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Cricket Day
Mr. Gavin Beecroft
The 2011 social year commenced in early February with our annual Cricket Day. We had about 25 members and friends attend in their whites hoping to get a bat and bowl, and some members showed up to watch. It was pleasing to see a good turnout for the day with a BBQ lunch provided and was enjoyed by all that attended.
90th Anniversary Cocktail Party
It is not every year that one gets to celebrate 90 years in any format, fortunately our Association reached that milestone in 2011. To celebrate our 90th Anniversary, the Canterbury Bankstown Referees Association hosted a Cocktail Party for all members and their partners to celebrate this great milestone in the Association’s history. The night covered some history about the Association and there was some memorabilia on display showing off some of the Association’s proud history. We had some 65 members of the Association and their partners attend and it was pleasing to see many of our more senior members.
Sunday Night Feast
This year’s Sunday Night Feasts were conducted on two occasions throughout the year, in April and September. These night swere once again enjoyed by the members and their partners. We had 15attend on April & 18 members and their partners attended in September .Again these nights were supported by the same members on a monthly basis, who regularly attended Sunday Night Feasts over the years. After the Association’s financial contribution, often it works out to be a relatively cheap night for dinner for those who attend. Throughout 2011 we enjoyed Pizza in Belfield early in the season and Pizza for the end of season bash on Gala Night at Georges Hall.
Blue and White Cabaret
The first major function and premier night for the year was the Blue and White Cabaret and Presentation Night which was held on the Sunday evening on the June long weekend in 2011. The night was a great success. We had approximately 113
members, partners, sponsors and special guests attend this evening. As always the room looked great decked out in the traditional blue & white colours, and there was plenty of food, drinks and fun had by all who attended. Congratulations to Mario Cafarelli who received recognition for his efforts within the Association over the past 33 years and was re-presented with Life Membership after first obtaining Life Membership in 1990. As always a special thanks to our long time major sponsors the Canterbury League Club for the donation of the room for the evening and the League Club staff.
Leo Randle Meeting Night
The final Association meeting was held in late August and was known as the Leo Randle Meeting. This was the Association’s last meeting before Junior League Gala Day. The meeting was strongly attended by the membership, with approximately 55 members in attendance. It was a night to reflect on the efforts and contributions Leo made to the Association over the many years he was involved.
Life Members Reunion
The Life Members Reunion Night was held again at the Canterbury League Club on the last Friday evening of September. It was an enjoyable night for all those who attended and as usual it was an opportunity for senior members to mingle with the younger members of the Association and share stories of the bygone era. As per usual, the feature of the evening was the presentation of the ‘John Farrelly-Reg Dick Trophy’, ‘Clubb-Johnson Trophy’ and ‘Leo Randle Award’ and of course there was the annual laugh, the ‘Sorbent Awards. Special thanks to Nathan Loveday and Daniel Gardner for arranging and presenting the “Sorbent Awards” for 2011.
Indoor Sports day
In order to provide the active members, and all other members with a fun and enjoyable social and sporting event, the Association hosted an Indoor Sports Day in October. It was also an opportunity to reward those active members who regularly attended Tuesday night training throughout the 2011 season. A BBQ lunch was provided on the day. Unfortunately the day was not very well supported with only 13 active members showing up for the day. But we were still able to play various sports such as indoor cricket, indoor soccer and beach volleyball.
Golf Day
With the Golf Committee dissolved for 2011, the 2011 Annual CBRA Golf Day is now part of the social committees agenda. The Golf day was held at Sefton Golf Course (all par 3) in late October 2011, with about 30 members, family and guests teeing off hoping to win various awards on offer. The day proved very successful and there was good feedback from the members. Thanks to Robert Dubois assisting
in organising a great day by arranging the prizes. Also I would like to thank the scorers, Peter Longhurst and Cliff Haynes for their efforts in working out the handicap scores, as they have done year after year. Also thanks to Glenn, Lionel Brian and Joe (‘the taste tester”) who assisted in looking after the BBQ on the day.
Association Kids/ Picnic Christmas Lunch
The Kid’s Picnic/Christmas Lunch was held for the second year in a row at the Panania- East Hills Diggers Club. While the numbers where down, particularly among the children, when compared with previous years (perhaps due to demographics of the Association and we are not breeding as we have done in the past). The weather was also a bit unkind to us this year, with a cool rainy day (strange for December). But those who attended had a great day and a great lunch. This year a new Santa dropped by and visited the children to the surprise of all including the adults.
I would like to thank Adam, Stavros and Nathan for their efforts in assisting with preparations of functions and social events throughout 2011.
In closing, I would also like to once again say a big thank you to all those members who have supported me over the past three years in my role as Social Secretary. Special thanks to my Socia lCommittee over the past three years, Chris Cafarelli, Adam Gee, Nathan Loveday, Stavros Anagnostakis, Feras Karem and current and past Executive and Committee.
There comes a time when new challenges emerge ,and on that basis, it is my intention not to be seeking re-election ( at time of writing) for Social Secretary position for 2012. I have enjoyed my role as the Association Social Secretary over the past three years. For my successor, whom ever that is - I wish you the best of luck and I will of course offer my full support and assistance to you, in transitioning into this role.