3 minute read
Mr. Gavin Beecroft
The social year commenced in February, with our annual cricket day. About 30 members fronted in their whites hoping to get a bat and bowl. It was pleasing to see a good turn out for the day, considering the weather forecast on this particular day was extremely hot. Funnily enough the cricket game ended in a draw.
The Sunday night feast was a bi monthly event this year and was moved to the end of the month, to fit in with Gala Day in August. About 25 members regularly attended Sunday night feast in the months of April, June and August, we enjoyed Chinese/Pizza at various locations around the district. The feature night was gala day (night) Sunday feast where we had about 40 members attend Davo’s Pizza in Moorebank to celebrate the season.
The first major function was the Blue and White cabaret held on Sunday evening on the long weekend in June and was a great success. The room looked great and there was plenty of food and drinks had by all. Congratulations to David Abood who received recognition for his 2008 world cup campaign and also Adam Gee who also received an Award for his efforts in the NSWRL 2008 finals series.
After a late change, the Life Members Night was held again at the Leagues Club. It was an enjoyable night for all those who attended and as usual it was an opportunity for senior members to mix with the younger members and share stories of the bygone era.
Golf day was again at Rosnay Golf Club at Auburn, with about 40 members and guests teeing off. The day proved very successful and there was good feedback from the members. Well done to Brian Baker and Mitchell Hoffmann on a great day. Also a special thanks to Glenn, Lionel and Joe who looked after the BBQ which enabled the social committee to play golf on the day.
The kids’ picnic/Christmas lunch was held at the Wentworth Hotel Flemington. Lunch was provided and Santa again visited and the kids had a great day.
I would like to thank Adam, Chris and Feras for their efforts in assisting with preparations of functions and events throughout 2009. The social committee was a young team this year compared to previous years. I would also like to say a big thanks to my wife Rachel for her support, which enabled my participation both on and off the field during 2009.
Lastly, I would like to say thank you to Glenn and Elayne Jeffcoat for the support they have given me this year in my new role as Social Secretary.
Gavin Beecroft
Golf Committee Report On a sunny Sunday morning, on the 1st of November, the sound of a metal driver hitting the casing of the golf ball, the annual golf day had commenced.
After the first nine holes, the heat had started to take the toll on the players, they were welcomed with liquid refreshments, and sustenance to continue the back nine holes.
As the players completed the back nine holes again they were welcomed with liquid refreshments and a bbq lunch. After the convivial, the scorecards were summarised, and president Paul Archer welcomed the members and their guests, and the competition and various other winners were announced, and the various prizes allocated. Members scratch, Peter Longhurst, handicap, Col Turnell. Guests scratch Sarkis Bounelhen, handicap, Wayne Maskel.
As the NSWRFLRA has regenerated the annual golf day, the following members were selected to represent Canterbury Peter Longhurst, Col Turnell, Cliff Haynes, Mario Cafarelli, Warren Gee, Wayne Loveday, reserves Mitchell Hoffmann, John Gorzanelli.
Many thanks to Cliff Haynes, Col Turnell and Peter Longhurst for their assistance for summarising the scorecards. With any successful function, there are always various personnel doing various activities behind the scenes, to the social secretary Gavin, and his social team, for the provision of the culinary delights, and liquid refreshments, and the bbq chefs, Glenn, Lionel and Joe.
The golf day for 2010 has been booked at the same venue, Auburn golf course [Rosnay] on the 10th of October, hit off time 6.30am.
The golf committee
Brian Barker, Mitchell Hoffmann