About The Coin Box

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The Coin Box Background The Coin Box is a non-political gathering of philanthropists committed to working together to eradicate poverty and uplift the living standard of Kenyans. The Coin Box team members have been engaged in activities directed towards poverty eradication, and after continuous suggestions by colleagues, decided to come together and form an organization that will enable more organized, synergetic and principled action towards these goals. This journey began in September 2009.

Vision To eradicate poverty by partnering with (less privileged) communities to empower people by enabling access to education and development, entrepreneurship, counseling, and mentoring programs.

Mission 1. To be a leading organization in Kenya and eventually Africa that empowers the community in socio - economic and environmental issues. 2. To facilitate access to education. 3. To facilitate mentoring and counseling programs. 4. To enable access to beneficial health care.

What we hope to achieve The Coin Box is a fun, exciting gathering with the common goal of lifting spirits of the less privileged through giving; both of time and money. The objectives of The Coin Box include: 1. To uplift the standard of living of Kenyans 2. The alleviation of poverty and distress of the public 3. The advancement of education 4. Access to beneficial healthcare services 5. Social welfare activities that empower the community as a whole, as well as its individuals 6. Development projects such as construction of schools, hospitals, roads or other social infrastructure which is for the public's general welfare 7. To collaborate with other organizations with similar aims to achieve the common goals

For Enquiries, Contact: Mark A. Bonyo | +254-722-990371 | box@thecoinbox.org

8. For any other worthy cause It should be noted that The Coin Box is non-political.

Who we target The Coin Box targets the less fortunate, with particular interest in the youth. We advocate for projects that will enable access to services and resources, in a dignified manner. We advocate for those in ‘endangered’ neighborhoods, facilitate their mentorship, and empower them to channel their energies towards positive, forward-thinking, income-generating projects, while instilling in them the importance of “passing on the mantle”.

Cases The Coin Box is currently working with Good Samaritan Home and Rehabilitation Centre, Mathare. The home currently has over 350 children and young adults, and lacks a reliable source of resource support to meet its day to day needs. The home operates a small farming project with 21 cows, 15 goats, 26 pigs, and 9 sheep. The Coin Box is working on introducing income-generating projects, which will be fully managed by the young adults and volunteers, who are readily available for training. There is a willingness to manage these projects. The challenge faced is access to resources. We are advocating for this.

Since September 2009, The Coin Box has been working on relationship building with the children and young adults at the home. During this period we have led a good number of young professionals, informed mainly through word of mouth, to the home. This has helped create awareness on the home. We are building our network for partnerships on future initiatives.

For Enquiries, Contact: Mark A. Bonyo | +254-722-990371 | box@thecoinbox.org

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