2 minute read
Mr. Matthew Hewitt
Well another season is finished and I can report that the member’s attitude to organised training show little change from last season. I have come to the conclusion that organised training offered by the Association in its current format is a complete waste of time. Considerable thought by the Committee is needed to address this issue.
The lack of numbers each week did not allow any meaningful game specific drills to be performed. I believe that training will only gain relevance with the active members when attendance to training is linked to match appointments.
I have spoken with a coach from another district. He informs me that they have a minimum of 20 active members attend organised training sessions each week. These members are paid to train but they must attend at least 75% of sessions and the amount is capped at around $ 100.00 per season. I am not advocating this system at Canterbury as I believe that the attitude of the majority of active members is so poor we still wouldn’t get sufficient numbers to training.
I had hoped at the beginning of the season to assemble a development squad. This squad would have on occasions trained with the NSWRL referees under the guidance of Russell Smith. Unfortunately, those members that I had indentified for the squad chose not to be active this season. I have no doubt that the advent of full time refereeing at the NRL is having an adverse effect on keeping referees of potential in the game. I know that the fulltime scenario is not going to change. However, decisions on career choices at an early stage are forcing too many good referees out of the game. Despite this setback I believe that we still have referees of potential and would like to be able to explore this scenario again next year.
In closing I would like to acknowledge the support that I received from Chris and Mario Cafarelli. Chris assisted with many of the sessions this year and his input is greatly appreciated. I look forward to Chris returning to the active ranks in 2010. As with many of our previous secretaries Mario has done a great job. He was at every training session that he could be and was a constant source of support. In the same vein I would also like to acknowledge the support given to me by Paul Archer. I know Paul is as disappointed as me with the 2009 season. To those members who attended training frequently I thank you for your effort and
dedication. In closing I believe that the new committee needs to revaluate the role of coaching and training before the start of the 2010 season.
Matthew Hewitt