The Seller of happiness
Davide Calì
Marco Somà
Mr. Pigeon
Seller of happiness
An old backfiring van arrives. It is easily recognisable from a distance because of the bell. DING! DING! It is Mr. Pigeon, the seller of happiness. What? Can you sell happiness? Of course! In small tins, big tins or family size packages.
Here he is. Mr. Pigeon has parked his van and is going to visit his first customer.
Mrs. Quail buys a big tin to share with her friends when they come to dinner.
Mrs. Wren buys a small one because she can’t afford the big one.
Mrs. Great Tit buys a tin for six because she has a lot of children.
Mrs. Hoopoe buys a dozen small tins to give as Christmas presents.