his book would not have been possible without the substantial contri butions of photographs, stories, and fact-checks of the following people. It would be remiss of the History Committee and me to fail to acknowledge
their contributions. To my fellow members of the History Committee — Daniel Gardner, and Colin Turnell, particular thanks for your assistance. As a Committee, I think we have earned the right to be proud of what we have produced. Gards — the chief information checker and supplier — no request was ever too great in supplying a membership record or checking details of Minutes. I think by the end we were up to approximately Member Query #438. Col, whose assistance in reviewing Minutes and making suggestions for inclusions in the book was appreciated — his encouragement and feedback helped to drive the project forward. To Paul Archer — thanks for your contribution in writing one of the Forewords for this book. Without the input and support of the President, such a big project would not have been viable. Paul was constantly available to provide feedback and his opinion on technical matters whenever requested was greatly appreciated. His ability to oversee the project, whilst not enforcing his views and opinions is very much acknowledged. As the longest serving President by more than a decade, Paul’s legacy to this association will be eternal. To George Coorey, member of the Board of Canterbury Bankstown Leagues Club, and long time supporter of the association — our sincere thanks in contributing a Foreword to this history. To George personally, and to the Leagues Club in general, we thank you for you extensive support and contribution to our association. You are always a welcome presence at our gatherings.