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Hon. Auditors’ Report
lack of commitment by members to attend our training activities. This area needs to be embraced by active members; we have tried to make the sessions less boring and with added variety. Hopefully the regime scheduled for 2010 will achieve our goal.
When I assumed the Chair in December 1996 little did I realise that I would occupy it for the next 13 seasons, it has been a privilege to work with a dedicated group of Office Bearers over this time, in particular the Executive which has comprised of three Secretaries, Peter Ryan, Chris Bettiol and current Secretary Mario Cafarelli, all three brought a variety of experience to the role. Vice Presidents in my time have numbered two, Tom Healy and David Abood, both of who have assisted with the smooth administration of this Association. A total of four Treasurers have held positions those being Perry Tzamouranis, Brad Newson, John McCormack and Brad Zarb. I think all of those persons would acknowledge that I was a ‘hands on’ President in particular when it came to keeping an eye on our funds! The position of Assistant Secretary has been held by David Abood, John Tamine, Tom Healy, Chris Bettiol and Warren Gee. The Executive and the Committee has had numerous healthy and robust discussions over the years but we always had one single motif, the welfare of this Association. It would be remiss if I did not thank a couple of other members, John McCormack for his contribution in the difficult role as Director of Referees and Glenn Jeffcoat who held the Social Secretary’s position for 11 of the 13 years I have been on the Executive. What do I say about Brian Barker, without doubt the interaction between Brian and myself at each meeting entertained the members, it was not planned, not by me anyway! It was just good, clean fun; I shall miss that aspect of the meetings.
As I have previously advised it is my intention not to seek re-election as your President at the 2010 AGM. I have been overwhelmed by the amount of phone calls and emails I have received from members many asking that I reconsider. It was not an easy decision for me, I have enjoyed the experience but it is time to take a ‘breather’. I am of the view that the Association is in a very healthy state, we are the only district Association which still meets twice a month during the season, we have a quorum of 30 and have never lost a meeting due to lack of numbers. We must be doing something right. We have recruited a number of newer members, many with great potential and have our core membership base. The Association is in a sound financial position mainly due to the generous legacy from the late Leo Randle. This Association will always be indebted to Leo not only for his financial legacy but also by his actual membership. Leo is one of many members who have given us strength, integrity, character and wit and we must ensure that his memory is maintained. When I assumed the position of President in 1996, Leo told me “don’t be a figure head be a leader”. I have always endeavoured to follow his advice but like all leaders you need the troops to support you in your role, I have always had the support of a great group of Office Bearers who have all contributed to build on what our predecessors achieved and continue to contribute to make Canterbury Refs what they are today. Challenges lie ahead; I can see the prospect of possible mergers with other districts in the years ahead. If this is the case we