The Coalition Book

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Lock in... The Guardian, May 2010 Having formed the Coalition Government and plighted their troth in the Downing Street Rose Garden, Cameron and Clegg agree to fixedterm, five-year parliaments. The Coalition is locked in for the duration. Note early iterations of Michael Gove and Danny Alexander. I was still feeling my way.


When you wish upon a star... The Guardian, April 2010 Cleggnocchio’s very first appearance, created by old Uncle Vince, after the first TV debate and the brief explosion of Cleggmania. Note an anxious if still foxy Cameron and his Fat Cat.


Hooray for the Holidays! The Guardian, July 2010 As Parliament closes for the summer recess, Cleggnocchio proves his versatility once more. Cameron runs towards the sea in glee, though the Big Society Pier is already looking rather tatty. 26

No more Punch & Judy Politics The Guardian, March 2013 For a short time, press regulation becomes partisan. Seems Dave’s still scared of Rupe.


Black sky thinking... The Guardian, August 2011 Steve Hilton, Dave’s tame pointy-head, puts a positive spin on things. This image, by the way, echoes the composition of the final print in Hogarth’s series Industry and Idleness, where the Idle Apprentice is hanged at Tyburn. Every day’s a school day.


Saturday Morning in the Park... The Guardian, October 2011 Liam Fox resigned over inappropriate behaviour by his former best man Adam Verity as Cabinet Office Minister Oliver Letwin was discovered dumping government papers in bins in St James’s Park. Lansley, meanwhile, was confronted with an obesity crisis. After Seurat.


Welcome to now... The Guardian, July 2013 Ever anxious not to be outmanoeuvred by the government, Ed Miliband damps down expectations of what a Labour government will be able to achieve.


Untitled The Guardian, January 2012 As the Tory schoolkids go berserk in the playground, bullied nerd Ed Miliband is at a loss to understand why Alex Salmond might want not want to play any more.


Great War Studies – Module 8 The Guardian, January 2014 Gove denounced teaching of the First World War informed either by Blackadder or Oh! What a Lovely War, and thus probably did a power of good for ticket sales of that play’s 50th-anniversary revival at Stratford East. This is based on a famous Bruce Bairnsfather cartoon.


Taking over the Asylum... The Guardian, October 2012 This cartoon is based on the final scene of Hogarth’s A Rake’s Progress, where the eponymous rake ends up in Bedlam. It seemed appropriate. 183

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