Lucky Ladybugs Great Beach Adventure

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Lucy Ladybug's Great Beach Adventure

Written and Illustrated by: Margaret Anne Davies

Lucky Ladybugs Great Beach Adventure Copyright Š 2011 by Margaret Anne Davies All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from Margaret Anne Davies

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Lucy Ladybug's Great Beach Adventure

Written & Illustrated by: Margaret Anne Davies 3


The sun was up. It was a beautiful day. Lucy was excited. She had never been to the beach.



She packed her beach bag. First she put in her floaties. Next, she put in her flippers and mask. She wasn't sure why she needed sun lotion because she was already pretty red but she packed it just the same. She had a beach towel with beautifully colored fish on it. She hoped the fish in the ocean would look just like the ones on her towel. The last thing Lucy packed was her lunch. She had made a turkey and cheese sandwich. She also put in an apple, an orange, three green grapes and two red grapes, four baby carrots and a bottle of lemonade.



She knew to follow the sun and it would lead her to the ocean. She had learned in school that the sun rose in the east. She also knew that the ocean she was going to was as far east as she could go.



Lucy loved everything. The sand felt warm under her feet. She was glad she remembered to wear flip flops. She found a nice umbrella to put her things under and headed for the water.



Suddenly she felt herself falling into a hole that wasn't there a minute ago. Down, down she went into the sand.



Then, just as suddenly she felt herself being lifted up, up, up. She was on the back of a crab! “Oh, excuse me,� said Lucy, a little embarrassed as she jumped back on to the sand.



The Crab looked at her and shyly said, "We need your help!" My friend Seahorse has been beached! He needs to get back into the ocean. Starfish and Sand Dollar have been trying to help me push him but the tide is going out and we can't move him fast enough to catch a wave and he has his children with him! We had to put a cockle shell over him so the sea gulls don't eat him for lunch.



" I will try,” said Lucy. Everyone worked together to move the shell. Lucy grabbed Seahorse by the ears and flew him to the safety of the first incoming wave. Everyone clapped and screamed for her. Seahorse was very happy to be back in the ocean with his children. "Hop on,” said Seahorse, “and I will show you the wonders of the ocean.”



Lucy saw big fish and small fish of all kinds and colors.



She saw an octopus and sharks. She saw whales and sea turtles.



Her favorite were the dolphins she played with in what they now call Ladybug Cove.



As Lucy headed back home she realized she'd had the adventure of her life. She thought and thought about all she had seen and done. She also knew she would be spending a lot more time at the ocean. Look for her the next time you go to the beach. She would love for you to meet her new friends.


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