inviernos suaves tengan algo que ver – en comparación con el norte de Europa) Yo me lo preguntaba y este año empecé a fotografiarlas con un amigo botánico que estuvo aquí una semana. La revista va a publicar un pequeño artículo cada mes presentando algunas de las plantas que estén en flor ese mes. Si hay algún botánico o cualquiera que tenga un interés en esta sección, que viva cerca y quiera ayudarnos estaríamos encantados. Rose Jackson: email: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quiero dar a conocer un grupo nuevo en la zona. Su objetivo principal es ayudar a encontrar a mascotas perdidas / robadas en la zona y devolverlos a sus amos. Pueden encontrar el grupo a través de Facebook (Gran Alacant Pet Watch). Mi gato Billy desapareció la semana pasada y lo busqué por todos lados. Después de contactar con Pet Watch, me sorprendió lo rápido que encontraron a mi gato. Se había metido en una casa vacía en la urbanización de al lado, a través de una ventana del sótano y era incapaz de salir. Si nos fijamos en las fotografías de Pet Watch, se puede ver el dramático rescate. Había dos gatos en allí, Billy y otro gato de nuestra comunidad, que había llevaba desaparecido 3 días. Bernard de Pet Watch se puso en contacto con los propietarios de la casa en Inglaterra y consiguió permiso para entrar en la casa, pero nos las arreglamos para abrir parcialmente otra ventana para que los gatos pudieran salir. Ambos gatos están muy contentos de estar de vuelta con sus familias. No quiero ni pensar lo que habría pasado si Bernard y su organización Pet Watch no nos hubieran ayudado, seguramente los gatos hubieran sufrido una muerte lenta y agonizante. La gente cierra las casas para la temporada y dejan alguna ventana abierta para que haya un poco de la ventilación y los gatos siendo gatos, exploran y acaban en este tipo de situaciones. Les adjunto una foto de Billy, que ha lleva con nosotros 4 años. Fue encontrado en un terreno baldío con una fractura en la pierna cuando era un gatito. Cualquier organización que tiene como objetivo tratar de ayudar a los animales domésticos en España debería tener nuestro respaldo. Yvonne Bragg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tal y como anunciamos el mes pasado, M.A.B.S. presentó su “show” anual al que asistimos.Pueden ver las fotos en nuestra revista online ¡Vaya espectáculo que nos dieron! En nuestra opinión fue el mejor show de todos los que han hecho hasta ahora, organizado por Jean Reiterbund. Es increíble la cantidad de artistas, cantantes y bailarines que tiene Gran Alacant. Las chicas que hicieron los números de baile dedicaron horas de práctica y ensayo para poder darnos un súper espectáculo. ¡Es fascinante ver subidos a un escenario a gente que hace años que conocemos y sin tener ni idea de sus talentos ocultos! Este grupo de apoyo contra el cáncer es una gran familia y cada vez que organizan un evento vemos como les apoya la comunidad de Gran Alacant.


Abajo pueden leer el email que nos mandó Jean de MABS: El 4, 5 y 6 de Noviembre presentamos nuestro show anual de MABS con el espectáculo “CRAZY MUSICALS”. Algunos locales de la zona cerraron para apoyarnos en este evento, cediéndonos a algunos de sus empleados y participando en la noche. Hubo gente que voló desde Inglaterra para poder asistir/ participar en el show que tuvo lugar en VIVALDIS MUSIC BAR en el Centro Comercial. Aquarius, Casanova, El Texicano, Molly Malones y Tres Besos donaron cheques restaurante, Simone Beauty Salon regaló tratamientos de belleza, muchos de los asistentes donaron botellas de vino, todo para la rifa. Hubo un pequeño rumor dando vueltas, el cual decía que sólo 7 entradas se habían vendido y que no merecía la pena asistir, bueno, más de 200 personas asistieron. Obviamente, el rumor sólo era un rumor sin fundamento. Gracias a todos por su apoyo, sin este apoyo mucha gente sufriría más de lo que lo está ya haciendo. Gracias a todos los participantes. Gracias a Barry y Sandra que siempre están ahí para nosotros. La cantidad recaudada fue de €2115 además de las ventas de tartas semanales €579. Jean Reiterbund ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Imprimimos a continuación un listado de reglamentos para dueños de perros en la zona de Santa Pola * Los propietarios o responsables están obligados a mantenerlos en condiciones sanitarias adecuadas y en este sentido debe ser debidamente vacunados, desparasitados, alojados y alimentados. * También la casa se adapte a sus necesidades naturales y las necesidades, se debe cumplir cuando la especie requiere ejercicio. * Por razones de molestia sanitaria se debe limitar el número de animales mantenidos en cada hogar o propiedad. * Los encargados están obligados a tomar las medidas necesarias para evitar que la tranquilidad de sus vecinos sea interrumpida. * Desde las 22h hasta las 8h está prohibido dejar a las mascotas en patios, terrazas , galerías y balcones u otros espacios abiertos, esto incluye cualquier animal doméstico que con sus sonidos, gritos o ladridos perturben el descanso de los vecinos . * Se prohíbe la tenencia de animales en lugares donde no se puede ejercer un cuidado adecuado y supervisión . * En caso de que los propietarios o responsables de animales incumpliesen las obligaciones establecidas en los artículos anteriores, y especialmente cuando hay un riesgo para la seguridad o salud de las personas, o al generar molestias a los vecinos (la agresión del ruido, la mala higiene) la autoridad local podrá exigir a los propietarios o administradores de los animales que generan el problema y sancionarlos. De acuerdo con las directrices que indican la legislación vigente, podrán confiscar los animales y organizar el traslado a una instalación apropiada por el dueño o el refugio de animales y tomar cualquier medida adicional que se considere apropiado. Todos los perros que ahora deben estar registrados en el Ayuntamiento. Hay alrededor de 1.000 perros en GA de los cuales sólo 200 están registrados. Se están llevando a cabo reuniendo en el Ayuntamiento para decidir qué tipo de acción se tomará contra los dueños de perros agresivos. Si necesita ayuda sobre este tema, puede contactar con Pascual , oficial de policía , que tratará de ayudarle. Teléfono de contacto 965 4 111 03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hola Barry & Sandra ! Después de un período con muy malas conexiones (más que nunca!) Tanto para teléfonos fijos como móviles en la zona de Gran Alacant, tengo que preguntar lo siguiente: 1 . ¿Quién tiene la responsabilidad general de la comunicación telefónica en esta área?


2 . ¿Es esto un problema para los operadores como Telefónica , Vodafone , etc? 3 . ¿Le han comunicado anteriormente al Ayuntamiento sobre estos problemas? Ya que no es un problema nuevo. 4 . ¿Se puede obligar al que tiene la responsabilidad a resolver este problema? Por ejemplo, si hay necesidad de una ambulancia y no se puede llegar a solicitar debido a un mal funcionamiento de la líneas telefónicas… Espero que consigan las respuestas a mis preguntas. Un saludo y buen día ! Nils ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sí el tema de los móviles es un problema para algunos en GA . Debo admitir que nosotros nos cambiamos a Movistar hace muchos años y desde entonces hemos tenido muy pocos problemas. Hace unos años, informamos en la revista que habían intentado construir una antena cerca de la escuela, pero los residentes se presentaron en el ayuntamiento con pancartas en contra de la instalación. Nadie en GA quiere tener un mástil feo cerca de su casa, así que si no instalan más antenas, no habrá mejora en la cobertura de la zona. Pueden ponerse en contacto con nosotros en la revista si tienen problemas de teléfono en GA, y así podremos ver que áreas están afectadas. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------El mercadillo está progresando muy poco a poco. Están construyendo las aceras y una vez que esté todo finalizado, estaremos más cerca de poder darles un día de apertura oficial. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Un email que recibimos de la Bibioteca de Gran Alacant sobre qué y cómo donar alimentos y productos: Estimados Barry y Sandra, Las Bibliotecas de Santa Pola sólo recogen comida (no perecedera), productos de hogar, de higiene y juguetes nuevos. La ropa la tienen que llevar a Cáritas (en la Iglesia de Santa Pola) De Lunes a Viernes de 10 a 14h y de 18.30 a 20.30h. La Biblioteca está muy agradecida por la solidaridad recibida. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nos parece interesante publicar los números oficiales del censo en Gran Alacant. Hay un total de 11,565 personas registradas, 5.998 son hombre y 5.567 son mujeres. Las únicas nacionalidades con más de cuatro cifras son: Españoles 5.766 Ingleses 2.976 Hay un total de 86 nacionalidades registradas en Gran Alacant. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Al Editor, Me gustaría agradecer a la organización “Feral Friends de Gran Alacant” y a su fundadora Shell por el apoyo que le dieron a mis padres, Trevor y Peggy Bassett, cuando vivieron en Arenales. Shell les ayudó muchísimo con respecto a gatos callejeros de su vecindario, además les ayudó con otros temas no relacionados con los gatos, mis padres estaban muy agradecidos. Feral Friends de Gran Alacant ofrece un servicio muy necesitados y como organización benéfica que es, necesita toda la ayuda posible. Saludos, Dreww Basset Más noticias el mes que viene, Sandra y Barry


Hi everybody

In December we will have parades of Moors and Christians held in Alicante and in Monforte del Cid from 8th to 12th.

Like every year, on December the 10th, at about 8p.m. on the harbour area, we celebrate in Santa Pola the arrival of our Madonna Virgen de Loreto.

There are also local fiestas in Alfaz del Pi, Agost, Callosa d’En Sarria. Pilgrimages taking place in Denia and Sella. Also do not forget on the 28th the spectacular flour battle that takes place in Ibi, “Els Enfarinats” At the “Casa de Cultura” in Santa Pola there will be concerts held on the 14th, 18th, 19th, 29th and 2nd of January.

On the 5th of January there will take place the three Kings Parade. The best one of these parades is the one held in Alcoy. Also I would like to make a special mention of the most important sporting event held in Santa Pola the International Half Marathon Villa de Santa Pola that will be held on the 19th of January at 10:30 a.m.. Come and enjoy this fantastic event.

¡Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!


OFFICE: 966699477 MOBILE: 620284432 EMAIL:


ASDA Gravy Granules 0.49c

ASDA Curry Sauce 500g 0.49c

ASDA Tea Bags 80pk 0.89c TESCO Ginger Nuts 300g 0.59c

TESCO stuffing mix 0.39c


TESCO soup 400g 0.69c

TESCO Jam 454g 0.69c

TESCO Custard 400g 0.49c

ASDA Hairspray 300ml 0.99c


We are easy to find in El Altet. From Gran Alacant turn off the N332 signposted El Altet. Over the roundabout. Over the traffic lights and we are on the right, before the next roundabout.


PERSONALIZED ATTENTION, I advise on the best product according to your type of driving and use.

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PROXIMITY, national 1Red, 667 workshops in Europe, Near your house, you have a workshop, Confort Auto. RENEWED ISO 9001 Quality anuaimente by independent certification.

SOCIAL COMMITMENT TO USE organic products, tyres, oil etc. Colaboration with NGOs involved in road safety

There are coffee shops next to us when waiting for that short job to be carried out. For longer jobs drive your car over to us and we will run you home, and collect you when your car is ready, if in the Gran Alacant area.


MONTEMAR BOWLS AND SOCIAL CLUB (Sponsored by Super Valu) This Month we played La Marina in the Annual Super Series, This is one Trophy that we have never won in the 8 years that it has been played, Until this year, After the first Leg in Oct, La Marina held a 13-11 Lead, In the Second Leg in Nov, MonteMar pulled out all the stops Winning 16-8, Overall winning 27-21. At last we have our hands and name on the Trophy. (see pic). On 16th and 17th Nov, we held the Annual Australian Pairs Comp, 24 Teams entered the event on a very cold weekend, The Bowling was very competitive, But at the end the outright winners were Geraldine and Gordon Fisher.(see pic). Monday 28th Oct the Matadors were away to El Rancho Broncos, with the Matadors only Winning on 1 Rink, Lynne Armitage, Jan Harding, Skip Colin Armitage 18-15. Shots Matadors 75 - El Rancho 125. Points Matadors 2 - El Rancho 12. Monday 28th Oct, The Toreadors were at Home to Emerald Isle Moonrakers Winning on 3 Rinks. Babs Cager, Ken White, Skip John Cager 25-15. Pauline Poulson, Fred Taylor, Skip Mick Soars 15-14. Pauline Woodfone, Dave Smy, Skip Ted Hyman 20-15. Shots Toreadors 108 -Emerald Isle 115 Points Toreadors 6 - Emerald Isle 8. Wednesday 30th Oct, MonteMar were away in the Winter League to San Luis Winning on only 1 Rink, Rowena Good, Harry Dobson, Brian Zelin Skip Bill Young 15-14. Shots MonteMar 67 - San Luis 83. Points MonteMar 2 - San Luis 10. Friday 1st Nov, The Matadors were away to Country Bowls Ramblers Winning on 2 Rinks and Drawing on 1 Rink, Keith Simpson, Wendy Oxley, Skip Tony Finan 18-11. Rowena Good, Joe Ridley, Skip Diane Ridley 22-11. Sue Kemp, Brian Zelin, Skip David Eades 16-16. Shots Matadors 109- Country Bowls 100. Points Matadors 7 - Country Bowls 7. Monday 4th Nov, The Matadors were away to Emerald Isle Moonrakers Winning on 2 Rinks and Drawing on 1 Rink . Sue Kemp, Ian Gibbons, Skip Brian Zelin 37-12. Ethal Finan, Mike Farrelly, Skip Tony Finan 30-7. Lynne Armitage, Stan Rutledge, Skip Colin Armitage 16-16. Shots Matadors 117 - Emerald Isle 111. Points Matadors 7 - Emerald Isle 7. Monday 4th Nov, The Toreadors were at Home to Vistabella Albatrosses Winning on 1 Rink, Tony Pardo, Sue Bounds, Skip Dave Buckland 17-12. Shots Toreadors 74 - Vistabella 116. Point Toreadors 2 - Vistabella 12. Wednesday 6th Nov, MonteMar made the long trip in the Winter League to Benitachelle, Winning on 3 Rinks and only losing the overall shots by one, And Drawing the Berleen 14-14.Lynne Armitage, June Young, Ian Gibson, Skip Colin Armitage 22-15. Rowena Good, Harry Dobson, Brian Zelin, Skip Bill Young 18-12. Geraldine Fisher, Sue Kemp, Mike Farrell, Skip Gordon Fisher 17-15. Shots MonteMar 79 - Benitachelle 80. Points MonteMar 6 - Benitachelle 6. Friday 8th Nov, The Matadors were at Home To La Siesta Blues Winning on 3 Rinks and Drawing on 2 Rinks. Sue Kemp, Brian Zelin Skip David Eaves 29-20. Joan Harding, Harry Dobson, Skip Bill Young 26-12.Geraldine Fisher, Mike Farrell, Skip Gordon Fisher 26-18. Lynne Armitage, Ian Gibbons, Skip Colin Armitage 14-14. Rowerna Good, Joe Ridley, Skip Diane Ridley 16-16. Shots Matadors 129 - La Siesta 99. Points Matadors 10 - La Siesta 4. Friday 8th Nov, The Toreadors were away to La Siesta Gold Winning on 2 Rinks. Tony Pardo, Dave Smy, Skip Idwal Roberts 17-12. Pauline Woodfine, Simon Morris, Skip Barrie Woodfine 23-11. Shots Toreadors 89 - La Siesta 115. Points Toreadors 4 - La Siesta 10.. Monday 11th Nov, The Matadors were away to Vistabella Albatrosses Winning on 2 Rinks. Sue Kemp, Fred Charman, Skip Brian Zelin 23-10. Keith Simpson, Ethal Finan, Skip Tony Finan 24-11. Shots, Matadors 101 - Vistabella 101. Points Matadors 5 - Vistabella 9. Monday 11th Nov, The Toreadors were away to Greenland Sycamores, Winning on 3 Rinks. Dave Smy, Gordon Hemmings, Skip Fred Taylor 20-15. Jenny Pagala, Jan Gatward, Skip John Corbet 24-12. Jan Webster, Bill Webster, Skip Idwal Roberts 21-17. Shots Toreadors 104 - Greenlands 100. Points Toreadors 8 - Greenlands 6. Wednesday 13th Nov, MonteMar were at Home to San Miguel in the Winter League, Winning on 3 Rinks. Harry Dobson, June Young, Brian Zelin, Skip Bill Young 18-17. Pauline Woodfine, Ethal Finan, Tony Finan, Skip Barrie Woodfine 19-14. Geraldean Fisher, Sue Kemp, Mike Farrelly, Skip Gordon Fisher 18-12. Shots MonteMar 75 - San Miguel 77. Points MonteMar 6 - San Miguel 6. Friday 15th Nov, The Matadors were away to Greenlands Oaks Winning on 3 Rinks. Joan Harding, Harry Dobson, Skip Bill Young 17-8. Shiela Roberts, Stan Routledge, Skip Tony Finan 20-10. Rowena Good, Joe Ridley Skip Diane Ridley 19-15. Shots Matadors 94 - Greenlands 117. Points Matadors 6 - Greenlands 8. Friday 15th Nov, The Toreadors were at Home to Quesada Swifts Winning on 5 Rinks. Pauline Woodfine, Simon Morris, Skip Barrie Woodfine 23-10. Jan Webster, Bill Webster, Skip Idwal Roberts 21-10. Dave Smy, Gordon Hemmings, Skip Fred Taylor 17-12. Sue Bounds, Dave Buckland, Skip Danny King 18-17. Pauline Merry, Ken Poulson, Skip Chris Merry 16-15. Shots Toreadors 109 - Quesada 82. Points Toreadors 12 - Quesada 2. Brian & Sue would like to wish all Members a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.




Bar 1, Olimpo, Casanova, Phoenix, Molly Malone, Aquarius, Gourmet and Texicano who are on page 21 The tourist train and the GA shopping bus, both stop outside this complex.

THE PHOENIX RESTAURANT The in place to be.....

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our friends and customers from Don, Ann and all the staff at The phoenix.

Celebrate Christmas Early, Sunday 8th December, traditional christmas dinner with all the trimmings plus pudding and a drink all for only 12.50€ (bookings only). Our usual Sunday Carvery will still available. AST Please call in and look at the menu. EAbeKF

BR from 2.25€ Opening Hours during December. ly cooked, Fresh -Monday –Thursday 5.00pm – 10.00pm ducts sh pro Englire-open all– 2.00pm Friday & Saturday 10.00am 5.00pm – 10.00pm Sunday 10.00am - 8.30pm We will be closed for holidays over the following dates Closed from 9th December Until 29th December

Monday December 30th Open @ 5.00pm close 10.00pm Tuesday December 31st Open 10.00am – 2.00pm

New Years day Closed. - New Years Eve Party and buffet tickets available @ BAR 1. Thank you to all our customers From Don & Ann

Tel 966 698 364 for reservations


FOR TAKE AWAYS, ENQUIRIES & BOOKINGS PHONE: 966 699 601 or see us upstairs at Carabasi or email Angie on: QUALITY PRICE AND SERVICE OUR GUARANTEE

open from 5pm every evening except CLOSED Sundays

DECEMBER pre Christmas SPECIAL OFFER Between 5pm and 7pm Mon - Sat 25% OFF all food and drinks *************** example 1: regular 12oz cod, chips, peas now €5.95 was €7.95


*************** small beer, glass of wine, soft drinks, tea or coffee now under €1, all spirits €2 *************** Offers do not include take aways and only apply to dining in *************** All normal prices after 7pm 3 ES *************** COURS L IA C SPE €8.95 Watch all your favourite Soup, quiz shows, soaps, hips, fish n c e ic liquer and entertainment, shown nightly. cream *************** Hope to see you soon and a Merry Christmas from Angie, Mac, Chef & Staff at Aquarius Wi fi - T.V. - Views - Printing - Air Con - Weatherproof outside terrace 23


a subsiduary of Olimpo Construction & Reforms. open Mon-Fri 10 am till 1 pm and 4 pm till 8 pm. Open sat mornings 10 till 1

visit our showroom visite nuestra sala de exposici贸n bezoek onze showroom

e reforms comprehensiv grales reformas inte

you can find us on facebook at Olimpo Construcciones y Reformas

Alex: 669 397 896


Juli谩n: 660 65 18 27


The village idiot shouts frantically into the phone "My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart!" "Is this her first child?" asks the Doctor. "No", shouts Paddy, "this is her husband!"

Casanova is the perfect choice for you to enjoy a freshly prepared meal made to our own special recipes. See our board for WINTER SPECIALS. Not forgetting our ever popular Sunday Roast. Full children's menu. r Yea Takeaway available. w e N ppy Closed on Mondays a h nd Tues - Sat from 5.30pm as a m X erry Open Sunday M ers from 1pm - 7pm stom u c l g al For reservations n i h Wis Tel: 966 697 567 26

Live Entertainment every weekend Food Every day, inside, or out on the terrace

All major sporting events shown on BIG screen Drinks and food on our terrace

Sunday roast, 3 courses menu for €12, 95 Karaoke Friday 9:30pm

Live music Saturday 9:30pm Jam session Sundays at 7pm

phone: 0034 722 360 282 Christmas Punch & Canapes upon arrival

STARTER Apple, parsnip & coconut Soup, served with Irish brown bread. Spinach & Goats Cheese Tart. Prawn & Avocado Salad. Chicken & Pork terrine, with red onion marmalade.

MAIN COURSE Roast Turkey & Baked Ham with Stuffing. Roast New Zealand Lamb with Rosemary & Garlic Jus. Roast Sirloin of Beef. Baked Fillet of Salmon with classic Hollandaise Sauce.

DESSERT Irish Whiskey Trifle Irish Apple tart & cream Baileys Chocolate Cheesecake Gavin's Homemade Christmas Pudding with vanilla Custard. Tea/ Coffee Homemade Baileys Truffles

Menu includes 1/2 bottle of house wine 50€ p.p. Book early, limited places, one sitting only.

Entertainer will be Paul Christie.

Molly MALONE’S for good food, DRINKS & entertainment



An old Irish farmer's dog goes missing and he's inconsolable. His wife says "Why don't you put an advert in the paper?" He does, but two weeks later the dog is still missing. "What did you put in the paper?" his wife asks. "Here boy" he replies.


SNOW ON THE HORIZON...we took these pictures on November 16th from Inset are two extra pictures we got hold of to show you. The smaller picture

The President of GASP Theatre, David Ashley and other members of the group presenting a cheque for 500â‚Ź to representatives of Cruz Roja Santa Pola.


Gran Alacant, showing the snow on the mountains. on the right is between Alcoy and Guardalest Following their 2 productions this year, one in the Casa de Cultura, Santa Pola and the second in the Life Resort in Gran Alacant, GASP Theatre made a presentation of 500â‚Ź to Cruz Roja Santa Pola. The President said that they would have liked to make it more but they had recently invested 1,000â‚Ź in new lighting equipment for use in the Life Resort. Due to poor attendances at the Casa de Cultura the group decided that in future they would concentrate their future productions at the Life Resort. We are also looking to recruit more new members, in particular younger men and women to enable us to perform a wider variety of productions.


The village idiot is in jail. Guard looks in

his cell and sees him

hanging by his feet.

"What on earth you doing?"

he asks.





"It should be around your

neck" says the Guard. "I




couldn't breathe".




Welcome to the area of Gran Alacant that includes the Commercial Centre. on the next five pages

As you leave the N332 to come on to Gran Alacant this area is on your right. Our advertisers in this area are:MARITAOS KITCHEN IV upstairs EURONICS/DIGINOVA, HOMEFINDERS, PLUS on page 3 GRANNET PLUS Grill Flavour on page 21 The village idiot spies a letter lying on his doormat. It says on the envelope "DO NOT BEND ". He spends the next 2 hours trying to figure out how to pick it up.

SPECIALS from €4.95 to €6.95



l Open 12.00 till 24.00 everyday. l Phone: 966 699 775. l Our fourth restaurant since 2005 (see GA map in this magazine). l Professional chef, Considerate service, l Quality healthy food. l Take aways l Asian restaurant that is that “little bit different”. l Big venue ideal for Special functions l Menus and prices on our website


Symbol of confidence

A Hap and a pro from all a

160,000 euro


Urb: Monte y Mar GA0002 Semi-Detached villa with jacuzzi and views over Alicante. Part furnished. 3 beds, 2 baths, 250m2 plot. Open to offers 175,000 euro

Urb: Monte y Mar GA0055 Detached villa with private pool. Un furnished. 3 bed, 2 bath, plot size aprox 640, aircon/ heating and solarium. 310,000 euro

143,000 euro

Urb: Monte y Mar GA0206 Semi-Detached villa with room for a pool. Great views. Furnished, 3 bed, 3 bath, A/C and heating and solar water heating. 175,000 euro


ppy Christmas osperous New Year at GA Homefinders


230,000 euro






Important information from ORKE Services




Baby squid



Rib-eye steak







Sirloin steak













Masa Square and Sierra Mar A clutch of adverts on the next six pages are in two traffic free squares on Gran Alacant. See the map at the back of this magazine for the exact locations At Sierra Mar are Patagonia, La Paletta and Not Just Desserts At Plaza Mayor (Masa Square), you have, Hole in the Wall, Times Square, a second Patagonia, Big Al’s, & Azafran Indian restaurant. The GA bowls club, is adjacent to the square.





This and two other pages of advertisers at the

Masa Square marked on our **!!*?

Supplied by Sheila Mitchell

He didn't like the casserole

And he didn't like my cake,

He said my biscuits were too hard

Not like his mother used to make.

I didn't perk the coffee right He didn't like the stew,

I didn't mend his socks

The way his mother used to do. I pondered for an answer I was looking for a clue.

Then I turned around and smacked him one

Like his mother used to do.


Gran Alacant map at the back of this magazine. Azafran Indian Restaurant, Big Al’s, Times Square & Hole in the wall, all in the traffic free square for your enjoyment.

Supplied by Sheila Mitchell


One year, I decided to buy my mother-in-law a cemetery plot as a

Christmas gift… The next year, I didn’t buy her a gift. When she asked

me why, I replied, “Well, you still haven’t used the gift I bought you last year!”


And that’s how the fight started …..

FERAL (animals) FRIENDS OF GRAN ALACANT & nearby areas Bank account details: 0073 0100 54 0486406431 Iban ES94, Swift OPENESMM There are many Vet bills/animals in need. You can help by: Sponsor an animal for an amount per month or puntual donations.

Male Tintín´s eye has recovered. Now 4 months old. Tintín, 3 sisters and 3 young ones tamed & There are siamese, loving. gingers, WILL YOU turtoise, white, & tiger-grays. ADOPT ME?? FERAL FRIENDS DOES NOT HAVE A SHELTER. OUR WORK IS TO TRAP FERALS TO STERELIZE THEM AND SAVE & ATTEND THOSE INJURED OR ILL. Due to lack of funds since 2012 We are only attending extreme urgencies. PLEASE DONATE !!


Each Raffle Ticket at 1€

(All tickets will be back-stamped by the org. FF)

Rumors Pub 2 bottles of wine

Draw will be no later than 5th Jan Prize/s can be used until 30th June 2014. The org is not responsible for any changes of last min. (though values will be kept).

SUPPORT US, PLEASE your support makes a difference

Foster Homes & Volunteers Needed. Litter, food & material accepted (except Generic Markets brand food. Aldi is OK). For info contact 697 574 199 (except Sundays)


There is a Mass held at the library on Gran Alacant Every Sunday at 12.30pm DON’T FORGET every 3rd Sunday in the month all of the bargain stalls set up on the car park outside the Council Office in GA


av. Finlandia nยบ 21 centro comercial Gran Alacant telefono 966 697 179 C/ alfonso XII, nยบ10, Santa Pola telefono 966 693 297

GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS All styles of Bikes & accessories


A Christmas Gift A guy bought his wife a beautiful diamond ring for Christmas. After hearing about this extravagant gift, a friend of his said, "I thought she wanted one of those sporty four-wheel-drive vehicles." "She did," he replied. "But where was I going to find a fake Jeep?"

Pola Mar hotel

La Matera

Pola Mar hotel is right on the beach front, for your stay in Santa Pola. La Matera advert is on page 53 where you can see the line up of English speaking films at the Santa Pola cinema. We are looking to start working together with the local Santa Pola newspaper, to give out more information on Santa Pola. Is there anything our readers would like to know about “what goes on� in Santa Pola 50


Pets In Spain is a website dedicated to the re-homing of abandoned and unwanted animals on the Costa Blanca. Whether you are looking to adopt an animal, advertise an animal or if you simply want to know more about taking care of your pet in Spain, please take a look at our site. To view more animals for adoption go to: If you would like to advertise an animal email: Amigo, Jasmine and Ralfie are adopted from last month and someone is interested in Amanda Ximo is a beautiful galgo x podenco and is approx 18 months old. He is a delightful easy to please dog and good with other dogs, and cats too! Ximo will be a very loyal and loving companion.

Sonny is a very sweet little dog, 4 years old. He is chipped and neutered and good with other dogs. He is quiet in the house, in fact the perfect small dog companion. Call: 645 469 253

Angel is 1 of 5 puppies in need of new homes. They were dumped beside a bin with their mum when they were just 2 days old. They are now 9 weeks old and will be small/medium when fully grown. Call: 645 469 253


Call: 645 469 253

Bobby found wandering in the pine forest close to La Marina. He is about 10 months, looks like a staffie cross Pointer and in very good condition. He is very gentle and good with other dogs. Call: 645 469 253


La Marina..La Marina..La Marina..La Marina..La Marina..La Marina

The DENTAL PRACTICE and CUTS R US are on the La Marina Urbanisation.

Tel: 966 797 119 659 728 128


Tel: 966 797 119 or 659 728 128

Royal British LegionRoyalAlacant British Legion - Gran Alacant Branch 3606 Gran Branch BRBR3606 The Gran Alacant Branch meets on the First Monday of the month, 1900 at Bar Sioux Restaurant. New members always welcome, you do not need to be ex-forces to join us. Also come and see us at the Table Top market on the Car park outside the Doctor's/ Library on the 3rd Sunday of each month (10:00 till 13:00). Books/ DVD's/ CD's and many others Bargains. All Proceeds to the Poppy Appeal. Many Thanks to All that helped this years Poppy Appeal with donations. The total raised will be given next month The next Branch meeting will be Mon 6th Jan 2014 at Bar Sioux 1900 prompt. Xmas Meal 2nd Dec at Casanova Cost 16E Further details from - Robin 96 669 5423 or Brian 639 917 971. Email

I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying:

'Toys not included.'

~ Bernard Manning


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The Ful tarring Sta S. Lads The M.A.B. s George

The Ful tarring Sta S. Lads The M.A.B. s George Gorgeou y Randy And t Sexy Stuar e And Jolly Jo

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th ay day esd Tues ay 4 Tu 8pm day Mond Mon Rises 8pm in Rise Curtaain !8. Curt ets !8. ckets Tick Ti

F ro m lable From Available ets Avai Tickets Tick el 966699804 Tel Sue T el 966698306 Tel an T Je Jean 0166 9701 9666697 Tell 9666 n Te Li Lin

ts Only For 3 Nigh l Monty The Ful tarring Sta S. Lads The M.A.B. s George Gorgeou y Randy And t Sexy Stuar e And Jolly Jo

F ro m lable From Available ets Avai ckets Ti Tick el 966699804 Tel Sue T el 966698306 Tel an T Je Jean 016 97016 9666697 Tell 9666 n Te Li Lin

ts Only For 3 Nigh l Monty The Ful tarring Sta S. Lads The M.A.B. s George Gorgeou y Randy And t Sexy Stuar e And Jolly Jo

see for more pictures


Tel: 966 698 569

Liliana Aldeguer Cerdán 793 English translation by Sergio Reina Esteban col 747

THE STORY OF “REX”, THE LUCKY PITBULL This is the last article of the year, so, as usual in these cases, we are not going to write about a medical matter. We would like to tell the story of Rex. Rex is a 10-12 months old American Pit Bull Terrier. He is very nice and calm, and now he is a member of a very big family, who has saved his life. In the middle of October, we had a phone call from a client at the practice. She told us she had found an injured dog, and she and her husband were going to bring him to the practice. She was in her way to Gran Alacant, and the dog was found at Guadalajara. They arrived to the practice in the evening, and then we saw Rex for the first time. He came in very bad condition: extremely thin, absolutely full of ticks, and had a horrible wound at his right foot: he had lost 3 toes and several square centimeters of skin, and the wound was full of fly larvae. He was completely dehydrated and his body really stank, but even in this extremely bad condition, he showed signs of a very good nature. The fact of a family stopping their car in the middle of the road and rescuing


an animal like Rex (a “dangerous”, dirty, ill and mutilated dog) really surprised us. The Spanish family had just come back from their holidays in La Mancha, and their first worry was bringing the animal to the practice, just to make sure if something could be done for him. Our first thought was the injured limb had to be amputated, because the foot was nearly disintegrated, but, of course, before doing anything you are supposed to stabilize the patient (hydrating, controlling the infection, cleaning the wound), which usually takes a few days. From the very first moment, Rex proved to be an exceptional patient: despite the daily (and painful) treatments (wound cleaning, dripping, blood tests, special collar), we never notice a growl or complaint, but a cheerful tail waving all the time. That was a relief for us, because, despite of his extreme weakness, his jaws were powerful enough to put any Vet in a serious trouble… Rex’s evolution was good and quick. In less than one week he put 4 kg and the wound got definitively rid of dirt, infection and larvae. Unfortunately, we needed to remove lots of dead tissue, and only one toe remained valid.

It took about one month to Rex to recover completely. Now he is a impressive-full-of muscles 40 kg (but still absolutely nice) American Pit Bull Terrier, and he is a member of a 2 adults, 2 children and 6 dogs family. Of course, he has been microchipped and vaccinated, and every time he goes for a walk he wears a lovely (and mandatory!) muzzle.

CCW electrical services Qualified electrician All electrical work undertaken Tel 617872405 contact Clive or Wendy

We will never know what caused his would: maybe a trap, maybe a car accident… but, whatever it was, we can be sure if nobody had picked him up, he had died in a matter of hours due to dehydration (because, remember, it was very hot in October). Of course, it is not the first time somebody rescues an animal in troubles, but the case of Rex was special, because he is a “potentially dangerous breed dog”, which implies special permissions and insurances that cost a lot of money (in addition to the huge bill the adopting family had to pay for the daily treatments the dog needed for one month). Similar cases can be seen daily in every practice, because fortunately there are sensitive and responsible people everywhere, people like this family, which, just “can’t do any other thing but what we did”. Liliana Aldeguer Cerdán col 793 English translation by Sergio Reina Esteban col 747

We at the magazine would like to wish all of our advertisers a Happy Christmas and Great New Year 59

Gran Alacant

Darts League

see our advert in this magazine see our advert in this magazine

see our advert in this magazine

In Gran Alacant: Therapeutic massages and relaxing treatments: back pain, muscle contractures, etc‌. Treatments in your own home or in my treatment room. Tel: 647 935 536



by Mark Etheridge

Doesn’t the year fly by? I received a reminder from our esteemed editor that the next issue of the GA Advertiser would be the Christmas edition, and I wondered what I could write about with a festive flavour. So let’s revisit an old friend!

The Robin doesn’t seem to have the same Christmas association in Spain that it does back in the UK, where it was formerly known as the Ruddock but eventually became Robin Redbreast and finally Robin. One theory as to why many robins on Christmas cards carry letters in their beaks is that at one time all the postmen wore red waistcoats and were known as 'Robins'. In fact it was only in 1952 that the British Trust for Ornithology officially changed the bird name to 'robin', up until then it was always known as 'robin redbreast'. The other tradition associated with the pagan Yule festival is that the year ends with the battle of the holly king, represented by the wren and the oak king represented by the robin. In this battle the wren or old year is defeated and killed by the new year or robin and the cycle starts again. Once again this belief could be another reason the robin has become associated with the Christian festival of Christmas and appears on Christmas Cards. We don’t see Robins in the Clot during summer, but by November there are several of them around. They have joined the Black Redstarts, Bluethroats and Chiffchaffs in our area to spend the winter feasting on the mozzies and other insects which they can’t find in more Northerly climes, and tuning up for the breeding season which is just around the corner. In the UK, they are of course well-known garden birds who will sit on your fence and wait for you to uncover a worm or two while you’re digging, but here in Spain they are more wary; they will keep away from gardens and forage in the undergrowth in the Clot

The Robin’s song which can be heard all year round is one of those things which doesn’t mean quite what you might expect. To us, it is a cheery little ditty, reminding us that spring is not too far away; but to another male Robin it means – “this is my patch, keep away or I’ll poke your eyes out with my sharp beak”. If you watch two male Robins squaring up, they will batter seven bells out of each other while singing furiously, and unless one of them gives in and flies away there will be no technical knockout – they will fight to the death, and some estimates put the Robin death rate from fighting as high as 12 per cent.

This is why you never see Robins in a flock. If you see two together, they are a breeding pair, and because the sexes are similar, a lot of posturing and singing goes on while the male attempts to establish if the other bird is a potential mate or a potential punch-bag.

The Spanish name is Petirrojo – “Little Red Thing” which proves that when it came to naming the birds both the Spanish and the British didn’t have a word for orange at the time. A Happy Christmas to you all and see you next year!



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Aquagest 24hr..(water co.)...902 250 170 Aeropuerto..............................966 919 000 Ayuntamiento-Gran Alacant. ............966 697 749 Alicante Bus Station...............965 130 700 Alicante Train Station.............902 240 202 Bomberos (Fire).....................085 Biblioteca (Library)..................966 692 773 Butano gas..............................966 672 222 Guardia Civil............................062 Guardia Civil............................965 411 290 Iberdrola..(electric co.)............901 202 020

Library GA............................ 966 697 110 Local Police...........................092 Local Police...........................965 411 103 Medical Health Service........966 699 081 National Police......................091 Red Cross (Cruz Roja)........965 416 936 Red Cross emergencies.....112 Rubbish collection.................966 693 955 Suma......................................965 292 000 Taxi sited at ALDI...................96 541 11 11 Telefonica..............................1004



Winter Timetable from October 2013

From 16th October 2013 to 31st March 2014 we run from Tuesday to Saturdays from 11:00h to 14:00h. No service on Sundays and Mondays, except on 29th and 30th December 2013, and 5th and 6th January 2014.


which drops off and picks up, all around Gran Alacant :Mornings start at 09.30 from shopping centre, and every 30 minutes until 13.30 ending also at shopping centre. Afternoon: Shopping centre from 17.30 to 19.00 and finish at shopping centre a 19.00

Q. Why does Santa have three gardens? A. So he can ho ho ho! Q. When does Christmas come before Thanksgiving? A. In the dictionary! Q. What’s the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet? A. The Christmas one has no L (noel)! Q. What do you have in December that’s not in any other month? A. The letter D! Q. Why is it always cold at Christmas? A. Because it’s in Decemberrrr! Q. What Christmas carol is a favorite of parents?

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A. Silent Night! Q. What do you call an old snowman? A. Water!







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